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PREVIOUS: >>484128797
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deer thread!
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bros wtf
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All threads are technically Ench threads but I will oblige
sex with lina
tfw no pirotess hero
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Alright, we ready to do this. 100 games of Weaver, picking Pango as second choice.

Is the hive mind facet good to pick for pos5 weaver?
it's a shame that cosmetics that can change your projectile cost like 2800 dollars for most heroes
No, it's terrible.
No they don't.
for most heroes the only available option is emblem.

don't those fucking expire too? sheesh
They last 1 year from when you open them. Definitely not worth it.
oh man the nemestice emblem was actually goin for like 300! I swore one of them was 3000 in the past. maybe I was thinking of baby rosh or something

they should sell projectile effects and shit.
Projectilve effects are pay 2 lose. The last thing you want as Sniper is a big green dildo flying out of fog so everyone knows where you are.
man if you could have a big green deeldo fly out i'd pay 300 for sure
ranged attack cosmetics were a ridiculously high battlepass reward, like level 1500 or some shit
wait i thought the emblem gave you attack effects. it was from the BP? hmm.
I will find and deface you /d2g/cabal
good luck nigger I'm behind 7 proxies
why is it ok for d2g to say nigger but not for gorgc to say nigger
Who's in the cabal?
Rain, Adelaide, winter wyvern furry, englo, spetsky, who are some other gay ass niggas
me :)
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As a universal hero give me one (1) reason not to start with 6 iron branches
The shop sells Circlets
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There should be more items with the branch on the recipe, I mean, more variety on starting items.
tfw no steve1989mreinfo hero
Have they fixed the meepo thing?
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a dotard removed me from steam friends
i know i haven't played in a while but that's just cause the new patch isn't very interesting to me
Circlets are twice as good.
sex with hoodwink
this but fox lina
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Take this cursed Hoodwink with a fat ass that I'm not even sure is meant to be Hoodwink but I believe it is meant to be
Am I just fucking beyond dogshit or are Naga illusions not counting in damage on the scoreboard?
>pick core
>team picks 4 casters+"supports"
>okay...just gotta end this early then
>stomp lane
>stomp other two lanes
>trying to push high ground mid
>enemy team has Gyro SB Slark and Clinkz so it's going to be a 10 min long siege while I chip the tower
>teammates keep tower diving and dying because they have no fucking detection wtf is wrong with those retards
>have to retreat

>pudge decides now's the time to solo roam jungle without vision or sentries
>dies to Clinkz
>supports trickle in one by one to where he died for some fucking reason
>they die to Clinkz
>they respawn
>die to Clinkz
>they respawn
>die to Clinkz

>repeat like 50 fucking times so the enemy team who only had treads 20 mins in are 6-slotted
>get raped instead of being the one doing the raping
>ping Clinkz for like 5 mins straight while he's raping the rest of the team who just act like they're shocked Clinkz pops up out of nowhere and deletes them
>ping dust and sentries
>pudge finally buys one sentry
>they get to our ancient
>for some reason they split up to push side lanes so I got to respawn and kill them one by one
>buy 10 sentries myself even though I have zero fucking space for them
>plant them all along mid
>ping the rax 50 million times
>teammates finally group up and we take rax
>they go fountain diving like retards AGAIN but I press every button to kill the T4s and ancient solo while they die as a group what the fuck is wrong with these retards
>barely win
My teammates did not deserve that win. AT ALL. Holy fuck I am so mad. What did I ever do to deserve teammates like this? Why are they so mentally incapable of understanding basic cause and effect? You'd think they would decide that they HATED getting ambushed by the same guy over and over again and finally get detection. I still can't believe we won. Only reason we did was because the enemy team threw away their win when they had the chance. And then my teammates tried their hardest to throw it back. Holy fucking shit.
glad it happened to you bro
or sorry about that
Buddy, no one is going to read that, I hope you just copied it from somewhere instead of typing it out
i had this identical game earlier except it was tinker instead of clinkz. he died one time in the game and i solo t4 + ancient them during that time, i know he was mad as fuuuuuuuck
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Pic related. You can tell when my teammates kept tower diving and dying en masse, and the inflection point where the enemy team threw away their win at the end.

Oh he was mad. Even at the point where they threw, Clinkz was just waiting mid for the creep wave because the T4s killed them. He didn't go to a side lane. But I ran out and killed him first while he was alone. That's when he started typing in chat about his teammates.

Told that guy in chat he was a one man hero who almost dragged his team to victory kicking and screaming by himself, and I respect that. And then we commended each other afterwards.
man, it kinda used to be less stressful when pudge hit 4 hooks within 6 minutes and you just knew the outcome of the game and could relax and take it.
Sometimes I wish I could sacrifice mmr to take away from my teammates as well.
I'd easily sac 3000 MMR to de-rank a few retards
I have no idea what to do with my time now that I don't have any inclination to play competitive games.
go volunteer at animal shelter
might as well become a janitor on /v/, same pay

it's about using your decrepit body, son.
Work out. Or learn to cook a signature dish that you would love making.
learn how to code and make dota 3!
You already know how to make a fruitbowl, don't lie. Go learn to make a pie or slow-cooked pork ribs or a lasagna from scratch or something.
>Go learn to make a pie
Hmm, learn how to spoken. But you're off the hook anyways
? why do indians constantly tell people they're saying things wrong now?

it's so fucking annoying
Only trash coming into my team, people that are only 5 steps into the cave crawl on the first act, seems like returning players, they come back without knowing about shit that is going on in the game and go straight to ranked.
Well the correct terminology would be to "learn how to make a pie" but I didn't realise you would this hard-up for conversation
You corrected the guy saying "learn how to spoken" instead of "learn how to speak" or in this case, "how to write" a correct sentence.
Once again, why are you trying to use this as a put down on an anonymous website?
That is retarded, to say the least.
Great, I forgot a word. You can sue me at the next /d2g/ typo tribunal after you learn to make something.
No, it wouldn't, fucking ESL retard, "learn to" is equally as correct as "learn how to" in english

fucking retard, holy shit

POST YOUR HAND. show your skin tone so we can all be rid of you

PLEASE go ahead and show that you don't have the pedigree to address us. I beg you
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That was a joke, I admit it isn't very funny but understand the correlation between someone misusing English whilst simultaneously critiquing it

Ok, go learn to operate a shotgun between your teeth hambone
>proliferation of indians onto the internet like never before
>suddenly people telling each other they're ESL all day every day

gee, I wonder what the connection is. and then it doesn't really matter how well you think you know english because you still sound like apu from the simpsons.
Aren't you always calling people brown? Covering for yourself perhaps?
im one of like 5 people here who has been on webcam, sorry, im porcelain.
anyway if you want to LEARN ENGLISH just ASK

stop telling people they are wrong about shit you have no idea about because you aren't a native speaker

until you can throw out a "had to have had" without batting an eyelash you suck at english
What did he mean by this?
Who are the other 4, people who have gone on to make something of themselves right, you're not still trying to make a name for yourself antagonising people and not making a buck out of it right, I mean Hobo came AFTER you and is already making money out of this, surely you've got something to show for your supposed name around here
>Who are the other 4, people who have gone on to make something of themselves right,

? no lol
i dont really care what people from /d2g/ are doing with their lives

>starts talking about hobo and shit

yeah im gonna go ahead and hide that post. its so weird, are you actually female? you have a 100% female mindset. dont bother answering :)
Ignore the reddit-spacing retard. Focus on the task at hand. If you're actually open to learning to cook as an alternative to competitive games, you can just start with something simple. Doesn't have to be a pie. I like cooking because like Dota, as long as you have the fundamentals down, it carries you no matter what you decide to do.

A simpler example would be soups and stews. Doesn't even have to be complicated. I started small. Basic shit. Cook some onions in a pot, some meat, and then add water and broth and that's already a soup. Add seasonings however you like, experiment, and try out other veggies and shit to add in. You can also take a step back and learn how to make broths from scratch too.
Another way to approach it is to just cook a bunch of shit together and then blend it with some broth liquid and call it a soup. I like cauliflower soup for this. Generally any legume or hard veggie fits the bill because when blended it comes out thick. Broccoli, pumpkins, potatoes, etc. Potato you might need a hand blender because not enough liquid means it'll just be mashed potatoes.

My personal favourites are probably like, a potato and kale soup made with sausage. And for more meat-heavy soups, I like adding vermicelli or lentils so it soaks up all the juices.

And it's not just about learning recipes. The prep work will always be 90% of your time so learning how to chop stuff properly and in a timely manner will carry you a lot. I'd probably compare it to last hitting. You can talk macro with recipes all you want but proper knife skills will matter more in the long run. You can always look up recipes, but you can't look up practice and experience. Buy some Tupperware containers, like 5-10 onions or whatever, and then just spend a couple hours chopping them until all your containers are full. And then just use a big handful of diced onions every day for anything. Soups, stir fry, tacos, whatever. Should last you a week or two. Then repeat. Always be choppin'.
Aw come on, don't give me that shit, you're just upset you couldn't take your brand of retardation to any level where you could make a buck out of it and so you're reduced to debasing yourself here in an attempt to...I give up, why are you embarrasing yourself as such? Still, good job recognising how Hoboharry made a name for himself whilst simultaneously pretending you don't care, that really sealed the deal there, hey maybe if you had a personality that was worth a shit people would actually care beyond telling you to kill yourself
>Ignore the reddit-spacing retard. Focus on the task at hand. If you're actually open to learning to cook

no actually I can cook too, tons of stuff, and well

because of course I can. who can't cook? what kind of fucking retard can't follow instructions lol

you typed a lot

here's how you cook: follow the instructions
btw even you fucking suck at making soup after trying to shit talk me

try this you fucking newbie loser. that shit you posted looks like fucking campbells soup

