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Derp Cult edition.

>What is /crpgg/?

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:

>RELEASED - Caribbean Legend - Vile Little God

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

>Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand

>The Wayward Realms


>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy


>New Arc Line

>Dragon Age: Dreadw- I mean Veilguard

>Greedfall 2

>Sector Unknown

Previous: >>483535147
Other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
23.10.2020 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.01.2024 - Sovereign Syndicate
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
Death Cult DLC introduction trailer:

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Repostan since end of thread
Ok so, I have a shifter + the rogue companion in through the ashes. What should I make the other 3 companions? Playing on core and planning on doing lord of nothing too. Any suggestions?
thanks for suggestion, Can a kinetic knight tank properly?

If you're going for a heavy armor heavy guns build, I'd do something like this:


If you want to level only to 25, I'd throw away one of the crafting feats: armor sloping, ballistics or disassemble.
Froggy can you give me your honest opinion, what are your thoughts on the DLC trailer and companion, how is it looking so far?
Here's an even better version: juggernaut taken later since 25% health increase early won't do much and you can also swap Thick Skull and Concentrated Fire places, because obviously you won't be fighting enemies with Stun at level 1 and you also take Opportunist since it works with Suppressive Fire:


Gimme me some time I haven't even seen it yet lmao.
>bear sex
Allowed by ZOG.

> hafling protagonist
Does not count.

>drow sibling brothel duo that you can three/foursome.
Not real incest. Mom+son = incest. spitroast a chick with your bro =/= incest.
>Can a kinetic knight tank properly?
on core yeah, I made valerie one in kingmaker
>"Your predecessors paid the cult little heed."
Sounds like an excuse for limited reactivity, kek.

A damage dealing focused, pure melee character sounds at least somewhat new since Abelard is more of a tank and Heinrix is a psyker/melee mix in the best case.
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There is also Marazhai
I can't even fathom how one can justify recruiting him even on the chaos path.
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Went with, kinetic knight, mad dog with wolf and cleric with Erastil animal & community dommain
I guess in character you could go from the angle of "I need all the help I can get to escape this hell-hole and he is a former high ranking member of it, so he will be useful"
And after "He can be useful for fighting against other Drukhari he knows their tactics etc." but I find it hard to justify after he kills people unless your character is fascinated by his xeno murder machine
he kills people because the RT is an idiot and does nothing to prepare for his first warp jump despite knowing from Yrliet it's a huge deal for Eldar
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Femcel's mind is unfathomable
Fuck me. I never seen the 3d panel...
It's truly is unfathomable
Only case I can think of is a naive iconocuck trying to """redeem""" I hate this dumb term so fucking much him.

An aspiring Chaos Lord would send his soul screaming straight to Slaanesh and a dogmatic would shoot him on sight.
I recruited him because RP-wise I wanted someone who knows Commorragh. Started romance because I wanted to add insult to injury when I'll be handing him over to Heinrix.

Also, I was curious if there's gonna be jealousy banter with Yrliet
planescape torment
torment tides of numenera
pillars of eternity
rogue trader
disco elysium
baldurs gate
colony ship
expeditions vikang and rome

all crpg
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how do i heal? i'm at 2/130hp. i went back to my room but i can't use my bed

this game and its jank, wew
>ui problems
fullscreen minimizes when you alt tab. that wouldn't be a problem except that it has limited resolution choices and no windowed resolution choice fits a 4k screen. janky shit happens when you alt tab and have two monitors, for example my browser tab opens in my other screen in a new window. game has weird mouse lag. cannot bind delete or alt. cannot open/close inventory window while the combat is running. no way to speed up combat speed which is painfully slow. can't rotate the isometric view.
it's... all right. i'll probably end up turning sfx down. there's no mechanic where you can hear enemies to prepare afaict. music doesn't seem to dynamically change based off of what you're doing either.
it's fine, i guess. with this level of graphics quality i would have preferred top down ascii. isometric really only works when the graphics quality is high (e.g. planescape, fallout)
the interface size looks quite bad at 4k. i'll try it on my laptop later.

overall, first impressions are not great. combat seems to be a reduced version of fallout 2. and my resolution is probably in part to blame for this (game launched at 1024x768 by default) but all of the characters i'm supposed to meet are extremely tiny and the dialogue is really small. it's hard to get invested in someone you can barely see and whose dialogue is so tiny that it's annoying to read it. i have everything in the interface set to Huge but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
You need to have healing items like red hypo syringes and bandages. Bandages won't work, if you're below 40% hp or something like that. You can also get treated in the medical room in your starting station.

Underrail combat is far more in depth compared to fallout games and uses a vastly higher number of active abilities and items. It's also not trivial even on normal so you have to think what you're doing.

Game is amazing, has amazing rating everywhere and reputation in the rpg community, but it doesn't hold your hand and won't coddle you.
thanks. i'll do that.
i need to restart the game because i opted into the psionics operation and that's -30% hp. since my build is for high hp, i don't want that.

>more in depth than fallout games
i can target a limb?
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My wife
How would (You) fix Rogue Trader?
What would you add/change?
No coomer answers.
the edgier shadowheart
take it off every store
I wouldn't make it a 40Kids game
You can't target specific limbs out of the blue, but there are countless active abilities that provide functionality similar to targeting legs, arms, head, etc. You have to take them as feats and they only work with certain weapons.
nobody gives a shit about what you are zoomer cunt play


or fuck off
Also a magnitude uglier.
>frogshit "arguing" about nothing in the previous thread's last 50 posts to hit bump limit
It's so transparent and also pathetic
Remake the game from the ground with a combat system that actually simulates tabletop instead of OC donut steele dogshit with zero QA.

>b-but the TT system is not perfect!
Yeah, but it has thousands and thousands of actual man-hours spent testing and playing it.
>schizotranny seethe right on schedule
I am at peace.
You know nobody but you gives a rat's ass about making the new thread, you don't own this place, this place owns you, it's like in Fight Club
You know I will annihilate any dogshit opinions on the topic of roleplaying you hold which is why you don't even dare engaging me. I trained you good, like a loyal bitch that knows its place, kek.
>dude I won the argument
It only exists in your head nobody engages with your autistic spergouts you're only arguing with yourself
It's completely clear that this is some kind of primary way he gets any kind of socialization, but the fact that it's sad doesn't change the fact that the schtick is so repetitive and tedious.

Really makes reading through the thread a chore.
>good thats what I want!!! KEK
No, what you want is attention. It's obvious, sad, and tedious.
I accept your seething concession.
I mean anyone who was in the old pathfinder threads knows not to engage him. The fool has no idea what makes the vast majority of people like role playing games. He cares about literally nothing but minmax. He'd pick troon as a background feat if it gave him +2 to whatever he wants
fix what?
it's perfect the way it is.
Daily reminder that shit-posting is an inherently social activity, begging for recognition and acknowledgement.
Anon you should look up a build online. Underrail will filter you if you don't have a good build put together even on the normal difficulty.
>I mean anyone who was in the old pathfinder threads knows not to engage him
Please, it's you Pathfinderfags who feed him the most, because most of you are all shitposting here alongside him
I don't feed him. Some are stupid enough to, sure
where the FR*CKING FR*CK is Disco Elysium??
>they're talking about me!!! my buds at /crpgg/ are talking about me!!!
This is what you're enabling. Just stop. Post some roles you're playing.
thanks for the suggestion. i think i'll play it this way:
if i've read the docs and the game is still not fun, i'll just stop playing.

i don't really want to use a canned build. if the game is still not playable even after this much prep and you do actually need a build, i will have zero regret dropping it and moving on. colony ship also looks interesting
Totally not frogshit who will reply to himself with his DE shitposts folder
>He thinks it's Froggy and not his cum guzzler
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In the VN general since it has nothing to do with RPGs.
>i don't really want to use a canned build.
So make one yourself, what's stopping you? Countless people have beaten the game blidnly on Normal/Classic. Minmaxed builds and using every trick in the book are the domain of Dominating difficulty.
ETA before he starts dumping soijaks?
looks like edgy Valerie to me
Do you get to fuck this bitch?
>if you romance her she doesn't have children with you because the assassin's lifestyle doesn't allow that
>if you don't romance her she settles down in Janus and has three children with an Agri-world farmer
Do you only play crpgs to "fuck bitches"?
Knowing Owlkek, yes, but she will cuck you in some elaborate way.
>fourth time going back to the doctor to get healing
this is beginning to get annoying
i shouldn't have picked the .44 because the bullets are so fucking expensive. 10k for 100 rounds? i have 200 credits
I usually grab the 5mm peashooter, if playing guns - it's enough for rathounds.
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The lack of kids in RT is concerning
It's the one game you should be having kids to make sure your dynasty doesn't end or go to some heretic
I will use all my resources to find a way to breed Yrilet and have her bear my half-eldar children

Agreed. Just needs her scar
get out, raszard
You already have a kid with Pasqal - Nomos

But since Pasqal might probably eventually disown hin for being a C'tan, so Yrliet might step in here
Prove to me Skyrim is an rpg beyond one meaningless skill check
>It's the one game you should be having kids to make sure your dynasty doesn't end or go to some heretic

I hate where the industry is heading with all this WEGification of the genre, but I also hate that Owlkeks are always playing it "safe" like cowards instead of just going all in. If you're making a WEG, at least make a good WEG.
>disown them for being a C'tan
Just say that you hate lesbians because that's what you want to say, you hate lesbians and you want them our with your heteronormative 3 kids or more endings
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Here's the proof since the skillcheck is not meaningless and represents a roleplaying opportunity where the player gets to complete the quest in an alternative way based on their character build through investment into Speechcraft, which immediately puts the game into the RPG genre. Moreover, not only is this a multi-solution quest, but a quest where alternative solutions belong to two different archetypes: speak and slay, which enhances the already proven roleplaying depth.

>it's not meaningless because the npc is not meaningless and the quest outcome is not meaningless
Great argumentative skills
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Woah mama, goth Val.
It's not meaningless, because every alternative quest outcome contributes to the variation of the overall narrative. As per Gygax's definition, roleplaying is "staying in character to create the story" and thus this variation on the overall narrative that depends on player character building choices constitutes roleplaying and destroys your non-argument.

I expect a written concession on my table in 1 minute.
space goth elf murder-hobo kills people and bathes in their blood to stop chaos from feasting on his soul
>filthy xenos beast! only a foul race as the eldar would be capable of such vile obscene debauchery! cut through them, for the Emperor!
space goth cultist murder-hobo kills people and bathes in their blood with some vague religious reasoning
>by the Golden Throne, I've never seen such a beautiful creature! Fuck my shit up mommy, for Emperor and Imperium!!!

why are DOGmatics like this?
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Don't answer him. Hide his posts. If you want, report.
>it contributes to the variation of the overall narrative because it just does
>I'm always right because I'm never wrong
Circular reasoning
Thank you, anon!
You are a good anon!
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>because it just does
Correct. It's an in-game quest and contributes to the narrative by definition, just like any quest. Whether it is a significant contribution or not is irrelevant, because the contribution is still there. There are many more quests like this in the game, but this particular example is as good as any other multi-solution quest in the game and already proves the presence of roleplaying depth, thus making the game a RPG.

>I'm always right
Correct, because all of my statements are based on infallible arguments that you will never refute since all you can do is spout nonsensical opinions of a retard who doesn't even play RPGs while I argue from the position based on definitions laid down by the fathers of the genre.

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anyone here play IWD2 with the EE?
apparently that got released, i remember seeing this shit in forums years ago and always figured it was never coming out
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I wish that guy would improve anatomy of his drawn characters.
>I added a quest to intimidate a bandit into giving me all his gold
>I contributed to the narrative
Why even have writers at this point, just let AI generate this shit
>a quest to intimidate a bandit
Adds no roleplaying depth, because it has only one solution: intimidate the bandit. A quest where you can kill the bandit or intimidate him, with the capability to do so being based on your character building choices, contributes to roleplaying depth and thus makes the game a RPG.

