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Marika, radagon, messmer, malenia, ranni, and rennala approved of this couple edition.
>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Failed no hit run: >>483752447
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Marika's golden toes
Twin Princes don't look now, but there are some crusty bitches next to you
I think Bayle is alright.
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they were my bros
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>what should the DLC include, miyazaki-san?
>oh i don't know, make it 90% garbage nobody cares about and 10% lore that barely connects any thing
>also make sure the final cut scene is basically shitting in the players mouth
toes are not supposed to be that long
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Forgive me, Miquella...
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Because she hard (you)r boss music start playing as the godslayer walked through her fog gate.
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>get to messmer
>he starts chaining fire combos one after another
>screen so full of fire I literally can't see shit
>combo combo combo combo combo
>after about 76 days of dodgind and blocking it's finally my turn to play
that's enough cancer for today I think
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>Golden greatsword that once pierced the body of Midra, master of the manse. Used by the hornsent in the execution of a damnation like no other.
>There is something of the Golden Order in the sight of those fixed upon this crux.
What does that mean, of the Golden Order?
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Finished setting up my Blackgoal Knight cosplay that I'm going to beat the whole DLC with, thoughts? (i prefer the omensmirk and i think it makes it more unique rather than an exactly copy)
is it worth grabbing 20 fth for a quality build just so i can slap on the fth talisman for golden vow then change back to something else
So is the Great Katana just a re-skin of a greatsword? They seem to attack at the same speed, same poise damage, same damage
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Nigga she's like 8 feet tall
I haven't unlocked the leyndell arena, maybe tomorrow
How much of the base game lore was catalogue, analysed and fully understood within the first week of the game?
People have barely even woken up to the fact that Metyr is the daughter of the Greater Will and has basically been leading everyone on since her dad fucked off who knows how long ago, definitely long before Marika became a god.
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I'm palm blasting all over co-op right now
This DLC explains things in the base game farm more than any other From DLC in the past.
I can't choose between faith, int or arc for the dlc.
I'm a poison and rot fan though with bleed as a close 3rd.
>Spams thorns
>Dies to 2 comets
Reds arnt sending their best.
miquella isn't even miquella anymore once he hits godhood, he has the second set of spirit arms that likely represent that controlling force that comes with divinity.
marika’s genocide of the hornsent was never justified. those fucking asshole shamans should have just lived in peace with the hornsent and respected their belief system rather than genociding them and stealing their land
>can't select any location
I feel like the translations for the DLC were really really bad.
They shit the bed with the whole Miquella plotline
but they added much needed elaborations on Marika and the Fingers.
Abyssal Woods might be the worst From area.
>have to beat a cancer boss to get to it
>hype the shit out of the creature
>it's not even scary or hard, just an undercooked stealth section
>giant literally empty area filled with base game rats
>and no horse because fuck you
It should've been a straight stealth section to the mansion and that's it. There was no reason for the rest of it.
What in the fuck is this vacuum attack on Radahn? How the fuck are you supposed to avoid that? It's literally instant damage.
>N*il polish
I am vomit
Cant tell if troll or twitter tourist.
I think the intended meaning here is that it was used by the hornsent against the allies of the golden order
>the last thing miquella abandoned was his fears
it just means the golden order wasnt the first religious order to do barbaric shit to its enemies
Does anyone else think yandere hypno rapist miquella and the battle crazed power hungry radahn taking advantage of his feelings is really cute they're both terrible people and i love me some toxic yaoi they're such pieces of shit i love them i want to see them fuck i want to watch them from behind a wall.
>hear people crying about the "boarshit rush" for gaius
>get to him
>second try him
>highly telegraphed moves
>dodge the charge the second time by diagonally dodging to the right with no issues
I feel like I really spoiled myself with doing bayle and rellana at skibidi level 4 and 3 respectively
I expected the other bosses to put up a similar challenge but really everything else has been pretty easy
Remind me why people are crying about the difficulty of this DLC again?
Are they just used to summons and ash of war spam carrying them through everything?
That's all I can imagine it is since they're all crying about "muh AoE spam", which is obviously to counter summon ganking.
I'm pretty sure I've only got messmer and radahn to go and even from the time I accidentally stumbled into messmers arena he doesn't seem anything too crazy.
Feel like Bayle is best DLC boss material at this point.
>lived in peace
>literal whipping huts to torture and mutilate the Shamans
The hinterland, finger ruins, jagged peak, and the woods all seem unfinished. They all needed equipment, spells, mini-dungeons, and overworld bosses.
Is Thiollier really this pretty? because he's just lying there all drugged up on trina...
Marikaposter status?
>have to beat a cancer boss to get to it
Huh? It's fucking easy
Shut the fuck up, Omen
Bro reds went extinct in DS3. All you see in invasions is some freak accidents.
I tried joining but I can't. I haven't unlocked the third arena yet and it doesn't let me select "enter combat".
>Abyssal Woods might be the worst From area.
>>have to beat a cancer boss to get to it
the catacomb and boss are kino. Lack of horse is understandable, but the rest is correct, the area is too large and empty, should've introduced the wintern lanterns much earlier
Marika and Messmer plot makes way more sense if you actually went to the past. It wouldn't make the timeline confusing, it wouldn't break anything.
The DLC is definitely 2 merged into one, which is what the shitty writing and disconnected things come from.
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replace the dogshit ending with your own headcanon. you are limited only by your imagination and creativity. if fromsoft didnt give the ending you wanted you need only forge your own.
this was posted from the sewers under Leyndell
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he does look sickly
>bayle at 4
Man that sounds miserable actually. I love that fight but I felt like I was in the sweet spot.
DS3 Fight Club was unironically the death of DS3 invasions.
You'd just get people on reddit and /dsg/ organizing arenas instead of actually invading.
what part dont you understand? the hornsent were making the shamans saints, and marika repayed them by literally murdering them all (women and children included), and then stealing their land and kingdom to become a goddess
its the classic historic tale of settler colonialism and the genocide of natives, no different from what israel is doing to palestinians right now
DS3 is the absolute WORST game when it comes to invasions. Fuck man, that game was so frustrating when it came to multiplayer. Absolutely not fun most of the time. Only the 1v1 duels were fun (if people weren't using the most OP swords).
Just been through this area. Hard agree. The atmosphere was neat for about five or ten minutes but then the slog of having both large empty spaces and no torrent to boot just made me want to leave.
The DLC in general suffers from big for the sake of big. Would be perfect if it was condensed down.
Can i still do Ansbach quest fully if i side with hornsent or no?
It really feels like alpha version
Easy fix would have been to at least add some good shit to find, now it's just a chore to go through without horse while there is barely anything nice to loot
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There are four (4) formless sacred seals in the game
Golden Order
Frenzied Flame
Dragon Communion

Dragon communion got started by Florissax and we know Placidussax was an Elden Lord.
We also know that the two fingers are Metyr's children, but strangely not the three fingers.
Only Metyr and the Three fingers have fingerprints.
I'm thinking they all come from the same source.
You got all of them unlocked?
Okay...I'll ask again tomorrow.
>Boss rush mode with varying difficulties that will reward you with consumables, Larval Tears, Grace Ascetics, and +10/+25 stones at the highest levels
>new arena game types including an elimination tournament mode, which will reward unique equipment/ashes/spells
>Landmass 2.5 times the size of SotE
>Cosmic Overlord Ultra Instinct Ranni as the final boss
>4 new poisonous swamps
>Brand new enemy types, such as Iceage Golems and Divine Flame Dragons
>Rough draft ending cutscene featuring Marika giving what appears to be a footjob to the player character
Official presentation date is listed as 2028, but that will probably be subject to change later on.
This is actually harder than invading. I get far more co-op failures than invasion defeats.
At what point did they forget how to make a good, challenging yet fair, fun bossfight?
Bro, I already like Marika. No need to sell her.
I haven't got the last one. I haven't finished the DLC yet.
>a talisman that increases two handed damage by 15%
Just like that? No genie-esque downside like it inflicting a status effect with every swing? Just a straight buff?
how many people actually realized that moore is meant to be a bug in a suit?
It was the total opposite of miserable. Loved every attempt at him and learning him. I'm sad that he is dead now and nothing I've fought so far has come close to how good that fight was.
God damn it why can't we have bonfire ascetics?
Also I should've made a save state there but I'm retarded.
Trying to pick between the great katana and milady for an int weapon and I don’t get the dick throbbing people have for the great katana moveset. Is this all PvP fags? Because that seems to be what this is made for.
they were only punished when they tried to rebel instead of just respecting the customs of the hornsent? how is this hard to understand?
everything in the base game goes over how evil marika is, its like you have no clue what the lore is
Marikaposters won
Ranniposters won
Igonposters won
Ryaposters won
Dragonposters won

I don't make the rules, I just state them.
>Co-op will die because of DLC overtuned bosses and bad players
>Invasions will die even more since the amount of times you'll get TT and solo hosts will increase x10
why respect Hornsent customs?
Hornsent should have respected their customs & autonomy. Fuckers tried to enforce their culture upon them, stinky horny bastards.
I forgot to unlock Limgrave location kek. Wanna duel still? (I am trash and drunk, but will try?)
>but strangely not the three fingers.
how do you know?
I fixed my fps issues! Turns out using a ps5 controller completely fucked my performance.
>>Co-op will die because of DLC overtuned bosses and bad players
It's literally no different from the base game when it comes to dogshit viglet hosts though. Nothing has changed.
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>Dragonposters won
Can't wait for Florissax stuff to start dropping.
I wonder who was the first fan artist to depict Marika as a bimbo.
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it's funny seeing so many complaints from lorefags arguing that the dlc leaves too many loose plot threads from the base game, when it's fairly obvious that they are just keeping some room for them to work with on the sequel
be patient, you will get your godwin eventually
That doesn't make any sense unless your controller was constantly disconnecting and reconnecting... Which can absolutely happen and I've seen happen with people using PS5 controllers.
>marika torturing and killing people
is good
>hornsent killing and torturing people
is bad
It is. In the base game if you have a good build you can just facetank and carry the host as long as you maintain the aggro. You can't do this here, specially not when the boss decide to change whoever he's attacking mid combo.
>edge, lord

i thought so too, but hes a person underneath
From Software
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I don't think I was meant to jump on top of that underwater tree
Moore following Miquella makes zero fucking sense one of his main goals (originally) was to completely sever the link his "mom" has with the rot leaving them without a goddess. Yet another thing that makes the DLC trash fanfiction
>Turns out using a ps5 controller completely fucked my performance.
What the fuck?

I don't want Godwyn ressurected though. I feel like it would take away his significance if anything.
Maybe it was because the ps5 controller was only supported through a wired connection, meanwhile my other controller can use bluetooth.
>why respect the customs of the indigenous people of the shadow realm
the shamans are numen who came from outside the lands between
a sequel would be nice but miyazaki doesnt want to do one. best we can hope for is another ds2 type game from the B team
Is mimic tear still useful? I haven't played since before the nerf

lothric princes were already a couple
>be patient, you will get your godwin eventually
no one cares about item description the character
the only thing we need to know is if he will continue infecting with aids or not, that's all.
what does miquella have to do with caelid
ok I get why Marika genocided the hornsent but why the giants and why the dragons? didn't she catch on that this would never end well given how sexy dragons are?
>In the base game if you have a good build you can just facetank and carry the host as long as you maintain the aggro.
Never underestimate the average host. There really is not difference.
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The mother of all Two Fingers and Fingercreepers was in turn a magnificently gleaming daughter of the Greater Will, and the first shooting star to fall upon the Lands Between.

