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Previous : >>483756741

peestol edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.400


Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
so how is the update?
that bad?
It's not that bad. Decent content, but stupid nerfs
>crying zealots
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The hardest part about these changes is the fact that you have gotten used to enemies behaving a certain way so the way you are used to playing suddenly becomes less viable
>went afk 5 mins
>game remapped inputs
Darktide question
did they release any notable guardsman regiment paypig cosmetics since the Armageddon steel legion and badly made krieg?
A good update for a game that receives new content every 1-2 months.
The guns are shit
The mauls are fun but lacking in damage
Only 1 pickaxe is good but it's a bit awkward to use
The map is good
The nerfs are unfun
The lag, input drops, and hits just passing through enemies is annoying
Dog behaviour seems different and is fucking annoying
Do you have a cat?
The new electric pancakes are overpowered fr fr but I still enjoy them as a engie main
It was me.
>game gets harder
>community pisses and shits their pants
meanwhile I have finally fun again in aurics, I love it, fucking semen slurping before
eat my ass. I play all the classes. The nerf to invocation of death was retarded. It was perfect, and they ruined it.
It was High Risk High Reward, and that's good game design. But we can't have that.
it would be nice if reapers and flamers didn't have pushback
I welcome them mixing things up so long as the changes aren't objectively bad. I think this is fine
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>destructible mission objectives will take reduced damage
People are just going to shoot them more.
best vet melee weapon vs carapace? that isn't knife
raCHAD combat axe
power sword
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the shovel
Is vermintide 2 worth a buy? Which DLC are the most important to get?
only new weapon i'm using is the ogryn pickaxe and that is helping me farm the event
Where's the Valheim server info?
wait a minute, stealth zealot with knife is good?
taking the movement tree is letting me not die and it's basically 'I'm sure to win because my speed is superior'
Try the shotty, it's super addicting to run up to a bunch of gunners to dump two barrels of hot lead point blank before whiffing and getting downed.
the guy probably just really likes stealth
>wait a minute, stealth zealot
kek who is that
I have not seen a single person attempt to shoot the ice map objectives over whacking them, its just common sense. On the other hand the demon eye growths objectives are now harder to do by yourself if everybody else is faffing about.
just a rando in a lobby where I won't let him stealth
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It should be illegal to put cooldown/breaks on procs. It ruins the fun part.
Lightning Reflexes (stun on a perfectly timed block) doesn't have a cooldown
>10% chance to brain burst on hit
Wow this sounds really fu-
>15 second cooldown
it should be illegal for fatshark to continue existing but here we are
It would be overpowered otherwise. Perhaps it should come with the modifier "only procs on elites".
Yeah that one is really stupid, its only purpose was to do the warp battery penance since it boiled down to immediately proccing on pox walkers, then permanently being down when you clicked on any special, elite or what have you.
>lock it to elites so it isn't wasted on poxwalkers
>drop it to a significantly lower rate and remove the cooldown
>tie the rate to a weapon's attack speed or damage so heavier weapons can proc it more often and purgatus doesn't break the game
There's workarounds to make it satisfying and not a noob trap but it wouldn't be fatshark if there weren't total duds clogging up the talent tree.
they could just adjust the % accordingly
nothing worse than fumbling like a cuck when a reapergod unloads and permastuns you while you overextended without stam/dodges
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where's the penis?
looks terrible. like someone made a really poor photobash
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>nothing worse than fumbling like a cuck when a reapergod
three reapers tearing you a new asshole
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>ass so thicc it clips through the cape
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Based Coomdiver
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dive bomber too
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this would be good if the tits weren't an entire shelf rack. looks decent from the front.
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Am I going to regret getting the infamous collection for Payday 2?
oh, looks nice from the back too.
This doesn't even look human, it looks fucking retarded.
New map has so much trash on the ground that dodging is often impossible
that's ablative armor
why is he yelling? Unwatchable.
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The new map is an OSHA nightmare in general
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fucking vile
>They slowed down the crusher (zealot weapon) ever so slightly that it is barely noticeable
>I managed to notice that something was wrong almost immediatly because of turbo autism
I thought I was going crazy, played a few games of zealot and changed to ogryn because it felt like I was moving through mud
I'd like Helldivers more if it was a Warhammer game.
it's actually a pre-dark age of technology warhammer game
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loner knife zealot
sex with the legendary Yamada Tae
why did they remove thunderhammer weapon switch cancels
shit took skill to do in the middle of a horde
Thunderhammers are supposed to suck
I didn't because I am a martydumber
how I'm supposed to deal with crushers as a zealot if I have a heavy sword and don't have a revolver?
'divers, 9
don't know what we're against yet
your vote counts or something
why are my inputs being eaten constantly now
bolter + throwing knife cancel
small indie company, can't afford real servers
>tehe am cute guyz
>an entire cosplay isn't enough to hide his fat frame
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>say gg at the end of the game
>nobody talks in chat
I hate europeans, such a bunch of rude cunts.
If it was a bad game I'd tell you. No need to be overly clingy.
All matches have been complete fucking shit today
An overcomplicated rework instead of simply removing the locks like everyone asked is proof enough this new crafting system will be terrible
>wanting to roll the slot machine for good rolls
lmao no fuck you
>european education
>still have to roll the slot machine only now you have to grind with a shit weapon first once you actually get a good roll
It's literally the worst of both worlds.
It's because they reverted the changes they madesome patches ago and aurics are difficult again. Still a walk in the park for good players, but a nightmare for shitters and malice tourists. Nope, you can't get carried anymore buddy.
I don't know, if you remove the locks one good grey sets you for life
>spend millions on rolls
>not a single 370
really, you don't know?
Ok you're baiting I hope
are you slav?
failed to join, should i make?
>turn on mic after a successful auric
>clap loudly
>nobody claps with me
Man fuck you EU retards
Not him but whats your point?
Currently you roll for millions of dockets for one gray and then you have a 70% chance of having to delete it because it didn't roll what you need when upgrading, and you start over.
Under the new system you do it once and thats it. It sucks but it's no different from how in vermintide you have the retard RNG tax in the form of having to click "reroll properties" 80 times until you get AS + crit on your red, after which you're set forever. This is arguably even better than that because you don't need to ever experiment with stat bars and this lets you experiment with perks and blessings freely without spamming rerolls
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>we made the game more difficult
>but we didn't fix the specialists making no sounds
>but we didn't fix the weapon swap bug
>but we didn't fix the stutters
>but we didn't fix the trapper netting you trough walls and roofs
Thanks Sweden
I only clap your mother's cheeks bugerboy
eh you can't fix eurocunts bad behaviour and lack of education, they're learning from they migrants overlords
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Sneaky poxbursters are a feature not a bug
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>when you just know the game will be kino
>far right ogryn
how? is that from a mod?
it's a mod used by the same retards spamming "vaccum capsule", usually they're the first to die far away from the group and alt-f4 because hey realise they're not as good as their idol Telopots
Damn, they really got under your skin, huh?
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uh oh, did I strike a nerve?
it's called for the drip
don't forget the "LE-FUNNY-SEXUAL-NICKNAME"