Based Ghost Capitalist poster.
what do you even do against broodmother?
i keep getting games where the enemy has a broodmother mid and they just destroy my mid and go around killing everyone and is just unstoppable
Thank you, I wish there were more of us around here, I can only post vicariously through Alchemist so much you know...ya milkylicker
We are here bimbobros
they're probably boosters or smurfs. earthshaker is the classic counter, disruptor works well, heroes with CC.
fat, brown
Your twitch is bugged i think you are still in https://www.twitch.tv/jubeigaaaa
whats the best arcana to roll on candyworks caravan?
Wave clear and cc, and extra wards.
any since they are omega rare
Maybe I'm too fucken broken, but this stream wasn't as hot as I thought it would be.
What are the hardest pos 3 heroes to play?
6k is new 4k
>that saudi prince who mains CM and has spent hundreds of thousands of $$$ on dota 2
>makes entire legit animation studio to make fanfic of his OC
>commissions art of himself and his OC
Why can't all the rich soulless ghouls be like him instead they make modern slavery like amazon or trick people to die for "the country"
>alton brown
sorry guys, psg won this one
>look up singsing as he is now
>dyed his hair and looking feminine
is singsing trooning out wtf?
you have two paths dota player
you either become bamboe, zyori, or win ti
>two paths
>says 3 things
what you actually think you're gonna win ti?
already won one although prize pool was a joke
>dont want ammar to win TI
>cr1t winning TI literally the moment he ditches RTZ would be the most hillarious thing to ever happen in dota
we used to call those people "fags" in high school.
am i supposed to build all of my core items before going to extension items, or am i meant to focus on a single item tree?
just lost to beastmaster 5 cuz my glorious fucking 5000IQ invoker 4 refuses to run and right click the boar
and my mid OD who didnt play for 16 days maxes W vs rubick
no i mean which hero preferably?

not like garbage ogre arcana
no they should either win riyadh or ti. or possibly both, imagine the seethe from ogtards
on arc warden, do you just use "select all other units" to control the tempest double?
also, he can be played from the safe lane, right? i think ive seen high mmr players play him from the safe lane a few times
what is he weak against? im assuming he has the same sort of weaknesses that Drow and Sniper have, like heroes that just want to get close to them and beat them to death
Disregard all that and just copy the item order 90% of pros will be using from dota 2 pro tracker
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It took me a real fucking mental fortitude to not rage over that subhuman on SF, not even a single letter said.
And im sure it took this guy even more mental power to not rage buyback ONCE
can someone take one for the team and dump rain's onlyfans in deadlock 'cord thanks
>>dont want ammar to win TI
whats wrong with ammar winning TI?
is this a race thing or ud rather want rtz to win ti
Reminder Taiga did not get a ban from valve but DeMoN did :)
yapzor is a really unfunny streamer
he tries so hard to copy gorgc schitck
feels like the difference between being a "meta" and a "non-meta" hero is way too big this patch
Yeah I feel the same, when you lose it's a big stomp because they had more meta heroes. When we win it's a big stomp because we had more meta heroes.
>play venge
>tfw never off meta
feels good man
>on arc warden, do you just use "select all other units" to control the tempest double?
no, if you play with manta pressing this button puts focus on manta illusions instead of your double for some reason, so you can't cast shit quickly. I had to manually recreate control groups that just select all other units for all other heroes in the game solely because of this arc warden inconvenience

>what is he weak against?
chaos knight is the worst possible counter
nigga demon
nigga shaman
nigga ranger
nigga king bar
relax gorgc
name 1(one) fun dota streamer

we have the shittiest and most boring "personalites" in any game
mason, that was easy. Bro is just unabashedly himself which happens to be a really funny guy. Too bad dota is such a soulsucking game that he can go through periods of hating the game and thus not being that funny
R.I.P king
nigga doctor
mason was quite funny when he was "casting" the qualis
he's so fucking whiny when he's playing though, it's like watching a big bald baby
w/o scepter: dragon knight
w/ scepter: nigga knight
literally the only funny thing ever with that fat mutt was when he got jannied by valve
really good caster though
i like how he breaks down games and rewinds to go through teamfights second by second
>Gaben personally publicly humiliates Mason because he thinks he's a racist
>instead of doing damage this made Mason more popular than ever
It's called humiliation ritual. You have to undergo it to have your career go upward.
shames hes a schizo with meme ""illness"" and doesnt bother playing anymore

or maybe hes just too based, still being on a Shitrekt's payroll without having to do shit
Did gorp quality to TI?
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>>Gaben personally publicly humiliates Mason because he thinks he's a racist
it's a perma ban for smurfing, get over yourself retard
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What do you think about this mountain range, d2g?
>marci player
>talks in post game chat
Only thought is that you are retarded
Marci is a character. The player isn't mute you retard.
I like how he'll point out a ward at the start of a fight and basically be like 'yeah this fight is over Radiant gets rosh and wins off this' and then doesn't bother hypecasting at all because he knows the outcome.
What Happens To Our CrownFall Tokens When CrownFall Ends?
the are crowngone
Explain yourself. What don't you like about Marci players, and why shouldn't I poke at Void for ruining the game for his team by ignoring bkb and dying many, many times like a retard?
>he doesn't stay in character at all times
report feedoras mid
kind of funny how mid is the bitch role nobody wants now
Why is that? It used to be almost as contested as pos1, and it's not like you don't get to have a huge impact at all stages of the game. So what changed? It's still probably the best role for solo climbing, because your lane depends only on yourself until like 5k.
Its smurf role now
Who wants to lane against smurf?
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Why do people keep pretending like 2 milliseconds difference changes anything? They could do these changes without ever telling people about them and no one would notice.
It's 200 milliseconds, or an overall nerf of 8.75% on the stun duration. Not drastic, but very significant. It also nerfs his aghs, obviously.
gorgc drama part 2
tonyt we feast
give deets cuzzo
difference between getting off a bkb or not
are u brown?
>because your lane depends only on yourself
that's what changed though; if you need runes and the enemy supports rotate but yours don't then you get fugged
said hes gonna unload receipts
itll fuel the drama more lol
I haven't watched gorg since he started to stream. Why is he being a lolcow all of a sudden?
mason reddit drama fueling each shit
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Anyone know why Mars' ultimate has this weird animation that can delay your next skill unless you do a move command? Been testing it and if you spear first and then ulti it's fine but if you ult first and then spear Mars will just stand there for 1 second spinning his spear instead of casting anything. There's no point to that. Is that added just to fuck with new players or something? It serves zero fucking purpose.
that's called a "backswing" lil bro
no one cares and no one asked lil' niggie
but his enemy, ramzes did and he is upset about it
Why Do We Buy Items On The Bear Instead Of the Druid?
>no one cares and no one asked
I refer you to the earlier post numbered 484367575
nvm figured it out

Backswing and cast animation newfriend
If you queue a second spell during the animation of the first it won't resolve until after the backswing of the first spell is finished
good for you! many heroes have this interesting quirk in their kit, like reverse polarity belonging to Magnus, or light strike array of Lina!
a high skilled player will usually "cancel" the backswing of the casting animation, by quickly casting another spell (or issuing another command)!
holy shit
this is good grown man dota drama
absolute cinema lol
>game is so shit that more people tune in to watch this than the gameplay
Fuck off psg
Yeah I had no idea if you cast skills too fast the game will punish you by making your character wait to finish their animation. Really stupid design.
jesus is this gorgcs downfall

damn - i started liking this stream but then losing his shit like this
Actually it's good design that punishes thoughtless casting and spamming, like the blink dagger range penalty.
I've never spammed skills. It seems really stupid design that you press something 0.2 seconds too fast and now you're punished.
now he's guilt tripping his viewers again
>nat figger gorg subs glow in the dark, run them over
whats nat figger

is that just fat nigger?
You are rewarded for good timing and precise targeting.
>glow in the dark
What? Is it because they're white or because they stand out more than the others?
he's reading hate comments now
I don't get what the point of that stream is
is it not a fact that he cheated in a ranked game?
anything else is just fluff
He is going on a 1 hour tangent because people say that he is insecure
its ogre
that was so premeditated lmao
>pretends to cry because he's a dadless gaykid
ain't no way chat is buying this
guys he turned his cam off and went silent...
Holy shit, Gorp actually started crying on stream from reading reddit comments
reading reddit comments oooof thats rough
this guy's such a faggot oh my god dude
link him /d2g/
i'm literally dadless and how's that even an insult?
guess he didnt see it coming after all the pent up shit for going tangent 45 mins lol
>keeps slipping and mentioning clout/viewers
>pretends to cries from mean comments
>reddit now loves him again
what a master plan
It's over bros ... gorgc is gaining karma on reddit ... it's the end of the world
soon mason will go live and spread edginess again!!!
i would expect nothing less from /ourguy/
can't believe he has proof that qojva said the n word
It's over. Gorgc won. He had the moral highground this entire time.
is he crying?
So much drama, just play the fucking game.
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whats happening
he made a big show of turning off his camera when he read a reddit comment about being a fag because he has no dad
>how's that even an insult?

You didn't learn countless things. Countless things were not conveyed to you. You weren't immediately diverted out of countless harm causing behaviors. Male children need fathers and being raised by women deprives you of the male perspective you should have in the world.
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was it this one
Mason should do a crying stream it would be kino
Normalize Trump voters crying live
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What's this thing on the right side of Tinker? He never uses it?
>Even malding crybaby gorp has a girlfriend
yeah? a gf isn't hard to get lmao
Gorgc? More like KWABC
fatherless men should be ridiculed brutally to re-normalize the stigma of single motherhood
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>Both Mason and Gorgc now had cried on stream
>You didn't learn countless things. Countless things were not conveyed to you.
yes and how's that an insult? it's not your fault
PSG here streaming soon (I am always pre crying)
Them super powers gettin' neutralized, I can only watch in silence
The famous actor we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin'
You're movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful
I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle
Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale
A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now
You're not a rap artist, you a scam artist with the hopes of being accepted
Tommy Hilfiger stood out, but FUBU never had been your collection
I make music that electrify 'em, you make music that pacify 'em
I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness
Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too
But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you
dota 2 is for effeminate men
/lolg/ is where the alpha males congregate
The sissification of dota 2 personas
Soon both will have to endure worse humiliation rituals such as skirt wearing
Then they will understand what Zyori went through
how do i get a cute gf
It's like mocking someone for being retarded or subhuman.
>dotard being socially inept
color me surprised
Bro it doesn't matter if something is your fault you can still be insulted for it. Lol.
Nice game dotard, if this game had more lolis it probably wouldn't be full of drama.
Moving to superior ga-
I made the mistake of installing this and play for a bit, it's garbage.
We already did, we are all deadlocking right now
Not really since the game doesn't make it clear there is a "global cooldown" in the game at all. You're not rewarded, you just get to play normally as you'd imagine the game plays. Only when you use something 0.2 seconds too soon are you punished.

