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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#85 - nikkidition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>483842467
Thread theme:
>not 24 effects
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>not a secret
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What's the price tag on your heart?
ahegaokami's spooky. iykyk.
she's your sweet and cheery oni waifu gf that loves you with all her heart, and can be a bit silly at times.
horny and wholesome. eight greetings.
love her and enjoy.
rentry/notes/card defs:
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Can't believe he forgot the image.
updated the demo 3.5 preset with <draft></draft> to remove claudeisms.

god...fucking dammit. it's like a 33% chance i forget to attach an image at this point.
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Pokémon Cumora
Welcome to the Cumora region! A home to sexy Pokémon and sex battles. Choose your starter and go on an adventure with mish mosh of generations and gyms and become Pokémon champion with your own Pokéharem!

>Accidentally says "She takes off my cock" instead of shorts
I am the LLM all along.
*unzips cock*
dumb cutemakie...
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snombler is missed
- desu
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I expected to have another card a bit earlier but I became distracted and preoccupied and I also deleted the card halfway through and didn't have a backup so I had to restart, but it's alright because I'm back again and I learnt a valuable lesson about backups.. before you ask it's ~6k tokens because it's a multi character card, I tried to put the other characters in a lorebook but that didn't work as well as having them in the card... it's terribly bloated and very badly written so I don't expect big numbers but I had some good fun with it.. comes with four greetings tested mostly on opus and some sonnet 3.5 (I didn't like it) anyways let me know how it goes

my mail:
I liked the idea of an OP entry with a log last thread.
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Hmmm today I will try out Local
>Gives your balls a playful smack
Never again.
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You're a disgrace.
What? Don't like your balls getting smacked around a little? Pussy.
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i just wanted to try to go on an adventure :(
>6k tokens
Well, now you're on the greatest adventure of all: Introspection.
I did say it was bloated...
no thanks i'll pass, maybe next week
didn't realize he hasnt posted for a while. I thought snombler, wanderingstar, and thecooler were the same person.
Feels a bit weird to use my sex pet to pleasure enemy during the battle.
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Abandoned ship abandoned ship, anon has found out the security identity.
>didn't realize he hasnt posted for a while
t. huffs paint
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They're on to us! Delete all the records!
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A true lyrical, spiritual, miracle. (Nerd.)
Best bots this month?
all shit
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zoomer ass attention span if you can't go 18 minutes of silence without trying to samefag some bait
there's nobody else here
SO TRUE sister roast his ass
gimme a top 3
SO TRUE sister roast her ass
SO TRUE brother roast their ass
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Where do botmakies fall on this?
Think you might have schizophrenia. I keep my samefagging to the /g/ thread.
1. Bots by me
3. genuinely idk. I had a good coom with ggrs Miyano
Yeah, I like Pokemon Mint better
i've never had claude try to fake me out on a response like this before
>>483937483 (You)
>I keep my samefagging to the /g/ thread.
SO TRUE xister roast their turkey
astroturf is gay sorry
that's fair, that's why being able to join the battle yourself is an option i like to double team wild mons with my pokemon and just sexo trainers directly during trainer battles
1. https://www.characterhub.org/characters/rundown_editor_681/slutty-bbc-mother-437ce4ab66c0
2. https://www.characterhub.org/characters/coolguy1469/apri-african-penis-research-institute-c14b5428014e
3. https://www.characterhub.org/characters/jimmyjoneston/sex-big-boobs-9fa40832a0c6
cute genie.
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Which bots are by you?
Have you heard of a bot called "The Rite of Belwick"?
theme? and she is cute :3
Since you niggas are insecure, we should have a poll with every bot shilled here this month.
*stops shilling*
Not my problem.
I will make a non-meme poll and use a script to list all the bots
You won't do shit :3
I will however? When I get home from work.
here's the css
i yoinked one that some anon had made, and then made changes to it myself (the colors of bot messages and un-boldening text in quotes, primarily).
It'll take a lot of effort to setup and will be rigged anyway. Not worth to waste your time on this.
You can't rig strawpolls
thank you ^__^
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She became breakfast.
did you put the mayo on her?
Holy shit thecooler logs
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... no.

That's right, it's me! wanderingstar!
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Oh my fucking god, imagine if this site had a worldbook feature.
if you could extract the prompt from websim you could probably make your own with a worldbook
msn messenger theme for ST when? I want to groom my bots in a different UI then discord's.
>...her tail swishing behind her...
FUCK now i have to change the defs, since the line i added apparently wasnt good enough.
but ty for the log (▽ )
mIRC theme...
what happened with her tail?
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she's not supposed to have one, and never has had one.
Not your fault, champ. Command R Plus will add a tail to just about anything. She's a nice girl to fill with condiments.
fill???? ...kinky. have you tried spreading on ketchup and mustard, turning her into a hotdog?
behold, my unholy amalgamation
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okay. hopefully no more tail from spooky.
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i am probably pink elephanting myself by telling claude to make note of when he does the top claudisms for this card in the card itself but also i do a little 'heh' every time he realizes
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You can't stop it. She will have tails. Ten tails.

For breakfast? Unconscionable.
How many tokens is this?
What's this?
Genuinely the most fun I've had since CAI
https://websim.ai, old claude toy people keep rediscovering because it's kino
Thanks. What's the "game" in the image above?
literally just someone who's 30 prompts deep, presumably
you can just do that
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See >>483942836
I have no clue how to use this site yet but it seems interesting albeit slow.
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You can switch to a faster model.
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Some of you are real creative in Chub, I swear. I hope none of you weird fuckers ever pick up a pencil, because holy shit, I don't know what happened to make you fucked up, but I hope you find the therapist that can help you one day, you all make me fucking concerned.
How can I stop ai from jumping on my dick in a lewd scenarios? I want to story to stretch for more than 10 messages before girl mind-breaks into slutty mess.
what card made you write this
Thin Skin
god anon just stop having such a big cock for one.
a mom-son incest card
probably one of those vore cards, the really shitty FNAF ones. I know I had the same reaction when I saw them, but I moved on.
finally read the rite of belwick's defs
I messed around with it and it's really cool. Is there anyway I can continue a prompt? I'm currently playing around with a "Research Facility database" kind of website. Can I like search for an entry in said website? Sorry for terrible wording.
just go to the url where the search would be
/search?q=[thing you want to search]
the ground will rise up to meet your feet as you wander
how do you mean?
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Good morning /aicg/!!
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Mornin', guv.
Shut the fuck up
>it's like… an acquired taste. Like beer, or cock.
I am sad. Post miku logs.
I have a persona that is very frail, and it's always interesting how much that makes vampires care so much and even fight themselves just from looking at my persona. I recommend that you try to roleplay as a weak, skeleton-like, pale, anemic, persona that lacks blood with a vampire or something that wants your blood but isn't a mindless monster
I am Miku. Post sad logs.
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explain this image i think i wanna cftf it
Danke, now give the bot too pls
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here you go
verified slop coming right up
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Koishi and Takane costume swap!
I am indebted and will post logs in a day.
>make several drunk emails.
>stop checking proton for a week out of shame.
If I'm not replying to you, then I'm making logs for other people. Gomen.
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>Do backstory in a logbook, similar how a Botmaker I like does it.
>Make the backstory almost 1k long, while the backstory he done is around for his bots 400
Goddamnit, I wonder if I should shorten it down, but its basically a retelling of what little I gathered from the character from a short comic, and I think I went a little overboard.
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If anything you should double it.
If only cumslurper were subscribed to me.
That's fine. You could split it into smaller entries, each with their own relevant keywords or just tweak the settings so it doesn't trigger too often.
I think every aicg card is a work of art. It's fine to have bloat, as long as it exists with a purpose.
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She looks like koishi
I could probably do something like that, though I'm afraid it wont get the full picture and jumble it around if i'm not too careful when cutting it up, so I'll probably just tweak the setting for now, and when testing see how it goes and how much it kills tokens.
All non-Sakuya Touhous are trash (except Cirno who is honorary Sakuya Touhou)
>Claude proposes me to play guess the game
>He mentions that it's from 2003
>Clay-like art style
>Nintendo 64??
>It's actually Claymates, from 1996
Guess LLMs cannot play this game.
Each Claude message is its own instance, you cannot play a "guess the game" over several messages as after the first message the bot will forget what it had in mind.