total kark and ballers death
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Just came back to it and it's quite alright today. But the game needs a lot more masks, mask patterns, colours, textures and what not. You can barely express yourself compared to PD2.
>calls others rude
>calls them cunts
Wow, a game that has a way worse system with less depth than the game that came before it, this has never happened before in gaming.
that one is clientside. There is a non public mod around that lets you do that for others to see. It's gatekept though because if Fatshark gets annoyed they'll fix it.
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Honestly, decided on a whim to grab the gold edition to just test the dlcs. And, I really am not too optimistic about pd3. I'm somewhat more optimistic for their shitty mobile game cashgrab.
no it's for the drip that does that, you just need the basic mod framework stuff to see it I think
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Nope, I rescind this comment seeing as mobile gayday is dead. I wish starbreeze a slow decaying death and hope almir just disappears into the woods
>Tower of treachery final event
>Suddenly people can't fucking aim a barrel down a huge hole
>thunderhammer weapon switch cancels
Could you explain what this was?
No my nigger, for the drip is clientside. If you use shirtless in it nobody else can see it.
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>keep seeing webm posted
>play rockay
>the songs in there
absolute fucking kek
God this image reminds me of how much I hate stealthfags. Being able to fuck them over by not choosing to restart is the best in 3.
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Is darktide still garbage?
it was always garbage
We're full, fuck off.
extremely garbage

