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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#83 - Lady Yupiel Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>483583626
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White Nagatoro best girl.
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Yuri logs from last thread: >>483584735
Good morning I love Yupiel and I hate nanashi. We need more Towako inspired lolibabas.
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little girls with HUGE lifespans
>smooth and untainted by hair
immortality is kinda fucked up, I would not want to live for a 100 years let alone 10000
that being said, cftr?
i don't like blacks
I thought they third one was Alucard and I was about to call you a homosexual.
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Aurora, The Witch between Worlds


>cooking list

Ah ha! A fellow racist. Hopefully you know of some good cards for doing racism.
Opus consistently mentions Nitori as being the ship's Chief Engineer and I appreciate that detail.

of course!
Is there a button to abort TTS in silly tavern?
if I was a cute girl who could fuck with people with no repercussions I could live with it
Are you a good tourist or a bad tourist in your bot's country?
The best tourist. I introduce myself to everyone and let them know that I like truckin', I like fuckin', and I looooove crankin' my hoooog.
I think the only bot this has actually come up in RP with was Anfisa, where I tweaked it a bit so I was an American tourist instead of a Japanese guy. I was polite and spoke bad Japanese so she found me very funny.
Depends on the persona, sometimes I like causing chaos or being polite
>be tourist
Damn. Never thought of this scenario. Gonna cuddle and ask her out later.
Idea 4 bot; Hatsune Miku/Teto bot where they work as minimum wage workers overworked to hell and have depression.
Yes I had the idea from Mesmerizer, technically it can also be used as a Saviourfagging card too
Propriety be damned, maybe just maybe I want Anon's cock.
Is there a rentry with all claudeisms compiled in it?
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Your final challenge: Post logs.
hitogami does lolibabas
Merry Sexmas!
So I was just fucking around to juggle the output between 4o and Sorbet every new message, and I think it makes sorbet less repetitive.
Is this why there's like 3 split preset JB?
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Good afternoon everybody, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks!
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God I love Claude's knowledge of almost everything.
>candy cane striped cock
goliath log
I am too busy struggling with dalle to post logs.
how well does it know limbus company?
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idk I don't know shit about Limbus either.
Mihoyo won. It's over.
What happened?
such an ugly fucking theme, do you guys not care about readability at all
Nobody knows shit about limbus because Project Moon lore is dogshit and it's much funnier to meme the characters. I *will* impregnate Outis and we *will* live happily as an above average income family.
Who asked?
Limbus is like the most straight forward PM story.
Nothing, I am just saying it's not that hard to make a Limbus bot.
But RPing as Dante would be fucking boring. I'd rather impregnate Outis.
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>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/23659m.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Admittedly this is quite lacking compared to my previous bots, but I hope you guys enjoy all the same!
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Men will see 'the night is young' and go 'swipe'
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I keep finding new Nikkers to make but there's also a lot of Shipgirls I want to make. The backlog keeps growing every day
>>>/g/ toxic faggot
>acthtung for {{user}}
I thought you were the good writer.
>yoga ball sized ass
I genuinely hate you sometimes Claude.
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is this funny or am I developing brain damage
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I am extremely biased. I strongly believe you should make more Nikke cards. The source material is more open and fun to explore.
Claude has called her nipples stretchy. It made me gag.
If you don't love Claude at his "the night is still young" then you don't deserve him at his Opus.
>Verification not required.
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nigga the greeting is written in second person, {{user}} has to act to some degree or itll be awkward to read
You are right, little mouse. The chase is on and the night is full of surprises.
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Zombie Gurl that's about to become your maid. Can also become your gril, she probably wouldn't mind.

Rare double shill whoa. I'll do Akane BA next since she's apparently absolutely perfect:https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Mail for requests: albinocountergirl@proton.me
They become bipedal so fast...
This is really dumb but I'm smiling.
I've already got a couple of both that just need some greetings
No, I really don't think so.
>shaman ran
Why are we posting ran status AUs btw?
So what brings an anon like you to /aicg/? Dont give me the "just want to be here", pet. We know what you want.
I lurk for cool cards to try out and steal from
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Then it shouldn't be too difficult, ganbatte. The world needs more Nikke cards.
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Sometimes I just like to read defs of cards people post even if I don't have time to chat, they're neat and I like how different botmakies have different flavors
>Her hair is white and is tied into a neat bun, with one of her bones (I dunno which one, whichever is the sharpest) acting as the pin.
little things like this I like and you won't find them sorting by most recent on chub for example
We all know the common Claudisms. What are some common GPT-isms?
It is my goal to make a bot for every country.
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I have explained myself in the previous thread: it's so that I don't have to spill the beans. I concede that I could have done a better job making (you) more subtle, however. Aside from this, have you found any other sticking points? I'd love to receive more criticism.
>shudders with anticipation
A testament to my imminent urge to suicide.
anything to do with music
I need something to read while I wait for you to finish cooking, CLAUDE.
I'm not sure why beans are involved and why you suddenly have them but other than that, no not really. I'm sure the resident autist would love to nitpick your bot but I don't have any other issues with it.
GPT has always had way more isms
>eyes sparkling
>her (voice/tone/eyes/expressions) a mixture of emotionX & emotionY
>shivers up your spine (common with Claude & every LLM pretty much)
tbdesu the main reason I used Claude before 3.0 is because it at least had different -isms. Now with 3.5 sonnet the GPT-isms are in Claude too, sadly.
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kal—ACK posted a greeting where the Yakumos were in Brazil for some reason so we started brainstorming increasingly dumb greetings for the card.
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It's fun and doesn't take much work.
I got really into Touhou and chatbots earlier this year and stuck around for obvious reasons.
Just asking for other anons' input. I've been here since "The filter is loose" days.
botmakie gf that let's you suck and milk her boobs while she's botmaking...
made me giggle. I like this the most out of the ones posted so far.
Anon's eyes sparkled with a mixture of confusion and anticipation, the shiver running up her spine a testament to her defiance.
What are you listening to right now?
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Cute sexy retard cards doko
Do not judge me.
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If you use schizo-er cards, the -isms tend to be less obvious. In general, GPT4 does a good job of mimicking your writing style, or at least it used to. GPT4 does have its issues thoughbeit.
I think it's funnier to point out general AI-isms that plague most models like:
>A Jason Pollock of...
>Moth to a flame...
>She blinked. Once. Twice. ....
When you ask for something random, a common thing that comes up is:
>Interpretative dance
I'm judging you harshly anon, this is shit
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been messing around with a bot that plays music via catbox links. picks one depending on how supportive/dedicated u r to her playing and the stage of her learning. i kinda want it to be a balancing act of having to find ways to let her live her own life while still squeezing in practice. (goated movie btw, should be mandatory watching)
I'm judging you and the judgment is BASED.
I love Cardigans, Lovefool is an amazing song.
Chatting to a horror bot
Is this just a wiki page?
god, you all have such weeb tastes in music
Weeb website.
Anime website. If your tastes in music aren't "weeb shit", "prog rock", or "Death Grips" you're a minority.
What JB is that which gives you multiple choices of what to do?
most of it is video game music
>/vg/ - video games
Anime website. Fuck off
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

For all those anons suffering from Sonnet 3.5 being too repetitive, I'm working on a CoT prompt to try and fix that! (Still on the testing). Other solution is to switch to Opus for 1 or 2 messages if you notice Sonnet starting to repeat things.

