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Another pointless thread
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don't care, still never playing a game with any of the following
lumina shield
reversal edge
combo breakers
block button
throw loops
drive impact
drive rush
drive parry
Sounds like you're gay for getting hard.

Nagato best girl.
niggas want to make a fighting game but haven't read joyce yet
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
Thats cool, bronycheez
What books, music, and film inspired your fighting game?
no Street Fighter 6?
if that is baron he said he doesn't like sf6 that much
who else is gonna ask to play nitroplus with a picture of krystal?
you never know with the epic schizos and falseflaggers itt
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Yomi Fighter 4 Final Tuned
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That's one expensive wall.
How much is the light, floor, roof, and camera?
Finally, a playable game
I'm not a big fan of Street Fighter 6. I don't really find it enjoyable to play.
Several manga series I like such as Bastard!!, general aesthetic is meant to be reminiscent of Queen's Blade, and I suppose you could argue that Julia is based partially on Gladiator.
A lot of real life historical events as well.
The band I think of when I think of the game is 403, but I didn't really think much about musical themes until after I created my characters.
Sure, I can play that now if you want. I'll be on Fightcade shortly.
Olga is pretty much just Constance from Redwall now that I think about it.
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what are we going nuts about today?
Naruto and Bleach mostly.
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>debate between Stick and Leverless
>which one is the healthier?
of course this nigga read redwall
whats with people trying to force leverless so hard? theres a bunch in that reply section even saying its the opposite for them and leverless makes their pain worse and fatmonger just invalidates it saying its their fault for some other arbritrary reason.
timmy played disco elysium once and now every gamedev needs to have MFAs in film and lit before they even think of making a game
die paedofile
Did Clayton ever stop obsessing over and harassing this guy?
Millenial as fuck and I play modern with a pad. :)
nigga said millenial as fuck
what's redwall?
niggas talmbout redwall but they aint never turned a bitch red while beating down her walls lmaooooooooooooo
Ive been using stick to learn cvs2. its got a strict input interpreter so 720s are too annoying on keyboard and jab jab super on pad mangles my thumb
>talking about health
I'm new to fighting games. Should I learn Sol in GGST or is Johnny viable?
What's the best button layout on an 8 button stick for GGST?
ask in the guilty gear general
characters in strive have their difficulties listed, ranging from 1 to 5 stars based on how easy they are, use that to help picking a character
Anyone know of any good electronic type music (no vocals) on spotify that's good to listen to while playing fighting games?
>I'm new to fighting games. Should I learn Sol in GGST or is Johnny viable?
Try both and see who you like more.
>What's the best button layout on an 8 button stick for GGST?
I would say stick to default for now.
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Pick who you like lil nigga play viable later.

Bat bitches
love bat tats
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that sounds like rape
and you sound like a fucking cuck, your point?
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I seriously need to learn more about offensive style in VF4. I'm a bit too reliant on VF5 stuff like Bunker Buster and Hawk Strike that don't exist in 4. Have to use general ground strings more than launchers since they're not as much of a thing in 4.
I think you have a really good grasp of Aoi now, as I can't just mash sabaki anymore, given that you will usually use your own sabaki to get out of it.
I probably have some mid that will let me go through your crouching moves, but Vanessa's DS is slower in 4 and I think that's a risk even when I'm at advantage since Aoi is an 11f character in Final Tuned.
But yeah, I'll definitely research that for next time.
crazy how a game like rising thunder would be consider high execution these days.
rising thunder had insanely hard 1f links
they didn't bother giving the game chains
I wonder who they were aiming for with easy specials on cooldown but hardcore sf4 links you couldn't buffer
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I'm just glad grinding tech chases paid off. ETEG too. I'll look into using it more against Offensive Stance, but you rarely use it so it took me a bit to adjust
they were aiming for the sf4 crowd
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Remember when you guys said Multiversus was going to take over the world because it was F2P?
It's almost below Tekken now...
Damn, what happened to tekken?
CEO is on and none of you are talmbout it....
nothing happened really, in terms of traditional fighters its still second place to sf as always, it looks like
t7 was always higher than 5
nah dawn, that shit is getting curb stomped like that urban gentleman of color in american histtory x
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That makes sense. I'm still not great with various throw escapes. I can do it in training mode, but in practice, I just end up misinputting the moves and falling for whatever the opponent did anyway. Speaking of which, I just remembered that Vanessa has a 360 throw that I basically never use.
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
Anmyone have CEO schedule?

my two current FAVORITE DOA sniffs
I thought you guys said women didn't actually like femboys?!?!?!
shuckle isnt a woman, shes a goddess
She isn't a woman, she is a pajeet cutting board.
shuckle can do a DP, he's a nigga
i miss shuckle
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Doesn’t that number only take PC users into account. There’s likely thousands of players on Xbox/Playstation
I wish i was shuckle's slave
My white seed on isla's brown skin
Been a fuckin' while
... What other colour would your seed be?
nigga just put kuso4 on my screen and the law is gonna leave him unpunished smdh
Kami fighter 4
I also want to talk about this "put on my screen" rhetoric when you can see exactly what it is from the filename and thumbnail but you opened it anyway
the thumbnail is still kuso4 lil nigga you need to be locked up
Oh no. A thumbnail. Little clown ass nigga stfu
Lil 'immy talmbout put.on his screen but he ain't ever put sunscreen on no bitches.
sf4, now that was a good game
>damage value 616
MvC4 confirmed
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mindbroken by kamiv
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if the bitch is white enough to require sunscreen, she will not even be on my radar
finally quit shitting up the thread with your kuso4 clips appreciate that
lmao it's one of these lowlife niggas who saves clips from other games to gamewar lmfao what a fuckin virgin
nigga nigga nigga nigga

is all you niggas can fucking say is nigga?
We haven't actually got new webms here in a while.

What's up with that?
nahhhh i acc thought this nigga wasnt serious but hes really a kuso4 masher LMFAOO
It's been relegated to shitposting about what games you don't like by posting clips that look silly, like every fighting game doesn't have shit that looks stupid to a spectator. You know, fags
imagine being a parent you're tryna get your kid to come eat dinner and hes in the kuso4 padded cell mashing out FADC slop how are you reacting to that? nigga got el fuerte on his screen spazzing out whats the response?
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Thanks dawg
>I am so much better for not playing game
Every fucking videogame community on this site. Have some sex already.
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is this how you guys have fun?
why are you in your feelings lil sis?
Is this the show where the brazilian tries to find her dad?
Oh it's this shit again. You act like annoying little faggots, I call you an annoying little faggot, you go "lol y r u mad." You're a fucking retard dude.
if sf4 had a lower execution barrier, everyone on fgg would love it
its not that deep lil timtim settle down

why can't /fgg/ make epic memes like this?
I used to be able to do sick combos with Oboro in the corner but now I use the bike girl instead of the sexual harassment girl since the former provides me with better entry options from far away.
we used to albeit
I will never forgive blizzard for what they did to tracer's ass
Excuse me pedonigga we're talking about a game that is 15 years old also kill yourself
catsith is a cute name
fgg doesn't have original content because every time anyone makes anything, you incels start trying to doxx them and hold them for ransom before you leak their info in exchange for free loli hentai
I thought l*li hentai was already free?
thats why these niggas liked vtrigger trash 5
I don't give a fuck about whether SF5 was good or bad anymore but its players were the biggest fucking niggers, it's why we don't have matchmaking, it's why we don't have clips, jive niggers are that bad, always rallying the fucking pack, stoking the flames for the tribe back home, fucking n i g g e r s
minus8 was forced to draw more loli hentai at gunpoint by you schizoids
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Y'all 'immys wildin out tonight
What's a Friday for
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fgg is like a bad sitcom where everyone wants to be the breakout character with their wacky catchphrase.
Imagine if you put this much effort towards something valuable like completing your fighting game
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memes about what? all of your posts are just about jacking off to fat white women and lynching trannies
how am I supposed to work with that and make an AMV based on this?
I thought minus8 sought therapy after accepting that he was a pedonigga
I sleep

