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FORMER: >>483930038
russians ARE niggers
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My fluffy wife
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it REALLY makes you think, doesn't it?
Underbros, how we feeling about our boi being popular in the pro scene?
I find it funny how gorpc the monkeydonian deludes himself that every pro player he encounters is his friend. Like, instead of saying "we killed SF" he says "we killed Crystallis" or outright cringy stuff like "Tofufu", "Mr. Yatoro", "Saberchad".

Fucking clown.
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nothing wrong with enjoying a little blacked every once in a while
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i can see last 7 days at the lowest
how do you see that number?
+2 inhouse password vidya

its random draft

come join
They need to do something about dawnbreaker map reveal on day time that shit lags the game like nothing else in the game
Runs fine on my laptop
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euls + sunstrike + chaos meteor + deafening blast
That didn't bother me anywhere near half as much as fucking cataclysm does. Fucking bullshit 0 skill auto rampage spell if the enemy has any good aoe hard cc
weaver hivemind facet is hidden op, trust me
No it isn't, trust me.
i've walked into lane lvl 7 after a big rune fight, don't be a retard. you'll be using it too once it's been abused at ti
lying double retard
>mason plays with darkman 5 times a day
>blows up on darkman
>hasn't played with him since
damn he completely obliterated the poor guys feelings
>aw hell no
>ow ow ow
>ah cam on
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I have better experience playing turbos than all pick. I always have complete beginners in all pick, like people don't know how to buy wards or that you need dust. And they ALWAYS go jungle from the very beginning of the game. Are they all from league of legends?
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i wish invoker had a big ass hat, like double his model wide, you'll see only his hat when playing
i don't know if you guys are retarded but lich is based on this lich
Jess how do all the reforged icons look so much worse
because wc3 has the best icons in any game ever
i miss when lich could eat your own creeps
Watching streamer mans play the game, guy against gorgc. Gorgc cheats on stream with a meepo, still losing game.
I wonder if valve will ban the guy since he did it on his stream. If game integrity is worth more then the value of a streamer man.
once greatness has been achieved its nearly impossible to replicate
there is a reason even woke wow nu-devs stick to wc3 icons for abilities
Ogre as offlane is a troll pick?
i think the average normie has absolutely zero idea how much cheating there is in streaming and esports. and it goes far deeper than just using aimbots to win a game.
>open overwatch
>instantly see meepo cheater
>cheat 30k networth
>still lose
so thats the power of 12k mmr, so much networth not a single fucking retard (everyone should) just instabuy windwakers, hexes and refreshes and delete people

Im glad in my fucking hidden pool, at 6k mmr, a meepo player with 60% win rate. SOMEHOW DID NOT CHEAT AND WON FAIR AND SQUARE
Makes me think humanity isn't as bad
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>another one
do these people think they're not gonna get banned or what
i literally booted up dota to hand out guilty verdicts to these niggers
>"wow i feel like shit, its late, i should go to bed"
>queue up for dota anyway
what the hell is wrong with me
lets be real they won't
although every other insane abuse got disabled pretty much instantly and this one somehow is here all day (and warlock one)
nobody ever got banned for abusing in-game stuff
Shadow demon shard giving u lvl 3 ulti at lvl 6
Underlord doing 1000% damage
Armlet not being drained on lone druid's bear
And im sure forgetting A LOT of them but i simply dont play dota when there is even a mention of a glitch/cheat/abuse
>visiting /lolg/
that was your first mistake
The Ringmaster
whatever happened there
>Shadow demon shard giving u lvl 3 ulti at lvl 6
this was done in a pro game
surprised valve didn't give a fuck, they just got a draft pentaty
dude should've gotten permabanned and so should these lowlifes
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immortal is so fucked
wintrading being untouched and now this
my favorite old bug will always be the one where a tempest double of rubick that expired while channeling black hole would case the bh to last indefinitely. id kill to see the game where that was discovered
Oh yea sand king shard without leveling ulti. See what i mean? literally not a single ban.
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reject MMR.
embrace leagues.
pick who you like.
buy what you like.
play how you like.
Deadlock... won...
>now this
Which is? The replay bug that shows all killstreak announcements at the start?
what's the cheat sir
meepo exploit
literally like 2 replies ago retard
The witch doctor is the reported player THOUGH
it was nothing. by the way, since today the back button now works properly when you preview treasures in the candy shop.
probably fixed the neutral exp shit
he used the gold
ban them all
If there is justice gorgc gets mason treatment and then we really gonna feast
Do you get banned for exploits? I'm sure there's a penalty involved but I don't think it goes that far because they're to blame for it being in the game
if gorc gets banned he's done for lmao
Kind of sucks that to do something, anything, needs some kind of baby stroller item like Euls. If you're really good you can blink into the fog and instantly react to an enemy. You have superhuman reflexes right?
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Sex with Lina lock
Deadlock chads, ww@?
Just won a game against a Meepo abusing the packrat bug to 6 slot his team by min 40. When are they all getting VAC banned?
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when do you replace this as muerta carry?
Depends. Paladin sword if you feel the need to manfight people or heal up after a fight. Mindbreaker if you don't get orchid.
When you get this as any ranged carry you only replace it if you get Enchanted Quiver, otherwise I would keep it all game really (unless tier 5 items)
Isn't the 15% magic resist reduction on grove bow insane?

I mean they nerf the spell amp on the other tier 2 neutrals and they were never even close to 15% and grove bow is a debuff that means your entire team is gonna be doing more damage to the hero you click on. It's weird that they've allowed it to stay at 15%
wtf tier 3 is arguable but tier 4 items are retardedly stronger than grove bow
>pooerta carry
15% magic resist isn't calculated as 15% outright in the formula. in reality it means youre lowering the persons magic resist by like 6%, and less the less they have already.
So would I be doing the same amount of damage if I had 6% spell amp (vambrace is 6% right?)? Assuming the enemy hero has base 25% magic resist.
lmao you will be back
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reddit is trying to get gorgie banned
Not sure why you think that, the less they have the more it does, at 0% Magic Resist it will do the full 15%
hows that meepo abuse going on losers, valve yet to patch it while deadlock gets 50 patches, 2 new heroes are 50$ million tournament?
sucks to suck
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dont be toxic in deadlock you will be kicked like i was so keep it PMA
>bragging about a tournament you aren't skilled enough to compete in
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mason is saying gorgc should be banned...
the only tier 4 item i would ditch grove bow for is ninja gear and even then i would have to think about if it's better in that particular game
I'm trying to discuss ideas brought forth by events which were created through actions of people
That makes you gay
i tested it in demo mode and it seems to give almost 15% dps increase (maybe like 13%) vs 25% magic resist targets
and yes that's without taking the attack speed from groove bow into consideration
Grubby was right.
>cope mspaint charts
right about what exactly?
What did you try it with, muerta?
No, terrorblade
Late Junebros?
qrd? i dont follow twitchtards much, why is that faggot gorgc getting banned?
I was wondering in June 39th was going to mean 29th, my other assumption was it meant July 9th
he did the meepo item dupe bug to win a game
What happened to pudge? I feel like suddenly every one is getting hooked while before the average pudge couldn't hook shit.
Actually pudges miss a lot more since they nerfed the projectile speed of flayer hook, before that he was fucking insane.
I feel like the hookrate of the average gopnik has gone up after they added facets, though.
In general probably, I still haven't really gotten used to the additional range from flayers hook and that fat nigger hooks me from far across the river.
>Bug abusing on stream
how are these people so fucking braindead
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He's not gonna get banned, dipshit
Well i just finished my ranked calibration games and got placed in herald 3. It feels kinda shit, not because I think i am some not understood immortal, but having 6 back to back games with people who just follow guides blindly and don't itemize for the current game is annoying. Also that 1 loss made me loose over 35% of my progress to my next rank is retarded. How did you guys climbed?
He probably will get banned though, it just won't be a permanent one.
Just spam whatever is OP right now. It's pretty easy, but most people don't want to play what's good. Look at xcalibur. He climbed spamming Tinker and Meepo against shitters and now he's 11k or something, but all of the pros think he's shit at the game.
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how do you play Lycan?
I tried him as offlane and whenever id push a lane to their tower, their entire team would tp to the tower
so I'd ult and run away, but as I would run away, my entire team would tp close by and try to fight their entire team
so then I'd feel obligated to fight because my whole team just teleported to fight their whole team and if I run away, it would be a 4v5 and they'd lose, but by now, my ult is running out, so I'd feel useless in the fight. so I'd just fight with them and die, respawn and try to push another lane and the same thing would happen, lmao
any advice, dotards?
Yeah I can't believe it. I saw someone the other day using the STACKING exploit and even PULLING on stream, when will valve crack down on these blatant cheaters and finally delete all their steam games like they deserve.
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What the fuck was valve thinking? Broodmother mid spamming used to be the fucking worst. It was basically the easiest way for a smurf to just own people without even trying. Now it is back and just as cancerous as it used to be.
if you're in herald, you most definitely can just pick a core role, pick any core hero, then afk farm for 30 or 40 minutes and then 1v5 the enemy team and take their ancient
just ignore your teammates, let them fight the enemy team while you farm
I'm pretty sure this strategy works up until like archon rank
kinda low effort anon
>how do you play (ratter)
giving a shit about your team is the first mistake. eventually they'll learn their lesson. you endure the early game then spend the rest of the game staring at the minimap and going where everyone else isn't
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drums svenGODS won
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how do we buff them?
Explain how this is fundamentally different than all other past exploits and why it should warrant a ban.
I recently started playing cores more often. I like playing supports, 4 and 5 but after getting one too many cores who cant even farm with noone in lane, I got fed up and just started picking all roles.
You aren't going to win playing support at that rank. All of your cores will be Peruvian.
At that rank just pick something that can take towers.
Yep, found out that the hard way
>Massive game breaking bug has been in the game for days now
This is worse than even a small indie game, this game is on maintenance mode.
in herald you could probably even get away with hard carrying the game as like a fucking Radiance shivas bloodstone Treant Protector or some shit, or like a Mjollnir bkb Parasma aghs Jakiro, even from the support role, just support for the first 8 minutes in lane, then fuck off to jungle for 20 or 30 minutes or until they start pushing your high ground and use your abilities to farm items and only buy wards and sentries to use for yourself to make sure you can safely farm
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gorgc unironically types ":)" after a passive aggressive comment
we miss grubby
didn't he make it to immortal by spamming Naga and just sending illusions down lanes until he won?
does that actually work?
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not really,
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so what should I get? i have no intention of spending actual money, should I just grab a treasure?
Get the royal bundle, you can use the candies in it to buy a treasure, and the rerolls let you roll for an actually good treasure or an arcana
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>this item cannot be listed on the steam community market
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>first bundle have cool creeps but shit items
>second bundle have a shitty song but good items
He made it to high ancient from archon spamming Naga, after that he got carried to immortal mostly on Warlock
fair nuff
how many total free coins we get? might as well pick up the rest later but idk if i play enough to get em
lol no tier 4 items are definitely better thna grove bow
That garbage neutral that silence for 2 seconds on normal attacks is the most annoying shit to deal with as a support
his carry abilities got hardstuck in 4.1k something then he switched to warlock/shaker, griefed his offlaner and farmed to eventually just have a better teamfight and win
shaker is actually genius because no matter how behind u are, just get blink and echo when enemy pushes high ground
Why am I so bad at Puck and how do I get better?
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meepobros we fucking won
If you want to spend money then get the packs to open the rest of the quests, the rest of the quest will basically refund your coins and then you can buy the crownfall royal bundle for free
If you aren't planning on spending money just get the royal bundle and call it a day
it's already patched i think
He spammed Naga and other broken heroes like Tide with vlad ward item. Then when he got to a "decent" rank he nearly exclusively played pos4, fed nearly every game but got carried by people going "IS THAT YOU GRUBBY!?" in most games.

