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helldivers never die
prev. >>483764447

Helldivers 2 is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by 343 Industries and published by Xbox Game Studios. It is the sixth mainline installment in the Helldivers series, following Helldivers 5: Guardians (2015). The game's campaign follows the human supersoldier Master Chief and his fight against a mercenary organization, known as the Banished, on the Forerunner ringworld Zeta Halo. Unlike previous mainline entries in the series, the multiplayer portion of the game is free-to-play.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Helldivers is a 2001 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox. It was released as a launch game for Microsoft's Xbox video game console on November 15, 2001. Helldivers is set in the twenty-sixth century, with the player assuming the role of the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier. The Chief is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence. Players battle aliens as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






LATEST PATCH June 25th https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

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My life for fat arsed leandivers
New mission types when?
I demand the sauce for those cropped leandiver pics.
Eagle-1's feet...
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AH killed us
I throw OGS at breaches and someone got mad because he kept dying to it...
That diver clearly had the Coof.
Mizumoto Yukari
inb4 he was trying to do the objective and you threw it on top of him
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arc throwers take lead
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>picrel user
>brings four red strats, never uses them
>sprays everything regardless of distance
>sprays everything whether its armored or not
>sprays every patrol and breach, never progresses the mission
>never tactically reloads, never resupplies until 100% out of ammo
Why is this gun the ultimate shitter magnet?
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>wanted to capture my final level up for fun
>nice event milestone
>the prompt bugs out when I finally do
This fucking game.
>Why is this gun the ultimate shitter magnet?
What percentage of players (that run 8s or 9s) would you say use this on bug missions? I want to say at least 2 of the other 3 players in any match are rocking it. Its probably a "shitter magnet" because the overwhelming majority of players always use it.
>never resupplies until 100% out of ammo
I try not to resupply until I'm on my last mag unless we're moving on, but I also don't use the incel breaker.
Congrats, private!
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Post lobby
Dead general, dead game. Saturday and 19 posts, get for real.
no u
I hate sample collecting so goddamn much
Post lobby and let me do it for you
>Kill your team my man
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What is the purpose of this thing, i do not understand it. There must be some hidden knowledge that makes it good
wiping a patrol with one click
it's effectively a single strike of the airburst orbital per shot
>There must be some hidden knowledge that makes it good
pressing Q 4 times when selecting an operation guarantees a spawn seed with hardly any heavy enemies
Patrol yeetus deletus.
>What is the purpose of this thing
Super grenade launcher. Can wipe out medium tier ads in one shot
>In reality
Needs more damage to fufill that role. Proximity could also use some work.
>Proximity could also use some work.
needs a 30 meter minimum arming range and more delay before detonating after the fuse triggers
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Are there any scifi 3rd person shooter games you play that scratch an itch in the same way HD2 does? I was considering Battlefront II since it's on a big sale right now, but I don't know if it's even alive, let alone worth playing. I still love this game but my friends are burned out, so I want to get them into something similar that still feels fresh for their sake.
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if you mean porn it is probably on a booru, if you mean in game there are three mods on the nexus, pick your poison
https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/105 (works with both)
>how do i use both?
ínstall one mod as normal, extract the other and change (rename) the "patch_0" portion to "patch_1" for all three files, then drag and drop into the same folder
>if you mean porn it is probably on a booru
Well that's the weird thing, coomdiver. I went to the more popular boorus and nothing showed up, just mostly generic safe art you could find anywhere. Very odd.
Helldivers 1
I got nothing man I wish I did.
I use it on the mission you gotta defend the missile silo. It's good there. That's it.
not 3rd person but alien swarm is great
How similar does it have to be? EDF fits the bill mostly but it's less sci-fi and more modern times with some cooler tech. It is also third person and you kill far more huge bugs in EDF than helldivers.
I'm starting to wish that the resupply stratagem only contained a single supply box but the stratagem is instead an individual stratagem that everyone gets instead of a shared cooldown. I'm tired of having to scrounge POIs for every single one of my stims and grenades because some chucklefuck called in the supplies in the middle of goddamn nowhere and double dipped on top of that. Why the fuck did the swedes code supply drops so that the boxes aren't at least marked on the map like dropped support gear? At least that way would could see the ditch that they dropped the damn things on.
EDF is the only one that gets close, but its so far behind in terms of gamefeel and animation/texture quality
It does make up for it by being on a ridiculous scale of conflict. Youve probably heard it said but in the newer EDF games the 380mm barrage is equivalent to one of the baby early artilleries in EDF
Thanks anon
Unfortunately that was likely my last game for now
If I'm around here at like 11pm I will post lobby
>Light armour + SMG.
>Literally never stop moving while shooting.
>Have 8+km travelled at the end of the mission.
Imagine ADS'ing to shoot. Couldn't be me.
It's very odd that this game genre isn't explored more. You have many IPs that could have an entry yet don't. Nothing from Star Wars, 40k (until now, what with SM2 coming soon but its not exactly the same), XCOM, Starcraft, etc.
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>don't get a resupply all match
>drilling the hole for the nuke
>running out of autocannon ammo
>retard teammates start dying on their side of the crater since two of the dumbfucks have arcthrowers and their sole plan for killing chargers and titans is to run in circles while blindly spamming the arc at them (they're responsible for 14 teamkills so far
>they teamkill each other again with blind arc fire and their position gets overrun
>I literally don't have enough ammo left to clean up this mess, so I call in a fresh AC
>sidestep a charger and delete its asshole with my last clip
>see one of the respawned arcniggers grab my AC
>equip my bushwhacker and set to triple barrel mode
damn shame
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>dominator and peak physique on bugs
Not bad. I like being able to stagger enemies rather than just shoot and hope they fall in time.
I see it's most useful when you don't wanna go through a whole patrol but they're a problem anyway or if bug breach or bot drop happens, it takes care of one wave at least or damage them enough to take out easily. It's certainly no AP4+ weapon that can take care of big threats but it can take care of big groups that would have exhausted your supplies and time.
Thats the issue with AAA gaming. You have a bunch of massive multi million investment studios who who cant provide returns of just a few million over their costs. They expect every game to make its money back and then go far beyond it. You're seeing the culmination of this with so many studios releasing "successful" games like Hi Fi Rush or Spiderman 2 that still end with the studios getting fucked. Bethesda is in fucking dire straits from a single game (Starfield) not performing up to the gassed up internal standards of "this needs to be the next exclusive while on the fanatical par of skyrim".

When even huge players are getting fucked in genres they should be killing it in, these niche genres which has barely been explored become far less appetising and impossible to sell to these big studio execs as the next thing. Its not like the 360/PS3 days where the studios were smaller, had less rot within their roles consuming money, and they could try something and see if it sticks without fucking ruining themselves.
I still prefer firebreaker but the dominator feels so good on bugs.
>blast off the arms of hive guards
>full kill a stalker before it even gets its lick off
>full kill another stalker before it can combo
>brood commanders shredded
>every other medium 1hk'd
>extremely good against skinned bile titan backs
It sucks versus shriekers, but it's definitely one of my favorites.
Kek based.
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How high are the chances for the next MO to be another filler MO?
Does the grenade launcher have an arming distance?
I like Adjudicator for it's flexibility between chaff and med threats but it kills Broods easily by half a clip so I still don't have to shoot around the shield. Dominator packs quite a punch that med enemies are easier but I have to bring Stalwart to compensate for everything else. I really like primaries that have some power that specializes against med enemies and have some support weapon to take care of chaff.
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So did they stealth nerf the eruptor again or what? It's taking 3 headshots to kill a green spewer now.
yes, which makes it even stranger that the airburst doesn't
Pretty high unless the rumors are true that Illuminates are coming mid/late summer but still a few weeks or a month before we see a real MO.

Anyone wanna do a lobby?
>posts time
>no indication o timezone
I don't understand how people still do this, on 4chan of all places
We're still in for another 35 days of swedish rolling holidays. We probably arent going to see proper MOs or new shit until everyone is back
What constitutes "filler" MOs. By some people's metrics we've only had like a half dozen non-filler ones.
post it
Any MO that directly results in a story event or enemy progression happening or provided unique objectives.
We've had under 10 of these I think. Off the tippy top of my head:
>Bugs TCS set up
>Bugs TCS maintenance (shriekers)
>Bugs TCS shutdown
>Automatons actions investigated (Gunships)
>Automatons driven from the galaxy
>Automatons return in force (defense)
>Meridia bombing
>Nuke Nurseries (unknown result)
>marked on the map like dropped support gear?
Which is still super stupid. Because why would you want your gear to show up on tracking only after it's been dropped on the ground? Gear and supplies should show up on the mini map regardless of if they're in a pod or not.
Central Time
But it's actually gonna be like midnight/1am
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You got it.

