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Ninja Charger Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that's made up and randomly changes based on whatever the devs want to do.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 18th https://steamcommunity.com/games/553850/announcements/detail/5998312279144802695


Previous thread: >>483682569
there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to overcharge energy weapons past safe limits
yeah we're over here thanks
why would I bring the orbital railcannon when I can pick the orbital precision strike, EAT, or shield generator relay instead?
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Yep this is the thread.
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my life for super earth
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arc jumpers take lead
Best primaries for bugs? This thread is better.
LMAO skill issue.
this thing still stops stalkers
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This is the thread.
Leandivers exist to serve FILTHY TERMINID COCKS
Sorry, no gays and trannies allowed.
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>mfw I die in viper commando armor and come back white
It's canon that Super Earth sacrifices billions of Helldivers to keep the war going. Obviously SOME of those are going to be leandivers getting fucked by bugs and being turned into breeding sows.
You deserve it, Helldiver.
I use Eruptor for clearing every bug nest without even stepping foot inside, but seconding this
presidential debate in the background edition

Bumping for later
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>running spear on bugs without stuns
This is from the dark days of the spear, you're lucky it killed anything at all even if that thing was you.
>back to bottom page 9 again
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what happened?
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thread split + dead game
I for one, would like to announce the beginning of our exodus to /coop/
We're not quite there yet but it's probably only a couple weeks away at this rate.
I hate swiggers so much it's unreal.
sorry anon but fluteposter gets to stay
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god, that looks retarded
>god, that looks retarded
And Thicc
Thicc is retarded, I agree.
honestly, it's not even an edited model like the divebomber one is
Gotta agree...
Especially in terms of ergonomics, like, how do you wear those boots...? The original was pants, right? Are those stockings made thickly, like pants? Presumably the innards is a one-piece similar to a bunny suit, but the outer top is a long-sleeved, leather jacket, I think? And it has a big hole in the middle, yeah. How does the chest come out of the main black-yellow outermost armor layer? Did someone weld a big hole where the chest would be? Was this a broken piece of armor this person just decided to put on?
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Had this happen once. We got it working, but the next location wouldn't let us call down a drill because there was already one "active". Had to scrub the mission. Swedish coding.
Tried out the heavy machine gun last night.
Not a fan. Very underwhelming.
did you use the supply pack with it? its overwhelming
Not him but I don't agree. The opportunity cost of needing to burn TWO stratagems to make your support weapon work is too great.
Its not that great, but decent. I find good use for it in unconventional builds.
>Bots 7+
>Punisher, HMG, Spear backpack, Laser, EMS sentry
Latch onto another Spear user. HMG absolutely disintegrates Devastators, letting your pal remove any armor in seconds. Dual backpack means you never run our of ammo. Punisher removes Walkers. HMG also kills Hulks in a pinch if you get separated + laser as ohshit button. Much more powerful and more fun than picking Shield onto backpack slot instead.
The reason why I only use the medium physique armor is because you see the least amount of skin with it lmao
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is this a joke
bug divers.
atmos makes it miss for no reason
>shield generator
lol what
>acid bugs map seed
>hunter spam
Am I wrong in believing this might be the worst seed combo possible? Makes me fucking seethe with anger every time
I run the same build on bugs now after the meta was shaken up in the last big patch, and it handles that seed just fine. I run the regular punisher, grenade pistol, medium MG, laser rover, orbital precision, and Eagle 500. Between the punisher, laser, and MG, neither hunters or bile spewers pose any issues to me. Chargers are annoying but that's why I use stun grenades, I can just blow their butts out with my MG on max RPM if I don't want to just throw a red stratagem at them.
How's the MG after the patch? I've been running the HMG non stop but the lack of magazine capacity is really getting annoying, as much as I love it otherwise. The new viper armor is perfect for running it.
You should have just done what S1 did, but I couldn't fit it into the clip.
"I hit buttons until I got it right."
Complete beginner, no point getting mad at anything they do, will try to trach and answer questions, bring toys for them to try out
Extremely dangerous dunning-kruger. Absolute shit at everything like the prior tier but now with a shitty attitude to back it up, still has a 50% chance of sitting in the middle of nowhere fighting a pointless battle
More likely than not to be semi-competent, I will now give you some trust
Decent operator, will take opinion/input seriously
Very capable or a complete absolute shitter who either cheated their level or grinded nothing but eliminations. Nothing in-between.
Very, very good. I ran the HMG before they gave the regular MG an extra magazine and whatever else they did to it, because I needed something that could kill chargers and titans when my orbitals and eagles were off cooldown, but now that they have changed the spawn tables so there are less of them, you can totally drop down to the MG and do even better. I don't think I will ever go back to the HMG on bugs, it's really the bot MG now. The new viper commando armor made all machine guns jump up an entire tier as well. The MG handles like a liberator with it and I really can't stress enough how powerful that is.
Happened to me once. We accidentally called both on the first spot (in the same place), but didn't think to activate both of them. We went halfway across the map, only to realize it was where we just came from (and it worked). Shit was funny
Same. I understand the argument: if you can control it, it's like a rapid-fire AMR. However, on two separate occasions (including )with the peak physique) I just suck ass at taking out hulk eyes. This in conjunction with its high reload time and having to sacrifice both my armor and backpack slot? Ehhhhh
You should run fortified or engineer with HMG on bot, not peak physique
In every video game general I've ever browsed, there's always one weapon, character, or something that the contrarians on 4chan latch on to as the "thing which everyone thinks is bad but we'll say is good and we'll attach a sense of street cred to using it", and the HMG is /hdg/'s thing. It's so aggressively mediocre that I don't think anyone using it is playing above D6.
The only time I'm ever happy I took the HMG is on armored bile nigger seeds, and even then I'd rather have an AC.
I just entered a diff9 match with some journalist from PSN. He picked the quasar cannon and I laughed and said it was a pretty low-tier loadout and he got mad and kicked me. He said "Well, I like this loadout". Journalists are actually trash haha
This, they die in like 4 shots, but I'd rather just take the railgun or regular MG at that point if I wanted something without a backpack for them, or the AC like you said.
>I just suck ass at taking out hulk eyes.
I just aim at their limbs to deal with them
(2/2) Was on bots btw. It was so funny, they wouldn't even consider my rationale, he just got mad and kicked. His basedboy teammate was complaining how hard the snow maps are, saying "they've got nothing on blood gulch".
It wasn't with a journalist (lol) but recently I told somebody on the loadout screen that the quasar now has a 2.5 second cooldown debuff on hot planets when we were about to deploy on one, and he told the host to kick me for being a tryhard lmao. This was probably 1-2 days after the patch that made it that way, so I was just trying to be helpful in case it wasn't common knowledge. People are fucking autistic.
i feel like i have to go prone most of the time
anime source?
idk lol
I wish that could be me.
I wish I could be allowed to solo invade cyberstan and instead of the classic 1 hour format, missions had an infinite timer and you kept loading new missions without having to return to the ship.
parasyte. I don't touch modern anime but this one is a gem. The korean life action was decent as well.
i wishlisted GIRLDIVERS on steam
I can take out hulk eyes better with HMG better than other weapons, especially with no stubmb. Just crouch and burst fire. Easier to hit 5 shots with HMG than 2 shots with AMR or AC.
Honestly, HMG might be slightly better than AMR and LC when it comes to consistency. The only down side is that you have to run supply backpack but since you can chuck more stim and stun nade, that isn't quite a downside but rather a build limitation.
I gave it a fair shot one last time with both peak physique and engineer: Absolutely fucking trash meme weapon. So impossible to control, I spend more time correcting the ridiculous recoil than actually killing anything (and my aim is pretty good most of the time). Complete meme weapon. Fuck this fucking thing
>Easier to hit 5 shots with HMG than 2 shots with AMR or AC.
I don't want to blow half a mag to do it, though.
I find it faster to just dive for my shots then get up, rather than crouching
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One time I've managed to kill 2 people from /coopg/ with the spear by locking on a charger that was in front of me, and they both were 300+ metres away.
Back to back doublekill.
I'm so sad my OBS is corrupted and can't get fixed without reinstalling the OS and I wasn't able to record it, I don't think another human being on this whole planet managed to pull off that level of retardation.
>>483906456 see >>483906584. I'm glad you like it, but I fucking hate this thing. 3 shots and I'm already halfway up the screen (and I'm kneeling). Plus the absolute lack of zoom (unlike the AMR) make difficult headshots just unfeasible (unless you have a narrow FOV). Obviously you like it, so that's cool, but I detest this thing. Fourth time I've humored it and it's ass-fucked me yet again
I'm terribly sorry but that's a skill issue
Use fortify or engineer, crouch and control your shot anon. You are playing on M&K right?
That is seriously impressive.
Son i am disappoint
>just bring things and do things you don't have to do with better weapons so you can perform the same as them but only within 30 meters
The sight also has huge misalignment, almost a quarter inch off on my 1440p screen.
anon, I know you just tried to gaslight and "git gud' me, but let me tell you—I'm not shit at games. I know how to aim, strategize, prioritize, etc., I'm not a retarded human being. The gun is shit, and even if you took the time to learn how to control something as difficult as this weapon, there are just better guns. Better guns that aim farther, hit equally as hard, reload faster, don't require auxiliary support slots. I've been nice, but your meme gun is shit and you're the only one who pretends otherwise. Is that a skill issue? Yes. It totally is—but other guns don't require me to put with such bullshit. There's a reason everybody classifies HMGs in C tier or less.
lmao it's happening already

fucking destroyed
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To all the HMG users who tell you to just aim better, why don't you just use the autocannon and follow your own advice? If you hold down the reload key, you'll notice that the autocannon does have an automatic setting. If recoil doesn't matter, then you should honestly just be using the autocannon on automatic, right?
HMG can outperform other support in many aspects of you can control it.
I used to shit on HMG before buff and rightfully so. I can recognize that it's a top support weapon for bot now
use recoil armor
lower the rpm
Done, now I have a worse autocannon.

Wat do?
except its not, because each mag of an HMG literally has more damage than an AC before needing to reload
>lower the rpm
But now it's just a bad AMR
That doesn't sound fun.
They Call Me Trinity
This scene makes me hungry every time I watch it. He makes those beans look so good and I'm not even a fan of mexican food.
Expect this for the next month.
>low IQ
>weak of will
Still doing the bit, huh? >>483907534
>Everyone put it at C tier
Only shitter like you, anon. Most people consider it A or S for now now
fun is subjective :)
Calling out how retarded you are? Yes.
I wish there were some server browser-esque options when scanning for a game with quickplay, instead of just the individual planets or all of them. I just wanna queue for a specific enemy or mission type sometimes.
As if stands right now I'm just using a random number generator and numbering planets.
>want to play bots
>label the avaliable planets listed on helleivers.io 1-7
>roll a 6
>it's Menkent
so basically - grenade with no splash to worry about?
link me to literally anyone who has ever said that. Even a single person
I just think it's funny that you use something that's so obviously suboptimal just because it makes you feel masculine
I agree with these anons
I tried the thing and thought it sucked
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What do you say boys? Should we trust this random anon's 4chan expertise to say that there's always a contrarian to his own personal beliefs and experiences? Is he credible sauce?
I find it crazy that people that fight the faction that allows a greater selection of loadouts than bugs are some how more autistic about what you use
Sounds about right tbqh
God how I fucking gate bile seeds, absolute nigger gameplay, unbearable to play
Just spam infinite spewers and the bugs would always win
>1 min difference
>samefagging this hard
anon, just stop. One day you'll realize how overtly wrong you are and feel the immense shame of having argued the wrong side in a forum full of rationale human beings.
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Are you okay
I don't use it, but it's not that bad at all. You're being a woman in many ways right now, bro. Stop that.
He should look into Girldivers on Steam.
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Meet your new best friends, anon. Always bring them together, they're best as a pair.
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Well, this should pretty much tell Joel all he needs to know about how players pretty much cannot into "gambits".
>did you use the supply pack
>did you use engineer armor
>did you crouch
>did you lower the rpm
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Ummmm sweety
AC can do both their jobs.
>theres always a contrarian
The only part I disagree with is "a" contrarian, at certain hours the thread is mostly contrarians rather than there just being one.
Theres no harm in making a strategy work for you, if you end up not dying and carrying a decent amount of the kills then it doesnt really matter. but atleast accept that its not a great or even good strategy or loadout. Sometimes these threads are full of legitimate retards who go the other way as well "oh you think meta gun is good? well actually it isnt ive tried it and its bad"
Yeah but I like to bring the laser rover, and the MG-43 is more fun. Mo' dakka
I know people (rightfully) shit on Joel's DMing but things like that kinda show how retarded the player base
Though maybe it's lack of information provided by the game proper + AH overestimating how many players actually give a shit
or you could just bring a flamethrower and actually be able to kill chargers effectively
>laser rover
>sharing a gen with noobie boobies who don't bring a real man's gun and needs to be nannied by a dragonfly
double niggers
Him I guess from a quick search. I haven't heard anyone who rate it low for bot after recent buff but not everyone made a complete tier list yet.
And I don' even agree with that guy tier list completely
These can't help me kill a charger or a titan
I wish the regular guard dog was a liberator penetrator instead of a 30 round stock liberator.

