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Previous: >>483717832

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[6/26-6/30] New Year Hatsune/New Year Kasumi Limited Prize Gacha
[6/30-7/3] Nephi-Nera (PriFes Limited)
[6/30-7/3] Summer Nea (Perma, No Masterpieces)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[6/15-7/1] Dungeon Mana x2
[6/21] S.Suzuna/S.Saren/S.Io UE2s Added
[6/25-7/1] Normal x2
[6/25-7/1] Investigation x2
[6/25-7/6] Exploration x2
[6/30] Story Event: 「あつまれイイコトクラブ! ミソラの愉快な夏休み」
[7/4-7/8] Abyss Battle

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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A suggestion if I may, since the Abyss Battle favors fire characters this time, could you add Abyss Battle: Fire next thread in the OP?
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Well done on getting T300 Ayumisters.
no pubes?
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wheres the cunny
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where will /pcrg/ go after the gyame is kil?
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Shut the fuck up Petturdster
Well done on almost getting T1000 Loopsisters. Perhaps next time.
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>Perhaps next time.
there will never be a next time because the danchou is a pussy that will never kick out all the leeches
hiroshit's bussy smells american
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who is this supposed to be?
what's an arena team that makes me climb fast?
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No part of my body smells american. Only of onion and squid. Appart from that my body is a temple.
>kick out all the leeches
And replace them with what? Alts?
it was very tight last time
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>Inori, Yukari, S.Chika, Misaki, Luna
Most budget team you can build and will easily get you to t100
>Kasumi, Ameth, Karin, TS.Kot, Yuki
Beats most things
>Nozomi, Kaya, Djeeta, S.Saren, Kot
Budget Kaya team if you don't have N.Shizuru
Worked for Ayumisters.
disband fun island, pick up non-corpses
Join them then.
Looplets is just fun island with a discord
>he's not in funcord
Syo what?
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Is this the biggest bust in game?
The top 10 anons are former T50 from global so dey got dat dog in them
Next 10 are Fun Island casual players, while the lasat 10 are newish players or last
leak the scores
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Simple wind 4-10:
All but Yuni set, auto on
0:43 Shiori UB, set Yuni
0:43 Yuni UB, unset Yuni and Tamaki

Source: https://x.com/uhogori292517/status/1806995271488000422
Never touched global
My danchou already leaked his score last thread,
>dey got dat dog in them
Literally in hiroshit's case.
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Drunk again tonight
hopefully I wont regret this come mornin
"glad" to see this general is still primarily clan tension
I'm about to do my hits.
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me on my way to work, only having been able to do 2 of my 3 hits so far, so the kotturd in my mind begs me to sneak in the final one
imagine not having a work from home job after covid
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I'm about 7m short, my C.Tamaki isn't 5* though and R.Kokk isn't LB.
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Getting real sick of this fucker one-tapping my defense teams. I hit him 5 times today and lost once, he hit me 5 times and won every single time. I'm losing my shit over this, how do I counter his offense so he can fuck off?
and who are you?
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he's clearly switching his teams to counter you, the only way to counter that would be to change your defense every minute
I changed my defense every time too, sometimes switching teams, sometimes swapping in new ones. But it feels like my defenses are shit against his choices for offense.
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No shit your defenses are shit agains his choices when he's picking his offense specifically to counter you. LIke, what the fuck is that Anna tank comp? Oh right, it just so happens to be the perfect solve for your team.
I'll let you know on a little secret. When someone attacks you and is going to lose... they can close their game and you'll never even know they hit you. They can then adjust their comps, hit you again and look, 100% winrate baby!
Thanks, I didn't notice that.
>When someone attacks you and is going to lose... they can close their game and you'll never even know they hit you. They can then adjust their comps, hit you again and look, 100% winrate baby!
