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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
YOU DIED: >>483799261
I want to beat the shit out of this little bitch so bad.
Since Miquella is the son of Marika and Radagon, who are the same person, that would mean Miquella is genetically the same as Radagon...
So technically speaking Radahn is fucking his father?
What skibidi level should I be for Radahn?
Miyazaki did not beat the game
>miyahacki-sama it's been two years but we've run out of time to finish the unique movesets for the poison and frenzy hand-to-hand weapons
>uh uh uh just make them fist weapons, they'll never know
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imagine if she just grabbed you playfully from behind in a big bear hug in her full armor
anyone on pc willing to help me mule something? can drop you whatever you may need too, as long as i have it
Max level. And you're still going to get your shit pushed in
they need to buff the smithscript weapons, they have waaaay too much damage falloff and abysmal range to the point you might as well just use an normal melee weapon or an actual ranged tool
her chest is disproportionately large. Not busty, just too large. Her head and hips should be bigger.
They really need to buff his incants.
thats funny because I always wondered why after you killed Leda's squad and when Ansbach and Thollimer die their bodies just stick around and rot
The remembrances also make it clear to state that souls of those you killed were absorbed by the Scadutree. Meaning that if you were any other tarnished, the tree would've shadow tree would've eaten you and that would be the end, also aligning with the allegedly original you can only 1 try Radahn to get the "real ending" thing
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>Bloodfiend Fork, neat
>the bleed scales with Arcane
>you can cast Bloodflame on them
>it literally procs bleed every hit
lmao what the fuck is this shit
Spinning weapon just deletes bosses now this thing is stupid fucking broken. Reminds me of the old Seppuku/Flame roll build garbage.
Sure, where at?
Bros, I'm fighting this dragon, but he's really solid of scale. Any tips?
i cant wait to steal some mulings where you nerds post your information in the public thread muahaha
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>DLC out, absolutely no new content coming
>Still no way to re-challenge bosses or run a gauntlet
This nigga literally ruined the lands between because of his actions. How can you love him?
Based Omenfucker.
>If you eat his heart, you're going to explode one day.
Not even destined death, the flame of frenzy, deathblight or miquella hypno brainwashing can stop the Tarnished, but eating this fuckers heart is a 100% guaranteed death sentence that will rip your body and soul apart.
Fucking brutal.
Riddle with holes his rotten hide
Why don't you just cheat engine a mule?
I just finished updating mine with the latest Table.
Have you tried A HAIL OF HARPOONS?!
church of elleh my friend pass will be erg
need anything dropped for ya?
keep your greedy hornsent hands to yourself
>no way to re-challenge bosses
There is one — NG+.
Thanks. I'm 15. Whether or not I upgrade depends on if phase 2 is at 50% HP or when the first bar depletes.

i honestly feel like the convenience of just being able to hit things when-fucking-ever is worth the damage falloff.
This would be a massive balance problem. The shield already trivializes many fights.
I hate zoomers so much
whered his leg go

why dont they just use magic to heal it
place your co-op sign to refight a boss dumb tranime poster
what infusion did you make it?
What's everyone's go to test dummy for checking damage numbers?
I like the omens in the Shunning Grounds
You can throw Messmer's Spear with zero damage fall-off. It's literally a better script weapon.
it would be extremely unfortunate if you were to communicate your in-game names with one another, then i would be defeated by your speedy severing blade before i could strike
Nah I don't need anything, thanks. I'll drop a red sign so we don't get invaded. Look for a dragonfag.
>Thanks. I'm 15.
You have to be 18 to post here.
How can I improve my Dryleaf Dragon?

Vig 35
End 20
Mind 25
Str 10
Dex 40
Int 32
Fth 36
Arc 60

Bleed Dryleaf (Fist, haven't gotten the kicks yet, i might switch or powerstance)
Dragon Communion Seal
Albinauric Staff

Dragoncrest Talisman
Roar Talisman
Radagon Talisman
Godfrey Talisman
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anons would you a st trina?
Turtle Pope
Hey...I like this idea...
Co-op is not the same as 1v1ing a boss
>Metyr flies up into the sky at like 15% HP casting a big fuck you laser
>stays up so long that I can menu Kukris onto my hotbar and bleed her out while she's stuck floating down slowly

Well that was anticlimactic
no shes eepy. i would however a miquella
As long as it's a 100% she.

Elden Ring & this DLC especially have made things so fucking weird.
>might switch or powerstance
There's literally no reason to power stance them. It defaults to the fist moveset if you do. Also Jesus Christ dude, 35 VIG? DEX, FTH, ARC, and INT? Dump FTH or INT and get your VIG to fucking 60.
Why does Trina have 2 eyes yet the depiction of her in the base game only got 1 eye
Make sure to 4chan /erg/ when you make your video Vaati or I will fuck you up
>dragon communinon-themed tarnished
coming back with an apostate
theres literally nothing wrong with loving miquella as they are
Im taking her hold and putting her in a pot.
Okay obviously Divine Dancing Lion is designed to make you panic roll. So is the trick to just tank it with a shield?
Wait what, what do you mean 1 chance to beat radahn original thing?
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that's pretty neat
unironically the trick for the entire DLC is to tank everything with a fingerprint greatshield
No? I beat it by rolling fine. I don't know why people struggle with the lightning either, it's very easy to dodge if you roll forward during the merry-go-round.
still waiting on a source for all these "japanese datamines", they are not very known for doing datamining so not gonna believe a single thing until then
appreciate ya, dragonfag anon
mind sharing your build?
Neat fashion anon
make a blackup save then
But then I don't get cool spells. Glad to know the I don't need to powerstance
I'm really happy I made this comic, I'm glad you guys like it so much
thank everyone reposting this every thread
Supposedly the japs and chinks found out that the cut alternate ending with that Miquella audio floating around happens the moment you die to Radahn, prematurely ending the DLC, meaning to get the disappointing true ending we already have, you have to beat Radahn in one try. But there is no source for this as far as im aware, same with the Avatar of Greater Will thing
ive been taking ideas from this thread for years no one will ever believe either of us when i say this
I mean it took me a few attempts but I got it by two handing a claymore and dodging.
I beat it with rolling. The trick is to roll TOWARD it. The only time that you need to roll side way is against the ice stomp
>Ask for advice
>Ignore the advice
Dude fuck off then lol
>playing as a girl
ummm you have to go back!
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>tfw the greater wills last message was "lol kill yourself" and Metyr's just been trying to stall the inevitable.
>Clearly drawn as a girl
Into the trash it goes.
Stop being gay, your father wants to kill himself
ENDgods stay winning
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awww shucks, thanks
What if they put secret content in NG+10?
You will beat the game
Marriage with mentally ill Carian women
Yeah it's a great blast from the past when 4chan produced actual OC. Personally I blame the 2016 tourists for the never ending basedjak/tranny circlejerk
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What the fuck was his problem?
Nta but my female tarnished invades and sexually assaults male tarnished to prep them for when marika/ranni gets their hands on them proper
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No problem.
Posted it the other day too for someone else, here ya go. usually it looks a little different but I changed it up a bit since I'm trying new stuff.
you wouldn't get it
With Jews you lose, so he took it out on everyone, especially the merchant jews who fucked him
I meant in the game
No, don't get me wrong, I'm not ignoring it. I like spells & some spells have a LOT of point requirements. I could maybe dump int but Dragon Communion Seal works best with 60 Arc & 45 faith anyway so those points aren't wasted
Castle Enis is stomping my benis lads
based schizo
He was right.
Why is Marika so desperate for more children with the Tarnished? And can she really be that fertile?
This Tarnished doesn''t support abusive relationships. That is why I will restore Miquella and make him mine and mine alone.
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Metyr using the two fingers to try and steer people away from the Greater Wills actual messenger.
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You ever notice how the only two marriage options for tarnished are mentally ill women that come from families of mentally ill people? What did miyazaki mean by this?
I haven't played a caster yet, whats the benefit of having two of the same seal?
Those k***hts don't fuck around. Deflecting tear helps a lot if you haven't found it yet.
>Dragon Communion Seal works best with 60 Arc & 45 faith anyway
Anon, the DCS caps at 45 ARC and 30 FTH.
her voice actress, really sold her whole concept,
personally it's one of my favorite moments on the DLC
>Radahn phase is 1 perfectly fine
>can't even see what the fuck is happening in phase 2

God bless you, not enough people make OC these days
>no Igon
definitely didn't beat it
>cold infusion
interesting. do you feel like you miss out on a lot of weapon damage vs occult? or does the frost proc balance it out?
The fact that this content was on 1.00 and got cut last second is actually depressing

The trick is to use bleed weapons and delete his health bar in 20 seconds.
The promo for elden ring made me take quite a liking to the Miquella Seven and I was legit sad that we all gather in a room at the end and kill each other
Wut... I must have read something wrong. How much Arc do I really need then?
Is anyone sane in the world of elden ring?
>get to the abyssal woods
>10/10 atmosphere
>Torrent bucks me off
>can't resummon: "The spectral steed is too frightened"
>ominous as fuck dev messages
>the woods are fucking vast and dark
>terrified there will be some massive gaseous monster with burning orange eyes moving silently throughout the woods that will make some sort of shrieking noise as madness bar fills if it spots me
>turns out to be a handful of small guys that look like the Winter Lanterns from Bloodborne, but old and with a cane
>you can even run from them pretty easily and they get tethered back to their patrol zone
>solution is some super simple and tedious stealth sections with big bushes

What a fucking letdown. I was actually afraid for a little bit.
Literally EVERYONE agrees the phase 2 is trash that either needs to be nerfed hard or entirely fucking reworked. I haven't seen a SINGLE person, even the most dedicated FROM cocksuckers praising that fight. It's awful. The worst designed fight they've ever made.
I'm going to say it: the tracking in the DLC ruins a lot of fights
>Oh, a slow diagonal slash?
>Surely I can sprint under the boss's blind spot and get in a hit
>boss turns a full 90 degrees without moving their feet
>eat shit
Please, just let me strafe to dodge
But anon
You am become the bush :)
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Finally someone else got the message!
Everyone that got filtered by Gaius is a casual and in need of skill
how can i ride my horse in co-op
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I just deflowered St Trina.
>whats the benefit of having two of the same seal?
The damage boost stacks so you can get +30% damage instead of just +15%
>be on int character
>find the woods
>ominous ass place
>see the monsters
>remember I have unseen form equipped
>put on silent footsteps talisman
>run through the entire place
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Damn From, you think you gave the lion enough phases?
it only counts as one hit
One of my favorite cases of tracking is when I was fighting Radahn and he did his Artorias front flip to which I side stepped it only for him to do it again and turn 180 degrees mid air and hit me.
>jannies banned him for slander
>he could have just used his VPN to ban evade
>instead he tard rages and attempts a mass extinction event after infecting other people with his mental illness
Ranni isn't mentally ill, atheist by women standards. Marika is a fucking psycho hag though
But anon, you aren't actually supposed to run from them, the developer messages are lying
Also this, I used the veil talisman and he silent approach talisman but then came back and killed them
Wait...what? We got robbed of that level of kino because FROM was afraid of normies seething? I really hope this is just Chinks trying to stir up controversy with fake shit.
You know what, if the world and everyone in it didn't deserve to be burnt away by the frenzied flame, then maybe they should have played fair.
In short it depends on your weapons. If it's weapons with primary ARC scaling, shoot for 60-80. You however are using bleed fists, which won't get much pushing to 60. Here's what you do:
>Dump the INT
>Lower ARC to 45
>Lower FTH to 30
>Push VIG to 60
>Dump anything extra into STR/DEX evenly since bleed dryleafs are quality for damage
Okay, I'm just going to ask: what's the trick to dodging Radahn's combo where he does two quick lateral slashes and then crosses his swords for the third slash. The first two slashes are slow enough that I can't dodge both with one roll, and fast enough that I can't roll both without getting clipped by the second every time.