Almost just actually shartrd during The game that I'm trying as hard as I can to keep it there
got the lina arcana
don't even play her but no one I do play has an arcana so whatever. might as well get something cool rather than a set i can probably pick up for 3 cents on the market
>mason outta smurfpool and over gorgc in mmr
>gorgc immediately starts cheating
>the gorgc smurfpool arc begins
holy fuckin kino
No way this is real lmao kek
>shit music
artifact ost is cool wtf?
What in the gorgchamp
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Please lead to something
Please lead to something
Please lead to something
Please lead to something
Please lead to something
Please lead to something
>[passive aggressive remark] :)
why are swedish people like this?
hes a balkan dog
Why is he acting like such a bitch? Considering what an asshole he is to everyone and he attends events how come nobody has come up to him in person to confront him on his bullshit?
And I don't get why Reddit loves this manchild that's so fucking unironically toxic and full of himself.
Because he wasn't beat up enough at school unironically.
wtf did mason show the video on stream?
I think all pros should be banned

dota belongs to the people
She can play pos 2 and pos 4 easily
Why are Swedes like this?
Same as Bulldog, his entire shtick is screaming at team mates, making fun of his opponents and tipping/pausing against them all the time and doing banter.
But when he gets put into a game against like SIngsing or Waga he acts like a whipped bitch and doesn't do anything like that and is afraid to talk badly about them.
swedes are assholes, i work with a bunch and they're all arrogant pricks
Deadlock won.
Abdul 'IceFrog' Ismail won.
Nudota 2 lost.
Bruno Carlucci (fake IceFrog) lost.
Sean Vanaman lost.
I'm Swedish myself and I agree. I hate Swedes.
Most of us still have this notion about ourselves that Sweden is still this super advanced country that everyone looks up to and does everything right. Even though this has not been the case for decades now.
Because he is a bitch. Anybody who can get a job as an analyst/caster these days is a conniving snake.
sup tobi
gorgC is a faggot
my mmr is in the 2 digits...
What's taking those niggas so long? we used to get stuff every week it felt like
he was bug abusing to dup items in ranked and mason commented in a reddit thread about it
Why is gorgc watching Mason if he hates mason?
>insult the people making content
>expect them to stick around
I'm glad they're gone
I rather have nothing than shitty thing
Because he takes every negative thing said about him extremely personally and cares deeply about what other people think and say about him.
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"Nigger" doesn't carry the same meaning for Swedish people as it does Americans. Swedish people weren't responsible for slavery. White Americans were.
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Mason commented on a reddit thread about Gorgc cheating. The mods (Leafeator is a gorgc tier 3 sub) deleted the comments.
We just got a new Ench retard
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Technically WE didn't but I'm not complaining
this nigga has integrity lmao
didnt mason cheat in PoE?
LMAO if the nigga is going to say nigger at least say it with some conviction but indeed bane is purple so i guess he is indeed a nigger

but hopefully it doesn't lead to anything niggas like to blow shit up for no reason this is what dota is about shit talking

and yes i am black
>owari da case
>herald meepo exploiter loses the game
m-my hero g-gorgc is a cheater...
fuck you gorgc ;-;
tell black women they look way cuter with their hair left natural, jiggaboobro
Make a black evoker skin.
Make Tusks shard create a low health enclosure link a skating rink that only requires 1 or 2 hits to break the enclosure, and his snowball becomes a pinball ball inside the enclosure but rolls helplessly outside it.
Kill reverse polarity, make a new innate that grants his aghs to it naturally with a 3 minute cd reduced by kills.
Kunkka Idk,give him a speedo and a dildo sword. Call it a day and hope for the best.
Delete Tinker. Idk either he is oppressive when good in the hands of a good player he's shit in the hands of a bad player when good.
Reduce Persuasian exp/bounty to enemies, increase it to him like it currently is going up each level. Make a talent choice for hand of god, massive heal or dispel with hot.
Prophet gets a damage split with his big treant (one way small percentage of damage is absorbed by treant also.) Soothing Saplings is changed to interact with shard. When he auto attacks a target within his curse aura there is a % chance to spawn a treant that explodes within 1/2 seconds for it's heath but drastically less. Something that could be strong early but falls off harder late.
Riko doesn't draw for d2g, you idiot.
Mason cheated on my mom with your mum :(
>Sean Vanaman lost.
Vanaman. Van-a-man.
>Abdul 'IceFrog' Ismail won.
Ice Frog's gonna come back, looks like they got the man for the job.
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That's not true either
yeah maybe 10 years ago.
and with how you people behave towards anyone who makes oc I'm not surprised
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You just don't pay enough attention
nobody likes this character
drama 2 general
anyone got a clip of mason browsing the reddit thread?
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Haha this post is funny, is that what you want to hear, why do you keep posting this
if she holding a doll of herself.
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She has them custom made
>gorgc exploiting bugs?
not banned
>taiga matchfixing?
not banned

