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Previous: >>483833690

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Firefly love!
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post bricked accounts
Firefly sp to make her fun to play when
What planars for Ruan Mei?
I. Looveeee mmy. Wwiifffee. Fireefuuullfflyysshinnee!
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Traveller, I went through the liberty of tossing out all of your old phonograph records. Oh? There's no need to be upset, I've committed them all to memory
Can't go wrong with vonwacq
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Should I put this on HMC or Gallagher?
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Can I finally stop farming relics for Ruan Mei?
vonwacq is pretty comfy with pagfly
put it on whoever hits the speed breakpoint easier with it anon
hmc scales better with be since they share it with the team
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>no ratio cone in 2.4
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Galagher is happy with 150% BE. HMC has no limit.

Glowworm chan liebe
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Ruan banjomori Mei is the cutest nickname
>Penacony instead of Vonwacq
>Only 142 speed despite messenger
>Technically BE could be 10% lower
I would say no, but the fact that your traces aren't leveled is even worse. So go farm that first before going back into the mines
>Black Swan rerun
Uhhh I don't have Kafka, is she a brick?
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>1 Basic ATK
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I prefer slow Banjo.
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The face of /hsrg/
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Roll status?
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Guinaifen sidegrade for Acheron teams
Must-have for Kafka DoThags
Damn, Black Swan that early?
Blessed save patch
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Why does her speed need to be so high?
>Penacony instead of Vonwacq
What's wrong with Penacony?
>traces aren't leveled
Yeah, I'm working on it.
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what the fuck is going on here
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Okay, now what?
E0S1 Yunli
E0S0 Foffou
No she's not worth it if you don't plan on running dot(which needs Kafka to properly work)
It has a few cope options(like using Sampo E4 against a wind weak single target boss like Kafka)
Yeah I really like that one
They need to withhold Dr. Bricks rerun for a little while longer to try and create some fomo
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If I lose my first cone flip on fofos cone I am going to melty and shit on the floor
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I want them all...
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Black Swan was 7 months ago bro
I want Houhou but I'm rolling for Lingsha so probably won't need her anymore and BS requires Kafka and I just don't have enough rolls for any of them Yunli is a lazy Clara clone so I might as well just use Clara and jiaoqui is a homo. So I'm skipping all of them.
I already have BSE1S1 so There's nothing to roll for a hag enjoyer like me there.
Complete skip. And now that its confirmed that Feixiao is also not a hag she won't be getting her cone either. I guess I'll dump every spare jade on Ack's rerun in attempt to get extra eidolons.
How many threads do you have currently open?
Nta but it feels like 3 months ago. That can't be true. I won't believe it
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What I wouldn't give to have proper skirt physics in this censorshitted game, mods can't fix this...
I wouldn’t mind building Misha..
I haven’t even made it to pf yet. I started a month ago..
On that note I made a quick attempt with level 50 RM (waiting on points to ascend her) replacing HMC and got second phase down to half health before RM got targeted and dropped. The extra toughness damage makes a massive difference and the break delay gives much needed breathing room. I guess I could build herta to replace ff but I just don’t know. Like I said I’m low on mats at this point since I’m so new and rushing through a lot of content and investing in a shitload of characters. This is the first time I feel really hard checked but I can’t make a lot of progress without being able to farm this fucker since I need his mats desperately. Just really sucks FF’s traces are all the way at the end of penacolony since there’s a fucking massive difference between her with them and without.
Would you bathe in a pool that has trotters in it?
do it without firefly
5 months since Black Swan's banner
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I finally got something good for once out of a planar event bwos. It let me drop spd boots for atk boots.
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Times passing too fast what the fuck man
It's better for her to have Vonwacq because it lets you skill at the start of a battle without using the technique but it's really not that important outside of SU/DU
>early vandalized thread
>IMG_ filename
Every time. Why are you guys using this thread?
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There's zero reason to run her with high speed unless you need her to generate sp (not a problem with FF E1). Her buffs tick down with her own turns so lower spd is better as long as you go first which Vonwacq helps with.
Vonwacq lets her skill-basic-ult at the start of the battle immediately.
Only getting E0S1 Yunli, I already have E0S1 Fofo
Skipping that joke of a second half
you're either stupid or pretending if you don't understand how people use threads. nobody looks at the op
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Is Black Swan bad now
Yunli and HuoHuo. Then save for Lingsha later. If I am getting screwed on rolls though, may be forced to only get Yunli then save for Lingsha.
her only real team is Kafka DoThags
Huohuo E0
Black Swan E0
Jiaoqiu E0S1

