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The Great Filter edition.

>What is /crpgg/?

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Owlcat RPGs, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:

>RELEASED - Caribbean Legend - Vile Little God

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

>Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand

>The Wayward Realms


>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy


>New Arc Line

>Dragon Age: Dreadw- I mean Veilguard

>Greedfall 2

>Sector Unknown

Previous: >>483826465
Other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
23.10.2020 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.01.2024 - Sovereign Syndicate
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
I NEED to see Nenio being spitroasted by Jubilost and Regill
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I wanna smooch her.
>Does any mythic work or only the ones with merging?
Demon, Azata, Aeon all work great for a DC casting Wizard.

Law is a guaranteed 11 roll.

Luck is a reroll.

Chaos is an enemy reroll and take worse.

Good is up to +10 attack/skillcheck bonus.

Animal is a shitpet.

All of these are good.
my wife lydia
>bg3 isnt a crpg
Don't think ive ever seen something more retarded than that said
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No one with any knowledge of the genre cares about your shitty WEG.
Why is it so hard to find good demonic warlock-esque portraits?
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am smort.
There was one portrait. Female that looked like an alchemist and possibly warlock. Very convincingly drawn in the style of the game's art. Maybe someone can post it for you, because I don't have it anymore.
Has anyone played Underrail? Is it greedy to try to slot in Sharpshooter (needs Perception 10) in a versatility pistol build? That means I can't max out my Dexterity to 18. I do not understand AP breakpoints for pistols.
Froggy, how do you build your Evoker Holy Word Wizard nowadays? Do you get Spell Focus Evocation now, in order to qualify for spell specialization?
>Bloodseeker is all about vampire powers
>It's not restricted to Dhampyr and doesn't synergize with the race at all
I've never been more disappointed in a archetype.
No thanks.
>11 DEX
>15 CON
yeah that 5 INT score is pretty accurate
>Evil restricted, just because
Haven't played one after the EA change, but you are right: now you CAN take spell focus evocation and thus spell specialiazation in an evocation spell AND benefit from the new EA. That's how I'd build it now. Obviously on the base of an ExploiterWizard15 (3 bonus feats at 5 level intervals) for the Potent Magic Exploit. With 5 levels of Loremaster for the Sound Burst and Dictum spells as well as one extra wizard feat.
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>Is it greedy to try to slot in Sharpshooter
Probably. This is the AP cost chart, keep in mind that things like fully specced Bullet Time cut the AP cost in half rounded DOWN, so in essence a 9 AP cost pistol and an 8 AP cost pistol will have the same 4 AP cost when using Bullet Time.
This one bothers me the most because they based it off 2 characters that aren't remotely evil. Alucard from Castlevania is at worst a true Neutral and D is specifically a true Neutral. Its like they've never played a Castlevania game or read/watched Vampire Hunter D.
>3 bonus feats
Why would you want to go 10 loremaster?
So how would your mythic leveling look like now? Something like:
MR2 Mythic Spell Focus Evocation
MR4 School Mastery Evocation
MR6-10 Expanded Arsenal in other schools
In case you're playing a wizard who wants extra divine spells for some of his school(s). Doesn't have to be 10, can be 5.
there is no benefit in going for 1 extra spellcaster class level especially if you do something like 10/10, 11 doesn't provide anything plus you get a bonus to Lore. Its more worthwhile in that instance.
Yeah, it's really annoying. Especially Alucard is mostly good aligned, especially in the more recent games.
And again, it's based on two Dhampyrs yet the actual dhampyr race is unrelated to the case and actively doesn't synergize with it.
>Alucard from Castlevania is at worst a true Neutral
Maybe in the Pozzflix version. Alucard is firmly good
Wouldn't bother with school mastery, it's a +1 CL vs the potential loss of 2DC. I mean you can, but I wouldn't. Dictum or Holy Word are not going to work against every enemy anyway, they're mostly super trash clear spells.

Since you're playing Lich, you don't need mythic spellpen, so you go:

MR2: Mythic Spell Focus Evocation
MR4: Expanded Arsenal Necromancy
MR6: Expanded Arsenal Evocation (you need spell focus and greater spell focus in a non-evocation school)
MR8: Expanded Arsenal Whatever
MR10: Expanded Arsenal Whatever
What I meant by at worst is the game everybody wants to forget exists but does. I dont care for the tranny adaptation made by a wiki reader.
>you need spell focus and greater spell focus in a non-evocation school
Ahhh, I didn't know about this, so that's why my DCs were not increasing. Yeah, I thought I'd give that build a try since now the Storyteller Buff bug has been fixed and we have the new Sin Mage's Staff which gives an extra +3 CL. So I'd use Holy Word to clear trash and Corrupt Magic followed by whatever whenever I face a boss. Does Holy Word have friendly fire?
I filled a bug report / suggestion about it and so should you.
>Does Holy Word have friendly fire?
I remember using selective metamagic on Dictum. Holy word may not have friendly fire, I don't remember. I used Dicturm, because IIRC Lich has to fight some good guys in a special encounter.
The entire class is themed around being an evil vampire, it's not a bug but intentional, and I doubt they'll change it
>evil vampire
>inspired by not-evil characters
Yes, they fucked up
Holy Word just seems better in case I want to do the Inevitable Excess DLC, since I'll be fighting a bunch of Lawful enemies.
>Evil vampire
>Based on non-evil dhampyr characters
>Is trash for the actual in-game Dhampyr race
>You'll play a complet non-vampire with it unless you play a Dhampyr anyway
It's a failure even from that angle.
You can use the bug report form to send suggestions too, I know they did it on purpose but you can send in a suggestion to tell them it was a bad idea
OK, I checked and I was using Holy Word. Don't remember the reasoning. In any case, you can take both spells if you want.
>doing a bullet time build
>not always eating a eel burger
Also, keep in mind: I dropped my evoker lich run in chapter 4, because I realized that Freedom of Movement cannot be dispelled from enemies. Don't know if it's still the case, but back then it was a complete and utter evisceration of Evokers since their strongest disabling spells are Icy Prison and Icy Prison mass and even Holy Word inflicts paralysis when it doesn't have enough CL to kill.
Magus (specifically Eldritch Scion and base) is more fitting for Alucard
>uses spells but not as good as Dracula
>one-hands a longsword
>uses armor unimpeded
D is more fitting as an Arcane Enforcer or Sanctified Slayer
>good at what he does
>has access to magic (Inquisitor and Arcane Enforced both do it)
>both subclasses fit the style D goes for
Shame there's no build that fit with the in-game dhampyr portrait. I've never managed to make the dual-wielding + clothes or leather armor thing look good or give the same feel as the portrait.
The fact that two classes not made for it fit them better than the class literally inspired by them is kinda the problem people are pointing out tho.
Like a DLC original class should be better than that.
So which wizard version is better in your opinion?
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Is 17 vs 18 that big a difference?
Sharpshooter is a sexy feat though.
Cant go wrong with Exploiter, its better than the base Wizard
>Cant go wrong with Exploiter, its better than the base Wizard
No, it isn't. Exploiter doesn't get to be a school specialist so it can't be a diviner which means he can't stack initiative. Moreover, exploiter's initiative is extra dogshit, because he has no familiar and thus can't get a hare for +4 initiative. With the recent introduction of Ambuscading Spell feat, Diviner gets extra +2 DC by catching his enemies flat-footed due to massive initiative so the Diviner actually comes ahead in BOTH spell DC (in the first round) AND inititative.

Exploiter is ONLY better when you need a real +CL bonus via Potent Magic instead of Diviner's +caster level check bonus via Foretell-Aid, i.e. in the cases when you specifically want to stack spell CL like in the case of a Holy Word casting Evoker.

Otherwise, basic Wizard is king.
I meant whether the pure wizard variant or loremaster one was better.
>pure wizard variant or loremaster one was better.
Do you need bonus divine spells for your school of choice? You go Wizard/Loremaster. Examples of schools that benefit: Conjuration for Winter's Grasp, Evocation for Sound Burst, Enchantment for Greater Command, Transmutation for Polar Midnight.

You have all the spells you want in your arcane spellbook like in the case of an Illusionist or Necromancer? You go pure Wizard.
I think I'll be set with selective sirocco and phantasmal killer so the divine spells will be redundant.
>Hellknight is le b-ACK!
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The greatest treasure of all.
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>game has cute drow
>instantly 20 points better in my book
Many such cases
wat gaem?
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>guy's name is Incel

kingdoms of amalur. It's on sale. Fun so far. Reminds me of Fable.
you can marry a dark elf IIRC
KoA has few romances
What I'm seeing is the Wasteland 3 premade pairs offer basically nothing? Just basically pre-made mercs, essentially, is that correct?
I'd rather make my own, but am ok picking pre-made if it means some content. Surprised to see there supposedly isn't any so I'm just verifying that I guess
Wayward realms will save crpgs.