>We've had under 10 of these I think
Then its incredibly unlikely, and you'd be an idiot for expecting otherwise at anytime, much less when half the studio is on vacation.
Not the person who asked when the next non filler MO is, but I agree we wont be seeing one for a while.
They did add the Impaler to the gamefiles as a name in the .400 patch though and there are also fully textured bile chargers so we may get an enemy progression MO soonish (4 weeks)
are the doomers right or nah?
>and there are also fully textured bile chargers
Haven't those been in there for months?
MOs that are just "enemies are trying to take x planets please stop them Helldivers!!" which don't further the story at all and the only reward is 50 medals. It feels like we've done this bug MO a dozen times now.
Not fully textured, they were in the code as an entity for a good while though yes
I saw ss of them looking pretty much done months ago
Right about what? The original doomposting prediction came to pass when HD2 got beaten in certain intervals during the day by fucking DRG.
The things to be depressed about right now are:
>AH for the life of them cannot release a single patch without something breaking, including things they already fixed
>extended period between proper updates with no real benefit to stability (see above point)
>extended period between warbonds with no real benefit (next Warbond is identical in layout to the Viper one but will take 6 weeks to release minimum if they hold true to extended times)
>AH is working at a snails pace for new live content due to "burn out", summer holidays and panic around breaking the game
All of the above is just true right now. AH need to prove that they can patch the game without fucking anything up and things can look up from there.
>bile chargers
Oh joy
>player base down to <10% of launch numbers
Helldiver bros...
Your constant doom posting every single thread makes you no brother of mine.
We're not getting illuminate until we have unlocked anti-tank mines.
The Adjudicator still sucks ass. Too much recoil and too little ammunition.
why host lobbbies and post a link if you only have time for one match
We did two missions the first was an eradicate, remember?
But yeah, the fact you didn't remember is another point I cite when stating eradicate missions are uninspired and stupid.
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you can aim your EAT for around one second when you jump and i'm going to replace orbital railcannon with EATs now
i liek the part wen we drop nd music go WA WA WA WAAAAAA :D
That is one of the big points that sold me on the game, but the in-game mission music is kinda dull and there's only one track for each faction I think. The descending four notes as the hellpods descend is awesome, but at this point I just listen to my own music when I play.
Not only are they taking more time to do less, they're sitting on a good amount of interesting content that's already in the game files that they refuse to release because they would genuinely rather go out of business than ever see the players having fun
@yard2nd on twitter. Give him a follow and tell him to draw more bugrape and NTRdivers while you're there.
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>bile titan doing bile titan things
>never skips leg day
>spears a little shitter mech in the back and one-taps it with his all natural durasteel legs
>refuses to elaborate
>keels over dead two seconds later and leaves his mortal coil behind
Sorry for not making this shot. If I had managed to land the headshot I think it would have saved you.
Take it with engineer perk, take a knee behind some cover, and just pull down on your mouse. It's manageable if you account for the recoil and aren't trying to use it like the Liberator.
I thought I could out run that big sissy. Boy was I wrong.
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I have a suggestion for a new cosmetic addition to the game.
So what is the bug primary to use faggot?
Mech cape! Mech cape!!!
Thanks anon for the sauce. Once I saw the uncropped pictures, however, I have decided that I'm actually good, no need to see more. He's ok at drawing faces (for porn at least), but then everything else is, uh... not the best.
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*happy mech noises*
Now we're diving
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A lot of setup for a gun with 30 rounds.
Damn, sorry to hear that, anon.
On the topic of options for mechs, do you reckon they'll ever let guard dogs work while you're inside the mech? Seems like a perfect sort of synergy - you hit medium and heavy targets and objectives while the drone keeps the chaff off your back.
It's 30 rounds of medium pen without an MG taking up a strat slot.
that would only happen if their resting height can clear the mech and that would reduce the amount of friendly fire incidents from the drones so no
Sorry, I've been too spoiled by the tendie to go back.
I bet the Illuminates did this...!
the ghost of divers past is doing it and making automaton ghost towns featuring zombie hulks
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You and me both, anon.
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It's moments like these that make me remember how the Eruptor used to feel. So close to greatness again.
>making automaton ghost towns featuring zombie hulks
>Zombie goasts.... leave this place!
Stun grenades?
I just shoot chargers in the butt with an MG now. MG + peak physique is peak fun.
the drone can't even aim low enough to hit anything within like 20 meters of the mech if it were flying high enough to not hit the mech itself
>hit the mech itself
Yeah that's probably why they disabled it. Not because it would be too good, but because it would just instantly nuke your paper mech.
Girldivers on Steam
at first I messed up the reinforce code because I was too slow,
now I mess it up because I do it too fast
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>Spear locking on the mech
This lobby is still runnin?
Same bro, same
Leandivers getting BUGGED while human boys watch
no, i had to go
I asked for it.
I really really annoyed by people using mechs when I can't use them.
I usually shoot randoms down if I can.
Then pretend it wasn't me.
son i am disappoint
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>No "climbing the wall" operation against bots in which you have to climb a hyper defenced megastructure bot base and destroy it from the inside out
>No deep diving into an enemy bugs nest and destroying it from the inside out
>No trainkino defence mission
>No bot enemies coming at you from the stratosphere Valstrax/Radahn style
>No bug enemies actually ambushing you from underground
>No enemy finishers like in Dead Space
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Anyone looking for a lobby? Why don't you host?
Plan is to warm up with boogs then move on to bots. No idea which planets yet.
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I paid full price for the warbond just for peak physique .
worth it, it's my main armor for both sides now
Having orbital deployment basically makes all underground and defend the train missions retarded.
Same, also because I missed the super store peak physique medium armor. Now I gotta wait for the entire rotation to go through, I expect it's gonna take three or four days. Being a wagie blows.
>No trainkino defence mission
kek holy shit imagine how fucking buggy such a mission would be
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RIP you, it's the best one too. Absolutely adore this set.
I haven't posted in this general for months, so don't gaslight yourself
failed to join, is it full?
>having a nice match with anons
>connection to server gets sweded
Have fun, bros
This timing makes me think you are responsible >>484048979
Yeah we had a guy join from previous lobbies.
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How can I escape wage slavery bros?
buy vending machines
Gamble on MLB. I got a promo link, you deposit, we both get money.
It's over.
>save SC to buy warbonds
>spend it on cool looking armors
I just can't decide
You can't, the system is literally designed to imprison you unless you get lucky
Practice your little marketable skill in between work and rest. Get it built up to the point that people will pay you for it. Use it as a side hustle for a while, then quit and do the marketable skill full-time.
Gotta take your spare money and invest it in things. Hopefully you reach a point where the investment returns become sufficient enough to cover your living expenses. Easier said than done. Good luck.
>greasy faggot picks arc thrower
>20+ team kills
every time
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>kills you over and over with his own hellpod
>puts mines and tesla towers all over the objectives which we need to defend, doesn't even place them smartly
I've never actually seen such a dogshit player that I've wanted to report them before now. There is no reason not to just teamkill back in the game. I will now be kicking at pelican extract before we leave to fuck with these trash 3rd worlders.
The game is designed by people who have never played an online game before and have no idea how obese 4trans players act.
It's not very expensive, don't feel too bad for paypigging. At least you're not a darktide player gobbling up their fucking reskinned slop for twenty fucking dollars a "set" every two weeks. And they genuinely gloat about it and post their drip in the general
Yeah, it's fairly cheap, what's 1000 SC, 10 bucks? That's like 3 armor sets
It's shame my country's coin is horribly devalued, but even then, it's not a whole lot of money
It has an arming timer rather than distance(based on revolutions) which is how real 40mm works strangely enough. In game if you shoot it into a wall it will just stop, hit the ground, and then explode.
It sure would be hoohoo haha funny if Joel made it so Hellmire and Estanu also got attacked again, so those planets all ended up right back at square one from the previous two MOs where they all got liberated, and then the next week long MO made players liberate them all again and all the current planets get attacked/lost to bugs again and the endless autism cycle repeats.
>orbital scatter
>orbital call in time extended
good morning I hate sweden
I want a big MMO scale raid.
bro game is on life support already, we aint getting shit
Have we made any progress since the game started? I've only been playing it for a month, but it really feels like a tug of war
Is there a pic of the original map somewhere?
>kicking at pelican extract
They still get medals if the mission completes. Make sure you kick them on the last objective instead so they don't get mission completion rewards.

The revival is coming. They just need to do a few unannounced appearances like the Elite: Dangerous alien debut to get some buzz.
The bot front shifted north a bit from when we "defeated them" but then "somehow the automatons have returned"
>find a good helldive team
>start a new op
>hotdrop into blitz bots, excited
>infinite loading drop
i hate sweden
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Very nice, I like combining the heavy helmet with the divebomber suit.
its joever
>check modifiers
>get locked out of 1 of 2 stratas that can one shot the BT
What's in the goy store today? I can't look for a while
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fun facts:
>the 120mm orbital barrage shells are 84mm
>the 380mm barrage shells are 406mm
>the 500kg bomb weighs 50g
>the 12.5x100mm ammunition (used in the mg206 and amr) weighs more than the 500kg bomb
So they just use the RR rocket with extra splash?
Light Gunner and Dreadnought
actually the recoilless is 85mm and a completely different ammunition type
it does over twice the direct damage of the 120mm, however the damage radius is smaller and has a much greater damage drop off and about half the aoe damage
and all of these facts completely irrelevent
Wait how do we know all of this?
My soup told me
>"we want realism and autism"
>"no, not like that"
shut up faggot
ggs all, clips inbound.
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it highlights how spaghettified the games inner workings are