The guard dog is perfect for the MG because of the stationary reload. You can be a lot more reckless with it because it'll kill hunters, warriors, and scavengers that get close to you during a reload.
The key factor is players not giving a shit, followed by the game still not having a real way to railroad players into selecting one planet to focus on.
I keep blabbing on about it every time someone in this general complains about the playerbase but the map just needs an overlay when you first open it showing "MO Planets" followed by the most popular one (and Joel artificially selecting the best one at MO start) and you gain additional rewards (easiest is bonus XP and medals) for diving on that world either through quickplay from that overlay or by going to the planet and hosting or SOS tagging.
>recoil turns out to be harder
I do think eruptor + flamethrower is the best bug load out that has very little weakness but MG/HMG has its own satisfaction. My favorite is eruptor + arcthrower though and imo, that is better than eruptor + HMG/MG
fine whatever hmganon but it's still worse than the ac and amr. enjoy your meme weapon and obnoxious gaslighting
I play on D9 exclusively and I can entirely handle all chargers and titans between stuns + MG (chargers only), OPS, and 500kg. They reduced the spawn rate significantly so they're a fairly infrequent threat compared to how it used to be.
The MG takes too long to kill chargers for it to work
>obnoxious gaslighting
I didn't even care about the HMG one way or another but this is why I think it's a weapon for faggots. For some reason, it's the one weapon in the game you can't have a rational discussion about here, its proponents are insufferable.
also the grenade launcher. hands down. *That* is a fun weapon (though it leaves one highly vulnerable to gunships)
>eruptor + flamethrower
You cant take the Eruptor if you arent bringing something that can effectively horde clear.
The flamethrower cannot horde clear properly even if you use something like Peak Physique which allows you to quickly click on heads despite the slow handling. Even setting aside that your effective range is like 10m, which is fine for chargers but godawful for hunters who will take the ground fire or a burst into the face from the thrower and still smack you once before dying, repeated a few times while youre trying to kill the others and youre dead.
Major weakness to hordes there. Can be shored up by a teammate though
Stop being a woman about everything
It goes up to 1,200 RPM, give it a shot with stuns.
>Girldivers has dual weilding guns and we dont
its over...
Not an argument
>Can't horde clear
>A giant AOE flame weapon can't horde clear
Shit what are you doing. Do you only know how to shoot at charger leg with flamethrower???
Nah, players give enough of a shit to play the MOs, but you also have to consider that the game goes out of its way to prioritize defenses by blaring over the loudspeaker "ALERT: PLANET UNDER ATTACK!" + the galactic war map has a huge sign on planets saying DEFEND in bold text with a timer on it to make people anxious to contribute for those places. It's just a total failure of a system that Arrowhead has created with extremely poor communication of gameplay to the players.
I think I actually explained it pretty well in my post anon, I dont understand why you acted like a left a vague statement.
Flamethrowers do not have the effectve range (they are not a fucking giant AoE despite the additional ground fire spread from a couple patches ago)
They can make quick work of warriors, and if you aim at a brood commander head it pops in less than a second. But against hunters (the vast majority of horde numbers) they do not give a single shit about the fire or ground fire. They'll jump at you, hit you then decide now they'll die. The range on thrower just isnt good enough to take out the hunters from a safe range before they hit you first.
I tried and couldn't get it
Throwing the grenade, going around it and then firing it took me too much
It also has a long reload, whichever is a big problem with bugs
I'm telling you. I don't want to argue with someone so womanly.
>He doesn't know that you can throw a stun nade and dive into/through it to dodge its stun.
It's ok until you run out of ammo and need to reload. Which happens very quickly. Attempting to patch this with the supply backpack is a huge opportunity cost and is just doubling down on the first bad decision.
HMG trannies out
The punchline is that the playerbase is retarded.
It's fine if you run shield backpack (which you should with flamethrower). Eruptor alone kinda soften most hunter mob as well as dangerous medium at range then flamethrower can brute force the mob. You just stim and retreat when the shield backpack go down and force more enemies to run over your flame ground. In emergency, I can always pull out redeemer to spray at a few hunters or throw stun at my feet to make space. The nice thing with erupter is that I can run redeemer AND stun instead of grenade pistol, which kinda make me more vulnerable in a fight. The other choice is something like dominator or scorcher that can somewhat deal with spewer, but then you have to run grenade pistol if you hope to close bug hole and such combo is more vulnerable to hunters at times.
I did say that my absolutely favorite is erupter + arc + laser drone which is generally fool proof against all non-heavy and just deal with behemoth/bile titan with orbital/500kg and let my teammate deal with the left over heavy
Which premium warbound should I buy with cash/save up for if I want something that can penetrate heavy armor? I just started the game today
Heavy armor penetration is limited to support weapons. If you mean medium, then Steel Veterans or Dmeocratic Detonation.
you unlock the AMR and RR, no bond needed.
Though I doubt you just stared and just wanted to post the dumb mutt slut
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>It's fine if you run shield backpack (which you should with flamethrower)
Is there a reason you didnt say to begin with that you were using your backpack and stratagem slot to also take the shield gen? Rather than act like its a skill issue for hunters to still hit you because of the weakness (unreliable TTK on horde enemies and short range) of the flamethrower despite the fact that youre aware of that, and so take the pack?
HMG is about equal to AC now and slightly better than AMR particularly on gunship patrol modifier because HMG is better against gunship than AMR. AMR allows more flexible build though and give you choice to run shield backpack, ballistic or jetpack (lol) if you prefer those.
i use neither AC nor HMG, so this is the first i've heard that the AC has an automatic setting. How fast does it fire? I recall using it while being reloaded once way back when I was just starting out, and it could be spammed like a motherfucker, does it hit spam-click levels of speed? Most importantly, because of the recoil, is doing that worth it in any circumstance?
You kinda take the bad faith argument seriously anon. You should not fire the AC on full auto at all.
You can practically control HMG full auto much much better (I use the middle RPM).
the automatic setting for the autocannon fires as slowly as firing it in semi auto mode
i can confirm on the grounds that i'm full clearing maps of D9 bugs without support weapons

its really not that hard
The IQ to get a game tattoo. Incredible.
Room temperature
>The IQ to get a tattoo. Incredible.
Fixed that for you.
i-is it bad? there's two brothers at my job and they both have brotherhood of steel tats on their shoulders.
Cutting edge arguably has the most value, but none of the warbonds are going to give you good anti-heavy weapons. The plasma punisher from the cutting edge warbond is one of the better primary weapons for killing scout striders, but it's mostly because the explosion kills the pilot.
not them, but tats dump heavy metals into nearby lymph nodes over time, which are very difficult to remove. Generally the consensus of this is right now "we dont know what it does yet exactly but its probably bad"

source: am medical worker
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My main issue with tattoos is that its enshrining something that should be an important memory on your body. If the tattoo is of something of incredible importance to you, then I can kind of understand it. I personally think if the memory was that important then it would need no physical reminder but its the strongest reason for a tattoo.

If the tattoo is anything else, then youre just making some stupid fucking statement over nothing, something that youre very likely to not give a single shit about in a decade despite the tattoo being permanent (or pay thousands to laser it off which doesnt even always work entirely). Its a compulsive act to mark your body with something forever and really, why couldnt you just buy a fucking redbubble shirt or a poster if you wanted a custom reminder of something specific you could show off?
I didn't ask sissy. Tongue my balls next since you want to be specific.
Its go time my negevs

he was agreeing with you!
You construct this sound argument only to be countered by
>having meanings
These are actually the most brainwashed of NPCs, the "I have tattoos" personality type.
>You should not fire the AC on full auto at all.
Sounds like you're a faggot woman who can't handle recoil. Did you wear fortified armor and crouch?
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what the fuck is going on with the retards in charge of weapons

i just looked up the ammo types for a few guns and it's so dumb
currently i've only compared the 12mm types
the mg206 uses bonded core hollow points, for i have no fucking clue, and it somehow has the same penetration as the other two 12mm
the hmg just uses normal fmj which would make sense if not for the fact you see the bullets spark on impact as if they have an explosive filler
and the amr uses something called "EIT" which i've never heard of but can only assume they mean to be explosive incendiary tracer, however the ammo is none of those things