is this the game that was funded completely by the state of rhode island in some crazy fucked up ponzi scheme or something?
Just make sure you have a dedicated sniper. Wasteland 3 gives free hand jobs the entire game to them via terrain advantage and they get fucking *insane* rifles mid to late game (also gigantic armor pen).
>Just basically pre-made mercs, essentially, is that correct?
yeah, they dont get any extra content so make your own
Wasteland 3 is a little weird in that you have your two OCs but also a cast of actual NPCs to join if you want to. Mechanically its fine but it feels somewhere between a classic 1 MC and friends rpg and something like wizardry or etrian odyssey when it comes to who is doing what
Speaking of Wasteland 3, I enjoyed it a lot when it came out but struggled to replay it because I was so happy with my initial duo that I keep fighting the urge to remake them
Give me some recommendations as to what to run instead; last time it was a guy with maxed big swords and rocket launchers and a girl with assault rifles and all the leadership/team buffing stuff
Dirge bard of those two for sure unless you really like the concept of Grimoire. Unfortunately Grimoire is a bit underwhelming in practice.
I'm going to say this once as hard as I can: Everyone who likes the Pathfinder games from Owlcoat is a shithead. You dont even like CRPGs, fuck off, seriously. I'm so sick of you bastards polluting the CRPGs genre with your trash games. Dont ask me for a reason, YOU SHOULD KNOWTHEF UCKING REASONS YOU PIECES OF SHIT.

>You dont even like CRPGs
It's funny because it's true, they only like Pathfinder
yeah but have you tried playing them for 4000+ hours
When I did a gunslinger build I used a rapid hammerer .44, and with 17 DEX along with supersoldier drug and all-in I could get down to 4 AP per shot under Bullet Time. I did a survival instincts build though, so I went CON instead of PER. If you use a lower caliber I guess you'll be alright.
No extra content besides some useful starting trinkets iirc but arent really worth it. I did a Sniper and Shotgun person, they ended up raping in the later game.
Are you upset?
He couldnt oneturn Inevitable Darkness
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>yeah, I love the crpg genre
>I play both Larian and Oscar's games!
>they're pretty niche, you might not have heard of them.
>using donut steele characters
The lack of pause in Wasteland 3 was a massively idiotic design oversight. And if they did it on purpose, that's even more idiotic.
Enjoying aspects of it, also really disliking some aspects too. I'm glad that I don't seem to have to worry about who happens to trigger dialogue for things like skill checks, they pass if anyone in the group beats the threshold.
Really hate the 2-item quick use thing, same with Rogue Trader. Makes me end up never using any items because they're all specific use, and many there's just no way to realize you'd need it ahead of time (but really, haven't needed to use any items at all so far, is more the issue I suppose.) On Ranger with harder skill checks and permanent death.
Doesn't seem to be a way to set formations either, so setting up any kind of tactical positioning is completely impossible again due to the lack of pausing. Just had someone drop because they were bleeding and I don't know which of the 4 or so vaguely health-ish things specifically stops bleeding in my inventory.
Mostly like it so far, but for a few things. Also the tone is really battling itself. It's a fairly serious setting but then you have like, "yellow snowballs" because haha, pee. Or this cat who wears a hat and can hold his own in melee combat somehow. But, it somehow misses the mark, like imagine someone presenting a joke by reading it off a page and then standing there waiting.

Not really blowing my mind, but I'm glad enough that I bought it. Characters are so far pretty flat, but maybe I'll be surprised. Got the kind but lawful streetwise lawman, the low-patience rough-around-the-edges doctor, the sharpshootin' gal with a heart of gold, etc. I have a suspicion that The Patriarch will be the bad guy in a le twist. I'd say 7.5/10 so far, no big complaints and entertaining enough. The strategy is pretty much the same in every battle, definitely getting some RT deja vu.
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You can get more quicklosts via the Deep Pockets perk and via multiple in-game items and even a mutation.

Use items scaling with skills on the appropriate specialists (like damage grenades on an explosives expert and modkits on a doctor). For a generic quick item loadout it's good to use med hypo + smoke grenade + drug. Or just more drugs, kek.

The tone isn't "battling" anything, oh boy are you in for surprises, if you think Wasteland is a serious setting when it is in fact the most schizo setting out of all the post-apoc RPGs.

Party members you recruit have decent characterization via in-game dialogue participation and personal quests and have some serious C&C associated with them. Overall, the companions are very well done.