Is it a directional thing?
>summoning yellowcels to an easy as fuck fight
That explains a lot
Personally I was actually somewhat terrified when I was being chased by an Aged One in the area with heavy fog. Very memorable
gods are assholes and religion is for suckers
Has a character's reputation ever been destroyed in a From game like Miquella's.
the trick is to just block with shield
Yeah I think the frost procs more than makes up for it. The frostbite debuff also means I do more damage with the incants.
the dungeon is also so pointless
>3 fucking bonefires
>redundant shortcuts
>short as fuck
>just spooky, not horror inducing
>barely any madness related monsters (not even the winter lanterns)

the boss is alright I give you that
but the whole zone should have been more developed into a huge mansion with several secret rooms and horrible monsters, the forest should have been pure dread and frustration
they fucked up big time
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>one of them gets a death blight phase
>it summons basilisks
T-thanks Michael.
Several days before the DLC came out I was preparing a character for it and a finger reader dialogue said something like "if you seek Miquella's favor, fill the pot" (or maybe the word was jar). Was this in the game back when it released or was it patched in some time between?
Let me solo her = Reddit
ONGBAL = 4chan
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how the hell do i get here to kill the fire giant? i cant find any way to jump down from the church/grave plain or a way to climb up from cerulean coast
>Get on torrent
>He charges once and Torrent fucking dies necessitating me using a flask to heal myself and another to revive my horse that has no fucking i-frames
Wow yeah amazing idea.
It's frame perfect with light roll + extra iframes, spacing dependent. Depending on spacing, it can be literally impossible or frame perfect.
Block him.
miquella ordered the hit on our maiden. leda probably did it.

he knew we were the only ones who would defeat mogh and radahn.
>Oh nooo muh twink pedobait is le evil noooo
Get fucked
It was definitely pure frustration with how big it was and not having access to Torrent.
what the fuck why
Artorias, Gwyn, the Pigmy,Malenia
Go to the dragon communion place
you enter that area from the direction of the dragon shrine
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>Ranni isn't mentally ill
She killed her own flesh to try and not succumb to being a lovestruck loser like her mother and aunt and it didn't even fucking work lol.
She tosses away a 10/10 perfect redhead, fat-ass 8 foot tall body of a goddess because she didn't want to have babies.
Also she murdered the literal only good boy in the setting Godwyn the Golden, who cured the ancient dragons of racism through the power of his magnificent dick.
Looking at some older "every fromsoft boss tier list" and at least four of them put Maliketh at the top or near the top. Same with base game Radahn. That shit is so weird to me because those bosses are the most like the SotE bosses which everyone seems to hate.
Any fellow Crucible Knight bros here? How are we feeling with the dlc, got new good stuffs?
i don't remember there being a way to jump down from there? are there gravestones jutting out from the side or have i finally gone blind?
People aren't kidding about P2 radahn being kusoge
I don't think people hate those characters.
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Well, that's that. Wish I could give this shit more than a good. But god the gameplay is so badly designed by this point.
At least everything about the ambience and the world and even the NPCs was great. Except you know, the final bosses.
>She killed her own flesh to try and not succumb to being a lovestruck loser like her mother and aunt and it didn't even fucking work lol.
You're an actual fucking retard. That's not why she burnt her body at all. She did it to be free of the two fingers control.
Not only is Deathblight easy to get around, you get your fucking mount. It's actually fucking easier to deal with than his lightning phase.
I did a bit of a variant of it by swapping out Bayle Dread for Vile Bayle. I prefer the actual dialogue from the game as it contrasts with the original Moby Dick comic.
>Still no way to re-challenge bosses or run a gauntlet
1. Play co-op
2. New run/NG+
3. Spawn them back in with Cheat Engine (that's what I'm going to do lol)
You're actually retarded lmao for the charge all you need to do is let him get close and dash away so he'll end the charge, you can turn around while dashing and get a good hit on him as well
verdigris greatshield and a respec is literally right there anon. you dont have to be a huge pissbaby about it
if the elden ring can alter reality why is there war and shit to begin with
Much like the base game, general opinion will improve once all the filtered shitters stop crying and leave

That kind of content will be topped by DLC bosses in 6 months
Is it really necessary to have an ambush in every room of a dungeon?
Base Radahn is based because he's an amazing spectacle fight that you're supposed to summon for to make it all the more grand. He's also perfectly serviceable if you choose to fight him alone, on foot. It's really remarkable how few flaws he has despite being one of the more ambitious bosses they've made.

I don't care for Maliketh, but I also haven't fought him a while. I watched my brother fight him the other day and I noticed how insanely slow a lot of his attacks are. I think people who dislike him don't understand the concept of attacking while the enemy is winding up slowly, mid-combo or not.
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It's not fair. This DLC shouldn't be riddled with the usual FROM issues, I get that they are everywhere, but if they are gonna immediately listen to the normies screeching about difficulty, then I'm convinced they're just ignoring everyone when it comes to things like cut content and missed potential. An anon summed it up pretty well yesterday, FROM are just a bunch of guys who make B-side games for a specific niche really really well, anyone who buys into the whole "Miyazaki is a visionary" meme should be politely convinced they are wrong over a cup of tea and some sweets.
I want to make love with Marika in the flower field of Shaman Village
Go to where Igon is when you first meet him and follow the road past him. There will be a dungeon there you need to clear and it'll take you to the path that leads to the dragon area and the red cerulean area.
And she still wasn't free from them in her doll form.
be wary of right
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First time trying a sorcery/int based build in any souls game.
My plan is to have a staff in one hand and some stabby weapon in the other for regular mobs and/or crit damage when big boys are staggered.
I'm not a very good player but I'm not shy about using summons.

Can I make something like that work? just looking to play through the game+DLC, explore things I missed at launch (*cough* Melania, Mohgg *cough*).
Currently using Meteorite Staff and Estoc, leveling up mostly vigor/int and some dex to use Rogier's Rapier, working on unlocking the Academy entrance.
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>She did it to be free of the two fingers control.
Because they kept telling her to get married and have kids.
Vile Bayle makes more sense and obviously sounds better, in my opinion.
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LoreScholars tell me what this whacky niggas deal is, who is dearest Nanya and what's his endgame
I didn't feel like summoning torrent, so I didn't. I never died to his lightning phase, but did to the death blight phase, spawning basilisks all over the room is just pure bullshit.
Something something Nanya business
Abyssal woods was EASILY the worst zone. If you would have told me this was the final zone they worked on and were running out of time I would believe you. It's just so empty. At least if you're gunna make me run around this place make it engaging. Every other zone was so solid what even happened here?
If I edit my stats in CE, but just shift things around. (IE: Remove 5 arcane and put it in other stats) that won't get me banned right?
Same but with Moiquella's butt.
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Bros, is it normal to want to rape Leda?
>Can I make something like that work?
That's my current build

With the moon katana + staff

It's very viable and fun
He's a le misunderstood tragic figure, just like every other From Shit character ever.
You don't even need the stabby weapon, carian slicer is the only melee option you will ever need.
>muh cut content

Cut content fags never did anything creative in their lives
You can get a thrusting sword that doubles as a spell casting catalyst in the DLC. Not sure if it's any good but it has a sick design.
what fucking sword???
Wanting to rape anyone isn't normal.
It's bugged right now. It doesn't get boosts from being upgraded.
Potential Lord of Frenzied Flame candidate, unknown if he was already dabbling with the frenzy fuckery or if he did become a lord and the big stick in his face sealed his powers.
Nanya we don't know who the fuck she is other than probably the woman in the painting next to Midra (who everyone thought was Marika at first lmao) but could possibly be a body snatched Shabriri who was whispering shit to Midra to do the jew hellfire
>Huge ass wood area, literally like 1/5th of the map
>Can't use your horse at all in it for some reason
Sums up this whole DLC, desu. I hate the open world in this game, it's so garbage.
IT was always going to end that way with Leda taking a leading role, it's what she did to her old homies before she even got charmed by Mickey. (If she even was charmed, the armor set says the knights were searching for something to dedicate themselves to by choice so I can believe she didn't need a mindfucking.
I really thought the final boss would be godwyn or something to that degree. Radahn again was kinda underwhelming.
Was having trouble finding a good wep until I found Reduvia, and it really melted stuff like the octopi. Is bleed really that overpowered, or is it only bad if you go fully into it? Tempted to 2hand Reduvia and leave my Halberd as my second (it was my previous primary) until I find a cool twinblade, but don't want to ruin my first playthrough.
Try using a straight sword with Carian Grandeur AoW later if you want more unga bunga damage
As the golden barbs inflicted eternal agony upon him, Midra held fast to Nanaya's entreaty: "Endure." The word was a curse.

Basically he promised Nanaya to not give into the frenzied flame within him, he asks for forgiveness because you slapping him around a little pushed him over the edge.
im so upset... i walked into the messmer room without knowing and missed the hornsent/leda invasion... i just wanted the ash bros... i hate these dumb quests
She had to become a ghost so she could hide from the Two Fingers. That's why Miqy took notes & discarded his flesh too. She could always reclaim her body or make a new one. Plus elden ring doesn't work with normal biology so there'd be a way to put babies in her. She started off a lonesome person trying to fix Marika's bullshit & finds love. It's only in accepting love does she succeed. Godwyn wasn't murdered by Ranni, he was killed by Marika, Ranni was asked by Marika to work with the blades as a Carian Princess is great with magic blades. She sees the opportunity to capitalize on Marika's assassination of Godwyn to absond herself. Before you ask, Marika killed Godwyn to start the Shattering
Double Magma Blades. That thing has no fire resistance.
he did this because he knew it'd push us towards varre, who was also charmed.
Ok? What does that have to do with the devs clearly not putting their all into the DLC? It could have been so much more, and if your only come back is some addled nonsense then fuck off dickhead.
It's in the fog rift fort from what I recall, although my memory of the whole area around Ensis in a bit spoty.
Ah shit, that's a shame. Why is so much of the DLC shit broken XD
It has atrocious scaling and a bad moveset. It would be useful for twink invasions and nothing more.
Did Rykard and Messmer have the same snake juice affiliation? I know Messmer was an unintended thing where he had that shit in him and Marika suppressed it with a seal for an eye. And Rykard wanted to eat all the gods, so turned to the snake. But that's the same snake-affiliated outer god or entity, right?
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It was always assumed Varre killed her, but not because of us specifically. I doubt Miquella thought THAT far ahead.
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>General Radahn. A pleasure to finally see you, after all this time. But those remains do not belong to you. Lord Mohg will have his dignity.
In terms of scope, size and content it blows past every DLC they did

Sorry you're still butthurt about Miquella or Godwyn or whatever lmao
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>Some areas are just empty big plains
>shitty rewards everywhere
>Ghost flame dragon, Putrid tree spirit, giant lobster, furnace boss, and NPC bosses
Why do they even bother? Just focus on 1-3 areas rather than spreading them like this.
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>Two oh fucking two four
>Rellana can cast spells just fine with TWO fucking swords in her hands
>I still need my harry potter stick to do it