why do they try to act like they know so much about guns and then pull shit like this
I mean thats what tattoos are made for. I personally will never get a tattoo, because as I said if something was that important to me I'd just remember it and wouldnt need some permanent symbol. If I like a game I'll get a shirt or a poster something.
But im aware some people will go through a lot more than I have. If something happens to someone and the tattoo is a way of enshrining that memory then whatever im not going to say thats dumb because sentimentality does have its own value.
lobby cancelled fuck u
tats make you easy to find, never know if you gotta rush B at your local government building.
Nice reddit webm
Upvoted good sir
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Bug 9
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more of a WA2000 guy
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Tuesday's patch will save us
>back to back stalker seed nest
>stalker phases in the fuck predator
>scared the hell out of me
fuck hell if they manage to add more creepy tunnel bugs that will be the death of me
How do you use these links to join a lobby? Never did this before, sorry.
need this as a banner
sex! where is all of the sex!
L Diver, Managed Democracy finna be bussin, but our opps are all around y'all. We fiendin to catch some Ws if we be wanting to live it large.
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this but unironically
copy and paste it in your browser
D9 is super easy on bugs now, felt like a D6. Only saw, what, six titans? Weird.
on g, boutta drop with my blick and show em my trigga finga fast like ramadan
Da buggah tyranny, dat stay like cancer, but da kine Managed Democracy, dat da kine cure. An' you, da helldiver, goin' be da one fo' give da antidote.
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I kneel
that's what happens when players complain about too many bile titans and chargers on the hardest difficulty, and instead of just playing on a lower difficult where fewer of them spawn, bitch until the developers nerf the spawn counts not once but twice.
Di final absolution for xenocide na mellifluous clarion guiding awa path
Well, there really was just too damn many titans, but they could have added more mooks to the tables if they were going to tun them down.
Ova hea in da war zone, ya can make yo vote count plenny times. A time on Elekshun Day, an anodda time everytime ya let loose one bullet at an enemy soljah.
I unironically want islander pidgin as a voice option now. This is too fucking funny.
hahaha fucking niggers amirite?
laziest fucking MO I've seen
dead game
"Yeah, like uh, oh no we're under attack or something. Here, take some planets or whatever. And maybe defend some of them. I dunno. See you in six days I guess, I'm currently dialing this in while I'm on a beach."
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what's the cheesiest diff9 solo setup?
>bots (for ballistic shield abuse)
>orbital ems
>ems mortar
>eagle smoke
>ballistic shield (abusing LoS glitch)
>light scout armor
>sprint booster
>DCS (for devs and below)
>laser pistol (very very quiet, for use with ballistic shield)
>knife...? stuns...?
This is obviously for 40 minute missions that involve a lot of sitting and waiting at a terminal, and not, say, a "kill for 15 minutes" or blitz mission.
the average general goer is going to be way better than the average normalfag that has to follow to meta to perform near expectations (compfaggot games where you NEED to minmax do not apply) and are far more likely to try out and stick with alternate loadouts that are less brain dead WIN MOAR but way more fun
you don't like it because you'd rather run the incendiary breaker on your d9 bugs over and over and over and over and over again
I am tired of the incel breaker. Give me your underrated primaries to take. And before lightningdivers chime in, no, I am also tired of the Blitzer too.
Eruptor. Use either hand cannon along with it and the rest of the loadout is up to you. If bots I will recommend the HMG emplacement, for bugs it doesnt matter
Dunning Kruger in action. Sweede niggers think of themselves as some citizen-soldier society ready for war at a moment's notice, despite not having BEEN in a war for centuries. Plus the fact that your average coonscript knows more about scrubbing toilets than they do about firearms. Plus the very selective milsim autism they suffer from completely contradicts the boingy boingy space man alien shooty game they have created.
Breaker S&P if you have a support weapon that has good uptime on medium armor targets (MG, arc thrower, railgun, AC).
>Plus the very selective milsim autism they suffer from completely contradicts the boingy boingy space man alien shooty game they have created.
Look. I can't just GIVE you guys more bullets per magazine, that would require us to increase the size of the mag that the helldiver uses in the game! Don't you see how stressful this is for us?! WE CAN'T JUST GIVE YOU MORE BULLETS, WE WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING. IT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE.
wouldn't it just involve changing the ammo count in the gun and making the mag size longer in blender?
No. We can't just make longer magazines. Everything in the game is tied to one another. Magazine size is tied to the weight of the gun which affects handling which affects speed which affects the size of the Democracy Officer's eyepatch which affects how bald the shipmaster is which affects the fps drop when you open up the main menu. This is the most efficient we can make it. Not everyone's cut out to be a Swedish game developer, kid. *sniffs Alexsus-ly*
it's not amazing but it has
>Great DPS
>AP4, the actually good armor pen value*
>decent damage per magazine
>decent stagger
it has two problems: long reload unless you know how to tactical reload in which case it's faster than the MG43 or the Stalwart lol lol don't tell AH and low ammo reserves. so no it's not the best support weapon but for automatic rifle enjoys it is good enough to be fun.
back when it had 33% less damage it still had defenders. despite having less stagger, a glacial reload, and horrible damage per magazine. those people were nuts

*AP3 is the cope armor pen value where the things you can "pen" are things you don't actually want to shoot at
Honestly the default pump shotgun fucks
Probably late to the party, but helldivers.io is back up
Isn't it a little slow when the chaff gets heavy?
stock liberator
Yea, I shit on the HMG back then too because it was obviously fucking bad.
It's legitimately great now and I can admit that after one of the biggest set of buffsthat weapon ever have gotten. I don't need to associate with the fags that defended the weapon pre-buff
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>the gravitational constant of the entire game is based on the weight of the Liberator's magazine
>any change would cripple the physics engine, fuck up all projectile behavior, cause massive floor clipping issues, or worse
You know, I would not rule out these swiggers to do something so incomprehensibly retarded like that.
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i actually counted the amount of shells that could fit in the breaker pre nerf and the gun had more ammo than it would be able to fit inside the mag

i like when games have realistic mechanics and shit but these faggots act like they're doing it better than anyone else but at the same time doing it worse than games that actually put in the effort into making guns realistic
i don't fault them for not knowing how guns work and not being able to make things perfect but they're so fucking pompous about it while being so clearly ignorant

if they knew what they were doing they could swap out the magazines in an instant with no issues
no other game i've played with alternate mags have had issues with such a simple concept

it's all so tiresome
stagger + can shoot and reload, just have to know what targets to prioritize. typically I go Stalker > Hunter > brood commander > rest, closet to farthest. that said it is very easy to chew through all 60 shots if you're off being doom guy.
agreeing with what that other anon said in the previous thread (or 2 threads ago?); this would be a lot more fun if the 5th slot was a random strategem every day, without repeats
This lobby still up?
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Scythe (The beam laser rifle not the pulse laser gun i confuse them often), Dagger (the laser pistol also optional btw), Laser cannon and Laser drover. Whenever one of your guns is about to overheat just swap to another and by the time your current gun is overheated the other will have already cooled off. Never stop shooting.
It's extra annoying when incen breaker only fags complain about the few shit on bug that can kinda make them use their brain just a bit like stalker or bile spewers and want those things nerfes so their braindead "meta" weapon get better
There are actually quite a few good set up on bug that are as good as the incen breaker meta but require a bit more finesse to use as well.
>the "pink floyd laser show experience" loadout
Am i the only one who thinks the HMG reload animation is comically fast now? If only the helldiver reloaded every weapon with such crackhead gusto.
i do enjoy seeing many beams flying
it's like a call of duty reload. you do such precise movements with such superhuman speed
Anyone want to bots d9?
I literally haven't used anything else since the libtard carbine dropped.
They were unwilling to give us bigger mags so we didn't had to reload so fucking often so we got the crackhead reloads i guess.
Sell me on it specifically for bugdiving. I've only taken it on bots and wasn't the biggest fan. I'll try to keep an open mind.
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Lib carbine and redeemer, then go find a choke point
>2 daggers, one in each hand
>when shooting those two together would still deal more dps than one scythe
>if only
The sickle is still pretty OP but it now it's hipster secret OP because everyone is facerolling with the incel breaker.
>unwilling to give us bigger mags
Defender; been overshadowed by the Pummeller since its release

dont forget to shoot backwards while running away!
I normally use it in one of two ways, either in burst mode on the move stopping only to fire a burst or two and keep running. Or full auto bullet hose, be warned you will spend a lot of time reloading unless you get good at reloading with only a round or two left. The recoil pattern primarily pulls up and to the right in full auto, once you're used to it it's easy to beam stuff down.
It's the Tenderizer but worse
>spent SCs to be brown
For bugs??? If you only ever use incen breaker before, it will take some time to adjust to other weapons because you can't just blindly chuck shot in bug's general direction to get values. Eruptor might be too different for you to try out right away so maybe you can try to mess with things like dominator, scorcher, Pummeler, adjucator, or even blitzer and plasma punisher first as they have more straight forward playstyle.
For standard set up with AT (RR, Quasar, SPEAR) and I would say scorcher/adjucator are more balanced you can also try to run dominator or Blitzer. Honestly, you can run napalm and easily clear half of the breach anyway with this set up
You can try to run GL+supply backpack build and I think Pummeler is the strongest with this build while breaker, or Blitzer or adjucator work too. Your 2 other slot should be AT stratagem, 500kg + orbital (or EAR if there is scatter mod). GL can clear chaff, plug bug hole (so you don't have to run grenade pistol) as well as destroy dangerous medium. Its weakness is that it can't deal with bug in your face already so your primary/secondary should be drawn to deal with that
You also can run arc or flamethrower build with strong mid range weapon like adjucator or dominator. My favorite and most effective set up to run flamethrower/arc is actually eruptor but it takes a bit of nuance and finesse to use.
it's good for clearing out scavengers but it's mostly just a fun toy and shiould be treated as such
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There should just be a skin option for it desu
hellpod drops
Pump shitty chads rise up.
But yeah when chaff gets heavy it can be kinda rough. Just don't miss. And even if you do hit, I find sometimes it takes two shots to take out hunters. And after the update, I swear something was done to the weapon models or collision boxes or something because I used to be able to barrel stuff targets point blank and explode buckshot inside of them, and now I can't do it as often.
"Pelican 1 I'm try to extract but I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the bugs."
No we just finished, I'm making clips of rando games and the lobby right now. Might be up for another operation after though.
It's true, sneaking on bug planets is a lot more harder than sneaking on bot planets.
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Don't care, didn't ask
>bring flamethrower
>bile spewer seed
>bring GL
>charger seed
bring eruptor with flamethrower, it solves the spewer issue
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bruh lmao
Smoove off
i legitimately thought you were trying to show some cowboy leather-asschaps-skin mod and was wondering why it seemed asymmetrical until >>483928804
responded and i realised
all it needs is a liveleak watermark as the final touch
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here's a wobby
9 something, we'll figure it out
holy fuck get sliced
Like what? I want to try some new loadouts
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Gimme a bit. I need to put some solids into my system to counteract the alcohol.
Are you sure you want me as your squadmate?
If only helldivers would let me use ansel for screenshots then it would have been easier to see lol.
does it happen in third person as well? in first person its been hell for me as well
I'm with >>483929375
>try to put down a hellbomb on a shrieker nest
>the entire area is built out of rocks which beacons dont stick to
fucking stupid
This is why I bring autocannon to bugs. So I don't have to bother with that shit and can plap those things at sight from any range.
What turret do you prefer against bugs? AC or rocket?
depends on my mood
autocannon is cuter
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Holy kek, so that's how I died
Defender? I barely know er
Did the pouncer fucking throw that back like a hunter?
Is the slugger any good at killing hive guards and brood commanders still
2 shots for commanders 3 for hive guards (in the head), no stagger
up to you if you like that
automaton mortar does 200 explosive damage, with 20 direct damage that's ignored as it didn't hit you directly

you're using a 150 armor armor with explosive resistance, which reduces it to 80 damage

helldivers have 90hp; you were at ~95% hp, ending at ~5%, which checks out as you did lose about 80 health

this also means no one on your team brought a health booster, because that ups your hp to 108 for more survivability - you could even run the 100 armor explosive resistance armor and survive this same situation with the booster
Oh I see why people were bitching about this thing getting nerfed. That stagger was what made it so fun to brawl with bugs. Oh well
would you Pummel-er though
maybe you L.Penetrat-or
just tried it, got a bunch of kills. its pretty fun
The swamp biome looks cool but is honestly kinda ass to fight in since the trees block both orbitals and eagles. Plus the roots are in that weird spot where you sometimes can walk and climb on them but sometimes can't and will slide around or get stuck.
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>*kills your Behemoth Charger in less than 2 seconds*
bugbros, what's our next move?
it's the kinda ass to fight in that I quite like. I take a lot more turrets and support weapon AT on jungle than I do elsewhere.
I wish there were more modifiers and biomes that seriously made you switch up the way you play. Extreme Cold / Extreme Heat's effects on energy weapons is a start but I want more.
>experimenting with using turrets tonight
>oh wait, the trees are blocking LOS and are letting chargers just round the corner and kill them with one tap.
Chargers can round a corner and one tap your turrets on every map, it's not a tree thing. gotta bring the stun nades and keep a sharp eye out
I honestly think charger ai prioritizing sentries makes them pretty annoying, did they do that in hd1?
HMG with physique armor is actually quite nice bros
It doesn't though
>out of ammo!
Is the Verdict very inaccurate or did AH fuck up the tps reticule? I love running it but I miss a ton of shots that I think shouldn't be missing
you can lay on top of the HMG emplacement for some good angles. If you mantle it and tap S you can go prone and lay either diagonally or flat down.
I am a turbo coomer and I will not apologize.
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i thought i was just having a skill issue
i know it was good when it first came out but the last week or so i've been missing my shots like crazy
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I kneel
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When are they going to start cooking again?
2-3 weeks I think
gay reddit niggers literally cannot go 2 seconds without asking for universal buffs to every single weapon in a game that is already too easy
what do you mean
the current and previous MOs mean maintenance mode
>we can't just make the magazines bigger so casually, it doesn't make physical sense