Jesus Christ, PVP is broken
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dead game
dead general
eos can't come soon enough
>Nephy is fire
Cygames really fucking hates water, they refuse to make any water prifes
You'll still get arena coins for the defence so it'll be evident *somebody's* hit you but there'll be no log of it. You can't win against schizos who are willing to refresh arena attempts, don't even bother.
I think you used to be able to reveal somebody's third team as well, if you posted the hit to clan chat after beating their first two teams.
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nips did one of these while waiting for the news
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wait but I just rolled almost everything I had
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CB is finally over, good job to everyone who did full auto
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>meanwhile in pcrg it was another round of the shitcordfaggots pretending to dislike each other
They don't have banter in Japan.
Yeah now that I think about it I remember collecting 20 p.arena coins from my mailbox around the time of that guy's most recent hit despite not seeing me winning any defenses in the log around that time. So the fucker was refreshing and quitting out so I wouldn't be able to see his failed attempts. Definitely not gonna bother with him from now on.
You also can't hit the person again right away if you quit out, they simply won't show up for you, I can't remember how long it is.
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Well true enough the art community of this game is very friendly and engaged with the game itself. I do believe pcrg has a lot of player that love the game too, like the anon that helped me with arena stuff the other day or collab anon or nozomianon, it's just that we don't really have streams and stuff like that so often to have a reason for people to gather here all at once.
two of those don't even play the game
Neither do I, what difference does it make?
Then you're neither /pcrg/ or a "player"
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I know but as long as you're not autistic and start shitting up the place like some recent tourists I don't think it's a negative. Someone can be passionate about the series without necessarily playing.
i wish there was a priconne city builder or management sim
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>Someone can be passionate about the series without necessarily playing.
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There is nothing to contribute to here and discussion is usually awful because the majority of players don't actually know anything about the game. And they don't have to, because guides are easy enough to follow anyway. Anything past a video format guide or full auto is usually too much for /pcrg/ to bother with. And that's fine, but don't expect people to come around and actually want to talk about the game.
I still sometimes check the Twitter pages of gacha I quit so I can see what interesting designs they released recently. I don't know if that's "passionate" but it's nice to be able to get a little update on how a game is doing without having to go through the trouble of playing it.
>passionate about the series
>ditches the game to play other games as soon as they have an excuse
>shits over the EN patch the community worked so hard on without ever even trying it
Wait, looplets have a trannycord?
every clan has one sweetie darling
will wide hips have a spot I'm tired of tryharding
that's a pretty peco face
oh so you're a persona fan
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In what situation would this stamp be used?
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Reposting the possible schedule of this month:
>June 30th - July 3rd Nephy-Nella ( lim. ) + S. Nea ( perm. )
>July 3rd - July 10-12th S. Misora ( lim. )
>July 10-12th - July 15th S. Neneka ( lim. ) + UE for S. Akino, Neneka and Yukari
>July 15th - July 26-27th S. Lily ( perm. ) + second Summer rerun gacha ( should be Hatsune/Eriko/Nozomi ) at some point + UE2s for some of those characters
>July 26-27th - July 31st Astral Yui & Hiyori rerun
It's universal
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may I introduce you to Persona fans?
if you're a kotturd
this but a new clan not associated with the trooncords
we have one already
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We have 1 spot
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UE2 will save her... in 1 year...
it is used right after your clan rival start shit talking you
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What the fuck just happened?
It is used right after danchou lick your bussy, you are pretending to be mad but actually you want more
I fucked Miyako
Germany scored.
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I feel like they're sending poor Lily to die as a perma in the middle of the month after a prifes and Misora limited plus also the NNK rerun
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I reckon she won't be released and we'll get an Alter Maiden summer next year with all three.
forgotten global player asks: What are the elements for?
making a lot of money
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I'm afraid that unless they pull a surprise Chieru it'll be Lily since the banner announcement says Nea will be in the normal pool after the gacha which likely means no solo rateup
Kariza will be the third special
Powering up the girls in the lore
You may be right.
allows for more team comp variety and simply more progression that can be milked in various ways
For Cygames, it makes them more money because there are a lot more important banners now since most banners now fulfill a unique role in their own element. For the players, it makes a hell of a lot more characters relevant and reduces the amount of annoying overlap in CB comps so it's more likely that your waifu will be useful somewhere which is a nice feeling.