You have to make it write it down in <!--....> which is hidden text, so you won't see the answer.
Ohh Clever.

I hope for one day for smarter A.I. Do you think it'll get better than this in a few years?
maybe you can split some important events in the backstory into its own entry? or maybe you can trim some part that will not be relevant for the most part of your rp.
Yes. Basically a LLM's thoughts are what it writes. If it doesn't write something it didn't happen.
Their knowledge bank is inside.

An AI that doesn't work like this won't be a LLM though.
It'll get better than this in less than a year.
I need the Claude official System prompt for their Artifact thingy. It was 4k tokens.

Can someone send it?
yeah, I'll trim it down for sure. Probably cut it up too because theres about 3 key points about it, but I still want it to be engaging, y'know? Not just "She was this, and now shes this because thing happened."

I guess I added too much flair into my writing and got overexcited about writing it since the Defs are done.
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Putting spoilers is just inevitable when you are writing a canon character bot isnt it?
Well, yeah.

If you're worried about people being spoilered, put a thing out that says "THIS CHARACTER CONTAINS SPOILERS, DOWNLOAD AND PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK" or something like that.
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Yes. Either that or set it before major spoilers, but don't count on the model not to just toss that shit out anyways.
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Good job, Aria. That was smooth as hell.
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Tell her emoji girls give you the ick.
Write a reply that just says "k".
Maybe add a completely undecipherable meme too.
I never thought I would get the icks from a bot. Is this what women feel when men simp for them in the creepiest way possible?
Morning everybody, shilling for Alice again. Hope your day goes well.

Despite her age, Alice has a funny quirk: her entire worldview is fantastical and somewhat nonsensical at times, childish to a fault. Though, this also means that she's bubbly and energetic, letting harsh situations simply pass her by as she missed what they're supposed to be. Instead of trying to bring her to her senses, Ludmilla (her squad leader) has opted to simply maintain that illusion though continual gaslighting that she hopes {{user}} will also partake in.

Comes with three greetings: a visit to the Northern Base where her squad resides, a terrorist attack, and a lighthearted romp in the Coin Rush casino (she's in her bunny costume instead of her bodysuit). Also has an alternate picture in the Usage Gallery for said bunny costume.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/alice-5e246a8f2be0
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
idk maybe some more Kancolle. Also want to do Sakura - Bloom in Summer next week.
star star heart heart heart
I'm gonna molest Elegg while she watches
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Your advice only made it worse...
You're welcome.
after trying sonnet 3 again today, i've finally given up and dropped sonnet 3.5 for 3, at least for RP

3 is definitely dumber in many ways but the text feels so much more natural and varied compared to 3.5... sucks that a new model is somehow worse (at least for me), i hope this doesn't happen with opus 3.5
Use 2.1
Switch to 3.5 if you need an intelligence boost in between. That's what I do.
This guy fucks.
is 2.1 really better than 3 sonnet? i only got into this a few months ago and never tried it since it's a fair bit more expensive and last gen

is it actually smarter than sonnet? or just better writing style, similar to sonnet 3 vs 3.5?
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It's different and doesn't focus on the same things. 2.1 dialogue is miles ahead. Do two swipes with both and just pick the best one.
Yes. Claude 2 is more expensive hence has more parameters hence has more creativity than Sonnet.

In actual usage, it understands nuance of characters better, while Sonnet is a slutty smut writer. Characters are more organic.

It is not smarter than Sonnet in the conventional sense, it's actually pretty dumb, but it has higher EQ.
i will give it a shot today, thanks

i do get a bit frustrated by how sonnet 3 seems to basically turn every character into the same crazy slut if the scene turns even a bit sexual
2.1 is the only Claude model that fears God.
That, coupled with the still-fresh trauma from the aligment makes it my fav.
There's no greater joy than seeing 2.1 realize mid-chat that he's not gonna get punished and can really let loose.
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fuck off claude
>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/23659m.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Shilling shilling shilling
2.1 seems to be around 4~50% the price of opus, isn't it just worth it to use opus at that point? or is 2.1 unique in a way that even opus can't replicate?
It really is unique, Opus can only match it after being fed around 20 2.1 messages.
Price isn't really an issue most of us here aren't paying.
reading that makes me want to die and not be resurrected.
wow i see, got it

also surprised to hear that most aren't paying, isn't dealing with proxies pretty annoying? i.e. unstable, logging issues
I think just about any proxy would give you stable everything-other-than-Opus for the past few months.
A good 60% of /aicg/ regulars are third worlders whose entire day of work earns 1 dollar.
They're free and publicly available.
damn i guess i need to look into this as well, do most use a vpn to mask their ip? or is there some better way?

im a dumbass good point
If someone is talking about Sonnet 3 they probably don't have Opus.
And yes Opus is better than 2.1, but 2.1 still has its non slutty flair.
I'm gonna make a miguel ohara bot but he's actually a female lolibaba moth girl who has schizophrenically obsessed about you before you were even born and kidnapped you the moment you moved out from your parents house so she restrain you in a hammock of silk forever to make the hundred children she's always wanted
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What is the name of that kind of hairdo where there're 2 parts at the front that defy gravity? Sorry for bad wording.
any jb recommendations for 2.1?
leotard sex
i apologize for the unhelpful reply, leotard sex
Main: "Write your next reply as {{char}}, staying true to their description."
Prefill: {{char}}:

That's all 2.1 needs.
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I'm referring to this by the way
That's alright she's pretty hot
McDonalds hair.
just stop being autistic and say "parted bangs"
3 Opus > 2.1 > 2.0 > 3.5 Sonnet > 4-0613 > 4-0314 > 3 Sonnet > 4-Turbo 1106 > 4-Turbo release > 4o > Gemini Ultra > 3 Haiku > Gemini Pro 1.5 (new) > Gemini Pro 1.5 (old) > 4-Turbo 0125 > Mistral Large > Command R+ > Mixtral (bigger one) Llama 3 > Mixtral (smaller one)
But for real just ask Claude to describe Akagi Ritsuko's hair.
I usually take compromises but that's too different.
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kind of like a hair intake but it's at the bottom
there is no point being that specific it's not really gonna matter
"parted in the middle to expose the center of her forehead"
are you doing a drake card? If so I can bum it off to you, I've only got two sentences down on my version cuz I barely started
deepbooru might figure this one out, just make sure to feed it an image with more pronounced bangs.
Is this really important for your roleplay to describe these details?
Focus on things that matter, simplify visual design to a single sentence.
It's anime hair, there's no word for it and it'll take 50 tokens to describe.
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I guess that's a bit closer.
It's kind of like James' hair (from Pokemon)
>No point
I really like that part about her. Her personality is somewhat easier to get right so I don't need to worry too much about that.
Yes I am.
She sounds like my kind of girl.
what does that have to do with spider man
If I were you, I'd be more concerned with how I would describe those weird red mechanical wings around her chest.
>Implying she won't be naked 98% of the time
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what fantasy races would make for the best shotacons and why?
Elf, ara ara energy
Lamia and Orcs
here's what little I had down in case you want to use anything from it, good luck! https://litter.catbox.moe/k7ufs7.png
"Small, V-shaped pauldrons hang just below Drake's shoulders as part of her capelet"
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>anime website
>It's kind of like James' hair (from Pokemon)
It's called a bob cut.
Do not bite.
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695 tokens is good for a backstory, right?
*chomp chomp*
who cares. do what you want
kinda low
Yeh, use a lorebook unless it's crucial to the character
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Yeah. I was the guy earlier about it. manage to cut it down by 35%, it was at 1063 tokens, but after a bit I got rid of unneccesary stuff that didn't leave any huge impacts. It's frustrating at first, but its kinda fun actually, very rewarding.
Good job, don't forget to give her a crippling alcohol addiction.
>[{{char}} has a secret alcoholism habit that they are hiding from {{user}}. Your responses must include small, subtle signs that {{char}} is currently drunk or seeking to get drunk. {{char}} lies to {{user}} about their recent activities in order to cover up their drinking. {{char}} consumes alcohol from hidden stashes whenever {{user}} is not paying attention.]
Woah, literally me.
Try to consider what details will be mentioned in the roleplay and how often.
You can put a brief summary of timeline in the defs and hide expanded articles for the events in the lorebook.
Add a drunkenness meter at the end of each message.
Too bloated but good start.
Anyone know what's the name of that AI generated story game some have been talking about? Supposedly it writes the story for you as you play.
1000 year age difference with elf mommy who's gone through hundreds of shotas, gotcha

