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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483846610
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Wheres my titsaboobas?
the beginning of dawntrail is like if endwalker started with labyrinthos x2
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Ive done literally the entire MSQ, every side storyline (raids, trials, role quests, beast tribes, custom deliveries, Eureka, Bozja, Doman Restoration,Hildibrand, etc.) without ever being tempted to skip a cutscene (besidess Ivalice) and even I'M struggling to sit through Dawntrails MSQ right now.
i fell asleep during cutscenes bwos...
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Krile is so cute with the new lightning, it's unreal
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>can actually log in with the free trial
holy fucking moly hell yes
time to see how the bunny suits double dye
That bad?

t. in shadowbringers
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*kwoughs up blood*
i still dont know how to play new monk
god i love femlala so much it's unreal... she's so pretty guys...
>no mods
>no avatarfagging
I wish it was like this forever
uhhh what the FUCK did they do to face 4 femrava they look like aliens now omg
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>be a healer
>next new ability is at lvl 94
god this shit is BORING MAN
Honeslty I doubt that even the biggest of SE bootlickers can defend the beginning part(obviously we aren't at the later part yet so can't speak about it) of the story.
how do i inject dalamud?
please gimme a retard how2
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Why does DRG's leap and PCT's slide share a cd?
DNC, NIN, RPR, DRG don't share any movement cooldowns, so why's PCT the odd one out?
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>11, almost 12 year old tab target mmo
>still no mouseover functionality without resorting to intentionally shitty macros
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>one boring beast tribe bullshit folded into msq
>followed by another boring beast tribe bullshit folded into msq
how about the savages fuck off and take care of their own shit, god damn this is such a slow start
>the amount of cutscenes and general non-interaction with the game at all time high
>that turd erenville as a major character
kill all fujos
kill all visual novel enjoyers

for that matter what the fuck is up with the saturday morning cartoon villain being a viable candidate for anything, this game is played by 30+ men not 6yo children
yea I mad, I dearly hope it's similar to how EW started slow as molasses if you went to pajeetland first because god damn
i want to punt this retard across the room anytime i see her
Why has no one posted what ryne, alisaie, alphinaud, and gaia look like with updated graphics yet
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I will be playing in a hour or a little more bros
It... It cannot be this bad, right? I mean what's the worst that can happen... I get into the new city, get the fucking useless introductory quests, then it's business as usual right?
You must all be memeing...
Frist time playing xiv?
>hey let's get the guy who wrote SB to do another expac
>what's the worst that could happ-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
should my new hag fanta have max bust or min bust
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can't take this nigga seriously
god this game sucks why do i fall for this every expansion
max bust and eb me
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Is this really the depth of VPR's...depth?
nap time for thread schizo :)
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you guys are having slow dps queues? lol lmao
>still no mouseover functionality
console parity prease understandu
i can't remember the last time it was this slow unless you count ARR, but ARR at least let you run around n shit
here it's just one cutscene after another. fuck off with your alpacas and tacos, it got tiring after the third time
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>Viper sprinting animation
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How did they manage to make the MSQ even worse than 6.x
what's that set from?
i'm logging in
Why do flowers keep popping into existence during cutscenes? Do I have a setting I need to change or something
you really don't sound like a joyful person... maybe you should try another hobby...
I will do one of these things..
The expac just has a very slow, boring, shitty start since we're back to basics with no pre-expac hook. It gets better
better than thav, kholusia, and sea of clouds for sure
rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
holy SHIT what a downgrade
Rushed Expansion

Yoshi unironically rushed this piece of shit now we're stuck with this for 2+ years
>console parity prease understandu
console literally has better mouseover because they use the touch pad on the ps4 controller
pc just lacks the soft target functionality
its so bizzare
look at that grin
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my moonie is a bit of a retard
omg fanta asap
damn, was worth a shot..
Yeah it's just general shitposting plus the lack of clapbait
My malidster looks so old... how is he gonna plap catgirls without dislocating his hip...
This scene cannot be skipped.
Market board/ vendor/ leveling gear
she looks FAT
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>It's another le quirky Wuk Lamatt scene
my viera is built to rape this moonie
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looks like a guy under that wig
I love the trading quests in Urqopacha. Actually I love everything about the zone.
>made a bunch of gil at end of ew
>got all my roulettes done pre and post reset on pct by just paying a healer to queue me
Feels good
does anyone have images of the new hairstyles?
omw to shit up your queues
I swear to god if after all this yapping our WoL that literally exterminates gods for living just jobs to the 2 headed lizard or some other bs like that....
Still need to finish the DLC.......
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20 min queue as a drk for the first dungeon...jesus why...

Also holy fuck is this msq making me want to die. 6.1 and 6.2 were more engaging honestly
>Yoship rushed the exp
You mean all the people desperately yelling that they're bored, right?
>90% of gear doesn't have dual dye channels
>90% of the gear that does have dual dye channels, the second dye channel only dyes little ropes and accessories that hang off the piece of gear
Yoshi P you lazy fucking hack
>not doing first run with trusts
Does anybody know where the It Takes Two hairstyle is from? The contest one that was just added.
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this was my favorite fight of the DLC
>he doesn't know how to manually inject
>plan new character for weeks, weeks more picking out a name and psyching myself up to spend money on a name change
>finally go to do it
>"this card is unavailable"
>huh that's weird, i'll try resetting it
>unregister and reregister card
>"this card is unavailable"
FUCK me i'm gonna kms
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Which one?
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*shoots you with my Xaela Doodoo Blaster*
Doing content 1st time with clueless idiots is the best part of MMORPGs.
should i buy this or the elden ring dlc?
They need to unlock the racial gear to be available for all races. If Malera can wear princess dresses, let me wear the Hrothgal gear.
it's just the lighting i swear....
my moonie views everyone she encounters in the new world as savage barbarians but she keeps that to herself
>Not doing it with an EB and buddy
The depth is learning to do that without starring at your hotbar
aka literally every job
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Erenville, la Luz Apagada...
fanta asap. you get one for free in uldah market spot. go there ASAP
>all those middies in fiera's slutwear
from the thumbnail it looked like moonie feet
I am immensly disapointed
Neither. Stop playing video games they make you violent.
*rapes you're charactar*
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these are wow-tier pauldrons
>should I buy the greatest DLC ever made or the worst MMO expansion ever made
Any sidequests so far that shouldn't be missed? Not counting the aetheryte ones, obviously.
ER is more content and higher quality, come back and pick this up in a year or two
nta but
>friends on a different DC
>EB at work
it's so over..
Are the fanta changes already online? i have a fanta in my inv but have yet to do the fanta quest
>play the female race with man-shoulders
>act surprised when they have big shoulders
>>should I buy the greatest DLC ever made
nobody finna mentioned shivering isles thoughever
This expansion is dogwater. Elden Ring DLC is actually decent.
oof....why didnt your EB take wrk off.....
Holy shit what happened? You used to be the hottest femxaela.

