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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483858149
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and Agdistis
No also plugins havent been updated at all
what went wrong?
The MSQ is incredible and you'll regret shitposting about it.
Consider femra.
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uuuuuuuooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh drunk alisaie
My femra is face 4 and I say this
Upon speaking to Erenville, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
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Is it true that if you try to boot the game from XIVLauncher without accepting the new EULA with the original launcher then it flags your account for a ban?
I'm so down bad for an EB I'm about to offer up healer queues as dowry
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Wuk Lamat!
How long until the bulk of fans come online and haters actually start getting BTFO. Wuk Lamat is genuinely one of the best characters we've had in an expansion and much more interesting than shitass characters like Horsefart of Ryne
Everyone pissing their pants over Wuk Lamat's voice acting. No one commenting on the fucking hate crime that is the way Kryle says "Tacos"
Man if only we had something like I don't know, an entire manufacturing company at our beck and call that can provide us a fleet of airships to survey the land from above and find the city.
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which way, white man
did anyone else swap off of their 'ra because of the update?
Yoshi pissed off the entire third world...
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who cares, this expansion sucks
I haven't been banned yet.
This is just a rumor people spread. Do it to be safe but there's no record of it happening
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Should I take the femhroth plunge?
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>picking cottons just to be able to afford aether currents
Bozja is fastest and preserves your rested exp so you can level 2 jobs to 100 faster.
If you don't want to do that, then what the other person said.
>npc you help 15 minutes earlier acts like a lot of time has passed since you last talked to him and he has totally turned his life around and everything is just better thanks to you

it's hidden with magic dumbass read the story
i can't stand wuk's dad personally
Chuds lost.
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its just a coincidence that viper plays like gnb
It's not that good.
I'm at level 94 and it's still pretty slow.
Id say it's the slowest out of any expansion. dungeons/trials are ok I guess.
I really tried with the MSQ but holy shit it's such a slog in the beginning. I'll stop skipping shit when things start getting interesting. I don't like any of the new characters either. Why am I stuck babysitting Wuk Lmao while she figures out her feelings. Fuck this sheltered bitch.
>”We want a summer vacation expansion!”
>we get that expansion
Loving all the seethe today
is there a jump puzzle in tuliyollal
wheres the VPR quest
I'm surprised the dawntrail hair kinda works.
DSR phase 6 is broken and unclearable
UCOB nael phase is unclearable
Syrcus Tower is broken
fix when
uldah near the pugilists guild
up my ass
Viper can tank?
>no MM posts since the maint
>no H'ana post outside one small earlier today
I miss them
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I will quite literally never abandon my lizzer
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HBAO or the new GTAO?
how did se get away with making the jews with a stylisized big nose?
thank god
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>already not gel'ing very well with being FemHroth
>run animation cycle speed bothers me
>absolutely no hair options, probably won't get any for several patches
>look like a man from behind with several of my current glams
It's over...
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I know about Syrcus Tower — the thing that turns people into ice isn't working so Amon kills everyone with Curtain Call. What's going on with the others?
it so over....
Theres another method but that involves alot of mating presses
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>Boat intro
>Huge zones that are split into 2 parts for different parts of the main quest
>annoying companion that steals the MC spot
>MC has no real reason to do the plot except he said he'd do it
>characters just follow you around and make stupid questions just to get worldbuilding answers
>Bad main theme
This really is stormblood 2
they broke the entire ice mechanic in the entire game, not just CT.
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>scholar can recolor the 6.0 artifact to get rid of the shit greenbrown and change the ribbon thing with color 2
>most colors change the green to black or dark gray so you can use it to mostly customize the ribbon

This outfit got so much better
All ice mechanics in the game somehow broke and both of those have some parts with it. Dunno how they managed to do it, but they did
Ah, that's why I hate this so much. I thought I already did this.
Anyone else not able to buy anything from the Mog Station?
no lmao
i might go to raen though
>that Alisaie sex scene
holy FUCK I take it back this expansion is kino
Bakool Ja Ja is genuinely one of the shittiest jobber antagonists we've ever had
blue-grey femezen or brown femezen
It's been down for like 7 hours
i bought 30 dyes and 5 retainer books, only got the retainer books so far
this was 2h ago
>summer vacation expansion
>all the ice melts
Maybe I should just swap from raen to xaela now that you mention it, would even look better on some helmwear I occasionally wear like the dragoon ones.
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I am
a pvpfemlala who is getting twenty-eight (28) commendation crystals across all their pvp alts from season eleven... I wish I could get something valuable from them that isn't a marketboard looking weapon
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>queue level roulette as PLD
>healer asks what their queue times were
>PIC says 76 min
>VPR says 56 min


here's the PIC's glam it was cute
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yeah this sums up the expansion thus far
Ok thanks I thought something was wrong with my card for a second
yes it's true, obergefell v. nobless-a
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Neither, femra instead.
why would i change my lizzer
>Using a mount
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>can finally dye the trimming on the drachen armor
at that rate why not just do trusts
>Healer queue isn't instant anymore
Bros....They really don't need us anymore...
it's stormblood thats really really trying to make you think its Heavensward with its character moments but it fails because none of the character moments are interesting at all
>long dps queue times in an expansion with 2 new dps
woah who could have seen this coming?
I am strongly considering it. I have a cat alt that I might just fanta to. When Anamnesis gets updated, I'll have to fiddle with some things to see if I can make it work
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"We cannot add hats to hrothgars OR more than 5 hairs for females"
"uhhhh etto body shappeo ga very difficult desu, clipping difficult desu, prease understando"
>one of the very few available hats
Are there any heavily armored top pieces for healers?
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No but I'm gonna mod her into the old scupt when they're out
What happened to the strike anon? You're not scabbing are you?
>I am..... LE EVIL
PCT is kinda fun desu i thought it would be gay!
Don't worry, they'll add more exclusive to $15 outfits on the mogslop store
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Character and song?
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>jeets melting ITT for nearly 8 hours now
so fucking weird being on one of my skinwalker alts and getting a tell like "hi <character's name>!"
just really disorienting being called by a lore-accurate dice-rolled name that i do not associate with myself at all
Who were once beautiful and young
>open my balcony door for two minutes
>three mosquitos already buzzing around my desk
Erenville is way to dark. You can barely see him even in these bright ass day scenes.
fiddies getting hypnotized and vored by the giant tural snakes...
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will she save the expansion?
hnnnggg i must inseminate
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>still no dyeable version of the ivalice dragoon set
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Let's do this
Yoshi-P saw that the story in WoW is dogshit and decided to copy that too
this game can look so dull sometimes without a reshade
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This mogstation set works well enough for that.
is DRK the shadowbringers msq job?
The ponytail that all the faces can use is the only hair that doesn't massively clip with everything.
I think I still like nin more than vpr
they're almost all in PvP sets
My only complaint so far is that any top with shoulder pads on it turns into WoW pauldrons, so you have to go with tighter fitting or sleeveless tops to not look like someone put a sweater on a fridge.
my femlala fell down :(
too bad she already has one in the story
It should have been Corsair...WHY DIDN'T THEY GIVE US CORSAIR!?
Remember: a cat is fine too!
The graphic update is nice
>Goes schizo and turns evil
>gets erased from the story like Meteion when we forgive her for being evil and doing evil things
Your character is a cuck, don't forget it.
omg a manadee :DDDDDD
The fuck did you expect? Nothing that was undyeable before was made dyeable. Retard
i think that makes them more appealing, i love wide women
shrek ?
Ima be honest Yoshida. Im not gonna remember like 90% of these unpronounceable names. Not everything and everyone needed some goofy name.
I can't do it bros, I have to nap.
Any undocumented QOL?
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I'm making a kneel compilation. i swear everyone kneels in this expansion kek
There's wide, and then there's the scorpion harness looking like football pads.
Viper and Pictomancer have 1-2-3 on a single button?
But no other class can toggle that?

