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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>483332305
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Second for fuck anime.
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Kot website.
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No more cat bullying.
Line ends here
End of line
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8-bit faces!
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look terrible. it's like they're mentally disabled
8-bit faces are what catposters look like irl
How to play with raider meme? its fucking impossible late game with how fucking tiny the resource maps are
I forgot about invisibility + doomsday, nevermind
My colony isn't complete until every colonist has a tobacco addiction.
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delet dis
it's like looking at a world where everyone has downs
so it fits perfectly with how ribaolrd pawns act
i mean, he aint wrong
I agree
look terrible. it's like they're mentally disabled
8-bit faces are what anti-catposters look like irl
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I know who to blame for all of this: catposters.
jokes aside, time for a scrap ritual
it's cute as fuck
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Cease this cat slander at once.
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What mods are those?
baby making hand holding sex with revias!
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Recommend me _ _ _ _some______ mods. How's medieval overhaul on 1.5 and can I do anomaly content with it?
anyone got a pdf of the book
>psychic emanator circled

#1 turn off Anomaly
#2 Fuck Psytrainers doesn't work (sorry Ferny)
#3 Get this: StylePack - Combined Logistics Command
I have nearly a thousand hours in this game and I've never seen it...
8 bit faces are cute! i love them
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>#1 turn off Anomaly
Uhhh no I actually quite like it. Unnatural darkness is the most kino (cinema) event in the game.
Realistic Darkness is better and isn't tied to a shitty DLC.
>Realistic Darkness is better
It's a fucking cosmetic mod. I get that the general likes regurgitating "dlc bad" rhetoric, but your post is outright retarded.
You are free to return to /tv/ or /v/ if you want cinematic garbage.
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i got that item one time ever in this game
did you reply to the right guy?
why do we not like anomaly?
for me the largest issue is that it has a larger TPS impact than most dogshit bloated massive mods. I'm sure other anons can chime in better than I could when it comes to gameplay/balance
Doesn't change game fundamentals at all, unless you're doing an anomaly-themed playthrough there's zero reason to engage with the content. The next update a week later was adding an option and slider to experience the content without having to interact with the monolith. Feels especially like a gut punch coming off of Biotech and Ideology, which added a good amounts of shit I interect with every playthrough, even without having to tech mechanitors or gene labs. I was hoping for some overhaul of faction or world map interaction. Compared to those Anomaly feels like an event pack and a small research tree that feels artificially separated
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Incredibly cute, the slug and fox are going to have a date together.
I feel like I really liked the genetic side of biotech my first 1 or 2 runs with biotech enabled, but now it feels like a chore I hate having to interact with. I'd rather just start as a strong race and be done with it. anyone relate?
How do I capture entities? Shit just always dies.
>I'd rather just start as a strong race and be done with it. anyone relate?
yes but then i installed the cheat gene extractor so now i can pull genes out of prisoners fast as fuck
creating superheroes is no longer tedious and catching different xenotypes feels rewarding
anomaly is fine for the most part and i keep it enabled but some of the events are unfun to interact with (see cube or mass shamblers) so i disable some of them
hello I would like to argue about the ethics of harvesting organs from attractive pawns
ethical to harvest their perfect skin
it means less competition if you kill all your attractive sexual competitors this way tho
It's literally just a mod for one thematic playthrough.
You only needs to know that even tynan made changes that dialed anomaly events, even he knows its not that good
maybe tynan just paid oskar's team to make the dlc
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50th for anime
give me a couple hidden gem mods to add
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Sex with Moyo!!!!
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Rape the drug slug!
No! Slugs are for consensual love!
I want to increase the faction limit so I can add more factions and I heard I can just install Vanilla Expanded Framework for that, but I have an awful computer. It's not going to make a drastic change in performance, is it? Also, does it change any fundamental stuff even if I don't install any VE mods? I don't have any intention of playing any Vanilla Expanded mods right now, I just want the unlimited faction limit
>superclotting is bad for TPS
>superclotting is bad for TPS
No fucking way, maybe thats why my game turned to shit with 30 pawns with that gene
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imagine being a warg and dying because of a fight with a turtle
RimFridge for the fridge
Core for psychic emanator (or is it Royalty?)
IDK the rest
Bad performance is actually a part of the experience. It makes you more involved with your pawns, spending more time with them hence it's increasing the colony simulator experience and makes the game better overall
>start ship engine
>by the 4th raid my map is littered with 240 tribal corpses that I have to burn and dozens of mechanoid corpses that I can't get rid of quickly
>game mini-freezes every raid after
>engine isn't even half charged
If by involved you mean want to quit the game then yes, it is working perfectly
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if i force multiple pawns to force construct something with achtung! they all just pick up the resources, get stuck and start spamming item drop sounds in place as they're apparently all trying to bring the resource to the same construction or something.

it used to work fine in 1.4. very useful for building larger buildings when i could just get everyone to build it instead of them getting hung up on one piece of wall together.
any idea how to fix this?
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anons, since RuntimeGCC is incompatible with Performance Fish what can i use to clean up my save from past alerts and dead pawns?
1.5 MO is alright, there's been some changes and additions and it's mostly for the better
1.5 version says it's incompatible with rimedieval, but personally i'm using both and haven't encountered any problem, though i have a hunch that the newly introduced elementals are actually mechanoids, as they don't appear if mechanoids are disabled through rimedieval
as for anomaly, i suggest playing with it set to "ambient horror", so you get rare anomaly events normally instead of having to fuck with the obelisk. in vanilla all anomaly stuff requires power, but there's this mod that adds some tribal-level unpowered alternatives
gastropods are not attractive
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i even tried this with no other mods except achtung and it keeps happening. very disappointing. makes the game unplayable.
My penis has a different opinion
>slimy anime girl with effectively a gargantuan permanently prolapsed anus
This is what you crave.
>anime girl with effectively a gargantuan permanently prolapsed anus
But enough about Zen, Layla and Corin
that's a man
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>and Corin
send full pic
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Unprompted, spiteful, hateful.
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late reply but here you go
>rimfridge for fridge
>fence, generator, tables and tv
boris used furniture
Also completely true.
It's not. Leave your bestiality fantasies to yourself.
In case of Corin the horsefucker it's not fantasies, it's reality.
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prisoner rescue mission. Of course it's only in the heat of combat that I realize both ham ham and adam equipped shields and two-handed guns so they can't fire their weapons. Guess they'll have to charge.
the best 1.5 search and destroy mod? tacticowl update or the search and destroy update?
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that was quite dangerous. If it wasn't for ham ham going ham on them with the jetpack we'd have lost.
I was about to order a full retreat when the enemy doggos decided to run.
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>pirate boss sends two armies after some guy wh insulted him
>they send one (1) guy to help out against the pirate army
what the fuck is this story
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>/rwg/ be like "wow, that's hot"
Thanks, Anon.
Get a highwayman. It's not particularly strong, but it's the fastest vehicle with a manned gun from VVE that isn't T3.
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I guess it's about time to make a vehicle with a gun.

Bro I almost came in my pants, at least spoiler that shit
I want to make a mod. Where the fuck do I start? Every guide describes some pintless shit like adding new guns/medicine. Aka just changing some values in existing rimworld stuff.
I want to make something new, with separate GUI and mechanics.
Find a mod that does something similar to what you're doing and just steal 90% of their code
Can you code?
>/rwg/ be like "wow, wife!"
>I want to make something new, with separate GUI and mechanics.
Unless you are C# wizard and have time and patience to hack Tynan's shitty code. I would recommend to do something else.
wow, wife!
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>wow, hot!
I will impregnate the poster below
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Instead of fixing anomaly they made a fucking plushie, tynan you smug cunt.
cute snail :D
hot snail
He's built different. You'll see.
Thrumbo plush > boomrat plush
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
In rimworld.
Not true
>Sex with Setsuko
Cringe + zero appeal + deranged + asian
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he's fucking useless
>United States
Kill the golem.
Moyo figure when, Tynan?
I'm 6ft5 and over 200 lbs. How many of these I can overpower and rape?
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I hate shamblers

just put him behind a desk researching 24/7
legs are degenerate and unrimworldlike, even worse than tranime faces
also Tynan should have added anti-HAR killcode to the base game
>beat shamblers
>now keep micromanaging for literal hours because they keep resurrecting
holy shit this is so fucking obnoxious why did tynan add this
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burn them you stupid nigger
there are literal hundreds of zombies, it still takes hours regardless, unless you equipped your entire colony with flamethrowers (which you might not even have access to the technology to build them in the first place)
what's the best turret mod? I'd like some more industrial turrets that aren't worthless like vanilla mini-turrets but aren't 2x2 like autocannons and uranium slugs turrets.
Wasn't this question asked before?
1x1 turrets are universally "shit".
>sleep need bar empty
>schedule: sleep for the next few hours
>exhaustion warning
>pawn keeps trying to work
>draft, undraft
>pawn still keeps working
>change beds
>area is unrestricted
surely not every modder out there has made their 1x1 turrets bad.
Sometimes they need to complete a task. Force them to clean some dirt.
that could be it, once he finished making wort he went to bed.
Next time I'll try ordering him to clean something
You want something balanced or something with 7000HP that can one shit a centipede?
draft and send them to their bedroom, forbid the door then undraft them.
middle ground would be the ideal
better than miniturret, but weaker than autocannon/uranium slugs in their niches (shoots many bullets/shoots 1 strong bullet)
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>A feral child wanders into my map
While this is quite cute and funny, she's going to die from a heatstroke unless she leaves. I don't have anyone with enough animals skill to tame her.
"Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security" has military turrets that are mini turrets but significantly stronger. They can take slight more damage, but they still die pretty fast.
They are also flame turrets, sentry turrets (slightly more powerful than a mini-turret, doesn't require power at all), searchlight (inflict a massive accuracy debuff to one enemy).
"Ancient mining industry" comes with a shotgun turret. Fragile, but packs a punch.
>"Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security"
I heard (itt) that this mod had some problems but I guess I'll give it a try, thx
>Trusting niggas ITT over just looking into it yourself
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imagine trying to sleep with a bright halo shining on your face

