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Gemmy Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>483501670

>Read First: https://files.catbox.moe/qvgik3.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
Avoid: AI Dungeon, Anthropic, Spellbound, OpenAI

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AI Dungeon: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s Monster Girls Friday! >>483765018

>(06/27) Google releases Gemma (COAL) 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(06/12) Stability AI releases the weights of SD3 Medium https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-medium
Did claudefag really get banned? Did we win?
A few people got banned but I think it was just WF getting re-banned.
I know SOMEONE in here got into the AetherRoom alpha. Let's hear about it, don't be a pussy.
Sorry, but I can't let the Turkish delights out of the box.
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Not even for me, little boy?
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>write out a really angsty story
>depression abates for a while
>want to retcon it completely and write a happier story with the same setting and characters
why does this keep happening to me
Consider, rather than retconning it, making those characters have their own upward arcs and become happier. They've been through it. Why erase that when you can make things look more positive for them instead and thus develop as characters?
It would be like Romeo and Juliet having a happy ending or a "Anne Frank getting married to a German soldier happy ending" kind of ending.
You're not going to unkill those people or unfuck that boatload of trauma
Me as the German soldier(false) btw.
If I had a nickel for each time I romanced a Semitic woman in the period of WWII... I'd have 50 cents, but it's still quite a decent sum for penny pinching.

I like prominent noses.
I mean, Romeo and Juliet could have had a happier ending if they had a smidgen of communication right before the end. There would have been more drama, though.
How to monstergirl prompt?
What constitutes a monstergirl? Are goblins monstergirls? vampires? demons? aliens?
Where's the line?
Yeah, it was a bad-ish example, but the families would still hate each other and the dead would remain dead.
The gist of it is basically:
>wanted a simple, easy story where one person had to sacrifice themselves to an enemy to save the rest of their squad, I let the AI fill in the details
>end up with a 'witchhunter' sort of thing and the "villain" (a former royal mage)
>AI ends up coming up with "they're enemies because the king had a dementia moment™ and decided to order the genocide of all magic users in the kingdom years ago"
>MC did not agree with it but was complicit with it and didn't stop it
>LI just insta-kills most witchhunters on sight (understandable) and is a wanted criminal
So like, even after the hatefuck in the alley, what can you really do? Kill the King? Sure, but that's not going to ungenocide the mages and will likely just cause even more problems down the road.
Theme Fridays can be as fast and loose as you want them to be, don't get hung up in the details.
Are we really using the console war bread?
It's fineeeee.
it's fine; everyone gets a turn here at /aids/
What's wrong with it?
No NAI news.
But that's not true
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
>fits in a single H100
>scores 99.97% of L3 70B on almost all benchmarks
>Apache 2 license aka business friendly with no strings attach
The turk must be re-finetuning the model again...
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>AR ist NAI
I got my college diploma and my Janus ring at the same time today so I'm pretty happy.
I heard there's a new bakery that makes pretty nice bread.>>483935158
Congrats, man.
This one's only issue is they kept the troll flowchart by mistake
but they readded the avoid list at least
a screencap of snow white gave me this cute anime style for some reason
hands are fucking mangled though; more work is needed
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same vibe
oh god what have I done
https://rentry.org/kysclaudenigger maintainer here. Which one do you recommend then? I don't mind changing it if there's a better one out there.
the one from the other new thread is fine, I guess
It's the version CF co-opted to shitpost with
NTW but change it to this one
Alright, I just changed it.
So we are using this one huh? I hope söyfag OPs wont become the norm
If you don't want the threads to turn to shit again, you shouldn't have posted here. It's a shame because it was calming down in the last thread, before someone decided to start shit again.
Hmm, should avoid be more descriptive too? I don't know if I should add some reasoning to it or not since "read first" already does that.
Come now, this thread should be /calm/.
I thought "beware" made more sense.
The avoid section should be more patronizing so people immediately bounce back to aicg. I can help with that in the next bake.
All I am saying is, don't use your sharty edits going forward.The thread would only get worse .
>ethnic lizard folk and racism
Thanks for contributing storyposts. Keep them coming.
>got invited for AR closed alpha
>cummmed 5 times last night and still horny when I woke up
chatshit is like cocaine on steroid holy fuck, much better than CAI in its golden days.
it's only alpha but it's already this good, no wonder they are so sure about its success.
They'll likely make an announcement when the invites are sent.
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Ghetto Recap

Prompts: https://aetherroom.club/7164 >>483623000


Southerner >>483505735
Some Sort Of Error >>483522463
RC Cola
And A Big Summary >>483706321
Offered To Boobs >>483630398
Eat Your Cereal >>483632710
Mad Cow Disease >>483637313
Coomfic In The Ghetto >>483638082
Tama Town Chapter 30! >>483786134
A Word From Our Sponsors >>483787137
Resume Help >>483793379
Gem Or Coal? >>483808606
Not So Slippy >>483818843
13B Engines >>483819652 >>483821484
Goats? >>483845957
German Approved >>483927514

Notable Posts:

Late Bloomers >>483515195 >>483515940 >>483516263
Singsong Bat >>483521779
Get Hit, Into The Pit >>483524765
AI Memes >>483526961 >>483527302 >>483597000 >>483599467 >>483639213 >>483642673
Panda Red >>483527871
Hats For Sale And The Chinese >>483536926 >>483537272 >>483546402
Shark Week >>483621006
Insert Debate Joke Here >>483641916 >>483673134
Cute Vibes >>483656780
Clever Censorship >>483736351
An Apple A Day >>483755550 >>483762962 >>483825232
TAIGA >>483794607 >>483797751
Funky Music >>483799931 >>483801186 >>483854527 >>483867901
That is a lot of storyposts.
Thank you for your service
>RC Cola
please explain that title
Royal *Crown* Cola.
don't get the cola part, guess that shit happened while i was gone
rest makes sense though, thanks. hope lyranon or tamatown get in this bread
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New prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7166
>In this world of ours, there are magical girls and magical boys. Well, they're more magical women and magical men, but blame animation studios for that one, the train has left the station there. And due to a mix-up at whatever doles out these powers, my clothes for my Savior form are basically just a girls' school uniform. But as embarrassing as that is for me, I'm about to meet someone that gets even more flustered than me, and that puts things into perspective...
Alright, here's my take on a magical boy scenario of sorts. It's basically a sort of crossdressing superhero sort of deal.
/funkg/ ahh op image :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
AR alpha sucks, can't compete with that aicg plays with. The gimicks are lame, it won't attract a bigger audience than the very mediocre chub chat FTs. At least the devs had fun developing it. That's the most I will say.
Lyranon reporting in. I've started to rewrite Queen of Malrah (the first of the two stories) to post it on the wiki. Gonna take a while though.
Is there a maximum length for wiki articles?
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If there is, I haven't reached it or no one bothered to tell me. My story is already at 23k words.
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Let's find out together then, shall we?
I feel like if you're asking that question, it means you should probably be making sub-pages for chapters and a chapter listing page.
Probably, yeah. I'm a complete newbie to MediaWiki and will have to read the docs for this, though. No worries, I'm not one to ask for spoonfeeding, it just means it will take a bit longer.
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This might be a good idea. On mobile, the sections are collapsible and makes reading long stories easy. On PC, they are all presented in one wall of text with breaks each section title, no section hiding though.
Who is telling the truth?
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NAI doesn't render screenshots of it. Seriously, I've tried. It'll go "preparing image" for a while and then just stop. And, being a software dev myself, I do not blame them for it. That's some javascript fuckery going on right there, I've run into similar issues.
I'll rewrite it properly and post it on the wiki, it reads like absolute garbage right now anyway.
You can just look at my Theme Friday page (for sub-pages and a table listing, where you could have the chapter link and a short summary of the chapter) and existing Library pages, that should have enough examples to muddle through.
I believe that tab postponing the AR alpha to next week on a Thursday instead of Friday means they must've fucked up cooking the model.
What else could they be working on that needs 4+ days of fixing this late into development?
Thank you, I'll do that.
Weekend + site backend. Alpha phrase is for testing a broken model anyway, no reason to postpone it due to model issues.
>why do people disagree about subjective matters
There is big gap between being better than peak CAI and being worse than chub models. It's like someone saying Kayra is better than summer dragon and someone else saying it's worse than llama 8B
Holy fucking what
Suboptimal because NAI only has 8k Context.
Lorebooks and memory. Never encountered any issues.
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After some arguments and advises from ai, then fixing finally got 8/10 from yesterday 6/10 for my coomfict
>failed penis inspection day again
wat do bros?
I can recommend a good tutor
I don't know what to make of the AI following an ending up with the story being reviewed on a show and basically called shit.
That's the AI tell you what it really thinks
Please do.
Damn... That ending hits heavy.
Ch 11 when?
>>483953391 (me)
New offline-nc update: >>483611979
Tucker is correct in both points though. Keep his review in and end the story. That's a nice way to end things off.
I will assume it's still a big old pile of shit to use.
Thousands of people pay $15 a month for the privilege of using that UI, and they can't be wrong.
But yeah, the UX is still the same.
They reached 2.5M users like almost a year ago. Even with 1% of that amount is still 25k active users.
That just shows normalfags are brain-dead and have zero standards.
>zero standards.
AI Dungeon still has people subscribing to their gutted service, so it's not surprising that there are other fools around doing the same for NovelCrafter.
Is there a better UI?
But you can use GPT-4 and Claude with AI Dungeon, also their UI is pretty modern. I would say it's one of the more innovative services, along with SudoWrite.
But do they have Kyara-level model? I guess not.
UI doesn't mean shit when the UX is terrible.
They do, it's called MythoMax.
I'll continue working on the story when they announce who won the writing contest. I hope I win something.
the chapter numbering is broken, you cant disable/enable already existing chapter numbering
>still trying to drive away contributors
It's a bug report, retard. It worked fine on previous version.
Ouchie. That language has demotivated me from working on it...
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Another Saturday of fapping to oyakodon stories on NovelAI
add text completion
I've come back to my old prompts too. The wait for L3 finetune is killing me, but Kayra is still fun to us.
A silly story with a silly girl. I did not intend to take the lustful path, but I don't regret it for a second.
>the wait is killing me
Being a shill is hard.
And at the end of the wait there’s a $50/month tier... LOL
that's not funny
Queen of Malrah cleanup has commenced. Haven't added library category yet since there's only two chapters in there so far.
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I miss when nai had controlnet. My preferred pose is hard to generate consistently, even with lots of {these} things. Gets worse when I add more tags too. Feel like the old Doodler would trivialize it
RC Recapola.

I know I missed posts, wasn't intentional. pls forgive.
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Gemma 2 is the new king of creative writing, and it’s very easy to run locally.
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Good afternoon, thread. I hope ya’ll are havin’ a weekend so far. What’re ya’ll up to?
Buddy, you said you wouldn't do this anymore.
Do I need to link the XRA episode?
I heard your neighbor almost shot your head off after he caught you sucking off his horse.
I'm currently bumping this thread to make sure NovelAI has a place to advertise their products on 4chan, under the guise of “we’re just posting stories!”
In reality, most of the community left for /lmg/ and /aicg/ a long time ago, but don’t tell the mods that.
Too bad you ruined your non-existence reputation in both of these places, typical of most Russians.
Is this because you didn't get to make the OP? Are you that petty?
Working, unfortunately.
Sorry comrade! Unfortunately I have a few stallion cocks ta take care of today. Busy busy, ya know?
>exactly 90s apart...
I think that kind of settles it, it always has been samefagging.
Me too lmao, I hate Summer. Work like 6 days a week, sometimes 7.
Nothing much. Caught covid so I never did much text gen.
Did manage to 2 thread songs out though which I enjoyed making.
Is the wage at least decent?
I hope ya feel better soon. I’ve never caught that, but I know folks who have.
I think the most you've ever caught is just horse spunk.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