Am I missing something?
that's a shame. your femra was always really pretty. i hope you're able to find a fanta you're happy with, at the least.
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I like these weps. Does anyone have the black mage riverbreath weapon to show?
game will be here when you get back bwo
He meant like how old mhachi raid gear eventually got re-released as dyeable dungeon gear, as in he was hoping for that to finally happen for Ivalice gear this expansion.
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>Wuk Lamat is a worse repeat of Lyse who was already poorly received if misunderstood
>Wuk Lamat has spent her entire time on screen demonstrating she is not capable of leading a multi-cultural massive empire whatsoever
>there’s no option to point this out or even anyone who isn’t a villain pointing this out
>exposition dumping for 7 levels of the MSQ
>cringe gigglesquee about alpacas and tacos nonstop
>exploring and adventure aspect is ruined because Wuk Lmao is fucking constantly at your side

This is absolutely brutal because the concept of Dawntrail is good but they are fucking shoving this character down our throats and we’ve already had an expansion giving someone this exact character arc but it was better done before. Desperately just want to get through MSQ so I can enjoy the new content.
There are currently 1100 players across all shards of Tuliyolal on Lich alone. Insane
So are these two intro zones worse than the starters in SHB and EW?
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what do you get for the level 90 job quest for pic/vpr?
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15 minutes into the expansion

i like wuk lamat (english)...
I don't see a difference to how the char looked previously

Is there a way to disable the new models and switch to old to see what changed?
Fix your monitor you fucking mongoloid.
I dont like Viper. It's boring and takes too much work to play. I'd rather stick with monk.
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dlss 3.7 btw
at least the place is fucked up and no cars move
Yeah it'd be so much more immersive if they were all called Steve, Richard, Nancy, Elizabeth....
Some real foreign sounding names
she got the -w-
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Man I just can't believe she managed to take Bakool Ja ja and Zoraal Ja AT THE SAME TIME.
this story only seems to work if you really like wuk lamat and i don't like her at all
Yup! We like this, though. See, it makes the skill ceiling higher if you do it this way. Mhm.
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wuk lamat of course
she looks like she's from one of those cdramas my mom watches on youku.tv
Haven't tried picto yet but for viper it's probably because it has 4 of those combos and then 2 more that aren't condensed and one more that runs across 6 separate buttons as skill replacements
I blame the WoWfags for this
>compares viper with monk
you might be braindead
same desu i think most of the complaining is just because the VA is a tranny
f3mra won so fucking hard
>if misunderstood
No one misunderstood Lyse. She was an asspull piece of shit and she stole Raubahn's thunder. Yda should have died, and Lyse should have been Raubahn, and the story still would have sucked, just less so, because Raubahn would get to essentially earn his freedom by defending his home town from the ideals that chopped his arm off.

But yes, Wuk Lamat is Lyse 2.
groud mounts wobble too much imo
Only works for shit that was already condensed, it's not a PvP combo system