would someone really do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Been a long time since I've seen someone use that one. I would be fucking pissed having to sleep with a fucking light shining directly in my face
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>install Uncle Borris - Used Furniture
>all my wooden floors transform into chipboard floor
The sleep deprivation is worth it for divine pussy
kek I never noticed that
I never use the vanilla wooden floors (they're so ugly) so that might be why
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Look at these two nerds on a midnight date. Also Toxis is a fucking DORK.
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>insults others to the point of getting hunted
>gets insulted once (1), chimps out and loses the fight
i know she's her friend and all, but why the fuck does the president want to protect her anyway
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impregnating rats past their prime!
If you gotta ask, 0
That's a knee slapper though
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Allow me to use my experience of lurking this general for years to put a hypothesis based on statistics provided by you.
For the purpose of this study, we'll take the most probable scenario in which a sexual assault would take place
>The perpetrator will be assaulting it's target in a secluded place and is armed with a knife. The perpetrator has basic knowledge on how to use a knife and has gotten into few considerable fights during their childhood and or early adulthood which also gives them some basic amount of melee skill.
>The victim is unaware of the perpetrator intentions and is in a relaxed state of mind, not on high alert like one would be on a rimworld.
>The perpetrator is 6 feet 5 and 200 lbs.
>Being in a secluded place means the victim won't be heard if she screams. No outside help is allowed.
Having set this scenario in the most realistic way possible leaning heavily in favour of the perpetrator, we can begin our study starting from the top of the list.

>New DLC girl
We know very little about her. Assuming that the outfit she's wearing is not her casual wear we can safely assume that without her sword (hilt) and scalpel she would be raped with little struggle.
1.81 meters (5.93 feet) tall. Described by her author as a never relaxing paranoid individual, she would already be very aware of her surroundings and most certainly carry a gun. Being tall and maintaining a healthy and strong physique for a woman, she is also genetically modified to enhance her combat capabilities. She would not fall victim to a sexual assault.
A rowdy but also intelligent individual. From gathered evidence, she does know how to brawl with people but has never been shown fighting in CQC with an actual enemy. One picture posted by the author suggests she is not training like her friend Corin is based on her physical appearance. She is also smaller than her friend is.
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That rat is 900 years old in human years.
Overall, it'd be a smart decision to carry a weapon with you and being aware of your surroundings but if her arrogant attitude is stronger than her intelligence and she would not carry a gun in that given situation, she would either provide some struggle and likely fall victim to the sexual assault or outright submit knowing what's at stake.
A melee fighting rotfish raised on a harsh world. Shown as a skilled melee fighter in her own right, her xenotype also possesses venom injectors in their wrists and rotting gas eruptions which would blind and make breathing for any non-rotfish nearby difficult. Even without a weapon nearby it is very unlikely that she would fall victim to a sexual assault.
A skilled marksman and a psychic. 1.78 meters (5.84 feet) tall. I am not aware of any bionics that she might've possessed. Even if she is fully human without any bionic parts which is unlikely given her affiliation with the Archotech and her not having a weapon on her, it is extremely unlikely that she would fall victim to a sexual assault due to her psycast powers which would invalidate any physical strength that the perpetrator has
1.4 meters (4.59 feet) tall Ratkin experienced melee fighter. A bloodlusted psychopath. Her weight and height makes her look like an easy prey which she uses to her advantage. While i am unaware of any bionics, it is 100% certain that she would carry a weapon with her and she would be absolutely ready to use it anytime anywhere. She would not fall victim to a sexual assault unless the perpetrator gets a lucky hit in.
1.75 meters (5.74 feet) tall. Daughter of Erin, taught combat skills by her mother and Kylar. While not a psychic like her mother was, Layla is very skilled in melee combat and is more of a machine than human, having her entire body below her neck built entirely out of highly advanced bionics. With or without a weapon, she would not fall victim to a sexual assault.
Sister of Layla. While she most certainly is experienced in combat on both sides of the spectrum, the information we have on her own skills independent of her sister is very lacking. Provided she has no weapons or bionics, she will likely be raped.
We know too little about them except that they're a part of Layla's group and are very likely skilled in combat. Basing on the assumption that they're just militarily trained women, they will likely be raped.
Sappy had many different variations of the character. Most of them were not even trained in combat skills. In conclusion, most of them, if not all, would be raped.
A broodmother, leader of her own personality cult. Decently skilled in ranged combat. No bionics that im aware of. Otherwise no remarkable combat skills in the field of CQC. Sould be a victim of a sexual assault
Extremely unlucky woman with no exceptional skill in the field of combat. She would be raped. Quite possibly brutally beaten as well.
Part of Sera's cult and disliked by her peers. Decent skill in ranged combat. Would be raped.
A cocky, smug and skilled medieval melee warrior with exceptional strength due to her being a vampire. Would not end up as a rape victim. Very unlikely to be one even without a weapon.
A secluded recluse researcher and a necromancer. Thin body, would be very easy to overpower even for a regular man. Unless she walks around with skeletal guards, she would be raped provided that the rapist covers her mouth (If the basic trope of speaking out your spells is required for the magic to work).
Very little is known about her besides that she's an arcane wizard. Likely not physically strong either. She would be raped provided that the rapist covers her mouth.
A medieval knight. While im unsure of how strong or skilled she is, she would surely carry a sword on her as any rightful knight would.
Her chance of fighting off the perpetrator depends on her abilities as a warrior.
Average impid woman is already weaker than a baseline woman. If she can't run away due to being cornered or incapable of spewing fire at the rapist, she would end up as a sexual assault victim.
Incapable of violence. Without the means of escaping, every single one would be raped.
Genetically made for combat. Hyper aggressive, addicted to a combat drug, strong and very resistant to physical trauma, average hussar woman would come out with a few stab wounds at worst but would overpower the perpetrator.
Being more aggressive than a baseline woman. Average waster woman would end up as a victim of the sexual assault.
Average dirtmole woman is significantly stronger than an average baseline woman, perhaps being as strong as a baseline man. Still. With no weapon, the perpetrator possessing a knife that is already stronger than an average baseline man would overcome the average dirtmole and rape her.
Average woman would be raped.
Slightly heavier than an average baseline woman, average moyo would still be raped.
Baseline women but even smaller and weaker. An average ratkin woman would be raped at even higher percentage than other races.
Living weapons. While not any stronger than baseline women, Anties are faster and their various body parts are protected by durable exoskeleton. Assaulting even an average anty would be risky, probably somewhere around 50/50 split on whether they'd end up a victim or not provided they're not carrying a weapon which they probably would, meaning that ultimately an average anty woman would not be raped.
Race of bloodthirsty women. While inherently not any stronger than regular baseline women, they gain more tails depending on their sacrifices to their blood god, which in turn increases their strength and durability. Assaulting an average 1-tailed revia would be a significantly harder compared to a baseline woman due to their bloodlust and probability of them carrying weapons, going from harder to near-impossible depending on the amount of tails they possess.
>Slime girls
This one is hard. If we're talking about loverslab slime race, then there is no mention of any uniqueness in terms of physical capabilities of a slime girl compared that of a baseline woman with a big exception of feeling no pain. So, due to them not feeling any kind of pain it's logical to assume that they're also not scared of a fight that a normal woman would, meaning that the assault would turn into a life or death situation. This part is extremely important since we don't know how a slime girls bodies function physically. Are we assuming that their forms are solid? Then the perpetrator could pin down and or the girl could submit during the fight knowing she might die. Are they liquid? That would mean that they can just wrap around the rapist and suffocate them. The answer lies in the details, but if we're assuming they have a solid structure then an average slime girl would still end up being a victim but in a smaller percentage than a baseline woman would.
>Fox girls
Already discussed with Revia
>>483864910 (+the rest)
Didn't we already have a conversation like this?
>Cat girls
Since no specific race was named, i chose Nyaron since they're one of the first results. It seems that this race are just like baseline girls but better in combat, mental break threshold and worse in work related activities. 2 times more health, significantly faster with bonus to dodge and hit chance and being more durable. Despite this, there is no mention of physical strength. If an average nyaron can't escape from the perpetrator using her skill in running and dodging then she will still end up being raped with a slightly lower percentage than baseline women
>Bunny girls
Again, no specific race was mentioned. This time i chose the Bun Race. Bunny girls from this mod are smaller and weaker than baseline girls but are way faster at 6.5 c/s speed compared to baseline 4.6 c/s. They're also described as panicky and somewhat neurotic which is important. If an average Bun cannot run away, there is a large chance that she will submit without fighting back and end up being raped. Overall, the chance depends on whether she can run away or not, going from the perpetrator being unable to catch the bun or having easy time once cornering one.

Thank you for reading my analysis and let me know where and if i've gotten anything wrong
And people said /rwg/ was dead
After further feedback i've made adjustments to the analysis >>469684191 considering i've made a few mistakes which is not acceptable in a research of this type

Capable of nearly instantaneously casting a spell that freezes beings such as a dragon in an instant. This means that she would not end up a victim of a sexual assault.
Anties are extremely unlikely to stray off from their groups. It is extremely unlikely to find one being alone therefore it is nigh impossible to rape one.
Ryane physical prowess is enhanced by mechanites and is above the strength of an average baseline woman. While not specified how much stronger she is compared to an average woman, it is certain that she would use her powerful psychic capabilities which i embarrassingly missed and would not fall victim to a sexual assault
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I miss Esther... Where is she? Why isn't her story being continued?
Captured and imprisoned by imperials
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Look at this little rattlesnake girl that joined my colony.
>catposter sucking my cock while servicing my balls
>he looks up to me, calling me daddy, but I force his head back down
Anti-catposters are very gay.
Case in point.
Please show me that story of her breaking out or being interrogated
>Sneaking a quick kiss in the freezer
Terminal dorkiness
Her mouth is even open like she's trying to reach her face standing on her toes to kiss her
So kawaiiiiii!
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The colony kids are reading together around the poker table
they should go find a better place to read, other people might want to use the poker table!
It's 5AM, everyone else is mostly asleep, and the little weirdos are having a study session together.
friggin nerds
They are probably reading porn.
What kind of porn, tho?