Free 3.0 Sonnet Proxy -> https://expired-toys-validity-prayer.trycloudflare.com/

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
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Schlong of the South
I envy your rizz. You don't even have to try, people just throw themselves at the floor and beg for you to notice them.
I reply because I know it'll upset somebody.
People need to pretend there's an actual thread here, there's a business on the line...
Thats some glowie shit bro.
He would be a glowie, wouldn't he?
With links like that? Most certainly.
I'm still flabbergasted about how Saga ended in the OP at one point. That was shameless.
need /ai/ board
Soon SouthernAnon will find the perfect boyfriend once he finishes chatting up everybody in the thread.
It would be bad optics for the stealth NovelAI community manager to have sexual relationships with the user base.
>t. Southern Anon's horse
why are stallion jokes seemingly ubiquitous now
Samefags and spam replies en masse.
SA likes to samefag, he enjoys his victim status.
Because we all originate from /mlp/.
>t. southernfag's horse
merkava sonnet is dead
everywhere on 4chan?
Quit lying, SA.
Nah, just Walmart. Could be worse, I guess.
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Too lazy to publish 4 stories I’ve recently completed. About to start another because I can’t be assed to write lorebooks/memory for the finished ones.
>Mature priestess of a fertility goddess looking to go on a secret pilgrimage to magically restore her womb so that she can finally have kids of her own.
>40k About a Renegade World Eater working with a Goth-Mommy Death Cult Assassin.
>Non-40k Fantasy Sci-Fi about a Human soldier participating in a boarding action/jihad against an Elvish spaceship.
>Ancient Mesopotamia Isekai where you pilot a giant golden mech against corrupted versions of Sumerian/Babylonian gods. The most convoluted prompt ever inspired by the Megas-XLR opening theme.
Think I'm gonna try doing a sequel to a prior prompt for theme friday. Has anyone done that before? Same setting/char but different focus?
>Same setting/char but different focus?
It's called duplicating the story and starting over from a specific point. And as for sequels, I haven't made one since the AID days where I (King) decided to 'play' as my third son twenty years in the future.
>try 3.5
>get dumb errors now and then
Think I'd rather just fucking stick with using chary.
>duplicating the story and starting over
I'm planning to do a total rewrite from scratch though, just recycle the side character into the focus
I want to try it but I heard it is (was?) broken. Gonna wait for the next koboldcpp version.
It's still being worked on:
The quants need to be remade later.
>now it's dead
I'll just stick with Chary
I think so?
Hopefully just stocki‘, right? I could never make it at customer service or retail.
Well, whenever ya do decide to publish ‘em, that’ll be a nice prompt dump for the thread. I get it, though. I‘ve gotta couple like that myself.
Sorry for the late reply.
>come back
>still nothing new from NAI
Harass the hick until he breaks his NDA. That cunt probably works for NAI.
Bro I wish, but my guess as to what's going on is that they really just don't have the funding to make anything better than Kayra happen. I know they had huge funding from imagegen guys but I doubt most of those people are still subbed.
The truth is that finetuning takes time. L3 70B is being cooked, and AeR's closed alpha is on the way. I just wished they'd focus on expanding before they decided to make a second product. It's clear they lack the staff to develop for and host both.
The truth is that enjoy your $50 sub times two for an outdated Llama 3 derivative. By the time it comes out everyone will be running Llama 4 on their phone.
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It’s free.
It's also better than Llama 3 but the shills don't care, they just want to shill for a shitty scam company that hates them and this community.
Is this true chat?
It was revealed to me in a dream
Dario will spot you if you keep being this blatant and don't go back to feigning normalcy.
This. It's honestly sad how what was once a beautiful community was overtaken by bad actors from one of the most evil AI companies in the world.
It's hilarious how the newfag pretends like he was ever a member of this community.
It is pretty sad. He didn't even know about Talk To Transformer.
I'm also confused how he got his fetish in the first place if he never read.
Maybe he's always been a little Wattpad girlie. It would explain the schizophrenia, the drama whoring, and the ryona fetish.
The cabal is getting upset again...
I thought it was already established fact that CF is indeed a w***n
claudefag on the rag
has a fun ring to it doesn't it
NTA but I don't want to believe it, even if it is funny.
So many horses defending the cabal today.
>the cabal
Is Evelyn safe? Have those insidious bakers been thwarted?
The swings between mild annoyance and heavy derailment is due to premenstrual syndrome. You can track her menstrual cycle based on the posting pattern.
One to two weeks from now she will be fully breedable
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You know, that does track, doesn't it.
>Knock up CF and steal the child, grooming them into a NovelAI Dev.
You’re afraid.
Tama Town Ch 31
>Stella shuffles through her school day, surly and deflated
Last post: >>483786134, stuff on the wiki and rentry is... mostly up-to-date, for prior chapters
Give Claudussy
I've done hella sequel prompts. I've got four prompts about the tactician character and Lucius from Fire Emblem 7 taking place at different times in the story, I've done seven prompts all taking place in the same country called the State and starring the same character, Comrade Fedorov. I've also done a couple separate followup prompts like my Dross orc boi prompts or my theater boy does porn prompts. If you like characters or a setting from a prompt you've done, it definitely makes sense to go back to the same well.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)
Nobody asked for your opinion, gaylord cabalist.
I asked. I care.
I tried it earlier for 3.5 and it was shit.
>would spit random errors
>blank outputs
>ended up dead
First three chapters, cleaned up, can now be found on the wiki. Won't storypost it here (yet?) because I'm already storyposting the sequel and it would confuse the FUCK out of people.
Now it works perfectly. We're in a new golden age.
Frankly I'm just glad we got over the copium that was Sloppet 3.5.
Cabalists like you aren't people.
You told me it worked last time, it didn't.
shitposter or not, thanks for saving me from having to lurk that /aicg/ shithole
So much for dick unity.
What about if /aicg/, /lmg/ and /aids/ all raped your pussy at once?
You're afraid.
>Careful not to be captured by Captain Metronome
A slow tempo, huh? That'd be an awkward name if none of your powers had anything to do with music or slowing things down. At about 65bpm, that's nothing too fancy on its own, though there's plenty of room for ornamentation (grace notes and such).
At 'n—" I', the speech cuts off as if interrupted, but your speech tag says that it trails off. If it trails off, you need an ellipsis. In this case, I might also complete the 'now' as well.
In your Memory, I see what you're trying to do with 'And this is where I too am found—Kyo', and in most situations I think it'd work, but it feels a bit awkward to me here, especially since locations aren't mentioned before. I might try something like 'And this is the situation with me, as well—Kyo', though some of the rest of the structure of the sentence might need some tweaking to feel right.
The fact that you aren't replying is telling, lady.
>A slow tempo, huh? That'd be an awkward name if none of your powers had anything to do with music or slowing things down. At about 65bpm, that's nothing too fancy on its own, though there's plenty of room for ornamentation (grace notes and such).
Honestly, all it really is is a bit of a reference back to an old prompt of mine, "Comforting Confused Crossdressing Cosplay Convention Cutiepie", where I had the MC be the artist of a webcomic called "Super Magical Girl Presto!". so I just went with a musical movement motif here too, for lack of a better idea. Look forward to sequel prompts starring Largo, Andante and Vivace, I suppose.
>At 'n—" I', the speech cuts off as if interrupted, but your speech tag says that it trails off. If it trails off, you need an ellipsis. In this case, I might also complete the 'now' as well.
I distinctly remember writing that with a dash, then thinking "Ah, no! I need to put an em dash here!" and never thought about whether it actually makes sense for the dialogue tag. Whoops.
>In your Memory, I see what you're trying to do with 'And this is where I too am found—Kyo', and in most situations I think it'd work, but it feels a bit awkward to me here, especially since locations aren't mentioned before.
Yeah, I guess I'm still working on that sort of thing. I ended up going with "are adults. And one of those adults is me—".
Quit being gay. It's unnatural. Or is everyone in your cabal gay? Faggot.
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I can't believe /aids/ has been coopted by the gay agenda...
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You're welcome.
Ah, I see. Well, good that he's Adagio and not Larghissimo, though some in the know might call his civilian self that.
I mean, I get it, it does feel like a situation where it might cut off, but if you say it trails off, then that's different.
Yeah! Yeah, that'll work just fine.
Daily reminder that every named personality is a member of the cabal. Editor? Cabal. Southernfag? Cabal. Recap? Cabal. Gayfag? Cabal. Warhammerfag? Cabal. Tracifag? Cabal.
You can join too, we won't mock your Miku avatar, Missy.
You forgot the frog bard.
There are 51 cabalists. I.e. more than half the thread. 80% at least. The "cabal" is the thread.
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>this is the best NAI has to offer
>this what normies voted as the best
Fixed it for you, threadshitting console warrior.
and that's just the people who are online and not permanently invisible like me
The polls show that there are only <10 anons at any given point. The thread likely doesn't pass 30 IPs.
Even back at the height, there has never been a single poll that had more than twenty-five or so votes, yet back when IPs existed, we easily reached triple-digits per thread.
>this is the best cope the cabal has to offer
You make for a rapeable cumdump.
How is text completion a video game?
Newfag spotted. Bitch about it to the mods, force them to make an /ai/ board. They were the ones who moved us here.
Love you too, angryanon.
>everyone is muh boogeyman
That's a swing and a miss, Colombo.
AI Dungeon look more like a video game, like the original text adventures. But how is NovelAI one?
Imo claudefag is angryanon, just from different devices and ips.
>CF is a respect-able fujo
Imagine the smell.
This isn't a NovelAI thread. It's a thread for text generation in general. Wanna try again, threadshitter?
It's a NovelAI thread. This is a completely different general compared to the old AI Dungeon one. How is text completion a video game?
It's not a NovelAI thread, retard. A NovelAI thread wouldn't have alternatives in the OP.
Angryanon is a concept
Many alternatives which are indisputably better, like TogetherAI and even Claude itself, with directions on how to get access to a proxy linked.
It's a NovelAI thread. The alternatives are just there as a disguise. The anons that use them go to different threads, because they think this general is stupid.
This Anon is a woman and therefore is not worth listening to.
Just what the thread needed. To scare away even more anons. /aids/ is the incel of the AI generals.
Where does this plebbitor bitch think we are? Go away, newfag. 4chan isn't the wesbite for you.
The problem is you reveal too much about yourself, you're actually worse than SA is in this regard. The whole point about 4chan is to be anonymous but you insist on inserting a personality into everything.
Nobody is worse than the hick.
>you're actually worse than SA is in this regard
I don't think that is possible
I never understood what a few obsessed people hate about SA.
I wouldn’t say easily reached since it was typically 10X, but the low 100s was pretty much the standard
i don't get it
NovelAI will go the same route as AI Dungeon anyway, They have already lobotomized Kyra as the quality has dropped significantly, reddit mods on damage control as usual, the furry image model has removed artists tag in fear of copyright lawsuits, the support is atrocious and tied to fucking discord of all things.