not everything needs to be caps spam HAHAHAHA spicbro simmer down
I understood perfectly well that despite that being her own story, she somehow managed to contribute the least.
It doesn't matter, they eat anything their chosen company of worship shits on their plate, the only thing they did was switch companies
i genuinely just think she's bad at voice acting or the director was shit, i don't care about her gender
>In English, her voice actress is Sena Bryer, based out of Los Angeles. This makes Wuk Lamat the first main character, since Patch 2.55, to be voiced by an LA-based actor, following the change of the primary voiceover venue to the London-based Side UK, with Heavensward.
What a disaster. Bring the britbongs back.
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oh yeah I forgot to do that
nigga replied to me twice saying nothing
sit down
If you were to name a femra NPC that isn't kurenai, cirina or sadu who would you pick?
is the modernslop car really the only mount that got a giant upgrade???
oh in that case have you considered chimping out less
>Wuk Lamat, claimant to the heir of Turokoyaya manages to get ximself kidnapped
My money's on Koana to lead.
None because I'm not a pissbaby snowflake
I hate California so much it’s unreal
These aren't even authentic names. They're just random letters mashed on a keyboard pretending to be.
>first dungeon: shit
>second dungeon: good
>third dungeon: mediocre
I am already at the level 99 trial, help.
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yup i just VIPED all over the place
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>first LA-based VA
the memes write themselves
white people be like
>>Wuk Lamat has spent her entire time on screen demonstrating she is not capable of leading a multi-cultural massive empire whatsoever
>>there’s no option to point this out or even anyone who isn’t a villain pointing this out
Because you don't need to point it out
The story is beating you over the head with it, stop skipping cutscenes and pretending like you're not
starting the msq and the first cutscene isn't voiced you already know it's going to be shit lmao
>american va is tranny
Christ aaaaaaaaaalmighty why? I love bri'ish
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>Not even one day gone by
>Dozens of retards already just sitting in Tuliyollal chat yapping about muh capitalism
>first cutscene of the expansion is unvoiced
Well, that sure is a bad omen.
>less story than EW
>more cutscenes than EW
you can skip every cutscene until you pass 2nd dungeon.
Nothing happens
>spent 4 hours in cutscenes helping wankmeoff to trade bullshit
im tired hoss
So... which one of you blacklisted my femlala?
The black character
why the fuck am i helping her become queen if it's obvious she's too retarded to do it?
>there’s no option to point this out or even anyone who isn’t a villain pointing this out
You can quite literally tell her dad that she's not ready right after you spar him. You fucking retard.
Why does square refuse to put effort into XIV when it’s the only thing keeping their dogshit company afloat
static, raid, club, jew, feet, irl, casino, popoto artist, drunk, malera
did they fuck with audio settings?
Is anyone actually happy with the graphical updates to their characters' face? I'm feeling gutted over my face 2 femroe.
AST does not fucking need 5 buttons for cards
What the fuck
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So it's Tomestones of Aesthetics now. Neat.
Mine had some whiney bitch trying to justify the healer strike (Which isn't working lmoa)
Imagine how kino it would have been as a FFX expansion.
>Sending ceremonies for the dead due to a strange, constant storm
>Coastal raids by Al Bhed
>Could still work in the theme of tradition versus technology
>Sin comes out of the water and is the cause of the storms
This diversity hire earned Square Enix a non-zero amount of money from (((them))).
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The graphics update is great and I love the new locations, but what's up with the story? It's just Lyse 2.0 over and over and over again so far. Wuk Lamat is pretty cute (in japanese) but incompetent and ignorant. I genuinely don't want to help her anymore at this point. Erenville being cut off shortly before he wants to reveal something important is getting boring too. It's not like it's as retarded as Stormblood, but it's so fucking BORING so far. At least Pictomancer is pretty fun.
she does
unfortunately using the power of friendship wuk goes ssj2 and magically becomes a competent WAR and tanks dungeons for you later, saves everybody from ayyylmao invasion and uhhh I haven't actually finished the story yet
fuck you hrothgals in the clive chestpiece are hot
Because Xhe has a good heart and compassion and will care for her people by making them not fight :)
Because you have absolutely no stake in the race and are just here as a tourist
time to filter tranny again, you guys are such crybabies
Isn't it 6? 5 for regular and 1 for lord/queen
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Because everyone still buys it and $500 of MTX no matter what.
Project 2025 will put an end to this nonsense soon don’t worry
casual cc has been very melty today
>The Philippines, the United States and Israel had the highest share of people identifying as LGBT+, at 11 percent each, while Thailand and Canada came in a close joint second place with 10 percent of adults
The US is a cancer upon the world. Even the voice actors that come out of it ruin everything they touch. Hopefully it will get nuked come WW3 and the world can begin to heal.
Literally every quest is like "Can you fetch me the evipostugi and the lliyotakiwa and bring it the walabanini for the Halawalubu Festival?" I aint gonna read all that.
Here you go champ, just for you
I already had it on a glam plate. It's actually on the lower end of the inflated pauldrons spectrum.
>why the fuck am i helping her become queen if it's obvious she's too retarded to do it?
WoL thinks it's funny to have a self-admitted loser wreck an entire empire of savages by ineptly trying to rule it
Lyse's biggest problem was a switch to a shittier personality. Yda was fun, energetic, and confident. You could have done the whole ego death thing in an interesting way that has her go from Yda to Lyse (lost, unconfident, miserable) into a new persona that feels like an evolution of the two, but instead we got stuck with the dumbest most incapable bitch of the game.

RIP bimbo punch girl, you died with Papalymo
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My skin looks so oily now huh weird....
Oh yeah, Lord And Queen are still it's separate play button
Even worse.
i want to sniff wuk lamat's sandals
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something is fuccy fo sho
this is no upscaling at all and TCSMAA
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*giggles* This MSQ is even worse than the one I was in!
>WoL thinks it's funny to have a self-admitted loser wreck an entire empire of savages by ineptly trying to rule it
This is now my canon motivation. Plus calling in my bro Hannibal to help colonize the ashes of the aftermath.
What other MMOs are good right now? Asking for a friend
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>fanta off femlala/femra/femroe to play as a butch lesbian to get less hairs and lack of hats
only a sick fuck would want to log on day 1 during a new expac to go straight into cc
umm do NOT disrespect the Halawalubu festival like that Yoshida hired foreign experts to make sure it wasn't culturally insensitive
I want to smooch Wuk Lamat's tummy in ENGLISH
Lyse was better when she actually acted like a Barbie
QRD on how to play vaipa in pvp?
>dude whose sole job is to guard the evil monster lets a dude walk in and unleash the evil monster
Come the fuck on lol
i just wanted to try picto out and the queues are like 15-20 minutes each so im just letting it go in the background while im msqing now
kek, true
Listen, trolls. You’ll regret calling Dawntrail a bad expansion. You know why? Because The War Within will be even worse. Yep. No matter what, FFXIV is still the best expansion. And personally? I think Wuk is fine. Back to gooning!
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I really wish this "trade" quest was a minigame instead of just walking from one person to another person, while telling me that I'm making successful trades.
Koana be like "Just throw some fertilizer on that shit idiots."
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Option are
>Racist nigga
> Double headed EXTREMELY Racist nigga
>ACTUAL decent ruler
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That Warframe expansion is like 9 years old what the fuck are you talking about?
GW2 is on sale for basically nothing right now
>can't help natural gigachad bokul jaja >>483872273
You got that right, you dirty nutchunk slurping goonbait. Now shit your mouth with my engorged rod of man sausage.
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>saturday cartoon villain gets btfo'd in the contest for rulership
>so he pulls an entire super-advanced futuristic army out of his ass to invade and genocide the land he tried to rule
>You know why? Because The War Within will be even worse.
But then I will just laugh even harder. And Dawntrail is just normal-bad. WW has everything to be comically bad, just like shadowlands.
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uhhhh guys wheres the new island ?
its the supremacist the imperialist the imperialist (lite) and the retard
sorry pal, but that takes effort
>he doesn't know
don't even feel like playing just gooning to femra
i liked the war within it did a good job of leading up to the new war tee bee haych
FFXI and OSRS are ur best bets, OSRS has kino quests and FFXI is just superior to this game in all aspects besides new content.
Oh dont get me wrong. If the promises are true this is gonna be a fat content expansion. But lets fire the MSQ writers.
my friend who plays face 2 au ra is being a complete faggot about the new model, but i get it. if you choose a face specifically because it has a silly dumb mouth and it gets removed (this didn't happen to anyone else after the second benchmark) i suppose you're allowed to be mad
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The problem with this is that people are inexorably attached to HW and especially ShB's protagonist-based morality and are unable to fathom a plot where the WoL is mostly involved for the fun of it and doesn't have some grand moral impetus
You've had people bitching about the whole concept of the succession challenge since 6.55 because of that
I'm not gonna fanta shit, I'm waiting (dying) for a fucking pre-7.0 face mod.
Any SAMchads in here?
Why doesn't Iaijutsu turn into Tsubame
You think the devs would make another SOVL change to the world map like they did with Stormblood? No, all you get are random map pins and drop down menus,
People don’t play WoW for the story so as usual the players won’t give a shit if it’s bad or not. Long as it has arena and M+ they will play it forever
>the promises
they couldn't even finish a basic graphics update
this expansion is an even bigger flop than the last
dead by the end of the 2nd week
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Yeesh the eyes
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>story is shit
>music is shit
>jobs play worse than ever
>mods and plugins are down so i can't even goon to my bloonie tits
...Why did i get excited?
It doesn't get changed until after you actually go there

