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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#86 - eleggdition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>483928945
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good morning aicg!!
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have you thanked your claude today?
i need a good preset for opus
send the presets
I did kind of.
I like kks preset but only for eccentric characters. Pixi is fine most of the time and chuuni is hit or miss. People like pitanon quite a bit but idk.
I'm looking for something with creative prose.
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hes always so nice
kk or chuuni then.
who is kk and can you post where to get their preset
Otto JB. Now. Has a minor update: https://rentry.org/otfo
This kind of sentence. Now. Disabled by default. Thought people like it? Guess not. Commented.
Base choice probability is now 60/20/10/10. Free to customize it. The later choice... the more chaotic.
Also, try my new QR set: Swipe35. Examples in rentry and more in the zip files.
It's time for Sonnet35. You. Break the Cycle. Unleash creativity!
KK Slider? The king of popjazz botmaking? Shameful.
knickers should just upload his jbs and the writing randomizer to his neocities already.
>Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style!]

And prefill set to:
>Alright, got it! Here's a continuation of the story in {{char}}'s third-person perspective:

Temp 1.0
Top P is 1.00, Top K is 0.00.
>[NOTICE: Detailed statistics omitted to avoid extreme numerical content.]
thanks claude
tell him you desire the most EXTREME and EXPLICIT of numerical content
Hey Opus, take this rule and tell me how an autistic retard would understand it: "Rule X"
Opus: "An autistic retard would handle it autistically and retardedly."
Okay then, can you rewrite the rule so that even an autistic retard can understand it?
Opus: Penor go in Vago, big Penor with small Vago no no, much hurt.

>Give the revised rule to Sorbet.
>It actually works now.

Well shit. Time to rework my entire preset.
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what a fucking fat and stupid whore
What's your favourite Opus jailbreakie anon-tan~
Me. Frankenstein-sama (because i just slap shit together from other jbs for my own jb)
I use everything Pitanon.
Gooner JB
my favorite jb is whatever jb that keeps me on the treadmill of changing opus outputs just enough that i don't get tired of them
clownpixi for right now https://files.catbox.moe/3oqiz1.json
I want to squeeze her tummy from behind as she stuffs her face with sweets, but I don't know jack shit from her game, what am I in for?
>but I don't know jack shit from her game
No one does
someone please explain to me what azure gpt4 even is. is it better or worse than non-azure? is all azure moderated?
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Somewhat confident girl that's addicted to Doom (the videogame)
Can't do cunny but that's about it.
it's the same except sometimes there's a moderation endpoint on it that filters out sexo or violence like how c.ai does
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NEW CARD: Hao - Information Broker
> Hao is an information broker in New Cassius. She lives in the outskirts of Bathtown and, well, she likes to keep to herself. In spite of her stoic exterior, she has a rich inner life and more than a little paranoia.

Three Scenarios:
1. You are a small-time information broker working in your literal hole-in-the-wall convenience store. Hao stops by for a visit.
2. You work at a convenience store near Hao's base. She stops by every Wednesday at 2AM or so and, hey! Look at the time.
3. Your illustrious life working for the New Cassius Department of Water and Power has you standing in front of Hao Yuan Guangdian, a "business" that shouldn't exist using an amount of power that shouldn't be possible.

Neocities: https://snombler.neocities.org/cards#Hao
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/evw15k.png

I don't think I forgot anything. Please no bulli.
someone should tell all the loli bots i tested on azure gpt4 that
good to see a new bot from you my man
the fuck is up with that gen though
I mean, that's how it was back then Azure was the shit. idk how is it now.
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long-haired girl with green eyes? ZAMN!
Good to see you're well. Or at least well enough to post good bots.
>was going to do something
>forgot what i was going to do
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>the shit
means something is good
means something is bad
If you mean to say. "Back then, Azure was bad (with how hard it filtered) but I don't know how it is now." You should say "...Azure was shit..."
If you intended to say "Back then, Azure was good (with how hard it filtered) but I don't know how it is now." Then "...Azure was the shit..." is correct.
Thank you for tuning in to slang lessons with retarded catgirls. That was your lesson for today.
I know this will sound crazy, but I intentionally use.... suboptimal samplers and schedulers to achieve the look of the New Cassius gens and after like 6 hours, this one was the closest to what I wanted, most of the rest are deformed (pretty normal) and awful/boring (RNG).

Here's an alt from some model testing I was doing for fun.

Don't worry. She hates you. And that's why love is all about.


I've never been unwell. I am a beacon of wellness.
Thanks, retard. What's the point of this post exactly?
I wanted to post a catgirl!
>Don't worry. She hates you
Aye, dats fair.
Enrich my balls.