>p-please come in my aurics
the guy hwo makes for the drip literally explicitly says it's clientside shirtless and that serverside shirtless is bannable so he's not doing it
I am the guy who makes it
you are a third worlder
no I'm french
>Psyker bubble is already the best skill to take
>So they update to game to make it even better

very cool
is payday 3 good yet?
sorry I prefer venting shriek and kill the gunners with soulblaze instead of staying in a cuck bubble, but you do you
that only supports my claim
The guy who made the mod is Indian
sorry brotherman, didn't see your post; we were full
>that switch from a normal sounding voice to his grating voice
made me laugh out loud
dont listen to all the tards here, they all have 1000 hours in the game, meaning the game is grasping. pick it up, its not bad
Did they fuck up dogs too? They are way more silent
>can't hear shit because of mutants
>make mutants quiet
>now eveything is silent including mutants
Such useless retards
Pick it up now if you want but the game is going to be literally 5x better when the crafting overhaul hits
I don't have anywhere near that number of hours and I know it's still garbage.

On a related note, the recent reviews have dropped to 58%, pretty sure just lower than the lowest the penance update go to.
I know it's the popular thing here to hate on darktide but honestly the super shotgun is amazing and will add at least another 100 hours to my playtime.
there are 1-2 faggots who will genuinely try to suppress all darktide discussion like it's not a great game at its core, dont let them put you off talking about it
question, anyone up for some casual killing floor? probably hard diff on a random ass empty server.
Are you playing zealot with throwing knives?
I need to kill those bombers and snipers man.
no space on harddrive sory
Just run at them and use single shots to stagger/suppress them
it's 3 gigs my man.
time to delete your download history
sorry sorry space low
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Nah, I've been running it on vet since I rolled this. Dealing with shooters is a huge pain though. I imagine pairing it with throwing knives or even assail/BB would work better.
I hate trappers. That is all.
I like trannies. That is all.
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Buy until rating setting

Buy unti :
Auto discard if score lower than:
just schizo cunts, DT is still PEAK coop gameplay the rest is either braindead or dad gamer tier, which is also braindead
You had a small window where you could weapon switch right after hitting to skip the recoil animation. You would still get slown down but it allowed you to chain charged hits much quicker.
playing now


Anyone else excited for Forever Winter? I know it's like so far away but I'm hyped (I also don't play many mainstream games so I'm not burned into cynicism)
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>new map first event
>as soon as it starts, whole team fuck off to each corner of the room and far from the objective
>even lvl 400+ players
I'm tired....
>Did they fuck up dogs too?
ive noticed that even if you push them they dont run away anymore and just sit there
then they pounce again
500 shooters 500 gunners 500 shotgunners 50 ragers 50 maulers 5 snipers and bombers
please understand

thats one area where i can understand people splitting up
Why the fuck would they nerf the crusher
Many red flags
watched a youtuber's video on it where he said he had talked with the devs and such
then he said the setting was basically "what it's like being an indie game dev in the industry"