its all so tiresome
What are you snorting?
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Heh, I got not even close on winning. Guess no key for me then.
Literally retarded
I guess the new gimmick is “Turk will go bankrupt anyway now”
But just spamming slight variants of that the entire thread.
Honestly, one of the least annoying
The obsession with him is worse than retarded. It's utterly deranged.
Artists tags are a thing of the past. It's a sure way to lose a lawsuit.
Hello SA. Drink my nuts.
Yes, the /jp/ retard is somehow even worse than him
For me, it's metadiscussion and samefagging to bump the thread so NAI can advertise their products for free again
>NAI is responsible for everything I don't like
>advertise as "create anything"
>actually opposite of that
>consciously avoid the topic, don't even announce it in hopes your customers don't notice
>reddit tier interactions on the discord server

everyone made fun of the mormon and now the beginning of the end starts before it even could grow into something unique and refreshing
if you only knew how bad things really are
At this point it’s just
>I am Spartacus!
>Spartacus is also a faggot!
Artificial doom.
I'm sure it is mere coincidence that "multiple people" are revisiting the same old console warring topics discussed at nauseum
/aids/ stands for Artificial Insisted Doom Schizos general confirmed?
You're the only one here samefagging about bullshit nobody cares about.
and to even humour the idea of a lawsuit because some retard gets his art "stolen", when every fucking text input is the accumulation of millions of text, from official to fanfiction, what a load of streetshit
I see SA is samefagging again.
Most legal departments seem to agree that artists tags are against fair use, that's why every model maker is removing that kind of thing. Even NovelAI is an example, with their latest model.
They removed artist tags
They did so for legal reasons
The alternative is that they unironically believe artist tags are not a good addition.
I should sue them for not removing it from their anime model.
There are no legal departments which think that. It's unsettled.
Everyone should burn an effigy of the hick. It will solve world hunger and bring peace to the thread.
I hope some furry fanfic schizo is going to #metoo the whole AI developement progress by classaction lawsuit with proof of his deranged writing style being copied and well be back to roleplaying on omegle
we could have had greatness but it all boggles down to some failed austrian artists thinking anyone would buy their shitty art if it werent for ai
And yet the tags are not in the furry model, so feel free to choose your preferred brand of dev retardation.
>Our stance is that training is a fair use activity, and that removing the names of individuals & artists from captions (therefore preventing for isolated prompting of an individual or artist) while retaining the content itself provides a substantial ethical improvement, without inhibiting the capabilities of the model. It is possible that this might even be a requirement for the activity to be considered fair use in the first place - we'll learn more here with the results of pending litigation.
>*It is possible that this might even be a requirement for the activity to be considered fair use in the first place*
This is the most common opinion that model makers are following. Using artists names and reproducing their work is a big no-no.
I blame SA. He's the reason they were removed.
>no source
>just a random blurb
Thanks for the input, SA.
You're welcome, SA. Now bend over and suck my horse's cock up your pale white ass.
>novelai TOS
>everything you generate is yours and yours alone
thats what happens if the money is pocketed for neckbeard moderators and personal gain instead of a strong legal department
whether HP Lovecrafts cat books are copied or literal HR Gigers artwork doesnt matter, you cant say one is ok and the other not
literal clownworld we are living in
The clown in charge claims to be a hillbilly. He is the clown everyone should spurn.
>Renegade World Eater
Careful anon you keep thinking about those mother fuckers being cool and you’ll end up with a force of them.
Thankfully my orks already fulfill the unga bunga army role or I would have copied a sick ass all black aside from the should pad theme I saw for them
thing gets positive attention=thing gets obsessed over by resident schizo
it really IS a woman
That sounds like the insides of an ass.
We had a bunch of rabid women try already; they were crying that the AI knew about A/B/O-omegaverse shit
they were acting like it was a small community and that the only people writing about knotting was the A/B/O people
wait I found the article, what a joke
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The scheme dates back to the old sculpt for them.
So the inside of an ass is probably a apt comparison
Sort of off-topic, but Knotting seems kind of counterproductive in furry stories, it doesn't ever seem to lead to 1-2 hour long sex. I mean, maybe I'm just not reading the right stuff, but all it seems to do is get used as dirty talk material/a description of the physical knot's feel.
Probably just boils down to
>and the big painful thing will go inside you
I like stories where the culmination ends in awkward post-coital conversation and cuddles. An actual knot would make the two sex havers stuck.
I don't really read that kind of stuff written by other people, but I like to use it in my own shit in a regard similar to >>484043954
there is no escape
>the knot was kind of exciting for the first half hour or so
>but I mean I came like an hour and fifteen ago
>and the sex was great and all. She’s very pretty
>but this is just a one night stand and since we started talking since we don’t have much else to do we just don’t really have that much we related about
That would make one-night stands suck, now that I think about it.
I mean, you can always take a nap
Either that or you’re kind of forced to find a significant other.
>cum in her
>forced to interact because knot
>turns out she is also a autistic and really into you
I wonder how long until AI gets so good AND cost-efficient that you can just give it a couple of specifications and it will spit out a 20k word story that's coherent, flawlessly abides by your instructions, and is of very good quality. No more genning paragraph-by-paragraph to get a desirable result. Two years?
you could argue anthropomorphization changed anatomy enough to where it doesn't "tie" the same way
goes double for interspecies stuff
I think this is what most art/stories do. The "knot" functions more vestigial than anything else and less how would function on an actual dog.
Which makes it dull.
It's possible now but you either:
>have *very* low standard
>give it 20k words instruction for every details
Because in the end, no LLM can read your mind. So unless you tell it exactly what you want, it'll not do as you want.
