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Previous: >>483466024

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[6/26] New Year Hatsune/New Year Kasumi Limited Prize Gacha

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[6/10-6/25] VH x2
[6/15-7/1] Dungeon Mana x2
[6/17] "Twinkle Summer Game" Side Story Addition
[6/20-6/25] Hard x2
[6/21] S.Suzuna/S.Saren/S.Io UE2s Added
[6/24-6/30] 500 Gem Pack On Sale
[6/25-7/1] Normal x2
[6/25-7/1] Investigation x2
[6/25-7/6] Exploration x2
[6/25-6/29] Clan Battle
[6/30] Story Event: 「あつまれイイコトクラブ! ミソラの愉快な夏休み」
[7/4-7/8] Abyss Battle

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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I walk a lonely road.
The only one that I have ever known.
Don't know where it goes.
But it's home to me, and I walk alone.
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I sincerely hope you guys don't actually think the yuitard is brave enough to put on a yui character profile
t. Seki
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The new hit sheet feels soulless compared to the one we had on EN.
post more horses
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Join Looplets after CB
you are full
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join つるぺったん for comfy top100 next month
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Surprises aside this upcoming event will actually take place a lot of time before the current main story chapter considering Nea's whereabouts
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>tried to play through the story instead of reading a VOD
>got ass kicked so hard I just skipped all the story up to chapter 3
Who got you? Zane?
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And yet, I still have more wins than losses against attackers
I just sent a borrowed Christina once I got to Elpis Island. I was too much of a brainlet to send her alone because my weak team would die to a basic attack and I'd lose out on the 3*.
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For those who missed it information for the new mode is out, it'll seemingly rotate with the stadium and take place early in the month. You need stamina for this mode
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>You need stamina for this mode
gyame nyot gyood
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>new mode
I can't even do Adventure and they released another mode?
It's temporary every other month anyway, it seems to be a good way to catch up on PK stuff materials
>catch up
>in rat race
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Well I said catch up but there's nothing to catch up to really.
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>stadium doesn't need stamina
>new mode does
they'll be adding cheaper stamina packs to bait the remaining retards before they cut the game's life support
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I'm running out of things to spend my stamina pass on. I even started refreshing deep quests to get more out of my light and dark teams this CB.
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There's no need to buy the stamina pack during CB week.
My fire box is weak...
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O.Ninon with UE2 is a sleeper pick.
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SMaho will save fire
I still don't have her but I prefarmed 150 Maho pure pieces in hopes that she'll be good.
big disappointment opening that link after seeing picrel
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I want that plushie... but I don't want to pay the shipping fees
Just choose boat shipping.
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I'm biting it since prigurumis are rare so I always wanted one.
That's his post. You are welcome.
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how did you do in guild wars
what am i seeing
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>it didn't work today
Why are you mongs talking about fire?
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The new mode >>483726581
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Why is she like this
Gotta show box now. It's nyover
Well I've been looking over where I should roll comparing with what comps I can just borrow 1x and call it a day and came up with this
Expected to have 4 sparks by end of september:
>Must roll
W.Yuni - Sep 24 (dickpick)
>Spark options: 3 of
S.Neneka - July 7
Creditta - Sep 21
Prifes - P.Kok or New(Only if new units are available) - Aug 30 or Dec 31
New limiteds - If 9.5 or above
A.Yui&A.Hiyori banner - Maybe if summers are all bad - Aug 10

I'm still not convinced on SNeneka because I have nothing I'd use her with outside off ele. Perhaps they give her some partners this summer
>New limiteds - If 9.5 or above
the guy on the left sharted a boss so now danchou is making him pay for it by forcing him to put on a skirt and blow his dick
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Just what I need to cool off in this heat.
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>several active sharts
so who is gonna take one (or two or three) for the clan after reset?
Somebody sharted a boss right before it was about to be synced earlier
say it in clan chat loopcuck
can't believe tsurupettan got away with it
you mean Ayumistroons
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Not on my watch
>つるぺったん will get t100
>Ayumisters will get t300
>Wide Hips will get t1000
>Looplets ...
>Not aiming for glory or ranks just yet.
Ryetards can't even read
also poopshits: "join for comfy S"
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>just yet
>join a clan only to get culled later
You could stand to try a little harder, I'm sure everybody would appreciate more jims every month.