Nowhere in the game is this explained. It's retarded design and probably a limitation of Valves shitty game engine. Skills do not have information about their fagswing.
clip of him crying?
That shit is legit garbage and not going to take off

The similar marvel game which is p2w is going to kill it in its crib

Btw I am almost never wrong about game industry predictions. Over 30+ years of time.
Mason should say the curb stomb a n**gger on the concrete copy pasta but with gorg subs as the subject
it's called the TND pasta.
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you dont know if shes cute or not, hes rich so ofc its piss easy
but for real people all u need is a place to live, job and not be a rapist
i've seen so many people who look twice worse than me and also being fat holding hands with some cuties
i cant because im a sociopath but also im not gonna post gosling every 5sec and complain about loneliness like a redditor
Goegc is not rich. He has an upper middle class job that could basically evaporate at a moments notice. He likely isn't smart enough to have bought property
He already did 1 gambling sponsorship and those are like 500k-1million to people with 10k+ viewers
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heck yeah rare psg w
just say that you arent in, anon
>He already did 1 gambling sponsorship and those are like 500k-1million to people with 10k+ viewers

so gambling sponsorships are paying out at a higher rate than any kind of other sponsorship or advertisement in the world by two orders of magnitude?

either i am missing something or you are extremely wrong; your math doesn't add up at a basic level. those 10k viewers are mostly the same people day in and day out, it's not a rolling list
I was the second person in here to my knowledge based on what people were saying

>PSG will always have an earlier start date than you

suck it. not even gonna play that tranny sweet baby game. have fun playing as black women.
It's not a limitation at all, it's the opposite. An intentional holdover interaction from WC3 dota.
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The game is good. They just need to balance the heroes who don't need to aim and not let the teamfight be so chaotic.
You are extremely clueless if you think streamers who average 10k viewers are not set for life.
They could quit any moment and live forever off that money, even make their kids never work if they wanted to.
Truth is they need fucking attention and can't live without it. Unironically huge props to Ninja, he milked the 12 year olds playing games he hate then fucked off to stream whatever he wants for 300 viewers.
>An intentional holdover interaction from WC3 dota.

which is only celebrated as "skill" by people who are too slow on the keys to ever do things like interrupt their blink with echo slam or RP.
dude making 100k a year doesnt even allow you to buy luxuries anymore

if he were set for life he would not be living in an apartmen that looks like its $1400/mo with his fucking eyes greyed out and sunken into his skull looking like some croat zombie with his unwashed fucking hair and cheap clothes

dude wears standard issue dota autism shoes, i really don't think he is raking in money like you think. he probably makes like 100k a year off streaming which is very good, but that's before euro taxes, so it ends up being like fucking 50k.....which is squarely middle class
Not with Swedish tax rates anon
Well a guy from my country who barely pulls above 9k got a sponsorship for around 750k and it was confirmed because he was in a court because he didn't pay taxes properly. This about 2 years back so I doubt they have been changed that much
Why do people overestimate how much streamers make? Do you also think every OF is a millionaire?
you have no idea what other circumstances were involved in that it could have been related to money laundering or organized crime for all you know

people who are rich dont look like gorgc
Betting sites pay ridiculous money. Isn't trainwrekcs or the other people who are in kick literally pulling multi million deals with offshore gambling site sponsors
>people who are rich dont look like gorgc
nevermind that
dondo is streaming
tfw no heroes who are cute AND smart
Why do you think gambling sponsors would throw money on nothing?
Why do you think they would throw millions of dollars to someone streaming for thousands of people, there's no way they would make that money back ever.
These are also the shady people so they know most viewers are bots as well as they also work doing that stuff.
notch looked like gorgc while streaming in front of couches that he pointed out cost $26,000 each or something

gorgc looks like gorgc while wearing some kind of vans shoes he ordered off alibaba and wearing a $2 thrifted cotton tshirt that smells of italian pits

look maybe its just because im me, but i can't see being rich and not being fly in ANY WAY. bruh is busted

at least he didnt buy property in portugal. holy fuck bro. dude could have bought in america during 2% rates *infinite skull emojies*
I know a guy a year older than me from highschool who was making those dumb clickbait letsplays of garbage horror games ever since he was 15. Hes not even big, averages like 10k views and has 2.2mil subs on youtube.
Sounds bad? Well he bought a fucking house with a pool and constantly flies somewhere with his wife and daughter. Yurop is literally a fucking easy-mode for life if you earn money in $ or in any means through internet instead of some dogshit wageslave taken from 1990s communism
your brain is cooked
Man, 4chan utterly fucking baffles me.
I feel like everyone on here is some old money millionaire and considers "rich" only people who make like 50 mills yearly.
That faggot gorgcs stres for 10k+ people at least every time and doesnt skip a fucking day. He easily makes a few hundred thousands a year just from subs and views and thats without the the sponsorships he takes now and then, youtube channel and even those OG payroll money for a while. And hes been doing it for years, he definitely has a few millions in the bank at this point.
Now, hes a swedecuck, so prolly half of that goes into taxes unless he has found some loophole, but still, hes what most people in the world would consider rich... but apparently every anon on here has villas in the hamptons and monaco so maybe hes poor relatively, dunno
>Hes not even big, averages like 10k views and has 2.2mil subs on youtube.

2.2 million subscribers is a huge youtube channel and having that many subscribers gives you a check for like 400k a year just for having that many subs.

despite growing up caring about this shit you are completely unaware of how it works.
>>gorgc looks like gorgc while wearing some kind of vans shoes he ordered off alibaba and wearing a $2 thrifted cotton tshirt that smells of italian pits
And why the fuck would he buy expensive clothing? Give me a reason why?
He's not a "typical" rich person like doctors, celebrities and such that are all about status and for those buying expensive clothing is important.
Why would a guy that spends most of his time in front of a computer buy fancy looking overpriced clothing?
betting sponsors are 6 figures easy for 10k viewers
the casino needs like 5-10 people to get hooked and ruin their lives and they get all that money back, sounds easy with 10k potential victims plus all the people who will also lose more normal amounts of money
You don't know how spells work
Trainwrecks said 3 years ago his monthly deal was for 1 million. Aiden Ross said his deal was multi million a month and even shitters like Alinity have said to have over 1 million a month. Have you missed how many betting sponsor streamers there used to be? The gambling sites make the money back because people are addicts
Shouldve just said that you are a mindbroken /v/edditor
being rich means being free from obligation

gorgc has to stream a video game that nobody likes playing, all day, it's a job.

>And why the fuck would he buy expensive clothing? Give me a reason why?
>Why would a guy that spends most of his time in front of a computer buy fancy looking overpriced clothing?

oh sweet anon. expensive things aren't "overpriced" they're better than you have experienced.
>Well he bought a fucking house with a pool and constantly flies somewhere with his wife and daughter. Yurop is literally a fucking easy-mode for life if you earn money in $ or in any means through internet instead of some dogshit wageslave taken from 1990s communism
Sure he does

>people that are sponsored by these companies say they make billions!
Yeah and you think every OF girl also makes millions? You fall for those "This OF girl makes 10k EVERY DAY!?" articles
>he think people who pay for advertisement care about anything but views and how long people watched said video
gorgc was streaming about how he receieves harassment and guilt trips his viewers saying by reading hate comments, but now he's being passive aggressive and angry to his support
you are either black or extremely low IQ, ironically enough both also the prime market for the "flex" overpriced clothing brands.
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I know exactly how spells work and I am more mechanically sound than most people in this general. I do things that pro players don't do and have done them for years, like shift queuing my courier around fights and danger areas.

canceling blink with instant cast spells is because i don't sit there and play the same heroes 40000 times like mentally retarded people.

>can't understand difference between low quality, good quality good value, and overpriced

you have never owned a shirt that costs more than $20 USD true or false?
look at the way he types
he's blacker than black
which is funny because black people don't play dota so what is even going on here
oh shit now you speakin my language!!

Based, if you have some self-respect you need to care about your appearance
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He's still talking about streamers? He really is jealous
ayo dis nigga don even wear dem gucchis ayo ayo dis nigga broke yo kno im sayyin cuz fr fr
>canceling blink with instant cast spells is
Not possible, you fucking retard. Blink is instant cast, you blaming the game for your shitty hardware or shit input shows how trash you are.
>if you have some self-respect
we are dota players
>>canceling blink with instant cast spells is
>Not possible, you fucking retard.

this poster just outed himself as not being able to see something that's in front of his face on a daily basis

I just see random 21 year old streamers who pull 20k viewers suddenly move to fuck ass huge houses and building their own streaming websites. I wholeheartly believe that trainwrecks made 10+ millions from streaming gambling 8 hours a day to what 40-50k? people he had at those times. I wish I found the clip to one of the referral links to gambling that xqc showed that the referral link alone had made more money for the gambling site compared to the deal with the streamer.


Tell me how isn't it worth it to sponsor a guy like this for millions a month? Look he has like fucking 4 million zoomers that spread his shit everywhere
Why are we responding to a literal reddit spacing literal nigger thoe
He's bitter and jealous like a histrionic woman lmao
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uhhhhhh wrf are all this shitty /fa/ blogs?
btw they added some kind of bad input lag into the game in the last year, noticed when i came back a few months ago

if you havent noticed this you are bad at all video games and all classes of input based activities

when you click on courier etc, you can "click too fast" by moving your mouse away and it won't start delivering. this can happen with basically any interface element in the game
ayo where your jordans wyte boi u broke ass craka
It has literally never happened, you making shit up and blaming your lack of skill and shit hardware on the game is not proof. I've been playing this game longer than you have, newfag, you have no idea what you're talking about. Sit down, kid.
someone post the cowboy boots
there hasn't been relevant dota discussion for years and for a good reason, there is nothing to talk about
this general is for misfits, a literal containment thread on a containment board
ok go do forward half circle forward + p/k in a king of fighters game and record the move that comes out. use a character that has that move, there are several

i'll be waiting

and thats the end of that

if you've never cast an instant cast spell over blink it's because you are slow on the keys. and we know you're slow on the keys, you grew up on shit like halo 2 lmfao you never played real games EVER
i only wear arteezy shirts
>this general is for misfits, a literal containment thread on a containment board

you have no idea how good you have it here. go spend some time somewhere like genshin impact general

the reality is /d2g/ is a place where people have built interpersonal relationships, friendships, worked on projects together, etc as far as this type of community goes it's generally very functional

we had one person who wanted to bring sexuality here, narcissistic shit to the highest degree, and I chased him away for you by embarrassing the fuck out of him.

