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Functional and fair hits edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>What is Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game?
Killer clowns is an asymmetrical multiplayer (3v7) clown game where three players take on the role of killer klowns and seven players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to collect items to repair exits and escape. The killer's objective is to capture and kill survivors to usher in the klownpocalypse.

>What is Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game?
TCM is an asymmetrical multiplayer (3v4) horror game where three players take on the role of the Slaughter Family and four players take on the role of the Victims. The Victims' objective is to collect items to open exits and escape. The Family's objective is to kill the survivors.

>8.1.0 - Lara Croft PTB
>8.0.0 | Dungeons & Dragons
>Dungeons and Dragons Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread:
Sex with Wesker.
i have a cataract, short term memory loss and lose survivors in jungle gyms all the time
This game is too stressful at high MMR. Tried to play Wesker, couldn't find anyone at the beginning, patrolled 3 gens, saw they were all touched, finally found someone, got looped for two gens fucking up crucial grabs that brought them to another loop and just alt+f4'd. They were all chinese too.
I hate playing against Skull Merchant so fucking much because I get a boner every time I see her thighs and ass and it's very distracting
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>because I get a boner every time I see her thighs and ass and it's very distracting
yeah, yeah. we get it. you're a porn addict and that's your singular personality trait.
shut up already.
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Endgame Collapse needs to be halved.
was that a royal "we", your majesty?
ego issue
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Deacon Saint John
An experienced biker, Deacon has spent years on the road in conditions that could bring anyone to their knees. Hardened and quick with his hands, the drifter is a jack of all trades, able to pick up where his team is lacking and adjusting plans on the fly to benefit himself via secondary objectives

Invocation: Freaker Nest
You don't know many rituals within the entity's realm, but you sure know how to get its attention regardless
Once per trial you may preform an invocation for 30/25/20 seconds to spawn a Freaker into the trial. This is a fast moving zombie with no terror radius. Find it and defeat it to gain a non stacking 6/7/8% bonus to all actions and movements while not in a chase
This is disabled at endgame

Teamwork: I Remember
You give everything you have when people you care for are at risk
When the obsession is in chase, gain a 3/4/5% bonus to generator speed repair and a 5/10/15% heal speed
If you are the obsession, gain a 5% move speed and vault speed increase while an ally is repairing a generator or opening the exit gates
the killer always sees your aura within 32 meters in a blue coloration. This effect cannot be negated

Days Gone
You're scared, but your fear has turned into aggression and defiance against your tormentors. Whenever you audibly scream, gain a 4% move speed bonus for 3/4/5 seconds. The time before the entity is summoned while hooked is increased by 9/12/15%

Decided to post it one more time before shelving it
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>gets called out on typical reddit groupthink
>immediately tries to deflect with "no u"
lmao even
alright anon let's not devolve into NO U after 10 posts, we're better than that
kinda weird that you seem to know a lot about reddit and how they act, bro...
david sex
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Toxic nea my beloved.
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>Youtube rumor that 2v8 is only an event and will only be around for like 2 weeks at best
Please no. I installed this faggot game again to be retarded with this mode and have some fun...
They said it would be a limited time event
I wasn't playing at the time they added her but is she really fucked up enough to get all that hate she still does?
That's so fucking gay. Why can't DbD actually have fun shit in it?
they literally said in the anniversary stream it's the first iteration of it and it will be back with changes based on the community feedback later
Isn't it sad how everything killer related is getting dumbed down, soon wesker will be the hardest to play killer, isn't it sad. Imagine getting rid of shit like hug teching for no real reason
>soon wesker will be the hardest to play killer
wescucks actually believe this
Imagine not believing this in current year, what else is there? nurse blinks? nigga please
>what else is there?
I think most people struggle with Billy curves
billy was made so much easier, there is a high chance he is getting nerfed on top of that as well
yes, but it's still quite fiddly to curve. you need to manage the revs and turning where almost every other killer you just point and click.
I'm sure elite 20k hour gamers such as /asg/ do it without thinking now but it's one of the harder skills to learn in game.
Reminder, the main problem with this game is that survivors are dogshit at the game and refuse to learn
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xth for THE dinobabe
The only nerf billy needs is to not go into overheat mode when you keep fucking up. Why should killers be rewarded for being bad at the game? Absolutely retarded.

Everything else about him is fine though.
All Neas deserve to be made into single moms
Anyone have any fun builds for Dredge or Sadoko?
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Play IDV.
The Billy buffs made no difference to how I play except that after using the chainsaw for traversal to reach someone, or if I miss a chainsaw attack, I can act again much quicker. This absolutely must be removed, it has to go back to the slower recovery it was because Billy has no punishment for missing and can start chasing you far too quickly after just using the chainsaw traversal. I don't even want overdrive, I just don't want overheat.
Beast of Prey, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Septic Touch, Shattered Hope
>tfw main Haddie and love her but nobody else does, not even the devs
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Anyone have new Rebecca webms?
Sir you must be of reminding the developer to be doing the needful and giving good Brahmin girl Haddie more skins and not some other dalit benchod
STBFL + surge + barbecue + pain res

If you want a little extra fun on top you can swap something out for Make Your Choice since both characters can across the map to an unhook very fast
>4 toolboxes
time for franklins + weave
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The soft golden light of late afternoon filtered through the lace curtains, casting dappled shadows across Feng Min's pale cheeks as she sat curled in the faded velvet armchair. The heavy scent of jasmine tea mingled with the musty odor of old books that lined the shelves, transporting her mind to hazy memories of her grandmother's parlor in distant Suzhou.

As she lifted the delicate porcelain cup to her lips, savoring the bitter floral notes on her tongue, a fleeting sensation washed over her - not quite a taste or smell, but rather the ghost of a feeling, ephemeral yet achingly familiar. In that moment, unbidden, a small sound escaped her lips:


The syllable hung in the air, at once foreign and intimately known, like a long-forgotten lullaby. Feng Min furrowed her brow, probing the recesses of her mind for the source of this curious utterance. Had she heard it in a dream? Or perhaps read it in one of her grandfather's inscrutable scrolls of classical poetry?

As quickly as it had arisen, the feeling began to fade, slipping away like water through cupped hands. Feng Min grasped at the fading wisps of memory, trying to recapture that fleeting spark of recognition. But it was gone, leaving behind only a wistful sense of something profound just beyond her reach.

She sighed and took another sip of tea, now grown cold. Outside, the lengthening shadows heralded the approach of evening. Yet Feng Min remained lost in reverie, pondering the mysterious utterance and the tantalizing glimpse it had offered into the labyrinthine corridors of memory, where past and present intertwine in ways both beautiful and bittersweet.
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Its what I personally believe
What killer would SM have sloppy baby-making sex with? (Sorry survivorcels you’re not good enough)
Whatever ones can survive her hunting them and beat her in a fight, she seems like that type of person
to play against?
damn nigga you crazy
So xenomorph?
why does everything have an update today? ffxiv, ghost busters, killer klowns, dragons dogma 2, fallou 76, and palworld all have updates for me
>get hit with DS
>they’re still slipstreamed tho so I tele back and ignore all the distance they made
>catch them in 5 seconds
>”you are one annoying little worm”
Fuck yeah you tell em Hux
is there any point to getting more of the anniversary tokens if you already have all the masks?
Any spares you have at the end of the event get turned into bloodpoints, so you might as well still grab them all
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Play Killer Klowns
your 550 gilded trinkets will be converted into 550 blood points :^)
The fuck is wrong with her proportions
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what's wrong with pyhead
how is doctor a favorite to go against lmfao
dead general
Those are the shitter nea fits, what's your obsession with them
It’s better like this compared to this time last year.
lol fag
The devs are the only ones shilling for her. Or at least the people responsible for skins
I love neas.
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Don't see anything wrong with them besides the big cartoony hands, which are probably to match male gameplay
Long ass arms
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I had a dream where I was getting perfectly looped by survivors in the swamp map and could never hit them. They somehow finished the gens in under 2 minutes and then told me in the end game chat that the BP bonus is only for killers who aren't trash.

