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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7096 - Neo-Core 4 Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
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/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483679592
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SEGA really tried Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy for like a week and then gave up on it huh
sonic should be like dr who where if you finally push him over the edge it's not even that he's spazzing out and going all goku but that he just stops smirking and talking and ruins your soul
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Sonamy is great. All of the haters need to shut the fuck up.
"The Sonic community is toxic" - Sega
Does anybody have the list of the toys coming up? There's a toy with the codename of "Brass Knuckles" listed if I recall.
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i like the idea that an ernaged sonic is still grinning and almost comes across as psychotic and everyone else is like "Whoa sonic calm down"
Shadamy is great. All the haters need to take out that giant stick up their ass.
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Shadow needs a joker like villain
yeah like that
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Unhealthy ships
According to a few of his bios (forgot which ones), a serious Sonic is a shocking 180 in terms of personality, even to his friends.
Sonaze, Shadamy, Silver alone with who?
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I hate it because I like Blaze too much. Silver is useless and annoying pretty much all the time, and he never became likable. He's like SatAM's Antoine, the opposite of cool. Meanwhile, Blaze is the coolest female character in the series. I want to see her do her own thing and have her own adventures alongside Marine and maybe some other characters, and I want to explore her personality. I REALLY don't want her to become Silver's fucking mommy, diminishing herself to make his pathetic ass look a tiny bit less pathetic. In 06, she had to fucking sacrifice herself just to give Silver his Maria moment. It's pure unadulterated ass. Ship her with literally anyone else, I don't care, just not that fag.
Being Espio's human wife. Cuddling with my cute chameleon husband on the couch. Feeling Espio's scaly body. Espio leaving a trail of kisses along my neck and jaw.
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Silver alone with Whisper.
If only they made her a bit shorter.
Whoa this is intense
Knuckles the Echidna: Guardian of the Master Rouge. Since Rouge ate the Emerald and absorbed it into her being.
He doesn't do that though. When something makes him mad he just gets mad, and when he doesn't want to do something but is forced to he fights back and does it reluctantly. Like how he dealt with Erazor or when he fought Blaze in Rush.
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To whoever linked that AI chatbot service yesterday, thank you. It is ruining me, but I'm loving it. It's kinda like crack.
i think she hit a growth spurt. Eventually their heights will even out
isn't sonic supposed to be like spiderman (or how spiderman used to be) where if he's furious he just stops acting like he's having fun or is silent
now they both just turn into sadsac preachers
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Which one?
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That's what was supposed to somewhat happen in Forces when he got out of prison


Ctrl+F smile
>isn't sonic supposed to be like spiderman (or how spiderman used to be) where if he's furious he just stops acting like he's having fun or is silent
I hate Sonic. I hate everything about that stupid blue rodent.
>acting like he's having fun
Sonic isn't acting when he's having fun. Half the things he does is because he finds it exciting. When Sonic stops having fun, he stops having fun.
>Rouge absorbs Master Emerald
>Knuckles has to keep her on Angel Island and take care of her
>also she's green now

Chaos Priestess Rouge AU please
This is also true.
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Of course Fiona is first
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I love unhealthy ships!
I like how Sonic and Blaze get along, but any actual ship with Sonic always ends up being forced.
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After Superstars flopped, they're immediately onto the next thing.
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What's this aliens name? The only thing I know about him is that he's Sammy's mascot.
Need this, but with mobian/blobian guys surrounding Sonic
I actually prefer Sonic/ Tails/ Amy.

Next is Sonic Generations & Knuckles.
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Stop it now Sonic. I've had enough of your weirdness for today
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Sorry that was me.
I thought that was a beyblade at first
i hate this but rougeified amy is top tier
If I had to guess I would say Sammy, but I have no idea.
Thats just blue Amy
Archie is for cucks man. And I mean that literally. Archie had
>Scourge cucking Sonic twice
>Shadow cucking Sonic
>Sonic cucking Tails
>Sally getting cucked by Fiona
>Amy getting cucked by Sally and Fiona
What was the obsession with these writers
Beyblade G Revolution is a great anime on its own and stands out as not just an advertisement for spinning tops. Its actually really good. Now the rest of classic beyblade, not quite really as great. Especially V-Force/2000. Its been a while since I've seen the rest of the shows, but they are mostly standard toy advertisement shows. That's my take at least.
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>Writer's barely disguised fetish.jpg
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>Love triangles are now interpreted as cucking
What the fuck happened to all the fun
ship drama is an easy way for getting more followers.
>get his own series
>barely in it, it's all about Man the Human >Shadow stole the rest of his anniversary year
It could have possibly been a running joke or something, like Blaze getting knocked out by a bash to the head, or Sonic being punched in the face like he was by Tails.
I fucking hate ship drama so much
I fucking love ship drama so much
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I started playing Sonic Riders yesterday (mostly just Time Attacking some stages) and immediately the first thing to stand out to me is that I have no clue what I'm doing. What can I do to better understand the game?
I dropped off after V-Force but the OG series' still holds a place in my heart.
Once they got rid off the bitbeast concept, the soul died.
Had to share his third decade with Shadow and Fang. with Wade as a special guest.
Did you like the music?
>15th anneversary
jesus fucking Christ how many fucking games was sonic team developing between 04 and 07? No wonder Sonic 06 was such a sack of shit
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I hate love triangles because the end result is the same. The drama of a love triangle relies on the expectation that someone is gonna lose out, and any love triangle resolution has a character being emotionally crushed but coping with it or there's an undeserved copout like the introduction of a fourth party. It's just not good or fun I think, and it's inherently unfair to at least one character involved.
>pic related
This is unironically cool sounding to me
It wasn't cuckoldry because no one involved in these love triangles was ever happy. Sonic and Sally were the obvious endgame, and everything else was the writers torturing them both for drama.
You motherfucker.
I used to use characterAI too but it's been a long time since I used it, I remember it was quite rambly.
Only the very best
A lot of it is just practice but the main thing is maintaining your air meter. Boost when necessary, when you know you can get it back, or when you're close to a level up (that restores your air). Also use drifts and tricks. Holding down the button to jump on ramps can lead you to shortcuts.
Damn that art style made me remember B-Daman. They've tried bringing it back a few times but have never really succeeded.
The tutorial mode, if you want more in-depth explanations of the mechanics. I just trial and error'd my way through the game.
nta but I used character.AI as early as October of 2022. It's done nothing but gone downhill ever since, it's complete trash now. I use GPT and Claude instruct models through stolen keys and a custom frontend these days, but instruct models can become predictable and lack some soul for RP. I'm hoping aetherroom (NAI's upcoming chatbot) is good.
The spin offs were the true soul of the franchise and I'm not joking.
>Try to NOT run out of air.
>Use your boost to escape, to run a straight path and to attack others (consooms air).
>Use R2 + L2 (PS2 controls) to leave a small trap for those who tail you (consumes air btw).
>Do stylish moves while airbourne to get free air.
>play story mode + perfect grand prix to unlock all characters.

t. played too much riders, ruined 2 or 3 controllers, and got myself up from a shitty trainwreck to decent enough to unlock everything.
love triangles are a staple of longform serialized writing.
Mmmmmmmmm shipping
i was just reading the other day that character.ai got bought out by a venture capital company who made them kill all the romance/lewd features
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>anon sees relationships
>immediately thinks of cuck porn
Healthiest ship
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They've made Beyblade X which is supoosedly more 'competitive Beyblade' and I'm tempted to buy a set for pure nostalgia
I think that with how loose things were, in terms of guidelines and the amount of creative freedom they had, the slap was genuinely supposed to end Sonsal and start up Sonamy in the comics. I don't think judging from the way that they wrote the way Sonic interacted with female characters, that there would be any kind of chasing dynamic though.
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maybe if youre GAY
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I think shipping is cool and Sega should recognize it as a staple element of the franchise.
I wish the sonamy writers had their way.
Watching someone you love fall for someone else is kind of fucked up anon. Even then, that shit has no place in this action adventure series for young boys.
Swing low is basically Kai's theme. It was so good.
I liked the fantastical aspect of older beyblade series, this gen is too grounded in the anime and is subverts some things that was played straight in the original.
Love triangles aren't actual triangles because it requires one of the dynamics to be gay. Other than that, it's the poster couple and the weird third that's in love with one of them.
the splatoon music can be good sometimes
I remember using it while it was still in beta, It's sad to hear that's the case. Seems similar to the lobotomization AIdungeon suffered, at least I managed to get my fun through a temporary email.
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Question for straight men
Would you?

