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uh oh
where do i find 1v1 pvps bros
my shield build sucks in 1v3
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took a bit out of END to be able to swap to the smithscript stuff. i miss not being able to have my bow equipped alongside my axe, but throwing a big ass hammer every now and then is fun. bear claws are fun too.
Why can't you open the map while in combat?

I know it's because they don't want you to quick travel while in combat, but you're telling me they couldn't figure out how to prevent people from quick traveling if they opened the map?
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>as a mentally ill person myself miquellas story feels epic
Are tryhards right in crying about blind spot? What about the pve part? I didn't use it yet, but it looks cool, is it really that OP?
Lmfao is this fake?
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*pads your game*
40 dollars + tip please
yes, takes 5 seconds to check
Waitwaitwait, so if we JUST killed mohg, and approached Miquella's hand, how the fuck did Miquella even get access to Mohg's body that fast? Or is this Mohg's spirit body or some shit?
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Beautiful, deeply in love couple
only reason i can think of is that it prevents people accidentally opening it while in hectic fight or something but thats really stretching it
I can't see it because I don't have X
would godfrey be able to beat stinger from armored core: project phantasma
Why is he like this?
hate this faggot so much
Should have checked your status first to see the hosts scuda level.
I once had someone summon me for Radahn with just 8 and I just did the point down gesture and hurled myself off the bridge instead of waste my time.
for people with twitter accounts, maybe
what's the best infusion/upgrade path for a straight sword? probably broadsword or lordsworn's. I usually did quality in older games but it doesn't seem popular in ER
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From previous thread,

I know Frenzied Flame just wants to reduce everything down to nothing and burn, total entropy of some sorts but what's the deal with the eyes and madness? Why does it come out of eyes, why is it called madness or maddening flame etc? What's the deal with Three Fingers as well?
This thing is eerie as fuck. In a way the Frenzied Flame and Hyetta's call for absolute nihilism unnerves the hell out of me.
if you don't like it then don't go and do it? whats the issue?
Wtf I love FromSoft now! On a serious note, is this guy really a fucking tranny? How many fucking trannies are there these days. How can a man even want to humiliate himself like that? I don't think I could ever willingly do something like this. Even if I was indoctrinated and pushed to do it since I was a baby. I just cannot see it.
It's actually kinda hilarious how this guy has never said he's a tranny out loud but everybody just assumes he is, also how every video of his is just a short footnote presenting interesting info, what an extremely inoffensive person to get upset about
>chubby sellen
fucking finally a gooner with taste
i wanna lick and kiss her pudgy belly
not that anon but i think the insinuation is that he does like doing (content) but found the areas in his image lackluster. not sure where you're getting the idea that he's saying he doesn't want to do content from.
Do people actually think Miquella is a tranny
>blind spot?
What blind spots? Are you talking about dead angling? because that's been a thing forever, or is it the fact that some weapons don't have a hitbox at close range?
>Wanted to do coop in the elk and help people
>Host gets 1 shot
>Repeat for the next 10 summons
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>just a friendly reminder
>Ranni, much like her mom, Aunt, and brother, loves FTH Chad dick
>its genetic
>it's literally written in their stars that they'll get mindbroken by FTH dick
>Ranni canonically only likes FTH based builds
>just a reminder
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Ideas for a Morgott themed build? We finally have a proper omen looking mask with the Ascetic set.
Was malenia nerfed at some point? I don't see anything in the patch notes, but I just dumpstered her. She felt easier than most npc invasions. I didn't see anything in patch notes but they do stealth nerf stuff
Irrefutable btw.
ash of war: blind spot
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>pay 40 dollars for content
>get <20$ worth of content
The Glintstone Witch Crown stays on during sex.
>Get summoned to putrescent knight
>Have to wait behind a fog wall
>Have to drop down a long fall
>Host dies
Who designed it like this?
I beat SotE so my opinion is now valid.

It's shit (SotE not my opinion)
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aiii again
I did some experimenting to see why they chose those levels for the costly arcane spell and the most costly faith spell and I found that they balanced it so that both erdtree and dragon communion have 321 spell buff if you meet the requirements for miquellas spell for 72 faith or if you meet the requirements for Bayles and greyolls spells which need 28 faith and some arcane or 53 arcane.
So basically they want you to go 28/53 as arcane or 72 as faith.
That's 62 points invested for both builds.
i don't see this on xer twatter
>ranni with negroid features
>zullie is a troon

Fuck, I like some of his cut content stuff.
I had suspicions, the avatar fagging as a "cute witch" was a massive red flag.
>>get <20$ worth of content
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>ranni but black
it would be some guy posting about dicks
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That's one pudgy belly, almost looks pregnant considering how thin the arms and face are.
I want her to praise me for lasting long enough to satisfy her, then reward me with a new spell
is 125 still the best level for pvp and invasions?
Do i have to skip hornsent part to do ainsbach or i can get everything from him even if i dab on leda?
Dont think about it. Just consume product.
Why did the artist try to convey emotion with her body but none in her face? Unironically ruins it. Didnt even bother making her spirit face have a separate expression.
Ive see AI with more soul than this.
niggas be like "why you give me your gayest battles" and god be like "you be my zestiest warrior nigga"
>has to make up all kinds of shit for an "argument"
None of this has anything to do with my philosophy or world view. You know why you're a midwit? Because you act like being a poor third worlder is the same as being a poor white person in Europe or any other real, developed country. Being a lower class / middle class child in Europe is the best experience you could possible have in life. Being a rich kid here sucks and often leads to a bad outcome. Being poor anywhere else sucks.
hell the fuck no
everyone has pushed way up near 150 to 200
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Bros please tell me we get to save her from this state. I want her as my daughterwife. I'm sure Ranni wouldn't mind.
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Check out my rl 125 build bros if you know you know
i feel like i got 60 dollars worth of content honestly
there is so much to do in the dlc i love it
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Point and laugh at the troon.
Leda carried his corpse on her back.
I hate Thiollier. Die you faggot.
Is it true there's a spot in the Ancient ruins of Rauh (near the sword of light altar) that can give you stuff for gesturing with the pre-order ring of Miquella thing?
What does it give you?
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>Miquella sends his bodyguard to kill Radahn
>Miquella's Haligtree Order could not succeed in it's main goals of growing an Erdtree without killing Radahn and preventing him from holding the stars in stasis
>Radahn idolizes the old Order so much that he designs his armor around the previous two Elden Lords Godfrey and Radagon.
>Ironically the Tarnished commits the first cardinal sin and sets the Erdtree on fire in order to pave the way for a new one.
>Character motivations and themes completely backward
>Games shows it's blatant retcons and rewrites in the quality of the animations and modelwork during the last half of the game

Just say what it really is. Miyazaki didn't have the balls to have the main player character marry a shota god, and aged him up offscreen while including a fanfare fight to preserve his reputation.
this isn't twitter respond like an adult or get the fuck off this site, underage faggot
you're all retarded
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>I want her as my daughterwife.
Aaah ok I've only seen people complain about the swift slash one for backhand blades so far.
I really tried to make the new scythe work but it just fucking sucks
nah she's about to be dead as hell and is currently bleeding out. all of that purple slime leaking from the coffin before the drop, and the big lake you fight the knight in - all st. trina's nectar AKA blood.
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I'm fucking done with co-oping bosses. I'm fucking done. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you hosts who don't level their scadu fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
>40 dollars of cut content because miyahacki just cant leave shit in
don't think about twitter screenshot just consume twitter screenshot
>Progressing Ymir questline
>Suddenly boss appears, finger mother Metyr
>Manage to one-shot it with Occu Fangs on 50% HP and no flasks
Is skibidi lvl 10 too high for this boss? I haven't really gone out of my way for scat fragments and I'm just beginning to explore the areas around Shadow Castle. What were the scat lvls you've done this boss on?
>inb4 "skibidi is buffed"
Pic related
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Uh oh! Bro's having a cuck melty.
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>I'm retarded for not opening up the Twitter account (which I do not have) to check if this tweet is real or not
I simply do not care? Zullie is an absolute nobody.
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Forgive me Miyazaki, for I have resorted to greatshield faggotry.
tryhard troons cry about everything that interrupts walking to host and mashing button to win
If Miquella dies, Trina dies too, both of these boys are the same person.
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>having baboon ranni saved on your pc
that's a great build I think you've had a lot of success
Is 36 endurance enough to 2 hand big hammers with poise
y black knives kill iji? ranni no like iji? black knives work for queen? then queen kill own son?! maybe knives work for ranni to kill son but then work for queen?
I read that Miquella wanted Radahn because he was such an amazing fighter and the perfect candidate to defend his order. Much like Marika did with Godfry. Malenia was out because she was afflicted with the rot and candidate to becoming a god herself.
If only Miquella met us first.
>Just say what it really is. Miyazaki didn't have the balls to have the main player character marry a shota god,
But, yeah. Its probably this.
coop at 150 has really slowed down, has everyone already moved to 200?
I guess it makes sense that most normies would just dump the extra runes from the DLC into levels, since there's basically nothing to buy in the shops.
>defeat Radahn
>get a shitty "O BROTHER PLEASE SMACK MY BOYPUSSY UP" cutscene
>that's it
Hoooly fuck, Dark Souls 2 did DLC so much fucking better.
we've gone from
>please forgive me
>i will never forgive you
holy shit we're progressing
>Being poor anywhere else sucks.
This is not what you said before. You just made up this european and white distinction just now because you just can't fucking concede unless you moved the goalpost. You were arguing with another anon who brought up being born in an actual third world (hell) and didn't even bring it up. I repeat: you're moving goalposts now. You've lost the argument. You are a midwit.
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>From basically killed random co op
>Only turbo gankers,mentally ill streamersimps, streamers and guys on discord with their overleveled friends will remain to play the game
Gonna cosplay as the Blackgoal Knight (can you get that cool new avelyn btw or do I just use the pulley crossbow?)

