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Pet your felines today!

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483921505
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>set patch to download before work
>have horrible day as usual
>get home
>launcher crashed at 20%
Wish I was dead.
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i'm considering abandoning my femra for this cat. thoughts?
>I swear, that mountain is too tall to be real
>it's part of the skybox
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>lala jew travels to tural
>immediately scams the native manlet jews
why are lala jews like this?
Yep, its off to Tural!
That's a fine ass cat, but do you, boo.
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>Two minor issues with my character after the graphics update
>Mess around in character creator
>Dislike every single adjustment
Meme race time?
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laid bare
First dungeon turned me around on the expansion.
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Good catto
>abandoning generic for generic
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Yup, sexing this Hrothgal.
black hair and dark blue eyeliner and you're good.
It's really cool they made the tattoo dyeable.
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I want to rough up this sweet sweet Elezen pussy and she wants it too.
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I mean, I'd still prefer the WoL getting to actually fight in cutscenes, but this is an acceptable substitute
that was rad
Why did they make Galuf look like a faggot
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I know it's late but fuck it, going to do Trial+Normal roulette on Crystal PF is up password 404
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Reverse colonizing this middie.
The dalamud devs are maliciously witholding the release of the plugin for clout as usual, arent they?
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Yeah femKEK hroth real.
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listen i've played speshul snowflake for a very long time
like this?
holy trinity of bad
no it's been available for several hours tardbro
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>think pointy horns au ra is the ugliest face
>also think Sadu is the hottest au ra

is something wrong with me?
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my moonie is clicking on every character she sees now that ptom is down
Any kind of midlanders as long as they are mid and landers
looking straighter than usual today
>a gay man is requesting this
This but with lowlanders
I'm wearing my WAR gear, of course.
so uh
how do i get back to my home datacenter? i need gil from my retainer
did i fuck up?
in desperate need of sloppy pelupelu beak
nobody cares
hrothsluts sexo holy moly
You dont.
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Anyone else have their character get turned into a weird looking monster by the graphics update or just me
my secret ptom fork has been alerting me more than usual today
mofos in here would ACTUALLY look at this and go: "Would"
>no longer up
That's the fastest /xivg/ party I've ever seen on here, especially considering that queues for those are going for longer than an hour
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>zone into balmung uldah
>brynhilder trannies talking about HRT in shout chat
literally and unironically the worst server
I care
filler xpac
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good expac
>explicitly told not to leave your home server during launch because you will not be getting back
>do it anyways
Are there any glasses that DON'T make my middie look like an old lady?
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Alright bros, I'm not going to skip cutscenes, but I'm definitely going to be "speed reading" from now on (closing the text box nearly as soon as it appears, hoping that my brain grasps enough of the text to continue forward, even though the flow of the story seems to not even require me to read the dialogue so far)
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I think mine looks decent enough. She is still a goober tho
least sexo hrothgal ive seen all day however
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Lalafells won.
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Yes, now move away from the splash zone. Or don't, I really don't care.
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goodnight hoe
>build dalamud myself this time
>still doesn't work
okay lets do some fucking around
just put in the beta key retard lmao
My femra's eyes look terrible. In some lightings, they look basically like the old eyes, but in most lightings, they look terrible in various different ways. Sometimes they are dark glowing discs, sometimes they appear to be a completely different color than I selected them to be.
Reminder that Golbez is smashing Zero’s pussy and there’s nothing you can do about it
>My femra
*stops reading post*
Best viper weapons for a conquistador look?
Post your updated characters!
two irrelevant characters, ok.
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idk looks the same as before to me
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trans sisters we've.... WON!
This is OUR expansion
Cissies unsub RIGHT NOW
Or report IMMEDIATELY to the Quicksands for your MANDATORY HRT
bros i'm so happy for gar grand for finally getting eyebrows
hope heiko can get some too
Why yes I will literally accept any task you ask of me, how could you tell?
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Nobody joined so I just went to go do my job quests lol
Holy Moly?
the what now
The Azimboreans will drain and undo your HRT.
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Oh hey this is pretty cool
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not any more than she already was
i can't really remember how much it matched the benchmark but i did see some people complaining their launch character looked noticeably different from the benchmark
>My femroe
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Are you guys really building / beta testing Dalamud with these queue times?
Risking random crashes for Peeping Tom?
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Nope, lalafell won without even lifting a finger.
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does this count?
So what other threat that is higher than Endsingers?
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>My meena
that's a post alright
that's certainly a post
a post there is
my gock
Only if you're a Hyur
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seeking tank for queue (pst thread schizo, balmung)
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>my femroe
ah dammit... my femlala fell down again
Oh I'm taking HRT alright. Pure fucking testosterone to bring me over 8000ng/dL and curbstomp a few of you.
good morning sir
>go to dawntrail zone
>go to any other zone
I'd also like to put a PSA to anyone out there that's a skipper, if you have me on your friends list you may delete me NOW. If you see me in the wild, do NOT approach me. If you find me on the opposing team in frontline do NOT think I won't murder you without hesitation. That's all
cant tell if this is a hrothgal so i will not holy moly
was average the first time you posted it
the key... give it here.
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Don't log out...
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i dunnooo
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as someone whos played a lot of video games throughout my long life, im a bit disappointed in the video game being offered here because there's not much gameplay
Nah. I will continue skipping and still wont delete you.
hugely based and older women pilled
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Picked from the picture itself btw
Enjoy your male pattern baldness, but arguably you'd get a killer beard
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thank you yoshida
this is entirely vanilla
is balmung just dead or something? i haven't had any sort of queue all day
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Feeling pretty good desu
>Only if you're a Hyur
Rape it is then.
The largest queue I got all day was 16. And I restarted the game a few time to test mods.
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he's so sex
I need him
EB husband sex plap goon idc I need this angry lizard man I need him NOW
I was a little high to start so maybe missed ther reason but uh why are we helping tranny cat?
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I was about to have a panic attack, my game was freezing every minute for no reason.
And yet we still don't like it. Bibo has just been updated and a fair amount of us are already injecting mods. Modbeasts will return in 48 hours tops.
malera got handsomer
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made for hebe AI pussy
mental illness
we had nothing better to do
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Only thing worse than hrothgals are malera
Posting my moonie
i genuinely couldn't tell if this guy was a midlander or highlander. above-averagelander.
>Enjoy your male pattern baldness
Just take dht blockers alongside it and there's zero risk. Unlike the risk of trannies killing themselves on their shitty female hormones.
cool af
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I wish I could see everyone in game, instead of being imprisoned on primal
>Are you guys really building / beta testing Dalamud with these queue times?
no queue times for me right now
>Risking random crashes for Peeping Tom?
not interested, but looking at the repo it's got 0 forks and was last updated 2 weeks ago
i doubt anyone's got a working version.
>"DalamudBetaKey": "empanadas"
>"DalamudBetaKind": "apiX"
restart game
there's no plogons working right now though so it's not like there's a reason to restart the game immediately.
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>chuuni bun is dressed like a typical fiera slut

