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PREVIOUS: >>483571298
fuckin die
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stupid fucking mistakes man
russians ARE niggers
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>Veno wards can shoot from the shadow realm
Nice game, dotards
Niggers and russians are more fun to play with than whiny anglos
Thank you based penguin
>Reverse NTR

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feel free to pick that facet if you want to lose
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Sending Deadcock invites to /d2g/ dotards
Post your steam if you want in
No thanks but thanks for asking!
Act III never ever.
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Gaben shilling deadlock and begging for free betatesters again.
>acc buyer on my team
>booster in other
thanks volvo for stupid games with complete meme accounts on both teams
reaching high legend was a mistake, games arent won by skill anymore, its who gets less account buyers
Volvo makes cares though?? Are you stupid?
yes my russian friend, volvo makes care
shartour is live
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>once again pick visage
>once again do well
>once again extremely fucking stressful game where 1 mistake will become a loss
>once again cant get HG for 30minutes
>once again barely win
>once again no energy to play a single dota game anymore
holy based
you played with 9 anonymous from 4chan??
>all in the same game
Total immortiggers death
whats the issue anon, cant handle a little soulful cancer?
just woke up, is act 3 out?
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Man, pro dotards truly are autistic and literally cant comprehend anything outside of dota, huh?
Watching Shartour play Elden Ring is like watching someone touching a video game for the first time, wtf?
I mean I guess it makes sense, you need to be completely focues on one thing and one thing only to be good, but jesus, surely he cant be THAT fucking retarded?
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So when you try to alt cast game instead thinks you want to level the ability and the skill is not alt casted. Any way to fix this? I kind of running out of keys to use comfortably, I don't think I can afford rebinding alt cast as well
Deadlock... won?!?
there's so much feature creep i've run out of buttons on the keybaord to comfortably press and i don't want to buy a mouse with more than 3 buttons
Just click to level skills.
they probably aren't jungling with it
masons showed the strat
easy minute 8 guardian greaves unkillable
it's thursday when's act 3
act 3 fucking when
Still 4 hours left
>25 fps in dota
>smooth and enough to play well
>25fps in any other game i pirated recently
Wish i had money
Is it just me or did the animation in Source 1 felt much smoother than in Source 2?
Source 1 was unironically superior in every single way.
just sell your dota items and buy a pc, bro

surely, you invested in alpine ursa hats back in the day, right..?
Don't call it a grub-back!
thing is if i ever get enough money i'd rather buy a car and an apartment than PC
aghh yeah, all those $2k cars and apartments...
im in third world
cars are worthless, the worst investment of your life will be a car
They can be fun though and the actually fun cars don't cost that much.
i hecking love walking 20min to a bus then paying what i would pay anyway for fuel if i had a car
car is the most important thing u can have if ur not some american shit
>Live in a real country
>Have to get a car to do anything
>Live in yurop :--DDD
>Country is the size of an American city
>Want to go to the pub so I wait at the bus stop
>Tusk blinks next to me, shoves me into a snowball and we start rolling towards the nearest pub
>We're both stabbed before we make it there
you sound slightly upset
fake situation you're can't be attacked in tusk snowball
change alt modifier in settings

how come zoomers ask if settings that are there exist? too stupid to look at screen?
Im 28 yet to get in any dangerous situation in yurop and i love walking and riding at night.
Recently my car door couldnt open somehow and my right door has no key hole so i had to open the trunk and enter that way, Multiple people including some groups and niggers walked by and nobody bothered me.
In land of the free you would be fucking beat to death and have ur car stolen.
10/10 post
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>why should i buy a bkb bro?
russians i swear
Any cheater bros can suggest a good maphack?
pretty sure most are jungling. because the facet really shouldn't decrease your winrate that much otherwise. so it's probably because people jungle and fuck up the entire teams lanes.

mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live mason live
Is it full on jungle or going offlane, instantly clearing creepwaves & cutting creeps while jungling?
even in the third world you cant get an apartment for the price of a pc, you donkey
and hardly a car, unless you get some absolute fucking wreck that will eventually cost you way more just to keep it running
third worlders just keep losing, huh?
unironically thinking tusk lives in a country you get stabbed in (UK) besides everyone on the the mainland hates the UK.
stack wards on yourself with lvl 1 wards and you can clear hard camps
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First game after ranking up my top lane feeds so hard, that by minute 20 the enemy PA has double the networth of our carry, wtf man.

Also why did I pick zues instead of razor? Never picking zues again.
I literally won all my ancient 3 games so this is a you problem.
PA is ez kills for zeus but I guess you didn't think about that
rikki six
>deadlock gets a huge patch
>still no ACT 3
yeah, icefrog is done with dota
I'm sorry but is late june over yet?
Yeah I didn't think so
thanks i missed it by 30min
Start of June: 1st-4th
Early June: 5th-11th
Mid-June: 12th-19th
Late June: 20th-26th
End of June: 27th-30th
I think they would've teased the patch already if it was coming today.
what about Mama June?
they just dropped a deadlock patch brother
dota is all but abandoned
Is that a friend of Joe Mama?
Mama Deez Nutz ?
sex with lina
lina's feet.
sex with luna
sex with hoodwink
fox version
kill yourself
serious question
How do I fight an aghs bkb SF as slark
pick a different hero
reduce his hp to 0
PA and Jugg picked last

Mid went even, top lane chain fed like 8 kills first 10 minutes. Also fed first blood going 2v5 into the enemy jungle.
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pick real fucking carry hero not some bottom twink who shoves a dildo up his ass while watching slardar ram naga
You just buy a BKB/Butterfly/Satanic?
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Is yet to explain this
it's the camera angle
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Camera angle shoves me onto dire with agents for the whole purpose of forced 50?
If we don't play deadlock...we are going to be stuck in the past...
to play the shitty game that sucks ass
there are 20k players playing cs 1.6 right now
I'd rather play a million old games than this bilious tripe
that's possibly higher than tf2's human playercount since the banwave only got the cheat bots
um... eto.... patch.....?
I am the past, I leave dealock for the 10yos
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yeah the guy sucks dick playing 10+ pages of support games and then suddenly switches to mid and wrecks every single game 25-2.
yeah this is TOTALLY undetectable and can't be punished by the most basic algorithm
give em the goofballs
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just maybe
he played supp for roles and behavior like some cuck
psg here

give it about 45 min
yeah for 7 years

there was already a character in Valorant named Deadlock?

: |
what are some good heroes to spam in low mmr around archon for each position? I've been spamming wk safe lane and gained like 500 mmr.
And is unironically the most garbage character ever created with 0% pickrate on the last VCT and in any major tournamnet i think it's pickrate was like once.
its 2:42 am here in Bulgaria, im looking over my shoulder and my neighbour is right outside with a flashlight in the thunderstorm and shower because he's a schizophrenic and an orphan, im going to try and play a couple of games while drinking a couple of whiskeys to settle down and sleep
Bros... Deadlock won...
питaл ли cъм тe?
mc you are washed up, stop drinking you fat fuck
sent ;^)
Maybe he just sucks at playing support?
mc is from Varna as far as i know im from the exact opposite side of the map although my first gf was from there and she's 30 now and 30 cm taller than me, i think my brother still talks to her
пaк нe cъм тe питaл, cтигa cи блoгвaл, ayтиcт
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just played my last game for the day, somehow managed to carry, but ive noticed more and more retards going 2:10 in my games in the last few days and just abandoning, happened after the huge r*ssian influx, of course
ok but where is ivy
Why is the writing for Crownfall so awful? I feel like anons here could unironically do better
part 3 IS happening today r-right
I don't think it's that bad but it's definitely too Marvel slop for my taste. I absolutely hate that there can't be a serious story or writing anymore.
>Skywrath duo and the bird god stumble on a scene of massacred bird people
>"This is disgusting"
>"Yes, indeed it is, such a sad loss of life..."
>"No I mean that thing" *Points in the corner to Pudge, laugh track plays

