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LAST: >>483738505
we need another sexy furry hero
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Still not funny
The logic behind determining if it was worth is simple. You need to spend X minutes farming Y gold for Midas, and then make back the time and gold . Midas will only start to "pay off" after you earn Y *extra* gold with Midas. Extra meaning, you subtract the normal amount of gold from the 160. That's the gold half, the exp half would be "would you have farmed more creeps with a real farming item?" and that requires knowing how much exp creeps give and I don't know that off the top of my head.

So Midas right now is 2,200 gold. According to the Wikia, the Dark Troll Summoner gives 45 gold by default. So the value of Midas is 160-45 = 115 gold per use. To earn 2,200 gold at 115 gold per use, it's 19.13 uses, so let's round up and say 20 uses every 110 seconds. So that's 2,200 seconds, or 36 mins 40s or basically 37 mins. If you think that the game will go for at least 37 more minutes from the point you started saving up gold for it, and that you couldn't have done better with a farming item or a real DPS item for killing heroes, then you would get the Midas and it'd be worth it 40 mins later. At least, that's the gold consideration based on raw cost. Just because it made back its cost doesn't mean it was worth the 37 mins wait for example. But it might be worth it for the exp.

I haven't done the math for exp in a while so you'll have to ask somebody else for that because maybe you wouldn't mind taking the hit in gold if it meant getting more levels midgame. But again, that depends on if you can't get a better farming or fighting item that'd do the same thing but better.
You didnt consider that midas instantly kills a large creep so you can't say midas is 160-45
Its the amount you get because its instant
still not buying midas, radianceGAWDS ww@???
>Aghs on PL with 1 point in the spear chuck
buy real items to farm enemy heroes
Another thing to add to the math is that 115 gold every 110 seconds, is a +62.72 gpm increase after you finish the Midas and assume perfect use efficiency.

So depending on how bad or good your gpm is in the early game phase where your gpm is probably lower than whatever your average is at the end of the game, you could ask yourself if the +63 gpm is worth the wait.
I laughed
shooting my cum in lina's armpit
>assume perfect use efficiency.
I miss grant so much
Why do people keep saying Slark isn't an actual carry and doesn't deserve position 1
He can manfight carries just fine, he has literal invincibility. Stop slandering him
relies on people standing there and getting hit for power level

it works fine a lot of the time, nullifier is expensive

i think his aghs should be dark pact dispels enemies

hello valve please take that from psg: slark aghs dark pact dispels enemies

or it could be a faget. i mean a facet
I left out a thought.

It works fine a lot of the time, but when it doesnt and supports buy ghost scepter or euls or whatever, nullifier is expensive
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he abuses drafts which are focused on single target cc and dmg since he can just dark pact dispel every stun/silence/hex and hide from any actual dmg
i had slark do well in a game even after bad lane but cmon this is enemy draft and he has 3rd item bkb for the night stalker, literally any hero can carry this shit and way easier
hes just too squishy and ramps too slow, i played random shaker offlane recently and just with blink+scepter alone i rolled over him
Ok Aghs is "Dark pact dispels enemies" and it's hard coded to be a weird half strong dispel that picks out some strong stuff to dispel and mostly weak stuff.

Then he has a facet which is "Essence shift stacks give dark pact bursts" each 3 stacks of essence shift adds 2 dark pact burst for 30 seconds or something. Also reduces damage to him
been playing a lot of weaver lately, especially "support." it's fun because shikuchi is retarded and no one i match with is good enough to buy detection. if we're winning, i expand that lead. if we're losing I just buy shard and rat. but i hate the character honestly. fuck this game. why do the corniest characters always have the best abilities. skittery little nigga
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>enemy gives you cause to use one of the most garbage facets in the game

youre a nigger if you play pudge
>my skywrath has eternal shroud and nemesis curse neutral
Late june bros, it's not over yet
>not taking nemesis curse on skywrath
>not gloriously making their pudge abandon the fucking game by tanking your way through a midgame fight with your eternal shroud

your post indicates you have small balls
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now post a picture of ur small balls and receding hairline at 25

wait dont post a picture of th-*record scratch*

how is this even possible? you're in a board dedicated to dota 2. at the bare minimum you should be slightly above average
its what happens when you think u are smarter and better than everyone else so the sheer though of just going to d2pt and copying a correct build makes you rage
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>it's the correct build guy
What Happens To Our CrownFall Tokens When CrownFall Ends?
they are turned into potato knishes and used to feed starving children in philadelphia
Who is the most badass hero in the game? Gameplay aside.
i think Terrorblade
Nuh uh, it's Magina the Anti-Mage.
Deadlock won.
you can tell its going to be popular because there is so much enthusiasm to talk about it
What's the difference between Common and Rare relics in the Dota+ shop? Is it just for looks? The grid itself is pretty ugly and looks awful. Every time I see them at game start with a bunch of holes, they look ugly as hell. Is there a third rarity or higher past Rare?
commons are for every-game shit like last hits, dmg, tower dmg, assists etc.
rares are for specific ability usage
leveling relics just helps level the hero, its all there is to it
hello what is an easy but also fun and not boring character for noobs? i loved sniper but he gets banned a lot
wraith king
Bounty hunter
>win my daily visage game
>dont want to play anymore
Every day same shit
Mind if I ask how you git gud on Visage? Any specific things you do for micro controls, builds, tricks, etc.?
>get a great laning partner
>they fucked with my cs by autoattacking and last hitting my creeps
>win lane with them
>lose game because other 3 teammates are retards
>queue again
>they're on the enemy team
>they got the retard enemy Pudge on their team
>they do their best to save team
>still stomp them
Feels bad. Bro didn't deserve it.
I have 1 for hero, 2 for familliars 3 for both.
Dont overthink it just press D for stun when they can die.
Be selfish, farm everything u can and KS with W.
Scepter should be 2nd item, buy shard if you are focused by some prick every fight.
Im generally okay with 2 units micro like LD or ench so hero feels easier than Axe to me but i can agree hes not for everyone.
Nowadays i treat him as a good good scaling nyx. Pretty much phylactery->scepter->hex
Fuck auras, fuck vlad, fuck pipe and especially fuck orchid
Arc Warden
What's the build for carry Tiny?

Been trying boots blink echo sabre bkb like I used to and I don't really do much shit. Like I grab a tree, go in, do the Q toss combo, cleave twice, and then I stand there for 5 seconds until next swing. Feels bad once enemies get more than like 2k HP. And it gets worse with ult. I've been going 4-4-4-0 for skills and it still feels like a bad time and that I need more items and shit. It's almost like I'm only good for the initiation burst but not for right-clicking without being six-slotted. Like usually I'd consider shit like AC or after BKB but given how fucking slow he is, I think I want Mjollnir and Moon Shards instead and that seems suboptimal item progression.

Is he even a carry anymore? I saw a couple joke posts saying that people were playing him as a support but now I don't know if they were joking.
You need khanda. It does like 600 damage with toss.
I didn't know that, thanks.

But that doesn't sound like it solves the ASPD issue though. Is Tiny just a magic nuker for 90% of the game then?
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Quick glance at d2pt says most pos1 tinys go treads>echo>shadowblade and then diverge into a few different directions.
its all about facet and the toss one is beyond insane
sure u can play carry with right click but you can farm every wave with just 1 toss anyway and nuke anyone for 30min then scale later
JUBEi is so entertainingly retarded