The game's narrative or story encompasses everything you do in the game: every quest and every encounter, not just the main storyline quests or some endgame epilogue blurb.
He literally posts his fanart on reddit everyday and never gets better, some people just don't have the talent for it
It doesn't contribute shit, it's fluff added by the intern much like fetch quests in an MMO
Gathering 10 boar pelts doesn't contribute to the narrative of me saving the world
I'm going to kill both
>prove to me that skyrim is an rpg
is there any conceivable definition of rpg where it is not? i'll hear yours, anon
>It doesn't contribute shit
That's your worthless dogshit opinion which is immediately dismissed on the basis of sandbox games existing, games where no main story is present, yet an overall narrative exists which encompasses the totality of player's actions in the world.
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are there any crpgs where you live the bandit life? I want to play the role of Stag Lord
It's an action game with zero meaningful roleplaying
okay but can you coherently articulate your definition?
"an rpg is..."
absolutely tedious
nobody is being trolled here, just retards poking at each other
everyone knows the term 'crpg' and 'rpg' is nebulous, that's the idea behind shitposting skyrim or zelda as an rpg.

But the thing is, if you run a joke to the ground, it stops being funny, and just becomes tedious and boring.
Please try to stop being boring.
>dude like you can create your own narrative in a sandbox game
What kinda cope is this
You don't get to define what's "meaningful", that's your subjective, worthless dogshit opinion. The inarguable fact is that Skyrim has roleplaying depth which automatically makes it a RPG. Whether it has a lot of said roleplaying depth and whether it's a good RPG or not is irrelevant to the issue of its classification: RPGs can be both good and bad, have good and poor roleplaying depth. The classification itself, however, is inarguable since it is based n an objective metric: the very presence of roleplaying depth of any degree.
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I wanna smooch her.
>any infinitesimal trace amount of "roleplaying" makes a game an rpg by definition
Okay then I add 2 cherry tomatoes to your 3000 calories meal, that makes it a healthy meal
>just retards poking at each other
You just described this general
There is nothing "nebulous" about RPG classification, the genre was defined very strictly before most retards ITT were even born: "acting in character to create the story."
How many cherry tomatoes is needed to make a healthy meal though?
Not always, sometimes people have interesting discussions in earnest. Sometimes people show and/or comment on the game they're playing.

There are a few who are really thirsty for social interaction and can only get this by their repetitive "drama stirring" garbage, or by being hyperbolic in their 'brutal takedowns' of something, but you see this lonely kind of posting everywhere.
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Nenio's solutions are always brilliant.
As many or few as you decide contribute to the overall narrative of you making more health conscious choices, health decision equals healthy meal regardless of the actual amount
Froggy, how do I make Nenio good without relying on a Court Poet.
You turn her into a Wiz5/Lrm5/EK10 INT-based Death Consonant (more attack bonus) or DEX-based ECB (better crit threat range) 2nd row melee damage dealer and pouncer with Vulpine Pounce, Mythic Charge and Boots of the Stampede.

Court Poet is mandatory for DC casting now.
Thoughts on Enderal?
Can't take these posts seriously after you admitted to being a furry
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I think removing the Navigator points would help a lot. It just made me not want to explore the rest of the planets because I kept running out.
Being able to turn off space battles would've been nice.
Make the hints about the necrons easier to notice so sub 85 IQ people like myself can actually see them.
I like how in the pathfinder games when you rest your companions talked to each other they should add more of that type of stuff into RT it felt like my companions hardly even noticed each other.
I like a lot about it more than Skyrim, but I don't think the gameplay and the type of story they wanted to tell really lines up
Yeah, I tried building her the usual way, that is enchantment DC casting, and while it works it's not as good as before and I don't want to fit a court poet into my party. I guess she could be a damage dealer that can also provide arcane buffing. I guess I'll go the crit range way so get to hear her crit voice lines.
>I can't even fathom how one can justify recruiting him even on the chaos path.
Because one doesn't. You sacrifice him for the cut Daemonette companion. Recruiting a character like Marazhai doesn't make sense for any alignment. He, as a character, was treated poorly all around writing wise. Not that it matters since now we will have assassin waifu as his new replacement. She makes more sense narratively to recruit, and she can even be fixed! Waifu fag bros stay winning.
Remember that the Loremaster is there for the Rogue Secret -> Combat Trick -> Improved Improved Critical and also allows you to grab Improved Crit earlier by skipping the BAB pre-req (or getting an extra spell) AND allows you to grab Cleric Spell -> Divine Power.
>You sacrifice him for the cut Daemonette companion
The one you were supposed to get during his companion quest? Whic means recruiting him and then taking him to your ship as if nothing had happened? You can't see the future, you don't know a daemon is going to come in to eat him, and if you were planning on bamboozling him by recruiting him and then killing him then chances are you would have sold him off to the inquisition
>assassin waifu
Mogged by the fish
Yeah, I knew about that, it's funny how Owlkeks keep going back and forth between removing the trickster feats from the Loremaster selection. Can you still reach 11-20 crit range assuming you have the Inevitable Excess belt? I think they changed the crit mechanics.
>You can't see the future, you don't know a daemon is going to come in to eat him,
True, you should've had Slaanesh whisper in your ear that she wants that specific drukhari soul later during act 3 while you cause a warp breach for her. She specifically asks for him during ac 4 and she speaks directly to you in act 3 so I don't get why they didn't add some foreshadowing. But then again, this entire game lacks direction, I feel.
>12 hours in
>Just got the drill working and Rail Crossing is now open
>Cleared pretty much everything that I could, including the Lunatic squad north of SGS
How much have I gone through so far? 20%? 15%?
10% not including the DLC.
Dragon Age Origins is pretty good. Just made it to Denerim and am looking for the ashes. It's a pretty cool setting I like my companions quite a lot. I've been using a party of Morrigan, Leliana and Alistair.
Make sure to install the dog companion mod for the canon party
>Morrigan disliked that
Still confused why she got shapeshifter when that pretty much never comes up.
Kinda fucks the balance though but who cares.
i'm not having fun. i've walked back to the medic floor 8 times now. the boss died to 1 round of 44. the setting is "kill rats in the basement". nearly all of my time in the game was spent either waiting for my guy to walk from one place to another or for the combat animations to process. there is no way to speed up combat animations and "max walking speed" feels like fallout's "min walking speed".

I beat the first quest, went exploring, killed some stalkers, killed some robots, found a machine gun and a 5mm pistol, explored until i found where psi beetles would spawn and you know what? it's boring. what's supposed to be exciting here? the combat system is trivial. the characters you meet have nothing to say. the quests are lame. the world has almost no interactivity.

it's the worst crpg i've ever played. you guys gave me a terrible recommendation
Owlkeks fixed getting the trickster critfeats via fighter secret, but they never fixed getting them via the rogue secret. On some level it makes sense, since the rogue has combat TRICK, heh.

You can no longer reach 11-20 crit threat range, because the bonus increments to critical threat range are no longer multiplied by 2 via the Improved Critical feat. Now only your base crit threat range is multiplied so you go from 18-20 to 15-20 on a ECB via Improved Critical and then 14-20 via Improved Improved Critical and finally 13-20 via the flawless belt of physical perfection +8. Before that, the +1 increments were double and thus you could reach precisely 11-20 which broke the game with touch of law and enabled 100% critchance, kek.
Glad to see someone can still enjoy it. I should do another run at some point. It has been years since I played it and I never played that Morrigan DLC.
>i've walked back to the medic floor 8 times now.
Wait, why not heal yourself? The game isn't stingy with Hypos at all and you can just bandage yourself.
>there is no way to speed up combat animations and "max walking speed" feels like fallout's "min walking speed".
There is. For both actually. Go to settings to change the combat speed, I think it can even go up to 300%? For regular animations, you can press control + scroll up or down to speed it up to 300% as well.
I think you're just missing some key mechanics that make the game less tedious.
The game is very long lol, you've explored only a minuscule fraction of it, it's easily 200+ hours on a full run. And the character in your home station have a lot to say. As you progress through the story you will unlock new locations including the huge Core City with shitloads of quests and characters to interact with.

Also, the combat is not primitive, it has infinitely more active abilities than fallout. Fallout combat is a joke compared to underrail.
>It's a pretty cool setting
How so? It's literally the most generic fantasy setting ever. Nothing about the "lore" you care about will be expanded in the next games, in case you're wondering.
Yeah, that's why I was asking, I could get 11-20 crit range on a kineticist/arcane rider legend that coupled with touch of law broke the game in half because I was critting for like 3000 damage on every hit and I could attack like 8 times per round.
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I agree and you didn't even mention the literal highschool-student tier writing, I couldn't get myself to play after about 10 hours
is that some JA2? fuck ya
Weird way to spell Drezen huh
You mean Dresden.
>Nothing about the "lore" you care about will be expanded in the next games
I hate that you're right
Instead they leaned into the whole mage/templar argument in which the templars will never win because the mages represent progressive leftist ideologies
>Glad to see someone can still enjoy it.
I can see why some people would dislike it as it is a lot more simple compared to most other crpgs but on it's own I still think it's pretty good.

I like the stuff with the mages. The blood magic stuff is cool and the Templers having to watch over them to stop them from becoming abominations is a interesting idea. The blight and the grey wardens fighting is kind of interesting as well. I don't know of any fantasy stories that have stuff like that in it.

>Nothing about the "lore" you care about will be expanded in the next games, in case you're wondering.
That's disappointing if you're telling the truth.
>in which the templars will never win because the mages represent progressive leftist ideologies
>In DA2 the mage leader just turns evil for no reason even if you side with them so you can have a boss fight
>Anders will commit terrorism if you don't fuck his ass
>Mages in DAI are "slavery is kinda okay actually", "the circle is okay actually", and "tear it all down because I fucked up"
Is it really?
some Fantasy names are just
>let's take this word and remove a letter
>let's just take this random foreign word
Telepath or Pyromancer Psyker?
The Morrigan dlc is a very nice way to close the story if your Warden romanced her and kept her gift.
>Bruh, blood mages
And just like that, siding with mages will never be morally correct.
glad you're enjoying it anon, I liked it a lot too
>because the mages represent progressive leftist ideologies
I... what?
its terminal brainrot, dont engage
Yeah. I never played it before because in all my runs, I never once romanced her and wasn't interested in getting more Morrigan. I have heard people say it's fairly interesting so I probably should do a Morrigan run.
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My warden stabbed her in the gut and threw her into the mirror kek.
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bump for a response

considering it took three hours to kill a bunch of rats in the basement, i absolutely believe 200h of content.
>the combat is not primitive
play a traditional roguelike

in truth i had to fight the urge to skip the writing nearly every time i saw it. I just thought it was for other reasons (UI scaling problems)
>considering it took three hours to kill a bunch of rats in the basement
How? Even if you're using a 44, regular rathounds die in like 3 shots, which is pretty much every turn. If you've bothered to learn crafting or just buy them, molotov cocktails makes easy work of them.
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>play a traditional roguelike
Why would I play garbage like that when a far more advanced roguelike mogs all traditional ones into a living death and makes them look like casul kiddieshit?
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tome is considered a traditional roguelike

in truth, they often die in one. i had a knife that i'd swipe them with if they had a little bit of hp after one shot.
it was mostly walking back and forth from the medical floor. and waiting for the combat animations to finish. the actual fighting was braindead. i read the item descriptions and i did a fair amount of exploring in the main area. learned crafting (didn't find molotov recipe, but i did find leather armor). talked to the npcs. you know, all of the things you do when you're new to a crpg. but definitely the most of it was walking around, fighting, then walking to the med area and back.

i have never before been so ill advised by 4chan anons.
>walking to the medbay instead of using bandages in a timely fashion
>thinks he has experienced even 1% of the game to make any conclusions
>"braindead combat" that somehow managed to filter him so badly he has to walk to the medbay 8 times
>"ill advised" when the game is universally praised as one of the best RPGs ever in any serious RPG discussion forum

Diagnosis: profound mental retardation. The real surprising part is that you got filtered without even reaching Depot A which is quite impressive, most shitbuilds get at least that far.
Is intensified magic any good for ray casters? It gives you a +5 to caster level but hellfire ray already has a 15d6 cap so it seems like it would be a dead feat.
Yeah I'm sorry anon, I'm putting this on you. Like if the game isn't clicking with you, then fine, but going back to the medbay pretty much every time to get healed means you're doing something completely wrong. Shame you didn't enjoy it since I currently am. I will say backtracking is an absolute slog and especially when you're lugging around a lot of stuff but the speed up feature is there. It's still not Neketaka bad yet though.
>walking back and forth from the medical floor
>the actual fighting was braindead
Evidently not given you had to keep running back to heal even though you were fighting rathounds. If you had used your brain you might have realised they couldn't open doors and you could shoot them through the fences.
Actually I've found that to be weird really. Like I fully expected to just be able to knock down doors when I first tried out to play hammers but no, you can't. You have to lockpick it and non-humans can't even break through.
What does /crpgg/ think of breakable doors/chests though? Is it good? Is it bad?
Well, it's still in most parts Skyrim, so it's jank, combat is bad, it ambitiously tries to make dialogue more than just talking heads (by e.g. taking you out of the dialogue state while not having control over your character) in ways that the engine can't handle and it's mostly for the worse for it, I think the story is too much misery porn for my sensibilities, etc.