must be nice being western european
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>only DL1
lol dumbass
no he won't, deadlock is actually fun unlike dogturd 2
I did not know about this and I was playing rankeds, gotta remember to check the thread before I start.
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It's funny how every other time before this, when a bug that made a hero instawin happened (recent examples being underlord having firestorm deal 1 million damage or sand king's epicenter pulses bug) d2g was all like 'lol this is so funny go pick the hero its free mmr'
but apparently now these people are the beacons of morality and anyone who uses a bug needs to be permabanned
isn't there a website that shows you what pros queued with?
stratz and opendota
Happy Canada day
It's over masonchuds ... dota 2 mods deleted the post exposing Gorgc again ... our brigade fails yet again ...
dark sneeder is fun, I think I will continue playing him as a "support" and running around doing hit and runs at speed cap like a fucking retard.
You mean Jews, right? Because they were the ones doing most slave trade, as well as having a 90%+ slave ownership rate compared to White's 10%~.
Plus Nigger africans enslaved the niggers from other tribes and sold them to the Jews in the first place. Most cultures throughout history had slaves, the only group that worked towards stopping slavery was the whites.
>as well as having a 90%+ slave ownership rate compared to White's 10%~.
i dislike them as much as the next guy but those numbers are so fucking retarded. stop and think about it for like 30 seconds you fucking mongloid. or provide an actual source that isn't some schizo post in /pol/
Gorgc shouldn't be banned, in fact it's Mason who should be banned for being a heckin unwholesome chungus who voted for Trump. Gorgc voted for Biden (or he would vote for Biden, if he was American), which is important.
Mason voted for Trump?
mason is a redditor trying to stir drama just like the pity bitch he is
no, he admitted in a stream that he voted biden
>mason finally uncovered as the redditor he always has been
>/d2g/ finally realizing teh Gorp has always been /ourguy/
feels good to be with the good guys from the beginning
ok gorg
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>voting in the US of A
im working on it
last time nobody replied so I stopped
you should stop making shit drawings then
I tried earthshaker support and I think he's dog shit
>blink in
>everyone's hp drops to 3/4
>immediately get blown the fuck up by every single enemy
>wait for echo to go off CD again
>lose with 0 kills and 20 deaths
am I doing something wrong or is the hero just bad for supporting?
>do well one game
>someone sends you a friend request
i don't know why people do this
Hes got pretty bad laning but can setup a shitload of kills in the midgame with all his stuns, depends a lot on draft.
You got honeypotted by echo slam. A good ES knows how to place good fissures.
ES support is bad simply because he's not a good hero for trading hits in lane, coupled with higher dependency (compared to int supports) on arcane boots and blink.
There's little reason to play him in the current patch because even if you are good at initiating fights mid game, there's no cure for his mediocre laning phase.
Just because black slavery happened at a later date doesn't mean muslim nignogs weren't slaving whites for hundreds of years prior.
whats yall secret underrated pos4/5 heroes that going under the radar
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i did it bros.. i got drow's second style
Lich, Venom and Shadow Demon, not because they are better but because they somehow escaped this last batch of nerfs, lich not so much but 0.5 seconds on a talent ain't much of a nerf to begin with.
wow two red arcanas... everybody is gonna see that you're so good at the game and respect you now
2 red arcanas? youre so good at the game, holy shit. you have my respect
Congratulations anon, I wish I had that traxex skin, also the alleria arcana and the mirana persona one.
I lose all respect for my teammate the moment I hear them on voice chat with a poo accent
how bad is mars aghs at 4k mmr?
As opposed to your totally not retarded sources which are super reliable written, owned, curated, distributed, policed, and taught by Jews. Very reliable.
Tell me all about the holohoax next and how it's 6 billion gazillion murdered by le evil painter.
I haven't really tried it but I played against a Jakiro with the ice facet and I think it's really strong
I had to buy a ton of tangoes in lane because the fucking dual breath with the ice auto attack would just do so much damage to me
I'll probably try it out tomorrow, I only tried the fire facet for building damage because it made more sense to me but I didn't realize the ice facet did so much damage in lane
nice job dotard
I think I'm like halfway done with the Drow arcana
congrats anon! glad that there's someone that's good at the game in here
All alternate arcana styles look like utter garbage lol
>99% to next rank
Dotards, this is silly.
If I lose the next game it's your fault.
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Let's trade.
>pick support pudge
>get a gorillion kills early
>teammates picked spectre and medusa
>enemy team starts grouping and naturally we can't defend
>eventually we just lose all our tier 1s and 2s because I have two useless nigger cores with no items
>lose of course
I just want a good pudge game...
Double down
>eat an entire bag of this
>can't play dota because my body is shaking uncontrollably
number 2 rule of dota: if youre doing well, the game is a loss
I even got us first blood with a blind hook ;_;
i got called a hacker when a void died to my spin when he solo chrono'd me
When is june 39th bros? Is this another trick of the light? I looked at my calendar and that's not a day
lol you see that the problem when you dont trust the plann get a new calendar yours is clearly outdated
at least that lets you know when valve is doing the update

Tinker will be buffed on new patch, they are just play testing him so he isn't too weak, this things take times
What situation happens that a team decides to triple team on a lane?
It just happened to me for the first time on a ranked match, we had pudge carry with warlock 5, me as venom and rigwarl as off and nortrom mid.
Their rilay+purist+kael versus the pudge and warlock, voljin mid vs silencer and their magina was vs both me and bristle but then I left the lane because I tried going top but it wasn't much use there so I decided to go and creep on the jungle as venom and we won even after our lock quitted.
tri lanes used to be the way to play the safe lane, but its not really worth it now a days
It's July 9th you absolute retard. Do you not know how to count?
its june 39
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june ends at 30, source
June 39th is on Source 2 actually
this event sucked. i hope we go back to the bp model soon.
So what's 9 days after June 30?

It's not june 39th, that's for sure
it's a joke, chud
the joke is that 39th isn't a real date, so when they say it's coming on the 39th, it's funny
learn how to laugh and touch grass

so spreading misinformation is funny to you? I bet you love the american election
>magatards are still upset over trump losing
let it go. it was 4 years ago.

yeah, just like in this thread people think june 39th means july 8th, just like when trump said he's making america great while hes cutting taxes for the rich and discriminating against the bright new generation of immigrants
Ok, so we've established how months work. There are 30 days in June. What is 9 days past June 30?

It's a joke that neuro-normative people understand means nowhere and no-time and retards think means july 8th. Does Februrary 29th mean march 1st?
February 29th is a real date. June 39th is a joke because they put Late June? so they made up a date to act like they kept their word. It means it's coming out July 9th since that's 9 days after June 30th. They probably aren't working next week because of Independence Day, so they're releasing it early the week after. I refuse to believe you aren't just a bad faith actor, so you must be retarded, or brown.

Listen kid, I work at a high intensity silicon startup where I earn 200k per month + get stock options. When we don't know when something is going to be done, we tell our mulit-million dollar investors that it will be done "eventually". They understand this. These investors are worth 10s of millions of dollars and live in literal castles in monterrey bay that they never even spend time at because they're busy driving their lambos and ferraris around los angeles and making big dick mega money deals, but even they can understand the concept of when it's done, it's done.
Valve doesn't have investors so they don't have to tell anyone anything really. You're lucky they even give you a date, even if it's fake.

Where is your multi-million dollar pleasure ranch located? Do you even own a ranch on 100s of acres with multiple different species where you can provide the optimal climate for any mammal to live? How big is your barn converted into a super car garage? I already know the anwser and it's 0.
you're still blading with a height starting with 5 though

I'm 6'2 and 230 pounds try again, this time without projection
Its this new PSG schizo rant?
>brain can't operate without filling in any void with PSG
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found the game, it's 7 years old.
>xboct has been holding onto a clip of gorg saying nigger for 10 years

typical russoid behavior
it's just a """"""""hilarious meme""""""""""" by valve because they realized they would not be done by "late june" like it said
whats he have to do with this?
Based Russians
it looks like the clip was from his stream
i know ur memeing but i played wow in high end guild with a total fucking mentally unhinged psycho who recorded every raid and had folders for everyone with the worst shit they said
and he was only a hunter so idk how he wasnt removed on the spot
now imagine that except its your whole life
>didn't mention balding
it's joever for you, faggot
a lot of mmo players are unhinged
i know an exact guy like that but in ffxiv
apparently even a fucking retail job selling furniture wont answer me
yea no way im going to fucking mcdonald

the only hairs i lose are from pulling my hair too tightly into a man bun
life sucks so much
>apparently even a fucking retail job selling furniture wont answer me

second time youve mentioned this, you applied to one job?

psg here, who used to work selling furniture

the current climate is you should be expected to put in 200-300 applications to get something

learn to make wood furniture. that's what i'm doing.
btw if youre really looking for a job, trades. every time i try to get something done on my house its like 6000 fucking dollars because there is no COMPETITION

these dudes are out here charging anything they want because i can't fucking find anyone to do anything

from experience, the trade guys laugh at you and bully/fire you once they learn that you play video games all the time and you have a nerd voice
yeah it can be like that with those guys, they also tend to take the piss out of anyone and everyone, trying to sort out the people who cant take it. its a shit test.

going into trades for me means being an electrician or something thats certified, not crew work. thats for mexicans.
sheever is streaming
bradley dragon is streaming
she's like 45 bro..
and that's a good thing
Grubshaker is here.

