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Retardpoopoo is a 2012 RTS game developed by 343 Industries and published by Nintendo. It is the first mainline installment in the HATRED series, following Roblox 5: Revengeance (lol). The game's campaign follows the human faggot Master Cheeks and his fight against a Muslim organization, known as Hamas, on the retard ringworld Fortnite. Unlike previous mainline entries in the series, the multiplayer portion of the game is free-to-pee, and is completely accessible to everyone who has undergone the Bite of '87.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

One Piece is a 1984 dating sim video game developed by THQ and published by Microsoft Lame Studios for the Windows Phone. It was released as a dead game for Google's Ouya candy dispenser on October 7th, 2023. Squid Game is set in the twenty-firth century, with the player assuming the role of the Ugly Tranny, a cybernetically enhanced abomination. The Queef is accompanied by slut, an artificial mental midget. Players battle minorities as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Epstein Island, a ring-shaped Democrat Super PAC.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 25th

gemmy thread
ok this is based
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JAR-5 is the best primary.
When the fuck are the Illuminate getting added? Fucking Swedish retards.
No, it's not.
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this is based
i really don't see the appeal
i guess if you're like below level 10 it might be okay for one of your first guns, but it doesn't really do anything worthwhile

i just tried it again today now that the handling passive works, and it does handle nice but the rockets are so slow and the recoil is so high and the damage is subpar
i do not know what it's supposed to be good for

like on bots, it's a waste of ammo to use it on troopers, and it's also hard to hit them because of the velocity, and it takes a shit ton of shots to take out heavier units
i think it can one shot warriors to the head but that's not really worth the other troubles it has
i actually had an easier time using the scythe
Eagle-1's soles... her feet...
Not for shield devs.
Damage over time is the best feature of any weapon in the game. It really is as simple as that.
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I want to liberate her womb and create a freedom baby in her.
Is the super citizen edition worth it? Does it run well on steam deck?
ok based
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So you guys watching the presidential debate tonight?
Why bother, CNN is just going to spend the whole thing cutting off trump and covering for biden
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Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Nah, debates are pointless, I'll see the funny bits on Twitter later
Holy fuck the bot player counter is embarrassing. Triple digits with one planet barely over 1000
"Look, fat, look."
>implying anyone would even be able to boot the game if they did that
If it was a real debate it would follow actual professional debate rules. As is, its just Jerry Springer/Maury with more steps.
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>professional debate rules
I mean if they did they 99% of politicians would fold like an omelette the second someone brought out the stats.
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>kill host right before extraction
>get kicked
>he doesn't know that i still got rewards because the cutscene started, he just saved me the loading screen
sure it is. pop them in the foot
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Blitzer continuing to be a trash pick.
>but it doesn't really do anything worthwhile
AP3 + 1,145dps
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I begin to grow weary of some bullshit.
mole status: whack'd
I still don't quite understand what pushed me underground to begin with. I've never had a hunter pounce stagger me with enough force to do so, and from so far away at that. The spear backblast maybe?
that's the only thing with the correct timing and behavior, ragdolls get real fucky and get launched into or through terrain with great frequency
>The spear backblast maybe?
Which doesn't even make sense because the javelin has a soft launch system, but like >>483769361 said it's the only thing with the right timing.
If only I could live in such a world.
>actual professional debate rules
As if that would be any better
Squids first? Or Bug/Automaton bosses?
I will content myself gaslighting a little bit with the knowledge that that was my first death of that operation, and as such, the game decided the only way to kill me was to cheat.
How much longer until the game is taken offline from lack of population?
I mean even the hitbox on that charger was bullshit. Typical swiggers
If someone lands on you with their hellpod is it proper etiquette to teamkill them with everything in your arsenal until you're kicked or not
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I'm fucking burned out and I don't even get myself to complete personal orders. Weapons feel like shit and I'm tired of the same biomes and enemies over and over.
Is there any news about the (not Protoss)?
It's good if you aren't a shitter and aim at teammates
I'd rather see a bugbot cyborg fusion.
Shitter detected
>Lobby is private. You do not have permission to join.
The only thing that's shitting is the blitzer as it shits lighting bolts into teammates.
>still not hosting your own games
You deserve all the frustration that comes your way
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Imo they should just get rid of mission modifiers completely or rework them to not be complete aids. There's nothing fun or challenging about having your orbital land at a random spot around the strat beam, it's just obnoxious.
Skill issue. Stop crying already and move on
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You should join my lobby instead.
Gonna start with bugs then move to bots, hopefully.
I don't like waiting for people to join.
shut the fuck up nigger
Take the solo pill
I am incapable of crying. A blitzer user seared my tearducts shut with their poor lifestyle choices.
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Alright I just bought this game and started the download because fatshart and darktide was mid, what am I in for?
Trooper isn't really the major threat in bot and they aren't really mobile so you easily line up the shot for them.
It's just really good against dev, which is what you really worry about. It true stagger them and can kill them quickly even without headshot. If you hit a headshot, then it's a one shot, but I don't really go for it that much unless I'm not getting shot at and have time to line up the shot. Yea, having a kinda difficult time against walker, tank, and tank tower is ita down side but they can still take them down at least. It's one of the best against berserkera though. I say it's equal to scorcher, plasma punisher, erupter, and Pummeler (with ballistic shield) on bot as top 5 primary for bot
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Bug 9
Nevermind, going to this lobby instead >>483773864
I'm logging in.
Failed to join lobby. I assume you filled up. Have a good match.
What fire rate is optimal for you hmg users ? Just tried it vs bots and it fucks
I just do what jesus tells me
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my life for super earth
what is this faggot nerd shit
I think the middle default one is good
it doesn't have a dot

i know it looks good on paper but in practice it just feels like shit

but i can take out a dev with one headshot from the DCS too
most other guns have a faster time to kill and are more versatile
though being able to take a tower out with like i think it was 12 shots or so was nice
i found it to be shit on berzerkers specifically, it takes way too many shots, many of which might miss, and the ammo is so limited and reload time so slow, i had to constantly switch to my revolver to finish off the bots and actually just didnt bother to reload the jar and kept using the revolver because it was much faster

also the stagger wasn't very useful because of how long it takes to take out a dev, almost every time i fired on one, something would have enough time to hit me and throw me off target and the dev would be able to start firing on me
Some good shit
>Trooper isn't really the major threat in bot
Not directly, but they're a priority target because they indirectly are a threat due to the fact that they're the ones that summon the bot drops. Weapons that excel at quickly wiping out groups of troopers can preemptively stop masses of devs from being dropped onto your head.
Yea, you can take dev in one headshot with DCS but in many situations, dev won't let you line up that shot. You can just dump JAR shot into Dev's chest or waist and it will kill them in reasonable time while stagger lock them the whole time. If you miss your dcs shot or take too long to line you the shot, you get shot and get staggered by the dev so you can't no longer line up your shot
Post the rest of the set. I double dog dare you.
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got me lifted shifted higher than the ceiling
and ohh-wee~ it's the ultimate feeling
jump pack got me feeling so TILTED
helldiver how'd you get so fly
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>no discount this summer sale
>meaning devs still have hope for the dogshit
a table that is only useful when considering performance against targets with no more than 1 armour
nah it seems like faggot nerd shit
the damage/mag and damage/all are cute stats, but this information is already available
>faggot nerd
You're calling out yourself KEK
Man, Biden just seems so old and tired. Kinda feel sorry for him. It's fucked up that they're dragging him around like a geriatric puppet.
He won't. He's a pussy.
Two threads and this one seems more proper >>483764447
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Indeed, it also doesn't include a Durable Damage comparison
Incendiary Breaker being #1 for damage per magazine, #1 for damage per total ammo reserve when factoring in fire, and #2 for DPS -- actually #1 if you've hit more than 5 targets in the last 5 seconds -- has got me understanding why it feels so damn good to use against bugs. What a weapon
God, sample limits are bullshit
>What a weapon
HOT a WHAT weaphabhiat
>It's so you don't hoard samples and buy out all the ship upgrades all at once!
>proceed to not release shit to spend anything on for months at a time, all samples collected after that is just down the drain and a waste of effort in collecting them
>live service game btw
good morning I hate sweden
Same. I disagree with Joe, but the dude is basically way too old for this, and I can't help but think of my senile grandpa when I look at him mumblewhispering in the debate while rapidly blinking to wake himself up.
>nuke nursery mission
>hunter/warrior seed
>hunters flush me into group of warriors
>slice slice im dead in .3 seconds
I always underestimated dumbass warriors because they're so slow but these motherfuckers are a pain in the fucking ass on these missions.
>good morning I hate sweden
Me too
Samples are even worse because if you're storing for an upgrade with a higher tier of sample then you get fucked because they're throwing away the lower ones
Don't forget 4x Headshot multiplier, like many of the med armour pen non-support weapons like senator and slugger and the CSs get

With its damage it mostly doesn't really matter unless you're headshotting Brood Commanders, Stalkers, or Spewers, but still

2 shots to any devastator's leg and it's dead. 5 shots centre mass for any rocket or regular Dev and it's dead.

I've used JAR-5 a lot, so I'm quite used to its shenanigans, but my friends tell me they hate its low turn speed and its slow bullet speed. While it's DPS is pretty good, I think on this aspect in particular it's a player preference thing, which sounds like your case here, since you seem to prefer the Senator over the JAR-5

I can barely see helldivers running around to curve to hit them unless it's a high contrast surface like snow, it's probably an accident.
Bugs being melee I think the bubble is almost mandatory
Specially with the hitboxes being so wonky
>been max samples for weeks now
>people do the radar station side objective
>"let's grab every single thing on the map"

Wallahi, I will leave.
>Don't forget 4x Headshot multiplier
there is no such thing for hitting enemy heads
I mean, some people haven't maxed it out
What I don't get is over 25 lvl players still doing side objectives
Requisition ships are given very liberally and you likely already bought everything you wanted
XP is useless because everything is unlocked at your level
What are you grinding for?
Bubble is stupid good for cheesing objectives to the point where if someone brings any other backpack item on bugs it's almost a question of why that than anything else

>Arrow keys? Lol
>Tune artillery? If there's no bile titan, you're good
>Pipe game? Just clear a small radius, it's done
>Bug holes? Who cares, just run into the nest, blow everything up, then punch your way out
I'm not grinding shit nigger I'm playing the game
Meant for >>483781464
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do you know why there are resource caps?
Dps doesn't mean shit when half the enemies have some form of armor or require a stratagem to kill
because swedes are retarded?
Looking at it now, you're right, it's misinformation from months ago when no one knew what durable damage was or what the durable damage of guns were

My bad
There's plenty to do besides that
because if there were no caps you could bank effectively endless amounts of reosurces and when the next bit of content releases unlock it all immediately without playing a single second, then complain there's nothing to unlock and no reason to play
>Collecting SC on the side
>XP grinding for levels and titles
>XP grinding for mission rating
Not everyone wants to play like an OhDough fag
You don't get to dictate what I want to do you whinging cunt
Supposedly since late March the amount of contribution given to liberating a planet is based on the exp you gain at the end of each mission combined, which is why you can sometimes contribute 10 after a diff 9 op and sometimes 24
It's very useful to course correct the bad hitbox and awkward moving
It can also get you killed with the bots, since it may lead newbies into thinking they don't need to reach cover
if there are no resource caps your reason for playing would be to secure more and more resources. this is basic fucking game design, and it's the main reason why the game's population is so fucking cooked.
Seems like the problem is that they're slow to release new content
yeah now instead im only allowed to hang on to a handful of resources for one unlock so I have to slog my way through to all of the new content that sweden decides to drip feed me instead what a bargain
I can enjoy playing the game just fine without needing "the next thing to unlock"
>and no reason to play
Umm...collecting more resources keeps people playing, retard.
Yes I do, faggot
Makes sense
>Terminids are descendants from HD1's Bugs after years of genetic modification and selective breeding by Super Earth
Then how come they're so aggressive? We selectively bred animals to make them more docile so they can be better farmed
well then if you find grinding resources so much fun, when you spent your capped out resources unlocking new shit you should have plenty of fun grinding resources to unlock the rest, and then have even more fun grinding resources all over again to get back up to the cap.
There's also the problem that if they release too many resource sinks too fast any new player wouldn't be able to clear everything without no-lifing the game

It's a balance between catering to 'generic guy who plays for 2 hours after work every other day' and 'John Neet who got 300hrs at the end of February', and a resource cap helps to keep the playerbase within a certain level
>retard doesn't know about liberation rates
And of course you're here telling other people what to do lmao
But grinding is only fun if I keep what I grinded for
The game arbitrarily throwing it away defeats the purpose
presidential debate in the background edition

Grinding? I'm playing the game nigger. I haven't ground for anything for months. Now shut up and pick up those samples because they're there.
>stupid retard think liberation rates count for something
Lmao, I bet you think Joel is great at running the War
Sometimes I also just assume the other randos on my team are still at the 'getting requis' phase or 'getting samples' phase so I'm helping them out a bit, especially if they're already 5 deaths in and not doing well
Keep making excuses for being such a fucking idiot no one is buying it
If there are no resources to collect because they vanish into nothing, then the incentive to play disappears for a massive chunk of players. This is very basic shit, mental midget.
That doesn't make any sense, the content isn't time sensitive, ship upgrades, stratagems aren't meant to be unlocked and played quickly
Regularly adding more wouldn't overwhelm a new player
>Keep making excuses
I guess we've reached the delirium phase where you're so desperate in seeing you'll spout words you don't really know the meaning of
Same reason the TCS didn't work, on purpose.
if you cant line up a shot with the dcs then you definitely cant do it with a jar
i can already clear out 80% of a warbond with 250 medals

i have less reason to play when im just burning away medals and samples when they're at cap
I bought it for $32 on cdkeys and its downloading, I'm a pro at drg so I want to try this out
But you don't need a headshot for JAR. You can just shoot the body and it will stagger lock and kill them fairly quickly
>senile vs retard
>but you don't need to headshot!
you said the jar is good because it can headshot devs
i said the dcs can do that better than the jar
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We're coming home, planetside bros.
i play the game because i enjoy it and not because i want to see number go up
>You can just shoot the body and it will stagger lock and kill them fairly quickly
aka the least efficient way to kill a devastator. If you really can't land the headhsot shoot the leg instead, it's a two-tap with the dominator.
His point was that if you can't line up a headshot either way the JAR still has an out in that shooting the Dev on a non headshot will stagger them and kill them fairly quickly
bugs on gacrux
>i can already clear out 80% of a warbond with 250 medals
No you can't
Sure, that work too
Sometimes the leg is covered by the terrain though and it's a smaller target. You have to hit the same leg twice for the 2 shots right? Many times, you gotta chuck a fast shot at a devas at any place that isn't the shield so you can get that stagger before they start to lock in and spray you down.
It's true, most warbonds take 700 medals to fully clear
>bro D9 is so hard, you're a shitter if you play anything else
>play D9 bots
>everyone is just running away from all enemies because there are too many patrols
>everyone consistently has below 100 kills
VS would btfo tr nigger divers
Since when is 250 80% of 700?
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That's how shitters, especially the ones who are under the "tutorial" of guys like ohdough play.
I have to regularly carry those kind of shitter all the time because they insist on playing d9 despite not being able to deal with a handful of bots.
>bile spewer seed
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It's funny how evac always turns into a complete shitshow with those kinds of players.
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Whats in your wishlist for the game?