But as a whole and in particular in terms of the overall design paradigm, I like it better then Skyrim for one, and consider it a decent game worth playing. There's just a lot of things going for it in comparison:
>actually hadcrafted locations that actually try to have a degree of storytelling and secret nooks and crannies that reward exploration
>denser world, yet with greater variety
>no level-scaling and fast travel: this reduces the downsides of the unrestricted open world design by nudging you towards logical progression from subarea to the next and gives character to the areas and enemies (everything isn't just content you are supposed to consoom, but enemies that are supposed to be dangerous are dangerous): given the logical progression, there's less useless running around, which means fast travel is less "needed", which means the game doesn't turn to teleport-to-the-arrow-location simulator that ironically takes you out of the world.
>I don't like the main quest, but many of the side quests are pretty compelling (the "DLC" ones in particular)
>the character-building system enables "actual builds" rather than all characters being stealth archers or stealth archers in denial, and training books while a clunky system do encourage exploration further
>because builds are more interesting and there are actual stakes to the fights (like actually worthwhile loot that the tough monster is guarding), combat is more compelling even though it's mechanically really jank
>...and it is nevertheless better than Skyrim, because Enderal incorporates lots of mods (combat, UI, gfx, etc) by default
Interesting points. Though I'd have to disagree with the "logical progression" bit. I've found it odd and frankly weird that going north results in much, much stronger enemies where they become just damage sponges if you're not on their level. I don't think there's any in lore justification why some random bandits there are so much stronger than monsters south of the map.
Also didn't like the book system for level ups since the further you go it makes it harder to get Master level books so there's a time where I just waited around town checking the store if they have what I want. Just felt weird that there were no trainers for it.
don't be sorry anon, you did your best here and recommended a game that you like. I couldn't ask for more.

and don't feel any guilt over your advice, since as i type this steam has granted my refund.

>why not healing items
the hypos are expensive (you start with 2000 and each costs 120) and limited and you are broke at the start. if i used them aggressively to save time, i risked running out of them when i needed them, either during a fight or later if they became scarce. ultimately, it's just ordinary forward thinking.
i did use the bandages at every occasion but i frequently fell below 40%. and even with 8 perception and max guns i was still only landing shots above 90% to hit at point blank. so i would fire a shot shot, sometimes miss, and then take damage.

no doubt a big problem was the pistol, the .44, which only fires once per turn. if the gun had fired twice as fast i could probably have cleared the area in less than half the time. but guns cost thousands of credits and the ammo just as much. by the time i killed a stalker and scavenged a 5mm i was fighting armored bots and the 5mm only tickled them. i had intended to use a machine gun from the start. but I only found one right at the end. Actually, it was when i realized i wouldn't be able to afford ammo for both the lmg and a sidearm that I abandoned the game.

the bullets are expensive. one bullet is 100 credits . to put this in context, you get 4500 credits for completing the entire rat mission. when you have 2000 credits, are you going to fire four bullets = 20% of your total money, just to save time? That would be most unwise.
How is co op in Rogue trader? Me and my brothers are looking for something new after finishing BG3
The +5 CL ignores that cap, so your rays are now 20d6. It's pretty good because it's just a +1 to your spell level to apply the metamagic, meaning that you can add it for free with Favorite Metamagic: Intensified, just like Bolstered.
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Good old times.
Perfect for blamming. No room for edgelords on MY ship.
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>Owlkeks added new +2 Enchantment DC glasses to the early game
>still no + Conjuration DC items

Pain. At least you can scale Winter's Grasp DC via Flow of Water and double Elemental Focus Cold.
does UO count as a crpg?
I am genuinely infuriated by the fact that Owlcat decided to nerf gore pets last patch. Why do they want everyone to use dogs and wolves? Are WotR patches currently being directed by white women?
Kind of looks like how they drew Iomadae.
Weren't Owlcat romances written by white women already? What you've said seems like a logical next step.
Yes. So is Fire Emblem.
eh, isn't that a game for little kids?
Yea, it's the socially acceptable porn game.
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No, it's a turn based tactics game at best and an autobattler at worst.
yeah. probably the best crpg since bg3 although personally i think it's better
Sounds like a crpg
Real CRPGs require serious brain power. Anyone less than a genius gets filtered.
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It's stupid how the Aeon doesn't get a mythic-specific interaction in this scene when the disguised demon auras are glowing. Nice reactivity, Owlkeks.
Objectively speaking, was Rogue Trader a commercial success for Owlcat?
>half a million sold in one month
>already working on two dlc
>they outright said they were surprised by how successful the game was despite the rocky launch
Our fellow furfag and PFbros will seethe and cope but yes
From most accounts yeah. Also personal anecdote but I know some people who played Rogue Trader but never even heard of the other Owlcat games. 40k has a lot of resonance.
>I am genuinely infuriated by the fact that Owlcat decided to nerf gore pets last patch.
What happened? Did the gore pets stopped tripping or something?
definitely, I'm willing to bet it was significantly more profitable than Pathfinder
at least I've heard about it a lot more outside crpg circles
>pathfinder subribbit - 90k members
>40kids subribbit - 40k members (lol I'm not memeing)

Repeat after me: "Sharted and flopped."
We consider redditors human now?
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don't look frogster
There's not a single objective metric that shows Rogue Tranny in a positive light. WotR sold 250k copies in 8 days on Steam alone, its console launch was significantly later. Those console numbers of course contributed to the total sales, but LATER. RT sold 500k in a MONTH on ALL PLATFORMS COMBINED since it had a simultaneous PC + console launch.

Which is why we're seeing the numbers that we're seeing.
more human than those on /crpgg/
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I love to see rogue tranny crash and burn
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When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe.
>Game sold half a million in a month while the previous one took over a year to make a million
>It somehow flopped
This is some serious denial
This has become par for the course in all discussions about sales and why I hate such discussions. It's always a flop no matter what and someone will figure out some dubious made up assertions back on the envelope way to claim it. I blame companies for managing to conceal so well their sales performance outside of narrow carefully spoonfed drips of info.
My backstory?
it's a little something I like to call, oh I don't know, maybe "I kill the bad guys" ;)
It's stupid anyway since whinging about sales is never about if the game did well and more on if the game is """""good""""" which is a stupid metric.
wotr mogs anyway
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And this is why no one should feel bad about making cutesune memebuilds with 5 dips. Canon.
How did well Starfield even do anyway?
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If chasing rabbits in the fields is boring, why don't we, uh, "chase rabbits" in bed?

Konomi should've had her own romance just like ambassador Josephine had in Dragon Age Inquisition.
Is there a reason to go more than 6 levels in loremaster for a ray caster? You get your 3 feats but afterwards there's not really any incentive to get more loremaster levels unless I'm missing something since the remaining secrets are shit.
anyone ever play solasta with a controller? I usually just see if it's steam deck verified or whatever but that little nub shit lets them get away with too much and the controller compatibilities are always completely made up
well enough that they've kept supporting it, but it's not like they publish their sales numbers
The worst part is that it's not even sales, but player numbers, for fucking single player games
You take loremaster levels in odd-numbered values since that's when you get secrets. In your case, there's no point in going further than 5 and for a ray caster you can go as low as 1, though 3 will allow you to grab both improved cirtical and improved improved critical early by skipping BAB requirements.
>though 3 will allow you to grab both improved cirtical and improved improved critical
Yeah I already got both early on. I'm not sure what else to pick up. I've got 1 sorc level for red dragon bloodline, 5 loremaster and 5 exploiter wizard. I could just keep going for wizard levels.
Or you could go for EK to get more BAB, but then you lose -1 CL... which can be easily recouped with spell specialization.
hellknight signifer
Why would I need more BAB when I've already qualified for the crit feats? What does EK provide?
Why and what do I want to pick up feat wise?
>What does EK provide?
More BAB so you have an easier time hitting shit, extra feats so you can more easily qualify for the Hide armor of elemental carnage and EK's capstone gives you a free quickened spell whenever you crit, including with rays.
>Why would I need more BAB
To hit things better. Late games bosses, especially the DLC ones have retarded touch AC. You can never have enough BAB even as a ray caster and that's what the EK provides... on top of bonus combat feats which can be used for armor proficiency light + medium and arcane armor training + mastery (you only get 3 out of these 4) so that you can wear the hide armor of elemental carnage with no arcane spell failure. Since EK requires martial weapon proficiency and provides 3 bonus combat feats for 9 levels, you end up with a 2 feat surplus.
Since we're talking about raycasters, is it better to put my points into DEX to have a bigger attack bonus and initiative or into INT for more spells casts?
I think Bethesda is still riding the momentum of previous successes so anything they put out will sell decently. A quick search gave me claims that Starfield ranked as the 11th most sold game of 2023.
Dex. You don't care about DC and you will have enough casts per encounter. Just make sure you have 20 int base and you're good.
literally playing with dolls lmao
>20 int base
For early game DC? Or is there any other reason?
>Or is there any other reason?
You don't have anywhere to put your stats. Ray casters only need dex + main casting stat and you can start with 20 + 19 in both and then use the 5 points to get to 24 + 20. If you're starting as a race that doesn't get to have +2 to both dex and main casting stat then start with 20 dex and 17 main casting stat, get to 24 + 18 base and then wear a headband or something.
yes come join
Did anyone playing the Tactics Ogre remake that's available on PC? How legit is it? I remember playing it on my PSP like decades back and got filtered when I got to an area where enemies were too strong and the last save was 3 hours back.
>EK's capstone
I wouldn't be able to get the capstone because I've already gone 5 Wizard, 5 loremaster, 1 Sorceror and don't have martial weapon proficiency.
>hide armor
I took archmage armor so that feat will be redundant. Is that hide BiS? I can respec worse comes to worst.
> wanting to actually fix your murderous love interest
>Is that hide BiS?
Yes, you get +1damage/die for elemental spells.

Where would I get the martial weapon proficiency? What other gear is BiS? What would the class combination be? From what you have mentioned so far it would be 3 loremaster,1 sorc, 10 EK and 5 in wizard.
What’s better between kingmaker and WotR trying to decide what to get during the sale
Objectively, WOTR is much more polished but I suppose KM's smaller scale has its charms.
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Doll status: undressing.

WotR is objectively better from QoL perspective, and I believe it's altogether a better game. On the other hand, Kingmaker is more comfy and feels more like classic adventuring.
>Where would I get the martial weapon proficiency?
Take it as a feat.

>What other gear is BiS?
Not sure about the absolute latest DLC, but from what I remember you want:

Weapon - Lethal Conductor (+5 Competence on Touch Attack rolls)

Robe - Elemental Imbuement (+2damage/die for an element you just took damage from)

Gloves - Gloves of Arcane Eradication (+4 untyped bonus to Ranged Touch Attack)

Neck - Legacy of the Last Azlanti (+2damage/die for elemental spells)

And the armor you already know.