It was pretty fast, but they should have buffed the damage too
I'll get excited if a playable demo gets released that's fun, why should I give a shit about trailers without gameplay?
Hype is the first step on the road to disappointment.
It's a cool concept. It has my attention more than most other upcoming coop games.
It has potential, but right now that's all it has.
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Do not preorder it for your own sake and please look out for more red flags.
Oh shit it's fucking over
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I'd really like a playtest to feel the jank myself
they have some youtubefag writing up a breakdown of game mechanics, but it's still not done
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More red flags like this?
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yep, that's the biggest red flag i've seen.
ill keep an eye on it but the gameplay so far looks super jank. player movement looks fucked, weird animations. floatly movement
those people look insufferable
thank fuck my spidey-sense tingled when i saw how pretentious the game was and I wasn't wrong
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If you make sure you're connected
The writing's on the wall
But if your mind's neglected
Stumble you might fall
The new map first event is better if you spread out, you have to interact with random pylon thingys, and if you get to them quicker the event goes faster. I think you were the one in the wrong here.
Ideally there's be at least one person on either side of the transformers and at least one person at the platform pulling the lever, but unless you have a premade stack of competent people or luck out on competent pubs who can take care of themselves spread out, spreading out can very rapidly cascade into someone getting downed by a bunch of gunner or rager spawns if they're shit.
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Spent some time playing payday 3 it honestly feels better than the beta and a bit of a smoother payday 2 but something just feels off that I can't put my finger on. Might refund it while I still have an extra hour
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payday 3 only has the gunplay, nothing else
it's embarassing how a knockoff like rockay managed to be better than pd3
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Yeah, the probably is honestly it. Like, I do enjoy the new movement faggotry and gunplay but it feels like such a gratuitous step backwards
Did they do something about that Helldivers 2 community manager who was accusing people of sexual assault? The game is great, but it left an undemocratic taste in my mouth.

And how is GTFO? It looked like the wrong kind of stressful, like oh shit I messed up hammering the screamer and now the party is mad kind of way. I feel like it might not have been my game, but they got rid of what makes it unique? Did they add matchmaking? Any interesting plot tweests? I understand the missions go away so no point in avoiding spoilers.
My dream co-op is one based on Shadowrun, in my imagination you can go quiet, and if you fuck it up you fight off a horde until you can get it quiet again, so it isn't all or nothing. I guess that's what GTFO was going for with the hammers, maybe, but that way you could have stealth guys and armed guys both be useful instead of restarting every time someone alerts the cops. It would strain suspension of disbelief a bit, but no more than the base defenses in P2 "Great job killing those 200 cops guys, I'll make a few calls so they won't remember where your house is."
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Are you for real? The appearance of the developers? That's your deal breaker?
Yes, if a dev team isn't a majority white male or asian male, then it's highly likely the game is highly corporatized or politicized without actually putting out a good quality game.
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>game studio
>cares more about being black-owned
>cares more about diversity
>not a bunch of dudebros coming together to make a good game
meanwhile, the studio behind rockay city
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it is though, anon cut off the image to not show all the white men and asians who are all actually making the game, not the women and black guy in QA and social media positions
Shadowrun but it has shopclicks mechanics (melee and shooting and toughness) with ALL of the races at the disposal, with payday 2's modding system and gtfo's stealth shit
If you do everything properly you never pull the lever.
>Person is quick with interacting with the transformer, Timer proceeds
>Person takes too long interacting with the transformer, you hear a energy cut out, Hadron insults you, when you reinsert the cell, you have to pull the lever
>owned by a black person and being inclusive and diverse being points of pride for the company are red flags to you?
>can't believe you're such chuds
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fun dog studios
>eating out at a restaurant
>eating in at your workplace
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>Look inside
>White people
It seems to be for them since they advertise with it
>happy people having fun together
Now this is the real deal breaker. I do not trust these people to make a good coop game.
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>make game
>hire woman or negro to run the twitter
>infinite good boy points and funding
is it that easy?
by the look on blue shirts face you just know that's that guys 5th bagel
no because then they'll accuse you of any kind of -ism and stirring up shit
Yes, but it will confuse and enrage the room temperature chuds and the culture warriors will spread misinformation about you.
>stealth in payday
>randos fucking up, vote to restart while shitting and crying
>stealth in rockay
>fucks up, everyone goes loud because there is no stealth build
no one knows black worth ethic like black people

Not this
This right here is one of the reasons why im starting to like it more than even payday 2, you can just do the missions and stealthing it normally makes it easier to extract and get payed but if it goes loud it goes loud.
If only they had a deeper skill system or the gadgets had more utility than just one thing. Id love to be able to blow open saw-able gates or doors with the remote explosive or use the camera jammer to hot wire a robot or make it friendly if things went hot.