Me, I want
>Backpack-fed minigun, somehow attaching supply pack to MG/HMG for no reload required also works
>Sharable strategems, like how HD1 dropped 2 Jump Jets or 2 Frontal Shields
>Allow team reload when your team member is wearing the ammo backpack
>Replace Primary with ballistic shield
>Strategem/weapon upgrades
>The Illuminates
>More difficulty levels, in which you can add
>Stalker Titan
>Shrieker Titan
I was agreeing with you and quoting that guy so he sees it

It was unclear, my apologies
Things I really want are upgrades, some kind of backpack ammo feed for MGs, either it's own additional strat or a completely separate version of each one, and the commando launcher.
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Gg, had fun
I want the weapons to be customizable so I can put a scope on the revolver or a laser sight on it so I can actually aim with it in 1st person with the shield
Ah, got ya. Carry on.
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gg, was a pleasure playing with ye
I'd like to see
>reloading individual weapons for mechs
>space M14 in the marksman rifle category
>default black and yellow light armor with the engineer perk
>m2016 constitution with authentic wood style stock
>light scout walker with semi-open cockpit and dual twinlinked MGs
>weapon customization with default black and yellow skins for all mainline weapons and simple blocky iron sights to replace optics
>liberator penetrator drum mag
>m79 break action grenade launcher primary
>helldivers 1 voice pack so i can sound like a veteran
>hmg turret
>walker with dual hmgs and a pintle mounted mg/stalwart for your buddy
My list
>modifiers that fuck with our stratagems completely replaced (stratagem jammer rework to scramble konami codes would be ok)
>the improved buddy loading you described
>upgrades to duplicate/share support gear like you said
>helmets have option to dynamically adopt the color scheme of armor
>more black and yellow armors
>lots of weapons and support gear simply need more fucking spare magazines
>make our "fifth stratagem" test drive be a random stratagem of the day every day instead of it just being something Joel turns on every other week.
yes i can
maybe you're just mentally deficient

im not interested in clearing the warbonds, there's only ever like 5 actual items i want from any warbond and they cost like 175 medals in total probably but i can get 80% of what i want with 250 because i have to waste that much in order to reach the 3rd page
The laser sight on the verdict is completely misaligned, I just tried it with the ballistic shield and it shot 2 feet to the right of where the laser was pointing.
First person with shield is very weird; do you get strange shield hitbox issues when reloading with the shield in first person as well?
Yep. Biden got cooked in that debate.
>Since when is 250 80% of 700?
He worded it dumb. People largely buy warbonds for the weapons/armor. It doesn't take much more than 250 to actually get the functionally new equipment. Then the rest of the fluff in the warbond is picked up over time since you need something to pour medals into before hitting the cap.

The medal cap is the only reason that I've bought 90% of the warbond armor. We need to be able to designate favorite stratagems/gear and/or save preset loadouts because we're starting to have too many things to sort through.

Which reminds me to reply to this:
>we should be able to save preset loadouts and we should be able to designate our favorite armor/weapons/stratagems.
I haven't bothered trying to use the shield since before they nerfed the pummeler and even then it was really bad so I'm not sure.
Oh, also
>camo/livery patterns that match specific biomes
>seaf firebases that help you out with mech/vehicle repairs and can be given supplies and weapons a la halo
>seaf vehicle depots with non-stratagem vehicles or vehicles in non-helldiver colours (blue and white)
>seaf-themed armour that still keeps the closed helmet look, in keeping with the faceless soldierr vibe
>pelican fire support with 20mm cannon or doorgun
He was so retarded
>I believe politicians shouldn't have any say in what a woman does with her body
>that's why I support bringing back roe v wade
Like really? State two contradictory stances within one paragraph.
thats rough, my guy
if you had stims you could have at least shot down the rest with the AC
He didn't retard, Trump made a lot of retarded points and strawmans
thats just the ballistic shield being broken, try it with any other gun and it's the same
Why the fuck did you just stand in the open instead of taking cover behind the rocks on the left?
he was out of stims, though i agree he could have AC'd at least one or two more
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not per request per se, but this is the clip I was talking about earlier
The absolute delusion, holy fuck, lmao

Dude was mumbling the entire time. Weak and feeble. The entire media establishment is PANICKING right now.
he expected the shield gen relay to stay up, but it got hit by the ragdoll

after that it was a case of "well shit, guess ill stim. Wait, im out. guess ill die"
0 stims with 2 pixels of hp left. They had me, best course of action was to die and respawn elsewhere to help the team.
the rockets do not care if you are behind cover or not
>source: mental midget
>im not interested in clearing the warbonds
>i can already clear out 80% of a warbond
Is Biden posting in this thread?
shooting yourself in the foot with the splash of the scorcher to re-stim is an idea that ive never tried and probably will try
they're flying in the fucking air
cover is not a factor if even just 2 of those things are in the air
clear 80% of what i want, numbnuts

>he looked and sounded so fucking old
>He lost his train of thought so many times.
that's been the case for over 5 years now
super earth is a paradise and the propaganda is just real
no, dude was absolutely great up until the past couple years. that's that presidency does to a fucking 80 year old
still better than mister "a lie with every second word"
It's also why you see me and other divers diving off of ledges all the time. Chip damage to allow us to stim. The scorcher makes it easier to do without a nearby ledge, just make sure to get the angle right. don't aim straight down in light armor. you will probably blow yourself up
They're both kike loving pedophiles
>the game isnt canon, the helldivers are actually elites who rarely die
>random terminids killing families is actually a scene that happens all over the galaxy 'right now', and any random citizen could be next
>this happens with such regularity that an advertisement being made to join the helldivers are a prudent decision
>bile titans can actually get killed by one recoilless to the head and nothing else
>getting covered in bug bile does nothing

might be pretty funny actually
what other propaganda bits being actually fully true would be funny
At this point anything "pedophile" just automatically filters to "based" in my head since everything is pedophilia now. Fictional "pedophilia", "pedophile" drawings, "pedophile" writings, interacting with someone 3 years your senior makes them "literally a pedophile", every single public figure is a "pedophile"
Yeah sure I'll vote for whichever one is MORE of a fucking pedophile at this point. Good. Diddle more kids. I want it.
To add to this: I've literally heard Helldivers be called "an actual pedophile game" because of the "every man, woman, and child over seven" line
>bile titans can actually get killed by one recoilless to the head and nothing else
this is actually true, its just the bug that makes their head ignore damage like 70% of the time
Then maybe you should say that and not assume that the thread lives inside your head and can read your thoughts.
Being called pedo Pete by your son and being friends with Epstein certifies you're a real pedophile, though.
i've tried diving off ledges before, but the time it takes to dive off a ledge versus the time it takes to run the full distance doesnt seem to be worth it

it's like; unless if you get the perfect angle to get thrown by a smoke pod patch _and_ are currently being chased, it's generally not worth it to use them to jump if you're in light armour because the getting-up-from-ragdoll + slow afterwards slows you down just enough so that you would have covered the same distance if you just ran normally

if the scorcher is used, though, theres no ragdolling, so that could save some time
It is mathematically impossible for a single recoilless rifle shot and nothing else to kill a bile titan. The head has 750 HP and the RR only does 650 damage
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Good, that's the one I'm voting for then. The managed democracy in this game is so realistic!
their heads have 750hp and recoilless does 650damage

the explosive 150 damage it does doesn't work because that's ap3 and the head is armor 5

theres no bug here as far as i can see
to be fair I was diving when I shot
I literally don't know what to say, very VERY fucking rarely when i was using the RR because the spear crashed the game, I occasionally one shot a BT right as it spawned, no damage done to it in any other way
I dont doubt your math, but something extra fucky is probably happening with the swede code
i did
no sane person actually buys every single item in a warbond, they clear what they want and move on

it used to be true
i *have* gotten 1 shot headshots with the EAT on titans in the early days of the game but after the first couple weeks i've never seen it done again
i also used to see 1 shots from railcannons all the time but now it takes 2 or even 3 hits

they very obviously do a lot of shit outside of the patch nose
Yeah, post your basedjaks. Show me the other fucker is a bigger pedophile and I'll switch on the fly, faggot. Otherwise, cope
>no sane person actually buys every single item in a warbond
Trolling or trtard?
i think you may be both
Trolling then
Thanks for not wasting anymore of my time
Man it sure would be nice if the game would DROP SOME FUCKING SUPER CREDITS FROM TIME TO TIME
you can still get inconsistent 1-shots from railcannons if you aim for it to hit while the bile titan is rearing up to spray bile, that happens when it gets headshot by the railcannon

railcannon also leaves it low enough that you can impact nade its open back once and itll die, so i expect that if someone busted its armor 1 sacs open it should have low enough health that a railcannon would seem to 1-shot it as well

also ive cleared out everything in every warbond; there's nothing else to spend medals on. I've been capped on medals since like a week after the previous warbond was released, it's not that hard with diff 9 ops all giving a total of like 33 medals each.
>to be fair I was diving when I shot
you would have to add 38 meters per second to your velocity to add the 101 damage necessary, not taking into account the velocity lost over travel distance, so even more extra velocity is needed.

The PS5 host bug applied to more than just the railgun. Every single support weapon was doing extra damage to bile titans If you ever one shot it you were on a PS5 host.

>i also used to see 1 shots from railcannons all the time but now it takes 2 or even 3 hits
the orbital railcannon only one-shots them if it hits their head, which means they have to be facing towards your ship
They're low enough that you can take cover behind tall enough rocks, like the one next to him.
Oh, no, don't try to get chip damage in for stims while being chased. That's what the enemies are for. If I'm diving off a ledge to to do self damage it's for long distance travel to get to an objective in a relatively safe area.
My MO is usually to dive, take chip damage, go back to normal walking pace until my stamina is refilled, then start sprinting until depletion, stim, back to full (speed boost from the new booster or otherwise). This is of course, as you said, without using the self damage with the scorcher or any other equivalent.
As for time lost vs. gained with this whole thing, especially in light armor, I'll admit, I'm just assuming I'm gaining time. I haven't run any standardized tests whatsoever, so I don't know for certain if the time gained by stimming back to full stamina is balanced out of even diminished by the ragdoll. Which I would think especially relevant to me since I run exclusively light armor.
The only counterpoint I have is that if I don't stim in an attempt to cover distances, I at least have some chip damage dealt so that when I encounter the next patrol or objective with enemies, I can stim and use the regen to my advantage.
ive seen a titan take a railcannon directly to center mass, and have a 500kg or a precision strike land at its feet, and it still keeps going until someone drops a third of either strike on it
about a month ago a railcannon would only ever fail to oneshot maybe 15% of the time, and a 500kg or a couple shots from the eruptor would be enough to finish it off

if you've cleared out every warbond then you're not a sane person; you play the game more than sane people do

odd that you would call yourself out as a troll

you 100% have not had to deal with gunships ever if you believe this
it takes them like 3 seconds to coordinate their pathing to completely surround you making any cover completely useless

most of the one shots are when i, or a friend was hosting, on pc
Also, maybe it's stupid, but I liked this finale. Too long to make a webm of however.
>want to buy the game at sale
>there's no sale
LMFAOOOOOO see ya then.
Terminids have the same relationship with SE as the US does with Mexican cartels. They are perfectly able to remove them if needed but keeping them is more profitable. Bugs provide oil while the cartels provide drug money for the US government.
>he wants to dismantle "democracy"
I wish
How do you do those slides. they're neat
the legs of the bile titan have stupid amounts of health, so if the precision strike doesn't land on the top, you may as well not count it

500kg hitbox is wonky sometimes, and can get blocked by random bits of terrain

i've played the game since release as a leisure activity

unless you're telling me you dont get weekends where you can just chill and play a game for half the day, and that you dont have leisure time on weekdays
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>>most of the one shots are when i, or a friend was hosting, on pc
was it only you two or were you joining/open to public games? lobby host isn't network host. if any random on the PS5 joined you chances are extremely high it will migrate the network host to them.