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>Godwyn wasn't murdered by Ranni
I finished the DLC already and I did respec yes.
Used to be a time you didn't have to. Adapt your strategy, try different things within your stats and build sure. But a full respec? Unheard of.
And it's not just the bosses. Just the overhaul design choices for the gameplay. The DLC felt more like a series of "gotcha" than it did an action game honestly. The amount of hidden enemies, set ups, obvious traps layed out with items reached parody levels. It's like I was playing one of those normalfag parodies about what From games are, not a From game.
On top of all that, terrible loot reward (mostly the more generic look like smithing stones and such), too many reused bosses (reminder Jagged Peak is carried by Igor and Bayle because outside of that it's 3 dragon encounters in a row and that's it) and the scadu system both making the early game feel terrible and the late game feel too easy outside of Radahn. I had a scadu level of 15 and I beat Messmer in 2 tries.
And heck, on an individual boss level. Why did Messmer not have two health bars, why did Romina not have more build up with a cutscene and at least a bit more rot covering the ruins to get the player interested in what was coming
The only bosses that really got good presentation and build up were Midra and Bayle. I doubt I'll remember the others.
And then all of this and the worst final boss I've ever really dealt with both narratively and mechanics wise, no interactivity whatsoever with the base game either events in the DLC impacting the base game or vice versa, and heck, since they made the DLC so self contained, a single ending rather than multiple for the DLC story itself.
And then all of these issues, you payed 40$ full price potentially.
It is sad really. I would feel bad for them if they weren't so insufferable.
I just watched the cut Kale questline
Bros I think frenzychads were right all along...
Because its all big cut unused content being recycled after Bamco told From to make DLC after Armored Core.
>all this text just to say you got filtered
He's just like me fr fr (no spirit ashes tho)
You can
I knew the Radahn thing would invite this kind of tranny shit
Will I still be able to do good damage with Arc that low? I also don't see the reason for vig 60, that seems awfully high isn't it?
>boohoo ranni murdered godwyn
guy was probably an incestuous freak like miquella or fucked up in some other way, who cares
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May chaos take the world brother, getting crazy demigod pussy is transitory, performing the greater wills final duty is forever.
>verdigris greatshield and a respec
deflecting tear works with any shield. or any big weapon honestly. no need to respec.
do you think he's a STR/FTH player?
It just feels boring to explore especially knowing that you only explore shit for the sake of Scadu fragment too.
Fuck, I actually have more fun running around Limgrave and Liurnia.
Isn't this wrong though? Wasn't Alecto the one that killed Godwyn? The Black Knives had trouble escaping and most were killed, it would be even more difficult to carry Ranni's body back WHILE evading capture.
Any cool ideas for a Dex based weapon that has good INT infusions?
Wait what?
Got something to say, Malenia?
Wait until Spellbound, also that exact thing exists in the game now but it's weak
>who cares
This but all ER lore in general.
The new info about the shaman village adds context to why marika renpved the rune of death. I dont see her actively helping with the death of Goldwyn with this new lore about Marika’s past
Bullshit. Ranni died on a tower, Godwyn didn't die on the tower. They oth died at the exact same time though. He had to a bunch of nightsisters with connections to Marika

Should have been me spanking miquella
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>try to invade with smithscript daggers
>do so little damage that people just ignore it and bulldoze through
I finished the dlc 3 days ago, and I feel like if I go in again it will be as if I experience it for the first time again because it was THAT forgettable
>Two oh fucking two four
I'm not sure what that means but here is Marika.
I guess it's coom hours now?
Uhh why did radahn get mogwyn's body instead of just being resurrected in his own body??????
I've beaten him on 16, but I had to resort to parrying and frost buildup which kind of made things easier compared to if I continued trying to beat him in a pure unga bunga fashion so your mileage may vary
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It's funny how rannifags still do mental gymnastics to try and make their queen innocent when pretty clearly no one is innocent in elden ring.
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I wanna commission more art of Miquella getting spanked. What pisses me off is that if the Miquella model was full, I could pose him myself.
There's a sword that allows you to cast but the scaling is bugged
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damn. was only 1-3 hits away from proccing bleed for the W and nerves got the better of me. was a 14 minute attempt, too
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>Godskin are just a bunch of puppets that obey Metyr order all along
Lol. Lmao
To be scarlet rotted again?
With all these situations of people losing their real bodies but their souls lingering and shit?
Do you even listen to the story?
Yeah, this will work perfectly fine. Also I hope you enjoy Meteorite Staff and Rock Sling, because chances are this will be your most useful sorcery for like ~90% of your playthrough.
>scarlet rot
I forgor
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>Google it
>It is some gay ass thrusting sword
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I'm so sorry anon. Try a real throwing weapon next time.
noo bro dont you like running around open fields for 20 minutes collecting crafting materials ? what do you mean it's garbage bro its game of the decade ????
Close the game, put the controller down, and get a drink.
Miquella deserves to be spanked by all of the lands between
i mean, not to be a debby downer, but isn't rellana supposed to be like the carian knight of carian knights, the literal peak and the model they all stem from?
going from 16 to 20 did the difference for me as I went from hitting my head against a brick wall for hours on end, to killing him on the second try.
This was prenerf btw.
>Will I still be able to do good damage with Arc that low?
Yes. The DCS is the most overpowered seal in the game BECAUSE it's spellbuff cap is 45 ARC and 30 FTH. It requires VERY little investment to deal damage on par with other catalysts. Going over 45/30 ARC/FTH with it does fuck all for incant damage. Your damage will get BETTER with this since you'll have points in STR/DEX to boost your punches.
>I also don't see the reason for vig 60, that seems awfully high isn't it?
No. 60 is the softcap and basically mandatory for the DLC and PvP. Get 60 VIG.
Marika deserves to bear octuplets
When did I say she is innocent? I'm saying that her body locked away behind several forms of Carian traps and magic inversion bullshit makes it very unlikely for her to have been the one to actually physically stab Godwyn.
Seek help.
why do all of the nameless mausoleum bosses have infinite poise and more health than the fucking divine dancing lion? is this shit bugged? this is retarded.
She's always been an arrogant bitch. She was shackled by her own bad decisions & wanted to break the entire thing rather than continue so she orcastrated the Shattering to wreck house & set as many people the Two Fingers could use against each other to hopefully fuck everything over past saving. For that she needed to kill the clear heir to power.
How does Death work with the Land of Shadow?

I thought I read or heard that it flows through or to there to explain things like the Godywn bodies, Radahn Soul, and Mohg Body, but I'm not sure if it's just retarded headcanon
>Everyone talking about Igor, a side character with a short quest
>No one cares about Miquella, the hyped character this DLC
>No one cares about Messma balls, the poster child of this DLC
How did they fumble this so badly?
Holy shit I didn't realize that the Godskin symbol is just Metyr's face. So it was playing the long con all along?
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Except Melina of course
But mostly the women. Heck, I'm sure Nephili would do an excellent job, holding him over her muscular thighs while raising her hand way over her head, and bring it down on his rear as hard as as tarnishedly possible.
yes, staff + sword works fine. there's a reason the prisoner starts with a staff and estoc; you can go through the entire game with those two.
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Yeah, that thing absolutely fucks. I've wanted throwing daggers like this in Souls for a decade now and it's poop. It's the same thing as when I finally got Kukris in DS3 - only for them to be fucking throwables??? Or the Falcata in DS2, only for it to be one of the literal worst curved swords numbers-wise in the entire franchise.

I have to realize at some point that I am just a dogshit magnet, and I enjoy things that end up just being the worst.
bros i only have 2 furlcalling fingers left... how do i beat the lion....
>How did they make his so great?
>very unlikely
Anon she can fucking teleport and does as much during her questline, she's one of the strongest spell casters in the setting and that's while being stuck in a shitty doll that makes it hard for her to even more or stay awake.
People seem to like Messmer a lot, but no one likes Miquella
>No one cares about Messma balls, the poster child of this DLC
They rather talk about his mother instead.
Shit story + bad boss designs.
Anon... your estoc mainhand, carian sword catalyst offhand?
>doesnt click the item prompt away the entire time
can you please kill yourself immediately
I once heard a theory that Radahn was the only one who resisted his charms, and being someone who got through life charming everyone to like them, this drove Miquella to the point of unhinged obsession.
Anon, serious Souls lore fucking sucks ass. It's set dressing and nothing more. People love Igon because he's fantastical and hype and a hilarious reference.
I've been rocking my 35 vig so far though :(
I'm actually starting to get him down at 15 without too much grief, I think I'm on my 12th or so attempt. I'm going to try doing it at this level. Switching weapons helped a lot.
would someone be able to drop Swift Slash art of war for me? my leda/hornsent invasion isn't appearing because I opened the messmer door and his summon sign is now there
Just oneshot is with Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike.
Unless you're trying to pull something retarded like fight it at scuda level 1 or something.
I think Renalla would love smacking his butt with her staff for turning his son gay and not giving her grandchildren
>she can teleport behind from across the land betweens and nothin prsonel godwyn, explode out of her body, and then still have the ability while she is bodyless to teleport her body back, a body that doesn't even wear black knife armor
How retarded are you?
Dude you asked for advice to make your build better and I gave it AND even gave you reasoning. I don't know what else to tell you.
>No one cares about Messma balls, the poster child of this DLC
Took him out in 2 tries but he was amazing presentation wise. He needed more health though.
No it's all the way at the top of the controller anon I have more important things to worry about.
Thread's moving way too fast for anyone to notice me saying I'm a maidenless virgin
we don't need another swift slash faggot running around, so no
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I have now collected every single armors, weapons, shields, talisman, ash of war, spells and incantations in the ldc
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Welp DLC finished, these are some of my thoughts

in the future, if Miyazaki wants to make dark souls 5, I hope he dares to make a proper spell crafting system like in oblivion/morrowind, but much better. a re-usable method to combine and re-arrange materials to create unique spells using a formula. Casting method + Type of Element + projectile/buff type, so you could cast frost like a fireball, or cast a short fiery projectile or conjure pillars of poison. custom magic. having more than 200 spells and players using around 25 by the end game of them is a big problem

also they should simplify weapons, there's 300 of them and many are copies of each other down to the moveset . keep unique weapons from bosses with unique special effects and such
but have just ONE fucking straight sword, ONE great axe, ONE bow, dual knives etc.. so that you could find different proprieties and components to apply and modify the behavior for your weapon. they had a good thing going on with ashes of war, I even believe they could get inspired for what they did on Lies of P. you could have the Weapon, and construct it step by step, open a menu and choose: the weapon, the moveset, the stat affinity, and a spell/ash of war linked to it, hell add the gem system from Bloodborne, even more customization

and for fuck's sake make the world and levels more compact and interconnected, I really like the vistas and vastness of elden ring, but it's such a fucking slog to explore on subsequent playthroughs
Wait am I supposed to be higher scuda??! I just followed the thingies and i thought i was in the right area
Dueling weapon specifically designed for finishing people off. Unlucky.
Don't worry anon. one day you'll find a child gf for your gamer ass
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Anon you MUST fill Miquella's cum jar YOU MUST! A young boy needs the nutrition to become a strong god. Miquella will repay the favor anon.
people always assume cut content = better. it can be better or worse.