why didnt u guys shill his stream here?
ranked should be turbo single draft
i do though
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bros my mmr is going to shit
i was supposed to get 9k, but im getting 7k instead
cant abuse wd anymore? unlucky
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i don't play witch doctor
some dotards shill it here every once in awhile
i think his streams are pretty comfy
holy fuck lmao
is it a grief to play Leshrac carry?
he farms fast as fuck and does quite a bit of damage
he's pretty reliant on spell lifesteal though and i think if the enemy team gets like a mage slayer, shivas, and vessel, then he's fucked. but i've been spamming him a lot lately as pos 1 and no one really goes mage slayer, sometimes people go vessel and shivas but the regen reduction from it isn't that noticeable
i've only lost a few games as pos 1 Leshrac. one was because my mid got destroyed by an Arc Warden and the game was over by 15 minutes. another was because i didnt get a bkb and i got chainstunned and shot to death by sniper and drow. and another was because this lycan was split pushing super hard and just ratted us and i should have went travels but didnt
but i think he can carry decently enough and it just feels way better to me playing him as a carry than a mid because he's got this big aoe farming spell
What kind of personality does one need to have to look at a hero like elder titan, see his visuals and his gameplay, and think to himself "I want to play that hero"?
>pos1 lastpick
>cant lasthit
>maxes damage passive
>look at account, divine 2 hit a month ago
>losses ever since
i hate account buyers
>>pos1 lastpick
what is wrong with luna?
He's one of my favorite heroes. If you like teamfighting he's like the ultimate teamfight hero.
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here's my mid xd
retard magnet
ee is back?
rain is taking over deadlock
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this hero is so busted i can't even
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here he is!
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this nigger account wants to steal my role
yeah you can't gain mmr anymore
im gonna hit 6k at this point
>the reinstall itch is back
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Kinda funny how the TF2 general seethes over Deadlock and calls it an overwatch clone because it exhibits all the characteristics ... of TF2.
I dont have a key :(
New Lycan facet
The Knot
Wolf BIte replaced with Wolf Knot. Works like Batrider's ult but you drag the target in front of you.
Only works on white female heroes
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damn these niggas tried to win trade but my supernatural instincts saw through it
post your steam, ill invite you
just doubled down a free win and my nigger carry decides to afk
troll warlord is the most annoying piece of shit in the game
>piss splits and half goes on the floor
heroes for this feel?
infernus batrider persona when?
after the bebop techie persona
Those are fine though there's nothing wrong with breaking Steam ToS or literally griefing.
Making an alternate account and playing on a level you've already beaten and could go back to by intentionally griefing on your main account isn't allowed though.
either my computer is going to shit or dota 2 performance is going to shit
someone please confirm they're getting sub 100 fps for no reason
I think everyone is having performance issues
dota is only working on by indians now
all the white employees are working on deadlock
you WILL enjoy all the kitschy hats and 429349324324 particle effects faggot, fuck your pc
icefrog is literally a pajeet, retardbro
ever since crownfall came i have to switch to heroes tab before accepting a game or i will simply not load and get 2 to 15minute ban
the main menu somehow drops me from 90 to 15fps its fucking insane and then the particle faggotry makes another slideshow in game
any illusion spamming heroes/monkey/ck ulti is a guaranteed fps drop
Yapzor is such a bitch
I just watched a pos 5 dark willow jump and solo kill a carry with 3x her net worth
why was this hero made
>play dota on weekend when all the retards are home from work or school + they are on drugs
>lose mmr
weird how that works
you really think a weekend 8k player is worse than a russian ghoul 8k player?
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every game
I know "Joe Fagsworth" from the "kingdom" of Shitsain is a worse player and less mentally stable than a ruskie on the same MMR.
But worst of all, it's the attention seeking.
Why are you playing with supportvirgins instead of stacking with farmpilled carrychads?
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bonus russian acc buyer ofc
deadlock isn't anything like tf2 and is an overwatch clone
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my wife
psg here i had that same hair in 1995 except not dyed
When I used to play, Ursa was a gimmick hero who would lane for for the first 2 minutes and then disappear into the jungle for the next 10 minutes while he rushed a vlads (because morbid mask's orb effect didn't stack with fury swipes) before smoking and soloing roshan, and he would completely fall apart if he got ganked during it
Now you're telling me he's a competitive-level PA-tier hypercarry?
sort of, not really. hasnt been good in very many patches
People realized that a farmed ursa is dangerous so they started buying farming items on him
PA isn't Ursa level
Ursa is now an anti-CC carry with a lot of laning presence and above average mobility due to Q
>Ursa is now an anti-CC carr

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another double down
I get no queues
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>play my daily dota game
>russian autist spergs out and starts feeding
>play deadlock
>russian autist spergs out, feeds and abandons
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Heroes for this feel?
agi carries are bad right now. in this meta, strength heroes can do tons of damage AND be super tanky, and they generally have better spells. INT and UNI heroes do shit tons of damage. Agi heroes just havent kept up. But Ursa is an agi hero that doesnt need to build damage items, and he has great uptime on his skills. So he can fight early or he can buy bfury and farm, build the items that are broken right now because he doesnt need to build expensive damage items, and he has utility in his mobility and in taking objectives.
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i love DOTA 2
what happened
>position 4 refuses to pick
>i refuse to second phase mid so a 4 can last pick
>he gets random treant
>griefs the game so hard the offlaner abandons
>everyone has dotabuffs
>44% winrate, 44% winrate, 46% wirate, 48% winrate
why does the game match me with 4 bums so often? how do you play 2k games and youre still this bad? why doesnt the game just obviously balance winrates between the two teams so they both have an equal chance at winning? every time i win i'm just on the team where i'm not the only positive winrate player and every time i lose i'm on a team of 4 bums vs multiple positive winrate players. why is it like this???
how the fuck would i know
we were 10 kills ahead at 5 min and he just left for no reason
was in dota the entire time
valve is just out for me
nothing i can do
>see treant is the top winrate at d2pt
>try treant out
>get dumpstered
Guess I'll stick to phoenix then
Arcana venge with human feet
You're supposed to play him like ogre, a big body that can initiate
I don't understand the retards I get in my team going crazy for tormentor all of a sudden when we're in the enemy side of the map
Every fucking time we win a team fight and are something like 4v2 they want to go tormentor instead of pushing tier 3 tower
>nothing i can do

Open voice chat in your game and recite entire "yes quite pungent my dear" copypasta word for word, with sound fx. This will fix your games
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>Pick Oracle against zeus, disruptor, necrophos/necrolyte whatever the fuck his name is
>I give an alchemist 100% magic resistance
>He consistently runs away despite being able to manfight anyone
>Later on he's dead and keeps pinging me
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hey look another acc buying nigger
this is fine dont make an alternate account thats bad though
Rate my spanish
Mi gusta sexo con Raigor
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oh look another acc buyer
I reinstalleded
Who do I play first?
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>My mid is a PA that skips boots and gets BF+MoM
>The enemy mid is a ? smurf playing storm spirit and going godlike 5 minutes into the game
can't have an algo detect those

The uninstall wizard
man, there a bunch of nigger faggots that play this game
how did he abandon 5 times
it's his family abandoning him from shame because he plays dota 2 and has no job
black people dont play dota bro
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the streak continues brothers
i said the n word in a match and that's why the candyshop isn't rolling arcanas for me
that's the only logical explanation
this artist is so based, she has a dota 2 fan site.
I call people nigger daily and I've gotten two arcanas so far :)
Post deer
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sending deadlock invites, if any dotards wants in
post your steam
literal faggot hero, gameplay aside.
guys listen
what if
there was item like linkens or linkens upgrade
but u put it on enemies and it will block next helpful spell on them like disruption
45 is what you would get without midas baka, so 160 - 45 is correct. The instant kill only helps with speed, but another farming items will let you farm more creeps overall.
is deadlock better than dota?
lina's foxpussy
haha, no, i dont think so
stick to ruining dota
its more fun, for now at least
also, has the benefit of games not going for 70 mins and making you seethe when some monkey on your team throws it at 71
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russian game and russian general. cope
>anthro fox lina persona is coming soon
Can't wait
Guess you won't be hopping on deadlock.
yeah, its a classic
next chapter is icewrack bro, I'm thinking it's winter wyvern
stay in your own server loser
am i supposed to dive backline and focus squishes as CK or stay at the back and kill their divers?
it seems every time i try the former i just get kited to oblivion without getting anyone while the rest of my team dies to their divers.
There's a reason I only queue on EUW
cos ur an arab?
because you think having sex with women is gay?
holy shit fox lina is so hot
what the fuck is up with all the pajeet accents on EU west man
Evropa has fallen
because you are russian and you can't read so you can't see the server that is literally your country's name?
Ha фopyмe пo дoтe чeл paздaёт инвaйты, ecли нyжнo.
thats just how bongs sound
anime website
already got an inv from anon
>anime website
Still not an excuse to post moe shit
bros, gorgc is starting to get angry
grubby is going to switch to deadlock
this has been debunked
lol, that autismo cant aim for shit, hes only good at solved gookclick games like warcraft 3, thats why he sucked at dota, he doesnt have the creativity part of the braind that dota and deadlock need for high level success
he his immortal
you are hardstuck in 3k
Im not getting the visage set from cache III without spending money right?
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thought ?
Sorry I don't speak ladyboy language
>4 radiances in the match
I euthanized
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is this you
Obsessed and projection
are you cute?
I'm a 25 year old man and 100 % straight.
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broodmother is too strong
Starting using Witch Doctor. Icefrog straight up being a cunt and nerf him.
that face looks so male in terms of its construction.
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>carry venge
>pos 5 magnus
>pos 4 PA
>im last pick tilted LD offlane
>somehow its a 20min win
I rly dont understand how a russian trash reaches immortal and buys soul ring on enigma.
i remember why i hate playing carry now
chainfeeding supports don't know how to support and offlaner and mid lose their lanes and farm the safest parts of the map and take the worst fights imagineable and complain that i dont show up for them
I think i might have neuropathy im divine 3 and i cant toggle armlet and i get drums and boots of endurance on sky first items, i think im a ferrari it really pisses people off how fucking dumb i have become but at least im having fun
I had to go fap to some thai shit because you posted this faggot. Probably one of the prettiest ladyboy's you'll ever see. Didn't this guy get like a modeling career after this interview and everything?
>be pos 1
>hard support stops buying wards because he's mad that the soft support hasn't bought any
>buy some wards and sentries and deward and ward the triangle so i can safely farm
>offlaner and mid start taking my triangle farm
>blogs about a bad game on d2g
>still thinks he won fair and square when enemies would have same problems
where is the offlaner supposed to farm? because i keep getting matches where they'll sit in triangle
i want in deadlock
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god I wish ephey would peg me...
Thanks for the detailed reply. Loved playing him but haven't played him in a couple years because I felt like I was out of practice and would be bad at it. If he's still strong now, it's a good excuse to git gud on him again.