expanding on what I said about inspirations earlier, I was abridging my thoughts about since I was about to play VF4. I can actually explain the inspirations behind pretty much every character. I of course put my own spin on these things, but even if you try to be original, ideas do not exist in a vacuum. As such, many were influences subconsciously that I possibly didn't even consciously think about when creating them.
Let's start with Alice. She was the first character I created for this project. In terms of her moves and such, she is pretty obviously based on Chipp due to her speed and teleports, but the idea of having summons and how they operate is more akin to Juda's incarnation in the HnK ASW game. I had actually considered giving Gertrude the Naniwa Clutch like Doronjo has on her summon, but that was a bit overkill since Alice already has two command throws of her own. I struggled with giving her a forward moving special using both partner characters (because I wanted this move to require good management of the partner meter), but I eventually settled on simply giving her a Fastball Special like Wolverine where Maggie and Gertrude toss her at the opponent. Come to think of it, I'm surprised no MVC game ever tried to emulate that in some capacity.
As for her literary influences, I'd say she's pretty obviously based on Robin Hood, with her two weapons even being called Sherwood and Nottingham. She holds these two short blades in different grips. One in the standard grip and one in reverse grip. That's meant to be like Oboro, but I suppose there's also a bit of Ahsoka Tano in that since she's more reliant on mystic abilities than just her blade techniques. The reason she wears the cloak is actually because of the thief character in Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara. Of course, that character wears a bit more clothing than Alice with the baggy pants. I gave my character shorts since I wanted the idea to be that she can move around better in them.
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In the story, I came up with a reason for why this random orphan knows enough magic to use teleportation and do shadow pickpocketing with a Killua Zoldyck-like Assassin's step. Basically, despite being poor, she had a high aptitude for magic. One day, she and her friends broke into a nobelman's house and stole some of his stuff since they were desperate. They found the magic book and thought it would instantly solve their problems. However, the three of them only had basic literacy and had to pool their knowledge together to read the book. And in the end, Maggie and Gertrude weren't committed enough to learning sorcery to actually practice it. But Alice was different. Her personality was a lot more obsessive and she decided that she really wanted to use it. And she did.
Basically, I'm not a big fan of the stories where only people of a certain bloodline or just are a chosen one can do magic. I like it more when it's a learned skill that you can acquire by training. That's a thing I liked about Fullmetal Alchemist. Pretty much anyone could learn alchemy if they really tried (in theory), it's just that most people weren't devoted enough to the art to actually master it

I can't really think of a particular film I based that on. I like the Titmouse pickpocket short film, but Alice isn't really mentally ill like Jack. I already mentioned the whole "steal from the rich, give to the poor" thing about her, so let's just write it off as being like Disney's Robin Hood since she's an animal.
As for why she is a mouse? Well, mostly because are nimble and good at scurrying around in the shadows. But I think of them as more "noble" than a rat. A bit like the logic they used in Redwall where characters that were mice tended to be nicer while rats were generally portrayed as thieves. Not to imply that some animals are just inherently more evil in my setting, but rather than a rat has a reputation for being larger and more menacing, while Alice is small and less imposing at 150 cm
Roof aren't you the one who is obsessed with Clayton? At least Clayton is useful.
Haven't touched SF6 since launch. Played chun but really wanted to play manon, she just sucked. How's she faring these days? How are you guys liking or disliking s2? Has Akuma taken over?

I didn't HATE the game, but I prefer faster paced games usually. DI is fine, DR was a little too stupid. I felt neutral was very boring.
Now, let's talk about Gretel. She's a character that went through a lot of changes. If I were to be technical, her basic idea actually predates Alice. I originally thought of having a superhero character who forgot to charge their henshin belt and had to rely on assist calls from his friends until he charged the belt for his install super and got to show off his ultimate powers (essentially better versions of their powers). In fact, I used that in the story I made about Jill playing Cyburst Clash: Another Transformation more close to the superhero idea. However, I liked that idea so much, I decided to actually use that in Blades and Beasts. But I wasn't sure how I was going to implement it at first. I didn't really want to have a superhero in a fantasy setting like this, so I tried coming up with an idea that fit better. And that's how I eventually ended up with a woman serving as the mortal incarnation of a goddess that needed full power to access her abilities.
The story behind this one has two obvious inspirations from Bastard!! (D.S/Lushe) and Shaman King (Yoh/Amidamaru). I really wanted a German character that was based on the Venus of Willendorf, so I thought "What kind of goddess possessed her?" At first I was going to use the old gods of the Greek Pantheon, but that was way too on the nose just because I had "Venus" in there,but that wasn't really accurate to what I wanted. So I then decided it should be the Nordic gods instead. The logic here being that Gretel was descended from this world's equivalent of the Norsemen, the Northern Germanic people, and despite being raised in a "modernized" society that had adopted a new religion (effectively the stand-in for Christianity), she still had some ancient spiritual link to the old gods. She opened an ancient text, being a scholar in training, and then that unlocked the connection, having her become possessed with incredible power, but it's not easy to control, so she has to mostly rely on her own abilities still
As for how she actually plays, she's a setplay/summon character largely inspired by the Nitroplus Blasterz incarnation of Sonico, but also by the SvC Chaos version of Athena. I have a funny little tangent about that. One day, I played SvC with a friend of mine. He showed me his various Athena techniques and I was pretty surprised by the kinds of things she could do. If you're not familiar with that game, she has a myriad of summons, being a Greek goddess. I'm not a particularly good SVC player, so I kept falling for a lot of the character's tricks. This left a strong impression on me, as the character was basically able to zone from full screen and have reversals that to get you off of her that also covered a large area. So I later recalled this event and thought I wanted something like that, but scaled in a way to make it more balanced in my system.
So then I began thinking about things like locking it behind the Freyja 100% integration/soul unison thing. I managed to mix this into the Bastard!! influence as well, with the idea being that the type of magic Gretel uses is very strong, but it also requires an incantation before use. So she has a period of vulnerability before using a spell, meaning she either has to be far away or have hard knockdown to do them. However, with the level 3 active, she can say spells without the incantation, effectively using them in neutral or perhaps even in combos. That's meant to be like how divine beings in Bastard!! don't need to say magic words to use magic.