Rico's character model was rolled into Igon, arguably one of their best side-quests to date. In this case, Igon was better than Rico. Rico's quest was making booze and giving it to NPCs, like in Sekiro, for extra dialogue.
well done anon. now hand it over, that thing, your... curseblade mask
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>ut have just ONE fucking straight sword, ONE great axe, ONE bow, dual knives etc.. so that you could find different proprieties and components to apply and modify the behavior for your weapon
Never get into game design
A reminder that Miquella in hundreds if years old. You are being catfished.
i just wanted to use it amongst many other new weapons in my next pt. i dont plan to pvp with it
I'm not saying she's innocent. She & her companions go into it knowing they've had to make hard choices. She knows she'll have to stop Blaidd, etc. She 100% was fine with Godwyn dying because she saw it as her chance to run. Don't try to paint me as some delusional rannifag just because I hate Marika more
i noticed, get fucked
Nigga got that Kingdom Hearts Heartless fit. Simple and clean lookin' nigga. Mickey Mouse ass door to darkness lookin' ass nigga.
Ranni did not die on th tower, it was merely place there later
>The Black Knives had trouble escaping and most were killed, it would be even more difficult to carry Ranni's body back WHILE evading capture.
They literally silent and invisible assassins were caught probably because they were carrying Rannis corpse with them, if they didn't need to do that they could have esapced unetected most likely
messmer is a good fight but there's not much more to say about him
>Ranni, he was killed by Marika
No he wans't, it was Ranni orchestrating
Not disputing the translation but that's impossible. The point of the entire thing was to kill Godwyn's soul while Ranni's body died. She couldn't have done the stabbing.
Yeah sure, switching on my game boy right now
>, I hope he dares to make a proper spell crafting system like in oblivion/morrowind, but much better. a re-usable method to combine and re-arrange materials to create unique spells using a formula. Casting method + Type of Element + projectile/buff type, so you could cast frost like a fireball, or cast a short fiery projectile or conjure pillars of poison. custom magic. having more than 200 spells and players using around 25 by the end game of them is a big problem
Too complex for indie company.
Please understand.
I think you're both forgetting that demigods can astral project themselves like Morgott does in the game, Ranni also does this at the start of the game to give you the bell bearing.
Her physical body could be atop the tower while she's projected into a black knife, stab godwyn and then die.
People in general don't realize the concept of iteration and don't understand some stuff is cut in favor or other content in the game
>Ranni did not die on th tower, it was merely place there later
Post your evidence
>they were carrying Rannis corpse with them
post your evidence
That's it I'm going to draw hyperpreg Marika
>but have just ONE fucking straight sword, ONE great axe, ONE bow, dual knives etc.. so that you could find different proprieties and components to apply and modify the behavior for your weapon. they had a good thing going on with ashes of war, I even believe they could get inspired for what they did on Lies of P. you could have the Weapon, and construct it step by step, open a menu and choose: the weapon, the moveset, the stat affinity, and a spell/ash of war linked to it, hell add the gem system from Bloodborne, even more customization
Terrible idea
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Her staff? Nah, she'd use a wooden ruler. Or these long canes that teachers use to point at things on blackboards. The thing that hit hard and leave stripes. He'd walk out of these with his rear covered in scarlet stripes, barely able to bear his panties and tunic fluttering against his butt.
Are people sticking to 150 as a meta level or do you think people are going to level up more?
Nah you're okay man. I'm gonna rebuild my caster stats, I just don't see a huge need for vig. Can I keep my 40 dex or is it better to split it with strength?
>first blind playthrough
>fucked up literally every npc quest because I didn't know when the point of no return was
>get to Leda ganksquad
>get some no-name sanguine noble as my partner
>have to 2v4 hornsent, moore, dane and leda
>spend like a good hour doing it because I suck
>second playthrough
>make sure to do every bit of everyone's quests
>get 2 buddies this time
>do the fight in less than a couple of minutes
damn, friends do really make a difference
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Sekiro tear should do poise damage. Right now it’s just a worse Lies of P combat system and not really worth messing with on some bosses.
reduvia is one of the most powerful weapons in the game as is (meaning, no buff stacking or anything else needed). if you pump arcane high, a single L2 with the blade also hitting (point blank), procs bleed. you can melt through almost everything.
What are some good coop support builds for Radahn?
I wonder if the DLC interfered with the cadence of releases, or if we can still expect an announcement of something non-darksouls-like in the near future
it's already insanely good and you want it to be better? you're supposed to use it in conjunction with guard counters, it staggers most bosses in just 2 or 3 hits
You guys do realize that she needs to be stabbed the moment Godwyn gets stabbed right? And the cinematic opening movie does not show that black knife getting stabbed at the same time as stabbing Godwyn.
Surely none of you forgot right?
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nice work bro ..
>Variety fashions is bad for some fucking reason
>Just want to slot shit in and change the effect colour like the NPC that he is

Go be gay somewhere else
>Can I keep my 40 dex or is it better to split it with strength?
Split with STR for the bleed dryleaf arts. They scale quality.
most of the memorable souls NPCs are just random nobodies what are you talking about. No one gives a fuck about the boy from Sekiro.
Theres no evidence anon like you have no evidence she died there, we just find her body there, hundreds of years after the event happened.
Do you think they made the Carian trap to invert the tower before doing the assassination, why would she need to be on top of the Tower for the ritual?
If they black knives are so sneaky how did they get caught, carrying a corpse would slow them down and provide a reason of how that happended.
When we kill bosses who are demigods - are we even actually killing them or will they just be reborn at some point? Like the whole point of the story is that the demigods are immortal unless killed with the rune of death.
thanks. my character is severa. its just beside the Shadow Keep Main Gate bonfire. "erg" is the pass :)
With how aggressive bosses are in this game you’re lucky to get one guard counter off every 20 seconds. I beat pig man and skull knight with it but I couldn’t do shit against midra or radahn.
This Furnace Golem is a fucking asshole but at least it's good lighting. But why is it so difficult to make attractive looking females in this game? They tend to look like men.
Huh? It wrecked Radahn for me. Way easier than figuring out the dodge timings and positioning, and guard counters are like an instant charged R2.
Every idea I've seen regarding the Sekiro tear has been fucking awful.
the charge being a 1 shot kill sometimes and undodgeable proves it's a hard fight
How accurate is this map actually? It says there's another waygate at this location in the ruins but there is no way that something is at that spot.
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>Still no option to save my fashion as set
>Has to slog through a gorillion similar looking icons to find a precise piece
I organically leveled to 200 form 150, no farming
everything on the DLC drops a lot of fucking souls
by the end I was just leveling 1 stat per boss
It's pretty fair to asume players are far beyond 150
>proper spell crafting system like in oblivion/morrowind
I think the Tyranny system would be much more appropriate here.

People need to realize that the most memorable characters are those presented well, there's a reason why everyone remembers MY NAAAAAAME, IS GYOUBO MASATAKA ONIWAAAAAA and not shit like lady butterfly despite being a "better written character"
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holy fuck i made this shit look easy. i literally only took chip damage from the fire AND lhutel stayed alive holy shit WHY DID IT TAKE THIS LONG
yeah we needed to have a dedicated part of the grace menu to modifying gear but having a way to change between full sets there would be immersion breaking or some shit
I hate the meta level. Just level up when you can & have fun
>She couldn't have done the stabbing.
Astral projection, we see her do this in game at a similar if not longer distance and we know from Morgott that demigods can fight while doing this.
>noooo I cant memorize all these weapons and spells remove them
you are autistic.
>You don't have evidence so I don't need any
>he forgets that Ranni stabbed herself and she tells you this when you find the miniature Ranni doll
go be stupid somewhere else
>Anon sees woman
>why isn't she attractive hmmm
>then he thinks of men
Anon I...
Alright, fair enough.
Is there anything demonstrating this beyond conjecture though?
I just wanna be able to have the largest pool of players to play with you know? I just feel like you get so op from 150 to 200.
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It was Ranni figuring out how after Marika asked her to

Lol, no
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he fell for the 60 Vig meme
Don't think about it, technically every enemy and boss should respawn anytime you rest at a site of grace
>No one gives a fuck about the boy from Sekiro.
Wrong. Kuro was a great NPC and an important part of the journey. You don't need to insult him to make your point.
You on PC or piss4?
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>I made this look easy

Why indeed i fucking wonder
>And the cinematic opening movie does not show that black knife
Her physical body was still a top the tower, likely getting stabbed an assistant at the exact same time.
Astral projection would make the timing a lot easier.
I don't know why fags still try to force a 150 meta like it's still DS3
>Trying to play as a mage
>Getting filtered by a ghostflame dragon
>It has a wing swipe attack that staggers torrent and true combos into a second wing swipe that kills me from 100%
bros I am straight up not having a good time
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pc. forgot to mention that
>She stabbed herself, so she MUST be at the tower
wouldn't that be an arguement she was there to ensure the 2 stabbings happended at the same time?
>They must both die at the exact same time, Ranni is there when Godwyn dies to ensure this
>Black knives carry her body away, get caught and fighter there way out to stash the body atop the tower where it will be guarded
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why are shitters like this?
trying to fight the dragons from horseback is pure folly, just use him to cart you back to his feet whenever he decides to fly away and then get off again
nta but you're not fucking ongbal. you're going to get hit. more hp = you can get hit more and stay in the fight longer while learning it.
his name is literally bad at game
Are you saying i'm like Miquella and Radahn?
You shouldn't fight those fucks mounted. Keep your feet on the ground.
>Is there anything demonstrating this
The fact that we see both her and Morgott do it several times, and as anons pointed out she needed to be stabbed at the exact same time and we find her physical body atop the tower.
If the timing needs to be that exact it makes more sense for her to be astral projecting to get it just right, basically going "when you see me do the stab motion, stab me in the back" to whoever performed the kill on her physical body.
Some sort of magic would need to have been involved regardless to make the timing that exact and if the translation says she did it herself, that's the only suitable explanation.
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>curseblade mask
actually I got three of them, how do I drop them for you?
No one gives a shit about Kuro. I didn’t even remember what his name was until your post.
Not seeing any signs so I'll put down mine right next to the bonfire, look for a red one
Toss Rocks at its head & attack from the side, it's easy as shit to stagger, after three hits you stab its eye & repeat
>gets attacked by OP ash
>resorts to literally fucking hacking
you're an actual faggot holy shit lmao
>spirit ash
oh no no no...
Wouldn't it be easier to parry the final string in a combo and then guard break
What if we just combine every thing people have told us not to do and also add actual undodgeable (unless you just happen to get lucky) damage to a boss with more health our budget allows so you inevitably get chipped down no matter how much you learn the fight lol
it's so cool
haha I already tabbed out when I died so I didnt see your point down/throwing shit on yourself
yes it works, you also get darkmoon gs but be warned that the dlc gives you very little stuff for int, its mostly faith or quality stuff with some arcane sprinkled in
Sometimes several memorable lines and memeability is enough.
Miquella fans obviously wanted him for themselves. So now they got NTRed, so they hate him.
Literally Malenia 2.0 in terms of presentation. I.e. a character with a cool visual design who was used a lot in promo materials and has no presence in the game aside from one fight.
Use Rock Sling with Arrow Reach Talisman. For some reason it turns the rocks into a fucking aimbot. Spam them at his head.
>playing 3 hours
>still no cool DLC stuff
Damn, they're gonna make me wait till the end aren't they?
So was Ymirs questline just made out of reused assets from cut geq content? Because that’s how it feels
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>has no presence in the game aside from one fight.
why does the fire knight's greatsword have a true combo
Don't listen to this idiot.

Get on torrent, Toss Rocks. It works on EVERY DRAGON
We don't know if the method requires exactly 100% perfect timing.
And the rest of that is again, mostly a theory.,
the fuck happened at the end? how did you one shot him?
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>most of the memorable souls NPCs are just random nobodies what are you talking about. No one gives a fuck about the boy from Sekiro.

Dafuq ya talking about. I've been waiting for Elden Ring's DLC to come out as soon as so we can get closer to Sekiro 2 being released.
So there's nothing but headcanon. This is why I ignore ranni discussion and focus on nepheli. There's too many retards with a hateboner or desperate to defend a secondary.
>literally cheating
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i dont see anything either
shut the fuck up you ass mad hostcel I wasn't talking to you
>So there's nothing but headcanon.
It's called environmental story telling.
>Sekiro 2 being released.
Hopefully never.
He's cheating, you see how the attacks phased through him too
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Does Fagdahn resist fire? I don't want to over invest and have to respec when I get there
You have to use the finger remedy to make it show up
I tried reloading and checked for yours but it's not showing up either
I care. I won't stand such grave disrespect to Lord Kuro after he gave me that sweet rice ball.
>Doing Leda boss fight all day
>literally 1 success
God damn the number of people getting obliterated by this is insane. Lower success rate than anything else I've helped out with.

Also the only person who actually pulled their weight the whole time was a Sorc with the new spells, the bouncy glintstones hit like trucks.
Why did they take out the ability to freeaim spells with binoculars like in DS2?
DS2 had a lot of good features that got buried with the game for some reason
I think I found you
Fucking how?
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It's not that hard is it?
In theory yes but bosses almost never give you an opening to hit them as you know.
>Marika seals the tower so no one else can achieve godhood
>Can only be burned by Messmers flame
>Miquella already inside
How the hell did he get in?
Damn it, that's way too much, then. Is there a fairer way to deal with stuff like the giant octopus enemies, or is it fine to keep it around just for those minibosses?
you're the best. thanks man
Usually Dryleaf looks at the host and then you get disconnected
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One of the endings was massive sequel bait. It is coming. I don't need a Sekiro trilogy, a second and final part is good enough to finish of Wolf's story.
And headcanon you made from that. Tell me now why marika is evil and bad for genociding the fire giants so I can laugh at you
he doesnt know that rolltrannies use cheat engine to practice and master boss movesets lol. Just look up Gino's stream they all use mods to practice bosses to figure out best positioning, best openings and attack windows.