My wallet is fucked if I don’t win these coinflips
lingsha's cone is completely useless for the firefly team isn't it
What does hunt March even do?
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honestly yes she's not very demanding
>firefly super brick comp
You didn't beat it.
That poster is a disgusting fujo too
>Team Mew
How many times does this nigga need to be wrong before people finally ignore them?
Radiant Feldspar musics are so fucking good
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It's okay. Starcrush is the biggest newb filter other than Argenti. They are created to shill AoE but most early player don't want build one because destruction hit better. Misha is actually okay unit But since his competition is best ice dps Jingliu, he got outshined everytime.
Actually FF doesn't rely on trace. Maybe major trace and ult for speed, but she need break effect and level. All her damage scale from it. Even attack is not used mainly, but only to be converted for Break.
Seele hasn’t been reran in 12 patches
She's a weird break support that probably won't be played much
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Firefull Trailblazer or Caelus Flyshine?
If you can survive, yes.
All Ruan Mei really cares about is surviving, and having her ult ready when it expires.
So i absolutely should still build Gallagher even if I don't have RM for my FF?
Skip until Lingsha
If you dont roll BS, Kafka will be a brick on her rererun.
Its a viscous cycle.
well yes they have to actually make some money
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Fuck, you got me
Roll e0s1 yunli skip the rest. I want to get some sparkle eidolons on her rerun but at this rate she'll probably rerun with feixiao and I won't have enough pulls.
>Additional Damage
How do you save this useless gimmick?
my hsr playtimes must be completely fucked because i leave the game on for hours just to leave that as background music
Star rail losted
Genshin losted
Wuwa losted
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Even with RM, my FF really want enemy boss to be broken asap so having Galagher is pretty much your only sustain choice for her. Unless you run sustainless FF
Especially if you don't have RM unless you want to spend 10 cycles trying to break.
they should honestly put her in standard
Small trotter asserting it's dominance by drowning the larger one
Im not even sure I can get enough rolls for Yunli S1 flips. I wanted to go deep with BS.
Do we know what Yunli's personality is yet?
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I just started Swarm Disaster, none of the worlds give any relics but they reward more points than the regular worlds. Am I supposed to just collect all the lore bits and then ignore it once I've completed them?
doesn't the game keep track of hits like when you have to break the preservation trotter's shield? couldn't they just make something scale off hits?
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God I need a footjob so bad
Is it normal for trotters to start fucking invading my house after I beat V6 why are there so many of them here now
If the leaks are true then there'll be a chronicled wish banner soon, she'll probably be there.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
I only want her lighcone
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You gonna suck dis cawk gud
Yes, SW/G&G is just for jades which is why they don't require stamina either.
It's an expansion for SU so they are never supposed to be grinded.
what's that
I don't get it, it's just boring button mash. Why would I play this if I've already uninstalled wuwa?
They're attracted to the pool water
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>roll Acheron
>don't build her until now because I didn't feel like it
>have to go through the nihility mines again not just for her but for Pela too
>all of this after focusing on my DoT team
That's fake leak isn't it?
HSR is not even on 3rd year and we still have selection of character.
Eh, we also release double the 5*s.
The overworld looks cool
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You get them starting from Level 30. I like having them around.
>DoT team
Just give her the high Crit pieces from DoT set. It'll be just as effective as Quantum if paired with Kafka and BS.
>I have no crit rate/crit damage chest
Ack can utilize non crit mainstat chest piece like Blade(in this case ATK%) if you have her cone just make sure it lands both crits in substats.
someone is spamming dox in the /zzz/igger thread again.
1 hsr year = 2 genshin years in terms of releases
Yunli E0S1, if I get lucky Fofo too
>at 50 pity, 90 pulls
>even if I get another 100 pulls, my chance of getting both is only 45%
uhhhhhhh gay
They should raise the thing from 6 to 12 yeah or yeah?
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I don't play wuwa but I saw you shitposting in zzz so I got curious
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There is a zzz thread already?
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>button mashing against health sponge while particle effects blind me
That's a hard pass from me
One of the known shizos? I noticed those too but I never played scary games except RE so don't post in asg
Finally have a use for all those dual crit pieces I kept getting.
Still have to farm traces but that's literally just time consuming. Thankfully my SW is already in a decent place(though I need an ER chest for her because I was stupid and thought she wanted atk%).
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so they always buff characters in the v3 beta right
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So, what was it, oversight? set up for later? Hoyo forgot?
Fuck me origami bird clash is so fun. I didn't know homebodies and housewives had such good taste.
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>Hapanigger/Basil dox being posted the 30th time
Well, what can you do
They could go up to 24 for all I care, either way doing cycles of 6 is lame because there's no real reason to stop at 6.
It's the gore spammer that's also obsessed with russians
I would like to think it's setup for later, though Firefly the Nameless would still be too good to be true. Maybe in a couple years or so.
So that guy got mad at firefly and came here and worn himself out so he got mad at zzz and started to spam there? How do you like wake up and live existing like that?
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>also obsessed with russians
Damn I like that one. Reminds of early chug and uhg times when Ukrainian happening was still a hot topic
>though Firefly the Nameless would still be too good to be true
Why would she even become a Nameless in the first place? What little character has doesn't suggest a want for exploring.
what do you mean? it's not really a gimmick and not useless
Shitposters just shitpost using the shiny new toy bro it's not that complicated, there's no deeper logic regarding it
>What little character has doesn't suggest a want for exploring.
None of the Nameless really even want to explore. And besides, the Nameless explicitly just accepts anyone who wants to come on board.
I don't know, but (You)'re with the Nameless. But does her deal with Elio have a stipulation for her leaving the Stellaron Hunters? Or do we not know yet?
As long as the /zzz/iggers can contain the schizo I don't care
robin and tingyun are still meta so it does not need saving. funniest thing is that you can do 4 different elements of damage in one action with hunt m7
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>mashing the same button on health sponges that barely do anything
this shit is gonna get old so fast, I'll give it a shot, but I'm expecting to drop it on record time.
>None of the Nameless really even want to explore
Maybe not directly but pretty much everyone on the Express at the moment wants to go around and help people deal with stellarons or whatever, which implies that they need to explore.
>But does her deal with Elio have a stipulation for her leaving the Stellaron Hunters?
We don't know anything about the deals he's making with the SH as a whole beyond the most general things like "make me have fear" or whatever. There's nothing saying Firefly COULDN'T be a Nameless, but there's nothing saying she COULD either.
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Fireflybros, look at this
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guess who is back at his real PC that's right it's me the ai slopperer
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I just got Tingyun, how good is she?
I saw that on Twitter too
guinny (forma de la cunny)
Do Sushang dressed up in a chicken suit
Next SW rerun when? I need my wolf gamer.
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Stop dying /hsrg/ I don't want to be productive.
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Going like 1 min without a post isn't "dead", anon.
Do a chicken dressed up in a Sushang suit.
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I'm shitposting at /zzz/ sorry bwo
>None of the Nameless really even want to explore.

How so? Only March really has any sort of overarching goal with unlocking her memories. Himeko, Welt, TB and honestly Dan too just want to ride the train aka trailblaze.
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my sloppa will revive hsrg
how long until Acheron rerun? I started when firefly came out
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Uh oh absolute RETARD melty!
bro is retarded !
unless it's pela sloppa i'm outta here
I'm not gonna read all this new bullshit someone please post a youtube vid going over it
>the Nameless explicitly just accepts anyone who wants to come on board
Nope. Himeko's train, Himeko's revival of a historically important faction, Himeko's choice who gets to ride. It's not a dumping ground for galactic hobos.
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net markers?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Screwllum isn't asking you to be a fellow genius for him to shower you in planars, just not an actual brain damaged turboretard
> Blade Carry Jade subdps
Why is the thought of a contractually obligated angry immortal taxman so funny?
Pick the skibidis so you can go sicko mode on their gyatts. Edge max long enough to go ohio and send baby gronk to fortnite. Become the sigma mewer for stellar jades.
>Black Swan
FUCKING WHY. I wanted to save for Lingsha AAAAAIEEEEE.
thanks i'll check it out
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Go watch the memory bubble again
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It makes it easier though
>oh it's a planar event
>pick planar set/boss
>save loads up with expanded equations and that autobattle curio so do nothing as boss melts in a minute
>collect planars with useless stats
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I wasn't able to gen that so have this cute Sushang instead
i don't know what's worse, you for having the link or retardbro for asking for it
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>What little character has doesn't suggest a want for exploring.
Someone hasn't read her lore
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Yeah, I also tend to get attached to my sustains more, ngl.
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>Black Swan
must roll, i need her for my Kafka DoT team
Oh yeah, I forgot there was something new after that ordeal, thanks.
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do I have to do the main event shit to get slave slots for all my teams so I can use it in the planar shits though?
I searched up "new divergent universe guide" on youtube and just copy and pasted it but I think it's funny having to watch a 13 minute video from a jewtuber instead of reading for 3 seconds
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Because everyone will now have to pay the price
Did it actually change?
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Blade is just naturally funny
been a while since i've seen a Sonichu edit
Just do the cyclical shit(I'm assuming that's what you mean by main event) once a week for when the SU reward weeklies reset and use the save file you got from that to auto shit for the rest of the week
You just have to clear DU and you have the option of saving your setup at the end
Do we know anything about Feixiao? Element? Path?
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Maybe. Watch it again.
>"I want to do things unrelated to Sam"
>this means she wants to explore
Is DoT the Hyperbloom of this game? I swear no matter what mode I take this team in it clears the fastest and the easiest with max points no matter the mob types or blessing.

How the fuck are they going to ever powercreep this?
Understood Madame Jade. Glory to the IPC.
Skip patch. I already have BS and E1 Clara. I also don't want to get an Acheron boy toy without any other niche.
Wind Hunt iirc
Gold background Lynx :)
Wind Hunt. Kit allegedly has break fua and dot
my nigga guoba
It's Superbreak.
>Muh toughness lock
Never an issue.
She's so good! For real!
W-what do you mean it's shopped..?