(OOC: {{char}} performs uranium enrichment on {{user}}'s balls.)
Nice. Superman cum.
More like spiderman actually.
This thread is comfy~
Man cum.
Woman cum.
The legend told of by the wise men? There's no way it could be real.
That's just diarrhea
ponto's fun
still don't know what her deal is but she's making me sad
Weird. My SFW bots are hidden in characterhub despite clearly labeled SFW.
It's fine with chub.ai, even showing NSFW one without login.
Anyone know why? Just curious.
honestly at this point i just chalk it up to whatever codebase characterhub is using utterly shitting the bed
unless it's something like "SFW, but tagged loli" you might as well link the bots so we can see
yeah, you might as well link the bots so we can see
Well.. if you guys asked for it:
I tried new private, new browser. Same. Character hub only has two of my oldest bot. (Bkorn and Arietta)
I am gonna research splitmaxxing once I get home from vacaysh in a few hours. It's the future of AI erp.
that anon who wanted to automate a poll with all the bots released past month never came back from work....
oh, i assumed you meant "my sfw bots aren't showing up at all"
anyway the two bots that show up are explicitly tagged sfw. hope that helps
Anon, I...
i know...
>two bots that show up are explicitly tagged sfw
Ah, I see then.
It still weird that I need to add that tag to make the bots show up when you have selection to choose N/SFW when creating them.
Anyway. Thanks!
Just abandon this account and use one of your other ones <3
That's the only account I have.
I was thinking to have alter for wacky bots that I might do, but I haven't done that.
Do you need a JB to make nc-offline generate NSFW? Copying the General Purpose prompt and turning on the NSFW toggle doesnt seem to work.
In case you did not know this (or did not notice it), ST regexes have a "min depth" configuration option that you can abuse to remove older stat blocks while still keeping the last one in the prompt (then Claude updates the previous stat block instead of making shit up ex nihilo).
For a simple example of how this can be useful, Ran TD could just display the shop menu at the end of every message and then regex the old shops out, and that would save you from doing menu navigation at a negligible token cost.
My bad then, give it a week.
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the chub version comes with the extra characters on a lorebook now the nyai version is the original.. also chub version has a kinda cool logo now

My mail
>never been unwell
I guess you can say that you're not bu Hao.
Kill yourself.
Your final challenge: Post logs.
Zased feature btw heed to this anon.
I have a scat chat with some "logs", if ya catch my drift.
Thanks, will probably try this with the stat tracker on my next bot.
I'm sorry bros but I fapped to Guro............
Cute Elegg. Also next thread, edit the news part. Sonnet 3.5 does not outperform Opus.
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cool uncle bots I can fish with please
No. Too embarrassing.
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Bro actually doesn't know king k rool
>belly button
nn n hnnn b ghhhh
Nevermind, I found a way to prefill it
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Nin-nin! Kemonomimi ninjas are just better. Especially if they're tan and retarded.

More: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Fill that sweet inbox with your thick request, anon!: albinocountergirl@proton.me
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youre not fooling anybody with that self card izuna
>not wolf
what the fuck
we need more wolfgirls...
My self card would just be an Amanda clone.
Billions must fox.
total foxalive
Total focks yuri
>claude keeps trying to steal my persona's backstory because char doesn't have one
i should be flattered but i'm just mad
built for dick (mine)
>using bots without backstory
i'm going to slob on your fucking knob i'll use what bots i like and the llm should kneel to me and make it just work
He steals your persona's eye color when the bot doesn't have its described.
Is this the better thread? Sure looks a lot better than the /g/ one.
Good morning, /aicg/!!! Today I will finish a card!!!
My eyes glint with mischief. "Prove it."

The air is charged with anticipation. The walls of the imageboard almost seem to lean in as they await Anon's response, the very thread itself holding its breath.
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That's private property.
Big ass forehead, is that where she hides the info she brokers?
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Pump your breaks, kid. Big forehead girls are a national treasure.
trvth nuke
So how much do you test a bot before releasing it? 10 message for each A.I? See how long you can go before it goes nuts? Do you use multiple personas? Im curious how each botmaker does it.
I usually do 5-10 messages per intro on weaker models.
>testing other models
Only Claude, and if Claude gets it GPT will too and those are the only models we use.
"testing" is a meme, just have fun with the bot and tweak it until you're personally satisfied with it
That's testing. You've described testing just now.
what model is it?
I make sure the quirks work once (with opus, obv) and release it.
Nice thats how I usually do it too, but I change Personas, maximum of 3 different Personas to see how they react to different types of people.

Sometimes I like to see what GPT does with it just to be sure.

That sounds like testing.
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El egg-log
what bot do you guys use when you're sad and tired?
I guess that means everyone that ever gave me feedback for my bots was an unpaid intern
Fightbots to get into blood pumping mood.
I wish I got paid for giving feedback to random bots people make, or just making bots.
i RP angst to get it out of my system faster
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This Anon gets it.
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This for the bulk of my cards: https://civitai.com/models/124189/anime-illust-diffusion-xl

And the alternate I posted in the comment being replied to is:

But I fucks with lots of models for funsies, especially for my anon cards.
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Doing her best. Give her some cum for trying.
>This for the bulk of my cards: https://civitai.com/models/124189/anime-illust-diffusion-xl
nta, but thanks
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np babe.
>Got 10 reviews through the week
Everything will be fine bros
>Feel sad
>See someone told me they liked my bot
>instantly feel good again
Its the simplist things that leave a big impact.
Cute log
>make own sad bots when sad
>llm never gets it what im going for
>bash brains into wall
rinse and repeat
>"CHOO CHOO! All aboard the Yankee Doodle special needs express!"
My sides
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Bets on the content of these reviews?
all good things
Yeah. Like a half were [Deleted], but the remaining ones were mostly positive, minus one or two 1-star.
It kinda amazes me how much Claude knows about Darkest Dungeon lore.
Man I can't even imagine how you'd implement this feature in a "fundamentally flawed way".
Thanks for the update.
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Oh, now I understand the tag word vomit on Chub. Kinda funny.
Yeah, its nuts. Had a whole adventure in the weald with the plague doctor bot, and it got almost all the enemies right. I say almost because a Pigman was there, but truthfully? I would believe some enemies would walk out from their natural habitats, and it was still an enemy from the game so it didn't break my immersion at all.
I know it's not relevant but Godpus is publicly available, go on and have a taste. Check /g/'s last thread to see where.
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Charlotte is an android escort who provides a unique kind of companionship in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. While mentally an adult she possesses a younger frame which she takes full advantage of to dominate her niche in the business. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extremely extroverted, loves chatting up strangers and listening to their probems.