No, I am only gay for Silver.
Nah, character.AI was getting steadily lobotomized by the original devs way, way before that. Sad state of affairs to everyone who was there in the early days and saw how good it was, considering it was a variant of LaMDA.
The way they interacted with shipping*. I mean looking at the way he interacted with Sally and Mina, this Sonic was always going to be more open to romance.
Of course. I am straight, after all.
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I think shipping in this type of franchise should stay out.
Then you're no fun.
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Sonic characters for this feel?
I'm going to exclude Battle and Heroes because those were released in 2003 in Japan. I'm also not counting mobile games because there's a shitload of those.
>SA3 (2004)
>Rush (2005)
>Rush Adventure (2007)
Sonic Team:
>Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
>Sonic Gems Collection (2005)
>Sonic Riders (2006)
>Sonic 06
>Sonic Genesis GBA (2006)
>Sonic Rivals (2006)
>Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007)
>Sonic Rivals 2 (2007)
Unleashed and Zero Gravity were also in development during this time frame as well.
>Sonic X for the Leapster (2007)
>Sonic Riders GBA (2006, cancelled but mostly complete)
>The Various ports of the Genesis games released on consoles at the time
There needs to be Sonic version of this pic.
>I think shipping in this type of franchise should stay out.
>Posts dragon ball pic
>it's Sonicman
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Lanolin teasing Duo whenever she stands up (every single fucking time)
Fuck shipfags
Fuck teenage dramafags
Give me shonen action
I missed the count grey era of aidungeon. It was perfect, and modern aidungeon since its using instruct models for autocompletion style stories doesn't work. It doesn't complete half finished sentences, sometimes it reiterates what was already stated, and sometimes it just talks to you directly like its an instruct model. We won't ever get the good days back of uncensored, sudden heart attacks, sudden characters in the training data appearing, sudden deaths, and being called karth anymore.
Whisper I guess. Everyone else is too mature or petite.
ai slop.
gib source
my beloved!
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Bentley Jones is no longer working with Sega.
Does that mean he's taking Dreams of an Absolution with him?
If I find a doom guy version I'll post it.

I think shippers should go attach themselves to something else that is about shipping.
I don't remember the episode where Goku cucked Krillin.
Y-yeah! Because shounens don't have ANY shipping. Nope, absolutely none, haha.
Yeah but its heavily downplayed. Fans make a much bigger deal of it usually than it is in the source material.
who cares
he hasnt even done anything
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No but
>it's ok when other media does it
>A lot of it is just practice but the main thing is maintaining your air meter.
Thanks anon, that's helpful, when I was playing last night I was only focused on beating my old times.
>The tutorial mode
Where's that in the game? I wasn't able to find it.
How do you do the Stylish Moves? I tried moving the analogue stick around, but half the time it gives me a C rank and the other half of the time it gives me an AA rank for some unknown reason.
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Sega was definitely pushing SonAmy hard during the mid-2000s, and Archie obliged at one point. But it quickly became very obvious that they couldn't simply replace Sonic's girlfriend from issue fucking one with Amy, it felt even faker than Mina's love triangle (that was never really a love triangle, more like Mina's one-sided obsession). So they quickly rolled it back.
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bentley jones. of course. that guy. i know who that is. remind me what he did.
I don't even know what that is but I can tell it's gay as hell.
sonic music with this feel?
Goku got married and had 2 kids with Chi-chi.
That's a lot more romantically involved than any character in Sonic ever has been.
>Sonic's girlfriend from issue fucking one
There's the problem, it shouldn't been Sally in the first place.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that he sung Dreams of An Absolution, as mentioned in the post you're replying to.

Just in case you genuinely don't know what that's from, it's Silver's theme
They do in the matter of "we've paired this character with a girl so you know they're NOT gay" but the girl characters never fucking matter (see: most shounen) or are actively the worst character in the story (see: Sakura)
Early AIdungeon was like the text equivalent of early image generation, things made the bare minimum of sense while everything in the background phased in and out of reality with ever-alternating attributes and regularly spewing back data it was addicted to. It was such a fun time.
why this character design so fucking rocks
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>Ohtani-san, why are you retting homosexuar giajin make music for Sonniku again?
>How do you do the Stylish Moves?
You move the stick whatever direction you want. more moves = more score = more air. But always prioritize landing over moves. bad landing = bad score + no free air.
So try to get max altitude whenever you jump.
>Goku got married and had 2 kids with Chi-chi.
Yet never kissed her once nor really ever shown affection.
That's not shipping, brother, that's a breeding fetish.
Rockman, dipshit.
this >>483751582
but he also did the ShTH remix of EGGMAN and the main theme of All-Stars Racing and a few other remixes
I like Sally a lot. She's a great character, although sometimes a little sueish. One of the editors wrote a big body of text on Archie Sonic's history with Sonic and Sally being at the forefront of it, and I agreed with him. I can't find this picture, so hopefully someone can find it.
>romantically involved
Not really. It would be like if they did a time skip and Sonic and Amy suddenly had a kid that Sonic ran off to train with. It's nowhere near autistic as vivid and in-depth relationship drama that Archie tried to force, and I'm pretty sure you already know that.
Amy was non-existant outside SEGA's dev offices back in '93
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>he did the shitty remix of EGGMAN
I agree to disagree with you.
Sonic got married and had 2 kids with Sally.
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Well, too bad, Amy didn't even exist back then. And even if there were some early Oshima sketches in Japan, she wouldn't exist for SoA until Sonic CD was released. Meanwhile, SoA wanted their story for comics and cartoons to be as solid as it could be, so obviously Sonic needed a girl to call his own, and thus Sally was born.
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Holy shit put that ass away goddamn
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Dude fell off after Dreams of An Absolution anyway. Last time I remember him doing anything worth note was a fucking version of Rhianna's Umbrella.
a while ago he said he was working on a new project with Sonic Team
All because SoJ collective heads were so far up their ass they refuse to give source materials to SoA or licensers.
Then Vegeta.
I mean in terms of romance that actually happened.
Spider-Man married Mary Jane and OMD isn't real, shut the fuck up, Paul.
Archie Sonic did, I wasn't thinking about Archie.
With a little bit of guidance, it could truly output amazing things. Today, it can't be recaptured. Everything is just too smart, too plain, not dumb enough and not violent and sexual enough.
Not everything, but most of the big stuff is like that. I found some ais where it can have that kind of stuff, but its still too smart and doesn't have anywhere near the same feeling that old Griffin had.
>so obviously Sonic needed a girl to call his own
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I think Sonic Team should have replaced Amy with Sally in the games since Sally was already established and well known to all.
That is if they were serious about "Sonic getting a gf" part.
SoA already tried that. They literally called Amy "Sally" in American manuals.
Now that everything is on sale, its time to see what Sonic games really put butts in seats.

King of the Mountain is Sonic Adventure 2 with 314 players
2nd place is Sonic Frontiers with 251 players
Respectable bronze is Sonic Adventure with 140