Any suggestions for a spirit summon (for non-bosses) and possibly other weapons or spells I could use? Just has to fit the theme.
is staff of the great beyond just the best int/faith casting tool other than golden order seal now?
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It's like they tried making another Friede's Scythe but only through the movement and not anything else
He's impossible any other way. Absolute dogshit boss
>everyone just assumes the guy who pretends to be a girl online is trans
I don't know what to tell you anon.
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>>get <20$ worth of content
What a fucking golem, please tell me you're pretending lmao
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I didn't even pay for the DLC and I feel fucking robbed. There is literally no way you drones are defending all these empty areas filled with nothing but smithing stones and gloveworts.
You can easily get around that problem by playing a greatshield tank.
Alright /erg/ now that the dust has settled, what was their problem? Seriously?
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I loved when the one-armed honorable valkyrie that inspired a lot of people with shitty diseases like her fights the warmonger ogre in a deadly battle that ends up resulting in both of them suffering massive losses
wait, what do you mean they both wanted to fight? what do you mean radahn is happy with sellia getting destroyed even though he protected the city? what do you mean miquella agreed with all of this? what do you mean the person who suffered with rot and always held it back suddenly decides to use it willingly as a nuke? its so kino sovl miyazaki is truly a beast
Being poor in a developed country is not the same as being poor in some absolute shithole. Everyone knows this.
>You were arguing with another anon who brought up being born in an actual third world (hell)
I don't think he said this at all? He was just giving some examples.
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Genuinely a bigger blunder than soul memory when it comes to the online aspect of the game.
Open world needs to go in whatever next game they created
It's a disaster
I dunno man I always assumed it was a character for the youtube videos to cover his real identity like we used to do back in the day, I don't think he's ever said he's the character or something but then again I don't watch his stuff that often

Literally no one is you're getting mad at people who don't exist
5 seconds of looking at this general will tell you that most peoplea gree the DLC is empty
Trina is a girl and they are like Marika/Radagon.
Dont forget the endless fucking cookbooks.
Am I the Elden Lord or fucking Gordon Ramsay?
I've used medium shields for a while and they are incredibly fun with thrusting weapons, it's sad that after the Radahn shitshow shields will be mostly associated with the greatshield cheese. Meanwhile, I need to check out the dueling shield.
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>americlaps waking up
>thread quality going to shit
every time
This has already happened in DS3. You're like 6 years too late.
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NTA but I agree with him.

For $40 you get like 3 days of gameplay that's mostly riding Torrent accross empty (albeing gorgeous) landscape picking up smithing stine [1]s before getting wombo-combo'd by some literally who.
Five years ago this DLC would have been $19.99 or $24.99. $40 is highway robbery.
if you don't like the dlc don't play it? really that simple
>implying this isn't still the case
It's the same fucking system as always.
Don't act like it's not been coomerposting and waifuposting for the last 16 hours
you can get the crossbow anon, investigate scadu altus.
as for ashes, that's kind of a hard one. the whole theme of the blackgaol knight is a relinquished heart and self-imposed solitude. ashes as a concept may betray that theme
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Password summoning was such a gigantic mistake man
And where do the invaders fit into this? Someone suddenly decided to reverse?
Why can't Empyreans be Elden Lord?
>the person who suffered with rot and always held it back suddenly decides to use it willingly as a nuke?
My headcanon is still that she just splooshed all over Radahn's back and reproduced asexually from pure uncontained fujolust at the mere thought of Radahn and her boy brother Miquella getting married.
>Radahn finally thoughts: Wait this wasn't part of the dea- AAAAAAH
He'll get over it after you kick his ass
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Is Seluvis retarded? How do you make a wooden doll drink something?
What skibidi lvls are you on?
It's very important
>3 days of gameplay
If you do not sleep or take breaks, maybe. This game has more content than 99% of full games coming out. Acting like the 40 dollar price tag is a scam just means you're probably a fucking hobo.
Cause they're godhood candidates, not consorts.
Drill a hole.
you get 10 remembrance bosses, its worth the money.

If the areas were populated with whatever you have made up in your mind you still would've complained.

Only a jew would care this much about money at this point, kinda suspicous.
>pretend to be a girl like we used to do back in the day
>cerulean coast and the red level above it are kino and don't deserve to be on your list.
>including 2 boss arenas
>including some dead areas twice on your image and thinking we wouldn't notice
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So, was this going to be 2 DLCs into one? Which is why things feel garbage? Like they made Marika's backstory and then suddenly decided to fit Miquella in?
bruh you beat it in 3 days because you spent all day sitting and playing it because you are an autist (like me)
it's fine, but most people are not this autistic
mr straight sword enjoyer
how are your stats looking and is that lightning infusion?
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>blessing 6
>finger sever
>blessing 4
>blessing 2
>blessing 3
I work fulltime and I 99%d (haven't killed Bayle, though Ixve fought him) SotE in four sessions. It's broad and shallow.
17 but brute forced it
Wait, does this mean Ranni becomes a god?
No I am asking why they can't be consorts.
>oh you want to reference your map?
>too bad there's a firefly enemy somewhere within your 40 yard radius
>nothing personal, kid
talm bout "where's da GEQ" y don' chu worry bout findin ad GED
I enjoyed the DLC but yeah the open world feels so shitty in terms of interesting things to find, places like Rauh Ruins and that place on the southwest are the worst offenders regarding this
For real? And you're playing on latest version, right?
Dlc 1 was likely going to deal with marika's backstory with metyr as final boss
Dlc 2 is miquella stuff
They combined them
Didn't have enough time to properly flesh out the second dlc stuff
it's been confirmed we're getting another cheaper dlc due to how well shadows of the erdtree sold
>no eclipse
Ansbach seems like such a just and honorable guy, totally unlike Varre and enchanted-Mohg. Just how different was lucid Mohg to earn that guy's respect and fealty?
>or maybe we'd just fight
Read it retard.
That's fake you stupid nigger and even more stupid are the stupid niggers falling for it
>10 blessings
>Fighting Radahn
Just use Google if you cant find them. Honestly, I dont get why Golden Sneeds are in an excess amount where you can max your flask and have a surplus but not have the same for Scat fragments.
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>it's been confirmed we're getting another cheaper dlc
Source NOW motherfucker
that's gay and lame, though. i'm selfish, i was co-oping for me because i thought it was "ez mode". it isn't when every host is a fucking retard. it's almost impressive.
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>it's been confirmed we're getting another cheaper dlc due to how well shadows of the erdtree sold
Can't believe this is 100% real...
Different anon here, but I was actually there for the DS2 cosplay event.
Your character was basically how you avatarfagged in threads, especially when you posted webms on how to break the game like Zullie often did prior to becoming a youtuber.
I was and still remain one of the few scaliefags who use dragon transformations in every game.
She's not Empyrean, she cast that aside when she seperated from her flesh.

because their purpose is to become vessels for the Elden Ring, that's what being an Empyrean means. Defeats their purpose if they're just the consort.
it feels weird because marika's lore and everything up till messmer are fine but then suddenly the shota shows up
dont make me hope
I think I'd be happier with the DLC if it wasn't Radahn at the end. Or if we saw Mohg's body get morphed into Radahn's right in front of us, I don't know. Something about that last fight just spoiled a decent portion of the DLC I think I otherwise would've completely forgiven, just left a bad taste in my mouth.
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I just had a revelation concerning the lore, the entire story now makes sense to me
I'll write it down right away
How did they even get Mohgs body? He fucking exploded.
Dlc that's just one giant legacy dungeon with no open world bullshit PLEASE1!!!!
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sacred infused lordsworn sword with square off.
Yeah. Square Off running thrusts with Alexander's Shard just wrecks everything and breaks their stance.
he fell down the mausoleum, we just missed it because it happened so fast
Right, I know what an Empyrean is. But where does it say they can't be consorts?
The same way Godfrey got Morgotts body.
You can just tell without them ever saying anything or showing themselves, it's a strange thing and what do trannies have to do sit the lore anyways
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She's a magic doll.
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>Miquella took Mohg's body
>But Mohg was outside of the Shadow Realm until you killed him
>That means someone had to go back outside and collect his body and then sneak around you with a giant Mohg corpse and bring it to Miquella
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Fromsoft returning to its roots with a pure dungeon crawler would be absolutely kino.
>shadow keep is interconnected with 5 other huge legacy dungeons
can only hope they backtrack on open world
why are the servants of a black hole fingers in the first place
Doesn't matter if we get another DLC if it isn't time travel at Farum Azula or some shit.

I bought Shadow of the Erdtree for the singular purpose of plapping Miquella tight shota ass. Not going to play another story in this universe without some hope of him being in it.
It's funny how Metyr has that effect on you, especially after reading the item descriptions.

The mother of all Two Fingers and Fingercreepers was in turn a magnificently gleaming daughter of the Greater Will, and the first shooting star to fall upon the Lands Between.
>And Leda is right there
cause an Elden Lord is a consort to an Empyrean.
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Laughed my ass off during Radahn. It's like when goku blanco became real.
What happened to Thiollier? I went to St. Trina after but his sleeping quasi-corpse wasn't there anymore. Is it gone forever?
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I think the second lion dancer with the basilisk spawns is my final straw with this dlc.
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6 hours dying nonstop, felt really good when I started avoiding and dodging stuff that would kill me before :)
Kinda regret it starting in NG+2, shouldve started with a fresh save, but I had fun anyway
Technically the entire universe is probably inside a black hole*
*in that there's more than enough mass within the boundaries of the observable universe to make an event horizon bigger than the observable universe
So are the Finger Mothers basically spacefaring broadcast towers that the Greater Will sends out to other worlds, and if they land somewhere that suits its needs it then sends an Elden Beast to set up shop?
What's what again?
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that would actually be dope as fuck ngl
Just ignore it?
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>Famitsu: The main story of Elden Ring was told as a heroic tale, is that the same in the DLC?
>Miyazaki: Correct. The theme of it being a heroic tale has not changed.
What's the fucking heroic tale here? Miquella having gay sex?