You either unknowingly were on a PS5 host or some other interaction that you didn't see or notice or could even tell was happening happened to weaken the bile titan beforehand. The amount of health the bile titan head has, or the amount of damage EATs/RR shots do has not changed.
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What slides?
Nah, he's right. You should take cover again gunships. If you can hide from shot from just 2 gunships, you can isolate out the other 1-2 to quickly shoot them down before they fire or dodge their rockets
While sprinting hit the crouch buttons, simple as
3:33 does a cool slide
>it takes them like 3 seconds to coordinate their pathing to completely surround you making any cover completely useless
You sound like you have difficulty visualizing things in 3D and imaging the apple in your mind's eye.
>it takes them like 3 seconds coordinate their pathing to completely surround
That's an eternity in a game like this. Those 3 seconds that would have given you time to win that fight instead of giving up and dying in the open. By blocking LOS from some you can whittle down the numbers while minimizing the number of threats to you.
yeah haha it's not like we had a violent riot at the white house or anything where people were going to gun down heads of state or anything crazy like that lmfao
Super Earth's democracy is going strong!
A1 is such a bro
Like the other guys said, its just sprint, then whatever your crouch button is bound to.
I couldn't tell you what the exact timing to get the most out of it is, or if its even useful at all, I can't recall a single time it's saved me from death, but that's how it's done.
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forget the minigun, I crave violence
I bought it at cdkeys.com for $30, the sites legit and its downloading for me rn
80% of the time it was private
i have a clip somewhere of when i killed one of my first titans and it was a one shot headshot with an EAT with just one friend on pc

i'm an adult so i no longer spend entire days playing games, or at least not one single game
most people do not spend that much time on games

no, he's wrong
there was zero chance he would survive trying to go for cover in the position he was in
it was already too late
if he could get to cover he'd maybe have the chance to kill 1 gunship, at most, before the rest completely surround every angle and ragdoll lock him to death
Retard, he isn't in cover because he threw a shield generator down. It got crushed by the gunship.
I swear to god you fucking retards
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i read this as "Jar 6" for a moment and i was like "damn, a fast-firing Jar-5?"

some people sit around watching tv in their free time
some people sit around playing FIFA or NBA in their free time
some people go out and play sports in their free time
some people netflix in their free time
some people hang out in MMOs in their free time
some people helldivers in their free time
some people have kids so they have no free time

my point is clearing warbonds 100% is not exactly what one would call 'insane', you barely need a few dozen hours of mission time to do that for the main one with 10 pages
>activate windows
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Post your high scores
i mean his first mistake was staying there instead of moving further to the west, then letting the gunship he had downed blow up on him. putting a little more distance between him and the gunships would have given him enough cover to shoot back and down at least one more with halfway decent aim, reload, and try for the remainder. they're not terribly accurate, moving just a little bit transversal to them causes them to miss most shots unless they get really lucky. the worst case scenario and what would be really hard to dodge would be two firing rockets slightly staggered from each other.
my windows is totally bugged and doesnt accept keys totally not stolen from keygens
Fuck it, I'll do a whole autistic after action report writeup inspired by your comment.

00:22 - R4 Spearing high priority Hulk target, allowing the HMG to focus fire on medium chaff targets to reduce volume of incoming fire.
01:29 - D3 and L2 throw red bombardment strategies at the same location.
01:52 A1 showing the full capability of team load mechanics.
In general, L2 focus firing on targets the the HMG is focusing to accentuate damage to medium enemy targets and eliminate them on a bot by bot basis, so potential counter damage from enemies is lessened faster.
02:32 D3 returns the team load in kind, albeit for less time.
03:02 R4 again comes in with a spear assist.
03:04 Second HMG nest is dropped. Four barrels at 150 rounds apiece sending lead downrange. Need more be said?
03:22 R4 again with the spear. Target is not killed, but they were on the ball reaction time wise.
The only negative comment from me D3[/spoiler} is the mortar striking me and causing me to panic, which is a personal skill issue since mortars are great on bots and berserkers are the exception to that rule.
all of those people that those things for the extended periods of time you're talking about, are not sane people
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>get killed at extract
>host drops reinforcement beacon
>because the extract is surrounded by bug mountains I can't steer the hellpod at all and just drop straight down
>land on the host and kill him with hellpod
genocide sweden when?
>While sprinting hit the crouch buttons, simple as
All these doods telling me how I should have reacted and what pixel to stand on the fight the gunships and what direction to piss into the wind to counter their splash damage gotta remember that I was fighting them six beers in.
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you fucking omegachad
i mean, i fully understand in the moment sometimes you just say "fuck it" anyways. my number one thing with them is creating enough space i can get solid cover though, hence moving west.
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you're welcome, retard
what’s the repo called?
Filename aside, that's what I was hoping the buddle shield coulda been for. But yes, in hindsight, I should have dove off the cliff to the northwest and been killed by the fall damage.
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>better at fighting games like elden ring with controller
>better at fps ganes with mouse keyboard
But this is a third person shooter with fps aim down sights, am I gonna suck? I ordered a steam deck dock that was supposed to be here today and got delayed till tomorrow
nah, at the beginning instead of when it was already basically fucked. that was all aimed at the other guy who was claiming you were just doomed anyways though, i've been in similar situations and managed to pull it out, and i have confidence you could have too if you were less inebriated.
don't remember, probably this one
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That day, the Helldivers got a grim reminder...
based, thanks
Using steam deck for this game will leave you hard stuck at shitter difficulties. Just use KBM like a civilized person.
most people seem to agree that being able to whip around quickly with a mouse is a big advantage in hd2
>bile titan
>500kg eaten by a tree in the distance
>railcannon proceeds to shoot a thick stump thats 300 stories high and survives
>a twig intercepts my RR shot
dogshit world
the more accurate movement you get from an analog stick isn't a very big factor in a game where you're aiming at small fiddly weakpoints to kill things ten times faster
it could be fun if enough damage would knock down the trees and have them fall onto things and kill them

until, of course, it falls onto someone carrying the SSSD and you cant reach it until the tree despawns in like a minute
Arguments can be made that the truly optimal way to play is to use mouse+controller where you use the mouse to aim but the controller to move. The advantage of keyboards isn't in that it provides superior movement controls but instead in that it provides us an abundance of keybindings where controllers are bound to bullshit like sub-menus, conditional inputs, or mapping inputs to bullshit like double taps or tap and holds.
Ah, I get you. After the first explosion that took out the shield array, exit left and continue fighting, instead of drunkenly stumbling toward the HMG as it deployed so the dropship's secondary explosion could fuck me up in the hopes I could use the HMG to take out the other ships. I think you're right then.
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helldivers bros.... we dont have any excuse now to stop the LGBQT+ capes.... its all ogre...
Holy based
They need to fix its blast
I'm getting hit beneath the thing at an impossible angle
Unless the bile titan killed JFK, this is bullshit
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>expecting swedes not to be faggots
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holy dead game kek
also, since when was the heat+quakes biome in
The game is already $40, kiddo.
>"hurr durr, pay premiums for your video games! what are you, a pirate?"
fucking tourists kill yourselves
not him, but premium is 60-70
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I kinda wanna get it to get it to appropriately fight in the cold but the extra padding effect does nothing for me
premium is money, retard. a game that costs more than 15 dollars isn't seeing a cent from me, that's insanity. it's literally a download
I don't think you know what premium means
realistically with how much the helldivers run around, they should probably be wearing the viper commando armors even in snow planets
and maybe some light armors for the more icy ones
anon.... you shouldn't exposed yourself to be a shut in who never go out and exercise that badly.
That's true
Even on subzero temperatures, less than an hour of cold exposure with constant cardio won't probably even feel chilly
Who the fuck would ever want to exercise? Just eat like a hen and you're good. There's no need to be fucking masochist.
That's not really how this works
Yeah, physical activity will warm you up and you're bound to sweat even if it's cold, but you're still exposed to the elements
When the frozen wind hits, you want to be under as many layers as possible
not to mention sweating in cold weather only increases the risk of frostbite or hypothermia as it creates moisture next to your skin which will get very cold once you are no longer doing the activity that made you sweat.
Yeah, that too
But I do want some environmental armor, but the effort is pretty eh and I don't like any of the polar patriots armor either
if you've ever actually ran outside in the cold you'd know how right i am

one layer at most if wind is an issue
but you need to be exposed to the elements to some extent if you're exerting yourself that much
and you should only be sweating if you're wearing too many layers

if i'm going for a walk in like 20 degrees i can't wear anything more than a longsleeve shirt as i begin to overheat after about a mile and have to take everything off so that my skin is bare for a few minutes
but i must admit, i am built different
i used to run at night in the cold and it did get hot
nah thats wrong
He's probably a gacha kid who thinks you're either an F2P or 'premium'
Yeah bro, you keep shouting from the rooftops about how you love pedophilia.
Since ever? Ustotu was available for months
Anon stop comparing going for walks in a western country in the winter to a fucking ICE PLANET.
What booster makes you move better in sandstorms and blizzards?
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rip in piece
Is there any reason to use any other gun on bugs except for Breaker Incendiary? I tried the punisher plasma and it's good but on the off chance you get shriekers, or spitter/scavenger swarms, or even stalkers at a distance the BI is peak strategic dominance.

I'm stuck using it. I like it but I want to try other guns, they just fucking suck for swarms.
>it's a teammate starting a nuclear drill in middle of a sandstorm alone AGAIN so everyone get fucked over fighting the bugs in sandstorm
que the fuck anon
I can't tell if you're the one starting the objective alone because your team is shitting around or you're the team fighting off a horde because of some well meaning but misled fool
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the amount of cardio and lifting the helldivers do every mission is a shit ton more advanced in line with the potentially much colder planet compared to the less strenuous real life activities and less cold environment; it is a fair comparison
but i know the planets can't be that cold because the bots have no problems freezing up and the helldivers don't suffer much either

silence, nigger
whites are talking
Up for a game, anyone willing to make a lobby?
Dumb question, but does anyone know if the laser guard dog is affected by hot/cold planets in regards to its heat-up time?
unlike the handheld weapon it fires continuously so long it has targets so i'd say its not affected in the slightest
Muscle enhancement works on all slows
Source: rumours I never bothered to confirm
It's usually one guy bump rush the obj, start the drill in middle of sandstorm by himself before everyone set up, so by the time teammates get there, it's already overran while the storm is raging
Eruptor to clear every single bug nest solo without having to consume entire supply and ammo piles to fully refill (nade pistol) or sometimes without even stepping into the nest (shot flies straight rather than arcing, autoexplodes at ~120m). Added benefit of being able to quickly clear eggs, especially if you toss an impact nade between every shot.

Pummeller for being able to stun dudes (especially stalkers and hunters in the middle of junping) and being able to fire behind while running (underrated)

I use the Gatling sentry to clear chaff, which has the added benefit of pulling aggro so you can make your getaway easier. Also, it's great for clearing shriekers.
I use eruptor/dominator to save the incen breaker fags from getting overrun with the medium armor, especially on spewer seeds.
I can do fine even against hunters because I'm good at handling those guns. I usually run a lot of clearing support back up like flamethrower/arc/GL anyway. Even when i run AT, if i just use napalm airstrike and constantly apply fire over the breach, the hunters get fucked anyway
Maybe try bringing anti-swarm gems?
The worst part about fighting the bots in this game is that when you are laying down under fire and then you get ragdolled ever so slightly so you stand up directly in the line of fire and get eviscerated.
why not the crossbow?
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I like the eruptor as it is now, but it sometimes taking three shots to kill bile spewers or 2-3 shots for devastators feels fucking awful. I wish it killed regular spewers in 1 headshot, armored spewers CONSISTENTLY in 2 headshots, and devs in 1 body shot to a weak joint (or their waist). Still, I've been really enjoying it with the weapon handling armor, medium pen machine gun, and laser rover. Bushwhacker does SO much heavy lifting on this loadout on bugs, I love it. Totally covers your butt with Shriekers and Stalkers, and 1HKOs every small mob.
no shrapnel
Did swedes fix peak physique? Is it good?
good for bug especially for many weapons with bad handling due to how close the fights are and how much you need to swing and turn quickly target to target.
Not that great on bot but can be a good QoL.
Its good with some weapons, better than fortified in some cases.
It can't even one shot brood commanders. It's shit.
Very, love it so far
I don't care about bugs
Does it unfuck countersniper and dominator?
And what about melee damage. It didn't work either but they don't mention it in patchnotes
It's very good with many weapons, biggest improvements are to support weapons though. Primaries do feel better but not to the same extent as machine guns, autocannon, and so on.
I mean I'm fine with using both of those weapons without it. If the handling is a deal breaker for you then physical peak would really help with those weapons.
I just rather have fortified or engineer on bot beccause i value more accuracy while crouching more.
>HMG emplacement drops as bile titan emerging from the ground
There's goes my 3 mins cool down
>biggest improvements are to support weapons though
Why? All support weapons have better handling than cs and dominator by default. Did swedes lie again and it reduces recoil instead of improving handling?
he doesn't drop a 500 kg/orbitail precision to kill the titan first.
Enemies don't often target an empty hmg emplacement muich so you can leave it to steer enemies anyway then come back to it later
I only used the crossbow back when it was released and the arc was horrendous

I heard they increased the bolt speed, which allowed for better shooting, but I haven't really used the changed version to comment on it. If the arc is bearable for you, then go for it, but I'd stick to my smooth-brain bullet-doesnt-drop explosive shots
devastator only take 3 shots if you hit the shield of heavy dev. Being able to stagger lock dev until the next consecutive shot is just reliable anyway. Bile spewer is tough for most primary, even med pen ones. Eruptor still deal with them better than most primary out there. I would rely on having a good support to clear them on top of the eruptor.
Honestly, it is pretty good for a primary right now. Vanilla eruptor was straight up almost better than many support weapons lol.
Impact nades used to consistently one-shot spewers, now its very inconsistent

It's also 2 for the eruptor on their asses, or below their faces, which is bearable, but that number is inconsistent, many times needing 3.