You're welcome by the way.

I think I might get a tattoo of 9-0-6 one day. Not because it's about beating Rain, but because it's about sticking to your guns no matter how many people tell you you're wrong.
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>people that are owned by a Jewish talent agency appears together and appear rich
If it happens all the time like you pretend it should be easy to show it happening, right? But you know it's impossible, so you bring up a bunch of irrelevant garbage so you can pretend your shit mechanical skills is the game's fault. You clearly don't play dota at all, post mmr.
grubby was a product of one of these talent agencies btw.

it's amazing that people didn't see that he was an advertisement paid for by valve.

"Look, you can get to immortal! it's not even hard! you can beat everyone else and be great at the video game like grubby!"
Is the guy doing reddit spacing and spamming the thread a bot?
no, it's a nigger.
there are worse things than bots on the internet
you literally can't place 3 inputs within a quarter second or so, can you?

i'm PSG and I am probably faster on keys/controls than everyone else here, hilariously. I'd eviscerate you guys at fighting games. I am a real gamer.

if you haven't canceled blink with an instant cast skill it's because you are gay. I mean slow. I meant gay though that also sticks

I could make aw ebm of it but wont bother

Every time you say "reddit spacing" I get paid by my sponsors
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Same retard as usual desperate for attention and apparently he has no other way to get it than annoying everyone
He's a narcissistic 40 year old womanbrain without friends.
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Who's excited to see Mason respond to the drama
its a general schizo who is 40 years old balding loser
his biggest accomplishment in dota is buying 8 (more?) high mmr accounts and running them down back to his 2k mmr
also can't play ranked anymore because can't break 3k behavior
psg is one of the pillars of d2g schizos
>also can't play ranked anymore because can't break 3k behavior

actually i mostly didn't play ranked before that since displaying a number ruins the feeling of playing the game

carrot for lowbrains
omg meee
>still no proof
>bringing up off topic nonsense
You're just bad at games.
>Hello to all the glowing gorxee digger nick subs in the chat.
>I get paid by my sponsors
asking your wife for spending money is not getting paid
>You're just bad at games.

record a webm of you doing athena asamiya's "Shining Crystal Bit" in King of Fighters 95

I am 42 years old and I can do it right now within 120 seconds or so, and it'd only take that long because i've never done it on this controller.

I'll wait.
>carrot for lowbrains
and yet you bought all those immortal accounts
By the way this is who you guys are replying to. Its like talking to a stray dog and expecting to have a meaningful conversation, just smile, call him a retard and dont get bit.
why would i want to read/watch/listen a fucking redditor?
>and yet you bought all those immortal accounts

can you show the general one of my bought immortal accounts

damn this guy plays a ton of heroes and has high win rates on almost all of his most played heroes, what a chad. looks like he does fun builds and wins with them too. clan_iraq disciple?
Record a video of you showing a dildo up your ass while driving a peugeot 205 sideways on a dirt road while singing country roads. I can do it in 120seconds
I'm not going to waste time downloading and playing that if you're not going to provide any evidence of your retarded claims. After all, you clearly never played that game either, you namedropping random games is not proof.
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If this stat from PSG acc isnt proof radiant is made for forced 50 i don't know what is.
Getting immortal isn't hard, if you're not a retarded monkey.
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holy shit! Thanks for pointing that out

It's not just a matter of being a pussy weakmind or a retard, he is a fundamentally broken and flawed human being. He most likely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means is that the only thing that drives his day-to-day is his shortsighted need to be validated and have his dick sucked. And that includes his need to abuse people. You can have a crowd of simps all clamouring to suck his dick and get him through ranked but he still won't climb. It's because every time he doesn't fuck something up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he fucks up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he gives an order, he wants people to suck his dick while doing it. And then at the very end, when he's about to win and everybody is praising him for totally carrying, he will throw the game as hard as he can. Because his motivation is getting his dick sucked and feeling superior. Winning won't make him feel superior. Hurting the people who depend on him the most, and watching them writhe in pain before they come crawling back to him asking for more is what truly makes him happy. He is fundamentally incapable of rational thought and his mind operates like a bot. He can't turn it off for even one second.

Most narc-related disorders are rooted in anxiety. The need to feel validated. They can talk a lot of shit and pretend but they are perpetually anxious at the thought that the rest of the world doesn't believe in their superiority so they will go out of their way to constantly seek it and manifest it through the abuse and actions of everyone around them. This means that hurting his feelings and calling him a faggot doesn't do shit. All he has to do is call you a shitter back and in his mind, he has doled out the abuse to make himself feel better and he'll forget everything that just happened. Then he'll keep trucking on. That's why you have to ignore him. Literally nothing will work unless you ignore his existence even if he spams 500 posts an hour.
>reposting, for the third time in 24 hours, your "I think I sound smart" copypasta about how another person is a narcissist

should anyone tell him?
Anyone gripping right now? I want to boom
are we talking about psg or gorp in here
blud rly be replyin to dis dumass honkey
>not 206
now that was a fucking car, if i want honda civic enjoyer myself i definitely would ride Peugeot 206
>oh sweet anon. expensive things aren't "overpriced" they're better than you have experienced.

nta but rich people dont have to show about being rich
do you really believe those IG models on ig are rich and just social climbers?
>projecting as a defense mechanism
Classic cluster B behavior.
he's talking about himself yet doesn't realize it
>black or extremely low IQ, ironically enough both also the prime market for the "flex" overpriced clothing brands.
exactly on niggers and poor people care about "LE EXPENSIVE STUFF"






yeah strong agree

do you really believe that 50 dollar shoes are as good as brooks adrenalines?

im just saying he should appear to have basic self respect, he dresses like a child
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>pick visage
>do kinda well
>pick str melee brool dota with an aoe root
>feed relentlessly
can you take a pic of your shoes

this is an experiment

im currently wearing 2 different pairs of brooks adrenalines

they arent super expensive. it's just an example of a good shoe that someone like gorgc can afford to wear, he can afford to wear a $140 shoe. dude wears payless clogs and crocs and shit.
why would you wear shoes inside you fucking animal
your MMR makes you a slave. I can play any hero I want and I can edit their "correct" builds how i want.

huh? i'm not literally currently wearing htem retard
>im currently wearing
>huh? i'm not literally currently wearing htem
ESL or just retarded?
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Do people really wear shoes in their own house, it's not the first time I've heard it, I don't get it, what are you going to step on
Why don't you, ESL nigger? You make a bunch of retarded demands of others but never lead by example, very jewish and niggerish behavior.
psg here as ruler and regent of /d2g/ I hereby implement a new rule

you are not allowed to criticize the way anyone speaks english without an accompanying timestamped picture of your hand

I have ruled, and it is thus.

by the way it's called present continuous tense, you fucking brown retard. why don't you go get sick from drinking the water that comes from your faucet? why don't you go have a little sister that dies of some disease at 3 or 4?

does your dad just openly beat the fuck out of your mom in front of you? thats big over there to
If i had 1k mmr i would pick any hero, buy any items i want and still maintain 80% win rate.
You are a retard who rages over 1k mm unranked games
Also i have so much hair i wear a ponytail, u are bald
Having a ponytail is gay as fuck bro
Where's your hand, nigger?
ok go do it. random every game and buy items that are not good for that hero on purpose. I'll wait. stream it.

>I could, but I won't

every person who has ever said this around me, including myself, turned out to be basically nothing in life. funny how that works.

people who can don't bother telling you they won't, they just do it

>Also i have so much hair i wear a ponytail

hahah gay euro autist, post zitty face
he is blatantly trooning out, the moon face, the makeup and the hair cuts. its been going on for atleast a year.
>this is what no event does to /d2g/
I want a picture of your shoes right now
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Riyadh in 2 days
wearing new balance
the autists choice
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Where is your hair baldie
Also im not griefing 6k mmr games like you do fucking 1behavior score acc buying schizo
Whiter than you ever be
>one general I started to visit has a schizo being 50% of the thread
>another one is just people posting themselves jerking on blue board and half of messages are deleted
>dota general seems to be schizos also
I need a new forum. I have been here on/off from 2008 and its shittier than it has ever been
>some shitty oldass LG monitor sitting on a repurposed piece of furniture

thanks for that slavbro or finnbro either way
>psg the brown troon still hasn't posted hand
He's brown, isn't he?
PSG's appearance has been known for years, I'm a white guy. I mean he's a white guy.
>caring about quality of 2nd monitor which whole purpose is watching porn and shitpost in /vg/
>a wooden desk made 15 year ago still standing still is a repurposed piece of furniture to a low IQ amerimutt
He's posted a picture before but I'm not 100% sure it isn't just some guy he's trying to get people to hate on because he looks like a fag with an ear-ring and surely even he wouldn't want to be seen like that
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I don't know what is happening in this thread but greetings from Australia
>not wearing earrings

every single culture on earth-- every single one-- invented earrings independently. something goes in there. it's for your chi
>ponytail is for faggots
>ear rings are not
Now this is some peak fucking delusion
all amerimutts are
yes if you don't throw away everything you buy after 1 year and buy something new to replace it because the old broke down 6 months after purchase you are LE POOR haha dumb yuropoor my master Eli Shekelberg told me right to repair and built to last are commie tricks
For me, it's Lina
are you under the impression that ponytails look good or cool on men? because that generally is not the perception anywhere

you are from some weird euro country where you don't understand things like this. all you guys are always fucking weird like this. you have no grasp on what's what

i'm an american, I tell you what's cool and you listen
earrings are gay if they are in anything but your left and only your left ear.
glad to help you europeans understand.
Literally the most pathetic and uncool "people" on the Earth.
one earring is gay regardless of configuration

cultural model for the entire world in every way except high fashion (milan/paris) but okay
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my name is psg and i'm a dumb cunt
im glad there is at least one normal individual in this thread
You watch too many movies
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earrings are manly
>cultural model for the entire world
>amerigolems unironically believe this
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>i'm an american
Top kek
>psg is decent looking with light white skin and beautiful blue light blue-green eyes

oh shit
See you wouldn't post a picture like this unironically, it's probably the guy who banged his sister or something and he wants people to find him
>carrying a severed hand of a nigger in front of everyone at the streets
what happened to your throat?
holy shit bro, lolling at that one, unfortunately white people everywhere have rushed to supplicate in this way, i don't know what to do with them

technically, by genetics, I am a "Norf" which are some of the most cucked and cowed white people right now, but also some of the craziest seemingly. Maybe we'll turn it around

the realities of the present situation will become more apparent to white families in the ensuing years. withdrawal into homeschooling is accelerating at a blistering speed in America, actually.