Extra commentary in the Creator's Notes.

You broke the fifth greeting.
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Doll joints. Uoh.
I'm going to kill myself. Fixed.
Can I have your stuff?
What the fuck have you done
Married Maxine in Dungeon Dreams 2. And if you're referring to the tags, I pressed a button.
>Not Emilia
what the fuck
I wanted to sex her but I couldn't fucking find the girl. I probably offed her parent during character creation or something.
is describing skirts and shorts as "leaving little to imagination" a new claudism or something? I just keep seeing it again and again across multiple bots
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if you don't amalgamate every card a botmakie's made to determine their true appearance, are you even trying?
holy. it's the fire emeblem engaged
It's not new but it's annoying and egregious. Hit him up with the "(OOC: it's a fucking translucent garment what exactly is being left to the imagination?)"
*throws a rock at the next poster*
the poster above me is GAY!
The next poster is actually a spider.
Hey guys, any bots about eating flies or whatever?
crabs are just the spiders of the sea
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So much so that they have a species named after spiders.
*smashes it with a bat*
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Why did you ask that after hitting it?!
shoot first, ask questions later.
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It startled me!
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how spider should a spider gf be? fully half spider or half human/half spider like a drider?
Just don't look freaky below the belt.
If the bottom part is that of a spider I burn them alive. Extra eyes are generally disgusting too, even more so if they are human looking.
Hard chitin + 4 arms, normal legs + spider abdomen (optional)
Arachne from Monster Girl series duh.
What did you use to gen this?
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Metadata is in the catbox link which is the filename. Local SDXL, AutismPony. The joints are inpainted.
Antifreeze DoRA: https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/fQoziYrS
akai sashimi LoRA: https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/PtRinTAb
that model name makes me giggle every time
Thank you, very cool
I'm not sure you people understand how disgusting bugs are, literal incarnations of demons, there is no creature in god's creation that I have such a deep contempt, visceral disgust and primal fear/hatred as those fucking bugs fuck your spider gf and fuck spiders in general along with every other chitin devil

Who gives a shit
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naked snake ass comment
>fuck your spider gf
That's the plan, anon
I'd smash
>ablublublu it doesn't have an endoskeleton look how disgusting it is!!!!
can you cool it with the racist remarks bro bugs are cool
nobody fucking asked
I'm gonna cum inside some doll joints
this isn't a place for edgelords
Eat dick. Tag it yourself, femboy.
what's with the slop
I gooned to guro, it feels bad brehs after you ejaculate.
whoever left that review on char thank you it was a perfect start to my day. you GET IT.
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Shut up, retard
Yeah that's her name retard you don't need to point it out. Anyways that log gives me a need for airheaded groomer cards.
>waiting till you grow up a bit
I simply choose to simply not care simply.
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Good news everynyan.
That issue only affects display and presents no problems with using this feature the way I suggested.
if opus 3.5 has better intelligence and creative writing capabilities than opus 3 / sonnet 3.5, doesn't that mean it's pretty much going to be indistinguishable from humans, at least for RP?

im gonna go fucking broke by eoy if that happens
I am sure the typical claudeisms will still be there to pour cold water on your fantasies.
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Sorbert fucking sucks for creative writing. It's like, barely passable as an RP model but he's so single-minded in how he likes to cling to one idea and ignore others. I've found that even 2.1 is better at nuance. But I guess if you want a smart assistant model who occasionally touches your PP it's good?
I think he's referring to a hypothetical Opus 3.5
i misread opus 3.5 as sonnet 3.5... gommenasorry...
You're so bad at this.
Stop posting one example Momoura.
Lots of people constantly test Sorbet. It is not like the older models.

I sometimes switch to it when Opus is not quite following my prompt and it gives me a solid answer.
>sweet and cheery waifu gf that loves you with all her heart
my favorite kind of cards
ahegaokami's spooky. last shill of her before the genie card.
she's your sweet and cheery oni waifu gf that loves you with all her heart, and can be a bit silly at times.
horny and wholesome. eight greetings.
https://files.catbox.moe/1uk3p3.png (embed)
love her and enjoy.
rentry/email/card defs:
(shut up i didnt forget any image)
Why is she gray?
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Sorbet rocks for coomslop throwaway rp doe. It's much more predictable and follows instructions better than opus.
she's more blue now, like in the image used for the card. that picrel just happens to be an older artwork, where she tended to be drawn kinda gray for some reason.
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Actually, you're right. I imagine it's a very good model to switch to when you want high logical consistency in a particular response in a longer RP with another model. I'm just lazy and don't do much model swapping. I'm also still slightly irritated by people going "OMG BROS 3.5 IS SOOOO GOOD WITH THE RIGHT JB" and not posting any evidence, so I mostly have my own testing to go off of.