Based but Deadcuck is doa like any other valve game that redditmanslacks shills.
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>enigma stands there with blink up, black hole up, and a fucking shield rune and watches our entire team die in a fight i initiated, so you can just see their entire team right fucking there, we're fighting them, blink in you stupid fucking retard
>almost break my items or throw them to the enemy to break but sell them
>almost buy rapier but manage to buy a shadow blade and boots of travel instead
>fart around for 10 more minutes, don't feed
>while my entire team is dying stupidly in random places that aren't high ground I simply walk into the enemy base and strike down the tier 4 towers and ancient by myself with one item

what the fuck is this game -_-
>who voted for Trump
all that zionist cum got you making up lies, migatard.
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>ywn be one of QoP's slaves
If somebody has been secretly keeping track of and recording everything I've said I'm in biiiiiiiig trouble.
what's grubby's take on gorgc cheating?
why do you assume it was xboct and not someone who just had a clip of that happening on his stream? also it's clear that the clip is sentenced mixed you fat retard
>anon isn't
Look at this slut and laugh.
okay psg
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earthshaker main here
you are bad, he's amazing at setting up kills thanks to all the stuns, plus he counter unit spammers like PL, undying and many more
just man up, go pos 3 and blow everyone up with your W crits
sheever lost another game
undying counters himself, literally got a passive to feed faster
are they doing a blindfold yogurt taste test?
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(alt right) click spirit link
yeah, a very thick, and protein filled yogurt!
fresh AND hot
Damn I never noticed there's this many power runes
Like, I knew them all, but I never actually realized we're up to seven runes plus bounty and water
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Go back.
me after spending 10 minutes on tiktok
Yogurt can't be served hot, it denatures the proteins and causes the whole thing to separate, it's pretty gross actually
total gorgc death
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>overwatch case
>another faggot abusing meepo bug
>they lose anyway
hope it was worth it faggot
>i think the average normie has absolutely zero idea how much cheating there is in streaming and esports. and it goes far deeper than just using aimbots to win a game.
normies are unironically in hardcore denial about it
cheats are extremely fucking common, but when you point it out its always "Uhhh, git gud!" saying that you are a shitter if you think its cheats etc.
>russoid piggy queues up on US west/east servers
>pos 3 MK with dagon
>pos 4 is his partied silencer
>both feeding hardcore
gorgc is guilt tripping his viewers...
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I see meepo, I press guilty
>reddit frog
>is a sanctimonious faggot
Valve should make an example out of Gorg like they did Mason and punish him in the smurf pits for 6 months
This but I did it before there were any exploits
Same with Arc Warden and Tinker
the only reason you would ever defend this shit is if you were doing it yourself, kys
gorgc went on a 30 minute tangent on why the meepo bug abuse match he won was okay and justified
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>land lots of great arrows
>can't do shit with them by myself because of distance and low damage
>keep building damage but still fail to do damage
>also squishy as fuck
>look up guides after game
>people go Greaves Aghs Gleipnir and just commit to being a ranged caster forever
Well, that makes sense. But also, kind of disappointing. Guess this is why she has a 46% winrate.
> meepo bug abuse
>and justified
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git gud
based redditchad dabbing on the soiboy betas
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>Pick Oracle
>Use the rune prediction, nothing
>Fate's Edict someone against magic damage, doesn't fight
>False promise some nigger carry, he runs away
oracle and dazzle are impossible to win with because of this above low legend and below high divine
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simplier times
dota 2 has a mobility creep problem (and that's a good thing!)
>meepo bug lets you print money
>grogc, being the retard he is decides that using this bug on stream is a great idea
>people are outraged at it
>he starts malding saying that doing it was ok and that others should do it too
> 2 middles
mid support retard
wtf chat is that real?
0% chance that the second guy has any kids or even a girlfriend
it's not a bug just get good :^)
infinite money/gold
he justified it by saying it wasnt him, but his teammate even though he's seen doing it (https://youtu.be/GdlQCQRhXPk?feature=shared)
so people lose respect and become disappointed in him, so he begins saying things like he would have abandoned and that mmr doesn't matter, and guilt tripped his viewers that people are reporting him
he also deleted his vod and paid moderators to delete threads because he's worried of being banned off twitch and dota
what u want
If it was Mason reddit would have a meltdown again, but since it's gorgc (non-White subhuman) it's ok
2 be fair i don't think he should get banned for abusing a valve fuck up.
but the way he went about it is absolutely retarded and bitch made.
either owe it up or just shut up about it instead of
gaslighting and guilt tripping your own fanbase.
yeah i agree
he def shouldnt be banned but his 1 hour rant about how it was okay for him to encourage the exploit and take advantage of it made him look pathetic and desperate
like a gambling addict for mmr
why do underlord and dark willow get ravage and overgrowth as normal abilities
why does axe get reverse polarity on a 10 second cooldown
why does enigma have a black hole
What do you do when razor uses BKB ulti and satanic in a team fight?
dont look this information could get you banned https://files.catbox.moe/6qtqfi.webm
But they don't?
ghost scepter then euthanize
how the fuck does this game have more game-breaking bugs and exploits than deadlock, which is in a literal alpha
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This Meepo was reported for cheating. Can you see from the image alone what he is doing without even seeing the video? I'll reveal it in the next screenshot that makes it more obvious.
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2 literal seconds later. Spoiler: He duplicated his manta 2 times and sold them for 5k gold at level 10, 7 minutes into the game.
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Too bad I can't also review the Techies on their team because they somehow share the duped items. They make it stupid obvious they are cheating too with multiple skadi's before the game is even at the 10 minute mark.
focus on the specific hero being reported, other players in the game may have been reported as well.
I didn't even know this system existed till today. Just saw the button. I hope both end up banned.
Based newfriend
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has he been redeemed?
>Arc warden case
>Look into it
>Extremely obvious maphacking

it's damage control
how does dota maphack work? can you see everywhere? why would that information even be sent to the client?
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enemy muerta, how fucked am i
why would he go manta this game?
Vaya con dios
wanted to do the meepo exploit but forgot he picked a different hero
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>-110 points
>All these butthurt faggots getting mad at some funny shitpost
How do i review overwatch cases? I have perfect behaviour score.....
gotta play a game of ranked too
It was some nigger looking through fog of war and knowing exactly where to jump/tracking someone despite 0 vision
New facet for SB
Jog of Darkness
Halved Q's bonus speed but you turn black during the charge and are completely magic immune
>get chased by locals from the Radiant
>get killed
>announcers begins shouting 'HE WAS JUS' JOGGIN!'
>working for free doing the job of a multibillion corporation should do
I refuse to believe anyone is this cucked, surely you don't do this?
Im immortal with 12K behavior and they never activated overwatch for me
Who knows what the fuck activates it
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I love doing overwatch cases
i had like 8k behavior score? is that bad? i cant ping allies items.
i havent played in years, this didnt used to exist.
welcome to hell, better start spamming turbo games where you support and dont say a single fucking word
also immortal
every time i reach ~8.5k behavior i get overwatch case and its disabled the moment i drop out of 8.5k
you must have some giga flag on steam for charging back, scamming, cheating in other games to not have it
everyone gets it by default, its only locked by behavior and maybe phone number but since you play ranked this can't be it
i never really say things, i dont know why my score is low
does it make so finding games takes longer time or something? feels like it. do i only get matched with other low behaviour score?
usually similar behaviour but matchmaking is fucked, really its just limiting you on pinging which is ass
>its only locked by behavior
I had once 3K behavior score(took me like 2 years to go to 10K before they changed the limit to 12) so maybe is that
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how bad is it?
i'm not very toxic, i don't really insult anyone. i don't really communicate much at all actually.
i haven't played in several years and this didn't exist back then so have no idea where these numbers come from.
workable, you just need to get behavior score because thats low but com score is higher as you see on the gray
It'll go up, just commend other people and stay quiet, the best thing you can do is win because then everyone on the team usually commends you
does commending actually does anything at all?
should i just commend everyone because then theyll commend me too?
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Presumably as I can't imagine what else it's based off on assuming you're not being "toxic", it's not like they check the chat for good behaviour

I commend everyone on my team if we win assuming they weren't being a complete dick, if we lose I'll commend whoever was trying, I will occasionally commend someone on the enemy team if I saw they were trying but got stuck with an asshole, I don't think you want to commend absolutely everyone all the time because they probably track it
im pretty sure they use some ai to check chat, either that or you get auto muted in the match if you get 4 chat reports
sex with futa hoodwink
Hoodwink facet: Deez Nuts
Hoodwink Q now instead creates a pair of nuts that are dragged behind her. The nuts grow in size over time and when they max out you can recast Q to shoot both of them (same effect as regular Q, except you have 2 projectiles). If alt cast, the nuts will drag Hoodwink toward the mouse cursor too.
i wish i had the windranger arcana
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Arteezy could have won the qualifier and stomped those chiggas and fake yuros, but he probably realized that 2024 is a honeypot year
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Yes but I imagine it's only for bad words, it's probably a lot harder to check if someone is being nice, especially if it's not sincere and to be honest assuming you're not being reported by a party if you get the entire team against you you probably deserve it
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Ethereal beauty
some nigga just picked time zone void mid
>5 viewers
>Archo Shit I
>Me Mars, Techies supp
>he does blast off to enemy sniper miles away at lvl 1
>lane pushed and can farm
>techies feeds
>gets super pissed off in nigger russian language
>from 2 minutes on he AFK's in the trees
>keeps pinging me
>get pushed out of lane by sniper and pugna
why the fuck are Russians absolute niggers in this game?
>in this game?
They are niggers everywhere, they are a slave race.
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lmao he's scared
bane is purple
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He said it like he was trying to stop it from coming out but he couldn't resist
mason live bitches
is this ai
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So this Tiny lost his game. Enemy pushing in and getting mega creeps. So he vendors his stuff and buys 10 boots. Drops them near the fountain. This was reported as griefing. Sure, not great, but this isn't going to make his team lose imo so I don't think he's guilty of that. He tried for the entire match and did something silly at the end. What do you guys think?