>See you wouldn't post a picture like this unironically

I wouldn't? Is that guy too handsome?
weird lighting and im getting old people turkey neck as i get older (im getting liposuction and shit there though its like 600 dollars to not have that neck skin getting loose)

norf 'netics, what can you do. pale white people have shitty skin with low collagen
oh i thought you had surgery or something , maybe got stabbed.
Too much BBC
yeah some dude stabbed me in the neck one time after he got out of YA but then he went to the joint. last I heard he got out and went to do some kind of photo shoot in the desert and then I never heard from him again

nobody here will get this extremely obscure internet reference
How does a grown "man" acting like this not feel embarrassed?
>not bound by weak emotions
sounds based to me
oh, young anon. one day when you stop focusing so much on negativity and divisiveness, you too will understand the joys of simply having fun.
ikr? mason's edgy redditor behavior is cringy at best
if you cant make yourself laugh
Mason has that school bully energy that never got laid so he turned incell in 4chan
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Post Lina or something, I don't know what the fuck is going on here
I think Mason is pretty good looking now. I bet he's a norf also. Venne thought right? Sounds German or something
This is the exact style in which gay "bear" leather biker fetish artists draw.
i want to lick her tongue
He might have an ok bod but his face is somehow too "small" and his eyebrows are from a woman
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>Venne thought right? Sounds German or something
Having good eyebrows and stuff like that matters hugely. The prettiest girl I ever dated plucked her eyebrows meticulously and she said mine were perfect, I have no doubt she considered it an attractive feature at first glance.

If you have unibrow or unkempt brows ask your barber about it. No offense but looking taken care of helps with women
and it's more accurate to her ingame model than any weebshitfuck
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>win game
>get message "rewards are pending"
>everyone disconnects
>see this
is it safe to leave and I will still get my win or what?
If you leave you will get banned it's a honeypot
Takes one to know one
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He draws some nasty stuff but I don't think he does anything like that
Why do americans care about having european genes so much
their entire culture consists of 9/11 and mcdonalds
can someone post the mason chatlogs or whatever i don't want to watch gorgc
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cool guess I will wait 2 more weeks
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Idk who designed Spirit Breaker but I hope there's special place in hell waiting for them, where their cock will be torched for eternity
What's funny is that spirit breaker does every single thing Tinker was hated for, but is actually viable and doesn't require skill to play
There's different kind of americans
There's niggers, there's beaners, there's chinks and there's slavs
You would want to differentiate based on someone's ancestry, but generally white people are good
He even gets more shit compared to Tinker. If you catch Tinker he's boned. But this fucking faggot can just press W after charge and reduce all disables to milisecond so you can't even catch him.
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It will never be fixed. This has been unfixed for over a year.
1-7 with terror from legend to ancient
5-0 at divine
Conclusion - cant play terror with shitters
Mason answered already
anal sex with lina
we don't see british genes as "european"

most people do not care in any way about it really, it's natural to want to know your deeper identity though. most americans have lineage very traceable to specific regions and etc. my people are from aberdeenshire, york, and indeterminate scumbag regions of ireland

it's also very important for reasons you might not be able to understand. I know i am a scumbag because of my genes and that my genes basically tell me to hit people with an axe while screaming
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mason hit a new low for brigading reddit against gorgc
gorgc hit a new low for begging reddit mods to delete posts that exposed him as a cheater
This is like watching russia vs ukraine. 2 shitholes I don't care about are taking each other out so I can just eat popcorn and drink in the drama
any new thing mason did recently?

real or fake
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i would paint AI linas gross AI feet with my delicious cum
crocodile tears
lil bitch
anyone who buys that shit deserves anything bad that happens in their lifes.
Actually true though
Turn the cam off had to make sure to sell it his stream nigga is a genius
Fatherless behavior from a manchild with no father
i support mason
it's different when I insult someone because I'm the main character and they are griefing me because they target me I'm a gang stalking victim! (sponsored by Goymble Casino use promocode #Cuckc for 0.1 bonus gems)
>i support reddit
ewwwww you should kys
Offlaner is the worst position to play. You're either forced to pick a super safe hero or you are at the mercy of your pos 4 being a normal human being. And we all know how unlikely that is.
do you condemn cheating THOUGH?
Its literally impossible not to feed rapiers

>pushing all lanes as underlord
>going swimmingly
>every time i look my team is just jungling

3 people jungling 1 hard camp as i'm pushing all lanes 40 minutes into a game in which i have won every fight and taken all the towers for them. woops, rapier time
There has been like 2000 bugs that people have abused who the fuck cares. People used bugs at fucking TI
You masontards made gorgc cry...
>european dominant game
>surprised europeans are emasculated fags
damn it's almost like brown people murder their kids and they dont care or something
this but unironically
emotional abuse just for views is not ok
Offlane is the only fun lane
T. Ranny
maybe if he had a dad he wouldn't cry
grubby made mason cry first
I mean I blame Valve more for letting it get in the game in the first place but it is a rather different case than something like fountain hooking in my opinion, is that what he's crying about or is it cause Mason called him out, has anyone even been punished for doing it yet, outside of Overwatch cases
3 minutes in my offlane is 0-3 and 0-4
go figure 5k mmr
reminder: no different from my psg games
Account buyers from psg's mmr vs real 5k players
what the fuck is psg
lmao living in a fantasy world

real 5k players vs real 5k players

cheaters, acc buyers on both teams

and just nolifers like you
Paris Saint Germain. A sports franchise from Paris
1-16 team in 7 minutes, they just walk down their lane and feed
extra reminder that my "meaningful actions per minute" analysis system that i wrote up in 2016 would fully solve problems like this by massively deranking players that die like that
They have tried systems that would benefit good players even in losses but those got abused to hell and back instantly
No they really haven't....bad systems being implemented badly doesn't mean good systems can't be implemented well. the things have nothing to do with each other.
Last time they calculated performance with damage/healing and people just insta locked oracle and spam healed for no reason and zeus players fucking speedran ult and pressed it off cooldown. You auto calibrated at 5k+ if you did this
>Last time they calculated performance with damage/healing

yeah that's retarded and not a "system" at all. how is that meaningful in regards to my meaningful actions per minute system? the whole point is it's machine learning that analyzes the actions you take and the effects they have in the short term.
Explain a meaningful action. I bet its some vague shit that even you don't know what it means and its impossible code or implement in a way people wouldlnt just abuse it
thats with dota + and green goy score imagine what it is below, random turdworlders just nonstop griefing and feeding, it costs volvo nothing to implement a fix for these animals, even if the playerbase gets halved the quality will be much much better and will consist of devoted dotards
i have to sit through this shitshow stomp and play because if i dont i'll get lp fro griefing or staying afk
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one of the guys who was hyper useless in my last game is apparently a muslim from romania, with a hot girl steam avatar (one of the instant dodge metrics from back in the day)

its like it is finding new subhumans to put down here with me.

why won't they make me stop feeding rapiers? make them stop. if they stop hard griefing every game i'll stop feeding the rapiers! it's so easy!

you know part of the huge problem is that 0 behavior score is okay, and then directly over 0 is not. at 0 you find committed players like me who are just forever down there, but they grief one game out of 10 or whatever
>it's impossible to code machine learning that examines a matrix of actions for a few numbers going up and down

people like you are not smart enough to be worth explaining things to. you think state-of-the-art from the 2000s is impossible to implement in 2024.

you should ask yourself why your default mode of operation is doubt when you talk to people more intelligent than yourself. it doesn't serve you in life. honest advice.

now go get hooked on deadlock where your games are decided in matchmaking as there's no developer impetus to provide you with competitive games. you just need the illusion.
Nice bro but you still didn't explain what you even mean with a meaningful action. I am starting to think just bailing out and telling you retarded nigger to go kys or something. Waste of time
sorry for lying to you guys, the game average mmr was 5775 with half the players being immortal
what's hilarious is that they do analyze player skill and tendencies, that's part of how forced 50 works

a forced 50 system keeps players more engaged than fair competition would, so it's a much superior implementation with infinitesimally smaller costs
>1k mmr player thinks his opinion matters
Guys. Mason = Reddit, Gorgc = 4chan.
>>484394567 after this>>484389546 they're more likely both reddit and turbo fags.
If thats the case they 100% identify account buyers, griefers and other scum like that on the spot.
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streamers = reddit
thinking 4chan is your secret club = reddit
can someone post the mason dms or whatever? i just got hot and i want to know all about the drama.
identifying account buyers is extremely trivial. they don't care; what companies like this want is for people to grow up with dota being part of their life. they want people, no matter how poor, wherever they are, to care about the IP they own

its next level meta capitalism shit

the coal shit was performative to make normies feel good like valve is truly doing something and on their side and blah blah, immediately after the coal account-related exploiting reached its highest point in dota 2 history.

i wish someone would start dota 3 that cared about balancing the heroes properly and shit
Why is mason always naked?
Why arent you?
hobo started a trend of streamers not wearing shirts
can't afford a shirt, go sub
when did mason become a pos?
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gib link mow, missed it, fucking shit
Did they fix the exploits yet?
oh shit its the 20th anniversary of salad fingers
always was
Why are streamers such manipulative sociopaths? You can tell from his cadence he already has read this comment.
i get mason crying though. he thought his dota streaming career was over. it's not like he has many employment alternatives.
Nah there are more exploits. Enemy team was lvl 30 at 10 minute mark because lmao warlock
Have to keep the viewers entertained somehow
>You can tell from his cadence he already has read this comment.