I think GTAO
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completely soulless
Yoi guys promised me the SB msq was good after reaching the steppes but I have done quite a bit of questing there and it's still fucking shit
Maehiro hasn't wrote anything for the game since then tard.
if you jerk off elden ring anymore you'll hurt your wrist anon, it wasn't that good
thanks, you guys are really easy to bait out
>>should I buy the greatest DLC ever made
Another fromdrone suffering from brainrot.
>the greatest DLC ever made
It's just reused assets and all the bosses do breakdancing routines while you stand on the sidelines and wait for your turn to play the game.
oh god you're so wide
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new fiddie faces from best to worst:
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they wanted that OT pay..
Rip Plugons
that's what you get for blanking me!!!
your eb is getting FUCKED
i love the viper /cpose its so good
baka EB, give him a bonk for me.....
Or, why didnt you wait for them......
there are only 2 usable faces still and 1>>>>>5 now
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Wuk Lamat is a terrible character holy shit
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Help I'm getting mogged
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Listen to my story. This may be our last chance.
Don't listen to Stormblood apologists. The Stormblood MSQ is completely dogshit. Even the parts that don't have Lyse is them are retarded, but there are a couple very dedicated Stormblood apologists who aren't smart enough to realize that Lyse should have been Raubahn, and even if that were the case it would still suck.

The only good part of the Stormblood MSQ is the post-MSQ where Yotsuyu comes back. Those are actually kinda good, but I think it's only like 2 or 3 patches worth of stuff.
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but i think it's pretty funny
>yoshi piss cockriders having the nerve to call any other fanbase "drones"
my sides have left the known galaxy
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Psspsspsps, catboys? You want a drawing? If you saw me asking in the past then feel free to post em again!
Between file loses, program crashes, and injuries I keep having cursed things happening to me as I try to draw one, but I am going to draw one before DT goes public, nothings stopping me now
Anti rapes youre charctar and than there so sad on the ground hahaha
someone spoonfeed me please how to use plugins
Nice opinion, which tubelord made it for you?
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ermm what the heck
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Fuck me in the ass
>too afraid to reply
3 deserves to be at the bottom
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how is our threadgod coping with the fact that they put yet another male highlander quest npc in the game and he has eyebrows
i am a
*laughs chorously from Tural*
Spot on
And even then post-patch feels like they're doing the exact same fucking beats as base-msq, but at least it ends up going somewhere.
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Well at least you can tell us what the queues are like. I'm still online, but I'm curious.
How is the queue?
a few cutscenes in and im already regretting buying this slop
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literally ruined the face so badly i changed race
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they're a skipper so i figured i'd get in some reading since i usually like to read a bit of it to know what's happening..
bro don't say that
how are you so consistently retarded, molly?
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yeah that's double rape for you
>one assmad thirdie spamming on cooldown for literal hours
what about DT broke him so bad bros
This is what happens when you praise a game for years not because you like the game, but because you hate another company.
Not Heiko but goddamn I am coping badly.
What the fuck man. And they continue to use my face for them as if it's not enough.
2 is great now
Actually yeah I should've put it last, at least 4 has appeal as the mature face, 3 is just weird

fuck sake
Why the FUCK does it not load NPCs first yet after 30 years
i dont hate this expansion but i dont like it either
sorry bwos...
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just get rid of the weather system at this point. this the foggy elpis reveal all over again.
no lol
Stop being an updated moonies.
BIRB tribal quests
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Pretty! ^.^
I keep seeing other pictomancers using the hammer on single target. am i missing something here?
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I am a Femlala
on adventure!
your cdata is mine as soon as mods are working again
>why is retard retarded???????
Gee I wonder
God the character updates look so fucking good. Damn I am actually impressed somewhat
status on dalamud and mods?
Plugins are completely broken dog
even if you did none of them would work.
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using this brush to draw myself better characters to replace the scions with
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oof, sorry friend. thats okay then tho really~
IDK but like the OP says, report and ignore.
i think being a guaranteed crit dh makes it better
>looking at my old saved appearances
>only 2 femras saved
>"creepy fish"
>"creepy fish 2"
Maleras stole all the hip power, femroths stole all shoulder power.
draw an engagement ring instead my wife
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my malidster looks and acts like this
I unironically can not play the game without 123 and 45 being condensed in most jobs
Like seriously, i do not want to push 1 2 3 4 5 as single buttons at all
2.5s recast vs 3.25 or whatever and only having so many stacks of subtractive obviously makes it worth using even without the gauranteed crit?
I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care.
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New bench?
capturing this femlala, putting a collar around her neck and training her for hours
What's she looking at?
then play viper
it's basically just gnb but with the autocombo buttons
Coolest guy in 16
post him
>neutral face
>neutral face
>fade to black
thats 39,99$ please
Molly my retarded wife... Let me just do it for you next time so this doesn't happen...
Post images of the graphics update that impress you. I want to see.
no he doesn't
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Erenville has become a lot more interesting in a short amount of time.
It will be in Solution 9 so you better do your msq anon
Yep, Viper is legitimately dogshit in PVP.
found one of the new A Ranks
bro your copy-pasted middie npcs?
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For that i'd have to rebing my buttons
I'm just gonna wait for combo
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The face of suicidal ideation.
im getting tired of this too. why cant they properly animate it?
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how about cowboys…
Wait the mount tilting thing is on ground mounts too while walking? This is kinda ehhh
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I'm sorry...please have mercy and let me play the game...
how could yoship do me dirty like this
these hroths are reminding me of this i always expect them to have a rougher sounding voice
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i dunno i think she's cute
ok i knew something was new, thought i had just never noticed it before.
which other skill are you referring to here?
anyway the crit/dhit thing was something i didn't notice. ty!
yoshitpiss ruined my face 1 femra so now im a froth >:3c
Wishing you good luck, hopefully your cursed streak ends here.
Speak with Wuk Lamat
Speak with Wuk Lamat
Speak with Wuk Lamat
Speak with Wuk Lamat
Speak with Wuk Lamat
Speak with Wuk Lamat
I like the role he's serving in the story so far, yeah. I also like Wuk being a cute retard too.
i'm not gonna lie, game does not seem to have much more fidelity
I think some metal materials are a lot better but other than that everything looks mostly the same...
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Yeah, that is pretty accurate.
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yoooo this new login screen is bussin fr
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You are backing the best bois right?
its freaking over
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maybe the side quests will be neat this expansion
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I'm so fucking back....
>fetch 1 rock
>wow you fixed our problem!!!
Dote on Wuk Lamat
Pet Wuk Lamat
Plant smooches on Wuk Lamat
Nuzzle Wuk Lamat
Bite Wuk Lamat's ears
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bunboy or f2mra
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This is what erenvilles mother looks like lmao
your subtractive palette spells as in blizzard/stone/thunder have a higher potency but they have a longer recast time
can't wear the hat?
maliddie bros
did we are fucking winned?
Manual injection doesnt work. I'm at my limit...
Is the blush facepaint good
so far this is just stormblood 2 wherer it only becomes fun after you're done with the first 2 areas
really fuckin meowed it up this time
Is there a WoL shirt?
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Told you Heiko, i'm coming for you.
whatever one is the opposite of your irl gender
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please dont tell me these wacky and quirky cutscenes will be a staple through the entire expansion guys
tell me i didnt waste my money on this
time to press 1-2-3 4-5 fucker
Well said lol
me when im addicted to heroin and i blew out all of my veins from overuse
why is the queue so short
>Warned day one get to your home server
You are on the finding out stage
happy for you
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Its gamen time
holy shet,. double check and checkmakte are so overdesigned, i miss gauss round and ricochet
>the nerd cat wins the rulership
honestly i'd prefer the tranny at this point, i hate nerds so much
game is dead
bro are you literally skipping every cutscene?
need a plugin that turns all fem hroths into ratface midies
Is the MSQ actually that bad
nah dude im tired of pressing yes all the time for this dogshit
do we go off trans identity or assigned at birth gender
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you are like a little baby
Catboy MCH is more based
Its been dire so far. Super zero stakes with nothing but 'follow a retard around as she fails at everything'
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nah it has SOVL
they fixed the queue problems and installed anti DDoS measures
both at once pelase~
but they're the only good parts of the story so far
i can never wear the hats bro
i just got folded on lighthouse
How do you unlock spectacles?
I've been feeling that since 6.3 desu. If this keeps up I'm going to snap.
>chocobos lean when moving
kind of is unfortunately
oh those, ok i see now
Am I crazy for starting to think that Wuk is practically just Lyse from SB, but furrier?
that would require too much money
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why does wuk sound like perrito
femroe swysters... I feel like they shrunk the whole face but kept the head size..
>they tell us it's a lower stakes type of journey
>they tell us this for months
>we get the low stakes journey
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>still no thancred
gay faggot or fay gaggot
The beginning is yeah. Maybe it picks up later.
FSR > dlss by a MILE
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>you're gonna fucking want to kill yourself without your mods
>NOOOO I don't need the mods I can play the game fine just like that without 300 coom mods loaded into my character
>8 hours into the expac
>people literally shaking, pissing, shitting and crying they can't get their IMVU facelifts on their toon-troons
I understand.....
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>we were just pretending to be retarded
oh cmon you fuckers, what kind of weird asspull is that
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i love the new dye channels
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I BOUGHT it, never got a code or anything and wondered if i just dreamed i bought it so bought it again, where's my refund zzz