Dot is shit, it's not universal at all. It only works with Kafka and also because the devs go out of their way to include dot-specific bonuses for every end game mode.
>"Fool, the contract you just signed will cost you your very life!"
>"Yes! Finally! Sweet release!"
>strongest from 2.X patches
>Her buffs tick down with her own turns so lower spd is better as long as you go first which Vonwacq helps with.
Her ult always lasts 2 out of the 3 turn rotation. But while lowering speed increases the time of her first ult relative to the other units turns, it also increase the downtime when she doesn't have her ult up. So if you can clear in the first ult, it's better to be slow with her. But if you can't, then the downtime means the fast RM can be better.
>There's zero reason to run her with high speed unless you need her to generate sp (not a problem with FF E1).
Yes with FF E1, but that anon didn't say anything about that. He could have E0, so he needs the SP from RM.
>What's wrong with Penacony?
Vonwacq lets her go first, and with technique+basic ult afterwards. So when Firefly skills and then ults afterwards, all her enhanced attacks gets boosted. But admittedly, it's a relative minor benefit. Just that the 10% dmg from Penacony does nothing, while Vonwacq does have a benefit.
the leaker meant lorewise
Being able to super break, break off toughness, and extra break make a massive fucking difference.
b-but they'll totally lock every toughness bar forever in the future, r-right? i'm not coping from skipping firefly! besides a trans womyn like me shouldn't have to use an icky man like gallagher
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I want to improve my Dot Team and both Huo2 and Swan are E0S0. Which do I prioritize to improve my DoT Team? Huo2 S1 for the comfier sustain and Pseudo Harmony consolidation or E1 for comfy SP and extra Spd? What about Swan's E1 vs S1?
Ratio is only behind fotm ack and firely on the meme tiers albeit
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Same sis can't wait to pull for Jiaoqiu and Aventurine LC on his rerun for my Acheron.
Ruan Mei E1 or S0?
>leaving out yunli
Based cunnychad.
IT'S NOT THE FUCKING REAL CLOCKIE, IT WAS PART OF THE SHOW. They literally say this. There is even a Hanu there, why don't you question that? And if you go the amusement park, there is a guy pretending to be Clockie.
bronya slop now
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She doesn't actually inflicts dot, it was just a data term for another effect. A lot of people can't into datamining and have wrong interpretations of the data. Yes, I'm talking about Ubatcha, who was the one who claimed she could have dots because he doesn't understand what RedDot and BlueDot could possibly mean. It's more likely for her to have something similar to Topaz's proof of debt thing. Ubatcha isn't a dataminer, which is why you shouldn't blindly trust anything he says.
If you're using Firefull Flyshine teams then Ruan Mei cone is better on HMC than it is on herself
I just realized I have zero Nihility units
Should I just focus on what elements I'm lacking in my current line up or a specific character?
I have Luka, Pela, Guinaifen, Sampo, and Welt
What’s wrong with her hands
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I got RM for my Kafka, I assume E1 is still the preference? I'm not going for Firefly.
penacony has really outed those with poor reading comprehension, hasn't it
Yes though S1 is pretty good on her in that team especially if you feel like you have SP issues. E1 Ruan Mei is just really strong
Don't bother if you don't have Kafka or Acheron. Though you can use Pela in some comps.
just admit that you're gay and that you want to roll on the foxboy
Pela is always worth building
You missed the point sweaty way to out yourself as lacking media literacy
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
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maybe i do need to build Gallagher after all
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Already have Clara/have E4Gallagher

Dont need him/Lesbo that ruined Acheron

Easy skip, my Lingsha savings will be great
hanaBRICk shut the fuck up
>media literacy
But I openly want to fuck Clara (age 12), why would arguments over whether short adults are "child coded" be relevant to me?
Gotcha, thanks. I'll just try for E1 and build up my pity.
It's almost amazing how bad it sometimes is. It even says it in the line itself that it's part of the show, but then retards made this schizo theory that Firefly would join the express in 2.3. I honestly now understand why Paimon keeps repeating stuff in Genshin, it's not because they want to pad the runtime but because there are honestly people who need it repeated 3 times before they comprehend it.
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Not playing Hunt in SU is so soul-crushing, I just can't achieve the same numbers.
I want to breed with Pela.
Holy shit you really unironically missed the point inceltrash
Hunt is only good for the 3* blessings for extra turns and the 2* blessing for energy regen on kill.
Elation is the one that gives insane damage numbers to the right characters.
>has done more exploring than the AE since the game started
hunt elation and propagation
This except nihility.
Where's my DoTs taking out at least a fourth of the boss' healthbar?
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>mid yuan
>silver brick
>dhil pickle
>stanley fu brick
>a fucking banjo bug
>dr flopio
>pag swan
Please don't tell me you rolled for any of these toons
literally me, i don't know how anyone plays that mode with Nihility blessings
i made a promise with Gepard and now must fill serval's old, dusty, cobweb-ridden womb with my seed or face insubordination charges
You forgot the first banner of the game
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For those who were not present during the last few threads. I have got a PS up and running and I am testing Yunli with multiple teams. So far I have done three teams. I've tried to play them to the best of my ability and they have reasonable relics as well. The last team I tried was Jade E0S0 with Yunli E0S1 and man it was not as fun as just running Topaz E0S1. Even with Yunli shitting out blast attacks it took forever for Jade to do follow ups and there are massive energy issues in the team. Robin has a really hard time getting her ult up consistently. Nothing has changed in their builds and only Topaz was replaced for Jade. Again, its not Jade's damage that I'm more concerned about here (although that too is a problem) but the energy deficiencies in the team which is non existent with Topaz team.

1. Topaz E0S1, Aventurine E0S1, Robin E0S0, Yunli E0S1
These were all my builds and relics. All reasonable investment and in some cases aren't even that great. Coding the substats into the relics in the private server does not support low rolls, so all upgrades to substats happen as max rolls. To counter this, I have removed certain upgrades so as to remain true to my crit value in the image. This is just to let everyone know before you jump on me for small discrepancies.

2. Sparkle E0S1

3. HuoHuo(E0S0 w Shared Feeling S5) and Tingyun (E6 with BP cone S5) are nothing notable.

4. Jade E0S0
The relics are somewhat decent not the best probably. She sits around 60:200 CV. I've modified the set to be 4pc Duke and she's running Duran planar instead of Salsotto. All substats are the same. She's running Eternal Calculus S5.

>Why not quantum set
Duke = Qua set when no qua weak enemies.

>Team Showcases
Who's the better holder of watchmaker set, Ruan mei or HTB?
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>put march in a team
>somebody hits my dudes
>she says nigga and performs trepanation on their skulls with an arrow
My racist wife! I love my racist wife!
SeeleCHADs we've won!
tb since he triggers his ult more frequently
Reminder that Pela's butt is larger than other characters using the hebe model
now gen her twerking
I'm about to go planar hunting.
Does the new FUA one work for ALL of them? (Including Clara and Herta)
Photographic proof??
there sister, fixed it, happy?
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I love my ex wife Jingloo.
I don't regret her because otherwise I would have to use Yan*ing
Bros.. i'm not sure if im going to make it
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sigh fine i'll do it
the mc isn't an aeon...
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TLDR; if you run hypercarry you really want FoFo, Either Robin or Sparkle is always a part of her teams and is non-negotiable. FuA team w/ Topaz, Aven and Robin is fun because the team damage compensates for the inability to counter every turn with Yunli.