>Famitsu: In the background of the new art, there appears to be some kind of veil in the sky.
>Miyazaki: Yes, the shadow lands in which the DLC take place are sundered from the Lands Between where the main story takes place. It has been removed from and hidden from the outside world and this veil is a symbol of that.
>Famitsu: The mystery only deepens, but I'm looking forward to new discovery. I might be a bit hasty, but is there a special ending for clearing the DLC areas?
>Miyazaki: There is no separate ending, that is to say, nothing like where the credits would roll.
>However, it is clear when the DLC has been finished, and there is a bit of artistic direction to make you feel that.
"It is clear" -> Miquella will have no dialogue, other than a shitty cutscene and Trina will turn into an item description.
So what the fuck does the Mogh fight need to have that fire bleed? Ended up dying 5 times in a row to that shit right as I beat him.
Miquella had many servants on the outside, including Leda and all the other you travel with.
I'm still convinced he's the one who made Mohg start hunting down tarnished, since it was the best shot at getting the guy killed considering how many demigods we go through.
Grace is sword
Occulation is spirit ash
Grace for ashes
occultation for sword
anyone invading with poisoned flower blooms twice? i wanna add it to my lineup. i am currently running STR and ARC to invade with meteoric ore GS and jar cannon (there are so many great places to jar cannon people in this dlc). trying to figure out how to set it up. what is needed is:
>poison applicator
>something with an open ash of war to put it on
>probably poison hand in the offhand
>preferably a str/arc leaning weapon so i dont need to respec
Some day Miyazaki will learn to design an enemy that's challenging but fun to fight without just making it a 27 hit spin combo with infinite poise and stamina
Ansbach is the hero.
if only
That was such a fucking funny moment that I completely forgive them for it. I'm still upset we didn't get a deathblight swamp, just Miyazaki being fully indulgent.
Mimics and le surrpise enemy behind the corner is dogshit dungeon design I'm not going to lie
least engaging part of the legacy dungeons in the DLC is having some faggot with a charged attack waiting left of every entrance
so i get most of the lore but i was thinking about it and i realized... i don't know why the tarnished does any of this. like what is my motivation for doing any of this shit... why do I want to burn the erdtree? why do I want to kill miquella? is it up to the player?
i read a theory that the tarnished is one of marika's bastard children or some shit like that and that was a cool interpretation imo cuz it would explain why i'm bothering to do any of this shit and not just jacking off in the lands between
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Also Leda shouldve been a normal boss :) Other than that I enjoyed my time and had fun
You can summon him to help you fight redahn and he dies after it
You mean like 95% of the fights in all of his games? Drama queen motherfucker.
I think he ends up in the Radahn arena with the Mohg guy.
You keep saying that. But not explaining why or where you got that information. That's all I want. Let's say for laughs an Empyrean decided to be a consort submissive to another Empyrean who ascends properly. Where in the official lore is it stated this is impossible. I'm not calling you a liar I just don't know where you are getting this information. If it is your headcanon just say so.
remember capcoms deep down, which everyone assumed would be dragons dogma 2 before dd2, then was quickly cancelled
Anybody got the Mastodon Bayle comic?
Will never happen again
It's gotten way too much attention as muh prepare to die garbage
I just did the quest last night
Iris of Grace gives you the Spirit Ash
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>when goku blanco
I'd say that he might be using the word heroic in the classical sense of the word, but neither you nor radahn nor miquella take the role of a classical mythologica hero either
Wtf she didn't appear to me there
>Mimic Tear
Sheeeit, I think you already know what I'm gonna say nigga, try again next NG.
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Why won't Miquella open his eyes? He's clearly speaking to me but he won't even look me in the eyes? I needed no other reason to kill him I will not tolerate an autistic god
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I gave in and double poked Radahn to death until he died in midair from Rot while preparing his AoE.
UI shaggy no diffs entire dbzverse by having scoobs eat the universe
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I agree. But that's not the point here.
>3 days
NEET detected. DLC is massive.
Why exactly? Just summon torrent and ride away from the frogs.
>Has shitty ending
>Has Miquella be a non-character
>Barely even see Miquella
>Gets hacked
Grace for ashes, occultation for sword.
Source: Me I used occultation cause she likes the dark and got a shitty katana I won't use, get the ashes and combine it with her sister's doll body at the top of that tower near the church (I forget the name)
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>Step 1: I will turn myself into a tiny doll that cannot move and then throw myself into a cave river where no one could ever find me
>Step 2: If someone does find me I'll be tsundere and not say anything unless pestered multiple times
>Step 3: ???
>Step 3: Traverse the Lake of Rot as a tiny inanimate doll
>Step 5: Kill my shadow as a tiny inanimate doll
>Step 6: Kill Astel as a tiny inanimate doll
>Step 7: Ambush the Finger and kill it as a tiny inanimate doll
What the fuck was she thinking
shit boss
>Memec Tear
>Perfume bottle
>6 hours of dying
Holy fucking mother of skill issues.
Ochams razor it's the simplest answer so the most likely one
my shock when i saw the tree spirit swimming around in the drowned church... i thought, really I have to fight ANOTHER one of these fucking things?
then imagine my fucking shock when i finish killing it, round the corner walk 50 feet and ANOTHER ONE POPS OUT OF THE FUCKING GROUND. The first one annoyed me and the second one just made me laugh
If this is the work of butthurt chinks then all I can say is wtf I love chinese people now
i guess if you choose to kill radahn and miquella, then you're actively choosing to wipe out all other opposition to your title as Elden Lord. because you don't HAVE to fight mohg and you can always just take the rune from renalla, never having to deal with radahn.
so you're actually invested in making sure that you and you alone have supreme power. the twink man's age of compassion is a direct threat against your rule, and so by the will of queen marika the eternal, you gotta put that homo DOWN
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How do we know that the hornsent are the ones who jarred the shaman village? I've seen plenty of item descriptions (cleaver, tooth whip) that talk about greater potentates and such but nothing that links them to the hornsent.
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>finish fighting rellana
>blood splatter on my face looks fucking awesome
>walk outside to take a screenshot in better lighting
>it starts raining, all the blood disappears
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I can't emphasize enough how good the FP talisman is for invaders. Changes the entire dynamic between you and the host. Bitch, you're giving me a waiting window? Okay i will just get resources back and i will use them far better than you.
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please respond
they're ugly so they must be evil. also they turn into flies
you forgot
>your character now looks like a nigger because of the rain
i dunno why it does that
That's not the simplest answer. The simplest answer is if that rule you seemingly made up doesn't actually exist.
>Ranni the Witch: "I was once an Empyrean. Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title. Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age."

>Gowry: "In the age of the Elden Ring, and Queen Marika, the precious Empyrean was born. A new god to forge a new Order."

>Dark Moon Ring: Ranni is an Empyrean, meaning her consort would by rights earn the title of lord.

The Two Fingers decided that Empyrean children of Marika & Radagon should be the Elden Ring vessels, because they are the children of gods. Not once in lore has an Empyrean ever been a Lord.
kino boss.
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The intended way
>tfw im so retarded i played through the whole dlc and just now realized the shadow lands are literally just a normal part of the lands between that have been hidden by the veil
damn i'm stupid as shit
The fact that there were like five of the fuckers in this DLC is pretty shit though. I would have loved if the church section had some bloated sea monster attacking us while we're jumping across rooftops.
Great potentante in the bonney village uses the same masks as hornsent.
>Miyazaki is a casual so I can be too :)
You didn't beat the game.
Which questlines do I get locked out of by burning the Sealing Tree? Is it just Leda and the gang or is it absolutely everyone?
>second half of the dlc
>just previously fought bosses everywhere
wow just like the main game...
He's in parallel with Ranni and Melina, except both eyes are closed. With Ranni, his spectral second arms are much like her spectral second face. I wonder if Miquella's current body is even organic, like how Marika's body doesn't even seem like it's made of flesh either.
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Weapons for this?
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Okay, this is getting fucking ridiculous. How do you trigger the festival? I want to be attacked and I want the castle to be fully guarded.

Why did they ever think it was a good idea to lock this kinda content behind shitty triggers?
who are the critical path bosses in the dlc?
Miyazaki is either a genuine fucking retard or a master troll, I don't know why anybody takes what he says seriously at all.
I proper sea monster would have been pretty cool.
You have to reload area after you kill Ymir
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Poison Antspur.
Light greatsword is the best 1h weapon for sword and board.
Who did Vyke take his two Great Runes from?
The trigger is going to Altus Plateau and activating a site of grace there.
Godskin Stitcher is gold and white too.
It's the simplest answer to anyone who isn't looking in from a biased view as you already are. I just joined this convo.
you don't get locked out of the conclusion of ledas quest, just some of the steps to get some of the NPCs on your side, including some exclusive rewards I think
IIRC I burned the tree and could still do ansbach vs leda afterwards - but the hornswet guy or whatever his name is was nowhere to be found
someone has a list of the items that buff the martial arts weapon?
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Idc, im happy :)
If they're making a second DLC, they better pull a Rennala and let me marry the bastard. He abandoned his flesh in crosses, cant I just return them to him so that he can be Miquella of the Haligtree, consort of Tarnished?
Meshmer, saint of el bud, ratahn and twinkalla, thats it technically
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random normalfags on twitter don't like it either
There will never be another good from game ever again.

The fucking retards across the web will attack anyone complaining about an empty map filled with more recycled content then with zero meaningful rewards for exploring.
All criticism is simply an attack my bad players and the Chinese they say. Performance issues or empty world be damned Elden Ring must be acknowledged as the best thing ever made

Fans are now a literal cult obsessed with rasing their fucking review score on steam and not whether the game is fun or not
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We have exactly zero idea of what is going on outside out tiny little realm and our best explanation for why the Greater Will stopped returning his daughters calls is Hyetta.
Specially because Metyr is only the mother of the two fingers, while the three fingers actually have fingerprints like Metyr.
Leda's LGS.
You didnt make the game
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After seeing Radahn in his prime in action, I think we can confidently say that Malenia absolutely got destroyed.
By this point these shitty tree spirits should be nothing but tanky trash mobs to you.
mimic tear dies in 2 hits in radahn and perfume bottle is way too slow for the boss
myrmidon and zanzibart
honestly sounds like fromsoft trying to get retards complaining about difficulty to use more of the game
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No, that's not it. I used the grand lift and activated the Altus Plateau grace, so that's definitely not the trigger. Now I'll use the lift after Makar's room. Let's see if this triggers it.
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You are the Elden Burger King.
Messmer, scorpion woman and Radahn with everything else being optional including divine lion dancer as you get teleported to last area after you burn the sealing tree
i just wish it was fucking radahn and not miqnigger being a massive fucking worthless attention whore
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Time to burn down the tree.
For the first time, I agree with reddit that something from From is too difficult.
mork & mindy, marika's other other kids
liar and bullshit
the tweet is fake, but if I were to make an educated guess on the basis of the bait, it's about the discarded parts of miquella are saint trina
>trying to use ledas sword with a shield for the aesthetic
>Haven't actually used a shield since ds1
My brain is broken trying to block things holy fuck, my brain genuinely can't process not trying to roll everything
start the ranni quest and blaidd says he'll meet you there
>mimic tear dies in 2 hits in radahn
And yet that dude's Mimic Tear survived the entirety of phase 2.
You didn't beat the game.
Cope and seethe.
Never done an arc build before. I assume it's either bleed/poison cunt or dragon cunt? Any particular steps to take? Grab dragon seal + reduvia early?
here you go. had to bait it out cause he didn't feel like casting it. it does look pretty cool.
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Why does everyone else who actually embodies the flames of madness and chaos attempt to seal it or overcome it.
Valke and the new boss don't seem super into it
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Leda's set looks so fucking cool
if you want dragon shit it's 30 faith 45 arc
weapons it's 60 or 80
uhhh just add poison mist to anything
>particular steps
kill greyoll, rot breath everything
>Radahn grabs me
>Miquella moves in to whisper
>I kiss Miquella on the lips to assert dominance
What now, bitch?
so how long was marika also radagon? since obtaining divinity?
>not a single armor in the dlc is better than the bullhorn
zaki why
That's pretty neat.
Level your fragments then, mimic tear on ng7 can eat 10 full combos from him in phase 2
>chimken nugget
>double stagger
I would actually commit an act of murder on Miyazaki's behalf for a black hand blade version of the black knife.
Which way, Tarnished?
trying to use putrescent cleaver but the bosses sperg out so I cant use the ash of war
Does this fucking storehouse library place lead anywhere or do I just go and take the lift to the left of the site of grace
I've been wandering around this place forever killing everything and there's a door with no button prompt to open it on what I assume is the top floor
that's sick
Any comments on that, if Thiollier's concoction can be obtained later on from bell bearing shop?

>t made a build that chunks the boss for a 1/5th of its health per hit
2nd playthrough, sorry Rellana is still dogshit and harder than any boss after her save Radahn
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>don't seem super into it
I mean it is the literal end of the world with everything melting away and becoming one.
Most sane individuals would be opposed to killing themselves and all of creation.
Gaius is not that hard. But I will agree that his charge attack is really stupid. It's so hard to dodge, you have to dodge at the perfect milisecond.
If you aren't being attacked the festival is going on, just take the teleporter at the bridge inside.
Once you kill Radahn and talk to Jerren on the throne after it will go back to normal.