reliable sources

more fun facts:
the 12mm ammo for the MG206 uses BCHP, an expensive ammunition used primarily for hunting large game
which has the exact same characteristics, including penetration as the 12mm FMJ that the HMG uses
and the AMR uses some unknown designation of "EIT" which i can only assume the devs meant to mean "explosive incendiary tracer", which is observably not the case in game
Esker has 2.5 decay because fuck you that's why
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We participate in a bit on tomfoolery here.
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I think even the game is beginning to realize how ass teamloading as a mechanic is, what with bile titan damage ignorance and the obfuscation of the third personal reticle and how fucking ASS the first person sight for the recoilless rifle is.
Just look, I wasn't even killed by anything after I died.
>do you have any games on your terminal?
It can kill bot fabricators if you shoot the side dead-center, unless AH broke/"fixed" that in the last patch cycle.
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I know this one looks bad but I didn't get any good clips of the recovery where H2 managed to extract solo after this anyways since the rest of us had the reinforce bug where we couldn't spawn back in. The whole saga would be too long to put in a webm anyways.
>mom says its MY turn!
It's low key good on bot but people don't understand its value and don't test it enough on bot to grasp it
People expect it to be good on bugs but suck on bots but it's the completely opposite. Just don't take it to gunship patrol modifier.
>soi cuck boy
which one of you faggots is this
>What is the purpose of this thing-
jetpack sucks and can only use once everyone other min. whats the best alternative?
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blowing up your team
blowing up (you)
eradicate bots missions
The problem with it is that it's a support weapon that's geared towards destroying large numbers of chaff enemies. AH is absolutely terrified of giving us primary weapons that are really good at killing masses of heavy and to a lesser extent medium enemies. So it's hard to run anything that synergizes with it. I guess it can be useful if you have trusted teammates doing the heavy lifting against the heavier targets.
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If a booster is ever released that guarantees all stratagem balls stick to whatever they hit instead of bounce I will only ever be using that booster.
it's a 20s cd
it's not for everybody, if you have a skill you issue you can just say so, instead of blaming the tool
The Democracy Officer touched my pp and told me not to tell anyone. Is this standard procedure??
Can you still do the super credits farming glitch? And if so how do you do it correctly as I got a planet with 150 super credits on it.
for speed and convenience? nothing, really. You can run a shield backpack to mitigate annoyances from acid bugs, stray shots/hunter leaps etc but it's not gonna help you in the same way.
time to quickplay helldive with MMG and the Jump Pack. See you planetside, divers!
What did he fucking say, narc? Reporting you rn
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Helldivers has really reached a slump huh. Where are the vehicles and shit? Where are the illuminate? We have been capped on samples for like 3 months now. The game still has terrible balance and most guns are shit. They are taking longer to release patches but the game still needs help.
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i like to use it with the adjudicator on bugs
the launcher is great for preemptively clearing patrols (especially if they have spewers) and swatting breaches
the rifle lets me deal with any stragglers, and you can use the redeemer if you're worried about hunters
blitzer or plasma punisher might also be a good choice

but admittedly it's not as good if you're not in a full team, because reloading is a huge issue
it's hard to find the time to reload it unless you have other divers keeping aggro on the swarms of bugs, but you're a huge help to them as long as you know how to use it right

that means you missed inspection
i'm going to have to report you to my democracy officer for treasonous behavior
pretty amazing with a team reload assuming you have at least 30m between yourself and the nearest enemy
inb4 >team reload
I pull them off with my friends shit is fun for the RR and ABRL.
>drop with randoms on Crimsica diff9
I'm only challenged when I'm carrying my mentally challenged irl friends now. Maybe randos are just too good on Helldive.
To clarify further, to sum it up
>It clears FAB base very quickly due to the generous angle of shot you can take
>It actually clear medium dev okay. It doesn't one shot them all the time but it often put them very weaknened state. It often do one shot heavy dev (due to their lower hp) which are usually the most dangerous dev. The big value is that you can get big AOE to severely soften up clump up bots to lower them from the "critical mass" so you can push forward even at long range with a fast peak, which limit you being exposed to damage
>The recent buff to emplacement HMG and orbital precision strike compliment it extremely well, indirectly raising its viability when taking into a bot mission without gunship patrol
Imo, airburst rocket along with HMG emplacement are the two underrated bot strat. Is it a top tier support for bot??? No. It is above average for bot though and I would straight up take it over many other support weapons for bots and do very well on diff 9
You want to rub
Plasma punisher (rely on damage to total hp so it compliment very well with airburst)
Verdict or senator
Stun grenade
Airburst launcher, eagle airstrike, orbital precision strike, HMG emplacement
I think stealth armor is the best with this build but you can run engineer if you want more stun grenade
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Rover confirmed diver's best friend
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Bots 9
Let's turn some clankers into scrap metal
Mid eradicate, wait for me
Holy kino.
Game refuses to launch anymore give me a minute
>the launcher is great for preemptively clearing patrols (especially if they have spewers) and swatting breaches
The problem is that arguably a number of red stratagems do the job better.
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launcher(rpg)+adjudicator(ak47/mas49/m14)+stealth armor(camouflage)+hmg(DShK)+mines(boobytraps)

take the VC pill
>hidden aggro draw patch
I believe.
That's the regular dog, though.
redpill me on the laser cannon
no stratagems let me take out entire groups and bases from across the map, or take out groups as quickly as the launcher
no need to waste time calling shit in or worry about cooldowns or throwing arcs

and using gas strike on one breach gives me time and space to reload while i focus on other incoming threats at the same time
i can reliably get stupid high kill counts
It kills gunships, hulks, tanks and strider fabricators decently fast, doesn't take a backpack slot, has infinite ammo and absurd range.
Everything else takes a while to kill.
It's a decent weapon, but not amazing unless you are constantly fighting gunships.
No, it's just because the game has always been piss easy, and whoever pretends otherwise is either mentally challenged or a game dev.
Can RR/EAT one-shot tanks in the heat sink? How do they do against AT-ATs? Just wanna try something else than the AC/AMR/HMG for once.
>Can RR/EAT one-shot tanks in the heat sink? >How do they do against AT-ATs?
No, and Poorly.
maximum shots to kill a turret is 2
1 shot if you hit the vent
i don't know why that anon is lying to you

no clue how good it is on the atats though, i still have no idea how you're supposed to kill them except by just spamming strikes on them
i miss the creek
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the weak spot is the belly. As for the RR/EAT performance there I have no clue either
what zero bugfixes and almost no new content does to a motherfucker
I've always needed 2 rockets to the vent or 1 rocket and 2 scorcher shots.
another victory for the White side of history
the turret has 750 HP, a single EAT/queso/RR shot does 650 + 150, but the 150 gets cut to 75 because it has 3 pen, which matches the tank's armor. the maximum you can do with an AT shot is 725, which leaves you 25 damage short of killing a tank

also factory striders die fast to pen 4 to the belly, takes five direct AC shots (angle is important, if you're not as direct it'll take 7 or more). the glowing light on the face also dies to pen 4 but i usually shoot that with the HMG emplacement, AC is faster if you get underneath it, and either strategy requires knocking off the chin guns first. it takes like four AT shots to the head to kill one, you have to crack the armor first (1000 HP), then the part of the head that can actually take fatal damage has 750 HP
Almost there!
Good. Love the game but FUCK AH. Literal trash devs.
swedes will have to take another 2 month break to recover from this
it did 9/11
>anti chaff explosive support
>takes a backpack slot
>fucking insanely long reload
>very large minimum safe distance for use
>kills chaff and medium enemies pretty good
>doesn’t phase heavies in the slightest
>1 shot per load
The MGs, GL, and multiple strikes deal with chaff far better than this piece of shit.
It has no actual niche it excels at. Even the idea of shooting it between a Titan or Strider legs seems like it would wreck them but it barely tickles them. It would require a much faster reload at the bare minimum to even be worth taking and even then it would still be wildly outclassed as a burst horde deleter
>alienate the devs
>tranis take the opportunity
>see dev? those chuds dont like you, just give us the power and we will get rid of them
>now discord is in shambles
>game will never be fixed
>the dream is over
if they made it reload like your diver actually had shit going on instead of treating it like it'll go off at any second, it'd be somewhat more usable.
It's better than MGs (except HMG), at least for bots. I would say it's better than GL as well for bots and all AT support for bot.
Multiple strikes are different tool and function on cool down. Beside, strikes are only go as far as you can throw and you can chuck airburst rocket much further
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gg boys
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nice videogaming
The MG really needs a bigger mag size, right now there's almost no reason to use it over the HMG
enemies will attack hellpods as they are entities. you can eve get kill streak chains off blowing up support gear hellpods
HMG is overkill against bugs
MG is just right.
Stalwart is also ok.
Looks like a psyop to get me to use it in bots
I hate how the average drooling retard doesn't understand how to use turrets. They always place them right up their own asses as if it was a TF2 sentry and it ends up being a massive fucking hazard that usually gets people fucking killed. Instead of tossing them well away from the team into a position where they setup a crossfire with the team.
or just terrain blocking them so they don't spin around and sweep the team
I hate how the average retard getting TK'd by sentries doesn't understand he can just kill the sentries his teammates shit out if they are a TKhazard
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yeah i dive
>as if it was a TF2 sentry
It's not just this, they don't take a second to consider their teammates, it's myopic selfishness AND retardation. Died to a minigun sentry last night because of this shit
i had someone throw a gatling sentry behind my HMG emplacement once. true brain death in that one
My blue strats always comically bounce off 50 meters away when i do that
Try it a few runs. See if you can fire into middle of a bot column and see if you like the result.
I can say with confidence that it is at least better on bot than bug
>tk the gatling sentry teammate throws on my ass
>he whines for 2 minutes
>does the same thing again
>tk it again
>he whines for 2 minutes
>he does it again
literally just learn to throw it, you fucking faggot
nobody thinks you're impressive just because you don't know arcs or positioning or anything about team play
go back to solo, filthy hostnigger
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>>How do they do against AT-ATs?
The armour 4 head of the factory strider only has 750 HP, which makes it a two-shot for EAT/RR/quasar. shoot the green area, or aim for the 'eye'
the secret is to aim for the top of the enemy, it's relatively consistent with chargers if you can land it towards the center of their spine
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>checking out the Japanese voices on YT
>get re-recommended this from from my history
The algo demands a cheesy anime opening with J rap for helldivers
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>he whines for 2(0) minutes
"Learn to place sentries properly"
I'm the higher authority of this game.
I know and understand everything better than everyone.
If they cry and shit themselves because I'm intellectually superior to them, that's their issue.
If you can't keep up with this mindset, you deserve to be cucked.
>teammate uses a mortar sentry on bugs
complete waste of a strat. I'm just going to vaporize it the moment that it lands every time.