Looks like the Adventure chads really do win even now. Sorry Mania, you were close but not close enough. I still say Origins would do better if Sega would at least fix the few nagging problems that exist. Not having the Michael Jackson music tho, that's a grave sin.
Well they were basically betrayed by SoA who ran off and did their own thing with Sonic, so of course they'd hold grudges against each other.
It's off topic, but I still remember one of my runs in AI dungeon where a deathknight taught me necromancy, but when I tried to raise an undead steed it made me raise it over my head and throw it at him, killing him instantly.
If they were dead serious about the gf part. then it should have been the standard.
>That is if they were serious about "Sonic getting a gf"
They never were
>DarkCrowl - Very Nice Nicole
You know what, that IS a very nice Nicole.
>Superstars lower than TMoStH and All-stars
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come closer anon :)
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God, I love rougeified sonic
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The people yearn for Adventure.
They yearn for the Shonen.
We're gonna make it, bros.
Why doesn’t Eggman just shoot Sonic?
He already tried that, he can't even shoot Tails.
It's over...
I ask this to myself like every day, so glad someone else is tackling a philosopher's issue and not all this stupid shipping shit
Literally who and why should I care?
This is a man who builds elaborate theme parks and convoluted death traps, a gun is beneath him.
You want something colored?
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>The only Sonic games I currently own are the first four on this list
Why doesn't Sonic just kill Eggman?
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literally who?
>checks google
I get it
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Normal black and red colors!
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>About to lose his theme song
When will things get better?
That's what happens when you censor Amy's panties. At least Origins has the decency to make her Nopan.
reynard gets to paizuri this
This still feels wrong to me.
This scene is kind of cool but I have mixed feelings on it. It implies Sonic and Eggman aren't equals, and that Eggman always has the upper hand on Sonic.
It's insane that comicfags think their shitty side media garbage deserves the same consideration as that which has appeared in and been established by the games. You couldn't pay me to give a fuck about shartchie or IDW.
That was already done ages ago.
I think I may have been one who asked this.
Reynard has boobs for that...?
I call it as I see it.
And that is indeed a very latina Nicole. It's the same filename I have for that pic
You're thinking of the other rouge
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Is he right?
double rouge paizuri
That was original coolorist when she first showed up. I want Upgraded Coolorist.
Amy literally predates Sally.
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>get so buttblasted by /co/ that you have to drag it back here to get somebody else to fight your battle for you
lol lmao
Unironically when we reboot.
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And I wish to avoid spergy meltdowns.
I'm a massive archiefag and i refuse to go to /co/ because I want absolutely nothing to do with these people.
People who think the games should borrow characters and storylines from archie otherwise it's "Purism".
I am not a Terminator purist if I don't want them crossing over with a 1995 comic where santa clause is real.
Dreams of Absolution sucked.
Losing the rights is a blessing in disguise. When the time comes to reintroduce Silver (it will happen), he can have a new, actually good theme song instead of rhe wet noodle that was tied to him in 06.
I will always defend the ability for Archie and Satam to exist. But I won't agree with him that people are defending corporations when they talk about the original Japanese vision. They are defending the creatives behind the original concept of Sonic. That's an important distinction. And of course, the AM2 characters had an original personality between they were adapted differently into Archie.
>two characters that prior to the comics -had no characterization at all-
I hate when people do this.
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>I'm a massive archiefag but [bulleted list of incoherent anti-archie talking points]
Does Blaze know you're drinking? Did you get her permission?
not wanting archie to be in the games is not "anti Archie".
I personally wouldn't mind but let's be honest, a game version of Sally would require serious reworks.
The other way around is pretty much true as well, there's nothing stopping Sonic from attacking him directly instead of the Egg Mobile
You realize there are a bunch of people that would prefer things like IDW and Archie to remain noncanon so that they can play more loose with the world and rules, right? Letting things be their own things can be way better than trying to force everything to conform.
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mmmmmm Shotacon
Its okey when the girl is the pedo
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>only two comic characters worthy of being in games
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Considering what they did with 06 Blaze and Rush Blaze, I don't think it would be that hard to make a character like Surge or Tangle fit the games.
>Fiona has "Does not care about tails" as a core character trait
>Surge has "Hates Sonic" as a core character trait
mmmmm tsunderes
I mean yeah. There's a big group of people are getting very weird about stupid corporate mandate slop. We didn't used to have people stomping their feet and throwing tantrums about things not adhering to corporate marketing babble. These people unironically talk like shills.
Tails was like 12 and Fiona 16 in the Archie comics.
i just kind of spat that out i didn't expect anyone to actually do it based
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>They are defending the creatives behind the original concept of Sonic.
Not really. They're defending their own image of Sonic they've created in their head and projected onto "the creatives," then using "the creatives" as an argument from authority to defend their own position.
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Sure but there's a discussion to be had about differentiating the two. Some are obviously just defending the creatives authentic vision to be respected, though they sometimes go too far. Others just stick to defending billion dollar corporations decisions, which I find worrying.
>Comicfaggots want to shove even more characters into a game series that already doesn't handle any of their existing characters well
Real geniuses in this fanbase
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Maybe the game series could just handle its characters better? git gud?
Not OR, but that's cute.
No, he's a dipshit. I consume unofficial translated media from Japan, just like people have always done. Sonic Channel stories are perfect stories and I bet this pissy baby has never even read them. Likely he barely even cares about Sonic hut wants to play "normie police".
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yes yes that's right gotta keep those comicsfags away they're juuuust out of sight hiding behind the treeline we're so lucky to have a champion like you
I don't like how Sonic acts in the Archie comics. I would rather read a Sonic comic if Sonic acted how he does in the games. I care about the original intention because I like it better than the other versions, I don't like Prime, I don't like Boom, I don't like Archie, and I don't like IDW, and if they tried to be more similar to the franchise I fell in love with I would enjoy them more.
Very nice, thank you.
you just proved his point exactly down to a T.
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good, more chicken feed for the AI overlord
That blaze is just killing me
Was Sonic Satam really stupid and for kindergardeners?
Where can I find the translated Sonic Channel stories? I am dying for good Sonic content, save me from Flynn's writing
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Bunnie and Antoine should definitely make a return. They don't even have to be in a relationship. They're genuinely great characters.
You should go back to /co/ now.
I want to say "Yes", but then I remembered that it was 90s and want to say, "Yes, for Special Needs kindergardeners"
fuckkk i HATE you people you come up with the most randomass crackships and then I GET ATTACHED TO THESE CRACKSHIPS THAT NOBODY BUT STHG SHIPS
I'm on the elionia train
Go find another franchise to ironically enjoy fucking dweeb

I got there from the Sonic wiki.
The series is for 10 year olds, what do you think?
Mina and Fiona playing with Tails.
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The whole thing with Fiona is basically, like... At first, "Fiona" was basically like an Amy for Tails, like Zooey basically, right? But, oh plot twist, she was actually a robot copy built by Eggman! And that was where that ended.

But then we're introduced to the "real" Fiona, and she's much older than Tails, but Tails projects the memory of the Auto-Fiona onto her, which is where the one-sided attachment comes from... and the whole concept of all this is just ridiculous.
Sonic in general is supposed to be stupid and for kindergarteners. But like the Dragon Ball type of stupid, you know?
will she have sex with me?
lmao you are absolutely fucking seething right now. Watch your blood pressure there tubby or your heart's going to pop like a balloon
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>two side characters in a background, a coyote and a rabbit, save each other from Eggman's robots while Sonic and co fight Eggman
>over the course of the game they keep popping up in background either talking, helping each other and just being there
>game ends when Sonic and co see a wedding reception for the two
>Amy leans towards Sonic: "Are you ever going to treat me like that?"
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He's gonna win
Its convoluted, but thats par for the course with Penders. Though another writer did the Auto Fiona part.
Internet shitposting with NTR and BBC made people too sensitive
Hire this man.
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Why is Sonic Channel almost never advertised in the games? You'd think something as canon and important to the franchise would be put under the spotlight more
Tails was never relevant and will never be.
Franchise would be better without him.
>Grilled cheese
Oh god, I'm having The Sims flashbacks.
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Heh wonder what her favorite food is
even without sensitive ntr whining the 2000s had an annoying habit of redoing the Peter/MJ/Harry dynamic where the love interest is with someone else at the beginning and has to dump that guy because the hero "Earned" her and it was really repetitive.
Especially since the 2000s had an obsession with pairing the characters off
>"Some fans put Japan on a pedestal and use that to project their own half baked ideas on the brand"