Agreed on Bushwhacker, I used to run Redeemer, but always ran out of ammo. Now it's basically a Punisher (regular) Lite in my back pocket.
.gg it is then
Do you care? It looks cool
>It looks cool
not really
There is nothing new, wake me up when something comes
>drop with 3 dudes, 4 reinforce left, no objective done
>Retrieve valuable data mission
>Do the generator
>Prepare Hard drive
>Grab the HD and go to the objective
>Put pointer on it too, to be sure for noobs; didn't checked lvl
>2 Dumbass teammate shoot me 90% on the way and bring back the HD next to the fucking box where it was
>checked lvl : 51 and 56 if i recall correctly
> Those retards don't understand you have to bring it to the relay even if it's not marked orange.
>They ragequit thinking the mission is bugged
>Have to bring it back again with 2 reinforce
>Do it with the other dude who stayed
>Finish the mission and extract, formal salute the dude and quit the game

You would assume that at lvl50, those guys would know how this fucking work. Fuck them, at this lvl you should know how to do the mission. Worst of all, this is not the first time it happened to me but at least it was with lvl20 newborns, so i kind of expect them to be stupid.

Am i the only this happen ?
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>devastator only take 3 shots if you hit the shield of heavy dev. Being able to stagger lock dev until the next consecutive shot is just reliable anyway
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>giga patch dropped
>the game becomes stable
>no more doomposts ITT
>thread quality decrease significantly
I unironically wish Alexus would chimp out again and go full autism with his nerfing so I can enjoy the shit storms again

- More biomes (put down a new supercolony and make a jungle world even for bots, would be a good idea. Also a machine world for bots obviously. This alone would give more variety in the game) continental forest, grasslands, savana etc... more biomes would make the game far better than now. Having access to more variety is essential.
- More varied maps, and create new buildings and put them around with the old ones
- More melee weapons
- Belt Fed Gatling
- Plasma Cannon
- New Vehicles
- New Drones
- New Laser Strategems
- Alive SEAF soldiers around maps for create battles and actually create the galactic war feel, possibility to help them and complete a secondary objective
- SEAF missions like protecting a mega fort, or conquering a place allowing to see a large battle and fight side by side with the SEAF
- More voice lines. At least a dozen more, even specific ones that are planet related or enemy related.
- Either one hand carrying a super earth flag or on the backpack like a samurai
- Possibility to change color of all equipment, weapons, armors, vehicles to hell diver black and yellow.
- More icons, communications and so on the super destroyer and galactic map. Its retarded to remind people through messages of training SEAF facilities, put an icon on those fucking worlds instead of the facilities presence. Same for stuff like terminids farms or Kwem In mech factories and so on, or Mars having hell divers training facilities. So easy to do.
- Put some lore texts on each world, absolute lazy swedes. Extremely easy stupid content to make.
- Use that fucking bureau terminal what the fuck is there for.
- New and old enemies from HD1 (cyborgs). New enemies could be bot bikers and small drones for example, and a stealth bot. For bugs maybe some slow larvae that try to attach on us for slowly feed on our body and medium size spider-like terminids that shoot webs from a far. And a bigger terminid flyer.
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What the fuck is this OP lmao
Anyone whos at mid level 40s to 50s has the potential to be some dude who is playing the game against after months of giving it a break since its around where the level cap was back then.
Its definitely the level where ive seen people cluster bomb chargers like its a smart idea.
In their defence the mission is incredibly poorly designed to begin with. Needing someone to sprint across what can sometimes be the entire map, with no visual indication that its correct aside from the text is stupid as fuck.
>6+ seconds on target to kill 1 (one) devastator
If I wanted to do that and have way more flexibility, I'd just use the PP. Eruptor needs more direct damage for mediums.
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>jammer and heavy nest right next to extraction
>berserker seed
This game can be such bullshit sometimes. This wasn't even remotely fun to deal with, it's literally just what people say bugs are (shift + w) except you can't even use stratagems to make it quicker.
They seriously need to implement some kind of game director AI.
>t. girly man
>diving pandium next
I hate the nuked planets
Everything looks like shit and the fog sucks
If I could choose, I'd just fight and snow and ireland planets
Yeah AH could do something about the visual because it's annoying as fuck.
Also, i do understand some might comeback from a long break but come on, they should already know that clusterbomb don't do shit to chargers. Same with the airbust rocket launcher, i've saw people shooting at titan or just teamkilling their teammates with it. Like, ok, you can experiment but don't be a fucking retard and shoot nest to your mates.
plasma punisher takes about the same time to kill devastator as eruptor. It takes like 4-5, sometimes even 6 shots to kill a devastator with plasma punisher lol.
Erupter has way more flexibility compared to plasma punisher.
no lol, the PP is more flexible because it can handle troopers and scout striders better as well as doing the same against devastators, while firing faster and keeping enemies staggered more effectively so they're not shooting back.
Girly men look better in every concievable way, it's why their stereotypical thing is fashion, retard-kun
nah, you can run a side arm like verdict or senator to kill troopers with eruptor. Meanwhile, you might have to run grenade pistol with plasma punisher if you aren't running auto cannon or airburst cannon for fab.
Eruptor kill scout in one shot while PP does it in 2, so that's about equal.
PP can stagger more than 1 enemy if you alternate between them due to fire rate for sure, but since it take like 4-5 shots out of 8 shots of PP to kill a devas, sometimes you run out and have to reload. Eruptor can still stagger long enough for the next shot in the cycle to continue the stagger. it take 2/5 shots to a devas so you do get more value per mag with eruptor. PP does have faster reload though, especially if you don't tact reload with eruptor (which you should)
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>21K rewards 45 Lib
dead as fuck jesus
and swedes are still on fucking rolling holiday
no i dont think so
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lobby doko?
no lobby until you join the discord and thank the mods for their service
You definitely wouldn't want to be exposed to the elements on a snow planet. Yes your body is going to be warm but you're going to be covered in snow which is going to melt directly on your warm skin and then re-freeze and crystallize and whatnot. When I did my conscription I spent 2 weeks in about -32c average temperature almost constantly running, shooting, diving, crawling and whatnot and yeah I got so hot that I even sweat but if I so much as rolled up my sleeves my arms were going to be bright red, sore and on fast track to amputation, no matter how much I moved.
Is this real?
ok weeb
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>t. shut in white nerd with armchair theories
will botdivers ever quick bitchin
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Bitching about berserker seeds as well which is arguably the easiest bot seed
>he didn't just clear the jammer and heavy base before extraction
Damn anon, what are you doing ????
>always posting playercount during the time all the americans and europeans is asleep
what are you even trying to prove pajeet?
but I live in europe
This used to be Game of the Year material right here. Now, 5 months later, it's a ghost town.
why would posting peak playercount be any more indicative of the game's health than the lowest playercount?
whoa Pilestedt posting in tha general
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here's your patch notes anon

>we realized that Incendiary Breaker was stronger than regular Breaker, this was not our intention and as such Incendiary Breaker magazine size reduced to 12 shots
>we realized the Sickle was overperforming and overshadowing the Scythe, as such its damage per shot has been halved to bring its DPS in line with other energy weapons
>Grenade Pistol demolition value reduced to 15, this will prevent it from destroying Bug Holes and Fabricators and allow the Crossbow and Eruptor to shine
>Stun Grenades now have only AP3 and cannot affect Hulks and Chargers, this was too strong
>fixed a bug where Charger legs were affected by Flamethrowers even while fully armored
>(undocumented until a redditor discovers it: gunship thrusters have AV5 now)
okay cuck
ok tranny
please no, this seems too real

the real meta builds is to infer through the patches what the devs prefer to use because they don't get nerfed
Where do you think we are, retard, your favorite subreddit le donaldo where we fight basket-weavers? It's not like this is a basket-weaving forum or anything
>inb4 "stuck in 2004" as if that doesn't make you the disgusting tourist
somehow this doesn’t seem too far-fetched

if they implement even one of these i am uninstalling

ill eat shit but not that much shit
how about you weave some bitches on your dick, virgin
ok tranny
you love shitting up generals for your politicized schizophrenia, do you faggot?
ummm lobby?
make another.
nah, I'm the reason it's full
you sound upset
>giga patch dropped
>game becomes stable
Are you joking or what? Game crashes and infinite loading screen glitches, or breaks quickplay requiring file verification all the time since that patch
listen chud they worked really hard on it and unless you can make a better game I suggest you keep your thots to yourself
you sound like a cuck
Struck a nerve while dilating, troonoid?
You're spending your life on a basket weaving image board waging an e-war about anime "for your country" lmfao
>cuck this cuck that
fluteposter is that you
>Then how come they're so aggressive?
The analytics show that making terminids feral and "accidentally" allowing them gorge on colonial civilian populace is almost two orders of magnitude cheaper than breeding and growing them in a controlled environment staffed by professionals.

And that's even before considering how much more cost-effective Helldivers are at harvesting ready E-710 and the free bonus of a fearmongering threat on top.
>unaware of surroundings, forgets who he's speaking do
Biden, is that you? You know it's Joever, right?
so you are a transsexual then?
That's the neat part. I just have to call you the willful eunuch that you are and suddenly your schizoid brain thinks I'm waging a war against you. No. You are just being given your dosage of reality.
Fuck no, but goodness knows that won't stop you from screeching about them non-stop. So you are a mindrotten tourist then?
Okay, tran-pa, let's get you to bed.
nah, retard
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>still can't take both mechs
It's not fair. I just want to fight in a mech for the whole match.
Flamethrower + napalm strike + orbital gas + EAT (for BT's?)
Warcrimemaxxing. Tho what to replace the last one with?
Okay tranny
why don’t you make your own game with as many mechs as you want? AH made a game with just one at a time and now they have to take rolling vacations

not so easy is it?
stop saying tranny!
shut the fuck up troon, kill yourself
I'm not a troon I am a man, with a penis!
if you say so transfaggot
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leave me alone!
Seethe more, Pablo.
And activate your Windows.
how about you activate deez nuts
post another lobby
there was a crash
>Second time in a row I've had an infinite loading screen.
Arrowhead are so fucking trash.
You might as well do it now because no way is the incendiary breaker going to overshadow literally every other primary forever.
if you put an ac sentry down and it fires at a bunch of things in a similar direction, the bullet casings will make a small pile

you can also kick them around for fun
how do i post one
Theres also a frequent glitch where the AC turret will have a shell stick in midair onto the top of turret and just stay there making it look stupid
>no cluster strike
my brother in god cluster munitions are outlawed even IRL
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thank you xir
How much of a pleb am I for liking the base Liberator the most of all ARs?
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hey did you know weapons dropped by a person wearing the peak physique perk retain the handling buff
do with that information what you will
Not a pleb at all, it's a solid workhorse and fun to use. You'd objectively be better off using the Sickle, but that's not because the base Liberator is bad, it's just because the Sickle is stupidly good.
t. another Liberator user
I just can't get used to the Sickles delay before it starts shooting
Fucking swedes lmao.
you have to turn on Sicko mode
It's a solid choice and anybody who genuinely thinks it's trash tier is a metaslave who's going to rope when the incel breaker gets nerfed. Yes there are better choices than the lib, notably the sickle as >>483838586 mentions, but I just don't care for it.
>going to rope
more like
be relieved that they can move on to something different that has become the current meta
>More ways to spend currency (Research station for enemies, Req slips -> Super credits, Buying temporary stratagem slots with medals.
>Vehicle module in the ship so mechs get the buffs they need
>Enemy unit modifiers, that tell us before the mission what type of enemies to expect on the ground
>More AA stratagems, not support weapons.
>More buffs to underpowered primaries (lib pen, lib conc, Purifier)
>Adjustment to grenades with fuse times to make them better to impacts in some aspects
>Rework the laser canon to have an alternate firing mode that fires out a quaesar canon shot at the cost of a battery pack and lengthy reload
>Rework airburst rocket to deal more damage and have better proximity
>Major orders that reward super credits
>More biomes and mission types
>Difficulties over 9
>hadn't played since Tuesday patch
>Do a couple ops with buddies last night
>Remember after the first few missions that they fixed peak physique
>Switch to muscle suit

Holy shit, this kind of dumpsters the recoil armors doesn't it.
>fuse times
I genuinely have no idea how they can make timed grenades competitive with impact besides "can destroy factories/bug holes". Everything you could change would feel arbitrary.
only primaries or support weapons too?
does it apply when you call them or when you actually hold them in hands?
does that mean new meta is one person being a support slave and everyone else running red/green stratagems?
>only primaries or support weapons too?
>does it apply when you call them or when you actually hold them in hands?
the latter I believe as they're tied to your char
which is why if you picked up someone else's support weapon when SPM was working it wouldn't refill the backpack completely
does that mean new meta is one person being a >support slave and everyone else running red/green stratagems?
it's not that big of a deal honestly but if you want to be a complete metaslave, yeah
Impacts can destroy holes too they're just significantly more irritating to do so than fused grenades.
If it was recoil by itself, yes. But the explosion resistance of fortified is a much better stat than the hand-to-hand, which is only helpful a few times per mission on low tier bugs.
just make fused grenades do twice the damage of impacts
>if you've ever actually ran outside in the cold you'd know how right i am
Anon there's a massive fucking difference between cold temperatures in whatever country you're from and a fucking ice planet. Post a video of you going for a jog in Antarctica with your running gear and let's see how long it takes for you to freeze to death.
So a peak diver can just pick up and drop every weapon he finds and the weapons are perma-buffed?
The only grenade you might want to keep a fuse on would be frags for airburst shrapnel but there is no point because the shrapnel will refuse to go downwards and even then i am not even sure if it is worth it to try to airburst even if it was not the case
now I'm not sure, but if it works like SPM, then the buff won't apply to someone else's/OSP weapons at all
unless they broke the broken thing again and provided the peak physiquedivers with a midas' touch
Right, I was just making a hypothetical. The fact they can do everything a fused can do right now is even worse.