When you say farm everything, do you mean do shit like split up the familiars and start split-pushing all lanes and shit, or just stay grouped and take as many last hits and jungle camps as you can? Though now that I think about it, since you don't have familiars split on separate groups, I guess that means you don't actually split-push? Any videos or streamers you think are good watches for Visage? Or do you have a replay code you could recommend?
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I actually would probably play Phoenix if they had stuck with the original model in pic related and given them a voice and personality, instead of random bird sounds.
he also fucked her on cam
Mason vs gorgc? POGGERS EMOJI
Mason wins so consisently against current supposedly top tier players it's not even funny
he didn't
also not a her
thai ladyboy's are not confused and crazy trannies that try to lie to you who they are
ok i don't really care who fucked her but some white guy with the same build as him did
looks like a girl ima call her a girl
that looks fucking terrible
I am glad for the design they wrent with, fits the artstyle much more
what about an amun-ra persona
how come no one told me about clinkz. skeletal nigga is fun as fuck
I'm making a new dota vocaroo poo where lich fucks clinkz
funny i just played vs a lich and i was the one doing the fucking
Blademail is the bigge
Does it tingle?
it froze then fell off :/
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the script so far basically goes like this
>lich: I'm gay!
>clinkz: I want to try being gay
>*hero pain sounds*
>crystal maiden: you're doing it wrong
>*hero pain sounds*
>clinkz: I thought you were gay!
>lich: I'm only gay for skeletons
>warlock appears
>warlock complains heavily about black people
>lich tries to get warlock to say N word
>warlock refuses
>lich says he's black so he'll give him the n word pass
how long did it take for mason to get out of smurf queue
fuckin 1400 games or something lel
six months?
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Inhouse 1pm Today!
/d2g/ in-game chat: /joinchannel /vg/

If someone griefs, grief them 10x harder next game
Rules are optional
Use your mic
Attention seek to your hearts content
Wait patiently for 1pm est
If the host is griefing, make a new lobby (lobby settings for all chat available upon request)
Blacklist is available upon request

Remember there is no associated discord!

The Lobby is up now!
thats on weekdays
>Blacklist is available upon request
Post it
Jones (lost 1v1 to hobo harry)
i like it
have warlock inquire about obtaining more negroes for his dark grimoire
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>q game
>1, Get an auto attacking 5 that feeds fb
>Game drops the connection
>I take the opportunity to abandon
>mfw it was only a 30' penalty
sounds pretty funny
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Lobby filling up fast!
/d2g/ in-game chat: /joinchannel /vg/
Nah this is better. It's one of the reason dota playership isn't as high as it could be. People don't like the character design. we lack cute heroes and I say this as probably one of the most edgiest people you can meet. Not sure how true this is but apparently this version of Phoenix was supposed to be based on Icarus, which would have fit the game better with Dusa, Mars, Zeus and Daedalus (Icarus's father) already in game or mentioned in game. Just makes for a much more fun and personable hero. I genuinely do not like the boring giant bird. Plus once the particle effects are added it would have looked great.
idk I'm kind of tired of all the kings and queens and princesses, gods, grand wizards and cosmic entities and their attitudes.
system working as intended huh
post it
Actually in the case of Mason yes it is. So easy to not get your entire, 3rd place TI winning, steam account banned.
if you can "just make a new account", and thats fine, legit, and accepted
then why would there be an undescribed hidden "punishment" for a good player making that new account?
Because of the way valve's anti-cheat system works in dota and it's entirely appropriate that it works that way. It's a good thing. Not sure why people defend that absolute retard so damn much. He's in normal matches now, he played against other smurfs to get there. How is that "unfair"? It's not at all.
Special case, the normal case is that you dont make a new account because your old one can't be used anymore
You're just being a smurfing nigger
That wasn't even his TI account. It was an account he bought off some pajeet. He still has the TI account.
why the fuck am i getting a cooldown for not accepting a match? I DIDNT ACCEPT THE FUCKING MATCH
Stops people from trolling the match maker. It used to be really common back in the old days, plenty of memes about 9/10 players being ready. The cooldown on matchmaking after not accepting actually improved it. What I find annoying are people who still sit down for dota matches, a game famous for matches going 60+ minutes, with no enough time to finish the match, and they always have the nerve to try to rush it and complain. That's exactly why valve added fucking turbo to the game.
what cheating?
If its a new account and only one person is playing on it, "smurf detection" should just add 500 mmr a game until they reach their proper level...
Or ban them for making a smurf.. but making a smurf is ok as long as you don't play on your old account???
Why would you get put into seperate queues?
you should be playing inhouse
/d2g/ in-game chat: /joinchannel /vg/

ask for lobby invite
why not just post lobby password
dont wanna join faggy chat
waht itemes to buy on support marci
pass is vidya
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>unlocks June 39th
>June has 30 days
Uhhhh, dotards?
>farm the safest parts of the map
this is the bane of my fucking existence, my options are walk up on these retards to reclaim my safe farm or take the farm sitting in front of five off map enemy heroes because my supports used all the wards on my lost mid or my triangle at 13m
Man I hope someone gets fired for that screw-up
People don't care about farm priority and don't understand that support ults are so powerful specifically to account for their lack of items and late game potential. Map is pushed in, we're stuck in base, supports are nuking the wave stealing cs from their late game carry who are always item dependent heroes. I swear people do everything within their power to lose these games. Sit back and save your carry you don't need the gold as cm or witch doctor or lion. Not as much as your fucking Phantom Lancer or Medusa.
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Yet, pushing lanes forces enemy to respond, provide vision and information and split them up for plays
shut up I swear every warlock player lacks a brain. Your three carries push the waves, support's job is to secure their farm through providing vision, crowd control, and saves through abilities and items.
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i hate the vision denying mars facet
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But what if cores dont push the waves
Bad core player issue not my problem, I will push out the lane because its the better play
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>Enemy mid Rubrick is the type of faggot who spams voice lines after every kill
>Throws at the very end and costs them the game
>He calls Troll Warlord "overpowered" and DCs before we win

