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[Hug Idira] edition

>What is /rtg/?
This general is dedicated to the discussion of Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader.



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>Thread archive

Previous: >>483130768
I like Idira, she's fun
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Same, also love her banter.
>They still hasn't fixed Yrliet's grimace
>She now almost does it inventory
it somehow looks funnier than usual in that angle
Yup, also just exploding into a Daemon mid combat is funny. Buffing Sanctioned Psykers so much is a shame because it remove any reason to take funny risk like that. Nerfs in general make high risk plays less worth it despite how fun they can be.
Why is my second wife pouting?
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>second wife
How are unsanctioned psykers now, is telepathy still great?
>How are unsanctioned psykers now, is telepathy still great?
Same as before from what I tried.
So kinda weaker than the newly buffed Sanctioned Psykers despite having extra downsides even if frankly I never had much issue with Warp Perils.
All my wives are equal.
What about sanctioned + telepath? Telepath is usually great whether you're perilmaxxing or not but idk if it's still worth it compared to the new pyro.
I'd say current pyro is better but I'd need to test it on more types of enemies, which isn't really an easy thing.
It's not like there's an Arena mode where I can easily test builds so take it with a grain of salt.
It gets worse every time assassin is nerfed
I still can't get over how Owlcat just had to nerf the class for assassinating bosses for being good at assassinating bosses.
The fuck can Yrilet even do now that's 'sniper-like'?
The entire point of % damage is to cuck the bosses but with killing edge nerfed, you're stuck doing less damage on every non-boss than any other companions and against bosses, you're still useless because everyone can ramp up super fast and make your % damae a joke.
Meanwhile I can still just mag dump all the bosses in 1 turn with Argenta.
Yeah I find it weird that they didn't nerf AM as much as assassin if they care so much that people found ways to make fights easy.
talk about sound and music in rogue trader
Nerfing AM was dumb too, they made a ramp up class ramp up less fast without doing anything to make fights last longer.
So heavy bolter Argenta sucks now. What are your thoughts on dual wield bolt pistols argenta?
Why don't you just use a regular bolter
I did regular bolter argenta on my last run
I really like her personality but her voice feels too loud
If we complain and make bug reports about assassin nerf enough is there a chance Owlcat will go back on it?
no, they will keep nerfing it because you complained about it. Owlkek are trolls like that. It's a wonder how they keep having people buy their shit games.
She looks nice here but her ingame portrait sucks
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what's wrong with it
both are fine but she looked better in the concept art and the darker lipstick looked nice on her
>the game is shit because my favorite OP build got nerfed!
Lmao you kids are so spoiled. How about you go back to pong you little shit.
imagine being offended that someone doesn't like being treated like shit by game devs. Fucking simp
And you will eat whatever plate of dirt Owlcat offered you.
there's nerfing an op build and there's making an archetype meant to do a thing be bad at said thing
what is even the point of assassin if it can't kill single targets fast?
>what is even the point of assassin if it can't kill single targets fast?
Failing to kill low health target because the % damage turn into ridiculously low damage against them.
I like it when she calls me mon-keigh
based Eldar enjoyer
So how does nerfed assassin compare to bounty hunter now? I've avoided BH on everyone other than Idira but is it any more viable now?
Bounty Hunter has been good since 1.1 since it's one of the classes that got to keep flat damage bonuses instead of getting converted to percentages.
Is there anything good about the update? So far the combat just feel worse to me.
They nerfed the player and didn't balance the encounters, of course it's worse, you'll just have to wait until they do that.
They buffed pyromancers I guess.
They went too conservative with the flat bonuses for scaling, they said the intent was to make it stronger in the early game and taper off later but even in the early game going from 4 x bonus to 10 + (2 x bonus) means you are weaker the moment you break a +6 bonus and only stronger at +4 or lower and you can break a +7 in act 1 with voice of command.
So...what the fuck are you supposed to do with Yrilet now? One shotting bosses was the only fun thing about her entire build that I could find and now that's gone.
Any advice?
My headcanon is that my RT are good friends with Idira, before she quit drinking they were occasional drinking buddies, and still spend some time together. Wish we'd have more interactions with her. At first I thought I wouldn't like unsanctioned psyker on my ship, but she changed my mind
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>what the fuck are you supposed to do with Yrilet now?
Why are psykers so useless when fighting Chaos which is the majority of fights in this game? I'm triggering a thousand demons every time due to veil mechanics. What am I doing wrong?
>heinrix personal quest still bugged
for fuck's sake its been months
When I fought the defiler a few months ago I breezed through it because argenta has an item that lets her apply a stack of perplexed (-10 to ws/bs and int) with every hit. So for the entire battle the defiler had BS/WS 1 and couldn't hit anything.

I decided to load an old save and see what the fight is like with the new patch and for obvious reasons it's harder but one thing I noticed is that the defiler was landing way more shots, and I noticed that even with a ballistic skill of 1, it still had a 30% chance to hit with all of its attacks.