If you ARE being attacked the festival isn't going on and it's fully guarded, you have to go in through the back.
Trina's voice isn't as cute as I thought it would be. I bet the Japanese one is way better.
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arc is pure melee with bleed weapons, the point of arc is that occult infusion increases bleed proc of bleed weapons and gives you 1 high damage scaling so you dont need to level up str or dex ever. then talismans for dmg increase with bleed procs and you kill bosses in a couple of jump attacks. dps is so insane you can kill mogh before he enters second phase
>not swapping to misericorde with assassin crimson dagger for 2x heals
it has 3 different areas to it iirc
He is probably still misunderstanding it as a rebirth instead of the actual end of days
Radahn is probably a cuck at this point.
You should kiss him to assert dominance over Miquella instead.
They sell an infinite amount for me, yeah.
How does the game handle attuning it in NG+ when you have two of them? Can you get one of each or does it change them both?
No. Miquella abandoned his flesh, doubt/vacciliation, fear and then love. I do think he was genuine at the beginning but he fucked up by casting these things. How can you claim to lead an age of compassion by casting off the aspects of yourself that create compassion to begin with? Miquella should've opened his ass for ME
One of the most prettiest FROM npcs, seriously. I won't say I want her as a consort even though I do, but you can only marry gods.
>hasn't happened before that I know of
I'm asking where it is stated an Empyrean could not theoretically be a consort to another Empyrean not whether or not it has happened before (that we know of) with the 3 known Elden Lords.
>no that's bias
Okay but I'm asking for evidence and none has been provided.
>Enter fight nude
>Get grabbed on purpose to feel Radahns arms around me
No, that's not it. I already did that part before posting.

What? It's backwards? Damn. Thank you, anon.
It's been a week, and yet I'm still sad.
No she fucking didn't you retarded rannifag i hate rannifags and marikafags so much you don't care about the lore you're here to simp for and coompost about your waifus you're parasites niggers jews invaders you're a waste of space here you do nothing but gloat and rub it in everyone's faces that they weren't character assassinated but know what no fuck you fuck you i will actually tell you this malenia won she had radahn on his knees he dropped his blades that by all means counts as a victory how is that not? her armor says she's undefeated the script for their fight scene says she won sue fucking won
Bleed and jump attack is truly more of a crutch than mimic tear
>didn't dodge basically a single attack
>still wins because bleed is just that broken
impenetrable thorns is broken
Int/Faith caster doing death/ghostflame and lightning stuff. Which of the new DLC spells should I go for?
precedence is all you need then.
Im getting that for dinner fuck it
what the fuck is a stance? what does rellana's talisman mean?
Because of what
How many legacy dungeons are there? Are they better than base game?
>t. Finlay
Good question. Maybe you have to store one of them?
It's not even his real head dude
He's just a guy wearing a gigachad bobblehead
knight's lightning spear is the only good one
and messmer fireball
>Every new weapon is a bit unique
>Except the Greatsword of Solitude
>Which is the best blocking weapon in the game and clearly the intended feature, but they put it at 90% phys block
Why. Just why. There wouldn't be any issue with a 100% weapon. But 90% guarantees you'll get wiped out, especially with only 50% elements block.
Because the twins will never get a happy ending.
Well from the greater wills perspective it's not the end of the world, I bet it would be pretty easy to setup shop again once the slate had been wiped clean.
But for everyone living in the current age, yeah you're going to die and so is everyone else.
Considering the DLC adds item descriptions that even eternal spirits melt away, Melenia likely wouldn't survive her encounter with the Lord of Frenzied flame either, I saw her performance against Morgott lol
Is there no +3 vitality talisman (the one that's the death prince's pus and cyst in the base game for regular and +1)
There's no evidence either way. Just like there's no actual evidence proving malenia didn't have a male half we didn't see or was discarded.
>they finally add a throwing axe, something ive wanted since demons souls
>manage to somehow land a hit in pvp
some ashes have your character assume a stance and lets you pick between 2 moves by using either R1, or R2.
>had to activate rot to achieve a mutual draw
>Radahn lived, meaning she failed in her objective
Nah, she lost pretty hard.
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>any build that isn't like mine : didn't beat the game, cheater
>any build that is like mine : BASED, very hard mode! good job anon!
it's that shrimple
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chasethepoz has found out about rolling sparks
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if scadu is pronounced shadow then why didnt they just name it shadow tree fragment? the DLC isnt called fucking scadu of the erdtree is it, do they honestly think that they're fucking intelligent for that one or something?
>Are they better than base game?
yea. they're kino with the exception of one which is really lazy and shouldn't even qualify as a legacy dungeon. (the boss and surrounding area of that lazy dungeon is kino though so it makes up for it.)
No I just find it weird that the people who want the end of the world are not the ones who gain the power
It's pretty fucking self-explanatory. Weapon arts where holding down L2 puts you into a stance and have to activate the attack with either light or heavy attack.
Any ash of war you can hold indefinitely before performing, such as wing stance or sword of night and flame, or rellanas weapon itself
wing stance, overhead stance, or twin moon stance

like 5 or 6
no, besides shadow keep
I didnt first try Radahn with them so they can't be
The minor erdtree (AoE passive healing) and knights lightning are the best. All spells are outclassed by perfumes which deal a billion damage and cost near nothing to cast.
Just don't kill Malenia and Miquella bro
her armor is just some bit about miquella wtf are u on about bruv
is the GS of solitude bad, or am I just retarded? (PvE).
Okay I just realized I can walk on the big ass fossil hanging from the ceiling, just found the next grace
It's a fun first quarter of a legacy dungeon, I'll give it that.
Most legacy dungeons are the equivalent of a slightly larger fort and suck
I love Miquella!
Well this game is unplayable now. Elden Ring used to run fine for me but now I can barely move without everything stuttering. Hopefully fromsoft will fix it in the next patch.
Okay so the anon making up rules was just doing headcanon. Thank you for clearing that up.
whats a good dlc weapon
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vote for your favorite boss!
Can you do both of the npc summon quests in the Shadow Keep without breaking anything?
its the best str greatsword in the game with ludicrous AR and 89 physical negate on block
so yes it's just a (You) issue
So something like:
>Ancient Death Rancor
>Spectral Rings of Light
>Ranni's Dark Moon
>Knight's Lightning Spear
>Ancient Lightning Strike
>Golden Vow
Like that?
I honestly hate this picture so much it's unreal
The range dropoff is massive. Apparently the archery talismans increase its range. It'll hit for a 1/2k if you're in range and using the right talismans.

It also works with the dodge+jump ash of war and jumping damage buffs which is a fun gimmick.
Don’t care for the pairing, but did anybody else notice that Miquella cradles Radahn with all four arms as they die? Thought it was a nice little touch.
please don't post any sexy pictures in this general, thanks :^)
Only DLC areas have perfomance issues from what i've seen
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>are not the ones who gain the power
Because the Frenzied flame isn't about giving (you) power.
It's about returning what was stolen to the greater will so it can make something better.
Almost all of the lore is headcanon. Even the stated facts in descriptions and dialog are through an unreliable narrorator its been like this for over a decade
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>miquella just dies
>malenia will rot away
>Nobody gets to take you from me again! Nobody!
Same reason they write Gaol instead of jail
I didn't know this. Do the talismans that increase arrow damage also help? thanks
If you use a one handed sword and no shield you beat the game.

Everything else is cheating.
what's a budget greatshield for those us that don't have 48 strength
>Agrees with the first person who reinforces your narrative
lmao even
if you actually paid any attention to the dialogue in the game it's clearly determined that Empyreans are literal gods, and the Elden Lords are their consorts. Never in the established lore has there been an Empyrean consort, so if you think otherwise, that would in fact be your own headcanon.
You sound like a booty bothered Miquellafag who wants to ignore the DLCs lore.
>Using Miquella
Radahn was his spirit summon
perfume bottle
chicken drumstick
fire knight GS
Mohg did literally nothing wrong.
ok and that reason is what
occult chicken wing or bleed chicken wing?
because all the trees are named that way, it's to stay consistent with the convention.
erdtree = earthtree, haligtree = holytree scadutree = shadowtree
Hmm, so I guess I can ignore the priestess and Bayle's questline until I get done with Thiollie's I suppose?
beat a furnace golem with fire knight's greatsword. fuck you
Skibidi Avatar is the only boss in SotE I have anything remotely positive to say about.
>purposely got grabbed by miquella so host and other summon could get hits some extra hits in
>get grabbed second time
>host and other summon get the last hits in
>I died while gesturing
>still get runes because the animation takes forever
Combine it with the 2 hander talisman, counter talisman and both block talismans. Now watch your near greatshield tier block counter attack 1kho the game.
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What the fuck are fingers? Are they ancient aliens?
It's old english.
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DLC Complete: Radahn beaten with a Carian Shield and Bastard's Stars on 17 Shiggy Blessing. No summons for the entire DLC.
After beating Radahn, he's not HORRIBLE to play, but some moves are simply bullshit. Miquella's annihilation laser is a block-and-tank move outside of the first one of P2 because by the time you see that he's doing it it's too late, just like Waterfowl dance. Left-Right-Cross being literally unrollable is also stupid as fuck, but even though I truly hate that on a design level, playing the fight with "combined arms" defensives actually is more interesting. Lies of P did this, and I think with more refinement and an indicator people might like it in Souls as well.
The only fights I found unenjoyable were Rallana (Pontiff 2) and Gaius (even with Crucible Feather the fight is still boring and shitty).
DLC is a 7/10 max because of the sincerely awful Skibidi Blessing system that will ruin all replays and crippled the first runthrough, but I loathe base game Elden Ring and the DLC went far beyond the base game's quality.
Best fight: Bayle the Dread. Up there with series greats. Not as god tier as Midir, but fuck I love this fight. I spent a whole day getting summoned with Shabriri's Woe because I wanted to keep rolling them combos.
thank you for reading my blog
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>this faggot pushing frenzied flame greater will head canon bullshit
Yeah, I'm pretty sure all of the dragon shit is separate from the Miquella shit.
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>Search for Miquella sliders
>Before going into a boss fight, swap to Radahn's weapon + Armor set and summon the Mimic Tear
yay or nay?
Alternatively, I thought about changing the sliders to a purple color, purple hair + white eyelashes and use the Miquella Consort mod, but I can't decide on a build.
brass shield is the best medium shield

you can't do occult because there's no default bleed
>if scadu is pronounced shadow
It isn't, at least not in Old English. It's pronounced SHCAY-dew.