These are the most important items, there are less important ones like Mallander's Insult belt and Ring of Pyromania, but their benefits are minuscule.
Pirate both of them, then play KM first
responding to your own posts is cringe.
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>3 loremaster,1 sorc, 10 EK and 5 in wizard.
Yes and put 1 more level in either wizard or loremaster, it doesn't matter at that point.
As others are saying, wotr is more polished in certain ways, better quality of life.
But they're both great games, and the problem is that starting from WotR then wanting more, you might be put off by KM.

For that reason, if you're a major fan of the genre and are sure that you'll eventually play both, I'd start with KM. If you think you might only play one, play WotR.
None of them, play something else besides Owlslop
Ok Autistic question, since I wasn't in /ocg/ or /wotrg/ out of morbid curiosity did anyone bbcpost with Sosiel or Ekun? Was that ever popular?
I see owlcat generals love cuckposting, but rarely seen that get mentioned, is it a dead meme or never happened?
Kill yourself
what if we kissed on ratnook hill
Tartuk did nothing wrong
That ain't me lmao
What about metagamics?
I like the lower-powered story of Kingmaker (if you are in it to slay demon lords and become a god then that would be a downside for you) and the atmosphere that isn't 90% demonic wasteland. Companions are a tossover (I think WotR has the best companions, but Kingmaker has less offensive bad companions).

But that's it. There is a reason 99% of the discussion is about WotR:
>The games are build simulators, and WotR has twice as many archetypes to pick from, some that are present in both games are better realized due to more feats being available, and there's 10 mythic levels in addition to 20 regular ones to specialize your character
>The mythic system also increases replayability tremendously, as at least the more content-heavy half of the mythics has enough unique content to make replaying the game interesting
>Additionally, I think it's not really satisfying or viable to play anything but lawful neutral or lawful good in Kingmaker, while all alignments are compelling in Wrath
>Wrath simply has vastly superior quality-of-life, on account of being able to rotate the map, being able to dismiss ground effects, sortable and searchable inventory, there's a mod that makes prebuffing easy (and the game is all about prebuffing), etc, etc

I would pick Wrath, and if you are feeling peckish for more of the same after playing it, then try Kingmaker, play it probably once, and then go back to Wrath
wtf is """""""""""metagamics"""""""""""
It's been a long day.
You get everything: bolster, empower, maximize and then potentially intensify (haven't used that one in practice yet).

Then you take mythic abilities: favoriteBolster (+0 spell level), favoriteEmpower (+1 spell level), favoriteMaximize (+2 spell level) and potentially favoriteIntensify (+0 spell level).

This allows you to cast a Bolstered + Empowered + Maximized (+ Intensified) Hellfire Ray as a level 9 spell.
Tartuk hasn't done a single thing right
No, sosiel was only ever brought up as a domain bitch if talking about party comps or because he gets raped in the demon mythic path. Ekundayo i think has never been mentioned in any thread until right now, congrats on being the first to bring him up. Cuckposting was dominant due to their being way too many aruefags and also because greybor became a meme
Tartuk's involvement was rather inconclusive
Speaking of Greybor, can someone post the "7wis vivisectionist commander" Greybor pasta.
who cares about Gay Bore
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Cammers cares about uncle Grey Boar
>"Wilcer, what's this about? Why the secrecy?"
>Wilcer's familiar smirk could be seen though his face was half hidden in shadow
>"I know about Camellia. Commander."
>The commander froze, and immediately began running through possible explanations.
>"Listen, Wilcer--"
>A side door in the ruined house opened, and a few grinning crusaders stepped in, one cracking his knuckles. Horgus shuffled in behind them carrying some kind of rope and harness, looking nervous but determined.
>"Oh don't worry, *Commander*, your secret is safe with the Fellows."
>Wilcer nodded to the crusaders, who began removing their armor and clothes, muttering and snickering to eachother.
>"But that depends on you, and your... cooperation with our weekly meetings."
Anything funny come out of dance of masks extended romances?
Knight CUMmander of the FILTH CrASSade
>Once again, the distant sounds of skin slapping and grunts begin to fill the night air from somewhere just beyond the light of the campfires.
>A solumn group of crusaders have given up on talking to drown out the ambient sounds, and are grimly staring into the flames when a new recruit approaches
>"I'm still missing a healing potion, does anyone know where I can find the quartermaster?"
>A voice chimes in as the crusaders exchange glances.
>"The quartermaster is occupied at the moment boy," Greybor says from the shadows, knocking old tobacco from his pipe.
>"He's busy delivering something of a healing potion to the Knight Commander himself," he continues as he gets up and walks past the recruit, pausing to light his pipe.
I wish all Owltards would die in minecraft
Cuckposting for Valerie yes, Ekun no, he's a bro and a totally inoffensive guy. Would've been absolutely dropped off if he didn't get busted starting stats and Okbo. Not really as bad as say Deadfire really.
Sosiel is far too boring to shitpost about, not even his bouts of nigger rage are worthy of mockery.
Mythic wise I'll need ascendant element and the critical feat but the rest should be pumped into abilities to get abundant casting as well right?
Have you considered playing the game yourself? just wondering
I mean you could mindbreak him into being an obedient whore if you romance him as a demon. Weird you can't do that with the female romances though but oh well. Frankly he's the most "faggot coded" companion Owlcat has made.
>Wilcer's sweat smells like bread, drops of it landing on your back, massaged in by his eager hands pulling your hips back into him repeatedly.
>He whispers incoherently between grunts while working you, rough hands moving back and forth from your hips to handfuls of hair.
>"Yeah open that world-wound for me commander"
MR1: Ascendant Element Fire

MR2: Mythic Improved Crit Ray (assuming you already have the basic feat via loremaster)

MR3: Favorite Metamagic Bolster

MR4: Favorite Metamagic Empower

MR5: Favorite Metamagic Maximize

MR6: Mythic Spellpen

MR7: Favorite Metamagic Intensify

MR8,9,10: Abundant Casting or whatever
If I get WotR what dlc is worth getting?
Yeah, 28 Babau marines, pulling up in black Retriever bugs
Vrocks landing
Drezen is under siege, under lockdown
Babau marines gonna fuck knight commanders butt
Looking for Count Daeran
Gonna fuck Count Daeran's butt
Yeah wild buff Drukhari studs gonna fuck froggies butt
Fifth Crusade? It rocks!
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>level 6
>my hit bonus is +12
>my tank's AC is 35

>enemy has 46 AC
>10 damage reduction
>25 spell resistance
>+28 to hit
>d8+16 damage
>3 attacks per round
>DC 25
>AOE single saving throw multi-minute crowd control
>+15/+10/+23 saving throws
>permanent freedom of movement

I don't get what I'm supposed to do. This fight is mathematically impossible.
>Level 6 fight
>Enemy has Legendary Proportions
Where is this?
midnight isles dlc

he has more buffs but I start each fight by spamming all the dispels I can cast
1. you don't mention touch AC
2. looks like dex is shit so target reflex

must be from a dlc I don't have because I don't recognize that enemy
Been awhile since I touched that place but isn't that way too early?
>just spam spells bro it's easy
Yes, I'll check spells against SR25 DR 10.
That's a completely viable tactic at level 6 without a dedicated blaster caster.
Reminder people buy Rogue Trader exclusively because someone told them about Marazhai
They get over all the jank and clunk just so they can get some barbed deldar dick
Can any of your feeble waifus boast that?
>people buy Rogue Trader
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>level 6
>my tank's AC is 35
That's not a tank.

>my hit bonus is +12

+6 base from full BAB at level 6
+5 from 20 STR
+2 from Bull's Strength
+2 Morale from Heroism or Good Hope
+1 Luck from Prayer
+3 from Touch of Good or Vision of Madness

That's already +19 without Smite Evil/Chaos, weapon focus, weapon training.
DLCs also tend to add new archetypes and feats and items so all would spice up the game after you've beaten it a bunch of times. I'll comment from the perspective of a new player, there will be plenty of opportunities to pick the DLCs up again if you do end up liking the game and playing it lots.

>Inevitable Excess
Post-campaign content that is the only chance to really test the endgame powers, since you get the last mythic level only for the final boss. It also ties a few loose ends regarding the story ("ah, that's what happened there"). Unfortunately that content is bad.
>Through the Ashes
A separate level 1-5 campaign. If you like low-level campaigns then I think it's actually pretty cool. But given that it's standalone, you'll probably play it once or twice, and there's no reason to pick it before trying out the game.
>The Lord of Nothing
Continuation to the previous campaign, I think it's generally worse, and doesn't have the low-level adventure appeal because you're no longer that low level.
>Treasure of The Midnight Isles
"Roguelike" game mode, which I guess some folks may enjoy for testing builds, I personally don't. You can go through the dungeons in main campaign too however, and there's some build-enabling or just generally OP items in there. This one I think would be the most worth.
>The Last Sarkorians
A new companion (and a bunch of new classes etc). I like Ulbrig and his companion quests add quite a lot to the main campaign (you have to have him in the party for the companion quests, but can otherwise ignore him, so it adds content to all playthroughs). The quality of this DLC would be the highest of the lot, but there's more companions than party slots already, so you'll probably want to try out other companions too, but it's potentially worth for first playthrough since it adds a couple of hours to the campaign.
>A Dance of Masks
I actually haven't gotten around to playing it yet

Overall, you don't NEED any of them right now.
>Elemental Imbuement (+2damage/die for an element you just took damage from)
Is there even a reliable way to proc this for fire damage?
Someone draws all this fanart from somewhere
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This is useless against AC 45.
You need a minimum of +26 just to hit on a 19.

I have everything I need to sustain the fight for a long enough time. The issue is that the enemy's defenses are so high that nothing gets through.
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>amerilard hours
>still deathmogged
Kek, at least Froggy is honest and uses Steamdb
Consider that you're not supposed to be there yet and you started the DLC way too early.
[X] Seethe
[X] Cope
[X] Dilate

It's rogue tranny time
Now add +1 weapon enhancement.

Now add +1 weapon focus.

Now add +6 from Smite Chaos/Evil at 22 CHA while buffed via Eagle's Splendor

Now add -2 armor debuff via evil eye

Now add another -2 armor debuff via another evil eye (Witch + Shaman stack)
That's actually pretty cool. I suppose you hit yourself before combat and then switch to another staff which boosts spell pen or caster level.
How is he so much more popular than Camellia?
Most fanartists are women. Don't look how much Regill actually mogs everyone else in popularity.
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The smirk never leaving his rotund face, quartermaster Wilcer Garms unbuckles his pants and lets them fall to the ground. You feel yourself getting hard as you look around nervously, wishing he wouldn't go so slow but also savoring every moment.
"I take care of the crusaders, now who's going to take care of me?"
Speechless, your gaze focuses intently between his legs as he flips over some fabric, revealing his girthy hog. "By Iomedae, he's huge!" you think to yourself.
Walking confidently over to you he puts a hand on your shoulder, and you surprise yourself at how immediately you fall to your knees.
"That's right, commander. You are."
Just have Nenio or Ember fry your ass.
He's a man
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RTStacies are so talented though
And they all want to fuck Pasqual for some reason

(This dropped today)
And if you're a fighter5/hellknight1, you can throw in another +1 from weapon training.
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troons should have chosen a better game to stan, even lol would be less miserable than RT
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>RTStacies are so talented though
They are
Here's a cute fish made by a Marazhaifag
They're forced to spam their garbage here because all their dedicated discussion spaces are dead
Anons have you ever simped so hard you stalked a VA to the backstage of a musical just so he can sign your fetish elf prints
They have their own general though. Not saying they can't or shouldn't post here, just that they still have a live general.
Ummmm sorry, sweetie, but your god and savior Froggy used a RT pic for the OP
*on life support
the only thing of value they bring are their empty bumps that keep this one afloat until white people hours
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When I fought the defiler a few months ago I breezed through it because argenta has an item that lets her apply a stack of perplexed (-10 to ws/bs and int) with every hit. So for the entire battle the defiler had BS/WS 1 and couldn't hit anything.