Technically griefing but he didn't make his team lose. They lost on their own.
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Third worlder cheats/steals/racism = banned
First worlder cheats/steals/racism = *crickets*
>tidehunters krill eater facet changes name every time he levels up

thanks for reminding me the taiga poster is gone
guys remember the vp og showmatch
How is Gorgc only rank 400 even tho he plays 8h+ each day?
First worlder has someone else cheat in their proximity once
Third worlder cheats every match
All numbered immortals are autistic and devote their lives to holding onto their number and climbing
ranks 1-399 are pro players and unemployed russians who play 14 hours a day
psg here

we have to be 100% sure that gorgc stops being a dota personality. We have everything we need. Xboct gave us the key.

Yes I'm hating...it lowers everyone for people to watch shit like him for entertainment. Just waiting on the edge of their seats for the next time he says "fuckeeng"
how much did you donate to gorgc? did he say your name on the stream? did you have the money yourself or have to take it from dad's wallet?
i always look up the match on opendota to see who the real instigator is
why? being bitter at other persons that are way more successful isn't a good thing
if mid loses, does that mean it's way more important for the side lanes to have to win their lanes?
no lol
i'm sure valve learned their lesson from like a decade ago that if you give players a way to game the system they'll do it.
commends just look pretty on your profile and that's it.
if mid loses im going fucking next
why? because

bitter? no I just don't like him...I really dislike eurotrash especially when it cops an attitude

lmao that fucking grubby/notail stream, WHY DO EUROPEAN MEN SIT SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER ON COUCHES *skull emoji*

>le bitter
it's funny that it's you and you think of everything in this feminine way :)

I know genuinely successful people, if I'm jealous of anyone it's people who work at chip fabricating companies, not some czech or croatian or italian or whatever gorgc is. euro mystery mutt.
Struck a nerve it seems
no you aren't capable of doing that

i think we should destroy gorgc and i will be working toward that end though

why? because. he doesn't provide anything of value. sorry if that's not your perception, i had friends before
>i had friends before
No surprise that you don't anymore
guys don't worry theyre actually going to release gambler soon
of course i have friends anon u are my friend

when you say stuff like "you are just jealous of hoboharry becasue he makes 600 dollars a month streaming" it makes me laugh and puts a huge smile on my face

seeing someone rush to dicksuck anyone slightly successful tangentially related to their community is one of the lowest things i've ever seen anyone done. you're like a vile dung eater. Now dance, Mr. Dotajangles!
>of course i have friends anon u are my friend
If you think this is friendship I truly pity you for never having had a real friend
WHAT IS...FRIEND? *said undyingly*
how the fuck do i chase with muerta, i have bot2, wind lace, gleipnir them and they still fucking outrun me, as if my ult actually limits my movement speed or some shit
>as if my ult actually limits my movement speed or some shit

hahha that would be crazy
blink and ricochet you stupid ass nigga
ricochet doesnt help half the time, and even if so, thats a single dude running towards me if i get into proper range, for a solid second
>Axe doesn't cast any spells for 30 seconds except missing call

Jesus christ.
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>Teammate gets ruptured
>hook him
>instant death
>the enemy pauses we all laugh my teammate is SEETHING
>5 min later
>he gets ruptured again
>hook him and instant kill him again
>instant buyback and break items
>report him
Cancer cleansed
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>match starts to become apparently clear that my team is going to win
>start giving a long speech in allchat
based and enjoyerpilled
Reminder after this match Bulba somehow convinced his team to kick demon (the founder and captain) in favor of him.
bulba don't wanna see bulba winning
I wish people picked bloodseeker more
Have they patched the exploit yet?
>Mason + 4 mixed browns

Never realized just how grim and ugly this team was
1. Read patch notes/reddit etc
2. Ask on social media
Don't use any of those.
This is social media. I was telling you to RTFM.
Gleipnir let's you set up arrows for yourself, it's great.
If you build carry items without the solar flare facet you are trolling.
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>get muted in match for telling these retards to take fucking tormentor finally instead of half afking the triangle
Just got teamed with the same guy for 5 games recently
>Only plays undying
>if undying is banned he randoms
>does the same build every game rushing greaves into heart
>calls everyone negroes and nothing else
bro, radiant has all t1s up. who gives a shit how people behave in a total stomp where nobody should actually be expected to try or even stick around.
Any tips for climbing from Archon III to higher ranks?
I have been mostly playing supports, going for the simple routes, venomancer and lich, building the simplest builds possible, filling in with meteor hammer when possible.
>hc chooses unfettered facet because there is a silencer on the other team
We obviously lost that match
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please matchmaker give me more games with melee carry pickers with 38% win rates, im begging you

i spent the game a-clicking to a hard camp that killed me automatically every time I respawned and tripled damage of cores in my game. :D

we need to go ahead and code dota 3 with appropriate skill detection algorithms...mmr right out the window and the game matchmakes by if you can play or not.
>old man feeds in a game of dota 2 filled with 15 year olds and the disabled
>complains about the matchmaker
jesus christ get some help
>see pango in game
I euthanize
if he's on my team I euthanize to punish a disgusting pangonigger picker
if he's on the enemy team I euthanize because fuck playing against that shitty nigger lol hero

its not fair

ive been good almost every game lately and i get rewarded with this fuckin shit.
If I'm on LS and I'm losing the game because their physical carry is outpacing me, what's the proper item to go for mid to end game?
Going for Blademail on LS feels weird. Usually I just immediately go for Skull Basher so i can force a man fight but that's only 50/50. Is Satanic valid for that late in the game, or is it just dumb on LS?
why is mason shit talking gorgc?
bane is purple
why isn't everybody?
swede is a raging cuck
bullying sw*dish """people""" should be encouraged
dumb redditor needs to stir drama to keep himself relevant
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I just wanted to play a game of dota...
stop cheating swede cuck
gorgc mad mason caught 3k mmr despite being permabanned and smurfpooled and now they are even
also hes mad that mason streams in "his hours" he does that to every dota streamer. when rtz had 20k viewers in his timeslot he was fuming all week and permabanned every single mention of rtz or viewcount

i genuinely just have 0 fucking respect to people who dont have driving license, brag about it and say they dont need one, hopefully he fucking gets cancer for that
is he right?

Ephey twisted her ankle. Who's going to take care of her in her old age?
LMAO cancel this nigga

he said nigger, he's cooked. let's get him

he doesn't have a drivers license LMFAO
cancel gorgc for being an insecure unfunny faggot
is gorgc racist?
gorp floyd
did mason vs gorgc even happen yet? they are same mmr yet i'm yet to see them in the same game
>weaver picker getting his comeuppance
no he's european they're not allowed to be racist by EU law

he just thinks he gets to say deeply, deeply hurtful words stemming from 400 years of slavery and oppression.
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>win 3 games in a row
>don't double down
>figure I'm on a row
>this is your safe lane carry
I hate this game sometimes.
i think i heard mason say recently that he always win over gorgc but ive never watched his stream while he's playing vs gorgc
gorgc said nigger? qrd?
also tahts based and he is officially ourguy
an europeid will never be /myguy/
especially not a sw*de
Theyve played twice afaik and mason won both times.
I've seen 2 matches of mason vs gork and mason stomped both
For some reason lil nick was in both of them
the twink is mason's good luck charm
what mmr did masao have before the ban?
haven't played in months
when was this distorting forcefield around towers added?
low-mid 8k
i think i remember him being right on the line for 7k
2017 you fucking nigger rat
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game defines why "you can win any low mmr game by farming" idiots are stuck in 2014

>my mid runs into necrophos off cooldown
>entire team then runs into necrophos off cooldown

you cannot do anything to win these games, the matchmaker decided to give you a lost game. It does not matter if you are literally a 9k booster if you were not mid and were not able to stop this. they were fighting over mid pregame for this outcome.
IT'S OUT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EYravSrhI4
>you cannot do anything to win these games
Maybe you can't, but players with higher mmr than you can.
It doesn't matter what MMR a player is, booster loses this game also. Boosters lose about 15-20% of games depending on their quality

You cannot do anything about situations that mathematically counter you existing because of your team. You cannot outplay it. It's a fantasy you have taught yourself that you assure yourself of through the lens of MMR

But I broke the MMR lens when I stomped rain. It's not real. This is an engagement product and they want you to feel accomplished so you spend money.
>my weaver buys entire linken and goes another garbage item like deso
>gleipnir nowhere to be seen
Cope harder, shitter.
Insider here I'm tonguing Icefrog's anus right now
Act 3 will have tokens for gender
Templar Assassin's tokens are Male - Male - Male
Insider out
yeah let me get the gleipnir so i can hit it on the enemy heroes and then stand there looking at them unable to go in

do me a favor let a necro go 14-0 against your team in 20 minutes in a game and then you win the game with weaver. good luck!