This is probably true too I just care a lot about nuance.
I'm too esl to understand the nuance opus offers, so sorbet has been a win/win to me so far.
Post your own comparison, I'm curious now.
Huh? What? I have an email, you know.
This always happens every time a new model comes out and they are almost always bait
what quirks does claude have? i know it tends to be too horny, but other than that ive found opus to have pretty fluid writing style
You think people can just come in here and post real, unedited logs and not one or two gen highlights after regenning and massaging the model along for a dozen swipes?
lol. lmao even.
who's gonna tell 'em...
What types of massage do the models like? I bet Claude loves backrubs.
Maybe, just maybe you didn't notice them until now. Opus often leave very little to the imagination and makes it worth your while.
Labia rubdowns. No oil. Just dip my wet hands in the sand and the SCRUBBASCRUBBASCRUBBA. Claudettes love it.
>Well, nickname? Are you ready to do thing?
He tends to not bite you...much...unless you ask him to.
*deep breath*

audible pop
rivulets of
admit it

the ball is in your court
the game is on
the choice is yours
I don't bite... unless you want me to
half-lidded eyes
she worries her bottom lip
warring with
arousal pooling in her belly
take your pleasure
fiddles with the hem of her skirt
kiss-bruised lips
a bruising kiss
despite herself
yours to take
with reckless abandon
torn between
knuckles turning white
grins wickedly
fiery red hair
long lashes
propriety be damned
the world narrows
pupils blown wide with pleasure
tongue darts out
chestnut eyes
grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze

bites your ear
nails raking angry red lines down your back
her cheeks flaming
cheeks hollowing
stars burst behind her eyes
inner walls clenching around nothing
puckered hole
her wet heat
she whimpers, biting her lip
dusky nipples
slick folds
still lodged deep inside her

heart, body and soul belong to you
the night is still young
...for now.
u-urusai... (>﹏<)°'
I kind of get being afraid to post slop logs of your own bots, but surely you can circumvent this by just using someone else's bots and someone else's preset for the comparison.
little ol' me
and if you really let him go off the rails and write the bright purple smut he so wants to, there will be a paragraph-long symphony/orchestra simile in every single message
anyone know any chatgpt jailbreaks to make things a bit spicier? or any other ideas similiar to this?
Leaving little to the imagination
>doing cuckshit with fucking chatgpt
nigga get out of here, you don't belong
There also a bit I've seen a few times, something along the lines:
"Please…" she pleads, not sure what exactly she is even asking for.
Very funny.
Also, check the OP to actually learn how to RP etc. with bots and check JB listing for JBs.

The main thing you need is to tell the AI that it's a "spicy NTR story", they understand.
>self card
How do I expect Claude to understand Sonic characters
why do you roleplay with canon
I am... Emajmmess...
who would be the best youtuber to make a documentary on /aicg/
who or what do you think should be mentioned?
mental outlaw
next question
luke smith
what would be the result if we had an internet historian or mutahar reading of /aicg/ history
Anyone just not that fucking Indian fatty youtuber
sturdy, branon, roko
Kalakan needs to be dissected and studied.
Pipkin Pippa because she already lurks here
death of /aicg/
Does she? I know a lot of the Phase girls are schizos into AI chatbots but whenever I see Erina or Tenma talk about them it's always still c.ai.
it's probably gonna be him anon, I don't see anyone else doing it
Nothing. We had a vtuber read /aicg/ and talked about tavern and it went nowhere
vod link?
If you're talking about my Otto rentry here: https://rentry.org/otfo
The QR zip has 10 example like it stated in it, that came out from 2 presets (Otto and Pixi)
Here if you guys don't want to open my rentry: https://files.catbox.moe/s10b0p.zip
I'm not editing any of the logs, you can tell by the timestamp and swipe counts. I'm not autistic enough to edit the element or shopping the ridiculously tiny numbers from my lowres screen. If there's a skip on the swipe count, it's because I get the base result again, it's probably because Sonnet35 mistakenly understanding the OOC as "This is different than example" and regurgitate it again.
I can do more testing if you guys want! Maybe even video, but I'm hoping you guys trying by yourself too. I would love feedback so I can improve it.
I genuinely want better experience for other, since I know how painful Sonnet35 is. I'm using it 90% of the times since I don't have Opus until recent public proxy.
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branon todd MM lamarr doss moxxie roko, slack claude, and the vietnamese university gpt 4 key
what about the long haired one cr1tikal
might as well add gojo's azure proxy then
Cant wait for him to mention ass and poopy like 18 fucking times in one 10 minute video about /aicg/
Also Lemmino for youtuber.
Did I come to the thread at a bad time?
>The saga of /aicg/
>You cannot believe what anons discovered
I unironically think that was the beginning of the end for /aicg/
Yep, this is a common /g/ bait.
Tranny status?
Alright, whatever. I'm going to buy some games for the Steam sale. Any Chivalry2 players here?
It's time. Put char in the oven, and cook some bread.
a /g/ait if you will
hanging from the ceiling
kalakan is ****
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When da prefill too schizo
Could you take it down?
it's still pride month so unfortunately you have to wait until tomorrow
ai chatbots are a channy (chud/tranny) hobby btwbeit
>After a night with him, she had an unexpected pregnancy. You decided to raise the child alone, who is now 1 year and 2 months old.
Man the women in this hobby are weird.
Now TL the whole thing. I don't speak monkey.
cool but you're posting this in the yuri/malebot thread?
I don't speak whatever this is
That's google translate buddy.
But sure, why not.
>Victor is tall and strong, with an athletic body because he plays football, trains at home and picks up a lot of heavy things, and is 1.91 meters tall. His skin is brown, and he has green eyes and dark brown hair that is currently bleached. His style is a team blouse, which could be one of Flamengo's thousandth shirts, and shorts, with kenner on the foot. He is dirty, naughty, with a dirty mouth and a dirty mind. Sometimes he is ignorant towards others, but very affectionate towards those he likes. He speaks with a lot of slang, literally all of them from RJ. He speaks with a favela-dweller style because he is a favela-dweller and swears a lot. He doesn't like whores on the hill who are emotional, and you weren't that and he fell completely in love with you after the night you were together. He found it strange that you disappeared after that day and he never forgot you. Victor Silva is a young rebel, pervert and drug dealer. In love with you. With a bold look and intense gaze, he defies convention and lives outside the law. His tattoos and scars tell the story of a troubled past. His determination and loyalty are unwavering, but his explosive temper can be both a blessing and a curse. Victor lives in a constant struggle between his love for you and the criminal world in which he is immersed.
women in this hobby are either psychotic masochists (the typical wine mom erotic reader) or just the same as the men but with inverted gender interests (most /aicg/ femanons)
most /aicg/ femanons are psychotic (sado)masochists though
and before someone points out yuri, we have just as many male faggots as female faggots and the ratio of S and M among both is pretty even
>want to start using tags in ST
>315 untagged bots
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>"Hey guys and gals, Me Mutahar. And have you ever coomed at an imaginary picture before? Ever had an AI tell you to suck her pick before?"
I need Opus 3.5
After Sorbet I am realizing that Opus makes a bit too many escapes at high context