Also, you can tank hits at 35 vig with defense talismans because most of damage is take is absorbed percentage wise
It's because the sliders in the character creator aren't isolated so every change to one feature changes a bunch of other ones. Unless you've got a truly autistic mind nobody is going to go through the hundreds of fucking attempts needed to get the decent mouth you accidentally created one time to appear at the same time as a nose that isn't a squashed mess and a chin that looks like Bruce Campbell.
Same thing happens on ANY boss fight; I was carrying shitters through Rellana and they somehow only ever have like 2 skibudubussis and get one shot by anything.
Having discarded his physical body he was basically a ghost at that point.
Also you know somehow Leda beats you to it, which is probably how they got Mohg's corpse in there before you as well.
It really makes the whole level a lot easier when you can just hypno mindbreak all the enemies into letting you walk past them.
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No problem, have fun anon
But don't you dare use that shit against me if we every join the same FC
Sekiro was great but I do not want more. From Software needs to continue the one and done IPs
>comes in looking to avenge his lord
>last words if he dies are for you to be a lord who betters the world for the common man rather than dickass gods
I think we’re all in agreement when I say that Ansbach (and Igon as well) is the only time where summoning is acceptable.
This was proven false 4 times over.
>level 25
>not level 1
Didn't beat him.
You also used armour and a sword. No club in sight.
I'll gladly take Sekiro 2 over Dark Souls 5.
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>people who dont organize their inventories
how can you stand having 14 pairs of godrick knight pants and 8 daggers and 23 forked greatswords?
>okay time to equip X real quick
>click, click, click, clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick there we go
What weapons are the go to to gank hostcels and their phantom butt budies? I was dissappointed with the Midra sword, it only seems to hit anyone if they're extremely retarded. The Death Knight greataxe on the other hand is insanely good and as a bonus feels fun and cool to use. Backhand blades seem strong too. Any others? I'm talking total host annihilation here not 1v1 honourable stuff.
What if it was the same gameplay but a different setting? I'd fucking love a Sekiro style game with a norse or ancient greek setting
>Tell me now why marika is evil and bad
Her only mistake was listening to the two fingers and thinking it was actually the greater will, when it was in fact just Metyr his schizo daughter with nine billion finger babies babbling nonsense in her ear.
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Co-op sincerely makes me hate what the player base of FromSoft games has become. It was bad enough in the base game, but here's the thing: these newfags have had two years to learn to play the fucking game. Yet they're running around like lemmings with <40 VIG, panic rolling, and just spamming L2 and magic like their life depends on it. And it does, in a perverse way, because it gets them fucking killed half the time.

No one knows how to play the game on a fundamental level.
stagger abuser YDNBH
Noticed how everyone was already waiting for you? Including Ansbach and Thiollier?
They were camping the tower gate with Miquella and Dryleaf gave them the signal to start moving the moment you clear Romina, and you get spawned in some random corner.
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okay i beat the dragon
Looks like I gotta try all manner of different spells for this dlc
How much harder is NG+ If I want to get better should I just play NG+ till NG+7 and play around with different builds, or just replay a new character over and over again?
The idea of collecting all the shit again is daunting, but I guess if I know what I want it wouldn't be so bad.
Simple, I just use the same gear all the time. If I want to try something I pick up there's the new recent items tab now anyway.
>curse blade in the very beginning of the dlc dropped it for me
>just assumed it was a guaranteed drop this whole time
That wasn't a mistake she was in the right to do that too. Yup time to laugh at you. Are you ready?
shit set ur pass to erg and come to church of elleh, ill gladly take one
Base Serpent?
More like
Based Serpent
Password phantoms bred this fucking idiots.
And then you got streamers cheating on stream to beat the game.
It's quite pathetic honestly.
When did Marika become a god? Was she always or was she just a cute village girl initially?
I'm not crazy right? Most of the new incantations are kinda underwhelming. Especially with some of the faith requirements on them. I was expecting miquellas nuke to do an INSANE amount of damage,
Are you prepared for Dark Souls 5?
The DLC is a test of your basegame mechanical knowledge.
ds3 was 120
>her only mistake
Wasn't a mistake. You don't know what you're talking about. She canonically never did anything wrong. Ever.
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Ayo, what the fuck
>Are you prepared for Dark Souls 5?
Need Dark Souls 4 first.
She was an abused country bumpkin girl who got Toby whipped too hard and found a way to get into the gate of divinity and become a god to escape getting jarred.
>try out Leda coop after reading your post
>get hit by a R1 from Leda
>instantly chunks me for half my 60 vig health
>check host skibidis
literally how

>Finally had an Idea for my magma mage
>Wanted to get into the DLC
>Wondered for a bit about mogh
>Ponder over my Rosus Axe
>Kill him in phase one by just spamming the WA
The more things change the more they stay the same
In the trailer with her stnading at the gate of divinity sourrounded by all those corpses, most likely the bloody corpses of her own people, the golden strands /grace she tears in the trailer to offer is the grace of gold to become god. She may have murdered a pregenant hornset woman and tore the grace from her unborn child to do it.
if only we were all so fortunate...
>Dark Souls 4, but open world
Can't wait to explore another barren dead land
It's not too bad. Check the NG+ page on fextalife. Though Triple HP and double damage seems a lot, it's still on early game enemies and super late game areas like haligtree barely get much of an upgrade at all.
Someone recommend me some weapons and/or spells/incantations
I'm bored as fuck and need something new
Pretty much. Do you know how to roll? Do you know how to jump? Do you know how to sprint? Do you know how to strafe? Do you know that you can and should attack bosses in the middle of their combos? Or do you only know how to spam Taker's Flames while your mimic tear or Tiche face tanks the boss for you, and then panic roll when you get hit?
>church of elleh
Enjoyed, bro, I gotta get back to FFXIV for Dawntrail
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my int playthrough was
>carian slicer until dmgs
>dmgs for 90% of content
>loretta bow + haima to snipe/knock off ledges
>ambush shard to hit behind walls
>shard spiral against dragons
>alabaster lord aow if i hear an imp breathing
sadly the dlc gave very little, but int basically doesn't need anything. glintstone nail is a nice generic missile, and i found the pulsing orbs too late.
try any of the bloodfiend weapons
chicken wing is the best but the fork isn't half bad either
It takes too long to break stances
The machine translations of this floating around twitter
Are choking on "も" and not realizing it's referring to
>absolute god
>and king
In the plural. Where "king" is how the Japanese text in the game refers to the "lord" in Elden Lord.

So the English text for Light of Miquella is correct. It's talking about Marika/You are outside of what Miquella can wololo and fold into his order.
Official update, I am now at 2 victories. Host clearly had enough skidaddles this time.
Katana in right hand, Dryleaf in left hand. Weave combos of slashes, punches and kicks together. It's kino.
help me pls erg
I wanna play broadsword and brass shield with square off, and SUPPOSEDLY heavy infusion is the best for broadsword, but someone here said heavy is mainly for 2handing
am I misunderstanding something or should I just go for like a str/fai split and do sacred instead and use some incantations as well?
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I can get Light roll with 51 poise in this setup and it looks pretty cool to boot. I love it when fashion and stats run together.
The whole DLC is undercooked
You remind me of Nemesis the Warlock.
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good morning
>part of my tooth just disintegrated
fucking hell here we go again, when did we die and respawn in hell without noticing?

there is nothing wrong with playing female characters and it does NOT make you trans either.
only if you SELF INSERT

and if you haven't fucking learned by now people, YOU do YOU, no one cares.
She was not only justified but she was right. The Fell God was the aggressor and Marika responded in kind. Just like the Hornsent.
Also two handing the dryleaf and just beating the shit out of people with your katana sheathed looks cool as fuck.
holy shit nigger your entire post is nonsense. use the weapon ash when you have the FP and an opening to do so. either decide to put an ash on the shield like barricade or parry or something or just swap to 2h as needed like a normal person. youre overthinking the fuck out of this
I swear I hear pillarman music looking at this. All that’s missing is the what do you want pose
>there is nothing wrong with playing female characters and it does NOT make you trans either.
>only if you SELF INSERT
Nah, not even if you self insert.
I am not asking about using the sword 2handed you nigger, I am asking whether heavy infusion is something you want to do on a weapon you intend to 1hand all the time
What should I do before going to NG++?
All the good INT stuff is hiding in easily missed corners of the map, it's weird.
>sword of stars is in an easily missed corner of one of the emptier areas of the game
>an INT curved sword with a ghostflame version of spinning slash is in the same area
>an INT halberd with loretta's moveset and a ghostflame version of sword dance is above this same area
>gravitational missile is in one of the emptiest areas of the DLC, which many players will miss
>Carian supremacy, probably the best ash of war in the DLC, is in a random cave that I guarantee 90% of players would miss without a guide

The fact that you get the troll knight greatsword reskin first and Rellana's weapons being FAI/INT probably puts people off. The spells are okay, you just have to build for them.
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Too obvious
worth using rakshasa armor+weapon and the backstep talisman and going full glass cannon?
>Best ash of war
>Not perfume
Kinda based? As long as you don't chop your cock off and demand people refer to you as "she". Who cares, really?
i feel like I didn't explain it as well as I could, or maybe its how I treat it
see, I have MY character (had a few over time, all dudes), and then I have my characters which can be god damned anything and include female characters, cameos the works. some for creative writing experiments, some for fun, some for challenge reasons, some just cause I think the theme is cool.
yet to this day all MY characters are still dudes. when the character IS me.

"maybe" im just autistic (no shit sherlock)
I don't think anon was including unintentionally broken stuff
Why are there so many NPC fights in the DLC? Its certainly preferable to reused bosses but I feel like every other boss is a NPC.
>He snuck past them insteas of killing them
Welp if you dont want the unique talisman and rare items, by all means
Neither marika nor ranni have done anything wrong. If you disagree you're a lorelet and possibly black. Marika and ranni are both my wives as miyazaki has confirmed to me personally and we will be having a threesome after i make this post.
INT got so shafted in this dlc.
saved a picture to respond to bait posts

that IS trans behavior
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I have never played Kingdom heart before
>insinuating that people have to cheat to beat the regular ass game without having to use shields or deflecting tear
The only thing wrong about Marika and Ranni is that they're in a Fromsoft game
How do you bump gigadmg as DEX without Bleed? Bleed has ruined the game for me, it's too much fun dealing a chunk of hp at once. At least STR has the bonk factor and stance break to compensate, what does DEX get? And don't say perfumes, those will be nerfed soon
>nooooo you can't tell me I'm wrong about marika nooo marika wasn't supposed to trust the literal child of god nooo
This is how you sound. Stay mad. She was right to trust metyr. The greater will only abandoned her after the shattering.
Why does the lamenter form have a face on it's back?
What is the connection with the Giants and the hornsent? Why do the hornsent(omens) dream of the felgod?
What deal did Marika make and who exactly did she betray and how?
why does this image exist
>jar hospital
>hornsent museum
>best friends with Gaius, an albinauric
Messmer is alright for a demigod…
Marika my queen... I must kill more hornsent...
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>literally shits himself because hostoid used ash he doesn't like
>frame perfect CE toggle immediately
You're the guy that got rekt relentlessly by that Carian NPC, right?
Embarrassing lmao
Dex weapons are supposed to land hits easier because they need smaller windows to do so, but that doesn't really apply to the dlc since everything has to wait for their turn regardless.
Because in FFXIV, there is another boss character name Gaius
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PSA: You can sidestep almost all of Radahn's afterimage attacks.

Also using fingerprint shield, sekiro tear and bleed rot rapier with cragblade I have finally got ahold of this faggot's remembrance.
What quests get locked after burning the tree? I think i did most stuff and defeated all the main bosses except bayle.
Dex gets stance break too, pull out the ol zweihander or even a straight sword with square off.
What's broken about perfume?
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nice try fren
why do the japanese think gayass is a good name
I mean, I'm a pervert, but I know I'm a man. Playing a female character is just playing a role, and if I can pretend I'm actually a good person in Skyrim, then I can easily pretend I'm a woman in Elden Ring, who has even less roleplay.