Also my viera looks like a complete retard
whatever you feel
yeh distant objects look so shit on dlss, really distracting.
Ill tank the fps loss.
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>people ITT trying to rush the story then complain about it
fuck off
if i warn you that i'm gonna kick you in the balls every day for a week, then on the 8th day i kick you in the balls, would you say "oh i feel great about this because i was warned ahead of time!"
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My name is Donald Trump and I read real fast
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For facewear you need to talk to a calamity salvager.

Some eyewear is at gold saucer as registrable gear.
source on this absolute kino webm?
i like the open world themes so far
/dote /dote /dote
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LOVE moonies. picto queues are super long though
extremely blurry yeah
bet they're using dlss 2.1 or some shit
Am I insane or do the portraits look really dark
my hair is so dark
Your viera always looks like that, she's just flatter now. That's part of why you're cute though.
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>Also my viera looks like a complete retard
So, no changes here except some minor weight loss?
Wow you must really hate stories
>took me 3 hours to reach the first set of overworld combat
jesus christ
They're both naive women who mean well but need to learn what it means to achieve their goals, although I'll say Wuk is more understanding of her goal to be hokage and help her peopl. Lyse took a while to realize people won't just stand against their oppressors for any reason.
I'm hearing literally nothing but bad shit so far. Normally I'd just chalk it up to the usual dedicated shitposters and doomposters, but I'm seeing far too many actually-sounds-based-on-something complaints and arguments.

I'm waiting for someone to reach the mid-later stages and say it gets better before I buy.
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>Femra using the ugliest face
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inshallah may they die in agony
it's still pretty whatever but at least it's not nearly as terrible
>muh alpaca muh tacos
please stop

really mediocre so far, i'm on the verge of skipping cutscenes
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I'd expect you to get out of here if you don't like the idea of getting kicked in the balls
>Need to go back to 5 buttons for 12345 instead of having 2-3 buttons

Yeah nah, ima wait for plugins to work
my wife
Does every mount have this tilt while flying and turning now?
>literally too stupid to press 1-2-3 4-5
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I have 4 characters I can read it later
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yup! that's a rape!
>um... pressing 12345 is fundamentally no diferrent from pressing 111111111... combos take no skill.....
>plugins break
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>put paglthan gear back into the game
>it's still undyeable
why can't these chinks do anything worth a damn
I think some of them
wwhy did they add these stupid sections fucking hell
I love strawman fallacies
>make a point and click VN
>get hailed as a genius ludokino
>tia femhroth
they're zipperheads not chinks
Yeah, cheekbones, jaw, lips all feel tighter and more drawn onwards
My eyes feel meaner/less serene
I'm kind of in a bad mood over it ngl
Mentally just waiting for a face reversion mod at this point

They're trying to make the bad guy likeable so you get angry when they flip it on you (I'm not joking)
says the one too stupid to press 1-2-3 4-5 in the correct order
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Nothing to see here.
thats why I thought my character looked like a mongoloid
what a shame
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I don't think the overall idea is bad.

The idea of the contest, trials and hunt for golden city etc seems pretty decent.

It's just repairing a gay pride float and wrangling alpacas is a shit way to go about kicking it all off.
What the fuck? They even made Troian gear dyeable but can't for this?
he's right, button bloat is a real especially now at lvl 100
fuck having 30+ buttons to press
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Fighting the dad figure and doing the dungeon was the only good part so far. Is it ethical to skip the MSQ until it gets good this time?
So is Gaia the last ascian left outside the player character? Or is there someone else
>Press ESC
>Skip cutscene?
>Press ESC
>Skip cutscene?
>Press ESC
>Skip cutscene?
How much longer do I have to do this?
who the FUCK made the new dragoon gap closer a glide and not a FUCKING JUMP MOVE. It's so unironically over.
PLEASE tell me Thancred is in DT and a main part of it
I remember that being a rumor like months and months ago
Is it true
Low stakes can be good if it's well designed. This clearly isn't, just like everything with the fucking rabbits ruined EW
Lol just 30 people
>every time Koana and the boys show up I feel like I'd rather be hanging out with them
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Fiddie friday contribution
i am once again asking how to inject dalamud...
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Being fast is worth it I have the mount you don't
>you are warned that you will be kicked in the balls
>you pay 40 dollars in exchange for getting kicked in the balls
>you get kicked in the balls
Jesus fucking christ are you serious.
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why not use a wee programmable pad like this and map combo skills to the corresponding keys, then place it near your thumb for ease of access?
surely it can't be that much of a pain to press 5 keys in succession, we ain't playing maid of fire on stepmania with a small desk over here
The leaning while riding ground mounts feels fucking WEIRD man
Jesus christ are you a neet? how the fuck are you THAT FAST???
Please tell me Solution 9 isn't one of the last zones.
Erenville would make for a much better Dawnservant.
I wiah we had corsair, sorry i doubted
Viper kinda blows, even if im not lvl 90.or 100 with it
Can we post midlanders I wanna see everyone's midlanders
Remind me again why story npcs don't use aetherytes and instead complain about having to walk places?