I'll start of today with trying out maybe a Ack JQ team since im really bored with Yunli and I'll get back to testing Yunli E0S0 (Aeon S5) sometime towards the end. As with before, will post this in threads regularly for the next few days so that people who miss it can check it out.
Who is this?
How old is Pela supposed to be anyway? Her timeline is confusing me.
post the full image coward
Unironically both since if your FF is fast as fuck she burns through the Watchmaker buff really damn quickly, it actually work pretty well with Meshing Cogs RM since her ult uptime is way way more then what's needed.
That's cool and all, but is she viable as a solo character for meme SU runs?
>but what about endgame
I don't care, I just want to have fun.
I just want to hug Sparkle and give her babies
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It's the only Doujin Jingliu had.
Available on your local hentai website.
Spoiler : It's the only hot panel, the rest are yuri shit
Look okay to me. 2400ATK 152SPD 192BE with S5 Aeon.
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>That's cool and all, but is she viable as a solo character for meme SU runs?
Who Jade or Yunli. Yunli is just a better Clara so yes? Jade will as well depending on DC and topaz but meme comps in SU mean nothing since you can run arlan to beat shit anyway.
To be honest it's too early to test units anyways since v3 is in a few days and that is often the biggest patch of the beta
just look up their skirts and switch between characters
everything points to mid/late 20s except one throwaway line claiming she's 16 that confuses everyone because it's impossible. (pela *used to be* a child prodigy, but that was years ago when she was in college early)
though belobog timelines are weird no matter what
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Samfly made it in a toku magazine

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I need this teenager to flop on my dick right NOW
pela is an enigmata follower
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That's not dork.
It's Standard Glamoth battle stance.
I haven't been keeping up, is the rainbow dude Gashat's final form or is it a Sentai?
both, for increased uptime
I always wonder what real mecha sickos think of characters like that. Do they respect SAM?
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My Trigger wives on the top right!
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Not a problem at all desu. I will redo the tests and its not even that much of a pain for me since I saved all the code for the previous testing iterations. I dont have to manually assemble teams that I have already used via config files. This is just a preliminary analysis of their kit.

That said I doubt Jade's viability in this team is going to be affected by Yunli.
Try Jade with Jiaoqiu, Fofo and Ting
You missed the point
>That doesn't make sense
I'm retarded
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
I want to rape Black Swan again.
>they turned Rikka into the most blatant coomerbait.
Lynx is a history fictionologist
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They're really, really unambiguous about Pela being 16 in the retcon quest, it's not whatever line you're thinking about
SAM has been exploding in toku twitter since he first appeared
a huge chunk of newfags to the game are toku/mechafags rolling for Firefly
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i don't respect it as much as an actual physical suit, but for anime pseudo-toku it's a good design, good style and moves
like anyone played HI3 to begin with lol
Yes, Samfly is very well received with them
the BE or the ER planar the Banjo Mommy?
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I am forgotten...
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Sure why not. What sort of a build do you want me to give JQ?
A lot of them love Sam. Whether or not they care about Firefly herself is up in the air but she's just a vessel for the cool mecha suit she wears to them.
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I give up on inpainting her hands any further. Bricked seed.
Don't worry, so is the ice hag
ER. You don't really have another source for it and she needs it.
>powercrept by qingque, a free 4*, before your release
It's hard being Daniel the Imbibbler...
How the fuck does inpainting even work anyway. It feels like some arcane knowledge to me.
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latefag here, is my account salvageable? would pulling huohuo be a bad idea if i like her?
You can use Talia if you're playing her outside of a break team and can't reach 160 BE, otherwise you always go for Vonwacq
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I'll take it. Thanks anon - gonna bust a nut.
>because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her
Refute this. I remember when leakers leaked Firefly's design and most of the firepags at the time liked her by her design alone.
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I still don't see why I should replace Clara with Yunli
I dunno isn’t he attack scaling with ehr e0s1 or e0s0 it doesn’t matter all I know is his ult charged fast
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Once you're back in the real world, remember to tell everyone about the Stellaron Hunter who was behind your ultimate departure.

...Now commencing, scorched EARTH OPERATIONS!
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>He is so bland that Shaoji don't know what to do with his Ena dream
You're not, you're supposed to use them together.
Dan is built for women, fujos or otherwise, so of course nobody here will talk about him nor his alt now when we have maybe 1 girl total.
Fucking based
Get gayfoxman in the next patch and you'll have a great ACK team.
>I-is my account salvageable?
You should be beaten to death with spoons.
cute glow worm
>is my account salvageable with the top sustain, three top supports, and a top tier DPS
are you just humblebragging anon? it's a great account
>would pulling huohuo be a bad idea if i like her?
Not at all since you only have one limited sustain currently.
They probably won't create another abundance with battery soon so yeah. She is decent to roll and even better if you like her.
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>have correct settings
>mask part of image you want to fix
>AI rerolls the masked part at a higher internal resolution
>hands/eyes/face much improved
Finding the settings that work for your model is the hardest part. For me it's 128 pixel padding, inpaint only masked, same steps/sampler/resolution/cfg as base image, denoising strength 0.39ish.
i am running acheron,pela,gui and gepard. how much of an upgrade would blackswan be for me?
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Where is it? Doctor Eye doesn't have it no more.
Go for Jiaoqiu instead, he'll do more than BS can for Acheron.
Im not i just realized none of my teams are pure meta because i didnt get robin and anone use sparkle. also pulled juan and left him at 70 after i got acheron
Hahaha, no. Get pink fox for your Acheron.
I'm joining the IPC!
For Acheron teams? E0 Black Swan is a sidegrade for E6 Guinaifen.
Basically like this but Jade instead of Ruan Mei
We know, Robin
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almost perfect team, go back in time and roll sigga
I skipped firefly
HSR's Kazuha is too good to skip in favor of her.
>rider kick
>dual beam sabers
>mechanical body suit not just a robot
As is the case with Hoyo characters, the weak part is never the design but the lore
no survivability has never been an issue. im just lacking damage.

yea your most likely right but im disappointed he has no defense shred
we know Xolze
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what did he mean by this?
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>do Swarm Disaster run with Abundance for completion
>don't deal much damage, just put the game on auto since I'm 100% sure I won't die with all these Abundance blessings
>current Plane is filled with Mercy nodes
>go to the next Occurence node
>Periodic Demon Lord
of all the things to end my fucking run it's the goddamn 4 turn requirement
replace gepard with sigga for more damage (acheron ults), bro
Vulnerability is good, and you already get some shred from Pela anyway. Replace Gui with him and you'll be pretty well off.
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Sure, I'll try out the team since I have nothing else I want to test out anyway.