I kinda get it, but I think you're overthinking it. Then again, I never ever made a character that is "me". All my characters are parts of me, but none of them is me.
I had a brain blast and thought this was the case, but when I tried it the next fight, I got hit. I think I tried to sidestep (strafe) the one variation where it doesn't work.
because that's not how you pronounce it.
And it's mostly dex weapons with an int tax. They scale with dex and the ashes with AR. Sad that my favorite part is the TKS design being salvaged for a good weapon.
>"C-can you drop something for me, p-pretty p-please?"
Stop being niggers, and start being PC Chads
Setting up Grand Merchant takes like 3 mins lmao
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This one?
Thoughts on the Wing Stance? Looks cool, and I bet it's solid in PvP, but seems kinda meh for PvE. I'm thinking about changing my Milady ash for something else
>Heard about a jar hospital in the shadow keep
>Never seen it
I really should make another run on Shadow Keep I feel like I missed so much
I play a female character because I have a ryona fetish and suck at the game.
Yeah I never said its perfect but I did manage to avoid whole chains, sometimes on accident.
No, there is one in the DLC with 2-hander instead of sword and board
Heavy is a nice lunge. Light does a surprising amount of stagger and posture damage (but still not a lot)
I play a female character because I want to be a woman.
What's the distribution for a Dex Arc build? 60 / 60 ?
>Carian supremacy
Carian Sovereignty I guess and also WHAT THE FUCK I beat the DLC and didn't know this existed.
>I kinda get it
its mainly from "dnd" (neverwinter nights really)
I have my character, which changed over time (dont remember my OG from childhood they were a bit like link or golden axe warrior, then lightning fist monk, to spellsword wizard dual wielding greatswords or swap to greatshield (amazingly unoptimized in 3.5 yet fun) and frankly thats the guy I used in ds1 and the rest is history)
and then there is "paladin dwarf with twin axes" and shit for what I said before challenge, interesting themes, just crazy combinations. like, my TRUE neutral wizard guy who just ends up fighting everyone cause they are all extremists from his perspective, that was fun from an RP perspective (I used to play on an RP server so it worked out)
It's in a cave southwest of the cathedral
I hate it I'm a hapa my dad is italian my mom insisted on naming me gaius
you will have barely any vigor or endurance with 60/60 sis
How did you get up to Ruah, is there a way out of the lower area you access via imp statue portal that I missed?
If he’s so nice why he’s trying to impale me to death???
>enemy begins attack animation
>i hit them before they even swing their sword or whatever
>interrupts the animation
>i still take damage

You FUCKED his mom, and he's pissed about that.
I think it's the opposite of my approach: I tend to make characters based on what seem fun to play. So, since I'm a rather subdued person IRL, if I played DnD, I'd find it really fun to play a very religious person constantly talking about his rebirth in Ba'al's embrace or whatever and how much better he feels since.
Characters are just an excuse to play a role you wanna play anyway, so why not make a fun one?
What level are you guys for DLC boss coop?
I was retarded and leveled up whenever I can and I'm at 250 now and can't get any matches
Thinking about Cheat Engining my level down
no its based off of your stat investment. use the approriate infusion regardless if youre going to 2h or not
I don't change gear often enough for that to become a problem
Are you one of those hardswapping trannies?
dex weapon req
arc 80/55
or dex and ignore arc infuse blood/bloodflame a keen weapon

I can never get on with darc for some reason. morgotts sword is cool and all but not worth a build.
respecing my blood mage too. (they nerfed nihil)
Wanna be my woman?
you cant go down with CE I think, guaranteed ban
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type b gods are the most dangerously heterosexual males in these threads
Fuuck do I really need to make an alt and waltz around the map to find skibidis
I think the inbued stone sword area is separate and you need to kill yourself or warp out, like the belfy areas in the main game
I do find most of my characters a lot of fun, I mean, this is probably my favorite one i've made in elden ring and its just a mushroom with a backstory and some katanas
belurat OST is so fucking good holy shit
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forbidden knowledge
What does Palm Blast scale off of? Just your AR or a stat?
Is there only one sword portal in the game? The one that takes you to the verdigris discussion platform
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dont even think of bullshitting me or my kitties, brother
now i'm scadu level 3 (upgraded 2 times) and still can't beat the lion...
Messmer did nothing wrong

Take a left in Specimen Storehouse, first grace
I joined a host and another phantom on Radahn, I was using the cheese thorns bleed build and the other 2 had Fingerprints and poking rapiers. He died in under a minute, it was kinda funny but also sad. Completely overtuned yet so easy to cheese
I fucking hate this upgrade system so goddamn much.
>find new cool weapon
>have to go back to Roundtable (that's on fire and depressing)
>go buy a ton of rocks
>upgrade the weapon to +20 fucking 5
>now you can check if it's good
Who comes up with this garbage? Like, come on. There has to be a better way.
Don't you need to pass through the jar hospital to get to Ruah then?
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how do I make dragon communion spells do damage? using dragon communion seal ofc
is it minimum FTH for requirements then high ARC or
minimum ARC for requirements then high FTH
I will be using the dragon transformation too
>this is what you see before becoming a frenzy flame cultist
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>exploring cerulean area
Isn't it poopa?
where is the zuliekino at he's only done one SOTE vid
Go up to 306, you'll get more activity there.
>elden ring comes out
>fromsoft lets you cheese all the boss fights if you really want to, so anyone can beat the game
>casuals cheese their way through the game
>learn nothing
>DLC comes out
>casuals get filtered because they learned nothing in the base game
>but luckily, fromsoft lets you cheese all the boss fights if you really want to, so anyone can beat the DLC
>casuals cheese their way through the game
>learn nothing
it's a viscous cycle
I went to Rauh, but I don't think I rode past any hospital area. I know I had to take ab elevator and fought some Fire Knight fag that was making it rain fire
Stop panic rolling.
minimum arcane then faith. raise arc if you can afford it. get a second dragon communion talisman for your offhand, they stack. breath attack talisman, and element of your choice scorpion talisman if youre glass cannoning
Religious nutjobs are just fun to play in general*
*if your GM is good
Fromsoft really dropped the ball by not giving more of the remembrance bosses a cinematic. It's so weird too cause it can't possibly be that expensive compared to some of the stuff in the marketing budget. A lot of what people find so "good" about those bosses is just the spectacle of it. Consider the people who think Messmer and Midra are peak kino but not Romina or Rellana.
Sometimes I wish I had the patience to learn DnD and find a group on tabletop simulator. I'd love to play one of Myth's journeymen as a normal adventurer.
>use an emote to get it to drop
I don't know because the wiki sucks but thanks unironically for spoiling that for me else i'd have probably missed this and you're god damn right I want the Saitama ash of war, thanks anon.

if I had to GUESS its weapon level + AR like most standard ashes, no stat scaling or little stat scaling. make fextralife update their shitty website.
>where else are you going to go, detroit? - fextra
ill go make the fucking wikidot you hacks.
This new staff sword isn't godlike for sure, its in fact 1/3 the scaling of the best staff. But the ability to combine it with the new Carian shield, buff it easily and stabby through it is pretty good.
I didn't fuck his mom though.
>wow this color scheme is cool but it really makes it hard to see if there's anything worthwhile laying around here
>there's nothing worthwhile
shout outs mountaintops
Why 306?
Romina is literally in the damn story trailer yet her rot area is tiny, we have little to no lore on her and she doesn’t even have any dialogue

What the fuck
Have you found a weapon that you enjoy, that you never thought you'd enjoy given previous examples? I loathe Katanas, but the Great Katanas are pretty fucking rad.
5e is literally like 10 minutes to learn the rules
It's also dogshit but w/e

I'm almost sure the scaling i bugged
It has to be
There's no fucking way
>bosses are way too hard and annoying to fight
>casuals dont want to spend 2 weeks on one boss for an entire game so they cheese it
>from soft gets buttmad and makes the new bosses even worse
>casuals cheese them
it's a viscious cycle
RL1?!?!?! WTF.
beat him with 2 stronga llies just now...
I mean, so much depends from a good GM. While a bad one can ruin even the best things.
>exclusively into glass cannon builds
>think comically oversized STR weapons look gay
>already did casting playthrough
what should i try now?
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Can someone explain to me the point of Dex and Str when Keen/Hvy infusions exist?
Is it JUST for uninfusable weapons and min stats?
Because it matches with every level above, which is a massive range.
For me the problem is they're too busy
I could barely see Bayle and was fighting the camera as much as the lion during his fight
Radahn phase 2 I literally couldn't tell what was happening at all my entire screen was just beams of light
You are not yet elden lord during the dlc. Multiple npcs have dialog about you becoming elden lord in the future.
whatever guyblow
dex and str increase the amount of damage you do
A few NPCs also call you "Lord of the Old Order" and "Lord of Marika", though.
yeah but religion depends heavily on NPCs and the setting to be interesting, most other archetypes aren't completely dependent on your GM's reading list to be playable
Not really, but I will say that while I expected to like LGSs I ended up REALLY liking LGSs. I wish greatswords never existed and we got these instead.
sword of night edgelord build
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If Radahn and Maliketh have something in common, it's god tier presentation
That's what really matter to most people, the feeling of an heroic battle
RTSR build with Rakshasa's armor, shriek of sorrow, and some weapon with i-frames on it
yeah, but his mom chose you to fuck her. That is why he is so butthurt about it.
metyr was probably meant to the be geq, but they realized so many people headcannoned her to be malenia or whatever they didn't want the backlash.

then they put her guardian outside of st.trina's room; which is why he's still referenced as related to geq in the files.
This Carian knight is pissing me off. Literally just hits you twice and you die and he has 4x your health.
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>pick up on my main
>try once
>thought it was dogshit for some reason

>make luffy build
>go grab this for "third gear - elephant gun"
>ash of war has this little flinch before it launches them 10 ft backwards a bit like bumping into them with warcry
>unequip nox hammer altogether and just use this

also magma whip, sea of magma is a busted ash of war, but I want two which means ng+ so I have no build with that.
>I'm almost sure the scaling i bugged
>It has to be
>There's no fucking way
Honestly I think it may be where they intended it. You stab people and can quickly use spells mid combat without switching.
nice fit anon. is that 51 poise with bullgoat's talisman or without?
I'm probably misremembering the layout of the keep, I just felt as if the hospital was part of the path I took after beating Messmer. I'll have to check when I get back in the game.
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Only miquella does when he kills you. No one else calls you that. He calls you that because all tarnished seek to become elden lord and at that point you've killed at minimum mohg and radahn, some of the strongest remaining demigods, you're the frontrunner for the position, you do not yet have it.
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this is literally the most broken shit in the game lmao. deals no damage but does break 60 points of stance. too bad it only lasts about 10 seconds
for what purpose? also why were people making a big deal about that ladder and illusory wall with the coffin? that was the easiest shit to find in my life and is the most basic of basic "secrets" in from software games
what made you check for illusory walls in the painting room?
>get euporia
>really want to build around it
>have to spam normal attacks like a pleb to make the ash of war good momentarily
With. I don't think you could get light roll without it, honestly. Not unless you just put everything into Endurance.
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Thoughts on Smithscript weapons?
The splot scaling is kinda gay idk what to infuse the spear with as a Dex/Fth build
>learn dnd
It's not complicated. If you can play a board game you can play dnd. The only difficult thing about it is scheduling and finding the right group of players.
Bro? Just kill her?
You can definitely practice bosses without cheating but not nearly as fast as cheaters. Early DS3 challenge runners didn't have these tools, they used to practice their runs on a normal unaltered game.
didn't michael say the worm guys are more important than they seem? are they the missing link between fingers and serpents or what?
What in the fuck did you expect? That's literally what it says it does.
>Miyazaki getting older, weaker, his reaction times increasing, focus dwindling down
>meanwhile games are getting harder and harder

What does this mean? Is he actually getting stronger?
Is there a talisman that gives flat 40 poise like ye olde wolf ring?
I like the axe for a Kratos build
NTA but it was a weirdly accessed area that felt like it was housing a secret.
I recall one of Leda's companions calling you "Lord of the Erdtree" and stuff when you fight.
I always interpreted Ansbach's lines as more of a "Win this battle and be a good king" kind of thing.
Bullgoat Talisman found in Dragonburrow Cave, IIRC.
yes but you have to take a slurp upon an estus first and it is temporary
stop being a viglet
Not him, but the wall is very obviously plastered over in the shape of a door
I fought Malenia after beating the DLC and wore her lil bro's circlet on my head and she didn't say anything new
when does the vaati video drop I want to learn the story
FTH is just for requirements so bringing it to 28 is enough to use every communion incant. Can be lowered to 24 if you don't care about Greyoll's Roar.
Pump ARC to 45 to softcap the seals, or all the way to 49/53 if you want to use Bayle's incants. They're shit, don't bother
If you're playing DEX/FTH and want to use smithscript shit just use Messmer's spear.
Not sure about metyr being the geq herself. None of her attacks have blackflame and are much more cosmic in nature.

