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FORMER: >>484324409
>aghs and shard
>4 satanics
>flaming cloak
rate my dark seer build
first for anime makes you objectively worse at dota2
>I could remove your beta, then you can complain less
Based. Why doesn't this happen with the retards complaining about deadlock?
Deadlock 2 General
>but still third post
Typical poo ess gee L
theres zero wrong with this.

PSG here
I used to know Zoid on IRC in 1996-2000 or so. lol
we like drawfags here
I just wouldn’t do anal ever.
ill try harder next time to remind you of how little you are worth
>tfw no seiba hiirou
CHADnime makes you UNBEATABLE in Dota.
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So true
>mason has been calling out gorc for months
cuckc used to use masons low mmr to make fun of him
Then mason climbed in smurfpool and he coped saying having to contend with acc buyers every game, and a higher than normal rate of maphackers was actually easy mode
Now mason has climbed an additional 1000 mmr in main pool and climbed over cuckc
This has left him devastated so much as to start actually cheating on stream
So sad
could have done without the anti-german racism
Sieg heil masonbros
man i honestly just cant get through a game of deadlock

shoot for 3 seconds and then 2 second reload animation is the most agonizing concept ive ever seen in fps
There’s like three different methods of instant reloads, you can also initiate reloads and do a spell with cast times like infernus dash and it will finish while you’re using it
it just feels so bad at a basic level that i have no desire to learn around it. this isn't what shooter games are to me, i just cant get into it. i dont think i will ever play this
You can use your skills while reloading bud
can you rat the whole game with Arc Warden? is he a good rat hero? like Lycan or Brood or whatever
>shooter game


its not for me. ill just have to acknowledge that. i'll make dota 3. yoshi!
Just play mcginnis, shes the dedicated shitter hero for people like you
kek yeah q3 me bro lets see whos shitter at shooter
Why has the entire dotard community turned against gorg? Including pros and ex pros?
mason's redemption arc is proof that mmr is meaningless and needs to be squished or something. He was 8k before he got banned on his way down to 7k. He recalibrated to 9k and has climbed 2.5k mmr since then with 150 ping.
willow 5?
I euthanize, simple as
that is only telling of how big difference is between na and eu
Is there a way to check how many times an ability was used?
crazy im really a top 150 dawnbreaker in the world according to stratz
How? There are like 28 people that have actually picked db in the last half a year or so...?
>Mason's smile while streaming
why do retard faggots who run down mid not get hardware id banned
chat did rtz beat godfrey?
I do not care for slavic mongoloids.
Well that screenshot someone posted said he was near 300 deaths so I'd hope he was halfway towards Malenia or something, I wasn't counting but I'm sure I didn't come anywhere close to that even with the DLC
i do not care for mongoloid games
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>play 6 games
>win 6 game
>150 ping

He has about a 110 ping. I have always played on EU. No way he has 150
yes honey?
>read every time how people claim it's unbearable to play video games if your ping is above 20 ms and it makes you worse and vidya
>some of best Dota players like Attacker and Mason plays close to 200 ping and does ok
if you think about it logically its about 20 ping youre trading for -1 peruvian each
a valuable sacrifice
buriza do
You can see it in the corner when he's streaming. He averages around 135 ping every game.
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*denying whistle*
Can you scream for help with a whistle, just asking
Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, likes this character.
How can we unlock the *orgasm whistle*
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You really want to be on record as asking
is dota plus worth it? i just want voicelines
I was asking for a friend