Gaol is an actual word that is in common use, and was considered more correct in Britain and British parts of the world all the way up until the 1950s/60s. Scadu would've been last used some time before 1000 AD since it's old english, not even middle english (schadowe/schade)
I'm going to saw off Mohg-chan's horns and snort them like cocaine.
Not sure, have not tested it myself but you could find out easily enough on a goat or something. Presumably yes if the range buff from talismans is true. The spear seems to have less drop off if you're into throwing, I absolutely obliterate invaders with it.
Battle was already a stalemate even before the rot. The rot was what broke the stalemate in Malenia's favor.
what's the second block talisman (besides greatshield), and where is it and the 2H talisman?
Gaol isn't Old English
It's slightly formal british english
miquellafags get the rope
scadu of the earthtree
Not for me. I can't even play in limgrave anymore.
Is there anything to do at Trina's place after you beat up Thiollier?
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They're Metyr's kids, and since Metyr is the daughter of the Greater Will.
I guess that means the fingers are the Greater Wills grand-kids?
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>English: Erdtree
>Japanese: Golden Tree
>English: Scadutree
>Japanese: Shadow Tree
What is wrong with localizers?
heh you would have won if he was poisoned
have sex with her in front of him
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>dragon communion? Greater will
>frenzied flame? Greater will
>Homosexuals? Greater will
>1x1 = 2? Greater will
Gaol is just old English jail and hasn't been used in places that matte in a long time.
Nigger 1960 is 60 years ago and wasn't even that common
going back to the main game every boss feels trivial now
What is the kana on Shadow tree?
Is Greater Will just giant middle finger in space?
They think they're being cute by making stuff sound like ye olde english.
All the outer gods, alongside the "Greater Will" are alien entities.
>Am I really going to dive into a literal realm of chaos fire and burn forever to save the world and my dark god shard waifu?
>Yes, yes I am
Also took her out of the action as well. More importantly, Radahn lived, meaning she failed her objective.
Killing Millicent for Prosthesis + Wing Sword worth it? Or should I get the rotten one? My shit is getting retarded for a sword and shield build. However, the bleed seems to be the one carrying my shit and maybe blood slash?
i guess godwyn infesting the roots of the erdtree is one ol' nothingburger
>And yet that dude's Mimic Tear survived the entirety of phase 2.
He survived bc I was casting Erdtree Heal the whole fight
Radahn deleted 50% of his hp in seconds

Yeah I suck at videosgames, boo hooo, Victory at all costs.
Is there a single enemy in this DLC that doesn't have a 8+ hit spam combo
Die a bunch drinking Trina's nectar until she starts speaking then tell Thiollier what she said
Prosthesis + Rot Wing is one of the best combos for dex builds.
But where do I put my dick?
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good point. no summon for me, then.
I wonder if the tarnished in the foreign lands live decent enough lives or if its mega horror like lands betwixt
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I've never liked malenia or miquella. The purpose of the lore is to speculate. Miyazaki likes it when we do.
>Gaol is just old English jail
No, it came from Old French and only really entered the lexicon as gaol in middle english.
>60 years ago
It was still considered correct in 1980. It wasn't even legally correct on documents to spell it jail until the 1970s in Australia.
>places that matter
Good thing Miyazaki doesn't pander solely to illiterate Americans
t. *xan
fok, is it possible to do it without ng+? Don't think I have enough time for the DLC
Sad that you can only get Miquella's head band thingy and not his dress or panties...
Also: is there any way to make the solitary moon slash work? Or is it just all about the guard counters?
Literally just 影樹, the most basic rendition of shadow-tree possible
trade it or cheat it
So why Marika gave birth to two hornsent? Was she partially a hornsent or Godfrey was a mutt?
you gotta get someone to drop the one you don't have
Bayle is a thousand times better than Midir. Soundtrack, presentation, design, moveset, everything is better. How the fuck is Midir better than Bayle? I will never understand this. Has to be nostalgia.
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>I'll write it down right away
K-Keep me posted
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So after u beat Radahn, theres nothing to ''End'' the DLC? U just leave the place and walk around the world? No one even talks about it?
very sad state of affairs
>Staff that boosts Finger Sorceries scales off ARC
>None of the Finger Sorceries require or scale off ARC
>None of the Finger Sorceries have status effect buildup
Why does FROM keep doing shit like this?
I'd add to this for PVP specufically -
>greatsword of damnation (ash of war)
>dual swords (swift slash ash of war)
>mesmer's spear (ash of war)

Though none of these weapons are particularly good against bosses
Im putting together some schizo infographic, gimme some time i'm right here
i liked your post and think you deserve a (you) anon
Should have been a bleed perfume.
It's very sweet, as expected of Miquella
dunno, my most likely explanation is that the sheer resentment she accumulated got her actually cursed and led to all but 1 of her kids being cursed on some way
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What's the best Heavy Thrusting Sword and why is it the Épée?
for a radahn block cheese build, which talismans should I be using?
You murdered everybody else
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>Yeah I suck at videosgames
That still looks like it took more skill than a greatshield user or perfume abuser.
Radahn was also immediately taken out of action, and more so, he was doomed with rot. If the mission was indeed to kill him, it'd work itself out as his body was breaking apart. What was making the process slower was his rune burning and slowing down the rot process. Not only his body was breaking down, his mind was actuallt the first casualty. The Tarnished just accelerated the process as radahn was already a dead man walking.
greatshield talisman + a spear to thrust like a chad
erdtree favor +2 and great arsenal charm, and that talisman that increases physical damage reduction by a lot
Your ultimate goal is to become the Elden Lord. Miquella is just another obstacle on your path that you need to get rid of.
omens aren't actual hornsent, they're just dudes mutated by the crucible's power
those gold strands she pulls out of the gate of divinity is probably pure life energy or something so there's no one closer to the crucible than she is, the Erdtree is an attempt to force that energy to obey
the omens being born is probably her control slipping
Claws of Night seem really strong
If you used the sekiro tear you didn't beat the game
I thought there could be nothing more casual than summoning Mimic Tear.
Turns out there are people that spam heals on the Mimic Tear while it kills the boss for them.
You didn't just beat the game, you lost the game. You actually lost Elden Ring. You have a negative amount of victories. You have -1 beaten Elden Ring games.
When the next game comes and Miyazaki inevitably feels he has an obligation to make a dragon fight as visually absurd, spectacularly over the top and flashy and bombastic as humanly possible, how is he going to top Bayle?
what about the talisman from shaman village that raises your holy negation?
or the turtle one for stamina regen
Can someone post ranni?
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>enter Divine Tower after burning away the sealing tree with Messmer's flame
>arrive at the top of the tower
>see room filled with spiral pillars and sand
>Miquella at the end of it
>this plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSW_vv84gA4
i did it without them, you can go get them if you want but really if your character doesnt have 10 vigor youll survive his holy onslaught
Massively empty, yes
I'm simply ce'ing every dragon fight from now on
he had like 30 opportunities to make a good one and placidusax was the only one I actually had fun fighting
don't summon igon and see how fun it is
To encourage you to use sorceries that do with it in addition to the finger sorceries.
I used these
Turtle talisman +1. Your main limit on damage is unironically stamina recovery.

Dragoncrest greatshield in case you fuck up it saves bacon.