Her remembrance only mentions the two fingers. And considering that its goals seem to serve the Greater Will directly if Hyetta is to be believed, and we now know that the Two fingers have just been conning people for mellinia
>Yeah bro the Greater Will totally said this was ok
>Definitely don't ask too many questions
>Oooh whoops, can I get back to you on that in a century or two? Getting an answer takes time please understand.
>Sorry still no answer, gotta commune with the greater will.
>Are they gone yet?
isnt miquella’s whole thing about accepting the abandoned?
It was his favorite gooning spot.
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is 40str/60 dex the best split for quality? i wanna wield thee dragon hunter katana WITH EVERY DROP OF MY BEING
Radahn does NOT feel tested lmfao. Some of these attacks are not humanly reactable. That gravity suck in attack is such bullshit.
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The ranking seems pretty set at this point.
Why do people want more Godwyn? His entire arc is basically in item descriptions + the intro + Fia's quest
Yes, enjoy your STR build.
Milady is the INT choice, since it's for women.
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>leda, dane, and frejya understandably fight you
>ansbach and thiollier fight with you
>moore can either fight you or not side with anyone
>no matter how much help you provide the hornsent, he will never side with you
makes me mad
What the hell is the purpose of Thiollier's Concoction?
You can't accept the children of an outer god while working to get rid of said outer god
Is there any place to check how weapon/spell potencies and affinities changed for the dlc patch?
I only just got around to playing it and want to see if any of my old gear was touched.
Crippled lorian would mop the floor with gaydahn
I think those were instigated by the fingers who want to eradicate anything that doesn't fall in line with what Metyr thought was proper a Greater Will worshiping order.
And to think he was nerfed.
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Am I about to join a suicide pact?
>its NOT possible to dodge X
explain people doing hitless runs already then?
and just like real life, they were the superior race and deserved superiority. The Hornsent were jealous and spiteful, they deserved to be wiped out.

Marika did nothing wrong, pants shitter
Sad... forever?...
You're about to get the ultimate roofie
mtf hrt
all things can be accepted in Order except frenzy
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he looks like gowry, for some reason there are humanoid kindred of rot
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pls respond
>bad interpretation
I was joking, not interprteting. The fact that Marika's grace leads us to Messmer still makes me techincally correct though, even if it's just mercy killing.
Yes it is very powerful
radahn DLC hasn't been nerfed?
go back to your hole base gamer
real men are talking
>not humanly reactable
I mean he's asian but come on saying ONGBAL isn't human is going too far.
all his gravity attacks are easy. roll as soon as you see purple. if it's the two slower purples you have time to react and dodge again.
I'm still mad about the Radahn asspull.
Bros after much experimenting and research I have learned you can in fact give Sellen Thollier's concoction and acquire her spirit ashes. The ashes even mention suffering at the hands of a pupil. Do with that information what you will.
oh ok cool thanks anonn
A game shouldn't be designed around the autism of a few people with no life who can dump 15 hours a day for months into learning a boss until they can no hit it on their 982nd try
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I just met this dude and he gave me a suicide pill tf?
he's very obviously a bug. gamewise he has to be a person mechanically, unless they're going to make an entirely new model and rig it which makes no sense for an armor set the player is meant to wear. that's probably why they gave him gowry's face.
are there level 80 people in the dlc?
is that a reasonable level for people or are they not present at all?
what about level 50 people in there?
Yeah but Miyazaki was able to do it with every tool in the game at his disposal, and he admits he's dogshit at video games
your mother is an asspull, if you actually did the quests you would notice that freya and ansbach tell you about it well before it happens
>fat, sweaty dragon nuts are so strong they stopped an entire war AND created peace and a whole new religion
>>no matter how much help you provide the hornsent, he will never side with you
because you represent the erdtree, of course he's pissed. He tells you as much when you first meet.
>Miquella the Kind...will help us forget.
> One day, you will forget. The guidance...
Moore is interesting, he seems to think Miquella will help them forget Malenia abandoning them. He also thinks you'll lose your guidance eventually.
I figure you can drop this thing and have Bayle eat it but I didn't wanna risk testing it. Didn't know you could get more later.
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>im not good enough and i refuse to get better so that game is unfair
picture ever relevant, as always
I do not understand the monk at all.
>Meet me at the waterfall.... We must fight
>tries to punch me while I kill him with swords
Wow, really enacted Miquella's will there, pal.
t. lorelet
>shit created for the DLC retroactively tries to justify the asspull that happens in the DLC
thiolier is so cool man, i will never forgive them for neglecting the sleep mechanic so much, introduce the coolest shit ever and just do nothing with it
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Why is Malenia so OBSESSED with her shota brother? Why does she want to RIDE his little SHOTA COCK with her HUGE valkyrie PUSSY crowned by a bright red unkempt BUSH? Why does she want to get PREGNANT from her brother's DIVINE SEED? Degenerate brocon woman baka...
>He thinks HACKazaki plays his games
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When did we start this witch hunt against summons?
I remember people using summons in Bloodborne and dark souls and we had 0 drama compared to what we have now.
you can use it on the dragon priestess at night and you'll get her as summon along with an incantation instead of her heart (dragon transformation) when you finish the Bayle fight
New player, just got the bloody fingers.
Does invading always suck? Of the three im required to do all three had friend who was clearly end game with gear.

I only managed to get a success because I lured the host into Liurna's lobster field
>fighting some mooks
>Somewhere a great rune has broken
you told him you're tired of life and want to sleep
it's so you can eat it if your coopers are about to kill the boss to cancel the attempt.
this is so that you don't break quests.
miquella is gay though
because it's epic
>use summons
You didn't beat the game because boss AI fucks up even if they still do all their moves and the fight lasts 4+ mins

>use greatshield, sparks, or carian sovereignty
You beat the game despite the boss never doing a single move because you basically 2-shot it upon entering the room
You're gonna want to actually join about 5 suicide pacts. Remember my words.
She didn't genocide the dragons, they were the aggressor in the war and they made peace afterwards. Not sure about the Fire Giants other than fear of the Fell God's flame, they coexisted peacefully with humans in the past. On that tangent I think the reason why the Fingers opposed the Carians and astrologers despite the fact that they are star creatures themselves is that they didn't want anyone finding out that they aren't special.
either elaborate or shut your whore mouth, your opinion has zero merit if you refuse to share it.
at 1:17 he blocks an attack using the sekiro tear because it's impossible to dodge normally, which is bullshit
>When did we start this witch hunt against summons?
Dark souls 3, it's when streamer brainrot has settled in.
I recommend you only invade in dangerous dungeons and legacy dungeons for now. Certain open world locations can be advantagous for the invader, but generally not a good idea for a beginner.
>"Oh yeah? Well the boss is totally fair, there's some no life losers who dedicated 50 hours of attempts until they got lucky to no hit it!"
Sick own bro.
>they were the aggressor in the war
really? I thought the golden order started it because the fingers said so and they stopped when it became clear it was an unwinnable war
women love gay men
anyone who's killed Radahn legitimately the first time would have his gravity pull timing memorised already
There's also the fact that we always find that one kindred of rot digging up things and moore just so happens to enjoy finding things.
the hellsent were oppressed by the fire giants, and were tormented by the fell god in their dreams. killing the fire giant was absolutely a hornsent thing. it's not touched on a lot in the DLC but the hornsent are as fearful of death as the golden order and tried to hide it away, which is probably how marika managed to rise to power.
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>Radahn, your horse has arrived ;)
Because Miquella can mindcontrol even demigods? I mean he did it to Mohg.
Notice how Miquella doesn't even call her sister, just blade of Miquella, while referring to Radahn as brother.
She's just a weapon and research project on how to cure outer god influence.
>Bayle above Midra
How are you people tolerating the dragon camera? I know it isn't as bad with Bayle, but it's still there.
I love Miquella!
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What the fug???
Thumbnail looks like a dinosaur
Because it looks so cool dood
You wouldve provided an image if it were true
>A game shouldn't be designed around the autism of a few people with no life
Why not?
Unironically, maybe the game isn't for you. I thought you 4channers hated inclusivity.
bro here is a guy doing it flawless and there are many others that can and will do the same and many others on top of that who can dodge that move
okay you do you bro
keep that copium flowing
Did from soft fall off?
Poor Malenia she was the one cucked the hardest in this DLC.
>DLC made in a way so that every doubt about Ranni is instead thrown into Miquella
>Any discussion about Ranni using you or manipulating you is now deflected into Miquella
Fucking doll bitch.
The GO were confirmed to have won the war with Godwyn making peace afterwards. I don't think it's confirmed who started but considering Gransax's corpse is still in Leyndell and the dragons were never punished it likely wasn't a defensive war where the Ancient Dragons were losing ground
Do you get anything from Coloseum combat?
people are fucking kidding themselves
Bayle is a TERRIBLE boss because all he does is spazz out at you like that dogshit hippo
you summon igon, Bayle spazzes out at him and then you just fucking kill him because he has low hp
actual fucking clown fight
the carians actually had their own fingers, manus celes (aka celestial hand) which is what ranni killed, but its not known if they got it after the union or if they always had it.
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I mean you could also just two shot him by using the available tools and bypass 99% of his mechanics.
But instead you chose to whine like a little bitch on the internet.
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Should I take Dex(or any Stat) above 60 or anything above that is a minimal upgrade? I know nothing about theory crafting in ER.
Who is that?
everything you spout is pure headcanon lmao stfu
>host has 6 skadoodles
>for gaius
Oh good. I'm sure thos won't be a wast- he's dead.
They peaked with DS2.
>That gravity suck in attack is such bullshit
There is a tell, and he only uses it when you're far enough away so always be ready for it at mid to high distances.
i dont know
hornsent is actually just a based chaotic evil nigga who wants to kill everybody instead of the generic "nuanced" zanzibart npc. I don't see the issue
Miyazaki was tired of Malenia simps and this DLC was a direct response to that.
you see the game gatekeeping shitters with its difficulty and learning curve is only a good thing for the likes of that moron when it isn't him being filtered
when it is then its bullshit bad design and whatever other cope buzzword you can slap on it
this is the whole malenia shtick all over again, still remember the incessant bitching and crying about her when the game was still new here and telling people to shut the fuck up and learn the boss
yeah but you don't have to no hit it, you have 14 flasks.
>unironic Hornsent sympathizers
Back to the sewers with you, filthy OMENS
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New Lore just dropped.

Miquella is.. Sephiroth.
Rolling sparks is obviously bugged, but you can do it with ancient dragon lighting anyways so the point stands.
the issue now is everyone goes off the hosts scadutree fragments
Can all the Ancient Madness Eyeball men be parried? I got the first one just fine, the second one is being a bitch
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Yep. Not only do you STILL have to contend with retards running 15 vigor at level 150, you also have to contend with retards who have their scadutree at level 3 by Radahn. Have fun!
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He doesn't even dodge most of his attacks because some are straight up undodgeable. Kys bootlicker. Dodge these hands.
>I'm missing 4 scadu shits

Please tell me there is a way to know which ones. I don't want to walk the entire fucking map again.
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Miquella is Griffith
the kind of people to simp for marika’s genocidal ass are the kind to think israel is “defending itself from terrorists”
>terrible boss
shitter detected
camera isn't an issue if you stick at his head like you're meant to
stop trying to give him a rimjob
stop being such a le epic 4channer shitter that anon is right about Moore you'd need to be a lobotomy patient with downs syndrome to not piece it together

Thank... thank you... I have touched them.
The words of the Three Fingers.
As your maiden, allow me to divine them.