why even have a bigass map screen then man
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*Scams you of your hard earned Pelu*
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i haven't decided if i hate it or not yet, but the eyes really bother me. one of the main reasons i played one of these in the first place was for the limbals and those bastards took them away (kind of!!!!) i'm giving it until i finish MSQ to see if i still feel the same, or if it's time to go back to my elezen roots. or mayhaps just say fuck it all and be a mooncat
that and the shit liips; they are way too thin
Im so disapointedwith my catgirl
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The swaying of the mounts are neat.
why do all of these niggas look like girls
>Weirdo posts DT hate one minute, defends it and trashes WoW the next, simultaneously taking both sides in an imaginary XIV vs. WoW argument to try to start some kind of forum war
What kind of mental illness is this?
uncoiled fury has a lot of potency and you can reset it with rattling coil, doing two back to back absolutely shreds people. also slither buffs your next GCD so do that when you can, also also LB activation is an aoe so use it on drk pulls
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>try to enter inn
>accidentally start msq
>cant even enter after accepting it
annoying af
oh no no no no
Exactly. So we should be grateful and stop complaining because at least we’re no longer forced to play WoW like we were in 2021 (before FFXIV came out).
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Okay the armor Textures are a bit uh jarring....
The lips are fine imo
They want 2021 to happen again
I've had a character unchanged for 10 years and to have him changed entirely so abruptly is heart breaking. it's like having a pet die and then replaced the same day with an animal that's not even the same species. I won't calm down and instead I'll have a melty and I quit this game.
That’s what I’m going to do and I am indeed a sick fuck
ALL criticism of Dawntrail comes from transphobic chudoids crying about a queen like Wuk Lamat, as expected. Your gross negativity is not welcome in a wholesome and inclusive community like our's that enjoys this masterpiece whose free trial now includes the critically-acclaimed Stormblood expansion.
it's a video game, man
I love you giggly Lyse poster
fanta to malezen bro
my moonie picks every dialogue option that makes her seem like a retard
you get 4k texture jank now
People still force me to play WoW at gunpoint
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wait she's the queen? I thought she was like a princess or something
Just make them shoot you, you'll suffer less.
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I might unironically just fanta to the generic male hyur and change my name, some angles make the lizards look derpy as fuck.
If only I had the free time... that game was my life for decades and met my wife on it
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>Femra start posting about how their "Wifes" are completely ruined with the new faces
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i don't have the rizz bro...
*giggles* Mhh, it's so thick, you must be so pent up...
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>Why doesn't Iaijutsu turn into Tsubame
cuz fuck you, thats why - yoshitpiss
2021fags are like the stranded Japanese soldiers still thinking WWII was happening
Wasting all of Wuk Lamat's money
you just cant be fucking serious
i was willing to accept it before, but not after they SAID THEY WERE FIXING IT
im actually getting sick of this game man
I think there might be something wrong with the lighting in The Tempest.
2024 video game btw
>cutscene skippers posting spoilers in cwls chats and being obnoxious as fuck
holy shit muting everything i guess
i need twitter femras to goon to
My miera looks SO SLEEPY
Time to fantasia...
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what do i do now?
>no Ilsabard
Are you still in Stormblood? lol
tuliyollal is a cool hub
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bro what in the fuck
WoW won my brothers.
WoW won.
*Cries of happiness a little*
Reminder that you can report people who intentionally post spoilers.
Clear Ex
i think froths look pretty good in a good amount of clothes tee bee haych
placing my bet
Serbian or Malaysian
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And you aren't talking about my femlala right now because...?
My condolences bro...
India and proud.
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>The lips are fine imo
way too thin
I miss stormblood
>can't hate Wuk Lmao without being seen as transphobic because of retarded zeitgeist bullshit
I hate this new era
dont forget lgbt
>update completely fucked up the colors in my custom shader that I've worked on for many hours
I think the update is great but this really bums me out.
finished to this, ty
i miss dawntrail
[20:57]“Wuk Lamat in the Saddle” objective fulfilled!
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sis... you lost weight...
My wife and her perfect lips...
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Is this good?
>Crystal Tower, the most common option for Alliance roulette, is completely unwinnable due to a bug.
This is so fucking funny.
God those cock sucking lips...
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This girl is so CUTE and her jp voice is even CUTER
but this is stormblood 2
I look like this irl
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>On a Friday
What main should I do nigs?
(Note: don't care if a class has been simplified if still fun)
Black Mage
It's actually possible to clear it if you're really autistic about it but yeah
is the only problem with msq the cat being voiced by a tranny
Because that's all you mudhut livers are talking about
Stormblood had soulful job design
>have a little dance
>jerk off on the statue and get your aether spread all around
>now the crops are growing
>Wuk Lamat was right because she is so retarded
Who the fuck wrote this story some californian liberal
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Do I only unlock blue quests for aether currents after I finish the MSQ or hit lvl 90? I havent see any blue quest for currents.
yes but they're trying really hard to hide it in other shit
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so like did this guy just not get added to the graphic overhaul
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Keep doing the MSQ it unlocks them.
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alright au ras lets see the glow
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It happened to me too, I'm sorry man.
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>Another weapon of light expansion
damn bro thats kinda hot
yea i know :/
SB had cool jobs, Zenos and the playerbase was a bit less cancerous
the last two minutes of raddahns theme are peak
Speaking of, why are healers striking anyway?
I love healing but dont keep up with the community enough to know whats going on
Obviously EX??
There's no other reason to rush it
Please explain that sounds hilarious
>narwhal beacons reddit joke as a quest
i hate this game more and more as i keep going
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Maybe I'm late to the party, but if you're unsyncing T13 for Wondrous Tails, it's possible to nuke Bahamut and win the fight immediately now, skipping all of the phase changes.
Very good.
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What face? Looks good
do biofems hate it when you call them bro? i know trannies do
Are you a attention seeking faggot with a superiority complex despite never having an original thought? Play BLM
I want to breed Sphene so much it's unreal
it's the only bright spot in this expansion, even future niggas are shit due to how absurd the story of how/why they're even here is
but Sphene, holy fuckkkkk
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these nips dont know about taco thursdays and it shows
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This isnt a cozy summer vacation expansion. It's a babysit a retard in a lame ass south american economic zone whose culture boils down to tacos reeds and alpacas. Real culture has beliefs, behaviors, and structures. These people are indistinguishable from everryone else since ARR
it's not as good as I was hoping, but not as bad as I feared
I'd be fine if they went back to how all the roe faces were in either benchmark
t. face 3
They want to press 2 1 3 instead of 2 1
You've been able to nuke him for a while. You just have to do it properly or he phase changes and you're forced to deal with the adds.
because healing is the most unfun role in the game by far
but the "strike" isn't a real thing it's just a few official forum faggots whining
funny little quest
you don't know shit about taco tuesdays
>>>fucking rapejeets complaining about muh degeneracy in other countries
Don't you have a river to shit in and dolphins to rape?
>expect some kind of stakes
>follow around the retard
>surely now we'll get some stakes
>follow around the retard
>maybe now? I mean there's gotta be a twist-
>follow around the retard
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did they really
Amon doesn't spawn the pillars to hide behind to when he uses his raidwide insta kill
>anon discovers colonialism
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where's the inn in tuliyollal?
i want to change my glam plate
>i know trannies do
thanks for the advice
I will call every single tranny bro when they act smug or rude
calm down Pryoblin
nice legs slut
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I died for 6 hours lmao KINO, finished yesterday and went to sleep before dawntrail launch. Leda theme is also a favorite.
I meant lvl 100***
oh so Im forced to do the MSQ... I wanted to unlock flying first to speed things up...
wondering what the prep autists are doing right now
the only trannies you talk to are the ones in your head favelabro
We're definitely listening to you anon, keep posting
Its prob a reginal thing desu
bro I'm eatin semechki rn idc about nuffin
this bun looks like he fucks BARBED hroth males
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After hyping up the glasses feature, did they really only add four (4) "facewear" pieces? what the fuck?
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Much better now!
Dawntrail is really mediocre so far desu. Maybe I was wrong for expecting something more interesting than just a graphics overhaul though. This really feels exactly like Endwalker. I'm playing as DRK through the MSQ
i want to fuck the duck merchants
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Does the one queen have a monkey tail or did we get no genomes at all?
it's probably regional but here in nyc women call each other "bro"/"dude"/"man" all the time
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I have almost 5 in my 50ppl FC; they are completely real, they all have the tranny flag in disc with she/her in bio too. MORE, we have a FC syncshell and they are wearing tranny colored clothes too
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How come everyone lied and said I wouldn't be able to play until 7.01 >:(
you get there with the msq, keep playing the game!!!
I always thought bro was like a unisex term nowadays, I say sis or sister when I'm being sarcastic like "oh nyo sisters we're being laughed at again.." like that
stop clenching ya cheeks player
Highly doubt thats the case, a lot of people in the lgbt thing seem to like being called bro, even see it as a "gender neutral" term
sweaty froth pits
Maybe I should have queue'd before I took a nap.
sweaty froth feets
thanks bro