Has it always been the case that you can't reduce an enemies to hit chance below 30%? I could have sworn that pre-patch with enough penalties enemies could literally have like a 1% chance to hit.
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Okay, I'm as much of a Heinrixfag as the next anon, but it would be a lie if I didn't admit how compellingly they crafted every piece of Yrliet's dialogue. They'll force me to replay the game just for her.
It puts me to sleep
Waifufag moment
>replays for the Eldar bvlls nad Cumtown's Dr Mengele
Shouldn't you be shitposting about how the game flopped?
Man I hope the Arbites is black for the pure kino racebaiting warzone these threads will turn into
Well I dislike blackedshit, but would be hilarious if Yrliet put out to the black Arbites if you don't romance her.
The seethe it would generate would make RT threads permanently up on /v/.
Do companions hook up if you don't romance them?
Why do you guys rage at the thought of black companions so much?
I thought we would have less racism here, since I assumed a lot of the crowd here is from Reddit who saw the v crossposts and came there?
As a white woman I love black men. I hope the next companion is black and more masculine and assertive than Jimmi.
it's because we hate niggers here.
>bros I hate cuckshit but wouldn't it be hilarious if Yrliet got BLACKED????
Read the second sentence
I did
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>I Love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me

>You know, when I left the bridge today I was thinking "Damn, I really hope some hot death cult chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway."

>And here we are.

>I mean really Kibellah, just absolutely destroy me.

>I'm talkin' full on, watermelon-in-the-thighs level carnage.

>And I want it to scare the shit outta me.

>I mean I hope I piss myself. I hope I piss myself and you call me

>your little "peepee pisspiss boy."

>I want you to fuck me up.

>I mean I want you to make me your bitch.

>Your little peepee-piss-myself-bitch.

>I want it to get embarrassing.

>I mean like... weirdly embarrassing.

>Unsanitary, too.

>We should be entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours.

>Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?

>I mean, I'm a real freak. I'm not normal.



>You have to crush me.

- Lord Captain von Valancius
Femdomfags are so pathetic
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Cringiest shit I've read all week and damn you had some good competition.
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I want moar
It would, unironically. Yrlietfag melty would be worth it.
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You fucking waifufag niggers. Do any of you actually play the game
this is literally me.
No, it wouldn't, and I say this as someone who finds them annoying
Cry harder, secondary.
I've listened to the marzi audio so many times, jesus christ
Anons have you ever simped so hard you dug up tickets to an obscure musical, queued there for however long, and then snuck into the backstage just so an actor could sign your fetish elf prints?
You're supposed to make these posts on /crpgg/ to bait Pathfinderfags, not here
You know, the VA simping has always befuddled me. I like the fetish elf, and I've spent weeks drawing the most heinous, cringe, self-indulgent fanart. But the VA isn't a fetish elf, so who cares about his signature?
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>in a horny RT discord
>seeing some art WIPs

Fellas the Marzi artwork that's cooking atm will leave you weak in the knees
Nice tears, secondary.
>cringe self-indulgent fanart

C-can you p-please post some?
>VA simping has always befuddled me
Same, watching Camtards or /bgg/ in general gossip about VAs is peak cringe, who the fuck cares
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It's not about the VA, more about having some rare memorabilia from the character since Owlcat won't drop any merch
Anon, that would kill me. And I can't decide whether Marzi has a spiked dick or not
Ah, is Owlcat that bad with merch? Should I start practicing how to make figurines from polymer clay?
>is Owlcat that bad with merch?
The only merch they release are the ones that come with their pre orders
I wonder what he thought

>Why Won't Elentach Breed Me already? I've left all the appropriate clues at the appointed times....
Yrilet, it's 4pm, time to mediate in front of the pool again.
Out of everything they could have done, like make Inferno Pistols and Meltas not trash, they instead choose to nerf Assassins and buff Psykers, specifically the Sanctioned ones that have no downsides and were already the best origin by far, both in term of content and gameplay-wise.
>in term of content and gameplay-wise
as, reactivity? lol, no
>as, reactivity?
You get more 'Your psyker sense is tingling' moments than any other origin even come up. It's not really reactivity but it's something.
Are there any decent portraits in all those AISlop packs? I can't be bothered going through every one
I just use a picture of Goku as my portrait so I can't tell you.
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>Conviction: 3 heretic, 2 iconoclast
Hey! Goku doesn't simp for higher entities, hoping they gift him power and do shit in his stead!
Same, wish there was more and still hate they didn't have more options to help her like getting Eldar to help like Yrliet mentioned.
ok but how buggy is the new patch? is it playable or do they need to do more hotfixes?
Thats because Goku is invincible. He doesn't know what sex is.
Can Marazhai be fixed?
In what way? He's a deldar.
To quote a fangirl
you can't fix what was never broken
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>Jimmy: some death cult assassins are cannibals and heretics lmao

thanks jimmy
How do I explain to my girlfriend that dating xenos is le bad
>le marazhai should have been le goth gf
>stinky man reeee
>owlcat drops a goth gf to anon's exact requirements
>le grimdark shadowheart
>no one cares