This exact kind of dialogue happens several times too. Act 2 is also overly comedic, but at least Axe is already a more funny character and the trio of two buff guys messing around and a nerd trying to get shit done just works.
just had a pretty meh game with weaver, but had the second highest level and xpm because I took the xp facet. the next highest guy was only beat me because he killed their entire team then killed them again when they bought back. if i had more normal teammates I would have been the highest.
mason on his period today?
keep crying
The people who set the tone for Valve's writing were Erik Wolpaw, Jay Pinkerton, and Marc Laidlaw. Marc and Jay both have weird relationships with Valve and Erik is probably working on Deadlock. So Crownfall was most likely written by some literal who trying to copy their style.
If they swapped out who the characters were supposed to be for most other heroes in the roster it wouldnt seem out of place, because the characterization is incredibly generic and lazy

And yeah its entirely too comedic for how serious and genuinely interesting the background premise is. This plot could have been really cool. Its weird that it feels like they treated Aghs labyrinth more seriously and with more skill
Valve has always had "Reddit" tier of writing. Just look at TF2, Portal and any of their games.
Previous story-esque events had significantly better writing
only women have periods you retard
holy shit that lina bikini skin is so good
PSG here

this is the comfiest post i've ever seen on /d2g/
Not really, just look at the comic with CM and how they turned her into nu-Harely Quinn ad Tusk with the memes.
they NEVER said late june in THIS year, fucking chud
Erik Wolpaw is the entire reason why Portal went from soft-horror to reddit comedy central
in the dumpster, where that dogshit garbage hero belongs
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10 minutes until act 3
Never read that
I think Im just going to move forward with "everything dotards make canon" and everything actually canon is fake
now thats just fucking rude
imagine hating Aiushtha of Deadlock, not cool man
portal was never not reddit and frankly your post is quite reddit as well
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Felt exactly like reading Injustice with Harley Quinn
Not a single thing in Portal 1 is reddit
Erik Wolpaw sucks and is the worst part of Valve
Chet was based
Marc is the GOAT
yeah, no wonder the same weirdo freaks that spam that shit, spam the ivy cringe too
bet you are also one of those shitters picking that garbage hero and being useless for 30 mins, fucking autistic mong
>Tide ulti has a 150sec CD, costs a lot of mana, deals just a little damage and stun doesn't last too long
>SF ulti has a 100sec CD, doesn't cost a lot of mana, covers the entire screen, deals insane amount of damage and fears you for like 5 seconds.
Someone tell me how this is balanced.
Erik wolpaw wrote for both portal games
basedsg i hope you're doing alright, im an originalfag posting since the very beginning retired at 25 and i was reading your seetheposts before that, i just stomped a game with skywrath mage on a bottle of 1L whiskey check it out idk what im doing
marc is a weird beta male who whines constantly and regretted the only based thing he ever did (leaking episode 3). erik mogs
>pick zero heroes with real ability to kill towers
They literally had to draw her face to look more smug and bitchy than it actually is to match that dialogue, total trash
>le cake is a lie xDDD
visage is a meme, sorry brah
hell yeah buddy.

Do me a favor and watch Smokey and the Bandit on streaming tonight
one has a long cast point
jk buy this item that reduces cast points which synergizes perfectly with razes and requiem and gives everything sf wants now
Visage is THE 'lose momentum, lose game' hero.
Also he's still getting nerfs despite losing basically every pro game he's been in the past year and rarely being picked at all.
u are a meme stop insulting based gargoyle
i hecking love the epic pro players with 13k mmr buying wholesome vlad and pipe!!!
I stopped watching movies when my grandma died in 2019, thats exactly 5 years from when doturds told me antimage was a viable hard carry and 5 years after i realized i can snipe him with riki with 1.5 items at all points in the game time.
how do I play this game?
its very chaotic
i don't think i picked a good hero
robot with a mega laser got me some kills though
hit the bad guys
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>I pick a dogshit hero and I deserve to win
retardbro, this isnt the deadlock general
i buy vlads on a lina 4 before i buy lens, same goes for bm
it is
visage used to be the strongest hero mid before dota 2
Fucking Jubei chat, you niggas ruin everything.
mason's just been pissy all day
He's slowly coming to the realization that being a streamer is the equivalent of a dancing monkey.
Dancing monkey that makes more than a doctor or a lawyer without having to leave their home*
Ill take it
stream u fat fuck
How do I counter Bebop guys I'm tired of this robot nigger hooking and oneshotting me all game
Just pick Lash and instawin lmao
These fools attack me.
>makes more than a doctor or a lawyer


bruh mason doesnt make shit
fuck you Jubei, you fat fuck
Probably like 4-5k a month which for someone with no expenses isn't bad.
he makes like 11k a month
Mason regularly gets 5k+ viewers, this is enough for him to make 6 figures at minimum per year, just from ads/subs.
And he could double or triple that if he wasnt autismo edgelord and was more normie friendly through sponsors
yah thats pretty good, not like doctor money though

its def good for what he has to do. on the other hand being forced to play dota is kind of psychological torture
i make 10k euros in BVLLGayria in a week bro maysun is a really really good player but he's poorer than a sudanese waterseeker
i'm the only person that remembers when you could nether swap creeps
He showed his monthly earnings on twitch pretty recently. He makes like 12k a month.
dang that's pretty good actually
haven't played paradox yet so yea
i was playing ench and this clinkz nigga came out of nowhere and to be fair i was pretty tilted so I just pressed alt tab then I tabbed back in later and he was dead, i was full hp, and he was raging in russian. watched replay and he got fucked up by my creep while my facet healed me to full kek i fucking hate this game sometimes
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>hot sweaty sticky Ench
riko stop drawing this dumb deer and DRAW LINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>sorapoi simping in comments
There's a drawfag cabal
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There's sweat involved, he has to put in an apperance
if riko experienced southeast usa temps right now he would literally melt
he's finally going full time streamer?
Finnish people think 50° is too hot
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imagine being a total failure at the *only* thing you've ever done.
Damn I look like that all the time...
all drawfags, all drawfags
draw lina, draw lina
thank you
This but make her human but with fox ears so both the kemonofags and the human purists are pleased
isnt that some meal prep service? who the actual fuck buys that slop? how do they have enough money to sponsor literally fucking everyone? my nigga, supermarkets are less than half the price of this trash.
yeah i dunno, it must be some gay zoomer shit since its on rtz

i said something like "Rtz has almost as many deaths as in an important tournament series!" and I saw him look over and get sad while he read my comment then i got banned
At least 1 out of every 5 'pro' players are cheating, hacking, scripting and valve are too scared of people thinking their game is a joke to ban the flagged accounts.
cheats are really prevalent in dota and people think they aren't but the maphacks and stuff have worked since the beginning of the game and still work. they aren't even expensive

the other day i encountered a drow who denied every possible creep mid, with drow mind you, in like guardian I. then when the real game started, he could never position, couldn't pattern farm, never did anything meaningful in teamfights etc. I checked the stats and all of his denies were in the first 8 minutes of the game or so, like he toggled it off after that. 24 denies in mid lane stage. fuckin agonizing
Why do companies like this even sponsor streamers? They've not gotten a single customer by paying RTZ probably thousands of dollars, so how the fuck is it worth it for them to do it?
europeans dont got ACs
hahahhahah they had "Severe warning for high temperature" in Finland today

i read on xitter that houses in UK are built to keep heat in unlike my house 'cause it don't get cold during winter like there
weird shit
Get a moped and throw a tranny on the back of it and buy some steroids before buying a car or pc brother.
I keep rereading the sentence you wrote and I can't understand what you meant
I've never seen snow
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>Freefire hoodie
>Tranny in the back
>No headlights

such is life in the favela, brother.