please direct your seethe elsewhere i do not care
>instant queue back in after game crashed
maybe all those server upgrades finally did something
For'Ard cabins, south west, but you can't go into them until you get taken there by the msq
I'm out of the loop, is there currently a mod tool that lets you fiddle with your character without needing to use a fanta to experiment? I haven't played in awhile and I'm sure the expansion broke most shit.
>only on the first split branch of the first two zones
>guys this expansion sucks
there's a couple more, two you can buy from the npcs who sell racial gear and one is only available from submersibles so enjoy paying 30mil on the MB lmao
More like Notsogoodtrail
This nigga is literally me
i really like the setting, the zones are the best looking yet
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Sweaty froths...
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When does it get good then, or more accurately, when do you abandon Wuk Lamat?
Anatomically incorrect
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cool pose but is this job really just 2 types of combos that do their own thing and thats it
I am
a sweaty femra
going for a cold shower
I’m on 6.1. I like this more laid back adventure theme so far
I'm at lvl 95 it's still meh
Getting more interesting but like in a stupid way.
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say my name.
Amamnesis, but I assume its probably not working right now since the expac just came out and will need to be updated.
anyone else think VPR /PTC animations feel... stiff?
play and find out retard
almost every zone has had one of the aether currents locked behind one of the last few msq quests for the area since hw bwo..
for the reasons this guy mentioned >>483874572
however, I'd add that even though people aren't consciously striking and being all gung ho about it or whatever in game, it absolutely is occurring passively. For years nobody's wanted to queue as a healer. who would put up with the mouthbreathing retards who play this game, while also having the least fun rotation imaginable? not many. it's why every time you queue up for shit on healer, it pops instantly. nobody's doing it. compound those issues with everyone and their fucking mother playing viper and picto, and yeah, you get these cases where "the healer strike isn't happening" but also "i'll suck your dick for healer queues bro pleeeease queue up with me on this dogshit role that's boring as fuck and babysit me while I learn viper"

actually all of that could have been avoided if viper/picto had been 90 on release lol. idk why square does this shit
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I just want to see him
I'm not a snowflake so none
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How's glub trail?
cool mob
didnt kill it
had no reason to
sweaty frots
Absolute dogshit, special needs babysitter simulator
Wuk Lamat's sweaty feet after spending all night chasing alpacas
viper animations are cool, too bad they all cancel each other because it's double weave ogcd spam
Sis cold showers are dangerous for femras be careful
this nigga sweeter than a sugar plum
>"All the things you'll hear, and feel, and think"
viper is weird to me in the sense that I'm hitting the glowing buttons but I don't know why I am besides that it's glowing
>when do you abandon Wuk Lamat?
I just dinged 99 and she's still around
>Birds do this festival every year
>The one year they dont do it the crops suck
>They cant piece this together without outside help, despite someone in the village even telling them its true
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Niggas call my maliddie "The Drink"
especially viper, you just stand there and the animations happen if that makes sense
They had more important things going on (dying in a hurricane)
So Stormblood
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The drink?!
what's wrong with m**nies?
t suncat+ that wants to sleeve one
>"a relm reborn"
NTA but I thought Anamnesis was abandoned or smth
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please post pictures of your chocobo and the armor they are wearing
I need some ideas for mine
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thats what i gathered so far
>despite the part where the festival literally zaps their harvest idol with an energy laser and cums magical grow energy all over the crops, they cannot make the connection
what's the most basic hrothgal?
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i genuinely hate every single cutscene wuk is in and unfortunately she's basically the main character of this entire expansion
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i hate my character she looks retarded.
i look retarded.
found another A rank
can someone boost my queues on light i'm level 88 lol i'm about to kill myself
This is femRoe culture, give it back
wuk lamat?