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concise answer
Yuinigger bloat
With Nephy-Nela, S.Maho UE2, and Houou in the near future, is fire magic finally going to be good?
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what are the odds S.Misora will also be in fire?
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Low, double fire release means Misora is most likely water or shadow. Lily too.
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*Dark my bad
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She literally has a water gun.
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It's dark
>memory shard
It's memory piece
It's Kyouka
>Solar Rain
It's Corona Rain
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It's yabai desu ne
What in the Quria are you talking about?
You are allowed to change 2 characters' elements, who do you choose and to what element? Why?
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I've no idea why I typed shadow, it just came natural. I know its dark.
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New Year Neneka to water or light, she should always be in an element that reflects her nature as a shapeshifter that's connected to mirrors or duplicates
Little Lyrical Trio to fire, they represents youth so fire is more fitting than light.
Laby should be dirt.
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Hope you're all farming S.Kaori, she will be water MT core
Me from the other game who is also me from this game's girlfriend is not like this...
I am because there's nothing else to farm.
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Abyss Battle will save us
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I'm screwed for most old welfares in general
keep farming that dog, she's gonna be busted with UE2, just like SMifuyu, HMiyako, XKurumi, VEriko, and SIo before her
H.Miyako was mandatory for one CB boss.
CYuki was better for that boss
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ah yes, the Moose
can I roll for the new brown yet
6 hours
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Would what?
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Go get more players /pcrg/, I believe in you.
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I like the brown but still not rolling until I see the ratings (says as an attempt to not waste his jims)
Sheffy (Princess) will save water
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She is so cute
This is what a permavirgin looks like.
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y'all alright ytboys
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Join Wide Hips, 2 spots left.
ctamaki por favor
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No touching allowed.
leave Wide Hips
too big
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Beautiful girl...
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When will it be her time...
Hopefully never
If it doesn't happen next month then probably never
Deserved. All of it.
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What time does the event start?
2 hours
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I quit.
Good luck.
See you in Uma.
see you tomorrow
bye dondon
Post proof from clan chat
check yourself
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quitting doesn't mean I'll stop doomposting till eos
Give away your account
Give it to me. I want another alt in Looplets.
oh its you? then glad you fuck off
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cry more kek
I left the clan way before CB
Also fuck off
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Join Looplets
So its just the doomposting schizo larping for (You)s? how sad
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That retard isn't me
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Join Fun Island!
I don't want to quit this game but I want to quit life
>not liking the current state of the game means you're a doomposter
the absolute state of /pcrg/
eos can't come soon enough
you literally inserted yourself pretending you were that guy you complete clown
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>doomposting means you're a doomposter
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>1 multi to try to get both of them
bro your gems??
do cygames really think that low amount of jewels would make people forgive them being extra jewish lately?
This happens every year retard
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He's a doomposting tourist, all he speaks comes from his retarded ass
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I am not going to have enough gems for this
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Mimi cute
Mimi lewd.
With how tiny she is at 10 she's going to be a legal loli when she turns 18
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20 mins last chances to guess Nephy's age
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What are the best DPS units if I don't have Christina
~secret star~
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Cowards, I want to know how dried up her pussy is
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well, one roll in and it's already going well. I hope that wasn't all my luck
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Bro she's so tiny lmao
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beyond belief
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my misora gems are safe
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What the FUCK
>Rolling before reading what thing does
Nea at 50, and Nephi at 110. Pretty decent.
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Summer Lily confirmed
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Nephi in 190 and sparked Nea
I was about to book a flight to Japan and pay KMR a visit if I hadn't gotten one of them before the spark.