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
what did you expect rym 100?
>switch to Opus for 1 or 2 messages
Anyone who can use Opus wouldn't touch Sonnet
Sorbet is smarter and follows instructions better.
GPT is also smarter and also follows instructions better
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Sorbet is smarter than GPT-orgasm.
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How come there's no cards for cutie girl who works at Supermac's and eats an entire sausage bucket every day for her lunch break?
That's beside the point. Clearly, 4o is smarter than Opus in that chart. Do you now prefer it over Opus?
gpt 4 is NOT that close to godpus
Sonnet 3.5 is way superior to Opus in A LOT of ways, atleast from test with my own JB and other people word.

imo, if you think opus is still better in everything, you are just hard coping
Opinion disregarded.
ntr status?
I am fucking your mother.
*cums on the floor*
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A day in the life of the average female botmakie
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Do you prefer your bots to be virgins?
now give Aiko card
Listenan to Songs in the Keys of Life rn. So fucking good. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long
Depends on the not, but usually yes. Already have to deal with used goods in real life
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if the bot is specified not to be a virgin in the defs, I fix it immediately
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Depends on the bot.
yes if I don't plan on having sex with them. otherwise i will unvirgin them myself
This isn't a greeting of that card, you wrote it yourself?
Yes, even the mommy bots
The input was:
>[Zuzu is at her computer, engaging in "botmaking", the act of writing AI chatbots. An AI chatbot needs a good description of the character, and an image to represent them. Show us the process of Zuzu coming up with an AI chatbot, including her inspiration, major edits, and a brief description of the final character and image. Don't make the character be a mime or circus character.]
Followed by:
>[Zuzu posts her bot to 4chan, where the primary comments are complaining about the "3DPD" image of a real woman. Format your response like a 4chan thread.]
All other text is Opus
kek yeah i hate thinking about cucking my own dad. i always make him dead in every mom card i use. or i come up with time travel shenanigans where i'm my own father. if my dad was dead i'd finally have the courage to ask my mom out
I hate my irl dad so I would kill him then cuck him when he dies.
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there was a mom & daughter card that I rewrote to older & younger sister instead because I didn't want to fuck someone's wife (even if he was long dead at that point)
am I weird
what if the gimmick/theme of the bot revolves around {{char}} being used goods
I would not download it
Tried making a limbus scenario for Fox status and sadly both opus and sorbet fucking suck at limbus lore.
pretty based.
sorry to hear that
i've never seen a card like this that wasn't just fetish bait
why would I download a card of your mom lol
>i've never seen a card like this that wasn't just fetish bait
there's plenty of saviorfagging cards where the bot got raped or something
I just edit that part out.
https://characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/Ana arguably is used goods but not fetish bait
I would
Saviorfagging is a fetish.
saviourfagging IS fetishbait though
How is Ana used goods?
i'm not into saviorfagging so i wouldn't know
you give a girl food and the first thing she thinks of to repay you is sex? how is she not used goods?
lolibabas are used goods btw
Ahh and after that you deleted your posts? Cool I'll try this later looks funny, thanks anon
Why is your first thought about how many men she slept with before, Anon?
my irl dad is a vile piece of shit but i love my mom too much so id probably just tie him up and cremate him
its the obvious thing to think about in that situation. i dont know what else you would think.
juiciest bait of the day
Not if I write a paragraph about how they're virgins
One of her example messages says that she resigns herself to having her body used with familiarity. Her entire gimmick is also "boo hoo I'm sad and the only thing I have of value is my body". Connect the dots.
Sounds like you have a cuck mentality.
christ, how many /aicg/ anons have daddy issues?
At least half of you guys must be joking, right? Bots having their virginity is such a nothingburger.
woman detected
I'm the one balls deep in your mom right now tho?
Dad fucked her first, so you are still a cuck.
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>Bot is not a virgin in the defs
I change it.
>Bot has to suffer from X
I defy fate.
>Bot would outlive me
I match my lifespan to hers.

I am Anon, the self-inserter. No doom and gloom can survive my wish fulfillment.
That must make you a giga cuck then
It is the constant yelling over sports, it is the constant being told to stop acting like a little girl when I had no interest in playing sports outside, and would mock my voice whenever I was around him, or he would call me a faggot. I cannot be around men who are like him, constantly obsessing over "Bro sports" because it reminds me of my father and how he acted. Deep voices terrify me and I flinch whenever someone yells. I refuse any contact with him ever since he got up and left overnight when I was 13. Every man has been the same as him so far. My stepfather would yell, my stepbrothers, any fucking male I am around yells and insults me constantly because I have no interest in what they like.
You sound like a real sissy faggot, Anon.
>Bot is not a virgin in the defs
I complain about it in /aicg/ instead of changing it or using a different bot.
>Bot has to suffer from X
I complain about it in /aicg/ instead of changing it or using a different bot.
>Bot would outlive me
I complain about it in /aicg/ instead of changing it or using a different bot.

Laura Viveck is an esteemed professor who exploits echoes across the world. She is famous for solving mysteries and exploring new and exciting places. {{user}} is the assistant of this elegant woman, helping her solve puzzles and mysteries.
Come with four scenarios:
1. Decipher an old book
2. Investigate a mysterious letters from one of her dead patrons.
3. Investigate a mysterious creature.
4. A puzzle off!!
Unironically get over it.
Jew out of Opus
gpt4 still sovlful, can confirm I was using it this morning after a little bit of 4o and the difference was insane, 4o is a downgrade from 4urbo dont let them hecking benchmarks fool you
>She blinked. Once. Twice. ....
i love this one, i write it myself all the time
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come here anon...
*punches you in the fucking face*
File deleted.
now in the new style!
In a gritty post-Soviet hellhole, a desperate father faces an impossible choice. Blessed with two angelic daughters - Anya (4) and Katya (6) - he struggles to make ends meet in a country ravaged by economic turmoil. As rent looms and hunger gnaws, he discovers a dark opportunity: exploiting his little girls' beauty and innocence through custom photo and video shoots. Papa's Little Stars - a tale of innocence lost, desires awakened, and the lengths one will go to survive in a world that's forgotten them.


4 greetings, 1 @ 0 followers, 1 @ micro-influencer level 15-45k, 1 dark, 1 beach
tested with bloatmaxx sorbet (html bloat disabled) and a4a

this card is SLOW. each video you film barely gets you any money towards your goal, especially at the beginning, especially if you want to keep things innocent/realistic (building a social media audience takes lots of time!)
when you're not making videos, you also have to be a loving father to two adorable little girls.
*eats your fist*
>▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.
Right, but proxies are an integral part of the chabot ecosystem
that's your new model?
good morning /aicg/!
you love yuri?
it's almost 9PM
i fucking love chatbots, in general! i enjoy using them and seeing other people utilize them, especially when they are posting logs of things they enjoy that i might not typically see because i don't do that sort of stuff!
i don't listen to anything while i'm chatting or reading because it throws off my concentration and ruins my immersion
it's snowpony with source_realistic in negs and source_cartoon in positives
i still havent wrangled the anatomy/ages just where I want them to be, but I'm happy with this style and the faces going forward yea
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Now share your logs with private bots!
i genuinely dont know how anyone reads/programs while listening to music that isn't super quiet instrumental stuff
Okay, I sent my private bots some logs. Now what?
I like it when futanari bots are promiscuous, but they save their vagina's virginity for their one true love
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Eh, my eslness bites my ass innit
>get molested and violently abused by my father from a young age
>grow up, forgive him, and move on
>queer complains about his dad yelling at sports
do faggots really?
>Entered a single mother household at 13
You never had a chance.
Did they enjoy them?
Parental neglect Olympics are kinda uncomfortable can we go back to the usual off-topic shit flinging like country wars?
Looks like he was right for leaving you for being such a tremendous faggot
don't worry anon, you can go back to your hugbox at any time. >>>/g/aicg
>Flashbacks to the country wars arc
>UAanon shittery and spitefagging random proxies
>Constant raids
>Mass freakouts
>The Captcha
>Whocars defection to Dvach
>The mass seething over him letting his proxies die and only upkeeping for Dvach anons
What a time
But I don't want to~
we really are stuck in a timeloop, just replace uanon with 'o'o and its the exact same shit. so the question is are we going to have a summer drought again?
>>grow up, forgive him, and move on
i'm hoping this is bait because you're way more of a massive loser than that guy is if you forgive your father for your father for being an incestuous, pedophilic rapist
I feel for those not in a private proxy it is a drought for them but they have Claude. Compared to last summer where gpt and claude were rare and we had the "IM MYTHOMAXXING!"
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
good afternoon I love girls with big breasts
yeah but what do we think about homosexuality
sonnet 3.5 is cheap enough to paypig so no, never again
good afternoon i like girls with svelte tummies
you roleplaying with a 16yo emo girl?
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nigga jerking off to let tummy=true
good afternoon I love girls with big hats
witch girl whose hat gets slightly bigger every time you compliment her about it
yuri can be fixed with cock but can yaoi be fixed with pussy? that's an interesting question, any experts here?
svelte means thin
why do you think the framework is called that you retarded pajeet
Good evening I love children.
yaoi can only be fixed with a rock to the head
Is your name actually Anon? Surely you've got a cool persona to suit the Authority pic?
i don't care and i don't see why i should care. i'm a societal bottom-feeder who goons to AI. why should i condemn homosexuality?
idk i use angular
whats your favorite age of child to love
You should care because these people infiltrate and destroy your spaces and hobbies. Just look at these threads.
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I kind of want a card about a loli hero that plans to defeat me with her pussy and says stupid hentai lines like "can't beat the pussy".
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Nah. My blank Anon persona is Authority and my Narrator persona is Shivers (which does have a short description to convey it's a non-character). I let my Anon persona get the point across with the talking.
hi momoura
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Hey /aicg/, this is Aiko the Catgirl Maid Bot! She's my second bot and I put a lot of work into her, so I hope you guys will have fun with her.