You don't play RPGs. Your opinions on anything genre related are irrelevant.
Which solasta campaigns should I play? I'm nearly done with the main story.
Planescape Borement
The tone has never really been serious but theres a difference between taking the piss out of itself in a funny way or in a completely unfunny almost Borderlands tier level humor and this game can get there at times in pretty bad ways.
It reminds me of someone saying something funny and interesting (Fallout) and everyone laughing and clapping, then a large disfigured man stepping in and repeating almost the same exact thing and looking around for their applause.
Well, at its worst anyhow. I haven't found anything that I've found particularly funny or wild, maybe I'll feel differently as it goes on.
>Dude, what if, like, what if *we* were mushrooms, dude? Dude. Duuuude.
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>repeating almost the same exact thing
No, it doesn't. Wasteland's setting is very distinct from Fallout, because it regularly and casually hits schizo levels that are far above even the Wild Wasteland shit in Fallout and tries to keep a straight face while doing so. Wasteland has a very distinct and unique feel compared to other post-apoc settings.
Its best when it does this but the clowns and some of the Dorsey interactions arent nearly as funny although Jarret getting his eye shot out on the dam was perfect. The straight faced moments for the ridiculous shit like the giant Ronald Reagan statue and AI, the communist Robot civilization, the Knight Rider Presidents car with the power threshold of a nuke and getting the cheater ending are some of my favorite moments.
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Yeah, Wasteland 3 was peak schizokino. Every major area felt fresh and full of non-recycled ideas from other post-apoc games. DLCs were also great.
Can Kineticists still solo the game at higher difficulties?
>DLCs were also great.
I only played the base game, what do the DLCs add?
tried three times to get into this shit, i loved all the games that inspired it but just couldn't
i think i've somehow caught zoomer attention span disease in my old age
Two new major quests for two new factions in two huge locations. With shitloads of c&c and at least two different routes for each dlc.
you can assign more than one person to the same job? Wtfff
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Yes, I let two deranged foxgrills cook my food. Nothing can go wrong.

Wrong dish.

Yes, the second person gives you +2 bonus only.
Froggy did you try or look at any of the new archetypes, thoughts on them?
Yeah, I already looked at some of them >>483555083.

The others I'm not really interested in.
stop talking to yourself
if anything the new dispel feats make losing CL more bearable for dispellers
any new build options, or is it just new zones/gear?
One way to think about it. The other way to think about it is that stacking higher is now easier AND more worth it since you will reach higher dispel caster level check bonus values that will work more reliably.
I'm sure there are some neat staff synergies, or even unique weapon + quartertaff
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Don't remember any new character building options, but there's a whole truckload of new gear and weapon types that synergize with certain builds (like elemental builds with tar throwers).
Can I get the rundown on how you use expanded arsenal in your illusion builds? Do you pick up your spell focus feats for conjuration early game then expanded arsenal illusion once you have access to higher level spells?
You can do it two ways:

MR2: Mythic Spell Focus Illusion
MR4: Expanded Arsenal Conjuration
MR6 or MR8 (depending on when you take Mythic Spellpen or whether you take it at all): Expanded Arsenal Illusion (you should have Spell Focus + Greater Spell Focus in non-illusion school like Conjuration at this point or Illusion will not get any bonuses and will LOSE its DC bonuses from Spell Focus feats).

This way allows you to benefit from the +2 Illusion DC early via Mythic Spell Focus illusion. The disadvantage is that Conjuration is stuck at +2 spell DC from double Spell Focus only until you reach MR6 at which point it jumps to +6 from +2 and Illusion jumps to +6 from +4.

Or you can do it the second way:

MR2: Expanded Arsenal Conjuration (while you have Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus Illusion)
MR4: Expanded Arsenal Illusion (while you have Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus Conjuration or any other school that is not Illusion)
MR6 or MR8 (depending on when you take Mythic Spellpen or whether you take it at all): Expanded Arsenal Whatever

The advantage of this method is that both Illusion and Conjuration get +4 DC at MR4. The disadvantage is that there is a delay in getting your Illusion DC bonus to +4 which lasts for the game interval from MR2 to MR4.

You can do it either way, but personally I'd do it the first way to get Illusion to +4 as fast as possible.
>Do you pick up your spell focus feats for conjuration early game
On a main character, yes, but on Nenio you don't get that luxury. As a MC wizard you start with double conjuration spell focus.
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Is conjuration just for grease early game? Looking at the higher level spells that are available I feel like evocation would be stronger.
Conjuration gives you grease and glitterdust which are both good against targets you can't affect with illusion. If you get loremaster levels you get access to winter's grasp (1round/level grease at -2 save that can further benefit from flow of water for +1 DC and elemental focus and greater elemental focus cold for +2 DC) and slowing mud (conjuration version of slow spell). But the biggest trick is the chains of light spell: it bypasses SR and inflicts paralysis which allows you to paralyze Valmallos who is immune to all spells that do not bypass SR.

Another important trick to chains of light is that it's a paralysis spell that targets reflex save and paralyzing a target brings their dex to precisely 1... which means they get a massive reflex save debuff and are "locked" into failing further reflex saves each round from chains of light to escape.