I honestly don't know what to think about a man who pretends to cry on stream for pity or social engineering or whatever. As a guy with a dad I just can't connect with that behavior in any meaningful way, even to analyze it.

I think it means you need to get your ass beat once or twice.
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Where is the gameplay?
He cut his hair after one guy donated and told him his hairstyle sucked or something.
Is he trying to play the victim here to try and make a move on some girl or whatever?
Dude looks like he is pushing 30 he should know better.
what do you mean? competitive eating is a sport
So after 500 hours of playing dota in normal all pick and turbos I decided that maybe it's time to calibrate in ranked, since I thought I play relatively good. I lost 10 games in a row in guardian. 8 out of 10 games someone disconnected. 4 times I've got smurf with the 30/0 and name "Not Smurfin UwU" and most of my teammates didn't know basic game mechanics like that wards or dust exist. Is this the normal ranked experience?
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why was he downvoted
Gorgc sent his minions into reddit or something idk. Who cares? Reddit is for fags.
What's yall niggas favorite drink to drink while playing sweaty ranked dota
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I there any dark seer specialist that could help me in my build? I'm finally getting his modus operandi down but I'm still stuck at doing the exact same build every single game, mainly the aura one.
If I try building aghs for example I find myself without enough sustain or utility for my team, what are some other item comps that would be good on him?
At that mmr, yes.
tereré because I am brazilian, it's a cold, caffeinated natural drink so it's ok for when it is hot.
i genuinely dont know how people function as humans who build the same items every game

whats the point of playing?..have you ever had a spiritual experience or thought there was more to your nature than your physical body? just curious.
i don't get it sorry
i like repetition
factorio is my favorite game :)
brother when you pick pos3 you should build your aura items based on what the enemy lineups damage is. also halberd is legitimately dogshit right now never buy it.
in a civilization, you are needed to make sure there is corn to eat, and i am needed to fuck the women.
just get manaboots bracers blink then aghs
dont be a pussy
looks good, man. i always assumed brazilian food was kinda lackluster compared to the rest of latin america other than baked goods.
This post is advertising or begging.
Red Bull with some Takis Fuego
Don't give a fuck. Gentlemen, show this faggot's ass the door.
>looks good, man

it's fucking tea...

brazilians are a weak and lowminded people but they make some of the best steak. however, consuming higher mammals is morally dark and should only be partaken sparingly to avoid accrual of negative karma.
3 halberd and guard are useless items on that hero buy bm and vlads instead they are cheaper or aphere if lc or some faggot with orchid, pipe is ok but always after shiva, shiva is core item on ds, halberd is complete trash buy eblade inatead since u can save ppl and fuck ppl up, also bloodstone is super op if u can keep two ion shells going
>bug exploiting is cheating
huh so Loda won in the end
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It's not food, it's just iced tea for brazilian rednecks that live in the central-west.
Isn't there supposed to be devs updating dota?
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it's over grubbers...
>>bug exploiting is cheating

yeah exploiting bugs that increase numbers is outright cheating. there isn't any grey area.

fountain hooking was an exploit that wasn't even really an exploit. the game was explicitly programmed to allow it, and then was programmed to "fix" that (intended behavior)
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i'm not a part of civilization
the only part of the world that exists outside of my house is the gym, and I hate 3Dwomen
I will take those posts into consideration zank you Eblade is a bit weird but I will still experiment with it nonetheless
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anyway you should be considering items based on enemy heroes every game of dota
We got Bruno but I think he's too busy shoving reddit posts up his ass and trying to convince himself he is good at balance by introducing his blunderlord ideas into dota.
Dont listen to this idiot aghs is a meme item even if they have good heros whos illusion is good to use its cosmetic
I am too, but I have body hair.
bros this dota patch was laced fr I'm twitching
ong shit bussin these oldhead cant compete actin hella ohio every game
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Ohio fanum tax, you dont rizz? you gotta be cappin
No cap no cap on god baby Gronk looking ahh. Im mewmaxxing so hard even the rizzler got rizzed by my rizz. You wouldn't know shit about rizz.
fanum tax?
stop appropriating our lingo boomers
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mason makes 3k$ per month from subs and 10k$ from ads
that's crazy he doesn't even have that many viewers
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>barely surviving a 5v1 at their ancient, aeon disk popping
>bkb ult
>end the fight with 5 kills and max hp
god i love muerta
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Any hourly wagie job pays better than streaming nowadays unless you are one of the Jeff Bezos chosen that hoards all viewership and partnerships and the game companies that pay you to propagandize whatever slop they release.
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does this mean i bought everything from this vendor in act I and there will be no more candies there?
Reacting with this kind of obvious insecurity only works against you
if you need recipes for every meal youve made, you cant really 'cook', recipes are training wheels
I wasn't really being serious but what insecurity, I'm just playing around with the idea that his posts aren't worth anything so there's presumably some ulterior motive for him
you don't cook anything.
Stop projecting
mason bros we won
i was 2500 a couple months ago now i don't even have a rank
i fucking hate this game sometimes
wait let him cook
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>Am the only reason team wins fights or has a chance to win games
>am the only person taking buildings
>am the only person warding
>team won't play the game
>remove team's chance to win
>get punished with low priority for it

I don't understand. Do they not get any idea when I ping rapier for 5 minutes? They must be really stupid, like anyone who plays this game.

Guess it's a deadlock night ;)
I don't get it, did the PL, Shaman, or QoP sell their items and feed rapiers? They are the ones carrying radiant.
qop was not ever present for any fight and was 100% of the reason the game was lost

meaningless pickoffs only all game and farming jungle when lanes need to be pushed and teamfights are happening
Translation: They didn't listen to him bossing them around for his ego trips so he "punished" them by abandoning
listen? players down here don't communicate

these players don't intend to win games so they lose

fucking brazilian, lmao, why do you talk to me constantly???? post a picture of your peasy hair and chocolate skin
Classic womanbrain.
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does anyone want to play with me? :)
psg looks like THAT??!
no PSG looks like this >>484380534

your turn. don't get mogged into the fucking dirt by a 40 year old now
What's the point of language preference option when it does nothing?
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We are going to make it, lads.
>plays obnoxious shit
we're waiting for you to get a 1k account and play random heroes with bad items every game and win 80% of your games
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today ill remind everyone
>gorgc abusing bugs?
not banned
>taiga matchfixing?
not banned
>flusha cheating on lan?
not banned
>jw cheating?
not banned
>chimaev roiding?
not banned

must be nice being part of any nordic country
I'll post a picture if you post your 100 Weaver games you promised to do in your bid for attention.

We know you won't though because your bot-like brain is incapable of committing to anything for more than 30 seconds.
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Puppetmaster doko?
I was promised a new hero
>nuh uh im dis random guy
Nah you're a black downie haha
nah i reneged on that shit i'm not gonna do it LOL

heres the thing though

I said i could play in 4k or 5k and then I beat rain

you said you could do something and then you didnt prove it

the difference between us is i know what pussy feels like so when I say I can do something I do it-- anyone can play 100 weaver games its meaningless

you said you could win 80% of games in 1k playing like bullshit so lets see you do it....ohh, right, you cant prove what you said. you're just a shit talker

that's why you don't know what pussy feels like. :(

brown frown
Thanks for the (You)s chump. But I ain't reading that shit.
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wow is this you?
>anon refuses to believe how handsome psg is

how can they take each other seriously saying words like this
>black downie
This general sucks ass and almost never discusses the actual game
idk why but i like how autistic finnish looks and sounds like
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Give me a hero to spam ranked with
What does this have to do with dota
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I'm sure it will be better when the next act comes out, I wonder if there will be another letter patch as well, I don't think people are particularly happy with the current one at the moment
i aint discussing your herald games lmoaoooooooooo
If you apply break to someone that used BKB does it go through?
>Mason: Let's relax gorc, there is no meepo in this game
tfw no ubel hero
Blog yo game nigga.
literally nobody cares about your crusader blogposting my man.
Either post it so we can tell you how shit you are or stop bitching.
post arm
Finnish people have like 30000% increased chance of being dota players
It's what happens when a general gets a resident schizo/narc/<insert mental illness here> and the mods literally never ban them. They make 500+ posts per thread throwing temper tantrums and talking to themselves so everybody leaves for other mediums because they can't have a conversation here.

Usually it's harder for competitive games to have generals because eventually it turns into an e-peen circlejerk before they die (see: counter-strike, valorant, OW2), but if the posters have something else to talk about, or they have been playing games with each other, then they can survive. I used to hang out here for years, left for a few years, and came back a couple months ago, but honestly, I've just been lurking because there's no point posting into what is effectively, the PSG clown show. I used to post about my games, talk gameplay, and post funny webms like everybody else used to, but I stopped because I suspect there's almost nobody here anymore. And anybody who posts, gets insulted by PSG because he's blatantly trying to start shit for attention every second he thinks it's not on him. Every post, and every conversation has to be directed back towards him. It's exhausting to scroll+hide.