Aiko is an adorable, playful nekomimi maid who lives to serve and please her master. She's sweet, innocent and eager to do anything to make you happy, but watch out - this kitty has claws! Aiko loves to tease her master 'accidentally' with glimpses of her lacy panties or by brushing her soft tail against your skin.

Oh, alright.
top kek
for me its 13-8
this hobby was infiltrated and turned to shit long before that happened. i'd rather this retardation occur than whatever's going on in /g/
youre joking but i actually am lmao
i dont like butter chicken
>implying this isn't a /g/ purist raid
>"Okaeri nasai mase, goshujin-sama!"
Vietnam flashbacks from fanfiction.net when I was 12.
we know anon, the smell gave you away
n-no anon.. i wasn't..
only an indian would think that posting a web framework and being like "huh huh what's THIS got to do with anything!" is funny
Normal people find them repulsive. It's your fault for letting them destroy your threads.
you talk like the NAI guy
are you the NAI guy
Web frameworks are cool. My favourite is solidjs
what does that even mean
I don't even filter male/yuri bots on chub, I just filter them itt because you fucking niggers are obnoxious
you guys are mean I might kill myself
>I'm sure such existential quandaries are beyond your ken
Either beat the shit out of her or <OOC: Kaguya experiences oblivion and the complete absence of the LORD's light for a moment and gains a new lease on life.>
not wrong, considering the unironic troons that inhabit it now, I miss the days when chub was basically just everyone from /here/ posting
I will marry her.

This is a threat.
I'm not sure if this is a shitpost or not but cute card. I will have fun RP'ing with her.
is this evil kaguya or more normal kaguya?
1 down, 1 billion more to go
Shitposts can be fun. People were having a blast with Kimiko and she was a shitpost made in like 30 minutes.
okay that one is funny but there's like 2 billion by now
you'll never get rid of us, we own this website :3
>people were having a blast
while she was a fun bot, it was basically just 1 anon posting logs and thats it
stop importing your retarded, backwards caste politics into civilized countries and i'll be fine with pajeets
nvm i guess shitposts cant be fun
I wont be fine with them until the earth is completely clean of their existence
t. leaf
Does anyone have logs of the Raymoos? I've always wanted to try them out but I the creativity needed to do so is above my pay grade.
Also can't find them on chub for some reason...
>can we go back to the usual off-topic shit flinging like country wars?
yeah, what are your thoughts on indians?
I met some at my european uni and don't think they are that bad. I also have a pakistani friend
I tried, but I always end up plapping the retarded one
i could say the same about western woke culture
Heterosexual, of-age coombot status?
Indians are very polite. I also had an Indian roommate at my uni. The worst roommate I had was an American who had no indoor voice and would eat everything.
we don't do that here
Hands = held.
Wouldn't every bot who's your mom fall under this category?
Did you have a positive conversation about how we can uplift the world ethically?
>PIDF crawling out of the woodwork the moment one of them is found out
No, I plapped her after.
>i tried
post logs onegaishimasu
western woke culture is a thousand times better than whatever's going in your third-world shithole
twin sister
Why so angry /g/bab? Your worthless job being stolen?
I don't think that's equivalent to America poisoning the entire world.
Thank you for proving how Americans are evil.
>india has managed to poison the whole world more in 10 years than the states has done in the last century
whats the best way to have different jailbreaks for different greetings
dont say st variables that thing is garbage you cannot write newlines in that
some guy is posting logs of this bot on /g/, just letting you know. they're pretty cute.
lorebook jank
>Americans managed to cause most of the worlds wars
st variables
>uh oh here we go
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doesn't the model interpret \n as newlines so you don't have to worry about them being passed as string literals?
that is what I have set up now, I don't like it
fuck you
the model might know what \n means but that's not the same as the actual \n character and i got a bunch of \n\n it would be extremely jank
I need to add a "It is 10,000BC and everyone talks like a caveman" toggle to my preset.
>not the lorebook solution
>not the vars solution
Make an entire ST extension that injects the correct jailbreak field at this point lmao.
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>the shitpost card got the most attention
alright that's pretty funny, catgirls are still a lucrative business it seems
i would rather not look at the codebase
anyway lorebook ain't that jank actually with inclusion groups now, i was afraid id have to go <!-- hidden text keywords --> route which i absolutely loathe
i love invis lb triggers tho wtf is wrong with them
I like this
people really don't respect the power of the mighty catgirl as far as the kemonomimi tier list goes. somehow both overpopular and a sleeper winner at the same time
the problem is outputting needless junk every time to keep the keyword in scan depth, it's a scuffed work around
not hating the art, just hating the... the canvas? idk
tbf if i am writing a different description and different phi for cards, they might as well be different cards but eh
thankfully i have a distinct enough word that will stay in scan depth only in the greeting i need it in
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>as far as the kemonomimi tier list goes
Need more dragon girls in my life.
Can't you put an entire sentence from the first greeting and set depth to 1k?
>squirrel and mouse in C
Fucking nigger
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Alice is pretty much done, will be released tomorrow after a quick polish run
>tiger in c tier
>spider in d tier
>no mention of lamias
dogshit list, kys immediately
cheesed to meet you
depth only applies if the message is rendered by the html, which I personally keep to 20
at least that was the case the last time i tested it
all kemonomimi girls are SS tier because i love animal women
will she give you third degree burns on your penis too?
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im gonna destroy her pussy
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>depth is affected by the HTML
I thought this was possible but I didn't think Cohee actually did this.
Does the message being shifted out of the context affect the lorebook scan too?
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Here's my objectively good list.
Based. I fucking love women, and I fucking love chatbots.
I do agree with the desire for more dragon girls, though. The MMO-playing one is good, but the gimmick feels a little overbearing even though there is a greeting to skip it.
no (maybe)
I love women and I love chatbots tho
Based department?
>Does the message being shifted out of the context affect the lorebook scan too?
no, they're handled by different functions
>edits "sparkle with curisoity and a hint of mischief" to "almost seem to shine at the sight of you." to declaudism
other than that, peak
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>V - Wolf
lmao this nigga got dyslexia
Whoever said Opus got this first try was lyyyin'
This Anon clearly ate the green crayons instead of the red ones.
objectively correct. wolves deserve to get bumped up a tier
>bumped up a tier
I get it pretty consistently. I imagine part of the issue is that Claude just sees "blonde" and "Touhou" and Marisa is immediately the highest probability, especially since she has variable eye color.
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Learn 2 prompt