And whats with the branches?
kek facial aimation bugged out for one of my pawns so his head is shaking like that "qui, qui" /pol/ meme
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>"qui, qui" /pol/ meme
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Fuck off, /pol/.
a gif of some guy with a trembling head going "qui, qui". Quite self-explanatory

>passing mention of a meme (without even bringing up the "problematic" part of it) is enough to trigger catposters
really the worst posters of the thread.
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time for more bounties, and test driving the new armored car
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Nerds indeed
These are good pure girls, they would never!
Also the stick is from "Ponpeco Kids' Clothes"
I don't think Sonia can fire that gun.
snow drop doesn't look like she can unsheathe that sword either.
nyaron and bun are both the most pointless waste of time races of their respective animal girl types
/pol/ can't pollute your cat posting if you do it from the afterlife nigger, consider that
the car is ok but the real star is the grenade machingeun I picked up from the last batch of doggos we fought.
Very OP for an industrial tech weapon.
>Quite self-explanatory
It's really not unless you are a terminally online polnigger.
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Are you doubting the tactical decision of me arming a four year olds with a assault rifle and giving children blades longer than their bodies?
again I'm not talking about the "problematic " parts of the meme at all, I'm even avoiding them, you're bringing them up.
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Luckily I happen to have an example. I thought it was a bit funny.
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>car is totally wrecked, gotta repair it before leaving
well, I guess I was warned about this result, but it is still preferable over the pawns getting shot to pieces like the last few raids I did.

feels a little irresponsible, but maybe it's just me.
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>he doesnt know
>again I'm not talking about the "problematic " parts of the meme
I don't really know what's problematic about it nor do I care, I'm just pointing out that normal people aren't aware of every retarded poltranny meme in existence. The fact that you keep talking about how "haha bro it's totally PROBLEMATIC xD" as if that matters only further shows that you have terminal pol brainrot.
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What does it take for a fire popper to pop off?
>Quite self-explanatory
No, sorry Anon. I haven't visited /pol/ since Reddit electionniggers took it over
I have no clue why you're so mad about.
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>he pretends to be hardcore but somehow doesnt know qui meme
Who are you trying to fool now, tranny?
I thought pawns knew to not equip shields when they have ranged weapons equipped.
Someone tell me if that's the case so I know it's some mod fucking with it.
Shields are part of clothing profile and are on by default.
so instead I must have had a mod that made them not equip shield belts with ranged weapons by default, and later removed it. Thanks.
What the fuck are you talking about you retard? I just checked that epic maymay of yours and it's from 2021
Pol has been a Reddit satellite since 2016-2017
Kill yourself you dumb fucking imbecile or go pollute pol some more with another epic white saviour Donald trump maga thread you dum fucking cocksucker
Pic thread related, sanguophage trying to break into the colony (RimWorld)
You guys are all overreacting to nothing, chillax.
You fags argue over the most stupid things imaginable
>jew goes crazy when exposed as fraud
Many such cases.
>heh remember that epic /pol/ meme
>yo wtf i didn't even say anything problematic did I mention that I didn't say anything problematic heh because it's totally problematic and also epic heh why u mad?
poltrannies really have tranny mentality, huh
There used to be a mod that allowed you to create a computer/AI network inside your base that more or less allowed you to control directly different autodoors, turrets, and other stuff without having a pawn move to them directly.

Does anyone know what its name was and if it's updated? Or just an equivalent alternative.
why does toxic buildup take so long to tick down?
I've got a pawn that had to travel trough polluted tiles so he's at initial stage, and it just takes forever to go down

Is there any way to just heal it fully in one go?
Healer mech serum?
I think a mech serum will remove it instantly. But I feel like it's a waste for something so minor
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rate my colony
>this reminds me of this /pol/ meme
>fuck you /pol/ *posts picture of hecking cats*
yeah bit of an over-reaction there bro.
that is a bit much yeah. Maybe there's a mod that adds some insta-cure that costs some medicine and some other material, I'm tired of seeing pawns get -5 to mood for ages.
do drop pods sound like farts to you guys or is it just me
Fuck off.
Only turret control mod i know is Fire Control Computer mod.
Eccentric Tech Defense Grid is kinda close.
Other than that i have no idea what mod could do to the autodoors that isnt covered by normal vanilla behaviour.
One day i will make that afghan village colony i swear.
Just you
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Imagine being this mad at catposters.
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>portable generator
>mini shotgun turrets
I'm thinking of bringing these on the next raid. Like quickly drop them on the ground before the fight starts and they can serve as a distraction.
No one likes polniggers or their nigger memes. Same as reddit, twitter etc.
Also lmaoing at
>muh cat pics help me THEY are posting cats
You really, actually, unironically CANNOT function anymore without an enemy faction persecuting you. Literal tranny mentality.
dogs are just better.
you're again getting mad at the wrong person. Reminder that you started this over the mention in passing of a meme.
>someone drops qui meme reference
>jew keeps crying and hysterically trying to damage control
We see you, moshe.
Fucking jews posting cats...
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>"fuck of retard"
/pol/fugees don't send their best.
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I hate Jews
I hate Trannies
And i hate this retarded r/trump taskforce here on rwg
I know Hitler would've killed me but id gladly help him get rid of you first
>heh it was just uh passing mention uh so uh ignore the fact that i was telling everyone how i'm totally not mentioning how totally problematic it is for several posts
people also get told (and rightly) to back to plebbit after referencing subreddits and other shit, nigger
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Go suck off an horse's cock, you slut.
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Lots of jewish seethe atm and i love it.
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cat posters are the problem
One more word, Dummy cat poster
>Not posting the edit
Corintroon screeching in despair, nothing new here
>One more word
And that word will always be horsecock, since that's literally what corin's entire existence revolves around and always will
And the best part is that corintroon is literally getting mindbroken by that, lol
>ignoring the fact that it was in answer to someone bitching before any mention of the word problematic.
You know we can just scroll up right?
Check it the order
>mention of meme
>catposter seething instantly
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You've asked for it
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>gets told to fuck off
>cries in pain as he strikes everyone who disagree with him
Starting to believe the catposter isn't the Jew in this equation.
shut the fuck up jew you're the one who got mad at based polchads
I'm thinking monoswords are unfun
killing everything in one hit just doesn't feel rewarding
Yeah, you got told to fuck off with your retarded polnigger memes immediately, just like people get told to fuck off whenever they start referencing who said what on twitter or reddit.
>gets mad at a mention of a meme and starts screeching immediately
good to know you admit it.
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Are these weapons good enough to take on like 5 cetipedes?
>styled chain shotgun
>marskman rifle (long range like a sniper but only 11 and 33% pen but fires two shots per burst)
>charge sniper
>regular sniper
>grenade machinegun (first 3 regular frag grenades per burst)
You'll need high AP.
Or fight them one at a time if you can. Also, centipedes have mediocre melee attacks.
>You'll need high AP.
Ok, I'll probably change some of these then. At least replace the marskman rifle with a real sniper and the shotgun with something else.
If I can I'll melee them but sometimes you can't really get close due to lack of cover.
mods that introduce weapon durability damage as a real concern?
Just add any of the ammo mods and it's more or less the same. Unless you specifically want your sword to break I guess.
>Unless you specifically want your sword to break I guess.
I'd also like to not be able to keep masterwork/legendary weapons indefinitely
What an inane notion.
Only a zoomer born and raised in the posthuman planned obsolescence era could come up with it.
sorry, in that case I don't think anyone has ever done it.
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thank you anyway
It's time for Stream to have an actual leg instead of a peg leg
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons have weapons that degrade after every use. Poach that code for whatever you want.
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Bounty hunter marriage. Just right in the open I guess.
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eh good thing she's still anesthetized
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>mid ceremony
>everyone just moves to a nearby wall and stares at it
>incredibly torn between making an actual sf space colony or Astra Militarum regiment
I hate when this happens.
make a... I forgot the name of the 40k guard equivalent for their navy, but make that.
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Oskar is going to make your killboxes his bitches.
Navis Imperialis if you insist on nu-GW cringespeak
Naval Security Batalion?
oh the individual naval GEQs are called Voidsmen-at-Arms
yes, these. From reading ciaphas cain they use more or less the same weapons, just with dark non-cammo uniforms so that anon can use the same 40k mods and still keep it as a space based colony.
When i sai "space colony" i meant like sf colony with organized buildings, prefab domes, dedicated security force etc not colony in space...
Altough if i add SOS2 i could make it i guess..
Shame sos2 ship parts arent paintable so i cant paint them with gold and dark/red tones like most of the Imperium structures are.
>Shame sos2 ship parts arent paintable
I don't know if they are now by default, but I have the "sos2 parts are stuffable" mod and with that they for sure are paintable.
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Slug stargazing on the beach
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mouse house 2 is complete.
why do i treat this game like The Sims

what is this?
>tfw your underdeveloped aquatic DNA repair mechanisms don't allow you to go to the beach during the day without getting cancer
pinnacle of evolution, everyone
a fucking slug
Because its suprisingly fun.
>why do i treat this game like The Sims
what else are you gonna do, build the same commieblock killboxes for 2000 hours?
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Playing Simsworld is the ultimate fuck you to Tynan.
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more hunting bounties. Fighting kijin this time.
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yeah designing is just so fun in this game, and then watching your colonists live out a great life....
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>that terrain
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>have to take target alive
>target is bleeding to death, 0.9hours
time to send in ham ham with a jetpack and see if you can carry someone back with a jetpack
I will simply not install it
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yeah i dont remember what its from

Heres my silly spaceport
Looks like HSK.
First Aid, Tend Here, etc. mods
could be LTO
I'm mostly surprised at how unlike rimworld this looks combined with majestic trees
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jetpack rescue successful, now to perform first aid ASAP
If only I remembered that angel can't fly anymore and gave her a jetpack she would be the one doing this.