take the farm if you've got a retarded core, but I'm genuinely tired of seeing my supports buy blink dagger and using it to blink in front of me to kill the entire creep wave, pieces of shit.
Love those wins
Specially against faggoty caster cores who are strong early game and shit the bed against itemized cores
how did mason go from 8k to 11k
is the shadowpool really that powerful? because im feeling it rn
he calibrated higher than his main acc was all this time somehow and then he just remembered names of all the animals, acc buyers, griefers etc. and won because of that
imagine laning vs some 3k offlaner 10 games in a row, on top of that they give you double down button out of nowhere and suddely u are 3k mmr higher
>june 39th
Valve coding truly work in mysterious ways
How the fuck does that even happen?
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bh support
its reddit tier joke
where is your khanda?
Yeah, but how does the computer let you write June 39th? Shouldn't the date program say it's illegal?
>SF with yasha and kaya
its all so tiresome
So anyone who spams that spic Caster voice line is a brownoid?
im assuming it was june 29th but they did a typo, then chose to leave it in because it was le funni
i was having so much fun terrorizing lich and stealing his lunch money i decided to get aghs instead
>be pos 5
>feeling good because i'm fairly new to the game and managed to get a triple stack and double stack for my carry (finished game with 12 camps stacked)
>Kotl 4 walks by
>carry gets nothing
don't stack in pubs there's a good chance the enemy will take it
He climbed to 11k out of the smurf pool so it's not just a fluke but yes he was gifted lots of MMR from the smurf pool
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Is this even possible anymore for Omni?
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>my spectre buys a daedalus
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>played deadlock with Slacks again
>he actually did good
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>Stop the game so hard and win all 3 lanes so hard my anti mage think it would be funny to buy swift blink after manta
>We end up losing because he cant kill shit
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I think clinkz is a bullshit hero
Why did he lose aoe GA anyway? It's not like he was broken at the time it got changed.
Based. And true too
If you lost the game after winning all three lanes hard you had way bigger issues than your AM's THIRD item choice. You were 20% of the reason for that loss.
This isn't 2015 anymore where a single core could win the game by itself, is a 5v5 now and having one player less is such a disadvantage the other team would have to be retarded to lose the game
i had a game where a teammate communicated by drawing on the map
i assume his gbp was so low that text and voice chat got disabled on his end
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>queue us east
>everyone is quiet
>any core dies
>somebody types "caca hijo de puta"
>pings the dead one and laughs with voice lines
>suddenly everyone turns on their mic and start speaking spanish
does this happen in your bracket?
I play with chat muted
yes (i'm legend 2)
got a month of plus from the candy shop. if I get relics now will they progress after it expires or do you need plus for that too
If you see "xd" your match is doomed and just have fun
relics progress without D+ but you wont get any shards from them
mi rhasta no kelen XD
Playing Omni Knight and trying to watch games between my ques. Only two available so I decide to watch this one:
At 26 minutes Radiance is down to only their ancient and a 10 - 28 kill score. Dire have all t2 towers.
Raidance wins at 45 minutes was probably the best game I've watched in a while.
I get more joy out of griefing my teammates than I do winning
KEK how do i find matches like this? no one ever talks in mine
make a youtube channel about trolling in dota you will bring in viewers that's some content people never done before
he was hardstuck in 8k for a long time
he climbed over 3k mmr in smurfpool
he's now posting 10-0 days multiple times this last week in 10-11k
conclusion: mmr is fake
he's in valve's streamer whitelist
mason overtakes gorgc today
you know that insecure faggot will permaban any mention of mason from his chat soon
he already did
Drawfagging it up
probably by using text and not a date command
mmr has giga inflated
>use your mic
what if I'm an ESL?
make her barefoot pls :)
dont join that tranny house full of attention seeking 3k mmr trannies
venge arcana
human feet
mason proving why watson is just a immortal draft abuser and lowest skill in history of rank 1 players.
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>tfw no pitbull chef hero
>mason talking about being low skill
lol hope he's being ironic
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This an item you can't get anymore? I can't find it on market. I have no extra candy though.
how about you fucking google it next time?
it's an old cavern crawl set from a battlepass
there's an alternate red style i think if you get it there it will never be unlocked
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Sending Deadcock invites to fellow dotards

post your steam if you want in
I hate japs and how the make every game for consoles and pads first i fucking despite how fucking perfect hollow knight controls are and then i play shit like rabi ribi and its utter cancer.
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i dont even know if i can run that shit
>redditfrog avatar
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>be slacks
>be dogshit at dota
>be dogshit at deadlock too
he's so fucking bad
he's a mcginnis shitter too
what are some good deadlock heroes to play with 180+ ping?
Ivy ivy Ivy
i guess some based grugg mele retard like abrams
or maybe mcginnis since she can just afk push and still win the game, shes basically the furion of deadlock
back to /v/, autistic cringy mongrel
Paradox works fine since her 2 is so wide you can't possibly miss it.
It's a joke retard. They mean July 9. Probably would have been next week but it's a holiday, so they delayed it again.
2 of my Veno challenges involve Poison Nova.
her 2 is wall, anon
izi carry es basura
The fucking time shot
yeah, the snipe, i was just messing around

you are right, im eu, but used to play NA only with 180ms when there were only NA servers and paradox was a very doable pick
hard to time her ult tho
>/d2g/ - Dota 2 General
I need good pics of Dota girls.
For research.
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gotchu senpai
how about you shut the fuck up no one asked you anything?
uh he literally asked you insolent tranny
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I can't tell if this has the red style unlocked from the get go or not. Valve made a really shitty item system that leaves some information either hidden or you have to google shit constantly. Then again you don't know if candyworks caravan shit is different or not and since no one here has gotten this set from the candyworks there's no knowing.
No one asked (You) anything you stupid fucking faggot. Also this is a new event and the wiki doesn't fucking state all the details. Delete your life retard.
>uhh oooh dont use the board for discussion google shit instead durr hurr im a fucking disgusting faggot who flames and im just pretending to be a retard lmfao
Yea actually he asked so... i win!
I'd love to have a deadlock invite but I already had a bad time posting my steam profile.
what are you, russian or some other flavor of subhuman?
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Have a tiny carry, I'm off in mid on a 3v1 and our tiny starts pinging. He has 3 people trying to dive him. TP back.
Enemy spreads follow him in a chase he grabs me for throw. Throws me on a high ground ward spot. Says sorry and walks away.
Silencer walks back and auto attacks me to death and steals my brains because tp is on cd. I've likely never been so tilted at the start of a match.
hereby declaring clinkz an honorary breacher. d gatez aren't just exclusive to league iykyk
>d dawg
>d shovel
realest squad on the mf block
What is this 50% render quality?
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Its 40
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Awww she fall asleep
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tfw I got a steam friend invite from a streamer girl named seene.
Loli pugna persona when?
Never, enjoy homo and uglies until skins stop entirely.
sorry but the next persona will be a shirtless male Luna persona
What do I do when I jump on Drow or sniper and try to kill them but they hurricane pike me and kill me instead? I don't have the burst damage to stun them and kill them before they can pike me
damn those nerfs really did fuck willow; she's below 50% wr now
>deadlock is getting more patches than dota and its not even out yet
its over, isnt it?
Gone....like dust in the wind...
Im all in for that
or King of Pain.
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Ugh, I'm soon gonna match with acc buyers
How can you play like this? there should be a point where you can't see stuff like some spells
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>finally roll an arcana in the candyworks shop
>its the one I already have
I only have one arcana and is the one the gave for free and im afraid this will happen to me
Also why have they not given another free arcana again? it would boost the player numbers by a shitton
valve is run by retards and evil people
I see everything just fine, it only pixelates all the map stuff. Heroes, abilities, immortal effects all work exactly the same
i hate centaur's weird rickshaw aghs
i miss the one that gave his team 40% damage reduction
The fact they have not removed that cart shit is insane, no one buys it except for when the game is already won and they want to troll with the weird cart, wait i remember that shit can completely destroy duel targets since the hero inside the cart is invulnerable but the duel continues so legion just stand there like a retard doing nothing
Yes, it's over for Nudogturd 2. Deadlock won.
Just sell the first one?
>play dota to take my mind off things

>can't focus on dota and i just feed, don't even have fun

holy shit its so over
is the cart that bad? you can can save someone and they'll be able to just attack and cast spells freely.
>absolute retards on my team
>18 min stomp
>next game
>aboslute retards on the enemy team
>20 min stomp
xD nice matchmaking
i'll be in shock if there is no another coal event soon, it cant be that hard to permaban every win trader and sea/russia bots
It last 8 seconds and costs 4200 gold, as i said it may be a good counter against duel but for 4200 gold you can buy better items and be more useful
Every game is a stomp now, like 90% of them. And rarely you get a good and satisfying game.

The biggest issue is the power difference and balance between heroes are so ass now, so games are nearly always decided in draft because your team has less meta heroes than the enemy team.
this game is league now, but without the rootkit
they added hero mmr (forced 50)
it's a pure support item but it still seems have great situational use for protecting a carry and allow it to dps freely
It gives you a solo stampede, it's the opposite of a support item
Reminder that scepter on lion is griefing, you should be fisting people instead.
20 stacks btw.
Why isn't fist Lion mid more popular?
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>they murdered Nightstalker
jfc is everyone in dota 2 like 40 years old or something
no flash farm
long cd ult
ok roll call lads

29 reporting in
37 Jakiro, Undying, Memehammer-Treant spammer.
I'm a 34 yo offlaner single and ready to mingle.
he becomes useless mid game when people already have bkb and you are basically a support
Lina can stun and also has a high damage single target ult except she becomes a machine gun with a shitton of range and damage
it was from the free arcana thing so cant
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If forced 50 is real doesn't that mean everyone should be at roughly the same mmr?
Pick heroes that can 5v1
How do I snipe couriers as BH? Especially mid's courier
Do I need to ward their T2 or what
One few people get selected to rank up
Why did they title it Deadgame though?
Because it's meant to be a sequel to dota 2
>play deadlock
>play against a cheater
Watching some of the NA East battle cup games. One team is asian and one team has 3 spanish names.
Dota is no longer a white mans game I guess. Back to Heroes of the Storm.
never was, whitecuck
>open game to russians
Sorry my Russian/South American friend, I should've stuck to clicker heroes on steam.
all my friends are on their holidays right now and we just spent 12 hours playing 5 man dota, just like men are supposed to do! how I wish I could go back doing this every day.
>hero can recover from bad lane

I like this. Even without the silencer we win in <45 I think.