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>lily and misora are both gacha units
who is getting chieru'd?
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Slimy Service, Hot hip drop, Haghag Slime.
Nice skill names, CyGames.
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when i slap her ass
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Good roll considering I had a decent chance of getting screwed over for at least one of them
>Under 100 for both
>Good roll
absolute retard
That's it, I'm uninstalling
So what do they do I cant read the runes and tl won't update for a bit, anyone help a homie out I can only understand nippon spoken
wait wrong thread, im retarded
The patch works tho?
Scroll away for a moment or look at another flavor text, then return to the one you wanted to read.
now this is what I wanted
Isn't the gyaru cuckshit? I remember she always hang around with that stupid shota.
She only likes to tease him, she actually likes (You).
imagine being so insecure that you feel threatened by a shota kek
did the red hair girl from the part 3 OP get added yet
FGO bros, Astolfo keep making fun of me.
>Rolled in 40
Time to stop
Fire physical CB core
So no tpup but does everything else ogey
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Karin has a summer portrait now, pretty cute.
why didn’t you post it then retard
you don't get it bro he HAS to avatarfag or else
Did fire phys REALLY need a huge buff at this point in time?
No they should've both been mages
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Not enough jewels because I impulsively pulled Maho and Kururu. It's over...
You'll have enough for Misora!
200 rolls for both and got AkiSaren + sparked Princess Pecorine. Now I have only LL trio missing from prifes.
Making some mixed children tonight
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This is not ok.
It should have been Misaki...
Biggest benefit of quitting is not having to see his faggot ass anymore
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and yet you're still here
Kill yourself yuiturd
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Here you go, you can also learn to bitch a little less since posting new unposted art of the characters isn't avatarfagging at all.
They're white you'll just get some sun baskers
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>hurr durr look at me I'm a stupid fatfuck yuiturd
Dataminebro can you post the videos of s. nea's gacha preview and her roll video please?
See how they ruined this girl by using the shota for shit like this?
Neafags are cucks in denial
both the girl and the little boy are cute
maybe you're just gay
Holy fuck go back you insufferable tourists are so fucking noticeable
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>me too!!!
gyame gyood
Notice how they instantly recoil in anger and seethe incessantly
Priconne is dead and these characters proves it. At least add a new loli for Yuki.
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Another wonderful day in /pcrg/. As if we weren't at the peak of the mountain already, we're still striving towards even greater heights.
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Summer is easy, just lucksack it.
Nephi chibi animations are the best I've seen
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kill yourselves luckshitters. diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie why won't you dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Why, did you spark twice?
max of 1 spark is good investment if you get both
Based FFXIVchad playing the superior game
>giving abs to a small child
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MMO garbage is just only a step ahead of gacha slop
MMOs are the only games worth playing
Only if they were made before 2004.
only a brainrotten mmo player says this
wanpan comp for special?
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S4 0/1/0 MP18
There is only a 6% chance of rolling 200 times and not getting either of them. I feel sorry for whoever ends up being that 6%
>S4 0/1/0 MP18
in kotlish sis?
How come Nephi and Nea are real girls but everyone else in Geo Theogonia and Gehenna are npcs
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Stay away from my wife (8y.o.) you harlot.
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Not entirely correct. Anemone and Kururu are real people too. Everyone in Gehenna seems to be an alpha/beta tester, while Teogonia are NPCs aside from Kururu because she has special circumstances.
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>>S4 0/1/0
18th master skill
This is probably one of the banners we got so far. Rolling for both these chocolate goddess feels so good bwos. I srsly pity anyone that does not have a spark.
What are Kururu's circumstances? I never got her
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The fuck
Is summer nea gyood?
Better than regular Nea by the looks of it.
home screen eternal gigacore
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She's from Geo Gehenna, she's Nana's cousin both in game and IRL that ended up falling in one of the portals that occasionally opened between Gehenna and Teogonia. When she moved over, the system corrected her memories to make her think she always belonged in Teogonia.