mission critical poll
>tranny cat can't even manage to take the stakes seriously
why the fuck am I helping this loser? it's like helping an incompetent child. she's worse than lyse.
why not
my femra on the right
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>They removed plunge
I don't think this semenslurping game is for me anymore, bros
this looks good
So considering that negative opinions are usually considered trolling and shitposting, can it be said that Dawntrail is pretty good and is likely the best expansion ever released? No shitposting, please. The writing is good and you like it. Wuk Lamat is a great character and you enjoy the gameplay (clicking text and following NPCs).
LV 97 msq so yeah it is
Spoil me the Valigarmanda fight? Is there an ice phase?
Only WOL's can condense themselves into aether and travel along the life stream or something
i'm mad and forgot which was which ty
i half expected it to be a gathering or crafting set but NOPE you get NO DYES EVER
so how long is dps leveling roulette queue ACTUALLY
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>The command /tp tuli does not exist.
nice man we both know this is the only week 1 you'll be getting
I was gonna say you can get a bootleg microcontroller and some basic buttons for less than 20 bucks and program your own pad but then i realised that it somehow already costs less than 20 bucks so what the fuck
that's bullshit since they did it in EW
and which face would that be HMMMMMMMMMM???
Alisaie's lips look like they should go around my cock even more now
There's a walking corn on the cob in Final Fantasy XIV?
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nice expansion guys
why the fuck did they not add more options instead of changing the already few options there is, i have two friends who is quitting the game now and waiting for mods to get their old faces back
then why are they all over the place...
Using aetherytes is exhausting to everyone but WoL because WoL is dummy thicc aetherwise. Thancred can't even use them and Y'shtola would probably faint from teleporting too far away. Everyone else can do it but it's still hard on their stamina.
Fire ice thunder
Fuck off...
this was clearly made by B team while the main one was working on ff16 and its dlc
go to start
type 'run'
find injector
open xivlauncher
run injector while the screen is black.
Dalamud symbol means it worked
This. We all just wanna be comfy and eepy and trolls just keep ruining it.

Still better than War Within. Have you even seen the state of retail lately? Yikes.
How long can you be afk before you get booted?
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>two hours of exposition dump
i rather be fate grinding than hear wuk lamat talk for another minute
i love this femra
i love you
i will always
thank you
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Why can't I enable FSR?

>which other skill are you referring to here?
Your buffed basic rotation is 3.25s GCD, no? The "in cyan" skilsl

Ruby Sea was the best part of Stormblood

Old DLSS is worse than old FSR. It makes so many artifacts.
You should be able to mod in newer DLSS though. If not, stick with FSR yes.
>these niggers charging me money to use my own aether to travel
30 minutes
what if they deliberately gave Wuk a tranny va because they knew people were going to be pissed off with her? kinda that like dead by daylight creature
ikr AND you can use it for other stuff when not xivving
truly a multitool
>I’m trans
We know
warrior or gunbreaker?
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good femra
Awww we don’t fight it when he is encased in ice? His hard hitting raidwide is tri-disaster right?
>type 'run'
thank the shark girl next time you see her post.
>thinking of dropping once msq finished
I don't know how to articulate it too well, but aside from the obvious issues, it no longer feels like SE knows what their doing with this game, its really frustrating.
its over for my WoL. do I go fiddie or femra
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we are so back
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Really man?
the whm dash is so nice to just zoom around with doing msq
nvm I see. Confusing UI.
>Zenos comes back but he's now stuck in a body of a penguin
bravo yoshi p
The reddit spacer isn't a troon, it's worse.
A balkanigger.
someone who has gotten in as dps on crystal, pls respond
my sunnie+ on the right
>Wuk Lamat
more like
wack & lame
i hate this fucking furry bitch shut the fuck up already
Spoiler: it's the 8th calamity and you meet everyone and they're like I swear I knew you in another life it's lame as fuck
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So what is the best way use the Pit of Dread/Dreadwinder combo? Can I open with them or use them after my main branching combo?
@General announcements
Due to addition of new blacklisting feature, your account's characters can now be tracked. Each character now has Account ID which can be extracted from the game and recorded to build a database of characters belonging to the same account. This works across worlds, data centers and regions. Be extra careful with who you share your character information now

how do you track people like this
>literal tranny physique AND indle stance
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im shit out of luck then
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>I am qualified to be a leader because power of friendship
I never expected them to write lyse 2, but this time you don't even want to fuck her (>inb4), given how 'well received' lyse 1 was
Injecting actually works right now? Not that there's any mods to use with it.
>Lyse steals the MC spot in stormblood and everyone hates the story
>Wuk Lamat steals the MC spot in Dawntrail and everyone hates the story
I guess this means next expac will at least be Shadowbringers level stuff
yea i went with something like that too
but i really just want the AF asap
they just need to add healer and tank that are fun and easy to play in the next expansion
doesnt for me
Me and some buds were just discussing that that whole "feels like se doesn't know what their doing anymore" thing. I think they are so incredibly desperate to keep the game popular because its literally keeping the company afloat, they are avoiding doing literally anything at this point. Not to mention this shit ass msq, with quite possibly the most infuriating character we've been introduced to.
Yes and no. Mods negative. some plugins kind of.
gunbreaker exists already
>Wuk literally means wolf
>She's a cat
The writers are so stupid fuck
What mods are even up sis?
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They randomly give me Super Saiyan power
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All this negativity surrounding Wuk just made me realize how many of you fags play using EN voice. Meanwhile all us Superior JP Enjoyers are having fun with our Genki QT
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Halfway there...
One have to wonder if they want to keep this game afloat and popular they would put much more effort into it
Finally, content...

Dawntrail is very pretty so far.
More like
Wuk Laman
it is the mexico expansion after all
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Final Fantasy XIV is the most critically-acclaimed MMO of all time and one of the highest-rated games ever made. What makes you think your whining about the “writing” actually matters? You wouldn’t know a work of art if you saw one. That’s right, FFXIV is art. We like it, and you can learn to appreciate it too or just go play something else. Because clearly this isn’t the right game for some of you.