tfw no heroes for that feel. I guess O Boy O'Muerto. I played her earlier and she has this weird spell called Ofarta that makes a gravestone and then when you respawn you can int feed faster
How would you fare in -20F because that's what the north is used to
i've never seen a vagina
joke's on you I used to live in Wyoming too. Wyoming is like Ultra Finland
you can look at Rylai's
I think her nipples should be darker
I wouldn't know what it's like in either any extreme weather sucks ass so couldn't be me
my nigga it gets 110f in the summer and -20f in the winter here the fuck is wrong with those geeks that's a pleasant day
I have this vivid memory that one time in wyoming it snowed 6 feet in like, 28 hours. so we couldn't leave our house, physically, and had to wait for the military to come dig a path to the door
enjoy your vacation, anon
>2k viewers
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if only she had that face in-game.
why tf are you retards gloating about weather of all things lmao
go queue
no im going to bed my nigga see you tomorrow
where the fuck does it get 110 and -20?

man I don't even want to make fun of him, he might be a nice guy, he seems like he is? he never really has negative things to say, right?

but its so tempting to make fun of him at the same time, his whole career to me is summed up by that clip where he kept bumping into his teammate with lycan wolf.

like i'm fucking PSG and I don't control the game like that, wtf? I would never in a million years have that problem!
good lord
neat i didn't know it got that hot in colo. without humidity any amount of heat under like 120 doesnt really matter though.

south carolina days with 110 and 80% humidity........bruh
I think her nipples should have piercings
Wild thought but its one for the team
females are biologically more sensitive to hot and cold unlike men
What the fuck Arteezy started playing Elden ring like yesterday and he says he never played souls games, and he's already fighting Radahn
It took me like a month to get there0
why do you guys like this guy and sweatypoi so much?
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looks like jeraX
because rikos been drawing for us for years...
i dont like sweatypoi though he's always been a redditor
Arteezy gets 68k views on his elden-gay video. Purge gets 11k on his dota video. World isn't fair brothers.
I like riko because he draws really really cute faces and his art has a lot of character. even though his girls are cartoony, they can be really sexy. I like sorapoi because I am the type of man who has licked armpits and sniffed clean butts.
the Vaush incident ruined my boner for Willow like I see the hero and I look at his art but then my mind goes back to Vaush
>try to pay riko to draw keqing
>he won't do it

I still want KEQA
qrd right now
I love Riko art but he draws way off model.
Fat communist streamer uses his browser to download an image to his computer, shows his download folder featuring porn: dark willow (by sorapoi), a loli vtuber then bestiality involving lolis and horses
dota isn't an anime game so someone like fizz draws the most on-model if anything
why are so many people fucking sexual sickos today wtf

i would have rather had a christian world with sanctimonious people than this, you know why, cause they were fuckin right

anyone who downloads and keeps "loli" shit probably needs to be executed
purge is retarded and his voice puts people to sleep, watch him try to play PA
>dark willow (by sorapoi)
that's fucking hilarious
d2g is comfy tonight, I love you guys

we're in this great zone where we're dead, but deadlock is actually going to fail, so maybe we will get alived again

this cavern crawl shit is actually semi a little bit alive, I really like the DK facet skin and would like to see more things like that
DJcomps has a major case of sameface
his style still fits dota better than any weeb shit
sniper has almost no good skins or even skin parts whatsoever, except for the spaceman sniper which i already dropped, sold, bought elden ring and baldurs gate 3 and some other shit with

i want the mexican one but sniper always being a mexican is fuckin weird
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he has plenty of good skins if you appreciate stuff that isnt chinkbloat
nah his shits garbage. some of the most uninspired and just random-ass sets
>sniper has almost no good skins
>except for spaceman sniper
holy shit taste
The Great Confluence approaches.
I mean, it's all about timing dodges and positioning. That shit is easy for somebody playing solo mid for years.
you dont have any access to the idea of spaceman designs because you're a fortnite era pokemon lover
>3 KB, 108x125
Spaceman designs are fine conceptually but the sniper skin looks like total garbage.
>starts a conversation about fucking video game skins
>calls someone else a fortniter
it gives a custom projectile which is among the rarest enhancements, as well as a sound, and they are great. I wish I still had it

I thought about giving it to el-ente. I'm really glad I didn't since he got banned or died or something
It's already happened oldman, it's called universal stats, they just didn't make a big deal out of it when they should've
Really fun game, if you don't have CK, WD, VENO, Pudge, MK or Visage on your team and the enemy team does you lose, great game!

the fuck? weak ass hero
My fault senpai
June 30th 11:59:59 PM = late june according to valve
how optimistic of you!
Surely they are going to reset MMR soon because of all the double down token wintrading abuse and more?
That'd be fucking hilarious actually.
100% i believe a massive rank reset is going to happen in act 4 because its really really bad right now
How do you successfully play Nature's Prophet pos 5?
I've been watching some higher rating games with him as a 5, and besides being able to almost ensure runes if not double runes I don't see him being a ton of help.
You go back in time a few patches to when he did damage.
Only immortal ranked needs to be reset. No one gives a flying fuckaroo about guardian shitters.
I wish, not gonna lie, I even entered the game now just in case maybe I missed it, I bought left 4 dead 2 on the summer sale because I looked up steamcharts and there are 20 thousand people still playing it.
for noobs, support furion is the feed-speed express
its all about knowing where and when to go surprise outnumber the enemy
While this is funny I won't believe it till I see photographic (but ideally video) evidence.
so sheepo fucks jenkins?
i dont understand it either, but there seems to be quite a lot of people who are sickos
surely the win traders will be banned :)
surely they will fix immortal draft :)
surely they care :)
surely the fact that 5.8k mmr is enough for a rank in every region but in EU you need whooping 7.4k :)
surely they will adress the bug where one immortal team ~6.5k mmr has role queue but the other is free for all (the one with roles always wins) :)
the cabal is like a cult in that way, sex is everything
if you're not getting sex, you're not getting in. at the same time, if you have sex at the wrong time with the wrong person, you're out
guys our favorite dota 2 streamer has a vtuber guest tonight check them out
If she did she'd still have a job.
Mason is having Sheepstick on stream?
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low mmr puts you through some stressful ass games. i cant believe i actually won this. zeus using his jump like its an initiation into tiny gyro and shit. how do you die 5 times as windrunner in lane in 8 minutes
why dont you play a fun game instead like elden ring my nigga
i dont like playing elden ring at all, its mega stressful, it has way too many controls. i dun like it. plus its such a retread, i played them since demons souls, it feels like the same thing but with all the passion gone and now all the bosses twirl around like leaf in summer breeze.
What the fuck is Jubei thinking
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>go bot with an Axe
>absolutely shit on Jugg+WD lane
>enemy team bought like 3 Blademails against me
>enemy Spectre always focuses me down with Blademail Radiance Diffusal, then dies to my teammates
>buy BKB as second item (and a ton of mangoes) and shit on her back
>win but still end up not getting much damage because enemy team had lots of cc and turtled up
Spamming WR is so much fun. I didn't think much when the enemy team picked Spectre after me but I forgot that Blademail Spectre was a common pub meme until she popped it the first time.