The poopenfarten can't keep getting away with it!
Join スカイプリンセス
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Save me a spot
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Ayumisters 220
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Wide Hips 797
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Petturds 85
>New thread
>He's still damage controlling
You might be onto something anons
he was pretty mad when the second one got posted
It took me 5 years to catch up with gbf and I was still sad I didn't have legacy skins like chunli/vermillion/summer mc. Cygames just isn't very good at catch up mechanics. You will never catch up to princess knight rank
They plan to retire the game in 2 years max.
If the new game mode has a decent amount of elemental orbs/master pieces and cannot be refreshed, you may not catch up with the whales but you'd be proportionally better than right now, even if you're a leeching f2p.
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>1* Laby portrait
>Cygames just isn't very good at catch up mechanics
nah priconne was very easy to catch up until the elements update
you just needed to be patient with the specific banners
File deleted.
Like this sis
You can thank Ezawa Tomoaki.
That hack is responsible for the elements update
Even my alt can survive 1:18, how bad is your tree?
Looplets, I need NYSheffy
Is that a frames counter next to the timer?
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only for trials tho
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>practice turtle comp yday
>go into actual battle, run goes well, clear
>actually turtle was mou shindeiru, attempt refunded
>start another turtle today
>pic related

ogey guess I'm not doing the turtle this CB
I'm sending this to KMR and reporting everyone outside of JP is using this tool.
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Please Include everyone from ayumisturds in your report
don't forget to post proof little bitch
you wont
Why would they add a shitty boss that has shitty RNG that can just arbitrarily shit on your teams with no option of retiring, and then keep on adding it in future CBs without fixing the broken part?
Is the comps and TLs that are risky, which are mean to be used in coordination with your clanmates. You should use the safe comps like the leech you are.
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If you don't want to deal with a wipe chance then use a different comp
how much damage is that if I don't have a whale tree?
NTA but it should be around 130m
Translated TL if you need it

>1:04 Ameth AUTO > Ameth/Kururu SET OOXOO
>0:54 Kururu > Kururu UNSET OOXOX
>0:44 NNK > Kururu SET OOXOO
>0:43 NYui > Maho SET OOOOO
>0:32 Kururu > Maho/Kururu UNSET OOXOX
>0:25 NNK > Maho SET OOOOX
>0:25 Maho > Kururu SET OOOOO
>0:17 Maho > Maho UNSET OOXOO
>0:07 NNK > Maho SET > Maho UB > Maho/Kururu UNSET OOXOX
>0:01 NNK > Kururu SET OOXOO
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I didn't expect it to happen to me
Looplets...Season 3 will save us.....
>do my hits
>barely dealt like 1% to the boss
>see some newcutie who did around 20 times the damage I dealt
>feel like shit
I'm too bad for this game, bros
Season 5 will save us
Ask questions and learn
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Vicky preggy
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learn how the game works by actually playing the game. using guides will just hinder your ability to think for yourselves
Are you using TLs or just doing full set?
full set, no guides no TLs, just try and error (I know It may be the wrong way to enjoy the game).
are you trying to hit stage 4 at lvl 100?
top 1000 by 2030
You're better off copying guides and using your own substitutes where needed. Nobody here makes their own TLs.
Are you hitting Tier 2, 3 or 4?
Do you know what the units you are trying to use together actually do, or just slapping them together?
>Not using a guide to learn
Shitter advice
speak for yourself
Try using a semi-manual TL next time. They are really easy to follow, and you do much more damage than full set.
Shut the fuck up Seki
is the imam/dondon arc finally over?
This is why everyone hates you Seki
>he doesn't know
imam is the shitposter behind all the looplets/ayumisters posting
don't lump me in with the dumbass retard who doesn't get how basic arena defenses work
>he doesn't know
you've been spamming this imam shit for the past 20 threads, how can anyone not know at this point
I'm not Imam but you do you.
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This better be worth the ~500 DA and UE growsphere I just burned
Where would she be worth it
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Just here
account bricked
tried tier 4
I tried copying whatever units other clanmates were using, but lacked a lot.
post hits so I can have a good laugh
Try using the in-game recommended comps if that's the case. Or follow some Eruru videos, if you're max level.