The only reason I laned so bad is not being ready for overwhelming odds just totally canceling out illusions, and crystal maiden doing that fucking torte de lini build or whatever lately where people aren't getting crystal nova.

I never had a really bad opinion of torte before but that build is an abomination and you would have to be mentally retarded not to skill crystal nova, the best laning skill in the game!!!

Had to pause and adjust settings multiple times, next naga game will be much tighter. Like fishussy
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what the heck are you talking about
>hoy a las
Would you pay a little more for a Dota Premium Plus with region locked role que? Would NA Dotes be all Chinese Canadians and Hispanic Americans? Would EU west be 30 minutes looking for games?
i don't think the population could sustain being fragmented again
i would probably quit the game, queues are already absurdly fucking long. don't need them to be even longer
>play dota
>get a poojeet on my team
>make fun of his shit eating country the entire game
>don't get publicly muted
either my teammates also hated indians or they didn't speake nglish
no one seems to understand how spread out the dota 2 population is these days.
in 2014ish, people were spread between what, 2k~5k? now it goes all the way up to god knows what. a paid queue would've been nice back during the game's heyday but now it'd probably kill the game
Glory to pakistan btw
the spread is still only between 5000 players, stop thinking it bothers you
just the difference between 5000 and 1 isnt 6k and 9k but 7.5k and 15k
nothing changes for lower mmr other than ppl quitting and some arbitrary hidden pools out of valve's ass

lmao literally just different type of vermin
Its my birthday
Can't wait to waste it losing in dota (currently on win streak)
Gonna eat a breakfast and jerk off to enchantress
stop it with the region locked it was attempted and it didnt work.
fuck off, nigger. this game doesnt have enough population anymore.
god youre stupid.
rate my flowchart please:

>pick stealth hero (weaver, clinkz, bh, riki, prioritized in that order. mk if somehow all 4 get taken)
>if team does well: have fun fucking around, ganking and getting kills
>if team does not do well: rat and invis and/or bkb the instant anyone comes near me
>if they buy vision: gg
good morning sirs
happy birthday
Works up until 6k
>pros play insurmountable tiny for 1 day
>instantly nerfed even though carry tiny is shit
>meanwhile the real op facet (toss) is untouched
Act.... 3....?
new tiny facet
Salad Tosser
Tree Toss now also deals doubled damage to enemies that are being tossed. Also Tiny can now toss trees if no other valid target are within the vicinity.
9 days can't you read?
valve could've easily partnered with ESL or some english comptetency testnig board to incorporate english exam scores into dota 2 but they didn't because they're lazy and we have to play with this fucking shitskins who can't speak a word of english as a consequence
Icefrog is a pajeet newfag
It has always been an Indian game.
>english exams into dota 2
>make 1 typo
>50 reaction images calling you ESL pop up on desktop (you installed esl's malware to take the test)
>account banned
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>pick WR
>stomp lane with Brew against Rubick+Omni
>our mid stomps Necrophos
>gank our Spectre's lane a couple times so she can freefarm
>our Spectre who has free farm in lane just fucks off to the jungle for a 30 min Manta first item wtf
>also feeds first in every fight
Man, all Spectre had to do was farm quietly for 30 mins and get six-slotted and she squandered it somehow.
And I can't believe my teammates kept letting Rubick get away with stealing spells unless I'm literally the one chasing him down to waste Focus Fire on him instead of DK or Necrophos. They would stand next to him while he's 1 HP and they'd just ignore him.

I got 20k arcana damage out of that game but man, this is frustrating.
This is the future I want to live in.
not putting the exams into dota 2, but rather tying your exam scores to your account. you need to take the sats/acts to get into college, why shouldn't you be forced to take an english competency exam to play with englishs peaking dota 2 players?
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you are gonna exclude third worlders anyway because they took third world test, fuck off
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>Laning against Venomancer with the plague ward facet
>Timbersaw on my team doesn't put a point into reactive armor until level 17
I took a screenshot in case you guys don't believe me
>enemy bb rolls over our team
>see the light at the end of the tunnel in our doom's break talent
>he gets the mute talent instead
Is there a reason to buyback the moment you die early game?

I've had a lot of games where people would die in lane, buy back, and then immediately tp back. Are they that worried about being behind in exp? Or are they just dumb?
more like ragebuyback
if they die again they will have long cooldown so its kinda bad
whenever I've seen someone do that, they're usually on the losing team.
creep wave gold > buyback gold
they are 99.99% just raging russian kids
the only valid reason to do that EVER is when you got fucked extremely early and there are 2 or more waves coming to ur tower, losing that kinda XP so early is more game losing than the buyback
mids do that too, there are some pros over the years who were forced to do that but generally its not the "play", you already fucked up big time and its the only way to not snowball that into even bigger fuck up
I would rather a creep get denied than let my support get the last hit.
there's very specific early game scenarios where buying back could potentially save your lane if you would miss out on 2 waves of creeps
Im looking at the current "rank 1 race" and i think it extremely hillarious virgins like gpk, nightfall and watson are a complete degens, tryharding with fucking re-calibrations, last picks and giga counters.
And then there is some random socially autistic alibaba who first picks whatever heroes to practice and rolls over them all.
>die when a big wave is pushed in your tower
>if you don't buyback you miss out on a level and more gold than the BB costs
Okay, I was wondering if there was some laning math nu-meta I missed out on or something. They would pop the buyback immediately before the first blood / kill sfx barely started playing and it felt like such a waste of gold but so many people do it consistently but then just sit around in lane to let me shit on them again.

And my teammates would do it too sometimes. Even after we win a fight, they would just buyback so they can hang out with us in lane or something while we pushed a T2. And I'm just like "bro you have no items, just wait out the 30 seconds" but I don't say it because I doubt they'll take it nicely.

I'm getting mixed messages now.
So it's a thing that you should consider but probably not 90% of the time? I see...
>So it's a thing that you should consider but probably not 90% of the time? I see...
Im saying its always correct to do when u fucked up by dying that early and there are 2-3 waves coming.
But you say you you had a lot of games where people do that, that is such a fucking rare thing to happen i can guarantee its just raging russians and what they did is nothing but crying.
Especially at low mmr where people completely don't value XP whatsoever
seriously kill yourself
fuck off and die
>Lost 30 of my last 40 matches
I'm not playing ranked but isn't there some sort of unofficial MMR that's supposed to drop when I get my ass handed to me? The fuck's going on here?
>dotards when losing on winstreak
>dotards when not winning on losestreak
Have you perhaps tried winning instead of losing?
im literally 14k in deadlock why am i hardstuck in dota?
Isn't broodmother too strong in lane..?
just stun her when she pops Q and shes worse than a melee creep
what mmr is numbered in EU ?
i really hope they do something about mmr inflation, i am immortal now and it feels like ancient
5 of my 9 games today had double down win traders.

Gonna play a game with a less toxic community like Oxygen Not Included
but thats a solo game?
"""EU WEST""" - 5 r*ssians, 3 durkas, 1 peruvian and 1 actual european.
statistically you're the russian
post pings
the lina persona is coming
>retards who cant stop pissing all over the place
same community haha

ONI is neat but feels too much like work
>I'm not playing ranked
unranked mmr is more of a suggestion than anything else
Unranked MMR exists just as normal unranked can just have a higher search range.
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should i stop playing monkey
No, you should keep playing. And don't call me monkey.
>coffee brewed
>D&B blasting
>ranked queued
Yep, it's dota time
Who actually buys mage slayer? When does one actually buy the mage slayer?
post songs
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where's my forced 50
Against mages lol haha
ember spirit
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>Go back to ranked
>1 is a peruvian female
>its just propane nightmares on repeat

heroes that can apply it quickly to many targets
to counter mages
>>its just propane nightmares on repeat

wtf this is so entry level and some kind of gay euro pop not even dnb
That seems rare actually.
i asked myself the same question when i dropped from 6400 to 5800 in the span of 3 days
forced 50 stops working for you when you nolife the game and go on lose streaks because you cant control yourself

every single time players experience those streaks over a short period of time it's because you are playing too much
ive been picking luna nonstop. she is great at staying off the map and when she does show up her impact is huge
Play deadlock before they release it if you want to experience a moba with no forced 50 and no matchmaking algorithms
It also comes sans-fun or compelling design!
and its a banger
its not 09, i dont need to be having this conversation

but your post better be satire, you little shit
oh sweet like nuredditrannydota?
No one on my friends list is playing so I can't get an invite and if I ask anyone here they'll just say sent :) so fuck you
i still play the insurmountable facet. if you buy s&y you have a ton of status resistance and mostly dont want bkb. couple that with satanic eventually and youre gonna be lichrully unkillabul
>but your post better be satire, you little shit