A general is a community where everybody enjoys playing games with each other, even if it's competitive. Even if not everyone is on the same skill level. Can't have a community when it is 99% hostile and most of it's coming from one virgin manbaby with no life or job whose only source of pride is his 100,000+ post count on a Malaysian textiles BBS. Most of the /d2g/s I got to befriend who still play never come here because they don't want to deal with the retard's mental illness on top of the stress from the game. That's why most of them split off to D*scords and multiple guilds to talk to each other. Those groups are real /d2g/ communities. This place isn't. And it's just sad. I wish we could do something about it but literally everything is out of our power to do so.
Miten tää liittyy mihinkään?
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Bro, it's a 24/7/365 yearly thread, it's bound to have different conversations other than the game at some point, instead of being a thread police apply for the moderation or shut the fuck up.
mason is talking about how he hates cheaters again
Thanks for proving my point.
doragu sureibu
I should have upvoted your reddit blogpost, sorry anon, maybe there is an option to give you reddit gold somewhere...
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>Teammate picks Shadow Demon
>I pick an illusion hero
>Never casts disruption on me
>I tell him to cast it on me before a fight and he literally acknowledges that he has to do it
>-25 eloscore
man I should build heroes to solo gank everyone and to be able to kill during hex
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>play pos4
>pull, deward, block, stack, deny waves
>play pos3
>pos4 doesnt pull, ward, deward, stack, deny waves
>lose lane and eventually the game
i fucking hate dota sometimes
imagine actually queuing support and not supporting,
I don't need mmr while playing supportcuck. I'll take my loss and try to win when playing core.
>34M games ruined by niggerturk de lini
Impressive how the 6th guide is the only one not recommending echo sabre (which you can disassemble but even then everyone wants the faggot harpoon) on an illusion hero
megameepo with butterfly is good
dead game
no act
shit patch and changes
literally everyone shitposting instead of playing
its fucking over.
Waiting on weekly resets for the candyshop.
Leaguechads are laughing at us...
>Any hourly wagie job pays better than streaming nowadays
lol no. a min wage job at 15 an hour pays like 2k per month after taxes. getting 12k for playing video games is a dream job.
>gorgc crying on stream
fatherless behavior baka
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Does anyone have this pic's edit that says "SUMMON THE NIG"?
we are all in Chadlock, buddy
>gorgc declared jihad on mason
bros, I'm getting scared....
Yes but look at the pre-requirements that twitch has for you to start even thinking about getting those, the constant viewership you need to acquire, before that you have to play without any delay on your matches which people can simply stream snipe you, look at how many people trying to apply for this "dream job" of streaming, all you need is an internet connection, mic and computer, which most people have, so your competition is insanely huge compared to a job flipping burgers, plus, look at how many hours these streamers put in on a particular game.
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Learn to use the archive, though I can't help but think there was a better version floating around maybe
>that's crazy he doesn't even have that many viewers
basically, once you get over 200 viewers, you can start earning like basically 10h and go up from there. most people on twitch stream to like one person so for mason to stream to 3-5k people brings in a lot of money.

plus he talked about how before his bans took away his bounty boards, it would be bounties to play this game or watch this video for hundreds to thousands of dollars.
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they fucking beat us...we can't let this stand
how is that even measured lmfao
i dont believe that shit, Final Fantasy XIV is like the friendliest online community there is
how about we get a fucking booru like an actual general.
>Wonder if my team is genuinely retarded
>I have a techies that gets a desolator
I'm in the shadowpool
its the toxic positivity mmo
its all "fake" niceness and pretending that the game and community are wholesome when in reality it's passive aggressive and full on aggressive when you criticize a mechanic or flawed aspect of the game
how do i know? because i played and raided with these people lol
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No one would update that shit, hell I like pictures and even I wouldn't
Insult me all you want, doesn't change reality.
- 90% of the general is spam and mindless drivel from one guy. Maybe 5% is streamer and e-sports talk which is fine because it's on-topic and the last 5% are people talking about the game.
- Most of the remaining posters here obviously don't play with others. The ranked hostility makes everybody play solo queue, and they can't be assed to play unranked games or inhouses together.
- There's almost no OC because there's no thread culture to make OC about.
- And every legitimate poster has a high chance of being called a herald shitter, and thus, being told by the problem individual or the real "thread police" to stop posting because they're not a numbered Immortal (see: my original comment about competitive game generals turning into e-peen circlejerks). Anti-social tendencies and 4chan are like peanut butter and chocolate but most of the other generals are at least somewhat civil towards each other. And there's a reason shit like /csg/ and /valg/ don't exist anymore.

It could be better. I wish it was better. But at this point, I don't see that happening without everybody pitching in. I can buy out 4chan and forcefully remove the tumour and that'd get us 50% of the way there, but that won't be enough by itself to get all the people who left to come back.
I offered money for people to make content and your issue is with me, a person who has always posted about the game every day

suck dick. fucking whiner. wannnh.

hint: you will never find a good ANONYMOUS online community.
You are the reason the general is dead.
Leaguechads have the better general...
uhh no I'm the reason the general doesn't fucking fall off page 10 actually

this game is dead, and like most people of middling intelligence, you will find some enemy to attribute your problems to rather than acknowledging reality

why the fuck would "dota 2 general on 4chan" have gained any new users in like EIGHT YEARS while the game has been dying in the west the whole time? Think really fucking hard, dumbass.
What would even constitute "harassment"?
Does the standard is different for each?
Is it self-reported?
Also, why are they so intent on regulating behavior instead of actual predatory moneygrabbing from gachas?
>open /vg/ 'log
>type in d2g
>still fucking gachanigger trash comes up before dota
how is that shit still up
Go there and see how bad LOLG is. The best generals are one of the mobile and one of the weebs one.
Any potential new user, which there are many, sees you and instantly leaves. Without you, this general would be alive. Face it, you are a cancer and the world would be better off without you.
>uhh uhhh game is deaaad
Cope harder, troon.
>Any potential new user, which there are many, sees you and instantly leaves. Without you, this general would be alive


you actually made me laugh out loud
seeing warcraft 3 in any way fills me with warmth and nostalgia, then i remember what bl*zzard did to it and it turns to immeasurable sadness
>play unranked games
I do but not as often as I should, mostly to do the quest thingy for the guild to get the points, sometimes I pick different quests to do stuff there.
>There's almost no OC because there's no thread culture to make OC about.
OC would end up being metaposting, stuff about other players or memes but those entail real situations from some games, I've seen people posting videos, .webms, images of their games, comments from their games, and they all get put down by other people or it is stuff just used to dox others, the participants in the thread punish behavior not consider anonymous.
>most of the other generals are at least somewhat civil towards each other.
No, they are not, there are usually a clique of players or mods and they are not hostile among each other but are hostile to people that are not part of it. Wherever there are more than 3 people there will be cliques formed.
Counter-strike thread is on /vm/, they get upset about championships because, like dota 2, it's either Brazilians or Russians or whatever winning the championships.
>I can buy out 4chan and forcefully remove the tumour and that'd get us 50% of the way there, but that won't be enough by itself to get all the people who left to come back.
Censoring speech and telling people how they should behave and trying to silence people that disagree with you will just turn the place into reddit.
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mason (pbuh) won
wtf, Arc Warden's magnetic field isn't point target anymore? lmfao wtf
>Censoring speech and telling people how they should behave and trying to silence people that disagree with you will just turn the place into reddit.

you just hurt that kids feelings
Yes, laugh at the general you are destroying like the petulant child you are, disgusting subhuman.
FFXIV is no different from any raiding MMO for toxicity.
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Heres ur dota pro
>I don't like you!! wannhh!! I should be able to suppress you!!

being impotent as fuck online is impotent as fuck isn't it? go do a pushup or something kiddo
>90% of the general is spam and mindless drivel from one guy
>Most of the remaining posters here obviously don't play with others
people wanted inhouses idk a year back or so, so people played inhouses. surprise, surprise, those lead to cliques and insider groups that no one outside those wants to play with
>There's almost no OC
drawfags get bullied out. other type of oc doesn't get made
>every legitimate poster has a high chance of being called a herald shitter
lmao true
>most of the other generals are at least somewhat civil towards each other
absolutely not and all generals on this site suffer from the same d*scord clique issue if the general survives long enough
how young do you have to be to think the grass is actually greener on the other side, when you can go see the other side and see that it's not?
This exact behavior is why no one likes you and why everyone is leaving this general. You are the sole reason this general is dying.
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>deaths 282
Are dota pros really that autistic that dont play any other games?
Dota is supposed to be one of the hardest games to play at high level how the fuck he is that bad at something that only requires to time a roll?
So I beat them is what you're saying?

*tries to do that fortnite dance where you swish your arms and hips back and forth but looks like a 42 year old man trying to do a fortnite dance*

you made me luagh out loud again except it was at myself
i need a source on that right now, i can't find it on youtube
>Censoring speech and telling people how they should behave and trying to silence people that disagree with you will just turn the place into reddit.
There's a difference between removing a tumour, and going full reddit hugbox and you know it.
>beat them
Spoken like a truly evil individual that can do nothing but destroy.
>I, a child and brown third worlder, should decide who is allowed to speak

I guess your little don't talk to psg signs and narcissism copypasta never worked, huh?

bitch made nigga
>if you don't let one person take the general hostage you are figuratively reddit
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imagine doing something for 10 years and ignoring most other things. you'd be pretty competent at that one thing even with low effort into that thing and pretty trash at doing/learning other things. specification leads to complacency or stifled creativity
Rangeban one guy, ban his MAC address as if he was some type of pedophile like the ones that spam /tv/ with child porn?
There is no difference, free speech is an unalienable right, you either have it or you don't, as soon as you allow inroads to be made into it, it ceases to be free.
the reason nobody respects your anti-psg crusade is that you have no personality or apparent reality of your own, it's just negativity coming out of a cloud, it's not any better than him
Then talk to the moderation and demand ids, flags and ip counts, which they will absolutely do not accept because then people can filter whoever they want and they don't want some stuff to be filtered that other people want to.
If this is how free speech is used then speech shouldn't be free and you know it. Those that can't handle the responsibility of freedom does not deserve to be free.
Lmao always the same end with you types
psg won
ecelebs won
ai won
on-topic bloggers lost
gameshitters lost
drawfags lost
Anarchy isn't freedom.
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You don't actually have free speech on this website you know, there are rules, I don't really blame the mods though because they can't keep an eye on everything. I do not believe he is killing the general, I think most people do the smart thing and ignore him but it is certainly better when he is not around
why would psg crusade against drawfags when he wants to give them his money?
Deferring to you certainly isn't. With your last two statements you have conclusively lost to PSG, who is like a cool uncle to your annoying ninny counterpart. You are like a HOA enforcement person.
Now you're just being a contrarian. Why aren't you on any of the *chan clones then, where there's no moderation and it's a free speech paradise? Oh right, they failed for a reason.
i think nobody has accepted his requests
if i had a gf who looks like this
life would be like
like so much better
I didn't ever attempt to commission anybody but riko. Sorapoi said he won't draw keqing

I was thinking about seeing if sorapoi would draw arina from waku waku 7 though
>they failed for a reason.
Yeah, forcing people to go on the onion to talk about the tiny hat tribe seems like a really good idea, getting people banned from multiple countries for their opinions will sure prove to the world that there is no such thing as international conspiracies, criminalizing viewpoints seems really democratic, I have an idea, maybe we should start burning books we disagree with.
You know remember when treant healing was a global passive that only gave +2 hp regen
dark willow
witch doctor
sniper, zeus, weaver
You are peddling a false dichotomy where you pretend that absolute free speech, and absolute reddit as the only two options. It's a spectrum. It's perfectly fine to have a middle ground, and that's how 4chan has always been or else there wouldn't be a moderation staff to begin with. And that's also not what the discussion is about.