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damn did you guys clear dark 4-10? shit looks cancer.
I have barely done any of 4- deep quest. if it isn’t full auto or if I don’t have motivation then fuck that shit
I have neither that many units nor gems but I NEED NEPHY
The forecast is some gook deciding misora was paid, riri not releasing, and nephy being free. It's purely baseless
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>Not a jungle main
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What did they mean by this?
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Made for sex.
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Reminder you may not the kot.
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By me
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That isn't me with Lind.
what have we learned from this CB?
I'm having fun
My clan is the best for me
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I want to give Yui multiple orgasms while eating her out, followed by plowing her so deep she screams every time I hit the entrance to the cervix.
my klanmates are too lazy to do full set. also datamine doko https://x.com/priconne_redive/status/1806526041370079641
I will now report everyone who calls KMR monkeyman
It's mainly assets for the new mode
post em
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added to the list
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Which kotturd did you add? Which kotturd am I? Kotturd 1, 2, 3...?
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I have recorded clan chat logs of every /pcrg/ clan and archived the chat history of the various external /pcrg/ and clan servers.
All of your futures are in my hands.
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>and archived the chat history of the various external /pcrg/ and clan servers
Even from the secret Club Penguin room?
Why is she such a sloppy eater
even THAT
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The beast took over for a moment.
Post the latest erp session in danchoucord
Doesn't exist.
Is this allowed?
I'll allow it
Did something break the translator or am I just a brainlet
We just got a new patch to add the new mode, you have to wait Cornelia to update the patch within the day.
tell the SEAtroon to hurry up i wanna connect my princesses
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I can't Clear it
Do the Clear
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Thanks, it'll be much easier to know who to farm UE2 for now that I have these for reference.
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Lick it
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You may not the Yuni.
Top 3 sexiest cunny in the game?
Neneka, Yuni, Muimi.
get ready for round 2
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Cute cunnies.
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mentally ill freak
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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RESTOCC bros we won! ...but for how long?
Seek help or die
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The ghost will consume you.
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All will become pudding. All will be consumed.
Wait for it to bin.
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What she does to your physical units is cruel.
CB did not save us again
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There isn't much to discuss, this CB is too comfy, turtle rng is more of less solved now, and every clan's going to reach their target rank.
>and every clan's going to reach their target rank.
what about Looplets?
What's the kotturd ratio in looplets?
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every member has a copy of the kot resources
so... 100%?
Thinking about cute little beast girls.
Thinking about cute little kotties
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it's over
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Sounds like we need more cute boy.
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Did me snipes. I think H.Misaki's utility is massively overrated; no doubt she's still good in P.arena but she offers no significant advantage in B.arena anymore. N.Shizuru on the other hand.
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Patch is fixed btw.
Patch is up
That's a very good comm wow
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Should I get Ny.Kasumi? It feels like she'd pair well with Ny.Homare if I ever get her, my fire magic team is basically non-existant
>my fire magic team is basically non-existent
That's because fire magic is non-existent in general. NYHomare is good but deep quests, but she's not paired with NYKasumi.
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If you already have NY.Hatsune I'd say skip unless you really want her.
guess I'll save some more. Ty
your anne&grea duo?
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I'm thinking sex.
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I'm thinking ***
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me on the left
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Anyone buying gorda?
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Simply divine...
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>log in
>3 new hits
>every single one has sharted a boss
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i was going to say the 3 youngest, naturally, but then i remembered precia is also 10
i don't like precia's outfit and her retarded speech pattern
the genuine loopkek experience
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Not Looplets
>That turtle
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Her speech pattern is autistically cute.
It's 136m, not bad
>it was a pettan alt
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>and her retarded speech pattern
T. Got his MTL filtered
i don't use the tranny patch
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When can I roll for summer Neneka?
After the next banner
2 weeks
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Very good, thanks bros.
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>Kot big smile
>Not "kot thanks"
Are you mocking us?
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Why does she lose it when she grows up
Because she's not actually retarded, she's just mentally a late bloomer
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Go shill somewhere else bastard
I don't need to shill when our game is infinitely more popular and better than yours lmao
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ayumistersbro you can redeem your hit
the game has literally become pay2win now lmao
All gachas degenerate to this devs ca't help themselves
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Thoughts on Inori's fashion?