Also I discovered that there's a token trader in the cavern crawl thing so I can just spam WR games and still complete it so that's nice. I feel a little bad because it goes against the spirit of cavern crawl but I want to just farm without interruption.
I love that arcana I wish I had Alleria and Traxex arcanas, I would learn to play carry and off just to play them.
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that guy has 2000 games..how can this be? this game is so fucking depressing

he was playing zeus with like, 60-120 APM
>it's a *** is blogging about his herald games thread
>pot calls the kettle
or something like that, i dont know that saying but you are as retarded as him
Is it late June yet?
That zeus is objectively better than you lmao he's just held back by forced 50 and shadowpool agents like you
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It will be pretty badass if they give us the Act III for the weekend desune.
>just responds with the same "x is better than u!" post for like 7 years

your actions are controlled by mine; you respond like a trite monkey to my posts.


here are your cymbals, pyodir
Some fucking weaver picking nigger kills me and tips me after i already have 3 kills on lane on his whorish 5.
Then kills me when im once again low and tips me again.
Ive never fucking played with that inbred ever, hes abusing strongest dota hero in fucktarded low immortal shadow pool.
bet your ass i paused every fucking time he died in chainstun and couldnt even get time-lapse off
I don't even know who you are lmao all I know is you're shit take your meds schizo
ooh ooh ah ah ah ah!
lmao schizo meltie
youre the guy whos dota 2 crashes all the time right and you say its valves fault ;D with ur romanian computer or whatever
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>>>483805492 (You)
kill yourself and take the slop with you
drunken brawler feels like shit
tread cycling feels antiquated but 3 feels decent. cycling through 4 feels like it takes forever.
Brewmaster feels like shit, his brewlings die instantly to everything
is support earth spirit dead?
if normal venge has hooves, and arcana venge has talons
shouldnt arcana Dragonus have hooves?
Ummm sisters, where is my aoe shadow word?
Are you living in a cave? nobody plays sup ES since like 2020.
no you retard, Dragonus wasn't reincarnated as a half demon spirit, just went super saiyan.
Doe pussy sex!
Warlock went from having no wave clear to having the best wave clear in the game so the shard is redundant.
>hes abusing strongest dota
also the highest skill floor and cap hero so keep crying about it
AdmiralBulldog is based and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
i dont have saved image of the basedjack with a watermill instead of brain but thats what i would use
Why are all the invis and obnoxious heroes that's easy to play also the best heroes at the moment?
Shouldn't the downside of heroes like Clinkz and Weaver be that if you buy detection they are not as strong, but they're still super strong even at the highest ranked games.

How does this make sense?
So many subhuman ruspigs in this general, holy shit, biden must send more bombs to them
>alt right click now show range on shit like blink dagger
based valve making the alt right stronger
id rather see him send you instead. lmao
Everyone in the UK hates the UK.
It's like MAGA, either we hate Britbongs who look wrong or we hate the Britbongs who treat those Britbongs like shit. Either way 100% internalised hate.
Drows highground damage bonus works with denies. Very easy to deny loads from mid.
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Say what y'all will about the Ruskies they do get some things right.
wish she denied my loads with her mouth

Remember that you racist, m*son-watching, women-hating chuds!
>quits as soon as the game actually becomes hard
unlucky, better luck in battle aces or whatever other starcraft clone comes out next
he was simply to wholesome for rotten piss ass dota
Why is Weaver a support pick?
high skill
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take the safe lane Leshrac pill
Drop 1 of your replay codes
oppressive during laning stage and forces people to buy detection
i never played this hero
what items
mana boots -> kaya -> bloodstone -> eternal shroud -> shivas
>play 4 games
>lose each one because teammates are drooling retards
>get 4 Walking Tokens when I need a fucking Disabler + Nuker Token
love how confidently this retard talks while being wrong
Nobody's gonna play deadlock.
There are at least 3 new upcoming hero shooters and people are already hating each and every one of them, now imagine valve rolling in saying "hey guess what new game we have" while already having dying hero shooter they don't care about. Deadlock will be a flop worse than artifact, mark my words.
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what a useless garbage
i want to cum inside hoodwink
that infinite late game potential tho
I'm on an eight game win streak right now, and ranked anxiety is kicking in. I just know Gabe sooner or later will send me his most tilted retards to balance out my experience or some shit.
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I don't like how dying as a support is necessary nowadays.

>less downtime than waiting for regen in the lane
>refilling mid is worth more than a support death in the first 5 minutes
>can bring items to your carry faster than sending a courier over

If haven't died at least once as a support in the first 10 minutes then you're doing it wrong.
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>Manage to cut a MK's tree before the teamfight begins
>I win an enemy duel then he teamwipes
show ur MMR :)

cope harder, you dying as support is maybe in 10% of games a necessity. you can keep telling yourself " well i had to die there" but in reality a good support has also good positioning that makes him surive.
Insider here
There has never been any Ringmaster. Yall got mandela'd
im uncalibrated but getting matched against crusaders
You're a retard. I'm watching pro streams and they literally tell you that it's better to die than hanging out with no regen , no mana, no hp after an engagement because once they respawn they'll have full items and regen while you're waiting for your courier to bring your fucking clarity or mango, while your carry or offlaner will be zoned out completely. And by dying I don't mean dying like a retard just running under tower like what players in your bracket do, they mean trying to die while also getting a kill.
There are grubs among you.
so what your saying is that its your fault in the first place to not have regen on you as a support but instead ferry it out to you when its already to late. got it. 2k mmr i guess.
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Is this enough of a change to make his lane not completely griefed?
Nigger only sub2k faggots like you buy mana regen at the start of the game.
>no Vietcong skin for Treant
despite what you might think, if you dont buy a mango on a support. you belong in the trash.

and with the first bounty runes its your job to get a sentry and more regen..
get it together, Valve
Do you have reading comprehension? I never said you can;t buy after the start do I?
>it's PSG
and im telling you that you still buy regen at the start of the game as a support. be it a manga, fairy fire or simply tangos.

but ofc, you seem to know better and only forced 50 :) and your bad teammates are holding you back, i gotchu.
dont reply to who?

im closing this thread early tonight
whatever man. I think I'm gonna follow what good players say than some guy who never went past crusader.
the new pudge hook range is fuckign me up
yes the many good players who rather die, then ferry themselve regen in advance, i see so many of them in pro games. stay at ur 2k mmr and keep complaining about others instead of improving urself.

and at the next TI count the times where the supports suicide themselves. its gonna be close to 0.
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This is me when you were making waves in your herald games.
heralds are precious and we must cherish them
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Different times. heralds nowadays are as rare as top 300 immortals.
New hero: Bogdanoff
Q: The Call. Bogdanoff calls an enemy hero. They can answer the call by walking closer to him . If they stand still or move further away, they lose health/mana per second.
W: Dump it. Bogdanoff manipulates the market, causing enemy purchases to be % more expensive in the next 30s. 30s cooldown but only starts ticking down after the effect duration is over
E: Feign Death. Can be manually cast but also automatically cast when health is below 10% max. Plays out the normal death animation and hides your hero. All UIs (including death announcement) are played out as if you died. Hide duration lasts up to 4/6/8/10s.
R: Possession. Bogdanoff BOGG'S an enemy hero, turning their head into Bogdanoff's. This channels up to 5/7/9s during which you gain full control of the enemy hero. Pierces BKB.
>hides account name
>posts mmr rating from like 10 years ago

ok buddy, ii guess hit close to the mark with the 2k mmr. otherwise you wouldnt be pathetic and show off with 10 year old mmr numbers.
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Because I don;t play that much anymore? and yet I'm still better than you ever will. heck you don't even play ranked right? I remember you saying that to me.
what the fuck are you talking about? i dont even know who you are.

if you dont play that much anymore why are you arguing like you have some deep knowledge about the current laning stage.
Sven is a grief pick.
>heck you don't even play ranked right? I remember you saying that to me.
real schizo hours
>what the fuck are you talking about? i dont even know who you are.
your ramblings sound like some of our resident schizo.
>if you dont play that much anymore why are you arguing like you have some deep knowledge about the current laning stage.
I never stopped watching dota and played a few games here and there, and everyone good at the game does and says the same thing, all the while some random dotard who hasn't reached legend is typing out bullshit, calling out 2k players like he's a numbered immortal or whatever.
idk, i dont post here often.