no contribution from teammates and AA ends game with 5 minutes of items, by the way
Necro is a trash hero though, only shitters think he's good
idk if i can really articulate it but climbing with support in Archon is i think a combination of a lot of things, like knowing your hero well, positioning well, feeding less, getting denies, getting the right items, getting wisdom runes, TPing to lanes that are getting dove to help them, knowing who to protect and who to target with spells and items, just having a lot of impact and good game sense, like i lost two games in a row recently because my cores didnt have buyback and they were just playing super aggressively around the map, so the next games i had to really be vocal with my team and tell them to save buybacks because they weren't saving buybacks in the late game and i literally would have lost another game because of it if i didnt specifically tell them to save buybacks. watch high mmr support players and watch what they do and how they position and where and when they ward and stuff
im only Ancient rank, not Immortal or anything though
>guy from wow messages me 3 years later
>man i didnt know u are high rank in this game
>got any tips?
>what heroes should i play?
>mind spectating me and my 2 buddies?
....i just abused visage just like i abused warlock in wow .... i dont know how to play this game
Might be a trash hero in high MMR, in low MMR it's impossible to beat if ahead because they walk into him and don't get any items
we need to go back ti2 balance
game was so much better back then
But there's no difference between high and low mmr?
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>open twitch
>see grubby online
>he's playing another game
There's a huge difference in players. There's no difference in matchmaking or game quality
Grubby was right - some people don't deserve to win.
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any DOTARDS needing Deadcock invites?
yeah sure man
the only thing i see when i look at this image is NI CE vs GER
has the drama with Mason and Gorgc escalated?
im hoping it has
yeah dudes, im a fucking psychic, got you covered :))))))

post steam, dorks
I'd love to.
do you accept doodles
Goegc said nigger on stream so we are organizing a lunch mob to cancel him
>gorgc: visibly shaken, avoids any mention of anyone else, extremely bitchmade and antisocial
>mason: ah well wcyd
guys there is a mason clip shittalking gorgc on reddit and everyone is agreeing
is it over for him?
Depends on the mmr but im pretty sure if you're below Legend rank and pick a core role and just farm a bunch and ignore your teammates then you can win most games
>lunch mob
Where we dropping? Quiznos!?
That makes you lose the game now. You have to participate more. You have to go in and out of the paddies
see >>484275973
this patch is such a fucking unplayable unbalanced garbage
they need to fix the idea of required items

necrophos dominates any low mmr game in which he snowballs, same as bristleback did for years. why? because they require an item to deal with them

my team will never buy these items in history, unless i buy it, in which case they will buy two after me so they can use the charges on the wrong heroes and grief my game harder than should be meaningfully possible

mason is on his naruto arc
once weaver, ck and tiny are out of the pool this patch is great desu
even brood which has some sort of a comeback nowadays isnt as scary and cancerous as she used to
How isn't venge absolutely busted rn lmao
>stack cast range bonus items + talents
>crazy range on BOUNCING magic missile
>crazy range on swap
>build vlads and give everyone around you 43% (!) bonus damage and lifesteal
>can scout from fog with wave of terror
>nether swap being a game winning ability lategame as people fail to respect its obese range so you can swap in some weakling in the middle of your team when sieging high ground
>get aghs and killing her is now a waste of time
>busted armor reduction makes your team hit like it's 8k gold ahead of where it actualy is
Used to be the most vanilla boring hero but now it feels like free mmr
>situational itemization bad
League is more up your alley
My entire point is that it's not situational fucking retard. Required items are the opposite of situational

And for fuck sake if it's a knowledge check remove nonsense like multiple urn penalty just fucking choose one to go to
supports buying wards before me and wasting them on terrible positions is driving me nuts
>every game has x hero
Also they are not required at all, wasting money on counter items that don't fit your hero's playstyle because you think they are required is a noob trap
items like vessel are 100% required against heroes like pudge, necro, etc, you will lose. period
7.36c is literally 7.36b with fewer viable heroes. They removed the good agi cores from the game and made sure to leave CK, Lifestealer and Tiny untouched.
>lifestealer untouched
Spoken like a true shitter, vessel is literal garbage for antihealing and the only time you should get it is if you're playing a hero that vessel is good on regardless of what the enemy team picked
Trying to force buy vessel to "counter" some hero will lose you the game 99% of the time, it's the biggest noob trap of all
What mmr are you, 2k?
sent :)
Rain + 1

MMR store open yet?

those items are required and statistical analysis would show they're required. you are objectively wrong and pro game supports you being wrong
>they are required because uhhh they are ok look at my appeal to authority
Classic shitter, monkey see monkey do ooh oohh aahh ahh without any understanding like some cargo cult nigger
You're more worthless than the big stinky shit I just took open wide shiteater dinners served, at least my shit had value at one time
I accept your concession, stay mad stay bad 1k shitter
you didn't even use "appeal to authority" in any kind of sensical context

you are genuinely not an intelligent person and it is really boring to talk to you. you want badly to go back and forth with intellectually capable people but you are not big enough to sit at the table.

Look at the low, vulgar things you write. Ruffian.
>psg pretending he doesn't regularly engage in childish and vulgar shitposting when he gets triggered
That guy really hit the nail on the head with his psychoanalysis the other day, huh? Total narcissist, disgusting person.
rubber; glue

>that guy
you mean you? lmao

post brown hand
no one can engage with you intellectually because you're literally delusional
this place isnt good for you
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>tf2 botters were usual suspects

you can't engage with me intellectually because you are a dullard. I'm sorry to have to say that to your face, but you don't really get it through repetition. Do you find yourself wearing the same shirt for a lot of days?
>but you don't really get it through repetition.
i cant put into words how fucked you are
You can't put a lot of things into words, I expect that's an everyday situation for you.
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gorgc bros...
why can't they just be racist together?
It's what he does, projects his own weaknesses on everyone else. Classic cluster B behavior.
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So basically youre saying you coming to /d2g/ day to day is like me cumming evil all over you and you just sit there and take it?


*The only thing they fear is YOU from doom eternal plays*
Which one of you posted this!?
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>chad racist swede being friends with dumb amerimutt
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I uninstalled... I'm tired of competition...
just gonna fly me spaceships...
>Chad swede
>Looks like he can't do an unweighted squat
>Cheap looking clothes and apartment
>Sunken in, dark circle eyes like some kind of sewer dwelling pederast
does anyone here actually like dota? i get the feeling everyone here hates it and only plays it out of addiction or event fomo
actually rain moved up to getting attention whored on deadlock discord
he goes by Big Hat (sobighat)
Mason plays on EUW with 200 more ping than gorc and does better, obviously the guy will feel insecure.
take the deadlockpill
tho icefraud is already turning it into dota, tanky heroes do 495023420423042 dmg
The first time he played him a couple weeks ago he absolutely stomped him, then they were on the same team the very next game. It was kind of hilarious.
>be godless, rootless, feminine-brained person
>automatically go to the new thing

good riddance. Never forget 9-0-6. I sure won't!
the science is settled
I actually like it a lot, especially visually, and the wordlbuilding is actually pretty cool as well. I think dota has THE best character design in the industry. The game itself is genius as well. I played all other mobas and dota is the best one with a large margin. But I won't give much credits for this to valve since 80% of its mechanics were translated from wc3, valve just tuned up abilities. But the visual/audio design is 10/10. Too bad it is balanced by retards. Is it really impossible to figure out the balance in 10 years of the game's existence? I genuinely think they tweak the game badly on purpose so people won't feel like it stagnates. Because people are brainless coomsoomers and they want every game to be an endless live service shitshow with weekly updates, they can't just enjoy a good game as it is. Powercreeps and other stuff were not created for no reason.
>game hasn't been even released yet
>community is already filled with troon degenerates
umm yes I think I'll pass
deadlock has the same energy as underlords
Trans rights are human rights.
access to prepubescent children's genitalia is not anyone's human right
I liked Underlords.
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It literally has a tranny character.

It's a sweet baby game. I will never touch it. It's not fun and the basic design isn't good-- it's not like Dota where it's just engaging by default.
how can you be addicted to something that you dont like?
maybe you dont like the fact that it takes up tons of time of your day or whatever but if you're addicted to something you like it
I said trans rights, not right-winger's rights.
>maybe you dont like the fact that it takes up tons of time of your day or whatever but if you're addicted to something you like it

this has nothing to do with addiction whatsoever. addiction is not a voluntary situation

most people here play out of addiction
weak response
It has legs that sharty fart and underlords never did, and normie appeal by having shooting mechanics instead of boring ass cardshit.
Really depends on the marketing, expect a curated/scripted showmatch at TI with fat lash ults and blackholes
>here hates it and only plays it out of addiction or event fomo
What i hate the most is this retarded matchmaking that put you with apes so you lose your time losing and after losing so much it puts you against apes so you can keep winning
sounds like you made that up
I liked it. The items are well thought through and have interesting synergies with the skills. The map is a bit strange, 4 lanes is quite weird but it's necessary for the lane phase to work and it doesn't become 24/7 brawl.
I wish I had a more concrete opinion to give to the developers but I'm still experimenting the game
just filter mentions of his name and half his stuff is gone.
He didn't used to be like this though. It's a shame how much fame and money can get to one's head.
i think Mason could beat Gorgc in a fistfight
>he didn't used to be a whiny eurofaggot who acts abusively in his games and then complains about the same

l m a o
why wouldn't I cheat with manta if the enemy picks some dishonest shit
revenge for this forced 50/50 bullshit
>Finds himself needing "revenge" for a zero-sum situation he willfully participates in.