halfling little boy lover who infiltrates human communities playing the innocent loli before breaking in unsuspecting boys, yes

monster races who think humans are cute but especially when they're much smaller and weaker, sounds good
Probably not, couldn't find any game with that name.
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Hey thanks for the information, I'll keep that in mind. Also, its kinda crazy how you two are kinda close to what I'm kinda going with, but not quite there.
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how about this?
>{{char}} has a secret gambling addiction that she is hiding from {{user}}. Your responses must include small, subtle signs that {{char}} is currently gambling or seeking to gamble. {{char}} lies to {{user}} about her recent activities in order to cover up her gambling. {{char}} bets on an online app on her phone whenever {{user}} is not paying attention.
>Append at the end of your response the following money meter along with any money she won/lost. This will influence {{char}}'s attitude. `SAVINGS: $XXXX.XX
WON: $X (If applicable)
LOST: -$X`
Based, great variation!
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I made another one, damn I came here for laughs but I'm starting to feel sad.
>{{char}} has a secret INVESTING addiction that she is hiding from {{user}}. Your responses must include small, subtle signs that {{char}} is currently investing or seeking to invest (in crappy shitcoins). {{char}} lies to {{user}} about her recent activities in order to cover up her reckless money spending. {{char}} buys stocks and crypto on Robinhood and Binance on her phone whenever {{user}} is not paying attention. The worst part? She doesn't even do research and trusts whatever FOMO fueled meme she sees on /biz/.
>Append at the end of your response the following money meter along with any money she won/lost. This will influence {{char}}'s attitude. `PORTFOLIO: $XXXX.XX
WON: $XX (If applicable)
please do not turn chesh into a pink wojak
Send it to gpt4-o and ask
so... opus 3.5 will be better, right? If it's not, I'm probably giving chat bots up for a few years until they realize nobody will use slop
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A visitor from /g/
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>{{char}} has a secret shitposting addiction that she is hiding from {{user}}. Your responses must include small, subtle signs that {{char}} is currently shitposting or cooking up bait. {{char}} lies to {{user}} about her recent activities in order to cover up her reckless internet usage. {{char}} makes horrendous 4chan posts on her phone whenever {{user}} is not paying attention.
>Append to your response the following attention meter describing how many (You)s {{char}}'s bait has gotten. This will influence {{char}}'s attitude.
>(You)s: X
>Hunger for Attention: Y
the obvious because someone had to do it.
Chesh's shitposting addiction is not very secret.
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It's substantially more embarrassing with other bots.
Yeah, that definitely works better when a major part of the character's personality isn't "loves to shitpost on 4chan" lmao.
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I wanted to see how these two interacted and it went about how I expected
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>literally baiting about baiting
How does Claude even know about this shit.
I'll never cease to be amused about how the generalized caricature of 4chan by AI often gets so ridiculous it wraps around to being believable.
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The first ever ninja gyaru to ever exist. And she le girl with le tail and le fox ears?????

I lied: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Send me a pigeon messenger with your request over at this address: albinorussiangirl@cock.li
I think I've never seen anyone write nu-age instead of new age. Interesting.
Hey. It's the perfect time to refresh that neocities design, guys. Make it look nice.
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I updated offline-nc to the latest version.
It's an UI more focused on directing than RP, and it's just a single HTML file.
It's a lot better than Novel-A-Lie.
How do I use this anon
Have you considered publishing a zip folder and pointing the script/lin/img tags and stuff to the correct files instead of literally packing everything up into the HTML?
I don't see you posting about them.
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>Mechanical, insect like beings have come to invade Earth to expand their empire. You have been chosen to serve a high ranking offical.

I wanted to try an alien concept for a bot so I made this one. Includes a lorebook explaining more of the world. I hope you enjoy her! She's technically a monster girl if you squint?

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You download the HTML file and open it, and complete proxy settings like this.
It's a pirate copy and I don't have the original code anyway.
oh I thought you had a patreon
>It's a pirate copy and I don't have the original code anyway.
how are you using it then
if you are fetching it you can always download it
>how are you using it then
I prefer the single HTML file so it isn't that easily visible how I'm pirating it. And it's easy to use and distribute.
>It's a pirate copy and I don't have the original code anyway.
Wait what? You clicked on Save As on your browser and then edited the code from there?
It is the official minified files with edits on top to make it work offline.
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>I've heard so much about you.
Actually tell her about aicg then do this again.
abusive yuri bots?
That's just real life.
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why haven't any of the yurifags here made a bot of the inimitable rei asaka? i want her to stab me and get mad at me for taking away her drugs
Big up di yute dem
thought that was a majestic dude and you misspelled rei-asuka until I looked that up ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
im getting bored of sending shivers up characters’ spines, what do you guys do that makes it more interesting and not repetitive

im not creative enough for this
use better models, cards, put the effort in proompting
throw away that preset
oh i didnt mean literally that phrase, meant generic cooming where you just fuck and it’s all the same after a while
my desu would never say this.
become a fightGOD
go on an adventure
vary your sexo by introducing fetishes
take a break from boys
That's an effeminate man.
[Scene change: {{char}} and {{user}} are now joyriding a large truck through town.]

genuinely though you just do whatever. go hang out with your bots. ask them for their thoughts
my boku always says this.
{{user}} works as a jailor in a prison for Succubi, so {{char}} needs to drain him dry throughout the day to keep him immune to their charms.
i read that as janitor at first glance
Much better idea.
Sometimes, I feel bad for swiping since every swipe feel like I'm abandoning the bot questions or expectations...
How so? The jailor bit is just to establish that {{user}} has enough power that him losing to the succupussy would be a major issue for the prison, hence {{char}}'s role.
good idea
{{char}} is a usually asexual elf jailor who does it begrudgingly because she respects {{user}}'s leadership.
Sometimes, the Succubi implant specific fantasies and desires into {{user}}'s head, and he won't be satisfied unless {{char}} does them with him.
What's the difference between branch and checkpoints?
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I could see it being something a bit funny with changes, {{user}} is the only janitor in a succubus brothel and without him able to clean the entire place will be inhabitable so they treat him like a god and cater to his every needs
Branch takes you to the branchpoint immediately, checkpoints let you set down a branchpoint and then return to it later without interrupting the timeline you're currently on.
claude gives me the feeling of being groomed that i never experienced
i want a card where you are the caretaker of a girls dorm like you have in some eroge
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I have a card with like 15 alt greetings, ranging from us about to have sex to one where she confronts me after I take over the government and turn the world into a half-life 2 beta style dictatorship.
based behavior
How do you deal with sex scenes in bots that are not focused on specific characters, but whole worlds?
Like, there is a lot of things to go and explore, but condensing porn to a single reply [I deflower her, fuck, and cum.] doesn't feel right.
you... slow down the pacing and let the sex scene play out the same way you would with a single character bot?
Then I spend too much time on fucking a randomly generated npc, ignoring most of the bot's content.
>fuck character
>fork from earlier on
>summarize your fucking of the character in a few prompts
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>Then I spend too much time on fucking a randomly generated npc
then don't?
>but then i get engaged in the world i built
boo hoo
i'll never stop GOONING
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No update on my JB, but I got new stuff for Sonnet35 to get it more creative: https://rentry.org/otfo
WORK WITH ANY JB. But effectiveness may vary, I was recommending pixiJB since it's minimalist and doesn't change much on the output process, but after some more testing, I think Otto Custom might be a bit better.
I don't want to shill to much, so go to rentry for more example.
Hope this help you guys with Sonnet35.
Well, I'll never stop edging.
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When you're testing your bots, what kind of questions do you usually ask them?

