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surprise rockay city takeover edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.400


New machione gods trailer: [YouTube] Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Secrets of the Machine God | Narrative Trailer (embed)
Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
why is there a robot
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because there's a robocop-inspired DLC
Because sporks
that's Michael Madsen
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Attempt number 4, it takes multiple hours each time, I cant repair/move the files while there is an update for some reason, and it keeps installing just to sit at 0% forever. Thanks obese fish
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no, this is michael madsen
why is there a stripper
why is there a cowboy
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Still waiting on Tanners opinion on the update before I share my own.
of course it's a fat spic
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I'm gonna need you to stop shilling this trash, okay sweetie?
I'd rather buy darktide slop than this game
yeah this is fat trannytide general, not for video games
it's definitely not for you danny trejo, call of duty lobby lookin', battle royale, whatever the fuck
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If they're shilling it then they've been doin' a bad job of it 'cause it doesn't look appealing at all
rockay city has managed a 4/4 copeg lobby, darktide hasn't.
Triple Basado
ok you're right, tranner got more meat than dorktide itself
this was happening to my Eldenring files.
I had to delete everything and reinstall on a different drive
good thing helldivers has, and still does
nobody cares about slopdivers
sure but we really should exile darktide for not being cooperative, maybe they can make a bitch about pubs general with overwatch
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Why are you NOT playing aurics? what's your excuse?
I have not played darktide in over a year and 5 months, and I will continue to not play darktide until possibly fall at the earliest.
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I don't own darktide
Robocop? More like RoboSLOP!
Not playing until crafting fix.
Not good enough yet. Just going to stay in regular high int damnation.
I was told not to enter aurics.
it feels like there's a ton more gunners and larger/seemingly infinite hordes so i'm going to get used to shit on damnation first
stop posting that tranny freak please
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So which is the good (fun) recon mark to use now?
This one https://youtu.be/r5Mvytc5EwQ?t=187
remember george zimmermann?
>gee why would some half brownoid from south america have a german name??
post pdth soundtrack
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Cool reference
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>everyone playing together
>final section
>everyone splits up and dies
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Doing nonsense penances
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I'm a speed pilled runmaxxer and I completed ascension riser in 20 minutes.
Well now I'm kinda getting sold on it
I reinstalled DT today, played new mission once on Damnation and felt like game still sucks so I uninstalled it and went back to VT2. Mods not working at all didn't help either.
You're good enough. Join my aurics, I need worse players in my aurics. I'm tired of them feeling like heresy, I miss the pressure and panic.
mario is based but that vid is crinje
get a weapon with good collateral and just spray over their heads when you run out of stamina/get caught not running. Graia braced was my go to before the fury only does melee rending thing, now I might swap to ciag
EDF 6 lobbies where?
is that a motherfucking tranatinoverse reference?!?!
The Forever Winter status: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnBZsA8XVbw
I'm getting tired of this new trend in coop games where you play as the useless sack of shit who's uncool in a world filled with way cooler shit. It'd be one thing if you grow to not be a shitter but no, you're just a shitter the whole game.
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But I want to play the big robot
Tommy needy stompy
Don't get too uppity, Reject™
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>try NA server for once on Darktide
> zealot named bonk lvl 1889
>he's fuckgn shit, can barely play
not gonna lie that's kinda sad to see someone having so much time in a game and never getting at least competent at it
being cannon fodders can be done right but then again we're dealing with faggy devs and diversity hires here
Being cannon fodder works when you don't just insta die and become heroic while staying an anonymous grunt. The unsung hero. That is not what's happening in games like the forever war, helldivers, darktide.
>dude what if terminator but there were 2 skynets and they were so busy fighting each other humans were like rats surviving on the scraps
Unironically one of the coolest cope game premises and I don't know why you guys bitch so much about it.
But that's not really cannon fodder, right? Maybe something like Mount and Blade mods, where when you die you just posses another fighter on the field instead of it being a permanent game over.
are you talking about EDF?
not with that condescending tone of the trailer and narrative
Yes thank you. EDF is the perfect example of cannon fodder done right. The end of 5 I think it is, you hear on the radio as you're fighting god that there's no one left and all hope is lost. Then one guy notices there's still one person from a squad left and he's like "I don't know if you can hear this. But we're all counting on you nameless dude."
wait that's literally EDF tho
>oh no we're getting our asses kicked by the aliens
>for some reason this particular group of soldiers somehow survived combat with less casualties
>wait a fucking minute, this unit is actually good at beating the crap out of aliens, let's give them a special unit name
>near the end of the game
>well fuck, we have zero combat-capable units and the enemy's command ship is just right there
>wait wtf, that special unit is still fighting despite their backup got annihilated
>"we did our best, time to die"
Don't you also die in the end of the game but manage to save earth? And despite saving everyone no one knows your name? They just know that someone in that unit saved everyone.
you survived, but not the rest of Storm team who went to back you up fighting God
humanity got wiped out to the last 10%, there's literally no one left to remember your name
See this is a WAY better way to do the cannon fodder thing. The problem with the other games is there's NO PAY OFF and the devs actively make fun of you both in game and out of game. Helldivers is really evident of this.
that might be EDF 2017/2025, they just spread the rumours that Storm Team defeated the first alien invasion and disappeared. Only to find out we're actually that Storm Team and have been fighting the 2nd invasion again all along
>tfw still remember that song lyrics from 4.1
>"A legendary hero soon will lead us to glory"
>"Eight years ago he sunk the mothership says history"
>"Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory"
>"The EDF deploys!"
you guys sound like really huge dorks
>We've got nothing left... time to die...
I never expected EDF5 to hit that hard. Loved every bit of the dialogue in the final mission.
EDF and Helldivers are honestly such a duality of each other. You're a nameless grunt in both games, fighting against impossible odds and suffering heavy losses non stop. But in EDF you can be the soldier the propaganda says you can be while in Helldivers it's all a joke and you go through 15+ dudes a mission. Only one I find to be personally satisfying.
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Helldives on bugs, I'm thinking the acid rain planet for extra cancer and it's the only one with daytime missions for me right now.
>helldivers propaganda
>"join the helldivers for glory and protect our managed democracy, or else"
>your expected lifespan is 4 minutes

>EDF propaganda
>"sign up to the EDF now and get instant money! More money if you can serve for 6 months!"
>"new recruits are now getting the same benefits as professional EDF soldiers! Sign up now!"
EDF recruits get a nice steak, too
Cancel that, lobby is close
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>steam summer sale
no time like now
Would suggest Lootmaster and Increased enemy drops mod
Well, unless you plan in just doing a normal playthrough and dropping it as otherwise drops are the 9th circle of hell
Fuck off with that marvelslop.

It's perfectly fine to just be a small cog in the machine. Where shopclick fucks up is they constantly disparage us the whole time.
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Am I correct in understanding that for the itemization rework we have to eat as many Blessings as we can in preparation?
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are there even lobbies for edf here?
which edf games should I get? my friend told me to get 5 and world brothers
4.1 and 5 are basically the same game, in my opinion 4.1 has a better story but less refined gameplay unless you main wing diver

haven't played world brothers, 2017 is archaic and insect armageddon kind of sucked
I only play Aurics. Up until the update, I had a 70% success rate. Since the update, it's down to 1/5 success rate.

Fatfuck has done something to the enemies that they aren't talking about in the patch notes, and it's pissing me off. Every other playing being a dumbshit Ogryn hyuk-hyuking with the dogshit-tier new pickaxe on Hi Int Shock Troop Auric Damnation, before invariably getting their shit pushed in and rage quitting isn't helping things.
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wtf is that
How's the new shock maul on vet?
yes, I couldnt though, neither steam or directly going into the files to delete them would work. Lucky I have it on a separate drive so Im reinstalling it on my main one and hopefully that will make it easier or something to delete. Fat shark really messed things up
They added a lot of new spawn points on some maps, that and also game's pop doubled so a lot of returning players/newcomers in auric hoping to be carried
If you want the biggest headstart in mastery points, yes.
I got my friend to come play guns of icarus online

we are not the same
>1 barrel goes off
>2 people fly off the edge and insta die
Loving this map.
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any of yous tried this?
Haven't tried it but I saw it earlier today, looks kinda like Ready or Not sword and board edition
why does hadron sound so far away now

no cool groan noise on turning in blessings either

does my bitchwife not love me anymore :(
Fuck Sweden
Could be a drive issue? Also darktide didnt like my windows 10 being unupdated for almost a whole year lol bricked my pc hard. Thought i had a driver error since after a black screen restart my gpu driver wasnt acting properly (if at all), and when i tried to update i couldnt even get the executable to download properly - it was always stuck at 0kb.

It all went away after i updated but i was really worried.
Ive been away for id say 3 months
Are there others getting qued input with specifically the double barrel shotgun? Feels like a quarter of my shots were from this bug.
I really hate looking at games and immediately being able to pick out unity assets.
What I'd hate even more is being so shit at it that you think that game has any unity default assets in it
How quickly would DT die if you could only have one Vet per lobby?
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Sorry to insult your game.
I don't understand the question. I'd like if there was an option for only 1 of each class because I am smart ogryn and other ogryn are not
Yeah yeah cope cope just stop parroting shit you don't know the significance of
so wich one is the good pickaxe
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little does he know I'm purposely staying far far away from the creeping flames smite+gun spam
>why is there a robot
I exclusively play Auric
Does this give a new voice modulation or is it the same as the existing modulation?
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Man, I'm kind of glad they swapped the enforcers to yellow, because I might have been tempted to slop out. But not with these ugly yellow uniforms.
Revolver skin is pretty cool though, surprised it's taken them so long to give us a decent revolver skin since everyone uses it.
thats the most soulless thing I've ever seen in a game before
Pretty sure it is Branx. Though they're all pretty shit, I'd only use it if I was playing that one Maelstrom mode with tons of CRUSHERS
Has kind of a Hyenas feel to it, doesn't it?
>POV: you're 12
game looks kinda shit dawg
did they increase the amount of ragers that spawn on damnation+? i feel like i encounter one every 5 fucking seconds and its getting annoying.

but the patrols of 12+ ragers are hilarious
I haven't noticed. Noticed more flamers and snipers than usual though.
They upped the spawn counts and improved shooters and gunners damage and accuracy. If you're having trouble its a skill issue.
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I haven't played sloptide since january last year and I don't plan on playing ever again. I don't even know what the fuck an auric is but I assume it's where all the shitters congregate
no, that's coopg
Bros I am SO ready for my weapons to no longer be BRICKED. Literally don't care about the grind, it's fucking nothing compared to how long I have and will be playing.
there was some stuff recently to increase enemy variety or something maybe probably iirc
>skill issue
More like a change to the meta that's going to make the game even less popular and less enjoyable.

Expect more bubbles, more shouts, more invisibility, slower progression, and most importantly:

fewer players.
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>faggots are running in enforcer armour are easily mistaken for enemies
Why can't they just let us have real player outlines instead of the weird skeleton outline for teammates?
Yeah I was going to post that shooters seem to be doing way more damage now, which is probably good for a long time it has been comically easy to rush them down.
I need to start saying more really retarded shit in here you guys just believe literally everything
There is a mod for that
>Fixed a server crash which could happen when updating player stats if any stat reached a very high value.

Since I finish every AD game with 800k+ dmg dealth, I'm assuming this is why I was getting kicked from literally 100% of every game I played mulitple times. Does this constitute a "skill issue"?
Zealot is still OP as fuck. Can't wait for FatShark to nerf that boring retarded class even more so that you whiny tryhards cry harder.