Who coulda seen this coming?
Is WOTR anything like RT? I like RT a lot now that I've read through all the talents and mechanics, but I'm a whfag, so I was motivated thanks to the world. Will the setting of pathfinder carry me through all the gameplay-related walls of text I need to read to play this game comfortably?
The setting won't but the characters will, they're all well-written and less slow-burn than RT
As someone who doesn't know PF outside of Owlcat games and only recognizes the bits and pieces it's taken from D&D (that I know from old BG games): honestly no, it's shit, basically generic fantasy slop with a billion gods and bland npcs that I can't be bothered to care about. I'll still play the games because they're crpgs but the setting does nothing for me.
Imo PF setting is meh, but the game is ok. It is much more complex than RT, many more classes and talents + comboing them with mythic paths. The writing is better overall in RT imo, some of the characters in wotr are kind of cringy, others are cool
RT characters are great so far, glad to hear WOTR is strong in that regard. Does the same hold true for Kingmaker?
That's a shame really, but I'm in a similar boat with crpgs. Mainly wondering whether I should wait with PF after RT and jump on the Divinity train or go for WOTR directly while my Owlcat sympathies are still fresh.
So more of the bad stuff and less of the good stuff? That's a shame, might leave it in my backlog for now in this case.
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Is he the main character of RT (excluding the Rogue Trader ofc)
My take on it is that it's a good time to play, and actually finish, WotR this time because the final dlc is out but I'm failing to take my own advice because the beginning is such a slog and I loathe PF character building.
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git gud
Sweet Perdition would have been a cool reward if you wouldn't get it around the same time as Deadshot Splinter Rifle, regular loot which makes a prize for passing a lot of hard skill checks worthless.

Also, Commorragh needed more content
>Commorragh needed more content
Yeah, it was more like a long-ish dungeon than a whole chapter.
How would femcels feel about there somehow being an option as playing an Aeldari MC and bullying and seducing Jimmi into falling for a xeno?
I don't care about Jimmi so nah.
I don't think the new psycho wife is going to be that popular. I don't see the appeal compared to the fish wife or the xeno wife.
I mean there are people who are into that and they're very vocal. Obviously nowhere near Cassia fans.
Sounds hot desu, but how would an Aeldari MC work, since xenos can't be RTs?
Remains to be seen if she's more than "blood for the Emperor, skulls for etc."
Either Varnhold's Lot style campaign or if RT gad the option to play as a xeno companion to the RT
What happened to the "Yrliwhore" guy?
>Wrath & Glory CRPG about Eldar Outcasts, Webway and stuff
>Traumatized psyker mon-keigh companion you need for plot reasons

Wratg & Glory: Inheritance of Embers actually mentioned that eldar sometimes keep mon-keigh for interactions with foreign cultures as possible reasoning for non-eldar in eldar majority party

>Human and tau have to travel together with a groop of eldar and endure their antics
>Eldar party members disdainly watching eldar protagonist get romantical with aging human
>Tsundere human
>Eldar actively aching for human

He can't come here from /crpgg/, it's like Marazhai fangirl posts are our Geller field.
How would the relationship plot look like?
Goys, wake up. New Yrliwhore post just dropped in /crpgg
>Big plus of the general is that it's free of Froggy
>People repost shit Froggy says here
fuck off back there then
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> last part about the pirate party
wait wat
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nta, seems inspired by the ending where if you get corsair Marazhai and corsair Yrliet they end up hunting together
If Yrliet gets a corsair ending and Marazhai gets a pirate ending it's mentioned that they plunder together sometimes. There is no implication that they're fucking, but they could be
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>The Outcast and the former Dracon bonded over the horrors they had both experienced
Damn it sounds like a bad fanfic, I guess owlkeks just can't write normal endings.
Maybe if you've read too much fanfic. You can bond over bad experiences platonically.
>pic related

What are you implying
Anyone has dialogue of final Yrliet event without enough Accordance flags?
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I'm not saying it's not platonic, just imagining them hunting together seems way off.
It's just an art, I don't have enough RT's meme to post yet /spoiler]
>just imagining them hunting together seems way off.
Eldar and deldar having unlikely team-ups is a thing occasionally. Having common enemies helps.
Most is identical except it happens IRL instead of in her soul. Only the final line is really different:
>Yrliet nods knowingly and extends her hand to you. "Then I would love to see the glow of your world once again, {name}. Human emotions are... different. Like faraway stars. And they are just as mesmerising."
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>Yrliet "leave" ending
>Yrliet corsair ending
>Rogue Trader sequel
>Reconnecting with new and improved corsair Yrlikek