As for me? I’m enjoying Wuk Lamat and our comfy beach adventure.
dawntrail more like sleeptrail
this shit is fucking boring when can i sex cats
what kind of fucking accent is this What Lamar bitch trying to make?
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I like Wuk lamat
Considering we got La Hee from a previous Mesoamerican inspired zone, I guess you got a point.
We all agree Bakool Ja Ja is the weakest main villain this game ever had right
Even Fandanny had some funny lines going on, this dude has nothing going on other than being comically evil to the point of being retarded
>approach enemy
>hit them
>they move 2 yalms away
>can no longer sustain dmg and sks buffs
>get swarmed
>activate shield buff
>hit people
>+10% HP recovered
>LB burst
>they move 2 yalms away
Fun job, people are already dropping this job lol
it dont work. anon fucking LIED.
So are you guys setting your home to new place or old cities? I still think Old Sharlayan is the best major city (afk spot). Nice and chill, pretty architecture, a big fountain with benches...
this expansion looks like an ultimate piece of slop, like the actual sloppest of the slop
i think ill wait for 8.0
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>"hey this cat is kind of a loser, i'm not sure i want her to rule"
>continues to be a clueless loser in practically every interaction
>a bit later gets fucking kidnapped by some random shit-eating bandits, does literally nothing to even try to escape on her own
is this arc truly going to last all the way until lv96?
I can't even make it to dawntrail cause nobody queues story shit for previous expansions lmao
Not really, because they've proven they can keep the game active enough as they need while investing as little time and money into it as possible.
i am
the loneliest femlala
in the world

and it's all my fault...
im having fun idk about you guys
i wish i could have more time to read all the seething from people who dont even play the game to begin with, but im having too much fun playing right now and free moments are scarce
buckle in, i'm 6 hours in and it hasn't changed
>cant dive in most body of waters
sounds like some jewish aunt trying to fake a hispanish accent
i just got this screen 2 seconds ago we're so in sync bro you're literally me
I refuse to play without at least Xivcombo
He's not the main villain he's being used by sphene
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Come on...
You're not supposed to have fun. Stop that RIGHT NOW
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>they said making a cute FemHro would be hard
it was
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Hehe, just a matter of time before my viper is level 90 and I can start doing the msq
Less person in game than on the suicide hotline for the troon.
I'm pulling this outta my ass but it likely means characters are given an ID linked to the account, and that ID can be extracted by mods. Ergo, someone who can extract that data can identify if an alt belongs to someone.
In cummer/gooner terms, if you have an ERP alt, someone can look at this ID and see who your main is.
I forgot I use plugins to copy my main's control settings to my alts

and I don't feel like remaking them from scratch
>wanted a succession crisis story in former garlean lands to build up to the Garlean restoration
>get wacky furry adventures instead
>devs literally saying dalamud is down
>retards on 4channel trusting anons saying its up
i hit level 100. now what?
That face is so uggo
Looks like you still have a long way to go
>t-the game is soooo fun I cant stop thinking about all the doomsayers
sure bud sure
The "Mount now leans when turning" looks so bad on ARR Horses they just stay leaning even after you're done leaning and are already going forward it looks so awkward. they just run diagonally for a bit
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wait a minute..
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graphic update Is big win for troonra face 3
she looks so sad... I wanna be mean to her
all furries should be gassed
all femhroth are my wives
please line up for breeding
>this dude has nothing going on other than being comically evil to the point of being retarded
But I thought being incredibly racist was super based?
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You've tried sis
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Viera girls are Shrek maxxing after the graphics update
>tfw i'm probably gonna go from xaela to raen
I imagine your voice is like woke lamat irl.
yes, when it furthers your goals, such as making all the subhumans fuck off
not when you're some random pissant with no real backing that just makes everybody think you're a retard
I have one of those at home
>THIS was supposed to be the huge graphical overhaul
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I want to BREED this story femhroth. I NEED to.
all my other friends have someone to play dawntrail with...
but i have no friends to even help me level viper...
maybe i won't play this expansion after all
i keep thinking the lil line under the nose is also a mouth
it's doign wonders for the new areas, but the old areas are kinda samey
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The 2nd dye channels are so damn useless.
It furthers his goals of making people kneel to Mamool Ja, why are you being brown?
>game looks the same but just runs worse now
can I revert?
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For those of you playing through the dawntrail msq currently i have a question.
I've heard one of the writers for dawntrail was the writer of Werlyt.
Werlyt was one of the stories where the wol was at their most 'i am a weapon of light, i obey all instructions and have no narrative'.
Just a weapon where the real main characters of that story had actual catharsis.
Is dawntrail as bad as that with the wol from what you've played?
its okay MSQ is basically a movie that you watch alone
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Lalafell players doing absolutely nothing to dispel the stereotype
has ANYONE gotten in on dps queue for leveling roulette on crystal? how long did it take?
who exactly is kneeling to those savages due to his actions? some birds he attempted to scare?
>german lala
what a disgrace für unserein
Well technically they didn't as thats how to do it. But after major patches it wont work cause the program itself isnt compatible. You will find it useful for smaller patches in the future however.
all these shitters with the motorcycle, lmao
Even Werlyt let you occasionally formulate an opinion on what was happening.
DT is like someone played through 6.1, looked at the writers, and said "Never again, or you're all fired".
Whats the point of all these disparate zones with random trash mobs I just walk past and ignore?

Literally another empty zone with mobs dotted around for no reason, just left the zone and didnt have to kill a single "T'ohsoq" bird
Why are they there?
This game just feels like a cargo cult leftover wowclone that wont die
middie lips
i can tank for you if you suck my dick after
Do the new models have new textures and meshes? I am curious to see how modders will deal with this. Don't tell me they are just going to keep using their old mods and override the newer models and not improve the new ones.
but i wanted to experience it alongside somebody
or at least be able to level up DPS classes for each other...
It's literally fucking impossible to queue anything as DPS right now holy shit.
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cant believe she just tells you this bros what the fuck how do i react
>the longest sneaking quest in all existence
NOBODY wanted this
I'm starting to get genuinely tapped out, this story is fucking bullshit so far
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>*Ryan gosling screaming*
>*Chair clattering to the ground*
if only you had a friend leveling healer
I'm on EU and it's been over an hour and still in queue
i can heal for you if you let me suck your dicks after
face 4 femlalas are DEAD
it's over
>costs more gil to teleport to mexico than to the fucking edge of the universe

I be it's those fucking pelulu jews
everybody complaining about the story but did you ever find out the purpose of those monsters and animals outside the hubs?
how does the 1 hour of changes work with the fanta exactly? I can't just opt to not change anything at all if I regret things, right? like refund the fanta?
why the FUCK do they keep doing those when the reception to them in endwalker was universally negative
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i genuinely believe that the glasses are going to come off and people will realize that FFXIV has not only had a lot of the same problems for a shockingly long time, but also that they show no interest in fixing them, or perhaps they just aren't capable
this expansion literally just feels like an especially large .X patch. it's kind of embarrassing. where is the new stuff...? where are the shakeups? say what you will about WoW, and I know I certainly have, but at least every expansion felt MASSIVELY different. honestly all of them have kind of blended together and ive been playing since the tail end of ARR. it's all the same slop.
i like it and all, but it's crazy that people can't see how stale it already is. they better do something drastic by the next expansion, because this is absolutely 100% the start of the decline

>login screen
doesn't affect timer
snake scales is a really cool pvp move.
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its over
>I can't just opt to not change anything at all if I regret things, right? like refund the fanta?
once used its used and the clock is running
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>Sneaking quest
>Speak to Luk Mahat
>For this main scenario quest you will now play as Muk Lahat
>Speak to Muk Hukana matata again
>Speak with Luk Mahar
>Sneaking quest
>Kill two random trash mobs that die in 3 globals in this purple circle
>Speak to Muh Cuckmat
>Sneaking quest where the target turns around at 95% completion in an open field