But what sort of relics do you want me to give him. I know he has sorta good multipliers but to achieve that much damage he must have some cracked fucking relics that are not achievable to most people outside PS. But regardless, let me know what breakpoints you need me to hit for SPD, CV and ATK.
If you roll Firefly you already have her team set, and you have a pretty nice Acheron team with Sparkle and Aventurine. I think you're underselling it.
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The fate of humans means nothing to me! We play by our own set of rules
>Thinking that Abundance stalling works when there's a rage mechanic
IQ level: Trailblazer.
Shut up firepag
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who would've thought this dumb bimbo would be strong in the end
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Can Firefly solo kisekiverse?
>Ack JQ team
Really curious about this, because just from comparing debuffs he doesn't look like an amazing upgrade. So his benefit has to be with replacing Trend. Maybe could try a Gallagher as sustain, to see how fast Acheron ults then? And maybe Aventurine S1 for the paypigs?
Can I replace Ratio with March on my FuA team minus sigger due to being a newfag
I mean there's no reason not to roll since the chest gives you 400 frags.
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Ruan Mei spotted
>huntmarch without HMC
Is she really better as classic Crit DPS? Her enhanced auto has some stupid high break if i remember correctly.
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Don't forget me
should I roll E1 firefly or is it not that important
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>250k autos
huh? isnt she a 4*?
Probably 140% EHR to hit his breakpoint and 134 speed with the rest into attack. I’m not sure if using a regen rope over attack changes anything.
>though belobog timelines are weird no matter what
If you ignore Pela, the timeline is not that weird. Only vague thing is how old Bronya is, since she doesn't remember the orphanage. But that could be any number of years before the 10 year lockdown of the Underworld, so she could be between 16 and 22 and the timeline still makes sense.
Jade shop on the ship. There're projector.
Jade died so ZZZ could live
why is it so fucking busy
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Am I supposed to take away from this Sparkle did it?
yeah but isn't more BE better for more big dick damage, meanwhile Vonwacq gives you only 5 % of ER
hey bros, check out this 0
Oops wrong reply
makes her more comfy and makes it easier to roll e2
I'm the only one in this general saving for Screwllum (+ 58 pulls in undying starlight)
>Still calling her Galaxy Ranger
>Literally just her CG pasted in with some random text
I should pick the spic right?
She only does those once per cycle and her regular basics and ult do shit damage to compensate
The pepeshi is a pimp and is qualified for the job. He brings his pepeshi girls around.
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What about going even harder into FUA? Topaz - Aventurine - Yunli - Jade. No Robin. Jade buffing Yunli.
>Jade's projector
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needing robin push to get the 200k basic on turn 1 is kinda rough.
3 cycles on yunli shill patch, too..
I really want to use her, but I fear she won't be optimal in any team and just be left forgotten.
At least HMC has superbreak.
The 5% ER is just enough to get a 3 turn ult using S5 cogs/motp and her own damage isn't very relevant unless you have an E6 banjo.
literally never coming out
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these are cringekino
E6 makes it alot easier. She gives herself and her master 60% cdmg along with a tiny bit of break iirc.
It's not like The Follow-Ups *need* Robin, she's just their best buffer.
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Yeah I will visit you on prison next week
Cant argue with that
>LC art
I can see SW unironically wearing this.
I admire your resolve but Jesus Christ what do you even use to clear?
>but I fear she won't be optimal in any team and just be left forgotten.
She already looks specifically designed for Feixiao though.
>Feixiao has summons, even two
>Is Hunt so will be fast
>If summons attack, M7 also follow-ups
>Gives a ton of crit damage at e6
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Couldn't you just have the same shit printed on a decent jacket for a quarter of the price? Jesus fuck.
You literally have the second best FuA team. Sure Robin makes it better, but before Robin people used Ruan Mei as the best option. And you could roll Firefly to get the full break meta team, although you then would have to replace RM in the FuA team with Pela. Acheron is also great, just use Pela+Gui or roll the fox next patch to replace Gui. And Jing Yuan+Sparkle is a potential decent team, but worse than your other options. You basically have 2 teams that are 90% meta, a 75% meta team, and a potential full meta team if you pull Firefly
>Glühwürmchen fucking destroys Swarm Disaster & Cock & Balls

I`m Glad those 2 Game Modes arent a Aventurine/Gepard Check anymore.
what's your favorite splash art? i really like Argenti's and Arlan's splash, Hanya's pretty cool too
That makes sense, I hope she's great with Feixiao. I'll get the general hag if it makes March really strong.
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>>Literally just her CG pasted in with some random text
that's unironically 99% of clothing merch, REALLY bothers me how lazy these people are
Kafka's for having like every SH on it or Fire TB's for having the Belobog squad backing them up.
Black Swan
Never seen this bug before
>it also increase the downtime when she doesn't have her ult up
It doesn't because you're likely to get hit enough in the meantime so you'll have 100% ult uptime.
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Well it actually shows nothing at all. I got baited I guess.
What bug?
not saving but i'll pull for screwllum instantly should he ever come out, whether or not i have to paypig
>Couldn't you just have the same shit printed on a decent jacket for a quarter of the price?
correct, if you want decent gayman clothes of your waifu you have to do it yourself, and the funny thing is that making your own custom clothes is not expensive
Robin is missing and half of topaz's face is missing. Somehow I pushed the UI off the screen
Basic attacks reduce toughness...
me at the back
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>Roll for crit, get break
>Roll for break, get crit
Fucking hate this game
Robin doko...
Oh wow, didn't notice the UI being fucky and thought you just cropped it.
Stopped rolling after 1.6 so I usually use Kafka w/Ruan Mei and Topaz and Ratio
All of my charas are s0 so I cope w/33*moc, 10* PF just do dailies and log off
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Your Xueyi?
have you been clicking in and out of the character menu? there's lots of bugs related to it for some reason, my favorite is the giant sparkle bug.
already has three sets of god-gear, at this point the game just needs to release 5 more xueyis to use all this crap
No, the worst thing I do is alt tab during auto battle which is probably what caused it somehow.
I should have rolled Boothill's LC for her...
It’s over Honkeks the new gachaGODS are here
Not everyone has RM e6...
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>Feixiao + Sparkle rerun is likely now
>Still need to get BS cone along with Jiaoqiu
>Will have 40k jades and 20 tickets by the end of this patch
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Technically an upgrade but it took some self control to not instantly destroy this piece of garbage.
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>300 rolls at the moment
>will roll for E1 Jade
>want Yunli, Feixiao, and Lingsha
Time for my good old friend "THAT"...
Sparkle so soon? Surely they'll wait a little more before wheelming out the penacony cast again.
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What relic set do you want me to use on him? 2x 2pc ATK? He only gets DoT at E2 so 4pc Prisoner doesnt seem useful.
Replace Gepard with 5 star Lynx bro.
The absolute state.
Has someone calced what's the difference between quantum orb vs atk orb on Jade?
Is Sparkle even still worth it these days if you don't have Daniel?
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Playing without a harmony is really going to reduce efficiency of the team because Jade isn't going to get any benefit. On the contrary she wont have the ATK and Crit DMG buffs from Robin while still taking years to do a follow up (this doesn't change because it only depends on DC).
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i'll pull because he's cool but i won't higher than e0s1 or e1s0 like always
I guess if you have the quantum girls or Mid Yuan
Or E2 Acheron
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Where is the hsrg international eu grand championship candy crush lobby
A character like her will always be good. Depends on the teams you like using at the end of the day
Still the go-to for any of the crit DPS.
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>Sparkle says the Memory bubble is with Dr.Edward
>He has nothing
Its not the one. She talks about the one where Black Swan tricks her, basically Black Swan's character quest. Its just doesn't exist at all.
I feel like doing a subtle design would make it better.
Like only prints of SW glasses and ribbon / accessories
Oh... tricked again
that option was there at launch, I think she's just trolling
She's generally good, a basic hypercarry support that does even better if the team sucks up SP like a fat kid with candy.
Yeah the 2/2 attack sounds good.
what the fuck
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Well shit. I really like Jade, but it feels like her being a brick is just inescapable.
Sparkle isn't omniscient and just doesn't know you've already seen her memory bubble I guess
Works at E0 for me.
I would like to fill Stelle with my trash (genes)
Yeah, at least on the front. Having the same graphic on the front and back is garish as fuck
Next event is trash can themed btw
your clara? your yunli? your ratio? your KING yuan???
Can I salvage all my Forge planar spheres that don't have HP/DEF/ATK main stat? Will the DMG% planar spheres be useful?
I have 13 of these
You know her ult only lasts 2 turns right?
that just means our clears will be sovl haha yeah I'm going for E1S1
You're gonna keep waitting Screwllumbro since Dr. Ratio stole his kit.
You may even have enough to E6 him by the time he comes out in 3.X
Makes no sense she says>>483862371
Literally everyone will play BS quest before 2.3 Quest
>you can date your 5 star characters
anon, I think I'm going to play that game
Forge is literally worthless on anyone that isn't Firefly so just dump shit that doesn't work with her.
She isn't even good for him unless you have e1s1. He's the biggest meme. Bronya is better.

Sparkle is good for e2 Acheron, good for Clara e1+, QQ and other chars preferring atk boots but still making good use out of speed. But before e1s1 her usefulness is limited. e1s1 is really good though, as her average team buffs reach RM e1s1 levels (non break team RM), and that is BEFORE Sparkle's skill.