I don't respect people that listen to entry level class music on repeat or any music on repeat. It's a sign of low intelligence

this is bad; in the 80s and 90s the word "eurotrash" was widely used to refer to people who listen to this
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When will valve get off their ass and just permaban everyone who win trades
Pretty soon if TF2 is an indication.
pendulum sounds nothing like eurodance
i don't care about ambiguous genre delineations. it sounds like european dance music
sit down, child
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This shit sucks.

bruh you have literally never been to a rave or anything like that or experienced music like this live.


you dont even know about ya boy.
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should I forever stop playing supports? its always painful and the only reason I even play hard supports in ranked is to get the seasonal reward of wins. pos 3 is where I shine or get shut down
wow i wonder what inspired this music because it sounds exactly like something out of germany in the late 90s
of course it you
>huge ass
>obsessed with mooning
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the only acceptable electronic music is hardstyle
more like obsessed with knots
>that one set from the cache vote
She's getting the knot
so how is tiny balanced... in any way... at all? these people do not deserve happiness. like fucking really? 2 seconds into the game he can launch a fucking minion into the sky and onto me WITHOUT HAVING TO AIM and have it deal 75% of my health? that's fun? balanced? skilled? these people need to die dude. it's like if malphite's q one shot you at level 2. just fucking trash balancing for a trash game. no wonder this shit game is dying
tiny... coming in!
ok mason we get it u dont like tiny, maybe ban it?
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>win 6 games in a row
>get this team
>necro 5 forlatts in 6 minutes

coincidentally I always said that forced 50 algorithm is calibrated to work in groups of 6 games

gee, I wonder what will happen in my next 5 games
or maybe fix your fucking game? oh you have a rat in your bathroom sink, just wash your hands in the bathtub. are you fucking retarded? no wonder the game is this shit. it's very fun when you are against somewhat balanced heroes. tiny though? all tiny players need to fucking burn man. it's disgusting in every way. it's fucking vile behavior
Just bully him with ranged right-clicks. What's he going to do about it? Walk up to you? Hit you back with Craggy Exterior? Oh wait. HE CAN'T
Sex with Ephey

think about it, dotards...
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why does he have higher mmr than you?
i played sniper mid. i am new to the game. i keep max distance. he launches a fucking minion into the air or throws a fucking log at me and either does 80% of my health or instakills me. tried hiding under tower and / or playing it safe and he just runs after me until i die and disappears into the forest. this game is so shit it's comical.
all the grubby boosters are doing ODpixel now for attention (not a joke)
i don't get paid to sit on my ass and play games sadly
3/10 in jordan
it deals like 25% higher dmg than average nuke before lvl 6, then maybe like 50% higher with lvl 1 grow
it's op sure but if you claim you lose 80% of your life from one toss then you'd also lose like 50-60% from random other nukes...
he doesn't though
Bro, you're playing Sniper against Tiny. You should be winning that match-up. Sure Tiny throws a minion at you *once* but that's a tango's worth of damage at low levels and Tiny now have zero mana. And Tiny is wasting his mana if he's not combo'ing it with Avalanche because that lets him just delete you. But Toss only? It's a waste.

You got bullied because you probably don't know your laning fundamentals. If you care about not losing that match-up or similar again, you should looking mid laning guides.
i'm 13k in deadlock
dont care you are both lying to me trying to make me believe things that are not true. i know what i saw. he did 75% of my health in one hit and he was chasing me through towers until he'd one shot me. that's what happened. don't care about all this other bullshit im never playing this trash game again.
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Its actually hilarious
hardstuck in ancient 5/divine 1 for literally entire life
suddenly this patch hits his peak of 6.1k :^)
Last hit more, keep the creep wave equilibrium by your tower, and not the enemy's, and use the extra money to buy extra healing and a Bottle and get the runes. That's just part of mid laning life.
This guy on the DA forums was asking about a ganking build with tiny with which he gets dagon, which isn't ideal but it's not the worst thing. I found it weird that people max avalanche first toss seems so much better. Here is my reply to the guys post.

With tiny i always start with some stat items rather than bottle. At early levels without stat items, you wont even have enough mana to combo ava + toss. I usually get a chicken so i can still get bottle early. My skill build is always ava > toss >toss >ava >toss > Grow then toss and max ava and craggy/stats. at level 7 toss combined with grow is incredibly damaging. But i can see why ava can be maxed first, because of the ava damage combined with toss. But with Tiny's low mana you run into a lot of situations where you only have enough for 1 spell. Toss or stun, ava is strong combined with toss, but alone isn't as damaging as a direct toss. For ganking items... i guess a dagon could be ok. High burst damage with his combo, but since i usually play Tiny as support i usually go sheepstick.
>blink on sniper
>he pikes me
>harpoon him
>he concussive grenades away
>uses Take Aim and starts attacking me and knockbacking me
>bkb so i can try to get close
>he shadow blades
>use dust
>he uses Disperser on himself and runs away
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t-there's no such thing as automatic losses right guys
Bro your cc?
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its turning dotards
i just doubled down twice (i think)
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bruh how

this game truly is a wasteland of humanity
>replying to ***
I know, which is why I didn't gave him a (You)
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its over
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bruh how

this game truly is a wasteland of humanity
yeah i went 1-3 with equivalent to top damage and won my lane though

i didnt go 2-15 including 4 deaths in 5 minutes
>6k games
>48% winrate
>1k mmr
How is it possible to be so bad? You'd have to be retarded, right?
Have you ever been laid before
>379 gpm on kotl of farm
why is there no surrender option in this game yet
Yeah bro let me just appear on the map anywhere in that game
Yes and I also have a car. Do you? Didn't think so kiddo sit down be humble sonny.
you last picked kotl into naix juggernaut so its your own fault
you can't die before lion has blink anyway so why can't you just farm with your bots? because you're stupid thats why
sheever might lose this game
my picks vs x heroes do not really matter in my games, i can work around whatever. its not ideal but whatev

no action i took had any meaning toward that game, its auto loss. if you cant accept that the game works like this its because youve made mmr meaningful to you/something you view as an actual accomplishment in life

and that was a mistake
Cope, troon
you are a mistake
i see odshitxel just abuses weaver and CK wow what an amazing and well deserved mmr
>pick a hero
>if enemy doesnt have good matchup - double down
>get infinite mmr
Nice nice very well deserved
LMAO broccoli

Zanzibart, forgive me
That's odd I find games pretty quick on AUS server. Surely there can't be any other factor to you having long queue times, something that's entirely your own fault that you're failing to mention?
How old is this psg kid anyway? He acts like a twelve year old, is he underage?
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You will never be in Ephey's mini profile like Chads-VG
40 something balding schizo
dont worry, svg will never be inside anyone real
No fucking way.
sheever is really upset rn...
guys, sheever said she's really sad right now...
she is always playing AA
>i have a car
I have 3 houses, a boat, 2 cars and am retired exactly 1 year ago before 30, i make 6 to 10k a week doing absolutely nothing for life and people brag on a chinese cartoon forum that they have a car, what the fuck you smoking bro, let alone bother talking to that profoundly retarded schizophrenic ur dumber and poorer than him
Damn I guess all that money can't buy reading comprehension.
Can you show us your cowboy boots again?
Based esl retard
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Asked my retards if they were going to buy BKBs against 3-4 magic damage dealers
Naturally, they got shadowblades and crit sticks
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5,700 hours since 2014 sniper picker (mostly) AMA
is she congestionated
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sheever is a classic case of forced 50 in your favor
She's about guardian level or lower. Her almost 50% and rank is due to party games
Post your ladyboy bussy
I'm not one to talk, but how is she still ancient? Easy access to the best players in the world that would be willing to coach her and yet she's still grinding.
im certain if i recalibrate i will lose 1500 mmr
Women have about 250ms of brain lag when it comes to important decision making