>arc tower smack dab in the middle of everything on bug eradicate mission
going to blow that up too.
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From my own experience it's a lot easier if you can get some elevation over the enemy. It doesn't need to be that much either, just a bit higher.
good post
good mentality
good anon
you're alright
what the FUCK is the deal with teams starting to think it's okay to not bring literally any AT.
I wish the railgun wasn't such spicy dogshit against bugs so it was at least another viable alternative
>arc tower smack dab in the middle of everything on bug eradicate mission
From the other side: My favoprite is when I take the time to run off to the side and climb a rock or something to place my tesla and not 10 seconds later someone will just willfully walk up to it in plain sight, get predictably killed while I'm warning them via mic and pings, and then proceed to whinge incessantly and TK me while acting like a victim.

Shitters to go around, doesn't matter what they do or do not bring.
>throw sentry 10km away
>charger conveniently spawns on it
Bugs got too easy. Bile titan spawn is lowered and it's the only true hard AT gate keep and 500 kg + the buffed orbital precision can destroy them well enough.
something something triple its durable damage so it's actually useful against durable targets
Arc thrower can easily kill chargers if you know what you are doing and even behe with a little bit of patience. Its also useful for finishing wounded BTs that somehow survived the 500kg/AT volley fire.
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At this point I just pretend every bugnigger is a dsp-tier player running on automatic mode who just doesn't understand anything happening in the game that isn't the meta. Every single fucking time I throw a tesla somewhere, there's going to be one retard running to it and get zapped by it. Sometimes they do it twice on the same fucking turret.
>have to be within 35 meters
>needs at least like 13 shots
>due to the way arcs work off of huge targets you become a massive TK risk for teammates halfway across the map
i would prefer if you didn't
nice cope
arcniggers think that you should wear the arc damage reduction armor to offset their inability to check for FF risk.
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>join a game that just started
>somebody cluster bombs me within the first minute
>calls reinforcement and says sorry
>literally cluster bombs me the second I get out of the drop pod
>join new game
>drop in
>get cluster bombed
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>He hasn't learned to tame bile titans instead of killing them
also, as an EAT junkie i tend to grab ATs in the field with relative frequency, and while they can kill chargers in like seven shots, it's still really fucking slow, especially if there's two or more of them, or a behemoth. it's just really inefficient at anything bigger than a hive commander, and still kinda risky against spewers.

>a split second before one of the legs moved fuckily and made his body explode into pieces
>Sometimes they do it twice on the same fucking turret.
I wish I could say this is a rare occurence
Or they could do the better solution which is to lower the durability on certain parts which will effect more than just the railgun. They use durability to justify large volume or non-critical parts taking less damage from small arms fire that logically wouldn't do much to those parts, but then they retardedly made small volume and highly critical parts like heads and engines extremely or fully durable. they need to actually stick to the intent behind part durability.
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Make sure you thank the devs, and thank Sony for the privilege of playing such a finely crafted experience.
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I bring proof 2 AT shots to the eye will kill a factory strider
Humiliation ritual time?
either one would work, a max charge railgun being able to three shot BT heads doesn't sound bad to me given the fucking thing explodes if you hold it a little too long and it only has 20 fucking shots.

good to know, rarely relevant for me though, i either never have the angle or don't have an AT weapon.
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...are cut off
hmg emplacement also kills it really quick if you shoot the eye as well, works well on defense maps
>I wish the railgun wasn't such spicy dogshit against bugs
It's honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, it's gotten a lot of buffs and the bile titan head durability nerf helped.
1 shots brood commanders and bile spewers on safe mode
2 shots at 80% to 85% strip regular charger leg armour, or a behemoths rear leg armour, weaken a bile titan so that a single RR/EAT/quasar shot to the head will kill it, or finish off one already wounded in the same manner
3 shots at 80% to 85% to strip behemoth front leg armour or outright kill regular chargers in the head
7 to 8 85% to 90% charge shots to the head will outright kill a bile titan if you've got nothing else
>>have to be within 35 meters
>>needs at least like 13 shots
This is true. Which is why I said if you have patience. It is certainly not a quick kill. Even if they get hung up on a pebble and let you just freely shoot at them it still is gonna take a sec
>due to the way arcs work off of huge targets you become a massive TK risk for teammates halfway across the map
I have never seen this despite frequently taking the arc thrower. This sounds like so Alexus tier bullshit. THe only wonkiness I ever see is chaining into/off a BT which I think is due to the huge z-axis shift.
And before we default to there: I frequently finish missions with 0 accidentials (minus retards running into my tesla), so please, don't even start in on that.

Nice discussion

I've never once suggested that and I wish they'd change the armor passive completely as its dogshit as is, outside of extreme meme group builds

>and while they can kill chargers in like seven shots
Its 6.
>it's still really fucking slow
You can kill them before they can make a single pass if you get the jump on them or use stun nades; plus, any bugs behind them for free. Do it in 2 passes if they get the jump on you.
>especially if there's two or more of them
I can literally kill large numbers of chargers faster than an EAT user and do it safer to boot.
>it's just really inefficient at anything bigger than a hive commander
I disagree. If anything its arguably the most efficient. Maybe you meant to use a different word?
>and still kinda risky against spewers.
Could not be more wrong.

For someone professing some degree of AT expertise, you sure do have a bunch of suspect opinions.
the railgun's numbers are fine and make perfect sense but a couple of body parts have nonsensically high durability which has the effect of fucking over the railgun and a couple of other 3 and 4 pen weapons over on the botfront
tank treads, behemoth heads, bt heads and gunship thrusters. AH please.
if any of you are in their gay discord. please ask them to do this
I was thinking 3-5 but yeah
I agree, but also:
An uncancelable charged shot that can instakill you is a huge drawback on top of the extremely limited ammo and dogshit scope. There is a reason you hardly ever see it on either faction.
This game is so tiring now, I can only do one mission before needing to take a 30 minute break after. So basically, I'm only playing 2-3 missions a day now. And forget about doing whole operations.
If they just adjusted the gunship thrusters that's all it would need with the recent patrol addition to at least be a decent pick on bots at least.
>behemoth heads
I'm the one currently talking up/defending the arc thrower and I'd hardly have an issue if they changed this too. Would make them far more comfortable/enjoyable to deal with.
Yea, but the arc thrower at least strong place on bug.
Railgun is kinda still a bit underwhelming even if they can kill gunship imo.
cool but
>chud helmet
>Railgun is kinda still a bit underwhelming even if they can kill gunship imo
Excellent on devs (all types), hulks, and gunships
That's a pretty good niche for a support weapon. That leaves tanks, fac striders, and buildings for your other 3 strats. Its not an amazing place I will grant *cough*AC*cough*, but its enough to actually get brought and be fun. Maybe lower dur on fac striders guns too and then you can at least help on those (same way arc, flamer, and MGs can help with BTs)
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>PASGT's are chud now
i swear that they've replaced every single fucking super credit drop with rare samples.
it really do feel that way
Alright used it a couple times on D7 bots and it was fun
No way i'm taking it when there's gunships though
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>omg thank you thank you shitpost
>stays up with no intervention
>lengthy critique on the game's current state
>instantly taken down by mods
>post to highlight this mod abuse gets locked after the mods get downvoted
This is what happens when the subreddit is ran by people with ties to the company
Yea, don't take it to gunship patrol modifier. Gunship from fabricator can be okay because you can just drop HMG emplacement to clear the fabricator.
You gotta go back
Yeah, even for Reddit that's bad. Looks like they even removed the designated stickied thread for people to complain, too. So all posts that aren't glowing, dick sucking fests (like that one thanking the devs) or cringe faggot reddit memes are no longer allowed. Honestly surprised it took that long for them to go full 1984 power trip modding.
Had a massive hard on everytime i saw patrols with raiders and devs so i can say it was good
sorry anon HD2 is a game where you cant pretend you dont browse other social media because every single dev update gets posted on trooncord or reddit and nowhere else
>caring about what some swede cucks have to say
Gotta go back
>t. crashed with the spear every game because the only report that it crashed the game was on other social media. Which he cant afford to be known as seeing for fear of being kicked out of 4chan (his only home)
Don't know what you're talking about, reddit nigger, but it seems you should
a) go back
b) seek help
Nah they're just not that common so you can run a streak of multiple games without any.
I found a bunker with triple SC piles the last time I played.
What AH should do is give the 10 SC piles a chance to become 20 SC piles on higher difficulties to make up for some of those getting replaced with rare samples.
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Sorry chud, but we're bringing Reddit here with us and you're just gonna have to deal with it.

Sorry not sorry.