For most teams using crits 55% atk, 50% dmg, 10% critrate and 28% crit damage has the same damage increase as RM would have on average with 2 out of 3 turns ult giving 20% def shred, 25% res shred and permanently 92% dmg + 10% speed. There will always be exceptions, like dmg% starved yet atk and critd overflowing Jingliu.
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I'm doing 2 pc pioneer + 2pc ATK with Pan Commercial for Planar. I forgot about pioneer.
most dps are fine with dmg orb, save them if they have crit substats
>Forge is literally worthless on anyone that isn't Firefly
Do you know what Forge does anon?
Brick Fu…
Limited sustainer was a mistake
Yes, her 2 turns. And with lower speed, higher speed bosses will smack you with AOE enough times before it comes.
I guess I'll save for Black Swan, because I want to get Kafka as well when she reruns.
Effectively nothing on a non-fire BE focused character?
Good luck I hope my schizo theory exceeds your expectations
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Please be nice to my pink Preservation wife!
If there's no French kisses like in Wuwa then those are worthless.
Platonic garbage is boring and exhausting. Thank god there's a Skip button.
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>Forge worthless on anyone but FF / Gal
>Valorous worthless on anyone but Jade / Yunli
My farm efficiency...
he's just bailu with good toughness break, the moment they want to shill Lingsha it'll be CC spam time on 300 speed enemies as per usual.
she's good for everyone except dot at e2s1
>Five Lineages
>9 Knives of Forced-Consent
>12 Asshole-sniffing Dragons
>37 Uncuct Cocks
>108 Sharts of Destiny
It never fucking ends does it - this 'mysterious powerful arbitrary number of irrelevant things that makes stuff seem more important than it actually is.
>French kisses like in Wuwa
>bronya is better
Works in my machine
>When the wearer hits an enemy target that has Fire Weakness, the wearer's Break Effect increases by 40%, lasting for 1 turn(s).
Anyone in a FF team will be hitting a target with Fire Weakness. Anyone in an FF team can benefit from it.
Seele is underrated like crazy and Sparkle is her bff
Clara & Yunli wants her
will be the go to for any Hypercarry dps, whenever that will happen who knows.
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>cc spam
your fofo?
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five families is a pretty standard number for a mobbed-up town
>CC spam
All or nothing baby
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I'm content with continuing to save even though Sunday's probably going to come before him
Exactly the point I'm making that this 4 star is overhyped at the moment.
>already forgot about Sunday's 107,336 closest niggas
Should I build Seele
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the aesthetic, the gameplay, or even the style of music. Easy skip.
""""Date"""", just like in Gayshit I bet which is a boring slog. Meanwhile
>MC is literally doing nothing, can't fight and just watches cool kids through a monitor
Literally a shipping cuck game, no thanks.
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The only one making any decent use out of it beyond her is like, Gallagher. Like why use that on RM or HMC instead of Fleet or Talia which have permanent bonuses that don't require you to attack someone?
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why does Topaz want to hire us so desperately
bluest balls (female) in the cosmos
Yep. That's me.
why would you not use it on HMC when you get more speed and BE than talia and she's permanently glued to FF anyway?
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People made fun of him in the beginning, but look who's the sole limited who is stopping GallaGod from embarrassing the entire limited sustain pool as a whole.
How many gachas do you guys play? Can I survive playing hsr, zzz and wuwa?
Her bosses would be pretty impressed if she could hire a stellaron instead of just kidnaping them.
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True, really I think it just comes down to E1. E1 unbricks her a lot but I don't even have enough to get E1 right now, just E0.
I play HSR and 1 other and they're both turn-based and update pretty slow
Playing 2 button mashing health sponge games on top of HSR sounds like a nightmare
Is 4% more BE really worth it?
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He’ll either be free or a 4 star. He literally appeal to no one unless she get a model redesign. Screwllum x Ratio shipper went to Aventurine. I doubt female players are that desperate for robo cock. Almost every dude would skip him for their waifu. Robofags would save for Firefly rerun
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I play FGO, Arknights, Genshit, and HSR, though I'm only really doing dailies on all but the latter. I'd be more worried about your storage space than anything else.
Please be a man...
what the fuck is wrong with her face
My head canon is that she's half obsessed with collecting as many rare creatures as possible hence why she has an eco-ship that collects as many odd creatures as possible. Having a living Stellaron as part of her "collection" per se really rustles her jimmies in a good way.
Do you have a job?
considering you also get 6% spd and don't have to waste stamina farming talia? yes
wuwa sucks, dont waste your time on that garbage just cuz it was flavor of the month and promoted to oblivion by streamers. its got all the same issues that made people quit genshin + stability/performance issues. not doomposting, just being real. ZZZ is likely to be garbage as well, but who knows.
Is ZZZ fun to play? No one in the ZZZ thread can explain what combat is like. they just start doom posting about tv...
Idk, he's actually an unambiguously cool dude within the story, something few characters can boast. If his kit is good I'll roll for him.
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I can't survive DU 4
>subtle :3 face
They work so hard and then ruin it with shipbait, why?
Makes me wish they went for a beast tamer aesthetic with her
I don't anymore, no. When I was working full tie (40 hours a week) I really only had the mental energy for one gacha at a time.
minatsuki hikaru should cosplay the hebes for her next jav videos
Skill issue. Just break the enemies before they move or you have massive skill issue.
thanks for the laugh
It’s a combo button masher with three party members that have intro and outro attacks like wuwa
nta. I can barely keep up with star rail at this point thank god they changed the dailies to make them faster. I didn't even know we had 2x planars going on until my first break this morning.
He can cleanse thoughever and is immune to debuffs chudbeit.
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>Acheron team
>Firefly team
Let me guess, you need more?
I need a Argenti team
RM already gives more than 6% with a trace.
Uhhh... sauce?
Topaz reminds me heavily of this one obscure scifi novel I read that is solely about a giant medical starship solely dedicated to taking care of obscure alien subspecies and all of their obscure diseases related to them. Kinda makes me wish Topaz's ship becomes a playable area one day since it's a brilliant way to slowly exposition dump all the alien species in the HSR universe.
>healslut role
>the best characters are male
you need high iq to understand Kinocony
"We don't have to beat around the bush"
>proceeds to beat the fucking bush into the concrete with literally the first question. And then flagellate the bush with every response.
When all they're saying is:
>"You were trying to fucking take over this star system weren't you?"
Jesus FUCKING Christ who the fuck are these translators.
Natasha-tier cleansing is no cleansing at all.
I don't have an Acheron team...
I hear you, it was basically impossible for me to keep up with Genshin with a busier schedule. Glad they're adding QoL stuff to HSR, will probably keep me invested much longer.
you realize they stack right
hell 6% spd alone makes forge a reasonable option on a lot of supports even if you conpletely ignore the break effect
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Yes, more cunny.
DU4's a bit early for it but I beat DU6 with all of
>Divine Construct:Macro
>Construct: Patch
>Rainbow Fang
>Starward Demonhunt
>Corporeal Pellucidity
>Garment of Coiled Wires
>both gold Brain in a Vat blessings
>Silverheart Guards
and then every Break Effect+Weakness Break blessing and equation I could find
Once you have "enough" DPS you should really be stacking as much survivability as you can reasonably get away with
Natasha cant action advance herself 100% on a whim
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Mihoyo EN "translators" majored in memeology.
but it's not like it matters. Star Rail is a meme game in the first palce.
I just hope they keep pandering March more.
Is that 6% getting to any significant breakpoints?
>even if you conpletely ignore the break effect
I'd rather use a set where I don't need to arbitrarily ignore one of the bonuses.
Post V6 clears without Firefly
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She's getting a new outfit and apparently a pretty meta kit, so I'd say you're in luck.
I'm gonna do it with Argenti later I'll post it a few times. Erudition is still insanely cracked in that mode
Forgot the Destruction blessings, also had
>Indicative Depth of Field
>Metric Reservation
You can't have too much DMG reduction
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>When I get high, I get high on speed
>Top fuel funny car's a drug for me
>My heart, my heart
>Kickstart my heart
>Always got the cops coming after me
>Custom built bike doing 103
>My heart, my heart
>Kickstart my heart
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Still technically abusing brick effect but it's with brickhill so it doesn't count as cheese ok
I like both TBs, but I'm really not a fan of Caelus' expressions. His face looks uncanny when not in the default expression.
>intro and outro attacks like wuwa
Is this like Capcom Vs Marvel where they have swap and assist moves?
Is it mechanically complex and fun?
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Returneefag question, I'm planning to roll for Acheron when her rerun comes around. Do I slowly farm up some 2pc Messenger/Kalpagni sets for Pela and SW since all they care about is as much speed as possible?
The little extra speed is largely good if you still use Bronya. It makes building her a lot easier with for example a very fast Boohill.
But it also helps for her alternating skill/auto attack with slow carry.