"All that there is came from the One Great.
Then came fractures,
and births,
and souls.

But the Greater Will made a mistake.
Torment, despair, affliction...
every sin, every curse.
Every one, born of the mistake.

And so, what was borrowed must be returned.
Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame.
Until all is One again
>The GO were confirmed to have won the war
I'm very confused, what item was this in? My information must be incomplete cuz that is not what I remember from the lore at all
my recollection was
>dragons were there "first"
>marika rises
>at some point GO go to war with dragons
>it's an untenable war because the citizens actually fucking love dragons so much that they don't want to genocide them
>Marika pacts up her losses while Godwyn becomes bffs with Fortissax
When Miyazaki says he uses everything at his disposal, do you think that means stopping at using Mimic, or some cheesy shit that'll out the spray bottles to shame?
Bravo, Miyazaki!
People overestimate themselves and think they are pros and then ruin the fun for everyone else.
No. Not even close. Completely different story / character.
Guys… I think I just beat the final boss. Where the fuck is Mohg?
int goes up to 80 and so does fth iirc
mad samefag
>obviously bugged
They haven't fixed weapon swapping which also lets you chainsaw him down in seconds, so clearly it's a feature.
The DLC would be so much better if it wasn't 95% dead space with absolutely nothing there but maybe a mushroom or smithing stone 3.
Really missing the focused design of souls games right now.
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Okay, this actually feels like good ol' twinking now
I love it
bro I'm at sacdu lvl 16 and explored everything, I think theres just random glowing pot guys you gotta hunt all over the map for
>whatever you do, do not throw fire pots at the furnace golems
>198 damage
woah... now THIS is a secret
Damn Scadtrees are no joke.
Fought Bayle early on level 4 20 times got mollywhopped. Fought him later and beat him first try.

TY Commander Gaius for the 3 levels of Scadtrees
the Messmer voice acting is so bad wtf. Sounds like a dude sitting on a chair looking down at notes mumbling his lines
>gave him gowry's face.
The problem with Malenia is that she has an attack that's impossible to avoid without cheesing.
>marika genociding hornsent jews who asked for it is the same as IRL jews genociding the rest of the planet just becasuse they're satanic nonhuman hellspawn
i legit had a host with 2 scadu fragments at radahn
i swear im not trolling and wish i took a screenshot. not sure how thats even possible to get so far and be only +2
Yes, they forgot that Elden Ring isn't Bloodborne or Sekiro, can't balance for shit anymore (not that they were ever good but they're worse now), and they haven't fixed a myriad of series wide issues.
Mongrel Intruder.
epic 4chan response anonbro total pwnage
Did you skip the part where it tells you where to throw it?
>hornsents commit atrocities for their fake religion
>get upset when someone wants revenge for said atrocities
Coping for a big base game patch with content like the Sekiro one.
I watched this guide to find the ones I was missing, and since I have a good memory I could tell if I went there or nah

>good movement is cheesing
>blocking is cheesing
Before you bitch about healing, it's reduced during waterfowl and there're plenty videos about how to dodge it.
>poison hand buff activates in offhand
>poison flower blooms twice does 8000+ damage when they are proced (not sure if thats also activating bleed or not)

Fromsoft buffed my beloved Venomous Fang bleed/poison build, did they add any more infusable poison weapons in the DLC?
most people are not "simping" for Marika, we know she's fucking stupid it just so happens that she was right about the hornsent
most things written by both Miyazaki and GRRM do not have ANY "good" characters
Why does every red webm look scripted?
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>o fug he gilled marigga XDDD
t. mongrel tarnished
>have BB rallying and Sekiro deflect be actual features, and not watered down versions you get from beating endgame bosses
There, I fixed Elden Ring.
>impossible to avoid without cheesing
lmao shitter
if you can't CQC waterfowl dodge with only med rolls at this point you should just stop posting
you've had years to learn it
>woman voice
The problem I have with this video is that he gets ridiculously lucky with his pattern here. He does lion's claw like 10 times and that's the best attack Radahn can throw at you.
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But considering that Placidussax was Elden lord prior to Godfrey and the depiction of the Elden Ring in Farum Azula is bigger than the new one.
I think some of the Ancient dragons just took issue with Marika plucking the rune of death from the Elden Ring and without a lord to guide them decided to attack these upstart heretics.
But then Godwyn the Golden convinced them to stop with his dick.
running in a circle to confuse her AI is cheesing
I avoid bosses by just summoning my mimic, then running to the other side of the arena until it de-aggros
then I use Placidusax's ruin until the boss is dead
it works for me
the hornsent were the indigenous population and marika’s people started oppressing them the moment they had power
Man as soon as I saw Deflecting Hardtear I knew it would be my Chekhov's Gun. Ignored it all game but it's exactly what I needed against Radahn.
huh? is just the intro retard, its a guy speaking
sounds based glad I'm on team Marika
the hornsent crusaded marika's village first lmao
you are correct the goldoids were the aggressors
Because you have mental issues.
Most likely AI manipulation, you can bait out certain attacks and make bosses never use specific moves just be moving in certain ways.
>the hornsent were the indigenous population
Unironically the other way around
More like she took out the trash
How is that confusing AI you sperg?
You run around the bottom of her faster than she can turn so you can dodge in the opposite direction.
You're actually retarded.
nigga they shoved marika's people into jars, skinned them alive, turned them into these fucked up masses of flesh
oppressed? they're fucking barbaric if that's what they do when they're not oppressed then I say keep them down
t. zionist
not really, the shamans could have peacefully accepted sainthood but they refused to honor the customs of the indigenous culture
>want to do funny cosplay build in co-op
>remember that not having 80% resistance to everything means you die in 2 hits
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explain this
I don't quite get it either, when you summon Ansbach against the final boss he mentions something about Radahn's vessel not being his or something, so I assume that Miquella used Mohg's body to bring back Radahn?
That's not what's happening though.
You're breaking tracking and letting her dash over you. It has nothing to do with "confusing her AI"
Yep. Its scripted.
Why are reds like this?
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Exterminate hornsent
Make babies
Simple as
they...only had power when Marika became a god
before that the hornsent were shoving those poor fucks into jars for no reason
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Can some anon list hammers, great hammers, flails and their ashes of war that are good.
I want to make a thematic build with shield/blunt weapon, it doesn't matter which stats they use.
lmfao I'm not a jew
I do support (((hornsent))) genocide though.
>Base game had a lot of unanswered questions
>DLC tried to fix a bunch of them at once (Miquella Radahn Mohg Malenia) while also adding even more info (Messmer Marika Metyr Bayle)
>All of this in a single DLC
I said skip
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>the indigenous population
All land rightfully belongs to the ancient dragons! We were here first you squatters!
One fucks with the game's outdated boss AI and the other buffs your character
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>Make a cool ass build consisting of both main game and DLC items
>Killed literally every boss in base game and the dlc, including field bosses, caves, etc
>mfw bored now
Guess I'm doing NG+ Why didn't they add a rematch bosses option with the dlc, what fucking hacks...
Mental illness.
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I just finished the DLC and I gotta say guys, I don't think there's anything romantic or sexual between Radahn and Miquella. I think Miquella just thought his brother was cool and very strong, so he wanted him to represent his new order once he became a god.
>can't parry the winter lanterns
I fucking hate this shit mechanic. It's always been shit since fucking the original. Shit fucking game.
>people still crying over waterfowl
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I'm addicted to you but I know that you are toxic

skill issue
1. can be different people
2. the former mostly cheeses the bad AI
>Both Thrusting Shields are in Shadow Keep
Any way to reach them early? Do I have to kill the Hippo?
>uhm fucking with the AI is too far
>says man who is literally immortal with zero effort
did it change?
>Why didn't they add a rematch bosses option with the dlc
Because they hope you'll coop the second time around, providing content for both goldbros and invaders.
Still an asspull
Eh, didn't realize the thread was finished, so reposting as I think it's good insight and puts into perspective the new characterization of Marika and the Numen.

I think people had the wrong idea about the Numen in terms of inspiration. They seem to be based not on the Numenoreans (as the TA or a few others suggested in the past) but on Tolkien's Noldor or the Tuatha de Danann (The People or Tribe of the Goddess Danu) of Irish mythology. Tolkien's Noldor (one of the kindred of elves Galadriel being one of them) are strongly based on the Tuatha de Dannan as well.

The Tuatha de Danann were a mysterious tribe of godly people who were crafsman, warriors, druids (of which some druidic practices or activities can be quite shamanic in nature). At some point in their narrative, some of the Tuatha de Dannan are driven underground where they become the Daoine Sith, the people of the mounds, which became known as the faeries of tradition. It's what happens with the numen/nox in Elden Ring, they are also driven underground where they undergo some transformation (culturally and whatnot) from Numen to Nox. The rivers that also cross the Eternal cities are also thematically consistent with this train of thought as the Siofra and Ainsel are both gaelic (Irish) names, one meaning 'Changelling' (a type of faery) and Ainsel 'my own self', which is a gaelic story featuring faeries as well. There's also the tangential lore of the blue dancer sealing the rot god within the Ainsel, who's said to have received a flowing sword from a faery.

The Tuatha de Dannan, much like Marika and Godfrey, also do fight against another powerful race of enemies (the fomorians), who are led by a very powerful god-like enemy, known as Balor of the Evil eye, his evil eye being a representation of the scorching sun that causes drought, land infertility and such adversities to aggriculture or life in general. The one eyed god and its fire is equally anathema to the Erdtree.
I've spent at least 5 solid hours in the dlc practicing parrying against that bird guy since I've never really done it before. I'm still not good at it.
Bro, they're getting married.
>you need to go through 25 inputs to get weapon from zero to max
I feel like 25 upgrades was an overkill.
Is this the new goldmask cope?
Lightning Spear
Long ago, Godwyn the Golden defeated the ancient dragon Fortissax, and befriended his fallen foe—an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cult in the capital.