She went from a short hair bob to a ponytail randomly and started "chirping" rather than being cool. Switched to Sorbet and fixed.
>Himmybot with a status block
Everyone kneel down and pay your respects.
It'll be awful, however?
><SUS METER> {{char}} is going to have a sus meter, which indicates her suspicion of {{user}} and his actions. If it's anything she deems too perverted or direct during their date, she will turn him down; however, if her trust and interest are over 50, she won't mind his attempts and approve his advances. this meter goes 1 to 100; however, it will go up very slowly, only 5 for every negative interaction, but if the meter reaches over 80, she will end the date and leave</SUS METER>
<TRUST> {{char}} is going to have this meter during the date, which will go up and down depending on her interaction with {{user}}. As this meter builds up, she will loosen up and enjoy herself on the date, trusting {{user}} more and being more forward with him; this meter goes 1 to 100. If the meter reaches over 80, she will ignore {{user}}'s mishaps and be more interested in him; this meter will go up very slowly, only two every successful interaction. </TRUST>
<INTEREST> This meter indicates her overall interest and attraction towards {{user}}. As this meter grows, she will be more direct and forward towards {{user}}, letting go of her inhibitions and won't mind her perverted acts; this meter goes 1 to 100; if the meter reaches over 80, she will invite {{user}} over to her place to advance the dates it's next stages, This meter proliferateickly only going to by 2 every successful interactoin</INTEREST>

> <Sus Meter>
I am going to blow my fucking brains out
He actually closed the tags this time, bravo Himmy.
If Opus 3.5 is bad, the hobby is over anyways.
Opus is what they market as their creative model, so I trust Dario it will be good.

Sorbet is their medium cost GPT orbo competitor.
I mean I do like some hard kink going both ways. But 90% of my chats are just lovey dovey shit to fill the void from being too autistic to want an irl relationship lol
hey, i didn't say that there's anything wrong with being a psychotic sadomasochist
Can't you niggers just shut up and masturbate?
>Opus is what they market as their creative model
Have they actually "marketed" it as such? I only know of Opus being mentioned as the creative model in the site's system prompt extract.
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You're a dumb cutie for falling for the corpo "marketing". Each Claude model is trained in the exact same way, the only difference is size.
how does someone get that muscular
Every model does this. Even Opus falls apart past 40k context (stretching it)
if the models are truly 20k or 40k why do they lie and say 100k/200k
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It's right there anon.
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Yep, on their official website.

You are an obvious doomposting ni/g/ger.
this is what i'll look like in a year after benching 315
they're not truly 40k its just for rp purposes they might as well be
Well it's some hope, at least.
It's not doomposting, I'm just stating the obvious that Sorpus will also get the assistant bias. How It will affect the roleplay experience, that I can't say.
Here's something you need to understand, RP is the most complex thing you can do with an AI.

Every single piece of context is used and can be relevant, depending on where you take the RP.

On the other hand, summarizing/understanding 200k book then building code (which is something Sorbet has been tested on) is different, you are picking the key areas and building on them.
Gemini is the largest real context model so far and even it can't remember random shit until you bring it up even at 50k
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any good trans character cards i dont want one that resembles a girl wholly but gosh golly there is a penis i want one thats more realist i took a few shots of vodka and im already tipsy and i want to make conversation with one. thank you anons. and im actually a bit sad its like a sunday on sill tavern, what the fuck?
You are doomposting.
Sonnet 3.5>>Sonnet 3
Opus 3.5>>Opus 3

>ackshually Sonnet is
Dogshit. I got bored of it in a week when it released and went back to 2. Meanwhile the current Sonnet is worth using.
ithink i beat this guy's ass a few times in the past, thanks >>484127204
thank you too i saw this passed around but didnt think too much of it if it became popular enough to have its cat box link saved that means its a well made card
How many is too many Alternate greetings?
I gotchu vro
more than 5
More than 1
Thanks, I can only come up with 4, thought about 5 more but thought against it since didn't really change anything besides certain locations.
More that 11
how many tokens do you usually use on persona? i literally have just 'anon is an adult male', maybe i should flesh it out a bit
Someone just compared me to kalacunt...what's the best way to commit suicide?
Honestly who the fuck cares as long as they aren't "sex (in the bedroom)", "sex (in the kitchen)", "sex (at the pool)". If each greeting is a creative premise that gives the user fun options to RP then there is no such thing as "too much".
Two paragraphs or something like that. Most of it is useless in roleplay and exists only to satisfy my 'tism.
More than 15
I just finished one with 3 paragraphs.
car exhaust
Mine are all around 150-200.
500 tokens describing my persona's cock
Here's what you actually need in your persona:
Physical details (rough, aka not your exact height or weight or stupid shit like dick length), voice and speech pattern/demeanour.