Crimson tears +1 gives you tons of mileage on outlasting

Last one’s up to you. Rotten wing insignia isnt bad, youll have it up a lot
>the omens being born is probably her control slipping
Damn, Godfrey must really gave her a pounding then.
yeah that is the point of my post
i have no life, most people are not like that
i leveled from 1 to 150 in 1 day and a half doing all the main content before the dlc kek
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Fr, the lack of interactions with the base game I can overlook except for Gideon. The fucking all knowing who out loud ponders what Miquella is doing in the cocoon. I was actually hoping for a funny moment where we claim to have been to the Realm of Shadow and killed Miquella and everything else only for Gideon to say "Yeah as if, I'm pretty sure I'd know if there was a veiled land ruled by Marika's forgotten child, wouldn't I? Now get gone, and find the albinauric woman etc."
Midir's 2nd phase doesn't even do anything significant, Bayle at least is threathing in his 2nd phase
>Empyreans are literal gods
They are on there way there but sure.
>Elden Lords are there consorts
>Never in the established lore has there been an Empyrean consort
>That means it's the rule because it hasn't happened the last 3 times
Again. There's that leap. What some might call a logical fallacy. >10 doesn't exist. Here I will prove it with this video of someone counting to 7.
This entire reply chain to different anons I've only asked for one thing. To prove the assertion made. I have not argued against it I've only asked for evidence for a that claim and none of you have said anything other than
>well Godfrey wasn't Empyrean
By using your logic I'll say he is. You can't disprove it. Nowhere in established lore is it said he isn't Empyrean. Just like I can't disprove your rule that is not stated anywhere
Based localizers, for once, IIRC Miyazaki wants it that way. Reminder that pure Miyazaki games (no Sony or others) have ONLY english voice over, not even Japanese.
marika and godfrey were the perfect couple
yjk that the bed in the bedchamber used to be completely flat until marika and godfrey fucked the dent into it
There are like 2 sorceries in the game that scale with ARC and you need like 80 levels in ARC to make the scaling worth it
i dunno why but the soundtrack for him was bit compressed in my game kek
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If you look closely enough, you can actually see Majula from here
Which would have taken a lot of years and severely slowing down Miquella's plans, to the point someone could just swoop in and take the title of Elden Lord in the meantime.
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The best ERtuber
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sure, I will spend more than 60$ in a game just to listen to a schizo in /vg/ tell me how I should play the game and what I should or should not use.
A bunch of people should know it, actually. It was still around even after the two liurnia wars.
for me it's "it's shatter"
his guides helped me a lot
But you can use them with the staff.
however, you are retarded for instantly believing whatever you read on 4chan.
>Tarnished, show no mercy.
>Have their heads.
>Take all they have left.
I never liked the demigods, so I'm glad the tarnished player's canon characterization is this now.
I was waiting for someone to finally notice it, you'd figure LGBTQ+ and their advocates would be up in arms by how straightforwardly homophobic the DLC actually is.
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sorry, I only have this on me
if the celestial bodies in the elden ring universe have power does the lands between's planet itself have a power? is it the crucible?
>You didn't just beat the game
ESL hours
>the foreign lands
Well it's sekiro bloodborne and the other dark soul universes soooo
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Its not rebirth, its returning to the crucible, the primordial state, the final shape, the sea of LCL, etc. You return the world to goop inside a vessel heated to keep it liquid by the flames of chaos. The vessel, made up of shit so durable it protected the crucible knights and held in their vast power, was broken by a meteor thus breaking apart the lands between the vessel.
The fact you're replying is proof enough that there is a voice deep inside you that is telling you the same thing I am.
That voice is called "truth".
You can't use tools that the game gives you wtff
it is literally fake news
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The absolute state of this general
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her plan was to get carried by (You) all along, just that her only idea of romance comes from her collection of reedlander literature
i think that voice is called "annoyance"
he posted here wanting to share his happy news and you just instantly decided to shit on him for no fucking reason
stop being a negative twat, it's why you have no friends
Why are all the weapons with the most fun movesets so SHIT? I can't even use a single combo against the bosses and even fi I do it does 1/3 the damage of a lion's claw hit
>Metyr the Mother of Fingers and daughter of the Greater Will?
>Miquella seduced Mohg?
>Radahn was a pedophile all along?
>Tarnished I warned you about overindulging on crabs, you should get some rest.
>returning to the crucible
Nigga we see the physical crucible
What the fuck is the point of this? It doesn't even speed up the Dual moveset like Wakazashi does
blocking is low risk medium reward
not insanely cheesy but yes it would be the equivalent of a fighting game move that is very easy to throw out but hard to defend against
>New taunting armor
>Seems to stack with Shabriri's
>Two handering a great shield and just eating the boss while everyone else does their thing
Kinda fun desu
taking 95% less damage while still attacking with no risk is cheese, yes
Lmao dude is a literal golem
He's actually playing second fiddle to the NPC playing his own character Omega LOL
Holy shitterinio, imagine being this bad
congrats anon, ignore the faggot
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>summoned to Charo's for coop
>it's another Gravebird episode
having 100% guard boost and a weapon that can be used while guarding is 100% certified cheese
Should I side with Leda or Hornsent? Who gives the best loot?
You didn't beat Radahn.
you should side with leda because she gives you exlusive talismans
It lets you power stance with rapiers and gives you a parry
Some of these Radahn attacks I'm genuinely baffled as to how you're meant to avoid damage. Do they take me for a shieldnigger?
>No meeting Miquella until the end
>Never see him until the end
>Boss reward is just slightly different Radahn gear
>Dont even get Miquellas dress
>Just a circlet
Why did they treat Miquella like shit?
Stat-crunching autist
yes, and wearing super high poise armor in ds1 is also cheese
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Am I missing out on anything by ignoring every single one of these motherfucking dragons? They're so tedious I just don't wanna deal with them at all, they're not fun to fight in the least.
I don't really think it's cheese, I just think if they're gonna make shields so powerful then at least give us a cooler roll.
This is the one thing I can't forgive. Radahn is back? Fine. Caelid was a conspiracy? Okay. Melina doesn't comment on her brother's death, the sight of her mother's home village (within which are echoes of something Marika said), or the fact I killed a guy called Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame? Whatever.
But Gideon should at least have SOMETHING to say about the destroyed great rune I found, or the remembrance of two entire demigods I have in my back pocket. Literally anything.
To those of you that have completed the dlc; is it worth starting a fresh save or should I just use my old character that's done eveything already?
Do you think...
You can roll them all, I did (not perfectly obivously) and it's already been no-hitted.
because he's an egotistical faggot with a savior complex that deserved his death
blocking isn't low risk, it eats a lot of damage and there's a decent number of attacks that go through it. But I may be biased cause I don't use greatshields (which btw are a big stat investment and force 1-handing)
they drop ancient smithing stones, but otherwise no
>fleeting mirocosm
...why is it so dogshit?
I just put on my anti-dragon great katana and deal 5k damage with each L2
Think they all drop the max level smithing stone so if you don't need those you can skip em
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it took 9 hours but it's finally over
Flame Spear or Eruption with the Dread talisman? Which one do people think is better?
what the fuck is a spirit calculus
There is nothing more pathetic than playing a game with retarded self-imposed rules then complaining that you can't win.
Is anyone doing Sword and Shield is the new parry tear good?
No, they're just basically regular dragons that drop dragon hearts.
Use an old character it's tuned around you being endgame.
It has a separate progression system that will make you feel like you just started out in limgrave regardless of your level.
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They should unironically add a feature from Lords of the Fallen in future Souls games: damage taken through blocks becomes Bloodborne rally. Shield stats still matter but all shields are equally useful depending on your play, rather than now where they're either totally useless or too good depending on stats and game balance.
Also, I like the idea of throwing weapons being specifically marketed to quality builds so they can have fun with ranged weapons too like Arc/Int/Fth gets.
Also, if you're interested in Lords of the Fallen, buy the game and try to beat the first major boss Pieta in 2 hours then refund, she's a fantastic boss for how early she is but that's also the game peaking hard. I hope they make a sequel with more Pieta-quality bosses, as is it's not great.
>I can't cope with the fact that I'm a filthy casual
Disappointing loot
i'll tell you if you tell me what a cadaver surrogate is
Old character with everything
flame spear doesn't have magma so its not affected
the best flame AoW is flame skewer
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Any DEX/INT players?

I'm a having hard time understanding what I'm supposed to be doing here. Do I have too much investment outside of INT? It feels weird locking myself out of a dozen different spells which are now dealing about half damage and playing almost identically to a dex build but with more powerful int-based ashes. I really like the pure 80 INT spell-casting builds but it feels worthless without 40 MND to sustain it
does poise even matter in PvE?
And what the fuck do you think a god of chaotic yellow flame wants to do with a crucible?
blocking is mean to block an attack, in that regard it is extremely low risk
all you have to do is hold R1, you don't even need to time it correctly, because it buffers, it lingers and it can be cancelled at any time
whether or not you eat damage or get staggered that's a matter of RPG numbers and stats, not execution
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Is this good? Which one should I pick?
So is ranni but she gets away with it because???
>What's the best Heavy Thrusting Sword
sword lance by far
>get rid of the poise damage on the light beams
>cut his health pool by 20-25%
>tone down the particle effects so you can see what the fuck he's doing
There, I just fixed Radahn's 2nd phase.
>Being summoned by another guy
>Inappropriate activity detected
What the fuck did From do during this patch
nice freudian
You didn't-
Lies of P does this, except you can also perfect block to not take chip at all and depending on upgrades even gain chip dmg back by perfect blocking
Is there a scorpion liver bell bearing?
Why do artists depict Godfrey as some sort of limp-dicked loser? Everyone knows he wouldnt carried her ass to bed and went to work on her and not have this cringe as fuck "N-NANI??? SEXOOOO????!?!?! UWAAAHHHH!" shit
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How is /ourguy/ doing?
Sorry my language probably wasn't clear. I meant Flame Spear or Eruption (With Eruption benefiting from the magma buff)
Ranni wants nothing to do with being a slave to the Greater Will.
I don't know what's so making it so hard for you to understand this. You want proof, but disregard everything the game gives you as an explanation
>Yeah sure the game tells you that Empyreans are gods, and their consorts are lords, and it's an undeniable established fact that only Empyreans can become gods.
>but the game makes no mention of any Empyrean being a consort at all, so it MUST be possible!
You talk about leaps and logical fallacies yet you're parroting one now.
The "evidence" that Empyreans cannot be consorts is written in precedence. By established lore, it hasn't happened, and thinking otherwise is legitimate headcanon. You're only theorizing that Empyreans can be Lords when there is no tangible evidence to suggest as such, while all the evidence available points to Empyreans being gods or god candidates.
>By using your logic I'll say he is. You can't disprove it.
Except Godfrey was Tarnished, and wasn't granted a shadow by the Two Fingers, so no by all evidence he wasn't an Empyrean.
You're arguement is solely "But you don't know that!" while what we do know, points to my arguement exactly.
if you want to cast damaging spells, you go full int or faith
the spells/incantations do no damage if you split your stats like that
Because she marries (you)
While Miquella only lusts after Radahn.
Same reason people forgive Marika.
You just posted a doujin that makes him chad as fuck though
Yes but you need a ton of it for you to feel slight difference
ranni didn't fuck over 3 different demi gods and cause this much fucking suffering
You either all in on int for spell scaling or just get the bare minimum for int weapons
It doesn't make sense to gimp yourself on both fronts
X/faith works because the buffs don't care about scaling but even then that's for the bare minimum requirements
Wait then what the hell's the point of hybrid builds then, literally just to abuse those weapons?
Radahn's Left-Right-Cross cannot be rolled consistently above Light rolls, and even Light rolling it's extremely difficult. Just use a shield.
If you're talking about the laser beam AOEs after every attack in P2, they're a Gael-style no-hitstun punishment for not rolling perfectly. In my experience, against all Souls knowledge rolling WITH Radahn's swings is what they intend.
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How did DSP manage to look like a DSP look-alike?
Ranni didn't fuck with my boy Mohg.
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>45 new STR/FTH or DEX/FTH weapons
>3 new INT weapons and they're all shit

>40 new Incantations
>20 new Sorceries, half of them need FTH or Arcane so pure INT can't use them and the other half are all shit

I'm sensing a bias here.
Marika was actually correct, the horn-people are niggers and deserve the rope.
how does one please a goddess
it's not good, but looks very flashy
high fp cost, LONG cast time, target needs to almost be immobile and mediocre damage
You guys and your retarded self imposed memelevels
>slave to the Greater Will.
Slave to Metyr you mean, the Greater Will fucked off long ago.
I've also heard that you get a really good ash of war from siding with hornsent, has anyone tried it?
only been a few days since i killed the gays but i'm already craving a new fromsoft game
hopefully a little more normal in terms of the difference between the abilities of the player and the bosses
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i dont believe it... i was right all along...
she fucked over 1 demi god and it was for the purpose of undoing the status quo
there is also something super faggy about using mind control
Indeed, she wants to be a slave to the moon instead
Actually trolling
I wanted to make a Greatshield Cheese build to help people kill Radahn but then I remembered how bad he dips my FPS and was like nah.

I do wonder if the Verdigis Shield can block Malenia's Waterfowl.
>There is nothing more pathetic than playing a game with retarded self-imposed rules then complaining that you can't win.

what about resorting to brain dead tactics that even quadriplegic could win with at the first sign of challenge? that's gotta be pretty high up on the pathetic scale
Rennala, Rellana and Ranni love FTH CHADS. Simple as.
fighting with a shield is gay so i didnt do it
I just want to be at the correct level for maximum coop opportunity, 150 worked great for late game, 125 just gave me underleveled shitters with low vig in the base game.
Guess I'll wait until someone does some testing on what level ranges become the most popular..
usually to benefit from cold infused weapons as they get scaling from both int and dex, or other magic weapons
and can cast a bunch of support spells, like the floating carian swords to stagger enemies