You could, but that would be completely arbitrary.
>You could, but that would be completely arbitrary.
yes and no
just make impacts smaller - if pilestadt wants to be an autist about selective realism - RGO's explosive filler is about half the m67's
buff the impacts to 6 by default and it should be more or less balanced
Well now I'm curious, I'm seeing about this bug for PP and I wonder if the recoil armor effect stacks when you pick up a "PP primed" gun.
Increasing the throwing range of impacts in that case would help differentiate them as well. I want to throw impacts 100m with servo assist.
anon, i know you may think of me highly, perhaps as a hero of sorts that you look up to, a role model to base your life on, a father figure even; however, i have to break the news to you that i am in fact not a helldiver, and cannot physically exert myself as much as one in order to stay warm in an antarctic climate
what the fuck are you on about lidl man
Now we're onto something. These are some good ideas.
I am indeed a perkele, matsine gun jägärs perkele to be exact :-----DDDDD
Gonna need some proof on that
But assuming its true, does the same thing happen with the 30% less recoil armors? Does the buff stack with said armors?
>Touch a weapon a PEAKdiver dropped
>Suddenly your muscles bulge and swell and the weapon is light as a feather
Their sweat must be full of supersteroids or something holy fuck
Eagle Sweat
eagle smut
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d9 bugs
What's that website where you can see what is currently in the superstore?
none currently
helldivers.io dead, divers.gg doesn't update
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>civies getting stuck on nothing
best part the stupid chicken scratch name P2 kept bringing them out and killing them, as if that would magically fix it
What happened to helldivers.io?
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You can't use the sickle like an AR. Just lean hard into the infinite ammo and zero recoil. Prefire the thing and just start laying lead down range before you even round the corner. Treat it more like a machine gun than an AR. Have your secondary on tap for when you absolutely need to snap shot something.
There's another 1-2 doors, just ignore that one
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>charger survives 3 EATs to the face (yes, the area of the head that should kill it in one shot)
>dashes towards me at light speed, throwing me into a wall at mach 4, killing me instantly
im so sick of this shit game and its fucking rng
you can never plan for anything
and speaking of fucking rng fuck this goddamn stupid fucking personal order and fuck this rng stratagem, 4 orbitals into heavy nests and i only get 11 kills and it didnt even close a single fucking bug hole
fuck im mad
I swear that someone over there struggles on D3 and actually thinks that the mechs are OP
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The only thing I can think of is that helldivers.io pulled stuff in the game files and provided data on it. Stuff like the unreleased tanks, the unreleased Bile Charger, alongside stats on unreleased weapons.
The reason I think this is because AH has been cracking down massively on HellDiverLeaks on reddit, with stuff being copyright struck within a week

Would not be surprised if the same happened to the io site
>Just remembered why it feels like i havent played bugs in forever
>the EAT velocity quirk wasn't game ending, but just enough to mildly annoy me to play bots instead
>bots are so wildly easy now that helldives feel kind of way too easy unless i take some more meme loadouts
bro just do it in Eradication missions, almost all teammates will take it and 380mm and progress is shared, if you need more than two games to do it i'd be surprised
tell that to the bug
>progress is shared
My understanding is this is the case ONLY IF that other helldiver needed the progress as well.
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Just bought the game, do I have to buy a warbond with my debit card and it all unlocks or buy with debit and grind to unlock the stuff?
>Girly men look better in every concievable way
Latter, unlock individual items with medals. Something to note is that there are SC unlocks in the free warbond that give you a fair amount as well as there being semifrequent drops throughout missions.
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>and progress is shared,
As long as they haven't already completed it
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It's funny that the tutorial trains you to use grenades to close bug holes but once you get familiar with the game, it's the last slot you'd want to dedicate to that role compared to primaries, secondaries, or supports. There's just too many to close and you want your nades for stuns or impacts, usually.
You grind regardless because everything is locked behind Medals which are not a payable currency. Just play the game for now, you find super credits in the wild and the free warbond has super credits as rewards, which will earn you one of the "paid" ones.
Honestly I find myself almost exclusively taking flashbangs these days. I only really used impacts for bile nigger seeds or closing holes with the infinite glitch so I could take an actual secondary. I know the glitch still works it's just more irritating to do, which I suppose is one way of "patching" it.
+200 damage
+30% explosion radius
there fixed it
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>>no more doomposts ITT
um sweety, there's another reason for that
I hit one yesterday with an orbital rail and it did not kill it. It bled out a few seconds later but still. The orbital rail has long been known as the delete key for chargers yet this made almost made me shart a little
Until it drops below HD1 numbers, I don't give a fuck about how big the playerbase is. All I need is 3 other players.
>>the game becomes stable
You really gotta get some better bait anon. Here's a pity (You)
I used a railcannon this morning on a charger too close for the spear, it ran up to me and the rail killed us both. Gigabrain play honestly.
Yeah, I almost exclusively use stun grenades now as well. I did it before on bots, but I still used impact or incendiary grenades on bugs back before they added behemoths to the spawn pool, because I was always running the recoilless rifle and didn't need to mess around with chargers. But now that dedicated AT is worse, thanks to Behemoths needing 2 to kill them and reduced titan spawn rates, I usually bring the MG with stuns now. It has a good balance of clearing chaff (including medium armor enemies) and can kill a stunned charger pretty quick by shooting their butts on max RPM. Hopefully they add a couple points of damage to the 650 damage AT weapons so you can still strip behemoth legs without abusing the forward velocity bug, it would make it more viable option again and I could stop crutching on stun grenades, but the MG has been treating me very well after it got buffed and now that peak physique actually works, so I can't complain.
They just need to make it so that chargers and BTs and Hulks/tanks can have their armor slowly stripped off piece by piece by any gun assuming you dump enough rounds in the same place. Just make it so that every player can contribute however they can to the damage pool. It would make players be able to contribute to a TEAM BASED SHOOTER. Wow, Arrowhead, what a big boy brained concept.
The key word is "arbitrary".
I think the issue is more behemoths spawn way too often. I'd be fine with how they were designed if they were much rarer. Every 1 in 4 chargers should be a behemoth, but it feels like its the opposite.
>3 other players
>Chang the hackcrashing chinaman
>level 23 stoner who condescendingly criticizes your every move; dies the rage quits, only to rejoin seconds later
>silent 3rd worlder, no mic, only quick chat audio and excessive pinging
What's going on with .io?
discontinued due to dead game
NTA but thats the first time im hearing about this, proof?
russian fingers typed this
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What are these niggers even doing there?
>I don't give a fuck about how big the playerbase is
You will once the game is put on maintenance mode, the devs step back from the game to work on something else or give up and suddenly quickplay takes a ridiculously long time. Helldivers 2 isnt your "forever game" and I doubt that Helldivers 1 was something you constantly played over and over for a thousand hours.
The biggest concern from my perspective is that the dev studio is actually very big for what they are. They keep getting called a small studio but since launch they've had 100 people and its around 120 now if their own site is correct. Helldivers 2 has to be very successful and maintain very high success to keep being worked on and keep receiving fast and detailed updates.
However, its currently battling DRG, which has a studio 3x smaller (43 employees) while being very close to matching their numbers. Both companies make profit through additional bonus DLCs too.

Whats likely to happen is that the game simply doesnt become profitable to work on for that sized team and it goes stagnant while they spend 8 years on their next game
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This game is so annoying now, I don't even remember the lats time I finished a session feeling anything but frustration and anger.
I think 2 shots of the Quasar on the head kills them
>>silent 3rd worlder, no mic, only quick chat audio and excessive pinging
>needing a mic
Anon.... I have never needed a mic and neither does anyone here. When I play the game I want to be immersed in the combat, not hearing crying babies and barking dogs and people vaping or coughing a lung out or rustling through a potato chip bag in the background. You can easily sleep through 9s on both factions without EVER needing a mic.
Nobody got time for a 21 second kill when you got 3-4 of them at any given time, big dog.
except DRG is a faggy reddit game and HD2 isnt
So let me get this straight, by "fixing" the ballistic shield not only they made it broken and kill you on impact, but to enemies it behaves as an object that hides the player?
Holy emergent gameplay.
odds are it's ancient lobbies that swedish garbage collector can't get rid of because swedes are incompetent
lmao it's true though, unless you're going to hog a whole resupply to take out a heavy nest.
When will they fix the broken spawns and packaging method, not to mention the infinite loading screen?
the midwit curve is true indeed
Considering the context that you're told in the tutorial I think things that just explode near the entrance to the hole should NOT be able to destroy them, maybe with the exception of 500kg and 360mm.
Bro your airstrikes?
>be D7 player but accidentally quickplay into D9 bugs all night
>don't notice because I still have changed the setting to display mission difficulty by default again
>finish the last mission of 2 operations and realize that I'm on D9
Huh, there really isn't much difference between 7-8-9 on bugs, is there?
That's fair, but with the Quasar killing regular charges in one shot from afar I think it's an overall best option
Also, instead of the pack you can bring in the bubble , which lets me play bugs without wanting to yo kill myself
no those are real players on planets that are currently accessible, it's just that the bot front barely has anyone playing and bug MOs tank that number even further
this. it'll say they're there, forever, until they log back in. it's why you sometimes log in on the exact planet you logged out at, but it says Liberated now GTFO
I didn't found much difference between 6 and 7 desu
It's a common thing in vidya where despite many difficulties there's clearly only a few that are drastic
NGS2 was basically the same game Normal to Mentor before becoming super hard on Master Ninja
its just an increase in heavy units, the jump from D7 to D9 is barely noticeable on bugs,on D9 bots its more noticeable, you no longer see any regular Devastator in partols or bases, only ones spawned by a factory strider
>you no longer see any regular Devastator in partols or bases, only ones spawned by a factory strider
Wouldn't that make it easier?
A lot more shield and rocket devastators.
No? Heavy and Rocket Devastators are far more anyoying to deal with than regular Devastators
probably not because you see more rocket and heavy devs instead.
the normal dev is almost extinct on high difficulties
Even worse, just hit them with the nade pistol, eruptor, or Autocannon, whichever you manage to have.

No, you only see shield and rocket devastators instead of the basic ones that only have a one-hander SMG or whatever that is.
Sorry, I missed the "regular" part and thought you were saying Devs in general don't get randomly spawned
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We've been through this before retard
I can't get over how angry he looks, like he should have known but was too busy huffing his own farts and now has to have his struggle session about why the numbers are crashing.
Nta, but isn't DRG miles more faggy?
With aids pride items and parades and such?
"The soft flesh mouth exposed from vomiting the bile isn't a good place to lodge a giant fuckoff explosive because..... BECAUSE IT ISN'T, OKAY?!"
nta but weapons owned by players with superior packing (before they fucking broke it lmao) retained the perk if picked up by others
It has nothing of the sort unless they literally added them in the last month.
The closest they get is giving out chink hats in the lunar new year
>With aids pride items and parades and such?
Exemple? Or did you took some /v/igger's post seriously and are now parroting it
Oh okay
I'm literally asking anon, there's a question mark right there at the end of that sentence
>there's a question mark right there
Not seeing it
>inb4 that wasn't me
>reduce charger head HO because AT checks are so bloated on bugs and people were shooting the leg which is an unintuitive weakspot
>repeat the problem on a new charger variant, this time without the leg weakspot
peak game design. we’re actually running in a circle now
>inb4 that wasn't me
But that clearly isn't me I even prefaced my post with "nta" to make that even more clear
DRG is a boring ugly ass game and I’m tired of pretending it isnt. The whole game is just throw bullets at bugslop theres no nuance.
oh its even better, you CAN one tap their legs, but only if you dolphin dive towards it
swedish design, not even once
I have never played DRG, but I looked at some play videos and my god is it an ugly game. I know we're not supposed to care about graphics and all, but god DAMN why is it so ugly?
>in b4 that wasn't me

