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if you use magic you're gay
elden ring shadows of the erdtree is worse than the base game of elden ring
this €40 dlc is bigger and longer and better than many €60 full games especially western slop that charges full price for a barely interactive 9 hour cinematic campaign
I really hate how they leaned into this design though, rolling through a sword swing in past games is like, okay, I can headcanon my way into saying I rolled under or over the sword. Making me abuse I frames through a fuck hueg Bayle explosion or Whore a loo explosion just feels like im cheesing the game.
>radahn does anything in phase 2
>10 billion pillars of light in all directions while his ghosts of christmas past stagger me

how do I rollslop this
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Miquella, my beloved. There is no god but you.
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>posts twitter tranny art of Miq where they're feminine despite being undeniably a man
The empty Finger Ruins...
Buff Sword of Night. At least let the ash of war apply extra bleed, or not take 15 minutes to charge up, or increase the scaling (ONLY scaling it has) or SOMETHING
where do I find crucible: tongue and crucible: centaur?
>reviews reached Mostly Positive
how many pajeets did they hire to boost the score?
I fucking hate Smoughtown so much he's a fucking dishonest shill.
>Only on the premium bundle
It's buyer's remorse
Im noticing a lot of tourist posts in the evening. I guess america woke up.
lay down the porn anon
it's not even on model
>change the roll input to press left joystick instead of B
>Now the controls only sometimes suck because it's hard to press sometimes
>Instead of being absolute unresponsive roll on button release dogshit
Finally, feels like I can actually react to shit
Absolutely not.
People here are just being annoying. Nearly all games that I consider to be "classics" had massive issues, missing content etc. Even back in the good days. Even a game like HALO 2 and HALO 3, loved by everybody, had problems. Every big project has flaws. The bigger the projet, the more flaws it has. SotE and base Elden Ring are both very good.
They finally beat the boss and changed their mind.
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Love me Cirques.
Just wish they brought the DS2 jester outfit back.
>Absolutely not.
boss design somehow even more miserable and shitty than base game, every problem has been cranked up to 11
tons of completely empty massive areas
mindless copy paste of enemies from both the dlc and the base game
awful collectible hunt to even be able to fight the bosses
story is mid especially the ending which is terrible
they "fixed" the repetitiveness of the base game catacombs by now copy pasting 2 templates instead of 1. amazing
very easy to completely brick most npc questlines if you dont have your nose in a wiki the entire time
summons feel virtually essential for many bosses
even more useless crafting item bloat than base game
rewards for exploring are terrible (pointless cookbooks galore) unless you get the essential levelup collectibles (which are necessary but uninteresting)
performance is significantly worse than the base game, the recommended specs are a complete joke and obviously not playtested
I sure hope you're getting paid
They really should try to reduce the i-frame bullshit and make it more like Monster Hunter
>Noooo my precious miyazaki game is immune to criticism nooo
Cope fromdrone.
Name 10 games from the past 5 years that were as good as or better than Elden Ring.
really cool how elden ring: shadow of the erdtree's fissure legacy dungeon had a callback to the legendary jackal snipers in halo 2's outskirts!
How do you even play with them? Do you just use strong attacks mixed with multihit talismans?
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How do I get up here?
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the entire idea of pornography of a character is inherently off model its already fantasy
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Let's compare to another location in the game that is somewhat "empty"
Lake of Rot - barely anything here. Most people just rush it.
However, the way it's connected in the map is simple: Between the Eternal Cities, one of them is fine and the other end of it has Astel.
The rot infected water in there falls down into a waterfall and it purifies itself. It fits into the rot lore of "movement" being important. In the same area, you have the Dragonkin Soldier, again, linking it to the Eternal Cities it is located at.
Then, while minor, you have a big glintstone piece in the middle. That's where the academy is at and why it isn't sinking like the rest of Liurnia. NOTHING of this needs any item description, or any explanation at all. You can just explore the area and see it by yourself.

The Finger Ruins, while also empty, aren't related to any part of the map at all. They are just there, disconnected from anything else. Yet it shows up in 3 different spots. It's too big for something that isn't relevant.
For those of you with controllers that don't suck, just enable the turbo function on B and you fix the roll "lag".
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true and real

each of his attacks has specific roll directions you can do to avoid it. personally i suggest using a shield (medium with barricade is fine), he doesn't do that much stamina damage
boar knight grace
marika statue
oh mother gesture
he claims to like Miquella's base game lore and says Malenia is his favorite character. Also just released a video praising the story of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. This is impossible.
>lay down the porn anon

Tell that to Miyazaki
so is your neovagina.
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>Lightning perfume
>doing 30000 damage
They didn't even bother to test this shit.
>summons feel virtually essential for many bosses
Opinion disregarded. Git gud.
can i get an invite to your discord channel, sister?
Oh right I remember that. Thanks.
yeah halo 2 and 3 were infamous for problems, namely the shitty arbiter segments with samey forerunner locales, the final stretch of the game not having the main character, the blatant cliffhanger, and Halo 3 likewise had other issues like a short and somewhat lacking campaign that had blatant use of cuts and recuts, where the only level that truly felt next-gen was The Covenant.
Can anyone help me understand the timeline?
It says in commander gayass' remembrance that both he and Messmer were like older brother to Radahn... That means the crusade wasn't as old as I thought, so why is it so secret? And why has everyone seemingly forgotten of this guy? And Melina is his younger sister, so she too must have been known
>boss design somehow even more miserable and shitty than base game, every problem has been cranked up to 11
I don't agree.
>tons of completely empty massive areas
So what?
>mindless copy paste of enemies from both the dlc and the base game
Welcome to FromSoft.
>awful collectible hunt to even be able to fight the bosses
>story is mid especially the ending which is terrible
I liked it. Could've used a better cutscene at the end, I'll give you that.
>they "fixed" the repetitiveness of the base game catacombs by now copy pasting 2 templates instead of 1. amazing
Not going to take this one seriously.
>very easy to completely brick most npc questlines if you dont have your nose in a wiki the entire time
Welcome to FromSoft games.
>summons feel virtually essential for many bosses
Not for me. And I started playing FromSoft games a year ago. You're just trash.
>even more useless crafting item bloat than base game
I never crafted an items and never will. Who cares?
>rewards for exploring are terrible (pointless cookbooks galore) unless you get the essential levelup collectibles (which are necessary but uninteresting)
The rewards for exploring were better than base game and on-par with previous titles.
>performance is significantly worse than the base game, the recommended specs are a complete joke and obviously not playtested
This is a complain I've heard a lot and if that is true, that is a valid point. I personally haven't experienced it on my PC.
it's still lazy fetishism
on model, on character porn is always the best
as a porn addict, i want them to be on-model because it's way hotter that way.
>I sure hope you're getting paid
kek i noticed it too
>Then, while minor, you have a big glintstone piece in the middle.
Shit really. I never noticed that. Neat.
Also I think the reason the finger ruins are meh is because there's two of them, personally. Had them kept JUST the one in the Hintherlands if would have made more sense (since Marika's home village is there, implying and reinforcing the connection between the Fingers/GO and Marika)
Messmer being banished to the shadow realm was post radagon so relatively recently
Brilliant example but there's also a useful talisman, a head from a useful set and an optional boss, finger ruins doesn't even bother havign a gimmick aside from a new shitty enemy and a bunch of reused ones, what a fucking disappointment
Yeah, gotta be really aggressive with them. I use both types and switch to the smithscript ones to shake things up with the shield counter/gap close and ranged attack, and the curse blade ones to really combo them.
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dude, why are you replying to a shitposter? he will just wojak or whateverthefuck you, there will be no conversation
I also summoned for that shit
no shame on it
>Bleed build
You didn't beat him
>no one will use the perfume because they probably didnt even use the perfume items
Its truly insane how much content this dlc has, if they cooked for another year and reduced the difficulty they could've released it as a full on game.
i didnt summon for that shit
shame on you
Good job anon
>The rewards for exploring were better than base game and on-par with previous titles.
That's just a flat out lie. The DLC happens necessarily post Mohg which, under natural progression will be after consecrated snowfield.
Having ANTYHING but smitting stones around 6 7 and 8 appear in the DLC is retarded. And that's just one example.
boorutrannies are still around?
What a jewish thing to say.
good job cuties
So before Miquella and Malenia were born? And also when was the shadow realm even created
>rain of fire has huge faith req and casting time but does literally like 50 damage
>new magic cannon doesn't even do damage most of the time
>finger staff has unnerfed arc status scaling
>lightning and frenzy bottles do double damage with rolling sparks ash
any more?
Didn't play in long is there still no reason to go quality? Last i checked you had almost the same AR on most weapons with just the strength
bad job uglies
>Explore in DLC
>Getting here means I've gotten to the point of having killed Mohg, which means snowfields, the penultimate real area of the game
>Check item in the overworld
>Smithing Stone 1
I still haven't beaten that twink and their husband :'(
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Who cares about fcking smithing stones in the first place? I'm level 150. I can buy thousands of them after each boss. All of the weapons / armor sets / items are actually cool to find in this DLC. Much better than base (late game) Elden Ring.
fuck nuRadan, he's a headache
you beat the game (on easy)
Don't get it wrong, messmer is not into her
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Did Marika know that her children would immediately start killing each other once she shattered the Elden Ring? She clearly planned for a Tarnished/Godfrey to take the Elden Throne back but was that with the expectation they'd run through all of her kids? Did she just instantly write off the demigods as useless rejects?
you beat the game (on hard)
moonbitches are not real
If your weapon did more than 400 damage per hit you didn't beat the game
messmers too busy wanting to fuck his own mother to take notice
But Rellana is none of these things...
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Messmer should have been the final boss.
>who cares about good game design
If I'm some fag doing this game blind, I'm very likely to enter the DLC before Farum Azula.
is this a stealth flat-earther retardation post?
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Why is Florissax like this?
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Okay, after doing their questlines, summoning them for Leda and at least once summoning them for the final Boss, I find out
CURSE YOU MIYAZAKI for making these items so damn hard to get!
What do I do now? Isnt there a secret way to put stuff into your inventory? or a merchant one can activate like in DS3 to buy any item from?
this but you also didn't beat the game if you used anything lighter than 10.0
Ranni can change her doll body for you.
>didn't add boss rerun
>didn't add free respec