>Jimmi is Tsundere and rejects any compliments by the Eldar girl
>They have a moment on Kiava Gamma where he shoots her down after she tries to comfort him
>But he is surprised by her attempts and begins to be a bit less rude to her and acts professional as he does with others
>They have a private talk before act 3, Jimmi is troubled and femcel Eldar wants to mmeditate with him to help
>he reluctantly accepts
>Eldar girl has the option of getting a bit physical jimmi spaghetti spills after getting his hand held/kissed orwhatever and says it's wrong
>She comforts a tortured Jimmi on Cumrag and has the option to convince the RT to strike down Marz
>Can talk down Jimmi to get him to not demand Yrliet's death (or support him)
>Meditate again, Jimmi is grateful and opens up a bit
>Eldar has option to pressure him into sex and cause him to spaghetti spill, but accept or take things slow and he initiates when the party goes after the inquisitor
>Jimmi is conflicted and can either leave the inqusition and be with her as a memeber of RT's retinue or try and keep a long distance relationship
that's just stupid, no eldar would do this and heinrix wouldn't be interested
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>no eldar would do this
certainly not with jimmi, he would fail it with toomonkeigh flags immediately
Despite being a dying race there are a lot of them and there can be degenerates. I can see some corsair having a fetish for mon-keighs
Femcel Eldar asks Jimmi to roleplay him interrogating her in bed
i could see it with some cute icono like the evayne meme, not a guy who wants to murder eldar
What is this, advanced Froggy copycatting?
But the point of this particular femoid fantasy is "I can fix him" i.e. thinking that she is so valuable and her charms are so great she can change a man's convictions.
that's clearly not a woman posting this
You had chicks who sent fangirl mail to fucking Ted Bundy so not hard to imagine there are Eldar like that
What do you even get out of fantasizing about women liking this? Just go write your fanfic about le horny elf waifu wanting to comfort (you).
I didn't write the greentext, just saying there are chicks out there who are most likely into that.
>xenophilic space elf trying to change Heinrix
just cringe really
>t.seething jimmi femcel that feels cucked by imaginary elf
>gaslighting Jimmy through psychic powers into making him love you
>S-seer Council, I swear, this time it's for the good of craftworld and aeldari as a whole
>I have a plan
why are you self inserting into jimmi, anon? that's just weird
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Why is this one anon seething so hard about the prospect of Heinrix getting shipped with space elves?
Probably a Heinrixfag that doesn't like ready your cuckshit fanfic, can't say I disagree with him (her?)
a) Not my fanfic
b) How is cuckshit? since if I understood correctly >>483957664 was asking femcels how they would have liked to play as an eldar girl that Heinrix falls for? So they wouldn't be getting cucked the eldar is their character?
She feels cucked by imagining him with anything other than herself lmao
Waifu/husbando-faggotry not even once!
Those plump xeno lips painting Jimmi's dogmatic body red
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I think, thematically, Yrliet's romance lacks her going out of her way for RT. Stuff similair to her offering herself to Haemonuculi for RT. Meanwhile we use our flagship for her, forgive her for Commorragh and let eldar who made hell on Quetza Temer go, without even punishing their leaders. All of this is understandable but in sum feels a bit off. There needs to be more to it and more of Yrliet in Acts 4-5

Also, she goes too fast from becoming a thing and wanting to spend life together. At what point exactly you two even become a couple?
So the less schizo version of what >>483961336 was saying
>I think, thematically, Yrliet's romance lacks her going out of her way for RT
You can say that about every companion. Outside Jae's romance I guess because she's surprisingly active in it.
So that whole Heinrix spam was just a /crpg/ raid? Explains a lot, Heinrix never seemed that popular here to warrant all this wanking.
I wonder how Jae feels if RT dumps her for Yrliet in Act 4

That thing is way more prominent for Yrliet because of Commorragh and Quetza. I missed her trying to convince Alaitoc for peace tho, guess that counts. Sort of leaves a bad taste in mouth tho. Nevertheless, there is need for more post-Commorragh Yrliet
She shields the RT with her soul sacrificing the most important thing Eldar have that keeps their souls from being eaten by Slaanesh, that's more than anything the RT can do.
I guess her romance just kinda feels weird because of how much everything sucks
Yeah all the weird cuckshit that reads like it's written by horny guys with a fetish is usually from there.
Again, can say that about every companions. All their quests feel rushed as fuck.
Nope I post in both, they weren't talking about Heinrix
No, that's me, I rarely go to /crpgg, but post Yrliet getting cucked all the time. There are some other people who do that too
He seemed very popular back on the daily /v/ threads tho, idk what changed
I never cared much for him personally. But then again I don't romance him either, maybe that's where he show an actual personality outside of being retarded and way too smug for his own good.
How was the Heinrix stuff itt cuckshit?
They said what if the playable character was an Aeldari...the femcel would be the elf not getting cucked by NPC elves.
fotm romance interest for fast shitposting boards?
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Where's my Ork, Owlcat? I want my Ork, Owlcat. Give me my Ork, Owlcat.
He overall has as much art has Marz
>we use our flagship for her
This goes for most companions, though. They follow us around and shoot people we point at, and in exchange we take little detours when they ask.
Most of the women that liked him didn't migrate here.
Nothing, his obsessive fans just didn't come here
>everything sucks