I really want the game to take off too just because it actually feels like a decent fun game that the devs play and fart around in themselves instead of a shitty cash printer that Dorktide was to Fartshart or Payday 3 is to Starbreeze.
the foundation is there, i'm really hoping that this takes off and the devs don't fuck it up
>black guy in QA and social media positions
you mean the founder and creative director including the art style? dude's an artist that founded a game studio which is a much bigger red flag than his race considering that same scenario led to the clusterfuck of chucklefish.
isn't payday 2 an FPS? stealth sounds like not playing the game
imagine a game studio advertising itself as "white owned"
payday attracts the worst kind of stealth shitters in any game
>update added in 4 new weapons
>"let's play stealth and not use those weapons to shoot enemies"
It's essentially just a different playstyle
aren't half the game mechanics absent if you completely avoid combat?
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>black owned
it's more like imagine a game studio advertising as "female owned". like what they heck they can't do stuff like that lol
Im looking for a niche recommendation, basically helldivers 2 but fantasy.

Ive played everything this general usually talks about, but what I dont see is a fantasy rpg which you can drop in and out of where you get flexibility in builds. Closest is ratclicking but thats largely just clicking.

Is there any niche indies that might fit the bill?
so what do you use the guns on and all the mechanics attached to those if you're not fighting anything?
and armor and damage resistance and all that?
Really it's in the same way that some mechanics aren't relevant if you're going loud
This is fake. You are all so fucking gullible.
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Is this that one guy that had a normal life and suddenly swapped to doing this shit and has like some weird kanye doll?
Magicka by the same developers
Also blight survival isn't remotely close to coming out but you might wanna keep an eye on it
You're describing a roguelike, anon. Almost none of the fantasy melee ones are in first person view, the FPS ones are essentially horde shooters and at this point you might as well just play some good boomer shooters like ultrakill or whatever. Admittedly you're more likely to find coop features in roguelikes.
i've decided the best psyker build is purge staff with venting shriek

Did you really waste that much time making that shit up which is so easily disproved? Talk about insecure vendetta.
trauma staff with the soulblaze blessing do a better job at burning ennemies than the purge staff
Rogues murder your progress so not really. I was looking more for something you continuously progress in and can pkay woth others. I think sadly it just doesnt exist.
hmm unfortunately I've already decided though
I don't know what that reddit post's about
>bro just look at this fake image I made
You have serious issues
I reject your decision
literally google fun dog studios retard
you're weird
you realize the ceo miles williams mentioned is black and the linkedin link at the bottom literally goes to their page calling it black owned right? you can't even do research on your own sources.
I've decided you didn't *staggers you*
*pees in your mouth*
that's what you get for keeping it open, chud.
where is the ethnic representation?!
they're czech which according to /pol/ makes none of them white
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Helldives, bugs as a warmup then on the bots.
kinda like the boltpistol desu famalam
it's close to be really good
eugh dude
>eugh dude
oof yikes
got a slot?
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It's actually getting worse, I'm a little surprised.
I assume they're all pissed either that the truth changed about crafting being the first update after penances or a single map as the first content update in a year.
I assume they're all chinese
why would chinks be angry over a grindy tencent game?
leaving reviews is chinese behavior
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Can I get a QRD on the darktide update?
Why is it back to mixed again?
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didn't included crafting rework, only content in a year was one map and four weapons
>the much anticipated bolt pistol is just a worse revolver
>zealot nerfed
>new map filters shitters hard
>no itemization rework
>itemization rework preview (coming after summer aka in november is so obviously bad only a handful of bootlickers can defend it
it would seem people were expecting something more substantial for this "live service game" than a couple new mediocre weapons and a map with some snow after half a year of fucking nothing
>Coming in november
>It will be a broken mess that requires three months to fix
>Fatshark fucks off and takes their usual 2 months holiday vacation
I told you, the chinese
It was lackluster. Somehow people had hope, now they can't cope.
>Somehow people had hope
Who the fuck expects anything from fatshark at this point?
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fatshark themselves are literally telling everyone to not have hope
Just got done with the day and.....well maybe I did get too hyped, at least I'm not dumb enough to preorder stuff.
If it's important enough to them that they're advertising it front and center then yes.
lol so shitters then got it
>if only Fatshark (the studio name)
what did he mean by this?
steam reviews are to deter buyers, some random retard browsing the steam sale isn't going to know a studio's name
most people in this game are absolute shitters so obviously they'll leave a bad review as soon as the game gets harder
>whaaa whaa I actually have to be careful around ranged ennemies now, whaaa whaaa I used ot be carried in auric and now I actually have to use my brain now whaaa whaaa"
holy fuck the ogryn power maul is actually good now
no it's not
don't tell anyone
uh yeah it is!
boosted stagger
boosted armor piercing
boosted damage
boosted crit chances
reworked atatck pattern
added a new slide attack ala pickaxe