It's nice that there's a developer out there who actually cares about maintaining game balance.
no because the game doesn't keep track of damage dealt beyond each map
Even when cleaned up by the mod, outlines are still ass compared to the simple, crisp, clean outlines of ratclick.
>Can't wait for FatShark to nerf that boring retarded class even more so that you whiny tryhards cry harder.
? That would makes us cum harder - not cry harder, all the good players already know the game is too easy.
I agree. I've been completing my Uprising games by just spamming Tigrus II left clicks in under thirty minutes. I barely even go down at this point.

Dumbest class ever, and reading the salt flow from all of the whiny Zealot mains is just icing on the cake.
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what a cool gun
Uhh.. Based Uprising Chad?
>nooo, the charge ability is supposed to give me 5 seconds of armor piercing bullets for no reason, you can't do this to me, nooooo
>nooo you cant just make me stop sucking dicks i thought this was america noooo
It's insane how people will whinge about fucking anything. They could have a bug in that lets you oneshot every enemy with a peashooter and fags would whine upon the fix
same i will finally be able to please my autism and get a perfect weapon of each
hmm today I think I will smite
Idk why people get mad at this, like.. More kills for me, nice? And if the Psyker is a dumbass and dies all the time then even more kills for me?
the game turns off when the smiting starts
go hit dummies in the training area retard
Is Rockay City even worth $15?
4 smiters. thjink about it.
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Works on my machine.
ok retard
right now for that price and all DLCs, yes
I wouldn't pay any more than that
seethe lol
The bolt pistol is an indication of their idea of how pistol variants should be balanced. There is a good chance a hypothetical plasma pistol will be designed around having the same damage output as the fullsize, but with less ammo and/or heat capacity. Though of course it also makes sense that it could be balanced around being weaker. However since weapons like the revolver exists, at least they will be open to the idea that a plasma pistol should just do full damage as a basis, and not suffer from too many balancing issues by trying to find a weaker spot to settle on.
the regular plasma gun is very agile, a plasma pistol with the same power would be extremely fast
Which is a hole they have dug for themselves by making the plasmagun a quickdraw weapon. Either they nerf it to be non-quickdraw or give and take by giving it even more damage, or the pistol has no real place.

Radical way to go about this? Retroactively convert the current plasma gun into the plasma pistol. The rejects were just schizo the entire time by seeing it as the full size gun. Then the new weapon is the real plasma gun that is not quickdraw.
casual and dont have will/resources/time to imrpove
sitting comfily on diff 4 standard
I like how people post this game but don't say what it is.
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It’s a better game than Darktide; you should know it by now
Payday 1.5
i still find it baffling that it cant consistently 1tap dogs/flamers/machinegunners despite big dmg
It's been asked about a few times. It's called "Crime Boss: Rockay City". It's basically a rip off of payday but a lot of people are enjoying it because it's way better than payday 3.
theres a bunch of different modulations, this one gives a deep robotic one
Well before it seemed like it was the muffled one and then all the modulated voices were the same. The new Enforcer one sounds a little bit different. And I haven't heard the voicebox mouth one yet.
is there just any point to the surge staff?
if you use a controller and want to pretend you're contributing
It's a good all-rounder. Quickswaps and charges fast allowing you to quickly zap shooters or specials at close to medium range, does reasonably good damage while also stunning big elites, does okay boss damage, all while being unable to miss. It's probably the weakest staff overall but it's not terrible.
fries armored cunts but dreadful against a horde
It's easy and fast to use
Voidstrike is potentially much, much more powerful but it's harder to use
It is underwhelming if you try to go all in on it. I found it to be okay when paired with an Assail build.
Still open?
It explodes enemies on crit kills making crit builds fun, and it stuns most elites and specials, but because it's mostly single target damage it's not very useful, I like to use it simply because I can roleplay as palpatine
>multiple people using the ugly enforcer set every single match
ye get in here
you always talk about how much you hate shield ogryns and knife zealots and smite psykers but what would you actually want to be on your team
what is your preferred team composition
Truthfully I don't care what anybody else brings. I make my own fun with my builds and weapons, sometimes the game is easier or harder because of that but that is fine. I just like shitposting about what other people consider OP or gamebreaking because it's funny to watch the freakout one way or the other.
Revolver vet x4
Shout veterans
bubble psyker thanks
I'm cool with whatever so long as you don't drop like you forgot there's a block button, and even on mission failure that's usually only about 10 minutes wasted playing a game where the only part with any value is the second to second combat anyway. I think the level of individualistic competitiveness on display in the average darktide discussion is hilarious given it's a fucking cooperative game; the contradictory crying between bragging about how good you are while whinging you ate shit without the team there to help you. Almost daily clownshow.
Saying that I'll still give smite psykers and tank ogryns shit for thinking they're having any major impact.
Get the fuck outta here, dwarf
>I'm cool with whatever so long as you don't drop like you forgot there's a block button
I practically never block on ogryn and zealot. It's push or dodge
they can spawn with mixed hordes, sometimes there are rager patrols too with nothing but ragers
And their attacks are faster
at least you can dodge them now, without dodging straight backwards i mean
I hate knife zealots because they come in only two flavors:
>utter dipshits who saw a youtube video about how "good" the build is and decided to try it, and perform terribly, typically getting downed early and contributing nothing to the mission
>autistic turbovirgins who take all the fun out of the game
There's really no in between. The former is far more prevalent than the latter, and the only silver lining is that typically knife shitters ragequit upon getting downed their first time.
Yeah, it just caught me by surprise
My solution is still to backwards dodge and shoot them in the head
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so infernus ticks count for dum dum as in it is a repeated hit
>0 weapon customisation
>no skill system (characters have "perks"
We know
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pls gib krafting rework
does anyone have the optimized ini settings for darktide?
Trauma staff psykers and rumbler ogryns. They must be shooting all the time.
I like shield ogryns, knife zealots and smite psykers on my team, just not the kind of people who actually play them (bad)
wow I didn't know that thank you!
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I have this
Bro, did you seriously just reply to yourself?
So what's the new accatrans meme meta now?
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nah i found it in my cloud storage, that and the async settings
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any games up? I wanna play game, lets play game
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the async in question
The Game
you just lost
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>Darktide is one of the least popular co-op games
>it’s the only thing talked about here
Why though
It is the rapid fire option while having big raw damage numbers. Which is why I think they shouldn't try to rework it into a "more powerful revolver". What they should do is cut out the pointless mag tap in the reload animation, which is a discrete action that your character must do even if you swap weapons. If the bolt pistol remains as is otherwise (plus a QA pass on the recoil recovery) and just reloaded a lot faster, then I think it will be a fine and balanced weapon to the roster.
There are tens of thousands of people playing l4d2 right now and yet you don't hear a peep about it on 4chan. Some things are simply a mystery.
It's a sisyphean grindfest with countless needlessly obscure mechanics both by design and by accident set in a pointlessly bloated universe run by a developer that gets into minor scandals every time they poke their head out and with highly satisfying combat. It's like an autist's playpen.
Darktide is 4chan

DRG and l4d2 is r*ddit
Other people are actually playing the game
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Leave DRG out of this
Helldivers has their own thread
Deep rock has their own thread (on /vm/)
L4D2 is simply so old that everyone on this site has already played it to death, the massive player numbers are from third-worlders who pick it up when it constantly goes on sale for $0.99
Payday 2 is probably the same story, Payday 3 is dead-dead
I've heard it's because 99% of left4dead players are third worlders
Wait a minute... How would you know that?
Discussions can only occur when there is something to talk about. 10s of thousands of people playing Dorktide not-simultaneously is still a lot of people. /hdg/ stayed popular enough to become its own general but originated here.

>why though
/coopg/'s totem company has always been Fatshark, VT and DT are their core games. New coop game discussion is simply free to begin here, but at its heart this general is /fsg/.

>but /fsg/ is fromsoft general
Yeah well that's why its /coopg/. You go think of another acronym.
>You go think of another acronym
In your heart of hearts you know it's always been /copeg/
No idea, I am just now retrying them as a melee weapon specialist vet. The classic infernus meme on the fast shooting one still works now just with a bigger ammo pool. The other two maybe work with close range dps buff blessings though in that role they just feel like weaker infantry autoguns that have more sustain but less burst damage. They are better at anti gunner duty for ranged though.
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I was told this by some random person in /coopg/ years ago
l4d2 hasn't really changed very much in the last decade, there's nothing to discuss since you can just read a steam guide to learn the exact meta for every single fucking map
ragers and bombers got stealth buffed, right?
maniac ragers got that speed + power stim injection
why does brain burst feel so weird now? it's different but I can't recognize the patterns.
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post your recent coop games, /copeg/
why vermintide 1 is so much difficult than the sequel?
They made the animation speed scale with channel time a while ago.
Won't you still need mats?
>fixed 150 HP, 100 in cata
>fixed weapon cleave&damage numbers
>no panic buttons except for bombs with engie guide (firebomb doesn't even do anything that's not stagger)
>no ults
Despite all of this though, V2 is harder, I don't know what your deal is. Also, it's "Why IS vermintide 1 so much MORE difficult than the sequel?", you dumb cunt
this guy coops
ye but I hope the unbalance from steel to diamond isnt as shit
>Feels gross being without mods
>Get rid of For The Drip and More Loadouts + Characters
>All crashes stop
Well fuck. I'll turn the loadouts back on then FTD and see which one is causing it.
At least the weapon customization wasn't it.
>Payday 3 - Running
>the game with the most broken effects on weapons
lets be honest here, VT1 is a fucking joke in difficulty compared to 2
>green health regen
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lobby closed ggs
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boys in blue
Oh true, I forgot. You could have a fucking self-sustaining Sienna shitting out old bolt staff heat seeking shit that would have a decent chance to restore GREEN health on kill and technically the biggest threat was an ogre anyway. Hell, you could instakill that ogre with that one trait, I think, if only for the memes.
Vermintide is the only coop game I play
Saltz was really good at removing ogres, same for Kruber
4chan was always a nest of Warhammerfags and always played a huge cultural role in Warhammer community, even beyond 4chan itself. If there is a some completely niche Warhammer game, then it's not surprising that those people playing it would be found on 4chan.
Warframe, Helldivers and DRG have their own generals
L4D2 and Payday2 must be mostly played by people who do not often use 4chan, like thirdworlders. And Payday2 used to have it's own general separate from /coopg/ when it was actually played by people from here
rest in piss, /pdg/
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Yeah, shit was insane. Also
>old falchion
>Bardin's shotty holding 4 shells in 2 barrels with a trait
>Sienna and Kerillian shitting heat seeking missiles everywhere from their basic weapons
>elf's weapons just being all around super great with like one or two stinkers tops
>healshare being king
>contracts board
>Blood SOUL Inn
I guess the assassins were silent besides their spawn sound so that kept you on your toes. Stormvermin were threatening. Well Watch. Ratlings weren't even armored for most of the game's lifecycle. The literal, physical dice roll of a mission reward. I don't wanna go back, but I'm glad it all happened, y'know?
I remember there was some cool video someone made. 4 Krubers, all with repeater guns on some modded hard difficulty on Well Watch. It was a carnage. Can't find it anymore, but Kruber with repeater was so strong.
>tfw my experience with vt1 was just getting fucked nonstop and no-one having any good gear
did i just give up too early or what? i got "some" good stuff but it seemed like an absolute fucking dredge to get anything
I play Trauma Staff + Warp Flurry + Rending Shockwave on a Brainburst + Empowered Psionics Psyker all the time now.