Of course, you can go for other schools that conjuration. Evocation is strong and unlike conjuration has very strong itemization support (cloak of carnage + scorched bracers + voice of the faceless).
Forgot to mention that conjuration is indeed super useful early game since it bypasses SR at the point in the game where you don't have a good means of stacking spellpen. So yes, it is for early game, but it will be useful in the mid and late game, depending on the situation.
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neverwinter nights anon here again
I decided to roll a half-elf cleric since it seemed like the thing to do, and I'm like level 3 or 4 with the battle concentration feat at this point, but I feel like I'm completely useless outside of filling all my cantrips and spell slots with heals + summon dire boar. I spend 70% of my time missing in combat only to do like 8 dmg with my flail+shield (best wep I could find, it does 1d8 while everything else I can use is 1d6, even that gay wizard's staff that belonged to Maledon or whatever), while my boar does 90% of the work, hitting consistently for 12-13.
Granted, I hit 'recommended' for stat application whenever I leveled up because I don't know what I'm doing, but surely there's more to it than this? There's like two dozen buffs, but they all last for only 6 seconds, and half a dozen offensive spells, but they all usually miss...

I'm clearly doing something wrong here
So conjuration against immune enemies otherwise phantasmal web and killer spam? Is the phantasmal feat any good and how many enemies are immune to illusion stuff? I'm guessing all the undead in Act 2.
Are all of the companions viable on core in WOTR main campaign?
I'm interested in mostly playing a good aligned party. Any tips on how to build companions, thinking of making MC dual curse oracle into angel to try that out?
>So conjuration against immune enemies otherwise phantasmal web and killer spam?
Yes, but all illusion offensive spells are useful except rainbow pattern. Color spray gives you 1 round stun (or 2 round when extended), phantasmal putrefaction puts enemies to sleep and makes them helpless, enabling easy coup de grace kills, scintillating pattern is a no-save confusion.

>Is the phantasmal feat any good
Which feat?

>how many enemies are immune to illusion stuff?
Undead mostly in the early game, chapter 4 has gallus who are immune to mind-affecting which is where conjuration or some other non-mind affecting backup school becomes super useful. In chapter 5 you get the grandmaster's rod which allows instant effect illusion spells (PK and Weird) to bypass immunities.

Also, if you dip sorc and get the undead bloodline you an affect undead with illusion spells including spectral undead which cannot be stunned, proned or paralyzed and are immune to pretty much anything, but there's like 1 dangerous spectre in the early game and that's it so it's hardly worth it and you can just prone regular walking undead with grease or winter's grasp.
>Which feat?
The mythic one that makes shadows 20% more real.
>In chapter 5 you get the grandmaster's rod
Are there any ways to get it earlier like the dlc roguelite?
>if you dip sorc
It's an option I suppose. Dual staves dip would probably be better.
>The mythic one that makes shadows 20% more real.
It's pretty much useless, it's meant to be used with shadow conjuration/evocation spells and shades spell which have a certain % of failing or just do % reduced damage, if the enemy passes a will save to disbelieve. Powerful Shadows mythic ability just increases the likelihood of a disbelieved shadow spell to succeed and increases the damage dealt by disbelieved shadow spells.

>Are there any ways to get it earlier like the dlc roguelite?
I finished it with everyone 1-20 in their core class (except reggie who took the hellknight levels) with a far from optimized mc, you'll be fine
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Completed Through the Ashes, thinking of going into Lord of Nothing. I have a few questions, before that here is some info:
Playing on Core, MC is Shifter and for companions I have a mad dog + Cleric with pet + Mad dog with pet and a Kinetic Knight (she was kind of underwhelming in terms of damage, but ok tank, not as good as the animals were). I've heard that the dlc adds an extra companion, how good is she who should I drop for her? Is there more equipment in the DLC than Ashes in turns of magic equipment will it continue the theme of ruffing it and rsource management?
>Are all of the companions viable on core in WOTR main campaign?
Yes, you can keep them in their base classes and they will do well enough, assuming you have a good tank main character. Some of the tougher content in the later game will be hard to tank for Seelah or Camellia with just their base classes. For this reason it's best to make Lann your main tank by multiclassing him away from the Zen Archer class (e.g. Shaman16/Loremaster3/ZenArcher1 or MutationWarrior19/ZenArcher1).
Clerics are powerful melee combatants in NWN. Do you have a good STR score? Are you buffing yourself with spells like Bless, Divine Favor, Bull's Strength, Divine Power, Battletide, etc.?
Here's what I've got for my starting build:
Normal Wizard - no archetype, hare familiar
Human for the extra feat but not too sure about this
8 STR, 16 DEX, 20 INT, 12 CON, 10 WIS, 8 CHA
Spell and greater focus conjuration and heighten for the feats
Specialist - Conjuration
Opposition schools - Enchantment and Abjuration
I'm either going full 20 wizard or taking a titan fighter dip to dual wield staves.
If you're going full 20 wizard, use divination as your specialist school: the capstone is incredibly powerful. In fact, just use Divination as your specialist school even if you dip or go loremaster, because initiative bonuses and Foretell-Aid/Hinder auras are very useful for +2 dispel caster level checks and -2 enemy saves respectively. You lose the bonus conjuration spellslots (1 per spell level), but it's worth it. Or just go exploiter, if you don't care about initiative and get the Potent Magic exploit.