I have a mod that let me first aid but I wasn't about to let ham ham stand in the way of the minigun that illine is carrying
your stackable chunks are driving me crazy anon
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the target was saved. He might die of infection later but by then we will have delivered him so it's all fine.

what, you don't like seeing (1) under every single chunk in the game?
Not killing my targets is alwayts the hardest part in that bounty hunting mod.
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Please share your modlist with me
Noob here, how do I get the loot from ancient complex and distress signals? As soon as my pawns reach the edge of the map they form a caravan and leave without any option to pack the loot up
>tfw still on 1.3
Kill all enemies.
is there a good tech restricting mod for 1.5? i want to do a medieval run but both rimedieval and medieval - vanilla are broken with the forked MO
I like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2554469600 but the code does run all the time, and perhaps it's not even the kind of tech restricting you're looking for
Does that include the raids that come if you wait long enough? I assume not
Thanks anon
yeah that's a good one but i'm looking for one that removes techs past medieval. i could probably just cherrypick it all but that might cause issues
Active turrets, awakened mechanoids, awakened insects. EVERYTHING
no, the map needs to be clear of hostiles and then you can reform the caravan with the loot BUT only if your pawns can path to said loot
Thanks a lot lads
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brought some turrets this time for extra firepower. The cars serve as generators if they're stationary.
I'm being raided by a bunch of loli imps and their human slaves.
Is there a mod to make the Mechanoid Tab visible regardless of wether you have mechanoids or not?
Like the Tamed Animals Tab.
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Why are pawns like this?
Just walk straight, you fucking cunt.
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and, after the fight, I brought in a micro-comms console so I could ransom all the prisoners back asap.
UI not included should do that
Wait, vehicles can serve as generators?
there's a mod for that. It's called "vehicle is generator"
It only works if they're stationary, and they use fuel way more inefficiently that real generators, but it's fun for a caravaning game.
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I verified just for you
simply use ui not included and check 'force visible'
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>Toxos immediately goes to kiss Stream after the raiders flee
Could you really not hold this off until like tomorrow? Mint's bloody body being carried to the hospital is still within eyesight.
Speak Up! unironically makes me want to kill myself
which is why I use it every now and then
Highmates possess the unbeatable technique of instant mind rape
sleep tight little rhino
"I suck cocks": the screenshot
How rude,
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Jesus Christ what a haul for early game
l*rge faction bases did it again
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oh boy, here comes the doggo army
they killed one of my colonies with an army just like this in the past
hopefully having an armored car will make a difference.

kek enjoy your day, faggot o7
Is there any reason to pirat- I mean to update to 1.5 if I don't want to play Anomaly?
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trader caravan to the rescue!
The armored car was also a good distraction, tho they punched the wheels right off.

thanks, I will.
oskar and sarg's amazing mods
mechanoids that come out of the water
the performance is just way better
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nothin personnel
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60 year old rat visiting the colony
cute! feed her some cheese
I was making a funny
it's actually 30% worse, with no mods on.
why is my map full of bullet casings ruining the scenery
eww! lure her into a mouse trap
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I got the thrumbo, does that mean I have to buy this
fuck I'm so pissed its a gay ass rat and not a boomalope
also why do my pawns sometimes forget to keep fighting until further instructions
Boomalope soon trust
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Damn Toxos chill
Search and Destroy
No, I am already using UI not Included, and while the button for the tab does appear when Forced Visible, it does not display any text or icon, nor does the Tab itself open, unlike the Animals and Wildlife tabs when you don't have any tamed or wild animals on the map.

Oh well, it most be coded differently than those tabs somehow. It's weird.
Probably because of the Blood Animations mod.
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I honestly haven't seen any boomalopes or rats in ages
that's sarg's fault
If I had a Revia wife you can bet your ass I'd be doing the same
>Lover, sister
Honestly, you're probably right.
Technically they're not related, I made them sisters since I wanted them to consider each other sisters by circumstance instead of by blood.
Then I installed the consensual incest mod so they could fuck.
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Why are you like this?
>colony's war god revian
>more metal than she is organic flesh
>usually pretty glum and gloomy except for the first hour or two after a raid.
>say fuck it one day and do something risky
>sneak up and give her ear scratches
>for a good few minutes you've got her in whats almost like a trance
>for the first time in a while her artifical muscles are relaxed and not tense
>hear some commotion in another hallway
>she's instantly at attention
>she pulls your hand away and makes sure you understand that "this NEVER happened"
>next day, she sneaks you a note while you're doing your job
>"my room. end of day. i need more"
wtf are blood runes and palestones and what can I, a normal person, do with those
Use the ancient archotech power of mod butchering to kill any mentions of revians and make it so normal baseliners can use those for their own benefit
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why do mod authors do this
drugs is the most interesting thing
>blood runes
a few strong weapons.
muh donut steel races
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Fun for the whole family!
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>boris used furniture
>90mb mod
>look inside
>.git directory included in the release (points to a private remote)
>nearly 200 images and a couple dozen audio files under version control
Somebody really ought to tell the tard how to use git, or at the very least package releases properly.
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Someone already did.
I am not kidding why is my male prisoner pregnant
his bussy got boipregnant
he was probably a cat poster, they have the uncanny ability to get pregnant even without a womb
he was probably an anti-cat poster, they have the uncanny ability to get pregnant even without a womb
oooooo scary..... /pol/ is coming....... spooky scary ooooooo /pol/ oooooooo dilate ooooooo
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did I miss something
/pol/tard gets outed for mentioning a shitty /pol/tard meme. He gets butthurt and then calls catposters Jews.
Seems some /pol/turd got mad earlier because somebody called him a /pol/turd.
Do metal horrors ever burst forth without surgical inspection? Can you just ignore an infection forever or do they eventually get bored of waiting and strike?
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Sometimes I like to play on Community Builder + Phoebe with a starting group of 10 pawns that have optimized genes and traits so I can just make a relaxed base in the countryside where nothing ever gets too crazy, and nobody can tell me I'm wrong for that. :)

Because my last game was a Solo Naked Tribal run on an Ice Sheet.
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Bro, play however you want to play.
You might consider this a spoiler:

Once they infect 50% of your colonists, they'll emerge automatically, or you can identify them if you interrogate prisoners (including if you arrest sus colonists). They'll also emerge if you banish someone off the map or if a host dies.
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>Once they infect 50% of your colonists

Cheers thanks, watching someone play through anomaly for the first time and she's taking ages to find the culprit(s). I was starting to think everyone was infected by now.
I'm just still taking psychic damage from the ice sheet run. I added 100 hours to my playtime just figuring out how to survive the first year.
>I was starting to think everyone was infected by now.
There's a limited set of actions that infect others: Infected chefs cooking infected meals. Infected doctors operating on or feeding colonists. Infected colonists sleeping with their partners.