I decided to load an old save and see what the fight is like with the new patch and for obvious reasons it's harder but one thing I noticed is that the defiler was landing way more shots, and I noticed that even with a ballistic skill of 1, it still had a 30% chance to hit with all of its attacks.

Has it always been the case that you can't reduce an enemies to hit chance below 30%? I could have sworn that pre-patch with enough penalties enemies could literally have like a 1% chance to hit.
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my beloved fishwife...
>white people
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>muh player counts
>in single player games
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It highlights what a trainwreck Rogue Tranny is thougheverbeit, regardless of quality, which is lacking anyway.
Why is this guy so hell bent on Rogue Trader anyway? Like I get Disco Elysium but Rogue Trader?
I played it on launch. That's all one needs to know to understand.
Because he's autistic
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she's so absolutely adorable!
I love that mutant!
You could call it The Wrath of the Righteous
From what I've seen he hates sci-fi
Also, he may cry shit and piss himself about how much he hates Pathfinder but look at him, he can't stop playing and discussing the games, so he's no doubt bitter that Owlcat abandoned it in favor of 40k
Baphomet did nothing wrong
>Nenio questions him if he fucked a cow
>Has no comeback and just seethes
I hate how that made me laugh.
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I love Cassiaposters
Then play the game and become one of us
Understandable, she's basically Arue if she wasn't a giga whore.
> one chance at life
> look like a goat
Baphomeme is a joke
Keys are sweaty, backlog's heavy, mom's spaghetti
Wasn't Nocticula's nickname for Baphomet "goat-boy"? And "cricket" for Deskari?
>look like a bad-ass goat
>escape a cosmic prison by just taking the prison with you
>cult worshipping you is the most successful at infiltrating and subversion
>breeding constantly
yeah I'm gonna go with based and metal af
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baphomet is more fitting as a devil than a demon, he looks like a stereotypical representation of the devil
Owlcat's already busy shafting Devil, you don't need to contribute any more anon.
Where a good place to start Wizardry?
>Barrel Stare requires me to be in melee range
>Leading Shot specifically asks me not to be in melee range
Did I brick myself picking Barrel Stare? Leading Shot sounds much more useful.
has owlcat patched the latest dlc+patch for wotr?
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I like you too Aruefriend
Sure, they have, and it's still buggy, and it'll stay that way forever because it's Owlcat
Has there ever been a bug free CRPG? Even older games pretty much demand you do a fan patch to fix the most basic shit
None of them are Owlcat level. They're the Bethesda of crpgs
How many renegade aeon decisions can you make before being locked out of time travelling to fix everything in Act 5?
>in the new dance of masks DLC tricksters can scam Razmir by selling him a fake DIY guru book on how to obtain mythic power
I'm liking dread delusion so far the atmosphere is pretty fun but it's annoying the enemies don't give any exp just random drops
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Now THAT is a tactic I can get behind
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Oh no! The cast of Critical Role has been isekai'd into the world of Pathfinder: The Wrath of the Righteous, and now Golarion needs their help in closing the worldwound!

Who will be the Knight Commander of the Fifth Crusade? What is everyone's race and class? What other roles will they play?
I'll always wonder if they intended it to be a mythic path you could take at the start because of that helmet you find with the Lich wand and Terendelev's claw
Breakfast outside in the gazebo with my beautiful wife Minagho
what game
Genuinely asking for recommendations here for CRPGs. Assume I know about all the basics in the OP doc image.

What are some more obscure ones that people here liked? I might try Black Geyser or Encased out, but I'm sure there are others.
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If you're into dungeon crawler/blobbers, I liked Starcrawlers a lot
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d-d-dialogue choices? In a jrpg??!?

Tales of Arise. It's not really a crpg, I'm just shitposting about it. So far I'm not having very much fun. I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty under one-shot mode, and there's zero challenge at all. Just killed the first chapter boss too.
The dialogue is lame and the plot is just "what if slavery...is le bad?!?!".
I'm mostly playing it for the knight waifu, but haven't even met her yet.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>some more obscure ones that people here liked
hero's adventure (chinese with crowdsourced translated)
rance vi (japanese wizardry 8 with lots of sex)

these may be a bit too obscure but perhaps it will at least help you find direction
Look at the games in the second post in the thread, if youre searching for obscure rpgs. Skald launched recently and Carribean Legend just got its dlc.
>wotr or kingmaker
i earnestly advise you to play something else. the promotional material for these titles looks much better than the game plays. at a minimum, get a demo or pirate it first because the tutorial is lengthy and you will be outside of the refund window before clearing it.
fabled lands
I quit around 10 hours, they just drown you in so many filler cutscenes, then there's the incredibly boring combat. Appreciated how much VA it has though.
>amnesia main character
I'm liking solasta so far.
Is completing the Lord of Nothing actually worth it for whatever it unlocks in base WOTR? I got up to the point where you get to the Wizard Tower and have really disliked it so far.
You get a boss fight (that I think is easier if you do things right in Lord of Nothing, but I didn't care enough to even humor experimenting with) and some items I don't remember ever using
If you lose the final fight or betray the party in lord of nothing and then import that save into your main campaign you will get the chance to fight full power Sithuud.
Can you get a crystal out of full power Sithuud, or is it purely just for a more engaging fight
i thought it was aggressively mediocre. its a decently long game that does nothing well enough to justify playing it.
No idea, I'm doing it myself for this first time this run.
Funnily enough, one of my biggest complaints with the DLC is the way the maps are designed. Compared to the base game they have continual camera angle problems.
I don't like the recent trend of CRPGs going AAA
most well known CRPGs are at best AA
That's not a good thing necessarily. Most well known CRPGs are horribly unfinished or buggy as a result of being AA. In an ideal world they would have AAA budgets like Larian got, and would be able to make CRPGs with the same insane level of quality.
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Yeah like so far I would say it's just not a good game, and would not recommend it. If I had to say something positive about it, it's that the system of "banking" a charged up ability and making a button prompt to release it at the end of another combo is kind of cool and makes big numbers go up bing bing wahoo, but that's not really the sort of thing I really care about.

But supposedly it has a cool knight waifu, and as a waifu scholar I am thus obligated to play it.
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This grannie is cute! Cute!
they're unfinished or buggy due to lack of funds
meanwhile having too much funds is how you end up with DA V
Latrine has never made a RPG.
she doesn't even look or sound like a true hag
I hate the 4000 yo dragon loli trope so much
I don't understand how people can stand to play memorized casters rather than spontaneous ones. They're so clunky and limited feeling in comparison.
You're right, they made the best CRPG that came out in the past decade.
When actually playing the tabletop games I don't agree since there's usually a much bigger spell list, all you have to think about is your own shit, and a lot of utility options actually are useful. But when managing an entire party and half the time I just want a lot of a couple spells it's just a pain in the ass
You should have been able to do more with her earlier in the game or something.
Why doesn't Valerie want kids ?
some people don't want to waste a fullround action just to cast metamagic'd spells
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You mean they shat out a WEG with zero roleplaying depth that was eviscerated by all hardcore roleplaying communities instantaneously and forgotten by them a week after launch, kek.

Yes, Latrine tranimals were mindshattered by the hardcore roleplaying community who will NEVER EVER accept their shitty WEG as a RPG lol.
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Do unto others
>owltranny accusing others of playing wegs
Not gonna listen to the opinion of someone with thousands of hours in wotr.
I accept your seething concession.
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She's basically Artoria. Permanently stuck as a teenager and having lived a life entirely for war with no room for romance or socializing of any kind.
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>what nightly sex sessions with the commander look like
bitch shouldn't have sent me to die in the abyss
i got filtered by this hard. whats the trick to not being shit at combat early game?
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I know that I lose Jeathal when I do her quest "Reveal my Destiny" since I'm gonna try and redeem her, so I'm putting off doing it.

But does anyone know the time limit for that quest to expire? I finished the War of the River Kings and have about 100 days left on the Curse part six.
Does her quest remain active after entering the next chapter? Or will it fail?

pls help
She does, but only with random farmers.
What were you trying to do specifically in fights? What weapon? What encounters?
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Down with the matriarchy
What is that farmer thing people constantly write about?
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I'm just in act II- I thought Drezen was further away than that
like, I'm already at the inconspicious camp
If you romance Valerie, you don't get to have children with her in the epilogue. If you don't romance her, she immediately gets knocked up by a random farmer. One has to admire Owlkek's finesse in cucking their playerbase.
Is it a slide at the end of the game ? I've never seen it
Yes,its her ending slide.
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If a goddess doesn't have a big fluffy tail, she's a useless goddess.
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I'm 'bout to get into Neverwinter Nights with some friends, what am I in for? My only experience previously has been with DOS2 and Solasta.
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Camellia lost
Wenduag lost
Daeran lost
Arueshalae won and is a best girl
Can't touch the fluffy tail.
Based Nenners.
Yrliet lost
Jae lost
Jimmi lost
Cassia won and is a best girl
>what am I in for?
A shitty hack&slash campaign.
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Jesus wept
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It really is the best pure combat build
Is it essential to ha e optimized builds for companions in wotr on core? Can I get away with making my own shit or do I need to look up "meta" builds?
You need builds that make sense on core and some kind of party synergy. If you slap shit together at random, core will eviscerate your party when you get to late chapter 3 and beyond.
you should be able to make up your own shit, unless you make really dumb choices but if you understand the basic mechanics you shouldn't have a problem
As a heretic you could sacrifice him for deamonette companion but owlkek cut her
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Yrliet couldn't not lose, she's an eldar in GW owned franchise, she even loses in her ending slides and throughout the game

Ls. Ls. Ls. Only Ls for poor Yrlikek
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Computer role-playing game.
Ls for the xenos witch, just as the god-emperor intended
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So long, Garret.
you were a tool
>Yrliwhore lost
>She gets the iconotranimal to simp for her sacrificing countless resources and human lives to save her people
>she gets off nearly scott free after causing the iconotranimal and his retinue to get tortured in the worst ways possible
>She dictates all the rules for the """"romance"""" not letting the Iconotranimal touch her, she is physically repulsed by him but uses him as her emotional tampon
>After Iconotranimal does while Yrliwhore is absent "looking for spirt stones" (translation getting stuffed by every male Eldar in the expanse) for decades despite there being a crone world right next door the iconotranimal expires
>Yrliwhore goes away to ride the Eldar Hunk cock carousel for hundreds if not thousands of years (bonus points if it's the ending where she goes off with Marazhai's pirate party YES SHE IS WILLING TO FUCK THE GUY WHO TOOK PART IN TORTURING HER PEOPLE TO DEATH AND NOT THE PATHETIC ICONOTRANIMAL WHO SACRIFICED DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING TO HELP HER)
WOW she lost so hard bros
Also reminder that on Quetza Tumor the xeno hunks slaughtered hundreds of thousands of humans and if the iconotranimal tries to punish them for that Yrliwhore leaves you, because being anything other than her monkey doormat is unacceptable.
Also even if they attack the iconotranimal first after the iconotranimal says Theowhora was his predecessor that wronged them but he wants to set thing right.
Marazhai couldn't fill up Yrlikek, he's too busy pounding this girl
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Oh and let's not forget she is willing to let Cumtown's Dr Mengele stab her and extract flesh tissue BUT NOT LET THE ICONOKEK EVEN TOUCH HER HAND
He's to busy fucking xeno stacies after dumping the monkey he pumped.
I went 1-20 with everyone in their starting classes and it was fine (I was going to go Loremaster on Nenio but I forgot)
Really? Even the Enhanced Edition? Is there at least a particularly fun build to make it interesting?
You may hate him, but Froggy is somewhat right here.
Toxic relationship where she views the RT as lesser not treating him in a romance like she would an Aeldari in a romance despite saying she "views him as an equal".
I don't get it, why write stuff like this? And I'm talking about the Rogue Trader writers, what compels them to write this shit?
stop samefagging
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She gets over her "touch" stuff in a final romance event, over than that she's still different species
No she did not. She still doesn't touch the RT
Not really, the only thing hinting to it is that she "holds out her hand" in the spirit world scene. That was left vague and we don't know did it meant that she invited the rogue trader to take her hand or just signal him to walk with her. Even if it was the former, they never touch physically in game apart from her checking the dead rogue trader's pulse.
her face when she tells you she's pregnant with 8 meatball demon babies
If they player didn't get enough Accordance flags she holds player's hand in real world, if the player gets enough Accordance, which is more succesful version of relationship, RT can access her inner world and she hold the hand while walking there. Previously she would dislike even if player would touch her hand in meditation (technically it was making two phantoms touch hands, but she felt it)
No, you don't need meta builds for Core, but you need to have a plan for all your party members and have a semblance of party synergy. Also proper buffing can help to patch up any weakness in your party's build.
>If they player didn't get enough Accordance flags she holds player's hand in real world
Proof? Never heard of this
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Reading this made me understand why she did what she did in act 4. This bitch was getting off to getting fucked while you were none the wiser about it
Humiliation ritual, unironically. Owlkeks hate their playerbase with a passion, it is known.
I think it's this
Arue? Yes I agree. I don't understand why you attached that quote to your post tho
because most of that is a lie you invent so you can get mad about it?
NTA, but that's pretty vague to be fair, "extending her hand" doesn't mean they held hands. Could mean gesturing. (Though English is not my first language)
Is there more context, those following dialogue state or hint that they touched?
Jaechads won.
Apart from Froggy headcanoning Yrliet fucking numerous male Edlar like a slut, the rest of it isn't exaggarated. The only thing he omittted was her soulstone getting broken to protect the RT, but that was due to Yrliet's stupidity she did not forsee the outcome.
So long as you are willing to adjust your party to fit the challenge (that is, you don't bullheadedly run Wenduag+Ulbrig+Regill+Arueshalae+Greybor sort of setup without only very marginal synergy) then you can do it. Hell, if you have a sufficiently strong MC (who can carry the companions), or you're willing to skip the toughest optional fights while maybe reloading a few times, you can probably do it even with that kind of party and a weak MC.