Very worth it. It's fun and the leveling up your hero feels nice
It's over mason sissies ... gorgc has accumulated over 2000 updoots on reddit ... he's invincible now. He can probably even co stream saudi tournaments without the risk of downboats ... it's really over
does anyone actually give a crap about Gorgc using some kind of bug/exploit thing?
how do i up my behavior score? i want to hear people use voice chat again
No one actually cares but there are enough people that dislike him enough him that they will pretend to, maybe it's deserved
Here's how you gain Behavior Score by being a subhuman. You unbind the alt key so you can't ping the map, people or their skills. You mute everyone when the game starts and you try your best to feed or purposefully grief your teammates.
No, but it's fun making him seethe.
no, hate watching is part of his brand.
this is all free advertisement for him
What are they going to do about it? Valve certainly doesn't care. If they did, they would've given my mmr back.
reddit probably. people were unironically calling for bans over it, though not at gork specifically.
also mason fans
I don't think Valve has ever banned anybody for gameplay exploits
>teammate picks Viper
>they play like the biggest pussies on the entire planet
>enemy is solo melee
>they refuse to get close to harass or last hit while I'm doing it fine as melee
>I could stun a 100 HP CM under tower and he'd still run away
>he abandons before lv 6
This is like the fifth Viper picker in a row to do this. wtf is wrong with Viper pickers
what happens is
>theyre dogshit
>they pick viper because they think hes ez wins
>they waste all their mana lv 1-2 and refuse to buy regen
>get absolutely raped
>play like enormous pussies from that point forward because they dont understand lane powerspikes
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>match with someone from d2g guild
>he plays well but is a toxic shitbaby pisscel and types WAY too much (probably a squeaky voice)
then you added him and had hot erp sex?
Holy fucking BASED
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>Get rekt by PA
>Why the fuck can't I target her?
>Read facet
>Blur is no longer dispelled when attacking
I LOVE this character and she's basically the only reason I returned to regularly playing Dota after a 10-year hiatus.
that's how blur worked before though?
imagine crying about a hero who has barely 50% wr and will probably be trashed soon because valve hates her guts
i want to punch crystal maiden in the face
ok lina relax
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Crystal Maiden and Lina should make up with HOT lesbian incest.
Why is he playing EU?
Because nobody fucking plays US anymore, when peruvians and brazillians invaded the servers all the NA people switched to EU and since NA died all the scum followed to EU so literally every single dota player at 8k+ plays EU.
Top 5000 in NA/SEA/SA/CHINK - 5.6k-6k
Top 5000 in EU - 7.5k
Its all there is to say really
Lina deserves to be put in her place.
me in the back watching
sex with hoodwink
The higher rank I climb, the easier it gets to gain mmr and win. Crusader and Archon were tougher than Legend. It took me 2 months for each of them and I'm already going to escape into Ancient in just 2 weeks. Is it like this all the way up to immortal?
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For me it was absolute struggle in ancient 5 and divine 1 i've been stuck there for years. Anything below ancient 5 literally takes me less than a week and i get like 15 wins in a row. When i finally escaped divine 1, the core of all the fucktarded acc buyers who most likely ran down their acc from immortal i skyrocketed to immortal in 3 days.
The games became so fucking simple i could win lane, get 1 item then control entire offlane+jungle by myself and even when 3 heroes came they were so beyond dogshit i killed them all or traded 2 for 1, respawned and did it again.
It becomes easier because you get more stable team mates and your own individual skill and contribution does not get diluted by the wide random skill-less behavior of your team mates.
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Ahhh dota 2 last year... my beloved.
>LD abuser
disgusting, glad that hero is in the fucking trashcan were he belongs
Remember my words they will buff the dogshit facet so hard you will beg for the 2023 druid to come back
I miss him.
>they have a tacet that's actually a nerf and takes away from their original playstyle/identity
>it's trash
>gets picked less