of course it's good now
Once you ruin a certain amount of goodwill, any additions or changes that aren't a total gameplay overhaul are going to be met with backlash even if nothing is really wrong with them. This update would be fine if the game were updated regularly, but 8 months for 1 map and 4 weapons isn't doing any favors. It doesn't help that the promo looks like there's a new class to those who haven't been paying following the game. And to those who have been keeping up, the zealot nerf is exactly what arrowhead got shit for: arbitrary nerfs without buffs to compensate leaving you with less options and less fun.
i just crashed as i was walking to the valkryie. did i just get nothing?
did you not have fun on the way?
No, its horde clear heavy sweeps are slower than it's counterparts and not particularly strong, and it's single target strikedowns are far weaker than other weapons. The only thing it has going for it is being safe and easy to use like the Crusher, but worse, and Ogryn is already the most safe and easy to use class even without it

If you're good enough to get by without needing a stunstick to control hordes for you, the shovel is a straight upgrade. If you're not, you are still better off just using the slab shield
aaaand you're a shitter, confirmed
i dont use the shovel, it's just fundamentally better than the power maul at everything it does other than having a defensive crutch
I've spent 1000 hours doing opioids, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I've spent 1000 hours doing your mom, I recommend it.
brunt special. mk 1.
get out
my baby
dropped it after slap loops got nerfed though
Did the plasma meme get nerfed? I feel like I'm not melting maulers and crushers as easily as I was before
no nerf, just the good old plasma gun
>play GOTTA GO FAST stealth vet
>do objectives within seconds while everyone else is busy fighting
>mission goes like smooth sailing
simple as
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>finally got EDF:IR from the summer sale
my EDF collection is finally complete
Nice. it has some cool vehicles to toy around with.
if you thought grinding out max star weapons was bad wait until you see the grind for AA weapons
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Why are some missions, like this Carnival Warren so juiced?
This was a loss during the vat-smashing part of the final event. Never seen so many elite enemies outside of a maelstrom.