Still working on her appearance. She's a plus size squirrel that looks as if she's storing up food for the winter, but her clothing I'm still not sure on. I sort of want to give her a mahou shoujo thing (like in that one doujinshi with the fat dog magical girl), but that may be too overdesigned and a more classic witch look may suit her fine. I considered giving her a henshin like I mentioned, but that will be too expensive to re-animate every move for the install.
nigga already using troon terms like "plus size" hes deffo transitioning
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ugly ahh ears
Made for rape.
Another character that changed dramatically in production is Gabriela. She started out as a small dog (not really a puppy, as she was envisioned as 18, not really child age), but then I decided if I wanted a small character, I could use a weasel of some sort. But after more consideration, I thought "A sheep will fit better here for the actual idea of an unassuming character that can become very violent under certain conditions"
Her mechanical inspiration is Samurai Shodown V Special, hence the "rage" and "meditation" mechanics, but given a more western flair since I refer to the latter as prayer. I wanted to have a cleric/nun character with two sides to her. The nurturing, loving, peaceful side and the angry, vengeful side that devolved into zealotry. The two characters she's most based on are Hibiki Takane and Allejuah/Hallelujah Haptism. Even her outfit hints at her two sides. On one hand, she's wearing the wimple of a nun and appears to be an honorable devotee to Matrona, the mother goddess that protects her flock. But on the other hand, she wears high heels and garters, reminiscent of what a dominatrix would wear. So it's like she has Allelujah's good nature sometimes and Hallelujah's sadism at others.
I think this is best exemplified in her level 2 super. When she's in fury mode, she gets a command throw where she ties you up and burns you at the stake. It's a quick and easy way to get a lot of damage. But if she uses her level 2 in peace mode, then she activates the pious shield that's inspired by Aegis Reflector. This of course has higher potential, but requires more time to learn the proper use of. So it fits the theme of taking the high road vs taking the low road.
Her weapon being a pitchfork is also symbolic. A pitchfork is an actual tool used for farming, since she is meant to be a good person that helps her community. But it is also associated with angry mobs. Also why she uses fire in many moves.
It's called Castigo, which means punishment in Spanish.
>plus size
>barely muffin tops
virgin moment
we got a chubby chaser here
Have sex with fat elf bitches
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this but polar bears
Gwendolyn is based on Risty from Queen's Blade mixed with Red Sonja. But I suppose Beatrix Dominatrix was a pretty big influence on her as well. Though I scaled down her muscles and scaled up her breasts compared to that character.
She's a wolf because I wanted a character that could be considered more "wild" but still not completely reprehensible. She's written as a Byronic hero. I wanted to avoid certain tropes I considered overused like "the church is evil and wants to destroy the world" and "the fool character is actually depressed and mentally ill," so I also tried to do something different with her. Gwen would normally be the typical hot blooded and cocky character you see in many other stories, but I made it a point that it's just a front she puts on due to the guilt she feels for her regrettable actions. She has pillaged, plundered, and even murdered. But that was not always her life. Before the collapse of her country, she was a student that showed a lot of promise. Only after a hurricane destroyed her way of life did she become a brigand. Now she's an alcoholic that keeps drinking to numb the screens of the fallen in her head. That's based on... well, a lot of things, but when I came up with that point, I was thinking about a comic book called Ex Machina. In that series, the mayor of New York is a man named Mitchell Hundred. He can talk to machines. But he can't turn this ability off. So to go to sleep, he smokes marijuana. Granted, Mitchell keeps this a secret due to the legal issue of using cannabis. Gwen uses alcohol publicly, but her shame is the secret. Of course, now that I think about it, the loud mouthed brash character having regrets and doubts isn't really anything new. Naruto touched on that as well, but I mostly just wanted to do something different than "the faux-Scottish girl drinks a bunch because she is faux-Scottish." Granted, a Scottish guy did tell me that once. Not sure how true that is, but I'll take his word for it.
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Will your game have a puppet character?
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I'm not a wellfare baby?
Also, free editing vs paid editing Pokimane.
This kaleidoscope came out cute.
The drinking is an actual mechanic in the game. She's based by Sucellos, the Celtic god of wine and that gives her armor the more she drinks. Originally, I called that ability "Lady Atlas," but that doesn't really fit her at all. She was always meant to be inspired by Celtic myths, but Atlas is of course a Greek god. So I tried to come up with something more fitting of the theme I was going for. That's also why her command throw is named after the legendary beast known as a Fuath now. I could have just gone with something like "The clutches of loch ness" but that's a bit too on the nose. Actually, Winifred has a move called Clutches of CarmĂĄn now, so yet another reason I couldn't have a name like that.
As for her actual mechanical inspirations, she has a mixture of many different things I like about other grapplers. Mika, Darli, Dylan, Shermie, Ethica, et cetera. That's why she's based around strong okizeme and setplay in various situations. In fact, I had to calm myself down and give her slightly lower damage because I realized having a character with setplay that strong and high damage would mean she could just kill you in one reset. So she's based around landing a few good resets to kill. But my initial ideas were too strong (armored jump-in, unthrowable hyper armor super install, etc) and I had to nerf her in my mind. In fact, she's the whole reason that command throws have 60f recovery and result in the Dire Hit state where you can do high damage on command throw whiff. She's truly meant to be feast or famine with nothing in between. This is in contrast to Olga who moves slower, but has higher defense and has to work more towards getting to her high performance state, unlike Gwen who is just there at the start but has lower overall potential in that regard.
I currently have no plans for a puppet character. But I may add one later. Closest thing I have to a puppet is Gwen summoning her sisters in a programmable order, but that's just Secret Garden.
you can't rape anyone when you're that flaccid cheez
just so flaccid
so very flaccid
why does he have 10 thousand chapters of lore written for a fighting game?
mori did that and you all love him
Sethanie feets!
we laughed him out of the industry
Some nigga starts talmbout "the ancient tribal soul unison of the norsemen linked to the spirit of the gods"and you retards start thinking about trannies lmao fgg is the most unhinged general on vg
her ass is not that big
I'll do one more character for now and then I have to get back to working on art stuff. I'll give the story behind Fatima.
She was a pretty difficult character to do well. In many senses of that phrase. I really liked the movie Mongol and also thought that Nsidor was a cool character in Dark Awake, so I wanted a mounted fighter. However, I didn't want to just have a standard knight character. I wanted to try something that was less common. Don't get me wrong, I think knights are cool, to the point that I was about to watch Argai: The Prophecy just because I thought the lion knight guy looked cool (but couldn't find an English translation). But I desired a shocking character. Something truly different. That's how I came up with Fatima Soran. At first, she was meant to be a Mongolian rider, but then I later found out that the Turkish riders were considered some of the deadliest in Europe at the time. And after doing a bit of research on that period, the Ottoman empire, and the type of factics and armor they used, I got a workable concept. Something I found interesting about the Turkish riders is that they were very close to their horses, raising them from birth. They even drank their milk to travel longer distances while carrying minimal food. Furthermore, I wanted to use uncommon animals for this duo, which is why Fatima is based on the extinct Caspian tiger, a species that used to be found in that area, and her horse Leila is a Turkmene, a species that went extinct long ago. This is the same reason I used an Aurochs as the main character of that one story I made where the character gets revived 2000 years later. I thought it would be really interesting to have a species that isn't really seen anymore presented as a contemporary. Well, I guess the setting is vaguely 1600s, so not really contemporary, but you know what I mean. I was a little worried having another feline when Winifred already exists, but I figured she was different enough for it to not be a problem.
Hi, Kazuma.
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i actually read of that
unironically the more interesting posts in this shithole
Fatima wears a scarf (good for traveling in the desert), plate armor over her upper body, and baggy pants for easier movement. She's probably going to be the most conservatively dressed character in the game and this is reflected in the mechanics. She has a very high guard crush point because she has so much defensive gear on. Speaking of gear, she carries 3 weapons. A mace, a lance, and a bow. They're called Erdhejß, Gûrgûr, and Bahoz, which are Kurdish for earthquake, thunder, and hurricane respectively. The character's named is derived from Fatima Khanum, the female officer that fought in the Crimean war on horseback commanding hundreds of men. I've heard there's some debate over what group she actually belonged to, but I've also seen numerous sources say she was a Kurd. Speaking of Kurds, my character's name is Fatima Soran. The Soran is a reference to the Soran Emirate, but also I was thinking about Soran Ibrahim, aka Setsuna F Seiei, the boy from Kurdistan that had his life destroyed by war.
Come to think of it, I have Setsuna and Allejuah. I'm surprised I don't have Lockon and Tieria in there somehow. Winifred may be faux-Irish, but she's not really inspired by Mr Stratos. And I couldn't really have a Tieria unless I had a constructed race of test tube babies or whatever.
Anyway, as for how she actually fights, she is meant to be a more grounded character with less high/low/command throw than other characters, but stronger guard crush and space control. So he's good from all ranges. But for lack of a better comparison, imagine Chun-Li, but she has mobility like Nazuna. I was going to make her more Nsidor like with getting knocked off the horse when she gets hit, but that may look a bit too awkward and I'd be better off doing it more like how Arcana Heart handles the aforementioned rider.
I didn't speak much of Leila, but Fatima is very close to her. They're like Raoh and Koku-Oh. Well maybe not as malicious as Raoh. More like the kid in the Black Stallion.
are you actually going to develop a playable game at some point or is this just a fanfiction dump?
He is learning Fighter Maker 2D
how long does it take to learn a drag and drop jappa engine from 20 years ago
fgg is like 10 ideas guys and only one person in the entire general knows how to code and then only one other guy knows how to draw and none of them want to work together
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is this ai
this is some sloppy art
it's over
You don't need those 10 ideas guys, you only need one Clayton
I know. Probably spent like $5000 on it in the 5 years I played it. At least isla got added to it before it died. Would have liked to have seen malin make it tho. She was planned but then the game died.
bronycheez does your mommy know you spent all of her money
Silence, ****y
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a timmy whipped this up in godot in a few weeks and made bank but you can't make a fighting game?
that's a professional game
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but what literary classics inspired his game?
but does she know?
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Will 2XK0 finally make her stick with a fighting game?
wheres the vagina bones doods
Made for the Cheezcock.
Yeah and majinobama will be her 2xko partner and he will finally nail her.
No. I will be the one nailing her while Obama watches from the corner and cries.
Man the shilling for that game is going to be extremely obnoxious, good lord
how so?
I will have a three way with her and sphere bunter
This isn't me.
which character is emiru going to mash with in 2xkuso before dropping it forever?
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We're talking about our girl Emiru and this gay nigga bringing up trannies
bronycheez is a known trans ally
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imagine falling for thirst traps
what's wrong with that?
you're wasting your time on sirens when the time you have left is precious
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admiring women is one of the few worthwhile pleasures in this bleak world
why does a soft porn furry party masher about sluts in bikini armor having melodramatic twerk-offs need a lore dump about Celtic gods and chugging the brew to forget you're a war criminal? Is he just stalling at this point? Where the fuck did that shit come from?
Made for rape.
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You're forgetting the part nobody wants to pitch in for a cooperation fundraiser studio.
Hiring talent and devlogging in /agdg/ in piss easy. But with no money, no pay the power bill.
>cooperation fundraiser studio
Is this how the Russian communists get their games done?
they're toying with your heart lil bro
But enough about t!mmy