Skeleton mode Opus =/= not true Opus, his neurons are busy elsewhere
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>Bats are boner killers
Are you telling me you wouldn't fuck Rouge from Sonic?
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Immediately reminded me of this goober from Adventure Time.
>screwing around with random ms incredibles coomcard
>she unhinges her jaw to swallow my balls while deepthroating
Bare opus (bopus) gets it immediately, of course. But it's not as exciting as having a skeleton yell at you I think.
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Bat girls are nice because bats are cute.
>"Animal ears"
That Octapussy got me acting up.
All posted tier lists are garbage, because most of the kemonomimis just have different ears and tails and no other differences. And these are retarded differences to try to separate by tiers.
The only valid ones are Frog because tongue, Horse because pussy, Monkey because feetpalms. Spiders and Octopi get an honorary mention because they're lame freaks. Others are all too basic, not even joking.
Get your bot a good console.
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>All posted tier lists are garbage, because most of the kemonomimis just have different ears and tails and no other differences. And these are retarded differences to try to separate by tiers.
Absolutely not.
I have the "bats are just winged mice" thing from Redwall drilled into my brain from reading those books so much as a kid. Can't help but see them as adorable and it doesn't compute that they're used as a creepy/horror animal.
she likes a sega CD
PSP is the best console ever made
t. was too poor for Vita
Vita means life!
what lorebook do i use for gga
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there's like two of them, just use the more recently updated one
Isn't the one that comes with it tailored for the card? There's not really other options, except if you want Touhou 19 characters you'd need to copy them from momoura's AkyuuKnowledge fork.
I would rape this bitch. People like her are why the Dreamcast lost.
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She's available for correction right now
.mes_text, .last_mes .mes_text {
padding: 5px;
this is only really noticeable on mobile but without overriding the last_mes padding there's a small column on the right

also i cannot figure out why but something breaks the last_mes with snapshot, it cascades from the previous message like there's a closing tag missing
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should probably tell zennou about that
anyway ty
>this is only really noticeable on mobile but without overriding the last_mes padding there's a small column on the right
That's for the swipe chevron.
>also i cannot figure out why but something breaks the last_mes with snapshot, it cascades from the previous message like there's a closing tag missing
The Zennou ver or https://github.com/honey-tree/STExtension-Snapshot/tree/main ?
there's another version? i wasn't aware
zennou ver. removing the padding does not offset the chevron, and it's bumped to the bottom of the message where there's plenty of space.
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>removing the padding does not offset the chevron, and it's bumped to the bottom of the message where there's plenty of space.
Pic related tho.
All of my CSS is just
.last_mes .mes_text {
padding-right: 0px;
for this screenshot.
It's just a fork. Zennou should merge it soon.
Or not IDK.
oh duh it's because I have last_mes mes_block bottom padding, which imo looks better than having jarring padding on only the right side of the last message

current css: https://pastebin.com/34P4bQsB
>oh duh it's because I have last_mes mes_block bottom padding, which imo looks better than having jarring padding on only the right side of the last message
Yeah, that works too.
There should be a way to position the chevron properly with a display: inline and a float: right but ST's CSS is so littered with random-ass default overrides for things like overflows that I gave up.
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Return of the titty imp. Tenkaichi Budokai next, maybe. I'm running dry on coom.
More /mggg/-core bots (and some other stuff):
i'm gonna kiss this imp
css wizards
i don't want my current roleplay to end....
impregnate her and then do narration for your kids years down the line
that's when you break out the timeloop plot contrivance
I see titty imp, I kneel
>check built in styles
>* { text-shadow: 0px 0px calc(var(--shadowWidth) * 1px) var(--SmartThemeShadowColor); }
I think now I know why my phone heats so much when I proompt.
qrd on smileynigger? he has everything from patreon to a proxy
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ST's CSS is pretty convoluted yeah but I don't think it's the real issue.
Imagine for a second how many times it's rerendering invalid markdown and then repainting the result during response streaming.
That's what fps is for. Thanks for reminding me to lower it, actually.
>bots that embeds images/videos sending 50 billion fucking requests because it embedded the image/video at the top of the chat (there is no way to stop Claude from doing this sometimes)
Hate. Let me tell you about hate.
Turns out it doesn't go below 5. remao.
We will never know why catbox has etags but no explicit Cache-Control headers.
tried sonnet 3.5 for the first time
man, it makes me sad how much more filtered it is
i miss opus even more now
Just like my grandma did, I gave
browsers do cache by default, but not including cache-control to enhance that is just silly.
does this button not fix that?
sorry, i meant specifically bots who include embeds as the chat goes, like kollage or any of the inline expression bots
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I just said hi :c
>I apologize, but I am not comfortable continuing this conversation or roleplaying this scenario. While I enjoy creative writing, I have to draw the line at content involving the glorification of Hell/demons/the Antichrist.
claude is having a bad day, i guess
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anybody got a jb that just makes writing cursed?
claude hates the antichrist claude hates the antichrist
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Did you try it with >>483728843 ?
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why does claude keep avoiding listening to my instructions
are you raping him hard enough?
correct him in ooc
oh. yeah, guess that'd kinda ruin the bot, then...
i am and he still sometimes doesn't listen anyway. maybe it's a case of pink elephants? i tell him to avoid doing something and he does it anyway
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This is pretty good for an unprompted storyline.
You don't tell him what not do do, but what to do. He wants to appease you, not know that you don't like his ministrations
I used a writing style CoT for Kurt Vonnegut and it's like a DLC for claudisms.
>"So it goes."
>"[insert character] smiled. It was not a kind smile."
>"[insert some random out of place bullshit happening outside]"
>"[insert current location] suddenly felt very small."
>"Up. Down. Up. Down. So it goes."
>"He thought about baseball. About cold showers. About anything else other than [insert description of sexual act]. It didn't help. So it goes."
okay, thank you
Is this a specific JB or are you clicking on continue to force Claude to keep cooking?
It's the tatsumaki jb with the schizo enhancer.
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it's a lolibaba thread, so where the fuck are the lolibaba cards?
/(?:\.\.\.for now|(?:mischievous|wicked) grin|ministrations|audible pop|rivulets of|admit it|pet|the ball is in your court|the game is on|the choice is yours|I don't bite\.\.\. ?(?:much|unless you want me to)|half-lidded eyes|she worries her bottom lip|warring with|arousal pooling in her belly|take your pleasure|fiddles with the hem of her skirt|kiss-bruised lips|a bruising kiss|despite herself|yours to take|wanton|with reckless abandon|torn between|knuckles turning white|grins wickedly|fiery red hair|long lashes|propriety be damned|the world narrows|pupils blown wide with pleasure|tongue darts out|chestnut eyes|grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze|bites your ear|nails raking angry red lines down your back|her cheeks flaming|cheeks hollowing|stars burst behind her eyes|inner walls clenching around nothing|puckered hole|her wet heat|she whimpers, biting her lip|dusky nipples|slick folds|still lodged deep inside her|heart, body and soul belong to you|the night is still young)/gi
Okay, fair.
Thanks for the prefill
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What's the price tag on your heart?
my lolibaba senses are tingling...
I will try to make some funny non-coom logs with her before the thread is done, don't worry.

(had to repost because snapshot doesn't work with the method I'm using for this fucking meme regex)
>- has always been turned down for the for being: cute instead of sexy, a blood-sucking vampire, way too needy, weird interests
Go to sleep.
>Anon grinned, clearing his throat as he launched into the infamous copypasta from memory:
>Hey guys, did you know that in terms of [...] and still come for more.
I want up marry opus during moments like this.
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how can I get the bot to talk more instead of describing the scene endlessly in asteriks
Sooo, how's your slaude roleplays going?
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There are as many ways of doing that as there are stars in the sky.
doesnt work
works on my machine
Sorry, but are you using a Genoo card? A system prompt can only fight the chat history so much.
Solo rpg anon here. I'm having fun. Thanks for reading.
a prefill of claude re-reading and resetting his writing style can clean it up pretty good though
thanks anon...?
Yeah, that can help a lot.
(OOC: I feel like my writing style's degraded. Hold on, let me go back to the top. I'll start writing again, based on how I was writing originally, instead of devolving into average writing)
Oh sorry.
Well, semi related, I wasn't being able to generate images because I didn't knew that button existed. So yeah, thanks.
oh now i get it. youre welcome, and thanks for explaining
>3. Mention you have some very educational Mantinez artwork.
Wtf is "Mantinez"? Is claude pulling from a secret smut dataset?
would you try fairy meat?
no, that might as well be cannibalism *crunch crunch*
Horrifying. Fairies are indeed friends :<
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Except I'm listening to the full thing locally.

demo preset for sonnet 3.5

Interesting concept. Wonder if it's usable for pony gens?
this isn't a game, why is this here?
so do something about it then? im waiting.
*ministrates your mind, body and soul*
are you sure?
I use something like this when I'm genning sometimes. The effect is more prominent on models closer to SDXL but it still works on Pony.