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Counting from now or after they come back from vacations?
>t. dif3 shitter
How bad is the MG against bots? Probably can't scratch gunships, right?
The leg meta on behemoths is so stupid.
It works just fine until they decide to stick the stripped leg inside a wall or a corpse or just plain decide to start spinning around to hide it.
You can down gunships, but it deals 11 damage per shot to the engine and you need to deal 400 damage so...
23 durable damage at AP3, engines have armor 3, so that leaves us with 11.5, rounded down.
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What else should I get?
I think trench paramedic (light medic armor) is useful against bugs. Looks like ass though.
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Cool lobby! GG's
Is the stamina booster really worth it on hot planets? Feels like you have no stamina, with or without.
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yeah, sorry boss. My decision was calculated.
But boy, am I bad at math.
It was either the pouncer or the warrior behind them. Or the spirit of Swedes that wanted le funni teamkill maymay. which IS pretty funny, now that I'm not in the moment
>you're using a 150 armor armor with explosive resistance, which reduces it to 80 damage
You might wanna get your eyes checked. Those are the green pajamas of the Legionnaire. That's a light armor.
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I can't actually tell if this is a teamkill or not but at x1 speed it certainly felt like it. I tried to save you bro sorry for blasting you in the ankle.
Bile spewers + charger/BT spam can be absolutely obnoxious, at least hunters can be dealt with using most weapons.
>gets hit by one single pellet
Damn bro what are you loading in that thing
IIRC that was a TK but no worries.
FS-34 armor with light gunner helmet and basic cape is a chud armor untill chud armor is released
Your spreadsheet logic immediately falls apart knowing that you're going to miss way more shots with the HMG than with the AC outside of like 25m. Even if you only ever feather the trigger for single shots, that doesn't guarantee full accuracy with 3rd person aiming being the only reliable way to shoot it.
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I loaded that buckshot with Yuenglings and Jack Daniels whiskey mixed with Dr.Pepper.
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Remember, after reaching a certain level of competency, the only way that Joel, Alexus, or any Swede is able to kill you is with bugs.
>I loaded that buckshot with Yuenglings and Jack Daniels whiskey mixed with Dr.Pepper.
God that sounds awful but I still kinda want to try it.
I hate those exploding plants
They kill me so many times. How can you even spot them??? They are like landmines but 10x harder to see.
I had something like this happen last week on the jungle planet with a scav, it got stuck under the ground and kept following us around calling bug breaches.
is not bug, but feature focusing on realism
t. swede
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But remember that teammates can kill you much more effectively.
I mean, I didn't mix all three together. The lagers were drunk separately from the spiked soda.
Kek, I guess I wasn't tripping when I thought I got killed by invis mines a few times.
Well here's the thing, mines that players can place from stratagems can actually go invisible.
I dunno how the big red glowy bots mines do it though.
>drunk separately
Oh, I misunderstood. I might still try it out of morbid curiosity if I could actually get Yuenglings out here.
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Very well.
>light gunner helmet
I already bought it because it looks cool. Thanks anons.
I mean, I can't really recommend them. I think I find the taste acceptable only because after two or three they're easier to put down. I'm not much of a beer guy, at least taste wise. But I like how the substance makes me feel.
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oh wait, I actually have that moment from my perspective. I'm till a bit puzzled as to how that was actually a fucking kill shot though. Something janky must've happened, like the PS5 damage multiplication bug or something.

Or might have to do with the swede's jank coding regarding light armor. Apparently light armor doesn't merely have less armor, but actually causes incoming damage to get magnified. I was wearing light medic armor because overall I value the extra mobility against bugs, and the six boosted stims can get you out of tight spots. Normally the bugs can't instagib me unless I get ragdolled into a charger or something, which probably would kill me with heavier armor too. But players pack a heavier punch.

I swear that the fucking frame rate on that planet is terrible. The swedes screwed over the optimization with the last patch in general, but that planet felt especially bad.
no, t. diff9 shitter
i play diff9 with randoms with like a 95% winrate and i'm trash at video games you hear me? i know what it takes to be good and i don't have it and i'm saying the game is too damn easy, people who are actually good at games have no reason to play this game for more than 100 hours (not me i have over 300), if they want long term engagement from hardcore players they don't need to make everything more of a cakewalk by buffing literally every single weapon in the game that's stupid
where do i petition AH to lower the durability of gunship thrusters?
bubba's spicy load
When I was in the army my squad leader ranted and raved about how great it was, I finally tried it when I was visiting a friend it Texas a few weeks ago and I thought the lager was alright. Not my favorite but decent.
>want to use something other than the AC against bugs
>bilespewer seed+loads of stalker dens
and this is why I'm glued to the AC.
Man, in your perspective I can't really say that I was facing you at all. It looks way more like I was aiming at the stalker, but you get killed by me anyways?
And the light armor increasing damage taken is so fucking weird and stupid. Although is that actually true, since there was this moment >>483929030 where I survived a mortar hit. Not a direct one, mind you, but you can watch it yourself.
Ditto about the framerate though, which I find super unfortunate. I like the new biome. Maybe its's just because its new, but I really, really like how the nature of the environment itself changes stratagem priority (specifically the reliability of Eagle strikes) without direct stat modifiers and suchlike.
>tfw civilian scum
I haven't tasted a beer yet that I actually like for the taste. I've heard stuff like, "think about it like drinking bread" but its just a way to get drunk for me.
>I swear that the fucking frame rate on that planet is terrible. The swedes screwed over the optimization with the last patch in general, but that planet felt especially bad.
it's the trees and their destruction
if you call in an airburst you've effectively cast a -40fps spell for everyone
NTA but I was talking about something like this a couple days ago with a friend, we were both shooting a charger in the ass and on each of our screens the other was just pinging off armor despite barrel stuffing it. The desync since the last patch is pretty fucking bad it seems.

>>tfw civilian scum
Nothing to be upset about. Shit dude you couldn't pay me enough to join the army these days so I'm just glad I got out before it became mega gay. Beer also isn't for everyone, in my experience the first step is finding the style of beer you like. In my case it's usually stouts and darker beers. If you like bourbon I'd recommend one called Dragon's Milk. My gf doesn't like beer but really likes bourbon and she'll drink it.
What they really need to do is completely refactor whole durable damage system that makes anti-armor mechanics into a pointlessly obfuscated mess.
when will retards understand?
I actually quite like the system lol. but some of the values are wrong
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there's definitely nothing that the stalker could have done that would have killed light from that high HP, but genuinely how the fuck did that angle work. it's not like it could have deflected off the stalker. the shot was fired on this frame and the aim circle isn't anywhere near his foot (that comes off in the next frame) unless auto aim decided players are a good target?
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>Although is that actually true, since there was this moment >>483929030 where I survived a mortar hit.
my knowledge about it is second hand. Someone is one of these threads claimed that light armor actually takes bonus damage instead of simply having less resistance. But I believe it since these fucking swedes seemed intent to make certain that nothing in this game would be simple and that fucking everything would be obfuscated behind twenty different mechanics that aren't remotely explained everywhere.

Just the other week we had the big reveal that FUCKING WALKING FORWARD as we shoot adds some momentum to our bullets which increases our damage to a degree which mattered because it gave the RR/EAT/Quasar the ONE FUCKING EXTRA POINT OF DAMAGE needed to strip the armor from a behemoth. No wonder the game runs like shit. It's tracking waaaaaay too many bullshit things instead of keeping things simple. I'm reminded of Space Station 13's spaghetti code and how the server would lag to fucking hell if anyone started a fire on the station as the atmospherics tracking code would freak the fuck out. For reference SS13 is a shitty 2D spaceman multiplayer roleplaying game, but for some god forsaken reason one of the game's (many) autistic quirks is that it actually performs a simple simulation of the number of moles of atmospheric molecules in every tile and displaces that gas to adjacent tiles when objects pass through the tiles, or the diffusion of gasses throughout a room if someone opens some kind of gas tank. The changes and flows of pressure if someone starts a fire to heat gasses or the inverse if a hull breach happens on the station. So many little details that don't really matter and could be simplified or handwaved away with an abstraction, but instead some autist hardcoded it deep within the spaghetti where no one can remove it without breaking 20 other things.
i mean it's understandable in ss13's case, the game started as just an atmosphere simulation and atmos being as complex as it is is something of a draw for the game.
It's fucking weird. I can imagine some of the buckshot spreading and clipping the foot, but I shouldn't have fucking vaporized like that. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more "PS5 damage bugs" that can potentially magnify damage output. He is under the effects of the super-stims at that moment. Maybe that's part of the rabbit hole for some dumbass reason.
i was operating under the assumption that it was a slugger, but if it was a punisher that makes it make more sense, it's 405 damage across 9 pellets, so it'd just take two (45 damage each so 90) to really fuck up light armor, and the spread on the punisher is tight but at that range that foot would definitely be in the danger zone
>Nothing to be upset about.
People say that and I still feel like I missed out. Which is super stupid, I know. But it'd be nice to maybe feel like I could have participated in something that's bigger than me or believed in something more than myself. That said, I had a marine friend who personally served and the only thing he had to say about being in combat when we were talking over some beers and smokes in the parking lot after work was the thought that went through his head while being shot at was, "What the hell am I doing here?"
Not, "Fuck this shit."
Or, "Fuck those bitches shooting us."
Or even, "Drop those cunts over there!"
Just, "What the hell."
So here we are, Helldivers
On paper it's really powerful, now that each shot does 150 damage, compare that to the AC which does 260 per shot. Unfortunately it was very precisely engineered by the finest Swedish minds to make it feel like it's way less effective than it really is.
>Weak audio/visual design for firing, sounds like just another peashooter like every other small arm in the game
>1st person sight is unusable, 3rd person sight sucks for long-range or precision shooting against hulk visors
>Recoil out the ass, making follow-on shots a pain and forcing you to crutch on stun grenades to consistently mail-slot hulks
>Always feels like you're in a bad spot with ammo, either you don't have enough in the box to deal with an approaching line of devs/hulks, or you run dry at the worst possible moment and gives you the feeling of letting your team down
>Can't go without a supply pack unless you barely use it
I also find the general design of the HMG model really ugly
it's better on bugs
It's a punisher. You can tell by the reflex sight and the lack of the bandolier of slugs on the stock.
>I also find the general design of the HMG model really ugly
space chauchat funny
>unless auto aim decided players are a good target?
Is there auto aim? Like, not console auto aim. Because I notice that the gun model does some weird spazzy shit when muzzle sweeping players. As far as I know, auto aim is off on my end. I don't know why it'd be set to by default for PC.
Please understand that walking forward provides a morale boost for the recoilless rifle and EAT explosive package. Don't @ me about the quasar.
>I can imagine some of the buckshot spreading and clipping the foot, but I shouldn't have fucking vaporized like that.
Apologies, my hatred for Stalkers and desire for Total Stalker Death was infused into the stray pellet of buckshot that clipped R2's ankle.
it's honestly in a not unreasonable spot considering the advantages it has (no backpack, solid durable damage). best thing you could really do is pair it with the rambo armor to make it handle a lot better.

i haven't used either gun much recently and couldn't see the cone of buckshot in the video, but yeah, the punisher makes that accidental make a lot more sense.