On that note; nutrient paste dispensers and Fabricors can't make infected meals, and the Paramedic will never infect and will never lie when inspecting colonists for metalhorrors, even if your mechanitor is infected.
Appreciate the tips anon, I didn't have too much trouble with them on my initial playthrough as I had some paramedic mechs
although I did waste a ton of time early on performing surgical inspections before I had studied enough gray flesh chunks to be able to actually detect it
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should i make run w/o rjw?
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>We don't have CE three months later.
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she's 4 by the way
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This is diabolical.
>degenerate mod
>degenerate outcome
what are you surprised about?
Yesh. RJW unironically ruins the game because you will eventually focus more on coomer fantasies than just enjoying the story.
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Stream please stop standing on top of the furniture to kiss the top of your slug girlfriend's head
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>brewing whisky require 0% light
>even artificial light will prevent brewing whisky
Thanks a lot, sarg.
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False alert.
Sarg is my hero and my king.
my buddy did that when he was a noob so he could grow flake in peace
>From reading ciaphas cain
cringe and reddit, read some real 40k literature instead, retard
what's the rattlesnake from
The fire popper itself has to be lit on fire.
have fun anon
Remember to break open any walls that have a fogged area on the other side.
>pointless bloat packaged with actual xenotypes
pft, what a nigger mod
Does anyone know why nal facial animation freezes the game after loading a save? This has been happening since 1.5 on me
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Damn. That actually sounds kinda fun.
I'll make a Cajun Hick xenotype and settle in a swamp biome with the High Life ideology and build a bunch of little shacks and grow lots of drugs to trade.
try with just nal's and its dependencies
if it doesn't work, you have an installation issue of some sort
if it works, then time to test for incompatibilities
cut the modlist in half, try again, repeat
I wonder why hardly anyone makes mostly cosmetic gene mods for people to make their own races out of like oops all bug parts or that helltaker gene mod
Because if you're going to put in the effort to make good looking genes, most people will just go the whole nine yards and make it a complete package
>complete package
adding retarded shit that has nothing to do with xenotypes isn't "complete package"
I'm done with having 3 entry points. The my west and east gate will be forever closed.
What a fucking pain in the ass they were.
I wanted to try rjw but it seems kind of daunting, there's tons of mods and variations of them like several nude mods such sar or rimnude and stuff that don't even have preview pictures or compatibility with other rjw mods, I don't know where to start
I agree, many mod authors however do not
What are your thoughts on the changes that lowers anomaly events?
Did the playerbase hate the dlc so much that ludeon lowered their occurence?
SAR has matching clothes and armor, also doesnt rely ơn HAR
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damn i didnt even know we had a 99-year-old in our colony
on that note, how do you deal with getting attached to your pawns? i originally wanted this colony to be a scifi dystopia where colonists spend their entire lives working an office job before being dying and being cremated, but i cant bring myself to simply remove a pawn from a game, especially if they've spent like 33 years as a colonist having seen the city grow from its small beginnings. i even installed rimdeed so i can get rid of them without the need for death or banishment. i can't just keep adding more and more colonists. how do you deal with dead pawns and their memories?
>the changes that lowers anomaly events
you absolute monkey its a slider you can adjust to whatever you want
Play a mod where pawns are completely and totally disposable, such as Anty.
Eventually, after a few dozen deaths it really starts to desensitize you
I even stopped burying my dead and just ate the corpses instead
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It's up.
Catbros.. we fucking won.
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Fug the slug!
Mincho taste is obvious but what does moyo slime taste like
>meteorite lands right on top of my gauranlen tree, instantly killing it and four dryads
Exploring the pit gate is so beautiful I hope underground z levels are next
Exploring the arm pit is so beautiful I hope female pawn feet are next
Save our Ships, but for mobile cities like in Mortal Engines
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It's that time bros
Fuck Marry Kill
Fuck revia
Marry dragonian
Kill the rat
If you want some militarism i'd add in RimWar, Empire and maybe Total Control mod to really customize your enemy/ally factions
That trait gain is from VE so calm your tits.
How's this game with coomer mods?
Anal rape Kenney
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Depends on how you set it up and which add-ons you add
Ranging from barely remembering you have it to insect rape caves, sex dungeons etc.
That's a boy, he's underage AND he recently lost his father
Why are you like this
>That's a boy, he's underage AND he recently lost his father
So he's perfect
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thanks I hate it
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they're bloat is what they are
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No dyingooooooo neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
is outposts expanded as much of a buggy mess as it seems to be

It's just an XML mod. All the outpost bugs are in the VE Framework.
good one
No its not. Just disable outpost raids
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Have you kissed your female pawn today?
>wake up to read thread since yesterday
>it's all retarded comments
I'm glad my sleep time is not synchronized with the most retarded posters ITT.
Tbh ve outposts are one of the better mods from oskar.
They allow you to run varied colonies because you can offload the farming/hunting to your outposts and they are a great place to offload your excessive pawns.
Plus they really fit a game where you play as some uniformed, official faction trying to colonize the planet.
>trying to colonize the planet
Haven't kissed my female pawn in about 2 weeks. Kinda lost interest in RimWorld, lately.
>>trying to colonize the planet
reeee you're meant to leave the planet within 1-2 years reeee
t. ynan
But why? I bet she's really lonely now
the thing is due to how well-off the colony is, deaths by combat is almost non-existent. raids are trivial thanks to the sheer number of pawns and the quality of equipment, and we're able to just spam artillery at any siegers. it's one of those situations where the colony is too big to fail. literally every pawn spends their lives working as a call center agent or a janitor, since i have thirteen super-pawns handle everything else. i'm not complaining about not having any fun, though, since i enjoy playing rimworld as sim city or openttd (specifically the logistics of food, watching the process of crops and fish get cooked into meals. colonists consume around 160 meals per day, with the food supply being supplemented by food purchased from vending machines). at this point, the only thing that can kill colonists is old age, and even then I still install bionics since i can't let them go
I last left her in a bioscultping pod, so she's no doubt unaware of any time that has passed.
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the fun time starts now
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Owlchemist is never coming back is he bros?
I always colonize planet im on.
Fuck tynan and fuck leaving in a ship.
Fuck Revia
Marry Dragonian
Kill Rat
Rimworld of Magic or Psycast Expanded?

I like magic in my fantasy game.
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>Traders come to town on my naked brutality run
>Have my trading spot right next to the ancient danger
>Put a hole in the wall
>Character gets spiked right in the dome when I pull down the wall

Well I guess that's to be expected.
RoM takes less time out of your caster pawn's day, but you're limited to one class per pawn (and there are a LOT of classes, you wont see them all in your colony unless you have 30+ people)
VPE allows any one pawn to have any set of skills they want, but is restricted by the vanilla psyfocus system taking at least 4 hours out of your pawn's day.
of course, nothing's stopping you from installing both.
why the fuck is this game like a million dollars with tons of bloatware "DLC" even on sale??? I hate zoomer devs with a passion.
This reminds me: is there a way to ensure that traders come clothed? They pretty quickly leave during winter due to "dangerous temperatures" (-3C) because most of them are completely naked.
sales are good to sell more games?
I dont get what youre talking about
this fucking trash is still way overpriced even on SALE!!!!!!! and what the FUCK IS THIS ZOOMZOOM SHIT?!
Buy RimWorld Name in Game Upgrade
Buy RimWorld Name in Game Upgrade
Buy RimWorld Name in Game Upgrade
Buy RimWorld Name in Game Upgrade,
Buy RimWorld Name in Game Upgrade

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dressed for the weather mod
Don't look at any vehicle simulators or the Sims 4, Anon.
cheaters do this >>483972492
what you should really do is have a comfy temperature-controlled room ready for visitors (and their muffalos, skill issue if you can't deal with the filth) and use https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180719658
"Mods" that abuse the AI and change how it functions is also cheating
Just deal with the consequences of temperature like a normal person
Perfect games like RimWorld shouldn't go on sales.
game is literally free anon just go to gog
do I need to patch acid damage so that's it's treated as heat in order for anties to not be extremely weak against armored targets?
I spawned hostile anties and had them fight an equal force of rats, and the latter wiped the floor with them. with no need for the super strong weapons+ mod, even
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just pirate the DLC, its comically easy since they are loaded like mods
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>dump all my horse in a grass field because it's less of an hassle to feed them that way
>fast forward a couple of years
>realize I've become a rancher
What's that girl name? I need to marry her
this anon is just playing a different game than me
the only thing in common are the autodoors and walls lmao
and corn
corn is universal
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that's jill, the bartender. definitely not taken from another game
i'm playing sim city, not rimword
Edward, he's a 14yo boy
i might be retarded
meant for >>483979689
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looks like both fighters decided to use stun batons for this fight. this might be interesting.
imma bout to fitgirl this entire nigger just watch
it's on gog
what are yu doing
just wanna watch the world burn is all
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>click the sort button in RimPy against my better judgement
>game gets stuck at the loading screen
>try again
>game silently fails to load any mods
I see
is there some kind of mod that suppresses Tynan's passive-aggressive criticism of embrasure mods?
I can't be fucked to go through my configs and fix it manually
Im talking about the one sitting near the bar
yeah that's the guy I'm talking about
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forgot to add pic
Thanks Anon. I'll get the courage to talk up to her someday.
>wanna play aggressive raider tribal yttakin
>got insanely good waster early on
>hurrying up drug productions to keep him alive
>two years later
>now my colony is a drug empire run by wasters and vampires
>only two yttakin in colony (three original tribals died)
Randy hates yttakin confirmed
>Kitchen behind storage
Shouldnt it be other way around?
who wouldn't
Hag female pawns rule rimworld.
I switched to RimSort recently and I think I'm gonna stick with it.

It feels more performance-friendly than RimPy, and you can use RimPy's own load order database or RimSort's own load order frim GitHub, as well as directing it to your own, and quickly adding rules for which specific mod should be below or under another mod. Feels like the automatic sorting feature is actually worth using with it.
Main drawback I'd say is that it can be a bit unstable when moving a lot of mods at the same time, and that you can't color them like in RimPy.
need psychology replacement
Tell me about your favorite niche mod
Noob here.
How impactful is the storyteller settings?
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good luck, anon!
that's the main kitchen, actually. the storage is located in the middle of three different dining establishments: the burger joint, the cafe, and the bar.
He's literally me...
scenario amender. Allows you to dynamically alter your scenario settings on the fly.
Things too boring? Add the "raids every 1-7 days" scenario condition!
Hate an event but forgot to disable? Remove event from the scenario!
Simple and practical.
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there's always next time, anon. you'll talk to her next time for sure
If you crash the game hardó enough it resets your modlist
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>Actually using VFE trash Bins on your map
How're your TPS so far?
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Not him, but are they that bad?
capped at 20, but that's partly because i have 80 pawns, seven gorillion mods and play on a potato pc. if there's a way to disable functionalities of certain items through xml editing, i'd gladly do so. half my VE mods are simply for variety or decor, i dont really give a shit about their effects
i need a e-celeb to tell me how to play my games. who has the best video guides for rimworld?
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Last time I heard of it, yes.
They search for individual filth on every individual tile on a radius around them every tick or so.

Loading them into the game at game start doesn't hurt your TPS, it's having them in your map checking for flith what does it.

If I remember correctly there was a mod that disabled their filth-cleaning functionality to make them into purely cosmetic buildings, but I don't remember the name of the mod.
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Marine Senchou
Vinny Vinesauce. He won't teach you how to play right, but he will make you want to play on your own just prove to yourself that you are not as bad.
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>Those rooms
>clutter all over the screen
>these uselessly huge rooms
>everything made from wood, ready to burn down
>not having huge stockpile of beer so WAMY can be smashed 24/7
>>clutter all over the screen
This is why I can't watch V-tubers. I was considering watching Limes play Rimworld, but her avatar taking up a quarter of screenspace and constantly moving was pissing me off immensely.
I live like this.
>learning screen or whatever is called on the top right not closed forever
The only bad thing in the pic is the mattress being on the floor.
I really don't understand why zoomers want to see the face of the streamers (or some 3d model) on the bottom of the screen at all times.
Its a shame colonist dont generate some clutter while they live that isnt filth..
I don't mind that. Anime girls are cute.