This is inarguable though some people want to try
sheever quit her stream mid-game...
I have grammarly but i dont use it because i dont want people to think im an angl*id
Odchad broke up with her so he can go fuck young pussy
Is the party mmr gone? I'm thinking about just partying up with random carries and going full support until I get back to 7.2k. Lost like 400 MMR. Tired of going core.
hey that could be me (its not tho)
>why does he have higher mmr than you?
I'd be 14k mmr if I tried
He doesn't though
Although valve forced 50% is trying to get me there soon with the retarded immortal draft
Today mason will surpass gorgc's mmr
Sieg heil bros
butterfly feels unspecial now that we have evasion from neutral items
another visage game
another 3 lost lanes
another stressful game
another win
another energy drained for the whole day
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>no poopey
>no shartour
>no mc
>no ceb
>no kuro(pbuh)
>no shartmail
>only literal who zoomers
why should i even bother watching TI this year
pango sonic arcana when
Quinn is there
when do i make my way over to farming ancients as Medusa? when i get manta?
>literally who zoomer mutt
Fly is there
>18 sec cd on ursa ult
yeah im not sure that's fun gameplay mr yoshifrog
oh yeah
guess im rooting for a jew this year
Browns sharting and throwing won games
Grubby will host
why isn't pyramecattery or khanda a recommended item on arc warden?
I didnt watch last i wont watch now either id rather have sex with my wife or beat up my children
i just smashed my keyboard really hard and now my entire hand hurts
u just recommended it
Ironically those zoomers have been playing dota longer than most people in this thread
why do you play
shit i already farmed all the candyshop rerolls
what is even the point to play now
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>get a job
>too tired to play video games after coming home from work
>can only really enjoy on Saturday before Sunday comes and the clock counts down to Monday before you have to go to work again, and have to spend time with the girlfriend/finance/wife
>install dota 2 after hearing /d2g/ rave about 7.36
>play it for 21 hours and 31 seconds over a month
>exit game
>get bored and deinstall game
>can't play without alt tabbing every 11 minutes
>can't play without a video playing on the second monitor, ruining video game immersion, and only stick to games I played before
>quit my job so I have time to play video games
>the same thing still happens
>play one game in US East this morning from EU
>120+ ping, no one speaks English
>later that day
>pick EU queue
>end up in US East in ranked game
>only notice when I miss last hits I shouldn't
>instead of team mates understanding just get flamed and lane support literally stops helping to deny / harass because I missed 4 last hits
what the fuck?
this nigga viper pressed r on me and i couldn't do anything for 10 sec
I played dota since 2004 and im still a retard divine player but i will tell you one thing its way more enjoyable to play for fun.
Just beat a sf dog mid with aa btw, shit down his throat
do i just pick tiny no matter the role for the whole purpose of enemy team not having him?
i just lost a pretty free game because enemy tiny went 27-4 just one shotting every single player and my glorious shadow fiend enjoyer with arcanes died 15 times
That's what these faggots get for having a 3 digit IQ, not using maphacks and not brooling like a fucking retard 24/7 in bruno's nu-dota. Hopefully in the future these boomer freaks get the memo and just inhale adderall while paying for primo russian executables next TI.
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Can't wait for the 39th of june so I can steal even more money
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answer my question dotards wtf
>yatoro vs ame vs atf
>the return of no one
>the return of blink
>topson and pure on a team together
>quinn, gunnar and sneyking the last american players
if this isn't exciting to you then i'm sorry you just don't like dota. you like something that was related to dota when it was mostly being shitted up by idiots, like all the players you mentioned, but you weren't enjoying dota.
Orb of benomancer if you can hit manfight the enemy, otherwise just blood nades. Also bracers.
Check the other support buy the boots they aren't getting (tranquils+drum/arcane), basic support shit like euls force staff. Bracers.
Maybe vlads/buckler/solar crest if the enemy team relies on -armor.
>last american players
that should be a movie title
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that's basically what I've been doing I think, thanks. do you think it's ever worth going something like basher on support just so you can lock someone down during ult? or too greedy
how fucked am i
the 20% damage reduction talent on Leshrac is insane
don't listen to this retard. unless you're playing in literal immortal games your team is not going to be carrying you if you buy force lotus on marci. you go to the lane with 6 tangos and as much stats as you can load up on, you dispose fuckers into your tower range or you go kill their couriers and their pull camp. contest the 6 minute rune and try to kill the enemy mid, buy phase boots and run around the map. if its a good game for drums you build them otherwise go straight for bkb. if you do it right the game will be over by 30. if not, start farming whatever your team is too scared to farm. enemy camps, waves that are too pushed. build to kill the supports before they get their retard teamfight win button out.
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yeah tiny is the way to go for sure bros
see you back at the top
pudge should've been a win but all my cores sucked
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>1.1k dmg from trample at level 7 with just phase boots
how is this supposed to balanced?
A "support" basher means you're mostly using it with your ult, granted it has 75% downtime but you'll be chainstunned, silenced or have a ranged nigger press E (sniper, windranger, drow, zeus - you get the idea) or uses their hurricane pike.
A Heaven's Halberd, while unable to pierce BKB, will be far more detrimental against ranged niggers while also ensuring you won't die as much compared to a basher.
This too, if it's the trench and you see your cores auto attacking just steal farm from then because you're the core now
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case in point this nigger es
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Grief picks
>play support
>can tell if we win in the first 3 min of the game by observing the people in my lane and their mechanics
Why do cores attract the worst kind of players? Literal subhumans who should be lined up and shot.
How can people watch Gorgc? He's such a whiny cunt
oh man that would have been a juicy 4 man echo
I literally got that just now too. These "rolls" don't seem so random anymore. Feel like it's just drip feeding us shit no one buys anymore.
Dota 2 engine/input problem

I have always done this shit too and it's because the engine doesn't buffer inputs in any way
He's mostly just boring as shit. His content is just him thinking out loud if he's not complaining.
no you are just as stupid as this es because phoenix has a free radiance since 7.36 and he just blinked earlier it would've been fine :-)
the radius is only 450
what you expect from a dota streamer to do to entertain you, juggling cactuses while riding a unicycle while playing the game?
his whiny reactions and random outbursts
he would often say absurd things like saying the kkk community is better than the dota community
Give insight about the game and his thought process.
He didn't not blink because of the radiance he didn't blink because he hit the commands too quickly in sequence. I know what it looks like

Imagine buying a special gay monitor just to cheat at dota and you still cry despite being an open cheater
the kkk community IS better than the dota community, lmao
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imagine being right for the first time in your life
congrats you can frame this picture next to your 10000 fails
is that some jealousy i see? surely you can afford this in burgerland right?
no, im unemployed
Im better at video games than you. :-)

Engine should never issue commands out of sequence because of cast time but hey I decided this was a losing argument ten years ago when most people could not seem to follow or understand what I was saying

I don't play Magnus because of that crap
>Im better at video games than you. :-)
cope nigga
i could lose all of your mmr and still be immortal
root him or stun him and it goes to 0 you retard
i just got carried twice today by same meepo guy i think im not gonna push my luck further
3 times lost lane and pretty much played from behind for 40minutes
Unlike most viewers apparently I'm not a mashed potato brained tard who is merely entertained by watching someone play
uhhh mmr doesnt matter theres no corrolation between mmr and skill ok im actually 8k but the shadowpool and forced 50 keeps me at 1k not that any of that matters its the same skill anyway
Yeah but you can't even pass the license tests in gran Turismo and I will beat you one handed using a quadraplegic straw to move in fps.

Im good at video games even if not dolta
>he brought up the license tests again
daedulus methoditical pa
I'll wait for your screenshot

You also can't even beat uniracers or alien soldier with continues

You can't beat mickys world of illusion with 30 lives

You will never play in a cash prize fps tournament which I did twice.
You never did any of those things lmao
I've been using the "release to cast" on my blink dagger slot and sometimes when I release it, my character doesn't blink at all. It gets cancelled by something and I'm not sure what. Not the blink item, the command. I use release because I see the very edge of the blink radius and get the max distance. Also noticed that if you're stunned mid doing something like using Q and you come out of it your hero will perform the Q now, even if you clicked W or moved. Game saves that first. You have to spam fucking hold to not have that happen during an enemy stun which seems retarded. I didn't fucking queue it.
Oh I've beaten and played a lot of games

I think you can't beat ecco the dolphin because you'd get scared of the air meter.
i don't know what any of those words are grandpa
i have beat kh2fm critical lvl 1 no damage though!
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filthy fucking dog
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You should be able to shift s to stop that from happening but I don't feel like I've experienced that

Maybe they'll add command buffering in dota labs but not interrupting your own shit has been considered a point of skill.

Everything relating to input is fucked up lately btw, have you noticed your courier button not getting clicked when you click it? Scan etc too?
quick cast on key up is ultra garbage, never use that
there's a dota labs thing to give you a range indicator
No you haven't
>Le hardcore challenge in game you played 3000 hours

It says more about general gamer skill to beat a bunch of different various stuff.

Sure u can beat me mid. But can you beat clay fighter with all the characters on SNES? Or can you beat the best game on NES, kickle cubicle?!?!?!
dota 2
I'm aware of the range indicator but I've used this method for so long now. I will right click to advance and then hold blink until I'm ontop of them. The Dotalabs shit isn't bright enough to see sometimes and gets fucked by trees, at least during night time.
I don't play toddler shit
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Inhouse 1pm Today!
/d2g/ in-game chat: /joinchannel /vg/

If someone griefs, grief them 10x harder next game
Rules are optional
Use your mic
Attention seek to your hearts content
Wait patiently for 1pm est
If the host is griefing, make a new lobby (lobby settings for all chat available upon request)
Blacklist is available upon request

Remember there is no associated discord!