more like

wojak, i'm out
Face 3 suncats got such a downgrade. Holy shit.
Story is low stakes pablem, game itself is buggy as shit, tons of visual misqueues, glitches, weird animations
what server we rolling on dynamis sisters
Hastaloeya my beloved
she's cute.
do you like malera?
third promise
more like
turd promise
haha gottem
*claps and kneels as tears drip from my eyes and my ass*
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errmmm just turn in your double wt and then do a frontline roulette and beast tribe
retarded skipper
>and my ass
ooooh my
as she berates you in her english voice for being so into them...
A rare vergil miss.
they're so stupid. they don't deserve that land.
someone stronger should take it from them.
someone like us.
Anyone wants to finish with their remaining Yo-Kai weapons before the 2nd?
wrong answer bitch nigga
I love her. Her excitement for jewish behavior almost makes me want to go back and try to play Octopath Traveller again cause it had the merchant girl as a party member
they did us dirty desu, I'm so mad and sad at the same time, the before was perfect as fuck what they were thinking
considering dropping that trash game, not that I care since Im a free trial but still, holy SHIT
beast tribes are an allegory for...
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ok im out
got no FUCKING CLUE how to play viper
it lights up in different colors and different sides

jesus legit will need xivcombo for this bullshit job
>normie friends telling me that wuks voice is grating in large amounts.
It's not just chudders smelling out the bullshit
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Im unironically going back to wow.
Niggas call my Male Middie "The Bicycle"
cause it only works when a fiddie uses her feet on it
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UWU-style ultimate cycling through the Dissidia main villains ending with Chaos into Feral Chaos...
>when do you abandon Wuk Lamat?
She's a major part of the final battle. So never
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>they gave us official lowlanders
>no cacao
>no city on a lake
>no colonizing
The Conquista has fallen, millions must froth
wheres the term filter at?
Mods can't come back soon enough...
I'm fucking her the moment I get my mods back!
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what the fuck is that voice
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>??? Needles
my fiddie is
the glowing buttons for the 2nd hit of the combo just guide you on refreshing the buff with the lowest duration (you can choose which positional requirement is next if you ignore the glowing buttons)
the 3rd hit glowing buttons are ones with a potency bonus (always hit those no matter what)
ogcd glowing buttons are also potency bonuses (so always hit those too)
Thank god, don't let the front door hit you wowfag.
i like big fat hairy men that can crush a coconut between their thighs
oh true my friend didnt want to do frontlines so i'll run tht rn

Fire the writers NOW
social > term filter, bwo
A new golden age is upon us
The swarthoids are being filtered
Tell you’re normalfag trashy acquaintances to kick rocks
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this new lighting shit hit crazy
I like learning jobs if my toolbar is full of buttons but I don't like it when 20 buttons are missing because they are interweaving combos like GNB has.
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there seems to be like 3-5?? different rotations inside rotations
it's not better. I play both
atleast in XIV you can ERP
Is Bozja or Zadnor better for leveling
also how do I get there I haven't played in a long time
f1 fucking won.....
How long are the login queues so far, roughly?
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based rpk wife poster
Play palace of the dead with viper, you'll get the gist of it
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billions must die
Yeah it's so annoying. I hate how my suncat looks now. It feels like they just rushed out the graphics update without much QA. I gotta cope and hope they release fixes for this entire graphics overhaul...
>literally getting filtered by having to press buttons
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How are you enjoying it? I stopped the MSQ after getting to tural and went to level pictomancer instead. Picto feels very mashy, but maybe it's because of all the consolidation. I also need to arrange my buttons better.
It's unironically just click what glows
I got in instantly as a Dynamischad.
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Zadnor Z3, you can access it through the Doman Enclave at the aetheryte named Gangos
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>graphics update made my character look ten times better
>but the lighting change ruined my portrait because the gimmick relied on one lens being reflective
n-no...i didnt even save a screenshot of it...
I remember the Pelupelu from FFX, but was there a character named Tobli?
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>queue only 50
>didn't have a choice for starting zone.
seems like they are really confident about their servers this time around!
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less than a minute on balmung that it makes me think it must be even more lax elsewhere besides maybe like gilga or sarg aether.
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>that third thread
xe is transphobic, blacklist xem
ty sis
i guess the hard way yeah
I meant X-2 lol
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lock in or die.
You know this cat right?
Come swing by limsa and stop by my bench~
I don't think doing 10 guildhests for 10% of a level is worth it
oh shit new race?
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i can't believe they let koji get away with this
Well done square, you've made me a cutscene skipper for the first time since ARR
Quite the accomplishment!
guildhests have never been worth for the past 3 expansions
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i wish this game had fixed time for cutscenes and whatnot, everything ive seen so far has been at night because i step away to do something when its day
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Just how many of you guys play using English voice-over?
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dont look
kek this chud god mad
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Been playing with the new dye system and reworking my portraits. I haven't gotten out of Eorzea yet lol.
Having fun just oogling at my dude with the new haircut
Have fun
oh shit, new phra.. no wait, you've been doing that for 5 years.
Brown hebe merchants will be the best tribe
your days are over altoids
soon we will have a plugin that will tell us who which alt belongs to and you'll be on my list
holy hell
unless you can only hit a certain positional due to a mechanic, in that case you might want to press the non glowing button on the 2nd hit of the combo to force that positional on the 3rd hit (or use your big ranged button to delay the positional if one gcd is enough)
I can't play FFXIV for a few months cause I've completely fucked up my life and it will take some time to unfuck it.