But here's a Doro to make you feel better.
>it's another hot acid shithole where you can't see anything past 10m
Oh boy time to play something else.
When did they nerf the super credit spawns? I feel like I regularly go 3+ games now without seeing a single one, even with grabbing just about every poi.
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introducing the behemoth as a common enemy and buffing its head durability was another indirect nerf to the arc thrower as big as removing the hulk stun was. arc thrower stocks went down pretty hard on high difficulty bugs. I always ran EATs in tandem with it for bile titans and objectives but it's still unfortunate behemoths existing necessitates doubling up on support strats even more.

at this point either fix the durability or give the arc throewr a touch of love with either its old range back (which was nerfed because of the ps5 host bug making it look like it could, in the words of alexus "slap bile titans half way across the map"), its old rate of fire, or just reduce the fucking durability on parts already.
anime is gay
>evac has a great view of the surrounding map
>except one little quadrant where line of sight is cluttered as shit and stuff will round the corner extremely nearby
Never gets old.
I disagree.
I think reduced bile titan spawn, increases non-heavy spawn, buff in precision orbital kinda make arc thrower better than before (plus buff to eruptor which is what I like to use arc with).
Bile titan disrupt arc thrower play much more than behemoth/charger. Since bile titan spawn less, I don't mind burning a precision orbital and a 500kg on behemoth. You can easily dodge charger/behemoth easily and keep doing arc thrower thing, or just stun them with stun grenade and they also get stuck a lot. Bile titan was much more annoying as they are tighter and persistent in pursuit, can't be stun, and force you to stop arcing and have to deal with them.
I fucking hate it when the evac site is that pit in the ground surrounded by walls. Those things are deliberately designed to be annoying to defend unless you go right to the edge of the evac area.
>try to dive on an SOS lobby
>lobby is private
Doesn't the SOS make lobbies public anymore? I know it used to do that
f-five what
less talking, more killing
your orders are to kill
not to think
five squids
>our designations only go up to 4
Dang. This 5 lives a charmed life.
keep killing until you find out
Maybe if you kill 1 and 4 it counts.
it will show it as public and then waste 30 seconds of your time before telling you its private
Well shit
Here I go killing again
Can confirm it's not bile titans or chargers.
Gotta be bots. Tanks maybe?
>place sentry
>charger shows up out of nowhere and kills it
every single FUCKING time
i guarantee you its stalkers
it's impalers
>it's impalers
it's impalers
>it's impalers
it's impalers
>it's impalers
>quit mission as it's no longer canon (my helldiver never dies)
anyone else do this?
We had 10 stalkers last week, I remember doing it on gacrux.
Maybe Hulks?
It's not Chargers or Charger behemoths, I just killed a bunch
If it was BTs or Factory striders it'd be 3 and not 5, I think
how do we get to erson sands?
liberate esker, toxic gas shit hole. This opens up ersons sands
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You need to liberate the bug version of this gem of a biome.
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>This is still a thing
devs deserve to have the game crash, burn and die fucking swedes I hate them so much
Play solo
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Sandstorm and blizzard may be the only two modifiers that benefit the player since those make it effortless to avoid enemies.
>we're gonna lose crimsica
But I like it here
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swede here, thanks for supporting our economy, no refunds
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Be grateful for AH making and letting you play this great game you unthanfulk croutons
Firestorms as well, you can be like 5 meters from patrols and they wont see you. Plus you dont get slowed unlike sandstorm/blizzard
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Reminder that dev dickriders who are saying the game is still slapping think these numbers are also fine. Look at it. Its your future.
That's just a dry planet with a mucus green filter
What type of cheap racket are these guys running here??
I do sometimes but sweating is more fun in group play.
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>play against the easy mode faction
>complain that the game is too easy
If only there is something you could do about that, bugshitter
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The last time i tried to fight on a piss planet it game me a fucking migrane. Ive had it. Any good nvidia filters to turn down the fucking piss? Ill color adjust my fucking monitor if i have to. FUCK.
tremors is like throwing a stun grenade at the entire buggo army. free kills
not again
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Just found out today that there's a variable in the game called "spread_info" that governs not only the choke for shotguns but also the amount of spread -- independent of recoil -- for every weapon in the game, measured in MoA
>mfw the Slugger has a spread of 6, which is as good as the assault rifles and machine guns
so they had a literal "gun accuracy" slider that they could have messed with in order to nerf the Slugger and make it unviable as a DMR?? I had been theorycrafting changes to gravity and drag, but they had a slider like this all along.
does that mean that their rationale was a lie, or does it mean that they're stupid? or does it mean that they forgot about the spread variables???
>shittons of enemies absolutely everywhere coming from seemingly nowhere
>chargers and behemoths in multiples with every pack
>bile titans too
>bug breaches just spawning in the middle of nowhere where there's zero (0) enemies around

I have never seen anything like that before. Is this the power of ching chong chink names?
>remaining time gives you bonus xp, rewarding being fast
>sticking around after doing the main objective quintuples enemy spawns, punishing you for being slow
>killing ridiculous amounts of enemies doesnt give you any bonus xp, so you're just punished and nothing else
this is such a shitty and unrewarding system, I hate it
nobody genuinely has fun chucking lasers and stratagems at objectives with servo and running away but that's how the game is clearly meant to be played
Content when?
Pick at least 2 of those 3 and it will probably be reasonably close to the mark
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mission coordinates wokked
foodpods primed

engaging flavor thrusters
why must weebs inject their fetish into everything
I love slapping bile titans from across the map!
I actually think the biggest factor in this is using discord to interact with the community.
you sound pissed
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damn same
don’t like it? don’t play it

don’t know how to make it simpler for you weebs
Why does the game keep matching me with burgers and chingchongs, the lag is fucking unbearable
have you considered hosting
This glitch that forces you to reload after firing a shot is so fucking annoying, it keeps royally fucking me over
>burns teammates to death from uncontrolled stray shrapnel

i'll stick to my JAR-5, so no thanks
Can confirm it's hulks. How dull (not to mention predictable since we're doing a bug MO).
Oh yeah PSA for what it's worth, it does NOT count as your kill if you break the heatsink and let it explode.
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me, killing cybertrannies while the bug MO fails on some bumfuck nowhere toxic fumes planet
>bile titan with its side blown open
>blast it with the AC
>hit the leg

What the fuck? I thought the inside has armor 1, not armor 5. And I don't mean what's below the sac, but when you blow open the side of the torso.
Hit detection is fucked. In the same way you can blow open the side of a charger and all your shots will bounce off the clearly exposed orange flesh but if you do the same to the leg it works perfectly fine.
Just clearly broken dumb shit
those parts are still av6 lol. it looks like they should have lower armor but they don't. Basically, my advice is just think of the legs as shields for the Bile Titan that you're trying to shoot around. they take much less damage than the body
the Charger situation isn't a problem with hit detection. it's a problem with the visuals not matching the mechanics.
when you blow open the side of a charger, the exposed flesh is AV4. (for some fucking reason.) you can shoot it with small arms and visually see it churning up green gore, but you'll get a ricochet/deflection hit marker (despite no visible ricochet) and you'll deal zero damage. if you magdump an hmg into it though that will kill.
I assume they meant to make it AV0 and just messed up... and then forgot about it
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"incompetent swedes" should really be a user-defined tag
We'll always have Darktide getting the Early Access tag from the entire community tagging it as such
>star wars redditor calling anyone a tranny
>strip the armor, visibly exposing the insides of the titan
>lolnope, that didn't reduce the armor value, hope you brought more heavy AT weapons

I like to play bugs every once in a while, but overall bots are just too much better designed and have less stupid bullshit like this. Despite the ragdolling from rocket devs and gunships and sniper heavy devs.
That kinda shit should be easy to fix, too. Should be just changing the value of a single variable in the enemy definitions.
Don't forget your queso cannon or your incendiary baker.
>Should be just changing the value of a single variable in the enemy definitions.
"We changed things as requested by players. However, there is now an issue where hunters are now somehow invincible."
Both bugs and bots have plenty of bullshit. You just end up building a tolerance towards it over time which makes your faction look ok and the other faction into unbelievable bullshit.
If the entire playerbase was forced into bots within 10 missions at most everyone would be aware of how to play properly against them.
Same for any outlier botdivers if they were forced against bugs for more than a couple missions
Anon tell me your most heroic and stupid deaths.
For me it's

Most Heroic:
After multiple failed attempts, I realized the only way those gunship factories are gonna go boom is someone stays behind to defend the hellbomb.

Most stupid:
Decided to test if you can trigger those unexploded hellbombs by punching them.
>Most Heroic:
>Most stupid:
>not Incendiary Breaker hot sauce
fuck now im hungry
>Eagle-1 Hot Wings
>Find the perfect spot for a sentry
>bounces into the worst spot
You bugnigs seriously lost crimsica?
We will fail this mayor order and nothing will change as always
Behemoth burgers
Spicy Shrieker fries
Spewer shakes
mayo order
What about ketchup?
pelican-1 poppers
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my niggas?
Get a decent enough skillset where the wageslavery just becomes a wage. At least you'll have a roof over your head and live comfortably instead of always being on the edge of total catastrophy.

Be a plumber, electrician, mechanic. They're in demand.
Join military so you can become Helldiver™ irl and spread democracy in distant shitholes
ty bb
Just dive and kill. A good Helldiver does not ask questions!
>do this for a harder game
>it's not fun since it's harder
Killing brood commanders with the punisher is fun. Just walk towards them while pumping 'em full of lead. And the death charge is a nonissue with the stagger, too.
any lobbies?
fuck off, I'm only logging in for daylies
Very few support weapons and backpacks are actually worth the stratagem slot that could be used for powerful strikes and sentries
Every penny counts
Save everywhere you can
Those savings can be invested or used as capital to fund a side gig
Even if it’s a hundred or two per month, it will add up and you can get something rolling.
Round out your skillset and network with people higher up in the “working ladder” so that they may take interest in hiring or recommending you for a better job.
I wageslaved for 9 years at a garbage deadend call center job before a connection paid off and scored me a good paying job with benefits.
Stay strong fren, if you give up that makes you a bitch, and mama didn’t raise no bitch
will botdivers ever quit bitchin
Keep a track of your expenditure. Even if it feels autistic, if you feel like you never have any money then track all your spending in an excel. Down to the last penny.
You'll figure out really quickly whats keeping you poorer than poor (its usually yourself).
Job wise never feel settled, use some of your free time to enroll in marketable skills courses, plenty of them are free, keep applying for better roles in better places even if you feel settled at your job unless its a well paid gig you wouldnt want to leave.