Definitely feel like she is associated with her in some way tho
where and what am i looking at
Dragon form + dragon mace for debuff + dragon form buff + golden order buff = lightning go zap
Fun because they open up a lot of opportunities for attacking where you'd otherwise have to use ashes of war or magic. The ones that let you throw them while jumping are cool.

Not enough people posting interpretations for him to be "inspired by", be patient.
the hippo boss room, 2 graces 3 steps apart
He's asian they're just good at games
For me, I randomly use Margit's shackle when exploring areas to open any potential walls up.
That's the shadowkeep and he's pointing out how stupid grace spam can be in this game. I don't get why there was a grace before the boss at all instead of just a revival stake. We're talking about the illusory wall nearby down a ladder.
Who WOULDNT fuck his mom?>>483818597
Again, everyone knows you killed two of the strongest remaining demigods bar malenia. You're the frontrunner and they refer to you as such similar things were said about vyke in the base game.
no is he getting better because the games are getting harder?
No, he used everything at his disposal.
strength gets 1.5x bonus for two handing
keen is like technique for melee, and effects cast speed
at HIGH levels (80/80) you can infuse quality, which was better in previous games (40/40 or even 34/40 and 2hand or something like that)
scaling isn't great in this game and you can't buff* already infused or stat scaling weapons like ds2

*few exceptions (claypoon, varres flowers albino halberd and axe, erd dagger)
basically you're right if you're not level 250+ focus on 1 not both, unless you really don't like magic then go 80 40 and use a big axe or whatever.

if demons souls is anything to go buy, dying is cringe, and killing bosses makes you a god.
He's trying to find a way to salvage the dogshit miquella plot
It's gonna take a few weeks at least
>They're shit, don't bother
damn really.. the roar does seem like a worse greyoll roar but the claw seems like a better dragon bite
I want to be a dragon communion man not a dragon cult lightning man
worms are obviously ayys of some sort like the fingers and they make it so no one can even venture near the finger ruins. they and the abyss are the only areas uninhabited.

she also has a singular gloam "eye".
nta but claw lacks the hyper armor that bite has, and the hitbox is a lot smaller than it seems. as much as of a spectacle it is, it fkin sucks
>the claw seems like a better dragon bite
It's the opposite lol, it takes just as long to cast, does less damage, can easily miss, costs more to use, and doesn't have the infinite hyper armor that Dragonmaw has.
I haven't figured out the lore and posted it here for him to steal again yet thoughever.
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Why did they add the ability to look at summoning pools and disable them.... But you have to activate the stakes first?...
It doesn't mean he's getting better, he probably could've beaten Elden Ring back in 2011 too, the audience hasn't even experienced a fraction of his power yet
what the fuck..... is the roar redeemable?
I mean, I guess.
But I like the SSS more aesthetically, plus it's a light spear
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If Miyazaki streams his playthrough, you fags will spam YDBTG in the chat
Look at the Godslayers' emblem.
Now look at Metyr's "face."
and I won't be doing so this time either hope you learned to READ ITEM DESCTIPTIONS senpai. spells spirits crafting items weapons all of them. and try to infer stuff without being called schizophrenic (challenge rating: triple impossible)
Youtube just recommended this to me.
Pretty interesting look behind the scenes, if it can be called that.
Guy-is is how you pronounce the name
_______no lmao_______
>go to riposte spinny glaive fuck
>camera janks backwards and character slaps the air for no reason
lel what a janky stupid enemy
lmsh was originally an anon. Worshipping any ecelebs is reddit
Well, that's because he didn't
They made spirit ashes solely so that Miyazaki could beat the game
they're both reddit
He's playing smart. It's hilarious seeing all these bloodstains around fire knights and lion warriors, when they're pretty much always around ledges where you can knock them off.
all of them except daggers have potential for massive damage with infusions. daggers are trash regardless of infusion.
All these exposition ghosts are literally saying nothing. Just generic buzzwords.
I have my eyes on the FFXIV one. It's going to be extremely casual, but frankly, I work 5 days a week, 11 hours a day, and the few days off I have are spent sleeping because I either work morning shifts or evening shifts.
So yeah, I'll be casual.

Yeah, that too. Already tough to find time to play ER with my mate Paul.
>I want to be a dragon communion man
Oh, thats just get the stats to cast and nothing else then
I've watched a few souls ecelebs fight radahn like their careers depended on it and the cope was fantastic.
Post more marikas please.
>play basketball against the fire hoop fag as soon as I find the field of dead ones
>the big bomb just does an 8th of his health
fuck that
Would Marika want Sauron's mace?
Massively strong, all of them.
we find her dead body and she has a frenzy torch, she was mostly likely a frenzy apostle
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I want Marika to turn me into a shota with her shaman magic and /ss/ me
>The greater will only abandoned her after the shattering.
Pure cope
I see it, but her attacks just dont scream GEQ or destined death to me. Maybe metyr was to the geq as the two fingers are to their respective demigod or something
>my mate Paul.
Blessed Cunkposter
>Sauron and Marika
Imagine the sex...
Isn't the torch made out of her bones though?
This image makes me so upset.
They hyped Miquella up so much
Purposely kept him mysterious
Purposely hid his face
And it just goes nowhere just as a phase 2 cape for Radahn and the only Miquella we see is the weird long three armed Miquella instead of how hes depicted literally everywhere else
My mate Paul, he once told me a funny story about a bloke in prison, who wanted to rebrand his backside. And that story went places, I wasn't ready. Not funny, just disturbing. Then I look up, and Paul is crying.
Also I'm lying, I'm the one named Paul here, after my grandfather.
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How much is the damage increase for this? I can take all my dex out from all my spell caster builds for this
Greater Will went from villain to chad in one sentence
So metyr doesn't die does it? It gets tucked into the black hole thing
question occurs
THOPS barrier (spell) can even deflect elden beasts holy light spam
does this approach work on dlc bosses too?

some spells get through but less than black hole (eternal darkness)

I was already demoralized so I feel nothing, just like always
I've never used anything besides swords in a Souls game, how do I use spear movesets properly I want to use Mohg's
>damage increase
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which one fellas? trying to think of legs that might work better with the horned warrior chest
Look at this literal visage of a woman. You quite honestly could not make a more perfect girl.
they tell you the story through npcs, the crosses, and st.trina.

most of the story is about him.
It's really noticeable how out of place the Rellana area is with the rest of the DLC's aesthetic.
here the fuck is her body?
my favorite was muh wholesome canadian ex-4channer just giving up and cheesing it to get back to his mindless recycled pvp content
If it's 2nd Age Sauron who can shapeshift at will, oh boy.
What infusions though, the split scaling is confusing
You can see this by hovering and looking at how it affect your resistance stats on the right
you poke the opponent until they are no longer alive
(crouch to sweep, with mohgs spear)
thats literally it just poke.

I saw a joke like this in a vr video the other day
>streamer: *stabbing with short sword* holy shit pokes are OP
>chat: man discovers purpose of swords
yellow makes it not so boring
I assumed it's her child's spine due to painting+description
That image does something for me I can't put it into word but it makes me feel things.
Just to notify everyone, canonically the Tarnished is the only straight man in all of the Land Between since he is the only one who refuses to be embraced by Miquella
i just realized marika and the hornsent war has absolutely nothing to do with miquella and seemed like a much better plot for the DLC. they even used the war to advertise the DLC along with Messmer
true, its a good splash of color. thanks anon
Get the divine beast one anon, will look the best
>crouch to sweep, with mohgs spear
This changes everything. I was trying to get sweeps by using the dash attack
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>Empyrean grandam
huh? that hornsent? what Empyrean is this about?
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"OMENS could be here." he throught, "I've never been in the shadow realm before. There could be OMENS anywhere." The blood of hornsent gave his apron a nice coloring. "I hate OMENS!" he thought. The lament of cursed spirits made his hands tremble, even as the perfume circulated through his powerfull thick veins and washed away his (foolish) doubts about the rightiousness of his labor. "With a cleaver, you can jump attack anyone you want." he said to himself, out loud.
I get unreasonably mad when I find these over scat fragments
oh 100%, just gotta get to that point first. just started the expansion on this char, alas
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>her graces don't lead you anywhere in the beginning
>you have to find Messmer on your own
>immediately started showing signs to kill Miquella
Why is she like this?
>No Marika village girl art
with new weapons always test
neutral r1 r2, r2hold, backstep, crouch (or roll they're the same) running, jump
then two hand and do the same
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How fucking hilarious would it have been if Miquella just got Sarosh'd after phase 2?
Radahn just reaches back and *crunch*
What's the best way of reviving bosses to try them again? I don't want to go through ng+.

>Max level
I did it at 17. I have no idea where the remaining 9 fragments are.
No existing Empyrean, it's poor translation work. It's being used with the literal meaning of "empyrean", "empyrean grandam" basically means "high grandmother".
Call me when you get art of Marika getting sodomized as a village girl.
The game literally tells us that. Cope
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>use taunter's tongue
>most invaders wait for me to engange enemies, then attack
just like niggers lmao
Tested it against the last boss with the magma talisman equpped and it did a little more damage than Dragonmaw (4476 vs 3946, Greyoll's Roar did 2011). It has hyper armor but against bosses that might honestly be worse because it locks you into a really fucking long animation, so if you use it against a boss that can't be knocked down you're just gonna get killed.
Why is it always dung?
man, base game radahn is an absolute pushover, even massively underleveled and with no summons.
Right, but change that stupid helmet. It makes it look like your head is smaller than a ballsack.
Its the music paired with him slowly walking away. It feels almost purposely mournful. Like its the last time Miquella will be normal as hes on a misguided quest to become a God.
Just makes me wonder "What if we wernt late?"
>The greater will only abandoned her after the shattering.
Uh oh lorelet alert
Items on the right?
Okay, but why would he fight you after breaking mind control?
people who have overpowered shit and then kite into enemies anyway disgust me
and i'm a sun bro who is by proxy always part of a three man gank squad cause thats how they made this game *shrug* don't look at me I prefered ds1 multiplayer (if front stabs were fixed which they finally did now)

Every boss feels the samey. Where's the strategy? This is guitar hero blind but you can't miss a note.
Miquella was never getting anything more. Marika is fine with her children supplanting her, but she's not okay with homosexual males and sent you to end them before they spread their gayness. Marika is a confirmed racist, homophobic, genocidal, murderhobo. And that's why she's so great
I used to just sever and invade someone else when a host would sit by a grace site. Shit is boring desu. Fortunately with the new prattling pate I can spam lamantation until the host chases me in a rage.
>Just makes me wonder "What if we wernt late?"
He would've mind controlled us. What a stupid ass question.
Invaders have been particularly bad this DLC.
Most are just rolling over and dying without getting a kill. Only time they get someone is when they use that broken Ash of War
But not this dogshit 3D model for drooling coomers, some actual fan art please
fuck this
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Here are the results after 3 days. /erg/ loves Messmer and hates Gaius more than Radahn/Miquella.
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I see. Thanks, I'll try to incorporate using those because I'm retarded and too used to playing with just R1 or AoW spam
Has anyone found anymore "warps" like the coffin. Or the waygate that brings you to that area area of the ruins.
30% literally never worth it
Went from 60 to 50 resistances, so 18.8% increased damage taken
Does this claw scales well with DEX? What about Milady, while i'm at it.
actually she said something to the effect of "become something, don't care what, but if you fail you suck" - capital outskirts melon iirc
Game literally says so. Play the base game.
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Bayle too high. Metyr too low.
>He would've mind controlled us.
Yeah, well. Maybe I wouldve been okay with that. I also dont like the Mind Control angle. Its so expected to have a nice character have the "twist" of "LE NICE CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY.... LE EVIL????" Having a character actually be good in a grimdark setting is actually more of a twist then having them just be evil but with extra steps.
God I hope she is canonically that big.
>Where's the strategy?
Back in Demons Souls. But if Froms would've tried to make bosses in the same style now, people would start screaming "GIMMICK REEEEEEEEEEE".
Right but equip the Bull-Goat Helm. Trust me it looks great on that armor. Big Greek vibes.
gayus is one of the worst bosses they've made. terrible hit boxes and long combos for nothing afterwards.
where's the jar lore?
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>literally tells us that.
post proof or stop posting.
She's the same height as Radagon, I think
zamor mask/horned warrior armor/scaled greaves
and then my beast claws disable the appearance of my glove slot (can sneak in a lil extra poise w/o ruining the fashion that way
i love the helmet anon im sorry
maybe increasing my head size is an option though
there is also a move cancel on very few weapons usually curved swords or rapiers? (I forget if ER rapiers have it) hold r2 but hit circle (roll) before its fully charged it will do the not kick backflip feign from previous games, you can turn around while performing the flip for some skillful backstabs sometimes or just to look like an acrobat like all the people spamming bloodhound fang L2s but for no FP
NTA but the helmet is great looking other anon sucks
Gaius is pretty standard Souls boss. He doesn't deserve the hate.
Rellana, on the other hand, is quite terrible. She's like Malenia, but with superarmor always on. At least with Malenia you can take turns attacking, until the AI decides to use one of the superarmor moves. But Rellana has infinite poise at all times, and the only way to stop her combo is to parry.
This helmet is cool, it's only the size that is the problem. Just look how comically small your head is in proportion to the rest of the body.
There's no actually
"Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved.
Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord.
Be it a God.
But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken.
Amounting only to sacrifices..."