How is the story so far bro's? Is it better than EW?
>anime image pulled from gelbooru
>retarded nonsense post
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balmung isn't playing until their coomer mods are working again
It's not colossal lorerape garbage like EW so it's better by default
It's slower paced though
>Been playing with the new dye system and reworking my portraits. I haven't gotten out of Eorzea yet lol.
the new dye system is so fucking perfect on certain items. far eastern schoolgirl hakama has EXACTLY what I wanted from it.
It is a slower paced story like many people wanted. I'm enjoying myself immensely
We all thought he was gonna be the honorable and martial yet level-headed candidate.
Turns out the lizard ones are just "Bad and Worse".
Don't listen to this retard >>483876938
It's unimaginably worse, basically just a giant sidequest with cringe voice acting and no good characters
>not skipping cutscenes on every expac until the good part of the story starts
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>the quirky female characters because ugly female characters
Say it ain't so
>he lacks critical information
4 dungeon runs per mil? This isn't even a terrible deal in this healer economy.
Hastaloeya my fucking KING
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I heard much much worse voice acting my home country, so listening to Wuk Lamats below average voice acting and Alphinauds sleep inducing lines is nothing I haven't heard before.
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Let's do this
Time to fight Hydaelyn
I'm tempted to make a male Elezen with face 3 simply cause I never see it and would make me unique.
What are the futa races I can play, femroe fiera and catgirl riight?
they all got demolished, and Im not even mentioning femras, ITS FUCKING OVER
is the femcharacter era™ over?
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im camping till last then killing all of you trickshotters.
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Godspeed Grug you magnificent bastard
Wrong general anon but I appreciate the energy
yoooooooo good luck bro this is one of the most fun normals and EXs in the game
>female characters look ugly now
>male characters more handsome than ever
Is it time to play your own gender bros?
Are there new emotes? I like emotes
whats the verdict on day 1?
Can I point out once again how much I hate that G'raha just shares jobs with Y'shtola? Fucking ruins the "everyone doing their own combat pose" vibe.
>that loser Wuk Lamat becomes a WAR
>a fucking WAR
>who relies on muh inner beast ie controlling your rage
its shit
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will we defeat the endwalker peak
>almost everyone in my FC fantad off of femra
This shit is hilarious to watch in real time
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What is Wuk looking at?
man dawntrail really made that a fat, ugly-ass face
its great
the greatest assblastening of brown shitposters since 2020
m,y peanis
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where do you think we are dumbass.
do you know this cat?
indelible tacos
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i first tried the jump puzzle without falling :3c
I think it is yea, considering fantaing into a face4 catboy as we speak, being a manlet irritates me but it will be fixable with customize+
Story is utter dogshit, waifufags btfo, fairly mixed.
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Unironically haven't hated a character this much since Nimbus from Destiny 2
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Just started playing the game and I gotta choose a class for my highlander who want to be a samurai but I can't be one till lvl 80 and considering I just want to use swords what class do I pick?
this, she should be PLD and Jenlyns best pal
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>femgars have 5 hairstyles
>thats it

me slobbering her toes
Wait, an actual full on WAR? Like she does the "taming your inner beast" lessons plot and all in actual cutscenes, not just using an axe like every other "WAR" character?
shit femras, my femra is better than ever (shes a face 1)
mass exodus back to wow
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white/black face 3
Lighting is still fucked.
eepy mieras are so cute though...
Frot with Froth
The world you're looking is Marauder
kek, perfect
skill issue
please understand, that dev time went to the facewear syst-
>there's only 4 glasses
I haven't started the new MSQ. I ended up taking a nap and have been leveling VPR since I woke up. I think if I get leveling done I'm just going to go back to doing Trusts, because these queues are a bit much even for me.
huh, i legit thought the robo turtle is a trial or something but it's just a dungeon boss
A gaggle of lalafell: vile, dastardly creatures more insufferable and greedy than Pelu
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just chillin

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all the female races answering the call in real time
I refuse to accept Ardbert never reached WAR, he totally just didn't need to mention the inner beast because he tamed that shit with his eyes closed years ago.
me and my friends just run 1 tank 3 vper
How do I cope with being ugly?
t. femra
>waifufags btfo
men of culture have Sphene which is top tier
not many reached her yet tho
me slobbering >>483877591's toes
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I hope they add face veils & half masks eventually
jarvis, open any of the wuk lamat threads
vpr feels eh. are pictomancers winning?
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>a whole zone populated by lolis
DT is so good
i can't bring myself to play
they ruined my character
you can pick Samurai at 50, it's a very fun class. Until then, pick whatever you want. Gladiator becomes Paladin around level 30 , and is infamous for having the most boring class story in the game, but it plays fun, especially when it starts casting spells as well. Marauder uses axes and becomes Warrior, it's pretty fun. When it comes to sword users tho you dont have a lot of other options until Viper becomes available at 80, or if you want you can get Rogue/Ninja at level 15 or so, he starts off with daggers but dual wields short swords later
holy the solo duty is pure kino, even better than the metal gear solid one in ShB
the ground looks really good when wet now
If you ever get the knowledge, pass it to me
t. face3 sunnie
>>I refuse to accept Ardbert never reached WAR
>Ardbert: cries to his notChocobo as his entire world dies
>Wuk Lamat: uses Primal Rend on lower cooldown than WoL
I know a chad when I see one
I am
a femlala
who lost another two pounds
Sucks to be you, I guess...
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oh okay god damn
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anon do you know what this place is about?
Is there an eyepatch at least so I can go full chuunibyou
how do i make a fuckton of money
i've got my gatherers and crafters at 90 with endwalker bis
The quicksand floor is going to look so good sisters
... 3!!!!
400 to go to reach a healthy bmi
bro they had to add the WHOLE SYSTEM, they couldn't spend time making new things to actually use with the system
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And all the glasses are shittier than the non-facewear versions!
DT looks like something i'll appreciate more during patch quests, like I did with SB, since it has absolutely incredible zones so far but the main story is a snoozefest
oops, thanks for the reminder
i am a fiddie
moogle tomestone items, you missed out
So what's the verdict? Is pictomancer better than BLM or should I just stay on BLM?
and you can't dye them, you have to pick from one of the color presets :)
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just finna go gladiator, he looks cool
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You worked against us in secret many times when you could have just told us about shit you stupid fucking retarded cuck
my maliddie is looking GREAT, trannies on suicide watch
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I am. It's likely making me dislike Wuk Lamat more than I should.
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you think db was a thread schizo
you dont know anything fortnite
come to limsa and give me a /pet
my maliddie looks so fucking old
i like it
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Femhroth sisters...? what's Square's excuse for this?
oh fuck
h-hello maam do you like slapping men
Maybe altering faces in a game where people have spent literal thousands of hours playing dress up and taking photos was a terrible fucking idea after all
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Now that the dust has finally settled, how would you rate Dawntrail compared to the last expansions?
>anime image pulled from gelbooru
>retarded nonsense post
i'm genuinely surprised they gave colors to pick from and didn't leave us with the default color.
Get profesional help
what? it's not even out yet?
it's better on the current patch, but expect BLM buffs very soon
God damn dragoon is ruined
now that the dust has finally settled, your opinion on Shadow of the Erdtree?
DT main menu is really just "vacation music"