This game is poisoning your soul. Amitabha! Peace and tranquility be with you.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
uh, why was the pink ench deleted?
>mason's current career entirely relying on drama
what pink ench? the one that looked like a vagoo?
The moderation has a policy against Aiushthaposting /mlp/ stuff out of their containment thread.
>denying the holocaust is now illegal in Sweden
Gorgc is done for...
When do we get "vtumors out of /vt/ report option?
this image always makes me lol
slavtranny posted MLP and got timed out kekw
I don't know what to think. I like watching too much, it makes me want to play. I try hard and then get matches where my dk dies to a necro mid 5 times within the first ten minutes and by minute 20 necro has radiance, heart, and eternal shroud. And the next game I get 3 out of 4 teammates are pre-muted from previous matches and they all feed and the safelaner has died 10 times by minute 15 and my offlaner has died 5 times and is jungling. There's no way for me to do anything to save these matches. I hovered over the uninstall button, this is supposed to be worth my time but these games are just terrible. There's no amount of good laning and farming I can do to win this shit. The two games before the last two I had to be my own support, dewarding my small camp, pulling, getting the lotus, this sucks. No matter what faceroll meta pick I play I get knuckle dragging teammates to keep me down.
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got my quarry
got my bitch
like seriously how are people ranking up?
What are the chances of Arteezy participating as a talent on TI since he won't be playing?
It is the only game that I have fun playing, when I win, I get upset when I lose because I put a lot of effort into it, even though it's just a videogame it becomes stressful when I see that the enemy team is doing better and I can't find a solution or an angle in which I can make plays and at least try to make the game winnable.
In short, I get angry at myself for being bad at it and not thinking of an item or some play which is good against the enemy.
nigga has no personality
I'm not even annoyed about losing when the matches are close but most matches are stomps one way or the other and they don't feel good to win and feel worse to lose to. They need to do something about match making.
0%. He's clearly been checked out of dota for a few years. They'll probably hire Ceb as an analyst since he didn't qualify either and is more suited for that type of thing.
I like the game but I hate the players. Playing with friends makes the game great
You wanna play some dota with ME, PSG? I'll try hard and play whatever role. I won't feed or anything. It has to be unranked though, and we might not be able to find a match

I have proven that I am Rain+1 MMR which in 2024 MMR is like 4901 or thereabouts (accounting for decay) so I can play any dota up to 5k but I can only play pos4 or pos5 above 4.2k or so.
That desperate for someone to talk to huh, normally I'd make a joke about it or something but you just came out and said it, surprised you didn't offer money this time
Thanks for the offer but I think I'll take a break from dota. Perhaps some other anons will party with you.
It's ok friendo. you should try using /tv/ some and posting about movies, I've had a good time doing that lately. /tv/ probably has a bunch of stupid memes I don't pay attention to but when I make threads about movies/genres I like I get good suggestions and good conversation over and over.

Pitiable soul. Amitabha! May the ruinous fog lift from your thoughts.
Now that the dust has well and truly settled, who is /our guy/? Mason or Gorgc?
gorg is
>bad at game
>our guy
>faggy european

do you live south of the equator? where semi-whites are just similar objects of worship for you?
I'm team Mason
You know pretending to be overtly esoteric isn't funny right, I mean you're not in your 20s you can't get away with that anymore
I'm brazilian and I would never claim some eurotrash as my guy
New World bros need to unite
i really don't know about that. any normie that might be interested in a third person hero shooter (lol) is going to be filtered the FUCK out by the moba elements
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>0 - dawnbreaker
>1 - earthshaker
>2 - clinkz
>3 - weaver
>4 - dark seer
>5 - lina
>6 - kotl
>7 - abaddon
>8 - ogre
>9 - np
>dubs - invoker
>trips - meepo

last digit decides my main for the next 100 games. any role, no matter what. second to last decides backup if they are taken. first (You) decides the first item i build every single game, as long as it's not too obvious of a troll item like rapier or something.
>"I understood you, but others won't"

Perhaps you have misjudged the situation, against your own experience.
Carry Venge meme has always existed. If you think you can carry with her, nobody's stopping you.
urn of shadows
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>i genuinely just have 0 fucking respect to people who dont have driving license, brag about it and say they dont need one, hopefully he fucking gets cancer for that
Why are Americans proud over the fact they are forced to have a car and their entire country is built around cars?
Whatever, I'm sure someone will laugh eventually, maybe you should go back to complaining about streamers you're obviously jealous of
already my most played hero, dis gon be boring but its my punishment for putting him on the list to begin with. lesson learned, see yall in 100 games
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I'm in too. I asked machine nwords to generate a list for me as well

>My apologies, you're correct again. Here's the list fixed with "dubs" before "trips":

>0. Pangolier (Agile Carry)
>1. Death Prophet (Intelligence Mid)
>2. Timbersaw (Strength Offlane)
>3. Drow Ranger (Agility Carry)
>4. Enigma (Intelligence Jungler)
>5. Slardar (Strength Carry)
>6. Templar Assassin (Agility Carry)
>7. Ogre Magi (Intelligence Support)
>8. Weaver (Agility Carry)
>9. Lina (Intelligence Support)
>Jakiro (Intelligence Support) - Dubs (two in a row)
>Ursa (Strength Carry) - Trips (three in a row)

last digit decides my main for the next 100 games. any role, no matter what. first (You) decides backup if they are taken. second (You) decides the first item i build after boots and a starter stat item every single game, as long as it's not too obvious of a troll item like rapier or something that costs over 6000g.
brown boots
fuck that im not playing weaver for 100 games :(
I'm CLEARLY talking here about playing her as a support
oh god thats even worse

ok 100 games of weaver it is

clickity click nigga
>play on na server
>peruvian doesnt type in lobby 10th picks am mid when we have a mid and greifs
is there a way to turn off warning of only queuing 1 server with high ping?
>does a roll post for attention
>doesn't respect the dice roll
I expected nothing and I'm still surprised at how low he digs.
Is Gorgc gonna seethe over that reddit thread?
will gorgc be streaking deadcock? can you dupe items in that one?
I guess weaver is actually ideal, all 5 pos right now
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brehs, shartour is having a mental breakdown on twitch rn
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I do not care for mongoloid slavics.
mongoloid slavic game, suhuman
pipe down rapebaby
or what
I clicked on jenkins streams and he had the camera pointing at sheepo's boobs but I didn't get a screenshot
I'm sorry guys
who the fuck wants to see that? disgusting
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cast him
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>die during rune fight because undying has tombstone for some reason and team is literally too stupid to hit the tombstone with 3 people surrounding it at point blank range, they all run and lose 2/3 HP instead
>take mid because ogre is too low iq to mid for not hitting tombstone
>check his profile
>its some kind of jamaican brazilian crossbreed
>fuck up his mid
>don't get good CS myself so it's for nothing
>die to the tower and ember several times
>die to neutrals and etc a few times
>decide to play normally
>come back and win the game
>retard ogre magi had internet problems or something and disconnected/abandoned right before we won

Literally the perfect dota game.
Thanks asshole, I was expecting boobs or something close enough instead I get these two retards struggling to cycle down a street, why are you even watching them in the first place, why are they even streaming together
didn't read but i'm sorry that happened to you or glad it happened or whatever
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Closest I can be bothered to get
why would you want to look at the boobs of a lesbo fridge?
Lo leí, lamento que te haya pasado, o me alegro de que te haya pasado
no hablo ingles
tits are love
tits are life
>Ephey gets to motorboat those
it's not FAIR
it said irl streaming and got curious
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Yeah it helps, thanks.
based cat
Now he's playing with a tranny or something, damn you
>watch streamer
>get rewarded with faggot shit

if only there were some way to prevent this.
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You sure are quick on the button to talk about streamers aren't you
that's canada for you
yeah, i think watching streaming is faggot shit for losers. what can I say? i just think watching other people do shit is basically the height of being a fucking loser

its something that didnt exist before HRT for children, what a coincidence. must be just happenstance.
>If you build carry items without the solar flare facet you are trolling.
I'll remember that for next time. I went in expecting to support+play defensively so Ursa could farm and go rosh but the enemy team had some monster Beastmaster who just wouldn't die and I couldn't hit him with arrows because he had a revolving wall of creeps blocking them so I tried to build right-click and failed. Gleipnir probably would've helped against that so I should've looked it up before playing.
And yet you are on the cutting edge when it comes to any mention of them, I'm just saying I thought you were meant to be above that sort of thing but here you are responding within the minute
That's not what cutting edge means

whoa, big ESL tell

post brown hand tho
Fine you can have it, yet you didn't bother to address the crux of the matter, I wonder how much you are pretending or not, you really do bark at the chance to address any streamer issues
*silence as he frantically googles "cutting edge" and henceforth tries to argue that he used it correctly*

watch him try to brownly argue that he used it correctly. dude goes to the store with flip flops on.