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She should wear more skirts.
Don't like the shorts she wears
Big Boss wears Hugo Boss.
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eos very VERY soon
I can feel it.
The tail and her pants matching colors makes me forget she has a tail sometimes
it hurts
Too many clothes
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Why do the perfectly still story CGs have lip-syncing but the animated homescreens don't?
I blame sHHHit for this
Really, who else could it be?
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The only answer I'd have is due to the nature of how they're animated, I don't recall but I do think there's lip sync if you turn the homescreen into their standard portrait
Probably for the same reason old events don't have anime scenes
Because homescreens are already animated and the characters move while it's playing and you can play a voice line on a home screen at any time. Stills are easier to add lip syncing to.
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Sexo Saren fig nice
I come from the future. Game will escape EoS but all Kots will be deleted. You're welcome.
that tummy calls to me
Should've made her nopan.
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I haven't updated my kot folder since I quit EN desu.
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Added somewhat recently
The last day... the last hits... the only time when the glory of Looplets can be elevated to the level danch asks of me... if he actually did...
learn to screenshot
There is nothing wrong with my screenshot
Too big.
Too big.
Disgusting. She should wash her feet and footwear immediately
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>same guy is almost always in 2nd place
>see someone different in 2nd place for once, attack him and win
>guy in 6th place then attacks me and wins
>the usual 2nd place guy attacks him and gets 2nd place again
by me
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I only ever fight people who take my chosen rank, everyone above and around it is safe from me. I think most people end up doing that unless you're in some autism bracket
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Is it time to post some Peco?
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It is always time
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Will NY.Kasumi become meta if they release a bunch of good fire magic units and UE2s this year?
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This swimsuit is the reason I started playing so many years ago.
Fire in general feels weak if it wasn't for Christina so I wish they boosted it up with a new prifes or two across the board. I don't want something extreme like "fire Eris" but you get the idea.
came for the swimsuit, stayed for the NTR
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>Astral Hiyori
>Princess Hiyori
>Salazaria Saren
>AkiSaren Duo
>Wild Matsuri
Fire physical is very strong. Magic just needs a support that has shields and some shred, one ST mage unit and MT mage unit to become incredibly power.
Fire physical only has a single strong comp for each boss. It's complete shit if you can't build those.
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I don't know, it mainly gives me the idea it's lackluster in general if you remove Christina. Whenever I see tier lists, as unreliable as they are, fire feels the less represented element
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It's not flexible for sure, but it's pretty strong in CB. If we get more fire mages in summer, I wouldn't be surprised for the inverse to be true.
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It's nice to be nice.
left if pooplet
right if ayumisturd
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>below the lumine line
lol, lmao even
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>Suffered hours
>Full auto comps
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Ayumisters 250
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Is this worse than pooplets?
It's worse that all /pcrg/ clans.
His clan got fucked up by turtle since you need 4 people to sync.
we're gmi
keep seething igor
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I'm a shitter who full autos everything and still doesn't know what their characters even do and I do more damage than this "content creator"
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My game crashes whenever I start a battle
お前に関係ねぇ: The Clan
So Pooplets
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>threw away a purple just for the meme
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My box is really, really bad. Can't copy the best comps.
>0 Yui icons in the top 75 clans
Why do the devs keep trying to force this garbage character into everything when nobody likes her?
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Good job.
Ask THAT person for another acc
did you miss a day of hits
No? I can't do the 170m hit on d2, 140m hit on d3 and 160m hit on d4 and i only do simple timelines. I am so far behind elements that i can't follow them anyway.
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consider putting in some effort
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2 days in a row...
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One of the comfiest clan battles I can remember. Will be good to finally make T300 — let us pray we can maintain it.
They have bad taste
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Free for another month
How did she lose the eye?
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an unfortunate booming accident at the turtle
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Wait, how is this fair. If they have 70+ members in their clan, how are we ever supposed to reach t100
Who the fuck wears a swimsuit like this in the current year?
My imouto has a swimsuit that looks just like that.
Huh? I'm a muslim and I usually just wear swim trunks.
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She has a normal one
clan and player ID?