And it worked because her personality fits it too. IRL Kururu is a poorfag who joined the alpha/beta test to earn some money together with her cousin
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The second cutscene might be fog'd up in the mobile version
Who else are homescreen core?
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why is her avatar flat?
Fuck, I almost pulled
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>box still gives out growspheres
is cygames retarded? it has literally been MONTHS since the level sync. not even newfags (if there are any) would find any uses out of it unless they plan on letting us exchange it which is highly unlikely from the looks of things currently
Wrong, it’s actually rhythm games. If we’re being honest there have only been three good games in the history of the Earth.

The Idolm@ster 2
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Some people like to play as characters different from their IRL selves.
>Nea in 30
>Nephi in 50
I need whale tears so if you think about it I'm actually unlucky
their other options are weapon spheres which they would never do, and level cap rings which they give out often enough
Omniscient kais-ACK
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I'm so stupid, I let my pecker seize control of my body again
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>42 for both
I'm satisfied
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Not bad, if i do say so myself
My interest in Nephy has dropped to zero, so I won't pull and will just save my jims.
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Time to execute some kotturds
this except i pulled anyways
Wait, it's vanilla Nea that won't be here until September!! Summer Nea is different!
>Being this retarded
You should be ashamed of yourself for complaining when you read speculation posts from monkeys trying to predict things out of thin air.
t. yuitroon after posting said speculations
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>got both in 30 pulls
gmi bwos
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Looks like everybody is getting both of them.
Did you miss the part where half a dozen people said they were saving for summer?
I am getting neither of them.
Bro this is Summer Nea not normal Nea lmao
I'm only getting the MPs
Peak SEA technology
Is 5-starring every girl worth it or only the good ones (read: the ones I picked with benis :DDD)?
Why are Misora's eyes so huge
To match her huge tits and ass, obviously
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Because she misses one IRL
Can you not change formation order in this kusoge?
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>it's another butt wrestling episode
nyo everyone has a specific position value
>Formation order
No, characters have specific positions.
No, characters have predefined positions.
Also known as Keijo
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She's too pure for this world
Game bad I guess
I want to roll for Misora
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>nyan nyan look at me I'm a stupid fatfuck kotturd
what's the entry free at kariza-kyun land?
Kishi-kun's hard throbbing cock ready to enter Kariza's slime-lubed boypussy
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Kariza-kun as a reverse trap.
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Fire 4-10, full set
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gyame gyood nyow?
Not logging in ever again, dont want to see the 4k jims i have. So if i dont see it it doesnt exist and I win
No one cares faggot, quit the game and fuck off
Just tried out ssuzuna with the upgrade that's a lot of damage
If you want them so bad then reroll
You have already waited months for them, you can wait for a few more to roll.
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>That little twirl Misora does in the event icon when you're in the main screen
>Nephy's entire UB animation with the gripping hand
July is setting up to be another peak Priconne month, looking forward to Misora's UB.
>139cm with those racks
Main screen selection needs to be like 10 charas instead of 5
Haven't read shit, but the impression I get is that she went and made a small girl avatar for herself in the game. IRL she might be tall and busty.
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you should be able to solve this
>laby, neneka, nep
why is there so many groomers?
Petturds 80th
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Should i really pick PKot over Labyrista/Neneka?
kitafans 164
it's over for Quria Cult
or short and flat?
Fire 5-10 cleared
Nah, they ruined her.
>Looplets 1126
So, it happened AGAIN.
I had to spark nephi-nella so if s.misora is coming out after this I'm cooked
And people rolled for vShizuru hahahahaha
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Wholesome doujinshi of Inori-chan incoming.
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I ticketed her before she got a busted UE2 and I don't regret it.
Why do women keep breaking into Yuuki's house
He has a massive cock and they all want to get impaled by it.