BOOORING. The next game better be good.
>twin moons
>sizable boobplate on the armor
i think that's where the meme comes from
she has huge tits, have you seen her breastplate. even if you wear it as a man its still pretty big. to hold her big sweaty TITS
No you don't you mouthbreather
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You get ONE adjective to describe Miquella, and it can't be 'Kind'. What do you pick?
>Miquella the _____
If they cooked for another year and reduced the difficulty they could've released this as a full game and probably won GOTY. Its actually insane.
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I am depressed that I've beaten Elden ring and beat the game once with the DLC and 3 times just the main game. I've never played dark souls but I think I will give em a try since I want more fun from games like Elden Ring. Should I start with 3? I just want lewd female armor....
where did you find that out?
quality is for high level builds
you had your low level quality builds for entire dark souls series
no you don't
she plotted with ranni to kill godwyn, she had full intentions of killing every single one of her power hungry children
You find all kinds of smithing stones. You also find many high level ones. You need both, so they will both be found along the way.
I haven't finished it yet but once I do I will leave a positive review
why have them in the first place, was she just really horny and didnt tell godfrey to pull out, are there no condoms in the land between? is she retarded?
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Forgot, the guy who actually died during the fight
>didn't add chalice dungeons
Lame as fuck.
Fucking double post my bad, kuroba sucks ass.
Heard Shield is pretty good for this DLC. Is a Spartan Build or specifically Shield and Spear/Shield good? Anyone got one?
she and ranni the tranni are women so yes, they didn't plan for everything going to shit.
>there really is a booru just for abhorrent reaction images
imagine saving any of these on your computer
imagine uploading to this booru
what are you doing with your life, fuck man
>she plotted with ranni to kill godwyn
I question this now more than ever
It was already weird she'd have her firstborn killed on top of the fact the game implies she Shattered the ring in reaction to his death.
Now that we've seen the Shaman Village and a glimpse into her character I don't believe she could kill Godwyn. If she were capable of that Mohg and Morgott would have been dead the second they came out of her vagina
Marika plotted with Ranni to steal the Rune of Death. Ranni went behind Marika's back to kill Godwyn.
What am I missing in regards to Messmer's Spear? I like throwing it but it lacking a real heavy attack means it seems really hard to stagger fuckers. Grabbed the Erdtree Greatshield to use with it since that seemed to be a good idea.
you can get a smithweapon discus in one of the abandoned lava forge dungeons that has a special ash you can use to throw it if you want to do some spartan shit
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Yes, sorry for not speaking 5 languages perfectly, without any mistakes, while drinking some beers on a friday night. Nigger, you're literally wasting your time in an ELDEN RING general on a friday, despite hating Elden Ring. What the fuck are you doing with your life? This is absolute third world behaviour. If I didn't like Elden Ring, I wouldn't be here. I don't go into the fucking gay ass Fortnite and anime game threads on this board and go shit it up?
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9 larval tears nigga NINE
3 of them on the first fucking area
Well, he did his job KEK
Basedjakniggers are legitimately subhuman.
Anon do you find low level smithing stones in the consecrated snowfield, or farum azula?
Is there a boss in this DLC that just does one attack instead of a string?
she's not a disgusting cow though
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it comes from ESL porn addicts.
or alternatively godwyn volunteered to die against marika's wishes
one of the finger reading crones refer to godwyn as a martyr, not a sacrifice
pvp weapon. his spell is also a pvp spell.
It's a new DLC area. People will want to try new weapons and they need lvl 1-10 smithing stones to do so. Are you fucking retarded?
i almost never summon but the leda fight with ansbach and thiollier was fun
do they actually help during the last battle?
will we ever get dark souls 1 miyazaki back
there are several smithing stone 6s in faram azula
>defeat final boss
>activate final cutscene
>all I find in the entire arena is the gesture
I even checked the St. Trina spot and only found the flower for putting in my hair
>replying to double digit iq mutt shitposters
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Spear is shit for pvp people just haven't caught on how bad it is
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I stumbled into the ancient ruins of rauh and it's by far the most beautiful area in the entire game
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why they never added this again
I could spent hours and hours and hours on them
so fun
Why did they put a massive fucking hand enemy in a small room? Every fucking thing it does is an attack that knocks out 1/3 of your HP
thiollier sucks ass vs radahn but ansbach is ok
Fuck anon you fucked up..
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>dodge Messmer's grab
>game teleports me back into it
Then people can buy stones because the bells for the ones before are before even mountaintop
What about 1s, 2s, 3s etc?
The ash staggers really well and is super cheap.
idk man did you talk to them and exhaust dialogue before the battle? did not have a problem in my run
>Furious Blade of Ansbach! deals 250 damage
>caster sword! it doesn't scale and it's completely useless
Catacombs are bad enough already and you want more of them?
someone fix VILE BAYLE into DREAD BAYLE god damn it
I've been filtered by this guy for 2 days now. Mostly 2nd phase. Not having a good time here boys. Doesn't help that his voice lines when he kills me are so horrendous it breaks my immersion every time.
It really is, it's like a dream
Who the fuck cares? Half the items I pick up I just ignore because they are flowers and I'm not gay. That's to be expected in a big game that has different ways to play it. Not every item will be for (you).
>Try to co-op help hosts with Radahn
>They all die in the time it takes me to get to the fucking p2 since it teleports host but not me
Did you even get the secret ending? Miquella's age of shotas and lolis
Is Shota of the Erdtree worth forty bucks or should i wait for it to go on sale
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Why is he such a brat? is it part of his curse?
kill yourself as fast as you can
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Is it just me or does this kind of suck? I feel like it's too slow to punish bosses more often than not.
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Actually I am a hairy man who goes to the gym every other day and in my spare time I like to play as girls in Elden Ring so that I get horny and all that pented up energy gets exploded on my wife's face. I love playing females in games because I love seeing hot fucking women. I'm always horny and hungry.
oh yeah furious blade doesn't apply bloodflame either as i recall
I have exited the shadow keep in like four different places, is Messmer supposed to be somewhere in here?
A brat in need of correction! By killing him.
By the time it goes on sale, everyone will be bored with it and you will be all alone. Again.
Are we allowed to talk about Dark Souls here? I don't think we have a general, anymore.
nope, they are trying something new in the dlc to bandaid the fact that normal smithing stones take too many FUCKING stones to upgrade weps
Chalice dungeons are far better than catacombs.
It was Bayle Dread before it was fixed to Vile Bayle
besides Vile Bayle is one of his voice lines, and it fits better than DREAD BAYLE
hes at the top anon
>too slow to punish bosses more often than not.
not if you fight the base game bosses instead of DLC bosses ;)
if you use perfume cheese in PVP you're an asshole.
>allowed to
This isn't fucking reddit. We do it all the time. No ones gonna call the cops kek.
Are any of the reskin mods for elden ring good?
>metyr is revealed to be the big bad manipulating everything behind the scenes
>doesn't die, leaves when his hp is 0
Also it sold well. There will be another dlc.
First time using a colossal? They're glorified jump R2 sticks in pve.
Top o' the world, ma!
It's for vig checking in pvp.
good game if you have braincells
you type like some sort of absurd faggot. Like you know the faggots who pretend they're super into straight porn so they can jerk off together? That's the vibe you give
I don't mind it as far as it doesn't attract the /dsg/ rot and vermin. There technically is a general for that, it's >>>/vg/fsg
sometimes people get close to me and don't let me spam light of miquella on them from a mile away, which is VERY rude, they get the frenzy bottles
what happened to the fromsoft/souls general?
if I had to explain, yes
in game enemy, layout and item randomizer is basically a brand new way to play the game with added challenge, not for everyone obviously
pvper mental illness
his flesh is much more delicious alive
How many blessings did you have when you killed Bayle and did you do it before or after the patch? +7 for me and after the path (so more like +10?)
I genuinely don't understand how the "Marika had Godwyn killed" headcanon even got so widespread to begin with.
>the Black Knives come from the same people as Marika did (somehow this means they have to be working together because every person from a single race is always in agreement over everything?)
>Ranni herself admits that she did it all
>the killing of Godwyn serves no purpose for Marika at all who clearly wanted him as a candidate for Lordship
>the FIRST PIECE of lore we ever get about Marika is that she shattered the Elden Ring because she was DISTRAUGHT by Godwyn's death
Even the "She betrayed Maliketh" thing happens AFTER YOU KILL HIM because MARIKA GUIDED YOU TO HIM so that you could unseal Destined Death from him and burn the Erdtree. That's the betrayal, not the theft of the RoD. She ordered your hit on Maliketh.
Die, pederast
That's not a real general it's just 4 trannies discord posting at eachother without reply quotes 24/7
died becasue a bunch of mentally ill pontiff trannies can't compete with gacha generals
Turned into a gay erp chatroom, it's the final form of all generals.
I'm having so much fun playing the dlc
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Made a shitty "compilation" of the enemies encounters in Belurat since I'm bored.
Mind you, in Leyndell, you have soldiers talking to each other, Perfumer sitting in a bench next to a Lion Guardian, a Page playing flute, Perfumers taking care of wounded communers, etc. While here it's more like Dark Souls hollows.
It's 3, actually. The part below Manus Metyr is pretty much the same as the bell areas.
whats the lore on dsg?
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how do i look guys?
post your late-game dlc outfit
Apparently that's just what /dsg/ was like. Used to be a Souls-like general.
first run is magical
actually fuck off from the general
is full of spoilers
Anyone else feel zero desire to replay elden ring? I liked it other than some minor complaints most people seem to share, but unlike previous souls games i just don't feel like replaying. I tried and it felt tedious after the first boss or so
For other souls games I would do 2-3 playthroughs in a row
>I genuinely don't understand how the "Marika had Godwyn killed" headcanon even got so widespread to begin with.
I personally never got it either.
Then again, over the last week I've had people say that omen and hornsent are fundamentally different for "reasons" and there's a huge insistance that GW isn't just another outer god but the big G
So maybe I'm dumb.
Left their hearts frail and
…and what? Am I missing something or is this item discretion literally cut off?
Yeah that IS /dsg/ they just renamed. Everyone normal just moved on to the game specific generals where you can infact still discuss the older games no problem
aren't those vanilla armour and weapons?
not even sure if i'll be able to complete it. Might be burnt out on souls
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>you die in 3-5 hits
>boss dies in 30-50 hits

still not sure on the exact numbers, but i'm feeling more and more certain this is the "intended" souls experience, solo. 10 to 1 ratio seems appropriate the more i think about it. this is roughly where the player gets to really experience the boss's moveset, but it also isn't too much of a fucking slog to actually win the fight. if whatever you were using breaks this then you didn't really beat the boss. if /erg/ wants some specific numbers, there ya go. adjust whatever build your using accordingly.
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>popular game comes out
>one of the characters is a gay with long hair
>immediately becomes idolized and sexualized
>everyone finds it completely normal
>go so far as to work yourself into a state because you can't "marry" him in game
>cry and moan about it for weeks after release
We need a World War 3. This is Weimar tier degeneracy and it's absolutely baffling to me.
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official souls dlc power ranking:
6. Ivory king
5. Ringed city
4. Sunken king
3. Atrorias
2. old iron king
should i get my rivers of blood +10? is 0 atm and im rolling with bloodhound and im filtered at the first boss of dlc(lion beast) and kinda stuggling against beastman clergy
Anon please you're being retarded.
Where are the Numen? Where are they? Where are the Numen cities full of Numen warriors and Numen farmers? Where are the Numen Guards and Numen kings and Numen Warriors and Numen Knights?