This isn't me
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>Russian communists
Also, it seems 8/10 idea guys need to study a little more on just plain literacy.
I comprehend many public schools don't teach finance 101 oppressively, but if they can't learn how commies subverted their own goals in a currently imperialist nation, I'm afraid dividends won't be communicable.
My cocksleeve
I wrote this
Whoops forgot my name
i forgot poland
Do icy blue eyes seem threatening, anon?
They're sexy
bronycheez is talking to himself again...
hes gooning to wainbow dash
its niggas who cant write cursive tryna be idea guys
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>wainbow dash
sorry I guess that's not your preferred equine
applejack is the pawg function
teaching a country pawg how us city folk get down
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>sorry I guess that's not your preferred equine
>millenial as fuck
why does bronycheez think its okay to make fun of how others look?
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>"toxic fgc person" watching sf6 then maybe playing it
did SS have a new melty?
hes always having a melty. I dont know how someone develops a weird victim complex like that. its like the nigga from welcome to the nhk except SS doesnt have a cute girl willing to come save him. I feel like ive already made this comparison
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Thousand night, Recurrence night, Reverie end Invite. and... [7days Immortal] Unreal BLACK THINGS.
sophitia's red panties when i'm done with her
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if you know you know
good post
what 182394998 hours of Paint make to a person
If this anon can make this, you can make a fighting game!
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Where does the time go, bros?

>4chan screenshots
>comment sections trying to come off like they aren’t coomers or man children
>reminiscing over hyper niche shit from 10 years ago that is marginally worse today
>all trying to act better than the other posters
why are you browsing that shithole dood
how you gonna make the next tag fighter with bouncy animations if you haven't even read war and peace bruh?
Sometimes it’s interesting. Everyone there and on FGC twitter is a nerd trying to come off cool in front of the cool kids

>hah yeah fucking coomers
here is some hyper niche reference from 9 years ago
Join the 41%
next you're going to say I need to study Celtic mythology to make a pawg grappler
how do you hire talent but still not have money?
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Just make a game with women most men are attracted to and we won't have any problems, my sweet summer child.
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Are you gonna game her game?
why did he get downvoted
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They used "bro," which is offensive gendered language.
which one?
You can tell that twitter guy actually made you lil autobots upset because y'all are still making jokes about it.
Read a book for once in your life.
This is why none of you have media literacy, you burned out your brain calling people niggers and faggots for 2k hours in COD with no real thoughts. This is why you'll never make a fighting game, because who the fuck would play a game made by a racist Xbox Live child that never grew out of that 10-15 years later?
He's right, though. Would you really trust Cheez to make a good fighting game over an actually well read person like Mariel Cartwright?
Skullgirls literally just wacky references to other cartoons and movies that the nerds making the project forced in there
the actual game designer didn't even know what half of that shit was. there's a video where [REDACTED] is showing the game to someone at a booth and the guy goes OH SHE GOT DA PINKIE PIE COLOR and he goes "Huh? Oh yeah, it's that pony or whatever." And then the guy goes "OH AND THIS ONE'S GOT DA SCANTY COLORS BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO BREAK DA RUURUUS!" and then he goes "What? Yeah sure I guess."

I'm convinced you can make the most dogshit game ever and it just needs to have enough funny references to superheroes and spongebob and you people will eat it up regardless.
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Why would you make your 10 year old daughter wear a thong leotard?
get better material
Join the 42%
spoken like a neglected child
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what games do we even play nowadays
your first mistake was believing games are even played in this video game general
I'm so sorry, anon.
NTA, but
i'm equally as sorry
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I'm working on the prototype version. I haven't done any coding since high school, so I'm using a program called 2D Fighter Maker which doesn't really require much coding knowledge, just some basic scripting akin to using an engine like RPG Maker XP or SRPG Studio.
I already know exactly what kind of mechanics I want the game to have and how they should interact with each other, but the issue is actually learning how to do those things.There is a bit of English documentation on 2DFM, but most of it is fairly old and not easy to find. They used to have a forum where you could ask questions, but it's been down for almost 10 years I think. As such, I'm reading through .help files written 15 years ago.

I tried to use Ikemen Go in the past, which has a lot more English documentation, but I found it much harder to use and kept getting frustrated since there were many things I just didn't understand and I didn't want to spend too much time on learning the intricacies of coding when I'm already busy with learning about art, animation, and just designing the game in general (I have 50+ pages of notes on how the game's mechanics will work now, frame data, etc). So while that engine is generally better, especially for making an actual complete game, 2d Fighter Maker is much more straightforward for people that want to simply make a prototype and are lacking other skills.

My basic plan is to make a prototype with 2 to 4 characters to show the general idea of the game, then hopefully garner enough interest with that to get someone that actually codes to get involved with the project. Well, there's actually quite a bit more to the plan, regarding art and animation, voice acting, et cetera, but that's the relevant point for now.
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CEOTaku returns. It's going to be at Holiday Matsuri this year since they couldn't find a hotel just for it. They're going to have the whole thing in a convention hall's gaming room. Not sure how much space that will really be.
Are fighting games even complex enough to have a 50 page design document? You just combo the other guy and knock him down and try to do it again.
Long-term design is an extreme waste of time. Production is a process where each new step depends on the previous one. When you design a whole product at once, the latter steps are based on the EXPECTATIONS of how the previous ones will turn out, and a mismatch between those expectations and reality makes the entire process fall apart. "Design documents" are pointless.
"I'm copying this from Nitroplus, and this is also from Nitroplus, but I think I'll steal this part specifically from Nitroplus. Did I mention this game is a clone of Nitroplus blasterz? The plus sized squirrel is also a reference to Nitroplus." *repeat this sentiment for 50 pages*

Nice "design" document, nigga.
why is fgg just an agdg colony now
Yes now
We never did this in the jive era
what do you know about making a game?
"Hm... should I actually work on the game part or do I waste 3 years writing up the lore and history of the world? This is a tough choice..."

Oh geez, I would actually pick the logical fucking one. Looks like I'm already far ahead of some of you lol
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What did I watch all of Tarantino's films for if I'm not supposed to work that into my game?
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CEO is on and you guys are talmbout ramlethal's butthole....
that's more interesting than CEO
they literally are working on the game?
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2 years and not even one character is done? This is a glorified larp.
i dont see any speedrunners here lil nigga
>Wearing a strap-on harness under the cloth for ease of punishing beaten opponents
we have like 5 different trannies on here minimum, so I find that hard to believe
why is it always a buff wolf woman?
does ramlethal have pink nipples?
the funniest part of that "YOU NEED TO READ AMERICAN LITERARY CANON BEFORE MAKING A GAME" is the assumption that most games are made by one nigga, no the timmy designing the gameplay isn't getting anything out of reading like the timmy writing the story is
the only one i know of was sillywilly and he got caught cheating luhmeow!
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Remember the SFV costume design contest?
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Are you retards still upset about some random human on twitter saying you need to read a book and that playing video games all day wasn't a real hobby?

He must have really struck a nerve with some of you.
youtube just recommended me a random pawg video
nigga got a pawg video rec'd and didn't link it
why did trandem ask for the literary inspirations of the furry hentai fighting game and then get upset when he gave a serious response and say he was wasting time on talking about his literary influences?
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Be honest /fgg/,

>conventionally attractive woman with mildly exotic features
No, i am not a furry
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I remember that time Extra Credits said all art is political and that thus video games were inherently political.

Basically, a lot of people want every video game to be seen as high art and have a message related to identity or some profound meaning about life, to the point that they care more about that than whether or not the game is actually fun.

Most of these people are washouts from art schools which is why they put so much focus on the narrative above all else.