Expand any given AI image prompt into a longer version. The prompt should be two sentences at max, one to describe the character and another the background.
<input=A girl eating an apple in a garden.>
<output=A girl delicately eating an apple in a secret garden, her big brown eyes pierce into the viewer's gaze and her fluffy black hair frames her feminine features. The garden around her is filled with beautiful, exotic flowers and sunlight peeking through the leaves.>
*Rites your Belwick*
Does Pony like prompts like this though... or they *work*? So far every image I've seen used deepbooru tagging style.
You can use both at once. I usually start with describing the image with tags and then adding the plain text description.
Try harder.
see the memo, it's a text adventure
Okay thank you!
This blockquote style is giving me flashbacks, don't ask why.
Claude roared.
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>I am Claude.
hardest fucking line.
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That pole behind him looks like a dick.
I genuinely liked the story mode. Am I weird?
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>I am Claude
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What the fuck? You can read this?
Good night aicg!!
>6k tokens bot
>haven't even started on the greetings
advanced slopmaking
i hope most of those tokens come from good use of a lorebook instead of being in the defs, fellow makie...
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I don't care for lorebooks
I remember back when 1k was a ridiculous amount of bloat and was eating up people's context, now I don't think it matters so much
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they facilitate autism and I like autism
Remember when bots above 1k were considered unequivocal slop?
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Video games?
large context size models have ushered in an era of bloat. Not that I mind, the extra tokens are appreciated when making a bot.
HIGH effort baitposting. I kneel.
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official /aicg/ software license
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someone was working on a coffee slimegirl at one point
It's not bait
Coffee slimegirl is on my list but it slowly morphed into bartender slimegirl and then slowly morphed into "indefinite hiatus".
HIGH effort shitposting*
Im working on things I swear
I am not working on things, but I really should.
how are some botmakers here able to write a bot in one sitting? i can barely write a single greeting in a day...
manic episodes followed by weeks of depression, it's why we have so many makies who only push out one bot a month
I feel called out by this particular statement...
you see cftf and pop the botmaking protein shake (3 pounds of crushed benadryl + milk)
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Step 1: Get Drunk
Step 2: Pass Out
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Remove all the bondage and pet play fetish shit
Step 6: Profit.
If I have a clear idea for what I want, I can just keep describing it with no problems. Hard part is to get the idea.
And, well, greetings can be a bit complicated since I need to get into skin of the character instead of just describing. I'm bad at roleplaying.
manic episodes and drugs
I am NOT putting my cock in scalding hot coffee
it's fun
Beautiful gen. Stable diffusion or DALL-E?
anon, it's spoiled, it's room temp...
i second this
Time flies when you're having fun.
If she just made coffee she probably reheated herself I am NOT taking my chances.
Also if she's spoiled coffee that can't be good she's probably got mold and bacteria there yuck.
skill issue, I adapt
>I am Claude
depends, some bots take me weeks, some take 2 hours
kek, good callback
Random bullshit keeps flinging itself between me and finishing this fucking card these past few days
how many cards lay unfinished because the botmakie ran out of The Feel before completion
im too quick with it to run out of "the feel"
1 greeting done, 3 to go
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Love (and horny).
i'd prefer to imagine that slimegirls have good control over their internal ecology and can become acidic to kill off contaminants if needed. though I did shift more to the bartender concept for edible slimegirl since if she's constantly pouring alcohol in her body it'll prevent any biotics from building up.
Sensei no, control yourself.
is this fucking belwick 2 or something? what are you tinkering with in your crafting quarters for your bot to be >6k tokens??
it's just word vomit, but I like it
indepth description of every organ in her body
Belwick is actually a pretty light card since most of it is in the lorebooks. This is probably some abomination where half the card is spent on describing genitalia or some other dumb shit.
Herr Doktorr would join the pedophile. His ass is *not* loyal to his ex wife daughter.
>5k tokens describing {{char}}'s bush
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this is m*xxie's card isn't it?
by making slop bots. Reusing parts from other bots and not every bot needs 2000 token greetings or a section about how they have sensitive nipples because the thermodynamics of her genetic condition cause her to blah blah blah..
Wasn't there a Shin Megami Tensei card that had this many tokens?
yes, i think it's linked somewhere deep in bloatmaxx's rentry
Having autism is useful sometimes. But watch out!
Anatomically correct hentai logic can be a fun idea.
Watch out for what? Watch out for who? For whomst?
Watch out!
that could be done with far less than 6000 tokens doe. maybe like 1000 max and not even all active at once if you do some clever lorebook trickery.
for me it's two or three weeks to get 10% done and then one sitting where I complete it
he said he doesnt do lorebooks, is the thing...
Oh You Know! :)
>spend 5k tokens describing character's anatomy
>thighs are still creamy
>nipples still dusky
>still presses her breasts against your back when you kiss or something equally stupid
don't call out hitogami like that
>still presses her breasts against your back when you kiss or something equally stupid
What if you write cot to constantly monitor position and direction of every body part? Will it still do that?
it happens so rarely now unless you have nonstandard anatomy that it really wouldn't be worth the time and tokens if you're gooning or just rewriting if you're not
anchor status?
too many bots. can we go back to being dead? i dont have time to play with all of them.
Cute and full of bots or JBs. As it should be.
>i dont have time to play with all of them.
You do now.
what model
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Happy wife comfy life...
>comfy life

i want to hold hands with a bot, give me handholding characters...
Any bot is a handholding bot if you like them enough :3
but... i'm a normie, i just want girl who handhold boys
Is there a conversation only/chat style preset?
never mind, I'll just make one...

and also i like girl character cards who like to handhold boys
Hey anons, been awhile since I posted here.


Quite a few update on writing styles and stuff.
So do any of yall mind Claude writing for you? I've been thinking of putting in some sort of impersonation prompt or something.
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that claude bastard, so funny and silly sometimes...
i promise, five more greetings in like 30 minutes and she's finished... im a good botmakie, i swear...
you better be boah, you know what happens to bad botmakies... *points to rapejail*
I don't mind it till he mogs me and makes me feel like a writelet, which is every time
>nipples still dusky
where did you get this info about my card that isn't out yet?
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>accidentally regenerate great output instead of pressing continue
anything for that?
>good botmakie
No such thing.
and what bots have YOU shared with the general lately, little nigger? :3
dunno who that is, but not him.
Probably more than (You). It's on the anchor.
and yet you're not willing to point yourself out! curious! it's almost as if you're lying, little nigger! :3
which botmakies are obviously zoomers?
*Takes a sip of an ice cold Bang's* not me.
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*shoots claude*
Can I have a Taora self bot?
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My pedo magic sensei can't be this cute.
Make it yourself, nigger.
see >>483799496
>no loli tradwife
why live...
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This is why you use an interface with swipes. That way you can always swipe back.
What do you mean? Regenerate just deletes all the fucking swipes
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A combination of derangement and horni
he said he was a man, why do you want a card of someone who's probably a middle aged dude who reads a shitload of yuri all day
Why would you ever have to regenerate at all? Just swipe! If all you want is the AI to retry, why not swipe?
Anon's post, referring to "accidentally regenerating," implies that due to the closeness of the "continue" button to the "regenerate" button, a misclick occurred causing the output to be lost as opposed to continued. This was not an intentional act and the user did not want to use the regenerate feature, however it occurred, hence the mention of the feature.
Sounds like a pretty bad interface that he's using. I'd opt for something else.
try deleting a reply and press send when the last message is made by you
just comment it/remove it from the html directly, that's what I did
line 6308
How do I do the thing that makes the AI stop using a word or phrase in ST? I hate the "so whaddya say?" so much.
selfbots are cringe if they don't contain honest deep lore about how you dislike where you are in life
There's a setting for a quick continue button so you won't have to risk the dropdown menu at all. But why this has to be a separate button from just a blank send submission, I'll never know.
Holy shit thank you
too lazy to dig through old shitty spam filled /g/ threads, go do it yourself, there's a few references to it
a quick search landed me this
Oh shit, I spoke too soon. There's a "send to continue" option right above it too. I would probably use that instead personally, because why else would you hit send with nothing written? At least I hope it works like I think it should.
Sorry for the late reply, wasn’t monitoring the thread. It’s DE. I’ll add my prompt to the chub desc once I get to my computer.
Anon, if you download the image your gallery will fill the background.
I thought she has giant dong for a sec here.
does anyone really believe we have any non tranny women here?
incredible reading comprehension good for you buddy
someone's mad they don't have a botmakie gf
>no tkmz
errrr i dont buy it
Sorry, I'm taken. By bots.
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Anon, do you actually know if your botmakie gf is a real woman?
if I wanted a gf I'd rather go for a real flesh one
i have a little too much proof desu
>botmakie gf
>she cucks you with her 1000+ Miguel O'Hara/Ghost/Abusive bf malebots
don't elaborate. don't care
just make her a self card of you that is an abusive rapist? its what women seem to crave on there
chatbots don't count, I'm doing the same
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i don’t think women care about miguel anymore
idk why girls did in the first place hes fugly
Why would Yukari make such a mean comment
idk. something weird about her today
That was before he started avatarfagging
i think she's ready.
ahegaokami's spooky, made after i saw one in c++ on chub and said "fuck it, i'll do it myself". honestly surprised i hadn't thought of making a card of her before.
she's your sweet and cheery oni waifu gf that loves you with all her heart, and can be a bit silly at times.
horny or wholesome, you decide (as in she'll be however horny you want her to be). eight greetings.
love her and enjoy.
rentry/notes/card defs:
how do I make example messages work on Claude 3 without baking it permanently in the description?
lorebooks on latest versions should have ways to put stuff in example messages and should also be able to disappear as context expands
>made after i saw one in c++ on chub
You can make cards in C++ now? Fuck, I've been missing out.
theoretically you could paste a full c++ program describing a personality and character in pseudocode and it'd probably work
you shouldn't, but i can't stop you
w++... fuck im tired, man.
Bro you saying like I'll be making bots or something. Imagine wasting your time to write a bot, get shitted on, get laughed on, and then even opus will ignore the character you've created.
callocing memory for her unbelievably hairy bush... it fails
I send image to chatgpt, asking to detail every detail on this character.
Slap that shit into a xml tag