There are none
The Eternal Cities were their cities, and they're empty save for the Nox and Silver Tears. There are no more Numen. The Numen are gone. There are no more Numen. This is the big important piece of information you're supposed to put together yourself after having been inside the fucking cities. There are no more Numen, so then where did the Black Knives come from? Why are they the ONLY Numen? Why don't they bleed? Why can't they be poisoned? Why don't they have faces, or skin, or physical bodies? Why do they spurt black mist when it?

Answer these simple fucking questions and you'll understand why Marika did it, and why waffling sophist about it just makes you look retarded.
where do you get that?
>We need a World War 3.
that's what kikes want
what we need is a complete erasure of kike from existence
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Huh, i guess this place is locked until mickies rune shatters?

This is the entrance to the fracture where trina is.
>one of the characters is a gay with long hair
I meant to say "is a boy" kek.
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what else do I need on my hard carrying hostcels list
talk to Hewg and you'll know
Unfortunately. Thankfully mods will soon fix that.
The fp regen talisman is the single most cancerous addition to pvp in the game. As if it wasn't already hard to win the battle of attrition as an invader vs host+summons.
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ABSOLUTELY delusional ds2fag
Awful taste please kill yourself
That doesn't remove all of the problems. Social media and the internet have made people into complete degenerates. If you openly admitted to lusting over a little boy in a movie or video game or whatever, this wouldn't go well for you. Nowadays everyone just accepts this shit, it's not good.
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What goes in here?
Retard also fits

it should just Be BLACK BAYLE
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>he is blind to the path of Miquella the kind

Any straight man would eat that bussy.
quite literally irrelevant now that craftable starlight shards exist
You're proving my point you dull fuckwit.
>reduced the difficulty
Brother, it's been a week since release. Everyone realized the DLC isn't difficult except for phase 2 Radahn.
Can you imagine if rellana's other sword is her own moon greatsword she wanted to give messmer but repurposed it knowing he'd never love her back
lion doesn't have to be your first boss. You can go elsewhere and do it later. And i don't think upgrading rivers is going to solve your problem.
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Why did they ruin miquella and turn him into tranny groomer bait?
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Why does messmers snakes have wings?
>Miquella needs to do some kind of bullshit at the Gate of Divinity to become god
>Ranni just says "OK lmao good job" and doesnt have to do shit
Our characters can be numen
>she plotted with ranni to kill godwyn
She did not.
I guess Hitler really was right.
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the DLC seems to actively revel in not making sense.
I remember my faith character hitting like a truck but now he feels like hitting like a wet noodle, and being way too more fp hungry I remembered.

And no, its not the blessings because its my second playthrought of the DLC and Im already at lv14 before fighting Hippo,
Still killed him easily but I needed way too much frost lightings than I expected,
Too much lore, please understand
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Miyazaki has literally infested his game with gays. Unironically. This was a plague about these generals. What has Miyazaki done?
says something about you if you see a little boy with long hair and instantly think about the sex appeal of it
>Marika killed some crazy space shit or whatever in the trailer
>Miquella just had to remove his own body parts or some shit
>You just summon Ranni
you rike?
post without radahn
It's only natural my wife is the best. But real talk we take the throne, erdtree, Elden Ring, and great runes for it, Miquella doesn't. He needs the gate to skip by all that stuff, Ranni has us do the legwork instead.
I almost agree, but for me it's:
Ranni never became a God
>get home
>new smoughtownkino just dropped 4 hours ago
>already beat the dlc
time to start a new playthrough while listening to it
if ranni is 100% responsible for the death of godwyn because of the black knife assassins then marika is also 100% responsible
Not fucking true and not only do the JP translations of the items prove you wrong, this entire fucking DLC makes it very clear Marika did everything she could to protect and elevate her children with how much she cared for Messmer.
they are slowly evolving into dragons
>It's 3, actually. The part below Manus Metyr is pretty much the same as the bell areas.
I mean sure but that's just a short little jaunt and it looking the same as the ones in the Hintherlands would have been fine, no biggy.
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You guys convinced me that Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are the best games out there. You also said that Elden Ring sucks by comparison. So you know what I did? I bought that shit including a console.
A used PS4 plus Dark Souls 3 AND Bloodborne for $135 was practically a steal.

What am I in for, bros?
pontiff brainrot
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The funniest thing about this theory is that it somehow survived the Books of Knowledge straight up disproving it. The Night of Black Knives is explicitly, from FromSoft's own mouth, a Ranni-only plot with zero involvement from Marika. It's comprehensively contradicted by the developer's own canonical text and still somehow it survives in contravention of basic reality.
Dark Souls 3 is overrated
Bloodborne is simply trash
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i have to say i think dark souls lore and story was way better than this george martinified shit full of "intrigue"
You're in for a great game whose flaws have largely been forgotten because it's incredibly annoying to replay. And Dark Souls 3, I guess.
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One of her melina memories literally tells her kids "git gud or git fucked".
>In Marika's own words. Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices...
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>What am I in for, bros?
Did Marika start Omenciding because they reminded her of the Hornsent?
I love DS3 and Bloodborne. They are KINO. But they aren't better than Elden Ring. It mostly comes down to preference. If you like exploring and taking your time, you'll love Elden Ring more. If you like a more linear, actionpacked experience, the older Souls games are more your thing.
Your response, Marika-fags?

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Ranni literally declares the Age of Stars, which is the same speech Miquella says when he comes back as a God.
>Marika was actually the best mom ever headcanon is spreading
She only cared for Messmer. And, assuming she could seal Messmer's curse, the same could've been done to Morgott and Mohg, or Malenia.
Funny enough, Morgott seals his Omen curse in his sword. So it would really be possible.
nah ive done so many all bosses runs now i want to make an optimal route for whatever build i want and that itself is fun
fun place if your ignore the sperg from erg
>6. Ivory king
>5. Ringed city
>4. Sunken king
>3. Atrorias
Very memorable, but a little short.
>2. old iron king
>1. SOTE
Is ok. I like the base game better.