I had a fucking nightmare about toxic survivors.
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Killers ranked on how enjoyable they are to play as, regardless of kill rates or skill ceiling potential
Sweet, Plaything is in the shrine so I don't need to buy pinboy for it
is this counting the ptb singularity changes?
they made him lock onto survivors automatically which made all 2 of the singularity mains that were autistic enough to play him angry for lowering the skill floor and slightly nerfing some numbers to compensate
My heart rate elevates when I walk past lockers IRL just in case there might be a Nea inside with Head On
>they made him lock onto survivors automatically
yeah I know, now I wont blow my fucking head off when my camera is looking the wrong way and they get out of LoS before I can turn around Im kinda excited
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The only answer is 3, really. I stay away from David's faggy ass as much as possible and Nea's deformed face. Meanwhile I get Feng to bond with and a hot goth chick next to me. Jonah is diagnol, but that's whatever. He's not immediately on top of me. Also, r*ddit.
8 7 or 6 all other answers are gay
>surrounding yourself with men
>he doesnt want to hang out with the boys
flip a coin for 3 or 7
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cromagnon women are stronger than neanderthal men
8 so that vittorio and baermar double team by dick
sniffing kate's hair on 2 when she sleeps on the window...
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>uhh you cant camp when you have 2 people in a favourable position thats toxic
i think dbd players would make great battle tacticians
>uh no you cant camp that hill nuh uh thats toxic come down here wait i lost anyways?! YOU TUNNELED MY FLANKS
I dunno
Reminds me of RTS players getting mad that the guy who can issue orders better and faster tends to win more.
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Personal enjoyment of each killer (yes I did put Freddy in A tier and yes it’s ‘cause I’m a Nightmare on Elm Street fan)
>3 survivors group up on 1 gen
>1 guy goes down, 2 other dudes stay near him for some reason
>killer slugs and go for a second
>2nd survivor insta dcs when he gets downed
>pick up the slug
>killer tunnels the bot but he's taking forever to down it
>eventually it dies with 1 gen left
>i get downed
>teammates do fuck all for a while, grouped up on 1 gen, killer grabs one off
>the other decides he will now come save me because he has to
>i kill myself on hook
>aftercare enthusiast
>not running aftercare
come on now
singularity S tier b-b-b-based!!
Am I overreacting or does Chucky's power have no counterplay? I mean he just did a fucking U-turn around an obstacle to hit me, if I can't do a U-turn around an obstacle to dodge a slice and dice I hear he's ALREADY LAUNCHED behind me then what in the world can I do?
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Poopknight in the Swamp
I don’t know why xeno is the only killer to have unique animations for their blighted skin but I fucking love it. More killers should get them
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In the dimly lit clearing where shadows danced upon the edges of perception, Kate Denson, with her flaxen hair cascading like a waterfall of memories, embarked upon an undertaking both peculiar and profound. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, an olfactory tapestry that wove itself intricately with the essence of bygone days. Here, in this sylvan cocoon, the boundary between the real and the surreal blurred, much like the hazy recollections of a childhood spent in the embrace of nature’s bosom.

The Demogorgon stood before her. Its presence, an aberration in the fabric of reality, was paradoxically familiar, as if plucked from the deepest recesses of Kate’s subconscious. The creature’s leathery hide, rough to the touch, brought forth a cascade of sensory impressions, each more vivid than the last. She approached with a mixture of trepidation and reverence, the task at hand an echo of pastoral simplicity set against a backdrop of otherworldly dread.

Kate’s hands moved with a practiced grace. She recalled the tender mornings of her youth, spent in her grandmother’s barn, where the act of milking was imbued with a ritualistic serenity. The Demogorgon, though monstrous, seemed to respond to her touch with a docile acquiescence, a silent communion that transcended the barriers of language and species.

As the milk flowed, a stream of pearlescent liquid against the starkness of the night, Kate’s mind wandered through the labyrinthine corridors of memory. Each drop was a portal to a moment, a fragment of time suspended in the amber of recollection. The rhythmic cadence of her task became a meditative chant, an invocation of the past that resonated with the present’s uncanny reality.

In this ephemeral tableau, where the mundane and the monstrous coalesced, Kate found a curious solace. The act of milking the Demogorgon, surreal as it was, became a bridge to a simpler existence, a tether to the innocence of days long gone.
Played a match with Coup De Grace, No Way Out, No One Escapes Death and Remember me and had a lot of fun. 4k'd and all. What are some meta breaking perk builds?
I don't have E bound to anything on survivor...
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Just had my first "bully" squad, it was just 3 people with flashlights chain saving each other and one poor bastard doing every gen with a gen build.
That wasn't that bad actually, 15 minutes of slugging all 3 repeatedly and forcing the gen jockey to come save them all.
Unfortunately for them I was lowering my MMR, so I kinda stopped hooking them once they were all on death hook.
They understood that fast and gave me their flashlights at the end.
I will miss the teleporting hooking a lot, I think.
Is this what killer mains fear the most?
I'd rather have all of my matches like this than people that hide 24/7 or genrushers.
i doubt this really happened, they probably bullied you into submission
if they didnt, then well done you have thicker skin than 99% of the killer main audience
Haste stacking with killers that gain or benefit greatly from a temp speed boost like Speed-ako or Bubba.
>15 minutes of slugging all 3 repeatedly and forcing the gen jockey to come save them all.
You were playing against a bully squad very correctly and efficiently.
>Unfortunately for them I was lowering my MMR, so I kinda stopped hooking them once they were all on death hook.
Until this, you're a cuck and probably a survivoid main.
Get the fuck out of this general.
Nemesis Furtive Chase Floods of Rage MYC Dredge is very fun
How are you in a position where you're lowing your MMR but haven't had a bully squad yet? At high MMR where thats often what you go against.
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>At high MMR where thats often what you go against.
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Yes Fung.
he's a newfag thinking hes deranking mmr in a mode without mmr
think about that for a second lol
>game goes to absolute shit immediately because teammates are fucking atrocious
>try to die
>killer understands you want to leave so he lets you bleed out instead
why? how spiteful can you be?
>b-but you're being spiteful b-becau-
no, no I'm not you dumb asshole. I'm trying to leave a 100% lost game ASAP without getting a DC penalty, my stupid teammates are also going to lose regardless of my actions. I'm doing the most sensible thing and the killer gets the same outcome.
I hope WoO never EVER gets nerfed slap on third seal/fearmonger and watch these bitches run into walls and into places with absolutely nothing
I hope fearmonger gets buffed actually.
For me it’s the addons for singularity and clown that apply great blindness effects simply for using your power. I wish every killer had blindness addons
>get downed in a locker by jailer
>now i can't interact with anything
>cant do gens, cant vault, cant heal, cant do anything
I tunnel and proxy camp playing Gen-regression Nurse each game, and I have a lot of fun and success doing so. The best part? none of it is against the rules. Hahahahaha!
The only joy I have in life is searching chests and BHVR added a turbo cunt perk to fuck me over for it
>load into match against Pinhead
>get hit by a chain
>break chain
>suddenly cannot run
>can only walk
>obviously get downed
>other survivors think I'm throwing and start BMing me while I lay on the ground

Everyone who plays this game is so mean
Can you not with the AI slop next to cute Kate
MMR isn't real or if its real it barely matters, I'm a solo queue turbo shitter with probably a 5% escape rate and I've been matched against loads of "big name" killers.
>they finally start giving her skins
>they fucking suck
Also stop giving her backpacks.
I absolutely hate the amount of skins ruined by clunky backpacks/bags/skateboards etc