Lmao you literally are not in before he said that.
> oh its even better, you CAN one tap their legs, but only if you dolphin dive towards it
honestly thats peak I don’t even hate that
i see we're at the point where the only discussion happening here is bitching about other games and shitflinging at one another, our transition to /coopg/ is nearly compleate
does the basic orbital precision strike take out BT or have I just been lucky and got headshots or something
I don't remember the exact amount of damage but it's enough to either kill it or leave it on death's door if you get a direct impact. If you did some damage a close impact will finish it off.
anything can oneshot everything if the stars line up right just like a hellbomb can fail to oneshot a trooper if the stars line up right
nothing in this game is certain and it pisses me the fuck off
There's absolutely no difference between 8 and 9 bugs, and the difference between 7 and 8 is minimal.
It's because of global limit on mob count, the game continuously spawns new bugs until it hits the limit, and on 8 and 9 it happens very fast. You only can notice a difference if you kill them faster than they spawn, but at that point you don't feel the difficulty at all.
Doesn't happen in bots because bots have fewer numbers but every individual unit is much tougher.
if you pair it with a few belly blasts with the autocannon or 1 rocket it should be enough. direct hit should instakill
>a few belly blasts with the autocannon or 1 rocket
your shotgun, bugfucker?
Absolute plebian redditor taste.
>if game not have billion polygons UGLY UGLY EEEEW EEEEEW
You sound like your average normie mouthbreather that gets upset if the next AAA slopfest marvel game gets delayed or your next handegg game doesn't have the gambling mode in it.
blow it out you’re ass little man

keep your faggy reddit shit to /drg/

oh wait
>2000 brave botGODs can't make a dent in Vandalon because Joel is a faggot and muh shared liberation muh percentage based system
I could live with all the other garbage decisions this studio makes but this on rails do-as-i-say war is fucking pathetic. It'd be so much more exciting if the battle lines shifted every day like they did in the beginning. But noooooo we do it HIS way.
botdivers still just cant quit bitching
>hurrf durrr hit ore vein with pickaxe, ruin your eyesight with nigger vantablack darkness on levels, shoot waves of bullet sponges such engaging gameplay
go play with legos you autist
>join game
>host leaves before i can finish picking strats
>join game
>host lags out
>join game
>infinite loading screen
off to a good start today
>shoot waves of bullet sponges such engaging gameplay
this is the most ironic possible choice of thread to post this in lmao
better than mine
>join game
>host is dead
>starts spamming spacebar while I’m still dropping in
>get kicked before I hit the ground
DRG is great but also has its own imbalanced issue. The limited supply alone bottlenecked viable weapon/overclock choice. If you think ammo scarity in HD2 is bad, DRG is even worse in that aspect with resupply being the only ammo source
That how it was back when I played
You also can run into much better teammates who hard carry you.
Since I am the one doing the carry most of the time, I usually notice the difference when I accidentally queue into a sub diff 9 mission.
Haven't they been already working on another game before HD2 even released?
It is weird though considering that their plan was to run this game for at least 5 years.
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Sorry anon, but you're getting hard carried.
ammo scarcity isn't an issue when you use one of the mods specifically to help balance the game better
i think the one i use makes nitra cost dynamic, and i think there's another that changes spawn rates so you don't end up in those missions where there's no nitra to be seen anywhere
>I can't get over how angry he looks,
Did you know that people with autism have trouble identifying expressions? Now you know.
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I know this sounds basic and obvious, but I think the key to succeeding at higher levels is prioritizing survival over everything else. You're tempted to play risky and aggressive since you have five reinforcements per player, but if you do that and keep dying, your overall impact on the game is going to be reduced by the amount of time it takes to reinforce you, get your stuff, and get back on track.

There was a game I played last week where I died only once at the very end, but otherwise the rest of my team took all the reinforcements and then some with a combined total of 27 reinforcements between the three of them. When I first dropped in and they all blew a dozen lives in the first 10 minutes, I knew I was going to have to carry, so I focused on staying alive at all costs. That was the perfect thing to do and not only did I top kills and samples, I completed almost all the main and side objectives myself.

I think the best skill is knowing when to disengage, even if you're on a main objective. If the enemies just become too much, don't be afraid to walk away, knock out some POIs or side objectives, and then come back. If you do that, the enemies are going to follow you away from the point, lose track of you, begin patrolling away, and the point will be clear again to complete at your leisure.

What's even better is when you begin to time your approaches on objectives to drops and breaches elsewhere. There's an invisible timer after a drop or breach occurs where another one can't happen for a little while, so if you shoot at the ground next to some enemies far away from you, they'll trigger the breach and then you can attack the objective without risk of getting even more enemies dumped on your head.

That's all to say, don't get too entrenched in a fight even if you think you can win it. Blowing all your reinforcements, cooldowns, ammo, and stims in a lengthy battle is rarely worth it. Just walk away and let the hotheads cool off lmao

>captcha: GG POP
>key to succeeding at higher levels is prioritizing survival over everything else
tl;dr on the rest but I agree. every time I’m separated from my autocannon for more than 15 seconds the mission immediately goes to shit
Need some fun, support weapon less loadouts to try.
That's all good and well but how do i stop bugdivers from spending 20 minutes in a single corner of the map in D9 bots while i do the entire thing on my own
You don't, time to get your medium scout armor on and start playing the stealth ambush playstyle.
not taking a support weapon is griefing especially on bots
>get reinforce bug
>while I'm the host
Thanks for the free carry I guess AH
>have to go to diff 9 to feel anything anymore
Maybe I need to switch to another game...
where light armor
not the one with extra padding too and you'll feel the fucking hurt
>bshield blocks line of sight for bots
what the spaghetti?
But the game is harder with non-light armor
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I'm not racist, I have a black fren
not sure what you've been playing
Everytime I play bots 9 with light armor I loose 90% of my health completely randomly to headshots
absolutely brain dead decision making player headshots a thing
>it's a real object now
>since it's a real object, blocks the view of the helldiver
>beep boop just a non-helldiver object moving along, nothing to see here
This is why we cant spawn 2 mechs
I guess, but having light armor and moving so quickly cover to cover make bot easier if you know what you are doing.
holy shit that is literally my setup on the left
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>hats on helmets
Couple questions, the Stalwart has AP2, MG has AP3, and HMG AP4, right? Is there any support weapon besides the railgun that can strip charger leg armor?
>I'm allowed to headshot the enemy but they aren't allowed to headshot me in my wargame >:(
>enjoying the new vipers commando warbond
>gets brought back as a nigger
>no longer enjoying the new vipers commando warbond
Are there mods to fix such glaring issues
No but you can have a fat ass with mods
I accept your concession
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All AT (quasar, EAT, RR) canstrip it. Remember to walk forward while firing for front legs. You don't have to for back legs
I'm not interested in that
I just want to pick my skin color
If it's randomly assigned to you then there's obviouslyt a way to turn that off
The devs have responded on discord saying they are undecided if they want it random or not.
I personally think if body type and voice can be randomised but also selected, then race should be a choice too.
Ahhhh, that's good to know, thank you. Does that trick affect breakpoints with the railgun too? Or is it still 2-3 unsafe shots to strip a behemoth leg?
Wanting to be white is racist though, and that's a violation of the server's Rule 1.
Not sure, I don't use railgun much
>The devs have responded on discord saying they are undecided if they want it random or not.
Fucking swedes man
It'd be the easiest thing to implement (in fact, I bet randomizing takes more effort), almost everyone would be up for it because it's player customization but "they're not sure" because Lord forbid something they do is interepreted as racism
It's only for the first time today that I'm hearing that you can share progress for this personal order.
Up until now, I thought progress wasn't shared because it wasn't shared when I did it with my friend.
It turns out, that's because I ALREADY FINISHED MINE, so my friend stopped getting progress from MY orbital barrage kills.
>charger survives 3 EATs to the face (yes, the area of the head that should kill it in one shot)
>dashes towards me at light speed, throwing me into a wall at mach 4, killing me instantly
classic network host desync moment
i like to think there's nothing under the gay beret and the top of their head is completely unprotected

i wish they made a version without it, or maybe a boonie cap design, which would fit the theme a lot better and just look better too
>... is incredibly kino
It only works with AT because the damage they do is exactly equal to the legs HP, and because their projectiles are so slow to begin with. Railgun damage is far more inconsistent and doesn't come close to the breakpoint, and the projectile moves so much faster any amount of extra velocity is insignificant and won't add appreciable mounts of damage.

Another good showcase of this mechanical interaction is the verdict and the diligence shooting at devastator heads. they both do 125 damage and devastator heads have 125hp. The verdict's bullet travels at 285m/s while the diligence travels at 850m/s. Walking forward while shooting at a devastator is enough to overcome the head HP with the verdict but not the diligence.
posts like this is how I know this thread is full of diff 5 bugshitters
>can't hit a bughole with impact
>needs stuns to hit targets that approach him in straight line
>needs a dedicated support weapon to deal with spawners
>still can't deal with a single outpost by himself
>doesn't even consider bots
>a-actually you're bad at the game, look at my scavenger kills in diff 5!
this is peak shitter cope, checks every single point, even mentioned primaries to deal with bugholes
if any of you were actually hot shit you would know that you need primaries in your kit, grenade pistol is never enough to cover a heavy bug nest, and you only get one greanade from ammo packs, which means you can't do shit with just it unless you die every few minutes like a bugfucker shitter you are.
not to mention on bots you can go fuck yourself with your giant autocannon dildo because you bugfuckers don't have the skills to take out a fabricator with it, meanwhile I can toss a grenade diagonally over the outpost wall and get the job done
you're so shit at the game you can't even comprehend how it's played on helldive, yet you dare to open your shitter trap
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>blue stratagems use blue stratagem beacons
>red stratagems use red stratagem beacons
Fuck you EMS strike but otherwise checks out
>GREEN stratagems use BLUE stratagem beacons
Blue beam = safe. Red beam = killy. But I like the sound of green beams.
Look for my d9 lobbies to be starting up around 7MST this evening lads. Will be playing inbetween bouts of Elden Ring. Bugs, bots, doesn't fucking matter. Screwdrivers all night to fuel the lulz. Anyways gotta go wage a bit more.

Numbers friends please explain to me why the spear one shots BTs in the head sometimes and not others
Is it really just because of their bug of ignoring damage sometimes?
if it is actually hitting the head but not killing it yes, it's the bug.
RR and EAT have varying damage and armor penetration depending on landing angle. To the point where EAT can bounce off titan's head an go into space.
I would assume it works the same with spear and angle would depend on your position and distance to target
1: The spear actually needs to hit the head and it doesn't target the head. It just seems to fly in towards center of mass and just occasionally hits the head under certain conditions.
2: The hitbox for the titan's head, or maybe just for the titan in general, is fucked right now and sometimes just laughs at damage.
>Red beam = killy.
If only that logic made sense to smoke stratagems, but no. They have red beams too. Every time I have a teammate that runs eagle smokes and they throw down a strat while their character says "CALLING IN AN EAGLE!" my immediately reaction is to run the fuck away from the red beam before I get minced by an airstrike/clussy bombs, not smokes.
I feel like a top attack missile literally designed to counter this exact mechanic of armor would be immune to this, but sad
>RR and EAT have varying damage and armor penetration depending on landing angle.
sort of but not really. EAT/RR/quasar maintain 6 penetration all the way to 81 degrees, which then drops down to 3 penetration
SPEAR starts with 8 pen at 0 to 25 degrees, drops to 7 at 26 to 60 degrees, 6 at 61 to 80 degrees, and 5 pen at 81 to 90 degrees. the SPEAR will never 'bounce' against the bile titan unless its hitting its legs at an extremely oblique angle
on bots 9, if you have to ask, you shouldnt do it

on bugs 9:
shield backpack: cheese objectives really easily with it, dont get too greedy though
gatling sentry: for chaff, for pulling aggro off you when you do objectives or to get 80% of a breach off you to run away
railcannon strike: instakill the random solo charger who will beeline for your sentry, or the random charger that's the only thing from the breach that managed to catch up to you
OPS/500kg: bile titans, chargers if you're good enough. 500kg is when orbital scatter is around.

primary: eruptor to clear all the nests on the map solo. otherwise, bring whatever you're comfortable with or lacking
secondary: depends on what you need. I bring the bushwhacker because it's basically a mini primary. Just don't fire while in the middle of reloading, the shot seems to go off weirdly 45 degrees to the left. senator for med armor pen if you don't have it and need it, redeemer to clear some chaff off you... etc
nade: impacts, since you can throw one between each eruptor shot to clear eggs really quickly, or immediately before/after an eruptor shot to basically instakill 1 bile spewer, multiple if you aim it right. In a pinch, you can also use them to break a charger's ass, since the AoE is decent

my friend's:
Eagle airstrike: relatively fast, clears chaff, inconsistently kills chargers, deals a bunch of damage to bile titans
Orbital gatling: with the armor pen increase, it's decent for a bunch of things. Most often he throws it onto a breach and it clears all the smaller bugs up to warriors, sometimes brood commanders.
Eagle cluster: for chaff clear, absolutely destroys bile/nursing spewers. Sometimes leaves a lucky survivor.
OPS: bile titans, chargers

he brings stun nades, so OPS is a lot more consistent for him against chargers

make sure to hit up POIs, they give you random support weapons. You can pick up the samples there in the meantime
Not him but I play D9 whenever I play bugs and I'd never rely on grenades alone as my sole method of closing bug holes.
>Shoot a crossbow bolt at an explosive barrel sitting in a PoI.
>It fucking deflects off the barrel and flies straight into a teammate's face, killing them.
Impressive, but also that guy had the worst luck in the world.
blue just means “safe.” ems strike is blue
the killedest guy