I have no fucking clue why anybody would choose to smite over staggering, damaging, and adding a nearly x4 damage multiplier to every enemy in the game. Add in Seer's Presence and Cooldown/Soulblaze on Elite kill and you've basically got S+ tier team support with S+ tier horde clear and B+ tier single target damage. It's insane.
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Bubble + Voidstrike Psyker.
Any Book Zealot.
Rumbler + Aggro Pull Ogryns.
Shout Vets w/Field Improv and Shredders.
Trauma + Rending Shockwave Psyker
Trauma + Warp Nexus + Blazing Spirit Psyker
*sometimes* Infiltrate Vets. It's a coinflip if they're absolute ass tho.
Just getting blue stuff and rerolling it into regrowth/bloodlust shoulda given you a leg up. Fun fact, green stuff doesn't even gain damage.
Oh, and preferred would be map dependent. For the new map:

Bubble Psyker with Voidstrike OR Venting Shriek Trauma + Rending Psyker

Shout Vet w/Columnus IAG and Shredders.

Gunlugger Ogryn + Dual Stubbers OR Rumbler+Aggro Pull Ogryn.

Either Shroudfield Knife Zealot who loves their team and plays the objective, or a Book Zealot w/weapon of their choice.
What is this game all about? Some sort of zanny Payday?
I don't even know what they are or what they do. I don't think I've ever stepped into one on purpose
It's the only coop game where you can have obnoxious debates about what is the best way to play and whats the most optimal build and shit, so obviously it attracts raging autists with no self control or common decency. Half of the sloptide playerbase browses /coopg/
It's also a shit game and as we all know most of 4chan has shit taste
Does this place ever play shart tide together?
Ive seen ratclick, helldivers and plenty of rock lobbies but despite the large portion of poxclick posting, I dont think ive ever actually seen a copeg lobby for it, at least never when I'm around
darktide doesn't allow posting of lobby links, if you want to play together you have to add each other as friends
Oh that's fucking lame, no wonder.
lobby's up
password is rage
south africa xbox btw
shock maul good or shock maul bad?
shock maul reddit
Sock maul mid, it's basically a mini crusher vet and psygger with more mobility (if you don't roll under the threshold for 4 dodges) and attackspeed, but half the crowd control and raw damage. The special's only real use is to interrupt Crusher/Mauler/Rager attacks or throw open Bulwarks' guard so you can headshot them.
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we all know what it means
Killing fast will always be better than having niche CC abilities
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space marine 2 is cancelled
it's over
I love CC because it lets me interact with shit rather than delete the interactibles. It's why I love FK too.
Mine is good.
t. rolled high voltage 4 and skullcrusher 4 , you clear waves in two hits and kill specials in 2-3 heavies
Fair enough. Then you'll love the maul with lighting reflex and skullcrusher
Damn straight. I'll even be nice and stay out of your aurics with it.
Lol. There's no cooldown on the block stun from lighting reflex btw
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>ty for the preorder btw, here's a skin instead orf the promsied beta access
it's so over
>no beta
You know what that means. Not that "betas" ever change anything anyway, it's never enough time to actually fix any issues found.
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It's just the World War Z devs making another World War Z game with a warhammer 40k skin, I'm amazed people think it will be an absolute banger
>we all know what it means
I don't
>He preordered before seeing any unedited gameplay
>he doesn't know that you don't even need to preorder for the closed beta
you've earnt that purple pistol anon wear it with pride
usually it means the game is not ready to launch
It will be 1 rating point better than previous game, which was a mediocre 7/10 game.
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I think the Bushwhacker has taken my favorite spot for sidearms
No, I will NOT use the grenade pistol, for that's the easiest choice, and the game is already as easy as it is.
It means it's going to launch in a broken buggy state like every AAA game for the last decade. Bonus points if there's a review embargo just to seal the deal.
PoxclickerCHADS...where are the fucking beta weapons
the wat now
the beta wasnt for preorder, months ago you could sign up to their beta, for THAT you get the skin fake news kun
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I got an helmet with "BETA" written on it
>progression revolves around clicking a shop every hour if you don't want to burn all your resources getting good gear
>blue shop weapons will almost always have t1-2 blessings and perks, making them half bricked out the gate
>can only buy greys because those will always have t3 or better when upgrading
Seriously how do you even design a system this bad and let it fester away at your playerbase for 2 years.
Oh shit, how's Fallujah? Haven't heard anything about it since launch(?)
>On launch it was JUST the rotating shop and a random chance if you would get a weapon drop(capped for the week)
What were they thinking?
>almost always have t1-2 blessings
It's not "almost" it is 100% of the time. The shop can't drop good blue weapons.
The shop can drop T3 blessings. It's not often, but it's possible.
Do you have a single screenshot of that?
I can confirm without proof, because I quit darktide, that they do appear. That said I only saw one once, 400hrs in on a 307 rating or something weapon so...yeah might as well not exist.
I have 1.4k hours and i can safely say that it does indeed sell t3 blessings
I cant believe i had to go to gay nigger leddit to get a solution to my stuttering problem on shopclick. You niggers are worthless.
Disabling CFG in windows settings solved all my stuttering issues with this stupid game. You are welcome
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Longlas would be useless
Melta would be redundant
2H chainaxe is a meme
I had one recently but yeah, didn't think I'd need proof of it at the time. I'll keep it in mind next time I see one 200hrs of playtime from now.
reddit OS
All classes besides vet are redundant.
they all are
except temple OS
I have 1.2k hours and I can safely say I have literally never seen it. Though I wouldn't be surprised if I had just missed it out of confirmation bias
I've had like 4 or 5 in 300hrs. I was pokedexing my blessing ever since they added that feature.
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>Longlas would be useless
Give it big damage and suddenly it's not
>Melta would be redundant
I'm ok with that
>2H chainaxe is a meme
So long as it's fun
TempleOS is 100% le esoteric reddit
>Longlas would be useless
Long range special and armored ogryn removal is the most in-demand niche for ranged weapons. It's why everybody uses revolver and plasma.
But I want to MAUL the Maulers
>Being cannon fodder works when you don't just insta die
Anon that is what cannon fodder means.

Helldivers just really don't go nearly as far as they could've.
>"Thank you Helldivers for securing resources for our young factory workers to assemble munitions ahahah child labor amirite ahahah oh btw do you know that E-710 upside down reads "OIL" wink wink yeah heh Super Earth is like not exactly very nice you know"

The game flavour needs missions where we slaughter civilians^Wtraitors en masse, public executions of named NPCs we actually like on ship telecasts, Helldivers being dead through the SD crew incompetence and/or democratic purges on a constant basis, and ICBMs we launch explicitly hitting Super Earths own civilian targets in a way that we can see it. Also, HDs returning to the Super Destroyer being met by a firing squad.

We need Dwayne Comancho speeches and the Democratic Officer wearing a notNazi uniform and sporting a massive beak at the same time.

The game needs a shitton of work on the actual gameplay though, so it's likely we'll see AssHoles laying on on a bit thicker any time soon.
>using fingers to type
reddit appendages
How do meltaguns work? I think I remember it sounding like a hot glue gun that melts tanks, but it's been a while and I'm not a 40k autismo.
yeah, nah, how about we just keep being the unambiguously good guys fighting for an imperfect regime against objectively bad opponents
Think of it as a giant fucking lightsaber that you use as a blowtorch
Nope. Not real
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Well shit, first time I've seen it. Not too bad either, but I'd rather take my chances on a 430 green still

We should be unambiguously bad guys fighting unambiguously bad opponents for the interest of the unfathomably vile, stupid and meaningless tyranny (Space America).
>an imperfect regime
Anon they literally mutate and release Terminids on purpose. Bugs have no spaceships.
even 40k doesn't go that far
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my nigga that is the entirety of 40k
It's Space Commonwealth you mong
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bugs, d9
I hope you only disabled it for Darktide and not your whole system
Wrong, the bugs have the unexplained ability of interstellar travel, even before the first war.
They also had unseen flying biomorphs of a size that warranted the deployment of full size SAM batteries.
it's not, it's mostly unambiguously evil factions and a couple grey ones(the imperium is a grey faction)
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now what
Duh. 40k doesn't try to be a political piece. HD2 currently tries and fails miserably. Swedecucks should not try and make "le satire" of the global political machine if their vasectomies keep them from saying "fuck you" to this political machine.

It's like a punk rock album with ass the cuss words bleeped out. Might as well remove the "flawed" part of the SE regime and merge the setting into Halo.
Well, how's the metal?
This nigga believes in "unexplained cases of syphilis" in Tuskegee.
Don't they travel with the spore shooting them into space like in Starship Troopers?
They do talk about spores in a dispatch.
Yes, but the full extent and details of how they travel has not been completely explained yet.
All that is known is that they were an interstellar species before the beginning of the first war and that they were capable of launching full scale invasions of planets, even super earth itself.
For all we know, they could have giant bioships that carry drop pods full of biomorphs, like the zerg in the heart of the swarm intro/trailer.
>unexplained cases of syphilis" in Tuskegee.
White man injected them with syphilis
Big weapons are lobbying to """inject""" the bugs on planets. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!
shock mauls are great, new shotty fucks on melee vet wep specialist, bolter is good but gets fucked over by the whacky recoil/animations, pick (heavy and medium) are solid
>Longlas would be useless
Give it a working scope, fully charged Helbore 3 damage with no chargeup, a gorillion finesse damage and a small mag size
>Melta would be redundant
Introduce daemon engine or sentry gun enemies with a new 'vehicle' armor type or Plague Marine minibosses
>2H chainaxe is a meme
Correct, it will just be an eviscerator with Thrust and Thunderous
I hate you fucking niggers like the plague. Every single fucking game ever, there is always someone going "WELL ACTUALLY IT WOULD BE REDUNDANT IT DOESN'T FILL A ROLE IT WOULDN'T FIT THE META WE ALREADY HAVE X WHY DOES Y HAVE TO BE IN THE GAME".
Yeah cool shut the fuck up. There was a time when shit got added to games because it was cool.
>already have one weapon that does damage
>all other damage-dealing weapons are redundant
I think ~4-5 different weapons have all had the name "meltagun"
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>the imperium is a grey faction
Lol. It's one thing to buy into the meme of "humans always good guys" but the Imperium is irrevocably evil and fucked (albeit obviously not without reason) to the point that they revived a character from it's post-golden age that literally tells you the Imperium is so fucking backwards that he is ashamed to be alive and would prefer it would've burned to the ground instead.