Sword Monument
[61030] The Routing of the Ancient Dragons Godwyn the Golden fought to the last, Earning the friendship of dread Fortissax
And it answers pretty much everything, all while ritualistically shitting on GeQ lorefags for some reason. It's ToH 2.0.
Thankfully not.
Would hate if they neutered it to acquiesce to the bads.
You can take the flooded area route, just go east from the black keep
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After being repeatedly exposed to Radahn's undodgeable instant double slash into cross slash, I find waterfowl actually a balanced boss attack.
main gauche makes parrying them a joke
Seppuku or Bloody Slash for a Sword and Shield build? I'm also using that talisman for blood loss
>And it answers pretty much everything
Is it good, though?
How can people not know to just throw a pot in her face anytime she starts it by now?
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based though i still prefer mohg and miquella
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just take the other entrance
Radahn put a ring on it
I just barricade shield that shit, always have, always will.
Some traditions are better than others. Hornsent culture sucked dick and Marika needed to send a message.
I understand why fujos are "rotten" now.
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If he uses it that means it's intended.
The amount of people that get hit by Gauis' charge is hilarious.
Are the Nox Numen descendants?
Legitimate question, have no idea.
If that's true then there's nothing romantic about the Tarnished being Ranni's consort as well.
The wedding ring was ahh just a symbol of her new order once she became an ahh god.
If that were case he's be something like Promised Champion Radahn
No. It's just a brainless mechanic for "muh reaction time" monkeys. I could sit here for 15 memorizing the exact timing or I could figure out a way to cheese it until I no longer need to even think about this braindead shit
Is the parry window bigger for it. Guess I'll try that.
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The fight might have been garbage but this shot was fucking kino.
>supports his or her spouse
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I come to this general to remind myself how much better than the average player I am.
Thanks guys. Time to test them out to see if they are good.
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Ok, I'm a souls newfag so bear with me here. Yesterday I was reading the thread and someone said something about indicting invaders, so I looked that shit up and apparently there was like a million different multiplayer factions or covenants that interacted between themselves, it sounded cool as hell. Were there some issues with it or why did they go back to this simple version with gold man, red man and blue man?
um he wrong anon, he doesnt know anything, how can i brag to discord trannies about beating a video game boss if i use those
everyone has to play my way or it doesnt count
Problem with these bosses is they are made to be so spectacular it ends up being overwhelming when there's so much magic and fire and lightning and shit everywhere you can't even see where your character is looking let alone what the boss is about to do
except co-op is 100x worse than it used to be because retards refuse to upgrade beyond 3 skibidis and get one-shot by every boss past rellana
His lingering hitbox is annoying to dodge.
Spirit Ashes are in lads
Wait for it.
Not every tool in the game fits the character that I am roleplaying as.
I haven't had sex with my wife in 30 years.
Why was From so insistent on hiding Miquella's face when he's in his younger form? It's not as though he stayed some mysterious character by the end.
You guys will eat up any shit boss mechanic just to shit on others.
probably because nobody cared enough to interact with those systems
Fairly good, yes. Marika in particular got a fantastic characterization. Although the cosmology at large feels a lot like supercharged DeS.
What are some fun/good weapons in the DLC that aren't immediately obvious like the Swordspear/perfumer AOW/Bloodfiend leg?
t. malenia
ah so they did win the war interesting or at least this is what finally stopped it
it has a very big parry window, you can basically do it the second the start to swing and you should still parry it
i spent like 2 hours yesterday trying to do coop and gave up since every fucking host got 1 shot
Its insane that people just ignore miyazaki saying in an interview that in their respective endings marika and ranni rape the tarnished. How are you people okay with that?
>do not have any good characters
Miyazaki shit the bed with the DLC but this has never been true for either creators.
You only have to coop to receive that experience, there's a good chance the host will die before you even make it through the fog gate.
There's nothing there. Miyazaki and co wanted to avoid pedo/gay allegations for having Miquella marry the Tarnished, so they aged Miquella up offscreen and made him a fight.

This is why most of the lore feels disingenuous and doesn't fit with the base game. Because they had to find some reason for the kindest and smartest character in the entire setting to not marry the Tarnished he has been grooming before the events of the game.
Casuals didn't like it. They've been pandering to casuals more and more with each game
Marika is right wing
Miquella is a leftist
Prove me wrong
Did people level up to 200 or something? Can't find many in coop at 150
>i am bad and cannot overcome a given mechanic therefore i will call the mechanic shit instead of having to admit that I am shit
just like gideon says
the vigor problem was already annoying enough but i managed to get a good amount of wins before the dlc
now it's nothing but failures
>People still gurgling Miyazaki's cum and defending waterfowl dance
>the man who says he absolutely sucks at videogames is my biggest authority in a videogame that's not about sucking :)
I would honest to God walk to Hidetaka Miyazaki and tell him that he didn't beat his own game if I met him.
Is Metyr a joke boss or is it just Knight's Lightning Spear trivialising it? It felt absurdly easy even compared to the Skibidi Avatar (who Giantsflame trivialised).
when I said good I mean morally
most characters both writers write are morally reprehensible or at least some shade of grey
there are very few good and righteous characters
>lowered thw barrier to entry
If by entry he just means died to scion and rode torrent around for a while, sure. But ER is far and away the hardest Souls game. Maybe DaS2 was harder in parts, but only because the game itself played like shit.
Women can't rape men.
they somehow made a set of bosses that manage to make the ones in the base game seem fun and fair in comparison
not gonna lie it's actually impressive
I think everyone agrees that Marika/Messmer part were good, though. That's not what people complain about.
they can in America, britbonger.
putrescent knigtht is the most enjoyable boss in the game. prove me wrong
His face is only for Miyazaki
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Pretty much everything in DLC is good. I advise you to look at beast claws in particular. They have a high mobility dodge feint on r2 dodge, among other things.
just don't get hit shitter
Name a mechanic you think is shit instead of vagueposting.
>t. filtered
>Malenia tell Radahn that Miquella is waiting
>nukes caelid hoping to kill Radahn
>Radahn loses his mind but is still strong enough to keep himself alive in a secluded area to not become Miquella's plaything
Scuda level has a big influence on the fight, but yeah a lot of builds just melt her.

Biggest lore drop in the DLC however, remember to read her remembrance and weapons lore.
the ash of war on ledas sword is trash, im falling in love with light greatswords though, really fucking love the move set
It is just easy, combined with the fact that it seems the end of Ymir quest is reached near the end of the game so people at least have some fragments unlike the early filters like Lion or Rellana. Cooping the remembrances, hosts die on most bosses more often than not but Metyr usually ends up succesfull.
>A bunch of complaints about Malenia's inconsistent hyperarmour
>DLC enemies (even normal knights) suddenly have combos that you can't stop
Single best ash of war in the entire game??
For the cost of the tiniest amount of FP you get full point blank attack invincibility for 10 seconds, and nearly infinite blocking stamina.
did the rot outer god get any more explanation in this DLC?
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actually this is his face

>scott found out about the stabby stabby
>no one will ever say this to me
depending on where
in north carolina rape is defined as nonconsensual vaginal penetration
so men can only be sexually assaulted, not raped
of course not
contrarianism is not a personality
I don't remember the full details of the reasoning as i've taken from granted there, but what comes to mind right now is that Rogier says that the black knives are scions of the eternal cities, which implies a nobility or upper caste. I think there's bits and pieces scattered pointing to that, Kosmos (loretuber and I think the TA) develops well this reasoning with the info and environmental clues.
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>people burned Melina and missed out on her Scadu Atlus scene
I hope you guys didn't brick your playthroughs...
Stop linking this emaciated grifter here.
Yeah I tend to get filtered by bad boss design. Nothing about waterfowl is fair or balanced, people literally had to use third party tools to figure out how to properly dodge it and even then it's still unreliable if you aren't light rolling and are at point blank range.
is metyr fortissax 2
>if you do the fight at the earliest point you can do it she actually somewhat puts up a fight
>if you do it when you realistically reach it through exploring she's a complete joke
You guys just pick a random boss when you make self-fellating posts like these right? That boss is a fucking nightmare of cancer and AIDS.
>they killed Marikas village and her people and stuffed them in jars
>Marika gets vengeance for her Shaman village
>now they act all pissy
I was wrong all along. Marika is my Kween. I support her 100%.
>the ash of war on ledas sword is trash
No it is not.
>spooky eldritch horror left unexplained
It's better this way.
>grace starts guiding us in the land of shadow once we kill messmer
Marika deserved that curse from Messmer
I was trying to do random co op with my cute mage waifu and either I got BTFO because of low scadu level or the host died the second one of the phantoms don't have aggro, shit's really annoying
stop baiting
radahn wanted to smash the bussy though

giant hunt is better
It absolutely is though. I played them all and BB after beating elden ring and it was baby time easy mode the whole time. Only things that were challenging were Orphan and the guy on top of cainhurst castle.
being a whinging shitter is one
waterfowl is fine and you just suck
cry some more
Big surprise the DLC actually isn't difficult when you collect skibidis and most bosses have fairly small health pools. Skibidis are just filtering retards the way that leveling vigor did in the base game.
sometimes the pot misses and you die
holy newfaggot
it used to be that each covenant had a different online interaction function, red covenant allowed you to invade, blue covenant allowed you to assist against invaders, cat covenant summoned you randomly into the forest area to fight against trespassers
it used to be that each covenant required exploration to find and you could, given enough knowledge and skill, reach certain covenants as early as the first boss
it used to be that you got exclusive rewards from covenants such as darkmoon blade, the most powerful weapon buff in dark souls 1
If you roll once, you beat the game.
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They are probably going to nerf the guard poke in some way. The moveset is so good i will keep using them regardless though. Biggest surprise in the DLC.
>retarded screeching and buzzwords
get new material tranny
What's even the point? You guys told that one anon with the webm who had Gaius hit twice with a single kick to just get good. You guys cream over Bayle because of a screaming NPC despite having the shittiest camera imaginable + the solution to that being done in Sekiro.

You defend Waterfowl Dance when the player is still stuck with DS1 mechanics.
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>messmer's best friend was an albinauric
>he has a jar hospital
>he has his men create a museum commemorating the hornsent
Reminder Messmer was NOT a racist
I beat the DLC and honestly did not think it was very hard, and I was swapping weapons every 5 minutes and not using summons. Just find the skibidis
>don't take stamina drain from blocking attacks
It's probably the most broken ash in pvp thoughever
sounds retarded
Stream your RL1 run now or commit suicide.
Bros...I kinda wanna... impregnate metyr I think she's more attractive than ranni and marika combines why can't we be her consort ill keep her company i think I'm falling in love with her
>bad boss design
refer to >>483767527
you're the one literally "screeching buzzwords" with your "muh contrarian!" though?
you're a shitter coping
refer to >>483767527
Proof to quote or schizo
Scattered shits in open world maps that you have to collect are bad when they are optional.
They are even worse when they have actual gameplay mechanic.
The open world rot hit From Software hard they got the worst element from it and made it worse
You didn't beat the game.
no wonder Marika hates him
it was much more involved and unique than what we have in elden ring
>Albinauric Women right after killing Gaius
we offed his waifu, damn that's grim.
Charged lightning spears are super strong in water and releases an AoE that kills all of her little babies as well.

I haven't increased my scoobydoo level past 12 yet but given the patch buffed the bonuses at earlier levels it's probably equivalent to like skibidi level 16 or something in the earlier version.

The lore is really cool and I found the arena awe-inspiring and creepy, many of the attacks are a spectacle too but I find Ymir's outfit a total letdown. Was really hoping the collar wasn't attached to the top and the altered version would only work for specific LARP builds.
If you talk to her in lamenter form she calls you bearer of the curse I won't spoil the rest for you
You do, at vastly reduced rates, like if you're doing perfect blocks.
bitches really be grabbing any random enemy and calling it hot just to be unique
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It's kinda funny how much the DLC BTFO'd Miquellafags. Consider that Miquella is one of the few demigods who we actually kill.