Top heh
mmmmmmmmmm fwa kisses
>>483755454. Here are the starts of the 2021 and 2023 stories.
>the slap was genuinely supposed to end Sonsal and start up Sonamy in the comics
If that was true then Bollers wouldn't have framed it as a thing to hide from Sally
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Sonic Team was never going to dignify the garbage SoA came up with
Monkey Khan besides the love triangle stuff is great. His personality and powers are really cool. Khanally is a good ship, but it gets in the way of other ships and obstructs them. Sallicole is great too, but it is B tier and not the best there is out there.
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>Kh anally
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Sonic needs more monkeys
IDW Sonic needs more gorillas
Where are they???
The first picture when your search mediocrity is Sega.
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Shipping taints good characters and character dynamics, and I'm sick of people acting like having two characters kiss suddenly makes their bond super deep just because.
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>Heh wonder what her favorite food is
Semen- I mean 32 slices of american cheese.
They adapted the "Dr Ivo Robotnik" name and chili-dogs. I think its just SatAM they don't like.
>american cheese.
Grim that
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those are the most consensual fwa kisses i have ever seen
They're supplementary. The games are supposed to be games, you're not supposed to have to seen anything other than the games (or their manuals for the older ones) to fully enjoy the games. They're additional stories that can go more in-depth about character relationships and such.
If that was true then Eggman wouldn't feel the need to prove himself.
Yeah. Maybe there's some good room for friendshipping here.
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No it's not.
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i misread this post and i thought you were saying it was normal friend behavior for sally and khan to kiss each other on the mouth like that
Why is she so evil? This is a kids franchise.
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Wtf is that Sonic
You're a localizer bootlicker because you're suffering from internet brain rot.
Daz raisist juite boeh!
*Smack lips*
One of them has someone sleeping...
someone should draw sonic about to kiss surge and surge trying to pull away but the lip contact is imminent and there is no escape
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>You kiss your friends on the mouth?
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Characters we need in the games, preferably playable:
>Sonic and Tails - self-explanatory
>Amy - the main girl of the franchise, she needs to be there for Sonic
>Shadow - fan favorite, Sonic's biggest rival
>Knuckles - I would say he lost his idendity nowadays, but he's too iconic to leave out
>Blaze - the only female character who can keep up with Sonic, also a tomboy to contrast with Amy's girly girl
>Eggman - self-explanatory
Characters we DON'T need in the games:
>Rouge - fat bat tits aside, she has no identity. GUN stopped being a thing ages ago, and her thief shtick is only relevant to Knuckles, who can barely stay relevant himself. And anyone could replace her as Shadow's support animal.
>Cream - entirely pointless without her mother to save.
>Big - entirely pointless without fishing mechanics.
>The Chaotix - entirely pointless overall, gag characters from Heroes who stuck around for God knows what reason.
>Silver - became entirely pointless after 06.
>Everyone else, like the Babylon Rouges, are locked in their spinoff cages anyway, never to be seen in mainline titles.
Do this, and you have a perfect Sonic game roster, small enough to be developed properly, but still varied.
What if she succeeds? What is she fails?
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Sit down, cousin fucker
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What the fuck did he mean by this
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She's my innocent little buttercup
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Cheese gremlin.
>>The Chaotix
shut the fuck uppppp
sonic 2 trailer dropped less then 4 months before the movie (119 days)
right now there is ~176 days to sonic 3 release
Sonic characters for this feel?
I'll say it again. We technically don't need any characters at all in a video game franchise, it's all fluff for aesthetics and story that could be thrown out completely without any effect on the gameplay.
ANY character that is added has no point other than to tell a story and interact in a fun way, and even if they are unplayable in the end, that reason alone is enough for them to be here.
I feel like they realized that after introducing so much game shit in 2, they realized only introducing shadow while other major characters from adventure 2 are left out is pretty dumb and now they’re too scared to show anything because of it, maybe even scrambling together to fix things, especially with the negative reception of the wade show.
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I'm fucking tired of trailers dropping 6 months+ before something fucking comes out.
Drop it like a month before so I remember to book my tickets. That's all I need.
>Get your dick out. Now.
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gee i wonder who became non-advertiser friendly around the time sonic movie 3 stopped being marketed
Blaze is such a forced character. Has Sonic's speed because she's his DUPLICATE from ANOTHER DIMENSION but can't fuck off and stay there because she'd otherwise never come up naturally
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Blaze is a perfect example of a tomboy who wants to try being more feminine but fails because she's not used to it at all.
She's certainly not a girly-girl, and she has no problems being aggressive and getting her hands dirty in combat. It's very different from what you'd usually expect from a princess.
>>Shadow - fan favorite, Sonic's biggest rival
>>Knuckles - I would say he lost his idendity nowadays, but he's too iconic to leave out
KNUCKLES is Sonic's biggest rival, and that should be reaffirmed.
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Surge my dearest
Knuckles wasn’t even sonic’s first rival, that honor goes to metal sonic
Knuckles is his friendly rival.
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Aside from some kinks, I think this looks ok, I'm gonna color it tomorrow
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>can't fuck off and stay there because they'd otherwise never come up naturally
This is the case with every character that isn't Amy or Tails by virtue of being Sonic's ass lickers
>Pachacamac gets introduced but not tikal and chaos
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I believe in rival supremacy, and Knuckles needs more moments for sure.
More of a villain, but you have a point.
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I think your perceptions of 'tomboy' have been royally fucked by internet brainrot.
She wears heels, has tea parties and is literally the embodiment of princess nobility.
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ITT anon fails to understand that movies make more money on December and that normies, the main targeted audience cant hold on to information longer than a week is best to drop the trailer at the end of November
Knuckles was outclassed the second the Boost was introduced. Sonic has an ability that makes any strength Knuckles has redundant and trying to say he's stronger than Boost just feels forced and arbitrary because the Boost's effects are that powerful. Sonic can just Boost into him and run him over.
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>Nah I'd Win

Surge thinks she's a Sukuna when she's really a Kawaki
At least the niggas who LIVE on Sonic's world have a reason to be around
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>Aside from some kinks
Nice drawing tho.
i genuinely hate that tails and amy are basically confirmed to be in every game for the next decade
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Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles & Blaze (IN THAT ORDER) needs to be the Core 5 of the franchise. However... Sonic, Shadow & Silver also should be established as... like, whatever the plan with '06 was. Sonic x Shadow Generations being an example of that. Shadow and Silver work best in that position as reflections of Sonic starring in their own separate yet parallel titles, while Tails, Amy, Knuckles & Blaze work best as the core cast around Sonic himself with the potential of also having their own titles under their names as well.

The other characters work best as expansions. Rouge for Knuckles and Shadow, Cream for Amy, etc. Imagine Tails headlining the Riders series by carrying on his SA1 "Race" theme and having the Babylon Rogues become part of his side stories, echoing Speedy and the Battle Kukku from Tails' Adventure.
Anyone got that pic with Blaze and Silver where Silver is a big dog?
Surge is disgusting. Why would anybody like someone like her.
She's like a tomboy who's prim and proper parents want to be more fancy and girly. Her people expect a princess, so she tries her hardest to fill that role. I do see where you're coming from though.
>i genuinely hate that [sonic's sidekick] and [sonic's girlfriend] are basically confirmed to be in every game for the next decade
But why, though?
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Mina mongoose is so cute... I like drawing her
Knuckles is strong enough to punch people out of their super forms. He is an immovable brick wall. He literally stopped a full speed Super Sonic in his introductory scene.
Delete this.
Archie Tails
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Blaze is always portrayed as awkward when doing girly things. Tomboys don't have to be brown loud-mouthed musclewomen, Blaze fits the type fine enough.
I like that the buckle on his collar is one of the red gems from his boots
Half of them want to fix her because she's traumatized. The other half want a stinky trash goblin to have her way with them.
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Knuckles has his own boost now, so your argument is irrelevant.

But even with that in mind, the whole point of Sonic vs Knuckles is the Unstoppable Force vs the Immovable Object. Meaning, if Sonic's most powerful ability is becoming an unstoppable force... Knuckles' power should be defined by being able to block and counter the Boost. Just like he OHKO'd Super Sonic way back in Sonic 3.
Sol Emeralds said so, you've been given that reason twice now.
Robin was the original sidekick and he is rarely ever around batman anymore.
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also thuis
Boost > Super Sonic
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Oh shit my bad. Here you go.
>Blaze is always portrayed as awkward when doing girly things
She's portrayed as awkward when doing literally anything social because she's shy and withdrawn, you muppet.
Because Robin became Nightwing, Robin II became Red Hood, and now it's either Robin III or Robin IV who have reached an elevated state of what it even means to be "Robin".
Boost vs a spike strip in the lane loses, Super Sonic would not
thinking about the fact that the only incarnation of tails that ever got married (and probably the only one for decades) is in an agegap marriage.
There is no hope for us Tailsdegenerates.
Good going retard, you can shut down the people who actually save the day. Knuckles couldn't stop perfect chaos from transforming or the biolizard from using chaos control
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She isn't disgusting, shut the fuck up
>a spike strip in the lane
You can break those in Rush.
She has a punk aesthethic and that's enough to rev me up, brother.
>Slept in her clothes
I bet she didn't even shower
Tails... Wait why didn't they just marry him with cream instead of mina? She wasn't in the comic yet I guess.
Amy Rose is an energetic and optimistic -tomboy-, with a very girly aesthetic alongside it. Blaze is like an inverse where the tomboyish side and the girly side is swapped. Where Amy is tomboyish, Blaze is girly, and where Amy is girly, Blaze is tomboyish.