My grandmother died from alzheimers but i don't know if that's relevant.
Why didn't you just buy DS3 on PC dummy?
get jolan from after the tranny quest and give her iris of grace, get anna from hinterlands, then combine them
BB is good but the FPS is fucking ass.
DS3 is ok.
evolution is too slow. we're not built for this environment at all, that's the problem. we have no defense against it. the human mind was never meant to be able to handle so much information, or going from a small tribe of 100 people to literally billions from all different cultures.
>noo all fromsoft dlcs are disconnected, sote is no exception!
>what about the ringed city?
>uhhh uhh
Marika probably cared about messmer up until godwyn was born lol
Ranni is using the existing power of the divinity inherent in Marika to remake the order of the world from the Golden Order/Elden Ring into her Age of Stars.
Miquella tried to basically create an entirely new divine order/Ring out of nothing. He had to do what Marika first did, because he could not actually beat the other shard bearers and gain enough of their runes to reform the existing Elden Ring, not to mention the fact that he wanted to suplant Marika, not being her consort.
She started Omenciding because their existence was evidence of the weakening of the Golden Order.
>Funny enough, Morgott seals his Omen curse in his sword. So it would really be possible.
NTA but Messmer only has a serpent writhing inside him which "only" needs to be kept dormant. Morgott has a full-body genetic mutation. They're not the same. Morgott is clearly still an Omen even with his curse in his sword.
Messmer is unironically making me ask when it's my turn. His combos are so fucking drawn out but you can't even disengage because they all shit arena-wide fire AoEs
Retarded ranking
>nigger tries to argue
>his math adds up to 200%
Checks out
>Dark Souls 3
Whoever told you that is a retard
I have replayed the base game 6 times and I still have like 5 other builds I want to play through the game with
numen is a character creation option lol
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I don't use twitter so I have no response.
It's not a threat, it's a warning. Her shaman village didn't "git gud" so they "git fucked" into jars.
Omen are literally a Hornsent curse.
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bros... should I?
>not being her consort.
>tfw no twink shota x mommy incest plotline
read the lore
I have a feeling that I'll be struggling with both games seeing as I have zero experience with controllers.
So I've heard. The Lovecraftian theme of Bloodborne is very appealing.
LOL what in damnation is that?
I've played Elden Ring for about 1300 hours and love the game - and the DLC. Might even pick up Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice or whatever it's called since it's on sale now.
See pic rel. I have it on PC, but I primarily got the console for Bloodborne - DS3 was just a bonus.
It seems to run OK thus far, but I don't know.
I feel that. I was a smart kid for my age and my parents gave my a computer at an early age. Never checked what I was doing or looking at. Never had a conversation about these things. They simply didn't care. Having access to so much information turned me into some kind of knowledge addict. Especially stuff that is very messed up / obscure. Can't say that any of it did me any good.
>He had to do what Marika first did
And what would that be
>because he could not actually beat the other shard bearers
Malenia is the strongest and Miquella is not weak. He's a 99/99 int/fai chad.
Ranni possibly had an entirely different outer god on her side though
bro your destructo disc?
You would if you saw…you absolutely would.
imagine Marika getting whipped with the tooth-whip and then watching an abomination of flesh crawling out of a jar faintly reminding her of a beloved that was arrested by the hornsent
Messmer's curse is way different than an Ayylmao's trolling from afar with the other cursed children.
It also makes you wonder if the Abyssal and God Devouring Serpents are terrestrials and/or Crucible based in origin
yes I can drop you 1,692,748,671 runes if you pauy me
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Messmer is great and I like his role in the story as is. My problem is that Messmer hands from software a win so all they have to do is walk across the finish line with an okay at best boss at the end but they shit the bed and give us pic related.
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What the fuck
BB is great. Make sure to not finish the game before you've found and eaten 3 umbilical cords.
Try Lies of P before Sekiro. It will make the transition in gameplay less jarring.
>It seems to run OK thus far, but I don't know.
It's locked to 30 FPS and still suffers quite a few frame drops. After killing the first boss, its death animation will probably drop a fuckload of frames. Shit happens way too much, maybe this is because I'm too used to constant 60 FPS from PC though.
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>Morgott has a full-body genetic mutation. They're not the same. Morgott is clearly still an Omen even with his curse in his sword.
It does stop him from infecting others, though.
It does make me wonder, if Hornsents are just Omen, then is the whole "curse" thing true? But then to be honest only Morgott and Mohg look like them, with horns only in the face.
Blade aloft, blood afire...
>LOL what in damnation is that?
It's a pig wallhacking me in an FRC Chalice Dungeon, which is BB's main gameplay loop after the 1P, and the coolest shit From ever did.
The thunderous clapping of thick sweaty thighs as Nepheli and Freyja scissor
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Normal people moved on and only autists remained. The last souls game was released 8 years ago, and the last content for that game was released 7 years ago. You cannot expect discussion to remain high quality, or even normal quality, for that long with no new content for what is essentially a singleplayer game with a multiplayer minigame attached to it.
Lorefags I have a question. Is Radagon's origin expanded on in SOTE?
>i'm a cuckservative and hate globalization
>but i also need to play world police to get rid of things i don't like that i see coming out of asia
>i must conquer, colonize and subsequently blame the inevitable pozzing after finding out i can't hold any territory
You can't be an isolationist chud while wanting to police others everywhere. Pick one thing and commit, don't overextend yourself.
>”curse” turns you into a 10ft tall gigachad with cool horns
does the new changes make much of a difference?
Absolute biggest waste of money. You’re legitimately retarded if you have trouble getting runes.
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>throws love and compassion away
>still loves radahns cock
It's really something to behold.. Video games being entertaining and not just a political tool. What a concept.
it's marika fucking a wolf, nothing special
i bet she's she comes if you bite her during sex
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Only sensible NPC in this entire DLC.
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>Go for lightning perfume just to help in co-op
>dude summons 2 people
>has skibidi level 4
>boss has gargillion HP
Yaba-dabba-doo fragments were a mistake.
i bought a used ps4 for $60 and a used goty copy for $10 last year. it's really fun but you're missing out if you don't have the dlc
i assume you haven't seen freyja without a helmet?
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Invasions have turned me into a fucking goblin
How do I feel less gay using the White Mask? I just wanna pump my Ghiza Wheel AR even higher but it's just so ugly.
>and not just a political tool
I mean to be fair The Church was literally conducting human experiments and dissapearing people and committing genocides to cover it up. It's kind of political.
>Malenia is the strongest and Miquella is not weak. He's a 99/99 int/fai chad.
I dunno anon, but the situation was a stalement before we came along that much is made clear. We're the first guys since Vyke to get 2 runes.
You rike that? Ancient Nippon code compiled over 1000 times!
If you attack the grandam she tells you about the curse. Hornsent are not Omen, but the Omen curse is the Wrath of the Hornsent and the Crucible. It is a legitimate curse fueled in resentment. That's the reason Dung Eater can curse people.
If this anon's write up is air tight, Messmer was living in Leyndell with the other Godfrey and Radagon children (not the selfcest twins, they weren't born yet) and was THE Son of Marika in the eyes of everyone of the Golden Order. He was also armed and blessed by all of the Erdtree's allies including the Carians before going off to genocide the Hornset. He was basically Marika's will embodied.
Cool Off Topic post.
The fuck are you talking about, faggot? I'm saying that internet and social media have turned people into sinful degenerates. I'm not some extreme conservative or whatever. But I don't think that it's normal to just over little boys and girls. The fact that people do this, openly, is fucking weird. For the record, I'm not saying that Elden Ring or FROMSOFT games in general are the problem here. Nothing in the lore is sexual and nothing about Miquella is weird in the game. I'm talking about the people online.
just don't use it
What's the best ash of war for Backhand blades
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uhhh, bro?

your waves of piss?

your gold bug talisman?

your Palace Approach albinuracs?
I can feel the anticipation in this webm.
>i bought a used ps4 for $60 and a used goty copy for $10 last year. it's really fun but you're missing out if you don't have the dlc
I'll get it once I've done a full playthrough.
But it's 10% on bleed. That's fucking huge. My AR went up to 2600 once.
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The spot where all Miquella frens lost their minds and their hearts
Do you do everything or do you just go to the items you want?
Go full surgeoj instead of being a white mask bull goat. NURSE, PIZZA CUTTER.
Bros I've been playing w the watchdogs greatsword for most of the DLC but I want to switch to a DLC weapon, what do I choose?
I haven't done messmer but I found him, I found the dragon and the sunflower, I just beat saint of the bud.
I don't mind respec'ing, what should I play with?
Honestly the only time MP a fun minigame is watching people get snipped by cannons and greatbows.
blind spot pve swift slash pvp. blind spot avoids TONS of boss attacks even the giga tracking ones
>no marika footjob
man fuck this game. 0/10
It is because Miquella decided to go into the shadow realm instead of helping his sister and finish off Radahn. He makes use of incantations and, at the very least, his sister has the hope of getting better. Can't say the same for Radahn though.
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forgot pic
Yeah. I think even in one of the churches he preaches war. Her grace guides you in shadowlands with one purpose: to finish what she started and kill them all.
thats the spell that spams slashes of light?
Funny how Morgott and Mohg, despite being omens, are the only demigods who have literally never done anything wrong, and are more victims than anything.
Is quality the best way to use the Great Katana?
multilayered ring of light, gotten from the main path of the fissure legacy dungeon
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here's the source for my image if you're interested, he does a lot of good stuff:
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>use taunter's tongue
>swift slash
>swift slash
>swift slash
>swift slash
>swift slash
Anon they are both literal war criminals.
Greatsword of solitude
Nah it’s for picking your teeth
most dlc weapons are dual stat so hard to answer with you talking about only a str weapon
stick to vanilla weapons/gear
dlc weapons were a mistake and dogshit
Get a better pc
>don't talk to this npc you come across naturally after picking up an item you just came across before talking to some other npc
why does fromsoft keep doing this
>The fuck are you talking about, faggot?
The WW3 suggestion. You brought it up, not me.
Putrescence cleaver is dogshit
his aoe spears are also a little wonky ;^)
well, it IS a boss weapon, so...
Mohg still started a fucked up blood cult
That is the main problem with the internet. Pretty much all human beings have messed up thoughts. But in the past, people would just ignore them and go on with their lives. The internet has created a place where people can, instead of ignoring these thoughts, delve into them. That is not good.
The WW3 thing was just a joke. I didn't mean it. I just used it to overstate that we have a massive problem.
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how do you even parry this 8 foot whore
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Press L2
But then don't you think Messmer should have been talked about somewhere in the base game? I struggle to see why they couldn't just do an Artorias situation
Actually screw that, what about Melina? If we assume Messmer is the first and Melina the second, then she should have interacted with the other demigods, minus the selfcest twins
Probably this one (timestamped)
Another beautiful day. Time to masturbate to St Trina's cute sleeping face again. I love her so
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>messmer stays obedient to marika until literally his dying breaths, cursing her
If only he'd come around sooner
With my cock between her tits
Usually I do most everything but on my no teleport character I skipped some things like mount gelmir
>the real reason Marika had to exile Maliketh was because she was too addicted to getting plapped down by canine cock to focus on ruling the land

Suddenly it all makes sense.
very carefully
I accidentally triggered the Messmer cutscene but quit out. Is the hornsent/Leda fight fucked?
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Holy fuck those fuckers in darklight catacombs do so much damage
60 vig, heaviest armour, greatshield tali and 10 skibidi and I get one shot
i press l2 but i keep getting hit
Leading a murderhobo cult is wrong even if your young stepbro consented to sex
He is a Golden Order fanatic.
just learn the timing
>turn on taunters tongue on my level 20 while i complete the game
>first invader is using swift slash
>about to die as i get help from a blue
>blue is using swift slash
>turn off taunters tongue
Remove that ash from the game please.
I like its moveset though. I'm thinking double slash as the ash, just having some trouble figuring out a good stat spread for it.
Are those the ones that pierce you and bounce the shot off the wall so it hits you twice?
Oh Im str/fair of course, but i really don't mind any playstyle. I guess I should've asked what you guys have been playing with instead of talking about my dipshit self
If I upgrade the anvil hammer am I going to regret it
Topkek. That is a much more funny way to explain what I was saying. Thanks for that. I'm not even going to pretend that I have never done anything bad or that I haven't done some retarded and degenerate things. But what is most baffling to me is that people do it out in the open. To me, that is much, much worse. Because you're also infecting and spreading others with your problems. You need to work on them by yourself and not let it spread even more.
it's magic damage anon, use the mdef talisman, cast magic fort, the best way to deal with them is stealth and/or gravity though
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>leda thinks so little of human nature that she murdered the entirety of miquella's elite knights, and tries to kill the hornsent, even when he's loyal
>her own paranoid human nature is the reason miquella brainwashed her and the others
She cared up until the end. She only "abandoned" him when she herself was physically shattered. Her speech just before the shattering was her hope for her children to pick up the pieces of the Golden Order. After 5000 years, they all decayed and destroyed each other, twisting themselves into something far worse than the original Golden Order. They all failed without Marika. And more importantly they failed the rest of the world. They were supposed to be the arbiters. And they failed. That's why grace tells the tarnished to mercy kill them and put them out of their collective miseries.
Saved. that was satisfying. fuck co-opers and their "frens".
Where can I find the co-op/invasion symbols to check?
who draws disgusting retarded tumblr shit like this unrionically anymore in 2024
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My edgelord wife
Reminder to always check your hosts scadu level if you get summoned for Radahn, point down and hurl yourself off the bridge when you see walking trash like this.
the fuck is that picture supposed to be
>Carian Retaliation
you didn't parry the boss
It instantly throws you to NG+ btw.
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>people think messmer was born with the snake
I think Messmer was used to contain the snake. Rhykard tells you a serpent never dies.
Messmer was used to contain what's essentially a snake god (possibly what was left of the GEQ but that's entirely head canon) and the seal is what keeps it from taking over his body.