No, the Imperium is not gray in the slightest. I frankly expect this shit from Tau apologists.
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>pick (heavy and medium) are solid
god I wish you weren't full of shit
A. It's like a gigantic plasma cutter that you use like a gun. It fires a continuous, short ranged beam that cuts through absolutely everything it touches
B. Like A, but it fires in short bursts
C. Like A, but it fires quick, single shots that extend a short distance in front of the barrel in the shape of a cone, somewhat similar to a plasma shotgun
Fatshark would probably use C.
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>giant bioships
Who Roughnecks here?
Did the shredder pistol die? I've not seen anyone use it or talk about it in months.
>if the imperium loses, humanity dies
>if the imperium wins, humanity doesn't die
the imperium is composed of an extremely wide range of planets, some planets see every person go through hell every day, some planets see most of the populace have pretty decent lives
the imperium is grey, that simple
I go off the space marine depiction and it's essentially just a super short range high temperature blast
like you point it at something and pull the trigger and in about half a second the 6 or so meters in front of you is plasma
in terms of how it works, they run off designers looking at the cool gun they made up and then coming up with some bullshit

yeah they finally got rid of the zealot getting massive armour pen whenever they charge
My psyker is too slow with staff and force sword. What melee can I take to juice my speed. Other than knife.
The people living in it can certainly go from every range of the morality spectrum, and I bet most fall under gray or good out of sheer mundanity and/or ignorance. The system itself is beyond evil, backwards and decadent. That's the entire point of the faction.
Dueling sword, become the fast and poke crushers in the noggin.
For staff Psyker, use Macabian V dueling sword. Macabian IV is slightly stronger against single targets, but is slower to draw.
Meltaguns are a more 'realistic' plasmagun, in which it superheats gas into plasma and spews it out in a short ranged stream rather than a glowing blob.
the system is what it is, and it's kept humanity alive since the incapacitation of the emperor. there is no viable alternative, it's that or everyone getting killed by aliens and daemons.
it is a system that was created to accomplish a goal at any cost, it has so far accomplished that goal. like any government, it is exploited by the corrupt for the purpose of personal gain.
actual pure evil is the forces of chaos.
The Imperium put humanity into that position themselves. If not for the Imperium making enemies of everyone and everything and becoming Chaos' biggest champions, smaller human empires would still exist and flourish
Um ackshually chaos is an innate part of the universe and it's only as evil as the minds of the creatures inhabiting it. Bet you feel real stupid now, loyalist!
>the system is what it is
Yes. Evil
>there is no viable alternative, it's that or everyone getting killed by aliens and daemons.
Correct. Doesn't make it not evil, however.
>it is a system that was created to accomplish a goal at any cost, it has so far accomplished that goal
Yes, that's what makes it evil, anon. This is no complicated, as you can see yourself.
>it is exploited by the corrupt for the purpose of personal gain.
That too, but that's not what makes it evil. It's not that there are people gaming a gray system - the system IS evil. Out of necessity, but it is completely and irrevocably evil.
the imperium emerged after five thousand years of human civilization collapsing, fragmenting, inducing daemonic incursions, dealing with rampant psykers, warring against each other and being predated upon by aliens that pounced in humanity's moment of weakness. it was an undisputed dark age known as the age of strife, and it nearly saw humanity wiped out.
there's only a few examples of aliens and humanity actually coexisting, human-xenos interactions are overwhelmingly not peaceful.
it preserves human existence, that is its primary goal, it enables humans to live in peace in at least some parts of imperium space, so it's not pure evil, meaning it is grey at worst.
you have an extremely wide, modern view of what is evil.
Armor-piercing shotgun seems to be the default for Warhammer FPS nowadays but I wonder if very high power but very limited range continuous fire gun wouldn't work better. It'd be to Plasma gun what Recon Lasgun is to Hellbore.
I disagree. It's basically post-apocalypse (Thirteenth Black Crusade) of post-apocalypse (Age of Apostasy) of post-apocalypse (War of the Beast) of post-apocalypse (Horus Heresy) of post-apocalypse (Old Night). Ain't even sure on the number of post-apocalypses to put there because Dark Ages of Technology might have had a couple (Men of Iron, for example) of their own. And even before that the game was rigged from the start, Galaxy has gone to hell uncountable times before humanity ever took off from Earth. It's all been fucked, shit is stuck to the fan and waves have been made, so the best anyone can do is try to stay afloat and paddle through all the shit hitting your face.
>Yes, that's what makes it evil, anon. This is no complicated, as you can see yourself.
I disagree again. The overall goal of Imperium is survival and making the world a better place. It is inherently a good and noble goal. The system isn't evil, it's just shit. Imperium isn't evil, backwards and decadent just because (in Watsonian sense at least), it's just a result of humanity being forced into incerasingly worse compromises. There are pretty good reasons as to why shit sucks and the magnifying lens is on where it sucks the most. Even Doylistically Warhammer isn't second edition grimderp for the sake of grimderp anymore,
ok so you're just shitposting, got it
How alive are EDF lobbies nowadays? Can you still find randoms to play?
haven't played DT in a while, think since their first talent tree rework
what are DA GOOD Vet builds? i heard they made actual keystones but with fatshark fuckery you can never be too sure whats actually decent
>The overall goal of Imperium is survival
>and making the world a better place
Fuck no. Where did you get that from?
>It is inherently a good and noble goal
Sure thing, but it's the actions that makes one evil - no matter how noble your goal is. There are obviously agents of literal chaos whose goals and means are evil, but that doesn't mean that just because your intentions are noble then suddenly it's not evil to lobotomize babies for free labor, immolate civillians for suspicion of wrong think, actively stomp out innovation or whatnot.

What each new edition and book does is not make the imperium less grimdark, it just gives context as to the reason why. That doesn't make it any less fucking evil, it just lets us understand how it got to that point
Vet keystones are good but the rest of their tree is also good, such that it's common to see vet players skipping keystones to get talents in other branches if it suits their playstyle better.
What are my options though? I assume the ammo aura is still necessary
I liked the Devils Claw and Plasma combo before but don't know how buffs and nerfs affected that
You can generally find 10+ lobbies at any time, even in 4.1
friend of mine is grinding a bunch of missions out for his remaining cheevos in 5 and he keeps getting people joining his lobbies in under a minute
point 1 is evil
point 2 is occasionally justified, because civilians thinking wrong quite literally has resulted in chaos cults that induce world-ending daemonic incursions
point 3 is entirely justified, because unchecked technological innovation led to the gigantic rise of the machines that was one of the major reasons humanity's utopian pre-imperium civilization collapsed in the first place
so that's a pretty good case for the imperium being grey
Left side is ranged keystone is headshots and crabwalking, middle is support keystone is tagging enemies for more damage, right is melee, keystone is finding a balance between melee and ranged. Mix and match as you see fit if you have the points.
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space marine 2 bros? how we feeling? new trailer tropped https://www.ign.com/videos/warhammer-40000-space-marine-2-official-behind-the-scenes-trailer
they are good, they need a smidge more reach and some cleanup on the animations but thats it
Ammo aura got nerfed into triggering once every 5s, still very strong though it dampers revolver and bolter's ammo economies. Plasmagun still one of the best if not the best vet guns, though thanks to the aforementioned nerf you can't regenerate half your ammo pool shooting into a crowd of Ragers/Maulers.
Devil's Claw 4 is still a generally good weapon that scales with your skill. You can go down the right skill branch if you want to specialize in melee.
>how we feeling?
No early access is a huge red flag.
The problem is that it wouldn't be just an eviscerator with different blessings. If it got the Orestes' latching light attacks which do true saw damage (bypasses armor) then it might be plainly better than the eviscerators, as in, it would be just a better "slow attack long range big damage" archetype.
Do we know yet whether or not the player characters are predefined characters like the ubersreik 5 or the left 4 dead cast, or if we make custom characters?
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>delete the scoreboard and animation events mods
>no more crashes
I haven't used mods since launch and I can say that darktide is actually very stable and smooth on my computer. It's probably the only thing those lazy fucking swedes have done right.
>Reddit spacing
Opinion discarded
>Having to choose between game stability, or having a gun besides the revolver actually being usable because of the worst fucking sights you've ever seen in any videogame ever
This is what ive grabbed now, probably going to use this with both the new Shotgun and the Plasma
>Fuck no. Where did you get that from?
What else? Even if you set aside Emperor's dreams of united humanity most people in power don't like it when their domain is being eaten by bugs and at the highest levels there is at least some thought put towards actually dealing with the major threats. If anything, Galaxy without Orks,Tyranids, Necrons and the other minor horrifying aliens is inherently a nicer and better place to live in than one with them in it.
>suddenly it's not evil to lobotomize babies for free labor,
I don't think lobotomites make a good work force so I doubt that's really done, unless you mean servitorization which is a form of punishment for adult people that keeps the punished working towards the common goal. Servitors being supposed (key word - supposed, the production doesn't met the demand at all) to be primarily vat grown clones is it's own bag of worms regarding consciousness of people who never really were people in traditional sense. It's one of harder things to argue for when viewed through modern morals but it's not done for the kicks, most
If you mean Cherubim then they're not actually real children aside from very rare cases like children with terminal dieases being preserved by their families.
>immolate civillians for suspicion of wrong think,
Wrongthink makes deamons. Promethium is cheap.
>actively stomp out innovation or whatnot.
That doesn't really happen. Innovation is looked with huge suspicion, mainly because they mostly operate under the rules of "nothing new under the sun", so even if you find a really cool toaster STC the chance it actually makes deamons is pretty high.
I'd be happy to discuss it further but keep in mind I actually play videogames here so some of my posts might be delayed.
>point 3 is entirely justified, because unchecked technological innovation led to the gigantic rise of the machines
It is justified but not for that reason. It's mostly because the imperium is barely holding on as it is and can't spare the resources for R&D, especially when there are archeotech caches laying around getting discovered every now and then. The second reason is because 'inspiration' is more often than not chaos whispers and you might end up with daemonic symbols hidden in your new toaster's wiring or something equally ridiculous.
>the gigantic rise of the machines that was one of the major reasons humanity's utopian pre-imperium civilization collapsed in the first place
It's a stretch to lay the blame for that on the concept of innovation. The AI uprising is heavily hinted to be either chaos or eldar fuckery (or both) especially given that a sizable minority of AI sided with humanity.
I don't think any gun in this game has sights as bad as the ironsights on the M16(when you have to use it in an FPS).
You can apparently use a combination of the FOV mod and the crosshair mod to make your gun tiny and out of the way when aiming.
Like ratclick aim? Honestly I'd prefer that. The guns have many problems but all of them pale in comparison to the sight issue for me, and i'm really tired of dealing with the memory leaks.
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Is it my sight fading or does darktide appear increasingly blurry?
I don't know how, mind you. I only use plasma, revolvers and staves.
use the weapons customisation mod, lets you put any sight you want on your guns
get glasses, I am serious
just symptoms of using the good old plasma gun
there was no chaos interference on that one, it was entirely rogue ai, chaos doesnt do anything until after with the primachs
can some lore nerd explain to me why AI=BAD in 40k?
innovation inevitably leads to automation, which leads to having that automation directed by AI
AI is vastly better at pretty much everything than humans, which means that ambition will inevitably lead to someone trying to improve something by sticking AI in it. which is a really bad idea, because, whatever the reason may be, all newly created AI always arrives at the conclusion that humanity must die almost instantly
so it's far better to just keep looking for STCs and make sure nobody is trying to invent whatever they want in their basement unsupervised, because some dumbass tech priest is eventually going to think he's smarter than the omnisiah and invent his own men of iron again
best keep it restrained to extremely gradual and minor improvements, and putting random titan-grade weaponry on a baneblade
>because the imperium can't spare the resources for R&D
unless you're cawl, then you can invent and produce literal legions of even better space marines
Men of Iron (robos) did an uprising
>all newly created AI always arrives at the conclusion that humanity must die almost instantly
somehow this only happens with humans and not any other species
>completely isolated world of xenos on the fringe of the galaxy invents an AI
>it immediately starts raving about exterminating "humans"
>nobody knows what a human is
warhammer 40k used to be dune in its golden age after Leto II, but then robots destroyed everything
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I don't need to play games to know whether they will be good or bad. SM2 will be 8/10 decent game, but without a long term longevity. Just good enough to beat the campaign and then fuck around in multiplayer and coop for few days, maybe 2 weeks MAX, after which you put it down and reinstall few years later to replay it, just to uninstall it again after few days.
Better off to wait for sales, than get it at release, unless you really want to pay more to laugh at bugs.
how can that happen when robots are already outlawed in dune
It can be corrupted by Chaos.
pre-imperium humanity, for reasons unknown, had a skynet-style machine uprising that played a large part in that galaxy-spanning civilization collapsing
all true AI created now inexplicably becomes genocidally murderous towards humans a couple milliseconds after activation
this means that literally everything has to be done manually, handled by very basic computers(cogitators), or performed by lobotomized humans that act as computers(servitors)
weren't robots in dune only outlawed after a giant space war against robots or something?
yes but that was way before the time of the books
Cawl is a very high ranking techpriest and has the backing of a Primarch, so he can get away with improving on the Emperor's work.
If jewdubz remembers the Tau exists, they might give them an AI rebellion arc of their own with how heavily automated their civilization is. Tau themselves may be resistant to Chaos corruption but their tech is fair game.
Have you been sleeping well?
Please do not skimp out on sleep. Trying to skimp out on hours of sleep, or going longer periods without sleeping literally damages your optic nerves and will cause irreversible damage if you do it repeatedly.
t. had this thought a few weeks ago and by chance learned that lack of sleep is indeed a cause of blurred vision.
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My glasses broke, so it must be that. They were dirt smeared and I used soap on it, which killed the glass. It turned milky due to it. I can only read texts if I zoom in and faces get blurry too. So it must be that.
ahhh i see, i get some Marathon vibes from that for some reason
i wish i knew anything about Dune other than sandworms shit drugs
I mean, what can't?
is Men of Iron an actual faction during the golden age?
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>I don't think lobotomites make a good work force so I doubt that's really done
oh lmao you have no idea what you're talking about, nvm we're done here
I guess I can add that to the list as well.
"men of iron" are very vaguely described, it is only known they were "the machines that rose up against humanity during the age of technology and age of strife"
there is also the even more obscure "men of gold" who "aided humanity against the men of iron"
it's almost all pure myth that can only tell us there was a war against thinking machines and that humanity barely won
>is Men of Iron an actual faction during the golden age?
Yeah, but we never see them in any media because the Dark Age of Technology is firmly set in the mysterious past that nobody knows much about.
yes, theres also the men of gold and men of stone, both of which were humans, but the goldmen were the first humans that made the stonemen to colonise the galaxy because they could build things, and they built the men of iron
there was one in blackstone fortress, he regrets killing that many people, he also met his god and said he wasnt very interesting
>all true AI created now inexplicably becomes genocidally murderous towards humans a couple milliseconds after activation
This isn't really true. My assumption is that since most attempts would be either done at Mars just next to Void Dragon or by insane Hereteks that's why it happens but there isn't anything making true AI hostile to humans just because. There's plenty of true AI around, often integrated into Imperial society. Ark Mechanicus Speranza is a pretty funny outliner of how far humanity had fallen - when it got annoyed by Eldar ship dodging the black hole it fired at them it just casually made the black hole time travel in so the shot would connect.
Mechanicus just think it's a rowdy Machine Spirit.
Yeah but I wouldn't call one individual a faction
There are still benign AIs around all over the place. They just pretend to be "machine spirits" to not be purged.
There's one in one of the No Good Men stories.
It has never been confirmed that AI and machine spirits are the same thing. That's intentionally vague, it's always been "they might be, they might not be, we'll never tell".
I've always treated machine spirits as one part AI, one part actual warp entity, and one part simple superstition
And we never know which of these are present or in which capacity, just that the sacred rituals somehow make things less likely to go wrong
Next warbond is going to be total shit too, isn't it?
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Huh, I've never considered machine spirits to be AI. I always saw them as ambiguously not real (and instead being the perception of a will within lifeless machines that are just out of whack) or an entity/ties manifested by the collective belief of the mechanicum - but not AI itself. Although I know there are cases in which is most certainly AI like the kastellan robutts.
This isn't what I said though. Speranza specifically is a confirmed 100% true AI, it's just that Mechanicus think it's "just" a machine spirit.
Yeah that is very fair to be honest. I sort of had brain fart after "lobotomized children" beacuse I had to think really hard as to what that could mean considering I don't think children are really lobotomized in Wh40k lore. As said before, Cherubim aren't children to the extent that they don't even have a vat-grown childern's brain, just bodies. Vat grown servitors of the normal scale could be arguably the same as lobotomized children but are they really?
I always assumed it's partially AI, partially faux-AI, partially echoes of human personalities in systems that use servitors, partially Warp make believe, partially just normal percussive maintenance superstition that happens in real life too. It's just a lot of different phenomena that are bundled into one term by Mechanicus because it's their belief system.
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>I sort of had brain fart after "lobotomized children" beacuse I had to think really hard as to what that could mean considering I don't think children are really lobotomized in Wh40k lore
anon has mentioned twice that cherubim are vat-grown, not actual children
he literally mentioned cherubs in the post you're responding to, and explained why they don't count
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Here it is
The perfect pickaxe build