To put it another way, if you are an RPG veteran, you can probably do Core relying on your common sense.
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In what context something over than touching a hand would be appropriate in this situation? Besides, when Yrliet is making gestures it's always straight up said that "Yrliet makes an elaborate gesture"

This scene is follows after Yrliet describes what she's seen in her world and says that she would like to spend RT's life alongside him (although that doesn't end up happening in the ending). After that they meditate in RT's inner world
Waifufags coping and headcanoning
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>iconotranimal xenokeks
>meditate in their inner world

>have their sexual escapades blasted on the main screen of the ship for everyone to see

Jaechads won.
I already knew that Froggy was a cuck after finding out he gets off to Regill fucking Nenio, I didn't need to read this too...
>Rogue Trader and his xenos pet lock up in Captain's Quarters for hours for unknown reason
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>Rogue Trader and his xenos pet lock up in Captain's Quarters for hours for unknown reason
The xeno pet Jae gifts you?
Musky xenobeasts
Eldar hunks
Cumtown's Dr Mengele
Vagrus is looking really good, anyone played it and care to say their opinion?
wayward realms kickstarter more like paytard real kike sucker
lol gottem
no, Marazhai's pet Sslyth you can fuck
>tfw watching Black Lagoon while playing Colony Ship
surreal experience
more like black log and colon shit
I love this post. Thank you, anon.
I can't tell if it's Froggy or his acolyte(s) anymore
some acolyte of an acolyte seeing as how one of them's tried it in the rogue trader thread
idk someone is really thirsty for cuckposting today
My King...
The used to be easier to tell apart since the acolyte had it's own unique lingo, but real Froggy started to adapt some of it for some reason
the one trying it in /rtg/ can't be froggy or that first acolyte, there have to be more of them
Owlfags underbake the straight male mc romances and add in weird hoops or drawbacks
GW lore writers hate normal human male x eldar female (unless it's dark eldar raping human men)
Combine that and boom, you have to be a doormat
>Owlfags underbake the straight male mc romances
Speak for yourself
and look at you, managing to be even more boring by talking about them
a desperate cry for attention
Froggy what is your favorite cuckshit from each Owlkek game?
another one bites the dust
Octavia, Camellia and Jae.
Valerie, Arue and Yrliet.
Valerie due to peasant memes.

Arueshalae due to villager men memes and now the mystery of "commander's childre".

Obvious Yrliewhore due to the way steamy Aeldai hunks turn iconokeks purple with mald.
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warhammer 40k rogue trader more like sǒihaver for the gay rogue turder
>Aeldai hunks turn iconokeks purple with mald.
Taking a look at /rtg/ the women get mad if you ship heinrix with xeno girls too
You're an old fat hag whose mother dropped you on the head as a baby multiple times until she abandoned you for having shit taste.
Kek, consider that nerve touched
That just seems like pointing out how out of character it is.
>a fat amerimutt has a shit opinion
Oh no how will I ever recover
Yrliet sacrifices her spiritstone for RT and tries, possible succeeds at stopping eldar invasion
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Notice how nobody mentioned the tiefling twins. It also shows what kind of posters are obsessed with cuckshit, alleged or otherwise.
one day we'll have realistic sexbots that sound and act like crpg characters and suck you off while you play and you'll be dead
God I love these sisters so much...
Imagine a erotic audio where they both suck your cock...
balailaika is best girl
the red one is a confirmed prostitute
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>lingling whore
>incestuous harem ending for the king
Will any game ever top this?
I mean, yeah, that's why he's so much more popular.
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That's weak, one should be bouncing on your thing while kissing the other sister.
Only if I get two Arues
>That's weak, one should be bouncing on your thing while kissing the other sister.
Baby steps, anon, baby steps. You don't go full incest right at the start.
>while kissing the other sister.
even in his macho fantasies the SAARuebro can't help but stick in some cuckshit
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>FFM threesome with twins
>c-cuck you're a cuck!
This fucking guy lmao
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It's incredible really.
yep, you're a cuck
He's obviously baiting for (You)s
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Well then he's getting none.
Imagine if real twins cosplayed as Kalikke and Kanerah and made out.
He's baiting but I'm sure he means it too, he's mentally ill like that
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>enter zone in kryta
>this starts playing
fuck bros....
Imagine how dead this general would be without Owlcat, how did it even survive before Kingmaker?
Only if one is wet and the other is hot.
>Imagine how dead this general would be without Owlcat
It would be a million times better without you owlniggers here
Are you the cuckposter? Is that what this has been about?
Nah that's the aruebro
I'm afraid both would be hot and wet at the same time.
>Are you the cuckposter?
That's an owlnigger thing, you could go gossip about fictional cuckoldry in your own general
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That's funny because I was the 483981730 guy. Nice try.
Don't be like that, baby. You know you'd miss us if we were gone.
There are people in this thread that didn't use Toybox to enable romance with all women in Wrath of The Righteous.

Beta genes.
Yrliet or Arue
Who took the most rancid cocks?
>play Kingmaker
>Ekundayo is OP and slays the Big Bad with five actions in one turn
>Play Wrath of the righteous
>Lann is OP and at low level drops enemies like flies
Why are Archer so OP and actually hit the enemies while I keep missing and do minimal damage?
Nenio is a 4k year old virgin thoughalbeit.
Archers are complete trash since they have dogshit crit ranges and require retarded levels of micro to proc AoOs. You have no clue how to make martials.
I just wish some people didn't treat the general like a chatroom, getting in their reddit-tier "haha im so funny" meems and one-liners like diarrhea.
Most of 4chan is like that anyhow, but it still makes it annoying to actually look for topical discussion.
Romance the Sister option (i say that because romance options always have more content than a platonic NPC and she was a fun character), more NPC interaction, as it seems like they hardly notice one another, tweak the combat more, the fact they're totally revamping out of turn shit suggests to me that their system needed more playtesting, I would have liked more neutral options for solutions, but that's just a personal take, and I felt like the character progression wasn't anything to write home about.
I'm not a big 40k fan though so take my words with a bit of bias
>No coomer answers.
you had one job
For me it's 20 year old virgin Camellia.
Argenta owes me sex, I can legally command her to spread her legs.
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I don't want to play the game again before the dlcs come out, but I really hope the archetype rebalance is successful
because operators/assassins/bounty hunters felt like a useless gimmick while Cassia and the Arch-Militants did almost all of the damage
It'd suck if the space Goth gf was stuck on a meme weak archetype
Anon, we can do both. You can do this too if you want. It's an open secret that I was posting my playthroughs before.

t. Arueposter
Camellia in a short while at the brothel managed to take as much cock as Arue did in her entire (centuries) life
>before the dlcs come out
You mean the 2 DLCs they confirmed or all DLCs? There could be a second season pass.
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I meant the 2, I'll wait for the Arbites
I'm still playing through other games at the moment
Why do aruebros cuckpost so much anyway
I wouldn't need to stick my dick in mutants and xenos if you let me romance you, Argenta
It's in response to Cambros doing it
>So with Owlcat committing to full voice acting in their next game, how much content do you think they will cut?
What do you think?

Also can we please keep the RT discussion in one thread? I really don't wanna juggle between the two.
Disgusting art, I wouldn't even let that touch my cock.
Ekun has the highest point buy, higher than player character can get, and a solid build. Lann too has high point buy, but he's actually kinda built to tank, not to deal damage, and Zen archer is a weak archetype.

Zen archer has full base attack bonus progression (20BAB at level 20) but no other bonuses to hit from class features (in contrast, mutation warrior for example has +13 and ranger demonslayer has 10 against pretty much every enemy, and the rest of them too by using instant enemy spell: if you want to min/max). Moreover, he starts with +3 bonus on his hit stat. In contrast, stronger archetypes tend to have some sort of "steroid" to boost their hit and damage above that BAB baseline, and a player character should start with 19 (+4) bonus on their main stat. To make the difference even starker, melee characters get bonuses from flanking (+2, +4 with outflank), bonus from charging, bonus rather than penalty for hitting prone enemies (such as those who have been affected by grease), etc. And like the other guy said, crits are a big deal, and bows are bad at critting.

In other words, if you are trying to make a martial build and you're having trouble hitting the stuff that Lann hits, then you're doing something Seriously Wrong, because ranged characters actually have a hard time, relatively speaking (they can be made to work even on Unfair, but the investment to make them work is more serious). On Core difficulty and below where even Lann can pretty reliably hit, attacking twice (or thrice by spending ki pool) is nice before most other archetypes would get additional attacks, but that gap closes pretty quickly, and if there are multiple enemies, then cleave with cleaving finish basically is three attacks, too. And due to lacking any steroids, Lann as zen archer likely won't hit as many of his attacks.
This nigga needs to have sex lmao
whats your characters build
Another problem with archers is that they can't use strength for attack bonus and have to use dex which is harder to buff.
In what universe will Owlcat's next masterpiece take place after the second 40K game?
In court when they have to file for bankruptcy
>PFbro so mad he wants his favorite company to die
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>had a dream where Bloodlines 2 released and was actually good
>realized halfway though that it was a dream because the female characters were actually hot and the writing was on par with 1
imagine they tease a fantasy universe, the pathfindertroon gets real excited but then the reveal trailer shows Warhammer Fantasy and he paints the wall with his brains
hot female characters alone don't make a good game, but they certainly help
lorelet, Froggy has a million hours in TW
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>Warhammer Fantasy
>implying that wasn't my preference anyway
Bro really thinks we're talking about Froggy and now PFbros in general
Has anyone ever made a Warhammer Fantasy RPG?
Only a shitty phone hack&slash game, not a real RPG.
I'd like to mention Eldritch archer as well. While they are probably the weakest of the bunch early game, late game they become powerhouses damage wise. If you can compensate their lower attack bonus with buffs or by auto making enemies flat footed with Prescient Attack, which by the way ignores flat-footed immunity from things like uncanny dodge or foresight, you will out damage any other archer in the game.
non-40k craphammer is basically the same kitchen sink shit as pathfinder
Nowhere close to pozzfinder. WHFB is a setting where the bad guys are destined to win and the good guys struggle endlessly just to stave off their destruction. It has a completely different feel.
froggy, look at me
Are we sure the next game is 40K?
Did they confirm it anywhere?
Encased has pretty bad reviews but it's dirt cheap, but still I don't want to fill my library with shitty games that were cheap.
Anyone played it?