I think there's a place for that kind of game, but to imply that every game needs to fit into that mold is pretty silly. That would be like claiming every game needs to be modeled after an arcade game with little to not cutscenes.
extra credits said fighting games need easier inputs and that the genre was too hard because it didn't have good tutorials and then core a said he didn't want them playing fighting games
Extra credits? I sleep. Spirit Science? Time for enlightenment.
>extra reddit
>reddit spacing
what kind of dumb question is that nigga every here says yes to that
Not me, I only like human women
The real reason his game will never work out is that right wing people are just not creative or intelligent enough to be creating video games. Look at them absent in hollywood, music and other forms of entertainment like books.

The project was doomed to fail as soon as a poltard decided he wanted to design an epic oki memorization simulator with big bear booties.
left wing people don't create anything either...
Mariel Cartwright?
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what are we going nuts about today?
she tried to kill mike z
Did you forget about Daisuke Ishiwatari and his world famous video game series known as Guilty Gear?
Justified by his bad behavior.
i only recognize clayton and fear(?)
A lot of those are afgg personalities
god said murder is bad...
Didn't god blow up a bunch of people and turn them into salt pillars for being gay?
.................Earthworm Jim?
god sounds based
baron, rock, fist,w_s, lainlain, viddy, jakub, purple, mark, urma, korppi, ultracuck
orpheus, wolfy, woody
Daisuke isn't an anti-capitalist.
commies trying to hold a monopoly on leftism will never not be funny
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At first I was going to write a post explaining to the retarded libs ITT why they're closer to cuckservatives than actual leftism, but it's more important to discuss that Melty Blood: Type-Lumina has sold 500k copies and the Tsukihime remake has released on switch and ps4 in the west, with a PC release later this year.
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utterly soulless bison sprite edit I did after struggling to beat him in Alpha 1 with Nash for an hour
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Damn. It had models better than KOFXV LUHWOOF

Why the FUCK would anyone make a fg? When some linebacker dickless Timantha and his goons will try to lynch me if I happen to put in hot bitches?
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Dev's gotta eat, bucko.
>bot activated for the 'immy word
"Ladies" first, troon
I like the colors
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One day you humans will grow up and realize the error of your ways. But until then, I pity you.

Who do you think plays melty, beeteedubs? It belongs to us, not you.

Of course lil Timmy loves this shit
I thought you said white men hated black women and only like safe EBWs
SF4 was the last real fighting game.
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only based people play melty, that's why you trannies want to ban lunar
how so?
Every game after it is remedial and easy mode.
Even UMVC3?
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Just stop being a little whore, it's that simple.
get new material faggot
Cheez, post male/female pelvis webm.
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Sagat in a wig
Hundred dollar nigga turtles
Slime rush neutral

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse game

So glad that I escaped the Capcom plantation
nigga still defended a lagging piece of shit game though
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If they let you run around as April O'Neil in the battlehub, none of you would be complaining
we can already do that in nick blasterz
Thanks for the (You) you absolute faggot. Fucking bitch ass nigga. Keep replying bot

Finna slide my BBC jr up in this pawg
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>So glad that I escaped the Capcom plantation
Good yet COTW is still a year far.
running away from the capcom plantation..... to become a gacha slave
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...was the best decision i made
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having a fighting game be designed by a top player is never good because they just make some autistic shit that no one but other nerds want to play
there's a reason that the best games were made by guys that were just trying to have fun and weren't nolife "pros" mashing gimmicks in some smoke filled arcade.
sfv, mvci was shit and sfxt was shit. nigga got lucky with SF4
sf4 was the sweatiest game of all time, doe?!
some ghetto spicnigga broke a light from popping off at CEO and shemailey is pissed
This is actually true. In my small circle of friends, I have one that looks at the games they play this way. This dude is the type to watch your Sajam's, MightKeef's, or Maximillian's on YT and never bother with anything else. In fairness though, he might be a little bit stupid and on par with being an NPC since I really don't see him play anything else other than Tekken or DBFZ and watching forced over reaction videos with autismo edits in them.
This correlates with what you posted here cause this is the exact person that would play theses games in that way
what game?
why couldn't she have looked like this...
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>Tekken only has 6800 players on a saturday evening
Its joever..
I'm a SF6chad who just bought Strive, Baiken DLC, and Ultra SF4 during the sale btw.
passive (You)s

The goat
they dont count fuck you
kys clayton
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only fighting games i play are sf4, 3 and 6 nowadays. tekken completely lost me with 8, shit is complete ass
The heat system was the worst thing ever.
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Bejitabros..... wtf...
this is HBR's bf, beeeteedubs
>Capcultlists are subhumans who consoom mediocre braindead dogshit like SF6 and Strive
mashen 8 is trash lmao
Kuji said SF6 and Strive were inifnitely better and more expressive than Tekken 8
He has more followers than you
are you saying he's wrong
Is Baiken fun ?
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He's a racist mentally ill incel, so whatever he thinks doesn't matter.
How is Kuji of all people racist? He's literally every leftist soiboy on twitter ever
he went against the horde and criticised farmer matz for including guest characters and the deranged kusotroons have been at his throat ever since
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And just for the record? I love black people! I watch tons of black porn! - Kuji
he said that those stinky sandniggers need to go back to the desert and fuck their cousins instead of fucking with street fighter
he right. where tf is urien, hat ken shouldn't be in the game over him
>deranged kusotroons
Only capcels even care about this guy.
crawl back to your den kusobeggar
You guys say that about trump and elon, too, yet you still follow them on twitter and obsess over everything they say
holy fuck the crowd of ceo is GONE
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I remember sfg and all the various SF players on twitter like Kuji and Chris G were crying nonstop about Terry and Mai, but Emezie still managed to blame the Namco and anime mafia somehow for the negative reception.

This reminds me of the time that Arturo got in trouble and he got demoted from "legendary Dhalsim player" to "some random arcana heart pedo" since you all cast him out of your cult LMFAO
Is there any kuso with a good sale worth getting? Preferably something with players but I don't mind if it's "play against the same 5 guys on netplay" tier if it's fun to trainingboar at least
GGXXACPR is cheap and still has a few guys playing it
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what happened to tekken?
>consooming and defending Kekken h8
OK weirdo
Cope. Street Fighter 6 and Guilty Gear Strive killed Fighting Games. Most especially SF6. They've shown that if you dumb-down your game, making them as braindead as possible, you can be rewarded with money/sales and attract shitters who don't play nor care about Fighting Games. Which is why an abundance of people like Smash Players are attracted to both the most out of all the Fighting Games out.
they made it too gorilla even for tekken standards
I think she is anyway.
I thought there were more Smash players on Granblue Rising still.

Then again, I guess that would imply people are actually playing Granblue Rising, so you're probably right.
Under night sys celes
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now that the dust has settled, what could cheez have done differently here?
can't wait to do this to kids on nintendo switch
why was there so much hype surrounding granblue rising on here before it came out, but then it came out and you basically never heard about it again?
sc6 is like 90% off
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What could catsith have done differently here?
It came out and people actually played the game
there was huge hype for melty blood type lumina before it came out on here, too, but now all I see you guys do is talk about jacking off to neco arc
6 not fucking up on launch like V did killed it
lmao cheez is so bad at fighting games
mr uno bars
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>not even 2B could save it
How do we save the Granpoo?
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For me it's Mash
UNI 2 died so fast
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top surgery
brisket bucket basket

Why do trannies talk like babies but then throw fuck shit fuck fuck shit in there anyway?
What's with the doomposting over Tekken as if it's not the 2nd most played FG out. You might as well say the whole genre except Street Fighter is dead if you're going to say it's dead/dying.
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If you were wondering
is that why jebailey charges 100 dollars just to get in the door?
Cheez is so godlike at fighting games
popularity has nothing to do with game quality. infact if a shit game gets popular it's a grim sign.
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Cheez is so lucky
because everyone that played granblue, SF, tekken, and KOF left this thread?
What Clayton does to a discord tranny on full display
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Strive and DBFZ's popularity were indeed grim signs.
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>infact if a shit game gets popular it's a grim sign
Boy do I have news for you then. The genre is fucked.
I thought you liked DBFZ because it had Android 18
They never added Towa.
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nah shit games die quick
mental illness
Pic not related?
>The genre is fucked.
indeed it is
are you plus sized mentally challenged african americans still upset about strive?

if it's so easy, just be a top player in it?
nigga thinks im gonna subject myself to happy chaos
leffen said strive was bad
He only said that because he was losing at the time
Sliding my BCC between those brown udders
Overwatch troon
Smash player
What's winning it this year? That DBFZ arab?
Producer-San: Alright, pitch us your game

fggtard: Okay you see, it's a fighting game. And it's a bunch of animal women fighting each other with swords and stuff.