That's pretty much how Yrliet's romance can be described. Having RT is basically the only good thing Yrliet has, and even that is problematic
Femcel feels cucked by imaginary eldar protagonist because she cannot self insert into her for some reason
nta but his romance makes it worse frankly
I tried it and it got so annoying halfway through I just watched a youtube of it and it's terrible, all femRT having to assure him he's so awesome and he should ditch his job because the Inquisition doesn't treat him well enough and he should put his happiness first
and then he snaps and kills a guy and as he's about to lose control of his powers he deals with it by trying to kill himself in femRT's room and she has to babysit him again and at the end he's like, let me be your courage, your determination and your resolve
you patronizing motherfucker you have none of those things, my stupid character has to simp for you and find you a cushy job instead of getting elf dick
unironically Jae romance was better
How tho kek
Just imagine (You) but taller and with pointy ears
>Man shows weakness
>W*man's panties immediately dry
Wasnt the appeal of Heinrix romance bullying him till he snaps and fucks you on table
Ok, just a non-serious supposition - eldar have no body fat
The femcels on /v/ were less cruel and more motherly
I'm biased because I already hated him for hating xenos, I was just trying out all the romances
I actually like vulnerable guy romances, just not if they're also assholes who expect comforting but do none of that in return
male Yrliet would have been cute
Would femcels like male Yrliet?
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I would
>I'm biased because I already hated him for hating xenos
Grow a spine, who cares about that? The xenos hate humans too
The other guy asked and explained the context too, they never elaborated, just kept repating that it's cuckoldry.
I care because I like xenos and don't like annoying Inquisition spies on my ship who want to snitch on me and kill my retinue
>kill my retinue
Xenos do that too
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Ok...just imagine (You) but taller, pointy eared and skinnier
Yrliet isn't constantly telling me to kill any of the dogmatic characters though, not even Marz does that.
Yeah sure but they still kill, Marazhai well, you know, and Yrliet kills that one crew member that tried to flirt with her
>unironically Jae romance was better
Jae's romance is one of the best, she's the only one who goes out of her way to make romantic gestures toward you.
lower deckers don't count, half the retinue kills some
I do kinda mourn the loss of the only other xenophile in the sector
>and Yrliet kills that one crew member that tried to flirt with her
The fact I can't throw a shitfit about it as an Iconoclast is bullshit. You don't even hear about it if you're sympathetic.
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I was sold on it when she wrote a love poem on the bridge and gave me a pet lacerax, honestly cute as fuck and I had found her annoying at first
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Cassia's first half of the romance is literally all about her (and you) doing romantic gestures
What would Yrliet gift to RT? Iirc tere is cut pendant and Iconoclast reflection fondles it
Outside her giving you the literal handbook to romancing her, you basically do all the work. Which I don't mind really but still.
Unless shit bugged out and I skipped steps I guess.
Yeah she was supposed to give you something after Quetza, they cut some content there.
The pet Lacerax and the entire ship cheering when she broadcast you railing to everyone was so great. Even Abelard give you a thumbs up if you ask about it.
>you railing her*
My bad
I don't think that was romance-related though. From the loc file:
>"Wait, elantach!" Yrliet breaks away from her kin and hands you a small amulet. "Human memories are as fleeting as the span of your lives. But I would like you to have something to remind you of our journey together. Think of it as a symbol of gratitude for all you have done for me." Yrliet bids you farewell with a warm smile and disappears into the woods with the other Aeldari.
You can spawn it with Toybox (Yrliet's Charm) and the description calls it her "parting gift."
So it was meant for if she leaves you (on good terms) to rejoin her people on Quetza.
I think for it to make sense you need something bigger to start a spark, maybe the Aeldari should save him and help him out even further. Since he hates xenos, there needs to be something heavier to break the ice. Overall pretty cute concept.
That's still cool though, not sure how that went though if she could just leave you there.
Can she leave with her people in game? I think there is ending slide that is like that
So with Owlcat committing to full voice acting in their next game, how much content do you think they will cut?
Cassia is literally a traditional romance where the man is supposed to court her, it's like the only one Owlcat has ever done.
They said they are going to do full VA. I also saw them already complain about how expensive it is with the last pathfinder dlc
Honestly they don't have to go full VA but at least the important shit should be voice acted. Like in Rogue Trader they went full retard with the VA. They voice acted random lore dumps and unimportant shit but not the romances or really important moments like Argenta confessing in Act 3 and at the warrant.
>doing Heinrix's mom
I still hope they won't actually voice everything, maybe the prologue and then important parts like how RT is now. They've also said they want to keep doing complex isometric crpgs and there's only so much you can do with full va so idk I hope if there's a choice they still do full games and get va where possible instead of cutting content.
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Did someone mention moms?
Most of their romances are you "courting" the woman.
Yes but it's modern courting, not traditional.
It's not up to them really, BG3 has set the bar and if you want to reach a wider audience you have to do it. I reckon there are a lot of people that refuse to buy the game because there is no voice acting.
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I hope they add bandage in the DLC, if I can't tie him up/him tie me up then it's a huge miss
Women were a mistake
Those people would also want AAA graphics, cutscenes, sex scenes etc. and find isometric turn based games boring. I think they're wasting their time trying to appeal too much to the AAAslop crowd.
cope and seethe
Clearly Owlcat disagrees, they wouldn't have committed to full VA otherwise. They must have done market research and concluded they would make more money with voice acting
I love Marazhai and Heinrix
>and find isometric turn based games boring
Worked for BG3
Women liking Heinrix are good people.
Women liking Marazhai are bad people.
She's the one who starts the "game" with her handkerchief after you express interest in her
nice bait
I know I'm probably gonna get accused of being a cuckfag, but it would be cool if some companions could form their own romance if you don't romance them, like Garrus and Tali in Mass Effect
I'm the main character, all women are part of my harem.
I don't mind that, really if you're not romancing them what's the problem?
But I like both
>No Mommy Areelu romance
Owlcat is so fucking gay
>BG3 has set the bar and if you want to reach a wider audience you have to do it.
Literally nobody likes BG3 because they have some retarded LA voice actor read their text at you.
Kill yourself
The Twins is the only incest you'll get.
I want more incest tho. Why is there never any incest romance in CRPGs? That's gay.
Has Owlcat stated or hinted anywhere that the next game will be 40K?
>what's the problem?
some guys would feel insecure that the fake girl they don't want to fuck would rather fuck some other fake guy
Brother/sister incest is god tier
Mother/son is okay
Father/daughter is disgusting
I just wrote the greentext because I though it was a cute shitpost, it had nothing to do with cuckoldry, the story was about the playable MC being an Aeldari in the RT's retinue like Varnhold's lot where the player character is a member of the other baron's retinue..
Imagine having absolutely garbage taste.
I wasn't talking about your greentext specifically, I was talking about the discussion it turned into.
All of those are great as long as I'm the man.
Cassia seem to like Heinrix when he comes back in Act 2 on Footfall. And he's nobility too
lol don't worry anon, no one but schizos read the greentext as cuckoldry. It was cute
Heinrix needs to get laid, he's so pent up.
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Pasqal romance when?
We found the one guy Bioware write all those 'we're about to have sex, let me tell you about my ex' scenes for.
This question is invalid.
>all those
Just one actually
why do you gentleanons insist on calling Heinrix Jimmi?
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Pasqal is meant for necron girl
stupid meme from old /v/ threads
Jimi Hendrix
You didn't need to tell us.
never, Pasqal a shit
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The only thing he's meant for is my warm fleshy embrace.
I wish heretic RT could fuck Kunrad
not sure if cringe or kino
Did Yrliet get raped in Commorragh?
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Take it back!
Probably not, but that Succubus, whose name I forgot, from Vheabous IV, probably would do that if she survived, but she didn't
t. mad Yrlietfag
I need him. I'll do some Pasqal content, I swear. As soon as I get done with some irl things.....
Will Owlcat fix Yrliet's epilogue? They surely must fix the spirit stone bullshit, right?