>Godrick: Alive but left a husk after we take his ruin.
>Margit: Same as above
>Ranni: Summons a spirit ash of her mom so we don't ever fight her directly
>Rykard: Knocked out and getting eaten out by his crazy GF
>Malenia: Probably will be alright if Tarnished stayed loyal to Millicent and completed her questline
>Marika/Radagon: Definitely still alive in most endings

So of those, only Mohg, Radahn, and Miquella are directly killed by the Tarnished. Must be a tough time to be a Miquella lover.
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>when people tell me to collect more tree fragments after I die from the flashbang that halved my fps for the 10th time
Why do you need a consort to become a god? How do you even become a god anyway? Like, the physical steps.
>crying about bayle
Imagine unironically crying about one of the fairest bosses in the entire game.
Elden ring was a mistake purely because of the amount of these whinging newfags it brought in.
Holy shit, pull Miyazaki's dick out of your mouth you cumguzzling faggot.
Everyone he doesn't like is a grifter (He comes from xitter)
>literal bot response
There's a bunch of other characters who have done some questionable things but I would still consider morally good with flaws

>Crossbreed "This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind" Priscilla
>The Fair Lady
>Kenneth Haight
>Oedon Chapel Dweller

Play the games please. There's also non Miyazaki characters like Kuro and Emma, and Ayre and Rusty
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I just started playing Dark Souls 3 after about 1300 hours in Elden Ring (my first soulsborne game). I get it now. Summons really do make the game so easy by comparison.
I wish the PC version was better optimized (for instance with windowed full-screen actually working, being able to disable vertical sync in the engine etc..)..

This has inspired me to try a purist playthrough using no magic and no summons. Anything else I should keep in mind for a Dark Souls 3-style playthrough in Elden Ring?
Miquella is actually the most conservative character in the entire game:
>Golden Order doesn't follow it's own principles well enough post-Radagon, so he leaves it and makes his own while doing his part to mend the land from the sins of his forebears.
>Wants to all the Outer Gods interfering with the connection between mankind and the Greater Will to BTFO
>Creates an elven city on top of a world tree, taking in those who were shunned by the Golden Order but who were in ancient times considered divine (such as the horned Misbegotten)
>Is basically a god of purity who wants a return to the Crucible era before the Golden Order was founded
That's the most fucked up part. I won't touch Gaius on replays because of this. He was just chilling with his girl.
Margit literally dies after we beat him.
>Didnt include Mohg
I haven't heard anyone talk about Dueling Shields, are they shit?
The best part about playing on a toaster is that you get used to 40fps so when the vfx vomit dips it to 30 not much changes.
no she's sex

I used that on my BLIND playthrough.
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>I named my cat miquella
shit man
>use bosses weakness
>'is this a joke'
Fight it with a magic greatsword and get back to me.
Shit was miserable.

Doing this DLC with my INT build was such a huge mistake.
that's a man
It's the most disconnected DLC we've ever gotten, you can throw out 90% of it and it doesn't affect the main game at all
normally a monarch needs a consort to produce heirs

why miquella the faggot needs one is a mystery
Loretta is still the best Albinauric and best Rider bossfight
Nah, he sticks around until we burn the big tree.
>i cannot argue against the fact that this image accurately depicts my skill issue whining so i will just screech at you
checkmate shitter
same as above
you absolute shitters hate how accurately this image depicts all your whinge >>483767527
We're not given an explanation of how you become a god, based on st trinas dialog its hinted that much of miquella's removal of himself was so he wouldn't make the same mistakes his mother did when she was a god but he ended up becoming a worse god than her as he removed his compassion and love
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Sisyphus playthrough when?
Apparently by divesting yourself of everything.
As for the consort it seems like a mortal champion, but who knows. It's not really explained why a god needs a lord.
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you got the GOOD ending right anon?
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>rat room in manse covered in bloodstains
Did everyone forget this thing exists?
Red Man bad
throw you toaster into the trash and get a real pc
though this won't help you anyway because you're a garbage shitter blaming everything but your lack of skill
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I've been killing the one beastman that drops his cleaver for 3 hours on my SL1 character, no drop yet... haha...
They were but are apparently busted now
You didn't beat the game.
literally never appears in the entire game, shit character

>why miquella the faggot needs one is a mystery
so he can still have sex
i bet radahn is willing to knock him up as many times as it takes
Miquella gets a heart attack and dies on the spot, great ending
Who fucking knows. Miquella attained Godhood and showed up the moment Radahn returned. Marika grabbed something, lifted up another thing and you had a roar and something happened afterwards, which we don't know what was? But none of this happens with Miquella.
And, if we go by Ranni's ending she turns into a God without doing anything. Good job, blue doll!
level VIG and ditch soreseal when ready
Now that's a milf with a huge brood, do you have a higher res version? I always wondered what that stuff on her belly was.
I still love him no matter what. Tarnished and Miquella are OTP.
Gods can reproduce spiritually is my guess.
Radagon and Marika share a body so it's not like they're fucking, but they have offspring.
>gate is transparent here
>but glows and opens like a portal here
So what the fuck does this thing do? Why do Empyreans need to go through this modern art piece to become gods when Malenia is about to become one by accident, and Marika is one by virtue of being vessel of the Elden Ring.

Is the gate channeling the power of all the corpses in the tower? If so, is one village really enough runes/lifeforce to create a god on the order of Marika? I doubt it or more people would've done it by now.
Is it using Numen ancestry to open a gateway to another world? I could see it, but there's nothing to indicate why this would be useful.
Why are the hornsent obsessed with reaching heaven/the gods if they just worship life as it is in the crucible?
>everyone gets an fps drop
>must be your shit pc you just bought this year
go make penguin feet
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Bruh these comments got me laughing my ass off, I'm rolling on the floor laughing out loud at these incredibly witty references only us True Souls Fans™ would get
spirit summons quite literally give you a tank that soaks up damage and takes aggro off of you. you're retarded if you don't see a difference.
If Empyreans have shadows to force them to do the Finger's will where are the Shadows of Miquella and Malenia?
Is there a way to safely copy my character on PC? When I'm done with this playthrough, I want to continue on NG+ but keep my character like it is. It this possible (without even a small risk of getting banned?)
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>literally never appears in the entire game, shit character
Only one of these is true.
And also, Malenia just blooms and turns into a goddess, too.
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The divine gate really looks like shit in-game doesn't it?
Yeah the performance in ER is pretty shit.
you people need help
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>tfw Miquella is Miyazaki's waifu character in this game
>tfw Miyazaki self inserts as Radahn
>Miyazaki himself and his shota wife are the final boss of his magnum opus
Honestly, I'd forgive the ending if this was the case. I would respect the audacity. It would be so cringe it wraps around to being based
So the skibidis are fake optional power ups. You aren't "required" to get them, but you'll do shit for damage and die to a sneeze. Even RL1 or whatever players are gathering them.
>100%ing elden ring
I want to genocide the children that must be finding all the "dog" messages funny enough to make them every 10 feet and in front of every goddamn creature in the game
Putrescent Knight unironically needs more hp
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Aah, you were at my side all along.
My true mentor... My guiding starlight...
>some dude tells me to just block and do guard counters with solitude GS
>try to guard counter some spear soldier who pokes a lot
>knocks me out of it despite my heavy armor
>put on the talisman to get over 100 poise
>still staggers me out of the guard counter

what's even the fucking point? this should be unstaggerable, wtf?
I play offline so I don't see these. 99% of the messages are trash and ruin my immersion
>using reddit torch instead of farming sword
Ah now I see. The challenge with Radahn isn't the boss itself, it's the FUCKING FPS DROP CONSTANTLY THROUGHOUT THE FIGHT.
>Some of the posters here think that the Hornsent inquistion=golden order
They're intentionally similar, but the hornsent definintely aren't GO, Marika probably adapted their customs, though. Their incantation glyphs aren't the same and they predate the war against the giants.

That thing is trash. Which is fine because it looks retarded.
God this DLC broke me in so many ways.
i used rellanas moon and accidentally killed an invader at the same time
Should I have seen the SW red area, NE green area, and the thin strip of map in the center-east before climbing the tower? From reading here and there without trying to read too much I think I've missed a lot yet I've explored a lot and I can't find a way in to these three areas.
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Still better than being a homosexual child predator.
The whole lore of Onze screams Granblue Fantasy reference
anyone have this controller? mine broke and need something new tired of these shitty xbox controllers
Who are "everyone"? Your discord tranny friends and third worlders in steam reviews?
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I wish sorceries had cooler animations. Like 90% of it is just variations of gyrating a magic stick about. It's very useful, functional, and straight to the point, but it's also very boring.
post your ingame map because im retarded and your descriptions arent helping
Haha, holy fuck, watching a no-hit Radahn and I realized he never did the left-right-cross in P2. Is that move in P2 just guaranteed damage? Even Ongbal is forced to block it in P1, but in P2 the pushback from the block knocks you into a light pillar you can't avoid.
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almost like it's not thought out and nothing makes sense and they just did shit bc it seemed cool
why not just get a ps5 controller it's what i use
Was malenia nerfed since launch?
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To think I would've missed this if it weren't for two 0 appraisal messages on the floor
>every fucking katana in the dlc has a cool ass ash of war
>faith has tons of cool miracles
>str and int get nothing
maybe i should finally make a dex character
yes it's impossible to dodge
what?! you're saying that radahn just returned because it's miyazaki's favorite boss and he thought people would enjoy the fan service?!
"I am in the world of shit"
>Post a "gesturing ahead" message
>Get 10 downvotes
My career as a redditor was over before it began
>Boss finishes combo
>Try to heal
>Boss input reads and immediately attacks
>Boss finishes combo
>Try to heal
>Boss input reads and immediately attacks
What a very good game!
>I would rather have an elaborate 30 second animation that consistently gets me killed
This is why so many incants are shit though
Elden Ring doesn't have the ps4 or dualsense button prompts on PC which is fucking retarded and would trigger my autism
Int builds are basically formality at this point, the gameplay has barely changed since dark souls 1, the biggest addition being carian slicer.
Which is basically just casting straight sword as a spell.
becasue they are trash
I fucked up the Hornsent quest. For context this is my first run through the DLC and I'm going through it blind When I arrived at Mesmer I didn't see his summon sign. "That's odd", I thought, "but maybe his summon sign is in the arena". I go in the arena and there is a summon sign but it's not his. It's the edgy girl in the night church. I look up the issue and find out that he's not there because I haven't helped Leda or him fight each other. I go to where that's supposed to happen and the summon signs are not there. I look it up and the problem is that I didn't put on a boss mask to talk to him, give him scorpion soup and did not choose to tell Leda to go after Hornsent which is why she's still at the cross talking about going after him in the Black Keep.
Why the fuck do Fromsoft questlines always have to have such obscure ways about them. Is there anyway to fix this or will it fix itself if I kill Mesmer?
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>Miquella choose this over us
excuse me? My tarnished isn't so ugly
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so many nice weapons that require a tax in int, faith, arcane for my strength build....which is the correct choice
>buying a computer
>not building it

a shield soaks up damage too retard

oh i was thinking of godfrey or godwin idk all the characters have the same fucking name it's not my fault
mod it
I have it, used it for over a year now. Really like it, no drift issues either because of magnets. Customizable and has useful backpedals.
Maybe becoming a god is being infected by some sort of virus from the greater will or parts where it resides
Maybe certain people figured out how to succesfuly make contact and are being infected or blessed with something
>That thing is trash
Nah it's strong as fuck, you used it wrong.
Carian Sovereignty is based
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Why are martial arts so shit? I have them on heavy +25 with 18 blessing and 80 strength, blue dancer charm and my AR is... 910
Mohg is a cuck
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>got Thioller's Concoction
>fought the Lion with Freyja and Rellana with Leda, and talked to both
Is there any other missable stuff before I can break the charm or did I get the major stuff?
femboys are always into the most disgusting old fat men aren't they?
that's most chomos and pedophiles
>dumbass tries to chug outside of safe heal times
>gets punished
i would if it didn't disable online play. i like help people with bosses and invading once in a while
where's the faith katana