Yeah this. And the bullshit on the left.
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ehh it was alright but definitely not doing the full monolith again
>>these uselessly huge rooms
anons are also culprit of doing this
You bet.
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I wanna spank her foreigner-chasing, attention-seeking, age-denying, fault-deflecting, sexual-harrasing, proportion-defyin-
>huge rooms
Weird i would expect some tiny minmaxed shithole from a bug player.
Room size is complete garbage without realistic rooms
Since it's on sale I got Stranded Alien Dawn, and it really is Rimworld but 3D. R is even the draft button and the work priority system is the same!
I just use Niilo's QoL. It has a toggle fix to make the room proportion more reasonable, but it's somewhere between vanilla and Realistic Rooms ReWritten, but it does its purpose it making the size of smaller rooms more reasonable.
even my small haphazardly shaped bedrooms end up automagically slightly impressive at least
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The realistic human faces really put me off.
Has Line of Sight been updated to 1.5 yet?
But the TPS?
Are all colonists presets or can you obtain randomized ones?
No fucking clue, I just got this from a screenshot from Google images.
Its not bad but with no modding and piracy it will never surpas Rimworld.
Any mod to make them anime?
[JPT] Soft Warm Beds (Continued)

It's absolute bloat, making vanilla bed buildings into just the bed frame assenbly and making you craft a matress and bedding separately on a crafting spot to add to them.
This makes the bed frame into purely a structure to maintain the bedding and add beauty to the room, while the materials of the matress' bedding change the comfort and warmth that the bed gives (a thrumbofur bedding will be more comfortable and warm than one made of patchleather), making it safer at cold temeratures and speeding up the sleeping process.
It requires compatibility in both file data and textures for every single mod that adds a bed and the original is already dead, a (Continued) fork being maintained by Mlie.


If you want a similat alternative that's not as complex but makes the process of bed-making more challenging you can just use Beds Need Bedding instead.
i'm new to modding and don't want to spend 100 hours like i did with minecraft, do we have a list? the ones in the OP are just themed stuff
spend 100 hours, you'll enjoy it
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I think they're all preset but you can mod in new ones

Anime ish but not actually 2D

Probably higher but it's not as complex, fps is consistently 75
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>start colony
>this thing really annoys me i wonder if theres a mod for this
>repeat for hundreds of hours
Just get Niilo's QoL, it covers a lot of ground.
i have it and a bunch more similar things
the game just has a ridiculous amount of things that make you go "why the fuck is it like this" then you look for a mod to fix that
This shit broke my architect tab and it took me several days to find out it was the reason why I just couldn't build a lot of shit that I had researched. Don't use it.
>This shit broke my architect tab
you didnt read the mod options did you
There was no mod options tab for it at all. It's probably broken in 1.4.
its in xml extensions tab anon
Click the little plus near the mod options button.
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Missy and Mister are back. The married siblings, first and second born from my incest only colony.
it's a lot better than frozenfox's tweaks which is more like a compilation of cheat toggles
but i use both
you're just like me
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>do we have a list?
No. Everyone wants something different from Rimworld, and with the modularity of the mods compared to other games, even Minecraft, barely any two modlists are the same.

You'll want a 3rd party program to manage your mods and grab a properly curated load order by other players. Most use RimPy with it's Load Order Database found on the Steam Workshop, but I prefer RimSort with it's more recently updated load order databse hosted on Github.

Aside from that, you'll probably want these mods for perfromance, regardless of what modlist you have:
>No Laggy Bed
>Performance Optimizer
>RocketMan - Performance Mod

These mods will help with troubleshooting issues while building a modlist:
>Dubs Performance Analyzer
>Show Mod Updates
>Better ModMismatch Window
>More Options Sort
>Better Log - Fix your errors
>No Version Warning
>Ding on Game Loaded

These will help with compatibility between mods
>Cherry Picker
>Cherry Picker Duplicates List 1.5
>Resource Dictionary
RIMMSqol is an odd mod because it adds alot of other stuff, so only use it to edit the items of stuff while in-game if there's no other mod that does that already. I'm actually not using it myself right now.

I use:
>[FSF] FrozenSnowFox Tweaks
>Tweaks Galore
>Niilo's QoL
>TD Enhancement Pack

Disable the settings you don't want on XML mod options.
Also, use
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>i play all 3 war crime simulators
Amen, brother.
Reminder that rjw is cheating
>the moment everyone is having sex regularly mood stops being an issue
not wrong desu but its not like mood management is an issue past early game anyways
>character is sad
>send "hero character" or whatever the setting is called to fuck character regardless of traits, likeability or compatibility
>massive mood boost from lovin' at no cost
>character is no longer sad
Yep, seems like an average H game moment.
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I always disable them on scenario editor (or using scenario amender if I forget.)
Bet you insulted the big man in the sky with your eletric sorcery
dismantle ancient junk
does exactly what it says
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I don't have electricity
based tribalchad
Any mods with items/buildings that extend the mechanitor's control zone? I already have Fortification - Industrial.
If you're gonna cheat anyway go all the way
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What storage mod do you guys use?
Has anon updated his bootleg storage mod since 1.3 (pic related)?
integrated implants has 3 tiers of control radius increase, and the last one removes it completely even off-map.
I think it's a bit too much but you can just limit yourself to the first 2.

I think the ideal is
>coom towers from fort. industrial to defend base
>leader mechs from dead man switch for raids
>tier two distance increase for when your mechanitor is personally involved.
There's also a leader mech in some other mod that has a bunch of real ugly waifu bots but I didn't like that mod so I don't remember the name.
Deep Stack
All settings on maximum too
I use the Adaptive Storage Framework with Reel's Expanded Storage and Phaneron's Basic Storage. I make sure to lower the storage capacity for things that are too silly, like a two tiles food shelf with 20 storage slots.
The duality of man.
I use tynan's shelves
ogre stack and rimfridge
There are three options depending on what you're looking for:

>Deep Stack if you don't wanna deal with storage at all.

>OgreStack if you want Deep Stack but more complicated for some reason.

>LWM's Deep Storage is the classic pre-1.4 option, with lots of mods made for it for all of your bloat needs:
>Integrated Deep Storage adds the compatibility patches for all of the mods you might want this one for.

>Adaptive Storage Framework for the option created Post-1.4 made with the modern game in mind.
>You want this if:
>You want Phaneron's Basic Storage (Basically Simple Storage for LWM's Deep Storage, but not as fucking bloated).
>You're gonna use Reel's Expanded Storage for lots of storage options and compatibilites
>You want a Neolithic playthrough (Adaptive Storage Neolithic Module)
>You want a Medieval Overhaul playthrough (Adaptive Storage Patch - Medieval Overhaul, Medieval Overhaul - Adaptive Storage Graphic Patch)
>You want THIS >>483993283 fix for the VFE Bins (Adaptive Trash Storage).

Also, Phaneron has retextures for a few storage mods
>Primitive Storage Retexture
>Simple Storage Retexture

Personally, I use Adaptive Storage Framework.
Oh, that >>483993283 was actually supposed to go to >>483994419
So Adaptive Storage Framework is the most performant out of the bunch?
Adaptive Storage has latency when you change what's allowed in a specific furniture, from experience, but your modifications will eventually stick. Give it a small amount of time.
Performance-efficient? Well no, Of course that'd be Deep Stack (and OgreStack), but unless you don't mind stacking 1,000 Lavish Meals on a 1x1m square tile that's that I'd use.

Reel's Expanded Storage if you're already using Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor for whatever reason.
Adaptive Storage Patch - Medieval Overhaul and Medieval Overhaul - Adaptive Storage Graphic Patch for a Medieval Overhaul playthrough.
Phaneron's Basic Storage + Adaptive Storage Neolithic Module for anything else (Standard Rimworld playthrough).
Is there a mod that makes diseases less retarded? This random amount of colonists getting a random disease just because fucking sucks.
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Which one of these kids should I make into a mechanitor? The psychically hypersensitive and small Saga, or the kind yet bloodthirsty Snowdrop?
None. Don't turn these cute kids into horrible soulless monsters
Lore wise, Saga, since Mechs use psionic faggotery.
Communicable Diseases [1.4]

Also, Niilo's QoL has several independant and simple tweaks that
>Implement the germ system from the Communicable Diseases mod without any of the other content of the mod.
>Make Gut and Muscle parasites come from eating dangerous food, such as raw corpses and uncooked meat.
Also adds options to disable each vanilla disease independently.
Snowdrop, so that in case of a catastrophe and you lose one of the kids, you don't lose both your Psycher and your Mechanitor.
Mod for the yellow titles?
Oh, also, regardless of what Storage mods you choose, you might want tl also get:

>Stack Gap
>[FSF] No Default Shelf Storage
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How's Big & Small + accompanying mods? I like the idea, but it feels like running it is going to be a janky compatibility nightmare.
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My colony already has a rat psycaster so Saga it is. Both of them have silver hair, so I guess this is good theming.
She'll be fine don't worry about it.
Is there a mod that make hair render above outer layer clothing?
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>[FSF] FrozenSnowFox Tweaks
>Some Vanilla Clothing Rendering Layer Adjustment
Both of these mods have a different way of implementing this fix. Pic related.
Is No Laggy Bed compatible with Performance Fish?
no, it's also a shit mod that causes issues
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Cheers mate.
I'm a retard so I always press the sort button, is that bad
Is this list for 1.4?
What are the green skulls over some of the guys and the gray skull with the crown and all?
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Curious.. interesting even...
nta but "guards for me"
the framework and genes are great
the races modules could use with some division, just cause I want giants doesn't mean I also want golems, for example.
What's with the massive TPS drop whenever the context menu is open?
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Now this I wasn't expecting, Mint's only 14.
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Here you go
1.4 yes sir
I still haven't moved to 1.5. Not taking a TPS hit if i don't have to
>What are the green skulls over some of the guys and the gray skull with the crown and all?
Kill for Me mod. Something of an animal training expansion that allows you to have more control over your animals, like telling them in which direction to move/charge/attack
>She'll be fine don't worry about it.
B-but she's planting a mech chip inside her head
That's dangerous
but that's (extra) forbidden love
Why do ancient complex exists when flesh gate exists, its less dangerous and has better loot
You just know
Good to see Corin experimenting new things.
Power/reward creep.
Who would win?
Corin's retarded bug army or one (1) horse in heat?
Is this the same modlist you used when our guys were fighting the flesh monsters? That was really cool and I want to play something similar.
I think you misunderstood 484037057, Corinbros we will never beat the allegations..
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Oh (you)
No, that was a new one
this one
is the old one i THINK
I'll check later since im going to bed. Thing is, you can fully recreate that playthrough with the new one as well, add or take a few mods from the list above
I understood perfectly. Im just going along with it, Anon-sama
hero mode is for multiplayer, not the mods fault if you cheese it
What a disappointment they turned out to be.
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>Studying and talking about the weather instead of watching movies on the megaTV
Complete and utter nerds
How rude what did they do wrong
I thought it was just for self inserting (into other pawns if you know what I mean)
I don't condone /u/, and in particular /u/ involving promising silver haired cute rat girls.
It's happening
cute rat girls are made for /u/ for they cannot handle human males.
>they cannot handle human males.
You've made it quite clear that you don't know what you're talking about.
are you retarded??? rat girls were made by our archotechs for baseliner men (Me)
Poor Stream is never going to get any sleep after they get married
You mean Toxos right? I doubt some slug can keep up with a Revia.
This frail slug is going to be shattered every night by her revia wife. Mint's going to have to patch up her bruised and battered body every morning.
Toxos chose this fate by getting a revia wife, she persistantly tried to romance Stream before she finally accepted.
With how often I've seen Toxos as the initiator of these things, she'll just keep asking for more no matter how damaged she gets
Got a nice house ready for these two to share once they get married
Toxos honestly must of gotten rebuffed by Stream like thirty times before Stream finally accepted. This slug is dedicated.
>nice house
>wooden toilet and shower
s-shut up I'll replace them
>when you wake up from your 853-years cryptonap but you're still tired
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Damn monkeys tried to raid my island, got shot to death in return.
Thanks for the hellcat rifle tho, love that gun.
is that a staircase up/down?
Yeah it's a staircase up, it's a house overlooking the beach.
what mod do you use for stairs?
I wanna make pretty homes for my colonists : )))
go wild anon
I am under assault by a horde of sexy murder foxes. I have armed the children with chain shotguns to help repel this threat
I'll finish this tomorrow, I need to sleep first.
What is Toxos doing in the battlefield? She's not built for it!
morale support for her fiancée
>10 to 20% discounts for summer sale
you will be buying the boomrat plush to fill up poor tynan's coffers after being forced to do a scary icky sale, won't you?
I heard the superclotting gene destroys your TPS, is that true? Are there anything else in the vanilla game that causes performance drops?
Dirt and filth. I kid you not.
updating to 1.5
Have a bug with change dresser that makes pawn's skin turn invisible. Anyone have a clue how to fix it?
Don't use the change dresser. It's buggy as fuck.
That much is evident. But how do I fix the mistake? Reloading does nothing.
>Reloading does nothing.
if reloading to a save before you even used the thing doesn't work, try restarting the game. And if that doesn't work, extirpate it off the mod list in panic
character editor
Fucking around with it now, can't seem to get it to work.
the last time i had an issue with invisible pawns, i found out it was due to HAR. there's a slider in character editor that allows you to change the skin color of your pawns through a slider. without HAR, the slider simply changes the pawn from jogger to imperial, but with HAR there's a second slider that lets you change the skin to various colors, as well as transparency.
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>as well as transparency
Can't seem to find it. And it doesn't allow me to change the skin color, it keeps resetting the values to 0 every time I close the menu.
Did Tynan remove the experience gain from Euthanization?
>keeps resetting the values to 0
yeah that's what happened to me before. sorry m8, that's pretty much all i know. i can't offer any more help. i'd say try the sliders below the [skin: color a], but you've probably already done that
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Very nice!
Is it 1.2/1.1? I see some colonists not having anime privileges
yeah, 1.2
I saw the new francis john video, and what the fuck the metal horrors can infect colonist if they're the cook and the surgeon?
So what happens if everyone got infected when you finally do an inspection?
Uhhh you you've got to you...
Read the book
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>Be me, a tribal
>Decide to ambush a travelling psycaster
>She pulls out some sort of sceptre
>See a sudden flash of yellow, everything does dark
>18 Hours later
Wat do?
Embrace it
Be happy about it if they're pretty
Be sad about it if they're ugly
Emergence happens when 50% of your colony is infected.
If you don't like dwarf fortress why did you steal the code?
If you don't like Imperial girls why did you keep posting about them?
>So what happens if everyone got infected when you finally do an inspection?
Francis John mentioned it in his video.
But everybody loves imperial girls?
I don't.
Imperial girls were born to be captured and turned into low-servants in tribal and medieval societies.
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Is there a cap on monument size? Holy fucking shit.
small monument quests are awesome but extremely huge ones like these are such a waste of time, even worse when the penalty is a fuckhuge mech cluster and a raider just accidentally chips a single wall because they fired a fucking doomsday rocket or some siege fuckface manages to somehow fire a mortar within 15 seconds of arriving in the map
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Imperial girls are the best!
Yeah, roughly the same size as a catposter dick
Enormously long
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release candidate dropped last week, steam update in the coming days
mods for that feel?
pretty sure they can get up to 70x40, ive seen them get near that but not over it.
the furries or the oonga boongas for your melee-primary pawn?
the foxes, of course.
baseliners augmented using your own gene-project.
Neither. This isn't 1066, give them a gun.
What cunt are you from?
someone translate this post into american
Lel, why? Are you searching for country specific insult?
but what if they have an IDM lower than 20%, maxed out dodge chance, and movement speed higher than 20?
No, I just want to find out if AIfags are third-worlders or not despite the GPU requirements.
Gun beats point stick 99 times out of 100
That guy will get shot and killed before getting remotely close to a gun line
Here's my best attempt, Anon
>Ayo dawg wha hood yo bitch ass nigga from mane?
Well, i come from Poland so depending on your view i might come from a third world shithole. That said, AIsloppers come from all around the world and GPUs aren't that hard to get if you're not a drunkard and addicted to smoking
Poland is ex-soviet therefore by definition second world
today I will play rimworld
thank you you're not bad yourself
Nos suck my catDick
ESL AND a catposter. Truly, rimworld is finished.
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how about no
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Woke up and dealt with this revia raid, none of them managed to hit any of my pawns. Dudina was only injured from a minor case of friendly fire.
Reisa and Saga both have a kill count of two now though.
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after 40 years of service, husband and wife Justin and Daniela Time are sent to the Civil Outlander union to retire.
Hexagons obviously don't work for Rimworld rip off.
But I still hate how uneven square grid is.
That leaves non-grid approach.
How would that work?
Probably fine, if you can implement it. Would remove the issue of having only one thing per tile. Although you could also avoid that with a grid if you take The Sims approach to it.
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Well these chucklefucks are going to ruin my plan for just staying out of the colony for 3 days
What should my priorities be when starting as a tribal?
researching electricity
trying as hard as you can to stop being a tribal colony.
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Are bestagons!
But not when you can't fucking draw when figuring out how to draw stuff in isometrics hexagons is the worst problem.
having drum parties around the campfire
honoring the gods
making recurve bows
The legs are the most offensive part of this
Are the quest rewards still bugged? I'm thinking of the weird random Excellent Recon Armour bug..
>Can build on hexagons.
>Can't build on a 90 degree angle now.
It's just replacing one limitation with another to no real benefit, desu.

How hard would it be to implement a building framework like the one Conan:Exiles or A.R.K. have where both method are merged (but in 2D)?
I'm out.
licky licky
I like spidergirls. So, I will play with spider girl races. Therefore I will be using HAR.
Anti-legfags are fags.
The hexagons were mainly for combat.
But it sure made any nice construction a huge pain.
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>Mlie giving support to Realistic Ore Generation from now on
Showing stiff legs ruins the illusion of movement. Less is more.
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Correct opinion. It also makes Pawns larger and occupy more space on the screen, which not only hurts screen readability, but also messes with with the proportion of everything else.

The only acceptable alternative to legs would be for pawns to have hands and feet like characters from Madness Combat, and even that looks weird.
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>We got Biotech which added a whole bunch of new and larger Mechanoids to fight, capture and gestate.
>We got Anomaly, which added the possibility of certain Pawn limbs being graphically displayed as attached to the body and move alongside it.