Messmer is hated because of what his mother had him do, not just the genocide, but containing the serpent.
Yes. But on the bright side, you can now save Ansbach. I actually don't know whether Leta goes after him if you side with Hornsent.
Yes I think so. But you can still progress their quests.
who's their dad?
no it's pretty good. i used rellana twinswords but they kinda suck ass if you are low level. backhand blades are really fun and good. for str/fai any of the black knight weapons get a big damage boost when sacred affinity, and the hammer has special radagon smash guardcounter, really cool. if you want to bonk the sunflower boss weapon is solid.
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Which one do you wish had fought alongside you?
Messmer was abandoned in the shadow realm before she became a statue, tho, no?
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what gesture do you do here?
>base game
>you have to race against your host's inevitable retardation before they walk themself off a cliff like a lemming
>the host's inevitable retardation is forced on you
>do solitude GS cosplay as soon as i get that gear
>use pulley crossbow (until i get the new one)
>use explosive bolts for trash mobs, use bleed bolts for bosses

this is actually legitimately a good build in PvE lmao.
pliant according to the files
>Jolán and Anna were born in a cold, dark gaol, where they were raised, deprived of light, to be Swordhands of Night. Thus were they cultivated to become the most terrifying masters of their blades, though the burden of the deed left their hearts frail and pliant.
Which lens did you pick for her?
It looks good ane theres noty8hing wrong with tumblr, retard
And either way havve you seen the cutsc3ne where she becomes the godess of rot? Like when sh3s standing up she l9oks weirdly gangly and broad, that's just how her model is
are golden vow, flame grant me strength, and other buffs useless if you're not going for a meme glass cannon 1 shot build?
they only last like 30 - 60 seconds
are you just supposed to use the talisman that extends the duration?
Convincing Leda to help you murder Miquella would have been fun
give one example of this
the ones i got
The next Elden Ring should have a permanent companion that follows you around everywhere
I wish they wouldnt have suddenly inexplicably died right after the Radhan fight.
Occultation, obviously
Me but with Miquella, I'm on a 4th day streak.
She doesn't.
dane would have been a great ally. he knew my strength warranted a crown... surely, he would have came to his senses after the charm broke.
I saw a bunch of messages by it saying try gesture
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Miquella the Lesser
30 seconds is a pretty decent duration. If you can fit them on a build then there's really no reason in not using it.
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Fog Rift Catacombs, the first cannoneer imp that's up on that ledge: how do I get there? I see some flowers I could grab. Been everywhere in the dungeon except that ledge.
another sex slave ash, perfect
>use bleed bolts for bosses

honestly i have to say one of the things i hate most about this game is how shit ranged is besides status effects. i'd love to shoot explosive bolts that actually did fuck-all for damage for a change against bosses instead of being absolutely useless.
how do you accidentally walk into a boss room????
you precast them and get a while at the start of the fight where you're strong. some bossfights allow for buffing in the middle.
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Code Vein CHADS will rise again
I love St Trina so much
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I fucking love these things
they turned me from a firefag to a lightninglord
didn't even have to change my stats
>cant saving trina
If there's one thing I fucking hate in Souls games it's the never ending doom and gloom.
that's what radahn greatbow is for
type normally you retarded snowflake faggot
I keep forgetting to use the greataxe one more
Just a little trial and error. This was my most success with her parries even though I died immediately second phase. My actual win was much less impressive but still utilized this same timing where possible. Her second phase is when I have the most trouble parrying because when it gets flashy my retard brain gets overstimulated. Something worth noting: Her attack where she dashes around you to attack from the side is basically a free parry. And it's pretty easy to bait if you just light attack her once. At least while using a Claymore.
yes but you can still summon Hornsent in Messmer's room so you're still good minus the ash you get from saving him
What's the max level and how does it affect player summons?
I mean she just wants to sleep forever and she is, I think she's fine
>I go now, to the night sky. It is there I shall find mine order.
She says that right after we put the ring on her, I'm pretty sure it implies there are additional steps to her plan that we are just not shown.
>Uses both hands to force her giant belly vagina open to birth finger creepers mid battle.
Never noticed that move before.
and no pvp, since they clearly don't give a shit.
i liked her...
Isn't that the statue at the ruins of Rauh? You don't do any gesture there
The place where you have to do the gesture is in the room with the Marika statue to the right of the Shadow Keep Back Gate site of grace, where there's an ingame, offline message
The emote is "O Mother" which you get in the northeast of Bonny Village near a withered tree
how the fuck are you shooting a DLC boss with a slow-ass fucking greatbow?
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Radahn is a lot of fun if you're a medium shield chad. I've been enjoying him a lot at skibidi +8. Parrying and blocking remain undefeated. Also Miriam's Vanishing enables some absolutely kino dodges on some of his moves.
>Used [companion] for bosses? You didn't beat the game.
red frejya and ANSUBACHA
most bosses have just enough time to cast a big spell or skill every 20 seconds or so
Why are you even here? These games are literally civilization is over and there's nothing but despair.

>N-no my game can't be humiliation ritual or suffering porn it's actually a great story that should be taken seriously

Fucking lorefags are embarassing
fucking love the longhaft holy shit
>relatively reasonably-sized head instead of anime fuckhuge
>crescent moon r2s
>fun as fuck ash of war
>meaningful lightning damage access for str
>can just pay the fai tax or build on it for buffs like golden vow/dragonbolt blessing
its like miyazaki heard my prayers
Everyone gets the hosts scadu level, if you have 10 at the end boss it's entirely pointless to even go through the fog gate because the host will get oneshotted and you will do zero damage.
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>the password phantom immediately tried to swift backhand me
>host died to the PvE while the buttbuddy was trying to cheese me
these are the people saying the game is too hard btw
it's so much fucking fun flattening fuckers from the top rope
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Starting a new character for the dlc, or using an endgame character already lying around?
It's a pitch-black room so I can understand how that anon didn't immediately recognize that it was a boss arena.
but you can talk to them in any order
only if it's like sekiro and it's completely offline with no ability to summon your buttbuddies to beat the game for you. i could use another journie meltdown.
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>the dual axes have the shitty dual-axe moveset
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how come sometimes when I'm cooping the right most bit of a boss's hp bar is greyed out?
a jar
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Freyja, especially if the schizo theory is true that Radahn was merely using Mquella and Freyja was on to something
How is it that other souls likes can code the enemies to not hit you through walls but From can’t?
Depends if you want to play through the whole game again.
thrusting shield is a new weapon type that has a real moveset. its my main weapon now. it guards on traded blows innately when 2handed
Isn't the one that spams small blades better?
Multilareyed the enemy just moves away from it
Is there a better place to farm golden fireflies than the lake in weeping peninsula with like 10 of them? It's annoying because it's filled with mosquitoes so you can't fast travel out.
Miyazaki threw axe players a bone with this one
it's a wonderful weapon, good power behind it, and like you Said it's not anime fuk huge which is a giant complaint of mine
literally my new favorite weapon
They sealed the boss's HP with Destined Death
i guess. it's just doesn't seem worth the tedium of casting and recasting before every attempt. saves you maybe a couple r1s against radahn?
no I do not accept that excuse as valid there is a millions signs that it is a boss arena. he didn't accidentally trigger the cutscene he did it intentionally because he was too dumb to realize it might have consequences.
i don't know
i sort of do because it's been two years, but i also don't because it's like 60 hours
Destined death ash of war / spell reduces max hp and also deals that much damage, so it's a great opener.
replace moore with a cleanrot knight who you convince to side with you because miquella abandoned malenia
most of the damage is from the initial impact, just spam it instead of charging
Black blade.
Elden Ring is... bad now!?!?!?!?!
have you played around with the twin axes at all anon?
the most important buff for radahn is holy damage resist which lasts 90 seconds and is well worth recasting
There was a message in front of it and I wanted to see what it said and accidentally opened the door instead.
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Aside of Miquella's rune breaking when you approach shadow keep, there are any points where quests can get broken?
yeah unfortunately they do suffer from that
it's not the worst thing on the planet but damn if it ain't disappointing
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>My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which you desire. Be it a lord. Be it a god.
I heard that the JP script makes it more clear that when she says this, she means that they HAVE to become either one of those, with no other option but being piled as sacrifices. I can't speak Japanese so I don't know how true that is.
Everything good is bad actually.
anyone test if the scriptsmith can dual wield throw? im not talking about the dagger, i wanna toss two hammers
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did rellana die a virgin
This thing is fucking horrifying, I love it. Ever since I saw those cut animations for the Two Fingers I was always wondering what a boss fight with them or something similar to them would be like.
Elden Ring literally makes it possible for you to fix everything, as opposed to dark souls
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what's a good dex/faith or dex/arc build in the dlc?
I actually wanted to try dragon too but do they even have a good melee option now? i dont wanna cast spells on trash mobs
>go back to the base game
>everything there suddenly feels boring and slow after SOTE
>so now I can only have fun in the DLC
burn tree
approach romina before making hornsent angery he won't invade you anymore
>poke Radahn to death for the hostcel
>All they have to do is not die to meteor
>Die to meteor
how's the Black Steel Greathammer on STR with min faith reqs? was thinking of throwing sacred blade on it for the buff, idk what the best holy damage buff would be though.
>play lies of p
>get used to perfect guarding
>come back to elden ring
>stamina gets absolutely fucked from blocking attacks instead of rolling
>Miquella, become a God or be a sacrifice
I did
I used them all the way up until I managed to get the longhaft
took em pass Rellana and Messmer

like a previous anon said they suffer from the shitty dual axe moveset, but it's not the end of the world they're serviceable