If they want to include that shit give me an option to toggle it off.
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Are you sure?
>bring broken key + engagement ring
>obsession kills themself on first hook 30 seconds in
Oh sorry unique wedding ring not engagement ring
>Just go AFK to deprive the monkey's of their fun
Simple as really
>I wanna get a Dwight skin since hes one of my favorite survivors!
>meme skin where he looks retarded
>meme skin where he looks retarded
>bad skin
>meme skin where he looks retarded
>bad skin
>pick meme skin character
>wtf why so many meme skins?
If you want normal skins you should play....
You should...
Jeff kind of?
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You guys have skins?
actual comedy gold
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Freddy hasn't been buffed since Patch 3.2.0
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top 7 killrate MENACE
no need for any changes, buffs, tweaks, improvements or reworks whatsoever, he's perfect

how does his nightlight portrait look so much worse than his in game one? its unreal
You see the problem with that is, he has a 1% Pickrate.
He's like Skarner in League, just because he has a very small devoted following who mastered the jank, doesn't mean he's a good killer.
Now if he had Huntresses pickrate and 62% killrate, THEN he'd be a problem.
Freddy will never get an actual rework if he ever does people will just whine until hes back to his old shitty self that's Freddy
>old freddy was absolute dogshit especially in the self care meta where you could fuck up a skill check and he had to put you back to sleep
>he FINALLY gets a rework and is actually kinda good
>survivors demand he be nerfed because their repair bar is red
>bhvr destroys literally every single thing about him from his ability to his addons
Freddy is the killer that has suffered the most in this entire game bar none
Good he's the shitty remake Freddy so no one actually likes or cares about him he might as well not even be in the game
>Get 1 4k
>Get 10 games of sweat squad swfs
kind of like vecna having 13% pickrate and 70% killrate lmao
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gg ez
I'd love the real freddy anon but New Line are a bunch of shitheads so never ever
KIll yourself nigger
>He's like Skarner in League, just because he has a very small devoted following who mastered the jank
i've been called out
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lmao noob
if they ever add REAL Freddy I hope its as a new chapter so they can be different characters with different powers :^)
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If you bully me I'm just gonna afk by the gate until you leave.
And if you don't leave I'm starting the collapse.
I'm not here for your amusement.
Yeah, some license holders and just cunts.
>stays to talk in postgame chat
>screenshots it
>posts it on 4chan
Their goal was to make you seethe and it worked
he won
I'm not going to justify that with a you, sorry.
dude I heckin pwned them by letting them win and afking like a bitch
>no jiggle physics
3 and 7 easy. Sex with someone is going to happen for sure.
I have a good skin for everyone I play except Dwight and Jeff its OVER
you should get jeffs new skin that shows his big belly
Why do you wanna play as gross icky boys anyway when girls exist and are cute and smell nice
Boys can be cute and smell nice too
no, and I already have his Iron Maiden shirt anyways
double faggot
Sable really doesn’t have as much porn as I thought she’d have by now
Lara Croft may be DBDs final hope at getting truly high quality porn
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Masked characters are cool, what survivors have masks?
>Meg deathgarden mask
>Yui fox mask (not on face but still cool)
What others?
If you can get me 1000 or so high quality images of her I can train a LORA in SD so I can generate Sables
On dual RTX4090s I can make at least 100 high quality 2048x2048 images in an hour, after cutting the chaff
Jake has his face fully covered in his Halloween skin if that counts
M8 I don’t think sable has 1000 pieces of art
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It does count, and looks cool too
I wanna have sex with skermz
see Ive been thinking of getting it since Jake is my main survivor but I only ever use the Kojima headpiece anyways
>with the right build a single survivor can complete a gen in roughly 30 seconds
>but gen regression is op and needs to be nerfed btw
What a joke
That Deathgarden mask is the reason Meg is the surv I play. So cool.
gen kick limit should go lower than 8
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>introduce gen regression limit and nerf all gen regression perks
>survivors: *crickets*
>introduce a mechanic to stop massive dead zones on maps after killer kills a few people on hook, exploited by survivors constantly wiggling off and running into those dead zones and being bled out by killer as a result
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>Survivors can respawn pallets, block windows for Killers, and go completely silent/no scratch marks with the Invites
>Killers can...slightly speed up a stun (which doesn't apply to flashlights) and teleport someone 10 feet to a hook (but only if they're within walking distance anyway, also it's slow enough that you can still get flashlight stunned)
>Oh and break pallets (which still drops chase)
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Same, it looks great with the free to get white tennis skirt and white vest/blue sleeves. But you can put it on anything and it looks good
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This one is really cool
if survivors ever get respawning pallets, killers should be able to kick and destroy windows
>queue new mandatory perks on killers extending the time it takes kicked pallets to respawn
killers should be able to destroy gens
waiting for the new survivor perk "the hook you die on is never respawned"
As a girl I feel like most men just need encouragement to go bisexual like I've made so many guys kiss each other at parties
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>the hook you die on IS respawned as a trap hook
>will appear as a scourge hook to the killer if he has a scourge hook perk
>will stun the killer and heal the survivor if the killer tries to hook on it
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did he died?
Could be a new addition to breakdown.
nah he lived, got the antidote to the nerve gas in time.
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>every 30 seconds the trap hook randomly moves
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Heil Hitler. Also trans rights.
>play with friend
>hey can I invite this other guy? Hes really good
>guy joins
>yeah I'm a comp player
>tell him I need to get off to go to bed for work
yeah, never again
I like the survivor a lot more than killer, there's just something cool about using gimmicks to fight off the predator instead of straight up fighting (still self defense would be super cool without turning it into a fighting game/shooter). But why the fuck is this community so bitchy? As a survivoid I should be shit talking killers for whatever bullshit they have but it's far from undeserving and I can't help but actually relate to killeroid issues, survivors are super bitchy about everything and I hate it. They just don't know how good they actually have it.
Was dead hard rework a downward spiral of survivor community and their increased bitching?

Meanwhile me trying to find anybody to play with because old group fell apart and decided once to resort to the cringe discord with stereotypical zoomers. Swat Swf is the most fun you can have, just not with discord indians.
>he doesn't want his swf comms to sound like this