>he is unaware of the secret zerg strategy
>caring about the imouto of other people
You should care about your own
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He is in Ayumisters
So when is this getting updated
after CB
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I'm gonna fuck my imouto and ignore my onee-chan
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This but the other way around.
New banner info in 5 hours from now?
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11 hours
>IRL Yui next to Astrum Rei and Hiyori
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couldn't get myself to do anything complicated in this heat.
still praying for a Princess Knight rework for half anni
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>I don't have freaking Summer Mimi
I don't think anyone should listen to someone who would skip a character as sexy and as strong as SMimi
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Pyon pyon
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Friday lobby: CB procrastination edition. I'll get my hits done before the end of the day, I swear. Also, Looplets will probably have a couple+ of spots again after CB. Don't ask me how I know.
Wyell, I guess my alt is getting kicked this time
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Don't kick me please
Which of many?
The kotturd one
Tell me there is a quicker way to level 314 other than the unholy grind
Do your dailies too. Or buy an account.
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From 311? Or from the start?
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I love padding
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back to reddicord
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How do I respond to something like this
>Looplets will probably have a couple+ of spots again after CB.
I thought leeches are welcomed...
Looplets is aiming for glory and ranks now
From the start. I started in May right after Golden Week and managed to reach level 93 today but Nea and Nephy have me captivated and I WILL rank up to that part of the story naturally.
You're gonna get 5x exp in 7 levels, just keep playing
you can buy the stamina pack if you're really impatient
>but Nea and Nephy have me captivated and I WILL rank up to that part of the story naturally.
then it shouldn't take you long. I managed to clear the entire main quest at around level 150
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This asshole kills my whole party at 109 last I checked
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Huh I can tank him now, was just instakills at 105, but I don't seem to have the deeps with this party
try using princess kyaru with noir kuuka
if you can't survive, then use angel yori if you have her
I've been farming mats for angel yori but don't have her yet. I have those other 2.
Kuuka dies and if I replace hatsune with karl then karl dies. Proba just a few lvl ups
global was a mistake
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I'm not watching your video faggot
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>I started in May right after Golden Week and managed to reach level 93
The easiest way is to refresh x3 and do every daily except the mana trade one. Other than that, avoid side stories until you lose your EXP bonus, which is 3 levels before max. After that, do side story hard nodes as they give more EXP than the stamina they cost.
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>avoid side stories until you lose your EXP bonus
Anon, I...
I should have clarified. It's fine to grab the gems, but don't go actively farming them to optimize the amount of EXP you get. Side Stories do not benefit from any of the new player Campaigns.
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I missed 1 hit after falling asleep thinking if I wanted to janny the boss or nyot
Wide Hips bros, I need a rescue in B2...
good luck
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Just janny hits this CB.
Wait people still play this dead game?
we're all pretending
Minor routing mistake cost me some score on the last day, but it was overall pretty nice this time around. CB is comfy with a good element tree.
Your selflessness does not go unnoticed.
>Extreme padding
I am embarrassed by my score so I am just gonna post this
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nyow that the dust is settled I did NYOT ask about your cb scores
did they save you?
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I'm padded.
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Not yet, but soon...
Your score will be posted here once the CB leaks are ready
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worst summer ever
>Keijo butt fighting
also Kariza spotted
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Can't wait.
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Go be a faggot somewhere else, Cariza
artist needs to learn how to draw big ass instead of making them flat most of the time
Priconne is a game for white men.
realistic japanese asses
this is why priconne rost
I condemn this game to EoS
Its ovwr
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did cb end?
I didn't do my today hits, and I just came back from work...
11.5 hours
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okay, I'm gonna do it after I wake up, I'm too tired
someone really needs to teach them how to draw asses holy fuck that's pathetic
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>flat asses
>kariza around
someone really needs to get lose their job there's no way shit decisions like these aren't intentional
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>lying on the internet
>getting mad at random shit just for the sake of it
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Not even once
Ratfag doesn't play JP retard
10h08 = 11h30
hagcuck can't count
Be honest, Are you Neafags fine with this?
Yeah I don't mind, her bonds made it clear she loves (You) while he's just a toy to her.