its a broken AoW but only for PvP due to how the netcode works
Why do people care so much how others play single player game
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You retards actually took crucible to mean that version instead of the other meaning of crucible?
Who cares?
Shes a woman. Just knock her up.
If God cared about how a woman felt during sex it wouldnt be so hard to achieve orgasm.
the fucking brass shield can trivially block malenia's waterfowl. it barely does any stamina damage whatsoever the problem is that it heals giganigga amounts of damage to malenia
The decade old literallyme bumbling beta retardfaggot self-insert protagonists have completely ruined Japanese "men". They literally have no idea how to write a chad.
>40 vigor
I NEED you all to understand something look at her corpse. She's damn near 8 feet tall. Her corpse also has a butt as large as or larger than marika's. We see from her aunt that carian women had large breaks too. She had cute red hair. She was a massive fucking nerd and that's the only thing she kept over. It's implied that carian women are lovesick. You could've had a 7-8ft tall, nerdy, lovesick, red haired, large assed, large breasted, magical wife with large cute feet like her mom. But she killed it. She killed it. This is worse than killing godwyn. How can you abide by that rannifags? How? She threw her perfection away. I don't care if you genuinely love her regardless. Imagine the personality you fell in love with and an amazing body on top of that. You were robbed. Robbed more than maliketh was of the rune of death. Robbed worse than godwyn was of his soul. Robbed worse than a guy on a bike in a rundown neighborhood. RANNI DID WRONG. THIS CANT BE DEFENDED.
Blocking Waterfowl is easy though it's the life drain that makes blocking that attack a bad idea
the moon is literally just a floating rock
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There is no evidence that the moon is sentient.
>miquella offers you 1000 years of paradise and bliss if you just submit to his spell
give me a good reason why you should choose the frenzied flame over him
both are ways of just giving up, why not give up to be some thrall?
Lmao, she destroyed her brothers soul, gave the world zombie aids and abandoned her friends to die.
Almost all the new spells are shit anyway.
>actual homosexuals shitting on ranni
i raugh
>it must be possible
Anon. Reading comprehension is your friend. I am not saying it must be possible. I want you to prove your assertion.
>empyreans are gods!
>that is my evidence.
No. There have been 3 radically different Elden Lords. A dragon, a red headed man who was unbirthed or something, and a barbarian with half of a lion stapled to his back. You can find any number of things they weren't. They weren't blind. None of them spoke the extinct Mirning language. They weren't Empyrean. Now what if Mirning language is the disqualification. There is zero precedence for Mirning speakers being Elden Lord. Maybe Miyazaki has that in his notes. Maybe. But I won't believe you asserting their fluency with an extinct language as disqualification for them being Elden Lord.
>Godfrey wasn't Empyrean and here is why
Reading. Comprehension. Is. Your. Friend.
>hit a giant fingercreeper from behind when it's in its ambush state (attacking its fingernails)
>it pops up and gras me anyway
Has anybody done a side-by-side of Metyr and Elden Beast
Is it realistic to approach a FTH caster build with a toolbox approach in mind?
My idea is to specialize in Fire spells to not get bricked by Elden Beast, and in addition to the obvious buffs run spells like Rot Breath and Black Blade to debuff the boss. Splash in the defensive spells depending on the fight and Mimic tear can reinforce the strategy on top of being a healbot.
>it was for the purpose of undoing the status quo
and miquella does what
sorry but I'm not a nigger, I can be attracted to women who are not muscular, masculine, taller than me and with disproprotionate breasts or bottom
dagger parry is like 6 frame startup 2 frame active. it's useless.
works good with the estus talisman since it goes from healing like 810 each to 1150 each. pretty much guaranteed to be a full health bar each sippy. i dont have any END to wear heavier armor so there's not much of an issue there
The incantation looks cool but it's pretty shit with how much Faith requirement it has and how much it costs. As for the 2 weapons only one of them has a good skill, forgot which one is which though
uses a lot more stamina than rolling, is more risky than light roll
>There is no evidence that the moon is sentient.
>Moon appears to people
>Moon is worshipped
>"Under the guidance of the moon"
>Just a rock bro
Lmao alright
That's smart. Congratz.
why bother at stopping at 150?
that bracket's pretty much dry now
It's still funny to me that the "we wuz kangz" black americans got mad at him for playing an egyptian character despite him being from egypt and a majority of his dna being shared with ancient egyptians
There's actually a really easy trick my lesbian sister taught me for how to make a woman orgasm easily. Want me to share?
And we don't know what those Revenants are. Cool.
Tell me why we're allowed to go with poo hitler and not miquella besides memehacki hating happy endins
Holy cope
Do you even know what "risk" means?
What exactly do you risk by holding L1?
"Guidance of the moon" is just astrology, not literal conversation.
only true if youre using small or medium shields. verdigris greatshield is pretty absurd given how much it can actually block
Do crits apply status faster
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Can't blame them, I killed Bayle before even touching castle ensis. 138, no skiddoo skips.
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>You were robbed.
Damn straight
>He seriously takes things at face value
Based retard. Ranni loves retarded STR chads though so I can't fault you.
does Shadow Keep ever end holy shit
>There's actually a really easy trick my lesbian sister taught me for how to make a woman orgasm easily. Want me to share?
Dont care. If womens orgasms mattered then it woudve been tied to reproduction.
Glintblade Trio, the Glintstone Nail sorceries, Fleeting Microcosm, Blades of Stone, and Gravitational Missile are all rather good though? And with Faith investment, you can get Rings of Spectral Light and Impenetrable Thorns for the good list and the Putrescent sorceries as decent additions.

By contrast the DLC Incantations are almost all pretty shit with the exception of maybe 3-4 Incantations.
And guidance of the greater will is actually just finger reading
Can I still get matched if I cheat my SL to 125 or lower but retain all 99 stats? How does that work?
Only the breasts and bottoms are nigger traits. The rest are seen in loser whites and asians almost exclusively.
t. professional racist with a long familial history of racism who's family was in the kkk when it was better
Because ranni isn't a homosexual. Miquella would be fine if he were straight.
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Ancient Dragon Senessax is beating my ass. Being a FAITH build user, are Fire Incantations good enough against the dragon? Any recommendations for fighting this overgrown lizard?
no, EAC will immediately detect inconsistencies between your RL and your stats and you'll get kicked to the cheater servers for a few months
idk I thought he was pretty easy this time around.

I'm apparently one of the only people in the world who enjoys fighting them and even I thought that was lame. Shadowkeep had a lot of neat ideas, but pretty much everything aside from the bosses fell flat for me. Storehouse is just a significantly worse Grand Archives, and the section before it is nothing to write home about.
Does anyone have that fanart of Ranni as her original body with her face in shadow?
Unironically, yeah.
whats the best way to proc poison in pvp? perfume? i just want to spam poison flower blooms twice
>No argument
Concession status: accepted
>roll forward and left for most attacks
>lots of unlocking
Only thing I call bullshit on is that thise AoEs are impossible to outrun any heavier than Light, and Radahn never did that fullscreen multihit gravity AoE slash.
Also I have never been able to consistently escape the meteor swarm. I'm convinced it's completely up to chance whether you get hit or not.
get on your horse and driveby him
you might be right
I do seem to see a lot of whites and asians drooling over muscular women and armpit hair
That's weird. I absolutely love Bayle's OST. It has been stuck in my head for days.
>bloodhound step
Men I cucked romina so hard. 14 scadu is far too much for her. why the fuck is this system a thing
The first post in the chain is literally using rolling sparks lightning perfume, retard.
>Spends 30 seconds stacking every buff
>Has the bleed mask
>Dies in one hit
Are you fags not happy enough? Int bias is absolutely everywhere in the base game.
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>renalla uses the moon to bewitch the entire academy
>something no other entity in the game can do other than miquella because ???
>this was just a spell cast by renalla, even though no charm magic is ever used or taught
>the moons just a rock bro, even though retard finger mom wanna be states he also worshiped it until he realized seeking the greater will made more sense as it was the more powerful entity
>Glintblade Trio
It's not worth it over the single Glintblade. The other spells you mentioned are good.
Wow, these putrescence spells are fucking dogshit. I sometimes wonder about Fromsoft's process of making spells. They've always sucked ass at it. Basic magic missile, fire ball and lightning bolt are the only things they've ever managed to get right.
>meteor swarm
run to the side and roll at the last possible moment
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Radahn-kun, give them hell!
This incantation fucking sucks
There can't be Empyrean Lords. Their shadows would kill them for disobeying the Golden Order and going rouge.
The Two Fingers chose them to become gods. That's what being an Empyrean means. There can be no Empyrean Lord because they would be dead before even sitting the Throne.
8 is too much for her.
I said I'm talking about medium shields, never used gs
stamina management is associated with higher risk (guard break + extra damage, dmg going through guard, lack of stamina to roll etc) than, say, light roll
The description just means that the academy went pogchamp when Rennala flexed her sorcery, it's not literal.
Get good
I was not looking forward to Gaius but he turned out to be easy as fuck. He takes so much damage compared to other bosses, you only have to get lucky once. The only thing I didn't like was his charge attack. It felt very random if my dodge would work or not. Light rolling helped somewhat.
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does this mean he was wearing a wig???
The power of viglets.
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shackle continues to be MVP - like in the base game, have it on quick use. Just found out it works on those torrent jump shrines too
>can't jump? just fucking shackle and somewhere miles away, you'll break the seal
he's extremely fun to fight with the sekiro tear imo
>Their shadows would kill them for disobeying the Golden Order and going rouge.
Amazing how you have an entire questline related to the Two Fingers and Shadows and suddenly they don't even exist when it comes to Miquella and Malenia.
Yeah he was bald.
>and driveby him
I did that, and got to the Grace Point. I still want to kill it.
Or is that the dragon REALLY that powerful, and should just go to fight Bayle? Level +160 for reference.
Yeah, I didn't feel like learning all his timings perfectly, and I wasn't using melee anyway.
Marika is the queen of genocide. She gassed all hornsent and condemned her son to eternal damnation in shadow realm because he turned into liability. Establishing Golden Order and living at peace brought her nothing but woe so she decided that everyone and everything needs to suffer. We are killing in her name and according to her guidance and we will not stop until every single demigod, god, outer god, dragon, cultist, follower, merchant, regular townsfolk are buried six FEET under.
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fc anyone?
8/10 hosts I've been summoned by get fucking absolutely bodied by the bosses in ~20 seconds.
nah she's just like that, i one-shotted her with only 6 scooby snacks
not sure why they made an endgame boss so easy compared to the ones immediately before and after but whatever
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Michael Zaki does it again!
>he turned out to be easy as fuck. He takes so much damage compared to other bosses
posts like this are nonsensical because it all depends on your scat tree level.
Gaius was an absolute monster of a unit for me
No we just scalp all the bosses and wear them because we're psychopaths.
>~20 seconds.
at least 1/5th die before I can even enter the fog gate lol
>3 Skibidis
>Trying to fight Bayle
Do people just not explore or even know how important the fragments are?
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>Their shadows would kill them for disobeying the Golden Order
Lords are anti golden order? Please elaborate on that.
INT got nothing in the DLC, they nerfed the FP tear and Terra Magicka and it's nearly impossible to cast any spell against some of the DLC bosses unless you summon.
>literally hold L1
>as long as green bar exists, you're invincible
You sound like a mouthbreathing redditor, you're good dude lmao
kek that happened to me.
anyone know what the item is?
>level 325
pretty sure that's a great glovewart
>he has higher revered ash blessing than me
lmao how
no I mean driveby as in just hit and run on torrent repeatedly
I beat the game. What weapons are objectively overpowered this dlc besides the perfume AoW?
I had 5 on my blind playthrough, basically if you pick the "wrong" path you end up at Bayle with basically nothing.
I got invaded by a Dragon man and kept seeing a cool thing off in distance and decided to go that way early, having only explored the very starting area.
>Kill annoying ranged enemy early
>Get punished for it
Thank you, FromSoftware
its a +10 glovewort
Nigga you can't even spell rogue, please leave head canon schizo thinking to people who can rub two braincells together.
Great grave glovewort, you can just reload the area and kill the big imp again
Well Malenia's Two Fingers are still alive, so she should have a shadow.