Also they should add something like as their spiritual connection grew stronger and stronger over the decades so did their physical desires for one another.

It's completely retarded that Yrliet went from never wanting to touch a human to holding your hand after a few months/years but after many decades together she never wanted more.
Would appreciate it if you share! So little Pasqal content available. And good luck with your irl stuff!
Yrlietfags, do you have any suggestion for fanfics?

(Except the coomer stuff, the only thing I will write like that is RT having a wet dream about Yrliet)
>Also they should let me fuck her
Don't do this to yourself
spirit stone, yes
muh physical desires never ever, cute handholding meditation and maybe a hug would be perfect
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space goth elf murder-hobo kills people and bathes in their blood to stop chaos from feasting on his soul
>filthy xenos beast! only a foul race as the eldar would be capable of such vile obscene debauchery! cut through them, for the Emperor!
space goth cultist murder-hobo kills people and bathes in their blood with some vague religious reasoning
>by the Golden Throne, I've never seen such a beautiful creature! Fuck my shit up mommy, for Emperor and Imperium!!!

why are DOGmatics like this?
I'll them both
>muh physical desires never ever, cute handholding meditation and maybe a hug would be perfect
For the romance in game, I agree. But not the epilogue that is supposed to reveal what happens the next 100+ years. Why would she not want to get physical with you?
I don't think either will be cool with a three-way
>Why would she not want to get physical with you?
Because she doesn't in-game and at no point does she ever show any interest in having sex
The Death Cultist will learn to share my cock with Cassis and Yrliet. The Rogue Trader with a Warrant of Trade, signed by The Emperor himself, commands it.
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She's trying to tell you something, anon.
some people just don't and she may never get over you being a different species
Cassia and Yrliet aren't into that
Her ending with lacking Accordance flag is pretty dumb. It doesn't highlight that it's your relatioship that is the problem and insteas highlights "withering" which "deathbed" doesn't. Am I supposed to believe that RT getting access to her inner world with enough Accordance flags is that keeps her from withering seriously for centuries (time is another problem)? Only redeeming quality of that ending is "her heart ached for home". This ending should've been about Yrliet feeling bad not among eldar, RT seeing that and convincing her to leave. Bitter, but not dumb
My advice: psyop Raszad into becoming obsessed with knaifu, then let him cook.
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Disgusting. People that want to cheat on Cassia should be quartered alive, that's what I think
I think it's better leave for player's discretion wherever she does or does not end up wanting physical intimacy, leaving it unspecifiwd
>she ever show any interest in having sex
Only with humans because in her mind it's like having sex with an animal. When the female enforcer hits on her she's disgusted by doing it with a human, not with the act itself.

Nothing suggests she's asexual, just that she wants to connect with you spiritually before anything physical happens. She literally holds your hand at the end because she's starting enjoy your physical touch.