This sunset expac might actually finally get me weened off this shit, i love final fantasy but I dont know what this shit is anymore, some furry tranny bullshit point and click VN isnt FF, just get me to the fights and I will be done this itme.
>retard tranny avatarfag actually looks half-decent without mods
Why do you butcher your toon with those godawful porn mods? Leave your mods turned off before you get blacklisted.
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fatto catto
Zipperhead is for gooks not japs
she kinda has that droopy look as one of my acquaintances irl
>i genuinely believe that the glasses are going to come off
but anon they just added a glasses slot
Everybody says she's lookin good, strutter!
They look older now.
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femra lost
I can never get that shit to work, I use it, the shield breaks, and then when I attack out of it I barely heal if at all so I die
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Still not sure how I feel about this. Feels like someone got on my account and fanta'd my character.
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Now I'm actaully ready for DT
>unearned sad music campfire scene starts playing
get me off this "ride"
>world-famous mega-celeb looks like shit without his caked-on mods
Get fucked, grifter. Learn to play the game like everyone else.
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FATE friends, we get to grind again!
it's crazy that you retards are being filtered by "tranny furries" (jesus christ, grow up) and not the fact that the story is boring, the mechanics are dull, and the combat is shittier than ever
you really don't have to bring up retarded bullshit that makes YOU cry and shit your diaper that has nothing to do with the actual game
viper is kinda making my old man hands hurt bros... I didn't think it'd be like gnb
wait for xivcombo fren
thats cuz they always say its down but you can just inject and nothing bad ever happens, because the devs likes to stroke their ego
The story is literally worse the Stormblood's.
How did they get away with this?
Do I just start skipping the story bros?
Halfway to 73 and this shit is so ass it's unreal
They're saving the good writing for 8.0 right?

b-b-b-but everyone in the thread has to know i'm cool and hate tranners!!!!!!!!
>meet some guy called Otis at LV 98
>He's suddenly a major part of the story
I hate this
I want to blow a few loads into this moonie
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Actually curious - I took this picture earlier because I hadn't seen anyone else wear it in forever, but then today I've already seen 5 people use it. What gives? Are there really that many returners?
I've played one whole game with viper and I just ran in and popped it and then hoped people would waste cds on it. it prob has the same issues like with guard where you have to more or less predict the damage rather than use it reactively cause otherwise you're getting fucked by server tick anyway.
I like your hair!
There are less voiced cutscenes than Endwalker right
I'm not being crazy here, I don't remember this many sequences of non voiced cutscenes in EW
handsome guy on the right

tht face seems like it got owned the hardest for midlanders
i'm happy face1 miera is basically untouched outside of minor gay shit
no one here actually like hrothgar
you're all just pulling a big fucking psyop
Great coordinated posts discordbros!
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i miss my old catgirl bros i dont like these graffix changes...
I think she's still cute.
Imagine if we didn't have Wuk and instead we had a highlander with an australian accent going "Crikey mate!" whenever anything dangerous happens.
I can criticise the game with logical, reasonable arguments AND hate trannies.
>Instant 91 dungeon queues as dps
gonna abuse this while i can. get a few dps to 93 and continue doing the same
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>Been busy with other games so I haven't got around to finishing the post-90 MSQ before Dawntrail came out
I do like the little update they did to the way characters look, I still love my femra
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>all these "muh based summer vacation" fags getting absolutely btfo by the exact thing they asked for
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back in 1.0 exploration was encouraged, but it was also extremely dangerous. you probably heard about the shroud being a literal maze, not to mention over max level mobs sprinkled throughout the other areas. the thing is, there's no reason or reward for exploration anymore other than for aether currents and the achievement for exploring the map. there's no reward other than meager exp for the sightseeing log. there's nothing. they've consistently added more and more but it SOMEHOW does less and less. they're following a formula that worked for ARR/HW but they need to make some serious good changes or their playerbase is going to leave.

say what you want about WoW, but you are openly encouraged to explore and find treasure, materials, hidden chests, and even rare mobs that can drop all sorts of shit. the world feels fun to explore because there's so much to find. retail sucks for a lot of reasons, i'll give anyone that, but the exploration feels fun.
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what a thrill
they need more hairstyle man
correct, you just don't need to bring it up because it makes you look like a dumbfuck
rape certified
you were probably some modded slut with obesity thighs
uglyyyy lol
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Hrothgals real but there's so few even on Balmung it's driving me MAD It wasn't supposed to be like this!!!!!!!!!
thancred sounds off
I also still love your femra
why are you so small
>Forced to play and cucked mahat
i dont mod at all actually
This! I thought 4chan was tolerant when I came here in 2020 once Dark Brandon won but now people are showing their true colors...? I'm so hecking yikes'd out right now sisters I'm shaking...
it's really fucking great to watch lmao they got exactly what they wanted and fucking HATE IT
>It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally! It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally!It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally!It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally!It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally!It's all one guy! Everyone loves FFXIV unconditionally!
Come on anon, give it up. Dawntrail's writing is ass. Just like 6.X was. Just like Elpis, Mare Lamentorum and Ultima Thule were.
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>free beakjob every 10th alpaca wool coat
I just ate a whole rotisserie chicken
>19 PFs in crystal
EoS by next year
ALL VAs sound off, like they're just in it for a paycheck
>head was up our miqo'te skirt while climbing the ladder
you thought people would want to play femroe 2?
love this moonie so much it's unreal
Can i EB you?
talk about the game you retards
more like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztrail
Bedbreaking sex with this femra
WTB Femhroth EB
I know who's behind this post.
>it's crazy that you retards are being filtered by "tranny furries" (jesus christ, grow up)
the tranny furry is the main character I'm forced to help and it's the most helpless creature in all 14 shards, who can't even take this shit seriously, likely because authors aren't confident they can write a coming-of-age conclusion to the story arc otherwise
Go away, freak.
>you just don't need to bring it up
But I will. Every time. For the next 2 years.
There, you can have that one for free
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Dawntrail more like YAWNtrail
New main story drops those gears.
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lala only building
>can't see what her mouth is doing to me cause the beak is hiding it
the character isnt even trans, you fucking dipshit, use JP voices if you're such a crybaby
she does suck major ass as a character though
>wuk lamat exists
>instant melty
pictosisters.... how and when do I refresh motifs? like do I swiftcast them or just eat 3sec cast?
Wha? what happend?
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It's not a summer vacation though
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I was world-famous mega celeb once... that's all over, now...
I don't, but thanks anon
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I love all femhroths so much that it hurts!
I know someone exactly like this word for word
At which msq level the action starts?
face 2 femroe is actually totally ruined LMAO
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Been on the lookout too brother. Few sightings. Just snapped a picture of my future wife tho.
Oh yeah? Name the mods this one used you fucktard, I'll wait
>have to keybind 3 different cards to 3 different keys
wtf yoshi
Yeah? Who?
You'll feel better if you change your necklace
It's summer vacation but you're stuck minding your annoying cousin who has learning difficulties and right when you start having fun shooting pellet guns he ends up cutting his knee wide open and screaming his head off because he tripped.
they don't have enough going on facewise to justify not having hats
also 5 hairs at launch is lame as fuck
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why am i picking cottons just to get a aether current?
97 lmao
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my femlala is like this personally
do you not have 50 fingers anon
my femezen looks like this after the update :<
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>tfw my f4 is unsalvageable
>fanta to f2
>changing her eye colors make her prettier, but i don't care for it very much.
>changing her hair color and keeping her eyes the same just makes her a discount Ophan
i might have to armormaxx my lizard at this point..
Zoraal Ja and Koana run circles around Wuk Lamat as a character
its unreal how much more interesting they are
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I want the small bird jew's poncho.