>The amnesiac kngiht gets a harem of hot girls all to himself AND a nice apartment
It was over before it started.
I'd rather children break in.
I pulled her when she was useless because I like her
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She is, prepare your seasoning
Shouldn't you be on vacation, Nea?
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Because if you think about it, it's a nice house in a cozy residential area of Tokyo, not to add how it's somehow always empty because (You)r family seems to not exist.
I mean Peco just entered the house and hid herself under the sheets and nobody questioned how or when.
I was mainly rolling for CKokk and just so happened to roll her on the way.
It would be great if Nephi lets us clear 4-1 to 5-10 like Anemone did to the previous stages.
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She does
already the case
アイドルプロジェクト 85th
She trivializes the worst stage
I meant for all elements, not just fire. Or did she solve them too?
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I completely misread that as Eris, sorry. In that case, she's at least smashing fire. Very possible she'll help destroy other elements
Just spent another 255 CAD on the game. I fucking love hags.
Give me a 3-10 team... full set...
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We're about to get a raid against the Bandy sisters so it'll be a while until their release.
Anemone, PKokk, Laby, Shiori, RKokk
Based leafbro funding massive tits.
Which element
If I don't buy 3 packs monthly my JPBros will laugh at me when I join the discord voicechat during CB
As a leaf you disgust me.
I hope that's the case. Just being able to clear fire is excellent though.
>つるぺったん 80
Join つるぺったん for comfy top 100
Do you guys have voicechat?
Leonmaru cleared it full set in his video with SNea, PHiyori, Christina, SaSaren and Nefi
>Christina 6*
>Salazaria Saren 5*
>Saren 6*
>Working Clothes Aoi 5*
>Nephi=Nera 3*
Fuck off East Coast leaf
>can't use paypal to buy DMM points
>try to go to PlayAsia
>orders got rejected for some reason
I truly am F2P now...
Ah wait, Christina, VShizuru, AkiSaren, WAoi, Nefi. The other comp is for the Wyvern...
>East Coast leaf
Don't you disrespect me and compare me to those scum.
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Go to bed it's 3am for you
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She's CB ready now...
2 people are leaving when rewards come in it's over sis
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bros... breast feeding or maybe...?
A few days
little less than 72 hours.
Her voice is too much erotic
How did Lily ended up with so many evil woman on her vacation
Rewards are already out
Life's good.
While SNea is a straight upgrade from Jun, I already have all the other good fire units, so I'm just gonna borrow her. Better get the fuck out while you're still ahead.
women = evil
Forgot pic like a retard.
just recruit replacements
I missed out on almost all of the other good units, what can I do
Well that's shit.
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Pretty good.
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Technically speaking, Lily is also a former villain
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For struggling ones
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Look how many Neas I got.
>implying I'll get them both
If I finish the spark, can I get Christina?
explode explode explode
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Maho love
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UE will save her...
This event is a banger wow, actual kamige writers again
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sex acquired
Should I actually grab PKot? I don't have Laby and I will roll for sexneneka...
40 more rolls for hatsushio, worth it?
Laby with Christina isn't the first pairing most people would use, but if you are new get PKot or Neneka between people you mentioned.
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At least I got a few missing prifes while pulling this fucking bait&switch.
Shiori will die right now if you don't
I'm glad I didn't roll.
Done with the hag too
so is Nephy as good as Laby
>bait and switch
I hope the game dies soon. kys monkeyman
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>More fucking hags
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I hope you're ready for the next summer event to be only hags too.
>lolischizo woke up to bitch and cry about something as simple as "slime girl makes her body bigger" his little peanut brain can't wrap itself around
There is nothing there that is sex.
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dick edit when?
Invalid opinion
>the kotturd in my mind
Summer LL broke Cygames
Which is a better use for my spark schizo rino or the new nea?
If I own 8 alts and my wife owns 3, how many am I supposed to give her if we get a divorce?