As I said before, if she can go from I never want to touch a human to willingly touching you then why would she stop there? Give it decades and obviously more would happen as she connects with you even more.
I left Cassia for Yrliet, Cassia ends up crying herself to sleep. I have no regrets
How do you even trigger these slides? I've tried activating the etudes that Toybox says are necessary, but no dice.
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the thread today makes me think of this /tg/ anon
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That's only because she hasn't fully connected with you. Give it time. It's like a woman not wanting sex on the first date or wanting to wait until marriage. You must first connect spiritually and that's why the hand holding happens at the end, you've taken the first step.
Stop it with the copium.
They will be forced to learn.
Cassia lives to please me, her own desires are irrelevant.
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Finally someone that also sees the truth and agrees with what I wrote.
Don't make me hit you with the screenshot again.
lmao you wish she looked like that, bitch is fucking ugly in her portrait, especially with those piercings
I think agreeing with me once is enough, but I won't stop you agreeing once more.
If (You) could control Owlcat's decisions, what would you change/add to Rogue Trader?
No coomer answers.
Marazhai character depth
Fuck off
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Add reactivity, as much as you can, to romances, companion quests, regular quests, with your origin, your homeworld, everything
And one gazillion fish children with Cassia
Wanting to build a family isn't being a coomer
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I would like to leave it on record that I do not agree with this post whatsoever, but as taste is subjective I invite all anons to make up their own minds based on this picture and her voice in the trailer
keeping in mind of course that story and romance details are still forthcoming
fix various Eldar stuff and add more content to the last 3 acts
>Also they should add something like as their spiritual connection grew stronger and stronger over the decades so did their physical desires for one another.
Yrilet, Cassia and Jae in my case
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How do I find a husbando I like after him, rtg? How can any fictional man compare? They all feel to vanilla and mild and poorly written after him. I feel like my husbando receptors have been burned out

Welcoming recommendations
what the fuck is in her nose
Add an Ork companion.
Add an harem.
Add Aunty Theodora romance.
Remove cringe grim dark endings that don't make sense.
Add post-game DLCs.
Fix all the narrative contradictions and clearly unfinished rewrites.
Add a system to upgrade at least some weapons as the game goes on, either like Radiance in Wrath or outright a system like Encased (but expanded to Armors too).
Make origins matter more, maybe with a short prologue unique to each.
Undo the dumb Assassin nerf.
Don't get me wrong, I'll still fuck Jae but I consider her a side bitch and not one of my main bitches.
Add reactivity please god. Ork companion andddd more husbands
>Add an harem.
>Add Aunty Theodora romance.
Kill yourself
Sorry, I'm not joining your club
>The only based and redpilled anon in the thread
I kneel
All my wives are equal under my dick.
>one of the most powerful people in galaxy
>only allowed one woman
Why did Owlcat cuck so hard? No man with the power of a Rogue Trader of a 10 000 year old dynasty would ever accept that.
>add in in origin reactivity and having the origins open up alternative solutions to some things
>more companion reactivity and dialogue, some mini scenes on ship
>add in more of ship you can explore andsome content there
>add in more side quests to Janus, Dragonus and a new area in Kiava Gamma to solve some stuff post purification
>add in Crudarach Eldar as a faction you can trade with if you ally with them and Muaran gives some quests to help out the Eldar on Janus and in the sector
>add in quests for other factions and some minor characters
>add in a whole act before act 3 where you can do politics with other rogue traders and establish yourself properly in the expanse
>lots more content for Chorda and Caligos plus their house members (and add in Corsair cameo as a companion in Evayne's retinue)
>adjustments to make the combat a bit more challenging, but not a slog
>fix up act 4 stretch it out and more content for companion quests/romances and their dialogues to fix the stuff that feels rushed
>Add in resolving Crudarach as a big side questline in act 4
>after arbites and assassin add in an ork freeboota and a Tau, maybe clown/corsair, but rather have most companions fleshed out then having lots of companions
>fix heretic content, allow more stuff for other gods so you can pick whose daemon prince you become, allow more companions to be corrupted
>expand the ship combat
Not realistic, but it's what I want, maybe add this in over bigger expansion sized DLCs
Put the hood back on
>No man with the power of a Rogue Trader of a 10 000 year old dynasty would ever accept that.
Pretty sure in the lore you have Rogue Traders with entire quarters just filled with people to fuck.
Apparently Big E is fine with lots of sex as long as it's not weird slaaneshi shit and it makes babies.
Good. Polygamy is a sin.
I'm the only one who think she kinda look like Iomedae?
The reason for 'no harem' in those kinds of games is two-folds: 1: Social norms IRL and 2: Artificially up the replayability.
It's really that simple.
That's why the only games with harems are pseudo sandbox like all those martial art chinese games.
No, the Emperor says it's halal so it can't be a sin.
Why are people here just obsessed with cooming? Romance content is 1-2% of the game
Big E said otherwise, heretic.
>lots more content for Chorda and Caligos plus their house members (and add in Corsair cameo as a companion in Evayne's retinue)
Honestly, should have an entire post-game DLC where they get the spotlight as your main companions. Add in romances for them too while you're at it.
There's just too much potential about a unified front of the 3 owners of the Expanse.
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There's no harem because they didn't feel like adding it, that's all there is to it
I have never touched a woman in real life.
Same reason people are 'obsessed' with companions: Making connections with the casts is the most fun part of the game, with gameplay being either equally important or slightly less important but we've already said everything about the gameplay until the next patches comes out and hopefully make things more interesting.
Seriously combat is noticeably less fun now IMO.
Good, women are gross. Stay pure, anon.
>women are gross.
It's the same in most other rpg generals and on plebbit. Most players who care about the gameplay and story play it a few times then go off till the big updates or dlcs. And since the game doesn't have autistically big build variety like wotr, it won't varant a lot of build discussion after game ages. Waifu/husbando fags stay obsessed and keep spamming their obsession, they are the ones that keep such threads and subs alive and the few other people attached to the story and characters that shitpost about it. Like it or not the autists are the core community keeping things afloat in such threads.
Your mom.
But that disproves your assertion?
I can talk about gameplay with my friends, the only reason I'm here is to obsess over the weird fetish elf that caused me brain damage
Which character broke your mind in BG3? Astarion? Gortash?
Voice acting. People are coping saying it does not make a change.
>>add in Crudarach Eldar as a faction you can trade with if you ally with them and Muaran gives some quests to help out the Eldar on Janus and in the sector
It's wild how as a Rogue Trader you do no trading with any xenos faction. You trade with Imperial agents and 2 shades of basically the same flavour of pirates and that's all.
Can biomancers modify their dick stats with the power of the Warp? Asking for a friend.
RT isn't beating the wannabe Dark Heresy allegations.
Yeah, this annoys me, you even had Eldar right there and you can't trade for cool stuff or discuss a more long term alliance.
>Add an eldar corsair npc trader that represents all Eldar as a faction. They have a presence in the game's story. Why are they not a potential faction to trade with?
>Add actual narrative missions, and some trading orders to all factions for us to gain their favour/ high reputation with them instead of the lazy trading rep system we have
>Add back the Crudarach narrative in act 4. Act 4 is empty. Fill it with content
>Add more interactions between the Rogue Trader dynasties before we solve their bullshit in act 4. Act 4 is freaking empty. Fill it with content
>Add back Nocturne as Iconotard's secret companion instead of Chorda. Add back the cut daemonette companion for the Heretic.
>Add conviction based resolutions to your colonies based on the final conviction projects you took
>Fix the lack of logic or bad, ambiguous wording in the epilogue slides
>instead of Chorda.
I like Chorda tho
She has no reason to join Iconotard if banished.
Her dynasty's ending slide is worse if you banish her than if you killed her as Icono, lol
If you told me RT is just a Dark Heresy rpg in disguised, I would not even be surprised.
Nta but I just couldn't bring myself to care about anyone in Baldur's Gate. Astarion is a thin veneer for his writer's childish morals. Gortash is unremarkable. Raphael is cool but not remotely as much as Marzi
She does because you've shown her the errors of her way.
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None can compare, not irl, not in fiction
Through peak retardism. I'd personally trader her for Nocturne in a heart beat. At least him joining your clown ass makes sense.
>you've shown her the errors of her way.
She leaves to join a nunnery and now you have her dynasty turning into a den of pirates to deal with in the future.Amazing.
That part made no sense tho, right.
Cassia is a disgusting mutant and if you saw her in real life you would never wanna fuck that freak
I assume it's some kind of chem-dispenser
combat drugs are cool if you use them for the Emperor :)
Stop projecting your shit taste onto me
You mean the pirates that basically work for me?
Who is the most popular girl of RT?
Cassia and it's not even close
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Would pacifiedHeinrix forsake ambition for good and settle for becoming the rogue trader's designated baby-making machine and the Imperium's best dad?
He ambitious? But yes
>But yes
Argenta, Cassia is the most popular romance but only because Argenta isn't an option
Watch Kibellah flop just like Camellia
Arue mogs Camellia
Forget her, Wenduag does
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All of these ladies fall short when compared to literal goddesses.
Looks like a man
Disgusting spider
I couldn't get into BG3 because they didn't let me fuck the mindflayer. I mean, I kissed him and I guess I died? And then I uninstalled it
But you can romance the Emperor
Obviously no. Chorda's dynasty turns into a den of renegade pirates because it falls apart without an heir. Someone was dumb enough to surprise abandon it without appointing an heir.
oh nice, thanks for the info. I'll give it another go, then. Eventually.
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I like this meme, very good
I've seen at least 5 different versions of this meme
All three
add in power armor at level 1