Thats more for improving your quality of life bit by bit. The only ways to escape wage slavery forever are to make very lucky investments or to start a successful business and be able to retire in a decade
>niggers defending acamar instead of taking crimsica
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>(You) did this.
Ah man, why do they do these personal orders in a different faction from the MO
If you play with your pals you can also quite comfortably go twos up on the support weapons so the other two are full of nukes.
>stun grenades are now simply chicken drumsticks slathered in hot sauce so spicy its numbing
>flamethrower is now that kitchen burner chefs use to flambé food
>mechs all now wear a chef hat and maybe have a mustache
>divers now make jokes about putting shrimps/prawns on the barbie when killing bugs
>orbital gas strike is now a giant puff cloud of concentrated pepper, everyone inside dies from sneezing, even the bots
>orbital precision strike is now a giant fillet knife thrown from space that explodes on impact
>tenderizer is finally now called tendie(s)
>eagle 1 strafing run is actually packets of salt delivered really fast instead of bullets
Why are Sector 7 citizens like this
If you get big and round enough, you can simply bowl over the competition, even a Behemoth charger.
they stood too close to the microwave and now they can fry both bots and bugs using their microwave powers
Is there a way to calculate a minimum squad impact you have to do daily of it to make a difference or are there simply too many variables during a day for it to be possible?
>proceeds to lose
you only had to let them cook
The best you can do is follow the blob, if it exists, since the decay rate is usually set such that anything less than like 10k players (with the current count) simply won't push the progress bar at all. Check out the companion app in the OP.
That’s what I’ve been doing is telling people on the mission prep screen to give me their supp wep when it’s off CD so I can take 4 good Strats
Problem is it makes things like the MG even less viable because then you’d really be strapped for AT
instead of extracting you now tip
Too many variables, plus those variables cam change if Arrowhead does any tweaking on the back end.
How do you know someone is a botdiver?

He’ll tell you.
i would say we need an in game way to help direct player efforts in an attempt to herd 12 IQ divers but nobody would actually use it. it annoys my mildly autistic MO chasing self that we keep struggling when if everyone played smart we could blow them out of the water

captcha: maad
and what do you imagine we’ll get if we complete every MO without fail? a competent dev team?

get real
Not even upset. I'm always maxed out on requisition creds.
>blaming the sheep instead of the shepherd
If AH wanted to they could easily add multiple incentives and map UI to push players towards specific MO planets but they dont.
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I've never seen a game start so strong and have so much going for it, then fumble the ball so hard. Have you? I'm struggling to understand how a group could be so incompetent or obstinate about their own "vision" that this could have even happened like this.
i dont expect anything. i just want to complete them

yeah i know. i feel like the way its designed is intentional so that the real opposition is other players and not the 'game master'. all they need to do is toss in one little invasion and suddenly 10k-20k players sift focus entirely
Fucking why, the actual carl g is 84mm, it's even a swedish launcher I HATE SWIGGERS
>bro pls I can't see the screen bro please
Current system would work fine with small but "dedicated" community. But there are too many braindead casuals still playing this game so they drag liberation rates down globally. And far too many bug-only players. And before you call me a "botfag", i play both actually.
anyone got the pic of the funny cat holding the other cat
Many such cases. Vermintide, Darktide, Destiny 1 and 2, New World, Guild Wars 2, Killing Floor 2... I'm sure anons will post more. It's usually the rule, not the exception. Most great games are made by accident and now that devs are expected to update and add to their games, they can go back and fuck it all up at their leisure.
MG-43 with engineer medium armor is fun.
Maybe next time I'll do the gigachad loadout of MG-43, orbital precision, liberator, and medium padded armor.
Why are half the enemies silent?
apex predators
No, HD2 started out with near-universal praise and energy behind it, more so than I've ever seen. It could have been used to glaze over hiccups here and there, but they really had to go hard on fucking it with bad updates and the PSN debacle.
I just bought all the ‘tide games + DLC
are you saying i fucked up
Terrible enemy sound design, not sure why they dropped the ball so hard on this. Like every other coop shooter puts big emphasis on hearing dangerous enemies from afar. Meanwhile in this game you have bugs the size of a city block and they make practically no sound walking around, or bots with huge chainsaws rushing you while staying almost silent.
Oh I thought it was Tanks. Well, got to visit crumbling Vandalon IV again either way
Nah, it's fun for a good number of hours
But at some point you're gonna feel like the devs are purposely sabotaging their own game
I wish unexploded hellbombs had a meatier effect that threw shittons of dirt and rock and whatnot into the sky that would rain down everywhere. Also taking a fat chunk out of the rock formations they're sometimes wedged in. They're flashy and all but they don't feel weighty, even the orbital barrages do a better job of feeling like they're tearing up the ground beneath them.
>It could have been used to glaze over hiccups here and there
It was to a significant degree. The game had so many issues early on and pretty much all of them got ignored because people were having too much fun.
The public opinion almost universally is: "Game is fun, theres almost no microtransactions, you can farm the credits, its a small studio not expecting even 10% of these players lets give them a break".
That break lasted all the way up to the Eruptor nerf patch where they left the game in a fucked state for over a month and the game lost over 50% of its players.
But the more important part is that the playerbase attitude took a 180. You went from "AH is great give them time" to everyone fucking despising the "cooking" analogies they couldnt stop doing, and community outreach being unbelievably bad.
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It's the chinks fault
I wish Hellbombs couldn't be destroyed by the enemies
Makes them almost useless at times
if armed hellbombs just functioned like damaged ones then we wouldn't be having any problems in the first place
>anon gets full auto sudoku'd by his own autocannon
>cuts to chink with 4 billion knives
Very nice little slice of the current game state
Thankfully the game has intrusive anti-cheat!
ok guys
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Scroll up.
hey buddy i think you got the wrong board
tr/a/nime is two boards down
New coomer mod
It's unreal that damaged Hellbombs are so much better than regular ones
They need to make it so calling down a Hellbomb just drops them there and you need to shoot them for them to activate
Otherwise it's 98% better to call an or a precision strike
I don't want coomer mods I want mods that stop randomly turning my character into a nigger
Also a cowboy voice
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Go submit a report if you think I don't belong.
>Otherwise it's 98% better to call an or a precision strike
unless the lab is bugged and doesnt die to those.
also hellbombs are for bot buildings that dont die to strikes, bugboy
what did you think the 2 percent was for?
hellbombs are supposed to be shit they're free building destruction
see how the weeb brain immediately feels threatened and cornered
I accept your concession.
but you wont accept employment?
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The one that is the least fun.
But it doesn't make any sense regardless
Why do I need to arm and protect them when the damaged ones can be shoot to trigger the explosion?
But incen is fun
The new carbine works pretty well too if you have good aim
cause videogame
and they now instantly detonate when you hit them hard enough so what's stopping armed hellbombs from doing the same when hit by a gunship rocket?
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If you're going to be a bitch about it, I'll make it worse for you on purpose.
Stalwart should be a primary
It's not fun as a game mechanic though
Nothing really, I'd prefer to them getting destroyed
>chud helmet
c-can my leandiver join you?
adjudicator my beloved
It would btfo all the other primaries. You'd have to half it's magazine at least.
I should be able to dangerously overcharge all my energy weapons if I feel like it, that's like half the reason why they exist in ultra-militarized sci-fi societies
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I know it's green like the g3, but it charges from the side like an FAL, and the magazines look more like FAL magazines. I thought they were going for G3 as well since swedes have used the G3 in their armed forces for a long time
>it would be the first gun to fulfill people's expectations of a primary for once
Vermintide and Darktide are great fun... Finally. The issue they have is the same as Helldivers 2 has: they release a game with great promise, garnering surprising acclaim. Then they either do fuck all or actively sabotage their game for a year or so. After 2+ years the game starts to be in a good state it should've been near launch, but nearly everyone has already moved on.
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They just need a 60rnd AR, slower ROF than default liberator, with more recoil, but a huge mag. NO DAMAGE CHANGE.
stalwart, the MMG, and the HMG should all have scopes for long distance shooting
Anime website.
alright well that’s acceptable I guess. I mean I’ve already dumped several hundred hours into HD2 so points for consistency I guess
I'd shoot him
Give the lib carbine a 60 round mag and 2 less mags overall. Same total bullet count.
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Video games board.
>failing phact bay defense
>still have to take esker before we can even attack erson sands
We're gonna lose this MO unless joel nukes the decay rates again
alexus is a dumb bitch, he claimed he didn't want a slug shotgun being a DMR then proceeded to make it shit at close range by removing its stagger
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Anime website, anime game, anime general
Is that why the Slugger has less stagger than the punisher?
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yes, it used to have an actual stagger value, but one of the nerfs it got because it was "too good as a DMR" or whatever
yes so they made it a DMR
you’re all so tiresome
would you be my DMR?
im so alone
>a bug gets close to them
>they panic
>sprays fire in a 180° arc, igniting all their teammates in the process
gettin’ real tired of this shit.
We'll take planet Ireland and defend fat bay on time
Have faith
Why didn't the nigger reduce the bullet's reach if he didn't want it to be used as DRM?
>Have faith
>inb4 joel flips a defense on bore rock, fuckt bay, and acamar IV all at the same time right before we take esker
esker? I barely know er
Same reason the arc got a fire rate and range decrease in exchange for stagger increase but then they gave stronger stagger resistance to enemies
I mean, yeah. But you'd have to rebalance everything else around the Stalwart if you made it a primary including enemy spawns too.
I don't disagree necessarily but it's pretty easy to see why they won't do it.
>looks great
>is supposed to be some sort of anti-bot armor
>has a completely useless effect
Is there some sort or meta build with arc damage that I'm unaware? Can you pick up the arc pylons and use it as staff or something?
If you are a tesla enthusiast you can pretty much semi safely hold your ground inside its range and if you get hit it will arc to something you probably want dead in exchange for almost no damage.
I am still waiting for the heavy version
But that's very limited and just defensive
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>looks great