i dunno, devs tend to sneak auto aim in everywhere even just to make clicking on heads feel a little better, but it being the punisher makes it make sense for me at least. just overcorrected too hard and fired off a shot at the wrong time.
The HMG just feels like shit. I wish the machineguns in this game felt more like playing machinegunner in something like red orchestra. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the MG's in RO, but god help anyone down range if you get the gun braced in a good position.
>You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the MG's in RO
I didn't proofread. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn while standing and running around with the MG. You needed to brace it on something and damn was it scary once you did.
>devs tend to sneak auto aim in everywhere even just to make clicking on heads feel a little better,
I don't know man, with how the tenderizer feels like it's TOO fucking accurate at times missing bot heads by fucking nanometers I don't think there's any kind of auto aim or expanded head hitboxes.
you can get similar going prone in this game at least, but prone is usually a massive tactical mistake for actual combat. you make it nearly guaranteed that bots shooting at you are going to land headshots if they land any shots, you make it slower for yourself to reposition against bugs, and god help you if you have to aim higher than like thirty degrees because of how badly prone limits your aim up and down
>the body jolting as its head got sliced off
Grim and cinematic as fuck
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Nice! I should try to do that sometime
>players can't have more bullets because it wouldn't make sense
>sure rocket devs can fire unlimited rockets from their pods that visibly only hold 12 rockets
God I hate the muh realism crowd
show me a single realismfag that is okay with rocket devstators having infinite ammo
It's very much a 'rules for me but not for thee' kind of balance and it sucks ass. They can easily tinker with the models in game since they got official tools, experienced people and it would probably take less than a week to give every weapon bigger mag sizes if that. It's just dumb bs of not wanting to toss a bone to players.
This is why the Breaker Incend fucks with the flamethrower. God tier pyro loadout especially with napalm eagle because bug holes are too spaced out for airstrike most of the time. Grenade pistol is better for that.
>give the breaker back its drum mag
>give the breaker incendiary the stick mag of current breaker
why not?
>using AC against bugs
>need to kill a charger with it
>dodge its charge
>ok, I'll just blast him as he skids to a stop
>he keeps sliding
>and keeps sliding
>and slides some more and extra 20m past me up and over the hill and out of LOS
*eurobeat intensifies*
>It's very much a 'rules for me but not for thee' kind of balance
There's a hell of a lot more rocket devastators to track than players. Having to compute and track the ammo counts of every rocket devastator on the map at all times would probably cause even more of a CPU bottleneck than there already is. And remember, this is the game that had to make a patch to prevent it from crashing when more than 80 support weapons were on the map, and can't allow more than 1 vehicle per player at a time because they are so computationally expensive it would lead to performance losses if there were more.
>People say that and I still feel like I missed out.
I get it, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. The biggest thing I miss about it the camaraderie, it's hard to find that on the outside everybody's looking to fuck you in the ass if it's even slightly beneficial to them. Even in the military now because of all the fucking fags and trannies that run the show these days.
What are you even talking about? Everyone knows the sickle is good since release. Nothing has buffed it.
they don't even have to track it, just make it so that they can't reload and bam, fixed. rocket devs that fire their salvos once and then turn into regular devs
Genuinely where the fuck do you aim on brood commanders? If you headshot them, they run faster than you and have bullshit tracking to do one last melee hit before dying as a fuck you. Shooting their legs pretty much does the same thing unless you remove all of them but that's not very efficient let alone ideal considering the spawn rate.
>If you headshot them, they run faster than you and have bullshit tracking to do one last melee hit before dying as a fuck you.
learn to parry anon
press F as they're about to strike you to finish them off
shooting one of their front legs off should make them considerably slower
or at least that's what's supposed to happen
The funny part is if you shoot off both legs on the same side they can still run full speed without issue.
>hive guard
>brood commanders
Bugs have got so many enemy types that are just set dressing and not actually there to be able to do damage to you. Maybe brood commanders are borderline since they can do a mini-charger thing.
I like the machine gun, it's basically up for every engagement, and you also have a second to react if it betrays you unlike with the gatling
weird, I definitely remember seeing them stumbling after blowing off a leg
just not sure on which leg or how many needs to be shot off for that to happen
It's to give bugbabies dopamine as they shoot things that can't hurt them
They can stumble but I've also been hit by the charge attack from one that only had two left or right legs and was somehow galloping full speed.
Distractions / low level pressure to make it harder to prioritise the more disruptive and threatening stuff, because despite the fact that you can kite them forever very easily, they will still happily murder you if you don't avoid them.
average bugdiver gets to feel god slaughtering harmless enemies while the ones the aren't braindead prioritize the actually threatening ones like the fucking hunters
Yeah, hunters are actually the most dangerous bugs, there's so many of them, they slow you down, they change direction and gain speed mid-jump to hit and slow you perfectly and they're bizarrely tanky fo such a small enemy
Hive guard have got to be the biggest joke enemy in the game except for when one dies in a nest entrance and you waste grenades trying to close it because they're bouncing off the corpse fuck you asshole.
>they change direction and gain speed mid-jump
This more than anything else makes me angry.
I always feel like a fucking moron when I just ignore a hive guard and then walk right into it while running away from hunters or something.
You can actually give them the old flim flam if you get them to try and lead you on the takeoff (i.e not running directly away from them) and then changing direction. But yeah the tracking is pretty strong.
Is there ANY use for smoke grenades ?
Shoot their head until it explodes
If they get close to you melee them and it'll stun them for long enough that they'll finish dying.
They're more useful than thermite but that isn't saying much.
another victory for the white side of history
>diff 8 bugs defense mission
>not a single BT spawned
Not really a universal solution but the buffed GL makes mincemeat of boob commanders, they go down instantly to two hits without being able to summon warriors or go berzerk mode.
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Got a 1000 premium bucks, polar patriots or viper commandos?
just do what jesus tells you
polar patriots
viper for experimental booster and bushwacker
polar if you want some funny primaries
I heard the pummeler with shield is busted, might go for polars then
I'd say the armor passive for better handling is better than anything in the polar warbond. There's the pummeler for stunlocking bugs and meme shield starts, which is fun, but that's about it, whereas the handling bonus makes a lot of weapons very snappy so you'll probably get a lot more mileage from it. Everything else in both warbonds is eh.
>hive guard seed
>I'm the only one with the autoplapper
>empty objective
>warriors burst up from under the ground
That's interesting, I've never noticed that happen before.
Honestly I'm too reliant on the shield crutch backpack to stop hunters from slowing me to use the AC or RR
What primary do you use, cause anything with stagger makes hunters a lot more manageable.
At longer ranges, just plap the hunters before they get close.
At shorter ranges, switch to your Breaker and blast them before they can hit you.
You're not running the Incel Breaker, right? That thing has a range gap just where hunters like to pounce you where the DoT doesn't kill them before they hit you and you can't land enough pellets to kill them.
activating pump pack
>4chan contrarian pretends the incen breaker isnt one of the strongest guns for the 100th time
Shoot Hulks in the legs with the HMG, it makes them completely worthless and is far more forgiving. They move at a snail's pace.
stimming you :)
Calling in a friend
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*melee you off a cliff*
*throw stun grenade at you*
*call in a 500kg*
*stun you again with stun nade*
*watch you desperately running away as the bomb drops*
Thank you
>I'm sorry
the White Race calls for aid
only you can answer, helldiver
to the skies~
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>no more Halo copypasta in the OP
How hard did /hg/tranime seethe?
look where you are
animetranny hardstuck in 2004 and thinks his troon-infested fandom is still en vogue here
the plappening
Did the attacks change? Can Joel do that?
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election tourists still shitting up an anime website with their tranny obsession
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based generation kill poster
Throwing one on a friendly turret will blind it and prevent it from shooting while also making enemies forget it exists which can be used to force them off if it's about to get overrun or subtly disable a poorly placed friendly turret. For mortar turrets you can throw it between the enemies and the turret and they'll forget it exists while it continues to shell the shit out of them. It will also forcibly prevent enemies from using certain attacks while there's smoke between you and them. If you had 8 of them it'd probably be worth considering but at only 4 you should pretty much never take them. It's a far better idea to give up a stratagem slot for Eagle smoke and take impact/stuns than taking smoke grenades.
the biggest problem this website and especially /vg/ has is tranime playing board police
emancipate 4chan from tranime
how about i emancipate that ass from those pants
>cause bot drop
>throw smoke
>hide in it
>dropped bots don't route towards you and become a regular patrol instead
using smoke? that’s a kick
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imagine going to an anime website and complaining about anime being on it
>still going on about his tranny fandom
go find an appropriate subreddit
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>tranny tranny tranny tranny
They really live rentfree in the head of all the reddit refugee election tourists
>cntrl+f “tourist”
>find all the neet weeb incel posts
>ctrl+f "tranime"
>find all the poo in loo seething /pol/tard shitposts
helldivers the second
seething tranime
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you can yell about anime as much as you want but it will never make your skin white
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>getting this upset over people making fun of your Chinese cartoons in a helldivers 2 thread
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>getting this upset over people posting chinese cartoons on a chinese cartoon website
weebs can never be white
sorry pablo
refer to >>483956570
4chan in 2004 = anime website
4chan in 2024 = anti tranny (and by that extension, anti anime and japanese subculture) website
That's what makes me go big hmmm
>moot was brown
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
Anime is Japanese retards.

God I hate normalfags.
>tranime posts groomer content
heckdumpers clearly are on to something
Where's my Flamethrower Sentry which was datamined?

Where's my Exosuit that comes equipped with a Flamethrower and a 90mm cannon?
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>brownoid absoluetly seething that there's anime on the anime website

>implying election tourists even know who moot is
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Is the /hg/ tranny in the room with us right now?
Dont answer that.
>posting children
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Can't we just hug it out guys?
Now that is a juicy datamine that I wished was in the game!
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>drawings are children
he's the flagrant anime spamming faggot so yes. his vendetta started when this general began trashing anime-inspired HD2 "art".
sorry bro weebs are having their daily tantrum

try asking again tomorrow
where's my fucking camera that has an actual working model?
where are the vehicles that can be spawned in by hacking?
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>anime tranny is having a little meltie
Bad optics for an allegedly sane individual. Sad!
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excellent bait, 8/8
the shit you posted is from an artist that got caught tracing, you are a potential child abuser
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>oh uh you're having a melty
absolutetly pathetic, but what can you expect from indians
>tojo gets laughed out of his containment threads so he has to come shit up video game generals
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>election tourists talking about containment
maybe you should just stay in your /pol/ echochamber with your fellow third worlders and bots
>tourist this tourist that
like a broken record
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>Deus-Ex hivemind
Reinstalling, fuck swiggers.
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>no arguments
>just yells tranny and tranime
>tells others they're a broken record
Yep, it's a brownoid
>Deus Ex
one of the last things weebs have not infested
Any flamethrower D9ers got tips for how to deal with hunters and spewers? They seem to exist purely to stop me from using the flamethrower to it's best effect.
incendiary impacts before they spread out
strafing run & grenade pistol or senator
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why was it ever uninstalled?
The "if theres a titan I will kill myself" build is:
>Incendiary breaker for hordes (try to get them before they get close, but dont be afraid to spam fire to guarantee the kills even if its inefficient if they get too close)
>Grenade pistol for bug holes, additional damage for spewers and can help finish off titans
>Flamethrower for Chargers, Brood commanders and hive guard
I then take 500kg, OPS (unless its the scatter), and the rocket sentry. If scatter is in play I tend to take an AC sentry
graphics look old and gameplay is dated
Look at the game retard
that sounds pretty good
i do but im kinda loaded down right now
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Sticks and stones.
I also forgot but I take impacts for additional bug hole clearance, for spewers, for the more elite patrols (2 impacts will kill multiple brood commanders).
Its also good for spewers, but since they changed how damage is dealt to spewers when they nerfed their move speed its less reliable for killing big groups of them. Its still the best emergency tool, especially once you learn the distances and use it to kill a close horde and propel yourself to safety
If they do add vehicles, will they increase the map size? Even d9 feels small sometimes, especially when you get a shit seed with a huge mountain in the middle or water everywhere.
shut the fuck up or I will curse Deus Ex to get the Definitive Edition treatment
don't care
When you're able to do stuff like that from practice it feels especially great when you get a cluster of them all at once. I love the impact grenades but like a retard I sometimes throw it too close, then I'm bugfood if there's too many of those critters around.
ok retard
cry about it
Its definitely a potential concern.
Walkers arent designed to have much ammo or staying power and dont have the stratagem launcher so either they couldnt get certain things to work, or they decided vehicles being emergency weapons rather than mission long tools was what they wanted for HD2.
The Warthog and APC are probably stuck in a limbo where they dont really fit HD2 as a game right now, there are very few objectives where being stuck in a vehicle makes any actual sense, Egg and nest blitz basically require you to be on foot to clear them, any objective that requires interaction is a no go, eradication is tiny. As you said half the planets have massive rivers. Even setting aside the uneven terrain would likely be a nightmare to get stuck in as a 4 wheeler.
Especially when you know they'll be bugged to shit and putting the vehicle in reverse would probably make it explode instantly
You just know that the APC will be oneshot by the spiky plants
That doesn't make any sense
Vidya and Films have more trannies than anime does
I can't farm SC on bore rock, do swamp planets don't have any PoIs? What the fuck
>spikey plants blows a tire
>only one spare
Why you talking about APCs? Didn't the first game have actual tanks? Fuck I wanna have tank duels with the automatons now
because APCs are already in the files, fully modeled and textures, while tanks aren't yet
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thats my bad, yeah you're right. On both counts because i didn't even read the armor chart correctly