Endless naked ragers, spamming their disjointed hitboxes.
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can't be this bad right?
I think they might have broken the spawn system again. The shit I'm seeing ain't normal
Honestly with auric being hardcore nonstop elite spam it filters the trash players a bit more because even they don't want to sit in spectator mode for 30 minutes
they all involve farming a shitload of specific enemy type kills in the edf that tried to do fewer damage sponges instead of a massive horde of one hit kill trash
I for one welcome the crafting changes. As long as any perk/blessing combination can fit on a maxed weapon. If fatshark pulls some sneaky shit like making some blessings super expensive and forcing you to take lower tiers of other blessings, things are gonna be bad.
they said they would rebalance blessings so even if they do that it could potentially be interesting. i.e. t4 could be stronger than now but exclude other options
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ded general
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if ded general
i will fuck the milf until alive general
gg ez
Yes there should be a /v/ server.
perma pvp
it would be the perfect mess
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Attention all /copeg/ gamers,
fuck sweden
that is all
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very cool indeed, no kei truck-kun tho
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>one (1) map
>half of the new weapons are whatever
>you still have to deal with the games very epic crafting system
This was a thread crossover I was not expecting.
I cant wait for fatshark to take my weapons away and graciously allow me to grind to get a worse version of them back.
Reddit is going to get the difficulty toned down again... is it really that hard to take out your rifle and shoot the gunners?
erm isn't that YOUR job? i play BASED flamer and dab on these poxwalkers
The same people will bitch for a higher difficulty in a year
god I hate reddit
zealot double barrel or vet double barrel
on double barrel stealth vet you have infinite ammo thanks to always prepared it's really good
Can get extra ammo for double barrel spam, can get Agile Engagement and/or Weapon Specialist for melee mixups
Can charge/stealth into gunner lines for a crit
this recon lasgun fun as fuck
Is that a GTA:SA reference?
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>not just blasting a negroid with the autopistol
ngmi sister...
I haven't played with it yet but I can see a lot of synergy in vet's skill tree.
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I want those cute jumping spiders from edf5 back
>3 teammates with auric storm survivor title
>can't look after themselves at all
>Starts falling back and separating whenever there's a fight
yesterday saw a lvl 30 (+5) with the ASS title downed at least 3 times in a game and crying in chat because we were going too fast, this shit means nothing.
Auric survivor title is the new damnation portrait
I personally read "I can't believe I did it! Look!"
wait chocob is really japanese?
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Fucking hilarious. Is that outfit still available?
I've had players falling behind in almost every single match since the update
it's modded, do you really think Fatshark would release a real clown outfit? they're not THAT actively pissing on their playerbase.

Please don't screencap this.
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the striped clown pants are a real cosmetic, the shirt could be from another set and the red double mohawk was in the big cosmetic datamine
at this point I'd prefer that over the bionicle
>the striped clown pants are a real cosmetic
>shirt could be from another set
>the red double mohawk was in the big cosmetic datamine

and the headgear is from a mod, just like the rest.
fastest firing one, dum dum 4, 25% flak damage, focus fire tree, shooter kill refreshes ability, brittleness on hit
At this point I read "I paid a group of 3 people to do this for me" because holy shit when you look at how some of them play, it's not far fetched at all.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
so the striped red and white pants I have on vet don't exist? I'm not saying his exact shit is real I'm saying you absolutely can put together a clown outfit with shit fatshark has given you, probably the shiny jackets.
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Any tips to transition from 'if i go down then everyone goes down and we lose' to being ACTUALLY good?
>Any tips to transition
exactly, they don't exist
Between telopots and tranner lindstein maybe that is the way to go
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only stripped pants released for vets so far, as you can see they don't look liek the clown ones, you're full of shit and a turbo nigger

>uuur duuuur I totally have them on my vet
please kill yourself
Damn, he really triggered you, huh?
nigger those look even clownier
I just hate slav niggers posting here with their low IQ and slav-level of argumentation. Fuck the red double mowhawk is already in game, not a fuckign datamined shit like this retard is pretending
Classic darktide brainrot
thumbnail made me think those were some burlesque striped pantyhose
>clown pants don't exist
>posts clown pants
this isn't the own you think it is
you mean like saying fatshark would never release clown cosmetics then posting official clown cosmetics in order to somehow win an argument by losing it?
> haha I said you are owned so I win!
>slav banter
>proven otherwise

please get drafted in ukraine and die you fucking snownigger
Lol mad faggot. Itty baby boy.
mom and mom are arguing again...
no, it's the faggy darktide leather daddy like usual
>proven otherwise
bro you just posted clown pants
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>act like a retarded slav faggot
>people are mad at you for being more retarded than an african
>"haha so owned you're so mad"