again, i implore you to watch any kind of higer tier of dota. the suicide strat simply isnt done anymore, you will maybe see it done one time at TI or riyadh.

and why is that? because you get regen at the start, then you ferry regen with bountys at min 0.
that regen alone should last you to around min2 where you can either ferry the next set of regen and sentinel to you OR you contest and take the water rune / lotus.

now if you are that kind of support who doesnt contest mid runes anyways, thats on you, but dont spew some kind of bullshit like "pros suciide all the time when they have low regen" when its not the case.

fuck, you can even go to the top/ bot of the map where you get enhanced mana / life reg and do a stack in ur downtime.

so many solutions that are actually usefull instead of suiciding for respawn time and your walk back to the lane
>facet 1: Igor's Vigor - The Call drains health per second
>facet 2: Grishka's Will - The Call drains mana per second
>innate: Market Manipulation - Allied prices are up to 10% lower based on how close they are to the Bogdanoff.
>shard: feign death can be cast on allies and grants mana regen while they are hidden
>scepter: The Call is now an aoe ability.
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Boob sweat
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why is everyone so good at the game now
How much do you think that number would need to change by before he wasn't?
I think you're misunderstanding me or just arguing for the sake of arguing. You're taking my words out of context, when I say "suicide" I meant playing aggresive and trading your life for a kill IF you are in an awkward spot where you just lost more than half your mana and HP, with your courier still miles away.
Valve made some changes to the ranking system with the explicit intention of changing the average rank distribution to a bell curve rather than population peaking at herald and falling off from there.
is this new because if it is he's somehow regressing
Will Sheever be wearing a Burqa in Riyadh?
why the fuck are people asking about act 3, this event literally doesn't give anything. there's 3 treasures out and all of them are dogshit. apart from that all it gives is 2 skins for invoker and dragon knight and they are both terrible. what are people excited about?
doesnt make sense, wouldnt lina evaporate all the sweat and cm turn it into ice
Act 3 is in icewrack so I'm expecting them to release the winter wyvern human persona
>winter wyvern human persona
One month of added delay was added to the queue.
i've been watching all the true sights recently but can't find the secret vs tundra one, anyone got a link?
Valve cancelled it after sending the footage to 5 different editing studios and none of them being able to make sneyking likeable
I was rank 1200 immortal before they started giving double mmr tokens this year
Now i have the same mmr yet im rank 1900
The amount of abuse going on is baffling
valve deleted the footage and cancelled all true sights when they found out how hard it was to hide Team Spirit's maphacking.
Remember that footage of that crazy blonde woman "singing" in the most awful way possible in the TI4 afterparty that valve somehow managed to delete from the internet?
Remember that video of moonmeander looking at his SK (old video, so Sand King, not Skeleton King) teammate, finding out he was a peruvian and then he started waving a peruvian flag, that somehow went private and can literally never be found?

Also that one clan_iraq replay/commentary video where he's playing W3 as human and rushes cannon towers, fortunately I've still got the acolyte rush one
it was ti3
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>dotards pretend like every hero looking like this wouldn't be good for the game
Remember the CLQ stream where he steals mid from Arteezy then goes on a tirade how pro players mean nothing to him because esports is like a heroin shooting contest?
they would all look the same though
125 big booba anime girls just wouldn't work
Let's do 80 big booba anime girls. 30 badass anime guys. And 15 monsters.
Remember the zyori ass/ballsniffing video
that wasn't lost to sands of time so it's irrelevant here
It would be bad for the game.
is there a single pro game where void spirit actually carries the game?
the hero is fun, but imo super hard to play well and super situational in that it can get countered hard by a lot of heroes
it feels like its not worth learning him at all when you could play something thats much easier to play and do well with
hes a shell of a hero he once was
nisha used to 1vs9 people with him
are US East servers finally free?
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what do you think happened dotards?
they tried to push hg once without picking off 1-2 heroes first
Ancient dota happened?
>hg against pudge and enigger
I wonder
nigga hole
>Late June
It's nyover.
Shadow Demon is growing on me, I dragged a lost match to 1 hour and 10 minutes because I kept breaking the right people on fights with my ultimate, if I don't fall on teams with subhumans I can get really good odds of winning it.
>pak01.vpk keeps corrupting itself
>need to validate the entire game once a day
valve please fix your retarded fucking game
playing enigma is a fucking drug

highest highs and lowest low holy shit
welcome to support life
its the best way of playing dota until you get retarded teammates(core)
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holy fucking shit i love dota2 just because i can call people niggers cucks and trannies and tell them to kill themselves without consequences imagine doing that in lol 1 word and i would be permabanned based dota2 <3
I love you drawfags
literally your own fucking problem, my game works flawlessly.
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this spell fucking sucks
it should be agha be default
what's with players seeing their teammate get picked off and still trying to join the fight
what the fuck man stop turning 1 death into 3
>pos 3 picks dark seer
I love these free loss games
>pos 3 picks the strongest offlaner in the patch
this nigga hating on 40% slow.
You must be south american because he is literally one of the most broken bullshit heroes in this patch.
I'm white Brazilian actually
>game starts
>go fb
>5 of us at their rune
>io and mk
>they both run away easily, not even half hp downe
>check team
>im the only one with an active disable
>4 passives
Dota already has fine girls like Lina and Luna and PA, all they need is to lose their clothing.
wow nice genshin impact character, but what does it have to do with dota?
Man I love you dota niggas even the meta fags shout to yall and have a great day
Forced comeback mechanic
Play flawlessly for 40min and absolute dominate all and every single lane doesnt matter while the enemy made like 50 mistakes in those 40min
Make one single dumb mistake pushing highground and you lose the game
1 mistake makes you lose the game
40 mistakes don't
>Social credit score update
>Gets commended often
>Commend other people often too
>Still no increase in goodie boy points
So, I got reported to hell and back or what? I don't even use text or voice chat, since some of my mates got sent to CCP hell for just some banter
hoodwink mating press
act 3 never ever
I'm thinking June 42nd
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You say
Late June?
I say
hoodwink release and its consequences have been a disaster for dota community
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this but rubick
fuck rubick
I want to release in Hoodwink and give her disastrous consequences
this but phylactery and khanda
U pick any of this shit u have my report, regardless of team
New hero: Merchant
Q: Tunnel Rat. Merchant creates a tunnel entrance that can be destroyed by enemies. Can use a tunnel to teleport to another tunnel entrance within 2000 range. 3s cooldown after traversla. Tunnel limit increases per level.
W: Item Mastery. Merchant gains a 10s buff. During this time, damage, buff duration and debuff duration from inventory items are increased for him.
E: Loan. Can be cast on an ally (yourself included) to magically give that ally some gold. A debuff is set on Merchant, causing all gold gain to refund the loan amount. Ability only cools down when you have no loan.
R: Animate Guardian. Summon a melee minion that benefits from your items:
- top left item's active is cast for free on its melee attack, at a reduced cooldown (does not work on Midas)
- top middle item's active can be cast once as the pet's ability, with amplified effect (like your W)
- top right item is copied into the pet's inventory, allowing you to use it with normal effect and cooldown
someone rustled your bitch ass eh?
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/our queen/ is streaming again
Never met or heard of a heterosexual man using this word, ever
t. anon father called him bitch his entire life
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Are we sure she isn't trans? Goodness gracious she looks rough.
why tho?
if she wanted to stream so much why not make at least a new account and new personality with a pretty vtuber face
This is just disgusting to look at
ofc not, you only meet with gay men, faggot
watching ephey lose 10 games in a row after she plays like absolute garbage in every one of them is pure bliss
I'm still going to play Lanaya carry :)
Even Left 4 dead 2 gets updates and dota 2 doesn't.
All of this because they are hair splitting on which hat they will put on the lootcrate for the gambling addicts.
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i can't play dota it's too hot
Lol dude is busting watching ephey lose the hate is strong with you keep up the great work
My nigga all you need is a box some ice and a fan there I fixed your problem
the fan just generates more heat along with my pc it'll just make it worse
i've taken like 4 cold showers already
Here I fixed your problem