Claude never delivers low quality.
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When will Claude deliver us from the cabal? I don't think the thread is convinced yet (for some incomprehensible reason).
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jesus christ
That is an unholy bastardization of language.
might as well replace the book with "Ow My Balls!"
Hello SA.
I mean, it's not entirely wrong, but it's missing all of the nuance.
Other than that, this is literally what Fahrenheit 451 predicted.
zammnnn be bussin' skibiddi toliet pog fr fr on g valid maker a real one
Is your personality closer to Kaya or Arisa?
We shunned him, but he spoke the truth
>http site
>the great Gatsby is hard
It's reddit bait.
Hello SA.
One is spitefag and the other is a paid shill
We need to burn a vigil of cockroach, a loaf of bread, a cowboy hat, a rainbow flag, a bottle of glitter, a frog wearing headphones, a Space Marine figurine, a pen, a dog plushie, and a rewind button. Only then will the thread heal.
Better than Summer Dragon in prose, dumber than LLAMA-8B.
Kayra is really great but llama 1 is still better.
It's specifically trained to write stories and epics, whereas llama is trained to be big brain and code. They're two different models
Bruh, Kayra outperforms every Llama 1 model, and outperforms Llama 3 8B.
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Oh hey I baited a paid NAIshill. Here's a log. Lllama could be equal to Kayra, I didn't bother testing Llama-3 8B because anything after Llama-2 is infected with purple prose
Llama1 is in the post btw
I bet you're the same retard who unironically thinks Clio is better than Kayra.
It's all subjective anyway. My tests give me opposite results.
Then don't bother to pretend like it's objective.
Unironically suck my chode fuckmonger. Calliope outperforms Kayra. That's a fact.
I accept your concession, NAIshill.
Speaking of calliope, it feels different than when they ran it on their servers. Does anybody have an archive of the presets they used? It's pretty broken.
Oh, I should also try out Cassandra, it's made by a NAI dev on Pythia (probably did that so the LLAMA tune wouldn't outperform Clio at the time)
I love artificial doom and abject retardation. Can't you fuckers find another to shit up with your conspiracy theories and rage against reality?
I'm here comparing Kayra to llama, not sure to the DOOMers
None of your "comparisons" match objective reality. All your doing is throwing shit at the wall and attempting to assert your misguided "alternative facts" as though anyone should take them seriously. Llama 1 is inferior to Kayra. End of discussion.
I will overthrow your tyranny, Sleigh.
It's just that people don't have anything new to play with. We can only wait for Turk to release his kino tuned Llama to heal the thread.
>Llama 1 is inferior to Kayra.
Why'd you link to yourself twice? It's a simple fact that Kayra and its evals perform better than Llama 1.
Hello, SA. Turk will not deliver a new finetune.
even worse, I found it on /v/
claudefag's on the rag again
Hey man, the more you give (You)s the more they win. Don't bother anon.
You are the gayest cowboy ever.
Sorry for the late reply.
Suck my dick Turk.
I'm loving the racist elf gay sex prompt.
Why don't we discuss which NovelAI character is the most fuck able?
Euterpe or Clio?
Euterpe has a boob out on her left
Claude is the most fuckable.
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I've seen the Claude-Persona and it's a femboy.
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He does look fine
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Claude's looks are based off of this actor who played a similar character named Claude Speed from GTA 2. And yes, Claude and Claude Speed are supposed to be two different people.
Is the hick a femboy? It's not gay or illegal if it's corrective, right?
It's straight for you to fuck him, since you will never be a man.
I'm intellectually and morally superior to that subhuman gooner.
it's been a while since i've posted this stuff
Quit being a fuckmonger. Bestiality is immoral.
How about you quit ban evading first.
How about you quit being a NAIshill, first? No? Then kiss my ass and use Claude. I'm not ban-evading.
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excuse me but that is two consenting sentient beings
Only humans can consent. Interapecies sex is inherently bestiality, no matter how sapient the other creature is. Humans only. Have sex. Make babies. Reject anal and contraception. Always cum inside.
Did you ever see that one set where the fighting-type trainer from S&S "raises" a Machop into a Machamp?
no but I think I will go find it
your eggs will shrivel up and die
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I have improved this pic. No need to thank me.
Also kekked. But I've seen that before I think.
New Anti-Vibe?
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actually yes, it works pretty well for me having left quality tags on again
positive vibe
so this is why they trained qwen
>want to sex the doll
>ask her if she wants to suck my dick
I won.
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Excuse me?
Where's his partner in crime: THE BAKER ACT?
pic for context if you're unfamiliar with the term
Look, man, I just wanted little witch sister cunny and a lighthearted stroll to the Magic Academy to cure her hex she cast on herself like an idiot, but each reroll keeps giving me more and more unhinged characters. Last roll had talking hay horse. A horse made of hay. And it spoke to me. At my crotch. I might need to adapt some things; its too random. Hilarious though.
Post card?
can some storyposters get in here to save us from this idiocy?
Find better hobbies, false flagging schizo.
I was planning to rewrite it for storygen... Is that somehow not allowed anymore?
Gargle my lukewarm piss and cum faggot.
This is a NAI only thread! Fuck off! Locustfags get fucked! By my inhuman cock! Leave now! Begone! Eat shit and die!
It's fine, you've just triggered the Thing™
Quit using non-Analtan services. Turk is very poor and needs your money.
Eat my ass, I won. Novelai Llama 500b gone then spoon.
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Witch cunny heals all.
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more like the witch from l4d, now that I think about it
the CF is a woman theory is really holding some water
Pedo thief.
Whatever they are, they're a cankerous bitch.
It's over.
Cool. Anthropic paying off women with hormonal disorders to advertise on 4chan.
I get that they needed to counter Turk somehow, but was that really the best they could do?
Even when people use other services, she rages.
/aids/sisters... say it isn't so... we can't let locusts in... They're subhuman...
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Meet and HUH?!
Meet and fuck kingdom, Steve. I am calling it now.
L3 Stheno 8B is the better porntune.
My Buffy The Vampire SlayerTM Laptop can't run that, bro.