please nuke eastern european countries, anything living east of germany
that's more or less how it works for trauma staff
guys give me some good builds to go with my clown fit. something that really fits the vibe. any class is fine.
of course it's a /k/tranny
Loner knife zealot.
first you need to be born in a shithole full of monkeys like Russia or any eastern european country like Poland
having darktide installed
shout vet with plasma and psword.
that's not a build thoughever
ogryn tank with big grenade
that's not even a life
bro you're mad as fuck
I hate how many penances require me to dump ammo or grenades into hordes of fodder at the first opportunity if I want to complete them before next year's crafting rework.
No really, whats the /coopg/ valheim server info?
I don't think it's up anymore
Headhunter + Infernus
>every auric maelstrom now involves people constantly dropping connection while I try to carry solo
Can the valheimanon share the world file idk if I missed it.
>dealing with 20 gunners
>Ogryn gives me the aggro of the single enemy he has engaged (a crusher) from behind
didnt we have two valheim servers a month ago? what happen to the second one?
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Still yet to clear the illusive 1m, even when everyone else dies
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you just gotta get lucky to get the perfect balance of a mouthbreather team
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I got my first mil on a melee maelstrom. Chaos ogryn's are walking health pools that like to cluster in groups of 8 for easy krak multikills
So Rockay huh? Is campaign worth it? Feel like they got rid of the cutscenes did they?

What should I exactly be doing?
play the campaign to unlock boss (your customizable character) skins and up your player level. Every time you level up you get unlocks

play multiplayer to level up and get money to buy stuff in multiplayer
Has anyone played Abiotic Factor? I am looking for a comfortable co-op game for two players only and I'm wondering if AF is going to be decent with 2 players instead of the maximum 6
2-4 players should be fine, we had a session with 6 and blazed through the game too quickly
imagine a game studio run by swedes
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>no skin of robo ceo chick for the boss
>no skin of the robo goon for the boss
Honestly, such a fucking misstep
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I agree
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buddy is my spirit animal
next update's gonna be in july, more boss skins confirmed
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So uhh darktide has no scoreboard?
yes. And dont let anyone tell you otherwise
You have to manually keep track of your kills.
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$20 for a fucking streef Beef?
>more boss skins
Likely, discount charlies angels shit if I were to hazard a guess.
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>suck me up
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Lol shitter
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>New Map
>Take the upper catwalk because a health booster usually spawns there
>Watch 2 vets rush to get it
>They both get downed by a single crusher
>The Ogryn teammate hits a barrel and goes flying off
>Kill the crusher and help the retards up
>Daemonhost spawns slightly further in
>Ping it several times then ping the alt route
>They look at the ping
>Turn back
>Run into the DH
>Leave match as they get downed
>me unga
>they bunga
>unga better than bunga
>me win
>stay out of my aurochs
this but unironically
about to start Remnant 2 with a friend, which difficulty should we start on?
just be yourself its going to be hard regardless because you dont have stuff, because the losomn can be really awful if you get the beautific palace since it has a bunch of flying enemy and really annoying elites that teleport, nerud is like that too but its much more manageable since its open spaces and they die a lot faster
Alright, cool.
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These are even worse, the real clown here is you you fucking mongoloid.
Shovel with Decimator and and Uncanny Strikes if you want to turn your brain off and left click everything.
Mark VI powersword using push stab into followup strike if you want to feel cool.
I wish it didn't desu, half the players in Auric play for score and it shows.
>half the players in Auric play for score and it shows
i wish they did in my aurics
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>finish a auric damnation mission
>heads hurt from barrage of comms shoutings
>go take my penance
>listening to the soothing voice of sister Prine
Is there any hope for Executioner's Stance? I really want to make it work, while using either Lasgun IA or Vraks Headhunter, but they just can't kill fast enough, and I feel completely powerless against armoured packs. It's just I never even get a space to effectively click enemy shooters, there is always something beating my ass whenever I activate it, so I just end up wasting it.

I don't want to use Plasma or Revolver. And I'm tired of shout builds.
those niggas really made a trailer running at 10 fps

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