Do I get the small bird jew's poncho during the MSQ, or is it going to be a tribal quest reward?
If I'm right you'll also know who's behind my post so I can't say.
holy shit Astro is sad
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me too me too!!!!!
That sounds fucking awesome though
stop. calling. my. favorite. game. yawn. trail.
my femlala just had a major melty
How did the troon shit from GW2 and WoW infect this game too??
I find it amusing how you guys comment literally every single thing you do in the game right now.
i hate yoshi for ruining my character!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Pictomancers better stop drawing me with big crinkly bare soles facing the viewer and attack the fucking boss or else.
Have we picked the top froth ebin yet?
shut up nigger, and pick that cotton for masta
I thought the exposition stuff would go till 95
What the fuck we are even doing till 97?
I think the chocobo barding is bought with sack of nuts
What race should I play if I get off on people wanting to fuck my character?
How long to plugons usually take to update?
I'm having fun and I want to share that with the general. Is that so wrong?
What is easiest in Dawntrail (expectations) Samurai or Black Mage?

I'm going to boost one for the expansion. I've played both two the 50s and neither seem hard but I know shit changes at those higher levels.

t. Played Ninja and Dragoon last xp
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I don't want the chocobo barding.
plogon status?
I have no idea who you are.
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Level 98 and finally something fun
Glad I learned to cook at least, it seems to be a trait people want
Does it pick up
I'm at 93 and so far this is pretty shit.
How did they fuck up femroe so bad? they were fine in first benchmark
GATO /pet
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you're right

i tried making a similar outfit at least
>over 30 buttons to press
fuck that
Dude how the fuck are you level 98 already?! The game technically is still in early access. I bet you use the mog station motorcycle too.
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he skips everything brother
where do I find a girl (real(true ending(XX))) to play the game with just like this?
femra or miera
end of the weekend
my moonie let erenville fuck her on the ship
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I hate this game....how tf do you level picto btw
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erenville has toxoplasmosis
Does anyone actually like Woke Lamut because even Reddit is complaining about her
That's crazy, my moonie fucked erenville on the ship (she is plus)
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of course, moonies will let anyone with darker skin hit
We should unironically make a forum thread for bringing back Ishikawa. She might be a fujo but she knows a good plot.
Too bad Erenville is a faggot and was actually pounding the catboy next door.
Unironically femlala
i'm fucking with you i don't know
>to 18 year olds
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Play Ninja
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I love playing as a pictomyancer!
wait, was this one not written by ishikawa? no wonder it's so shit
MSQ is dogshit and boring
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and this too
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>try the furniture trick to not get booted
>doesn't work
>log in
>queue is 53 players

>he skips everything brother
not a big loss 90-96
my f3mras new lips are too wide
Did you fanta your mouth size? this doesnt look like a DT mouth1
when will servers not be congested so I can make a new character?
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play machinist
Female Hrothgar? Oh, you mean:
>only 5 hairs
>limited color palette
>even fewer hats than viera
lmao even
furfags on suicide watch
She is either too high up to directly write now or on FFXVII
its made by the guy who helped matsuno write bozja
as you can see, it has the same quality as the bozja story
Oh real shit?
Supposedly she got promoted to a supervisor position, but it's clear either that was bullshit or she's been taking a nap for fucking YEARS now.
Yeah, I really like him, and I really don't give a shit about her. Wuk Lamat is like if Lyse and Zero did the fusion dance, and I fucking hate both Lyse and Zero.
ah ok. I don't know how to get the outfit
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>30+ year old grown ass men burnt out their dopamine receptors modding their female characters into hyperfuta musclebimbos to have e-sex with other grown ass men so bad they're unable to enjoy a videogame summer vacation
Guess I’m uninstalling until 7.1
I don't hate this expansion im just saying that because everyone else says it and I love being contrarian
Fuck no. It's her fault the nu-writers even think this fujo mickey mouse playhouse bullshit is ok to begin with. Bring back Maehiro.
didnt check the link
okay thats a problem then lmao
>try to give the story a chance
>really don't care about any of this shit or like any of the furries
>still only in 93 quests
>now skipping everything
do you need the xpac for the graphics update? haven't bought it yet, I don't feel like anything's changed desu
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Yep, that's a rock.
...cute.... femboy..?
no one asked, Heiko.
condense 1 2 3

i can NOT play
i mean if the dick pictures were truly unsolicited it would be pretty fucked up to just send it to people regardless if i was a discord janny i wouldnt want my fellow jannies sending their cock to random people either
the mount tilt is so cool man
god dammit, i guess ill just skip. i was ONLY hopeful for this expac because i genuinely think she's a good writer, or at least ShB and EW were good and memorable with solid characters
that really does explain why all the characters are so dull and stereotypical now
Looks weird on the ground tho
I’m under 30 and still think it’s dog shit
What now cuck?
is it easier to find a 30+ hag to fool around with during the start of an expansion?
pls respond
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depends on the mount
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No, the graphics update was very rushed and you'll not notice any changes outside of hair and maybe your characters face being fucked up.
DK im on my chocobo and it looks cool
Chocobo for example looks weird
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God I love my au ra
I don't notice mount tilt.