>>483874809 this
typically for spear, you'll need to have it go off while the titan is looking at you, but not close enough to be spitting. it becomes quite inconsistent once it's in spitting range.
Pretty sure it changes not only penetration, but durable damage percentage as well
>take over a month to make one good patch
>it is full of bugs anyway
>fuck off releasing only nothingburger patches that don't fix shit or break even more stuff
Can't AH just give this game to a somewhat competent dev?
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>BT legs have armor with an HP
>Never seen it stripped in my life
I always thought they were just invulnerable
No, because nobody else can understand their shitty, dead engine.
Where did you hear this? Durable damage on a weapon is a fixed maximum, and the ratio of normal damage to durable damage the target takes depends on the part that is hit. The damage remains the same no matter the angle unless that angle drops the penetration low enough that it only matches the armour level, then it's only doing 50% of the damage per normal damage/armour penetration rules. An EAT shot hitting a surface at a 45 degree angle is not doing less damage than an EAT hitting at perfect 0 degrees perpendicular angle.
You can run napalm, rocket sentry, AC sentry, and precision strike on bug I guess. Napalm + sentry will clear the whole breach if you consistently grenade stun the charger/behemoth that get too close to them. Hope your teammates do their work for bile titan and you should do your best with your precision strike on bile titan and hope your turrets can kill them in time.
I swear the patch reduced my frame rate by at least 40%.
did you press escape at any time during your play sessions?
which site is that that hitbox image from?
if you land a 500kg right, and the bile titan doesn't die, sometimes it'll walk out looking severely chonked

the legs will look halfway to the charger's leg when broken; armored with meat-looking holes in it

it looks less special than i described it as
Its from the wiki, though they haven't added body data to every enemy yet
They don't get stripped like charger legs do where the entire armour model disappears and you're left with a gooey orange leg. Most of the armour remains visually with only some orange bits showing through. I've tested it and it takes 6 to 7 AT shots to one leg to kill the bile titan, which is fewer shots than it would take to burn through the main HP pool so it is the leg HP being depleted that is killing the bile titan.
I don't think that I have, but now that I think about it someone mentioned something about the game being autsitic about fullscreen windowed and I think I might have it set to fullscreen windowed.
It's crazy I have been away for a month and reading all the changes, barely anything was improved. See you in August
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This is actually wrong. The "lower butt" with 1250 HP and 5 armour isn't the sacs underneath, it's the top armour of the abdomen. The sacs are 500 HP each with 0 armour. You can actually straight up kill a bile titan by putting two EAT/RR/quasar shots into the top armour plates of the abdomen. A good trick if it's chasing one of your teammates and you can't get an angle on its head.
supposedly if you get directly hit by the actual smoke missile you'll die, but despite having tried to do so several times, the most that's happened to me was that I would ragdoll and then get back up
>>483877540 <- this guy is right
helldivers.io has the list of stats datamined from the game, but you'll need to intuit what the
"Unk(long number chain)" body parts are
>ou can actually straight up kill a bile titan by putting two EAT/RR/quasar shots into the top armour plates of the abdomen.
That's its butt, right? Not the bit in the middle than can get blown open?
>supposedly if you get directly hit by the actual smoke missile you'll die, but despite having tried to do so several times, the most that's happened to me was that I would ragdoll and then get back up
It's hard to deliberately hit a player with the smoke bombs. But direct hits from the bombs can also kill fabricators, and those are much easier to hit.
>smoke strike kills fabs
was “big smoke” alexus right the whole time?
That helmet with that armor is shit. The helmet is shit. Use the chud helmet. It actually looks good with that armor.
the butt, yes
>Try to run a build where thermite grenades might be useful.
>They're still almost 95% useless, even when you actually allow it to get its spikes out/cook it so that it sticks properly.
What the fuck is the point of this grenade.
>kills fabs
wtf are you serious thats kinda funny

>be me, automaton trooper
>fabricator randomly explodes
>no craters from usual helldiver strategems, no shots fired, no divers around
>place gets checked by jumpjet guy and rocket launcher guy
>they find nothing, not even a strategem ball or grenade casing
>our other fabricator explodes
>just a bunch of smoke
>world is foggy as shit anyway so it might just be me
>call bot drop, maybe they can figure this shit out
>last fabricator explodes
>no one saw anything
>????? wtf
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what do they eat again? smaller bugs?
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Great bugfix, you incompetent shitheels. Did I mention I hate swiggers???
thermites suck for three reasons:
1) they don't damage parts/limbs, only the main HP pool
2) they don't stack, so don't throw multiple at once
3) sometimes the grenade doesn't do any DoT damage at all for inexplicable and possibly bugged reasons
It's good on paper doing 1100 damage but in practice their mechanics are retarded and don't work half the time.
The only thing I can truly appreciate about this game anymore is that it's quick death was utterly earned by the sheer incompetence put on display by Arrowhead. Imagine catching lightning in a bottle like they did and then smashing that bottle straight into the ground as strong as you can. It's cathartic in a way to see such an epic failure.
the working theory from last thread is that bile is high-calorie-oil-precursor thats made by bugs photosynthesising

the bile spewers turn into nursing spewers that feed them somehow, maybe through the fog that they spray around the map, which is why every frickin patrol on a map with nursing spewers has nursing spewers

maybe spore spewers aren't spraying spores but bug-food-gas, which is why there are always so many bugs around one if the map isnt at entity limit
Would they eat deer?
They absorb and process minerals and nutrients from the ground which they have in abundance as they tunnel across the planet. They also warp the environment somewhat to facilitate them, covering the ground they've taken in a thick black tar substance. Spore Spewers work in the same way, and help transform the planet as well.
I knew about the first and second factors with the grenade, which is why I was mostly just pairing it with a grenade launcher + supply pack build where I was going to be swimming in grenades anyway. I could just chuck out thermites at chargers/BTs and still get in some free harassment damage on their HP pools. The problem mostly came down to the fact that the fucking things still didn't seem to register damage on chargers/BTs every now and again, which just make the grenades worthless as shit against the only thing they seem like they were made for.
if they dont eat human (given the sheer amount of pristine dead bodies on the map left not even half-eaten and just stacked around), they probably wont eat deer, just kill them
I think its actually up for debate if they would even kill other wildlife. I genuinely wonder if they only want to kill humans. The exteemely rare bot corpses found on nid planets don't count as they are mechanical and thus to the nids are an abomination.
>Want to use peak physique armour on the bug acid planet come tomorrow when it will be the MO's focus planet, but my sheer autism to wearing armours that suit the biomes makes me reluctant to actually doing that.
Why couldn't armours just have been fucking cosmetic. Even Monster Hunter figured this shit out with layered armours.
>The problem mostly came down to the fact that the fucking things still didn't seem to register damage on chargers/BTs every now and again,
chargers especially are extremely inconsistent with how many it takes to kill them. It should be 2 and very rarely it will be 2, but I've gotten as high as 6, and on average 4 grenades to kill. That might just be chargers being an unholy amalgamation of various bugs and issues combined in one package. It's probably the entity with the single most bugs associated with i in the game. It's also possible that because thermites set stuff on fire, and thermite DoTs don't stack, it might be that being on fire prevents the thermite DoT from doing damage, even though chargers also don't actually take any damage from the fire DoT either. Against bile titans the only problem I've had is getting the fucking thing to actually stick. It's a pretty consistent 4 grenades to kill, providing they all actually stick, which lines up with their 3500 main HP pool.