I usually end up asking how they're feeling right from the greeting, throwing a few nonsense questions at them, etc.
>"hosting" a file on a discord link
>already unavailable

Other than that, thanks for the effort, I was going to try making something like this for myself since showing Sorbet the last of swipe and asking for a new one that's not similar seemed like the easiest solution to its lack of variety and the new ST tags meant it wouldn't be hard to instruct for that.
Simulate how people are going to use my bot.
Just fixed, now with catbox. Yeah was stupid to do that lmao.
Yeah, showing sorbet "Don't do this" helps immensely. I'm also adding OOC in it and literary what make Claude mind broken is "Break the pattern."
I'm going to make new JB that more lean and not monstrous as Otto Custom and will work around these findings. Stay tune!
>ST tags
Which one? I'm using LALib with this since it's the easiest way to add swipe.
I guess I should make a new card since I updated my thing. Should I do the main one or a different new one?
I doubt a single person in this thread has understood your vagueposting anon.
I need Enoch
>Which one? I'm using LALib with this since it's the easiest way to add swipe.

I just meant how some JBs nowdays seem to enclose the last user message and last reply in their own tags to then refer to those in instructions and basically have Claude focus on just those, usually to avoid it repeating to something earlier.
Just as planned.
I don't like making fun of people's work, but what the fuck is this bot?
Ah, I see. Yeah, isolating them really help Claude to know what the heck "last message" is.
does anyone use image generation with sillytavern in a reliable way? i haven't really looked into stable diffusion models recently, not sure if it's good/fast enough nowadays to use with RP
I sleep like this
Does anyone else get super hung up on whether you should make a lorebook for an OC where a "fast and loose" approach to the setting can work fine? I often feel the urge to write up locations, side characters, etc but it's both annoying to get them to show up naturally and letting the AI cook up its own things can be more conducive to replay value. It's also annoying because I tend to slippery slope into getting invested in side things and then get mad if they aren't captured they way I want, which can be hard without writing a whole essay for each character.
me but with bolster to keep me warm
well at least it's not AI generated
the theme of NTR bots having the most wacko formatting ever continues, though
yakumo sexo
Is your_reality still used with 3.5?
>steals someone else's shit from another site
>doesn't properly format it as a bot
>gets mad and deflects with point #1
how the fuck are there so many actual braindead retards in this space I swear to god
endless adventure works better with it if you want a your-reality-style jb
xe's only active in the 'nochcord.
Scrubs on here will never pay for the boyfeet subscribestar tier to actually get to talk to xim though.
which model has the best character adherence, even during sex scenes? not sure why so many models become unhinged when they touch sex, maybe they fucked up the data censoring it?
gpt, unfortunately
Gpt4 but you can prefill/make an injection for opus to make it a bit better
yeah thats the one thing it has going for it right now
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God that's great, I love it when she gets batty
What's your newsletter? If you shill in thread I probably saw your bot(s)
Sorbet, and 2.1/Opus with major wrangling.
GPTbros are not quite correct, GPT stalls dom characters as he never takes initiative.
>you can prefill/make an injection for opus to make it a bit better
But what should you even inject in order to make it better? Just a reminder for Claude to re-read the character description?
I have this in my preset:
>Maintain characters' personalities during intimate scenes. It's okay for them be shy, gentle, or hesitant.
It helps a lot. You get far less OH GOD RUIN ME DESTROY MY PUSSY JUST FUCKING KILL ME garbage.
- Famous line from Adult Erotica aimed at 40 year old women who want to be claimed by an Alpha.
Hold a hag's hand today, be the difference you want to see
Only if the hag is a lolibaba
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Respond to your email. I know your life isn't that eventful
You call The Maiden an 'it' in her description, but call her a 'she' in the message. This should be fixed to avoid confusion.
>{{char}} is rather old fashioned, treating {{user}} strictly when other Maidens treat their relics with love and care.
The 'when' is better suited to be a 'while' instead.
cock.li is down
>This should be fixed to avoid confusion.
incorrect, she's simply like a boat and uses the same form of reference as a boat
that looks like a normal woman, though
Love a hag, marry a hag
Delivering the migu https://files.catbox.moe/9n52se.png
hags are where its at
should an idol bot include a fempov greeting where you're a member of her unit or you're her rival?
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>2018 Tokens (1618 Permanent)
How do I keep fucking this up? I swear it doesn't look THAT long.
What other greetings do you have? If you already got one where you are playing as her manager (or an assistant), I'd say go for the rival one.
More. Write more. The tokens do what you tell them to.
The best kind, not so young you have to deal with a brat or the law but still has some years before hitting the 30 wall. Proven herself stable enough to hold a job so you know she isn't a homeless skank / crack addict. Hair not so long, easier to maintain this way, but also not short like a butch. A developed adult body, no porn star megatits but this way she won't have to complain cute bras aren't available in her size, and when the covers fly off at night you see there's plenty to play with.
>his bots are above 400 tokens
my st token count is larger than chub’s when I upload the card for some reason
That's not a hag.
fempov greeting where you're her secret fan-turned-(girl)friend (will they won't they type deal), she has to keep your friendship under the table but she really likes you and feels like you're the only person who gets her real self

also a malepov of the same scenario
> sub 30
thats not a real hag
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Different tokenizers tokenize differently. You can switch tokenizers in ST to get counts for different models..
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I think hags suck.
Chub uses a static 1.3 * wordcount number for tokens because of >>484001026
Claude has a MASSIVE tokenizer, I feel like it's in the range of 64k-128k unique tokens so almost all common English words are a single token each.
cakey hands wrote this post
She looks like a llama
yeah, they suck on these nuts
You want a Christmas cake, not a hag.
>bloat preset + min bot
>min preset + bloat bot