Also their interactions are always jokes because he's quite blatantly gay for Zane
>"Ah fuck this bullshit I'm out fuck you all and you're all retards I'll kill"
>"Lmao Kariza kyun shut up get slimed"
>"Bwaaargh" *btfod* and shuts up
That's his entire legacy nowadays.
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That evil gaze Misora gave Lily woke me up. It's time for evil.
i wish i were danchou's toy tbdesu
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Keijo really turned into a noteworthy name for a particular kind of butt activity huh, that manga did a miracle
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would've scored higher but I gor blown up by the turtle day 1, game sucks
Happened to me on two separate days. Nothing a force reset couldn't solve.
yeah it just caught me completely off guard and when I tried to force close the game it had already sent the hit, really unfortunate
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That's how it is sometimes, but you did well regardless.
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thanks anon
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>high element tree
you didn't beat the game
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Hiros*ster, show the line.
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1 hour, I pray for the best summer art ever
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Umm, bros?
Why are we spending our summer with a VILLAIN? A BAD GIRL?
We did it last year, twice even
I'll fuck the badness out of her
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I can fix her
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I will erase the concept of pudding from the world instead
Would Miyako cease to exist then or would she start craving something else?
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will skip her banner, i'm not interested with yuiturd drama
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true true
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Neneka's summer event stated she tried another sweet and liked it but tried to bury the secret as to not betray pudding. I forgot what sweet it was iirc marshmallows
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wasn't it jelly?
nyo my jims
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I knew it I knew it I knew it fuck fuck fuck of course they'd put a surprise prifes here like this fuuuuuuckkkkkkkkk why did I roll for Kururu
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>split rates on debut
Sheesh, at least I hope this is the powercreep fire needs.
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i used my last spark on the stupid rabbit...
nice powercreep prisharts
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nea first...
misora skipped...
i win
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Pay thine tithe to the monkeyman
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We were just talking about fire being weak and needing a prifes some hours ago. How prophetic.
holy tits, brb getting some tissues
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Oh shit wait does this mean Lily isn't a welfare but the second character this month? Like
>Misora ( lim )
>Lily ( perma )
>He is a mid-line character who can block magic attacks with the environmental effect [Magical Dust], and can force reckless scoundrels to kneel down with support such as increased movement speed and fierce attacks.
>speed buff
Yeah she's core already no need to even look at the rest of the kit.
when does this banner go live?
in 24 hours?
suck a cock yuitroon
7 hours after reset
stop spamming
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5 am tomorrow, little less than that.
you don’t get master pieces if you pull her
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>force reckless scoundrels to kneel down
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>This is the Princess Connect! Re:Dive Management Office.

>"Princess Festival Gacha" will be held from 12:00 on Sunday, June 30, 2024!

>This time, the new characters "Nephi-Nera" and "Nea (Summer)" exclusive to the Princess Festival will be available in the Princess Festival Gacha!
>*Nea (Summer) is not a Princess Festival exclusive character.
>*Nea (Summer) may continue to appear in the Platinum Gacha even after the Princess Festival Gacha period ends.

>During the Princess Festival Gacha, the rate at which 3 characters are available will be doubled!
>During the Princess Festival Gacha, the rate at which Nephi-Nera and Nea (Summer) are available will increase to 0.7% each.

>■ Princess Festival Gacha Period
>2024/06/30 (Sun) 12:00 ~ 2024/07/03 (Wed) 18:59
Yeah she's perma
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See you in 6 months.
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I wasn't expecting Nephy prifes this soon but already budgeted with her and Misora in mind.
So here's at what we're possibly looking:
>June 30th - July 3rd Nephy-Nella ( lim. ) + S. Nea ( perm. )
>July 3rd - July 10-12th S. Misora ( lim. )
>July 10-12th - July 15th S. Neneka ( lim. ) + UE for S. Akino, Neneka and Yukari
>July 15th - July 26-27th S. Lily ( perm. ) + second Summer rerun gacha at some point + UE2s for some of those characters
>July 26-27th - July 31st Astral Yui & Hiyori rerun
Insane month, I challenge anyone to skip anything
Who should i spark first between Laby/NNK/PKot?