She tells them to become a god if they wish, if they fail they'll die. She doesn't mind being replaced. She just won't allow fags to do it
nta, the intro
inb4 the intro isn't canon like that one dumbass yesterday

>o tarnished ye dead who yet- wait no sorry this didn't happen it was retconned, enjoy dark souls 4 lord of the elden rings, *monty python credits begin*
I never want to fight Radahn again
>Radahn second to last
You mean people didnt like the 10 hit combos that lead into another 10 hit combo all of which have attacks to specifically catch rolls?
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After meeting ansbach I am now a pureblood knight and no one can stop me
>Strongest demigods are Radahn (Who is seen as stronger than Malenia) and Mohg (Who is seen as stronger than Morgott)
>Rykard is basically irrelevant
>Ranni isn't fighting in the Shattering
>Godrick is a confirmed jobber

why are people so surprised that your tarnished is frontrunner to become lord
That's one problem with grimdark setting good is usually le evil with more steps.
Would have been nice to see Miquella as a good dude and join his quest.
>Rellana, on the other hand, is quite terrible.
Rellana is S tier I'm so glad shitters like you were filtered.
>the intro
What line faggot
Where do I find crucible: tongue and crucible: centaur?
rellana is also one of their worst. as you say, hyperarmor and nonstop combos.
Anon calm down this is a blue board.
In the second DLC.
Lucky for you Fromsoft actually made a DLC with that has 0 carry over to the base game because....who the fuck knows? So you can stop the DLC at any point and it literally doesn't matter!
Join his quest to fuck general Radahn?
>Marikaposters won yet another thread
tfw too stupid to kill queenligh
Wish there were more messmer flame incantations
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Mohg won so hard this dlc
>rellana that high
>gaiusKINO that low
Nanya wanted him to suffer enough to become the lord of frenzy. More suffering = stronger flame. He got impaled by the inquisition of the tower as a torture device.
it's not fun and there's no reward to it unless you like the swords.

base game radahn is a fun fight solo, and even if they gave him twice the health, it'd still be just as fun. it also progresses an important quest.
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Ansbach died when we fought Radahn and he was really dead after the fight, is it diff if he survives or he dies anyway? Whats the diff?
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I think with the context of the dlc we now know that she means either become a consort (like Radahn) or a God (like Miquella). We see what happens when they become neither - Messmer, potentially Godwyn if you're into that theory. Anyway I love this Marika hornyposting.
>Bayle too high
Someone got destroyed too many times.
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>Make of thyselves that which ye desire
>n-no not that!
she should make up her mind.
and its not a good thing this new "lore" clash is reminding me of fucking fallout 4....
Thoughts on the thrusting shields? Do you use them twohanded or just as a shield in your left hand?
>More suffering = stronger flame.
So Frenzy is just the Dark Side of the Force?
How the fuck is it the year of our lord 2024 and people are still fighting late game DLC bosses, at RL 150+ with under 1000 HP.
>Marika hornyposting.
Gooners need to stop talking about lore
Yes. The people who rated the fat lizard so highly.
>she should make up her mind.
>expecting women to do this
>A war leading to abandonment by the Greater Will.
do your own homework you cunt. if you can't understand something as basic as a line in the fucking INTRO OF THE GAME you have no business discussing lore.
you can attack with them while blocking
>Who is seen as stronger than Malenia
I'm not sure how anyone can not see her result as a win
thanks anon. ily
>he's dying to fucking flies
Literally how lmao
just watch the bonfirevn video if you wanna see young Miquella
>looks awesome
>has cool moves
>rewards you with one of the coolest weapon in the DLC.
>rewards you with a boring toothpick
The choice is obvious
I gotta be honest I've never died to these guys.
eleonora was one. yura held her in high esteem even though she was; but, unlike ansbach, she wanted to go full dragon.
>want to wear Cleanrot armor
>it's heavy

Is it worth dropping Erdtree's Favor for WEIGHT talisman bros?...
That's MY queen.
>remembrances literally hewn into the trees
>pillar where all the dead wash up
>still no boss re-fight mechanic
fucking why?
Just don't be a gay male. It's that simple. Remember the old saying "God hates fags" and marika is a god.
Metyr sucked as pure melee and I would solidly rate it middle of the pack. Midra should be #1. Bayle was fine. Scadutree Avatar is getting snubbed though, great fight.
I never hear a word about Swiftspear. Shouldn't it be good at applying status?
Source is my ass but from what I can gather Midra was a high member of the church of hornsent or whatever the fuck and nanaya came along and started tempting him to the flame of frenzy. Anyways they got caught manse gets flooded with inquisitors and everyone in there dies. Before nanaya's death she probably gave him the endure command as punishment for his failure
>dogshit horse jank
>pretty standard Souls boss
>What is an unreliable narrator
I guess Queen Marika is still nowhere to be found too.
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Messmer was cool. Too bad we had to fight him.
>Didn't do Ymir's questline
>Doesn't realize the intro is narrated by fucking Gideon the idiot who couldn't even locate Mohg and is repeatably wrong about stuff
Uh hu.
>Varre is basically the first character we meet
They were trying to tell us something. Varre was probably under the charm of Miquella at this time, though.
For literally everyone in the game she is. She has been holed up in the tree and never seen.
How could you possibly turn out gay when THIS is in your presence?
>what made you check for illusory walls in the painting room?
I looked at the other side of the room and thought that might be a painting covering a doorway.
whoever gave hippo a first-attack-is-a-grab is an asshole
every host dies to it
Lmao, do Marikafags even play the game?
Its fast, but only in its light attacks. Its fine but you can do status faster with others.
for fuck's sake i hate that even fucking 15 years later NPC invaders are still the strongest fucking thing in the souls franchise
Gaius is hated because of how bad his hitboxes are. I mean bad hitboxes are pretty standard souls fare sure, but his are bad by DS standards. Like for example you can't damage him during his charge for some reason and it's not reflected like how Godrick deflects ranged attacks.
>do Marikafags even play the game?
They're too busy gooning and their coomerbrains can't retain knowledge past 5 seconds.
I played as a pure melee (despite Int being my highest stat) and it was fine. More importantly it was absolute cosmic kino of a fight.
The sunflower was meh. It was one of the two remembrance bosses which I actually got on the first try. The first phase doesn't have much variety in its attacks, and the third phase acts like limping Sif towards the end. So the second phase is the only real fight. But its health gets absolutely annihilated by fire damage, so it doesn't really get much time to live in either of the phases.
That staff description doesn't contradict anything that anon said so what are you posting it for
A lot of people myself included went up to 200 with the dlc. Now I feel like my character is too versatile sort of like what happens in other rpgs where you can do anything decently well.

150 is the zone where you feel specialized but capable. 200 is the lol greatshield also zone.
what about this staff implies that she was abandoned before the shartering?
She was mindbroken by Radahn being able to match her in a fight and unleashed the rot she'd been holding back. She probably could have walked away with a draw and a promise of a rematch but her pride got the better of her. (Or Miquella sent her there to kill Radahn and she had no choice but to resort to bio-nuking him which still failed.)
>A man cannot defeat a god...
>We proceed to do it twice
Holy shit Gideon takes the cake for being a dumbfuck and doomerpilled.
This is why she gives a pass to lesbians but not gay men, she's understanding and knows her presence can turn women gay.
>it's not reflected like how Godrick deflects ranged attacks
Godrick deflects ranged attacks? Played for almost 800 hours and never noticed that. You mean during his whirlwind attack? In that case, you can see the same "wind pressure" particle effects around the charging boar too.
That's basically what I was thinking. 200 just gives you too much room to be able to do anything it feels like.
She was always sent there to kill him by Miquella as evidenced by the whispered words. That she had to nuke him and all of Caelid was probably undesirable, but at the end of the day she's around talking to you when you come in and Radahn's a mindless cannibal amputee with no sense left and is getting worse, not better.
How did you avoid being damaged by swift slash?
Do you really post videos of you ganking people all day, while hacking?
Why would Miquella charm a goodamn jobber? The Bloody Fingers are where you get sent if you sign up with Mohg but have a raging murder boner and no redeeming qualities.
Yeah those attacks. You can see the wind pressure on Gaius but the attacks just go through him. For some reason while he's charging he's just straight up invincible.
>sadly the dlc gave very little
Gives the best boss cheese spell in the game (impenetrable thorns).
Also gives the best bullshit spell in the game (gravitational missile, like a haima Cannon that casts twice as fast)
Amazing aow carian sovreignity.
Also gives talisman that makes magma hit 2x damage 2x as fast (broken).
>Mohg (Who is seen as stronger than Morgott)
>hates Gaius more than Radahn/Miquella.
How. Literally fucking how. Gaius needs his hitboxes adjusted but that aside he's fine. Meanwhile Radahn/Miquella is the worst designed fight in Souls history.
>What is an unreliable narrator
fuck all the way off, your goalposts have wheels.
>hur this dlc thing you haven't gotten to yet retcons the base game
you too
marika is radagon
did you miss the part where she's bound inside the tree with INPENETRABLE thorns blocking the way?
yeah, you're the only person to find her
I came to a similar conclusion
hm why would Miquella have your maiden killed and lead you on a different path its a mystery ain't it
Varre is a bloodfag and Miquella bewitching branched Mohg its pretty obvious if you think about it. furthermore item descriptions are Varre ("glory to his inevitable reign" - bloodfag item description)
I just found out ng+ is scaled as if you have all the skibidis already
I'm at 6 skibidi, their grab one shots me and they take like 8 sword swings to kill, don't die in two full wrath of golds buffed with holy tear and golden vow and all that shit
oh god
I did it on NG+ and every encounter with the fly guys was a joke. The bloodflies spell their shaman cast fucked me up though.
Could easily be fixed by making Torrent available after you kill Midra. "He's too scared to be summoned" is a cool moment but it shouldn't be permanent because it makes navigating the area a massive slog, I'm worried I might have to go back there for missed skibidis

The level 150 meta was set up by retards from DSG who thought ER would be on the same scale of Dark Souls, when its actually much larger with tougher enemies and bosses balanced for summons. The meta should be 200-250

Im taking my character to 200, 55 Vig, 60 dex and also 36 in FTH and STR so I can use the strength weapons and incantations if I feel like bonking or electrocuting things, and maybe 15 in Arc for some of the dragon spells and 16 in INT for some INT weapons and theres nothing you tards can do to stop me
anything past level 150 (or even 120) just isnt fun to pvp on because everyone is doing the same build of "big fat retard with heavy armor spamming a broken weapon art"

there is no room for uniqueness when everyone can max out everything
What level are you for invading in the DLC?

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