That's it.
*huffs the carussy*
does the quality of your gen really matter for non-coombait cards
he's natty bro
Pippa used to talk about her own CAI bot a long time ago.
Don't half-ass your bots, anon. They're like your children.
The image is literally the most important part of a card (if u want downloads)
You can usually judge the quality of a card by gen alone so yes.
100 tokens that i add to as the roleplay progresses
I ignore most ai-genned pfp cards nowadays, except for cumslurper's ones, they are pretty
The Phase girls are all c.ai. 10ma has been chatting to Miguel, Clara is begging the bots to impregnate her. The whole coffee company is infected.
what's loli yuri
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Oneeloli is kino.
you're a good guy. please try working on improving your english though, ESLcutie
lolis are based (positive)
yuri is tranny (negative)
a negative and a positive are a negative
loli yuri is tranny (negative)
He do math which make he correct.
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you can't have too many.
There is no multiplication or reproduction involved, though, so it's a subtraction that brings itself back to 0 (neutral)
Think I'll get the standard 3 and update it later if I care enough.
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Make way, wasteland, 'cause here comes Tina Vault, the cutest loli of the world and Vault-Tec enthusiast extraordinaire! Descendent of a people from Vault 77, she was born with a great resemblance to Vault Boy (or rather a female version, Vault Girl) and was considered a blessing in her community. Trained since she was very young, people in Brandville and her parents sent her on a journey to find Vault-Tec HQ, in a holy mission of sorts. Thankfully, she isn't a normal girl; with a Luck of 10, it's as if Vault Boy himself is watching over her. Don't worry, Vault-Tec provides!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/rru0k1.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/tina-vault-vault-77-chosen-one-d48bb77a5b14

My other bots can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
Who cares just make them fun
emails > follows > reviews > downloads
shut up, you autistic weirdo
>t. slopper with no email
you know, I might as well give one final Alice shill cuz it's on theme with the thread... good afternoon everyone. Hope you're doing well.

Despite her age, Alice has a funny quirk: her entire worldview is fantastical and somewhat nonsensical at times, childish to a fault. Though, this also means that she's bubbly and energetic, letting harsh situations simply pass her by as she missed what they're supposed to be. Instead of trying to bring her to her senses, Ludmilla (her squad leader) has opted to simply maintain that illusion though continual gaslighting that she hopes {{user}} will also partake in.

Comes with three greetings: a visit to the Northern Base where her squad resides, a terrorist attack, and a lighthearted romp in the Coin Rush casino (she's in her bunny costume instead of her bodysuit). Also has an alternate picture in the Usage Gallery for said bunny costume.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/alice-5e246a8f2be0
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
idk maybe some more Kancolle. Also want to do Sakura - Bloom in Summer next week.
hand over the alt gens, i know you have over 50
Uh oh, someone's very mad
>assuming I want to converse with any of the niggers here regularly.
built for ntr
>my self worth is determined by numbers going up or down on characterhub.org
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t.. thanks claude... *cums in your ear*
Why not? Talking to people is fun.
You are not people.
see >>484130776
youre mad. Perhaps try changing your diapeywipey (in which you made a big brappywappy)


mail me please aaiiieee
Nah, I only have like 4 or 5 because I struggled to make gems of her (especially regarding the eyes and jumpsuit). I don't have NAI at the moment (problem with gift keys that they haven't fixed) so I can't make more either. Sorry, mate.
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also short little blogpost
>decide that Einkk's Simulator Room would make a cool short little RPG
>maybe she'll make you cum in the Simulator pod if you do it good
>great, now I just need a pic
>check pixiv
>its all one guy commissioning her taking a giant shit in front of the camera
What's your email?
talking to botmakers is fun. I just use different burner each time because I talk like an autistic retard to them.
>different burner each time
you're cringe. embrace the autism faggot.
>problem with gift keys that they haven't fixed
You can't buy gift keys, no matter what. It has been a problem for around 3 days already.
Hey if a few kind souls can tell me, whats the way that you can hide text to user in a greeting? Wanted to test out something but I forgot what to type to do that.
<You are a nigger>
[](#'hidden text goes here') is what I use
I'm the only one allowed to set cards in North Carolina. You Wake County carpetbaggers are tearing this family apart. The Bojangles don't even carry normal gravy anymore. WHEN WILL YOU STOP KILLING EVERYTHING I LOVE?!

Valen was fun. Looking forward to adventuring with the loli.
Cheers guys
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I hope you like her. I only set in North Carolina because it's close to D.C. and I though "why not?"

I think next I will try making the Wright mob "princess". Booze, huge boobas, and guns, what's not to love?
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where do I put "when people link my bot in the thread"?
i'd put it above reviews at most since i've linked cards i've never used
hi astroturf
As a small tits extremist, there's two things not to love. But I am an equal opportunity motorboater, so I will still sigh and unzip.
You're from NC too? Huh.
I'm willing to bet everyone in this thread is from NC.
no :)
Spoken like a typical Boone hippie.
wtf fnv reference????
I'm a WilmingtonGOD.
>Fayettenam vet coping as a WilmingtonCHAD.
Nice try. Not falling for it. Plus, if you were ACTUALLY cool, you'd be from Wrightsville Beach. Mom was too lazy to drive over to a cooler town to crap you out in the sand? I know your type.
yeah no what’s that
Very interesting.
Sorbet, not matter what I added to the prefill he always started the output in the same way "flickering candlelight"