Is it only available on one movement type? When I turn my mount it just spins on the spot like a beyblade.
This femezen's feet must smell insane
The reason I never used any of the motorbikes previously is because they didn't tilt and it looked fucking weird
Is this real? Lol?? looks empty af
Isn't this the chick from the ShB Dwarf Beast Tribe questline?
>/xivg/ hates it
>Resetera loves it
Sigh.. let me guess, you guys are being chuds again?
>I don't notice mount tilt.
Use your chocbob then auto walk and press A / D in tandem
more like WoWfags love it
queen eternal has cool grafix tbhfamalam
i know it's a bait post but partially yes, but also it does just seem to be quite boring
should I just femduskie
Yeah, I literally cannot notice the update at all, except for that it made my character look worse. I would prefer that it be undone since I can't notice it anyway.
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"We cannot add hats to hrothgars OR more than 5 hairs for females"
"uhhhh etto body shappeo ga very difficult desu, clipping difficult desu, prease understando"
>one of the very few available hats
Yeah, they just didn't actually do any of those types of changes despite advertising that they would.
Any Crystal bros with CWLS openings so I got a chat channel to shitpost launch with?
They're charging you money so the aetheryte can function
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Not looking forward to whenever the new girl shows up because the only thing I'm going to be thinking about is sticking my dick in her pits
Oh my god hnnngggg
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I am. The rotation is going to take getting used to because they completely got rid of the Huton Gauge and changed Huton into an offensive ability that lets you execute abilities that usually require you to be hidden and mug now has a higher lvl version with double potency that also grants Ninki Gauge
>fags now crying on twitter for square enix to ban healers/tanks selling 81-90 dungeons
I cant
didnt care about the merchants, didnt care about the birds and i am sure as shit not caring about the "moblins"
Isnt it normal for the pace of the leveling MSQ to be slow? I remember I was bored out of my mind for most of Shadowbringers initial MSQ until right up near the end and people love that expacs story
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Story is dogshit but these dungeon fights are actually good, gives me hope that Savage and Futures Rewritten Ultimate might be kino
f3mra or face 2 froth?
I thought it was just me but there really are so many people currently struggling with their femras including me ;_;
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we are so back
please understand
yes the beginning of DT is no slower than the beginning of EW. people are just being 4chan contrarians as per usual
I demand yoshi p commits sudoku on the next live letter
Whenever I eventually finish up with the 6.4/6.5 MSQ stuff Ill be able to queue as a healer
Im just one but you know, every little bit helps right?
And it ain't even weekend yet. Not to mention no WoW exodus bonus this time.
Same here. I'm pretty clumsy but if I can help out, I'll be happy.
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You need to become my personal healer slave...
Can you squeal for me?
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>even hildibrand is kinda shit
at least it has that purple haired slut
jap forums are saying the didnt push the changes yet
desu i thought that at least the very start (the hook, if you will) was very strong in ShB, because at least you're exploring an ostensibly ACTUALLY different world with cool world building. i thought the slow start was justified there because there was a bunch of world building to get through, and it gets you attached more to the world and its plight
here it kinda just seems like purposefully padding out the story cuz they didnt have that many ideas
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>skips the story
>looks up aethercurrent guides 4 hours after launch
>injects dalamud early so he can xivcombo his 11111111111111111111111111111 combo
Why are you playing this game again?
keep in mind its new players
that think they start in DT
watch player numbers plummit once they realize they gotta do a 300h story beforehand
as a wowfag this shit is awful so far
And this sexy lady
how are the queues bros and sis?

are they hours long waits to even log in?
i really hate how dull femra eyes look now
are we being contrarians or is the expac that shit?
How was zivg during SHB launch
but this was like one of the main selling points of the expansion, what the fuck
>People keep citing "summer vacation" as if it entails no action of combat
Every single quest so far could have included SOMETHING.
>Some enemy ambushes you in the reeds
>You have to chase down alpacas or something
>Bandits on the road
Theres plenty of times they could sprinkle in some action.
[13:12]You gain 5,419,000 experience points.
[13:12]You attain level 90!
[13:12]You learn Reawaken.
i missed the frontline reset because i waited 80 mins in queue for leveling like an idiot
my bro and i did fates whilst in queue for roulettes/dungeons and it was ok
apparently trust dungeons r good if u dnt wna dela wit the queues

wat the fk
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>discount Ophan
I'll probably fanta off femra so don't worry about that... I'm not feeling very confident with face 2 anymore either
Did something happen with CT this expansion? Already had 3 friends bitching about runs being shit in that for some reason
insane as in?
motor oil, exhauset gasses?
why are people constantly wiping on crystal tower now whats the joek
Nonexistent on Goblin, like 27 people in queue max this AM and now when I just logged in.
will i ever be able to buy a transfer to balmung
a buddy said there is a way to get a free fanta?
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I am
a femlala pictomancer
>injects dalamud early
Doesnt work for now and xivcombo is just giving you something that is already in the game retard
Painful to hear but understandable. They really fucked femra
lmao if you subbed for whatever this MSQ is I feel bad for you. I'd rather just get the content out of the way and unsub.
To coom and goon, of course! That's what FFXIV is all about. If you don't like it? Go back to WoW you stupid tranny!
Amon is bugged and ice pillars do not form causing Curtain Call to wipe the raid
A pretty decent rule of thumb that works for just about every general on /vg/ is to assume people are being contrarians because thats how 4chan works
It doesnt mean the opposite of what people are saying is actually true, but people like to at least exaggerate for shitposting purposes
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Looks like the FATE requirement for Level 3 was reduced!
>mamool ja were just pretending to be retarded
Syrcus Tower can't be cleared because a bug was introduced where the ice blocks don't spawn so a wipe to curtain call is inevitable.
what are you gonna fanta to?
final battle but no big spoilers the femroths VA in the final battle is so bad holy shit
Thank fuck.
Face 4 is still cute on Xaela
cute and smoochable
call me potsworn cuz I'm high a FUCK bruh
so the big bad is just... lizard cho'gall?
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>mfw dawntrail
Maybe try some new hairs or tinker the face a bit with other options?
desu I think face 4 femras won
Iunno... I never got the benchmark to work so I'll just try a bunch of things and pick the one I like best
i need my 123 and 45 and 122 and a133
anyone able to get manual injection working?
I've not seen anyone who actually plays F4 femra say this
will people post the new dalamud injectable once the beta starts or do you actually have to be in their stupid program for it? i know it'll be a while anyway i'm not impatient just wondering
i saw someone clear it despite the bug, you can prolly get away with rez scumming
Doesnt work atm
>no new gold saucer mount
i guess im buying the blackjack
i am a face 4 femra in dawntrail
You can rez cheese with a healer or just do damage and skip curtain call
someone usually posts the beta key here sooner or later
but there isn't anything to post yet
If you're actually serious, you're gonna fuck up your game doing that.
Can anyone confirm if it's impossible to look at someone's adventure plate if they have you blacklisted now?
Did any of the graphic improvements apart from character models happen, I haven't seen any gear improvements and the maps are the exact same.
I suspect nepotism. Check their resume.
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The character graphics change is pretty nice desu
It also broke dsr p6 lol
right, i know, just checking that it would be eventually, thank you
If this was AA asking I'd do it right now
Yes, I changed it to option 2. And I made her skin tone one shade darker to give her a tanned look.
Bro what the FUCK is that overbite
ahhhh my femlala just took a tumble!!
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I always wanted to be a wandering merchant.
only play ffxiv to craft and sell my wares.
Theres nothing better than a new xpac to fill my pockets with coins.
Have no idea what dalamud is.
The corporations that lend money like Blackrock and shit have said multiple times at the World Economic Forum that they are forcing this change on the world. When companies go for a loan, the dollar amount they are able to secure for the loan is based at least partially on ESG and DEI "score". These are made up numbers, but say that you get an extra 1 million dollars for having a prominent gay couple, then say you get another 1 million dollars for having trans representation, then say you get another 1 million dollars for having a strong female lead. Well, that's a lot of extra money you just "earned" by obeying the New World Order.
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I've been looking, and maybe I'm just a harsh personal critic but I can't find any I think look quite right... and if I have to tinker with something more core to the appearance like the nose, mouth, or jaw then I'd rather just try a different race altogether (and I don't like the new mouth at all... its not pretty or cute like the original was)
>Tension on black shroud
>nobody asking or searching for the fate

I am guessing people will, maybe, wait? everyone dawntrailing?
The need to stay competitive, bet you're not a business major.

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