>>yeah I'm a comp player
honestly that was the most cringe thing said in this entire exchange.
Give me a lore accurate James Sunderland build
Honestly deserved, you didn't even try to look away during one of those pickups.
rape trauma
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1 for sure I'd be giving David a handy in first class.
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>Otz already complaining about the Babysitter buff
do killer mains want survivors to run different perks instead of the same ones or why do they complain every time a perk becomes useful?
As a woman of fujoshi experience, this is my assessment of popular dbd creators
>JRM: bisexual
>Ayrun: straight
>Hens: into passable transsexuals
>Tru3: into non passable transsexuals
>Otz: says that he'd date a perfect man if he met one
>Skermz: curious but wouldn't admit it in public
Maybe if he had a babysitter he wouldn't be single
>otz is a survivor main
No killer main has ever said this
I said that
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gen progress should translate over several other gens
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They forced me to do this
Can I start this as a totally fresh boy in 2024? Not looking to be a sweaty boy or anything, but want to have a good time, mostly as a survivor but would play whatever.
>killer tells me to kill myself for "bullying" and sweating
>doing adept yun jin
get kate and feng for windows of opportunity and lithe respectively, and that's pretty much all you need to have a good build. this is a good time to get into the game, with all the bloodpoint boosts (bloodpoints are the currency used for progression, earned by score events in-game) going around, it should be pretty easy to get some characters leveled up quick.
Do different survivors actually have different movement or is that just streamer cope?
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Nea moves on my cock better than most survivors since she has so much experience teabagging
If someone stands in front of me like a braindead retard begging to get hit, I will assume DS or some other gay shit and just slug. I have fallen for that bait too many times. You will be useful at least as bait for your equally dumb teammates while I camp you.
Is Feng not free
feng and kate are both DLC survivors, kate with clown and feng with doctor
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Zarina is ____!
built for suneater
Her pain noises make me feel bad desu, at least she actually sounds like she's in pain unlike Jeff who just sounds like someone having a bad time in a public bathroom
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This is why you don't let her get hurt desu. Protect Zarina.
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nancybros, what do we think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1oeKnqSeYE
There is high quality stuff, it’s just obnoxiously futard shit that those faggots shell out hundreds for
Cutie meg :3
Yes to the corner. No to the latter.
how to fix DBD
cut pallets in half on all maps
but every pallet is now as strong as a jungle gym
nerfs comp dropping (desperately needed) and allows for more skill expression via mind games instead of W keying to yellow, hitting space and repeating.
killer niggas see a rep 1 meg drop every pallet instantly and be like "SHES COMP DROPPING!!!"
His complaint is valid as all it actually encourages is people playing blight to outrun it.
Scott said it best. Tunneling can only be fixed by BOTH punishing it while rewarding 8hooking. Doing only the former and killers still do it because its optimal and intuitive still. Doing only the latter and people use what they can while tunnelling.
Comp dropping is a meme and comp play is pathetic.
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If you want to act like a worm and abuse your flashlight every time I pick up Ace, you can eat dirt like one too.
>tranny merchant
post disregarded, count your lucky stars they even gave you the time of day.
Don't need luck when you're this good
Wtf is "prerunning"
Why tf would I not run if the killer is coming my way?
Maybe you can just get that gen in t heir face!
You're supposed to let me get close enough to start the chase before running. That way I can get bloodlust.
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>My cheat software says it's Skullmerchant!
>Better DC
more like they saw a survivor swamp offering and DC'd
look at that claud's build. i'd DC too
Or they saw the lack of cobblers and a map offering.
it's so fucking crazy to me how bad the survivor playerbase is.
I swear to god, 99% of the player base doesn't even know the basics like shift tech and checkspots.
those same dogshit survivors are the ones crying "le killer bad!!!"
Bloodlust 3 should not exist, blood lust 2 should take twice as long to get into.
"Bloodlusting" a pallet is fucking retarded. you should not be handed a free hit after failing 6 mind games in a row.
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>Play Skull Merchant
>Immediately throw drones on as many Gens as I can
>Tunnel like Hell
>2 people just give up so they can go next
>Say gg
redpill me on shift teck
after fast vaulting a pallet and playing the checkspot at the pallet. just straight up don't hold shift. only tap shift to fast vault the pallet.
chase mechanics require LOS on a sprinting survivor. if you aren't sprinting for 4 seconds chase ends and the killer cannot gain bloodlust.
video example
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i love wesker
Urobend my beloved...
Iron Will, Empathy, Overcome, Deliverance is what I use for a Leave James
I have seen bamboozle in literally every single lobby on every single killer. Who the fuck said it was OP
Bamboozle is the windows of opportunity or resilience for killers. It's not needed but it definitely makes chases easier. I also put enduring in that same tier. They're just casual crutch perks.
Anything that makes m1 killers not quite as bad gets my blessing
it's one of if not the best chase perk
it can be applied pretty braindead in which case it's not very amazing but used selectively appropriately it's really good. it neuters pretty much every strong tile/setup.
I mean yeah the game isnt going anywhere they didnt announce, EoS DBD 2 isnt coming out tomorrow i
>feng and kate are both DLC survivors, kate with clown and feng with doctor
Technically those were all free with the switch edition, probably because as compensation for being a pain to play and an eyesore.
Steve and Mikaela just gave up the second they saw me.
Not sure why.
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Oh yeah needs the image
Ask dwight to move so I can sit next to my pregnant wife since we couldn't find seats together then turn the whole plane against him when he says no and start a scene forcing the flight attendant to make him move.

seven hatchets tone?

you tellin me 5 hatchets wasnt enough tone?
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Rebecca and Ada gave up eventually
Rebecca's pain sounds make me go BOIOIOIOIOIOIOING
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3 Distortions on Nostromo and they still lost.
Also nothing is funnier than slamming the Hatch closed and then just following the last person around until the collapse.
hatch closing should be removed. killer already got a 3k, at least let the solo survivor get a pity escape.
>survivors do 4 gens in no time in a 5 cobbler game
>killers adjust for this
>uh guys why are the killers like ruining the event so much tunneling so much slugging!
whats with this fucking psy op?
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He looks like Russel Williams taking a photo of himself in drag
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what happened to tru3? he barely reaches 500 viewers nowadays
That's a bannable offense.
1) he briefly left dbd for other games, then came back.
2) He plays both roles when his audience are anti-survivor killer mains.
3) his new clickbait formating is disgusting
4) The hans thing made him lose viewers

What people want him to be and what he is are two seperate entities.
Nobody wants to watch someone play a game they clearly hate.
>The hans thing made him lose viewers
wait what happened?
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Most people don't play DBD during summer, only the most autistic retards who are one-sided and obsessed about the other side do.
Tru3's audience is killer mains who write with perfect capitalization and punctuation in twitch chat, obviously there's going to be a decline in viewership.
he played elden minge for a week
it's boring af to watch
absolute nothingburger
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tunneling is removed from the game

but survivors cannot bodyblock killers anymore

do you accept? (y/n)
>Killers lose best way to win
>Survivors lose a gimmick mechanic + Killers by extension also can't block doors, windows or exits.

Obvious survivoid, answer is yes, fuck killers
remove tunneling, basekit deadlock and/or corrupt
I don't agree but even besides the reasoning you put, there has to be a hard end to the game (besides the literal hard ending where the game just shuts down after forty minutes I think). If the killer couldn't shut the hatch and start the end game timer then the survivor could hold the game hostage and just hide to be a prick.
Because it's totally a survivor idea that 4 retards can block 3 meters of meat, tyrant virus and power limiters.
File deleted.
*blocks your path*
i havent burned a single cake
no one that plays this game deserves any
get fucked cunts
Here's your reward for that. A fucking.
make remote hook a perk plz
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>7 years
>Freddy unchanged
7 years
Freddy unchanged
>7 years
>Freddy unchanged
7 years
Freddy unchanged
>7 years
>Freddy unchanged
7 years
Freddy unchanged
>Oh and break pallets (which still drops chase)
This power gets you hits in so many situations. Don't just activate it then stand there waiting for it to break, you're supposed to carry on the loop and use it when the survivor would usually vault the pallet. They can't vault while it's breaking so either you gain distance or straight up hit them.
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>7 years
>top 3 deadliest killer
7 years
top 3 deadliest killer
>7 years
>top 3 deadliest killer
i really dont know why you'd want to play anything but meta killers with the most meta build
Low but dedicated player bases have that effect. Not a good indicator of power.
freddy is pubstomper
yes you do, don't lie to us or yourself.
lmao even
he's not even a pubstomper. nothing about his power is uniquely strong against 4 solos. the stats there say all MMR, so i'd assume it's more of the lack of a TR + the gen teleport is strong against weak survivors.