>60 rolls
>3x Nea
>1x Neph
shit game
>X.Chris bonds required
They're used together in most of the new fire deep quest comps.
No response to legitimate gameplay questions? This is why this general died.
no one replied because Summer Nea is new and no one has experience with her yet.
ShizuRino sees occasional use, but not really that frequently. No one can tell you yet how often SNea will be used though.
Nephy is the better pick over ShizoRino though in case you mixed up her and Nea
ask on arenacord
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This event once again reinforces what I've believed for a long time.
Priconne, and its writers, are masters at making compelling character driven narrative. This event, Criminal Rookie and I Wish are a testament at how well arc 2 delved into creating characters that are unique and push the boundary of what a, at first glance, cheerful galge like this can do.
When it comes down to it, quality is present both in the voice actresses and actors who provide their performances but also on the reader's side to be invested by going through the paces of the story.
I keep being surprised by how they choose specific characters for events thinking it might be at random, but no it's never random even for characters who are NPCs like Kariza now or Isla/Shinatsu or even in smaller events, they're there for a purpose and it helps a lot.
Without delving into spoilers, easily another 10/10 event. The presentation is also at the top of the world once again.
didnt ask
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Need somebody to make a stitch of this bit.
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Misora is so fucking hot.
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>she's going to fingerbang my prostate
join Looplets
Did danchou finally genocide the slackers?
I want to be abducted by these evil women...
S rank soon
>summer nea is not limited
Imagine if we have limited Riri and Misora...
got her
but at what price...
I don't have enough for a spark anymore (nor am I near one).
>those connect coins
yes, I'm too stupid to know what to use them for...
MPs. All the MPs.
I was happy I got both of them but
>flattie isn't actually flat
I'll see what sort of characters will crop up over the next few months but I might just uninstall soon...
what's an "MP"?
You're supposed to spend them on masterpieces, you're griefing yourself.
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Mario party jamboree
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be patient...
I'm just a kotturd...
I don't even know what this "masterpiece" is and how am I supposed to use them...
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Buy the masterpieces from the connect shop and raise your master skills with them.
Don't buy anything other than masterpieces no matter how tempted you are.
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sex with this cute little kotchad
I forgot that "princess knight level" thing existed
I've literally spent all of mine on UE spheres
m-maybe I will finally be able to beat fire DQ 1-10 with this hahaha...
kindly explode, anon
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>We beat Raziel
Holy kek
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You are perfect for looplets
Already in fun island, and I love my clan...
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Thanks for staying.
He'd fit right in with the guy who's still PK level 1 at max level
Loopletbros...our response
This is why blue archive won
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She looks so much better in-game, it's not even funny.
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I hope this breast expansion gimmick won't be around for much longer.
Is your princess knight level exposed?
can everyone know how low my level is?
Any slot for 1 in Ayumisters or Wide Hips?
Yes, anyone can see it.
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Apply to Ayumisters.
Is there a way to hide it?
how can I see if this is true?
I want to be sekuhara'd by nea at the beach, too...
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You can't hide it, go look at your clanmates' or anyone else's profile card.
noob exposed
Can someone leak PK scores so we can laugh
The next roster will include PK levels
anyone can post a profile card showing the part where the prince's knight level is exposed?
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Our daddies told us not to be ashamed of our PK levels
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Where it says Princess Knight.
>Yeah, i see that. Your daddy gave you good advice.
What happened to those tsurupettan trannies?
oh shit...
it was true then
I feel so ashamed now
I'm right here.
I'm right here
I'm right here and so is my alt.
cb is over, where are the roster leaks?
Is she making a Danganronpa reference here?
Thinking about cunny that is actually cunny.
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We are so back priconiggas…
Literally every clan has alts, except fun island maybe
Considering there's no suptix or the like, actually very good. Especially since Misora follows it up, then NNK then Lily.
We're so back.