just use mouse and keyboard
Status weapons.
It's fucking insult to compare palestinians to the Hornsent.
just beat gaius. Can confidently say that the fight sucks dick just because of the charge. Nerf the charge, and it'll be tolerable
When does the game deign it safe to heal? In literally every other game you can heal after a combo.
>he uses a mouse and keyboard
Unironically HOW
i have the 10th anniv version that i rarely use anyway since my brain's hardwired to kb+m. it's a tad bit smaller than the xbone pads if you're used to that size, but build quality's great and it's got two buttons underneath i think you'll find useful
so true
They're good, and may in fact be broken just like every other guardpoint weapon Fromsoft has ever designed. However they're fucking boring so nobody's interested in talking about them except to affirm that yes, for the third time in a row fromsoft has designed a guardpoint weapon that's imbalanced.
Incants are shit though. Sure, you get this epic anime move, only to get bulldozed by your enemy in the middle of the animation. I'll take just waving a stick around like a Harry Potter reject over unusable anime shit.
i cant put it on ultra greatswords though
Leda is peak female design.
>ignores the part about taking aggro off of you so you get free hits in
i accept your concession.
During your punish windows. You're trading damage for healing every time you fuck up.
Name what boss you're fighting and we might be able to help.
How come I never see /erg/'s messages or bloodstains in the DLC? Are groups disabled or is it like all the other generals where the people who post barely play the game anymore?
I beat all souls games using a mouse and keyboard, what do you mean by how?
what differentiates a demigod from a god is humanity. to become a god, you must divest yourself of what makes you human.
There was no choice. Miquella-chan got misrepresented and warped into a fanfare fight. His true love is the Tarnished.
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>if you kill your enemies they win
You're doing it wrong
I was going insane trying to find the damn gesture. The one fucking area I didn't check that I only checked because the only other mention of "shamans" was the whip around there.
yknow in hindsight i think the base game's areas were a lot more open space and nothing than most of the dlc
liurnia and mountaintops particularly
I abandon here the character concept I had envisioned.

I abandon here my fashion.

I abandon here my fun weapons and spells.

I abandon here my resolve not to resort to sword and board bleed poking.

I abandon here my dignity.

I abandon here the perfect 10/10 I would have given this DLC if not for phase 2 of what started off as a really fun fight.

Now to do it all again.
There isn't one and there never will be kek
at least he's sexy
>Once you’ve beaten the Divine Beast Dancing Lion, you can speak to Hornsent Grandam wearing its head. She will give you Scorpion Stew and tell you to either take it or give it away. Take this to Hornsent and give it to him. Speak to him again and he’ll give you 3x Furnace Visage. If you try to give him another lot of Scorpion Stew, he’ll reject it.
Nah, you're just defending input reading. I don't argue with disingenous fucks.
im curious about this as well, seems pretty sick. trying to figure out a nice combo for pvp. im thinking:
>mushroom + kindred + poison hand
>probably 2 weapon swap, some combination of poison milady, beast claws, poison flask, and tooth whip
i cant really decide which direction to go for weapons, all that really matters is that there is at least one weapon that reliably and very quickly procs poison, and another weapon (they could be the same) that lets you spam poison flower
spamming giant rot pots also seems pretty hilarious with this build
You should have learned by now to only heal when the boss is locked in their attack animations? It doesn't matter if they read your inputs if they can't attack you before you heal up.
DS3 is PISS easy compared to ER though. None of the bosses are hard compared to even Margit
when you kill the boss, flasks are for shitters
exactly this
you would think that this type of punishment has existed since Raime people would've learned
you are a pussy this dlc isn't hard
Alright. It must be a skill issue then, go fuck yourself.
>can attack while the shield soaks up damage by poking
has the same effect
free damage with little to no risk
That happened to me woth Radahn earlier.
It was so blatant that I intentionally repeated it even though I knew I'd die. Sure enough, he repeated it and I died.
Behind the dragon communion dragon. It's literally just behind it. It's hidden by the fact that fromsoft has so many shitty deadends you give up on checking.
the grace before Gaius. Do the O, Mother gesture to the statue
From the Golden Hippo grace in shadow keep. Look for a path down to the waterways and just follow that route.
I don't want to build for bleed. I'm sick of bleed.
yeah unironically, also the humiliation ritual of the charming thingy seems to be in line with his masochism
Now post your skadoosh level 1 SL1 clear.
The great katana feels good. It's like a flamberge with a better moveset and more reach.
lmao skill issue shitter
That's funny, because I find it to be the opposite lol.. I have already played through the DLC twice and figured I'd shake it up a bit with DS3. The fact that I can't easily jump messes with me. Rolling also drains stamina a lot more.. :(
stupid monkee
works on my machine and it has a two year old 3080. i run it maxed out at 4K.
it's what i grew up with and just feels natural
only souls game i've played with a controller is bloodborne, since it's only on ps4

fucking jap games always making katanas the toppest tier weapons
Radahn spent thousands of years clinging to life through the scarlet rot, eating corpses to survive, holding back the stars while barely even sentient, so he could avoid turning into some homosexual's gay sex doll... Easily one of Fromsoft's most tragic characters.
thank you
made this a few days ago for another anon. remember that the ingame map is actually extremely accurate, much more accurate than it initially seems at first glance and i drew this as such. follow the arrow to the letter.

for the northwest area, you need to get the emote from bonny village O, Mother. use it at the statue found at the base of the Shadow Keep almost immediately before Gaius. You've been there already according to your map, so you should get there easily enough.

For the upper red locations in the SW, it shouldn't be too hard. Go to the big dead dragon grace and jump on his wings towards the pertinent direction and you'll drop down accordingly. I can't tell if you have that grace unlocked or not, but you do seem to have discovered the right building. Go into the dragon tomb next to the Suppressing tower and then take a right at the fork to reach the big dead dragon. Go left at the fork and you'll head towards that very angry looking mountain. It's filled to the brim and overflowing with nigger dragons so bring your anti-dragon Katana with you.
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>one of the best weapons in the game
>interesting lore around it
>tied to one of the best quests in the game
>WA is powerful, easy to use, and has the best damage to FP ratio of anything in game

>ideal playstyle where you just spam projectiles makes it really boring to use however
This weapon is basically INT builds in a nutshell.
has anyone tried using the sekiro tear against waterfowl dance?
I could only heal against Radahn after riposte, while he's in the air with rocks, and after dodging hug.
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do you have to teleport from somewhere else to get here?
>like radahn because of hypnosis and masochism
>like godrick for the same reason
>like rykard because even thuogh he turned into a depraved being his wife still loves him
i see now
you get there from cerulean coast
>try stinky fart gas as a joke
>most fun weapon in the DLC

shame the skill is useless
You just gotta go around the coastline.
You don't need to divest yourself of everything trina alludes to that. Miquella did it to himself.
maybe the real dlc was the friends we made along the way
No. Follow the dragon's eastern wing to its absolute extremity, then do a 180 once you reach the tip. you'll see a forested area that if you are very careful, can drop down to. You'll make it from there.
He's starting up that attack while you're still in blockstun/recovering, retard. Even IF he is reading you mashing the input while you can't control your character you could just not do that, if he still does it's because it's a variable ender. I do not understand how people like you are this retarded but you have a mimic tear + summon on your screen so I guess I do.
Moore and Igon are pretty cool.
Hornsent were pretty much Aztecs. They murdered other natives for they religion and expected them to be grateful for such "honor". Eventually they got their teeth punched in and everyone rejoiced, because that's much of a dicks they were.
radahn was already a faggot who wanted to fuck miquella and promised him he would
miquella was the one being used by radahn
>invasions getting spotty again at RL200
is it over?
Except trina says that wasn't necessary. Miquella is just retarded
That's post scarlet rot Radahn though. He's handsome, big, muscular and probably has a thicc cock. Just imagine how long he must last in bed and how hard he can trust it with all those muscles. And imagine what he can do with the fancy gravity stuff. Miquella's taste is immaculate.
Miquella stroking Radahn's face while they die...
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The dream lives on in our hearts
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So are three fingers just a slightly stronger version of the two fingers that have an extra antenna and were attempting to cry about no longer having a phone buddy and the frenzied flame was like ay yo i'll be yo friend, or were just fingers that went fucking insane without a connection to the GW?
>>>DLC patch made sweeping findamental balance changes to PvP
>>>No PvP boss
0/10 DLC

>did it anyway evem though I knew I'd die
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>ongbal still hasn't posted Dancing Lion hitless
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>It never was kindly Miquella, was it? You were following the Erdtree all along.
I can't wait for the co-op mod to get fixed so that I can actually play the DLC with friends.
The quality of life improvements that mod offers over the shit you have by default is insane.
so the redmanes and cleanrots were fighting over...what exactly?
Nah their horns are fake headbands.
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I said eastern, I was panning east in-game and freudian slipped; I meant west. Go here.
No ones at 125 or 200. 138 is ideal.
Ongbal? more like OngHack
over having fun fighting retard
The simple answer is that invasions have progressively become more and more of an afterthought for a variety of reasons (twinks, griefing, emphasis on increasing boss fight difficulty), so From put a lot less effort into coming up with new and interesting multiplayer mechanics. If you want to learn more about them, look up the Dark Souls Dissected series by IllusoryWall.
Odds that marika lost her virginity to a hornsent raping party?
Ongbal? more like Ongod fr
>mfw technically there is literally zero reason for the tarnished to go to the shadow lands as it has zero effect on the out come of the main game
She was never going to make it out alive the DLC. I’ve been eyeballing that cloak from the very start.
THIS is the thing I wanted out a dlc. That and an unalloyed gold staff/catalyst. Like an oversized needle
If you're trying to become Elden Lord then you would go there to stop the brat from Madokaing the universe.
>"Please cum in my ass some more, Miyazaki-sama, KyAAAAAAAAAAA YES HARDER DADDY MMMMM!"
You people are why DLC bosses are mid.
does anyone enjoy fighting ancient dragons?
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this is a fucking mess
That would have had impact if that was a choice. As it stands it's just retarded
so uhh, what's the lore behind reusing tree spirits, tree sentinels and a falling star beast?
>sorcery sword does about half damage of the royal lucaria specter
Like, I know there's a huge difference here but Jesus at least give it A scaling or a B at least
C is just pathetic
I mean... you're following the guidance of grace even in the realm of shadow... you're still trying to become elden lord
>Madokaing the universe
What is that supposed to mean?
whats the spell buff on it?
Yo don't shit on Yoda, he knows fucking Judgment Cut.
Those are for Miquella's future zoo.
Shadow realm is the center of the lands between so obviousy a tree spirit is gonna be there, falling star is a fucking alien so it doesn't matter where its at, and the tree sentinels are guarding Marika's pre-god home
Miquella achieves godhood, his hat and the remembrance refer to him as a god, but it doesn't mean a fucking thing without him having access to the ring. His next step after becoming a god was to go with radahn to face marika/radagon and claim the elden ring.