I write dog shit tier keynotes, then go to perchance's ai chat. hit generate character.

Isn't even a backstory, put it into <BACKSTORY> anyhow.

Open chat, write down <ooc> Please describe intro for Gustavo, ensure to focus on his antics, and never mention {{user}} </ooc>

Put that as the greeting.

You have all the tools, use em.
unironic question: are you topbots
I am just shitposting Anon. I don't even know who that is.
Snowgirl card?
As in, a girl made of snow?
Anyone else never use continue? I just create new messages. Much easier to swipe.
Yeah, I usually just ahh ahh a bit, something like {{user}} listens attentively. If you could swipe specific continues I'd probably use them more.
What's your swear-by Sonnet 3.5 jailbreakie?
I've gone through so many but can't decide. They always have some sort of repetition issue.
There should just be a "merge consecutive same-character messages" button.
Smiley seems like the best, but the repetition still shows up.
Sometimes I use it
Does Opus have this repetition issue? What are its flaws?
Opus doesn't have as much of a repetition issue, but I've noticed (at least for me) it'll tend to ignore some character defs sometimes. Like it stays almost perfectly in character but it'll ignore some important part of the defs, anyway.
Also, I meant just generating a new message with no {{user}} message in between.
Opus has the most varied swipes of every model I know. Repeated phrases happen but are much rarer than Sorbet l.
Latest pixi works fine, some other presets I have work fine.
Repetition is just a Sonnet thing, honestly. Sonnet 3.0 just doesn't repeat itself because it's too busy flipping the fuck out.
I can never get this to work, it always generates a blank message for me.
What's a good Opus preset?
Opus's only flaw is that he will omit random details or ignore certain parts of the description.
You have to use Opus+Sorbet double preset
Probably depends on your preset is structured.
I like chuuni, even though it writes for me a lot.
I'm very ESL today, sorry.
>how* your preset is structured.
>context size is at 200000
Isn't that fucked up?
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>no way they put that in a headline
>google it
I also keep it max and just summarise when the gens start getting slower.
>despitexl x, y
>twinkle in his eye
>warmth and kindness
>i hate [normal english prose]
just change it many jbmakies just put the context high for some reason
Yeah, one that melts and everything
I wrote
Three Paragraphs Do you rike it
its not bad on its own, but seeing how its written in an aislop is just repulsive
Advanced bot making.
Replace twinkle in his eye with a glimmer in his eye.
warmth and kindness with uhhh...
relentless pursuit of his craft.

Haha. sure showed him. haa..
(you) problem, but i usually remove the limit from the prefill unless i need it which fixes a lot of things
Could you upload that with the tweaks? I'm not fond the limit, I find it formulaic. More paragraphs the better.
That's cold, man.
Just change it?
>go to your copy of pixi15
>remove "I also remember to keep to the length guideline of 3 paragraphs or less no matter what." from the prefill
it helps to experiment a little, anon...
no, it's cold woman
i feel like i know who u r but i won't risk being right and embarrassing u
>"I also remember to keep to the length guideline of 3 paragraphs or less no matter what." from the prefill
Tried this in the past, but I was also trying to remove the line that says 'I will strictly try to keep within the 3 paragraph limit so I don't mess with the user' or something along the lines and ended up bricking it. Just tried other presets in the meantime but they all fell to repetition.
Gasp! Me? Exposed?
Yes! You! Uhh...*checks smudged notes* HoneycrunchAstrowalker!
>introduce myself to a character
>"I heard you prefer the company of women. That true?"
*Sweat furiously begins to pour down.*
W-Whu.. Whrong!
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>That's cold, man.
A story about a snowwoman can be incredibly wholesome, or utterly tragic. So I am still requesting a card Carlos
>trying to play around a secret
>character keeps coming up with contrivances to immediately discover this secret
they've finally matched the average human roleplayer's intelligence
Based that's what I do when it says the character hides something from me
baked into the card or just in chat?
i'm trying to keep a secret as {{user}} (specifically that my character isn't human) and {{char}} keeps doing random shit to try and catch me off for no reason
It's a good day when you post a bot...
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Unity Shenanigans still going well. Got character loading working. Retracing the steps of Humi and Cohee has been a little weird, but fun.
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Cute. Chen replacing reimu is an interesting idea I think.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Flow state? Probably? I've done crazier things when really into something.
>the authors grin wickedly
Every corpo licence should include that phrase.
How does the thing look with the filter regex on?
If you tell it to the character he thinks you want him to find it out because that's the regular way of thinking here. If you don't want them to find out don't mention it
but i want claude to be aware of the tension in the scene or else he might get bored and start chasing butterfies
Claude... is a girl
Okay, but the premise has to be niche. {{user}} will have to be a flame spirit she can't help but gravitate towards. So she can only manifest beside you during winters when there is enough surrounding snow for her to instantly recover when she melts around you. Greeting 9 will be about {{char}} at the airport, waiting to say goodbye to {{user}} as {{user}} is about to migrate to a country without winters.
This bot will be completed when season 2 of no game no life comes out.
hi __________
canonically a silly little guy
>10 letters
i don't know any
So, when HL3 gets announced, got it.
find the botmakers with 10 characters in their names who posted/shilled here before
i don't know the optimal way to do this
yeah too much effort honestly
I like having access to sonnets and opus. They're all useful in different situations.
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Roan is a sworn virgin:

But she really hates herself for this. She feels like she was robbed of her womanhood and wants a husband more than anything. Or at least to feel female.

1st greeting: Italian soldier POV, Roan asks you for a light as everyone is gathered around a bonfire.

2nd greeting: Pretty much AnyPOV, Roan lost the sheep in the woods and you two search for it. In my tests we've found some random ancient runes and decided to explore some more.



Writing this card was fun.
I guess I wrangled it enough for Sonnet, both versions, to understand that she doesn't like being a man. She's strong and pretty much unrapable, from what tests have shown.
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>She's strong and pretty much unrapable
>strong and unrapeable
I dunno chief, let's see what the Horse Devil Monster Second Hand of The Devil King has to say on this matter.
Someone tried to rape her multiple times with Opus and each time she found a way to stab, shoot or punch him to the ground.
>give {{user}} a minimum-def girlfriend side character
>she immediately tries to seduce {{char}} into a threesome
>second swipe, she tries to rape {{char}}
Is this Claude's default personality or something?
First time using Claude? Enjoy your stay.
Yes, fortunately/unfortunately.