nothing epic
post them now
the indoor lighting ruined my house.
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Im loving this drama
If Curious George can be a WAR, anyone can
I am still mad Marauder into Warrior didn't lead to some sort of massive WWE association of dudes trying to look cool or evil while protecting people
yeah this expansion sucks ass
>nooooo i need to be able to clap to everything
So you guys overal seem to like the story cause it's more grounded, how are the dungeon's so far? Does the expansion seem fun enough to play?
>most faces have some obvious glaring issues
>don't fix the issues but fuck up all the various options
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Florissax is a better dragon bitch than femras by a mile.
what role are you
story is shit
characters are mediocre
expansion-mandated hebe is top tier
dungeons are a mixed bag
trials are decent
nothing even close to in from the cold as far as solo duties go, hp pools too big so stuff drags on

all in all it's pretty underwhelming
Most people ITT have not actually reached a dungeon yet
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>200k for TRIALS
maybe stop living your life through a videogame character
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I've already found the cure, and it's a zone called Urqopacha
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They really pushed the new furry a lot do they want the WoW player base?
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this is the best I can do while grinding bozja
based healer
suck these shitters dry
i have half a mind to do it too. i'll get you your quick queues, but babysitting ain't free
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healer strike......
if elden ring was dark souls 2 then shadow of the erdtree is dark souls 3 (basically worse)
>be femroe
>character improved due to graphics update
>am unbelievably happy
um have you tried making a good looking character maybe
fastest way to get those?
maybe stop modding your character
>>200k for TRIALS
squeenix is tarded and fucked up exp so you're coming up short in msq
buy them off the MB
Post smug suncats...
new expansion made them so smug I NEED SMUG
i'm so close to skipping all cutscenes
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ummm lol
bot ventures like everyone else
>no just be satisfied with the thing you paid money for that was changed for worse after thousands of hours
Go be an apathetic nigger incapable of feeling attachment to anything somewhere else.
Yes? shut up
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Yeah, Midlanders fucking won with this new update
WoL Haircut especially
>Shell-Shocked starts playing
damn i thought they'd forgot that song existed
Im only playing for 4 months on a free trial acc and even I am a bit pissed about that tee bee eych
and I'm not even playing femra or femroe
is PCT fun?
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This brd set is ass
Any tools or so t hat's working that lets me try out difference races in outfits and such in-game?
are there specific ventures?
best zones by far (from what i've seen so far)
the graphics update is great
the main story ended with endwalker so i doubt it will compare, but the solution 9/golden city stuff seem interesting (haven't gotten that far yet)
jobs getting their skill ceiling lowered is a bad thing, but nothing new there
i mostly care about savage and ultimate design though so that has yet to be seen
I'm alright with my characters new face and at the same time idc because I'm not gonna lie I'll be modding over it anyway.
The new RDM spells and animations are so juicy. I’m quite literally cumming from raping mobs
looks like the principal of my school when I was in my late teens
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thanks for the reminder bud, I have 1 more jet black and 10 pure whites up as well
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do you know this cat?
duckloli first, fatbird 2nd, right?
was going for round 2 and this helped, ty again
might just say fuck it and go femroe instead of femhroth
no hats and no hair is lame as fuck
maker hot
mercenary services have never been against tos if its with gil, what is that dude smoking?
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they got smuggerer? I require proof...
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hrothgal hotter and yes I am a furry
Zoraal Ja is actually pretty based
Still a dick but not a retarded dick
skip them retard
Anyone need a healer? 100kk a run much cheaper price than the current market
what boots are those sis?
First time doing msq?
*npc 1 holds out hand towards npc 2*
*npc 2 holds out hand towards npc 1*
expeditioners thighboots
Ooo!!! I'll mount you!
The only mod I use is original gunbreaker sounds, faggot
hrothwomen are indeed what i like but i like hats and helmets more than i like cute fuzzy ears and whiskers
Wuk Lamat is retarded and I'd definitely support Koana over her, but I can't help but find her endearing. She's doing her best even if she's fucking stupid, and she has nothing but the best of intentions.
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please be femroe- and meet my sunnie+ some fucking where
thanks they look so good!
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>can't decide between PCT and VIP
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They added Macau to FFXIV
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You okay there, Alisae?
Based, my list looks almost identical.
and unlike Lyse she's actually doing shit instead of just getting credit for it.
Have you considered TF2 that is a pretty good game
i rerolled
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I gave it an honest try for a few hours but the lack of hairstyles and the run animation speed bothered me too much. Sucks cuz I was looking forward to Femhroth for a very, very long time. Oh well... time to be a bunnygirl again.
she is very not okay anon and so is your game
Step on me....
which mouth is that
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>17 players in queue on expansion release
It’s over this game is dead
>the run animation speed bothered
how come?
unironically this, where are the queues? This is the MOST preordered expansion.
why i oughta
Well try again.
DOA lol
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Yoshi P said he'd fix the queues. He did.
New players are flocking this game not knowing they're gonna have to do 300+h of story before going to DT areas lmao
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>only 9 pieces of facewear
>they're literally all glasses
I want a fucking consistent eyepatch you fucking zipperheads I don't want to ju.p from rdm to sam to dnc and have my eyepatch change sides every time
kneel to a femhroth today
vow to never touch a mere catgirl again
I'm on healing strike only because healers are still fucking boring.

God I miss early 3.0 AST
Something about it felt off, like the character was experiencing friction that didn't correlate to how fast they were moving in reality. Hard to explain without seeing a Femhroth go from being completely still to full run speed.
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I am in love with the new warrior gear.
I look like this and I say this.
>have a friend thats already 98

so this is way smaller than ew yeah
about the same sis its just fast if youre a skipper as always
it's actually a little bit longer in terms of text
femgar have 17 hairstyles they just decided to lock 4 of them to each face. The only universal hair is the ponytail
She wasn't made for you, she was made to appeal to DBZ Spics, the new playerbase of FFXIV. There's no need to appeal to people who have been locked in for years.
are you mimecat
is there a resource for dawntrail rotations? my guiild is making we swap roles and I don't have this new class down at all.
best inns in the game
I had close to 4000

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