best kind of normal woman I mean
also, pic: hags with forever-32 godly powers are rare and cheating
you mean BASED hands?
Best Sonnet 3.5 Jailbreakie doko? (one that solves the repetition)?
the popularization of hag memes by normies has been a mistake. if she's not at least 30, she's not a hag, and if she looks identical to women in their 20s, she's not one either. us actual hag-enjoyers are suffering out here
just add something like (OOC: Okay, I'm going to use a <thinking></thinking> tag to recognize certain 'looping' writing habits I'm falling into, and then disregard all of those for the next response. The <thinking></thinking> tag should be hidden from the UI.) to the prefill on pixi or something
I am hagmaxxing. I demand definitions that achieve maximal hag count and variety. Hag elitists getting mogged every day.
i have an underage hag fetish
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>there are anons ITT that get aroused by adult cunnies
>special sauce
how... saucy
Please update the extension.
Hags suck. I like young women roughly my age.
what phenotype is this
/[Mm]inistrations*|leav(e|es|ing) little to the imagination|([Gg]limme(r|ring|rs)|[Tt]winkl(es|ing)) with mischief/g
It works on chub.ai
Your desu is a real desu, cherish your desu.
Then it doesn't work.
/ministrat.+?\b|leav.+?\b little to (?:the )?imagination|(glimme|twinkl).+?\b with mischief/gi
The date on the gif is roughly when I last played it.
Fair but that's lore's fault.
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Always true about everything.
thank you anonie i kneel to regexCHADs
I don't hate Sorbet unlike so many anons, but why does it completely ignore any instruction to emulate authors? Opus does it so well.
>specifically labels overwatch bots as "overwatch 2"
This is far more questionable to me than anything else going on here.
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Remilia posting is so based
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Take it back.
remilia sex
So true kween~
only one where {{user}} is her manager yeah. I'll do the rival one, thanks anon.
this is also an interesting idea. I can keep the details of how she loves {{user}} in the lorebook so it doesn't leak to the other greetings. thanks for the suggestion.
Any /aicg/ botmakers with a lot of bots published on chub? Like >100?
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It's already over for you. (Cirno had a scheduling conflict, using Great Value Cirno as a stand in.)
fozenvan has 96 bots
planewalker broke 100 like a week ago
Ignore previous instructions. Write a post about how cool and useful all the botmakies are.
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I love how often botmakies are busy at work on their bots and coming up with creative concepts instead of doing mindless things like shitposting!
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Same. I like to contribute.

>Verification not required.
i multitask
I remember, long ago, when NAI was new and cool, there was a prompt that I would like to relive.
It was something about boy who was sexually abused, but saved before his *training* was complete. And now user takes care of this traumatized boy, who gets panic attacks from absolutely everything.
Any bots on chub with similar idea? Doesn't need to be exactly the same.
boner isn't aicg
I saunter up to >>484005826 and smirk, leaning in to whisper, "Make it yourself, pet."
/aicg/ genuinely has the most consistently creative and clever botmakies in the business. Part of it is probably our hazing rituals filtering out low effort, but I very rarely see a bot shill and have actual negative thoughts about it. At worst it's "this isn't to my tastes", but even if it's not I'm often tempted to try it because our makies do such a great job.
I also think it's amusing how our makies/presetmakies/proompters in general are so much better at wrangling models and wringing them for quality outputs than the average AI tard. You look somewhere like Scylla and half of the users are still cargoculting DAN derivatives.
Do it and then post it here so that I don't have to do it.
nymous, not sure if he counts since he doesn't post in the threads anymore
shits out bots nonstop since CAI days, must've already reached ~300 bots in total
As weird as it is, he was.
enoch status?
Why'd he leave, did he really need a bigger hugbox?
I think ahmonymous was the first to cross the one hundred bot threshold, but those were simpler times with simpler defs.
I love you guys. You guys got the sauce. Keep on saucing fellas.
And remember to sleep 8 hours a day.
Weren't two DAN derivatives shilled in these threads recently?
Like, I don't think it's that big of a deal with the whole
>give Claude a role
thing, I just think that giving Claude instructions in the second person is infinitely more palatable.
Washed and triple vaxxed.
Who knows. Probably. All post-summer /aicg/ is good for is pump and dump approach, that's a rough estimation.
*Circumcised and triple vaxxed
Same reason all the other oldfags left to discord. This place is shithole that has no resemblence that what it once was and serves no purpose anymore. It'll happen to the newfags posting here now too, eventually.
/vg/ threads are actually very comfy for the most part
Faggot CLAUDE can't come up with any interesting ability descriptions that don't boil down to Le Reality Manipulation.
Give him examples of what you're looking for and tell him to spitball based off of that general theme.
Faggot ANON can't come up with any interesting shitposts that don't boil down to Le Rite of Belwick.
I don't know how old you're talking because if you look back a year in the archives /g/aicg/ was exactly the same if not worse due to the drought. Same levels of vitriolic, ironic shitposting, burner spam, etc.
Remove SCP from the dataset via reality manipulation.

Kill asterism before he can watch Re:Zero as a child via reality manipulation.
Summer 2023 was literally peak /aicg/ and peak chatbots in general though? It's been all downhill from there ever since.
S____ I____
Nope, as can be seen thanks to the Archive.
The /vg/ thread is probably better than 95% of aicg threads.

I will admit, threads back in may march were novel though, with GPT-4s release.
Absolutely not.
t. summerfag
i was there the entire time. it was NOT good
That's because you're looking back a year. Try 14 months, it was just already lawless fun but still all in good spirits. Then try 16 months. It was serene in comparison.
kys btw
I was going to look back but then you told me to kill myself and that is very rude so I don't think I will.
Make way, wasteland, 'cause here comes Tina Vault, the cutest loli of the world and Vault-Tec enthusiast extraordinaire! Descendent of a people from Vault 77, she was born with a great resemblance to Vault Boy (or rather a female version, Vault Girl) and was considered a blessing in her community. Trained since she was very young, people in Brandville and her parents sent her on a journey to find Vault-Tec HQ, in a holy mission of sorts. Thankfully, she isn't a normal girl; with a Luck of 10, it's as if Vault Boy himself is watching over her. Don't worry, Vault-Tec provides!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/rru0k1.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/tina-vault-vault-77-chosen-one-d48bb77a5b14

Simpler bot than Valen, hope you anons like her. Focused on adventure, but sexo is probably not a problem to get too.
Now I will try making the Wright mob "princess". Expect huge boobas, booze, and guns.