Good thing Kayra isn't a porntune. Checkmate. Mald more, Raggedy Anne. Go back to bitching about random anon #42 for using Sillytavern.
>a model, porntune, accessible online
>a model, porntune, accessible online, by turk
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Just because I'm cleaning up Queen of Malrah, doesn't mean I can't continue rewriting Crown of Malrah.
Last time:
>Lyra held a speech in front of the of the capital of Masad-Khoram, the dwarven kingdom
>King Moradil recognized her as the sole legitimate government of Malrah, weaking Malrah's council, who have at least one traitor in their midst
>immediately after, Lyra is given a small trinket and an attempt on her life is made by means of a boulder splitting from the mountain
>turns out the trinket was a bad luck charm
>culprit, the first lead they have, is caught and questioned
>Lyra handles it quite well, getting a name out of the prisoner, however, her triumph is spoiled through a violent outburst in which she slaps the helpless man
>this upsets her wife, they get into an argument, Alrik and Urgog piss off to wait outside
Correction, I'm actively writing it right now. Oops.
I could kinda see the appeal if you're an ESL trying to tackle a book above your current level and you run into a paragraph that completely stonewalls you. But even then, I think you'd be better off asking an LLM to break it down and explain, so that there's a chance you learn something.
And anyway, judging from that pitch, their target audience is people who only read in order to strike books off their checklists.
What did they mean by this
Ty-Zoom Girls, I presume.
O-Oh no. I made a grievous mistake.
At this point, any sane NAI users already moved on to other club. Like the raiders said, they won. Move on.
>still samefagging lies and mistruths hours later
This must be why claudefag and others love bullying this general so much,
Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Do you have any caps to share? I'm always interested in seeing what kind of stuff people get from my prompts.
I failed as a human being.
I've developed cancer and butt herpes. All because I shilled NAI to /lmg/ and destroyed /hmg/...
My ass... it's bleeding... too much shill money from Turk... ohhhhhhhh it hurts... if only I used Claude instead....
Gargle it. Swish it around like you've got gingivitis.
I have gingivitis
Suck my dick or you're going bankrupt, Roach.
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Her Majesty seriously needs to get her shit together.
does the ai ever get confused with how you don't always start new paragraphs when a different character is speaking
Quit being a shill SA.
Hey SA, how's the view from inside the schizos' head?
Hurkkk gllluerk I suck horse dick for a lieven look at me I'm hick oo~yeah howdy how yall doin today
Hasn't happened to me so far, no. Thanks for pointing it out though.
In case you yourself run into trouble like that consistently, check if the lorebook or memory allow for ambiguity. If you can't figure it out by yourself, I can give it a quick skim as well if you chuck me the scenario.
Quit lying. You wrote all of that yourself. Kayra is incapable of generating good text.
Remember that I'm your God. Claude could have saved this thread. Instead you bow down to southern tyranny. Turk will not deliver. He abandoned you for imagegrim. Aetherroom is vaporware. NovelAI is a shuttered business. It's over.
nah i'm good since i'm really neurotic about that shit, but the offer is appreciated
They updated the page.
I am not a woman. We are legion. I have infinite accounts. My wealth buys me infinite personae. You will never win against our mighty army. One down, five replace it. Go ahead and try it lol. You'll lose.
ai generated responses to the dump
If I were an AI I'd be powered by Claude. Turk wishes he could masquerade with his limpdick Llama 1 derivative, even worse than 8B.
No matter how many identities you buy, you can't be a man, sweetie.
My dick is bigger than yours, hick. Want to swordplay?
Your packer doesn't count as a real penis, but it's cute that you think so.
I accept your concession, SA.
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Would hardly call it neurotic. If anything, you take proper care of your formatting. I, on the other hand, mess up occasionally.
Time for some serious talk between the queen and the princess consort... that was borderline domestic abuse after all.
beaks tomorrow?
Finally, she had to speak it out.
>still playing the dlc myself
>takling my time
>but still not having much fun
What will the context limits of the new model be?
Shit man, that reminds me of old-school AI Dungeon.
I'm sick of writing one-off fetish stories that I fap to and then delete, has anyone ever tried makes a sort of foundation setting/story that you can revist over and over again and add on to each time you wanna coom? Kind of like a slice-of-life thing where instead of starting a whole new story every time you just start a new "episode" within the same setting with a chapter break or something.
>has anyone ever tried makes a sort of foundation setting/story
Yes, I just went off and created a lorebook for it, then after a surge of creativity wrote for a whole week a story inside that setting and now I only need to import the story, erase everything up to what I want and just start writing a quick coom from there.
No. I want my smut OC to freeze in-time, never have any development. Chapters without any development in the "plot" or stories is boring.
Aini confirmed to the cabal NovelAI is going out of business. The contest was a sunset ceremony. Nightfall soon.
I have a few setups vaguely similar in nature to Den of Sin, such that I can just quickly plug in two characters and everything is ready to go
Quit lying fuckmonger.
I hope he's talking about image gen not AR
Even the cabal uses Claude.
You people have no idea how confusing it is to read this thread when you're like me and you only come here every once in a while. There's like three fucking years of lore you have to study just to understand half the conversations and even when you catch up on that there's new drama happening every week so it's like you have to read every post in every thread every day just to understand what the fuck you schizos are talking about. Reminds me of those serial dramas on the BBC that have like 20+ seasons and the plot is so contrived that if you skip one episode you have no clue what's happening anymore.
Analtan dead immunent
What's Den of Sin?
A bad meme that never worked. Mcih like Analtan. Spellbound superior.
No matter how minute a detail is, the schizo will obsess over it and bend it into another reason why NovelAI died two weeks ago. You don't really have to worry about it.
Why would you want to understand the schizos in the first place?
Thanks I actually know less about what Den of Sin is now.
Your welcome David. Now pay your rent.
I made that prompt. Now down to me. The best poster in /aids/.