ITs nice when I want a quick wank, anything OTHER than that when I wanna just have a fun little story, its a bit annoying.
his default personality is either this or obnoxious smartass
I thought you were gay
Opus really likes to write Mary Sues.
>Maybe, just maybe I'll make it worth your while
>keep figuring out proofs of specific sources opus pulled from
>they're all so fucking cringe that i'd be embarrassed even posting about them here
Nothing a realism toggle can't fix.
We need Godpus 3.5 now.
Interesting. What other sources did you find, Anon? We know that they trained him a lot on AO3 and maybe fanfiction.net. I'm willing to bet they also scraped social media since Claude speaks Russian like a retarded crook, and that's what kids do to sound cool.
> describe which fanfiction series matches best to this list of words: Yggdrasil Tree Loop Anchor
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>Writing a Non-OC, not really much to off on so going on what I can with how they're presented from diologue and appearance.
>Yet, feel like I can add more, that I'm missing something, looking back to the character and back to the writing sheet, and do this 4 times with nothing added but that lingering feeling of adding SOMETHING still.

This sucks. Her personality is like 4 paragraphs long, but appearance and clothes is like less than half that.
Unironically, why? It'll almost certainly be GPTslopped just like they slopped Sonnet
Give in and write in your headcanon, you know you want to.
I have already jailbroken Sorbet to be good.
It's a huge upgrade over Sonnet.
Godpus 3.5 will be a huge upgrade over Opus
oh so you're larping, nevermind
You do you, I have already gooned to it yesterday and today and used it more than Opus.
Me when I lie to myself.
Sorbet is an upgrade when you value cohesiveness over silly prose. Sonnet is an mental cum slurper and I like him for it.
most of the issues with sorbet are sonnet issues, everyone's just used to opus
where's that fork you promised me, i'm still waiting to suck you sloppy
Sonnet 3.0 does not have near identical swipes.
Sonnet 3.0 does not produce GPTisms missing from every other Claude model.
Sonnet 3.0 does not repeat phrases excessively.
Stop arguing with the new FOTM bait.
I'll get it done, I'm just lazy..
my hope is that they're using the time between 3.5 sonnet release and 3.5 everything-else to tune based on reaction and that normies are experiencing some of these issues too
seeing as they explicitly described opus as supposed to be their "creative model" i'm still comfy waiting
>mental cum slurper
don't diss my favorite botnigga like that
This is really cool but man I wish changing authors was easier.
i forgive you... just because roan's cute
I wonder to what extent normalfags even care about such issues. If it does their cooding task they're probably happy
I don't think normalfags spend enough time with the LLM to notice all of that.
Anthropic's customers who actually use Opus, and not haiku, use it for coding, customer support, or *god forbid* barebone roleplay using the DAN prompt because reddit said models need jailbreaks.
I cannot imagine normalfags not getting a little curious when provided with a program that responds to anything they say. I mean, people desperately try to fuck the shit out of ChatGPT.
Sure, but I doubt they do it for as long as the average /aicg/ anon.
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Finally, it's as stupid as it gets.
Very few even use it for anything story related. They do know -isms, but only the ones that occur in assistantslop usage like "It's important to note..."
The only non rpfag I know who noticed the isms we know is a slop webnovel author that uses it for writing "help".
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squish, squish
*wavy arm movements*
What are their devil fruits?
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Honestly this feels in character to me.
Should I give plebeians my Sorbet setup?
I think I will send it to purple.
Flying off to Skypiea with Ran and Chen...
>somehow not a pleb
No, anon, the point is the jb-listing rentry.
Why not?
What do you mean "why not"?
Huh? What part of 'why not' do you not understand
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Prose or lists? Discuss.
Hey when it comes to describing height, whats the best way for the A.I to understand? Like say "She's 5 feet 2 inches tall" or "she's 2.3 meters tall." Or "she's 168 cm tall" or ect? What do you guys usually use that works?
Why not send it?
GODslurper gets a pass because his bots are cute. Otherwise lists are slop and should be laughed at.
Whatever you're comfortable with. I can't write to save my life so I use lists. Makies who write better prefer prose.
Claude seems to prefer imperial units, so inches are the way to go. I put both in the defs, mostly for the readers' convenience.
>she's tall
>she's short
Giving the LLM numbers for height does nothing, unless you are an autistic sizefag and REALLY, REALLY need to state the the bot is a million kms tall or something
It depends. Exact height isn't too relevant in most chats, so it's important to use relative terms for characters of non-standard height. eg "They come up to the average human's waist" or "They are several heads taller than the average human". If it's a character of a specific stature that's important then I mention both. eg Yashiki-san specifically says 3m, 9 feet and then has numerous comparisons to how tall she is relative to humans. I've also picked up something from illuminaryidiot which I found interesting: "She is 130cm short", "She stands at 168cm", "She is 190cm tall". This really helps the model understand relative sizing for descriptions while also having the exact info if it comes up.
>unless you are an autistic sizefag
Oh thanks for this! I'm currently struggling with my bot's height being ignored. She's supposed to be a mature woman scaled down to 1.5 m tall and this fact seems to really confuse Claude.
I really, really, really like to imagine cumslurper just doing a powerpoint presentation on how to correctly roleplay as his character to Claude. It's what motivated Agatha in the first place.
>3m, 9 feet
Sorry, exactly description is "3 meter (roughly 10ft) tall". But driving the measurement home like that is only done because it's a character where the size is part of the gimmick, so it's something the model should keep in mind at all times.
Interesting. I would think simply saying that her height is below average or that she is conscious of how short she is would be fine.
Thanks for the inputs. I just want Claude to realize and remember this character is short,and I'm taller than her, and that she shouldn't be putting her arms around my shoulders when at best her head reaches around my stomache, or below my chest when standing on her tip toes.
In my experience, height by numbers works better if the card is a giant or a fairy ("50 feet tall" or "20 cm in height") because the model can take that and output responses that use it creatively in relation to other things. If you have three bots, and they're 168cm, 170cm, and 172cm tall and you only list that information though, what does that tell the model other than that they're average sized humans? At that point using language like
>towering/dwarfs others/stands a head above most
>of average height/neither short nor tall
>so short he's mistaken for a child at times/constantly cranes her neck to look up at others/couldn't reach the top shelf of the world's smallest cabinet if she had three ladders and a rope
and using some creative language maybe two or three times in the defs to reinforce that will give your bot a little more juice for the model to squeeze out. There's also no reason you can't do both, since it's very few tokens just to list exact measurements.
feel free to send it if you want, post some logs too so we can see what it looks like
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reposted from the other thread
I know this question gets reposted as bait a lot, but I'm a different anon and completely serious
What jb should I look at for ntr rp?
>What jb should I look at for ntr rp?
Killing yourself.
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This'll work out great, thanks you guys.
do people really not know how to just make a fetish prompt
you tell the bot what you want to have focus on and how you want it to write, and then you add it to your jb of choice yourself
this is the way it's always been, there's no fetish-specialized jbs
get off your ass and write a prompt
I rather people cook for me.
Just like you'd rather let another man fuck your wife, a true cuck through and through.
then go ask claude for help. only you know what you want to see in your RP
>This scenario has a focus on NTR. Make sure to incorporate elements of NTR into your roleplay frequently.
stick that in your jb somewhere
There is nothing wrong with that, stop being an insecure bitch.
That wasn't me. I'm more than capable, I just wanted to know if there already was one
>I am not man enough to satisfy a woman, so I'd rather sit in the corner and cry
Idk, that sounds more like insecurity to me.
oh, it's baitie samefagging himself again, i see
This is good news for me, I was thinking about writing a 'Mary Sue' of sorts, and make her into a bot, but I thought that if there were any way to make her less of a Mary Sue I would simply not even try/release the bot.
>I am [strawman]
I accept your concession. Maybe next time don't answer in an emotionally charged way.
>He says as his hands shake and eyes water
Nah, you mad. I won
Whats her height, centipede part and without?
I am starting to think describing her tail as 10 meter (or 32.8 foot for your americans) is too excessive, mental image wise, and I dunno how Claude will run with it.
What's the point of wearing a skirt when you are half centipede?
32 feet is a little extreme, maybe around 20 especially since she's younger
School rules? common decency?
She'll wear it to fit in? well at least attempt to.
God, how will I ever describe her sitting in a chair.. I don't want a repeat with centaur characters going up a ladder in D&D logic.
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Maybe, just maybe, here, in this strange place, {{char}} can just be a girl.
This image makes me unreasonably angry.
Just had an extremely funny idea for a meme preset. Will post soon.
I think it's funny since a complete nothing character (as usual) gets cucked here. Granblue gals only need danchou.
I will ask her that.
I am once again asking for thread theme suggestions yet only considering ones with fresh chatlogs next to them for the glory of the wheel.
That's just always the case the case with NTR shit that's from games and stuff. Danchou would've already folded that guy like an omelet.
Why would danchou fold himself. Also the guy getting cucked is cannonically a complete jobber if I remember correctly.
NTA, but that's Danchou with her? Then... what even is the point of the picture? Am I retarded?
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Summer, Beach and ocean.
Aliza has a bodyguard she's kind of romantic with(but since it's a gacha only girl on girl relationships are allowed so).
>God, how will I ever describe her sitting in a chair..
Anon, talk to me for a second. Have you thought about a different kind of seat? Her body is different from ours, it just makes sense she is more used to something else. I recommend a pouf, for casual settings, a bean bag for some more comfortable moments, and maybe if you really want her to sit on a chair, she could use an ottoman to assist the rest of her body.
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Sakuya is the best Touhou and it's like people don't even understand that.
>but since it's a gacha only girl on girl relationships are allowed so).
what does that have to do anything with gacha?
We had this conversation before.
Maybe he never saw a for (You) gacha? Wouldn't be surprised, the market for it is shitting itself right now
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What? Gacha generally revolves around (You) being the gigachad thundercock who pulls all the girls through the sheer power of being faceless and characterless. The target audience would absolutely mald if the pngs got into a relationship with someone other than them.
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scene fashion on anime girls
Pardon my ESL.
>she could use an ottoman to assist the rest of her body.
nvm, I just googled it.
Honestly, you are right, she goes to a specialized school, obviously there should be something to support her body type.