it's retarded that you can take that feat immediately yet you can't actually find any power armor until the very end of the game
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How do I build Idira? Should I bother getting pyromancy
... are shit
They just buffed pyro so probably but I haven't tried it yet. Otherwise telepath and psychic assault are great already.
Kibellah is for a specific audience just like Camellia, she doesn't need to be the most popular just cater to fans who want that
I wanna clean the blood off him
>Getting back together with mind wiped Yrliet after Quetza
Wish this was possible, it's silly that in the 50 years you can spend together after this you can't just start over as she starts putting the pieces together and you prove you're genuinely interested in her again. I mean you got together over a fairly short amount of time but you can't do the same thing later? Even though you have the Quetza people, Muaran and Eklendyl who know what you've done for Eldar if she forgot, and all the Eldar culture chat and the meditation is something you can just do over again.
ummmmmmmmm Areeluqt is Literally My Mommy!
I love Arch-Militants
do you?
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I love dual wielding bolter pistol and plasma pistol
hell, i might just equip my arch militant with a sword just for the aesthetics
I'm surprised they didn't nerf them that much.
Say, can you recustomize your character after you're done making your guy?
you can respec if you talk to Danrok on the bridge
lookswise you can get ToyBox and/or ReDress mods depending on what you want to change (ReDress has more appearance options)
Since Yrliet canonically can tell if RT is stressed by his smell, can she also track him by smell?
Anyone like Marzi in another game? Please I can't be stuck with GW
Does anal sex empower Slaanesh?
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sword/chainsword and gun just fits the 40k aesthetic too well, even if I end up not using the sword 99% of the time

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