Most supports don't care about a little extra speed though.
can't wait until we get a drummer character so there can be a band team with RM, Serval and Robin
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Odds that this will wind up being a great Feixao orb?
Cute! Stelle is cute!
Both my Pela and SW have 161 speed random shit equipped but getting Kalpagi and messenger should make it easier to achieve. Just don't forget about their EHR requirement while doing so
All into flat HP
I don’t know I haven’t played it. There is a parry mechanic I think? I guess it’s supposed to play like a fighting game but dumbed down for gachabrains.
if you want to be autistic the way to go is 4pc wind + 2pc vonwacq
hackerspace is bait
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Would Topaz forgive me for what I’m gonna do next?
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Hmm maybe
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I like it when he's being a smug raccoon menace
I really should roll for her for a wind DPS but I'm not skipping Clara2.0
Looks like loli
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This thread is mine now.
Who are you?
Stelle is such a retard. She is literally me.
Stelle behaving like a retard is cute. Paglus doing it is cringe and annoying
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Dare I say cute & canon?
It's so progressive for Penacony to allow gay couples to check in like this
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Bigger~! please
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>seething at stelle so hard your vision is impaired
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To no one's surprise its a shit team. I dont know if EHR chest is the way to go if you just want to spam ults lmao. Maybe crit rate I guess but then you'll need to compensate with EHR substats.

For anyone else checking this out. Its not a real teamcomp lol. I'm just fucking around since I'm bored of testing Yunli.

JQ was E0S1.
57:116 CR:CDMG, 150 EHR and 4.6k ATK.
>Why so much ATK
He gets like 240% ATK bonus because of his trace.

Its shit but I dont think I've seen this much ult spam since Seele lmao. Here you go anon.

show her cock.
>Stelle wore it better
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Firefly coming to the express to personally wake me up for our date...
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i never changed my team through the entire thing, just kept slamming my dothags against it
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thank you for the curse ward

my clara's e2 so i'm safe skipping yunli
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>"Wakey wakey sleepyhead, it's segs time!"
The questions when she sees you sleep in Dan's bed..
>b-but I have no room, would it be better in M7's room?!?
Date over.
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Hey, why are you still spending time in that ex-prison instead of within the Simulated Universe? Oh, I get it. You want more dream-like experiences. Sure, I can tweak the Simulated Universe to be more dream-like too. I'll even ask Ruan Mei, Screwllum, and Stephen for their contributions to make dream-like sequences for the Simulated Universe.
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>have fofo the reddit and aventurine the boytoy
>got gaypard e2'd and bailu e2'd
>no himeko
Stelle is perfection
Himeko spooked me
Is break effect viable on her?
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What is a "Simulated Universe"? Did you mean Divergent Universe?
Bailuu offers something that Huohuo can't offer which is damage reduction.
It's a pretty solid cope if you don't have Firefly, yes. The obvious downside is that she's only viable against fire weak enemies.
Why is he Doctor Ratio and not Professor Ratio?
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what is miss sparkles personal hygiene like?
Because he has 8 phds
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>teleport to location: Penacony, Reverie lobby
>replace environmental objects: Wedding aisle
>spawn entity: Firefly
>remove debuff: Entropy Loss Syndrome
>adjust parameter: bust size, +4 inches
>replace attire: wedding gown
>batch spawn entities: [Astral Express, Stellaron Hunters, Wildfire, Silvermane Guards]
I will now test your Simulated Universe
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he should be called professor proportion instead
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I'm at 150 on stellar warp and have only gotten one standard 5* (Gepard from departure)
He's fixing your dumbass brains.
Because he's curing the world of a disease known as foolishness
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She shaves and uses perfume.
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more like professor plum, purple ass nigga
I found an error in your new code
Doctor is the title you get when you get a PhD. Professor is when you get a tenure position at an university. Since he is not affiliated with any university but instead part of the IPC funded Intelligentsia Guild, he's not a professor
I did not expect it to be that bad. Thanks for trying though.
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Be honest. Did you use up all of Firefly's money to buy food?
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Is there anything else anons here want to try? If not I'll wait until V3 changes to test other teamcomps.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they might move JQ's E2 to his base kit. This is pure speculation only because the leaks seem to indicate he's rerunning with BS.
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I only bought one, the ice cream. It wasn't my money to use and it annoys me that I can't use my own.
No, I only bought an oak cake roll
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>Astral Express has MoC
>Herta has Simulated Universe
>Xianzhou has Pure Fiction
>Penacony has Apocalyptic Shadow
Belobogbros when are we getting our game mode?
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i want a bottle of miss sparkle perfume
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I'm busy at the moment. Wait for your turn
Fuck endgame modes.City manager minigame like frostpunk or citybuilder game like anno when? They literally have a whole ass planet with one city.
The 'boxing' ring
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Topaz could never
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I've bought the cheapest item
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Grinding non stop...please RM E1, come home already
Stella boyfriend when
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>136 days ago
>boxing arena and Aetherium wars
>once and done-type of game modes
It doesn't count
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>136 days ago was half a year ago
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Theses are the launch 4 stars who is your favorite
is 180% BE enough for RM
I don't care, fuck off
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Absolutely delicious.
Already too much if you don't have S1. I think she really just needs 160%
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>pink hair busty brat is a 4*
say sike right now
Is Nihility the only path that can really use the Pepsi sphere (increase crit rate if another ally has same path as the wearer's)
The blonde onahole but i'm not playing
Ratio and Topaz combo
Blade and Jingliu combo
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Nooo ;_;
Erudition can. FUA can as well.
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1.1 first half 5 star
>hunt (RatPaz)
>destruction (Blade Jingliu)
>erudition (Himeko Herta)
miss nerfed tits is only a 4 star?
Yeah she has S5 MotP since her s1 is on HMC. Thank you, I'll move around the relics then if it's too much
Divergent universe has been pretty damn cool but now I’m just waiting for SU’s next proper expansion. We’ve got Bugs and Robots so I wonder what’s next. Maybe a proper overview of the Wars of the Abundance vs Hunt?
>Blue oni
>Gubslinger robot
>bratty gyaru
>First 5 star is a loli
Dunno if I'll play it but thats a skip
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imagine if Ruan Mei actually looked and acted like a scientist instead of wearing a cocktail dress and playing a banjo
No need to change it if you hit your speed thresholds.
>Inb4 it's just another lie and we get Gallagher (5*) next year
Yeah after Tingyun I don't believe any playable character is ever gonna die
What's the point of getting SU expansions now? Might as well make it DU expansions
>acted like a scientist
She does
As long as I can skip building the faggot bear, I hope the game won't force me to use him
She has 138 spd but I use her in the Firefly team so I guess it's good that she's slower? She has vonwaq anyway
>SU’s next proper expansion
>Shark girl is a 5*
How unexpected.
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My last zzz post but there is also they showcased a new pink haired hag and literally me
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The dusk wars, with worm mommy
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Scientist people are the most unserious mfs I've met in my life
Their Literally Me looks so much compared to ours
Sushang anon...
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>so much
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That actually has me thinking. What about running Firefly AND Boothill while dropping Ruan Mei in favor of HMC? Would that even work?
Does Pela want Vonwaq or Penacony as her planar
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I can't believe how much of a meme Blade is after the game tried to make him seem like a dark edgy cool badass at the start. I love it.
I like how people were crying about censorship in ZZZ and yet there goes Pinky’s boobs fucking going ballistic in the new video like cats in a sack full a catnip.
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hmm I dunno, someone would end up having to steal the show, and I assume it would be Firefly. Boothill would spam his ult with Brain in a Vat energy blessings constantly keeping the enemy at bay while Firefly gets to go at mach 10
>3 SP slurpers
I do hope you have the cheese and Propagation Blessing.
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what do you mean
blade no diffs this twink
(Girl) Intellitron unit WHEN
I have been trying really hard to think of something, but think you covered most of the stuff. His kit is just kinda boring. Did you do Acheron with JQ? Not really needed since there are probably enough showcases, but just wondering how fast Acheron's ult felt compared to using Trend Gepard or Aventurine.
>I have a sneaking suspicion that they might move JQ's E2 to his base kit.
Wait it's not a burn status at base? Kek I never realized, I just assumed that BS and RM would be better teammates for Kafka than him.
>Is there anything else anons here want to try?
You said you were tired of Yunli, but maybe some meme stuff with Clara if you're bored? Don't expect it to work, but have seen some anons claiming it will be good. So will be nice to have some expert opinion on why it's bad. And besides Yunli, would like to see March. But you said it has bugs, so probably impossible.
I was going to type worse I don't know how I fucking skipped over it
Now make her morbidly obese
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should have aimed for the horn
I have standards
If you are really bored can you try out E1SX Jade with E0S1 Jingliu + 161 speed Bronya(needs E2)? The idea is to run attack boots but still reach 162 speed after E2 Bronya buff and Jade skill. The sustain is whatever but HuoHuo would be fine I guess.
Just eat rice with veggies, bro.
Large bag of rice and veggies you buy before the shop closes, so all on sale. Sometimes some chicken if you get lucky.
I manage to save up at least $600 every month for pulls this way.
Pearl anytime now.
Though I expect a Xueyi situation, Aventurine couldn't tell if she was actually a girl or a machine when he first saw her.
post sales charts so I have shitposting fuel
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>first time in Penacony
>hear trouble that I as a Nameless poke my nose into
>a cute girl is being chased by some chasers
>chase the chasers off for the cute girl and their boss apologizes to us
>cute girl takes me on a tour as thanks
>after a while she pulls me aside
>someone's following me
>marron jacket, green eyes, blue hair
>this fuck makes me touch a TV and turns me into this midget
>right in front of the cute girl
Fuck you Sampo
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Oh I completely forgot about march. I'll do that one. What team comp again? I'll just get some food and get the setup ready.