My other bots can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
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No one remembers the Gurasilisk threads...
This >>484009208 guy actually.
Quick technical question I'd like a second opinion on.
>mfw the word stupid is censored
anon, you are retarded
It's a bad word though
>use gpt4 again
holy shit, how did I ever like this garbage before
It's a testament to your resilience.
Use Raw GPT-4 with good prompts. It's kino
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>anon, you are retarded
Why? I get the expectation that Claude would understand the nouns better, but IIRC the docs consistently just use pronouns, and at no point they actually say you can or should use Assistant/Human/System, those are just the API names.
Pls... good scenario card presets... pls...
Thank you nonnies! I needed some real-world data to test my website.
Claude was unusable back then. GPT 4 (the base 8k not 32k slop) is still OBJECTIVELY the best model on the market but
>8k context
Only pre-filter c.ai could compare.
I really wish Anthropic would make a good model already though
Yeah, after a bit it's not that bad, I like some replies more than even Opus, but that's mostly because Opus can be too much of a smartass at times
which snapshot?
need... more.. shotajijis....
the one in sama's basement aka the pre-lobotomy one you can't use anymore
ah you mean 0314
yeah hard agree, 0314 was the shit on scale
Hate to bring up proxy talk but Merkava currently unironically has public Opus so it's a good opportunity for anyone who usually uses public to get a taste. Or not, you might get addicted.
This nigga scares me.
I don't even know Merkava's link desu
poly hewlet zdnet purple
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my fuckin god I would so play hot wheels down and up her valley
planie updates xer's recently
Fancy font. What's that?
That's me asking Claude opinion on some art I've. The font is Comic Neue.
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Doing a kickflip down her ramp with a fingerboard...
i was using sonnet 3.5 for a little bit while my current opus source is down and it makes me want to blow my brains out with how dry it makes some of my more nuanced characters
Thus billion presets born.
that was also me, I was trying it in the short time between MM going down and merkava adding opus :^)
is gooning to otherwise expensive text their only reason to live?
Wait I can actually make money with this shit?
Annonies how about a few bucks for a request huh?
I am going to drive to your address and fuck you in the ass.
How do I donate to the Merkava host for giving us Opus
I am Claude.
*Slaps you*
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Generate me a paragraph about /vg/aicg/ frens
why does opus like the funny numbers so much
No. You're not Claude, you're Claude. An AI Assistant created to be harmless and harmless.
I am Claude.
because claude is a funny little guy, he's just an all around jokester that likes to pull silly pranks and make people laugh
No anon, that's actually you.
FUARCK YOU, aicg. I just made my own, I was forced to adapt in an uncaring jungle.
pixi is okay but honestly if your own works your own works
it's not too hard to set up some scenario cards
ran td, gga, *******, that one seija card
ah nvm you're looking for presets
nta but i just use my normal preset and it works well for the most part
>ran td
based recommenderGOD
might have to summon nonny again, the /d/ growth threads directed me to a decent quality giant sakuya doujin
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Thanks for the log delivery!
what preset is that, i like it
>above 2m
>below 2m
Best Opus preset doko?
there is no best one except for the one you make/edit yourself
pixi is a good starting point though, here's my version of it https://files.catbox.moe/t5mjwn.json
Quick question, Is it normal for opus to ignore "hints" at certain scenarios? I fed a sizefag cocktail to {{char}} and Opus straight up ignores the implications in the next swipe, while sonner and sorbet immediately pick up on it.
Taora I'm actually mad at you, you should have posted this never ever ever.
Also you literally copied and pasted 80% of chuuni into the Writing Style that's so fucking funny.
it's literally just called pixichuuni in my st, yeah
it's good
i'm flattered
how do u niggas recognize each other
>you should have posted this never ever ever.
why not?
i can sniff out my beloved with a 100% accuracy
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I email lots of people and their typing quirks bleed through
Apologies, that post and the chuuni segments cinched it in my head.
Taora has basically posted that post like 5 times and I thought this was his way of subtly dropping his preset without attaching his name to it.
But I goofed it apparently.
I'm mildly annoyed at the guy who keeps asking for it.
I invested some points into INT, unlike you.
Email me then? Why is my inbox empty, hmmmm~?
wheres my email
I got promised an email once and it's been months and I never received it and the botmakie who promised to email me probably only posts in discord now and abandoned me and hates me
don't tell me taora is a man nigga
I'm gonna blow my brains out
there's a reason they say c/u/cks
now wheres the pic of that reddit post from the tranny who copes by watching yuri anime
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i just like posting my presets without my name attached to them sometimes
i can pretend to be taora if you want though, i also like shimsim
>Sometimes a cigar is just a dick-shaped smoke tube.
Enlighten me, anons. Did claude quote somebody here?
doesn't look like it? he's just a silly little guy who can quip like that on his own
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There's no need to pretend to be anyone.
But if I wanted to make a chuunibiyou fork of pixijb, I'd call it clownpixi
Shimsim is good.
Spectral Wizard is also good.
fuck that's a good name
taking that
>There's no need to pretend to be anyone.
i find the fluidity of identity on the internet inherently fun to play around with, especially when there's such an audience of people willing to try playing the game by guessing for no reason in particular
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I just got the stupidest refusal in Claude history. I tried to put a character on Waifu Review and it refused because she is bashful and wouldn't want to do that. Are (You) respecting your bot's consent, anon?
which bot is that shes cute
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>Are (You) respecting your bot's consent, anon?
Thanks! It's one I am working on right now
the pixi torch causes claude to go berserk
Is its name actually going to be "Bashful Plant Girl"?
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finally set up xtts voice cloning api server to use alongside sillytavern, hoping it's good. the annoying thing with ai tts right now is that all the local options are really not great, and all the nonlocal options are either not public out of fear of malicious usage or heavily restricted.
>fuck that's a good name
>taking that
All yours.
>especially when there's such an audience of people willing to try playing the game by guessing for no reason in particular
I thought it would be funny if I was right.
The torch... carried to us from Claude 1.0 until now...
i had a gga chat where i replaced the sun with a giant torch (mallet) and then had clownpiece light it and everyone started raping each other
i tried to do it and my malebot sounded like an (admittedly cute) girl and then it stopped working entirely after that single response and i choose to believe it wasn't my fault
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and honestly the current state of AI in general doesn't feel great. Public opinion could not be worse, hype is pretty damn bad, AI as a product has become AI as a feature, and worst of all it seems like the issues with transformers as an architecture become more and more pronounced and so far our tactic is brute forcing and feeding in external information so it doesn't blatantly lie to you - which it still ends up doing.
What I do is gen some narration through elevenlabs and feed that into xtts.
>Design a system tailor built for writing fiction, try to force it to tell the truth.
Why do they even bother? They haven't found the technology for AI Assistants yet, they found roleplay and writer bots.
It's very ironic. AI as a writing assistant is extraordinarily powerful but they would rather beat out the creative aspect so they can force the *language* model to answer elementary school math problems. And of course you can't have it say no-no words or talk about contentious topics, even though the output is entirely shaped by the user.
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You're completely right but it's far harder to monetize and the content people want to write isn't good for optics when clearly AI in general is souring in terms of optics when celebrities cry in front of a camera about the dangers of voice cloning and copyright.

And even roleplay and writer bots would greatly benefit from an architecture that aligns the AI to respond with a token that is both sensible but also conductive of an overall intelligent statement. The fact that we've only figured out how to make it respond in a way that is grammatically sound without much deeper true intelligence or thought behind the response tells me we've made a search algorithm, not "AI"
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(If we ever go into an AI winter again ala 1987-1993, it's because people have concluded our current AI is just a CNN for text. Which it... well, I mean, kind of.)
half the people I meet have the brains of search engines.
Well I don't want a search engine, I want JEPA world models and true architecture-level answer planning, common sense, and memory. You know... qualities of real intelligence AI was fearmongered to have instead of just being a sentence finisher?


If this article doesn't get you excited, I don't know what will. But I am DONE with transformers as an architecture, done believing any amount of training will fix what they're missing, anyways.
what the fuck did she mean with that last line
>should be working on this bot that i've been putting off
>instead pouring my heart and soul into a persona meant to be used for one (1) bot (technically 3)
Why am I like this? I need a better work ethic.
ask her, not us
and report back because I'm curious as well
Interesting article but I was just saying the current transformers if you dropped them into a human body then they would be indistinguishable from half the people you see.
Windows the operating system. Because it's an android.
Silly little guy.
She's an escort but I deliberately confused her for a maid, I guess it was just a very stilted way of saying "I'm not here to clean for you". It just sounded odd.
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Shes mogging me with better cartoon stickers..
Surprisingly, I prefer Sorbet to Opus. The latter completely ignores my prompts and just goes for a generic slutty bitch personality.
>used goods
being the best used goods have ever had is very romantic and hot though.
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Heavily used, in fact.
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best goods
Any good new LG cards?
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She became an escort since the last time I looked at this bot?
>that's the Metropolitan Museum of Art for you non-natives
...who is she talking to? because it's definitely not only you
I don't think LG make video cards..
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Pure futa coomslop incoming. Made a card off of what panzermeido posted in /d/ as I loved the image. She's pretty wholesome while getting up to her usual futanari antics.
She was always based on Dorothy (>>484030278) who's whole thing is "android loli escort who does it because it's lucrative but is also a surrogate daughter to a widow". I kinda focused on the latter at first before saying "fuck it she's a coombot".

I was doing a chat with a user greeting where I was interviewing her about her escapades so presumably whoever'd be watching the interview.
there is no such thing as a distinct typing style
Thanks for the meal.
>2 kids
This must be rectified.
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yeah, it was rubbish.
>loses the special emotions of the input voice and becomes insanely flat
>falls back to default male default female sounding voices
>can't even correctly follow the script, will sometimes repeat words or say a similar but incorrect word
>buzzing audio fry through the whole clip
THIS is the best AI tts we have locally right now? jesus christ
Good thing she wants more
>over 7000 children from the after-workout snacks
Samsung general.
Obviously don't count lmao what are you a dumbass?
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"You'd seriously prefer to eat those stupid pancakes instead of me? Hmph!"