I found thst while the AoW doesn't really have hyper armor it's super useful for stacking prosthesis/rotten wing insignia
I'd mainly use it for that or to gap close then swing normally
use the perfect blocking tear anon
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hey anons, two questions if you don't mind:
1) how to do i get up to pic related right above the starting area? i've tried circling it from what feels like every angle, including the red side, which brings me to question
2) how do you kill the fire wickermen that have armored ankles? i've discovered two so far and no amount of melee attacks or thrown lightning bolts seems to affect their health or stagger. are they just invulnerable or is there a trick?
Post YFW going through Scorpion River Catacombs
every single grab attack in every single from game is bullshit
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It sucks but it's the greatest game of all time by far
What is the "Blood Oath" that the description of Ansbach's clothes talks about?
beast claws sorta work for a dragon meme
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she was allowed to boop the snout once
theres a perfect guard physick, the earliest new one you can get actually
>dude what if bosses never stopped attacking lmao
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Last day I'm posting about the poll
Make sure to vote!
that's in the dlc, i have to get there first
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they did it before messmer get depressed
mohg spells
Anon just look at the map.... The road leading to the place you want to go is clearly visible.
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Would you watch it?
i havent tried it like that desu, but ive done it the other way around, with fai pump and min str. an d it fucks.
yeah i noticed that there are some attacks that dont even use both axes, it felt super weird when i tried em out. sounds like longhaft will be the way to go overall
i can get away with occult scaling with it despite it having a low innate bleed right?
>Ranni herself admits that she did it all
Ranni in game isn't able to accomplish anything by herself, it's basically a gag that you have to do everything. So Marika setting things up so she could somehow get a chunk of the rune of death is practically required
>the killing of Godwyn serves no purpose for Marika at all who clearly wanted him as a candidate for Lordship
she canonically knew the GO was a fraud and was subtly working to undermine it, Ymir in the DLC confirms this even more. So why would she want to be replaced and also enforce something she doesn't support?
>the FIRST PIECE of lore we ever get about Marika is that she shattered the Elden Ring because she was DISTRAUGHT by Godwyn's death
so distraught she gathered her kids and gave them great runes and instructions to fight for power, right before she supposedly makes an emotional move to shatter it on impulse and tells Hewg to make a god slaying weapon, while previously setting up Godfrey and the tarnished to be ready to kill the Elden Beast
getting consistent invasions in 150
guess im stuck here
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they deserved better
The demigods are corny, would rather see more focus on the tarnished
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Why do that when I can read it?
I think that was the point. From Leda's mouth:
>It was never Kindly Miquella, was it? The Erdtree was leading you all along.
>So that you might ascend to lordship.
>Why come to these lands to begin with?
>I suppose it must be what his Eminence, or perhaps the Erdtree, desired all along?
>The clashing of the favoured lords, such that one would prevail?
>So be it.
If Miquella can't get past (You), Marika's Lord, then he doesn't deserve to be a god.
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1. Walk
2. Throw hefty pots on the top of their head
Why the fuck did they give Radhan 1 (ONE) mohg bloodflame attack and THAT"S IT. isnt it supposed to be using his body? why did they add only one, either use more or none at all its SO FUCKING RETARDED.
>tfw no dragon claw weapon
it was right fkin there
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goofy face
Was Messmer a good brother?
Saw some youtube guy try it with the gravity twirl thing from commander gay ass. Try that
So is there some trick to the fire golem or are you really just supposed to whack at its feet for 10 minutes and hope it doesn't instakill you with its double foot stomp before you can get far away?
Genuinely a dogshit enemy design.
>decent playthrough of Elden Ring takes 100+ hours playing blind
>Average souls game is 15-25 hours at most, even less for follow ups
not really surprising, FROM really needs to add the ability to replay bosses without doing a full playthrough. Needed even more just due to the size of the game
note that sacred blade's attack increase is flat and doesnt scale with faith, however the projectile does scale with faith. so weird. might be better to go heavy so you can enchant it with spells/grease
>japanese name for shaman village is miko village
Reddit doesn't like Messmer because of the Hornsent genocide
longhaft is the superior choice to the twins
which stands true to life
more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
>10 minutes
Use the highest poise damage weapon you have, dragonmaw staggers them super quick and even lifts you off the ground dodging their fire stomp.
Now the ones with armored legs on the other hand are fucking dogshit
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>Messmer x Rellana already has more fanart than Miquella x Radahn
How does this even happen?
That shit doesn't do any fucking damage and I'm running a 45 INT/FTH build right now.
thanks for the update bro, keep us posted on any new developments with what reddit is saying, everyone is really interested
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I can still do the Hoslow invasion after killing Rykard as long as I get the letter before, right?
Thank you for the reassurance, anvil+9 does like 200 more damage than heavy WDGS and it feels fun and fresh. Much appreciated
The manga is Kino.
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Best strength weapon in the game unironically

Status buildup of a greataxe

The R1 hits are fast as fuck and very enjoyable

Fuck slow colossals and greataxes, just use a warped axe with two hands and you'll have a much more flexible and enjoyable game. And you are still just as powerful
cuz its not a golden order incant dummy
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To Radahn? Yes
I don't get why people say this DLC is too hard. Aside from the final battle everything else is either a decent challenge or undertuned. Did the faggots who said this initially just rush through the entire thing without gathering any skibidis, or did the final boss sour their whole experience?
Wouldn't it have just made more sense for it to have been Godwyn that Miquella chose to resurrect ?

Like there is death symbolism all over the DLC. You can even keep the Miquella is actually evil plotline but just make him some misguided femboy Doctor Frankstein who grafts together a new body for Godwyns soul. OH NO HE HAS CREATED A MONSTER BUT OUT OF COMPASSION, OHHH SO MORALLY GREY, just like Miyazaki likes.

Radahn just feels like a last minute ass pull and the fight even plays like it.
if you want to use a UGS this DLC use the fire knight GS
has the GOAT moveset and can stick your choice of ash on it
What the fuck is it then?
>she plotted with ranni to kill godwyn
nah, that claim was always dubious but the DLC put it to rest completely. her motivations are very obvious: her people were killed and she was so literally cosmically buttmad about this that she genocided the hornsent and removed death from the elden ring entirely so that nobody she loved would ever die again. then, when ranni cheats the system and kills godwyn anyway she goes apeshit ("driven to the brink") and decides to tear the whole thing down. the only reason the tarnished are able to be successful is because she completely crippled the lands between by shattering the elden ring. enemies that we fight as bosses used to be employed in the hundreds or thousands - just look at all of the war scenes in the cinematics. if our tarnished rolled up to a full strength golden age lands between, we'd have been toast.
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>mindbreak Leda into serving you
Would have been kino.
This guy just melts with cold Great Katana + SLC. Beat him on my first try
you find a note telling the soldiers "and dont let me catch you tossing the fire pots in them! the whirlwind ones" or something like that. the secret is twofold. you can use it to kill or wake. notice how theres always a cliff at just the right height around those armored guys?
He was to Radahn apparently
but muh le heckin wholesome warlord
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caria supremacy
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there are hints to an impaler heretic but I don't think they say his name
It's a combination of people going straight ot the divine beast before exploring much and getting stonewalled, then doing the same thing again on rellana and messmer, aswell as the radahn fight. Everything inbetween that is honestly fair and fun
probably got soured by radahn, i know i was
I know right? I bare fisted it sl1 with no skadoodie frags first try didn't even die.
Like just git gud skrubs frfr xd
thanks, and dang was really hoping to not interact with the crafting and especially not with the stupid pots. guess they're forcing me to. i hope the cracked tears are worth it.
>he listened
oh no no no
its a good game, but is way too overhyped by every one
Is this from the smelly omens in the sewer?
He did not beat me so he cannot become a god. It's war and he lost.
it's a mainstream game like call of duty, so you're bound to have a copious amount of retards.
>Ranni in game isn't able to accomplish anything by herself,
No shit, because the Stars are arresting her destiny, and she's in a doll body. A doll body that she didn't have until she had the Black Knives kill her body. She was very well capable of stealing the Rune of Death by herself. The text is unambiguous that the person who ordered the Night of the Black Knives and the one who stole the Rune of Death are the same person, Ranni.
>She canonically knew the GO was a fraud and was subtly working to undermine it, Ymir in the DLC confirms this even more. So why would she want to be replaced and also enforce something she doesn't support?
This argument makes zero sense whatsoever. Godwyn doesn't stand in the way of her undermining the GO, nor does him becoming Lord reinforce it. Her entire purpose behind the Shattering is to get a new Lord and kill the Elden Beast. Nothing about this requires Godwyn to die.
>so distraught she gathered her kids and gave them great runes and instructions to fight for power, right before she supposedly makes an emotional move to shatter it on impulse and tells Hewg to make a god slaying weapon, while previously setting up Godfrey and the tarnished to be ready to kill the Elden Beast
Congrats you figured out that the Shattering was a planned event. Nothing about the Shattering in any way, shape or form requires the Night of Black Knives. In fact Marika's probability of success is reduced because many of her candidates are slain during it, Godwyn included. You've conflated and confused the Shattering and the NoBK with each other. The NoBK made her reach for the hammer sooner, but she'd have done it even without it.
>go to abyssal woods
>mad sheep

nice horror section
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Yes, nothing better than a cute and deluded villainess.
>So. The Haligtree, now but a husk... I heard speculation Miquella embedded himself in the Haligtree, but before he could finish, someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form.
>Indeed, it seems those words held weight. How vexing. That the All-knowing didn't have the full story...
>Perhaps the Queen's sorrow was justified...
what did he mean by this
I was talking about it's weapon art.
>winter lantern enemy you kill by parryibg a grab
It's literally just a Bloodborne refernce.
>put summon sign down for final boss
>everyone using some form of great shield or perfume for Radhan
How long until everyone starts shitting on the fight?
Godwyns soul is destroyed. Destined death is apparently deletion.