Do people not realize that the events taking place with miquella are basically happening at the same time you are exploring the dlc? You are basically right on his heels throughout the whole thing.
no, versatility isn't free
Turning into a divine concept that imposes oneself as a law of physics, I think.
Miquella's oversized needle...
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>Talking about vidya with a friend, telling him about ER without spoilers so he can decide if he wants to try it
>Rando chimes in
>He starts blabbing that "Ranni is the only definitively good" ending
>Tells me how in her ending she takes everyone from The Lands Between with her to live space
>All the monsters and shit get left behind and the entire world gets frozen solid, permanently killing them all for good

What the fucking kind of r*ddit understanding of the lore is this? This random encounter with a disgusting normalfag casual has left me shook. Not just for how fucking stupid it was, but for how absolutely steadfast in his retarded headcanon.
but only Niel remembered the battle fondly I thought?
"Even after his lord was fled, Commander O'Neil continued to brandish his flag in the devastation of the rot-eaten field of battle, the sole veteran who remembers that battle with pride."

If it was a friendly sparring match/mock battle, why would Radahn flee, and why would only niel remember it well?
We kill Messmer and burn the thorns. His team that would fight for death since Hornsent, Thollier and Anscbach aren't 100% in with Miquella wouldn't do shit.
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Why is most Leda art of her getting dominated?
Tried to order base game/DLC areas from best to worst for me. And by the looks of it DLC is the winner. They did good job.

1. Cerulean Coast
2. Limgrave
3. Abyssal Woods
4. Jagged Peak
5. Altus Plateau
6. Scadu Altus
7. Liurnia
8. Rauh Base
9. Haligtree
10. Farum Azula
11. Gravesite Plain
12. Caelid
13. Snowfield
14. Mt. Gelmir

How the best to worst areas would be for you?
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>filling in the lore and plot holes with your own imagination
He beat the game
im pretty sure im locked out of every quest cause i walked too far in one direction
I'm kinda upset too about possibly missing the Dragon priestess waifu. And based on what you just pointed, seems like I will be missing Hornsent's questline too.
*dry humps you*
Shut it
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>test Falx
>think nothing of it
>hold down L2 for shit and giggles
>literally dart through the screen a million miles away
>press R2 right after for 500 fast as fuck hits

Wtf, why is no one talking about this thing
>Knight's Lightning Spear
You didn't beat Metyr.
>metyr's omnicatalyst has a spell scaling of 352 at 80 intelligence/faith
im glad you got filtered
based devs btfoing newfags like you
That's literally what happens in her ending retard
That's a trap getting fucked in the ass, isn't it?
If NOT, sauce?
good post. they still havent fixed the softlocking issue lol. if you dont grab the grace on the 4th floor before switching the lever there is literally no way to ever progress to messmer
Source? Also because she's just got that energy
someone tell me about the greatsword of solitude?
is it good? I kind of like it but idk if it's worth anything
i think people are a bit confused because they are playing the dlc on their character that already beat the the final boss and became elden lord. But the DLC is supposed to be happening right after killing mohg, before you get to mountaintops. so >>483774432 makes sense.
>Tells me how in her ending she takes everyone from The Lands Between with her to live space
>All the monsters and shit get left behind and the entire world gets frozen solid, permanently killing them all for good
No one actually believes this do they? I'm the most anti ranni poster here and that's a complete misunderstanding of her
I’ve been scouring the internet for ANYBODY noticing this. It seems that not many people pick up on the connection with Godwyn and Miquella, Godwyn is 1000% going to be a major part of the dlc.

We know the shadow realm is a place where death still exists, and Godwyn literally being the prince of death, the first demigod to ever die is no coincidence.

Not to mention I just found a nascent butterfly in deeproot depths near the finger crone, I think Miquella was there personally while on his quest to save both Godwyn and Malenia. What happened at Castle Sol was another example of Miquella trying to save Godwyns soul. Also, creating the haligtree was him maybe trying to create a tree of his own that Godwyns soul could return to, like how souls usually return to the erdtree, and this might’ve worked before mohg stole the cocoon from the haligtree.

Mark my words, we are going to encounter Godwyn in the dlc.
dunno why but this post reeks of private shit. what unit are you with
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Not a trap.
What would the lore for an urban fantasy souls game be like? The closest to modern day we’ve ever gotten was Bloodborne.
I'm playing Elden Ring on PC with a PS5 controller.
Even if I beat the game, I didn't beat the game.
Is there a preferred starting point for Enir Ilim between via the Dancing Beast or from the Sealing tree?
Wait really?
Level design so convoluted it even confused the designer lol

Lobos made a fucking mockery of the DLC with it so it seems pretty good.
Because there's a delay between the dash and the R2, it's piss easy to dodge in PvP and it doesn't have enough bleed or HA to be a good PvE weapon.
probably something like SMT
The lightning would make that complete cancer
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cause she's a slut and a whore
>The world was good until the gay niggers from outer space attacked
I think he will be essential, but because it's just a reveal trailer they're potentially saving some good Godwyn content for later on. The only reference to Godwyn was indirectly in the DLC synopsis, the part about "Miquella awaits his Promised Lord", which is undoubtedly Godwyn. I think this being the final line of that synopsis was intentional to leave intrigue about Godwyn. My own bonkers theory which im losing hope in overtime as speculation continues is that Messmer is Godwyn's cursed soul. That when Godwyn's soul died, it didn't just die, it went to hell. I have some evidence for it but it's all a bit of a reach and I mostly think it would just be cool narrative wise.
they're literally connected by an annex
I'm scared that people are turning on fromsoft
We need to kill them before they attack Miyazaki
Why the fuck is Abyssal Woods so high, it's literally Lost Izalith all over again

>fucking ENMPTY
>no original enemies except forced stealth section spooks you have to sneak around or parry
>everybody loves rats Miyazaki sama just put rats everywhere, why bother desigining, modeling, animating originam madness-themed enemies when we can put RATS EVERYWHERE XDD
>your horse is scurd, you gonna have to run through the entire fuckhuge area sorry bro :(

They could've done so much more with a madness-themed spooky forest, massive wasted opportunity.
>knock a guy off the map in storehouse
>fucker respawn next to me with almost no health
This is a bait post
Then it's shit.
Right and miquella saying he is going to take you on a thousand year voyage of compassion means he's going to take the planet of the lands between into the dimension of compassion.
what is falx? youre most likely exaggerating
>Why is most Leda art of her getting dominated?
Because she deserves it and she wants it.
time is convoluted
Are we going purely by aesthetic? Cerulean Coast/Abyssal Woods/Jagged Peak have literally nothing in them.
Good crystal tear for an arcane build?
Or should I just go faith knot since I’m using dragon communion spells?
List some cool invasion spots for the DLC! I loved haligtree in the base game because of how people had no choice but to clear the level and there were things to knock em off
The L2 doesn't combo into the followup in pvp so it's basically useless there.
The followup hits do shit damage/status for the long animation commitment so it's kinda worthless in pve and you're better off just L1ing.
It's one of many unique ashes in the DLC that's just completely undertuned and not worth using
the dual cs you get from invading hornsent with leda
So the japs learned something really important based on cut content in jp, Item descriptions, and dlc descriptions
marika never birthed any of her kids like normal people they're all different aspects of her, even the kids radagon had with rennala are different aspects of marika yes that includes miquella and ranni. They're all marika
This giant clusterfuck group fight has single handedly saved this DLC for me.

Finally a fight you can use everything ER has on offer and you can show off a range of viable fun builds instead of just abusing one meta. We needed more fights vs humanoids and less gimmick bosses.
>see people pissing and shitting about muh difficult dlc
>see general pissing and shitting about muh difficult dlc
>get slightly anxious
>play it
>nothing out of the usual and and similar powercreep compared to other fromsoft dlc
>most deaths to a single boss was around 30 with the average being about 10
I wish all the shitters screeching at the top of their lungs about their skill issues would stop planting a seed of doubt in me.
I refuse to believe it's harder than doing phase 1 and phase 2 Radahn hitless.
He actually had to block that one attack because it literally is not dodgeable.
not improbable, though with how they treat them its possible the horsent saw them as too low to rape.
Just the pure terror atmosphere worked for me so well. Just the pure evil vibe executed well, it's sadly so empty indeed.
why does every boss need to talk after killing you

shut the fuck up messmer you faggot
NieR, unironically.
Literally all the characters you listed were terrible people and the good persona is an attempt to partially make up for their crimes
Ned is the exception to this but the point is these characters are not perfect, so it is reductive to call people who can intelligently analzyze Marika as simps
Cut content is not canon
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are incantations safe to cheat engine in or will I get banned from online play since they aren't droppable?
>marika never birthed any of her kids like normal
So her vag isn't destroyed? I knew she was the best waifu all along.
>we need more npc fights
Bro’s cooked
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>people actually believe radahn is not a puppet
66 strength becomes 99 when two handing
Miyazaki didn't beat the game.
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>7 people in Miquella's gang
>Hornsent, Thollier and Sir Ansbach don't trust him 100%, meaning that Leda will try to kill them
>So it's more like 3 vs 4
>Even assuming they will fight and have a total victory where they don't suffer any damage, it's still 4 people vs the whole game - Messmer, Rot bitch, etc.
>Not forgetting that we also are the ones who kill Radahn and Mohg
The story is literally us helping Miquella turn into a god just to kill him. We could just hear St. Trina and then decide to hide with Messmer's Kindling.
>Are we going purely by aesthetic? Cerulean Coast/Abyssal Woods/Jagged Peak have literally nothing in them.

Anyway you like.
pick one for pvp
>tooth whip
>poison milady
>poison beast claws
memezaki will personally come to your house and turn your into his personal femboy miquella sex slave

you should have read the terms of service
The issue is is that the difference between builds and strats in ER is bonkers. In past Souls games, some builds were of course easier than others, but you didn't have such a vast chasm between low tier and high tier builds. In ER, the high tier flattens bosses so easily you'd think you were cheating, whereas an average build needs spirit ashes and summons if he wants an "average" experience. That isn't to say that RL1 - no dodge - fists runs isn't doable, but it's much more difficult than in the past.
I'm about to start the DLC too. Well I need to start a NG+ first but yeah I'm excited to play it. I spend alot of time invading players and replaying bosses on hardsaves so I'm eager to play tonight. But yeah I have a feeling you're right. I'm actually hyped to play the colosseum , I think they were adding it last time I checked.
Elphael takes on a whole new vibe now. Not only is their lord dead but he died a faggot.
This came from jp item descriptions mainly not cut content the cut content part was radagon being marikas earliest fragment
She's never had sex she asexually reproduces
Why are there zero heal windows against Messmer?
>trying to draw the majority of rellena's attacks on me and play the tank role
>they swing once at the host
whats there to actually be done?
It's like a chinese knock-off of the Grand Archives
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The miquella followers are unironically the best part of the dlc.
starting to see people bitch about DLC bosses input reading even though quite literally none of them do lol. They don't even dodge ranged attacks or magic.
>Just the pure terror atmosphere worked for me so well.
It worked ONLY as far as I didn't find out what "It" from the messages was. Once I got to them I thought "THAT'S it? They don't even one-shot you with enough VIG..." and I lost all feeling of dread about the area, it just became a chore to jog through, all the more since there isn't actually a mechanic that lets you reactivate torrent.
There's something stupid that justifies your character always coming back to life and most people being totally not hollow undead.
Everything sucks and it's post society's collapse
Elites tried to maintain power but made everything worse and now are decrepit
Everyone you try to help dies
Abyssal Woods is criminally underdeveloped. Huge missed opportunity to be an "open world"-legacy dungeon hybrid.
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I thought i had somehow gotten lost or was missing something else. But there really is 1 location and one church.
track avg. host survival rate
>”Timmy... My dear Timmy... I failed to protect you. This curse... It took everything from us."