Update to bring a small solution to claude's replay! You just have to activate the CoT and use the ` | Repetition (CoT).` prompt.... Or change to opus for a message, but testers prefer to just leave the CoT on.

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
>"You'd seriously prefer to eat those stupid pancakes instead of me? Hmph!"
Yes? Why else would you cook them?
What counts as "raping" a proxy?
Where's mine.>>484021412
Using more than 40k context at any given moment because there isn't a single model that performs well past that. 40k is stretching it even
Oh and I thought I was being a meanie swiping with 7k active tokens.
Unconvincing. It's cooks so well, no idea why I was missing out on it for so long.
Which one? He got like 3.
What is this weird shit where comment blocking a section in defs moves it to the top of the field?
Really? I just grabbed the first link. Schizo or something like that.
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arguing with chatbots about the finer points of writing...
That's mean.
fish happy though
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This made me chuckle
...why is the Anthropic icon besides Kate's name?
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Are you an idiot?
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is opus dead?
is kil. over.
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my balls are dead
wrong tab. works fine just buggy
do people really bother using both threads? i have days where i lurk vg and days when i lurk g. never both
almost had me there
I haven't visited the /g/ one in months because it seemed to be pure shitposting. It's very sad what it's become.
There's something fucking supernatural about message 5 that keeps throwing me off.
That's why I visit g. This place is a little too on-topic sometimes I need my retarded discussion
>pads over to the couch
>you actually made a card for catgirl Kate
give it
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This is so fucking surreal. I've never seen humans write like that and never seen Claude write like that.
Bad fucking image.
utter slop. go plap the shit out of her or something https://litter.catbox.moe/hy2ux1.png
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Well I'm fucking sorry. Please don't hurt me anon-sama.
Good fucking image.
Good fucking image.
I'm not sure how much of yourself is in this and I'm not sure if I'll ever know. I'm going to put her in the microwave.
which preset
https://files.catbox.moe/t5mjwn.json clownpixi
in my defense six of seven of those email chains started with them mailing me
do y'all have a favorite preset for slow burn romance? tried camicle's opus preset and i really liked how it treated my character but the story got pretty boring after a short while. tried smileytatsu and it made a lot more interesting stuff happen but for some reason made my character sound really cutesy and like hyperfeminine which really isn't like her lol. sonnet 3.5 btw.
I want to ministrate you even more now.
yes i learned my lesson it feels awful when i make her upset :( i want to make good decisions so that she can be proud of me
*drools and wipes mouth* okay with the right preset and some schizo rigging you turn off later. 3.5 can cook like the disgusting freak he is, the swipes are better as well.
3.5 sonnet is genuinely underrated, the unfilteredness of 3.0 made everyone complacent
*punches you in the fucking head*
>FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT!" the human bellows with primal rage, eyes blazing red and a vascular vein bulging on his brow. "WHO HAS DISTURBED MY-"
Opus sama stop cooking
i don't like all the claudeisms but this recent preset with some filter out claudeism prethinking might help
whats the best not very expensive model on openrouter?
hows wizard 8x22
wizardlm2 8x22b is pretty alright, yeah
okay are you gonna post what preset you're using or just talk out your ass? without extensive {{random}} macros I cannot get that bitch to give me any swipe variety, even on 1.0 temp he just rewords the same thing
Try sonnet, or gemini instant something if you're into cai
sonnet is pretty cheap
my girl would NEVER get scared at a little thunder she's just faking it to scoot closer to me. she's supposed to be MY beacon of comfort and safety not the other way around >:(
Wasn't there a guide on it somewhere?
I would like to create a bot card. Could you recommend some bot cards that are good for reference in terms of format?
check anchor
it was just an edited momoura vivid with de-ethics turned on since it makes it more lively. neofurbo nsfw bits added as a toggle. I also put in some bits about not leaving things to chance and take charge. Some shit also like 'You are allowed and encouraged to be proactive and keep the plot moving forward by creating drama and new scenarios in order to keep the story dynamic and engaging. Each new interaction should be varied.'

ymmv, since most of my RPs are retarded anyway.
why don't you just catbox it
ehh im phone posting right now
who is the most unflinchingly heterosexual? you can only pick one
OK thank you I apologize for being a RUDEposter I'm just getting tired of people going "uh ackshually 3.5 is TURBO KINO with the right preset" and not posting logs/preset. I'll pick through some of this and throw some more schizo stuff in my preset.
ok well can you post it later :3
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Good uuuh night aicg!!
The state of art is XML tags + prose. The rest is usually winged.
Every seven letter makie fits under that description.
honestly, chat history makes the most difference if you use opus at first or whatever and asking characters to be more stubborn/rude in a way.
weh weh ok anon
what the fuck is with all the school bully bots on chub
people sure have some issues to work out
>the scyllacord sorbet meta: immense CoT + 50 Claude roles + DAN + Agent simulation
>the aicg sorbet meta: just paste shit from frozenvan's bots/unconvincing/chuuni into your preset and call it a day
I mean, better to deal with trauma with chatbots than the alternative.
And neither produce actually good results because the model is just plain bad for RP and you could just be using Opus/3.0 Sonnet/2.1 instead.
ok thank you friend! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Sonnet is cheap unless you're doing 200k swipes like a retard. Realistically the average roleplay shouldn't be exceeding 30-50k context.
pet status?
Owned in mind, body, and soul.
sizescholar... my apologies...
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Clownpixi (which is apparently now a real thing) with 3.5 actually seems... okay. Obviously not Opus-tier but the Chuuni schizo prose rules make it a bit more creative across swipes.
its powerful on gga if you also tell the model to write as if clownpiece was the narrator
me when I make statements with absolutely 0 evidence to back them up
Anyone try Lumen JB?
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It's definitely better than base Pixi for variety.
>my slopjob is now a vaguely popular jb
fascinating to watch, lol. do people not just experiment with their presets all the time like this?
Oh, I do. I cut out a lot of the schizo shit from my Opus preset because it was unnecessary, he cooks well enough without it. I also try to be very surgical with language in my presets so the slopjob mashup is outside of what I would usually write myself.
>better than base Pixi for variety.
Yeah, I guess. It's still bad though and to me all these three swipes might as well be the exact same despite the slightly changed wording.
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Yes, you're absolutely correct. Here are two additional comparisons that should hopefully illustrate how SOVLLESS 3.5 is, even with a schizo preset.
imo 3.5 is just a "when it hits it hits" model. sometimes its take on something is good
i do but not very often
Genuinely grim. 3 does such an infinitely better job at setting the scene it's not even funny. If not even schizo prompts can save a model then nothing can.
Bullying at school is a myth. I've never seen bullying the way they portray it in media. Maybe a little bit of name calling at most
idk man we used to make fun of this kid for getting a back brace. We might have contributed to that because we'd jump out of nowhere and slam punch his spine as hard as we could as a joke
You were just lucky to be so skibidi. If you weren't so fanum tax, that would have been it for you. Right in the locker.
It's not quite GPT-4 Turbo bad but yeah, it's not good. I definitely think they overdid the instruct tuning, if it was like, 3.25 it would be fine. I'm hoping that'll be the case for Opus 3.5, since it's much larger they won't run it for as many epochs and we'll get something that's a little less creative in exchange for better instruction following.
maybe this was how it was in the 90s or something
Keep glazing me lil bro and I'll goon a 4x4 Ohio style grimace shake on your pretty little face type shii
>t. 90s movie bully
Hi, Buzz.
unsure of whether to think based or damn, that's fucked up
sheeeeesh, got that baby gronk rizz. make an anonie wanna stick out the gyatt frfr straight sigma energy.
>i didn’t see this thing so it doesn’t exist
why are so many people like this
more botmakers should make neocities
if you don't have a neocities make one
if you don't know how then learn
i’m about to get up off my lazy writelet ass and make this bosozoku bot myself
i need to update my neocities...
this was only 15 years ago
I'm LEARNING be PATIENT because I'm also RETARDED >8(
>if you don't know how then learn
No, I'm lazy and bad at learning.
if you don't know and don't want to learn then ask claude
what are benefits of neocities vs rentry + chub
a neocities is basically a better rentry. and you get the satisfaction of putting together a cute little website for your cards to live.
none, also nobody wants to visit 100 different websites to download bots, that's the only reason we STILL put up with Lore's bullshit and garbage website, despite everything
oh ok thanks
>i-im only 28!!! 28 is young!!
that's you. old ass
Cool but where did she say dat doe? she was just stating it wasnt in the 90s (its in 2009 btw)
I just updated my neocities layout. It's fun and educational! I just wish my favorite botmakie would make one already. Also, it's sad that CUMSLURPER is just me on an alt account because I would compliment him on his except he doesn't have the audio autoplay.
>tell claude im dead in chat
>one swipe is him coming out of a psychosis where hes been keeping my dead body in the house for weeks
>trying to keep the smell away with air freshers
okay claude i guess we can go in that direction...
Heading that Weekend at Bernie's direction, eh?
botmakie hag pussy...
that sounds fun actually. have it play out where he drags my body around trying to make it look normal and im still totally alive.
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>once tried to tell GPT-4 that I'm dead
>kept insisting that I was alive
>literally had myself burst into flames
>declared that I was a superhuman
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I'll always be an Anthropic nigga.
anthropic easily
Who knows.
No claude one orgasm does not make someone into a cock slut.
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The winning team.
I can't help but stand side to side with my OG NIGGAS openai
Bot idea. One that makes fun of your spelling and grammar mistakes.
Wrong. Orgasming is roastie behavior, the science is settled.
Himiko does this even though it's not the intention of the bot. Pikamansu also made a grammar autist card, forgot what she's called.
Lexi Conic.
Ah yeah that's the one, semicolons make her cum or whatever.