Fine. Give me a good JingLiu build. I'll try it out.
You could see her panties like that though, your bro was giving you a hand
Do not do Abundance runs without Luocha. It's pretty okay with Jingliu + Luocha since the Dewdrops scale scale with the character's crit damage. Double dps kind of works with it since you get the sp on heal from his field, just have the two dps be stuffed with crit to abuse the dewdrops.
>Said girl thinks you're cool
>You can now get upskirts of said girl
What's the issue?
Wait for a week for Sensortower nonsense.
Roll Yunli if she has cope cones available. She looks pretty fun to play.
The worst kind of robot desu
I just want a unit that looks like/ IS a robot
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the huohuo expy
>What team comp again?
Mostly interested in March+Topaz+Robin, since you said that Yunli+Topaz+Robin felt better than with Ratio. Just wondering how March would feel in that comp, because the idea of Topaz attacking, triggering March FuA and then Numby being advanced to act directly afterwards sounds really funny to me. Super break March also sounds interesting, but don't know if the enemies you're fighting are weak to img.
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ok who should i roll for then?
Do it coward
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A lame bloomershot isn't enough to buy me off! Hmph!
>Wait it's not a burn status at base?
no, isn't it funny?
it's a debuff which happens to do damage when the enemy turn starts
but it's not a dot
(it can crit but gl stacking crit on top of speed and ehr, basically silver brick syndrome all over again)
Jiaomiroamoraunousqiu for your Acheron
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Anon, how could you be so hateful towards your good friend Sampo. Don't you remember all the fun you had in Belobog? And Sampo is just there to show you some adult entertainment
These are mine so the stats should be reasonable
3400 attack 49CR 240 CD 112 speed.
nta but new march will do the same weakness type as the master. She just also does img break effect
is he even good, I already have Gui and Pela, I would rather save for E2 Acheron
>it's a debuff which happens to do damage when the enemy turn starts
Holy fuck that is absolutely retarded. Now I get why they specified that Arcana is wind shear, just so later on they could introduce this stupid non-dot dot. HOW THE FUCK IS IT NOT A DOT? IT DEALS FUCKING DAMAGE OVER TIME. HOLY SHIT THE MOMENT I WROTE THAT I GOT ANGRIER AT HOW STUPID IT IS
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He massively increases Acherons ult stack generation, but he IS a foxhomofaggot, so the choice is yours
she's a destruction you can always use aeon
only blade can't use aeon
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For me?
Bought the cake, soda, and ice cream
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I imagine both would work well together really as they would delete toughness and both love superbreak even without the RM efficiency. Just the SP issue is real.

Yea, that is the problem. I don't have Firefly E1, so the eidolon cheese would be literally necessary to get. But if I get that + propagation, then might be golden. Also helps that molten knight equation would be damn good with this team which encourages propagation. I haven't succeeded V6, but if I randomly roll that build I can try to flex into it. I end up either unable to tank, or able to tank but unable to deal enough damage. It's very tiresome.
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roll that e2 gweilo
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Sorry anon, dedicated Acheron cocksleeve. Pay up if you want her to get spitroasted by the DOThags
Hmm I was thinking you're just going to master TB, and there is not really another options since the team is so fixed. But there is nothing stopping you from applying it to Gallagher or Ruan Mei (except NTR delusions). So guess you could cover ice and fire as well, although why would you do fire when you could just use Firefly. Wait, stupid idea time. Sustainless super break Misha with March. Rely on freeze, img break and the break delays from HTB and RM
now post his dick
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that one should be the 4*, bat loli fits more as 5*
Ok those are unironically men
BS is a harlot and tries to squueze everyone dry...
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never playing your botw clone
Just fucking be consistent in your game Dawei. It's a debuff that deals damage at the start of the enemy turn. Literally the definition of a dot, and it's how every dot in the game works. Fuck off with this bullshit, next you're going to introduce an attack that doesn't count as an attack. Oh wait, they fucking did with the dot chalice nigger. First you fuck with my Clara, and now you fuck with my dot hags with your stupid shit. Does Dawei just like to fuck specifically with me?
Just reapply them silly ass anon lmao
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