Even so they could have finished the story with Miquella attempting to still fix him after he became a god and it causes it to go insanely worse, like cosmic eldritch death god insanity worse.
it's empty.
Miquella was probably Marika's favored candidate for godhood before he went apeshit and she sent (You) to put him down.
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so fucking same
its a miquellan incant anon
its a very small school but a school nonetheless
it has its own seal, too
>Wouldn't it have just made more sense for it to have been Godwyn that Miquella chose to resurrect ?
What is the best frenzied flame build
sekiro really made parrying easy by making it spammable

and because i never bothered parrying in previous darouk souls now i cant parry for shit

sakiro is baby's first parrying
Godwyn's soul was completely destroyed, there is nothing to resurrect. The only thing you could try is putting a soul in his tumor body, but that would just be what Miquella did using Mohg's body but worse
Easier to farm from the coffin area around the Atlus lift grace
where is that?
Is there anything lorewise in the shaman village?
the retard is still wrong. he clearly think Marika cared about Miquella being kidnapped when there is no indication of that and every indication that not only did Marika want most of her kids to kill each other but Godwyns death is what pushed her over. You gotta remember all the Tarnished, including Giddy, only came back recently.
I have no idea why you got triggered by that post when my point was literally the opposite, that people didn't use skibidis.
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She's not even that exceptionally hot but something about her drives me towards lust.
This place feels like it was worked on last or like... They just ran out of time? There's just nothing in there.
Ok fair enough but my Golden Order seal still only has like 10 scaling less than 80 FTH Erdtree seal so it should still deal good damage even without a seal buff.
There's a hole in the wall
so it's the same old tired trope of the gwyn we fight is at 0.000000001% of his real power
eh, i wouldnt say the game is overtuned but the bosses are definitely designed to make you seethe so its kind of understandable that people rant online
there''s a big difference between story and lore
>Miko no Shinobi
Visions of wolf
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I don't think i'm ever going to get over just how fucking bad the ending is. Even though they went with a "the path to hell is paved with good intentions" type ending, it still culminates into a giant fucking nothing burger.










based retard
too bad they're both shit here
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how do i move this guy
Post the full image coward!
What's the actual solution for this btw? I ended up just doing a cheesy jump with torrent from one of the adjacent ruins, there were messages around the spot so I figure I'm not the only one, but I'm still not convinced that this was the actual solution, it seemed a bit to tricky to pull off to be intended
that would fit better with the road to hell paved with good intentions thing
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I feel like every single person right now in 4chan who shills the Deflecting Hardtear hasn't actually used it yet. I don't think they've even seen videos of people using it yet.
They just assume it works like Sekiro. And they like the idea of it working exactly like Sekiro.
But you still lose stamina for each deflect. And you're not doing poise damage with each deflect.
You're also still not going to deflect things like AOEs. Even god-level Japanese players on YouTube are only deflecting the easy combos and are still dodging tons of moves.
It's still an overall low DPS playstyle, since you can only really do meaningful damage with the enhanced guard counters. So you're spending lots of time waiting and just deflecting attacks and doing zero damage and waiting for combo enders where guard counters can be safely performed. Terrible, terrible DPS compared to other more efficient options.
Did you rike it?
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It's called the Saber syndrome.
>carian supremacy
>they instantly lose to dick
is it genetic or just the way carian princesses are raised?
I'm triggered. I'm another cool cat like you that's way too good at this ez game. I mean honestly I'm not even good at it, you don't have to be. It's just that easy.
no, resurrecting faggot brothers is a stupid theme, final boss should have been related to Marika and the Hornsent
any JP text you're interested in?
this is true
>get to the manse
>it's full of the same little gay inquisitor hag enemies that dont even fight back really, aswell as some rats and hollows
>it's really just a series of hallways
>there's 3 shortcuts but there's a bonfire infront and after them so they're genuinely pointless
atleast the boss was cool
this DLC feels severely rushed as a whole and the only finished thing (perhaps even overdesigned in most cases) are the bosses
>what am i in for
somewhat 20-23 FPS (constant 18 when a small flame appears somewhere on the screen) and headache from motion blur
oh also its le dark but wait...it gets...le darker!
Kill dragons
She can't beat the gay out of her kids anymore so she needs the tarnished to do it.
anything i can do to improve solitary moon slash besides strengthmaxxing and alex shard?
It would make more sense Miquella getting a 2nd DLC and Marika getting this one, get the Gloam Eyed Queen as a boss or something
The initial part was overtuned even with the skibidis you should realistically have by those points.
But, by the time you start getting to skibidi 12 or so, it becomes too easy.
for the love of god, someone please help me, when Radahn goes up into the air and slam back down with golden clones into 5 hit combo or whatever it is and big aoe at the end, how do you dodge the clones?
Thankfully Elden Ring allows both to exist just fine.
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I summoned Igon for the fight. This is a canon event and who am I to change that? The one and only time it felt completely correct.
RGB on your character's hair color, please?
The boss almost made up for the whole zone for me. That fucker was so cool.
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need melina messmer content
>Viglets in the Coliseum
this is stupid
How are guard counters supposed to work? Every attack is a combo, if you try to do the guard counter you just die
>still no proper armored dress
come on Miyazaki
also i'm not going to use a gay ass shield to take advantage of this shit
into the trash it goes
the cannon imp ash is in a chest i think. if you are talking about the orange drop from the big cannon imp enemy, its just a great gravewort
for the one where he's aerial you can just strafe
for the other one, nobody has figured it out yet. It's probably not possible to dodge
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>but Godwyns death is what pushed her over.
your timeline doesn't match up, Miquella had time to make a sword, a tomb was built for Godwyn, and do the shit at Castle Sol before the shattering and his kidnapping. The shattering apparently happened a decent amount of time after Godwyn's death
kind of? i was more saying the raw number of tree sentinels, giants, and war machines would've grinded the tarnished down. but, now that you mention it, yea basically everyone we fight is effectively a hollowed out shell of themselves with old crusty equipment and faded blessings/enchantments. godfrey's axe is broken, the sentinels have chipped shield with defective enchants, etc.
But you don't have to use a shield. A perfect deflect removes all physical damage negation when blocking with a weapon. Still, as I said, it's shit DPS overall.
You know I'm starting to think the Empyrean title is worthless. We now know the fingers haven't been getting order for at least as long as Marika has been a god. I don't think the title is worth anything and I'm starting to think "people who can become a god" is a lot less restrictive than we were lead to believe.
Game is fucking garbage you retarded fucking shill.
The map is empty and filled with garbage and has more repeated shit then new.
Bosses are overly aggressive spastic retards with particle effects obscuring the screen. Also the shadow fragments are put on the most random retarded places.

I beat the game and just because something is hard and you beat it doesn't make it fair and more importantly fun.
I'm never buying a from product at launch ever again because I think they don't know how to design bosses anymore
you do the guard counter at the end of their combo
or if you got a fast weapon you can weave it into some of them and still get back to blocking before the next hit
what the fuck
You guard the last attack and punish it with a guard counter. That's how it is.
found a hole in the wall in the back

temple town ruins
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they deserved better
Oh that makes sense
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Bros, I want to do a bear claw run without cheating or NG+ in as little main bosses as possible to maximize the remaining game I have to play with the claws.
How can I, a shitter, accomplish this?
Mainly I worry about fighting red bear himself. Is there an easy AI loop I can abuse to kill him with a low level character?
What remembrances am I looking at needing?
There is nothing that says he made the sword or did the eclipse bit pre-shattering. There is however a basic timeline from the trailer that says the night of the black knives led directly to the shattering. I think she was planning to do that anyway but Godwyn's death is what made her do it when she did.
If you wonder how boss design got to where we are now, just blame the people constantly going
>it's easy I beat it blind
while having no proof at all.
The Manse was actually a breathe of fresh air for me. I was pretty disappointed in the level design in the DLC aside from the final legacy dungeon and a couple of the smaller ones. I liked that the Manse was fairly linear with a cool aesthetic, with a couple of hidden walls behind paintings. Midra, the best boss in the dlc, screaming at you as you progressed was a nice touch to the atmosphere. I agree that it could have been more difficult to actually progress through though.
>item crafting is right at the bottom
As I expected.
It shouldn't have existed. Just have every craftable item be something you can purchase at a merchant. If you run out of a crafted item during a boss fight, you're not going to go into the menu to craft it while the boss is hounding you. This isn't Monster Hunter.
contrast of the pious knight image while actually being a murderous schizo yandere
is it even possible to solo bosses without being succedtree'd to the max and overleveled and without spending 10k hours learning every moveset
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>marika achieves godhood by using the divine gate
>gigantic pile of bodies
>miquella achieves god hood
>burnt charcoal all over the place
So was it like that when he got there, or where did miquella get the souls for his divinity?
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Baldur's Gate 3 or Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin?
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What's the good software to grab clips from Youtube videos? I have some ER footage I want to save.
Can I use Goldberg to get the dlc for free or do I have to pay
I gave it to him
yeah people didn't like that shit back in dark souls 1 and don't like it now
Non Scholar DS2.
Is the fog rift catacombs the worst fucking dungeon to invade holy shit i reached the end of this fucking place and the host is just hiding somewhere.
Just block the entire thing.
>is it possible to beat bosses without playing the game?
i've been trying to no hit R for 3 days and i've only managed it with the sekiro tear and the backstep talisman. there's just no way to avoid the 3 hit combo with the base moveset, i hate him lmao
Scholar DS2.
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i've only seen three dragons out in the wild so far, is that what you're referring to? still have to clear the one attacking those soldiers
>would rather marry a girl with a long shaft than a girl with a twin
Bayle is such a fucking joke. Killed him in one mana one bar with Shard Spiral and he didnt even go in to phase 2. I feel ripped off. Now I gotta watch a video to see his phase 2.

If this is supposed to be the optional super boss he needs like 100k more HP.
She's so pretty
no shit, it's literally just the 2 fingers picking strong people they think will help them attain more power. Think about it, if the GW were actually in charge why would each of them be backing different empryeans? Why are they trying to replace "Marika the Eternal"? Because Marika is moving against the GO and the 2 fingers are trying to get rid of her to maintain power, it's a GRRM plot
Sex with the armor on or off?
Lol that Radahn design looks pretty damn bad
I know they're not designs made for 2D animation, but it's clear the person behind these fan model sheets is an amateur.
>multiplayer 2nd last
kek, I'm not surprised though
on small tits renalla, how many succedtree do people have
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>Baldur's Gate 3
So disappointed you couldn't join her.
>Because Marika is moving against the GO
I was agreeing with you until this. The fingers don't follow the GO anymore, that's the problem. They're basically petty nobles since Metyr broke.
you might as well be complaining about armoured core having mechs. "once-great civilization that went to shit and we're exploring the ruins" is fromsoft's whole thing; literally every soulslike they've ever made with no exceptions.
>heh... what if we delay the attack by 3 seconds?
migu... :)
also this isn't the place to ask that kind of question
Scholar is my favorite From game. Definitely worth.
She's aesexual
BG3 is one of the few actual RPGs of today
But it IS easy.
It is.
Like, it just is.
Radahn should have had four phases where Miquella revives him with diminishing returns like Shadooditar, so you have to deplete his HP bar five times. His combis should have been EVEN LONGER and his openings EVEN SHORTER, and he definitely, definitely should NOT be parryable or blockable AT ALL, and his attacks should do AT LEAST double damage.