essentially the damage was either 48% of the mortar if you had the health booster or 40% of the mortar if you didn't

if im reading the chart right, with 50 armor the only way is if you did have the health booster and it counted explosive damage (53.2%) x chest percentage (90.44%) for 48.1% of 200 damage (for ~80 damage), which also checks out, unless the 50% limb health messes with something i dont know about
random pellet spread making a pellet hit his head and a pellet hit his body? idk
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does it have to do with the fact that high ping/swedish coding makes the location you fire at (and therefore your laser cannon) floppy in the perspective of other players?
Wear shield backpack
I run
Erupter/redeemer/stun grenade/shield backpack with flame thrower
This is one of the best flamethrower build that can deal with both of you can juggle your option well
Erupter is fairly good at dealing with bile spewer. 2 shots to the head for a bile and it regularly explode the bile, killing other bile in a domino chain explosion (which you should aim for to clear bile efficiently)
Erupter can thin out a stack up group of huntera in a patrol at a distance with AOE. Hunter patrol is a lot more dangerous than hunter coming out of breach because hunters coming out of breach usually die to flamethrower before they can act.
Redeemer is very good at fighting stray hunters that flank you or get a jump on you. It can be drawn very quickly and fire while moving so you can make space and reposition.
Stun grenade can be thrown at your feet in case you are surrounded and overwhelmed up close to bail you out.
And you still have 2 slot for stratagem for bile titan.
Shield backpack is a good safety net since you have to dealing a lot with shit up close while using flamethrower and to avoid setting yourself on fire
It's not the easiest build since you need to be using the right tool at the right situation. There might be easier build to play if you are willing to give up your ability to plug bughole completely
It's simple

I equip

I take
>Supply Pack

And I don't stop winning.
>ESL monkey likes eruptor AND crutch shield
Many such cases!
You can try to run flamethrower without shield backpack if you want. It'll be a miserable experience.
NTA but I usually ran flamer with supply pack, if I'm going to take a backpack, 20 stims and 15 tanks is too good to pass up on.
That can work I guess. I just find that flamethrower doesn't go through its ammo fast enough to justify supply backpack. You'll restock for stim/grenade most of the time.
Scorcher? I barely know er
does shield backpack work against explosives like friendly strategems or cluster bombs?
do you?
I'm frankly too paranoid to use a flamethrower without shield or a rover. Too hard to trust randos even on d9 to watch your back for a few seconds while you hose bugs down.
So we won all those defenses while everyone was trying to capture Pandion-xxiv? how
Joel happened.

Caotcha: NAAP
I'm 98% sure Joel just cancelled the attacks
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>hmmm I wonder how my favorite 4 player coop game is do-
As long as it does HD1 numbers, I don't give a shit. I have said this in prior threads, I will say this again. All i need is 3 other semi-competent players.
what if it's you and Joel
This is what happens when you drip feed content we know has been in the files since release. There's no reason why shouldn't have at least the car stratagem by now.
Because of how they set it up, less players ironically is better because the proportion of liberation points you get is tied to how many players there are online. I get why, but itbdoes mean less players means its easier to take or hold a planet.... somehow. Bravo Arrowhead.
I am confident Joel has never played the game for a single second of his life.
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>team mate ragdolls me with a close range eruptor shot
>drop the OPS I was about to throw
>kill everyone on extract
>get kicked from game
That's the way she goes, boys. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't cause that's the fucking way she goes.
Stop. Taking. Mortars. To. Bugs.
Rocket defense mission. Two guys with mortars. We were constantly on the verge of death until I started going out of my way to kill their mortars as soon as they dropped 'em. Past that it was super easy since the seed didn't spawn any heavies for whatever reason.
i guess you could say those player numbers took a dive
I don't even need that
The game just needs to let me dive
90% loss is completly normal! AH are great devs!!
I get that you don't mind going commando, but sometimes I dun feel like being a sneaky boi in purple. Sometimes I just want to get sum o da boyz togetha and krump sum gitz with some dakka.
how the fuck do i get rid of this fog?? I cant see like 20 feet infront of me with this crap. most of the time I make contact im just suppressing aimlessly into the mist against a horde of like 50 bugs or bots. is it a setting or am i just getting unlucky with my missions?
>implying anyone really gives a shit about taking or holding planets
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There is no grind in this game. It respects your time. You can take a break and come back. It could introduce the fomo bulshit other live service games are known for but I'd rather have a good game with 10k active players than a skinner box with 100k active players.
Swing down, sweet super destroyer, and let me dive
>retard still doesnt understand if it gets anywhere close to HD1 numbers the game is immediately going on "maintenance" mode then online removed within a year.
Dev studio is way too fucking big now to maintain a game for such tiny returns, especially with the paradox jew in charge and Sony breathing down their neck
There is a grind in this game though? Its not nearly as bad as other games for sure. But if you arent playing off and on between warbonds youre going to be paying for it rather than getting with saved up SC unless you did a ton of farming before the exploit was patched.
Newfags who pick up the game have $50 worth of shit to buy alongside their actual purchase.
why you gotta call your fellow anon a retard

were you never socialized as a child?
>getting so upset over a no no word
Are you autistic? Gonna piss and shit if I type nigger?
look faggot im sorry you’re terminally maladjusted but please don’t take it out on us
And how easily you reveal youre more than capable of stooping to my level. Whatever you do, dont make any normal friends, the amount of casual swearing may make you faint.
Why do people think they're getting headshot when going prone against bots? Are they just dropshotting out in the open and wondering why their dodge button didn't make them invincible? I have no idea what the fuck shitters are doing sometimes and very occasionally game changes are made because of them.
ok retard
Not really true. Considering you need thousands of medals to complete the warbonds, people who miss out on MOs and POs will have a very hard time catching up.
I have nothing left to unlock and tbqh I wouldn’t say no to a prestige mode that resets everything and gives me, like, a fucking gold star on my forehead or some shit
>catching up
Catching up on what, anon? Nerfed gear? Oh no I dont have the knife or thermite grenade or the dagger pistol or the winter armor that does nothing against the snow, whatever will I do?
> whatever will I do

complain on 4chan
>Nerfed gear
Ironically over all its actually the complete opposite away around.
The breaker Incen, Dominator, Plasma Punisher, Tenderiser all went from absolute dogshit to amazing-good weapons. Steeled Vets was fucking terrible on launch and now people say (rightly) you should get it first.
The only warbond gun to receive a huge nerf that wasnt reverted really was the Eruptor and even then youre getting the demolition warbond because the grenade pistol is worth it on its own
You're goddamn right I will, anon. You're goddamn right. I love /hdg/.
hell yeah brother
Not that it's anywhere near optimal, but hypothetically how does the eruptor or xbow deal with chargers if you don't have stratagems/AT on hand at the moment? Do you just shoot the legs?
architect mod of the eod suit soon
you kill it with a resupply pod
Sell me on the Plasma Punisher. I keep using it but a direct contact hit doesnt even kill chaff 30% of the time.
There's simply not enough mission variety. The "go here push button wait for thing" is very similar for a lot of sub objectives and they kind of blur into one eventually without really having a strong identity of their own, causing anything particularly interesting to happen or having players make meaningful decisions about how to tackle them. I'd even take a fucking escort mission at this point like "protect the ICBM crawler as it trundles across the map", but what I really want is a proper set of stronghold assault missions that actually feel like a spearhead op.
>its another episode of bots d9 where everyone just splits up and runs from the bots instead of fighting, thus dying endlessly
will botdivers ever quit bitching
Its slightly more unreliable than your other options but it has a huge ammo count, it loses almost no damage over its travel distance after AH amended it, and it can hit and damage large clusters really efficiently. Ive taken out entire dropships worth of devs before they even made touch down.
I wouldnt use it on bugs though
I actually don't hate it I just like saying I do because people get really defensive. I'm only really here before I go to sleep and after I wake up so I don't really lurk much
has nothing to do with bots you ape
Here's your reply
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the botdiver cope
>Forbes doing videogame articles
stay in your lane
>retard who worships youtubers thinks he's in a position to make fun of journalists
Post your UN so everyone can kick you.
>how does the eruptor or xbow deal with chargers
it doesn't, bring AT
So the trick is to just spam the punisher everywhere and hope to god the AOE kills/staggers things? Does that even do anything to a hulk or a tank?
punisher? I barely know er
I wish they would allow you to choose the OG helldivers 1 voices. Loved the "totally not SW clone troopers" feel they were going for.
no lobby will be forthcoming
please come back in five hours
ded game
no lobby for you
Strangely, or perhaps not, he doesn't seem to know the difference between casual swearing between friends and randomly calling people you don't know retards
lmao tranime
male hd1 voice is top yeah
female one sucks ass though, hd2 females are much better
hd2 males are trash, i refuse to use them, fucking spidercuck and some other shitter, both sound terrible
Punisher plasma is a solid choice for bots because you can just stagger any devs, 2-shot scout strikers and sometimes even get 2 of the smaller bots with one shot. It's extremely clutch if you have to solo objectives, but you need to kinda get the hang of the correct positioning to fire as you can very easily hit a corner or the cover your using and kill yourself if you're wearing light armor, that's why I usually run it with heavy engineer armor and a solid support weapons (HMG+Supply pack or Autocannon) to quickly dispatch heavies and gunships.
>hd2 males are trash
try german or french, they're pretty good
Eruptor kill charger in about 4-5 shots in the ass, which is not bad for a primary
forgot to mention
>4-5 shots (three business days)
That's because the game spawns heavies to destroy the turrets, no turrets, no heavies.
Bong voice actors were better purely for the cup of liber-TEA line. It doesn't sound right otherwise.
>play with a british helldiver
>run to the radar tower adjuster
>brit diver looks at monitor
>"looks like 12 bongs o'the clock"