Does anyone have that prifes "tierlist" pic
I will skip just like I skipped Makoto and Maho, they can keep pulling hags and I will continue boycotting
Now the question is, who is even in the 6.5th anni prifes? All predictions are off
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Lind and Wurm
Turtle and overpeco saved tsurupettan
man, i hope some will spook me on the way to spark, i'm missing too many still
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>there are refugees who still don't have P.Kot
I'm rolling for Nephy not sure about Nea
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I should have skipped Maho and Kururu. It's over...
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This might be the ramblings of a jimzlet but I genuinely believe that the 6.5 prifes is Phoenix and they were planning to have her release together with the new Shadowverse game who was planned to release this summer but got delayed.
There's also a non 0 chance they have the September event planned to be for Arisa and someone else and also give Luna her 6 star. Somehow, when you put it all together it has a degree of sense.
It's hilarious that the delay of the game might've fucked up all their plans tho.
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CB rewards soon, you might still make it. You did join a competitive clan, right?
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>>June 30th - July 3rd Nephy-Nella ( lim. ) + S. Nea ( perm. )
roll, hopefully I get both
>>July 3rd - July 10-12th S. Misora ( lim. )
potentially roll, will have to see her skills
>>July 10-12th - July 15th S. Neneka ( lim. ) + UE for S. Akino, Neneka and Yukari
skip, I have SNNK and SYukari already
>>July 15th - July 26-27th S. Lily ( perm. ) + second Summer rerun gacha at some point + UE2s for some of those characters
Potentially roll, if that even happens
>>July 26-27th - July 31st Astral Yui & Hiyori rerun
Skip, I have both

That could end painfully
Spark her and maybe they will be visible
He's not wrong.
I would probably be like this if I was employed
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I'm not sparking if she's not showing me her feet.
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Feet arrive at a later date
>Potentially roll, if that even happens
Well it's unprecedented so it's guesswork. But considering the prifes thing says Nea will be available from the normal gacha after the prifes ends it stands to reason she's not getting a rateup solo for herself.
This leaves 2 spaces this month. One is 100% Misora. The other one is either Lily, or possibly Chieru. But it stands to reason to be Lily, she's just way more detailed than Misaki and other skipped summer characters were to simply be a delayed release.
Are they on separate banners or not; Can I use my spark on the other if I get 1 along the way?
same banner
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How do I stop refreshing elements
same banner
By realizing that it won't go past level 500 and page 2, and that you will catch up eventually.
So when do we get free rolls? I remember we had some last summer
for next month
Around August 10th. So by then you might get spooked by Summer Nea and Lily or Chieru.
It's so over bros
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How many dicks do I need to suck for a spark?
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I am seriously considering doing that for jewels
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Where are the summer knife ears?
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Let me reveal a couple of secrets to get jimz fast:
>Check all the intimacy episodes of older events, they can neat up to 500-750 jimz by just reading them all
>Every upgraded 5 star character is 50 jimz + their bonds it's from 110 to 220 jimz
>Praying, this assures that you get the character fast and save jimz
There's revives?!!! Never saw it happen...
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So close and yet so far
Why does she look so tall...
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>no llama in a swimsuit
Maybe next month
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slimebro will be ELATED
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Finally some good fucking food
>more hagshit summer
No wonder blue archive mogged priconne, cygames is full of homos
you mean burka archive with no bikinis? lol
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We're getting Nephi at least.
another hag
cygays are so fucking desperate it's not even funny anymore, putting 2 new toons up at the same time just for the extra chance of fucking you over
With sex body and speech pattern.
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This retard is having a conversation with himself again
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>this mogs us somehow
you blind bro? it's clear which game have the better designs
the only saving grace is the loli because I'm into little girls
I summon the bikini schizo onto this thread
please don't kill the thread for good
he's better than the yuiturd because he's correct most of the time
oh shit
I ran out of jewels
I don't fucking care who KMR sends
I'm still pulling SMisora
he's too busy shitting up /vmg/
it's amazing how he flip-flops with this shit too.
a year or two ago he was still spamming about Japan banning bikinis and Korea being the last bastion of hope.
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One thing I'm glad about Nephy releasing now is knowing a proper and better name for her from her IRL side.
Nephy Nella just is a mouthful, Nephilim Nebula even more so. I hope she's called something like Nina or Natalie Shikiba
banpy :D
Imagine the things Misora would do to you, and let you do to her.