visorless helmet enjoyers need to be locked up in laborcamps
people with such undeniably objectively terrible taste in aesthetics and design ought not to be let loose in a free society

reminder that they are the same type of people that mix white helmets onto every single piece of non matching armor in this game because they unironically think it matches
well it's either that or getting your buddies to arcmaxx so friendly fire is an afterthought
The demolition capability was quite funny, I used to use it to punch quick exit routes through those flatpack barricades around a lot of evacs.
i want something more subtle desu
>visorless helmet enjoyers need to be locked up in laborcamps
You only say that because you're fat ad physical labor is the worst fate you can think of
>play the game the way I and the devs want
Fuck that. I play MOs, but just because many others don't doesn't mean they need to have their preferred way of playing changed. Sometimes people don't want to play on the shitty ass planets MOs are on.
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>diving with randoms
>paired off with some dude
>need to get to the other side of a long barricade
>he runs off to go around it
>I bust through with AC as he's turning the corner
>turn to face him
>hug emote
>he stops running and just starts chuckling over VC
It's the little things.
Yes, lobbies
I'm probably late to the party but did anyone else notice that Gatria just got handed to the bugs this morning? Not attack, no defense campaign, just an auto and instant win for them. What the fuck is the point of this shit?
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>give thermites a chance again
>Bounce off
>bounce off
>bounce off
>look at the grenades in the air
>they are being thrown fucking sideways in such a way it is more likely to hit the fucking stick than the head
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>can't come up with any possible defense to his shit opinion
>instead has to resort to lazy uninspired fat jokes
visorless helmets can look good, cope
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Guys, what did Arrowhead mean by this?
That you should skim the thread before posting.
>got his feelings hurt by the fat joke
I knew you were a lardass
I don't have time for that shit, spoonfeed me, you forum dweller.
>failed to join
I didn't notice, but it wouldn't surprise me
Didn't Joel also cancelled a bunch of attacks earlier in the MO?
Maybe he thinks taking Gatria is "balance"
We full dawg :(
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>visorless helmets can look good, cope
>doesn't post an example because none exist

the absolute state of visorless chuds

it's cute that you think that
Fuck you. It's bile titans
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I just skimmed this troonfest, and you are a fucking liar!
i'm not posting an example because i'm playing a better game rn
>it's cute that you think that
I know it fattie
>because i'm playing a better game rn
Which one? I've unlocked everything cool in Helldivers 2, and just chasing the dragon trying to get all the victory poses and emotes at this point.
It doesnt matter if we win or lose. The story carries on regardless. We cannot fail their overall campaign. Didnt think I miss the way they handled galactic war in HD1
Just wait until they release an enemy that uses electrical attacks
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>well... i cant post proof... because.. well.. uh i'm playing a game!
>i do have time to tell you how i don't have time though!

imagine projecting this hard
squids have a few
>bots get arc troopers and arc devastators
>they just spawn in some seeds
>and there's no way to know when before starting the mission, just like bile spewers
can anyone install this and try CE-74 Breaker and FS-38 Eradicator (if you have those) and see how it looks? Because it also affects those.
I fear the blitzer troopers and rapid-fire arc thrower devastators
tesla tower berserkers
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I'm just imagining jetpack troopers with arc blitzers like in battlefront
I would use that combo more if arc weapons didn't get blocked by particles
they'd only add arc enemies when they fix arc weapons misfiring aren't they?
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cool thanks
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The interiors do all have 0 armour, it's just that it both thinks the armour is still there giving ricochet symbols but it also still allows your bullets to pass through, letting you do full damage.
The stalwart in this clip isn't returning ricochet symbols because it doesn't display hitmarkers at all, even in normal circumstances, but it's still killing the charger as it hasn't even entered the bleedout state.
When are they adding wrist rockets?
Soon all basic bots will have wrist rockets for even more ragdolling
when they add the purple stuff warbond so you get instagibbed by splash damage
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And then you have the HMG which does return hit markers showing both the ricochet symbol and the deflection spark, but it's still doing damage as well.
Chargers are just fucking broken and need a serious total re-evaluation to fix everything that's wrong with them.
It depends. Are you going to watch out for them?
I tried the slugger again and it really does gargle floppy charger cock. The damage is pitiable compared to the punisher, even fails to oneshot hunters at medium range lot of the time, and the lack of stagger really, really takes the cake.
>rocket insta kills you at full health with fortified heavy armor
Everyone hates bots because they're rng bullshit
Yeah it sucks. The punisher staggers even stalkers. There is no point in taking that gun anymore for anything.
maybe its just me but it seems weird to make one for a rotating store armor. is it not possible to just have these be replacers for any armor instead of specific sets?
>imagine projecting this hard
I can't, but I bet you'll tell me about it fatso
i got a huge durable part for you
You are half the reason that the internet is useless now.
>Ask technical question in forum
>"Use the search function you fucking cis scum!"
>Use the search function
>473 relevant results for your exact question, all of them answered only by "Use the search function you fucking cis scum!"
So THIS is the power of HRT!
Well it’s 474 now
I have no proof that they've actually been nerfed. I just know that they fucked with keeping the same seed for people that have been power grinding D1 maps.

Also, from day 1 it has always been better to grind super credits on low difficulty missions compared to high difficulty missions because the loot pool gets dilluted with rare sample drops. On top of that I swear that the lower difficulties have a more diverse arrangement of POI tiles. I swear that when one of my more casual friends had me playing ~D5 missions with him, I saw a much greater abundance of support gear at POIs and frequent "failed drop pods" containing support backpacks and such. Meanwhile when playing D7-D9 I can go several games without seeing any random support gear at POIs. A shame since I think it might be kind of neat as a challenge to just drop in without any support gear and just go native with whatever I find in a mission, but the odds of actually finding any support gear just feels so dogshit at high difficulty compared to low.
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You know when you dive what seems like a completely normal distance and you shouldn't ragdoll, but you actually landed on a tiny little rock sticking out so your body just goes limp and you get cced for 5 seconds :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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I remember finding a fucking patriot mech on a poi on d3, but I guess Alexus doesn't want us to have fun like that on d7+, better enjoy those rare samples and req slips
It's kind of a shame chargers and BTs don't get gibbed or dismembered by particularly direct OPS/500kg kills.
>I remember finding a fucking patriot mech
Only during the special MO to unlock them on tien kwan or whatever that planet was called, just before they were released.
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Repostan this extremely metal one from last thread.
It was literally this wedness day when I fucked around on d3
I don't believe you. I've spent a lot of time on D3's looking for automaton tanks for testing and I've never found a patriot sitting at a POI. Were you solo or playing with other players?
I've found one as well!
It had no ammo. Zero shots. I forgot which difficulty, probably D2 or D3.
Certified schizo
I know it doesn't matter but there's a lot of people like >>484110247 who think it does. Personally I think the sooner people are disabused of the idea that MOs mean anything if there isn't a stratagem on the line the better. Unless it's AT mines, then it's still nothing.
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>still no Commando
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sorry loser but you need to fail to unlock AT mines a 4th time before you're getting any other content
How were people cheating in unreleased strats? Cause if they take much longer I'm considering doing it so I can fuck around with something new at least.
She must've killed millions of helldivers with clusterbombs by now
Not him, but that's not true. I've seen one at a POI within the last month and nobody had the stratagem equipped. They just hate fun.
>thanks for not calling me eagle mommy again, i know that took restraint
>think that EAT+Commando will be really fun against bugs in a build where I just keep alternating between low cooldown disposable rocket launchers
>Sorry, it's sno...sunny in Sweden!!
A sane company would have put a bunch of new toys through QA testing to verify that they're stable enough to drip feed through their six month vacation.
skirr issue
I wish animeposters would stay out of my threads.
>physical box copy says "Fight with overpowered weapons"
>don't get these weapons in game and actively fighting is often the worst choice to make
>game is literally called "Helldivers"
>diving punishes the player with a ragdoll state when sliding 3/16th of an inch down a pebble that struck their left pinky toe
Honestly anon I think the other guy is right. Sounds like a pattern recognition skill issue on your part.
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Google it, dumbass.
how about you google some job listings
eagle 1 is from a video game
you’re from a video game
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Bros, I think the bots are discovering the power of friendship and cooperation.
Finally one with boots.
I just get launched into the air. I only die if I get launched directly into a rock or wall.
Chuds won, furfags lost
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>It has boots
>version without boots
Hello sirs I am fucking neopuritan sirs no sex or anime in /hdg/ sirs
this guy gets it
I believe it when I see it.
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Ackshually Helldivers was always woke, chud!
Can you put the giggling eyes and teeth in there as well? I don't know what that meme is actually called.
>You can message me on Discord
Except I can't because I'm sure as shit not giving them my phone number
wrong hole?
I think alcohol was involved.
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>cowboy armor
Kino is back
>missing leg for le diversity
will not be using this shit
Cool. I just hope its not servo assisted.
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>crying over prosthetics in a sci fi game
Shut the fuck up.
>robot hand
>robot leg
It's servo assisted.