>The new prifes bonds are nearly 2 hours long
Christ they're really going hard on the game
fun island had a couple of alts during cb and then left after cb
we had no roster update since april, leakertranny is dead
eos status?
I got both of the new characters syo I’m hope posting
postponed for after summer
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fun island surely has some alts, just not the corresponding mains
That's sad desu.
Quria Clan has no alts
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Nea's voice
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I genuinely am impressed by her range to be voicing Nephy Nella like this
My hagwife, Memcho
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this translation engine was trained on too many porn novels I feel
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I got Nephy at 170 so I finished the spark for Nea at 200, one of the rare times I ended up rolling for permas. I think the last time was either Summer Yui or Summer Kyouka, whichever one was more recent. Ended up getting Cafe Tamaki and Commander Eriko on my way to the spark and a lot of SSR dupes. Not bad, but I hope my luck is better since there's at least 4 more Summer Lims I'm aiming for including Misora
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My alt keeps sparking for a while now. Sucks that my gem stash is low but on the other hand I get so many coins for Masterpiece that its PK is actually higher than my Main.
Kinda funny seeing my alt score higher than my main last CB because of that.
Yeah, with me
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Most Visual Novels have sex scenes so yes.
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My cheek... they cut it...
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>got nefinera in the first 10 rolls
Uhhh do I keep rolling for S.Nea, or should I stop?
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My alt absorbed all the bad luck today: didn't get S.Nea and got a Kururu dupe after I already rolled her.
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Also happened to me, decided to stop because my fire roster is pretty good already. And I'd rather be prepared to roll for whatever water units they release this summer.
My mind and dick are so confused, three 10/10 girls releasing back to back like this. God bless whoever planned this year alts
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uh oh...
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I can fix her... I hope
she's just like me
Now I've lost it
You are better than her. She's insecure and has no confidence despite putting on a tough exterior
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>She's insecure and has no confidence despite putting on a tough exterior
She's just like me fr fr
Literally me but I'm male so I have it worst by default.
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Just use single tickets and if you don't get her stop
how many clans participate in cb?
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Can anyone give me the summary of the event story, I don't have the time to read all of it
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Maybe in some days, I love Misora equally as I do Yui so people should experience this event since it's a personal rated 10/10.
How can anyone like Yui?
as long as you unlocked it, you can read it whenever
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There's other lolis than misogi you know
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I haven't read anything since last year. I will never have the time to read it.
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stop it, riri
So I was able to get both of these girls plus Anemone. Is there anything I should be worried about concerning their skill levels? I think I remember something about one of Anemone's skills shouldn't be leveled back when she released, and I'm not sure about these 2 new girls.
there's not much to summarize desu. nea and ranpha team up try wipe the memory of misora's misdeeds from the collective minds and give her a chance to be a happy, good girl instead, but it obviously eventually backfires and then they have to defeat the boss spawned by it
it's more about the characters interacting with each other than the story within which they do, and you cannot summarize that
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We'll get them someday
I think the only instance of skills "bricking" me was one single Eris manual so far, which I didn't want to do anyway.
So I just level everything and if it costs me a couple million on one hit every few CBs, that's acceptable imo
wouldn't be surprised if their irl is 2 fat otaku after what happened with nefi
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Why is Riri there, what's her role in all this?
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do you prefer the 8yo?
Anemone's skill 2 (Poison Flick) increases ally defense which can sometimes reduce TP gain when getting hit. But comps with non-maxed Mone are extremely niche and mostly for hardcore players who have been playing for several years. Since you're probably new and won't be able to pull off those niche comps anyway due to PK progression bullshit you won't miss out on anything by maxing her, especially since maxing her will help you a lot for survivability in arena and just getting through deep quests.

Nephy and S.Nea don't have any defense buffs so go ahead and max them.
She's a former villain, and Misora committed some of her crimes to draw attention away from Alter Maiden towards herself, so they'd get a shot at living a happy life.
I know I can kill.
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what an ugly dick

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