hair naturally grows into an afro shape
Cluster B behavior on display.
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omg you actually did better than i thought of you

*head pats* and then this gif
You don't have many friends do you
i have about 4 pretty good ones but i almost never see anyone, that's the reality of life once you're past like, 30 really

if you have any friends at all, you're doing good. some folks just have one, some of them have none at all
It's not just a matter of being a pussy weakmind or a retard, he is a fundamentally broken and flawed human being. He most likely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means is that the only thing that drives his day-to-day is his shortsighted need to be validated and have his dick sucked. And that includes his need to abuse people. You can have a crowd of simps all clamouring to suck his dick and get him through ranked but he still won't climb. It's because every time he doesn't fuck something up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he fucks up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he gives an order, he wants people to suck his dick while doing it. And then at the very end, when he's about to win and everybody is praising him for totally carrying, he will throw the game as hard as he can. Because his motivation is getting his dick sucked and feeling superior. Winning won't make him feel superior. Hurting the people who depend on him the most, and watching them writhe in pain before they come crawling back to him asking for more is what truly makes him happy. He is fundamentally incapable of rational thought and his mind operates like a bot. He can't turn it off for even one second.

Most narc-related disorders are rooted in anxiety. The need to feel validated. They can talk a lot of shit and pretend but they are perpetually anxious at the thought that the rest of the world doesn't believe in their superiority so they will go out of their way to constantly seek it and manifest it through the abuse and actions of everyone around them. This means that hurting his feelings and calling him a faggot doesn't do shit. All he has to do is call you a shitter back and in his mind, he has doled out the abuse to make himself feel better and he'll forget everything that just happened. Then he'll keep trucking on. That's why you have to ignore him. Literally nothing will work unless you ignore his existence even if he spams 500 posts an hour.
kek does anyone even like gorgc?
Is he back yet? I miss him
not me, thats for sure
Like most people with cluster B disorders he fails to realize his misery are all caused by his own actions, and he refuses to change his ways or accept help.
Me neither
*whistle sound*
*wagging bird hand appears over his head*
What did gorgc do?
bane is purple
Cheated and said the nword all in the same day
called /ourguy/ snare a nigger
Make webms even if they are bad
speaking of snare is there an actual dota scene in africa to make tournaments
would be surreal to see an all black dota tournament
new WK facets
> Reincarnate Other
Allow ult to be cast on another hero, giving them a reincarnation buff that lasts up to 20s, putting the ability on cd.
> Wraith Jesus
Ult no longer has a cooldown but takes 15s to respawn
>> Wraith Jesus
>Ult no longer has a cooldown but takes 15s to respawn

No he can't kys himself anymore because Jesus doesn't tap
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I want to impregnate Sheever with severely autistic children due to her nearly being beyond childbearing age!
Let me put jesus in a kimura, he'll fucking tap.
better facet than your jesus

Kills himself. Can always activate under any circumstances whatsoever. Instant cast time, no cooldown, no cost. Always denies all gold and exp from his death.
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My dear deer...
>Buy back
>Instantly KYS again
>tfw russian monkeys feeding on my team
>tfw playing us west/east
>tfw check their accounts
>tfw VAC ban on their history
imagine my shock!
russians are worse than south americans
the thing is i dislike mason more than gorgc
What was WR thinking?
At least mason is authentic. gorg is a phony.
>i have windrun
what are you a redditor?
>mason exposed as a redditor drama queen
>say i dislike him
>wtf!?!?! are you a redditor?!
jfc you really are retarded
People in my games don't notice stuff or understand stuff like lotus orb very well
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I can't fucking get good with Invoker, my brain fucking shuts down when fighting and trying to remember what spell is what combination and when to use it.
When you win, commending all your team mates usually reults in all of them commending you back.

pro-tip, do not beg for commends, it usually just makes me not want to commend you
Just hit the commend first
New Chen Facet
>Devout of Allah
Summon Convert now summon a pre reworked Techies with level equal to Chen's.
kino jubby stream
downvoted for being a redditor
but if you activate it a primal beast appears and casts rocks on all your female heroes
Are there characters from other MOBAs you wish were in Dota 2 or vice versa?
Unless they have Veil of Discord in their inventory
why is it that i can keep playing dota for 2 or 3 more hours after im already completely sick and tired of it? how do i harness this power for something actually useful
well, does egypt count? cos i see those fuckers in my EU games non-stop
Dota 2 is the only MOBA i've really played
Never played Awesomenauts?
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>TFW I play LoL, Smite, and Dota 2 altogether
What does this make me? Though I haven't played in a month or two of Dota 2.
He’s so kino
I can see why there’s seethe at him, he really makes the most out of being a 3d character compared to some others, like how infernus can’t jump while firedashing or how some are just mindless gun heroes like wraith/haze/vindicta
nah, but it does look kinda good
sex with Ephey

think about it, dotards
>sex with a whore
no thanks.
i unironically think some deadlock characters would be absolute kino in dota
and vice versa

but imagine bebop in dota, if techies and pudge already make half of the dotards seethe lmao
Dota should add a hero that controls like a deadlocker with wasd and over the shoulder shooting, he can release 600 days after ringmaster
Stop posting Sheepo.
you are so boring PSG
>calls any post he doesn't like PSG

Is PSG in the room with you right now?
Well it doesn't smell like spoiled diapers so thankfully not
you're psg LOL
new jakiro facet
Jakiro's cold head now grows out of his ass instead
Q and R now effectively has an additional AOE from behind
W now has to be aimed backward
Innate now shoots the additional projectile at a random target behind you

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Gaben pls
youre a nigger and a faggot if you play broodmother, meepo, lycan, and arc warden
holy shit how are they playing so many heroes at once
keep us updated j crispy
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dota players look like this?
>slardar is just straight up inting
>spirit breaker has done so little I didn't realize he's in the game until about 20 mins in
>forgot who the mid was but they weren't fucking doing anything either
>ursa is sitting under tower, too afraid to engage for some reason despite me offering free kills with shackles
>afk jungle and get a rapier
>they all just ignore it and continue fucking around and stalling our loss 30 mins longer than it had to be
i hate this game
>jubei also doesn't have a license

arturo status?
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why does he look sad
never won a TI
not enough energy drinks
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He can't feel anything anymore.
holeee fuk
he lives in oshawa you practically need it to get around
it's over for him isn't it?
bro why you seething so hard
>visage once again forgotten

this is better than dota 2 in each and every way
no you're boring!
he lives in toronto you racist pos
oh deer what do we have here?
but doesnt he have a lot of money and a hot asian gf
he moved downtown? jej
supposedly enchantress but drawn like deedlit
i actually feel bad for shartour
has his dick sucked by yesmen for years while not winning shit
now look at him
be black and dont live in a city challenge
Watch it that drawfag is protected by the cabal as I've witnessed multiple times
I like riko, its strongly offmodel tho
What's a deedlit
See? My theory gains fuel
A thing of true and pure beauty, of course.
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oh BOY more eceleb drama babble!
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That sure fits Ench alright, you know she already had pointy ears
>tfw no hero who opens a Gateway: A gateway of understanding.
I would like to guess the answer!
I just got called out for beinga smurf (and other insults ofc) first time ever in 7500 hours. My dota profile is 100% public and so is my steam profile so the enemy team is just seriously mentally handicapped looking for any excuse for losing, but god damn that took a while (and few missing braincells on the whole enemy team too).

went 30/3 phantom assasin with agh resets all day every day.
Based. Thank you for making PA look good. Our wife deserves this
that hero should rly not be picked because she sucks major ass currently, I just got crosspicked 3 times in a row and was like "at least they aren't picking pa".
>Playing ranked
>Hard support picks Bane
>Ok, sure
>Bane doesn't buy a single fucking ward
>20 minutes in, still never warded
>Ask for wards politely, through text, voice, the built-in messages so it translates to whatever language they speak
>Still no wards
>Ping the shit out of him after we all die for lack of vision
>Female with thick russian accent goes "I'm sorrey"
>Tell my lanemate, which is the only other player being competent "Fucking wamen am I right, Sky?"
>Onions midlaner goes "Don't be discriminatory!!!"
>Bane says over voice "Why are you mean to me!?"
>Lose my shit because she understands enough English to know that I'm being misogynistic but not enough to understand "Please ward"
We ended up winning, but I was reminded why I hate women.
>get battlefury at 12:30 as PA
>lose game because enemy just begins deathballing and getting fat off my offlane
I hate dota 2.

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