Unless it's above 40C it's not hot stop complaining pussies
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>fan just generates heat
Have you tried not setting your fan on fire?
It's hard to win games when 4 people are putting double the effort you are putting on winning into losing instead.
everything generates heat
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i hate those CHINKS playing on us east. fucking FAILURES low iq, low GAOKAO scores. daddy knew you were a total DUMB RETARD and had to sent you to canada or america to REDUCE your competition you SCARED little BITCH.
are you stupid?
don't answer that question.
And how much heat does a fan generate?
Even if you hooked up some 1k watt monster the tornado it generated would be more than enough to offset the heat
not my problem you don't know shit about thermodynamics
lmao yep thats why we put fans in computers
gotta heat the PC even more or it may get too cold
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The real issue with heat is that my hands get sweaty as fuck so my keyboard and mouse are all musty
>countries that deal with heat and aren't sitting inside in 73F playing dota

uhh, lol?
you can later scrape off the gunk and make little balls out of them
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psg haters = sitting in heat right now
psg acolytes = sitting in cool right now
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i have this issue too i get gamer gunk on everything. its quite nasty and when i scrape it off im afraid the flaky bits are gonna go in and break the electronics or something.

i hear you can surgically get your sweat glands cut off so they stop sweating your hands. apparently its meant for those who suffer from extreme sweat (i dont think mine is "extreme") but maybe we should do it bros.
23 is the perfect temperature
hell yeah brother it's a hot temperature
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>Forced 50 isnt real

Why do people STILL spread this lie
>those who suffer from extreme sweat
that's to the extent that they legit just drip sweat not just wet hands
yeah thats what I heard.
still tho
dry hands would be nice
>dry hands would be nice

do the ullillillia method
Take a cloth, run it under cold water and put it on your head
>4 supports on team
>forced to mid
>no on wards entire game
don't get it
i really fucking don't
this nigger brood also forced us to let him solo and he lost his tower at like 7 min
someone explain dota to me
huh? just set the AC to 73

or tell us again how you "don't need it" and it's "wasteful" lmfao
im so fucking sick of this garbage ass immortal draft matchmaking
every time i'm forced out of my role they don't play the role at all
i had a fucking nigger morphling 4 or 5 (can't really tell) just buy treads phylactery and press e on people and then die
i'm not gonna bother to convert 73 to a real unit
lmao good thing you earned all that mmr
bro just think cold thoughts
The only reason you are not immortal is because ur team is shit
>be me
>winning as usual
>brood walks down mid and breaks his items
Yeah im thinking its forced fiddy time
other players had shit teams and they are immortal
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i'll just play deadlock instead
at least there's no visible mmr here yet
act 3?
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100% russian disinformation
If I calibrate at 100 hours will I generally be placed at a lower rank or do I just suck?
200 games played, 55% winrate, usually do very good and in pubs I get matched against anyone from herald to legend, but in the two ranked games I've played everyone has been herald
just play, if youre good you will rank up to a level with equally skilled people eventually
If you stomp those games you would get placed higher
If you are good even if you are placed in herald you can climb out of it in less than a week
I went from ancient 1 to divine 3 in 6 months and after losing 2 games today i can share with you that the only reason im losing games at all is because im shit
you cant ever not be this person if yhou are this person once

mason still looks like this in his head to himself
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As a jewish person i dont take kindly to my support golems when they steal my farm
Luna farted and everyone died.
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did they deserve it?
They didn't get nerfed enough in my opinion.
specially witch doctor.
Just finished my grubbing session. Feeling exhausted and a bit grubbed out.
Well grubbed
So yeah. umm
sometimes i'll masturbate in the middle of a game
most chaste cm player
McGinnis moggs all dota waifus
simple as
My favorite support hero :)
>mid Lone Druid was a shit smurf who got wrecked in lane and gave up so he sold items, bought a rapier and fed it to the enemy at 30 minutes
>we beat the enemy in a teamfight 4v5
>take the rapier
>win game
Gee I love that pros are so fucking bad at drafting that they first banned TA in every game of the qualifiers without ever actually looking at TA since the a and b patch nerfs to realise she was no longer good, which made Valve nerf her again so now she is even worse than she was before she got buffed in the first place.
what's with smurfs self destructing like that anyway
Cool support items, sis!
fragile ego, can't climb mmr and get trashed at their actual level so they smurf to feel better stomping people 1-2k mmr lower
and then when they fail at that their mental is completely gone because suddenly people he deems worthless are trashing him
some pros have similar behavior too, people like noone, ramzes, tobi etc. are known for such faggotry except instead of mmr they do that when they are trashed vs unknown players
my wife... Mikku-Ginnis
Who cares
Thank you! I'll have you know I supported a lot that game:

>Mana boots for my core in lane
>Desolator to dearmor so cores can autoswing the enemy
>Hurricane Piked a core who was running away from the enemy team, saving her life (at the cost of my own)

Hoodwink support is real and valid and we are fur-affirming in the Gulag <3
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wow i wonder who will win
if you're offlaner and you just can't lane against the enemy safelaner, and you can't farm ancients, then do you just go into their jungle to farm?
The 10:1 guy won the first one I did and of course I bet on the 2:1, thankfully they put it so late in the map I didn't get much time to actually use it or I imagine I'd be equally robbed
she is very fun. any tips on how to play her?
You go to ur jungle and get mass reported for being countered in a blind pick phase.
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>look up at score for the first time after going 12-0 and finally dying
>it's 40-41

I don't understand what they are doing while I'm walking around killing all the threatening enemy heroes. I really do not get it.
Buy Gleipnir and Daedalus and dab on carrytrannies that think four protect one is still meta
>40min game
>my necro only has radiance+travels and wasted over 6k gold on 2 worthless items
>has no shard either
>played with a hoodwink with a cute voice
>she didn't add me after the match
it's over bros...
your supports are farming aghs instead of being active on the map and using map control to give the other cores a bigger lead, which is probably a big part of why dp and morphlings items suck ass
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morph was mostly in the mines with the bleach op song max volume in the background
holy based. total furry death
playing mid in archon bracket and i'm winning my lanes like 90% of the time but what am i not doing that could really set me apart, i'm still only winning like 50% of games
That's the correct build.
being 7k

you cant really make that much of a difference in dota anymore. refer to >>483874547
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Love this shit
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Do the build I posted in that image, in this order:

Mana Boots -> Gleipnir (always Maelstrom before Atos) -> Desolator (you do this before Daed to start building stacks on it earlier) -> Daedlus -> Hurricane Pike -> [Situational slot]

The situational slot can be MKB if the enemy team has evasion, or Silver Edge if you need to break someone.

Buy observer wards, but let the pos 5 bitch buy sentries and dusts.

Playstyle: Stay the fuck back. Stick to the trees. Prioritize range-increasing neutral items. Start with Acorn Shot (always on its alt cast mode), then Bushwack on the tree that you create. Once both spells are on cooldown (not before that), use Sharpshooter and try to hit whoever your team is hitting.

Remember to always spam her voice lines after a kill to roleplay as le balanced lust-provoking rat girl.