>We still don't have working Warspiders or Exostrider War Mechanoids with multiple visually displayed limbs that can be disabled and destroyed to cripple them.
Does Tynan even know what the people really want?
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
Wrong opinion.
Being able to dress pawns properly is more important.
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Little Snowdrop has become an adult and has remained little not growing an inch, the five year old Reisa is taller than her.
Why is this batch of children destined to be so small?
I would need to get on my knees to kiss Snowdrop
what illusion of movement? the pawns are sliding across the screen. it doesn't look like they're walking, it looks like they're sliding. there is no illusion, it's just a very ugly and lazily made game where if you add anything that doesn't look like a flat art google golem it just draws attention to how ugly the rest of the game is.
No. He could add so many cool new things if he gave a single fuck, like the war mechs you mentioned, vehicles, a way to pave new roads, new bugs, better adventure styled quests...
Hell, just make a poll asking what people want and he would get a thousand ideas for free
Anti-catposters are finally dead. Peace reigns supreme, forever, undaunted, in /rwg/ halls
>it doesn't look like they're walking, it looks like they're sliding. there is no illusion
can you rotate an apple in your head, yes or no?
At some point in the next year, Tynan will play Mechwarrior for the first time and his mind will just be absolutely fuckin blown. He will lose his shit and the next DLC will be entirely mecha-themed. It will suck absolute shit, it will be almost pointless, it will somehow be worse than VF while also breaking it entirely, and it will have a performance impact on par with boiling your PC in a pot of lard. It will cost 35 dollars and it will never, ever go on sale.
I just want vehicle raids so my anime pawns can slice tanks in half with their katanas
>posts bait to reignite the shitflinging
Is this a catposter's MO?
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Well then get on your knees
Very good
Was this the one?
your feeble negroid mind could never even conceive of the kinds of geometric transformations my mind is performing on a variety of ungulates. you just straight up imagining something that isn't there isn't the same as an illusion, though. i can also imagine the legs are moving. i can call that an illusion, too. that is a blank that i am able to fill in. you're just coping.
I think it's cool so far, but like this >>483794491 Anon said I'm not seeing anything that seismically changes the game itself.

Ideology and Biotech have both added things that alter every playthrough. You feel the impact of their content even if you don't really engage with it; if you pick the default ideology and don't pay attention to it, your prisoners of war and allies will have preferences you have to be aware of. If you don't bother with genes or babies, you'll still encounter children and xenotypes. Even Royalty, which you don't have to engage with at all, still might have you encountering psycaster implants in the wild you can use to encourage your own psykers, and the Empire will always be there to offer you quests and high-level loot if you want it.

So far, Anomaly's fun as hell, but you can ignore it so long as you don't interact with the monolith. Every so often a group of shamblers might wander into your base, or you'll crack open an ancient danger and unleash horrors beyond your comprehension, but the meat and potatoes of the expac is sealed behind a massive questline the same way mechanoids and sanguinophages are. But Mechs/Sanguines were only side-content in the otherwise massive Biotech update, so it didn't matter if you ignore them as there's a lot more going on. If you ignore the void, you're skipping 95% of what you paid for.
It needed more content that wasn't void focused.

I like that people can crawl around and smear blood everywhere now, though. That's neat.

I'll say it again, as I think I've said it for the last 3 fucking expansions, but Tynan NEEEEEEDS to update the faction/politics system. It's depressingly simple.
Sorry for not replying sooner
Sorry Anon, next year he'll watch Evangelion and make a DLC about it.
>mixed couple
bruh moment
>Black male
>White female
Propaganda... even in my rwg...
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what did steam mean by this
Steam is retarded. Just past the link on your browser.
steam is trying to steal your personal info, don't let steam get away with it
lets compare it to the other DLC
adds psycasts - if you turn someone into a psycaster it completely changes how that pawn can interact with combat and gives you a bunch of utility "spells"
adds royals - special boy pawns who need luxurious accommodation and a dedicated throne room
adds techrpint research - ultratech tier research that grants a bunch of new gear, weapons, and implants. the limited availability of techprints encourages you to hunt down ancient complexes or engage with the new faction
adds the empire - a new spacer faction that'll act as the primary psycast source for non-tribal colonies, and a source of techrprints. but just gifting them a bunch of drugs isnt enough, you need to a royal pawn
key focus is the ideology system, which allows you to make certain playstyles (cannibals, cave dwellers) easier than the base gameplay, while introducing new techs and opportunities
while there is only one major feature, its varied enough that you'll pretty much never run out of possibilities
adds player mechanoids - allowing your high crafting pawn to drastically change the way you deal with combat. use scythers to tank melee hits for other pawns, send a swarm of militors to deal with survivors trying to run away, or just have a wall of centipedes to mow down any possible threat
adds genetics - allowing you to drastically alter pawns in both positive and negative ways
allows children - letting you raise your own pawns and select their traits and passions, the trait choices leaving good room for a god tier pawn

and then finally
adds more combat encounters. not much of note, mow them down like usual
adds a few extremely annoying to deal with events because they do little more than impact your production speed and combat ability
adds some buildings with constantly present mood maluses
adds psychic rituals, most of which are fucking useless and those that arent are either overpowered or comically niche
anty raiders are pitifully weak with yayo's combat what do
Marry captured anties, but only 1 per pawn because you'd hurt their feelings if you had more than 1 wife per pawn
uuuuhh any other options?
>mine mod broken
>suddenly care about resource management and scanners
It's an odd feel but I do enjoy it
Royalty was garbage, an Tynan's greatest crime against Rimworld, psycasts are bloat, the empire raped the lore, techprints literally got mods banned off workslop for having an earlier, different implementation of techprints in them. It's all shit.
psycasts are cool on paper but in practice feel like cheat buttons - like the god powers in age of mythology except unlimited
Uhhh actually psychic stuff was always in rimworld look >archnigger
is this shit really worth it for $100+ for base game and DLCs? does it stay fun for a long time? i don't want to mod it so I need it to be good as is
Pretty much everything except ideology is either useless or shit.
Psycasts, royals and techprints are half-done. Psycasts are either useless or OP. Royals are just gimmic to make psycasters more expensive. Techprints are just dumb moneysink for OP tech.
Mechanitor is good idea, but terrible implementation.
Genetics are absolute dogshit compared to modded HAR races.
Children are good for flavor, but only exist to make OP pawns.
Haven't finished, but as one anon said, it is useless unless you interact with it.

Ideligion is good because it give replayability. And if Tynan implemented it properly, it would make really deep system to diferentiate pawns and other factions.
it's certainly worth $30
pirate the DLCs and install them as you would mods because the dev has been resting on his laurels lately
buy base game, pirate DLC.
oh but if you don't want to install mods you're probably not the target audience so maybe forget it
i'll only install mods to add in some cute anime characters and aesthetics if need be. but i won't touch a gameplay mod in my life. Amazing Cultivation Simulator is so much better than this game anyway. so who knows what's gonna happen if i decide to get Rimworld on sale. probably not much to get excited about
>but i won't touch a gameplay mod in my life
you will get bored after a few hours
this game has zero depth contrary to redditors acting like it's super deep and difficult mechanically
but all the shitty fucking MODS i see are just to make the toons pick up stuff faster or build walls faster or some bunch of HORSESHIT. tell me the good gameplay changes worth a god damn or you just lost a sell
Most mods are for immersion or changing the world you immerse yourself into anon. If you just want to min/max this game will get boring fast
mods are the only reason to play rimworld. mods are the only thing that makes rimworld fun for longer than 8 hours. if you're not willing to go all in then don't buy it. pirate everything. the unmodded game is trash and all the DLCs are wildly overpriced.
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Biorat anon, are you here? What's the status?
>i'll only install mods to add in some cute anime characters
> Amazing Cultivation Simulator is so much better than this game anyway
>but all the shitty fucking MODS i see are just to make the toons pick up stuff faster or build walls faster
I get the impression that you are from around here and are just in the mood for trolling.
How playable is SoS these days?
I remember it being a terrible design shitpile, a horrid tps hog, and the codebase consisting of 50 thousand lines of code put into a single file back when I tried in in like, 1.2.
Is it better now?
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Well, it's definitely not in a single file anymore. Obviously, it'll cost you TPS since it's a massive mod, but it's far from catastrophic.
He hath left us. GloomyFaceFA never ever...
>good for flavor, but only exist to make OP pawns
why do you treat this dollhouse game as a competition
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Dude is just a self-centered narcissist
in a bubble filled with self-centered narcissists that encourage each other and make money off of it. At least Oskar makes good art, Sarg is just your average bloatslob dispenser.
oskar is very much alright next to s*rg or helixien
>"these mods add more of [thing]"
>"cool, thats exactly what i wanted! more of [thing]"
and according to your average /vg/ goer, this is a bad thing.
I like female pawns
What's wrong with Helixien? I didn't see him talk much.
Any other modders here?
I know the community for it is garbage for the most part. People love the slob, be it anime races, shitty art or bloat, it's so tiresome.

Our scene would be so much better if we'd just stop gooning and start grinding. It took me years to learn drawing and be socially good enough to learn how to write and get to know people that can do the stuff you can't.
That being said, I just remembered what side I am on and the thread I am in.

Anyway, post your profficiency, be it art, writing, code wizardry or projects you and/or your buds are working on.
actually it's more like

>this mod adds more of thing
>it also adds [more of completely unrelated thing]

vfe mechanoids adding a whole ass factorio system is the perfect example of this
or all the early oskarbloat mods adding random shit like archotech artifacts
as you said, thats oscar's mods.
sarg's mods generally stick to their one [thing]
>download the bees? you get just the bees
>download the genes? just the genes
>download the mechs? just the mechs
i could go on but you get the idea. you're hating the wrong person.
>i could go on but you get the idea. you're hating the wrong person.
yeah but i'm nta, i don't mind sarg besides his salty attitude
>Well, it's definitely not in a single file anymore.
Nah, the fuck off 'put everything here' classes are still there, the maintainers just added even more on top of it.
I don't really like mods that I can't understand in a reasonable amount of time and maintain myself, and a cobbled together 85K LOC monstrosity is just too much.
>I don't really like mods that I can't understand in a reasonable amount of time and maintain myself
So you don't like big mods?
to be fair he works with oskar, you'd be salty too.

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