>vat-grown, not actual children
What makes you think those two are mutually exclusive. Those are still human beings being manufactured for the purpose of labor (however fucking stupid)
why karasolus instead of borovian
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can i have someones opinion on this? i just wanna know if its genuinely bad or good enough
look at the face on the right and tell me that's a child
any argument you could make would also apply to danny devito so think carefully
>Feel No Pain
discarded, shitter build
The karasolus heavy attacks are much more versatile and can be used to clear hordes and elites without relying on mixing in light attacks and you still have access to the overhead should you need it by doing a special attack first
cherubs are grown without human brains, they do not have souls. they are no more human children than a vat-grown arm or liver is a human child.
Nope. Feel no pain is much more useful for this build. Your damage is already very high but your defence is poor because the attacks are very slow which reduces your CC and toughness regen
How do they move? I'm not who you were talking to just curious
standard heavy combo sweeps? does it work well enough against armor?
then using special into heavy for armor like crushers
>cherubs are grown without human brains
the fuck? this is news to me, I always understood that they're just humans artificially grown to be turned into cherubs much like how kriegsmen have been recently retconned into all being clones as opposed to being ambiguous
Yes. Just spam heavy on pretty much eveything but use the special before you close in on crushers or mutants, hit them with a heavy overhead and then a second heavy attack. This will usually 2 shot them. Also you can use the special to great effect while fighting several crushers to stop their overhead attacks
they have the brains of lesser animals surgically implanted into them, then augmented by cogitators
see, thats what i needed to know, because the grinder shows that you cant chain stun, but if i can stun them out of an overhead, that is very important information that changes things, it being worht using over the branx, because i remember the karasolus being much faster thant he borovian when doing the special heavy combo
Also aim at mauler's feet with the basic heavy attacks to cleave through them instead of stopping on their carapace head
what codex is that from? I'm looking at 9 but theres nothing on it
I don't know, might not be from a codex, probably some obscure line of text in a 15 year old novel
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Personally, I'd change Charismatic to Confirmed Kill for regen, especially since you'll be killing a lot of specials with the double barrel. Aura radius is still tiny with Charismatic.
I'd get rid of the extra grenade and LNMB, since shout usually creates a decent amount of space to secure a rez. Extra grenade is a luxury more or less, especially with grenade regen, just don't waste it on lone enemies you can easily kill even if you're farming penance progress it's easier for an ally to killsteal a lone Crusher.
Born Leader is situational because it will be pointless if half your team is standing back and blasting so your aura doesn't cover them, while extra damage from For the Emperor, while pretty weak, helps with killing things.
You can take the 3 points from the top and put them into Iron Will which is one of vet's best talents, the following toughness boost and in either Rending Strikes, Bring It Down or Demolition Team.
I'm not very sold on Always Prepared because even at 10 stacks of ranged specialist, it will only reload 1 shell, and On Your Toes, while nice, I wouldn't say it's that essential. I'd put these 2 points into getting Agile Engagement which is a great DPS booster in a swap-heavy build.
What are the combos/breakpoints on this for key elites? Can you get a 2-heavy-kill on Crushers like the Borovian? What about ragers?
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I see, I see. You're full of shit aren't you lol
no, I did not make it up
maybe someone else made it up, but I didn't
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yeah it's fine

a more meta version would go like this but honestly double barrel seems like the way to go with the new shotgun which makes the (min and max) one shell reload from always prepared less appealing
Thanks for the feedback, i mostly picked Always Prepared because of the Plasma Gun, but i'll likely swap it around for the Shotgun build
Where are these other games with wars happening around you? HD, DT, WT, L4D etc in all of those you are a strike force, you are arguably the centre of the operation (and in all but L2D deemed sufficient).
EDF is the only game (i know of) that goes against that taskforce norm as it supports massive warfare.
FW seems like a middleground between EDF and L4D.
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you can skip like 70% of the plasma gun's reload animation with weapon switching
>when the ammo counter zeroes
>when the new battery goes in
>when the ammo counter climbs
i guess it's more like 30% now that i'm watching it but it gives you something to do
Doesn't look aesthetic though, and if you miss by a second you effectively made your reload 30% longer.
Crushers: heavy overhead, heavy
Maulers: heavy, heavy
Gunners scab: heavy
Gunners dreg: heavy, heavy or 1 heavy overhead
Shotgunners: 1 heavy with stacks, 2 heavies without stacks, 1 heavy overhead with no stacks
Ragers scab: heavy, heavy or 1 heavy overhead
Ragers dreg: 3 heavies or heavy overhead, light overhead. With stacks it's 2 heavies or one heavy overhead
Mutants: heavy overhead, light overhead
Bulwarks: wait for him to open up, heavy, heavy, special, heavy overhead
Reapers: heavy overhead, light overhead, heavy

I'm counting some of these breaking points if the enemy dies 1 second later from bleed and of course i try to hit the head as much as i can
I believe it might be one of the tabletop RPG rulebooks, Dark Heresy most probably. But yeah, I don't know exactly and you're free to call bullshit on that.
Correction of mauler: heavy overhead, heavy or 3 heavies. 2 heavies with full stacks
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>there are thousands of years-old aliens that have gotten so bored of life that have resorted to the extremes of pain and pleasure in order to feel something
>because of this it's ok for assraping demons to possess your mind/manifest into thousands of legions all over the galaxy
Fuck off chaostranny
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Typical mummy cultist behavior
id have sex with everyone in this thread.
Well, either way it's a horrific practice. Imperium is still evil and that's a good thing!
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Excellent, bend over.
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this is me btw
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Humanity always had their souls ready to be surrendered by the dozens of horrors that inhabit the immaterium once their time in the physical realm ended, the ability to physically manifest into this world was, again, only possible thanks to xenoniggery.
So instead of inevitably going to hell after you die you get an option to kick the devil's ass while you're still alive? Hello? Where's the downside? Just fight harder, bro. It's your own sins either way.
But they're literally not my vices, it's some elf crossdressers on the opposite side of the galaxy manifesting enough degeneracy to break the quantum space
Go destroy their worlds and leave me out of it
>only possible thanks to xenoniggery
wait, you believe that warp manifesting into the materium is exclusively because of xenos?
elves birthed only 1 out of 4 chaos gods, anon. and even then it's not only them that feed it
Literally the weakest chaos god. The other 3 are all yours though ;)
How do I become a cool Nurgle elite and not just some shitty brainless zombie?
>weapon swapping
>putting yourself through three pull-out animations
You reload cancel by micro-sprinting, it's way faster
Just keep denying any responsibility for manifestations of chaos and you're already halfway there. Some anons itt would make fine lieutenants of nurgle with their "not my fault, not my problem" attitudes.
Begone with your foul charlatanism, sorcerer of Tzench
No, but xenos definitely did millenia before humans would have ever done so. One could argue the ruinous powers wouldn't be so prevalent as they are today if not for the vagaries of old these old "races".
>heavy overhead
That comes out of the alt-fire pull attack, right? Seems pretty inconvenient for dealing with AM Crusher packs
Start a grift channel to convince people to stop showering etc
There's also the totally not retconned Malal that is 100% human made and soon-to-be one Belakor
Anon, humans are the dark gods' favorite species because they are the most abundant and volatile beings to that feed them
not sentient/no soul, so they don't feed the ruinous powers
unironically too fucking stupid to have vices. not even khorne can claim them despite seemingly a perfect match
yeah cool, you're the one feeding them now, and they've never been this powerful before.
become a pro melee player
Ok what about Tzeench? Just make tons of pointless Rube goldberb machines and spread misinfo?
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start pozmaxxing, and make sure to spread the blessing around
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Oh no, it's gone as low as the penance update
CIA coup in south america
i want my crosshairs back
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that's way better
I got the auric exemplar title just yesterday, feels good man