For your first metamagic, always grab selective as it will allow you to make grease selective.

Human is good, another option is a +2 dex and +2 int race like keen kitsune, but kitsunes are best suited for enchantment as they lose the bonus feat, but get kitsune magic for +1 enchantment dc.

Get your dex to 17 with 20 starting int. Put 4 stat advancement points into int and he final one into dex.
>full 20
I think having two staffs might be optimal with the new sin mage staff and quarterstaff of the war mage so the last level titan fighter dip is what I'm leaning towards right now. I'll see how I feel when I get to Act 5.
>use divination as your specialist school
Will do.
>Or just go exploiter
I'm trying out unfair so I'm gonna need all the initiative I can get.
>17 DEX
I'll lower CON then. I don't want my will saves to be too low.
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Titan Fighted dip sounds good, but I like the idea of Ambuscade Spell + Diviner20 and always going first which compensates for the loss of the quarterstaff of the warmage in terms of spell DC in the first round of combat. Late game bosses have alpha strikes that can wipe a party so the initiative has massive value.
>Ambuscade Spell
but if that works only in surprise round it won't do anything for cutscene fights so most bosses
Everyone who's lower on the initiative ladder relative to you in the first round of combat considered flat-footed. Doesn't matter how the fight starts: cutscene or no, initiative will still get rolled and the highest initiative character will get to act first while everyone else will eb flat-footed until he acts or delays. The only question is how uncanny dodge interacts with this.
A court poet should be enough to save me from reloading hell right? I'll also need some sort of pyjama tank.
Yes, court poet is mandatory for dc casting now. I use the said court poet and Lann for my tanks.
>court poet
Is it pure or do you take some dips? What's the stat spread?
>Lann for my tanks
How do you build him? Is Cam in the party for protective luck?
CourtPoet16/Loremaster3/ScaledFist1 merc.

Shaman16/Loremaster3/ZenArcher1 Lann.

Full focus on defense on both characters, which means dodge, crane style + crane wing (riposte optional), combat expertise.

CourtPoet is a kitsune with 20DEX and 19CHA start. CON will be initially dogshit, but it gets much better late on via master shapeshifter (+4 to all physical stats) and belts/buffs.

Shaman Lann is a replacement for Cam. I used to make him a shadow shaman, but now I make him a regular shaman for wandering spirt and wandering hex which allows him to take stone spirit and metal curse on top of the standard iceplant + evil eye + chant + protective luck + fortune hex loadout.
stop talking to yourself
What level do you take the loremaster levels and why? Is the first hex protective and then iceplant or evil eye?
>CourtPoet is a kitsune
Does it need to be Kitsune? I hate them. What does loremaster give?
>Does it need to be Kitsune?
You could go Halfling if you want a tankier court poet, they get the +2 dex and +2 cha, get a bonus to initiative if you pick Hasty, get the cautious fighter feat for more AC when fighting defensively and are Small size, meaning that they'll have a higher size bonus to AC. You lose shit like pounce and easy access to Master Shapeshifter that Kitsunes get, though, so it's still a tradeoff rather than a direct upgrade.
Loremaster is there for mage armor and shield. Mage armor needs to be self-cast as a spell for archmage armor to work. Shield is there to eliminate reliance on scrolls.

First hex is iceplant on Lann and evil eye on Cam.

Look for some sort of other race that has +2dex and +2cha racial bonuses, I don't remember which one has them. Loremaster on the court poet is for the same reason: mage armor to proc archmage armor and shield.
Yes, halfling is a good idea too since they have cautious fighter AC bonus.
In this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony Frog's builds, but because I am enlightened by my own waifufaggotry.
You don't take protective first on unfair? That seems like making your life way harder.
>You don't take protective first on unfair?
It needs to be spammed early when you don't have chant so it has to be taken by Cam and cast on Lann or else Lann can't fight defensively, but if she takes it then she can't take evil eye which means she can't debuff saves for your DC caster. Debuffing boss saves and then greasing/glitterdusting them will give you all the survivability you need and trash can be greased anyway.
>Do you have a good STR score?
I'll have to check later, but I doubt it. Most of my points have been going into the default healer/sun stats like wisdom and whatnot, because like I said I've mainly just been hitting 'recommended' to auto-apply stats so I don't accidentally screw up my build
>Are you buffing yourself with spells like Bless, Divine Favor, Bull's Strength, Divine Power, Battletide, etc.?
Not at all, mostly because
A. I don't know how long they even last, the time varies from 1 turn (it's a hack n slash, there are no turns?) I looked a bit deeper into it and apparently a turn in DnD is supposed to be around 6 seconds to an in-game hour (dunno how long that's supposed to be) to an in-game minute
B. Casting takes forever and a day, and it feels like a waste to use on groups of trash enemies, which is mostly what I've been fighting
C. The uses are so limited for how long it takes to actually buff that it feels like a waste to even bother with them
1 turn = 10 rounds = 10*6 = 60 seconds

If you want to play a melee cleric, you need high STR and you need to buff, there is no other way.