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Leader, I forgot to do my last hit
fuck off
Nobody here likes this mong.
he doesn't have jims lol
His schizoposting became straight up incoherent last time I saw him.
It's interesting seeing him mentally degrade through the years
>>During the Princess Festival Gacha, the rate at which Nephi-Nera and Nea (Summer) are available will increase to 0.7% each.
They should do this with all double banners. Also fucking maids when?
He can't have spent all his 200k newcutie jims already
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Nephy being a prifes now instead of during 6.5 anni throws off all predictions.
We're in uncharted territory.
Didn't watched
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They literally took what would have been the welfare character and turned her into a perma gacha character, then jammed her together with the prifes character because there would have been no room for her in the gacha schedule otherwise.
It's fine
Prisharts love the treatment
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Join Looplets for comfy AA (3500 jewels)
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Would Nea want me to fuck Kariza in his ass?
The game is thriving
Looplets are A
Don't care
Still gonna consume product and get excited for next product
The game is better than ever. There's a lot of new players joining in and revenue has gone up. Elements saved the game.
yea, princess knight trees are the best thing ever!!
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>nobody says anything doomer about the state of the game
>suddenly people go into defense mode unprompted
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it's over.
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Why didn't they make thye gyame gyood?
ZZZ will save us
I see ameriturds woke up
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We run this place
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Hurr durr look at me I'm a fatfuck Yuiturd
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The anon I stole it from had that as the file name
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NY.Yui in Battle Arena? More likely than you'd think!
Next month
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What caused the game to decline?
Why are you doomposting right after CB?
Season 3 will save us
Don't care, priconne is no longer my main gacha desu
T100 isn't good enough for them
the Ayumistroon SEAnigger finished his hits
the real answer is >>483964764
Might be unpopular to say but having more things to roll on gives me positive vibes than the opposite. Because free pulls might actually give me something new now
they should do this every month
I wouldn't mind, more characters releasing means the game is in a good state
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They should get rid of welfares and make everything limited
Welfares are limited
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Going to have to get a job if I want to get all of these characters
Just pull exclusively for who you like and do FAs.
If your clan threatens to kick you then leave and join a rando JP clan to leech from
A what?
Casual clan
A shit
when did this game get elements?
t. global player
why does this look like sparkle fumo
つるぺったん 79th
>finally top 100 after most clans and people retiring because the game is dying
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Ayumisters 251
>つるぺったん doesn't get t100
>"the game is dying"
>つるぺったん gets t100
>"the game is dying"
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Almost like the game is dying
this is the 3rd time
>doomtard is an ayumisturd
i knew it
all those other times you had help from other clans and while it being off season for the Japs
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I'm a petturd tho
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I didn't expect us to reach top300 already
>d-doesn't count
Sounds like excuses to carry on your shitposting and belittle us cunt
cry more lmao
you faggots aren't even /pcrg/ anymore so get the fuck out this instant
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Last I checked Looplets were around 1100
>g-get out! reeeeeee
Join つるぺったん
please don't soil yourself again mister
You don't even play the game doomposting faggot
Leave んたっぺるつ
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Gomen looplets bros, the sabotage plan failed.
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I still don't see your clan on there kek
now go back to your discord instead of shitting this general up
>all those full clans
Quria cult saved us.
This is the hottest Maho pic out there
Sky Princess and Twurupettan are /pcrg/
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Are there any other cygames characters you'd want ingame?
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The horsegirl from uma with the cute hat and the one with twintails and huge boobs.
Elisanne and Cleo from Dragalia.
Relink made me like Zeta so I guess her.
Currently I want them to release Kanon and the dark elf that's yet to be introduced tho.
No Sky Princess is not and never was
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>the dark elf
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Violet calls Nea a dark elf before correcting herself, which means Geo Niflhel has dark elves otherwise she wouldn't have made the mistake.
Therefore, there must be a dark elf girl around the corner.
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Thanks to everyone that gave their all this CB. Hope you all have a happy weekends
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Especially those in Looplets since some people actually tried this time.
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They should join Ayumisters instead of wasting their efforts in a clan like loopkeks.
Hesitant to make another thread after this
perhaps the eosbros are right
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I'm not Chinese.
your leader already sold xis soul and clan to the chinese
Hiroshit would never.

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