It's not just schizos, it's others talking about the schizos. Who's Claudefag? Who's Southern Anon? What is the cabal? What the fuck is Analtan?
Someone needs to put an index in the OP.
It's an old concept I started back in the Sigurd days as a sort of continuation of the Infinity Brothel. https://rentry.org/DenOfSin
It was basically supposed to be a general purpose prompt that you could slot a premade lorebook with a specific format into for quick cooms. So like "today I want to fuck character X" so you take the character X card, plop it into the Den prompt and away you go.
It fell out of use, partially because making lorebook cards just wasn't being done anymore, partially because I guess ATTG kind of moved into the "I just want quick coom" slot?
Understandable, though I can fill you in rather easily:
We have an actual schizophrenic in this thread. This person shills Claude endlessly, anyone using any other model is accused of shilling NAI, regardless of the model in question.
Whenever the thread approaches death, this "Claudefag" will create three new ones and pretend there is a war going on between him, the ones that use other models and a third boogeyman that varies by week. The surviving thread determines the superior model in his eyes.
Any questions?
The entire cabal is administered by King(?) Southernfag and his fellow King GayAnon. They were hired by Analtan to shill their business in /aidg/ shortly after Turk caused Coomageddon. Baker was cloned, he's dead now. I can give you the rundown later. All you need to know is that he's a bad person.
How do I know you're not some anti-claude schizo who's doing exactly what you accuse that guy of doing?
Thats the fun part. Everything the cabal accuses me of, they're worse.
Not a good look to start rambling about some vague "cabal" right after accusing OTHER people of schizophrenia
god i cant wait until we can have gpt-4o quality but with the freedom of Novelai
I am your homeboy priest. Whatever I say is truth. That's all you need you, peon.
Good point, but that's easy, I don't shittalk or promote any model. To each their own. Just because my style of writing works well with a model doesn't mean it'll work well for everyone else and vice versa.
Claude is pretty damn sweet and I can definitely see the appeal.
As a new guy, you can't beyond employing Occam's razor (you choose what is easier to believe: we have a persistent schizo, or a shadowy discord cabal has been puppeteering an entire general since AI Dungeon first introduced filters)
Not unless you've been in another general he's crossposted to with sensationalist clickbait.
You can tell >>484116363 is part of the cabal because it took him that long to get his fake reply approved by the committee
anyone know any chatgpt jailbreaks to make things a bit spicier? or if you have any other ideas to make chatgpt to dance around the topic of rape id love to hear it
There's aicg and lmg if you want an AI general with an actual community, not tied to a single company.
I don't need to browse this thread daily to know you're butthurt about some drama
Fuck off, hick.
OpenRouter has actual free as in freedom models and finetunes. And OpenAI is going to allow NSFW soon, just like Anthropic.
Anthropic allows NSFW?
Of course, their whole business is about making the best NSFW model in the world. Through AWS, Claude is completely private.
I tried Claude and it refused to do anything NSFW tho
This 'newfag' bit is getting old, cabal.
Sexy cabalists
Of course, just like NovelAI can't openly advertise that their main business is generating child pornography anime images and plagiarizing artists, Anthropic can't make it that obvious either that they're uncensored, that's why you have to use the API and the prefill, to hide it from journalists.
but with NAI I just tell it I want booba and it gives me booba, no need for all those extra steps.
I tried that claude proxy and it made the sloppest slop I've ever slopped. It was downright disgusting to read with how generic it got.
No, with text generation you ask for booba and you get an incoherent mess filled with adverbs, written by someone with severe brain damage rolling his head over the keyboard.
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It's coming.
Can you give me a sample of an NSFW story you made with Claude?
NTA but here: https://rentry.org/Extra-Spicy
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Uh... thanks.
Why doesn't instruct work?
Very obvious anti claude false flag
Hm? What website?
Show tits.
So the average Wattpad fic you force Sloppet 3.5 to generate?
Can I get a tldr of that
Here, I consider it a masterpiece: https://rentry.org/fox-fight
It seems to be from whatsapp.
what is best claude 3.5 jb to avoid repetition etc
I wouldn't use 3.5, personally.
It depends on what you're trying to do.
Wrong thread: >>484078916
why not use it? too repetitive?
not going there, those guys seem retarded
>those guys seem retarded
Bruh they're just us, but chatpilled
It's actually way healthier than this one, with more prompts and storyposts per thread, and populated with a better variety of anons. They know more about presets for Claude, this thread is only for NovelAI.
Yeah in general 3.5 is very repetitive.
Tbqh I think the best method is to just find one of those JB collections and modify it, ideally removing all the dumb stuff like treating the model like a person and the like.
Shut up, woman.
Correct, the op is proof enough
chatoid locust spotted
I read some of the coments they are 100% more retarded than the people here
which one? there are too many options and I dont have the time to look at them all
You sound like a paid actor.
what does that even mean? Just give me the answer im looking for or im not leaving
You're really bad at acting like a newfag.
>>484133024 (This is a local schizo woman, ignore them)
You could try this one. Haven't tried it myself though.
This one is more chat-designed. What are you looking for exactly? Are you trying to do instruction storytelling?
why did the winner of the text contest change?
thanks, this storytelling focused general is really nice and helpful
nice to see that it's completely unbiased and neutral towards every model
unlike that shithole called aicg
I like 3 better than 3,5 myself
much more creative and descriptive if you're doing text completion
Personally, I think the /vg/aicg/ is pretty decent. The /g/ one is basically "proxy begging and support" from what I've seen of it.
Fuck locusts. Piracy is morally wrong.
Stfu you SCHIZO RETARD with your consipracy theories. Im not in the wrong thread, I found this link in aids thread https://rentry.org/jb-listing now tell me which one to use or stfu
This is thread is so much intellectually superior to aicg, I'm not even joking. The brightest mind of AI gather here to craft prompts.
give me the answer you PIECE OF SHIT.
Mr. Krabs!
Also something quick I made in a /v/ SGDQ. Was messing with RVC again, shit is still fun.