Any questions?
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>lust-provoking rat girl.
lol buy observers you dont really buy them do you since its free but i hate playing with pos 4 players like you that dont like to buy any support stuff
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I remember that comic. Posting for newfags.
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love those games
>Necro buys travels
>never tps around the map
i bought travels at the end. they dont feel that useful now to rush
>Lose two matches
>Double down and win
>Lose two matches
>Double down and win
>Double down and lose
>Win two matches
For fuck sake.
buying power threads on arc feels super wrong. tried for a few games, but did a lot worse than i usually do with travels
Always go for the treebounce facet, the other one is trash.
so glad valve forces you and all ur bought account to 2k mmr
they dont. i never lost mmr on any bought account. you always say this but you cannot show one. :)

im buying high mmr account! ill ruin ur games and still win like 48% and float. LKMFAO
Getting perma low priod and banned before you can drop more than a couple of hundred mmr is worse than losing it all gradually tbqh.
its not the same thing though.
Yeah it's worse can't you read?
it's a different domain of activity and thus has different implications. "worse" is a unidimensional analysis of the situation which doesn't serve the investigator.
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these fucking niggers
i bet some russian whore played this in tournament
Are your posts meant to sound as if they were written by a faggy teenager or is that just part of your natural personality seeping in, I notice you type the cringiest shit imaginable and I genuinely want to know if you think it's meant to be funny or if it's meant to add to the annoyance
Both are the result of playing bad, and one will be the result if you perform substantially worse and therefore this outcome is objectively worse and anything you say to the contrary is cope.
He's a petulant narcissist that thinks substituting a couple of words with whatever the first result from an online thesaurus will make him sound smart.
>He thinks any of those are "thesaurus" words

Every time in history people like you have said something like this on the internet to me, I have cracked up. Holy shit, thanks.
Late June bros, I don't feel so good.
I don't think they are, however it's clear that for you, they are.
damn anon i feel absolutely slammed it was totally worth ur effort to type that. literally 0 on the bants meter son

pic rel: ur profile
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>49 to sub 45% WR TA
Useless! Memeback bait!
I accept your concession, kid.
we weren't arguing. you accept muhammudan cock between your lips, sweater wearer
Void wasted chrono, report
Daww, did the internet meanie hurt your fee fees kiddo?
>looks mad in his response without offering any competitive bantz
>so butthurt he describes the content of his hypothetical post instead of making a post
Time to go to bed, son.
Starting to miss Grubby ngl bros...
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too hot...
lina armpit sweat sideboob sex
I never watched grubby even once
>Frozen sweat dripfreezing from CM

I love you sorapoi
you missed the golden age of dota2
Is there an addon that tells me where are the people I am playing with from?
>mason winstreaking
>picks garbage meme carries
aw yea we're back, i missed his treant, undy, and cm carry games
those graphs mean nothing because there are always bsj and jenkins viewers who follow every trend and always shit up the winrate of good heroes. also it does not help if you select the immortal graph as rank 4k lobotomized immortals share statistics with below rank 100 players.
if you check their dotabuffs under scenarios theres a section showing what servers people play on
A reminder that there's currently 0 counter play to phantom lancer. None of the items/abilities currently in the game are dealing enough damage to clear his clones.
>indicate dark seer
>soft sup picks alch
>doesnt pull/block/stack
how am i supposed to win this
Yeah dude, that 100% winrate is insaneeee
im not doing your homework you sperg, google yourself
you do what every seer does when griefed, spam shell on every creep and jungle
Bros... Deadlock... won...
Dark Seer is one of the best heroes to play from behind, you shouldn't care about your "support" being a griefer - take it as a given. Skip waves behind the tower if you're allowed to, shell creeps or just go jungle. With this hero comeback is always real, no matter the chances - DS is a not a hapless turd like Tide or Blunderlord that completely relies on his team.
Thats what every dark seer does anyway, also this shit with the 4 sitting between trees and doing absolutely fuck all is across all brackets
wow no shit all 4 are griefers even when i watch the legendary 11k games on mason stream they are all griefing
picking offlaner that needs pos 4 to function is just gonna make you lose sanity
Name one offlaner that can do anything without a 4
axe, dark seer, beastmaster, tidehunter
hint: anyone who can farm stacks
beastmaster, seer, visage, enigma
echo slam him
>echo slam
>dealing damage in the year of 4k HP 45% MR cores
You're not clearing him, you're clearing his illusions.
And while they're all stunned they're not making more illusions.
So what does Specter's left facet even do for fuck sake? Adds 50~ damage to her q?
does anybody know how I can get access to my older chat wheel sounds like 'its a disastah!'? I assumed they were just removed but I recently saw a guy use the 'Aй-aй-aй-aй-aй, чтo ceйчac пpoизoшлo!' one and now I'm not so sure.
prevents enemies from using creeps to avoid desolate
Settings > Customize chat wheel > Sounds
If you have permanently unlocked voice lines they're there.
I found that in the menu but the ones I used to have from like TI6/7 don't show up
i just like being told what to play instead of having to come up with a draft myself
Pretty sure you needed a holo sticker from some previous TI or something like that to unlock those. I remember them bringing them back but permanently, or it was some kind of treasure pack you got from goypendium, not sure.
people have been saying dota is dying and dead for years now but yeah it really is dead now its just way too fucking bloated and done over and over again and the fights just feel awful
Yup, I remember it right, it was the last goypendium and you needed to open some kind of legacy announcer pack you probably got every 75 levels or something to get the lines permanently.
damn how homosexual
Didn't they remove all the Tobiwan lines when they unpersoned him for refusing to enter a relationship with a woman?
When did the Tobi incident happen anyway? We only got permanent stuff since like 2021 I think.
>t-this time for sure !
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is he still playing dota?
one day... the grublord will return...
No, but he mentions it from time to time to bait retards like you into thinking he will someday.
and also to give him an excuse to still talk about it to get viewers.
you fucking idiot.
coordinator down?
having issues too
tiny indie company pls understand
what the hell is that nerf on the lifestealer inate
Yeah sure their 5 sky or lion wont tag you and shit down your throat
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Ignore >>483837428
It was the TI4 afterparty.
Never happened, no proof
When i play vs ds i almost always double down because its some dickhead retard that goes aghs first item or mek
i remember pretty vividly. she wasnt really singing, it was more like rap with an occasional break into a chorus. no idea what the song was but it was pretty bad either way.
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Puppetmaster doko
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valve are such useless niggers i swear to god
Bulba could have shit up that street real good
You'd think all these acts would have been done when they released act 1. What exactly is there to work on when it's the same cavern crawl just in a different setting?
oh boy only 11 days!
>And he could double or triple that if he wasnt autismo edgelord
he's actually lost viewers since he was forced to bend the knee by twitch and became more normie friendly in the process
...whats the best build rn if it isnt greaves?
sorry the team is busy working on deadlock
Not him, but I usually start with bracer +soul/ring/mana boots into aghs/mek/crimsonguard/shroud/veil depending on the game. But I dunno I'm still learning itemization so I often fuck up
They think this stuff is cute or something? "Hah yeah we promised something but we couldn't commit on it again isn't that just like us"
If there is a new map skin or a new weather I will never complain again.
>soul ring
All you need is 2 or 3 bracers and mana boots. Never waste gold on soul ring. Then you go greaves into blink aghs or pipe/shivas/whatever you need against the other team.
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My couriers honest feelings after playing a game against Monkey King pos 4.
shit is so damn annoying but i still win regardless of these fucking monkeys sniping couriers
dumb lol hero needs to get nerfed into the ground, free movement skill my ass, dumb broken shit
this is so fucking funny, if you can't take a joke every now and then you need to touch grass
valve does not owe you ANYTHING and you don't deserve act 3
>june 39th
i lol'd
Shiva and dagger ofc, that facet having mentally ill and low iq 3rd worlders building strength completely solidified my theory that most people are actual retards
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honcast breaky was kino.....
what do i do with candyshop
on d2pt like 90% of ppl use the AS facet
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valve cuck got cucked
Get those jawbreakers the size of a softball
Candy for months nigga
imagine if someone could click on your 4chan post history
I just did... You post a lot in /x/ /hm/ /cm/ and those /gif/ threads, jesus dude
Laughed hard, Valve nailed lmao.