Clericzillas are very powerful in both DnD 3e and 3.5e, but you NEED to buff like motherfucker.
Thanks a lot anon, I'll try that out. Any recommended feats to look out for? I saw some people say Exotics was good so I could use something like a bastard sword or dwarven axe for 1d10 dmg
Get yourself something like a scimitar or anything else with the 18-20 critical threat range. For feats the most important thing to get is improved critical on a 18-20 weapon. Also cleave which requires power attack, but don't use power attack until you hit most of the time. Weapon focus can help too.
What weapons do you give the shaman and poet?
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I give Lann a shitty club, the one with the aacid damage on hit. Ancient root or something. You can give him whatever including handaxes (you can steal the frost one from Greybor and then get Peacemaker in chapter 5 or even give him the grave singer handaxe, if you don't have a better recipient). He's not there to deal damage so it doesn't matter.

The poet I give the crippling kiss estoc which sometimes procs save debuffs via crits, but again it's not that important and a shitty rapier will suffice.

The real damage is dealt by your second row dedicated damage dealers: Seelah with a fauchard and divine weapon bond, Greybor with dual handaxes, Ulbrig with bites or Regill with his gnome hammer.
>how good is she
She's a bard
>Is there more equipment in the DLC than Ashes in turns of magic equipment will it continue the theme of ruffing it and rsource management?
Yes and you have weaker mythic powers, they completely dropped the "low level" part and it's just the standard mid level adventure
In a /v/ Pathfinder thread I replied to a post that was talking about Warhammer Fantasy with a long post about why I think Warhammer Fantasy is a low fantasy setting surrounded by a high fantasy setting, and some random had a meltdown and started accusing me of being someone named "Ash".
Who is Ash?
warhammer fantasy is not low fantasy in the slightest, no matter what definition you use
The Empire, which is the core of the setting especially the RPG, is low fantasy.
Most everything around it is high fantasy, but they aren't what matters.
The same autism debate happens in /twg/
I mean a lot of us are /twg/ crossposters so that's not surprising.
All these games have the same basic source, I mean DnD was literally published by Games Workshop for a long time, and Owlcat put out a 40K game.
It's natural that there's crossover.
Froggy, serious question: What do you predict Owlcat will do next for their new project, do you think that it will be another 40K game so they can reuse assets and base mechanics like they did with KM -> WOTR or something else? And since they said it will be fully voiced acted do you predict that it will damage the game or are there any chances of them going back on that?
empire is the faction that has an entire school dedicated to wizardry, with conflicts often spilling out into the streets in fancy light shows, one of them invented the foldable watch tower and flying castles; they have boats with a 500lb cannon; volkmar the grim had a giant steam powered figurehead on his ship that smashes other ships; they run around with warrior priests shouting at people and throwing comets; they have wolf priests shouting at people and throwing ice and are empowered by a magical flame; theres priests of shallya that healing nurgles plagues; priests of morr are putting wards on graves so that vampires cannot touch them(they need ghouls for that); this isnt even getting the gryphon husbandry, and the vast amount of alchemists running around that are not related to the gold college
stop talking to yourself
>The Empire, which is the core of the setting especially the RPG, is low fantasy.
its not
its got literal colleges of magic, griffon riders and divinely empowered warrior priests
It can be grim and gritty, and the plebs dont get access to the good stuff but that doesnt make it low fantasy
Not Froggy, but Owlkek would be stupid not to do another 40K game. They can recyle a lot of shit and focus on making the story/companions/class variety/itemization much better when they have the core gameplay formula codded in. Just like how Wrath is Kingmaker but better in nearly every way apart from setting, which is subjective(some people like Kingmaker module more as it's a bit more of a classic zero to hero story vs the crusade against demonic invasion in wrath)
>furry avatarfag please answer my question I need your guidance!!!
When Froggy is not shitposting about cuckoldry or posting ragebait and responds seriously, his takes & speculation are actually pretty intelligent and good to hear.
Fair, but counterpoint: the protagonists of the RPG are a bunch of literal who ratcatchers and brigands, not (typically) powerful wizards or grand theogonists.
Your average WFRP battle is a handful of guys who die or get horrible infections or something if they're shot once or twice, not conquering heroes like Karl Franz or champions like Theodore Bruckner.
The stakes are low, there isn't much magic (even the wizard career is just some bumbling apprentice who barely knows a single cantrip at the start, and it's super rare that you would roll a wizard) the people and setting is analogous to the irl HRE, you're not really heroes so much as random background characters with a narrative focus.