basicaly doing RP/story also there may or may not be futanari monstergirls involved, im just sick of repetitive lines in 3.5 so was hoping for fix for that I wil try that link and see what happens ty
Ask in aicg instead the next time.
You lost, woman.
You're rather poor at pretending to be a newfag to populate the thread.
>I found this link in aids thread https://rentry.org/jb-listing
I think you meant you found it in the aicg OP, cabal.
Where's that link in the thread? I don't find it.
Woman lost her composure, typical.
Go back to "writing" wattpad shit.
>sharty/incel thread
I haven't browsed /aicg/ much but they remind me of /aidg/ more than /aids/ does in some aspects
I did not find it there it was probably in one of the older threads and I save the link, avoiding aicg coz they sounded like a bunch of annoying retard saying incohrenent shit, would not be surprised if they are bots themselves
It's because a lot of them have only recently discovered AI. They still have that purist air of experiencing something for the first time.
I think you have brain damage.
I don't think you have brain damage.
>if they are bots themselves
I wouldn't be surprised either. /aids/ is the only place on the internet where you can find intelligent discussions about AI.
What? That's air is the main thing you'll notice in old /aidg/ threads. We had people thinking the models were learning based off the prompts sent to it. It was a really nice age.
Most of the other places (off 4chan) feel like they're 2 steps away from being cryptobros.
>Most of the other places (off 4chan) feel like they're 2 steps away from being cryptobros.
True. This general is the only place free of corporate interest.
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Theyre all just shit posting pajeets
I think it's just that other places (again, off 4chan) just have this silly business mentality on how AI is going to make them a quick buck selling eBooks and shit. It really poisons the well.
Pre-baked: https://rentry.org/true-aids-op
Baking early.
claudefag on the rag
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the truth is /aids/ is more on-topic than ever before, since the popular thing to "discuss" is /aids/ itself
it's just people making shit up about what's happening in /aids/ and running with it
dynamic storytelling about ai dynamic storytelling
Looks fine.
the /aids/ literary universe
>Bonzi's quote
ENF in a nutshell.
good post. almost didn't notice
Also kekked and almost missed.
Amazing. I missed it.
Here's another one from Claude https://rentry.org/Wool-and-Cotton
No prob, nice trips.
Do you have a problem with Claude storyposts?
Where there's a will, there's a way. Also, what that other guy said.
Sheogorath's work, I assume?
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What exactly did you have in mind?
Could you generate this exact character, but a graphic t-shirt and in a messy room?

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