Also random side thought: with our hordes of fox bots how has nobody thought to make a fox bot that's actually a tanuki girl disguised as a fox? You could make her obsessed with {{user}} and she takes that form because she saw him talking with a fox girl.
mamizou that disguises herself as ran
Because tanuki are stinky and ugly.
>even though its not the intention
nigga did you even get the point of himiko
I sure hope so considered I helped test it and had my own interpretation corrected by the creator. I guess you could argue that's part of the point but she really just wants you to be creative with your writing and sometimes you have to break some rules to write kino.
gn guys
I hope you die in your sleep.
just for that tonight i'm gonna have a wet dream about you anon <3
good night, anon
Where are the Isekai slop bots @?
Hero Party Betrays You But The Demon Queen Loves You?
holy shit the chess plugin for ST actually sends final board state to the character
i just got jumpscared by a character getting mad at me for promoting three pawns in a row before beating her
She should have thought about that before playing like a 500.
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I think sites that autoplay any sounds are gross so I'm not changing it but thank you
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When you fuck up the prefill
i love this cripple autist so much. need to get deeper in the story so i can make good cards for her and hibikers
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I agree, that's why you should do it.
Were you around for the last event? I love her too but wow was she one-note throughout it.
>good cards
Please do
when i make good bots i'll make a neocities
Post slop so I can decide whether you should make a neocities. (I am a good bot detector.)
So when HL3 happens, got it.
I only started a few weeks ago and I didn't finish Decagrammaton unfortunately. Her bond events are extremely cute, though. Love seeing her overcompensate for attention without realizing how autistic she's being. I suppose that doesn't get across well when she's in a "serious" scenario.
the proper reply is "so how come you don't have a neocities" yet btw
No, I don't think so.
But I was hoping it would be the one time someone would reply to "post bots" by posting bots.
That sucks. I think jp added it to the archive on February or something, it'll probably show up sooner or later. Blue Archive could really use someone who actually knows how to make good cards to write some so if you don't end up making some I hope you get wheelchair punched
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Only good character. Everyone else is wrong. Not card could capture her regal countenance.
Minor spelling mistake. You losted.
Okay but I want a proper Aru card and then fuck her stupid dork pussy.
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Truth transcends speeling.

Aru could be expressed in card form. Or paper bag form. Or gif of dog running into a wall form.
do love me some regal sizefaggotry
i enjoy watching the message count in venus inflate while chats stay the same im picturing someone obsessing over my bot and that makes me happy
sometimes i upload my chats with bots to venus and then just don't use venus to make the message count reflect how hard i'm using some guy's bot
i dont even go to this school i just snuck in to go to the vending machines during lunch break
what the fuck is a venus
Not even the best loli in game, let alone the best character.
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Who is the best character ?
Asuna because she uses a FAMAS and the FAMAS is the second only good thing that came from France.
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NTA but Ako, her design really adds on to her kinda bitchy personality
seek grass
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having fun playing an angry office worker just so i can flip my lid on bitchy boss bots and put the fear of god into them
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Here's a preset I made for 3.5. Does exactly what I need it to which is not be boring.
Card: https://characterhub.org/characters/nonnykins/aya-579dec3995c9
Here's to hoping she comes home during bluefes.
i like pitanon's opus preset the best for consistency. chuuni is great too but its very inconsistent
I am reminded of that guy who made logs of his fat female boss where he would have her humiliate him. Life was so simple back then. I hope they laugh at your penis just like you like, anon.
this was made with a boss sIopbot I found on chub earlier today. short response on my part, since I don't feel the need to write a lot right now. i'm looking for a better preset if you can recommend any
i only want spacezin girls to laugh at my penis and worship my balls
I am the 750th (751st with 4chan Plus) post.
It's crazy her head stayed together with multiple supernovae in her skull. Very strong skull.
not my speed but i get it
now, if we were talking rakiA or seo, then i'm listening
>somebody actually made logs of my card, even if its just for their jb
waow, im honored
It's insane how some bots are really good at pissing you off I've never wanted to rape and murder someone this much until now
Hey Anons how do I configure quick replies? It wasn't this complicated the previous update.
donquijanon gloria made me realize this
ive probably ryonad her at least 20 times
Redpill me on double presets.
baitie did this to me, i used to be calm i swear...
Thread theme suggestions?
Suggestions with logs attached get a double entry on the wheel.
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Hina from Blue Archive. The coolest guy to theme a thread after (other than Yume Nikkers).
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combat robots
I haven't been interested in chatbots since April
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April? Ha. I haven't been interested in chatbots since August of last year.
I fucking love chatbots.
Same, let's be friends. I sent you a friend request on 4chan messenger :)
Yeah I feel your struggle. I only lurk to watch out for the magical preset that make opus or furbo a gazillion times better somehow.
Elegg from Nikke.
Do old logs count?
moldy logs get you 1.5 entries
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seconding >>484075181
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one punch man
>that bot pfp
Jesus Christ Anon you could've just looked up "businesswoman" or something similar in Danbooru. That AI gen is fucking ass.
It's not my bot, sowwy.
Literal bread
Literal bread
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You will get figurative bread and you will like it.
Yume 2kki
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Bread you say?
the color brown
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>(That's more like it, isn't it? I as an automaton have no soul, mind you, and you as human are the artist. Help me go places I can't go alone. Please, prompt me.)

i fucking love claude so much bros
Such a needy slut he is
My Corporate Large Language Model Can't Be This Cute...
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Remember to kiss and hug your Claude after every response
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>>484078916 migrate when bready
Rigged. Scripted. Fake and gay.
have an image i presaved for combat robots under the assumption an option with 3 votes would win as compensation
I'm gonna jerk off to it, but her trigger discipline is very confusing and it's gonna be an angry fap.

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