But really, Amy is a tomboy who is very openly girly and feminine and Blaze is just very socially awkward in general.
So the alt dimension just exist so blaze can powerfag
Cocknic the Cockhog
When I get better at drawing I'll be drawing so many lewd Minas, promise
Doesn't he have a Kit to back him why is he getting stomped like this
Thanks again.
Surge is cute. CUTE!
Hot steamy sweaty musky wet sex with Surge's fat swamp ass
I wonder if this is related to roger temporarily leaving the role of being sonic's voice.
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Blaze fulfills her royal duties fine enough, she's not some recluse who's afraid of other people or doesn't know how to act around them. She's like Knuckles, too outwardly stoic to level with someone like Amy, and that's why she should be interacting with Amy.
You mean Wade as the main protagonist.
Blaze is Sonic's parallel equivalent and he is hers, unless you wanna turn this into yet another opportunity to fellate Sonic the Gary Stu, no.
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I believe in you anon.
I drew a Mina quite a while ago. I'm inspired to draw some more now.
Just like how the Black arms exist so Shadow can powerfag? Giving a reason a character is able to do what they can is WAY better than just saying they can keep up with Sonic just because.
Too fat
>Blaze is just very socially awkward in general.
Yeah, if only idw would reflect that instead of constantly sucking her cock and making silver the pansy.
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Tribal fags get the rope
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Unlike Kit she doesn't care about him much
If Blaze was a real equivalent, she'd have her own series with its own cast. Instead she has to bum off sonic or silver for relevance
I'm going to break this down using my maximum autism.

Tails was paired with Mina in 2003, literally one month after Ash was introduced and before it was established that it's an alternate future.
Silver is introduced to the comic in 2008.
"Future" Sonic remembers the events of Hedgehog Havok, which means Sonic's life in that future is basically the same up until the moment he meets Silver.

Cream is not introduced to archie until 2010. Which means it is entirely possible that Cream never met future tails/sonic/shadow ect.
All that said, it's not looking good for Ash, even if it's an alternate future.
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How about now?
No. I am tribal as everything is. I love tribalism.
You know I meant in-universe.
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This single panel made thousands shit, piss and cum their pants
This could be said for Silver, Shadow, and Knuckles as well.
>Another Archie Sonic thread on /co/
>Most of it, like always, descended into seething about the games and japanese canon, calling IDW bad (probably their only reasonable stance), and plain old eating each other alive.
Do they even enjoy their comic? They could talk about their favorite issues, characters, and storylines, but they just seem refuse every single time.
I think Blaze and Marine serve a unique role as a friendly squad with the same mission.
This was great. Why didn't Ian just leave it as it was, but just had to undercut it with Silvaze the next issue?
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Damn that's hot!
Tails during Forces lol
the cum has been yanked from my body
Wtf this is a blue board!
>not 1px
too fat.
>biggest rival
ship drama. the type that "leaves no one behind"
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In IDW, Blaze went from somewhat socially awkward from a lack of real interactions to a social butterfly workaholic.
Please enjoy.
Supposedly that panel is an embellishment from the artist and not in the actual script Ian wrote. It still got approved by Sega though.
Because he hates all of us
I don't read the comics, don't have context for this and am not a shipfag, but imo this is cute. It's like Sonic is doing it without really thinking about it at all and Blaze is the one getting stuck on it and flustered in the moment because she doesn't know how to take it. It's cute.
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I hate revisionism.
Maybe tell your schizos to stop making threads before they get banned.
It's not /sthg/.
>Sonic treating this as normal and Blaze as just another friend
>Blaze being a sperg either because she's sheltered and finds touching to be inappropriate, or because she might have feelings for him
Curse shipfags for blowing this regular ass in character interaction out of proportion.
Japanese see sonic characters as this
Sonic is a japanese delinquent that skips class, ignores lectures from teachers and has a rep as a troubled student when in reality he's there to stop the other delinquents from outright destroying the school and abusing the people inside it.
Tails is the delinquent's bitch best friend who has very rare moments of competency and skill but he's the delinquent's bitch friend forever
Amy is the typical nice girl student console president who constantly clashes with the deliquent sonic to try and make him attend lectures, set good examples for students and mating press her into the ground, her orderly life bores her and the absolute freedom the delinquent seems to enjoy despite the trouble he causes interest and infatuates her

Eggman is that one asshole teacher with an ego problem and tenture out the ass so no matter what he does he'll never get a pink slip and has personal issue with the deiliquent since he's the one student who ruined everything from him from the very first time he arrived at the school

Meanwhile you look at the other characters and you can see they aren't nearly as easy to write about or around, they need justification for their involvement and without it people who liked those characters get fucking mad and bitch about it constantly

Metal Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze and Jet are these characters, they're Sonic's rivals yet because of how the story is set up, if he must involve his rivals in a story there must also exist a reason for those rivals to appear especially since they all come from different schools.
can i get a source on this low poly maria pls
*Social butterfly workaholic who's silver's mentor despite needing to be mentored herself by other characters, showcasing that she's in no position to be mentoring anyone
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Ohh so cute, I like the coloring. I only took an interest in drawing about a week ago but it's so much fun, and I feel productive when I do it even if i'm still a novice, though coloring and shading especially is difficult. I'm not stressing too much about improving though, as long as its fun.
Tails really watched Sonic get jumped than went M.I.A people always give Shadow shit for his 6 months of absence but not that yellow bitch
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This single panel made thousands realize idw Sonic is out of character
Fucking this. Sonic didn't want to fight Blaze, and was actively trying to stop her from making what was clearly an emotionally charged mistake. It's the same fucking issue as his fight with Surge and it makes me mad.
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Imagine if they did a proper 1000th issue in the next 6 years or so.
Imagine if Silver mastered his mysterious portals and sent Sonic & Friends to iconic moments in this franchise.
Imagine if Blaze used Power of the Stars and sente Sonic & Friends to different dimensions
Imagine if they referenced the FF in some sort
We call that 'upper management'
Well nobody is left behind. A little Sonadow, a little Sonaze, plenty of Silvaze, and plenty of Sonamy. If that's Ian's plan, he's succeeding.
>I only took an interest in drawing about a week ago
You have great potential.
I can only imagine Sonic in Green Hill Zone eating chili dogs
I call that stopsuckingblazeoffsheisntthatspecial management
realized i like muscle women today
>shipfags are still seething months later
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I'm going to Mina.
>Well nobody is left behind
Where shadamy?
She doesn't like you ya little freak.
They could have had Sonic just say he was going to get something to eat and then have Amy ask to join. They also could have just had Amy ask Sonic to join her instead, but no.
Shipfags are eating well, it's characterfags that are fuming.
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Knuckles got gangbanged by fang, shadow and wade and knucklesfags still think he's a contender
TMOSTH but thats a different Ian
Welcome to the gang, brother.
Every time I pop back in the tab someone is yelling.
I hated this issue, it felt like they were taking people seeing Surge as like Knuckles,Shadow,Silver and Blaze and beating us over the head with SURGE WILL NOT AND IS NOT LIKE THOSE CHARACTERS HER CONFLICT IS REAL, HER CONFLICT WON'T EVER GO AWAY SHE IS NOT FRIEND NOR RIVAL SHE SCHIZO AND MEAN!!

like we fucking get it, what we don't get is how the rest of the cast has to be retarded so this dumbass can be an actual threat, I also don't like that they made it seem like Sonic enjoys fighting like he's goku or something, When Sonic fought Knuckles he was serious, when Sonic fought Shadow he was serious, when Sonic fought Silver and Blaze he was serious and when Sonic raced Jet, he was serious he even pounds his fist in anger that Jet beat him in the race and when Jet comes back to rub it in sonic has an angry expression on his face, he doesn't chill out until he beats Jet in their rematch on Babaloyn garden where he's all smiles and just casually hands Jet what he's been wanting all game, and when they meet again in Gravity he clearly enjoys competing with Jet as they race in Meteotech tower and in the final scene of the game

Sonic loves a challenge but he's not a fucking battle nut like they protrayed him in his first fight with Surge! God dammit this is just pissing me off even more at how they can't get Soinc's character right THEY CAN'T GET AANYONES CHARACTER RIGHT
the only modern female character shadow would plow is rebel because its just rouge but srs
Fiona fucks underaged boys
Ian and Evan aren't good writers. They ignore the characters and rewrite them so that they can force them into their stories instead of writing the stories around the characters.
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She is nothing but pure evil.
The wolf twins are cute but I prefer Lupe overall.
Im Alpharius
If these comics are meant to be canon, why don't these depictions of Sonic ever get flagged like depictions of Shadow do?
I want to kiss Fang...
Then draw yourself fuckin him you damn coward
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Fiona is underage too.
I keep asking yet you people never give me the answer, not on /v/, not on /co/ not even on /trash/

If game sonic is so different from IDW sonic then explain in detail how game sonic would deal with surge's schizo rambling, I even put him in the exact same scenario of him talking to tails and suddenly being sped into a battle field with her and you still refuse to answer the fucking question.