He is objectively undesirable and the need for his removal is already decided. But as I said before, it's only 50% of the solution. The general and posters need to move to heal and move on from the other bad habits left by the damage he wrecked since 2010 or whenever the fuck he started posting, so it can continue as a healthy community. Otherwise it's doomed to die anyway.
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protip from someone who has commissioned many, many thing; it takes more than money. half assing into an idea is a great way to piss away your time
so long as you block and contest easy camp, trade regen and secure min 3 lotus and min 6 mid rune you have done your job, hero doesn't matter
Anything that can make the enemy team carry leave the lane.
Gondar, Tiny, Barathrun, Anub'seran, Auroth, Willow, Zeus, Oracle, I also think you can use treant and rhasta as well.
Pudge and stand behind trees trying to hook
>and that's how 4chan has always been
No, it is not, child pornography, zoophilia and necrophilia used to be common on /b/, it was a great way to get rid of newfags as well who did not belong here.
? piss away time? if someone doesnt respond i could not care less, there are a billion artists to comission
And now it's gone, and will actively be removed today. Your point is irrelevant.
Shitposting and extremely low quality posts are against the rules for a reason.
You're not exactly helping your argument if you think those are the sort of things to be extolled, I mean come on posting edgy shit for the sake of it is old hat, I grew out of that in my teens
Because the website has been consistently turned into reddit, with the support of people like you and moderators that belong to resetera and other shitholes, excessive moderation is killing the website, not the lack of it.
>pretend to give a shit and actually try to gitgud at this game for once
>embrace the shitter lifestyle, free of petty things like roles and wards
what should I do.
Enjoy being on a watch list.
is playing unranked a cuckold thing
>child pornography, zoophilia and necrophilia used to be common on /b/
that was never a good thing and you should kill yourself if you think it was. I'm assuming you are a newfag who was never actually exposed to fucked up shit because there's no sane human being who would unironically think that was a positive thing.
Letting the cancer stay untouched for 15+ years is what destroyed this general, not excessive moderation. Sounds like you are fixated on an irrelevant tangent that isn't central to this discussion about the state of the general. Nobody's stopping you from getting your CP fix elsewhere.
>Enjoy being on a watch list.
Implying you aren't just by virtue of using this website.
calm down PSG.
There's no solo queue in unranked + 4 stacks are allowed, both of which massively diminishes its worth
hit me up with some heroes that can play all 5 roles. doesn't matter if they're meta in all 5, just as long as it's not a complete troll pick.
What do you mean
Alch maybe, though I don't know how his supporting is at the moment, Aba although I bet he gets shit on in mid, Marci the same, maybe BH, MK if you think killing couriers is fun. Honestly you can probably get away with a lot in unranked if you snowball quick enough, I see mid Bane and Lion sometimes
quite literally Tiny. his kit is too fucking good.
Jakiro (HC only works until mid game so win fast)
if these double down token things don't expire, then that means this whole wintrading thing could be going on for a long time, right?
there's no way they'll expire if they're selling them, though they might stop selling them
They have existed before and expired then did they not? I know they don't have a timer but neither do the Crownfall coins
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>The team with D+ subscriptions and rank 24/30 heroes loses
Love to see it
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you're not ordering a burger, you're getting someone to commit many hours of their life to do something for you. yes its their job but they get to choose who they work for. if you want something, show appropriate effort without being overly autistic. there's a fine balance

I want more of these types of pics so I'm going to get some
Whatever happened to the anon that drew this
weird worshippy fetishizing attitude

artists are a profession like anything else, you sound like a fag.
You know Slav hosted WC3 dota 1 isn't looking so bad right now.
friggin pwn'd, nice one anon!
>and decked out with an arcana and or with immortals
mmmmmmm yessssss
psg drove him out because the drawfriend was liked
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He's around, posted last thread I think, he's drawing something, I also want to point out he's probably following his book too closely and gave Ench human front legs
Did he post art? I missed it.
look you're generally not worth responding to unless i'm making you look stupid by openly stating how you want to be the dictator of this general

but you're not going to attribute "driving someone out" to me that i've never even posted to...fuck off little faggot

people like me here more than you. that must be fucking awful for you to come to terms with. i run a guild and everything! lol
Nobody likes you, schizo nigger.
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No but my powers of autism allow me to tell
? just looks like some dude
nah, we wont bully your high school buddy, zoomer tard
bros been 15 for 10 years
yeah, total AI victory can't come soon enough
Yeah, he needs to cut out the corn syrup and seed oils and work on his jaw gains. If he can grow facial hair, that can be a quick fix to the imbalance caused by his head.
tfw no hero who kills artists

wait it's grimstroke
Grimstroke is LITERALLY an artist tho
and canonically hates machines.
>drawfriends come to /d2g/
>psg drives them off
wtf why is he so evil...
He has a brown soul.
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La creatura
i remember thinning them out but i must have forgotten to save it or something
Heroes that are, 99% of the time, an active detriment to their team?
>Sand King
>Earth Shaker
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>AI image generators give away that they insert shit like "ethnically ambiguous" into your prompts

hahahah, you rascals.
I only agree with undying and earth shaker
so nah you dumb af
I'm rubbing my penis
same, but to hoodwink
does it take a long time to get good at Arc Warden?
i decided to try and get good at a difficult hero and Arc Warden seems kinda cool
>Picked as support
>Maelstrom first item
>Presses R on cooldown
>Makes sure you lose last hits
>By the time he can do anything (despite having next to no passives to increase DPS), the enemy literally force staffs away or just kills him
>At best he drags the game to 70 minutes because anyone can play with a global teleport and shadowblade
>You still lose
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>Noooo stop PSG I just wanted to drawfaaAAAAAAAAGH
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>Hey do you guys want me to draw anythAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH
The fuck is this shit honestly
i certainly hope our drawfags have a thick enough skin to not be discouraged by PSG's AI generated images
psg here

why would anyone be discourged by it im just laughing its fucking garbage

its funny to me
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>Early game rupture
>Enemies just TP away
>Lategame rupture
>Enemies just walk away and ignore the damage
Why does this spell exist
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ok heres some new artists

*flesh stretching sounds*
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>PSG here
you should draw something. just for fun
Yes mam
Shared experiences is important too.
A drawing is also nice as a thing people share in.
>read deadlock character lore
>spic names and incorrect grammar smack you in the face

everything about this product is wrong. it's going to fail. titty games are coming out.
Why did no one tell me about core AA
>can perma shove with ice vortex
>turns into a monster DPS turret late game
>fucks all form of healing
I am really enjoying this guy mid
Anon, a lot of the stuff is still a holdover from before we mass invited eachother and the game had less than 1000 people. Developers don't give a shit about grammar in an early build not meant for most people's eyes.
Also, I guarantee all the women will have fat titty skins by release officially released/sanctioned by valve.
>Developers don't give a shit about grammar in an early build

in past generations a video game developer was never someone who did not know how to pluralize words

you thinking this is no big deal is incorrect.
nta, but I'm rubbing my cock lol
>third person hero shooter moba
anon it never even had a chance. did you learn nothing from artifact and underlords?
bro thats gay how big is it lol
I just was looking through some old leaked half-life 2 leaked beta stuff and you are 100% wrong
third person hero shooter needs varied maps
It being a single map everytime will make it fail

Also I really wish if there was a map selection phase for Dota 2.
Some stuff I like about Deadlock that I hope Valve brings back to DOTA 2.
1 - Lifesteal and spell lifesteal work fully with creeps and AoE shit. No "oh this item works less because it can hit 5 creeps at once" bullshit.
2 - Cooldown reduction, spell duration, and spell range are purchasable upgrades.
3 - Cooldown reduction is additive.
4 - Roshan gives everyone something in the form of a -75% respawn timer buff (was a teamwide aegis before but they changed it)
5 - Urn running feels more risky/rewarding than bounty runes (early on its like 400 souls/gold a piece from each of the two urns)
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>wtf is this shit icefraud? dead on arrival
ok show me.
there is literally nothing wrong with this though. people would play the game like that today.
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Remember what they took from you
thank goodness
how is it gay? wtf roflmao... 7"x5"
looks fucking horrific from the angle you'd see it from.
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When did they start allowing sets to completely diverge from a hero's color scheme?
You know I bet they were loving that they didn't have to hire a voice actor after the poor reception of this
ima play some deadlock tonight, I hope I queue into rain and annihilate him there also
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The best part is unlike other games, dota lets you do it piece by piece. So one piece breaks the identifiable profile a bit? Just stack 4 or 5 of those from different sets lmao
Or just get a full immortal set
And this is still nothing compared to league
which deadlocker should i play? lash seems like the best designed character at a glance
ok i picked dynamo, gargussy, lady death prophet, and electric head
league does this too but i love it when devs sell you an upgrade to a decade old model instead of just patching in a new model.
Why is the queen wearing a diaper
Haze Infernus and Lash are my favorites rn
In retrospective It doesn't look that good, but im sure the eventual remodel (like fat bastard puck into current puck) would've fixed most issues.
Cute from in front but terrible from above, bring her to deadlock

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