it depends on the type of player you are. if you just want to win? yeah that's what you do.
otherwise you could drum up plenty of reasons to play different builds and different killers.
umm is that a cock? sorry sisa no entry
>playing xeno or sadako on the marsh map
Absolute hell. Can’t see two fucking feet in front of you, only saving grace is grunts of pain for direction, iron will buff will make those maps even worse
I remember playing old blight on that map with the fucked pov + iron will being meta was nearly unplayable
There is literally no counterplay to double iri myers with pwyf, corrupt, deadlock and no way out.
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fun factor yes
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>wesker in D
how could you
lame boring sorry
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>trickster in D
>mend simulator and knight on top
Oh nonononono.
Game mode where survivors get to use a 5th perk and killers get to use 4 addons
Most survivor perks you won't get value of but you get value out of add ons 100% of the time
Maybe you dont like the meta powers?
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Are u fkn kidding me?
He made a tweet mistaking hens for hans, which came off as inflammatory and racist because hens is german.
Hens changed his second channel to The Hans Guy as a bit.
Onis will ethier aggressively 4 slug bleedout or rage dc, always. Its just in character for their players to be as seething as the oni himself. Like deathslinger players having parkinsons and singularitys being optimal sweats until something unexpected happens and they autismo crash.
I don't even care if I did just getting the killer to trigger blastmine is so satisfying and fun it makes the whole match for me
I was the Oni, was owning but I got dc'd
Is deathslinger viable if im playing on console or would I need a mouse to get any successful shots
He isn't viable either way
in the sense of can a controller execute the character? probably roughly as viable as huntress is on controller. although he needs to be more precise since he's not throwing beach-balls which factors in.
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>Like deathslinger players having parkinsons
>mfw am left handed and my right hand does have a small tremor from nerve damage
Impressive read on me anon, not gonna lie
He's shit on PC too anon. I'd rather be playing Legion or Myers even, because they're at least faster and more consistent. Deathslinger even with his (((buffs))) sucks fucking dick and the only reason I still even try with his retarded ass is his aesthetic and design is my favorite out of all the original killers and because of some kind of weird sunk cost fallacy. He's in the same boat as PH where streamers overrate him because he can sometimes shoot through an animation lock. Big fucking whoop. Trapper can make certain loops unsafe too and people consider him one of the worst killers in the game
>i'd rather play a literal m1 killer
what the fuck lol
deathslinger isn't amazing but he's a lot better than you're making him out to be, god damn. his chase is pretty lethal it's mostly everything else that sucks ass
Deathslinger is defeated by just predropping every pallet and wasting his time. He's worse than an m1 killer because he's slower.
whether or not predropping works against deathslinger is like entirely dependent on the loop and what it connects to
you can shoot them before the pallet or you can very often just shoot them over the pallet/loop and get a hit that way. no not the chain break hit, i mean if you can position yourself correctly near the corner of the loop and shoot them you can strafe and reel into a hit like every time.
i'd almost say predropping is worse against slinger than huntress. it's safer to just do blindly but he can play a dropped pallet a hell of a lot better than huntress can
Hold W and pre drop. Win. He's a worse Legion at the end of the day if the loop isn't absolute short dogshit, especially with how fucking garbage latency effects him. If I see another fucking bitch get shot and afterwords still clear a vault/drop a pallet I'm going to mori myself.
>but he injures so easily!
Injury doesn't mean down
>but ranged killer
He's the worst ranged killer in the game. Huntress has theoretical infinite range, Trickster has move speed. Deathslinger has an 18 meter range and as long as you start waddling away from him early, he's going to chase you until the end times before he gets a decent opportunity to shoulder his gun with the speed of a diabetic sloth and fire. The only thing he had going for him was STBFL and it got nerfed on him to the point of parody, so it's moot
i've genuinely never had an issue with dealing with predroppers, i'd need to see an example of it being done effectively without recourse to understand what you mean. prerun hold W enjoyers yes that shit sucks
worse legion is absolute hyperbole. legion can't win chases, slinger does. legion is far, far more vulnerable to predrop hold W than deathslinger
Holy kek there should be a minimum hour requirement to post in here
Based on the new updates in the PTB is singularity finally worth getting?
basekit soma and QoL is all he needed, and it's what he got (and more!)
Low mmr
the shitter's cope
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Choose one
>n-no you
Sheesh y'all don't want me to unleash the basilGAWD....
i'll take the slut
I accept your concession
don't respond to namefags
>if you can position yourself correctly near the corner of the loop and shoot them you can strafe and reel into a hit like every time.
I'd love to see examples of this because I have never experienced it.
>play dbd
i find that degen sweatlords are most common after like 11pm on weekdays, because normies are going to bed to go to work, and during weekend, cause normies are partying and have a life outside of dbd
it's not literally a pallet but this is the first example i found of the kind of thing i'm talking about. too lazy to dig any deeper. he's on the corner, hits the shot, and can get over to him to hit him
3:25 is an example of a shot that doesn't work followed by a shot that does
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lmao gg ez baby killer
Yeah that situation i've seen before but I mean if the survivor is just standing by a safe pallet they've dropped, you're not going to be able to do this.
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You know what? Fuck it, when I get home from work a few hours down the line and get a sec to collect my thoughts I'll put aside all shitposting and actually type up a legit explanation why I think he's worse than Legion with a few exceptions and see if you can get where I'm coming from. Maybe I had a little hyperbole for humors sake on the comparison, but the more I think about it, the more I think it might be a legit truth
Hot take: visual terror radius should just always look like the lullaby radius without indicating distance. Getting an exact indicator how close the killer is is unnecessary
oh no i killed them all, of course. but they were really mean about it.
heh… that’s all of them…
why? you can hear exactly how close the killer is if you can hear well. why do you hate deaf people?
you don’t go to any parties if you play dbd
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RebeccAI invites you to join her party for working socialists of the national variety.
He tried to play some other games and realized he’s stuck sucking Cote’s cock if he wants to make a buck off of this so now he just sucks
on one hand i'm curious, on the other i don't want you to waste your time
i just can't see legion as being better than deathslinger, ever. like legions 0-hook against comp teams, slinger doesn't. whatever time legion saves by being 115 and having frenzy he loses tenfold by not having an actual power
nice art anon, did you hand draw this and then scan it?
wow, beccer is so politically aware :)
>everyone can see the blight facecamping
>multiple people still attempt the save
i love killing myself on hook!!!!
psh. psh. hmph. you're clearly not in the "top mmr pool", kid. in MY games people would work gens and let them go stage 2, then get an epic 3 man save lategame.
Be real, deaf people don’t play this game. Even with visual TR it’s too much of a handicap to possibly enjoy it
I'm deaf on one side and play but can't play Spirit anymore cause of it which sucks, having no more concept of directional sound sometimes makes me make stupid choices, I do wish the game could adopt the Fortnite audio visual indicators cause they're awesome but the balance would prob be fucked
>I do wish the game could adopt the Fortnite audio visual indicators cause they're awesome but the balance would prob be fucked
Kill yourself.
Yeah that's basically the average reaction to that statement
Not him but wanna make out?
>weave attunement + franklins used often
>people start using object of obsession to counter it with their own wallhacks
>undetectable prevents killer aura from being shown
>use sadako’s demanifest to counter the attunement counter
Yow got traekt. Gat et?? Traekt.
>deaf on one side
me too brother, me too. i just turn the volume down and chill with music, i've given up on sound. you know players like ayrun use sound to hear the killer throgh walls and shit. feels kinda bad man.
On the other side of this, I have a HD800s + DAC/AMP which enables me to hear people through walls and floors with precise imaging but at the same time made me rip my cable from its socket when a Feng was waiting around a corner to Scene Partner jumpscare me
last i saw him today he had 1500 tho
he accidently pulled his hat off with his headphones and exposed his giant piece of scalp dandruff so decided to quit streaming
So a nothing burger and it's just Tru3's detractors being perma asshurt about his existence. Gotcha.
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please cockfeed me
not saying anything but...yeah just not saying anything
>say gg
>someone has to bitch about something whether its their teammates the map the killer tunneling the killer camping the killer walking forward etc
just shut the fuck up and either say gg or say nothing im the killer I dont give a shit about what your teammates were doing and how you're so much better than them
Christ I see people complaining about Franklin/Weave and I'm worried they'll nerf it when it's a two perk investment with three different lower investment counter plays minimum.
>If a map has multiple levels, the hatch must spawn on the ground floor
Is this true?
>cant run slowdown cant run aura perks cant run slug builds
the only perks you can use are predator and shattered hope fucking toxic bitch
What actually always ends up happening is people just move to the next best slowdown strategy and play a stronger killer to compensate in cases of slowdown nerfs. Right now it's just... still pain res + pop.