You can just copypaste tjat x2 for every other shit easy boss in this trash DLC I knocked out in an afternoon between fucking all your moms.
>3 seconds to R1 the boss for free before I have to roll
Baldur's Gate 3 is good so you should play that.
yeah I prefer a tall dominant viking lady that I can tussle and manhandle and force to submit, she is my weapon after all, than two little ladies

it's a preference
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what was the point of the haligtree? why did miquella let it rot?
congrats you figured out the integral theme to every souls game
golden age is past, you clean up the remnants
>people didn't like that shit
speak for yourself faggot it's cooler than YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE
Plssssss respond. I don't want to be in this thread
they're both good
My understanding of it is like I think that Marika grew disillusioned with the Golden Order and that's why she shattered the Elden ring and then make it so no one could win, so that like people would be free to war and do whatever they want free from the Golden Order vassalage
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What could it be?
are there ANY quality weapons in the dlc?
>in-put reads and jumps away
heh... nothing personel
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Bros I am scared. For some unknown reason, my controller not working properly. Only the joysticks and cross buttons work but the rest is unresponsive. I already tried changing to another controller but the issues still persist. Should I check my steam controller settings?
I hate this delayed attack meme because it spilled over into Monster Hunter. Elden Ring made retards incapable of detecting a good telegraph and just bitch and moan when they panic roll every time the boss flinches.
>The fingers don't follow the GO anymore, that's the problem. They're basically petty nobles since Metyr broke.
source for this headcanon? all i can find in the game is that metyr isn't getting responded to by the GW - it doesn't even give a reason why that's the case. nothing that the finger readers or the roundtable fingers say implies that there's an intermediary between them and the GW in any way, only that communication takes a long time.
>Gaius and Messmer were like Elder Brothers to Radahn
I think that settles no ? Radagon can't Messmer's father, if he's older than Radahn, and I doubt Marika started having children with Radagon before Godfrey.
Never seen that happen during an attack wind-up.
But that's irrelevant because I'm not.
You just saved yourself the trouble of having to dodge. You're first step towards learning the dance.
You do know yoy can just like apply quality to any weapon you want, right?
Why does messmers spear look like a skinnier version of mohgs if they have no relation
gay sex
Am I tripping balls or is Radahn lag cancelling his own recovery animations when I go punish him?
>design ash of war that takes time
>design bosses that only allows for a quick attack
enjoyable and "fun"
Except it's true in ER. But I know of another action game series that recently gave its harder bosses delayed and super-long combos, and never had complaints (because it did it good), though I'm not sure this general is ready to talk about it.
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She seemed pretty into Miquella and the Tarnished though. Her crush on Tarnished would explain why she totally trust him despite just meeting him and being max paranoid about all of her other longer term companions.
>because it spilled over into Monster Hunter.
Other way around.
MH Generations was the first time delayed shit came into the MH franchise, and that was as a way to deal with players having Adept dodges (think for example of Redhelm Arzuros's hyper delayed swipes). That game came out in 2015.
Souls didn't begin with the garbage delay shit until DS3 in 2016.
>he doesn't know the deepest lore regarding messmer and mohg
Go re-read zanzibart's remembrance sword item description
He's a very poorly designed fight in general this would not surprise me.
ez game. just git gud. like me :^]
BG3 nigga. Stop wasting money on fromslop
>I doubt Marika started having children with Radagon before Godfrey
been wondering lately if she did just that and messmer/melina were cursed twins just like malenia/miquella. it might just be the case that when a god fucks itself it always spits out twin cursebabies.
Too much fujoshit.
yes but those tend to be shit compared to just using heavy on my current build since it's 54 strength and 55 dex. there are a select few weapons that are actually worth using in the base game, and actually only good with a stat spread like this though, so i wanted to know if anything like that existed in the dlc
>Probably that high up because of Seamless Co-op
That was my general understanding until this DLC. Now it seems more like she cottoned on her powers being suspect since only the fingers and the EB were around and neither of them could actually read the GW. When she got suspicious she started hatching the plan to "exile" Godfrey and the Tarnished, shatter the ring, have all the demigods and fingers kill each other over the pieces, then have Godfrey and the Tarnished come back to clean up and put her back together. That way all outside forces will be cleaned. Goldmask actually does exactly what she wanted in this sense. He perfects the GO, making the Lands Between a closed where other gods can no longer interfere. And since we already cleared all of the ones inside the system in the struggle that's checkmate on her part.
Let me guess, Marika was raped?
>they have no relation
They are literally brothers...
Because the haligtree didn't work. That's why he fucked off the shadowlands.
>it's cooler than you're the chose one
fucking YES PREACH
my favorite fucking thematic has always been "scrappy human beats gods" and the souls series tickles that itch perfectly
I love it so much more than "Hey hero here is literally everything you need to succeed"
I liked the DLC a lot. But still, I sincerely hope the next game is closer to Dark Souls 1, than to Elden Ring.
The only delayed attacks I absolutely hate are the ones where the boss slow jumps high up into the sky, hangs there for a moment, than slams down super fast on top of you. It looks so absolutely ridiculous. Even the delayed attacks the randomly throw into their long combat chains to throw off your muscle memory is more tolerable.
I hate both of those but I can't in good conscience recommend BG3 ever. At least DaS2's DLCs are pretty good.
>Except it's true in ER.
No it's not, Souls games have historically had among its varied type of attacks those that that have a very fast attack after an early wind up. Not my problem if actionshitters used to garbage like Platinum games are too used to mindless reaction dodging like junkies
The fingers got their orders from Metyr who can't read the GW anymore.
>Staff fashioned from the tail-fingers of Metyr, the Mother of Fingers, and the microcosm raised aloft over the crux they form. Catalyst for casting both sorceries and incantations. The Mother received signs from the Greater Will from the beyond of the microcosm. Despite being broken and abandoned, she kept waiting for another message to come.
The fingers are just pretending it started with the shattering.
Radahn raped Miquella in their youth. St Trina was born from his PTSD, and that is why Miquella turned out the way he did.
passed around by hornsent men, how do you think she survived with her life?
>The fingers got their orders from Metyr
where's the source for that, though? why does metyr having issues have anything to do with the two fingers? there's zero text that i've found that suggests they're shackled to her or a hivemind or are even in communication with anyone at all other than the GW.
I hope whatever it is it’s balanced, not enemies playing sekiro and us ds1
>I'm triggered
We can tell
>actionshitters used to garbage like Platinum games are too used to mindless reaction dodging like junkies
You've never actually played a Platinum game, have you.
actually very accurate
Some fuck used this comic on youtube for ez views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOyP6BAPbrM
Easiest way to kill an NPC in a small arena?
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>where's the source for that, though?
A dash of common sense and a smattering of schizophrenia. I don't really care if you believe it or not, it makes sense to me. I am curious why you find it outlandish tho.
Elden ring 2 but it’s a h game where you breed the girls

On, and every time she makes a fun sound she loses a piece.
>But I know of another action game series that recently gave its harder bosses delayed and super-long combos, and never had complaints (because it did it good), though I'm not sure this general is ready to talk about it.

Are you talking about the Ys games by Falcom? If so, I agree with you that its implementation of delayed attack timings is way better than From Software's.
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Post the replies nigger I don't have twitter
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wait what the fuck, did they buff quality recently? this damage is fucking nuts
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i hope its the same anon who posted it here, if not then what a faggot
wait nevermind, hi /r/shittydarksouls/
will respond in the new thread
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>soft, gentle looking, waif of a woman
>sounds honorable, regal, and pure, like a paladin should
>contrasted against her paranoia and arms/armor made for killing
That's why.
Nah crafting is fine. It's a really simple system that fits well with Elden Ring's open world. People just assume it is bad or hard to use because of other games.
Triggered by hiw ez this game is bro
I'm so fucking pissed doing Co-Op Radahn
Useless fucking hosts can't survive the 10 seconds it takes to trot my ass over there.
What's up with all the hideous skinny knight helmets?

fucking atrocious looking
the what
people really do be booting up pvp just to spam dark beads huh
>Indian voice
Check SkadTree level before engaging.
It's not even a tree issue, his damage is just so overtuned that failling a dodge on the seven hit combo -> getting hit by the light AoE is enough to kill most hosts and it's ahrd even with Shabibo's Woe to get there and tank in time
yeah the one you can strafe is alright, it's the other one that fucks me, guess i just gotta run the fucker until RNG is nice and he doesn't do that one, great boss fight...
gays always have weird relationships with their moms
Shut up faggot

>Guys I used the broke top tier stuff the gaem is ez hurrrr
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build better
Most good players will never summon other players so all you get are casuals. Why are you so surprised?
Full FMV of Miquella getting his ass gaped and begging for it even harder.
Yeah I did, they are absolutely mindless, just like the entire hack and slash genre
1. how does this guy know?
>No helmet
Is there an updated list of item IDs for the DLC?
I really wanna use this sword but that scabbard clips two feet through the floor and is ugly as fuck
I mean how do I get up to where the first one you encounter is?
just don't get hit and attack its legs
How often are you going to post this and "40 dollars"? You're been here posting the same fucking replies every day for over a week. Get over it.
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>Except it's true in ER.
And Demon's Souls
And Dark Souls
And Dark Souls 2
And Dark Souls 3
And Bloodborne
And Sekiro
And PVP is even more based on delaying attacks against players
why are you even here?
>Souls didn't begin with the garbage delay shit until DS3 in 2016.
Newfaggot, lurk 200 years
Slow attacks =/= delayed attacks you nitwit. Don't even bother trying to mental gymnastics your way out of your retarded bullshit.
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ok retard
>looks like shit
I think I'll pass

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