Auric storms are batshit insane though, so i might be stuck with the purple title for a while until i get that sweet gold (i know its orange but gold is cooler)

I was annoyed that the Ogryn pickaxes all sucked man, the heavy strings are trash compared to cleaver or shield
>Sorry babe, Ive got AIDs
>Excellent, another for my collection!
Nurglechads stay winning!
Tzeentch is the patron god of companies with insane turnover rates. So go work at HR or something and make sure your employees never get a footing in life.
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gaslight the entire world into misremembering the history and dialect of an nation with a dedicated wikipedia
holy shitman, bless this ravaged body
>tzeench is when ivy league retards show up at your house to give you a lot of free money and guns to kill people you hate anyway

sick when can i start
Shut the fuck up Erebus, you raging faggot, your parents didn't love you.
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i know, which is why i got new ones and then killed them anyway
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Keep posting the corrupted sisters. I already know what needs to be done for Slaanesh and Khorne.
>this was
nah I ended up disconnecting the drive it was on and installing it on another, then I left it on all night to uninstall and woke up with a new installation and a deleted old game. Havent opened the actual game yet but it should be fine
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>cope, at this point you're honestly just screwed
it wouldnt? zealot is the most common class, Im guessing you play vet alot so its more common to have 2 in your lobby but I play zealot and 3-4 zealot games are very common
>zealot is the most common class
I honestly agree. 4th-5th were the golden age in terms of lore, and what they set up is still how I view 40k in my mind. It had it's fair share of retardation like the infamous Khornate Knights though, people forget about it nowadays.
8th and up is dogshit. Thankfully it's not too relevant to most games like Darktide aside from the shitty forced mentions of ADVANCING THE PLOT. Geee, kids, have you heard of Cicatrix Maledictum!?! TOTALLY ORGANIC AND COOL REFERENCE.
Psyker: bubble, voidstrike 90% of the map, forcesword or chainsword for monstrosities, stunlock with smite in a pinch, assail and headburst can be outperformed by voidstrike staff

Ogryn: any build they want as long as they are good, great for carrying objectives, hacking computers, picking up downed allies

Zealot: faithful shouting is best, stealth backstab is funny but less useful, charge is least useful but regenerates fast, big hammer and big bolter for deleting boss healthbars

Vet: plasma all the way man, its simply too stylish and useful
what is it about the first event on the new map that filters people so?
how difficult is it to stay lightly spread and just mash down hordes?
You're gonna use it a lot in crusher packs. It's a very reliable way to stop their overheads and dodging just won't do if 6 of them are all targeting you
The fact that the pickaxe push is slower than any weapon in the game is very dangerous against dogs
just jump
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>he's pushing dogs
>he doesn't know
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oh my bad lol
I could fix her
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and last corrupted one
you can't even fix a homecooked meal
Sisters of Battle are ALL clean and cute and faithful and fart butterflies and lovely and would NEVER EVER fall to Chaos. The lore says so!
>gets dogged at the end by one of the dogs he simply dodged instead of pushing and killing
demonstrating the strategies issue perfectly
Remember when the orks weren't mumbling mouthbreathers?
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I like to think that sisters are incorruptible because they're already "corrupted" by the emperor
normally, the rest of the team would get dogged instead.
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thankfully no
>charge is least useful but regenerates fast
What kind of low IQ take is this?
>assail and headburst can be outperformed by voidstrike staff
>your entire Zealot opinion
Why do people who are new and/or terrible at the game think they know anything?
it unironically gives me chills every time EDF does this. Campy kino to the fucking extreme.
>assail and headburst can be outperformed by voidstrike staff
>faithful shouting is best
>charge is least useful
holy shit even cegorach laughed
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are the helbores any good or just outperformed by something else in every regard still?
They're carpal tunnel machines which is the worst thing about them.
They're fine. Still good and versatile and ever since they buffed the bayonet attacks for them they are much easier to keep out for longer periods of time. They still have dogshit irons and a retarded draw animation though that makes me not like them.
I and II are fun B-tiers
ah fuck, yeah i guess that'll never change

I actually like the irons
darktide? more like dorkshite!
haha, I kid, your game is trash thoughever
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actual tranny
>actual tranny
actual tranny
if darktide players could read they'd be very upset
Honestly not wrong besides force swords which are just slower worse duelling swords, and empowered brain burst is better and more consistent boss damage than voidstrike, unless you went memesurge and nexus for blessings instead of flurry and quell on weakspot which are better everywhere else.
The dash and crit CDR nerfs made it go from a S+ tier ability to an attack speed button for knife.
Which of the new DT weapons are worth using?
I just want the surge and assail penances to be done so I can go back to BB
Those take like 2 matches at most
>Shock Mauls
Pretty decent, nothing crazy.
>Double Barrel
Really fun and reasonably good.
>Bolt Pistol
Main criticism is that is just a worse revolver. Fun to mess around with Run'n'Gun and the new bleed blessing though.
Really good. S tier Ogryn weapons for sure, hard to say which variant is best yet.
>h-hey, can I get a two handed club for ogryn?
>you want a one handed shovel?
>n-no, I w-want a two handed club...
>ah, you want a two handed pickaxe
>y-yeah...s tier ogryn w-weapon to be honest...
darksissies taking it so hard
NTA but I just like Voidstrike because it lets me do magic shit all the time. Boss? Voidstrike. Horde? Voidstrike. Specials? Voidstrike. Sniper? Voidstrike.
Honestly I can see the bolt pistol having it's own place if only it didn't have misleading animations and muzzle pull. It's not even that innacurate, but crosshair is only useful for the first shot. It doesn't even seem to have random firing pattern, but I can't be arsed to figure it out just yet.
force sword push is some underrated cheese in my opinion

did you know it can trigger kinetic flayer
Force sword push is how I got the penance for pushing mobs off a ledge and into the Relay Station fan
why does everyone cope about the picks being good its got no horde clear with its pure strikedowns and takes conscious effort for the move set
meanwhile mkv shovel has horizontal heavies and a vertical elite deleter special and one shots everything when you spec for heavy attacks, which you should be doing as ogryn already. the brumentum nerf barely budged its power and its still the best ogryn melee
>conscious effort
>heavy, light, heavy, light, heavy, light
and i also forgot that for some stupid reason the picks have noticeably worse melee range on what few vanguards you get in the move set. who knows why
What is the point of the Obscurus Force Sword?
>force swords which are just slower worse duelling swords
Consider the Deimos.
I was always amused by people complaining about difficult movesets when every single weapon in Fatshark games could always be reduced to at best two combos, one for hordes and one for single targets. In Darktide it's pretty much single combo for every weapon.
no point, it sucks and was completely outclassed by the Deimos and Illisi which came after it
the electric stubby overclock should have a 100% electrocution chance on turrets and platforms, why make it rng?
You're right, I completely forgot about that light heavy combo of thrusts that rapes weakspots. I was mostly thinking about the warp specials which kinda suck.
to have the worst parts of the other two force swords so you can be a hipster
Someone competent enough to accomplish something without his bubble crutch or spamming bowling balls all game and constantly falling behind.
I do not want an Ogryn on my team.
Good target priority and able to keep up with the team.
Just anything but a knigger please anything at all I don't care what.
hipster pick for retards and gun psykers (retards)
it has 0 redeeming qualities
vacuum capsule spammer
>vacuum capsule spammer
vacuum capsule spammer
vacuum capsule spammer
vacuum capsule spammer
uhhh gramps nobody says hipster anymore and hasn't been for 20 years
Cryonic rod!
Basically it's the Contact Beam from Dead Space.
I'm fully ignoring dogs right now
they're really missing on immobile targets
What is the best blessing combo for the double barrel shotgun?
Any one going to Rockay tonight,im in the mood for heisting but damn do pugs just kind of fall apart on the longer jobs?
akimbo + stopping power pro
If someone else hosts I'll join
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I can host in 10-15mins
>captcha mkay
came back to darktide after almost a year of not playing for this update. maybe played 5 hours, don't feel like picking up again. i don't think this game can come back honestly
Webm game?
what do you even mean? tide games don't "come back"
webm game, see >>483806172
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new adventures awaits, buddy (again)
I consider block cancelling to be too much effort and that's it. Just because it's janky and annoying though
am i skipping out on this cosmetic slop, guys? i dont know anymore
am I just fartin? or is it something more
is the jump from champion to legend big?
The main difference is friendly fire is now a big deal. You are capable of one shotting your team mates now with ranged attacks.
Good cosmetics but if you can't afford it don't
yeah and it's a terrible mechanic and prohibits everyone from shooting. dwarf can't ever shoot because to him everyone is giant.
Counterpoint. I wouldn't be able to ROAR MIGHTY DUO elf niggers without it.
It's a good mechanic because it forces you to become conscious of positioning and sightlines, turboshitter.
Your MOM'S a good mechanic LOL
Which Payday 2 DLC is worth picking up?
dlc unlocker
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everything except h3h3 and cosmetic
>It's a bad thing if people have fun actually
Terrible mechanic designed to make the game not fun. On veteran you can freely shoot and have fun and nothing keeps you from having fun like that. Then as you go to champion and eventually legend if you're autistic enough the game just stops being fun. Classic Fatshark design. I'm curious why you would defend this shit if you're not even on their payroll.
Yea she's real good at servicing my dick
Sounds like a personal issue t b h
Anyone wanna play DRG with me?
Then again, says playing on veteran for any real length of time is fun. Probably bait.
whats the point of the quickdraw revolver?
Zarona onetaps any enemy worth caring about instantly so you can return to melee.
Vet is fun because he has the most versatile weapon loadout and skill tree
Everyone else relies on the same shit with minor node tweaks
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>It's a bad thing if people have fun actually
Vet is fun because Fatshark wants it to be the beginner class that gets tons of effective tools. They just made recon lasguns into columnus 2 now with accuracy at range and free ammo on crits. Compare that to them nerfing crit zealot for no reason.
sorry, i mean the cowboy one
special killing with a faster reload. its crosshairs are different but it's still perfectly accurate.
rehostin, misclick
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>3 vets
>no ammo aura
i have a third world steam account while living in the EU. Feels good having base payday 2 for only $1.6
I thought they did away with regional pricing
double crit blessings, or crit blessing and hand cannon, depending on build and perks.
Surgical/Handcannon still works if you know the sweet spot (or have the crosshair mod.)
Point Blank actually does something now. Point Blank and/or Crucian to shoot fast and loose.
They increased prices but there is still regional pricing.
>Then as you go to champion and eventually legend if you're autistic enough
Legend is piss easy, Cata is where it can actually become difficult
>They just made recon lasguns into columnus 2 now with accuracy at range and free ammo on crits. Compare that to them nerfing crit zealot for no reason.
I like how you leave out the context that they overnerfed the recons and left them in dire straights for over a year now.
Columnus gained massive popularity exactly because of that.
I don't like the Zealot nerf either considering it feels a bit anemic now but don't pretend they did these things for no reason.
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It's not worth taking anymore, especially if it takes you out of your way line with my build
Would’ve gone mid tree and some right. People seem to really struggle since this update.
another day, another proof this thread is full of megashitters
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I get most damage literally every single match, usually by a wide margin
A key part was I wanted that swap damage right before the sprint aura, and I wanted to maximize perks in the bottom tiers. I used to run pic related but it was keeping me from getting some extra spicy perks down at the bottom like headshot damage and ogryn damage
Now many of you have been very patient in waiting for these updates, and for that I’m very grateful. Others of you have not been so patient to the point where I’m actually taking time out of this press release to talk about it. Let me say this once again, since apparently it was not made clear when Darktide launched. Darktide updates have no set schedule. Updates are done when they’re done and will be released when they’re done. In case you haven’t noticed we’ve been more than a little busy updating an even older game the last few months. If you haven’t noticed, wake up already!
Most damage is kinda moot since your typical pubs are so fucking bad that it's easy to carry if your build isn't made at random and you're capable of playing a game and breathing through your nose at the same time.
Neither of those builds look particularly bad though. Ammo aura can be really good for certain weapons and teammates though, but it's way worse ever since they changed how it works and Ogryns can't just get infinite Rumbler ammo and it has been nerfed since then with cooldown too. Other auras still don't really do enough and I'd prefer if they buffed those instead of nerfing ammo, but in theory the Aura tax is less neccesary now.
I like Vermintide and I like the fun new stuff it got. Versus is dogshit and I cannot comperhend why they're sinking so much into something that cannot work unless you redo rest of the game. Some of the proposed Career changes are dogshit already and will just create a split between meta PvE and PvP Careers and it will only get worse.
*piss in your mouth*
Should have kept it shut, faggot.
You’re forgetting that before Darktide launched they were talking about seasonal content updates with DLC classes, weapons, maps and more story to continue
You're getting that seasonal weapons, maps and story. I doubt classes will come, there's no way they're getting hold of all the 21(?) voice actors to record new lines for banter with new classes. If they had them being actual characters I'd see that but they fucked themselves.
Yearly =/= Seasonal
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How do I use the smoke grenade? do I throw it at the hsooters, or at my feet?
crashed, fug
never gonna touch touchdown's m60 again on that mission
Chill it with the racism buddy
It's a shame because as much as I hate generic characters I've grown to like some of the voices. They sometimes say really endearing stuff, but lack of any concrete story holds them back a lot. Having to deal with duplicate voices is really annoying too. If they wanted duplicate classes they should have gone ahead and made four characters for each class.
its over, all that exp lost like tunas loads in the robo legs
rehostin, fuck tuna cooming all over those robo legs
is deep rock gud if I'm tired of AH fucking up HD2?
Smokes are a bunker. Throw it where you want to fight. If range, throw it to the side and step in (this way gunners/reapers won't shoot into the cloud if they were mid-volley). If you're moving to melee throw it where you're going to be fighting and charge in after it.
Use case scenario as a screen, to stop snipers and gunner walls in a pinch.
the combat in DRG is really boring, it leans hard on combining a couple genres and all the gimicks that game has.
Yeah I noticed how much less impact DR guns had in the clips I watched compared to HD2
>Brutal battlefield, hard, solo, limits on
>playing solo online
m8 that shit scales everything to 4-man if you play solo, get a buddy so you get 2-player scale
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Oh yeah I forgot to add
Threw my head against a wall for 3 and a half hours
join lobbies or make one, don't do this to yourself man
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too much tuna, too much new adventure....its over
new link awaits, buddy
The Butlerian Jihad is peak space opera and the prequel books are better than Dune itself. Xavier Harkonnen did nothing wrong and is a hero of humanity.
Why would you ever take rending strikes it sucks ass man and is a waste of a point. Have you ever actually tested how tiny the difference it makes is
I've been a Gunner main for 3 years of playing this game on and off.
95% of these hours spent on Leadstorm and Leadstorm alone. With the Leadstorm overclock because I like big raw damage.
Just decided to give Hurricane a proper try and... fuck me.
How do you even justify the existence of the Leadstorm? Why is the Hurricane literally just so much better at everything? Why is it the favorite child?
Leadstorm has felt horrible in Haz 5+ but this thing just shreds no matter what overclock I'm using. Jesus Christ. And I won't even mention the power disparity between this gun and the Autocannon.
leadstorm only feels good in haz5 with the burn aura overclock with the fear when you overheat and the burning damage revolver
>play VT2
>want to change my sub class
>1 click
>play DT
>want to change subclass
>have to resspec skill tree