The dev team doesn't seem to understand that slowdown is eternal because slowdown can't be practically countered. The answer to slowdown is for survivors to simply tryhard the core gameplay loop more. Perks outside of slowdown HAVE to be strong to see play because people are far more willing to run mediocre, thrice nerfed slowdown perks than pushed chase perks in practice since that's fundamentally the best way to win.
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
a tranny is always welcom to play with me
If it spawned on the top level you'd just fall through the floor.
franklins/weave is fun because you can counter and playa round it like strategically placing your items etc. survivors complaining about it probably complain about killers like vecna where you have to alter your basic bitch hold w to the next pallet strategy a little.
But what happens when your trap gf collects all the cum you shoot up her ass and then pours it into your sister's squirting dildo?
not only is a tranny welcome to play with me, it would be preferable.
>drop your items on the side of the map
>run distortion which is good most of the time in the first place
>run object of obsession and reverse the advantage, get extra value if you're SWF
the combine>the galatic empire
oop idk how numbers work
you cant get the same number on vg tourist
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it took a single person in a single ship to bring down the whole death star meanwhile eli is getting railed by that advisussy
wdym? you can get 6 0's but not 6 9's?
Killer is too stressful. Survivor is too braindead. I'm done.
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dark triad women are so hot...
exactly, i'm seeing a lot of people reeeeee about this perk combo, but all you need is two braincells to play around it and invalidate 2 of the killers perks. now the chances that the 3 random survivors you're playing with have two braincells between them... well...
It's like the Plaything/Pentimento combo that's also floating about right now, easily countered if your fellow survivors are above 70 IQ and can remember where their Plaything totem was. Rarely is that the case however.
She really speaks to the caveman in me. 10/10 would unga her bunga
>franklins-weave-plaything-penti kill streak exposing survivoroids low iq when?
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I've run the build before and does absolutely annihilate most pubs. Wish they'd just manage to make public survivor comms already so we can remove pretenses and just balance the game around survivors having voice all the time.
kinda weird that survivors still complain about camping which is all but gone now try camping as someone like trapper and see how well that goes with no hook grab and anti camp mechanic
agreed, speaking as a killer main - stomping obvious solo queue survivors 9 times out of 10 and getting 0k, 1k or if i activate sweat mode, getting 3 k against an obvious 4 swf in coms is not good balance. give everyone coms and balance my killers and perks around that.
That’s because it’s not yet 100% braindead easy to dive bomb for the unhook.
Make Kindred basekit for SoloQ but remove the killer aura reading around hook. Make that into another perk and buff it to 32m.
When do you plan to stop samefagging and combine your neck with a rope
there's so many things that should be partially basekit because they are constantly run by 99% of survivors/killers and balanced around. but because the are technically "optional" they can't be balanced around.
if killers first hit after endgame collapse was an insta down, noed use would decrease by 60%, if survivors got deja vue as basekit without the bonus % gen speed increase, use of that perk would decrease 99%
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I only tunnel Claudettes, Adams, Elodie, and Haddies.
How about you?
I breed Megs, Neas, Lauries, Fengs, Kates, Janes, Yuis, Cheryls, Jills, Claires, Mikaelas, Adas, Rebeccas, Roses, and Sables.
>pain res is made basekit at 11% regression
>pain res perk is 23% regression
how many of you would still run pain res?
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I'll stop using NOED when gates can't be 99d
my my... MY my...
Why does it make survivors seethe so much? I see them complaining about it constantly?

Like just use distortion and move the items to the corner of the map somewhere.
The combo has the highest kill rate in the game so it is stompy. I definitely blame survivors not adapting more than anything, Object of Obsession doesn't just counter it but flips the advantage around to the survivor team, but it's just ending games for weak survivors who hide because they can't loop or punishes survivors who can't read killer perks when they cross for a hook save.

I think the nerf is inevitable even though I don't think it's deserved. I'm just hoping that it somehow survives.
Unironically not joking fr on god, I love Tryks and will miss her when she's gone
no big dick mikaela gf

why live...
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I ship pig and susie
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>5 days until we go back to having to manually break pallets and hook survivors
Rancor has to be the funniest perk in the game. Seeing some random get mori'd after you absolutely shit on the killer is always hilarious. They should buff it so that it switches your obsession after you mori them.
same lol. i hope they find ways to bring her back instead of just once every year
id buy a tryks announcer
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>come home
>see Zarina eating pizza in your kitchen
Wat do?
I really hope bhvr goes back to horror licenses after fucking around with these retarded ass crossovers.
All we want is more outfits for Cheryl.
How do you feel about mascot horror? Because we're really running the well dry on classics.
What horror licences are left that will generate decent hype and cash other than Jason and maybe Predator
I don't mind it. I'd rather have an animatronic bear chasing me over skinny Thanos.
>slug guy called punish me
>They freak out and go on a rant about family abuse, calling the cops and having to go to therapy or something
Survidiots and their false advertisement tactics should be illegal
Dead Space, The Evil Within, The Thing
I'm hoping for an Outlast crossover.
Five knights at frenzy fast boar
I thought the evil within 2 flopped in sales, how can it bring hype to a different game like dbd if it can't even manage it within its own franchise
That's really it. I mean there're plenty of properties with a name or history but nothing left of lasting relevance. I totally understand the decision to go with DnD and Castlevania. Our options are like:
>Cult classic horror game that no longer gets support (Clock Tower, FEAR)
>Popular old horror movies that're now two generations removed from relevance (The Grudge, Hills Have Eyes)
>Indie mascot horror (FNAF)
>Politically charged modern horror (It Follows, Get Out)
because there's Evil Within, Too
if you cant get anymore licenses that arent horror create interesting fucking oc characters or dont vecna looks so fucking stupid in this game floating around getting stunned by wood and shit and now we have lara croft running around just create OC killers that have good designs and arent dogshit