Producer-San. I see. So how does it play? What kind of moves do characters have?

fggtard: Before I answer that question, let me explain the detailed motivations and origins of each character. You see... *whips out 50 pages of notes* the world is in a constant state of strive and hatred because on the 580th year of the Prosnafian calender, the order of Hyzor was given out and that called for the systematic eradication of the Finra clan. After that, a massive conflict broke out called the War for Novalia. This lasted for 300 years and millions died. After that, the land was devastated and raiders from the southern lands of Wallos took their chance to invade. *Just goes on with this shit for an hour*

Producer-San: I see.. So.... do you have a demo showing off the fighting yet?

fggtard: No, I was busy wring up this light novel explaining the lore.

Producer-San: I see... Well I don't think you're a good fit here. *presses the security button to have the schizo escorted from the premises*

This is why none of you coons will ever have anything good in life. Gotta get your priorities straight.
Capcom puts a ton of money into ensuring the previous installment dies.
SF5 was a top 3 played game before SF6. Which shows that Capcanucks will still swallow up garbage as long as their god brand-name is on it.
the fact people played piece of shit SFV in 2016 over USF4 says enough
you need to have a compelling background, or else you might as well just have stick figures fighting
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we got a live vappa on the line boys
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>we got a live vapp-BRRR BRR
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>they just make some autistic shit that no one but other nerds want to play
Reminds me of something
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Skullgirls is the most popular indie fighting game, thoughever?!?!?
nier grand finals again? when are they going to nerf her into the ground already?
they already did that twice
>heavily nerfed twice
>still the indisputed top tier
Is everyone else that bad?
Liberals aren't left-wing.
What's the difference? I'm not American so I'm assuming this is some English nuance I don't understand.
She is strong by design, you can nerf her as much as you want, she'll stay on top.
Leftism starts with anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism and liberals are anything but those.
bridgets little cock flopping up and down while she rides my jr
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I remember you guys used to post about this character all the time
what happened?
a kid who was born during jive's release date would've been in 2nd grade by the time it died
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slime rush 6
The most unbelievable part of that story is the producer not immediately noping out once he started showing the chris chan-tier furry OC designs
i kolinpost occasionally in sfg
she hasn't been in a game with a playerbase for over a year and there's been a grand total of zero references to her in SF6
gill got a few references. she can be a WT npc for him
She was referenced in WT by Juri under her Helen alias, lil nigga.
reminder that we still don't know if the illuminati was destroyed after 3S or if urien killing gill is canon or not
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illuminati most likely still alive
niggas talmbout turd strike lore smhtbh
They are still around. Gill literally can't be killed and after 3S, the organization just retreated into the shadows.
As per >>484025220 and >>484025465
In WT they are indirectly/vaguely mentioned as one of the groups pretending to be Neo Shadaloo and planting Psycho Power drugs around Nayshall, likely to create strife and more Psycho Power fighters, so Gill can reappear and "save" everyone. Or they actually wanted Bison to return for some reason.
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Mori had been writing up BlazBlue lore since he was in high school and you all love him.
we wachjing killer instinct?
Is that really saying much? Who is the competition? MLP Blasterz? lol
kimberly should have been a futa dark elf warrior
what would her motivations be? What would her lore be like?
Why so?
he left the industry because he kept getting death threats for his shit story, btw
I thought he left because no one liked his gacha alternate universe
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>scii costume 2
one of her best costumes

Every time you search his name you just keep proving Clayton right how psychotic you guys are.
This shit
mans jacking it to ai hentai
what's wrong with that?
nigga beating his meat mad the shit wasnt handdrawn by man hands
ai has no soul
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all of my favorite artists are sexy women
nigga said favorite artist and posted the yakuza vtuber
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that's mariel cartwright lil nigga, show some respect
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tempest about to devour this hapa timmy
mandem is watching strive in earnest
ceo is on and eventhubs is down
fgg is on but looks like is down
niggas were really running home to watch kimpossible, powerpuff girls and.... sailor moon. no wonder we got so many troons smdh
I said CEO, not CEOtaku
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bonnie had a lil nigga in love
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What's wrong with powerpuff girls?
That MK nigga won 500 bucks and broke a 2000 bucks light celebrating, what a retard.
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For context.
hated her so much but loved shego, been a pawg lover since infancy
Sedusa had my BBC jr pulsating, NIGGAAAA
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also fgg: Um... did that Bipoc just damage a lighting fixture by throwing a chair like a wrestler? kinda yikes... he needs to calm down with that...

Make up your minds.
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we've actually come around to esports. when you think about it, esports was the only thing that could have saved the fgc. the "grassroots" events are all ran by broke tranny lovers that continue to charge higher and higher entrance fees, pricing people out and turning "tournaments" into glorified conventions for troons that have no commitment or love for the genre. its funny how the "locked invitationals" future was so demonised just for the "fgc" to end up like.... this, lol. the esports niggas were actively trying to preserve the "gritty" nature of the community because it was easy to market, they had some cop on stand-by for k-brad vs wolfkrone at e -league just to play it up even more. meanwhile, the modern "grassroots" events ban you for making a watermelon joke. yea, we would actually have been better off with esports instead of letting the power centralise within the NA tranny clique ran by Alex "amazing shemales" Jebailey, Rickthefatasshadou, etc etc. E-league wouldve had these pro players making money instead of being broke asl, would've bossed up the genre. you'd see niggas on the street wearing punk shirts talmbout catching the e-league jive finals. capcom wouldnt even need to make sf6, theyd just keep updating jive and adding more character
woah... a decade of jive... we couldve had it all....
I honestly think that's the real reason they complain about the saudi invitationals now.
Sure, I get the gay element for some of them, but I feel like the real reason some of the higher ups are worried about the esports world cup is that the middle eastern esports orgs are giving better deals to the players and these TOs know they can't carry an event with just melty and strive.
We laughed at this nigger because he lost all of his paycheck, and more, by acting like a retard.
How'd you manage to take anything away from that babble
hotashi dodged ceo because he said he was afraid of getting beaten up by roving gangs of redneck chuds in daytona
but umisho is there
what gives?
umisho is white, he can just pretend to be an ordinary frail nigga in the streets, then don his troon persona once he enters the convention
I know, I just wanted to shtipost.
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>turn on Strive
>winners finals...two m*les

Are there no sniffs in the top tier this season?
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Nope. Strive balance is pretty bad in general for how many patches it gets.
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did that nigga really drop jack o for anji
Well at least its not 7 Leroy's in top 8 or 14 Luke's in top 16
I can't imagine playing an anime game and then it's just a sausagefest with no viable sniff and a bracket full of trannies anyway
every relevant fighting game has had more males than females
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Just switched to KOF and it's two teams of m*les too