is this one of those Tencent marketing gimmicks to keep people logged in for longer?
Leadstorm simply got powercreeped by the other two. At best you have aggressive venting but by the time the fire got to tick twice engie has already killed things twice over and he didn't even have to get close to the bugs like you, he just points and shoots.
tencent doesn't demand shit, companies they have a bigger stake in than fatshark have gone unchanged with their monetization. the retarded choices belong purely with the minority shareholder that's the current CEO of the company that wrote a non-apology over a year ago for the game launching in a shit state.
Do you even know how rending works? Depending on the weapon that can be huge
It's not just that it got powercrept. It's just completely unreliable on any Hazard above 5 unless you're being carried.
Devs, please save my gun...
>You're getting that seasonal weapons, maps and story. I doubt classes will come, there's no way they're getting hold of all the 21(?) voice actors to record new lines for banter with new classes.
I can see them swapping over to more generic monologues while saving the actual banter dialogue to only exist between the fan favorites.
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NTA but you add to your damage the difference between base damage and damage against armor, yes?
>weapon H1 does 100 base damage
>weapon H1 does 20 damage against carapace
>you gain 50% rending
>weapon H1 now does 20 (base) plus 50% (rending) of 80 (difference) for a total of 60 damage against carapace
Rending is a buff on yourself whereas brittleness is a debuff on the enemy. I don't know how they stack though, additive or multiplicative.
I don't know what happens when your weapon does more than 100% damage against an armor type though.
>Anime too braindead to save presets
Please change the channel
Basically each weapon has an inherent rending value on its attacks. You can't see this, but if you view the attack profile on the weapon inspect you can estimate how high it is.
Without knowing the real numbers here's an example
>lasgun does 200 base damage
>check attack profile
>it does 2 base damage on bodyshots on carapace
this means it has 1% armor pen on carapace by default. So if you add another 10% you get ten times the damage. Extreme example but simple as. The higher the attacks inherent rending the less value rending has. If you're using a weapon like the plasma gun that already does like 90% of its base damage on carapace then another 10% won't do a lot.

So for oyur example since I'm not sure how clear I was being

>weapon h1 does 100 base damage
>weapon h1 does 20 damage against carapace
>means the weapon has 20% armor pen on that attack
>means with 50% rending it'll turn into 70% armor pen on that attack
>so now it does 70 damage on that attack
so more than triple
Why do tide games make you despise your coop partners so much? Even if they're not doing anything wrong.
>I don't know what happens when your weapon does more than 100% damage against an armor type though.
It used to reduce the damage no joke. I think they fixed that but I could be wrong.
Because autismos latch onto the I'M THE CARRY idea and this inherently makes you view your teammates as competition at best and burdens to be overcome or discarded at worst.
>It used to reduce the damage no joke.
from what I remember that was only when paired with the shitty old version of rending/brittle which converted X% of damage to ignore armor. 120% against an armor type was better than 20% armor ignore causing 120%(.8)+100%(.2) which works out to 116%.
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>I was completely wrong
This is fine.
I know how it works, and it's worthless on its own. The only time you'd take it is if you're using a recon/IAG build that already has onslaught and an extra talent point to spare. In fact you'd have gotten way more out of onslaught than brittleness on melee crit and you picked the latter...yet didn't also take reciprocity. Hell you have fucking krak nades and nade regen, you don't need rending, just get demo team instead.
Here are my conclusions after testing all the new weapons with god rolls:
>Pickaxe - worse than the shovel in every way. trash
>Bolt pistol- somehow even worse than the boltgun. it has no niche. trash.
>Double barrel shotgun - a worse version of the kickback that can't even one shot ragers with both barrels unless you have damage perks and has zero effective range. trash
>Shock mauls - the only decent weapon. probably B tier since it can't deal with crushers.

Meanwhile the plasma gun and revolver are still laughably OP. I just carried an auric on the new level with the plasma gun and it was basically a point and click even though 2/3 teammates had heresy frames. Fatshark is laughably bad at balancing. I doubt anyone with the misfortune of working their plays their game on the hardest difficulty at all.
>took time off work, looking forward to doing nothing but spending the next week solo queueing l4d2
>its 90% off weekend
You clearly don't know how it works if you're making the blanket statement that it's worthless. It depends entirely on what you're trying to do damage with
Bolt pistol is to have bolter performance but with faster reloads and quickdraw. The delay between pulling out a bolter and being able to fire is longer than its animation, that is to say its dangerously long. The specialization does hurt at times. In competition with the plasmagun it doesn't have to deal with heat and thus can clear shooters faster over time. Against the revolver its only true statistical flaw is that it still takes too long to reload, they could stand to cut the bolt pistol's reload time down.

>but recoil
>bolt pistol
i'm not gonna lie i didn't waste my time rolling one because it looked so shitty compared to the recon. i've been found out. also i'm amazed at how many bolter defenders there are here and on reddit, meanwhile i haven't seen one in auric damnation pubs since like a week after the nerfs several months. is there some conspiracy to hype this pos when it can barely kill 2 crushers in a clip after its 3 second draw time?
they've just never used a revolver.
I mean, it's been given away for free and on sale for pennies probably dozens of times over the years. I doubt it's still picking up many new players, it's just deeply infested with subhumans at this point.
ok retard instead of being a faggot how about you just install and play a random game of vs
No, you're a meaniehead and I only play with my nice friends on Darktide
huh? they dont
I don't even think the new mission is very good.
Doesn't even seem like new assets.
>new assets
I think the new map's issue is that its too symmetrical. The openness is fine, the Carnival streets have very open sections as well, but because the battle arena designs are so indistinct its easy to lose direction in.
postin toaster fuckin music
>played through some of the older DT maps after the update
>all those 'tweaks and adjustments' they made ultimately were all just to ensure there's never a place where you can hunker down and not get flanked or have a horde spawn on your ass
Why? No seriously, why? Does it trigger them when people succeed missions and they just have to constantly make them less and less fun to play because god forbid a Vet found an area where they don't need to spin around every 2 seconds to check their back.
Why the fuck are they spending time working on perfectly functional missions when they could be making new ones?
it makes the maps more fun. everyone knowing the cheesy spots and hanging out there for entire sections is not fun.
Except it doesn't, at all. The only thing it achieves is making the gameplay feel extremely similar regardless of which map you play on. And how is it "cheesy" to find a spot with good cover and no spawns up your ass?
it has snow plasteel
You just sound mad that you don't know the spots anymore or cannot create them on the fly. They are still there. If you can't find space to shoot specials maybe play on the easier difficulties to get better at controlling hordes and learning the new spawns.
>all the mission givers hate their job
>all the mission givers hate each other
>all the mission givers hate you
The new mission hammers in how obnoxious this part of Darktide is. 1 second in you're being told how much Swagger sucks and this is going to suck and then nothing happens except you're faced with the misfortune of knowing there's a writer out there who thought to name a character Swagger. Every mission has annoying people bickering on comms like your parents fighting and you turn up Jesper Kyd to drown it out. Is that Fatshark's idea of witty banter or is it a 40k staple?
And you just sound mad that for 5% of the map one person on your team could provide covering fire without worrying about getting hacked up the ass by a pox horde. If your ADHD zoomer brain can't handle not being in melee for the entire duration of the match maybe you should find a different game to play altogether.
Dive lobbies?
You're not even making any sense. If you're just now getting fucked in the ass by poxwalkers while trying to kill specials you are either just really bad at aiming or always had bad positioning. I'm also older than you, more mentally stable, smarter and more handsome.
Oh no

>can't even understand very basic concepts
So why did you even reply in the first place? Go back to clicking on heads you retard, reading is clearly not for you.
Darksissies can't even get along with each other, no wonder fatshart abuses them like this.
Because your "concepts" are based on something that isn't even happening to the degree you are saying. The flow of the maps barely changed with new spawn points. You are just really bad at the game and get your shit pushed in when you can't stand in the same gay little corner you did before.
No matter how much you desperately project how terrible you are that's never going to be the reason why I have a problem with the changes. But if it helps you cope then keep doing it. Fact is that you're just an autistic retard who doesn't understand that having those handful of places where you can safely hold back a horde without being flanked changes up the gameplay. Clearly you don't like that because your first response to it was to seethe and mald over people "staying in the same spot" for "entire sections". When really like I already mentioned those places weren't numerous enough to account for more than 5% of a map. Which is also why you say it's barely changed the flow of the maps.