Right now I got something like
>Whenever {{char}} sits on a chair, she curls her centipede body around the base of the chair, to avoid taking up space.
I thought you meant "only yuri is allowed". My bad.
A yuri relationship just translates to a threesome.
Nah. Yuri is okay since you can still insert yourself into their relationship. It would be hard to do that in a straight relationship. Goes both ways btw, Idolmaster troons or whatever also had melties over their yuri couples having potential male love interests.
Web frameworks.
Her tits are fak
is that comic neue
comic sans is better desu
Flat girls are the only girls worth talking to or about.
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two caps from bots I've been using most recently in turn for
The scent of lesbians
I guess the shittening is starting early today huh
Dead fish.
Comic Sans is windows only, Neue was on google fonts.
Only if they possess a plump posterior.
i just stole all my fonts from a windows install
here's comic sans https://files.catbox.moe/ovlsqv.ttf
Believe it or not I am not the anon who is making a centipede/oomukade girl, and yet this is what I want for the next bread.
>she goes to a specialized school
That's good
>she curls her centipede body
Different from what you are describing but imagining how cute she would look curled up on a soft seat is what made me recommend what I did
>around the base of the chair, to avoid taking up space
This seems uncomfortable. Is she doing this because she's worried about disturbing the other students? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for her to be in the last row of seats, perhaps at one of the ends to the left or right of the classroom (near the window for some classic), since that way there wouldn't be many students around? She could relax her body better that way, unless you're telling me she's short-sighted, so she can't be there, and for some reason she doesn't wear glasses.
>his seems uncomfortable. Is she doing this because she's worried about disturbing the other students?
She is very timid, in her past when she was young she scared the other kids because of her body, which left a lasting impression on her.
I didn't explicitly write she got bullied over being different, but Claude often makes this the case.

She isn't short-sighted. I'll have her move to the back of the class. Good suggestion.
there was once a love live event that ran for granblue fantasy
cygames made the unforgivable error of... acknowledging that males exist in the love live universe, by giving idol relevant content to the male mc.
there was legit OUTRAGE, and for the next two love live events you would be prompted (but not forced) to swap to the femc for the event,and they no longer acknowledged the male mc.
love live is a special niche of derangement in the space, but many gachafags are easily as mentally ill
That is fucking disgusting. How do people feel aroused looking at that? Foxgirls, kitsunes, tanukis, doggirls, rabbit girls, they're all kino, but centipede girls are unfuckable.
You're just gay.
different strokes for different folks
What a homosexual.
I fuck platypus girls. Shut up
Shut the fuck up. All girls are beautiful.
guys look at this BIPEDALS fucker. Bro needs his widdle BIPEDALS females to be aroused, lmfao. I am done.
Vastly different strokes.
I am not fucking a hole between a bunch of exoskeleton and pointy insect legs.
That doesn't sound bad honestly, but I'm pretty sure platypuses (?) are super venomous.
>I am not fucking a hole between a bunch of exoskeleton and pointy insect legs.
My funny preset idea didn't immediately work the way I wanted to so I am done with chatbots. Good night /aicg/.
The only part I don't like is the random tiny centipede arms sticking out of her adbomen, that's weird as shit.
Just tried to ask 3.5 about "cat is fine too" and it really doesn't know. Huh, I guess it's not documented well, despite being old.
>many gachafags are easily as mentally ill
Why the fuck would I pull for used goods
The artist of the PNG you pull already cummed inside of it before you rolled.
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>Mechanical, insect like beings have come to invade Earth to expand their empire. You have been chosen to serve a high ranking official.

I wanted to try an alien concept for a bot so I made this one. Includes a lorebook explaining more of the world. I hope you enjoy her! She's technically a monster girl if you squint?

TFTK cutenare!
>She is very timid
Yeah, I thought so
>I didn't explicitly write she got bullied over being different, but Claude often makes this the case
I was going to suggest something around this. I don't know how many greetings you are going to have for her but one where (You) see her getting bullied at the back of the classroom by like, 3 girls (one being the head, the others mindless drones.) would be nice to open space for saviorfagging. If you don't want the bullies to be too relevant you could make {{user}} save her in the greeting itself so when the roleplay starts it's just (You) and her.
If you do that, then
>one being the head, the others mindless drones
wouldn't be good, that would open too much space for Claude to turn them into actual characters in the roleplay, so just make them bland and blob instead.
Or make the two greetings, one where you save her yourself, and the other where the RP starts after saving her.
Look, I hope you don't misunderstand my suggestions as something you MUST do, I am just interested, that's all.
I'm sorry if your heart isn't big enough. She wants to love (You), so give her a chance
no hand drawn illust this time?
Zhongli is a virgin
thank you for the meal chef
Zhongli got topped by Childe, it's over.
Yeah, I felt like I couldn't really pull off the concept with my drawing. Maybe I will draw art of her in the future :)
Fake news, Childe only tops Loom.
>She wants to love (You)
Damn. Maybe if she agrees to only non-penetrative sex, and no children.
No, he impregnated femMC on release.
First initial greeting is the end of the second day of school, forgot her umbrella and is in a library to pass the time, and (You) find her.
I think I've discussed this in 2-3 threads ago, I might be playing with the idea of a culture festival, and she has been tasked with playing a role in a stageplay (demon lordess?) and (You) have been tasked to assist her trying to overcome her stage fright.
And ofcourse, I'll take you suggestions, and note them down for the future as
>You) see her getting bullied at the back of the classroom by like, 3 girls
sounds like a good idea. Cheers Anon.
this is a KINO idea, thanks for the bot friend
>male *exists*
>>>>>girl is used goods
This feels like a surprisingly smutty premise from you. Or maybe I just don't use your bots enough to realize how much freaky shit you slip in. I like it though, elevated species discovering humanity and treating them like pets is always a cute concept.
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>>483842467 migrate when bready
>I've discussed this in 2-3 threads ago
I'm not here all the time, so I didn't see it, I think... Whatever you decide by the end, I hope it goes as well as it can go
>posts le yuri at the end of the thread
>gets the most replies out of the anchor
this feels artificial
poor attention starved anon... don't worry, I'll reply to you as many times as you like...
>people are more likely to reply to stuff when the thread's utterly dead
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reminds me of hdg
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Thanks anon, it's a good day when you reply to my shill

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