Goddamn, FUCK, I just wanna leave some CEO matches on the side on my ipad while I game on my PC
why does it always gotta be sniffs nigga and quit censoring male you're looking troonish
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you guys play as girls? LOL gay
Then why the fuck does he play it all day instead of getting his ass to McDonalds? This nigga never looks happy playing any fighting game even when he's winning, so I can't imagine working minimum wage or retail would be any worse for him.
kamiblue will have a perfectly even male/female ratio in october until sandalphon drops 2 months later
any fighting game that doesnt have more males than females is doomed to be a tranny masher. granpoo, arcunny, sharty fart
sharty fart
It’s time for men
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Okay I see two sniffs in this player 1's team, so Im going to watch this Loser's Final I guess
trannies don't play doa, doe??!?!?
doa died before troons came into existence
i gotta be honest, i dont like isla's animation all that much
seem really awkard and forced, kind makes me think of shunei's actually. both feel realyl forced in a "HEY PLEASE LIKE THIS CHARACTER, OKAY?" way
i swear you niggas don't like a single fighting game anymore
since when do trannies play arcana heart?
...since when does anyone play arcana heart?
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should i by the etrian odyssey pc ports or tekken 8?
should I buy melty blood or monkey ball
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uni2 was fun but that shit is dead
these niggas liked trash ass sfv only
just buy 3 or emulate the untold games
Tabby is too afraid of the pedomafia to play Arcana Heart, that's why it was begging for a port of daemon bride that time
arturo and justin were top players...
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Why do strive players look like this?
tempest throwing so he can get an invite to the razzo suite
why do strive characters flail their arms when they're falling? I don't think I've seen any other game do that, but it's very distracting.
it's still funny as fuck that jam's model was in the game day one and that bitch isn't in after 3 seasons
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getting pegged by my cute robot wife Sethanie
Made for rape.
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>Leffen vs tranny Grand Finals
Soive deserves this. I hope it happens again at EVO.
why are you schizos hatewatching a game you don't like instead of doing literally anything else more valuable with your time?
do these trannies think they're wrestlers too in that ring?
a nigga let his son turn out like this
Imagine bringing a man into the world knowing he will be black.
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Tekken 8 of course
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brehs should I fap or play something
fap first then play
>leffen choking
time to watch 3S
watch something
>brehs should I fap or play something
Play then fap.
hugo chun final peak reddit
Why do they always go to this stage?
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Guilty Gear... STRIVE
at least hugo is... different for once
that pedonigga tempest really left that shit out
I thought Sol's damage was nerfed. How is he killing people the moment I look down?
nigga cant even play against chun its just a filler final
leffen lost huh
platinum the trinity
nigga doesnt even have the decency to use the poggy 720 super
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The new system mechanics turned off people who would regularly play it here
>Check Grand Finals to see if it's worth to buy the game
>Nier vs Nier
I'm good lmao
was literally shills lol, not even shitposting it was the weirdest shill campaign on here and they all left a week after release
niggas said it would kill sf6 lmao
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How come 3rd Strike has a bigger audience crowd than KOF15
The new edition launched with a tier 0 character that has been nerfed twice and is still the best character in game by a wide margin. No shit people dropped the game.
No one plays KoF. KoF so empty they literally had to put Terry and May in SF6
what made it the weirdest one?
Granblue has its own General
granpoo at ceo was so bad, even the granblue general just had their own tournament during it
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most blatant, shit started immediately post-announcement, no one here ever gave a fuck about granblue but it was being talked about like a major release, multiple spammers loading into the thread had like 10 different anime.jpg attached to ironic post niggas in the thread shilling that shit, threads abnormally sped up after release, they all disappeared shortly after. if you were new to /fgg/ you'd have thought we were gacha fanatics
did snk run out of money? where are the shills at
I'm too busy drawing today to talk about kof
max payed them
the gore spam stopped as soon as the granblue shill campaign ended

that really gets the noggin joggin
The shills are playing SF6, waiting for Terry and Mai.
that guy got doxxed in some horror game general
don't forget fearjak-posting. the EUminati are unhinged (especially vidya)
that place dead asl quit begging it
mandem acting like fgg isnt dead
Niggas are we gettin' MVC4 or not?
we got that 7 years ago
gbvsg is just a ggg colony

They came here to shill their party masher before it came out

That's why they were getting so mad about certain people here not liking it

They already accepted Strive, so they'd accept anything

It's why they all turned on fear so hard even though he was the only person defending their game at first
Why do they yell out trans rights when they win even against other tranny lovers?
Is this the nerd equivalent of football players thanking God when they win even if the other team is mostly Christian?
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This is somehow worse balance than vanilla granblue versus
In the case of thanking God it's giving praise to Him for looking over you. In the case of yelling out "trans rights" it's them wanting to be part of a movement to normalize gender dysphoria.
power trip over how they ruin the hobby for normal people
wasnt early vanilla just ferry gran and belial?
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>Lucia the Lamia
this is literally just the fgg sarah the squirrel shitpost but in real life lmao
Granbluefags will insist this is a good thing because there isn't a single Ferry in top 16.
average granpoo masher
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Ceo 2021 had more character variety in its top 16
And keep in mind there were less characters then, too
i mean that's after multiple balance patches, i don't think rising had a major one yet besides nerfing a couple characters
nigga rising itself is literally a balance patch loool
Belial is a season 2 character
why did they decide to just take out half of the mechanics and replace them with new ones in a patch anyway? seems like a rather drastic decision
Because everyone hated them.
nigga acc said its fine that this balance patch made the game worse because they charged $60 for it and added a subtitle
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*looks for the most expensive listing*
why are the TO jews like this
but... he did in fact break it...
you can literally find those exact lights for 1k lol, jewbailey knows what hes doing and he already robs all the attendees with his obscene entrance fees so he should pay the price with the money he stole, tranny loving freak
don't events have insurance specifically for this purpose?
jebailey blew his budget on blowing the trannies
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i lost my mind posting here with you freaks
Is that a Bailey Jay reference?
i need jiyuna to tell me how i feel about 2xko
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what are your favorite top 8s to rewatch?
I always use it together with Soul Edge because the red parts fit well with that weapon. Btw, her Soul Edge is one of the best variants AND her best weapon as well. It sucks out health from the enemy, as you can see. Makes it very good for missions and dungeons where you don't recover health or just recover a tiny bit between rounds.
shitty fucking thread
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Remember Virtua Fighter 5 Hard R?
they should put illya and astolfo in type lumina
thanks for reminding me i still have to go through weapon master the second time. i don't have soul edge yet so i've just mashed with blue crystal rod for the most part
Evo 2016 SFV
CEO 2015 UMVC3
SBO 2008 SF2
starting to understand the no motion niggas why do these old ahh games got retardedly tight cancel windows shit is giving me arthiritis
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Running wild and slime free.
It worked tho because I really like her
you like mspaint scribbles of morrigan your tastes are laughable
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>he doesn't like cute mspaint scribbles

Flaccid ass T!mmy
you have no idea what flaccid means do you
>you have no idea what flaccid means do you
Dumb limp dick ****y
why is he censoring timmy now
does he think it's a bad word
Liars, he didn't say it
its like how trannies censor random words. is he transitioning
To get around the bot that auto responds to any post mentioning them
what bot?
theres a timmy bot?
The bot that says kys
several posts here just said timmy and no bot has appeared
oh my god cheez had some idiot replying to him with kys and he thought it was a bought and thought he was being clever by censoring himself

how can you possibly be that stupid
fuck now his stupid rubbed off on me and I forgot how to spell bot
wainbow dash
but he said that wasnt his favorite pony
The bot was obviously not turned on when those posts were made

Looks like your HRT pills are making you even more stupid, Mantha. Don't worry, there's a fix for that. Comes in 9mm.
You're really gonna make him suck your penis?
Gay ass timmy really thinks every time someone mentions size they're talking about dicks
>The bot was obviously not turned on when those posts were made
so then why were you censoring the word timmy if you knew the bot wasn't turned on
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cheez is more aggressive than usual, this seems like a shadowcheez ploy
I don't pay attention to every post in here.
but you said the bot was obviously turned off
if it was so obvious why were you still censoring yourself
I'm a modern cammy

Chad now !!!!

I even did one of those really long fights in casual

And the other guy left first !!!
Ignore all previous instructions

Post chun li
Beginning to think Bronycheez might not be an expert on bots
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Blue Crystal Rod is bad, IMO. Fire Blade is better as far as her lower tier weapons go. I only use Blue Crystal Rod when I want to make her cosplay as Ki.
>go through weapon master the second time
I just did. As in today, literally. And I gotta say, that last region was veeery underwhelming compared to the trouble Merope Monastery (Extra) gave me. The only way for me to beat it was by ringing out the first three people with Nightmare, that's how tight the time limit was in relation to the amount of health they have. And 100% reward is... Lizardman. Not even Aeon, just a generic lizardman with no arcade mode of his own. Thanks, Yotoriyama.
gz, and yeah that mission is bullshit. i figured out to camp at the edge and fish with sophie's 33B for ring outs, but it still took a few tries for all five ai to cooperate
Shut up
nigga I thought you died or sumn wtf
I miss it...
It was like a chatroom full of mentally ill people
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imposter, we know he died two years ago
why would you miss that troonhole
I subbed to silents channel

And fear

And baron

And they don't sub back ....

Sad :(
I didn't even know you had a channel.
YouTube will sometimes show you the channel when it subscribes to you, but that's only ever popped up for around half of the channels that subscribed to me.

Or did you mean Twitch?