British people do you really...?
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If I press M1 then I'm just stopping once the canister is empty. Light the bugs and the whole landscape on fire, reload, stim, repeat.
Weren't there leaks around launch for additional voice packs? I remember something about a cowboy voice pack at least.
Very good on bot, top 5 weapon for bot, okay on bug.
If easily stun lock dev, even multiple ones at the same time and can hit through heavy dev shield. It can take down scout walker borderline better than support weapons. It can destroy tank heat sink and tower hear sink fairly quickly, which only a handful of primary can do. Such utility matter more than "raw dps" for bots because it's more important to stunlock as well as having versatility for different units in bot
For bug, it does suffer more due to not having high dps unless you hit a lot of AOE shot. However, it still does very well when you get those AOE shot into clumped up group of enemies and it can shut down many units like stalker due to stagger, and an okay option for spewers.
The arc of the shot tale a bit of time to get used to but it can turn out to be an advantage. You can arc shot over cover to hit bot without hitting yourself. You can arc shot to hit the heatsink of canon/tank even if they are looking at you. You can arc shot to hit the top of a bile titan exposed spot if its armor cracked by an AT.
Most primary take longer for the ass anyway. Since good portion of eruptor damage is in explosive, which has 100% durability damage, it's better than average to break charger butt
Ok, I think I was coming in with the wrong expectations. I'll try the punisher again, supplemented with the AC or HMG just in case.
>quickplay into a guys game three times who keeps kicking me on load in
why sos if you're gonna keep doing this shit
Yea, you do want to depend on your support for raw damage, especially when you get a chance to shoot without the dev looking at you. However, plasma punisher simply bail you out when a dev, especially heavy dev, is locked in on you. Plasma punisher is also more efficient at clearing out anything lighter than a dev, even walker.
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>Log in after 2 weeks to try out the new stuff
>Eagle 1 is practically fucking useless on the new jungle map
No, you just aren't bombing enough. Do you even Space Vietnam?
The game simply doesn't give me enough bombs to Space Vietnam
Who is Super Earth's Henry Kissinger?
Crazy how we can't even expect a fix for these infinite loading screens until these swedoids come back from their government mandated 6 week mental health vacation.
Actually that gives me an idea for a Space Agent Orange you can call in to help destroy vegetation from time to time. Like a shittier gas strike, but its a free 5th stratagem you can in theory call infinitely.
I shoot them in the head with the Punisher pump action so when their head finally does blow up the stagger has pushed them far enough away so that they bleed out before they can close any distance in.
>2 day old thread
Here's your (you).
I really want strategems for environments
Like a gel pack that keeps your weapons cool for a hot planet or shoes that let you walk faster in the snow
I think a Helldiver that's currently using a terminal that's connected to a radar being moved should automatically yell out when it's right, because 90% of the playerbase doesn't have a mic and then ones that do don't ever manually call anything out
Why not just make the confirmation beep louder? Or have a green light on the tower turn on?
The confirmation beep is already really loud. Even on the radar primary objective that requires you to climb a steep hill a good way from the console still allows you to hear the beep when its done.
I agree with you on 90% of cases. That remaining 10% there is so much hollywood-tier action going on and everything is blowing the fuck up you can't hear the beep anymore lol.
>AH seminar where they look at reddit posts has the Emanicaptor WEBM where it takes half the ammo load to kill a bile titan
>Multiple posts around the Bile Titan's mouth being the opposite of a weakspot and being stronger while spitting bile saying its stupid and Pilestedt confirming that its a feels bad interaction
>Fucking MONTHS since then
>No change to the Titan hitboxes or how it interacts when it pukes
>You can still have situations where a titan can randomly take 3-4 shots to the head from a launcher and not die (unless youre a spearchad)
What was the point of those seminars? So the jew could show it off and then do that dumb fuck doctor analogy?
I "ping" thumbs up when I'm at terminal, otherwise immediately hands off on beep
some gorillas still mash connect, not knowing to wait for hands off
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Can you reply to this post when you make a new lobby?
I'll join asap.
Make your own I'll join
Eagle? I just plink them with a single redeemer round, you can aggro so many more patrols that way.
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Post a meme that proves your worth, and I might.
>asking other players to join
>but oh you have to prove yourself first
Aren't we a bit of a choosy beggar.
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wow fags
9 something, we'll figure it out on the boat
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Yes, and?
Post the meme or I'll kill myself.
join the fucking lobby
this is a threat
Killing things is fun. I'm maxed out on samples, I don't really care whether we extract or not.
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>Get hit by a charger
>Game instantly crash
Swedish sorcery
When you die in the game you die for real.
>verification not required
status update:
bots, valyria 5, 2/4
I WILL kill everything i encounter. I care not for samples or objectives anymore, i only wish to kill
This is a dakka shooter, not a survival game. Let people shoot the enemy.
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you can shoot enemy, just don't shoot unnecessary enemy not near an objective and zero cover, when we already have enemy you can shoot behind us :)
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It's over
>forbes article
they'll get those numbers back when piles publicly executes alexus with seventeen cans of surstromming
People really pay for that slop news feed?
Is that the guy who comes along and kills games with shitty "balance" decisions. How do these people continue to find employment.
With the next patch everything will turn out alright
Chud armor will save helldivers
>make the game less fun every update
>never fix anything
>if by fluke they do fix something, they break it again next update anyway
>content slowing down to a glacial pace
>warbonds have even less content on top of that
Yeah, what a mystery this is. I wonder how that happened.
resumes and not enough digging into their background, which is understandable, because a dozen random news articles or forum posts bitching about someone being a retard are easy to wave away
idk I was able to google it and read it after seeing this post.
Its kind of a nothing post. All it really says is
>The game was a massive success that smashed all of its internal predicted metrics
>but the game is losing players
>the game is meant to be a long term endeavor so this is bad
>As such we can view Sony's first foray into live service to be an overall failure despite the initial success
I think the big issue here is similar to Darktide, where the devs and shareholders are going to feel like it was a waste not to put a shit ton of microtransactions in the store at once to make the most of the inflated playercount before they fuck off. With Darktide we didnt get iconic outfits like the Scions/Krieg until like 9 months in, while with HD2 there was no real DLC aside from the warbonds and slop shop and you could max those out with maybe 20-30 dollars with zero farming.
When sony looks at those initial numbers and compares it to lifetime metrics its going to be hard justifying these sorts of live service, which is good long term but bad for HD2 if the numbers continue to plummet
with developers like this, there was never any hope
Remember the flare stratagem?
It's actually easier than you'd think to be a charlatan in the tech sector and by the time the damage is done and your colleagues realise you're fucking useless, you're ready to jump ship to the next company or internal team who aren't wise to it.
No shit. The base experience being as fun as it is was a total fluke. Every update inspires more doubt over whether it was even them who developed the game.
>attacking heavy outpost with the entire squad in a blizzard
>the blizzard lets a full air patrol of gunships sneak up on us
>all four of them are aggroed on me, I only have short cover to work with, and they're staggering their rocket barrages to the point where I am constantly being suppressed while also having to deal with the bot drops that got summoned by the base defenders
>teammates fuck off once they blow up the last fabricator with a stratagem strike and full "not my problem" towards the other side of the map
>they don't even stick around to loot any of the samples in the base
fuck you guys. Turned what should have been a minor inconvenience into a huge fucking mess. Why even fucking bother attacking the outposts if you're not gonna pick up a single fucking sample.
>but I'm capped out
doesn't matter. Hate fucks like this. They always end up only ever collecting ~10 super credits in a full operation because they avoid every single enemy on the map like the plague, POIs included since they most that they do is speed run the main objectives and toss lasers at bases.
>tfw habitually loot as many samples as i can quickly find every time despite being 113 and capped forever
>every double SC cargo container fills me with vigor
they cannot stop my kleptomania
Bot players never go for samples, Its just a fact of the game. With bugs everyone scours every objective except maybe heavy nests and probably spore spewers (because they almost never get taken out close range).
Bots is the only enemy type where I managed to get 40 samples on my lonesome, usually I can barely grab 15 on the bug front some at minimum one other player is picking them up.
Im capped out too so I get really lazy and just pick up rares at this point
Nobody cares about samples we're all maxed out on the bot front
What's the best warbond to get? I only have democratic detonation.
I call it the 343 effect
>gunships being a problem
so were you using a meme support weapon or light armor. Both of these are your fault.
I did kill them you useless nigger. The gunships managed to sneak up on the party due to the blizzard making them invisible until their spotlights lit us up. It just took forever to pick them off one by one with my AC due to the fact that they were staggering their rocket strikes and was also dealing with the devastators from the bot drop. Had to leapfrog between devastator tank hulks and the base's pillboxes to get cover that would let me block LOS to the majority of the gunships to pick them off one at a time.

If one of the blue enemies who wasn't being pressured could have clicked on one or two of the gunships a few times with their ACs, then it would have been a short engagement. But no. Those fucks were already evading POIs and on the way to the next base after chucking a laser in the base's direction.
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3/4 now, bugs 9 on crimsica
Alright, ran a few bot missions around 4-6 to test out the purifier. You guys were right - now that I treat it like an energy grenade launcher and supplement it with an AC, things were a lot of fun. I might have this be my go-to primary for now as I was getting tired of using only the tendie, the sickle, and the scorcher.
Holy shit, you get three supers from D6? ShitterGODS eating good.
It's normally 2.
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Is the vet helmet the only one in the game with an actual glow effect? Theres nothing more kino than your diver drenched in blood and bug guts, in the pitch black night draped in the eerie post skirmish quiet, with a singular glowing red visor absorbing it all.
yeah. the next cluster bomb might kill you, though
Running hmg with physique armor and supply pack is fucking kino.
I drop down, I run and fight my away out of the 4 bot patrols that arbitrarily spawned behind a single wall to surround me
I drop down
I run and fight my away out of the 4 bot patrols that arbitrarily spawned behind a single wall to surround me
I drop down
I run and fight my
Stop dropping down and get some skills dumb noob.
Run scout armor against the bots. Only fight the bots that you want to fight.
>I run and fight my crippling addiction to shit posting in /hdg/
>kill a patrol, two more spawn behind you literally out of no where and shoot a flare
Light armor is just begging for a scout strider to just accidently pop your head off in one shot
Maybe if headshots didn't exist
Can't wait for the next patrol fix that breaks them even more
The MEDIUM scout armor so that you avoid the OHKO's.
Light gunner armor yes or no?
It's ok. I find actual perks more useful personally.
Sounds like a *YOU* problem, nooby. Me? If I don't wanna fight? I leave, simple as. They'll LOS eventually.
its worse than medium armor because even though it has 100 armor points its still classified as light so you take more damage to counteract that :)
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Previously I'd say yes, but after they amended armor ratings over 100 to give you bonus head defence I think if youre building for speed you should take a different armor and if you want a mix between speed and armor you take the default or winter warrior (or one of the pseudo medium armors that goes over 100 by default) because the extra head defence is really noticeable.
The allcaps came out harsher than I wanted it to look. Neglected to mention that I meant the medium one in the first place. I guess a lot of people don't realize that there is a medium scout armor. I forget if it's in the helldivers mobilze warbond or was in the superstore. I think it's called combat technician or something technician.

It's really good against bots since you have decent mobility, enough HP to survive getting oneshot so long as you don't walk into a turbolaser turret, and the scout effect makes it easier to maneuver around enemies to either avoid fights or get into proper ambush positions to light up and kill the small bots before they can call for help.
I get knocked down, but I get up again
>You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
>You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
>You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
>You're never gonna keep me down
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read patch notes, they've acknowledged and confirmed the bile titan head is fucked and not working correctly
>bile titans having a 50% chance of outright ignoring damage to their only weakspot is a "le known issue fix maybe idk not a big priority lol :^)"
>their only weakspot
there's another place on the bile titan that is also a two shot to kill with heavy AT that isn't their head. can you find it?
horny niggas
>we're getting closer to the next warbond
>the swedes STILL haven't given us the fucking commando rocket launcher
This shit should have been released alongside the fucking action movie jungle fighter warbond on the same damn day. Their summer vacation should be the time were every week they roll out a new toy or two that they have just sitting in the game's files collecting dust. Instead there's probably some swede thinking "well, I guess we need to wait another month before we give them another chance to unlock the AT mines"
From what I've read, the trench paramedic has the highest armor rating of all light armors (yeah), +2 stims, and is nearly as fast as all of the other light armors. Don't have that chart which explains the value systems but I'm sure someone does. And yeah, it's a butt-fucking ugly armor
I think there's at least two levels of light armor, and I personally call them light and ultra-light. The black and yellow scout armor is light, while the greenish one that used to have the bugged helmet is ultra-light.
definitely looked like a tk to me
I type "lmao" every time someone TKs
The release pace for new strategems is way too slow, and so far all of them sucked. The mechs are garbage, the airburst is garbage and mines are so bad people save virtual children instead of getting the AT mines.
>and so far all of them sucked.
>forgetting the quasar cannon and the HMG
I was extremely fond of that superior packaging methodology upgrade for the super destroyer that lets my support weapon fully resupply from crates. WHEN IT WORKED.
Nice things don't survive contact with alexus.
yeah they fucking destroyed the HMG, it's so much worse now than it was at release. I can't believe they fucking massacred my boy so fucking hard that it's literally unsuable. they nerfed its rate of fire TWICE

and buffed its damage
and durable damage
and gave it a third person reticle
and gave it a faster reload
and increased its stagger
Now go check how many days have passed since they released.
No, actually I'll save you the time:
93 days for both
The HMG was never a nice thing in the first place. It's just something that's a bit above mid if people go way the fuck out of their way jumping through hoops to double down on using it.
Childdiver body soon bro
HMG did suck for a long time until they increased the flat damage per shot by 50%, increased damage against durable targets by a total of 75%, cut 33% off the reload, and reduced the recoil. The only thing that came out as a genuinely competitive choice was the quasar.
I can't think of a single reason to justify using the HMG over the AC. It needs significantly more spare magazines to stand on its own two legs.
>I can't think of a single reason to justify using the HMG over the AC.
because it's fun, and it's nice to use something different once in a while
If you want a "meta" reason, because
>you can run backpacks
If you want a normal person reason
>because it's way more fun
Next MO better have some actual shit for us to unlock or at least a unique objective
You can field a resupply backpack and feed your local starving spear user or functionally have an unlimited amount of stims to combine with the booster stim booster.
Pretty misleading considering it was never likely even half the playerbase was going to keep playing because most people would move on after they've had their fun.