>still no light Democracy Protects armor
>Still no medic armor in black and yellow
>Still no Protect Gear armor
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I have enough servo armor from steel vets though
Plas punisher and arc thrower combo kinda fucks bugs up
It's a no fun allowed corporate shithole anyway.
Just redditors sucking up to AH and faggots constantly posting gay shit so they can report anyone who tells them to fuck off.
what do you need the plasma punisher for if you've got the arc thrower?
>no democracy protects heavy armor
>Prosthetic leg
>Not prosthetic quickdraw hand
disposing of spewers and brood commanders safely just in case someone decides they wanna go hug them with the breaker incendiary
The left hand is prosthetic
anime generally doesn't belong on 4chan anymore, what with it being a tranny domain these days
go to any fan group of jp culture and you will find big sweaty men in dresses insisting on female pronouns
death to weeb trash
yeah it was, I noticed me saying that. I don't remember the context.
do you remember what day that clip was made? I can search my vods and see if I can figure out what the fuck I was saying, if anyone cares
>kill 5
>kill 5 of 'em
>don't get my reward
>anime generally doesn't belong on 4chan anymore
nigga are you for real, anime style games and manga are still hugely popular
please be light armor servo assisted please be light armor servo assisted be light armor servo assisted be light armor servo assisted be light armor servo assisted
why do you want servo assisted armor
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You tsundere.
So I can wear something light besides the legionnaire armor.
>wear something besides the legionnaire armor
why tho
Usually yeah, but sometimes you just die and that's why this faction sucks
Cause there's better looking armors out there
What is the use case for the exploding crossbow over the Eruptor? I mean it fires faster, but the projectile is almost half as fast, has less stagger, and deals significantly less overall damage. I can't see why it's on page 3 of Democratic Detonation and Eruptor on page 2.
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>mogs all other secondaries
Almost like a secondary should function as something beyond a desperation weapon
Senator is very competitive too after all the buffs.
It's great but you need some real good aim to make it work against bots
Is the Eruptor better than the Dominator?
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Wait until they add the flamethrower pistol that will kill chargers!
I haven't been using it on bugs since the Eruptor was made into a passable weapon and I never used it on bots. I really don't like it, feels like shit to use. Grenades don't do much damage, you only get 1 from an ammo box, only saving grace is that it exists to free up your support/primary/grenade slots for something that doesn't need to destroy holes and fabs. I've been using the Eruptor and Bushwhacker and that feels so much better.
The Eruptor's more specialized. There's no circumstance where the Dominator is the wrong weapon to have, but the Eruptor is basically a long range grenade launcher attached to a rifle bullet, so it has use cases where it excels (usually vs. Bots) and situations where it's not quite as good (usually vs. Bugs)
You raise a good point. I've worn it this long, why change it?
It would just be nice to have SOME variety with the armor weight level and perk I like.
explosive crossbow is neat
The day they make a secondary knife that replaces your normal melee with a strong, quick attack that staggers and instantly kills anything small enough is the day the secondary slot dies entirely.
Wish it had a non-explosive firing mode that allowed you to take out enemies silently without giving away your position. Probably too much for the swedes though.
Do you use the eruptor on bots?
I'm using the plasma since it works for almost everything short of a hulk and up
It's very lame the throwing knives were a projectile only and not a secondary with a melee alternative
AH should just make perks swappable between armors. That said it'd probably break the game so whatever
>That said it'd probably break the game so whatever
Seems to be on-brand.
I prefer redeemer for bugs with dominator, use the redeemer to mop up little bugs the dominator is too slow to deal with, slam everything else. I use grenade armour, impacts and strats to close holes. I'll even use a spare support weapon call to close a hole if I need to.
I use it primarily on bugs, on bots I'd rather run the Tenderizer + AC.
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Taking a break from the game. See you all in September.
oh i am blind
>anime doesn't belong on 4chan anymore
go back to /pol/ tourist
god that looks fuckin awful
>I use it primarily on bugs
Eruptor + MG43?
unironically swedes have no fucking excuse to not house refuges from all corners of the world, they do fuck all so there shouldn't be a problem.
yep dead game cya guys
Sometimes but on D9 you can't keep up with chargers that way. Usually laser rover + flamethrower, recoilless, or laser rover + quasar if I'm on a snow biome.
Spear is too good on bots for me not to use it
I really wish missions didn't have the arbitrary time limit
Just a fixed reinforcement budget
stop stealing everybody's resupplies, porky
>love the terrain of Phact Bay
>hate sandstorms and fire tornadoes
Can they just make a hot desert without any bullshit?
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Kill five what?
>play with a friend
>originally was the one that dragged me into hd2
>played a few games with him, i was a new cadet, he was around 45 or so
>kept playing, he took a small break, would only play occasionally here and there
>end up after months at level 80, he's now lvl 55
>we do another game together its bugs
>take all arounder gear, he takes the eruptor, grenade pistol, impact grenades, autocannon sentry, a few orbitals, but overall has zero way to deal with chaff or anything armored
>ask him to take something for antiarmor, he says he'll just rely on my eats
>during the mission to exterminate eggs he just keeps getting killed by the stupidest shit and keeps going slafter weird areas in the geometry and then complaining he got stuck
>keeps using explosive guns at point blank range, keeps killing himself
>oops no more reinforcements
>stay quiet, getting a little annoyed this whole time
>extract time
>bile titan geometry goes wiggidy whack, somehow kills me from nothing(?)
>he dies from not getting out of the way of bile vomit
>mission complete but no extract, he didnt get any of the supers samples he wanted
Sigh. I'm starting to not want to play with him. Tired of people killing themselves with stupid decisions.
There is, it's the dry climate with earthquakes
First it was snowing in Sweden. Now it's sunny in Sweden.
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>quickplay into asset evac
>ground is fucking demolished more than I've ever seen before
>time is almost up with no assets evacuated
>no enemies are spawning
It's all mine
Someone brought localization confusion didn't they.
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Vash, I'm destroying this town, with no survivors.
See fellas, women DO play this game.
I'm pretty sure I just said there's still a nest.
If I have to take out the gunship patrols because everyone else is too stupid to take them down you're goddamn right I'm going to take the resupply.
what does that even do?

in fact except for health, ammo and sprinting which boosters are actually good for a 4th? Infusion?
muscle enhancement can be situational
both budgets seem like a waste if you're organised
shocks can be very situational depending on the mission but you only know after the drop
UAV maybe for farming
Pilot I'm not sure on
>gunship patrols
what's the point of having their factories in the map of gunships spawn regardless and there's like 6 in a single map
Experimental Infusion
them spawning as patrols is a mission modifer
There's a hidden timer between when enemies can call a dropship or bug breach, and localization confusion increases that timer by around 40%. It was pretty useful on D9 because you could see multiple titans spawn repeatedly out of a breach at that level but now that spawns have been reworked and experimental stims are here, it's a lot less optimal than it used to be.
Retrying other primaries after probably 40 bug missions with the incen breaker. Everything feels fucking shit.
The only gun that felt like it had some use case was the sickle. Its unbelievable how bad everything else feels.
No seriously, kill 5 what? titans?
hulks silly
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Thank god. Fuck bugs.
>Everything feels fucking shit.
yes anon,after using a weapon that is blatantly OP and so far above everything else using weapons that don't match that will feel like shit. That's why keeping OP shit OP is bad for the health of the game, because you get exactly this problem.

What would you have to do to buff the liberator to do what the incendiary breaker can do? Keeping in mind the incediary breaker can kill entire patrols and breaches of chaff bugs in one or two magazines, and bust a charger butt in half a magazine, you'd have to give the liberator a 60 round drum magazine and like 100+ damage. And then how would you buff the tenderizer to keep its relative position? And then how would you buff... it's an endless chain that results in complete trivialization of any kind of difficulty.
Yeah, it's unironically too strong and deserves a nerf in some way, such as the particles "going out" after 25m or a mag size reduction, but other things still need more love too.
Alexus is right, I wish all primaries deal no damage
>What would you have to do to buff the liberator to do what the incendiary breaker can do?
Particles go out after 20-30 meters >>484167836

It can keep its mag size but breaker S&P needs its old 32 round magazine back.
ah yes, the repost from a website that generally has better content than from here, while also allowing video files larger than 4mb with sound
There needs to be a median between the two. The incen breaker just needs DoT damage fall off after 20-30m to keep it a close to mid range beast while requiring much more ammo (and more importantly time) to take out further afield threats.
The issue with the ARs and SMGs is that it feels like you barely get anything per mag when you have to take out hordes. The other shotguns require you to engage hordes at close range by default which is very bad when the main threat of the horde loves being in close because they'll outnumber you and outreach your rate of fire with their tongue in your anus or their jumping claw attack.

The Sickle felt good because it can quickly take out close to midrange hordes and have the "ammo" capacity to do so, using up your 3 coils then saving your last one until you can grab an ammo pack or resupply means you have a few uses to really lay on the damage too.
But the rest just leave you feeling woefully outgunned and unfortunately its just infeasible to take the stalwart or MG when you need to deal with heavy threats.

I honestly feel like the devs have written themselves into a corner with the ammo and how it appears on the weapon, because I feel like at this point you could set every AR's ammo per mag to 60 (with the ones with more going up to 80) and then it'd feel pretty great. Idk they've just fucked themselves I think
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>from a website that generally has better content than from here, while also allowing video files larger than 4mb with sound
I miss 2x4chan so much, bros.
>bust a charger butt in half a magazine
I have NEVER had this happen for me whenever I tried the incel breaker.
I hope you TK'd this person over and over.
Any lobbies?
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>all that shit
One of these things is not like the other.

Not wasting time, get in, get right. We're doing bugs for a few then going bots.
If you wanna host I'd be up for one.
they cooked so much, the chefs need their siesta…
>Swede admits everyone goes sleepytime for 45 fucking days every year
If it wasnt for the immigrants it sounds comfy as fuck honsetly.
Two spots left, gonna give it a few mins or filling.
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Ok, I see the proof. Thank you. What I don't understand now is why it doesn't pop for me despite me going ham on its ass.
It was a different time.
Well shit
I guess I don't have to bring the Quasar anymore
What the fuck, that blows it up faster than my MG-43 :(
How is it compared to other primaries?
at the least just give us transmog. i get what they are going for but given that the game has/will devolve into people using the few decent armors just means that everything else will be left to collect dust.
just let us customize our appearance you fucking swedes

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