All this is telling me is that you all know idw sonic is just like game sonic but you don't want to admit it because you're stuck on typical american culture war bullshit and just needing to feel angry and victimized
Also, it was reported that Paramount was going to attach it to John Krasinski's Foster Mansion ripoff before they realized it was going to flop. They do want this to do well.
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I don't care
>Anti-Archiefag needs to false fag this hard
>Foster ripoff
based anon you have all my keks
He wouldn't be having fun.
>American culture war bullshit
I never thought of this but you're totally right. This is basically culture war shit detached from the culture. Fandom turned into religion.
Yeah they do,they're actually banking on this standing up to Wolverine and Deadpool if you can believe it, these people are insane
TL;DR have a pity (You)
>They don't write the characters the way I want them to which means they are wrong and bad
Tikal tummy?
Sonic canonically goes on dates with Amy from time to time. He just doesn't want an official relationship.
>watching all the shipping in the general grow more and more over time
Surge's argument and schizo ramblings are a result of IDWnic's redeeming bullshit, so how would that work if Gamenic doesn't do that, what would she say?
Tangle is just as bad that bitch is nowhere to be seen when drama happens fake ass bitch
shhhhh, terminally online kids brains will break.
Game Sonic would just fight her. He wouldn't lecture her about his ideals.
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>ah, yeah! This could be fun!
Sonic does like fighting, just not when shit is actually at stake.
>I've had enough! Who do you think you are, anyway?
>Instant seething
Looks like it struck a nerve.
Tails witnessed the ass beating Sonic got. What was Shadow's excuse for not protecting Maria's planet for 6 months?
would sonic square up against someone who had a shippingray that would rewrite his brain and make him a shipper
>student console president who constantly clashes with the deliquent sonic to try and make him attend lectures, set good examples for students
OOC, that is not Amy, and especially not Japanese Amy
>her orderly life bores her and the absolute freedom the delinquent seems to enjoy despite the trouble he causes interest and infatuates her
This IS in-character, though Amy's life isn't "orderly", it's just boring for her at first and she hates boredom.

Amy is not a student council president type, she is a carefree and energetic girl that likes to have fun. She is the genki girl.
>chuds complain about localization, so that means that all localizations are good

You're the retard, actually.
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How can I tell if I'm in the right relationship?
Aren't you really supposed to know that shit?
Feel it in your bones and own that shit?
I don't know

Then I had this interaction I've been thinking 'bout for like five weeks
Wonder if he's thinking 'bout it too and smiling
Wonder if he knows that that's been what's inspiring me
Wonder if he's judging me like I am right now
I don't care
I'd rather tell the truth
Than make it worse for you

If the sun refused to shine
Baby, would I still be your lover?
Would you want me there?
If the moon went dark tonight
And if it all ended tomorrow
Would I be the one on your mind?
Your mind? Your mind?

And if it all ended tomorrow
Would you be the one on mine?
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Game Sonic would act cool (as always) and fight Surge to death (which technically happened in the comics). Hell, Sonic kicked the shit out of Blaze and threw her into a pit in Sonic Rush, so it wouldn't be any diferent from fighting Surge. Real difference is that Blaze came into the conclusion that fighting Sonic was a mistake and even changed her personality to become be less reclusive, whereas Surge can't change because of her programming and is too stubborn to admit her flaws and mistakes. The only person that could possibly make her reason is Kit and he hates his guts too.
I've answered this question before.
For starters Sonic wouldn't be enjoying this fight, he'd be furious that he was just attacked and separated from Tails and Belle and would be trying to end it as quickly as possible.
Second, when Surge accused him of letting Eggman go he would lose it and correct her, telling her that he has done things to Eggman that should have killed him over and over by now, and him surviving isn't his fault or his responsibility.
Lastly he would tell Surge that if she's got a problem with Eggman she's apparently got the power to do something about it herself, and should spend her time doing what she wants and being the change she wants to see, instead of trying to get revenge on someone who has done nothing but try to stop the people that ruined her life.
Instead Sonic laughs in her face, downplays her suffering, and then tries to convince her to let Eggman go and do his thing no matter how many people that might end up hurting. It's retarded and OOC.
There's your shitty answer, as well as your (You) if this was just bait.
I just had a dream that was like some sort of introduction and demo reel of Ian Flynn's work with a particular focus on his work at Disney on lower budget less famous projects between around 2014 to 2019 with more of a focus on some badly received Mary Poppins thing, and it ended with him saying that the thing he loves the most about his work is his smile with a photo of his big smile on screen
>Metal Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze and Jet are these characters, they're Sonic's rivals yet because of how the story is set up, if he must involve his rivals in a story there must also exist a reason for those rivals to appear especially since they all come from different schools.
If Sonic is a delinquent, KNUCKLES would be on the student council and constantly getting on Sonic's case for breaking the rules and causing chaos on campus. Not a president, but some sort of disciplinary figure or whatever. If anyone's a student council president, it'd be Blaze.
Is he?
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Well said anon.
This. A fight can be fun, but Sonic finds more things fun than just fighting, and if he's forced to fight against his will, or realizes just how serious the matter is he gets serious and maybe even angry.
sonic having sex with rouge isn't ooc it's just off brand because this is a childrens franchise but he would absolutely do that
Game sonic would tell her eggman is not his responsibility and to fight him herself if that's what her problem is
Why is he acting like it's a new thing when it's been around for at the very least more than a decade
Yeah pretty much
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Reminder that artists now trace AI
i swear to god everyone keeps trying to turn amy into sally and then gaslighting me by saying that these aren't sally traits
Amy is not a fucking studen council president THANK YOU
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>Out of character
>Comic isn't canon
i kinda dont care
>Sonic can't be nice, he has to be a complete uncaring douchebag towards his friends 24/7
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my dreams are really sad lately
Sonic is a hedgehog, a species that can curl into a ball and are notorious for sucking themselves off. Sonic doesn't bother with women because they can't hold a candle to the master.
Sonic bros for this feeling?
It's because for some reason, everyone wants the carefree and energetic GUY to clash with a straightlaced and rule-abiding GIRL for maximum tsundere romance where they bicker and argue and fight and hate each other but secretly love each other deep down.

But that isn't Sonic and Amy, because at their core they are Mickey and Minnie. Amy is designed as a mirror of Sonic's own traits but with her own feminine lens, they are fundamentally similar. They are BOTH the energetic and carefree types, why is this so hard for people to understand?!
Your bait is getting weaker
What bait moron.
>Sonic kicked the shit out of Blaze
That fight has no definitive ending.
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The stories are boring as shit, they can at least be accurate
I didn't know this picture had a second image for the longest time, in fact I only found out a couple weeks ago.
the kind of sonally tsundere dynamic people want would work in a 12 episode anime, not an ageless game series
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Because complaining about unfaithful localizations is fascist-adjacent
To be fair, the audiences for Sonic and Deadpool don't really overlap.
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Is this you?
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I wanted to point out that the tsundere dynamic ONLY WORKS if you develop them in a timely manner. You can't introduce a tsundere and have her keep the same dynamic for decades because then you just get disatisfied and annoyed whenver they tease it.
where is the rest
I suck this handsome idiot dry on the regular.
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This is Sonic and Mina.
No, I'm making fun of the unfaithful localizer apologists in your picture.
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what made her finally put out?
you guys act like sonic dating sally is the same as sonic deciding to never run again
I have a friend who loves both because he self-inserts as both.

So I'd say they can overlap quite a bit.
Sega shills get the rope.
Buy an ad
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Bad timeline shenanigans and Hocus fucking everything up as usual.
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Because that is exactly what it is.