Looking at some reviews, pretty sold on Vagrus and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which I'm surprised I've never heard about before now, looks like there's a sequel coming later this year too. Seems a bit like "Skyrim light" more than typical crpg but, definitely seems like you can take different routes to accomplish things and looks fairly dialogue heavy.
Vagrus looks very different, but enticing enough that I'm just going to go for it without looking more deeply at it.
Yes, daddy? What can I do for you?
>WHFB is a setting where the bad guys are destined to win
so is pathfinder, retard, as is forgotten realms, this is anything but unique
Encased is frontloaded in terms of content quality and falls apart in the later parts of the game.
pfGODS keep on winning
Owlcat is a small studio and they made a lot of new assets for 40K, they're not going to throw them away after 1 game. The next game will be a 40K game.
Why do owlfags hate owlcat so much?
Age of Decadence was pretty interesting. Frustrating as fucking hell and retarded on occasion, but cool setting
>so is pathfinder
>as is forgotten realms
Wrong, retard. WHFB is a setting that has an already known conclusion since we already know the events of End Times. Even if they make an Old World game it'll just be a sort of prequel to WHFB since it'd take place further in the past, but the fate of the world is known either way: Chaos inevitably wins.
End Times isn't canon lmao
So no, thanks anon.
>End Times isn't canon
Kek, that's some heavy-duty copium. Not only is it canon, but Age of Smegmar is also canon and isn't going anywhere, it'll still exist alongside the Old World.
they literally are, retard
the world definitely ending at the hands of the evil gods and there not being anything you can do about it is literally a staple of mythology everywhere
>ET is canon
>he's retarded
Well we already knew that but further confirmation is always appreciated.
>they literally are because I say so
Kek, retard, WHFB has already ended canonically. Your schizo fantasies are nowhere near the same level as an official conclusion of the setting. Old World is just a "prequel" to WHFB that takes place further in the past.
the settings say so, imbecile, because they copy the same mythology fantasy does, and in that mythology the end of the world is known and inevitable
>still coping about End Times being canon

I accept your seethful concession.

>m-muh mythology!
Show the official conclusion of the pozzfinder setting, schizoid subhuman.
>froggy is still seething from inEffect BTFO:ing him years ago
Why can't you let it go, man?
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>ET isn't c-ACK!
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>TurdEffect: "Illusion in WotR is as weak as Enchantment was in Kingmaker."
>t. retard
every reality being doomed is literally the cosmology, retard, groetus literally only exists to make sure nothing survives when it comes again
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>Yrliet couldn't not lose, she's an eldar in GW owned franchise
based James Workshop
>m-muh c-cosmology!

Think he's dusting off the premium copium yet?

I ask you again: show me the official conclusion of the pozzfinder setting. Not your shizo fantasies and asspulls.
I liked it but the anon who said it is front loaded is right. Lots of shit early game and has a great introduction hook, after that it starts to kind of drift off.
I still enjoyed my time with it though, and I hope the devs behind it put out another game that takes those critiques in mind and release a banger
>the mentally ill freak is spamming again
I'm leaving for /rtg/ then
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>mfw the Lord Commander is trying to stick his dick in crazy
He's always does it, unless he's sleeping
I accept your malding concession.
>I'm leaving for /rtg/ then
the real question is why you're here in the first place
Now kiss
Well I have to do my duty and preserve my lineage and dynasty. You saw what happened when Theodora was in charge, no heirs. I have to stick my dick in everything to produce heirs.
>e-evil is destined to win!
>so it is in pathfinder
>n-no it isn't!
>yes it is, that's the actual cosmology
>s-show me where the company wrote it's over because they killed the franchise like with my dead dogshit game or it doesn't count
I accept your seething, malding, shiteating concession
Time to listen to my beloved Sarah and hit the gym.

>can't show the actual official conclusion of the setting
>tries to pretend his schizoid delusions and asspulls are on the same level of conclusiveness as an official end of the setting

I accept your schizoid concession.
Unabashedly based and kingpilled.
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>a million hours in TW
so do I
and both fantasois and boomers don't want you to know this, but Rome 2 is actually the best one
Cam NTR JOI...
How come every single general must have a mentally ill freak that spams? What do they get out of it?
>red spearmanii vs blue spearmanii with a sprinkle of pajama ninjas on the sideliness
>best anything
easy now, aruebro
The only thing you've accepted is my cock on your forehead since your schizoid delusions and asspulls have nothing to do with an official conclusion of the setting. But don't worry, your concession has already been accepted.
If only it was just one
They're low spectrum autistic, anon, we'll never know their retard brain unless we too are total spergs
I see she took the method acting approach to the donut role
Desperate need for attention
chew with your mouth closed
If I was a janny I would clean up all these mentally ill schizo posts. Literally worse than /bgg/
I wish they would get their lonely socialization fix from discord or something, it's so very boring to scroll through
You can also note how bringing up their social thirst tends to quiet them, at least for a bit.
In their heads when they shitpost, they are sucking "haha fuck youuu I don't CARE!" but the reality is more like "please give me some attention, please acknowledge me"

If it wasn't social attention they're looking for, then they'd be off smearing shit on walls or torturing insects. Instead, they are in this place, which is pure human communication.

I just wish they would take a little more care to be either funny or interesting in their posts, if they're going to be so "chatty".

Anyhow, should I start with Vagrus, Wasteland 3, Atom, or Encased? Also got Pentiment which I'm looking forward to, and the boring and predictable autist with his VN routine in 3, 2, 1, ...
/rtg/ is so much comfier
doubt it
froggy your genre savvy insights are really something else your knowledge is impressive truly a veteran of the genre in every sense your understanding just stands out your the ultimate being a silver bullet against casuals is quite the achievement keep doing what you do
it's funny how every time there's some shitposting or coomerposting in /rtg/ somehow /crpgg/ is still worse at it
Stop trying to invite them there, it won't work. They hate RT and love PF
Not a RPG, it's a classic example of a turn-based-tactics game.

Not a RPG, just a VN.

>Wasteland 3, Atom, or Encased
Wasteland - Western setting. ATOM - Russian setting. So pick a game that has a more compelling setting.

Shouldn't be a priority for anyone who hasn't played ATOM and Wasteland.
Multi-classing shouldn't be allowed.
pathfinder: wrath of the righteous stands out as the best crpg in its style for several key reasons. first, its depth and complexity in character customization set it apart. the game offers an extensive range of classes, subclasses, and mythic paths, allowing players to craft highly personalized characters that truly reflect their playstyle. this level of customization is rarely matched in other crpgs.

second, the narrative is rich and compelling, filled with meaningful choices and impactful consequences. the game's story branches in numerous directions based on player decisions, ensuring that each playthrough feels unique. the moral dilemmas and the battle between good and evil are portrayed in a nuanced manner, engaging players deeply in the narrative.

third, the combat system is robust and satisfying, blending turn-based strategy with dynamic tactical options. battles require careful planning and a thorough understanding of both your party's abilities and enemy tactics. the challenge is well-balanced, offering a rewarding experience for both newcomers and veterans of the genre.
it really is
You're replying to someone copy pasting steamie reviews...
disco elysium is just a mess the game is overhyped and boring developers are failed communists who got scammed by king communist its just a pretentious dialogue simulator with no real gameplay who even enjoys this
still the truth
>who even enjoys this
Gaming """journalists""". Unironically.

As to why?
>no real gameplay
I got assassin's creed valhalla in the steam sale and I'm surprised that there are more choices and consequences than I expected. These games have been fun, but never had any rpg elements before now. It's kind of cool.
>You can also note how bringing up their social thirst tends to quiet them, at least for a bit
Now that you pointed this out they just moved on to another topic, good work
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Any advice on killing playful darkness?
he spouts that shit every day, he's as thirsty as any of them
Play Kineticist.
Post party composition.

Most useful general advice I can give: throw chaff at it, lots and lots of summoned chaff. Meanwhile, have your full arcane caster hammer it with greater dispells while using goggles of pure sight. You can "bank" one use of the goggles by using them, resting and then regaining their use. Once you take 20 on a dispel check, use them again mid-combat which will give you another take 20 on a dispel.
that's not a crpg, you absolute casual. assassin's creed valhalla is just an action game with some rpg elements tacked on. a true crpg requires your character build to be integral to your conflict resolution options. you need to be able to "speak, sneak, slay" effectively to navigate the game world, not just hack and slash your way through everything. gygax would be rolling in his grave if he heard you call that a crpg. learn the genre before you start spouting nonsense.
>Not a RPG, it's a classic example of a turn-based-tactics game.
I played it and there are quests with solutions that depend on how you build your vagrus so there is role-playing to be had. It's just that the absolute meat of the game is hauling shit around the map or killing things.
Capitalize your posts if you're going to imitate the furfag
literally who
OK, maybe I need to have another look at it.
Don't have one in my party.
Pure Paladin
Hellknight Armiger
Domain Spam
Pure Espionage Expert
Pure shifter
Blaster Caster.

I don't have any good dispellers on the team.
>blaster caster
just stop being a gay nerd and roll a kineticist
>good dispellers
Good dispellers outside of specific mythic paths don't exist
You just use greater dispel magic with those googles you can buy in act 3, there, that's how you dispel
why are goodfags so bad at this game
>No Camellia
I won't help you.
>Team with Arue on the team and not Cam
Bro, you just made them mad
Who is your tank?

Your main strategy should be:
1. Deploying Guarded Hearth by Sosiel via the Community domain.
2. Buffing Seelah with Vision of Madness - Attack (Madness domain) and Touch of Good (Good domain, Sosiel's default domain). In the worst case, if you don't have Madness domain, use Bit of Luck + Touch of Good on Seelah, these domains are Sosiel's base ones.
3. Have Seelah deploy Mark of Justice while having the absolute highest charisma you can scrounge up.
4. Spam summoned chaff, this will give you a couple of rounds.
5. Burst Playful Darkness down with all the buffs while it kills chaff.