props to them, patch may be big, let them cook boys.
Yeah, this was le epic randumb fun the first time they did it like in 2016
this is fucking sad, and annoying now.
That too unless ur playing grim or something
This isn't funny or new.
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>reached 5k mmr
>literally 6 out of 6 games there's this kind of guy (pic rel) on either enemy's mid or our mid
and here i thought that 3k bracket had many smurfs. what the fuck is this shit
im nearly 4k again and like 4-5/10 games are onesided stomps
not sure if smurfs, acc buyers or a combination of the two
fastest i think was 19min megas recently, just gotta get lucky to get the smurf on your team
Why dont people give a fuck about roshan
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At lower mmr Aegis is actually a net negative, because it causes your hard carry or tank to develop sudden suicidal tendencies.
Im talking about divine immortal, they just pretend roshan doesnt exist, if i dont get vlads and stay there for 5 min pinging nobody gives a fuck, even if we wipeout they just get back to farming creeps in the jungle
Alch mid on the enemy team = double down
Simple as
>my sniper mid doesnt skill any point on take aim
>my offlane underlord doesnt skill ult at all until level 12
XD le only constant
Same with the tormentor, after minute 25 everyone tends to have plenty of HP to take it down with only 4 heros

If your team is winning and you can quickly kill rosh you might as well get it respawning, chances are you'll have the map control to get the 2nd rosh and take a rax with it.

Using the first aegis to take down the T2s most likely.
Happened to me once, the only hero i play mid is aa though, so it was good
Anon AA isn't a mid hero
Always has been
Any hero is a mid hero.
You have to be able to either push towers, or get kills from your faster level 6 and solo farm.

Or clear waves to stack the jungle between waves and secure your own farm.

AA can't do any of that well
Im watching karate combat and playing dota and i wonder why didnt we get le epic bruce lee hero but got a superdyke marci gay fucking shit faggotry
Aa can literally do all of that and on top needs 2 items to kill every single hero in the game at any point in the game.
t. archon
I bet you think shaman is a safe lane support too.
>AA can't do any of that well
Excuse me?
>Can stack with Ice Vortex
>Has damage to bully the enemy mid and rape him with Ice blast, can even snipe them.

The only thing he doesn't have is wave clear until he gets shard and has Cold feet maxed out.
because that would've been actually cool like Fei Long on Street Fighter 2 specially since he wouldn't be a mute and actually have some voice acting.
There are no fun carries to play in this meta.
You'd have to be a nigger to like playing these boring ass meta heroes.
Its built in now, you dont need a shart
Fucking meme facets. Can't even trust my own memory anymore.
Riki bf aghs is lowkey absurd, one of his talents is like +50 ag in tricks of the trade, thats like what +100 dmg just like that?
Yeah, I know about scepter riki (core item btw, you are griefing if you are not building scepter into 4 daedalus with riki) but the meta carries are so gay and boring.
You can straight up build daedalus with riki and you will eventually get a blink crit that will one shot some hapless retard, i once got stomped in lane then went yasha daedalus and saw the enemy void trying to farm the deadlane the just pressed blink twice, critted him teice and he died having popped his bkb in the 0.5 seconds it happened, got like 2k gold cuz he was fat and proceeded to win by getting lucky crits on unsuspecting victims
what's a deadlane?
Where ur tanktard in case u have one should be or cannon fodder 5 pushing/stopping incoming waves and getting info.
Sometimes the retard carry will go oh look many creep big gold and feed
Check BSJ's video
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>play brood
>clear out entire lane to hg by 15 minutes
>team does nothing with the space
classic brood player "impact"
I randomly heard what it was by rtz, he explained it in like 45 seconds
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ACT 3????????
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Sweaty Ench got me feeling things
if they let you push up to t3 by min 15 then you didn't create much space.
more like the enemy ignore you and went to abuse the other lanes instead, the one who achieved nothing was actually you.
you are kinda late, nigger, it has been delay by almost two weeks.
>put pressure on mid
>enemy puts pressure on other lanes
>seethe because action had reaction
As i said earlier today when someone picks brood and the match starts just report him right away so you dont have to later on when the game is playing out
just won a game ratting with treant hammer strat. they were so fucking far ahead they stopped buying vision. by the time someone bought a gem it was too late.
filthy coomer
>Underlord uses the portal not to get other heroes or himself to the fight but to spawn necronomicon units
Needless to say he didn't have any impact
Undergroid sux
>aw hell no
>ow ow ow
>ah cahm on
dude i laughed so hard when valve set the date to a date that doesn't exist!!!!!!!!
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You feel it too don't you, the hunger, the need, the all-encompassing being
Okay, no quickly clear creep waves like any good mid, Viper, Lina, Zues, QoP, ect.

If it takes you a minute to farm your stack what's the point? AA is all single target
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>Unlocks June 39th
But... but... there are only 30 days in a month!?!?!
i don't
U didnt laugh u were disappointed but not surprised
what is wrong with this picture.
>no quick clear creep waves
That you can't see anything good but I imagine you are drawing attention to how she would be grasping her butt considering it's about two feet away
each act does not need to take up an entire month
this shit is ridiculous. i did act 1 and 2 collectively in 3 days
>Taking that instead of the "give someone -15 STR at level 12" facet
Better siphon all the farm to lose the game when the enemy team gets enough memeback gold for BKBs
I only pick this shit when there is illusion heroes on the enemy team
why doesn't heart turn off if you take damage anymore
There will be 2 heroes released at the same time in act 3 or act 4
Because the idea of going into a teamfight with full health being an advantage went out the window like 20 patches ago
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Hell yeah
I already had a copy
if there is a certan nw or kill difference you should be able to abandon without consequence
Give to me.
goddamnit i'm so fucking jealous
>June 39th
grats man i haven't gotten lucky with any of the arcanas but to be fair the only one i really want is planetfall and i think it's on the "never ever" list.
It's obviously coming out tomorrow
This is one of the easiest ones to get because you can trade up. I opened with a key but its possible to get it cheaper than it is to buy on the market
My man, isn't the SK persona like 200 dollars.
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was this a justified perma by mason?
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not sure if i have gotten good or am i just abusing a busted hero d2g
i know this sounds like attention whoring but i genuinely wanna know if i deserve to be my mmr = 4.5k
he's not even live wtf
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Hold up dotards
is she jewish?
jubei is also half jewish and few knows
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it's the only 3 that doesn't need a 4. is that conceptually broken? yeah but its also a welcome thing given the apes that play 4 are
Jewish or Italian
she irish dafuck
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>june 39th
jubei lives in oshawa kek
does mars count as not needing a 4?
his passive seems hope solo laning
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>venge update
>projectile still looks like this
he went live for one game, lost and turned off the stream again
>verified accounts only in the chat
>perma bans anyone that says anything negative about him
>in-game he flames his team mates every game and then mutes them WHILE flaming because he's too much of a pussy to take any heat back
He's such a big fucking söy
At what point is it to late to get hand of midas? I've been watching a couple of faceless void games and they keep going midas and even in immortal games they are getting it at the 12-14 mintue mark. If a game is going 35 minutes, that would mean you get 11 or so uses of it. Thats 1.7k gold and whatever experience but at that point for the gold cost and likely time left in game would Maelstrom not be the better choice for farming and gives some fight value?
it's not verified only.
and he only bans when he's angry. otherwise he doesn't seem to care.
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>it's not verified only.
Yes it is
i don't get that on his stream and my account isnt verified
>off by 1
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It's not. I have never given my phone number to twitch
he's a pretty standard 3. ursa/mk/ck and a veno/CM/weaver would eat you up if you were alone
I just posted and literally can't chat because it's verified.
>get red spectre
>never touch spectre again
makes me wonder what the point of it all was

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