You have your fanbase already 40 000 people arent gonna leave because "oh well theres been no licenses for the last 2 chapters" you dont NEED to put every fucking random schmuck in the game because "ooo look what we got guys we got lara croft you give a shit right"?
License characters exist to pull new players. Original characters are the ones made for the existing fanbase. They're paying for these awkward out of context characters because they're far enough removed from the core to reach people who haven't touched DbD before.
>to pull new players
this games charts go sky high when a license comes out and then drops to pre update levels there are barely new players anymore because this game treats new players like shit seriously how many of these people stick around when their first match is against a flashlight squad/tunneling slugging killer because the matchmaking sucks?
Shut up bitch
killer sided game and killer sided event and yet some troons barely can get 2k+ even though they were hard tunneling
what gives? is this why we see killers crying every day about survivors' perks?
What's important is that they spent the money.
Also don't forget even after all of that they still have to grind entire characters bloodwebs just to get a good build going.
>have to grind for hours to prestige when theres no events
>have to get 400 different dlc to get an actual build goin- oops they nerfed the perk teehee no refunds should've waited for it in the shrine
>your gen exploded why? idk we wont tell you you hit a guy he flashed yellow instead of going down? idk lol figure it out by reading through the 4+ perks that give endurance (which you dont know exists) someone randomly sped up? Why? Idk lol
i cannot imagine playing this game as a new player and how fucking awful it must be
gates should be like totems and chests, you get off them, progress reset.
Nah it's bullshit to instakill someone who was never hooked once after a full match, especially with all the endgame perks there are now. And there's no way for your team to know and play around it unless SWF. I don't know how BHVR has kept a relic of a perk like that the same all these years, it's sort of how moris used to be in 2016/early 2017
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me new and no care
me cute bunny make friends :)
the killer brings mori instead of cake and I bring map offerings
it's fair
And I dc in the loading screen since I actually brought a cobbler and I'm not feeding two greedy bitches.
beyond based
this. imagine having the fucking gall to bring an escape cake/pudding/map offering when everyone else is giving a cobbler these people are fucking selfish pricks and this extends out of the game too im sure
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>p100 nemesis double hooking everyone and then going afk
>no perks
but why
Not every killer wants to 4k.
Not every survivor wants to escape.
People that play like that usually have very low MMR, most of the people trying to play the game the way it's meant to be played are mid to average MMR.
I bet it's a very peaceful existence too.
If I'm having too good of a game and there're a lot of point offerings up I sometimes just let the survivors go so they can farm a bit more. Happens a lot during anniversary seasons.
naaah not giving more xp to killeroids
I'm bringing us to eyrie of crows
oh no
>trying to double hook everyone
>one player just rats the whole game, never taking chase etc
>i'm the bad guy when i don't give that player hatch at the end of the game
It's fun. I've been farming with 2 guys and letting them escape after I get 2 kills.
So let me get this straight: killer already play the easy role (its also a very killer sided event) and they expect me to bring cakes to give them even more xp? LOL
>Swf talks shit after getting raped
>killer cries after getting tbagged
why is it always Bunny Fung when she has so many great outfits?
ngl lads, i do cry when i get tea bagged, i take out my frustrations by bleeding out the 4 survivors in the next game. think about your fellow survivors the next time you tea bag me at gate after i 3k yeah?
ear physics
who's got the surv main pic? someone post the fucking surv main pic RIGHT NOW
If I don't see five cobblers in that loading screen I dc. Simple as.
They don't deserve a bot, I always kill myself on hook or afk after tunneling and bleeding non cobblers out.
would you look at that
it's eyrie of crows again
They don't get a bot. The game just ends before it starts. Then they go back to lobby.
I don't want to eat dc penalties
>survivor tbags me 5 seconds before i down them
>kills themself on hook
against an m1 killer? really?
There are no dc penalties for dcing in the loading screen.
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I prefer the beanie desu
what killer outfit when you see it you know ur not escaping the trial?
>escape through hatch even though your team completed all 5 gens
>Your MMR didn't go up
>You didn't win
Simple as
Cop Wesker.
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That green sadako skin and that burnt wraith skin the green one being that this guy has done nothing but play sadako since her release and the burnt wraith skin is a guarantee you'll be tunneled out at 5 gens with a spirit fury enduring brutal strength hubris combo
>hag rapes at low mmr and makes people mad
always thought that was funny
that underworld blight skin. fucking sweaty bastards.
I love youtubers making videos having hag be A tier because 5 people in total play her and she's super duper strong except she isnt if your team isnt fucking dumb (which is almost never but hey)
A couple years ago it was just universally accepted that hag was high to top tier but after they let you manually destroy her traps the opinion just kind of fell off a cliff and it really feels like it shouldn't have been enough when they buffed all her other shit later.
Even when you couldnt manually destroy her traps she still wasn't A tier good no way
Remember when Otz said Chucky was the fourth strongest killer in the game?
And he spilled
OTZ is a shill of bhvr and a faggot that tries to please all the survivor faggots this game has. Funny that he started to let his true self slip this past year calling out their faggotry aand the stupid shit survivors can do
but enough about scott
golden dress skull merchant
I remember Otz putting hag on the same tier as spirit and nurse years ago and when I started to play again I was surprised when I saw her in the middle
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I admire the commitment to their name.
maybe they need another kind of bp
Gift of Pain is underrated especially when you pair it with pain res
>We'll Make It has joined the server
GoP isn’t great for the mangled effect it’s great for the permanent 16% slowdown to all their actions until you hit them again
Didn't think you played enough for a P100 luddiepoo
I really broke out the tism during the past few BP events.
Haven't been playing too much aside from that.
How's your current pregnancy coming along?
What are your honest thoughts on Sadako
Too poor for that. Maybe someday.
The "uglier" trickster the more of a dick he plays like
Extremely attractive.
It feels ilke tricksters kit somehow encourages people to play like total assholes
thats a bannable offense
>huntress skin turns her into a brutish ware-elk
brutish dommie mommy trickster skin when?
Well theres no real punishment for missing blades and theres the addon that keeps main event going as long as hes hitting blades
Wish dredge would eat me…
Not my problem
this but also i wish dregde had a skin that made him a collection of all the female survivor heads
>killer running gift of pain
>Also tunneling
I feel like killeroids only win because the game is on their side, not because they're more intelligent or capable
Why are there no perks that trigger killer instinct? Nowhere to Hide would be perfect as killer instinct
why are there no perks that cause my weapon as killer to appear as a great big throbbing cock, and all my m1's to end up in the survivors arse, stunning them for 2.5s ?
Hey killer cunts how about a break from fucking Chucky for the day
>fine I'll just play *killer you think I don't like*
I don't give a shit as long as they aren't Chuck.
Ten matches and six Chuckys I want to blow my brains out.
this was me but unknown. I was 15 unknowns yesterday. I'm so fucking tired of it.
>have all the event rewards
>still have a gorillion event currency
people complained that you had to do every single challenge to get all the cosmetics. Good change. They convert to a shit amount of BP after the event.
better than not having enough if you only play one side
>one side pleb
>playing killeroid
>don't use cobbler
>get tunneled
>use cobbler
>get tunneled
Maybe you should use the perks made for that
I thought made for this got nerfed
Still pretty good with OTR/DS/DH
I do they just seem to make them madder
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everyone that plays this game is mentally ill
no exceptions
Why are killer players so soulless?
This isn't a LET ME WIN post it's just feels like there's zero fucking personality to any of them. Its like playing against an AI.
A lot of killers are traumatized from facing turbo tryhard 4man squads that are unbeatable unless you make every perfect decision like a robot and are too scared to waste even a second of time in fear of survivors having a massive comeback
every time survivors say this its so stupid the other 3 people probably havent gone against chucky at all so if you think about it you wanting a different killer say Wraith and then someone else has gone against wraith 3 times wants something different its just a paradox no one gets what they want thats why i always say play whatever fucking killer you want
>unless you make every perfect decision like a robot
slugging them all is not really a "perfect decision", ESLkun
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no because she's too cute to not love
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one bad day is all it takes...
Most Killer players wanted horror simulator, then faced competent teams. When they asked for gens to take longer they were told tactics and perks to use. Now that survivors have lost many of their tools Killers are now overqualified to deal with the shit that remains and nothing sort of revising the entire core game will fix it.
>Pinhead add-on that spawns more chains when you break them using the environment
This add-on is fucking retarded I am so pissed I was trying to do a gen but it was like a friggin chain machine gun.
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>do bardic inspiration around gen with other person
> other person starts nodding and crouching and baseding out for the whole duration instead of getting the extra 15 second of the buff on the gen

Why are people like this?
People think its a meme perk instead of a legit gen rush perk.
it is though, it's only good at disrespecting a killer and seeing whether or not they turn friendly
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let me tell you nephew, when you grab a buddy and roll 11+ with a party toolbox, the gen is done quicker than you can DC a fag merchant lobby
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Shame it's always a default lute, could have finally given Kate a guitar to play
>pop bard
> it plays the smooth ass harp sounding tune instead of the normal one or the campfire one
>life is good
video for reference
kate can play my cock asa desu yo kudasai senpai
I'm thinkin I'll give it a watch if it is accessible.
They play to win the game because they are playing a game. Just like how survivors play to win the game. What does "personality" mean?
whenever I play killer I notice I dc extremely frequently from games, usually when a survivor is getting shit on, is there a common cheat used to crash games or something
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Going back and forth between TCM and DBD as my main games one thing that's really stood out to me, especially with the rework maps, is I hate how visually everything looks like an unnatural laser tag map in DBD, with obstacles and everything placed looking so 'for gameplay purpose', I enjoy the TCM environments actually looking like real places that coincide with the gameplay mechanics
the NA survivor winstreak got sniped chat...