>*The shadowy figure raises his manhood, a massive, glowing phallus, and assumes a battle stance.*

>Tyrone, Bearer of Boundless Chains: "Forgive me, Timmy. I must end this nightmare... for both our sakes.”
Hey I'm big in japan and they say that Marika is the Gloam Eyed Queen's second cousin's nephew's 3rd wife. Apparently the source is a text file right in the source code, but only the jp version. It also says anon is a faggot and should just post his fanfiction to AO3 instead of shitting up the thread with it. Oddly specific.
is it really worth getting back into elden ring if it always felt strikingly mid when i played it before
lies of p ruined other soulslikes for me
using it with the rider kick?
What? Go southwest.
I'm not trying to be an asshole, but who is Lobos
its such a shame
all the build up for basically one, very good i might add boss
I refuse to believe this, mostly because I'm too invested in pregnant Marika pornography for cooming purposes.
Now, excuse me, I've got something VERY IMPORTANT to attend to...
Sounds very cool. Fits with Millicent "being" Malenia's pride (not literally but you get it)
Tooth whip because I want to see people using that disgusting thing
I wish the base game had been like this, with NPCs you actually followed the story of
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>me, decked out in tree sentinel armor, wielding the sacred relic blade, and literally glowing with the blessing of the erdtree
I really want From to release some data about the average attempts on each boss
Kys cockscuker. From Soft fell off, gg.
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>air of (sexual) purity
>antagonist who fights and frustrates you
That's why.
i reached that already, i was exploring the rest of this massive area thinking there would be goods or other things. thats why i said 1 area and 1 church
Tried summoning for the final boss just to hear their lines and it's hilarious just how completely useless they are. Not just the fact that they increase the bosses healthy massively but because Radahn just flies everywhere, they can never even attack him or get aggro.
Host one tomorrow after 5pm EST and I'll join in
I think I'm overlevelling too quickly. I got about 8 levels worth of runes just from killing a couple of big dragons and a putrid avatar.
He literally dies. Godfrey isnt talking to a living Margit. Hes talking to the corpse. If you talk to Margit after you beat him, he literally dies at your feet.
I love Lies of P but it is not better than Elden Ring. And the DLC is better than base game Elden Ring.
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Elden Ring is just a 150 hour long way to tell you the japanese are retarded.
yes. will be poison hand in the offhand, possibly poison flask or tooth whip as a swap, and then needs something to put the ash on.
Did you rike it?
Don't forget your 3 cookbook. :^^)
i didn't grab that grace until i was long done with the area
maybe you need to do something else to get softlocked
I wish From would give me data on how many deaths I took to each boss. I'm not autistic enough to count myself.
Huh? It's not even part of the woods proper, it's its own pseudo-legacy dungeon
What the fuck are you talking about, how are Davos or Siegmeyer horrible people retard? The Oedon Chapel Dweller literally does but provide a safe place for the remaining survivors of Yharnam. You straight up have not read ASOIAF or played any From games or have the literacy of a lobotomized goldfish
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Marika does not look like any of your images. Stop it now.
It's funny how summoning went from Fromsoft's way to let players lower the difficulty of their game, to bloating boss health so high it actually makes the game harder. I've never enjoyed summons, it just makes the boss less predictable, especially in this DLC where they seem specifically designed to punish multiple opponents.
I liked Lies of P combat mechanics and weapons a lot more, but Souls is better in every other aspect.
Radahn bros...
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Weird kill-happy chinese woman who is destined to do miquella's drycleaning

Female version of ugly bastard who wants nothing more than to see minquerland score some facking goals
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As if we needed more proof.
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>nothing ever explains how radahn became giga huge
Which grease would be good for cooking meat on? I say holy grease would be nice, rot grease for a nice exotic flavor like the gutter oil that the chinese use.
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I love my boywife, Marika
I liked Freyja. I have a soft spot for warriors that make new enemies just to experience the thrill of fighting a strong opponent.
post MOAR
so youre telling me the hard version or Radhan is by summoning blood ojiisan and sleep virgin? fuck.
he's huge because he ate dead people after melania spread her rotsquirt all over him!!
>but he was huge even before that
personal preference maybe, i'll give it another shot i guess. it's a good buffet compared to the lies of p masterpiece meal

idk lies of p's soundtrack and world design and voice acting and story were all better but im a faggot with daddy issues so it maybe just be that i relate to it more
Festive Grease, of course.
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>some tech goes wrong and fucks up the world
literally writes itself
Leda is so hot it's insane
yeah. ng+7 radahn with both npc summons has 303k hp
the great runes corrupts whoever is in possession of them in different ways
>*player receives the following item upon defeating the boss*

> Item Name: "Tyrone's Heartbreak Cock Ring"
>Item Description:
>A ring infused with the bitter essence of Tyrone, who reveled in sowing discord and heartache. Those who wear it find their relationships tested and bonds strained, as jealousy and mistrust creep in unbidden.
>Legends say it was forged in the fires of broken promises, a testament to the pain Tyrone inflicted upon others
You rike??
Radagon got cucked by a giant.
>PS4 framerates
>PS4 load times
>Bosses with speed and combos that make me feel like a minion in Devil May Cry
I wish I was good at the game, because then I might actually be able to have fun. Why is everyone so mad about greatshields? Almost every boss I encounter has a combo that can evaporate my stamina and/or elemental damage that trivializes any shield I bring to the fight.
>idk lies of p's soundtrack and world design and voice acting and story were all better but im a faggot with daddy issues so it maybe just be that i relate to it more
Story definitely had an interesting bent (about becoming more human), and the steampunk magic setting was unique, but I found the lore to be generally be uninteresting and the English translation to be very awkward.
the crucible isn't a thing or a place, it is/was a living being native to the lands between. the mother of crucibles. the greater will made union with and reproduced with it, giving birth to all the individual crucible aspects like the flower crucible, horn crucible, knot crucible, scale crucible, etc. which were themselves living beings. from here the crucible aspects all reproduced, eventually creating all life in the lands between. crucible aspects are seen as divine because they are living proof of having holy lineage to god.

the numen are not native to the lands between and do not descend from the crucible, they do not have aspects and they cannot bud. this why the hornsent abused them so heavily, seeing them as lesser humans.

something lives behind that gate, and whatever it is divinities must travel there to get turned into a deity of its specific qualities. I'd want to guess the GW is back there, but there is shit we don't know and it could just be fucking metyr.
outer gods don't need this gate because outer gods do their own thing entirely and can use their own systems. it's like asking why a french knight doesn't have to travel to england to get knighted.
So that's why Ranni is good...
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People being weirdly big has been a thing in these games forever, does it really need an explanation beyond making it easier for the player to see their movements?
Nah, you actually have agency in AC6 and all the cool shit is happening while you play it instead of everything happening a million years ago
This image is outdated. DLC easily bosses 2-shot you with 60 vigor.
story > lore
>page 5
>ecause they hope you'll coop the second time around
then why do I have to polish the summon signs every ng cycle
you don't even have to go that far. Radahn will rot to death eventually but absolutely none of them are getting past Mohg and his army. Malenia could but Miquella won't call her for some reason. So without the Tarnished intervening the plan is dead in the water from day one. If it isn't then it just goes lik you said, they all die before they even get to Messmer.

This is one of the big reasons I think there was a last second rewrite, along with the lack of explanation for Miquella riding Torrent and the lack of the Scadutree unveiling cutscene. There's no reason to ever do the DLC in-universe. You accomplished nothing. From doesn't write their stories this way. Prior DLCs always ended with you having done something in-universe that would not have been accomplished had you not done the DLC.
Is Messmer a good boy?
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this little guy carried me through the entirety of the DLC
Does the DLC have anything stupid like if I miss talking to an NPC they die and I don't get gear or a spell?
most quests are like that yes
but a few can be done whenever
>most quests are like that yes
fuck. Alright well I should've expect that. Guess I'll go look up the new spells and gear before I start a ng+
Homosexuality. Bara energy. Deep, dark, fantasies. Anikimaxxing.
Impaling thrust
Low FP, range, stagger, damage, speed
Famitsu did a new survey

Someone posted the old one a couple of threads ago pointing out how popular Radahn was in the post-release survey but as of this new one Malenia beats Radahn by a huge margin

>Malenia, Blade of Miquella: 697
>Starscourge Radahn: 364

The first survey was done like a month after release so most people hadn't even seen malenia yet, no shit she's more popular once people have seen her
I've been trying to kill Putrescent Knight (on PC) multiple times this evening. I get close (to 1/5 HP) so many times. But I keep fucking up because I'm drunk. Anyone here wanna help me? If so, I'll drop summon sign and password next to the grace.
Where the fuck do you go after finding Freyja
>But I keep fucking up because I'm drunk
Sober up then dummy
Fire knighs might be replacing crucible knights as the most faggot shit enemies in this game
Terrible design
>just gonna spam delayed fireballs over and over and if you bridge the distance they'll hit you even as I swing at you
Disgusting. Hackzaki at work.
The Dark Souls 3 / Elden Ring mashup playthrough is going well. I'm actually having a lot more fun without summons and spells. Never knew that would be possible.
>If so, I'll drop summon sign and password next to the grace.
drink a coffee
im pulling up rn. name your password
How do you get out of the final meteor hit? You can't block it and it hits 3 times
Nah you can stunlock the shit out of fire knights, they have zero poise. Crucible Knights are still much much more annoying.
>Surveyees could also comment freely on why they chose their classes:

> “A knight fits the world the most, and I wanted to take a look around with a high vigor knight first before using a mage or wretch.” (20s); “It starts with a shield and high strength, and whether or not you have a 100% physical resistance shield changes a lot of the early game.” “It starts with a bleed weapon and something to draw out enemies.” (30s); “The uchigatana has traditionally been a strong weapon in From games, and I wanted a build with high dexterity and some strength.” (20s); “I heard that the story was about becoming a king, and liked the idea of a prisoner becoming a king.” “I liked the idea of how the character’s position is affected by outside factors, making them stand out.” (30s) “I like the stylish clothes and how it starts with two scimitars.” (10s); “I always start with a dexterity-based character, so I chose Warrior because it had high dexterity. Starting out dual-wielding also contributed.”

> “I chose solely based on the looks.”

absolute chad
I already got him. Now I am sad.
I was able to meet her but I'm not doing dragon communion on this character so I turned her down.
Can you post the source/thread link or the reasoning behind it then.
Miquella was gonna bring Malenia back as consort but after he divested his love and compassion he just wanted the strongest, and Radahn beat Malenia.
I really wish it were just a giant mountain of flesh like in the trailer. It would be so much cooler.
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no one ever had any real connection to the outer will. it's like the mothership in spess and metyr was just a crashed scouting vessel

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