Protect yourself from shadows via Death Ward and ignore them.
I love your fixation on that character! XD so quirky roflcopter
*holds up spork*
based camchad
>new update killed Bane of Spirit, Grave Singer and Shatter Defenses
InEffect sisters, we got too cocky...
I got bored of it after about 25 hours of play. There aren't very many quests so you spend the majority of your time on the trading/mercing part. The game is extremely punishing if you run out of supplies so it encourages you to just grind the most profitable and safe trade routes forever. The intro bit where you play through a more directed story was the best part of the game before you get free reign. I never played the DLC, but I think that was supposed to be a bit more story focused as well.
>Every single spell buff you can think of
>Mark of justice
>Ranger's bond
>Community domain (you do have it right?)
>Dispel magic with the googles of pure sight
There, it's dead
>Good dispellers outside of specific mythic paths don't exist
Owlkeks have introduced Dispel Focus and Greater Dispel Focus into the game which is +4 to dispel caster level checks. Any full arcane caster can be a good dispeller now with some feat investment. Nenio will be especially good when dispelling from scrolls (which you can now scribe), because she can use Specialist's Belt (+1CL) + Librarian's Cloak (+4 CL) and double Dispel Focus feats (+4 CL) which gives her a massive +9 dispel caster level check bonus when dispelling from scrolls.
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I was never going to help you anyways, but I like being mischievous
Thanks for the info, it doesn't sound appealing. I'll put it low on my wishlist.
gravesinger got nerfed...while casters get buffs
meleebros we are oppressed
They don't do as much damage do they? I like seeing big numbers.
What goggles are these? I fucked up anyway cause I've already started the fane siege.
My favourite mythic is demon. Cam still gets killed in the basement though.
She's less annoying.
Seelah's horse is my tank. I'll try all of this and see whether it's enough to beat him but given his AC I think it's over.
I've got everything aside from the goggles.
Camlords are the true paladins of /crpgg/ (Camellia Role Playing Games General). Resolute, determined, funny, handsome, knowledgeable and helpful just like Cam-Cam.
Grave Singer and Bane of Spirit are still good, just not insane. What did they do to shatter defenses? I'm using it on my hellknight and it works as intended without any complaints.
Cam must feel really mischievous when she's getting fucked behind your back
yep, my dick is just that long and flexible
Forgot to add, if you want to buff Seelah with two domain abilities in one round, you will need Domain Zealot mythic ability on Sosiel.
Enemies now need to be hit to proc Shatter Defense, Frightful Aspect isnt the end all spell to help it anymore and makes Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses not as necessary anymore.
>aside from the goggles
Ah you're fucked then, I've never beaten it in act 3 without them, no matter how much I inflate my numbers. You can come back anyway, so just wait until later if you can't beat it
>Seelah's horse is my tank
Kek, I hope you're not playing above core.
I'm on core. I don't hate myself enough to play on higher difficulties. That being said the blaster experiment might be coming to an end. It's fun to one shot bosses but dealing with chaff is getting annoying and the damage output doesn't feel too insane.
Blaster Casters got nerfed nigger
If he's talking about AoE damage dealers, then they're still great, because every "blaster" is an Evocation DC caster by definition and the game has a lot of +Evocation DC gear.
Lesbian only romance partners should be illegal, I don't care about faggots.
>Lesbian only
like who?
Sera from Cisquisition
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Argenta should be lesbian only.
La goblina de Ferelden
I see (You)
God, look at that greasy skin, I hate Inquisition's engine so much
Check your inventory for scrolls of echolocation, otherwise you'll suffer a 50% miss chance against PD because he has mind blank and thus true seeing does nothing for you.
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>Cam still gets killed in the basement though
You deserve to suffer.
You tell him, my Camellia brother.
my little chuddy homophobic camfu
How does this benefit the Von Valancius line?
Do all this >>483998096 and use Arue's Favored Enemy followed by Hunter's Bond, also Regill's Smite Chaos stacks with Seelah's Mark of Justice, so just the midget alone should be able to kill Playful Darkness in no time.
Any information would be appreciated
They'll just pick some distant relative, that's how you got the title after all
>Favored Enemy
Instant Enemy*
That's because previous Rogue Trader was a retarded woman. Women shouldn't be allowed to be Rogue Traders.
Well too bad the Emperor said it was okay
We all know the real reason though.
Pozzed Trader doesn't have genders though
Are you incapable of not seething the instant RT gets mentioned?
7 or Grimoire.
Who's seething?
If you start 8 I'll be able to tell you anything you'd want to know about it. Played it a lot and replayed again recently
Has nothing to do with Rogue Trader, if Owlcat made another Pathfinder game it would also be body type 1 and 2.
If he starts with 8, he will never be able to play 7, because the character generation and advancement systems in 7 are fucking dogshit compared to 8. If the intent is to play multiple games in the series, then 7 -> 8 is the better choice.
Steam has 6,7,8 for 2.99 so it’s not really a problem but is steam the preferred place to play these games or is there a better option?
Pick the cheapest option, as long as the game works it's fine.
Is Kineticist a strong class for unfair and does it work with Lich?
True that, but 8 itself has enough class variety for many runs so you may not even want to play others.

I have gog version, works mostly fine.
Aurora was atmospheric and did what they wanted it to do for this sort of game. Then EA decided to use the Battlefield engine in all their games.
Second part was for you:
>Is Kineticist a strong class on Unfair
>does it work with Lich
Dont take an archetype that scales off CON and you should be fine although idk why youd wanna play Lich without a merged spellbook
What mythic do I take then?
Unless you're playing on unfair then they're all viable, pick the one you find most interesting. If you haven't done Angel yet then it's a must, has the most content and the one that fits the narrative the most.
Demon, you can still pick Lich but it benefits from merged spellbook moreso than the Angel which is fine as a standalone
Still works, Kineticists can solo carry the entire game after level 13.
Do Angel or Demon work better than lich? I don't want to go anywhere near trickster or azata. I was planning to save Demon for a martial run but if it's a better fit then I may go it instead.
Unfair was the aim.
Martial Demon is the overrated choice its just an extended barbarian with transformations. Casting Demon? Now we're cooking.
>Martial Demon is the overrated choice
Kek. Martial demon has an infinite damage loop right at the end of chapter 2 when you get your first demoic aspect lmao. Martial demon is stronger than martial trickster, because it gets infinite damage 2 chapters earlier lmao.
Casters just don't feel as satisfying as smacking something with a huge sword.
What loop is this?
Shifter with major wolf aspect and Kalavakus demonic aspect synergy.
Which Mythic Path would Sneed pick?
>Get to Vescavors
>Install Toybox and have party roll 20's on everything so they don't murder each other thanks to Gibber immunity not working

Fuck that entire location.
trickster obviously

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Hey gamers, everyone knows that C.R.P.G.'s can be quite the challenge but the puzzle I'm tryin' to solve right now, is: What's your fuel of choice when playin' some roles?
At what level do I start reliably hitting people with lmgs in underrail? I'f im not face up close to them my hit chance is like 30 percent most of the time.
Lmgs are about hitting multiple targets by high volume of fire in a wide cone. As long as you have your heavy guns maxed out and your perception not dumped and brute aim taken, you're good.
Is BG3 a crpg? Not baiting for schizo seethe, but genuine question, does it fall under the category?
of course it does retard.
>hurr durr no it doesnt tranimal etc etc
Stop being boring, please
Not only is it a CRPG, it's also an immersive sim.
Give me your best builds for unfair. I'm looking for some inspiration for my next run.
Werglia said he doesn't consider it in line with bg2 style crpgs and considers wrath and pillars to be truer successors
20 Kineticist/20 Arcane Rider trickster into legend.
The Owlshill has spoken.
It's a shitty weg with combat so trivial it might as well not exist.
Don't know who that is but I think that way too. 5e is borderline primitive and it kills bg3 for me.
Werglia is a gigantic retard and his opinion on anything is fucking worthless.
Wizard20 or Wizard10/Loremaster10.

I don't leave home without these.
I mean he is factually correct in that regard. I think BG3 is a crpg, but no way is it a proper successor to bg1 & 2
How so, I watched some of his stuff, he seemed ok
What does it do?
What is the purpose for each of these? Do you use mercs to get the two you don't pick at character creator?
if you're asking these questions you shouldn't play above core
Shaman tanks and buffs with divine spells, protective luck and fortune and debuffs with evil eye.

Court tanks and buffs the party with arcane spells and insightful contemplation for INT/CHA bonus.

The wizard casts disabling spells from schools of choice.

The rest of the party can be slapped on top of this.
>What does it do?
You're a Kineticist so you're already super strong, add a pet and magus weapon enhancements to your kinetic blade along with 20 extra levels and you're pretty much soloing the game. Remember you can gather power outside of combat and then make a full round attack at 0 burn cost.
20 Crusader Angel, unlike dipfags that need to dirty their builds, the Crusader gets everything you want and merges spellbooks with Angel allowing for peak performance in melee and casting. You can be a tranny and spend mythic choices on impossible domain animal but thats what that faggot Sosiel is for, double down on getting all combat mythic feats.
Did they ever buff blood kineticist or is it still shit?
Yes, expect to trade away most of your companions eventually for mercs. The only ones that are still Unfair viable are Lann, Ulbrig, Nenio and Ember
>b-but muh double dragon bloodline!
Does not matter, shes still one of the best blaster casters. You can argue using Sosiel on Unfair but you can just hire a cleric merc and turn him into a blaster caster instead which also invaldiates the Crusader Lann build as well as Daeran.
>Yes, expect to trade away most of your companions eventually for mercs.
That's nonsense. Almost all companions are unfair viable when built properly and the party is assembled to have actual synergy. The only companions I would never use on unfair is Daeran (oracle is a strictly worse cleric) and Arueshale (lmao archers ahaha).

Only merc you need is a court poet, Sneedlah makes a very good Paladin14/Hellknight6 and there's not point in losing her.
>talks about unfair viable companions
>singles out Daeran as never using
Lmao what, hes arguably kitted out better than most of the others and is basically the template for a divine caster since the cross blooded dip still benefits him greatly despite inability to stack dragon bloodlines.
Best build for soloing wotr as of current patch/dlc?
He's complete and utter fucking useless dogshit just like any snoyracle shitbuild. Divine casters are dogshit offensive casters and can never compete with arcane ones, they are nothing but buffbots and Clerics perform that role AND provide domains. Snoyracles have nothing. The fact that you're even suggesting "dragon bloodlines" on a dogshit fucking snoyracle shows that you're a complete and utter fucking moron who has no clue how the game works.
Help me decide between Dirge Bard or Living Grimoire because I can't.

I don't need a mega powerful class because I'm playing on Core, I just want a fun generalist class.
>oracle is bad
i think thats enough /crpgg/ for today
Snoyracle is the epitome of bad. Completely and utterly useless.

Clerics provide divine spells AND domains, including the shitpet, if you want.

You want to make your dogshit snoyracle into a ray caster? Waste of space when Witch exists and will provide you with both ray casting AND hexes.

You want to make your dogshit snoyracle into an AoE spell damage dealer? Wizards exist that will utterly fucking mog your DClet snoyracle trash.

Snoyracles are spontaneous casters which means all of their metamagicked spells are full-round actions lol.

There is no role the snoyracle can do that cannot be done dramatically better by other classes or done at least just as well ON TOP of extra functionality.
Is there already an edit of her portrait that removes the piercings?
tattoos > piercings
Just use the other artwork where she's wearing the hood
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revelations are complete garbage and a waste of a mechanic compared to domains which are unique and useful
Depends on the body location
Yep, revelations are humonguously underpowered compared to domains.
>legend trash
>dogshit non-infinite melee damage when demon and trickster deal infinite melee damage

lol fucking worthless
>enemy is immune crits
>enemy has 200 CMD
>infinite damage loop is now moot
Post your dogshit """"""""infinite"""""""" damage loops build 1 round Unfair Nahyndrian Darkness kill.
>enemy is immune crits
>infinite damage loop is now moot
Wrong, retard. What happens is that the bonus crit damage is nullified, but the loop continues.

>can't get enough CMB to beat any CMD in the game
Kek, retarded trash.
>blah blah blah
Just post your Unfair Nahyndrian Darkness 1 turn kill.
>Shaman tanks
Ok that makes sense, giving the enemy disadvantage is a life saver early game.
You lose access to rage powers with this subclass. I guess it doesn't synergise perfectly with martials but it doesn't matter given the CC you can drop.
Spell focus conjuration for grease early game and then illusion school?

Do any of these want to be the PC for the boosts mythic classes provide?
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>when proper casters reach upwards of 80 even after

>pitiful 140 AC
>when proper tanks can reach AC values in the 180-200 range
Kek, absolute useless fucking dogshit lmao.
>can't post his Unfair 1 round Nahyndrian Darkness kill
>resorts to crying about AC which by the way is useless beyond the 140 value since nothing can touch you at that point
Frogtranny utterly destroyed once again.
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You will never be a real damage dealer.

You will never be a real caster.

You will never be a real tank.

Cope. Seethe. Mald. Shit your pants. Snoyracle will always remain putrid dogshit.
Why dual-cursed over seeker?
You want the wizard to be the PC for all the unique spell DC bonuses you can get even without mythic paths like Inevitable Fate and Demongraft.
Your putrid dogshit """"""""infinite"""""""" damage builds have not, can not and will never ever 1 round Unfair Nahyndrian Darkness, no matter how much you cope, seethe and mald. Dilate and snap your fucking neck, frogtranny, you have ousted yourself as a complete shitter in front of everyone.
There's nothing stopping them. Not even unbypassable displacement since you can stack 3 advantages, kek.
The only good domains are community and madness, the rest are filler
>Inevitable Fate
Fuck. I don't want to go through that awful dlc. Does any mythic work or only the ones with merging?
It was because you could do some leveling tricks to get both weapon finesse and estoc proficiency super early, I can't remember exactly since I made that build a long time ago.


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