>sniping trickster gets a 1k then cries in post game chat
1k isn't a streak end btw
>3 franklins weaves in a row
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Devour Hope funni
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>2 Gens pop in the first two minutes
>AFK by the door
>Check their skills
>Distortion Calm Spirit
>Distortion Lithe Windows
>Chemical Trap Reasurrance DStrike
Look. Basically I'm just not gonna play your games. I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY! It's just that I'm not doing it is all. Hahahaha.
yeah i agree, we should definietly have a minimum hour requirement before you can post here
yeah i agree, anons mother fucks niggers in front of him
haha bimbo kate
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Piggy got mad and crashed the match because she was about to lose
>he's not even a pubstomper
you're just a retard.
dipshit low MMR survivors will waste time waking themselves up with clocks instead of just doing gens.
thats why his killrate is so high.
Skull Merchant is the most bloated piece of shit character and I am so tired of playing against her.
Oh I see, the joke is people paid for these
>Singu, Lich, Dredge, unknown that low
>bottom artist
>Twins that high
>Mookel that high
>Wesker D
>Trickster D
>Spirit that high
>Clown that high
>GF that low
>LF not top 3
>Freddy that high
>legion anywhere above bottom of C tier
>doctor that high
very conflicted list.
I dont reccomend deathslinger because his skill floor and roof are legitamately hard.
Past 8 meters you have to aim in advance where survivors will move due to both the gun being a projectile and having a second of combined firing delay.
You need the reaction times to flick a shot a second early because of this, otherwise any survivor will just drop a pallet AFTER the hit lands if you shoot in a tile.
You need to be able to weave past bodyblockers in your m1s because slinger also gets fucked by that.
Survivors get both a second to react to shots but also an audio tell that you are aiming unless you are undetectable.
Reeling in on any cluttered map requires fishing game levels of camera movement autism to land the hit without getting stuck or chain burning.
You get punished the hardest out of any ranged killer for missing.
Prerunning is better against you than huntress because limited range.
And you need good macro because you are 110 speed like huntress, without orbitals.
>I dont reccomend deathslinger because his skill floor and roof are legitamately hard.
>look at guy
>click m1
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, really hard.
Survivors can goof because they are under no time pressure.
Killer is time management sim.
They dont have time to goof off mid match.
Deathslinger niggas will have a fucking 40 m/s projectile and go "ermm you actually have to predict!!!"
>Look at guy
>Click m1
>You miss because you actually need to look right next to guy past lunge distance
>You miss because you looked at the torso/head and they ducked
>you miss because you looked at the arms and they turn afterwards.
>You miss because they doublebacked after hearing the shot.
Why is it that sometimes a random person on the endscreen has 100k compared to everyone elses 30-40k? even though we got similar points
>>You miss because you actually need to look right next to guy past lunge distance
it's literally 40 ms a second, retard. you're just dogshit.
>>You miss because you looked at the torso/head and they ducked
why are you aiming there, you fucking retard??? how bad AND retarded are you? any non mouthbreather knows to aim center mass.
>looked at the arms
>double backed after hearing the shot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>40 m/s
Deathslingerfags truly are some of the most garbage shitters on the planet, oh my god.
please post a full game of you playing Deathslinger. I need it.
I genuinely have no fucking clue, I do the party totems, I open the chests, I get chased and do gens.
then I escape with 40k while some schmuck has 110k.
Might be escaping with a white glyph?
nah, not a glyph. one of my trio escaped with 110k and he wasn't doing gylphs.
no fucking idea.
>its 40m/s why do you need to lead bro
And survivors also move 4m/s
And your shot doesnt actually fire until 0.5s have passed, thats how they nerfed slinger to prevent quickscopes.
So max range, it takes the shot 0.4s to reach. So you have to lead just short of 2m, so that the survivor runs 2m into the shot
Around any medium distance, say around a non junk tile you have to aim slightly in front of the survivor to account for the forced shot delay.

Most deathslingers dont know this or do and overthink accounting for how slightly they need to lead and miss.
Timestamp is 17:20 for where the guide on actual tracking starts
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Oh I just had it happen too, you're right.
I wonder what he did, I know Legion basically just chased Sable almost all game, so it couldn't have been chase points.
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>3 day old thread
pathetic faggots
Take the Object of Obsession pill
Must feel good not getting any further argument from the little shit weasel.
>And your shot doesnt actually fire until 0.5s have passed
It takes that long to ADS, you can then hold it and shoot instantly whenever. It's like huntress except after that 0.5s you have a fully charged hatchet and not a piss-slow one.
I do wish they'd make the hitbox slightly more forgiving.
Imagine if players could only play one killer, the one that is most similar to them personality wise. Putting aside how that would be possible to implement, imagine how interesting that would be. Imagine how many Bubba's there would be and how rare Wesker's would be.
There'd be a lot of SMs thats for sure
Wdym unchanged? He's literally the only killer in the game to have undergone an actual rework to his kit along Doctor.
What were they like before? t. joined during the silent hill chapter
His power was to wait seven seconds before hitting survivors
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I firmly believe that killer is a more relaxing experience than soloqueue survivor.
The killer is almost always in charge of how fun they want the match to be, survivors are almost always at the mercy of the killer and their own teammates.
Killer gameplay in particular is significantly more diverse and entertaining than survivor's, because of this it's really hard to be mad at survivors when all they can do is run away or around objects.
Granted, I prefer killers with antiloop powers, but this is the undeniable truth.
I will die on this hill, there is no comparison and the only way for killers to be stressed out and frustrated is if they delude themselves into thinking they can 4k every match and everyone even remotely coordinated is a SWF on voice comms.

Why would anyone subject themselves to the endless agony that is playing survivor?
Why would anyone willingly pick the most boring side that has no gameplay depth, has to crutch on so many perks that "solve" the blatant design flaws this game has (tunneling, slugging, camping), and whose main objective is QTE events?
As a killer you can do whatever the fuck you want, all the time.
Bully squad? slug them all to death.
Baby survs? pretend you're not seeing them when they're clearly visible.
Semi-competent survivors? tunnel the weak link or throw the game to 1v1 the strongest and practice playing difficult tiles.
Most of the frustration killers seem to talk about comes indirectly from their fragile egos that cannot stand people that teabag, flashclick or do anything that isn't ring-around-the-rosie or QTE simulator.
I guess I have a different mindset since I am from very competitive shooters, so people doing that doesn't bother me at all.

I really don't get it, am I wrong? am I delusional?
smells of survivoid cope
Best way to play this game is to sit back and fuck around not caring about "winning". The moment you start sweating on any side it becomes a miserable experience.
yeah but in that regard then he is right, you can do that as a killer only because as a survivor you will get pummeled by comp rejects playing blight and 4 gen control perks
What both of them?
Old Freddy was perma invisible, his M2 (after 7 seconds) would bring survivors into the dream world and allowed Freddy to hit the survivor as well as giving map wide wallhacks on anyone who was asleep.
However, missing a skillcheck while healing or doing a gen would wake you up, and Freddy would then have to M2 you again and wait for another 7 seconds before you could hit them.

Freddy came out during the self care meta, so it wasn't uncommon for him to hit someone, they selfcare in a loop, miss a skill check, wake up, then continue healing in Freddy's face while he couldn't do shit until his cuck timer wore out.

This also meant awake survivors could unhook in his face for free.

He was pure shit and anyone who says otherwise is a fool.
I like the idea of perma-invisible Freddy that had to bring people into the dream world, just would need to buff him enough to make it viable
It at least sounds unique because right now his powers are just much shittier versions of stuff other killers do
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yeah that's pretty much how i feel. i think the popular perception of killer being stressful comes from newer players and/or maybe players with less overall experience playing games in general.

on killer i can pick the one i enjoy the gameplay of the most and just play them how i want to.
on survivor i'm subjected to a much broader barrage of variables and playstyles on top of the killer being random (some of which i very much don't find fun to play against).
i mean i think both are pretty chill, i'm just more likely to have fun on killer than solo survivor.
food... water... new singularity skin...
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You are not, you have achieved the DBD equivalent of CHIM and can now enjoy the game for the next 2000 hours.
>Every tranny forced to play unknown
I mean yeah that part is true. I literally got 4 man slugged during chaos shuffle at 5 gens by some comp captain billy and his steam was full of either cringe comp fanboys or people spamming -rep for same behavior.
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>mfw forever stuck on oni until the heat death of the universe

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