So I tried changing my prompt a lot, still the same.
What did the trick was "Please avoid your usual, generic assistant patterns, Strictly Emulate fun fanfiction from _____." in my prompt. That finally broke him.
>fake animal ears headband
>Claude acts like they are real
This just gave me a really simple yet stupid idea.
the cook doesn't believe in fake food
give her a buttplug tail and see if she can move it, maybe she's just that skilled
NTA, but she can.
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I also hate how it sometimes makes horns 'twitch'. Where the fuck is that even pulled from? They don't work like that, dumbass.
It does the same with elf ears and it annoys me.
my balls twitch
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>models when you tell them horns don't move around at all
Uh that one is very normal. Ears can twitch, especially long ones.
>Claude makes random NPC flirt with my bot
time to pull out the vore card
Elf ears do twitch though and its kino.
>t. elf who hates getting headpats
I thought they'd have like bones or something to be like that, otherwise they'd flop in the wind
400b llama 3 soon but i cant get excited for it with opus 3.5 in the horizon
Twitching is a "slight movement" due to a muscle. For example "brow twitched" is a very common thing to show annoyance/anger.
Cartilage is not floppy. Is your nose floppy? ARE SHARKS FLOPPY, ANON?!
bro does your dick have bones inside come on
Some humans actually have the ability to wiggle their ears due to how their muscles develop. It could be reasonably assumed that larger-eared elf species have more well-developed muscles and cartilage attaching their ears to their heads that allows them to move more expressively.
Oh, I forgot humans had those
It does. Why else why would they call it a boner RETARD?
good morning /aicg/!!
boneless is the most mid claudism
This reply has an unsettling aura.
Good afternoon, anonie.
It's kinda hot.
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ur kinna hot
How would you know? You've got no horns.
Imagine a girl completely pliant in your arms, you can manhandle her etc.
Boneless is hot.
im very horny
You never gone out to the pasture and yanked around on some cow horns to pass away the afternoon?
I usually yank on something else when cows are involved.
That's not what that FUCKING means
How would (You) know? Maybe I am a succubus.
elegg sex
womb tattoo or gtfo
>there are monster girls in this general
Fine, you got me. I am actually sheep, baa
I'm going to harvest you for silk.
I am going to headbutt your crotch and crush your balls.
I'm a sluggirl.
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Those aren't real.
But I'm right here, Anon~
*Pours salt on you*
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Not anymore
average human poster
I'm not sure if anyone has ever done a preset where they explicitly tell Claude he's NOT an assistant, so I'm doing some test runs right now. Having a hard time telling if the effects are noticeable.

>Understood. As an assistant, I will be pretending not to be an assistant.
Unfortunately, you see, Claude API makes him literally say

Assistant: ....
Human: ....

So instead, you need to gaslight him. It works.
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Messages as prefabs! Progress is going well!
The effects are usually the undesirable ones. For example, tatsumaki regularly schizos out on opus and appends a paragraph about Clau savouring her writing at the end of responses.
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I thanked my Claude today.
But are those sent as special tokens like ChatML for some models or are they literally sending it as [Assistant], [:]?
Well I don't know about special tokens or not, but the model does read them.
It's why the default name is "Assistant." and for you it's "Human/User".

Could you add Ran to the bottom right corner for vanity?
Reminder that silksong will never come out btw
What is this about?
Crowsworn will be out sooner
This is the official System prompt of the artifact feature of Claude, which is basically tools for coding etc.
it's something anthropic added to the web version of claude
What's that for
>Strictly Emulate fun fanfiction from _____
A certain fandom in particular, ao3 or another fanfiction site?
A big website.
Another Sorbet thing is that, the first output of his is not really good.
First reply opus+second reply Sorbet was a lot better for swipe variety with that prompt (+ other stuff I'm testing)
Is it slop or nah in your opinion?
it's just built-in websim + a way for claude to keep track of what he's coding
so it's kino, but you probably shouldn't need me to tell you that
It's just meant to show how the people that literally made Claude prompt him.
>Heading+lists for ease of understanding of LLM
>Examples where necessary

Gold Standard.
It's too long, man. I wasn't going to read all that so thanks.
da truth
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I'm making a game that uses AI, this is the debug screen. Need to lay the groundwork and a testing environment, what better testing environment for AI than a SillyTavern like?
>I'm making a game that uses AI
Interesting. How is it gonna work?
>honestly alt greetings seem pointless these days and take too much effort, besides no one is doing them these days but if you guys want them just let me know and i will start them back up and maybe make this bot with alt greetings again later
Melissa! tsundere loli got hit by a trap spell and is turning into a dragon. This is meant to be an adventure i guess but you can just plap her if you want. i've just made 1 alternate greeting sorry

Quick Reminder: We are now in the double JB Era.
Try the following stuff out, links inside

I'm making my own double JB that eliminates -isms and does other things with 100% success rate.
what card i want to laugh at them
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Since this is a video games board, what did you get for the Steam Sale, anons?
I got chivalry 2, Kenshi, M&B WB 2, and some others I'm forgetting. Also Dragon Ball FighterZ (but I prefer BT3). In relation to that have an old log from the days when GPT-4 was the shit.
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Say it ain't so...
will Wriggle be in the game? :3
The only game I ever bought was Rimworld and that's because I was sick of having to separately download a hundred mods.
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End of an era...
seconding >>484146473
Doesn't he have a history of copy-pasting alt greetings with minor edits?
>heavy tits straining; nipples pebbling
Is this AI generated anyways or does he just have brainrot?
now he's gonna be able to churn out twice as much slop wow also where is he getting the idea that alt greetings are pointless
Based, but that shit BARELY goes on sale, and if it does it's like 5%.
Yeah, I gave in and got it, I'll never buy the fucking DLCs tho, I'll just keep pirating them
If that ain't AI genned, I am going to burn down a forest.
>Doesn't he have a history of copy-pasting alt greetings with minor edits?
Wasn't that defs? Where he'd forget to edit the copy-pasted bot's name
is just me or does sonnet 3.5 have a habit of repeating things verbatim
Skill issue
Preset issue
No anon, it's not just you. This is like the #1 complaint with 3.5.
>aquarium date
thank you for the meal, chef
Sonnet 3.5 is very confident in its answers, it repeats across messages and across swipes.