Headcanon time
Miquella, in building the Haligtree, most likely broke away from the influence of the Two Fingers like Ranni did, hence the lack of shadow.
The Haligtree goes against the GO and would make him a candidate for extermination.
Blood chicken leg
Yo co op is POPPIN' right now
Are you guys using the light greatswords? I want to like them but it just seems like there isn't enough payoff for those weird animations.
>get summoned for consort
>fingerprint greatshield + anvil hammer host immediately gets one hit
>check status
>6 skibidi blessings
how is it possible to reach consort with only 6 skibidi?
I am level 10 and have been for a long time (I haven't upgraded further on purpose). Compared to Messmer, Bayle etc. this Gaius dude was a joke.
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That's one bad interpretation.
Mlady with bleed works ok
Yeah, Melina gets no diffed by the Tarnished any day.
I woudve been higher to cast arcane spells but I lost my runes a few times.
The two ball spells are really good. You can cast the gravity ball directly down to make it explode instantly.
why though?
i've heard other anons say that, so i'm not doubting you, but i played around around with it for a few minutes and just seemed like any other colossal weapon. never even got a bleed proc.
>Lords are anti golden order?
lmao where was the implication of that?
Ranni specifically states that Blaidd is there to protect her, and to kill her is she acts outside of her purpose, which is to supplant Marika.
You don't supplant Marika by becoming her consort. You do it by taking over as God.
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Can we talk about bayle for a moment? He fills me with intense rage I fucking hate this piece of shit I've never seen something I've hated on a primordial level his name his apperance his breath all fill me with an intense rage i want to kill him i need to kill this piece of shit he needs to die he offends me with his very presence he needs to die
You only have to kill two bosses to get to him, Mesmer and Romina.
Comfort yourself with the knowledge that the host likely bricked every single NPC quest by doing this.
My wife is so based...
oops forgot to activate the colosseums
Spinning or Wild Strikes? I need to find something to put Mohg down super hard.
>there's a chalice behind the Shadow Keep like in Mountaintops
>can't interact with it
Am I missing something or is it just decoration? I thought that it meant we would burn the Scadutree
is this why people were bitching about messmer being too hard and unfair? he felt like a genuinely honest fight to me desu
Okay Igon.
The special bleed R2 scales with arcane, so with arcane infusion you can get all the benefits of bleed+ the huge damage of an arcane infusion.
mohg had good /fa/
Cut content :)
>waaahhh a typo
stop being disingenuous and actually play the game, maybe even possibly try listening to the dialogue.
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how did they make a rot boss fun to fight?
do you even play shields?
Heavy attack, retard.
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>Messmer is using soreseals that late in the game
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by making her a sexy bug lady
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Can we talk about marika? I love her so much its unreal. Is she the best fictional mother in law/marriable milf? Unless you're a hornsent you really have no reason to not love her.
i feel like if ansbach was the one recruiting for the pureblood knights instead of varre, everyone would join them
he was such a bro and didnt even get upset about you killing mohg because of the circumstances
kinda sad we never met him at the round table after everything ended
The nail ones are also okay. Probably upsetting that they added 3~4 viable spells for INT while FTH got 40 Incantations.
Why is marika a statue
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nta but in all seriousness, how can it feel like there's so much cut content on a DLC that was worked on for 2 years
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Now that we know Miquella purposefully abandoned the Haligtree to rot, I can't use the Haligtree shield in good conscience anymore. Hours of farming, wasted
I'm specifically referring to the post here >>483762553 that said
>There can't be Empyrean Lords. Their shadows would kill them for disobeying the Golden Order and going rouge.
And assuming there were Empyrean Lords (which I am indifferent on whether or not that would be true) I don't see where the disobeying the golden order and going rogue comes in.
shamans turn into trees or husks eventually
they didnt work on it for 2 years; they’ve had 2.5 years since they announced it.
please understand
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But you see, his purpose was fulfilled so uh I guess he gotta die now.
Deepest lore, don't worry Tarnished Archeologist will probably make a one hour video deep dive on the cultural and historical significance of said giant bowl in half a year or so.
>I don't see where the disobeying the golden order and going rogue comes in.
So did you not read the previous post, stating what Ranni says about her situation?
If she doesn't try to supplant Marika, her shadow will kill her. The Two Fingers want her to become god, not the Lord.
are strength builds hard to play?
I want to play a slow af weapon but ultra powerful
only tested the samurai katana up until the fire giant
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what was leda's problem?
why is marika a shaman? isnt she supposed to be a numen?
>item description errors
>random item rewards
>GEQ knight
they needed more time
Why is Messmer's helm the only one that lets you alter it and remove his hair?
Strength builds are easy mode.
retcon or established fact that the Numen are the Shamans, or at least a specific tribe of Shamans.
Don't forget that melina model that was found that's naked "gloam eyed queen"
do it
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>kinda sad we never met him at the round table after everything ended
He got hypno mindbroken by Miquella for trying to stop him and has been serving as his unwilling slave since then.
Miquellafags will still somehow try defend to this heinous crime.
I felt that way but apparently most of them suck. What really got me was the fucking thorn "sorceries" that require faith only.
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when you realize after beating the game and you no longer control your character, that they're an npc now that has completed their quest
ok. makes more sense for arcane builds i guess. as a strength build it was good but nothing special.
yea i know. i can read the weapon description. like i said, i didn't get any blood procs
Okay Placidusax.
>the lore of dragons is that Marika tried to genocide them but her people kept fucking dragons so much she gave up and rolled them into the golden order
show me
>Sif got a unique new cutscene if you did the DLC before his fight 13 years ago
>Nothing new for Malenia in 2024
>No new lines about Messmer from Melina
>No new lines about anything from Gideon

Defend this.
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why does romina not want us to burn the sealing tree
My question is why have Miquella shedding his humanity to become a god cased him to become sociopathic if he was always a sociopath?
yeah it's crazy to me people are calling this boss fight "good"
it's fucking cancer
I brought out the black blade and ripped the cancerdragon to shreds
good riddance.
Placidusax is the only good dragon boss in a fromsoft game
It'd be cool in games like Dark Souls with the ages looping over and over, the last boss would be your PC.
DS1 first playthrough you'd fight Gwyn, NG+ and beyond it'd be your player characters sitting in the Kiln.
Kind of what they did indirectly with Soul of Cinder.
Such a stupid fight
Frenzied flame ending is basically "mom said it's my turn now"
I think she just happens to be in the way.
uh uhhhhhhhhhh QUICK LOOK OVER THERE *runs away while you are distracted*
ummm uhghmmmm
>Ranni doesn't mention her aunt or the ultimate finger
She's also a fujo (rottengirl) and supports Miquella's plan since he promiseed to give her nine billion kids basic equality.
ah darn it
>he still needs summons for a normal enemy tier boss
do people really
What was Fromsoft thinking?
She sees you as one of Messmer's men
Dragons are just too fuckable
Because nothing in this fucking game makes any fucking sense.
Honestly the kind of woman that can be fixed easily by a proper dicking.
>marika statues all missing one braid
>find her cut braid in a random little village
what did they mean by this?
I have two questions about the Milady sword:
1. I have a strength build with a claymore. I want to keep my current build in case I want to switch back to a claymore later. Is this weapon okay to use with heavy scaling?
2. This Milady sword has the "impaling thrust" ashes of war. This does less damage than the regular R2 attack. Is there any reason for me to use this over the standard R2 attack?
>Everyone hates you in the base game because of their built in Tarnished detector
>Everyone hates you in the Shadow Realm because they think you're from Messmer's army
>cased him to become sociopathic if he was always a sociopath?
It caused him to become even worse since now he doesn't even have love or compassion.
Kinda like how Griffith became even more of a monster when he turned into Femto.
she moved in after the erdtree forces blew through and burned everything down. that was her church. i don't think she's specifically guarding there to guard the tree so much as her own home from some erdtree aligned lord in waiting waltzing through.
Holy is even more effective against those undead dragons.
He was well intentioned, but that went out the window as soon as he threw out his love, doubt and fear. That Miquella could not understand the gravity of what he was doing was likely because he threw these aspects of himself away, In first casting aside fear and doubt, he did not have anything blocking him from casting out his love. Therein lies Miquella's flaw, in casting out parts of himself he could no longer understand what drove him in the first place. I do think he was genuinely a good guy before this. He most likely did not charm his sister cause even if the spell breaks, she's not out of his thrall. However, this does not excuse his acts against Mohg or Caelid
probably neither and they're just conflating it with traditional fantasy in the wizardry vein
It's cool though. The old english for the three trees fit well.
>previous post
The post that >>483762553 replied to didn't mention Ranni at all. Regardless from what I remember she specifically states she is selected as a candidate for godhood when given Empyrean status. And IIRC her shadow is there to prevent her from getting out of line within the Golden Order. It's vague on the exact terms but in the hypothetical scenario she failed to became a god but was still a good girl for the fingers, I have no reason to assume her shadow would kill her. But maybe? Again. Vague.
She is a hornsent.
Your scarlet aeonia?
what's the best stat split for quiality? 40str/60dex?
>int bias in the base game

Ah yes I love the int bias of getting a faith weapon every 5 seconds with the game having way more faith weapons than in, which they triple down on the DLC. Fucking retard.
I think people had the wrong idea about the numen in terms of inspiration. They seem to be based not on the Numenoreans (as the TA or a few otehrs suggested in the past) but on Tolkien's Noldor or the Tuatha de Danann (The People or Tribe of the Goddess Danu) of Irish mythology. Tolkien's Noldor (one of the kindred of elves Galadriel being one of them) are strongly based on the Tuatha de Dannan as well.

The Tuatha de Danann were a mysterious tribe of godly people who were crafsman, warriors, druids (of which some druidic practices or activities can be quite shamanic in nature). At some point in their narrative, some of the Tuatha de Dannan are driven underground where they become the Daoine Sith, the people of the mounds, which became known as the faeries of tradition. It's what happens with the numen/nox in Elden Ring, they are also driven underground where they undergo some transformation (culturally and whatnot) from Numen to Nox. The rivers that also cross the Eternal Cities are also thematically consistent with this train of thought as the Siofra and Ainsel are both gaelic (Irish) names, one meaning 'Changelling' (a type of faery) and Ainsel 'my own self', which is a gaelic story featuring faeries as well. There's also the tangential lore of the blue dancer sealing the rot god within the Ainsel, who's said to have received a flowing sword from a faery.

The Tuatha de Dannan, much like Marika and Godfrey, also do fight against another powerful race of enemies (the fomorians), who are led by a very powerful god-like enemy, known as Balor of the Evil eye, his evil eye being a representation of the scorching sun that causes drought, land infertility and such adversities to aggriculture or life in general. The one eyed god and its fire is equally anathema to the Erdtree.
everyone knew this already
why are you replying like this bitch
>a really easy trick
yes, but I expect truth!

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