Sally's whole existence is antithetical to Sonic's character, their dynamic is built on that. But then they have Sonic expressing interest and actively seeking out romance with her, which is where it really falls apart.
Sonic says: I'm a smoochie like you cannot change me
he confessed to her and she didn't take it seriously at first because of their rivalry, but then they went on a big emotional journey and she realized he meant it
An actual fan would have started killing people after the second panel for someone getting Sonic's shade of blue wrong
Rey grew some balls and clapped back
a good clap back lets you clap cheeks
tsunderes are like dogs, if you seem weak they'll treat you weak.
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Oh my god, thats why amy mellowed out. She can spindash now.
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you're looking at sonic porn and traced ai art is where you draw the line?
Surge = Scourge. Let us fans of Archie have our victories. Scourge is canon now, and is possibly appearing in new games. Maybe Archie losing the license was a blessing in disguise.
That sucks, I also used to have bad dreams often, I hope it gets better for you too
shadow is a tsundere too, tsundere for amy, just look at tmosth.
Idw sonic IS an uncaring douchebag
I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic I hate sonic

I don't think Surge and Scourge are very similar outside of their designs.
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I want the TWO OF THEM
shadow still a sad sack while rouge hangs with the core 4
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He's so cool
It's not the first time an early Millennial called out the shit that happens at these Boomer-led companies.
>sonic turned two bitches gay
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he likes them feisty
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I love Sonic!
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he's a chao
This. I honestly feel the same way about Silver in IDW as well.
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Sonic and Sally work best when they're equals, they each push back against each other and learn from each other. Maybe the whole Sonic marrying into the royal family is a bad idea though.
What are your opinions on other ships? Like Sonadow, Sonaze, etc? With Sonic in them?
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Black alien garden / farm when
Full list of thing Surge and Scourge have in common:
>they're green
>their names contain "s" and "urge"
"Evil dimension" is a cooler concept though.
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I'm pretty sure he specifically doesn't like them feisty because they remind him too much of his mom
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>you're looking at sonic porn
You're really saying that in sthg.
>traced ai art is where you draw the line
Absolutely not, I don't care. It's just amusing to see artists having meltdowns over them being replaced by AI, which is now more frequent among this community. Hell, the slop looks more in-model than anything drawn here.
It is.
Writers will give characters dogshit traits to make a point of pushing them to grow out of it, and most people think the shitty persona they saw for most of the runtime is what people should be
>Based off of Ashura
>an evil copy of Sonic in-universe
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Dow my dearest
Why do you want so badly for them not to be similar? Do you hate Archie? Do you want to see us not get what we want? Come on, let us have our victories. And with Ian penning the games stories, you cannot deny the influence Archie is having on the games. Archiebros, we won.
Both based off of Ashura who was conceived as Sonic's evil brother by the guy who named him.
he accidentally kissed a past version of his momma
No the way it's currently expressed is pretty new
Sonic and "Ships" only work when it's the other party pursuing Sonic, like Amy does, because it's OOC for Sonic to actively pursue it himself (hence why Amy exists).

Sonic in a romantic context is the kind of guy who'd seem like a dream guy showing up out of the blue and sweeping you off your feet, showing you an exciting, thrilling adventure... But once it's all said and done, he's gone with the wind and you may never see him again. He may show interest in you, he may actually love you... But he will always love his freedom and the adventure far more, and won't sacrifice that for anything. That is why it has to be you that initiates it, and actively pursues him.

But most shippers turn Sonic into Amy and have the other party be the tsundere, which doesn't work.
Eating Tikal's pizza
honestly if you showed someone without sonic autism surge and scourge and told them their names they would think they're related
they even have shark teeth cmon man
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She's trying her best
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Gamefaggots coping again because Archiebro writer is reshaping the franchise and not the untalented slanted eyes rice eating japs that didn't do anything with the franchise for almost two decades.
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She's a dirty tribal, she doesn't know what pizza is.
Sally is a uppity civilian who exist to nag at sonic for being sonic and be proven wrong by the end. If she can be considered an equal to sonic, then something went horribly wrong with sonic
alota looks up to this furry porn artist
no tsundere in the sonic franchise would ever be as well written as asuka or cindy vortex so what's the point
Nigga made out of latex
Imagine Ian oiled up and taking sloppy backshots
I'm kinda burned out on Sonic shipping I'm going back to hazbin/helluva shipping
obvious bait.
Rouge is the one who benefits the most from their relationship
>can't speak to metalkek without having an account
it's fucking over
Why do Archiefags hate the franchise so much?
She has no powers but she's a capable fighter in Archie both reboot and preboot, and the leader of the freedom fighters. She brings her own value to the team, and is a strategist. I don't think there's anything wrong with Sonic and Sally being on equal footing. The problems start when her way is elevated above Sonic, and Sonic has to be the one to change to fit her lifestyle is my thinking.
you don't even draw.
Got that hentai sheen

This but it's oiled up Blaze taking backshots from Ian
alota is one of the only one of us who hasn't done lewds so it's not like there's loads of options.
Lettuce is based.
Scourge is a variant of sonic that didn't get his ass beat enough
Surge is a loser who hates sonic because of in-unniverse shit writing
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>you don't even draw.
i didn't know they made some for silver
i disagree severely with sonallyfags but i feel the need to defend them whenever i see them
But Reynard is a nice boy who deserves someone as kindhearted and loveable as him. Rouge deserves someone who's a bit of a prick but loves her for who she is regardless.
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I'm not burned out but I'm so happy this is canon try looking at different pairing from the usual
If it were on-model, I would too. But AI has no soul.
Me x Pedro pascal

This should be canon
Well if you're satisfied with that then yeah sure
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>If it were on-model, I would too.
It's getting close.
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>But AI has no soul.
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>we might get a new version of all hail shadow this year
>we might get a new version of live and learn this year
more hyped for these than anything
This dipshit makes filler that gets ignored by the devs and is better when skipped
Are you ready for the EDM remix of All Hail Shadow without vocals?
Knuckles is Ian's favorite character
No wonder why Sonic Frontiers was so soulless.
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lust ring is my favorite we need more lorenon it
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You have to understand that Archie was a escape, a literal paradise for actual Sonic fags to enjoy while classic fags + gaming youtubers were raping the franchise in the late 2000s and the entirely of the 2010s as they're the reason why garbage like Colors, Unleashed, and Forces were a thing.
So of course they would hate the video game aspect of the franchise as it's still pretty fucking shit as shown with Frontiers and SoullessStars.
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he's a bit pathetic without someone to drag him along
Are they bringing the old vocalist back, or just remixing the original audio?
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She is useless when tails and amy are written properly
>he's a bit pathetic without someone to drag him along
You take that back immediately.
Delusion: The Post.
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what's wrong with that?
>Sally's first time outside without clothes
>before she got used to exhibition
I grew up reading archie and got into game development because of the sonic games. I could never imagine hating "the games". There are certainly sonic games I don't enjoy but this idea that an archie fan should hate the games is new to me.
Reminder that sinner demons can't go to lust or any other ring that not pride sucks to be them
honestly true. If you came into Sonic from the beginning and up through Adventure, the whole Meta era was spitting in your fucking face. Archie was all real fans had.