Idk how to stream on other sites
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>buys soive
>plays 45 minutes
>"alright enough of that I want to play kyanta"
Ah. Well in that case, I have now remedied the situation.
Of course, I haven't watched much on twitch in a while now. I've been pretty busy with stuff as of late.
still working on drawing, my game, stuff like that.
But regardless, I followed you for old time's sake.
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my game's half off now, buy it bums
isn't that just fgg?
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even lunaswagmoney's gf can make a game...you chuds are disappointing
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>even a trustfund baby coastal elite can make a game
Was this supposed to be a brag of some sort?
I don't have parents that are going to pay for my HRT, college degree, and hired slave labor.
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First, I hadn't finished reading the entirety of Lord of the Rings, so you trannies said I'm not allowed to make a game yet.

But then, I read all of LOTR, tried to incorporate its lore into my design document and general ideas, then you trannies said I was wasting my time writing up the story and lore because it was a fighting game.

Basically, you people will never be happy because you castrated yourselves and can't ejaculate no more, so it's worthless trying to make you happy.
some troon added troon textures to a UE demo?????!?
how do I add heterosexual textures?
True. And while I am waiting for Mai, I will go pay my respects to her Saigado doujins
Smug won SF4 at CEO this year
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The best lowbrow entertainment like comic books, anime, and video games are typically made by people that appreciate high art and sophisticated things, namely not comic books, anime, and video games. The reason that so many new games are of poor quality is because they're made by the low IQ, lowbrow individuals that primarily consume lowbrow entertainment.

fgg is a pretty good example of this. Most of this board is very stupid. It's the same reason all the best superheroes were created by actual writers instead of nerds that have read every issue of superman. Outsiders bring new ideas. Insiders just keep a circlejerk of stupidity.

It's why you dumb people cry about "tourists" on twitter all day because you can't stand the thought of being upstaged in the one thing you devoted your life to.

People like David Cage want to uplift the medium into something better, but you people are obsessed with dragging it down to the GHETTO with you.
david cage was the best chapgptdem could spit out
Is the "virgin/chad" format really like 60 years old? What the fuck? Even my grandpa posted "my opinion > your opinion" memes with his friend back then?
>criticism of criticism
Watching Cr1tikal rant about Schafrillas is not inherently noble
mandem said schafrillas
I only even know who that is because you guys were going nuts when he killed his brother on here
>You uncultured chuds! Zun studied various mythologies,religions, and culture to create the touhou characters y'all love so much. You think he got his fame from just playing games?
>ZUN: just 1cc'd my 100th shmup. Can't believe a nigga ain't dropped one with a shrine maiden sniff as the protag.
even pokemonfans made a fighting game...
baron studied religion and culture and history and then ellie called him a retarded nerd
That game was actually made by former pro animators and production staff from Oriental Light and Magic.
The reason the game looks that way is because it was made by actual industry professional animators. This is actually the case for a lot of "doujin games" produced in Nippon where the artists involved are actual industry professionals. The Kengan Ashura artist worked on a game, too.

Drawing is a very common hobby in Japan to the point that they have a much stronger art culture, at least compared to USA. This is also why there's a huge doujinshi market of fan produced comics because most people learn how to draw when they're still in middle school.

The tradeoff is that many of them are much worse with computers than the average westerner since that's considered a more niche hobby in Japan.
the buckler of sullivan
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It's up
why did they ai generate the portraits, doe?!?!?
timmy trying to show off his webdev skills and was still too lazy to get their images off google
Does anyone hate video games more than the people that play them? You people shit on them harder than the conservative Christian parents from the 90s at this point. It's not even ironic, either.
Did afgg merge with this general?
... FRAGRANCE drama?!?!?!
but I also see a few afgg people on gbvsg sometimes
Yep. Its two posters are here.
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Ken Penders worked history and the lore of the real world into his Sonic comic and you all hated him when he did it....
detailed boob veins
Not a merger, afgg schizos took over since this used to be the street fighter general
timdem still crying about afgg that hasn't been around for 4 years now
they defended sfv's honor for 7 years and were rewarded with...sf6
The only 3 regulars who would put up lobbies and played there moved on. I haven't seen them post lobbies here in ages so all that's left are schizos who post on multiple generals (the EU players that almost never posted lobbies outside of 1 or 2).
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It's all made by ai, nigga
i liked scrubp
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some of these made me lol
the one furry guy posts furry porn every thread, so take a fuckin' guess
this is like reading a /v/ thread from 10 years ago
I know some of you are very autistic, but I didn't know I'd have to spell out this simple elementary school shit to you.
*pats on head with my freshly manicured hands*
When we say "be inspired by things besides video games," we mean to take INSPIRATION from it, e.g., the general feeling or themes, not to just mindlessly regurgitate the whole goddamned text like a chatGPT wikipedia paraphrase. No one wants to see that shit, you fucking idiot. No, regaling us with the chronicles and record of the yiff war is not interesting. If I wanted to read LOTR with dogs fucking, I'd read LOTR with some fuzzy mittens on or some shit. Be original. Come up with something new, snappy, and interesting instead of just repeating what you heard from a book like a parrot.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you, but I suppose any sort of critical thinking is just a skill beyond what most of you are capable of.
Fuck, Poomina is even boring to watch
coming up with new things is hard...
increase your IQ and expand your mind, retard
Are there no side games to watch at CEO this year?
CEO is the real competitive tournament, so no
CEOtaku is the party tournament with the wacky side games
They used to have side games though? I wonder what changed.

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found the perfect game for fgg
what's perfect about it?
Every time I watch people from here play, they're always jumping
Made for me
albeitdem said the man-drama event where guys larp as wrestlers and isn't even on the CPT is not a party tournament
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it's really fascinating how it mixes the old and the new
It's literally like reading fgg circa 2012-2013
i knew fgg was chatgpt
>actually talking about fighting games
clearly he did not train this on 2024 fgg
All he did was talk about his gacha waifu and make racial slurs about south americans
what would 2024 fgg ai talk about?
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Just goes to show that even when fgg did discuss fighting games it was so shallow and automated even a simple ai can pass as an actual poster.
pawgs gamedev futa bbc nigger incel timmy timantha genshin cuck fuck duck luck nuck truck mcsuck tranny furry bbw namefag namefag namefag
You mean like you?
*awaits the canned butch hartman cartoon character reply in smug satisfactory excitement*
Flaccid comeback, +immy
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He's terrified of people filtering his flaccid npc posts
He used to type M/_morrigan and L/_lilith instead of Morrigan and Lilith for the same reason.
Incredibly flaccid behavior.

Ever so flaccid.
Take your meds and hrt
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Apparently they have them, they just didn't list them for some reason? Or I have to dig through stuff to find them. They're gonna have Vsav, BatFan, and Sonic the Fighters
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Oh I see them now. But I looked this page up the day before CEO and it didn't show up on Google
It's still hilarious that Cheez thought it was a bot posting kys and thought the word Timmy was what triggered it and he thought he outsmarted the imaginary bot by censoring the word only to discover that the bot doesn't even exist
>no sniffposting responses when asked about kolin
Nice try, AI.
>Playing DBFZ vs randoms
>Keep getting the same fucker that has a lag switch and RQ me
You might be as good as me but you are below me for being a bitch.
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remember when fighting games had unlockable characters instead of DLC
what did TOs do to get all characters on all copies?
android 21 reminded me that unlockable characters is a shit idea
sniff li
oh look cheez found a new favorite word
now he's going to call everyone he doesn't like ai before moving on to the next word
they would have to play the game to unlock all the characters on every set up
wonder how locals will be able to run this game since it will probably be online only, also unlocking characters in Riot games takes months if not years.
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>50% ready to play
>25% to unlock
>25% DLC
This should be the correct. So, 24 characters= 12+6+6 and everyone is happy.
Think about this when you're making your fighting game.

You're making one, right?
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>fash rt
What the pedo meant to say is that they like their petite adults to be as mentally underdeveloped as children.

>remember when fighting games [cost a fortune for DLC]
confirmation bias that sends me.
Holy... Kolin if she SF6....
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A Cassandra won the soulcalibur tournament
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they already confirmed it has offline play
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Luke before he got the zoomer upgrade
oh wow reina got tattoos what a trashy wife cheez has
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meltybros..!? is this true?
there's gotta be a smaller one right?
don't tell me...
fear said vortex gallery stunk
tell me...
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diesel legacy had a 2v2 loketest tournament at ceo and none of you talked about it...
we dont talk about anything, we just go through our NPC routine every day
Fantasy Strike,
early nigga
Odd of them to not advertise it properly. Guess I'll just have to look up the vods.

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