Do you think I genuinely care what some knifefaggot like yourself thinks about this? Your input has absolutely zero value. Again, go back to clicking on heads since it's the only thing you understand.
There are still a handful of places to hold back hordes. Every map still has them. You do not need 3 teammates to hold back the horde to kill specials. Standing in the same place every time you play a certain section is not "changing up gameplay". You are a retard, probably very fat. It's okay, I'll pick you up when you go down plinking at specials you will learn the new spots you will learn situational awareness.
ong why does everyone still not know where to stand waiting for the metfab elevator
Because it recently got changed?
>Standing in the same place every time you play a certain section is not "changing up gameplay".
By the very definition, it is. Because you're doing something you wouldn't be otherwise. You're a real special one arent you.
branx is the only really usable one, the lights are fast enough and strikedown still hits like 3 targets
its fine to pair with rumber or kickback and use that beat your way through everything
bolter pistol is fine, it reloads faster than revolver from empty, so you can afford to piss shots away, it also has really nice cc from the explosions; however its completely outclassed on vet
taser mace is bad, because it doesnt have damage, i dont see why i would use it over crusher, or devilclaws
I don't think so, it's always been the same. unless they changed the spawns on the one side of the room you're not supposed to stand
on versus?
Your gay little corner is still there bro, you just have to find it. Every event in every map has a gay little corner for a gay little vet to line up those perfect headshots. That change in gameplay is provided by the map, not the presence of your hidey spot.
I am NOT FUCKING GAY for wanting to sit in a corner, I am a STRAIGHT MANLY MAN! Those FUCKING FAGGOTS at fatshark are the ones that are GAY for taking away MY holdout spots.
Sorry I couldnt hear you over how wrong you were. Keep trying though buddy!
then explain that
*points to your throbbing boner*
Uhhh, aurora borealis?
owo what's that
You mean you don't sprint around in circles the whole time and then do a victory lap after the elevator is ready? Malice players are so strange.
who's that guy in 40k lore who is always standing and walking? you know the one
I just know the guy who's always sitting and immobile
are the swede servers melting down or am I the only one who is having connection issues
that's the emperor
The answer is, of course, necron destroyer.
Where can you see your progress on dorktide event?
tab, switch the quest page to the event, I think you have to press E or something to do so
Deathspitter/Full Bore/Both Barrels
pick two
>join game
>spawn before the first drop down
>2 dead bots
>1 dead player
>i'm half health
>combat sound starts
>beast of nurgle roars
What a great start to a mission
Bolter is best used as a sniper rifle. With the right setup it'll kill Crushers in two shots and other ogryn in one.
Bolt pistol in comparison does more damage, draws very quickly and reloads faster, but has a tiny mag, no penetration at all and lacks the full auto panic dump for killing bosses.
Trash weapon.
Masozi and Hallowette, the two most obnoxious characters, certainly don't hate their jobs or each other. Everyone hates Hallowette because she's a slimy brown jew but puts up with her since she can pull rare goods out of her asshole.
Morrow puts up a tough drill sergeant act but personally regrets sending so many shitters to die in suicide missions. Zola also struggles with her demons but she's so poorly written it just makes her come off as a forced stronk womyn character.
Hadron is a cranky old religious grandma.
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What are you talking about? Everyone loves Hallowette. Every time I stop by her shop and she asks if I'm ready to "splurge" I splurge in my pants
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>Zola also struggles with her demons but she's so poorly written it just makes her come off as a forced stronk womyn character.
After not having played since before the twins were added I ran that mission after the most recent update to see it. Is there something I'm not understanding for why Zola thinks she can just tell the interrogator to fuck off? That's BLAMing if I've ever heard one.
>try out pickaxe
>suck ass with it
seems fun though
It's a bit awkward and takes time getting used to
The Inquisition is not the guard. Also she's under the impression that Grendyl gave her free reign to do whatever she wants.
She makes more sense if you consider that she has an intimate relationship with Grendyl, having brought her out of the slums.
Can you cheat the penances somehow? I cba playing 5000 hours to unlock the last armor
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did you try gitting gud?
There's like 5 penances in total that require any amount of skill, it's all just tedium and grinding
The penance update got added after I was 450 hours in and it merely took me a month after the update to finish the pass as a non-NEET.
how many penances are you missing?
So lemme summarize the update:
Basically unchanged, Double Barrel and Bolt Pistol work pretty well on them, Recon Lasguns good again
Knifelot was all but untouched, crit builds with every other weapon nerfed, cannot cheese CRUSHERS with F+M1 anymore, new weapons aren't really good with them
New weapons aren't really good with them, Recon Lasguns should be more viable on gunpsyggers thanks to more ammo
MkV Folding Shovel nerfed through BM nerf but still the best melee, picks are decent but not good enough to upstage the MkV shovel
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>tutorial mission where you play as Deathwatch
Gonna be kino
>hit QP
>same map 47 times in a row

I got to 4500 in like a week of targeted penance grinding
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Is this more impressive than the Auric Maelstrom no downs insignia? Which one would you feel better about seeing on your team?
where are the illuminates, they were supposed to be here weeks ago
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Also, how does the Maelstrom Medallion stack up? It's not that difficult as you can farm it with heresy Maelstroms that pop up, but I do think it looks pretty nice.
>Every mission has annoying people bickering on comms like your parents fighting and you turn up Jesper Kyd to drown it out. Is that Fatshark's idea of witty banter or is it a 40k staple?
You're missing the key part where Grandma Brahms basically had command of her ship stolen and must let all the retards board and do their job because no one can leave the system since the planet is under attack
Imagine cops show up at your home and dump 50 immigrants fresh from china and mexico in your lap and told you that you can't leave and must take care of them while they try to get them jobs for an unknown amount of time
Are trappers different now? How the fuck do they keep catching me all of a sudden?
They changed it last patch. Both panic events are different, the mid panic event has more spawns on the 2nd floor, and they are allowed to fill the area above the elevator, and shoot from there
Do you not into new updates? Its biased towards putting people into the latest content. However that does mean you have to give up the quickplay bonus to avoid the monotony.
Smelly green people are a good reason to give up command of the ship for. She's got every reason to be bitter but I doubt the shipmistress is unwilling.
>Imagine cops show up at your home and
not so much the cops as the director of the CIA that you personally owe a favor to
>Smelly green people are a good reason to give up command of the ship for
Not really
There are thousands of imperial worlds under attack at any given moment, if a rogue trader wanted to help every single one they would never get anything done
Atoma Prime is the capital and key manufacturing world in the system, so if you're an Inquisitor who's going to requisition a whole Rogue Trader crew, it better be something important. Inquisitors would simply Exterminatus less valuable planets that see little chance in being retaken.
That's the inquisitor's reasoning, but pretty much any rogue trader in the galaxy would go
>not my problem
Brahms is only part of it because she owes Grendyl a favor
Surely most Rogue Traders should realize that if the Imperium falls, so does their authority over the Imperium's institutions spanning most of the galaxy, and their mini-empires are now vulnerable to xeno and heretic forces without anyone else to count on.
a single warzone doesn't make any difference
again, if a rogue trader got bogged down helping any troubled world they came across like sidequests in a video game, they'd literally never get anything done. These invasions can last for years.
People are saying that Dreg Ragers are bugged right now because of their attack speed but I actually kinda like it since they seem to be much easier to interrupt and punish
>a glorified pirate, borderline heretic would try to backtalk His most Holy Inquisition
Lol, lmao even. Brahms is part of it because to disobey is treason.
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How is getting tier 2 blessings hard on a level 30 character haha just lucky at Brunt bros
i earned this accidentally, i didnt even mean to play that much. i think id rather use my hard mode twins
does it also have flechette?
I need more cash to roll one with more range and stoppan power to deal with gunners and I'm still waiting on Flechette
Does anyone have any links to where I can listen to the new Darktide songs?
I'm especially looking for that new combat song on the new map.
The patch also stealth gave basic shooter enemies more accuracy and less cooldown between shooting, which I'm considering a slight buff to marksmans stance and a fuck you to everyone else.
Dunno why people keep saying this, seems exactly the same to me. You sure you aren't just retarded?
not him but I've seen dozens pop out of thin air and each one firing like a gunner. no idea what they changed but I've been focusing them more now when playing
>all these patches
>still get the server wang bug after a mission that you """""load"""" a million years into the ship
best blessings for recon guns?
Dumdum/Headhunter + Infernus
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playing COOP games might be bad for my blood pressure
Dumdum and Stripped Down, Infernus is really bad
why waste your precious time playing in a septic tank and getting angry about it?
Fatshark. I believe it's a side effect of custom characters, so player dialogue is very generic and afraid to take a stand so majority of characterization is shifted onto mission givers which just don't make sense to be mission givers. At release you had Morrow, Zola and Hadron but nowadays they bring the damn hairdresser to be the mission giver, and it just makes no sense to have people like Morrow, who is a grumpy military man and Hallowete, who is a local gyppo scavenger scam artist, to have positive interactions between each other.
Early on I remember there were moments where player characters shittalked their superiors and they would chime in with "I can hear you, get to work" but nowadays they shittalk each other on open comms like we're hearing some unrelated discussions instead of mission control.
Doesn't help the story is fucked by design by us being "reject" suicide squad that everyone fucking hates and doesn't want to succeed and game just hammers into you at every point "you're worthless yahahaha you're worthless!".
Vermintide sort of had this too where people hated each other because they mostly would, but by the second game they were actually very closely knit group that only sometimes referenced the hate they have for each other, but that's because the player characters were actual characters, not hollow puppets, so they grew above the hatred they would have for each other.
if an enginseer does a big no-no, can he get sent to a penal legion?
>that Too Stubborn to Die change
What's the fucking point? It was literally the only talent in ogryn's tree that actually affected toughness replenishment as advertised and not coherency toughness regeneration instead. There was nothing for it to stack multiplicatively with.
Marvel has been a disaster on entertainment
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No, his latest post is only the old stuff.
Morrow is fine.
Kayex is cool.
Hallowette stands out as obnoxious.
But usually I ignore everyone and everything.
>using your ultimate to kill the enemy is cheese
>Which one would you feel better about seeing on your team?
None. I have all the good things and use none of them. I've also disabled all titles.

The titles can be cheesed with alt+f4. Hardmode can be carried by 3 other good players. It doesn't really prove anything. I've seen hardmode twin keychain auric maelstrom super survivors play like absolute retards, run away from the team, die alone far away, rage in chat "WTF WHERE IS MY STUPID TEAM?" and then leave. I'd rather play with casual normies who at least tries to stick together.
>come back after a 6 months break
>revolver now OS crushers
>bolter's mag dump doesn't
bolter mag dump doesn't? Isn't it like 3-6 shots depending on blessings and crits?
the decay consumes...
Yeah I call bullshit on magdumps too. Bolt pistol kills crushers in like five shots base and two if you build yourself properly. Crit weakspot with proper build might also OS but dunno.
>/copeg/ finally dies
it can be depending on circumstances
if psykers screech killed all crushers on screen it would be cheese
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>4 bulwarks moonwalk through you at twice your sprinting speed
>the following 2 and the horde lock onto you
>no escape
>pick me up I carry

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