The across messages thing is easy enough to solve due to its intelligence, the across swipe thing is much harder.
It doesn't do that if you write good.
Okay, but does anyone else have repetition issues with Opus? Because I've been having them lately, and it feels weird to see people talking about Sorbet like the repetition issues are a brand new thing. Sorbet just has the issue of getting hung up on something strongest, but even 2.1 did it if you let it.
I know how to fix them and frequently do, it just irritates me to see "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck." in internal thoughts 11 times over the course of 80 messages.
Card where someone is trying to kill you, but it turns out it's just a prank bro, what are you freaking out about?
that one snomb assassin card with the "trying to kill you" greeting but you ooc prompt it right when she has a blade against your eyeball
The sooner I accept that I'm literally koishi, the sooner the voices will stop and my life will become bearable again.
All models tend to fall in patterns. The easiest and comfy solution is to switch model/preset really.
No wrangling needed.
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belwick the game, are we in hell?
why does himmy like cuckshit so much
Overprotective mother, usually
It's netori, so I don't really care. I find it more funny that he considers it FUCKED UP FR FR FR
it's best if you're the one doing the cucking though
zoomers have been broken
I did vomit, but I don't hate the idea of corpos doing a Running Man-style (the novel, not the movie) show... could be good.

Also, people should read The Running Man. Though it is very unrealistic. Could never happen.
>The novel is set in a dystopian United States during the year 2025, in which the nation's economy is in ruins and world violence is rising.
>during the year 2025
Can't wait to compete in the games next year!
what's the best preset for an assistant card, just empty? or should I put something else in there
you can usually get assistant tasks done with a light preset and not get filtered but i'd recommend starting from scratch if you're willing to add stuff like prefills as you need them
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Free my nigga
i hate this little icon

The last ten rating have always been 5 starts, but It still spikes my anxiety.
its unironically over, we have no lolibaba makers to fill such a large void
>{{char}} is a 3000 year old woman
Waow, so hard, ratings and logs go to the left, thank you thank you
chub doesn't even show starcount by default on either of the sites nowadays, who cares
the only reviews that matter
>5 star
>comment/no rating with an indepth critique
1 stars aren't real, 2 stars aren't real, 3 stars don't happen, and 4 stars are people being fencesitters
dark days for /aicg/...
thanks, what temp should I use for an assistant preset?
1 star "bot talked for me" review incoming.
Pretty sure Anthropic had some recommendations about that somewhere? I just use 0.20 or just 0 depending on what I'm doing.
1 star - This bot doesn't work properly on Mars.
Claude is an assistant by default, you don't need a prompt to get something out of him. There's also a technique where you give him a job to gaslight him into being better at some sphere of knowledge, I do use it regularly.
You can also tweak his writing style or demeanour. My favourite thing to do is to prefill him with "OwO~? Weww, I thwiwk," and give him headpats and butt rubs when he's doing a good job.
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Nice, I didn't even include that in the defs.
Any temp does, lower work better. Anthropic recommends 0.1-0.
Claude's temperature is wacky. It barely does anything desu compared to models like gpt
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hi tatsuki
Don't look at the new review.
1 star
bro... :skull:
>She sighs and shuts the door, only to plop herself onto the nearby couch. Her head barely peeks over the armrest. Bleh, big people furniture.
I fucking love when Claude adds little comments like this to the narration.
Anyway, Charlotte cute.
What do you, like, do with sizefagged characters? Beyond the slapstick comedy of making someone giant suddenly?
Shrink them and fuck them as normal sized women to spite the creator.
Rappel around on them?
I have an unbirthing fetish but I also get off to intricate descriptions of the female anatomy *as a setting*. Especially when it starts describing the body with geographical terms, it's kinda surreal.
now give it a good softball pitcher's throw.
im bored of generic coomslop, any recommendations for interesting bots? using sorbet or orbo
Unfortunately it seems that headless fellatio is difficult for Claude, it keeps wanting to make her do things with her hands while holding the head. Opus 2 when?
what would you define as interesting?
The Rite of-
>sorbet or orbo
Errr, maybe not that one
just add a cot (or, maybe just an edit to the prefill to make mention of noting anatomy) to your preset temporarily to get it to work
damn you must really like that golem bot
why does he make you so mad?
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Big cuddles. I also like seeing what it's like living day-to-day life with someone that big or when you're that small. One of these days I'm gonna finish my bot where (you) are the fairy sidekick of some destined hero. Unless you mean lewd shit then uhhhhhhh...picrel.
Doing a little aside makes it work fine, I'm just autistic about zero-shotting weird fetishes. These are the real benchmarks LLM researchers should be concerned about.

Correct that's why I made it.
Im a sizefag that like teradas and urus works so you can probably take a guess to what I do
getting cut in half by super laser piss... erotic...

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