The Lobby is up now!
honestly you should know blink range by heart
alt tab cast range lone druid bear
im gonna play some rabi ribi, games are too hard and stressful today
i mean i've played hundreds of games you haven't
we both play dota
i'm better than you at dota and probably all other games i play as well so i win
Ok lmao u can't handle 8/16 bit games but that's ok u have to jheri curl your hair or whatever

Nigga can't beat magician lord on mvs difficulty given a week I bet.
I have a life and play other games. Also like I said I move, position camera on the enemies and hold blink. This way I know if I can even get a good blink off and can cancel it too. Not everyone has to be a sweaty try hard. Most of us are average at best anyway.
Stop projecting lmao
What triggered psg this time?
guys, gorgc is getting really upset...er now
you sound like psg
You have a home grown upset guy here to pay attention to

I'll tell you a secret though....I don't actually get upset over anything

Anyway nobody cares what some eastern European is doing stfu about that fag loser
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>that keyboard
filthy fucking dog
>Pick hero that has ground targeted spell
>Slark is picked by the enemy team
>He loses
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what if valve made an arpg soulslike with dota heroes as bosses
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Anons... tell me, what am I meant to do as pos 1 when the enemy carry is not only getting as much free farm as I am, but is also getting 10+ kills before he leaves lane?
How am I meant to recover and potentially win a game in such a state?
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i dont get it
Lich's title has absolutely nothing to do with his gameplay.
>How am I meant to recover and potentially win a game in such a state?

the harsh reality of dota for the past few years is that nothing you do matters until its endgame

back in real dota those kills would give the person like 7 levels over you. today they will be 2 levels ahead. youre fine. dont tilt
who would the final boss be
arc warden?
But he was 3-4 levels ahead and my team kept just running into him and dying. My fucking primal beast ended the game 0-10-5.
I think the user you responded to was meta-posting the image because now Lich's gameplay is very Lichlike and Lich-based.
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Maybe he thinks Lich sounds like lick

Sorry what kind of lich can't regenerate mana on his own, he was more lichy when he had Sacrifice and his frost spells already some connotations to the dead
many of those players will never understand. they will just never stop doing that as long as they play the game

look at this game, same players on PA and MK. Yet when our ancient fell, me and PA were hitting their T4 and PA had desolator. If people hadn't shown up to kill us we could have actually threatened their ancient. This game could have gone on for 20 more minutes and then one teamwipe could have allowed us through to the win.

You can't really do anything with those players other than not get mad at them and realize that 1 teamwipe without buybacks can end the game for either team. You can always hope for that. I frequently jungle and pretend to push lanes instead because it's too psychologically stressful to try to win with those type of players

A lot of players do not understand that this is a strategy game and think you run toward other players when you see them.
>Maybe he thinks Lich sounds like lick
But it does? Are you esl?
Lina needs to be taught a lesson!
But, also, a Lich getting more magic/mana from the death of enemies around them is also cool.
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The strength meta has gone on for so fucking long. We need an item that reduces enemy max HP when you hit them.
Lichs frequently have some kind of limitation like that because they're a lich. In different game lore they often need a crystal or phylactery or something to operate. Our lich just eats souls to operate which is extremely lichy to me. Also I like lich more than you so my opinion is better
If u lose to tony ur a bigger retard that tony pickers
>+15 Agility
>+75 Melee Attack Range

Blade of Alacrity
Band of Elvenskin
1 lumber

Washing Pole
>+15 Agility
>+15 strength
>+20 attack damage
>+1.75 Mana Regeneration
>+125 Melee Attack Range

>Echo Strike
>Bleed (Meele only)
>>Deals 1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4% of max hp as composite damage (Scales with ultimate level)

Echo Sabre
1 lumber
fuck off weeb
In 7.37 or 7.38 they will implement my idea that points of AGI give you built-in stacking bleed/regen impairment status effect IF your main stat is AGI. Idea makes AGI heroes relevant again as they are quickly becoming unusable and rely too much on multibuffs every patch.

This will be like the 7th major change I have wrought to this game.
no way its gonna by my idea that agi gives you a multihit chance on rightclicks
it'll be one of those, we just added big serpent ward last patch

captcha: DAD2 (you have 2 dads)
It's pronounced litch but I suppose that does technically sound close enough

I can't think of any settings where the limitation of a Lich wasn't their phylactery, even Warcraft had it though not in 3. They are always masters of magic though so I just find it weird he'd be limited in that regard, no health regen would make more sense what with him being dead and all
In the next patch they will buff some heroes and nerf some other heroes, this will be the 100th time they implement my ideas they should just hire me lol
ackchually it's going to be my idea of removing str/agi/int
>It's pronounced litch
No, it's pronounced lich, the "ch" is the same as in loch.

ultima series was one of my first encounters with liches and they're more like our lich. just extremely powerful sorcerers. no phylactery to destroy, you have to destroy the lich itself with strong magic.
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i use the mouse in my left hand and so it's pretty natural to have all my hotkeys around the numpad
I have never heard it said like that and no one in game says it like that either
why does pupil's gift suck on universal heroes
They mispronounce it, just like aegis
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Which one of you niggers is this
I told you last time that this a stupid idea and you're making the exact same mistake Valve did when Dragon Lance came out. The stats and buildup is just way too good for that effect. And composite damage hasn't been in game for years now.
me on top
i love that courier so much, it's so cute
>1 lumber
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we won
fag nigga nobody cares which streamer is at which point at the suck dick leaderboard fuck off

get a friend jfc
Its ogre magi the only fun heroe left?
Ogre isnt fun whatsoever. Play eternal shroud tankwrath mage.
Relying on luck to nuke people is fun
Relying on skill and enemy hubris to nuke them is even more fun.
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If you pronounce it like that, you are a massive faggot. Lich is has a tsh sound at the end like chess.
>CK ults
>Lycan howls and crimson guards
>All CK damage is reduced to 0
How do you counter this
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So are they ever going to fix the 39th or what
>wait 10 seconds
>entire strat went to shit
What's to fix, you don't actually think it's a mistake do you
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Lina looks really happy there :)
So, normal games until they fix the meepo/wd/warlock bug?
just play deadlock
what bug?
What are the benefits buying the arcanas directly from the shop?
All the money goes to the developers
Essentially you can duplicate items on the neutral slot by DCing and using illusions, the duplicated item is considered neutral so anyone can pick up and use it, or sell it. Meepo/Warlock/WD can duplicate GrisGris, Black Book and meepo can do any item in the neutral slot, meaning you can have infinite XP or gold.
Will I get all the variables too? I was reading you only get them if you bought them waay before when they released
More like Chris Chris, am I right?
That doesn't rhyme
What arcana are you talking about?
The styles are always "win x times with this hero" or some type of challenge like 3 heroes echo slam or some shit
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>Allied WR ults a Centaur
>Dies within the second
>Happens thrice that match
Do thirdies queue ranked while drugged?
such is life in the favela
>El Ente has quit dota for good
we can do it too if we try hard enough, bros
He's dead.
Heroes never die
>almost completely mentally check out of game as hard as possible because score is like 3-21 early with all lanes feeding again
>instead try to get basic sort of correct items and fight rationally
>pull out a handy victory whilst making the enemy mirana so incensed he forlatts the game

Whoa, rare smiling victory
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I cant believe people play the same heroes in this game
she is happy there! Drow gives a mean back massage, and even brought Lina a warm cream-pie!
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support btw
The unranked trannies have arrived
>queue/pick support
>don't support team
reported for grief, simple as
they can't die if there's no one left to kill them, if anything I did my job perfectly.
He's supporting by killing the enemy and ensuring his carries can autofarm unmolested
except he took all the farm too
didn't happen
you're crazy
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why is dyracho playing beastmaster
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To control Primal Beast, didn't work though
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i was 4k mmr but then i spammed Tiny mid before 7.36 and literally dropped to Archon 1 rank.
then i stopped doing that because i had like a 30% winrate with tiny mid out of 200 or so matches and just decided i wasn't good with him or something, idk.
so i spammed my main role, carry and hard support, and i easily climbed back to 4k Ancient rank.
i have no idea how to get to Divine though. i feel like i have generally good game sense. like fighting under towers, try to take fights when their ults or bkbs on cooldown, pushing when they have no buybacks, try to take fights with number advantages, playing around item and ability timings, etc
i just dont know how to improve at this point though, im just hardstuck Ancient rank
any advice? is there like specific tips for getting through Ancient?
>game 4
>beast razor underlord
tofu must be cracked
I won all my games from ancient 3 to divine 1. You really just have to play with 0 trust. Your team is ahead? Doesn't matter your team will throw.
+1 inhouse password vidya

its random draft

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