40,000-80,000 is still pretty good for a live service game, and it'll probably spike with squids, bosses, and other of note updates.

I don't believe the people saying "nerfs and bad cm killed the game". I think that only contributes to a minor percentage of players. The PSN debacle is probably the only really unnatural hit the game took to it's playerbase (good fucking job snoytards)
AT mines take 4 soon, helldiver :)
That reminds me: People were speculating that a lot of the t4 upgrades weren't working. I can personally confirm the electricity arcing +1 uphrade IS working. I went into a low level and tried it repeatedly on scavs and warriors and fairly reliably could get 3 arcs after the intial target (ie 4 targets hit per "shot")

That said: Can someone who knows the math tell me why the arc thrower can't reliably 1-shot hunters? It kinda seems like it should be able to since it can usually one tap warriors.
>you can run backpacks
false. You can run ONE backpack. The supply backpack. It doesn't get you any extra build variety because it doesn't have enough ammo to sustain combat on its own. Even that falls short of just running the AC because the AC's ammo backpack replenishes from the ammo boxes that you can scavenge from POIs while you're bound by call-ins with the supply pack.
you can run all backpacks, if you only want to run the one that gives you ammo because you aren't ammo efficient and can't find random ammo packs around, that's a you problem
>You can run ONE backpack
says the man who's getting carried as he spends half the match reloading and scrounging for ammo.
You know, I'm pretty happy with this. Instead of this game releasing in a buggy, unfinished state, it released well polished and enjoyable and had a massive boost of sales. They have more than enough funding to continue to develop the game for at least another two years. "No signs of recovery" is kind of misleading, they still have yet to release illuminates and the rest of the enemies they have planned in the files for the factions. I can picture a scenario where this game has a massive influx of new players next year with the illuminates that are SO HARD BRO and a backlog of a dozen warbonds for returning players to complete (hopefully they sell these in bundles or slash the prices on them after a year so returning players can start grinding shit they want)

I might be coping but how is this not vastly superior to 'release broken, playable after a year' like every other game?
Man, sentries suck
They don't kill anything faster than you, they're fragile as shit and you can't place them on strategic spots because the beacon ball just bounces off them
Sure thing bud.
I'm not arguing with melanin enriched folks.
Kill potential with sentries is a lot higher than most stratagems. Try using the autocannon on wide open planets with good visibility like deserts because it has a very long range, it's especially good against bugs. Mortars are pretty much the only things good against bots but rockets can hold their own I've heard
>it released well polished and enjoyable
HD2 released buggy as fuck and most of these problems are stil on the ever-groing known issues lists.
It succeded because of AH accidentaly delivering a fun shooter game, HD2 at launched wasn't polished at all
>I can picture a scenario where this game has a massive influx of new players next year
I'm not trying to be mean here, but this is seriously some giga-cope you are huffing brother. I'm not say its not gonna cause an influx (more accurately, its gonna cause some players to return and almost no one new to buy-in) but its not gonna be huge. They'll be lucky if they get 10k for a week.
Do flamethrowers work on BTs? I joined a friend's game on 6 and towards extract a BT showed up. I danced a little ballet around its legs so I could stand underneath and cook it from below. I popped the sack but then still standing there emptying the entire canister into it, it wouldn't die. So confused.
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>Can someone who knows the math tell me why the arc thrower can't reliably 1-shot hunters?
Because the arc thrower targets center mass and warriors are much more likely to approach you directly while hunters are more likely to approach from off angles. The arc does enough damage to break the warriors head which eventually kills them, while hitting a hunter in the limb only transfers half of the damage to the main body, which isn't enough to kill it.
You can damage BTs with it (via the sac as you saw), but you can't kill it unless someone softens it up for you first and then you go for the sac.
If Fallout 76 and NMS can recover this game is perfectly fine.
A new faction of wholly unique enemies and a backlog of stratagems/warbonds to unlock will bring back some people, who will invite their friends. I don't think the situation for this game is unrecoverable but they need to fire alexus. If not for his shitty balancing decisions, then his inability to treat the customer as right because "OMG SOME TROLLS SENT DEATH THREATS" which realistically you should laugh off if you consider yourself a man
Thank you, that was very informative. Appreciate the effort
they'll eventually burn to death but the flamethrower doesn't have enough pen to do much direct damage to them
So if I do have a flamethrower, just hop in to blow out the sac and then get the hell out of dodge?
>this game is perfectly fine.
No one mentioned this. Why are you talking about this? Oh no, you're about to launch into a schizo rant aren't you?
you'd have to keep reigniting it. killing BTs with fire is possible but EXTREMELY slow, it's really not worth it unless you're absolutely desperate.
I'm not so sure about that. The current playerbase can hardly handle bots, there's no way the squids are gonna be popular
I can't believe 76 ended up being a huge hit
Why is Joel leaving those planets alone in the Ymir Sector? They been behind enemy lines now for like a month (longer?) and he just ignores them. Doesn't that seem odd to anyone else?
still mad that todd told us we could just play with friends, then "private servers" wound up costing $100 a year
unless you're flaming the broken open torso the flamethrower can't do ANY damage to the bile titan after the sacs are popped.

>you'd have to keep reigniting it. killing BTs with fire is possible but EXTREMELY slow,
Bile titans don't take any damage from fire DoTs. Fire targets the main HP and uses the "main" hitzone armour to determine if it can penetrate the target, which for he bile titan is 5 armour vs the 3 penetration of the fire DoT.
>new chargers make it so you either bring a flamethrower or you play a stupid AT minigame with your momentum and stripping leg armor
>but if you take the flamethrower to avoid that, then you you struggle against BTs if you don't have any eagles, etc not on cooldown
>and if you DO take antitank weaponry against BTs they have a 50% chance of going "no damage oops :))))))))))" when you shoot the weakspot
We need more art of Eagle-1's feet.
So long as Dev team continues adding content, they will find their fans. A game really only fails if the studio gives up on it/Its a financial failure to the point they cannot work on it anymore.

HD2 was a massive financial success, to the point where the dev team went back to rework their plans for content, so I'm not worried about if the game will live or die. The game saw a surge of players, and the dedicated will continue to play no matter what.

Just look at Destiny 2. It "dies" every other year and its still chugging along fine.
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>if you DO take antitank weaponry against BTs they have a 50% chance of going "no damage oops :))))))))))" when you shoot the weakspot
Only if you shoot them in the mouth. Shooting the forehead while they are spitting is still a reliable and consistent two-shot.
>HMG fag kills everyone in pelican
Thats it, I've been converted
shit nigger it's heavy AT I shouldn't have to aim for tiny weakpoints
I thought that the entire forehead essentially becomes a no-go zone during the bile spit. You're telling me dome shots are still cool anyway?
The bots currently have 22 worlds
The bugs currently have 19 worlds (this is likely to fall or the next day or two as the MO wraps up.
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dome shots are and always have been cool.. Just don't aim too high because the top of the forehead clips into the rear armour in its spitting animation. You need to hit the 'ridge' the forehead plate.
I mean the launch was one of the biggest disasters ever
And unlike NMS that needed an IH video or Cyberpunk that needed an anime, it just climbed back on its own
I guess MMO players are more forgiving, ToR went through the same shit
Why do they keep doing this? Is it the only way to get clicks? If so, maybe it's time to let it go. Fucking worms.
>sportsballslop 20xx: pay $250 or don't bother Edition *crickets*
>normalfag movie"game": DEI harder edition (millions of unverified sales, sub 1k players playing) with no comment from the media
very natural
bethesda players have a special brand of brainrot, there are people that defend starfield and claim it's a good game
If this was a good game, you could just take out two of its legs to kill it, or just spam 3 shots to its head at any point, anywhere on the head, to kill it.
>also arrowhead: we cannot give you bigger magazines because of muh boolets, pls understand
Does anyone know how to kick players while everyone is in the hellpods selecting stratagems before the mission starts? Specifically without having to back all the way out and exit the pods.
open up the social screen and go to the game tab
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I don't really get what you're saying because it, nominally, is two shots to the head to kill. It's intended you should be able to shoot it twice anywhere in the head at any time and kill it. It's only shooting the mouth while its spitting that produces inconsistent results because of a bug or unintended interaction.
Hit the O key >>484014760
what a very lenient margin for error on an enemy that forces you to take quick shots while you're being swarmed
or just don't shoot them while they are spitting
>Just look at Destiny 2. It "dies" every other year and its still chugging along fine.
That's true
Destiny 1 has to have been a huge failure considering the budget, but Bungie just kept trudging along
Every time I hit a dev head with the DCS its like a mini orgasm.
I love it when some sees like 6 whole devs and throws a panic eagle, and seeing their face as I just pop all of them with 6 shots and a stun
You're not wrong, I have been to /fog/, the retardation there is off the charts
nah. Even that half assed update that buffed a few things pushed us up to like 130k from 40k
People WANT to play the game, they're just waiting
Hard to say. Bungie was a different beast back then. It could take a financial hit (not sure it even did), and it did recover after all.
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>and seeing their face as I just pop all of them with 6 shots and a stun
Did everyone clap afterwards?
What is the ꜱecoɴd best bug primary?
my schizo friends all praised me
Eagle 1 then carefully landed her plane on top of a Super Earth flag and shed a tear on the statue of a Helldiver beneath her.
>130k from 40k
From what I've observed, when the titan is spitting the weak point of the hitbox shifts more to the sides like you're aiming at the cheekbones.
But stuns are a more precious resource than an Eagle call in?
>So the jew could show it off and then do that dumb fuck doctor analogy?
Unironically yes. This game is cooked, and gordon fucking ramsey in the kitchen couldn't unfuck it.
nice /hg/ description you got there
>I might be coping
You think?
Don't bother with that autist. He's been spamming his shitty webms and gaslighting people with bad faith arguments ever since someone made him upset. He's only here for reactions
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>Shooting the forehead while they are spitting is still a reliable and consistent two-shot.
If you need to hit that tiny fucking area for the damage to count then its just fucking flawed. Theres no logical reason the mouth and head itself is somehow less vulnerable than the exact thin forehead line.
hunter seed is the game pitying you and giving you easy mode
will botdivers ever quit bitchin
tiny weakpoints should be reserved for AP4 or below
homeboy out here hitting the BT so poorly he's depleting the main HP pool

it would've been hilarious if you somehow needed more than six rockets, considering that's 3900 damage and the BT only has 3500 hp

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