They are much, much more consistent when used against bots where 90% of the time 2 grenades will kill hulks or tanks, and 100% of the time 1 grenade will kill a cannon tower turret.
But anon think of the bacon flavored apples!
>it's an acid planet
>you can bring exposed armors without screaming in horrible pain
> you will find regular SEAF corpses with exposed skin but they were clearly killed by enemies, not the ACID PLANET
>super earth considers acid planets a valid target for colonization
Are these acidic planets or not, Arrowhead?
>chud helmet.
Which one is it?
>Want to use peak physique armour on the bug acid planet come tomorrow when it will be the MO's focus planet, but my sheer autism to wearing armours that suit the biomes makes me reluctant to actually doing that
Hey you're like me
The one on the store now I think. The vaguely stahlhelm resembling one.
Ah the Light Gunner.
It's cool, but I'm afraid it's not gonna match with anything else
I wished you could preview these thngs
B-08 Light Gunner helmet. https://divers.gg/armor/b-08-light-gunner
Just you wait until we roll a moon biome with no atmosphere
Speaking of which, I actually can't recall if I've seen the farm seeds on certain inhospitable biomes. You know, the one with the cornstalks and such? I swear I don't tend to see those farms on the moon/extreme cold/desert biomes. But maybe I'm just not remembering if I have seen them on those biomes now. I know the greenhouse farms still spawn on those biomes because they aren't really exposed to the environments anyway, but the fields seem like they wouldn't make any sense in inhospitable biomes unless those crops were GM'd to survive on those biomes.
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>matchmake d9 on bugs
>everyone is always dying
>no proactive use on stratagems, they just act like fodder
>nobody sticks together
>loadouts are complete chaos
>no focus on crowd-control, anti-armor and support
>they don't pick up samps even when I ask them too
>no kiting or stealth to lose aggro
>barely any communication
>constant friendly fire
>got an actual squeaker kid crying at my last game
>matchmake d9 on bots
>focused loadouts
>team splits: two do side objectives while the other two the main objectives
>knows what enemies can call in bot drops and focuses on them
>very accurate, barely any friendly fire
>proactive use of stratagems to clear outposts and wipe out reinforcements
>often see support stratagems like shield tower and EMPs
>large amount of samps when mission ends
>map often gets cleared
>communication when someone needs something
Its official. I'm playing bots from now it. They're more fun anyway.
It matches with plenty. What the fuck does that beret match with other than the B-08 light armor?
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It wouldn't be any more stupid than seeing those crops all the time when you're on Menkent or Hellmire. Like yes, in chapparal biomes like California there are real life plants that are fire resistant and only have their seed pods burst when exposed to enough heat (since now the other plant chaff has been burnt away and now there's free real estate for growing). But those cornstalks ain't it, man. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
I mean how it would look with other armors, I know how the helmet looks
It's super retarded that the game defaults you to the standard armor when previewing. Unnecessary too I bet
You know what would be hilarious? If Joel makes it so on Sunday when the playerbase has the chance to liberate Erson Sands after liberating Esker, he makes it so Nivel-43 attacks Esker. I wonder if the playerbase would actually understand to defend Esker or face getting locked out of Erson Sands because they were focused on an MO planet instead of deploying intelligently.
>What the fuck does that beret match with other than the B-08 light armor?
The beret comes with the Warbond, the helmet is just the helmet
Do they have a pen value??? So they need specially hit a part that they can "pen" so they are actually dealing damage???
both the DoT and the explosion have 7 penetration.
It works on Menkent/Hellmire because those crops are GM'd to be as hardy as the rest of the plants on that shithole biome. On that biome all the computers run on a different OS than the normal Super Earth one which is explained by a Super Earth company that runs genetic modification on crops for those fire planets. It's got corn cobs in the screen backgrounds when you turn them on.
That's like 1% of mic people . You don't have to justify being a quiet autist to us.
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>The exteemely rare bot corpses found on nid planets don't count as they are mechanical and thus to the nids are an abomination.
>bots vs terminids warzone planet
>job is to sabotage shit on either side so one can win
>destroy the weakened victor and liberate the area
Sounds like kino, imagine the chaos.
Get in boys, V4 isn't gonna liberate itself
This, the light gunner is actually fantastic for fitting with a lot of armors because it's a neutral color and unique material which looks like it's supposed to be different than your body armor, so the contrast fits.
Allegedly AH tried and it just wasn't working.... to nobody's surprise.
That's good enough of an asspull reason, I suppose. Forgot about the OS difference, thanks for pointing that out.
Holy fucking shit bugs are boring as fuck to play against
let me add on more
4) they don't strip armor
you'd think that a mixture, known for its reputation of being able to melt through thick metal plates, would be able to strip some armor
>I wonder if the playerbase would actually understand
We all know the answer.
I see, might worth it to use on BT then since BT has inconsistent part hp and the grenade might help with chipping down the total hp
That's just a consequence of them only doing damage to the main HP pool. If they did damage to the limb they were on it would strip the charger leg armour, but then they'd also just kill the charger if you stuck it on their head.
This is why I've opted to stalwart + peak physique armour against them. At least the high RPM dacka tickles my dopamine receptors enough that I'm not falling asleep against them.
You're wondering if bugdivers will do the smart thing ?
What do you for armored stuff though? Just use stratagems? Cos I love the stalwart but it sucks so much against anything huge.
Bugdivers are retarded in general, you can't expect anything from them. I'm more so talking about MOdivers, which make up probably about half or more of the playerbase now a days. Botdivers are something like 10% of the playerbase, bugdivers are 20~% of the playerbase, the rest are MOdivers.
>drop tesla tower
>obligatory charger spawn solely to destroy it
>it gets stuck on the ground and can't reach it
>tesla tower proceed to mop the floor with enemies
It's so unbelievable that the game becomes more fun when your stratagems aren't nullified as soon as you drop them.
>they'd also just kill the charger if you stuck it on their head
it really wouldn't be that game breaking would it?
The only good thing about bugs is enjoying the napalm strikes, and even then i wonder if i could make it work on bots somehow
All this shitposting is making me wonder what one would taste like. Sweet and salty is a popular flavor combination. What's the opposite of applewood smoked bacon?
absolutely not, they should be able to do that. I'm just saying if they did strip armour they'd also just kill the things you'd be stripping the armour from so it's kind of a moot point.
>i wonder if i could make it work on bots somehow
not until fire becomes viable against bots
How many stims are you going to need?
I am once again proposing hybrid enemy units on the border worlds between enemy factions
>STROGG'd cyber-bugs
>infested Illuminate pred-aliens
>human rebel Psi Corps
>oldschool Cyborg units with meaty innards
or the counter clockwise reverse
>glitchy infestation riddled bots
>field workshop fuckups of Super Earth and Automaton walker & vehicle tech
>cultist squad LARPer humans
>psionically leashed uplifted Zerg-Protoss hybrid squidbugs
Honestly, with the nerf to bile titan spawn and the buff to many stratagem against heavy, especially orbital precision and rocket turrets, you need less and less dedicated AT nowaday. Charger/behemoth can't put the same pressure as bile titan can and they aren't really true hard lock against non AT because their ass can be destroyed, even if it's not super efficient. If you stun grenade even a behemoth and have 2 people dumping their mag on the ass, it would explode and kill the behemoth anyway. They get stuck a lot of time as well and can be just ignored unlike bile titan.
I'm open to everything you listed but the "infested" variants you have. The terminids don't really give off a Xenomorph/Flood vibe to me.
What's the esoteric hidden knowledge about fire on bots ?
For a charger I'm assuming you are putting on max rpm and mag dumping the ass. Assuming it's just you, how many mags are required to pop the charger and hope for a quick bleedout?
it sucks, thats all.
Napalm works against bugs mostly because they walk through it to get to you. Bots are too stationary in a fight.
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>Psi Corps
This guy Babylon 5s
nothing special, incendiary nades work on heavy devastators and berserkers just fine
it's my goto grenade for bots
tanks, hulks, towers, and devs I think are all straight up immune to fire damage
It's just inefficient.
The fire DoT is applied to the main HP pool, and can only apply if the "main" body hit zone has 3 or less armour. Outside of raiders all bots have very high main HP pools and/or more than 3 armour. devastators for example ahve 800 main HP, so you needa l ot of DoT applications to kill them with fire.
>What do you for armored stuff though?
My build is 500kg for BTs/chargers, OPS for chargers, Stalwart + Rover/Supply Pack. Use stun + OPS to oneshot all chargers. Can also be setup with 500kgs well enough, but behemoths tend to survive the blast. They'll also tend to be armor stripped though, so they are a free kill afterwards. Weapons loadout is crossbow for mediums + bug holes, senator for mediums that get too close to where the crossbow explosions can hurt you, stun nades for peel + setup with stratagems. I've been considering Eruptor too, but the crossbow's mobility and dps better suit as my solution to hive guards. I guess if you get a spewer seed then the Eruptor would shine more than the crossbow, though.
Assuming they are on fire, do bots have any resistance to fire damage or do they go down in a reasonable timeframe? Cos for obvious reasons I avoid anything flame based like the plague.
bots being stationary is what makes fire patches viable though, they just stay there till they die
>the bore rock system is under attack from nids
the crossover we were waiting for?
no way, they must damage heads. I've heard that you can 1 thermite + 1 rocket a bt head
Nevermind, saw the other responses, disregard my post.
idk, I need 2 nades to kill a group of berserkers or 1 nade to kill a group of devastators. Not sure what contributes the most damage, DOT or flaming ground, but I assume flaming ground does no direct damage and simply sets things on fire, so it's either DOT affecting devastators longer due to them staying in fire, or berserkers being damage sponges
I shall try to make napalm strikes work on bots but it really sounds shitty. But napalm striking the snow also sounds kino
Godspeed, anon! Let us know what you learn.
>Let us know what you learn.
>anon comes back shot up
>so it turns out that you can't burn a factory strider to death
>3 simultaneous attacks on MO planets
Well this is some bullshit
If planet defense at least made sense it wouldn't be a problem, but the retarded system where planet defense has a bar and you need to complete the bar instead of just beating the enemies means defense takes as long as a conquest
It's possible the explosion damages the part, but that explosion is only 100 damage. Which in the case of bile titans you're taking their 750 HP head down to 650 HP, which then lets you one-shot it with an EAT/RR/quasar (if you are moving forward). The OhDough video that showcases this has him throwing 2 thermites for 200 damage, which he says you need for it to "be consistent" so it's just the equal damage/HP interaction at play.
Maybe if the retarded playerbase finally learned you could stop attacks by capturing the planet where the attack comes from, Joel wouldn't have to put all of those defense planets at once.
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>>so it turns out that you can't burn a factory strider to death
you kind of sort of can if you count the flamethrowers direct fire jet to be "burning it to death"
defense doesn't have decay so you just have to beat 4.167% progress at least
if you've got a better idea for how bugs should hybridize other factional units I'd like to hear it, unless we're just going to have their units near verbatim acting as caretakers for the bugs while reequipped with bile weaponry or something
>unless we're just going to have their units near verbatim acting as caretakers for the bugs while reequipped with bile weaponry or something
This is more along the lines of what I was thinking, desu. Bile weapons plus the bugs are used like wardogs or warpigs.
>give the strider a tummyache
>it dies
I guess jet fuel can melt steel beams
>3 defenses at the same time.
LMAO. And I 100% predicted Joel was gonna pull a gambit attack on Faggot Bay + Acamar in the last thread. If they go for liberating Pandion then Bore Rock will probably be lost, and then that means liberating Nivel + Esker + Bore Rock + Erson Sands in the span of 4 days. That shit is pretty much not happening.
This webm is gonna be like the one where a gatling barrage kills a bile titan with 5% health left unless every time its posted it has the context that you were burning it with a full cannister before this one.
Tummy hort
yeah I should probably make sure to include that context. it did indeed take a full can before this
>be viper commando
>die as a white man
>come back as a nigger
>die as a nigger
>come back as a nigger again
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I guess I'll check back in a few hours to see how the playerbase settles. If they push Pandion then maybe, just maybe there will be enough time to defend Bore Rock. Also, I just checked Acamar and Phact Bay's planet HP - they are both 1 million HP defenses. Joel 100% wants players to liberate Pandion. Bore Rock is 35k HP defense.
I've gone the whole circle multiple times, lol. My viper's back to being a white dude now.
>despite being 13% of the population blackdivers are responsible for
I guess the best move now would be to take Pandium and defend Bore Rock
... 69% of all Eagle Sweat purchases.
God damn it joel I want to run through the jungle, at least we're losing gacrux so that will be up for a while.
I'm pretty sure it's just one but I can be wrong. I never bother testing it myself.
You should always have max RPM for the MG on bug anyway.
In practice, if I'm not using orbital/500kg to instant destroy the charger/behemoth, I always take quick pot shot with erupt ass and deal with other shit first while just letting the behemoth /charger running around a bit. Whether to use orbital / 500 kg or not, it's a bit of a game sense. If I get a stun on 2 or more, I throw an orbital/500 because 2 for one hit is worth it. If the breach is already stop spawning and I know there is no bile titan, I just burn them freely on charger/behemoth. If there are too many behemoth/charger (like 4-5) I would use it to thin them out to make the situation more manageable and I can easily dodge and deal with the last 1-2 later if they just don't get stuck randomly somewhere.
If I know a charger/behemoth is damaged, I try to not waste a stratagem on them. I mostly reserve them for a fresh healthy one
I honestly didn't thought it would bother me as much as it does
I guess if they had a black voice it'd be less jarring, but hearing Yuri Lowenthal's teenage standard from a niggerdiver is jarring
I just assume any diver I have is not from Earth anyway, regardless of sex or race. I think that's the case for the entire crew of your destroyer too.
>sneak up on one of those flat triple nests with the couple of buildings around it
>deploy turrets
>auto literally shoves a charger into one of those holes, killing him and destroying it
>Yeah but the other guy is worse...
>sneak up
Speaking of stealth, does the Scout perk do anything for it? Without the armor I've crouched next to bugs at spiting distance and they didn't notice it
Yeah, that's the best play here.

To be honest, if it was a 1 million HP defense then that would just be Joel hard dicking us with a 100% lost MO. 35k HP is much more reasonable.
After 65 you shouldn't be allowed to be a politician or a judge. You clearly are on the way out and don't give a fuck about anyone else. Not that they really did before, but at that age and older they ESPECIALLY don't.
>hard dicking us with a 100% lost MO
Who cares, these filler MOs don't fucking matter anyway.
A can and a half is honestly better than I would have guessed.
It'd be cool to have an old man that's just cognizant he's old and has nothing to lose
One term president that spends 4 years trying to implement the sweepest changes possible because he knows killing or imprisoning or ending his career wouldn't amount to anything
I care, because then that's just a railroaded MO. Which you clowns seem to always bitch about anyway whether it's a win or a lost MO.
Do people really specialize their loadout to do one thing? I thought you were supposed to equip yourself to be able to handle every enemy in the faction you're fighting against.
Bots and Bugs play differently, so it's better to specialize
I still carry the old reliable of EAS and Orbital Barrage for everything tho
We’ve done it before. Your schizo theories are not only boring but also stupid
Nah, with 4 stratagem slots, you can run enough shit to be quite flexible even if you have a core support weapon set up that might specialize one thing.
It's just that you have to use the right thing for appropriate situation. It's annoying to see teammates throw a cluster eagle into 3 chargers/behemoth/bile titan while there are barely chaff or throw a precision orbital on chaff that barely kill anything then become sitting duck when a heavy pull up.
>they are both 1 million HP defenses
Correction: 100k HP defenses. Bore Rock is 350k HP. All quite easily defended, though still gives Pandion as the most efficient way of defending both Acamar and Phact Bay.
Literally nothing
>Reinforce available
Always has been
>surviving that long
I'm impressed
I've seen the chitin stripped... it didn't let me penetrate it with even medium bullets though
Jack Sparrow energy
I feel like they notice me less
I also feel like my teammates get more flak... so I can actually shoot the weakpoints as the enemies turn their backs on me
For me it depends on if I'm playing with friends or randos, if randos then I'll try to take something opposite them if they've got heavy AT I'll take an MG or GL or vice versa. If playing with friends it's easy to specialize cause you can just talk about what you wanna run that mission.
my infiltrator super power lets me flee from titan patrols, run around one tall mound of dirt, and literally vanish from their awareness. shit is cash.
>23h thread
tick tock shartdivers
Complete beginner, no point getting mad at anything they do, will try to trach and answer questions, bring toys for them to try out
Extremely dangerous dunning-kruger. Absolute shit at everything like the prior tier but now with a shitty attitude to back it up, still has a 50% chance of sitting in the middle of nowhere fighting a pointless battle
More likely than not to be semi-competent, I will now give you some trust
Decent operator, will take opinion/input seriously
Very capable or a complete absolute shitter who either cheated their level or grinded nothing but eliminations. Nothing in-between.
I always wonder what post made someone mad enough to lurk in threads for a game they now hate. What tilted you, anon?
You have to care about something in the first place to have enough energy to hate it. It's a shame the way this game turned out.
Yeah, pretty much. I absolutely hate the type of shitters that you meet at rank 20 to 50 and the morons who haven't learned anything by the time they went over 100. You have overconfidence on one hand, and complete goyslop enjoyers with 80 IQ on the other who have only gotten this far by virtue of time or XP exploits. I have found that every single console player at a high rank is someone who has an open mic and acts like a total mongoloid.
>You have to care about something in the first place to have enough energy to hate it.
Anon, this is 4chan. We both know what you said isn't necessarily true.
It's in a better state right now than it's ever been before. The biggest problem is how they have slowed down patches and content, even worse since it started during their national vacation time.
>he still has crossplay on
Come on now
Once you turn 100+, it's obligatory to drop into other people's sessions and proceed to play solo
I have to leave it on or else my in-game social menu doesn't work, and I want to be able to invite my friends without tanking my performance by changing my settings, if and when they come online. Also, it's fun to go see the zoo animals in their natural habitat.
there are still terrible bot players. Individuals who literally do not take supplies when available and scream they need stims a minute later, people who are just there to complete every objective as fast as possible with no regard for their squad (as if the objectives are not infinite), noobs who engage in endless fights, that one player who is just by himself for 20 minutes in an area with no objectives for no apparent reasons, players who have zero self-preservation instinct and cannot go longer than 50 seconds without dying (and then leave the session), oblivious players who go out of their way to run directly into eagles and then blame you. The whole gambit.

But when you get a good team and a hard match? Bots are awesome
You don't even need to bring up balance issues when there are as many random crashes as ever and performance is the worst it's ever been.
I wish supply appear on the minimap. Sometimes
That's fair but my issues were completely fixed when I revert it back to DX11. Maybe that'll work for you.
Agreed. Also called-in weapons I didn't get a chance to grab because I got overrun and separated from them
>Play on PS5 and am lvl 150, but also use push to talk and headphones.
I am the next level console mutt.
I'll give it a shot. Appreciate it.
>but also use push to talk and headphones.
Wow, the legendary triple digit IQ console player, I didn't know you guys existed.
Well, call in weapons show up on the mini map when they get broken from the pod at least. Kinda weird that they don't all the time but the pod gets broken most of the time and if they don't, at least they are bright white blue
Supply don't show up on mini map at all. Their pod is hard to find and if it get broken, the scattered supplies on the ground are even harder to find
Based, you are the rare ps5 player I have in my friends list. You're still muted like I have everyone else, but I will helldive with you and trust your marks/pins.
Wait you guys play with crossplay on ? It only took one nig with his smoke alarm chirping for me to turn it off
reuse duplicate thread when it hits page 10
>tfw level 95
It's almost over for me isn't it
There's a huge difference between having an off day and not knowing how mission objectives work. I give you the benefit of the doubt you're the former
I would rather not have rocks, explosive barrels and my own grenades flung at me at mach 5.
Even after stripping the chitin, it's still the same armor value, which begs the question as to why it needs that much fucking armor on each leg to begin with

And it's not even a small amount, its a 500hp armored layer atop a 1500hp armored layer.

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