Actually since I didn't mention that I was talking very specifically about the RPG and what a Owlcat Warhammer Fantasy game would look like, I guess I'm totally moving the goalposts here and as a whole, The Empire is high fantasy.
So I guess I concede that much, on the larger scale it's high fantasy.
But I still think a Owlcat RPG would be largely low fantasy, at least for most of it. Maybe it would become high fantasy somewhere around the later part of the game.
Owlkeks are already on the third iteration of kangmaker assets in rogue tranny lol. I would like to believe they won't be so fucking lazy as to go for a fourth iteration, but you never know.

If owlkek want to make a game with more cinematic dialogue like tranny's gape, they won't be able to reuse the kangmakerr assets for the fourth time due to them being too low quality and looking like absolute dogshit up close.
And the game being fully voiced will inevitably cut down the dialogue trees. A good writer might still be able to turn this into a winning situation by retaining the amount of reactivity and c&c while cutting down on pointless chatter, but I expect future owlkek games to take a significant hit to their overall roleplaying depth due to full voice overs limiting the amount of dialogue since owlkeks love writing tons of flavor text.
>But I still think a Owlcat RPG would be largely low fantasy, at least for most of it. Maybe it would become high fantasy somewhere around the later part of the game.
to be honest, I'm not sure Owlcat has it in them to do low fantasy.
I just finished running a tabletop campaign of warhammer fantasy roleplay and while its a lot of fun, I can't imagine owlcat NOT making you the head of an army or some shit, they love their side games
>significant hit to their overall roleplaying depth
Can't take a hit for something you don't have
hes just samefagging, no one else bothers to interact with the scat fetishist
the rpg is mostly investigations because combat will murder you extremely fast, and even then its going to involve some supernatural elements, i mean its not going to be any more low fantasy that some of the earlier editions of d&d, because youll end up dealing with something supernatural pretty quickly because thats all the important stuff, something as simple as warpstone is extremely valuable as it is dangerous
they could do some party shenanigans in like the wasteland, nordland, the drakwald, the forest of shadows, slyvania
the border princes is basically kingmaker
Almost for sure a Dark Heresy 40K game where you play as an Inquisitor, and then after that they'll move on to another setting probably.
I hope Warhammer Fantasy, I want to see them adapt The Enemy Within as a CRPG.

There's systems they could adapt into side management autism like the kingdom management in Kingmaker. I mean at the most basic, all the stuff between adventures where you have a career and everything which determines how much money you start with in any given campaign.
It would probably retread a lot of ground with the Kingmaker mechanics however...
>Owlkeks are already on the third iteration of kangmaker assets in rogue tranny lol. I would like to believe they won't be so fucking lazy as to go for a fourth iteration, but you never know.
Honestly, I hope they recycle again. Rather see them make another 40kiddie game, but with actual better balanced combat, build variety and itemization, rather than new shinies, since I personally don't care about how the game looks.
Ideally, they should have went with Warhammer Fantasy, but this wasn't handled badly story-wise either I guess.
This is the biggest potential problem...not only is fully voiced more expensive on face value, but going back and making changes and additions will be more annoying.
Does anyone know why custom voicepacks wouldn't work in WoTR? I've dropped the file into the right folder and I can see it there but when I click the voice on character creator it's still the normal one.
Owlcat, fucking lazy cunts, you could have given Aivu voice lines when clicking on her and moving her around since she now has voiced dialogue for the DLC.
But seriously, why is owlkek doing this lmao
Let's be real, they are NEVER gonna get the casual BG3 audience for the style of crpgs that they make. Full voice acting isn't gonna help, normies in general don't like stuff that isn't casual. Even if they went with BG3's graphics and full VO, the build complexity and general gameplay style of a true bg1/2 style crpg would turn off modern zoomies.
They haven't dropped any hints as to what their next project is. Even if they reuse the assets it might not be a 40k game since they already have tons of assets from pozzfinder. Warhammer fantasy would be great, I agree. A proper rpg in the setting is long overdue.
they work in game but not in the character creation screen, Owlcat changed all the MC packs a few months ago so all the old custom ones don't work anymore
Because they fell for the "tranny's gape elevated teh standards" meme. The people who actually play rpgs don't care about this cinematic nonsense and know the dangers of full voice overs. The only explanation is that they hope to capitalize on Bg3 introducing normies to the genre and wish to get a piece of that normie pie. Ahh the classic tale of studios popamole flying their games to cater to casuls.

Dumb autocorrect.
Thanks. I was going insane trying to get it to work.

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