whoever balances is a fucking hack
I swear to fucking god
both are nerfs for BB, now magnus...
You guys are lucky, dawnbreaker doesnt even have innate passive and you guys talk about facets.
Her passive should just be bad-Nightstalker.
>gets X bonus during the day
doesn't have to be special or flashy, just a "oh she's stronger during the day!" gimmick
>enemy bb picks snot rocket
>he does no dmg
>just slows us and is mildly annoying
>we can focus him first in fights cuz hes harmless
>dont even have to buy a silver edge
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I love her but can't play her
Im 6k my entire team is divine 5 (500mmr lower) how is that fucking fair.
I can fucking see they are not immortal why am i matched with them.
500mmr at your rank is nothing. You are as bad as they are.
youre literally nothing
youre no one
If you are some sort of neanderthal who can't hit immortal with current power creep, bloat and generally making game 1000x easier you are by default trash.
Literally every hardstuck retard like odpixel of lyrical hit immortal. SHEEVER IS ANCIENT FROM ARCHON
youll never amount to anything in dota
youre literally talentless
dont care
didnt ask
i just want a number under immortal and then im gonna play unranked for life
sheever gets carried in party queue as a job
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You are probably playing her as a support, that's why you keep losing. If not, then you might just be bad.
I was up to 80+% winrate but then got hit by that forced 50 and even though my performance was really good, I kept losing as you can see on some of the L's with high stats on this screenshot.
i hate playing against Axe
he has a 3 second duration aoe bkb piercing disable on an 11 second cooldown
kda is nearly useless as a performance evaluator in this game
>rubick on my team
>actually 80iq retarded monkey
>rubick on enemy team
>150 iq minimum fucking superhuman
What's the best perfomance evaluator? Net value or damage done/received?
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So... what the fuck is this useless hero good for?
yea youre absolutely nothing, total lifeless loser though
Sure, fortunately, I'm here to tell you that I in fact did really well and almost carried the game but we had two retards in the team ruining the match.
I had killed the mid Sniper 6+ times during the landing phase, ganked both other lanes two or three times each, and took towers quite efficiently, but I had a pos 5 treant rushing Battle fury and then echo sabre, not ulting during any teamfight, dying alone every other minute by being alone instead of sticking with the team even when I was telling him to go back since we could see the enemies in the map walking his way.
building damage.
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As an example one of my lost games with high performance from the previous screenshot.
>cm stacks the jungle for me
>warlock uses his ult to take the stacks just as I respawn and tp in to farm it
>have to search for farm elsewhere
>item delayed, short 200 gold (radiance)
>fight breaks out
>have to join
>we team wipe
>enemy players survive with slivers of HP left
>thanks warlock you greed pos
don't know why I replied to the Luna post
yeah in this case, typical psg game

>do literally everything
>team jangles
>unprompted, support plants ward mid in the most brainless and common spot
>enemy places a sentry and gets 100 gold and xp for free before the game even started
why the fuck do these retards keep doing this
i mean every mid ward is brainless and common...knowledge wise its more an issue of not putting a sentry first
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>Warlock on my team
>Queueing from "trinidad and tobago"
>Uses fatal bonds on single creeps
>Feeds the golem
>Warlock on the enemy team
>Lands fatal bonds on some creep right before a sniper uses the shrapnel facet to get a triple
>Uses the golem to jungle
meanwhile gorgc cries while reading reddithate comments on stream and gets donated like hundreds
mason truly is based

PSG here. being from the atlantic deep south I feel I am in a particular position to explain these people

>Trinidad and Tobago

When they see each other they go "Trini!!!" and start salsa dancing. They are extremely black, like the blackest black people I have known as an ethnic group. They do voodoo and shit there.
youre reeing out

i could win the game you're in now.
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picrel: who you were playing dota with

guarantee you uncle on the left makes the best crab boil all time
.....i could go for some crab boil
I still can't believe there's no definitive proof who the fuck Icefrog is.
abdul ismail. is in court documents.
literally who? any photos?
you saw luna and got horny
no photos of him exist online to my knowledge.
>pick LC
>enemy supports pick pugna/wyvern
>after getting 110 duel damage they realize my hero is completely worthless if they just deathball
>tfw they end the game by 30 mins while I'm still trying to get a nullifier
Wish I had picked tide or something brothers...
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Vengeful Spirit?
Property of Legion Commander.
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farmin' fast 'n crushin' buildings
why would icefrog appear in court documents you fucking retard?

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