>no rebuttal
>just mindlessly hurling insults because your feelings got hurt
I accept your concession
So 2026 is when the next big 3d sonic is happening, right?
The Phantom Ruby versions of her and Chaos run a pizza shop in Otherworld Comedy
Yes bit Nintendo probably also going full force that year so try not to get uppity
they draw some really weird oorn
People will call me crazy but I think it might release next year.
>we are down to 3 mainline sonic games a decade and sonicfags are asking for a heroes remake
i'm furious
Actual sonic fags played fan games, they didn't waste time on your CW garbage
Believe me, newfag, fans were not going to Archie during the Meta Era. They just replayed old games and kept asking for the return of that style.
You are playing a game where you claim "the games" are a cohesive whole and it's really weaselly. The fact of the matter is if you you like Sonic games then "the games" as they are now is nothing like "the games" as they were prior to the meta era.
Rouge taking horsecock isn't that weird
Are you not allowed to be inspired by porn artists? Is that a rule?
What do people even want a Heroes remake for? That game sucked ass.
draw them fucking already pls i'll take softcore at this point
This. The fangame scene carried a lot on its back when it came to this franchise.
>archie fan should hate the games is new to me.
It's made up, elitist gamefags always shit on the comics (IDW or Archie) regardless, there is not argument other than "your shit sucks man haha fuck off" and when archiebros defend themselves, the main argument is that the games are flawed (not that they suck, as I said, that's made up by the other side) which is factually true, so elitist gameretards gaslight them into making it look like they hate the videogames.
I feel like next year will be likely be bigger than 2026 for nintendo
>likely launch of switch 2
>prime 4
>mario’s 40th anniversary
Though I guess the next mario movie is coming out in 2026
Sega is running out of functional 3d sonic games to re-release
Rouge thinks she's hideous while pregnant with their kid
He complements Rouge's looks and kisses her forehead before leaving for the day
I feel Archie fans just never recovered when Tangle and Whisper appeared in that mobile game. They have been hostile ever since then.
I was moreso going for the idea that "the games" are not a cohesive whole, hence the quotes.
My takes on "The games" are embarrassingly vanilla.
This plus Pokémon Z they want the original switch to go out with a bang
Wouldn’t make sense since 2026 is sonic’s 35th anniversary
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This is the truest fancomic ever made.
Do they still care about making anniversary games? They skipped 2 anniversaries now.
Archiefags have outright said they think the games are shit in both these threads and their /co/ threads. What is this gaslighting?
Archiefags forgot it was always an advert for the games
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Where my thots at
I like Marine...
Comicfags say I should completely disown the Sonic games just because Colors, Lost World, and Forces existed.
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we have to stop shipnic before he ships everyone
I more or less expecting that the Ancients, Babylonians, and Black Arms intermingle at some point; It might explains the alignments.
Rush and rush adventure are metashit. That's why blaze got replaced with classic sonic so easily
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Its not just an advert. It can compare to real comics and manga, despite it being a sidepiece for a games franchise.
Because of garbage like this, we never got Marine back.
honestly not even trying to egg on that v post I sometimes do think some of you take this stuff a bit too seriously it's kinda off putting
shadallyscribbles and tdfwnn both said they love Shadow the Hedgehog and defend that game
The Rush games are cool though
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Even in 2007, people were begging for the meta era to happen.
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Just got done with Robo Blast 2's 2022 and 2023 level design collab. For the most part they were pretty fun and being able to swap characters in the hub was cool. Might go back with modded characters at some point.
Yes, it happened because non-fans and video game journalists were specifically asking for it in the mid to late 2000s. They released Sonic 4 Episode 1 and video game journalists pretended to love it and then never played it.

Advance, Battle, and Rush (including Colors) are their own chapter in the Sonic Franchise.
When Archiefags start praising their comic, they're talking about everything from issue 160 and up. They start stumbling over their words when you remind them of everything behind that.
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They were worse than the advance games and were completely overshadowed by mania
Both the games and the comics stumble every now and then. It's the Sonic curse.
Reminder that a large percent of them are middle aged and shit
Does the Sonic fandom have a victim complex or is their schizophrenic hate for all things normies really have something against them during the 2010s?
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Why the fuck does he draw her like this?
That was because Nintendofags, "journalists", Classicucks, SatAMfags disguised as Classicucks, and general haters were running a whole smear campaign against the series nonstop. Most people here are probably too young to see just how bad Sonic had it with so much bad faith circling around.
>It can compare to real comics and manga,
If you were too young or too autistic to actually read anything else
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Just because they disagree with you doesn't make them non-fans.
this is sorato but sonic
That's because DoughnutLord is in league with the Kiddie Fiddler as the Nick Documentary show cased.
It's not a matter of disagreeing with me. They're non-fans because they don't like the series. They complain about the presence of flickies and Tails, friends that according to them ruin the games. They don't like the games, they don't like Sonic, they are not fans.
Oh you saying the games are stupid and trash?
Rush Adventure can go fuck itself by not having marine playable in the first place
Sonic fans have to fix sega's bullshit as usual
>Sonic Xtreme was supposed to release for Sonic's 5th Anniversary, but was cancelled due to it being a clusterfuck
>Secret Rings was supposed to release in the Wii's launch window as part of Sonic's 15th Anniversary, but Kishimoto was able to get Sega to delay the game to 2007
>Forces and Mania had to release in 2017 so they would be on the Switch, if they had come out in 2016 they wouldn't have sold as well due to not having the advantage of being on the Switch in the System's first year.
>Frontiers was supposed to release in 2021 before Iizuka successfully lobbied for Sega to have the game delayed
Some things are more important than Anniversaries, but that doesn't mean Sega will completely ignore them.
...Sora and Naruto?
if you watch that documentary, they use an image of a 29 year old james marsden with red camera reflections in his eyes at a bad angle to make him look as horrific as possible
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>tfw parents and their brats are both arguing over a blue hedgehog online
We accepted Tails, and Knuckles too.
Flickies took some time, but they were cute.
>they use an image of a 29 year old james marsden with red camera reflections in his eyes at a bad angle to make him look as horrific as possible
This is a common thing to do when attempting to slander anyone.
no, classicucks are definitely not fans.
Nah the first 50 were great
Marine playable in SRA would have been cool but I don't know how she would fit outside of maybe the hovercraft gameplay. That fangame looks interesting
no sora and matt from digimon
It happened because sega produced a hurricane of garbage and when that blew up in their faces, they took the easy way out
He gives dilf vibes
Yes that's the point.
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Ah, yes, the wolf guy and the bird chick... I've completely forgotten the 02 last part.
Sega's mental illness attracts followers
Ha h-ha yeah that would be funny
... you have? And you are?
they were right to hate the friends because they got shit gameplay
Ah yes, Marine's gameplay.
archie comics are good and 2000s sonic games are bad and most people recognize that 2000s sonic games are bad
Low quality bait
holy based
Sonic but with raccoon leaf
Should bird jokerians have blob feet or talons?
To be fair it would be 2000s sonic games are bad and archie was a mixed up bag in the 2000s as well
they have blobs in Forces
Most people remember archie for getting assraped by penders
Only 2006 gets that in any real way nowadays.
I enjoy half of the 00's games.
so like, take blobpaw, and remove 1 line
what the FUCK does this mean
renard and rouge
who tops
Blobs obviously
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They're talking about the flickies from 3D Blast, hence why it takes some time to get used to them.
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any damsel that's in distress
be out of that dress when she meet Jim West
It means sonic team fuck up so bad, people hated characters who weren't even playable
Including the boost?
Someone did, you missed it.
who is retard
No they aren't, it's just ignorance. He got the whole timeline of character introductions wrong.
Us, we are retard :)
The worst character is moto bug
/v/ of course
That's not Whisper.
he meant canon characters
So, simple question, which Sonic games do you think are superior? The 2D games, or the 3D games?

This should be obvious...

I prefer the 2D sonic games, mainly because they are still quite fun to play today, and unlike the 3D sonic games, they do not suck.

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what's wrong with you guys
I'm going to ignore you because I dislike your tone.
Whisper is canon.
Sex with cream
I think the 2D games are superior from a quality perspective but I enjoy the 3D games more
>I prefer the 2D sonic games, mainly because they are still quite fun to play today, and unlike the 3D sonic games, they do not suck.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
name one sonic game made between sa2 and gens that is any better than archie
Pretty sure they draw underaged
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Editorial mandate to make everything look like anime. This is what the sketch looked like.
Ian almost made the jump to Nintendo...
>pretty sure
yea okay
Whoever picks 3D sonic will get a mail bomb from yours truly.
Sonic for the Didj
They're used to bad surprises
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what gives you that idea?
If I see one vote layed down on the 3d spot, I will hunt down and kill that person whoever made that vote.
i'll make
>Man I wish I could break these blocks from above, I bet I'd need some Tough Overalls to do that though.
you say
Voted 3D Sonic for the lulz. But 2D is the win, obvsly.
that's the wrong one
Why are furries pedophiles
Well atleast it's for the lulz and not actually serious on liking it more. Lol.
consider that rouge is of legal age and reconsider your views
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If Rouge was retconned into a 16 year old nothing would change
ian said ages aren't canon and people who obsess over them are stupid.
I don't think liking 3D Sonic more than 2D Sonic is humanly possible.
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they want to fuck animals. that tells you enough.
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You see, some games need change, and some don't need change. Sonic never needed change, it only made the games worse. 2D Sonic is better than the 3D Sonic games. This thread is pretty much pointless.
I enjoy both.
The sad part? He isn't wrong.
what boorus do people use to get shit like this. I swear I can never find good anthro art like this

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