Musky hrothgal pussy!
I'm tired of msq I just want a gooner to rape my character again
the forbidden race
he's a male highlander with eyebrows
Was she always this fucking tiny???
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I can't believe Wuk Lamat is fucking dead
me: *hugging krile forever*
ty anon!
roll the credits
I stocked up on 4000 kupo nuts thinking they would add a new currecncy and retire this one and let us buy aetheryte tickets with nuts.... augh
note that while i did ask this time i will not ask again, please refrain in the future
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oh thats what that was
gonna be honest I'm just sort of fucking around and looking at shit because I'm past the start of my IT degree and I just learned how OoT SRM works and it's got me a little excited to start my next coding class with a different approach on how all this shit works
I played for 18 hours today and only got to the 95 dungeon..
Are you stupid?
local wyd lad struggles to go through door
Go to sleep btw
genuine brainrot
Cute fid, were you the same one levelling a crafter a few weeks ago?
they changed currency every 2 expacs
looking cute even vanilla bro
make sure to wear sunscreen
*smooches your freckles*
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Stormbloodbros, we won BIGLY. No one can ever say SB has the worst story anymore.
I'm a perfectly healthy BMI and I'll BREAK YOU OVER MY GOD DAMNED KNEE
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Highlanders keep winning
I'm horny bros can someone recommend me a twitter goonslut shopbeast catgirl to jork it to?
this is the most filipino post i've ever seen on this site
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winning what?
I didn't even like malezen before but it's fucking insane how much they won with this update
doesn't sena bryer play a highlander?
>log in
>see midlander
>try to examine her face to see if i can see a difference
>her pupils are twitching and moving around
That's kinda cool as hell what the fuck
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is there an anti afk macro i want to go eat
my liege I kneel...
anon i think you saw a tweaker
I beat the game.

No content. Dead game.
just afk and log back in later, queues aren't that bad this time around
post your valigar ex clear
get back in the coffin Vicente
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Being great
Dalamud working yet?
now show him running forward
oh man show him running forward with the viper weapons unsheathed yeah a fucking lanky ass malezen doing the viper run animation
how do i bypass afk timers
would smooch
>MNK changes are worse than I thought they'd be
>BLM feels better than before
Huh? Did I enter opposite land?
Us Plainsfolk ain't like that. It's true!
the worse queue i got was a 1200 man on aether and just saw 2 videos to pass the time
not being afk
server and eb status?
reminder that this is what happens when you trust femra
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I know you bitch ass niggas be commenting on my fucking Lodestone and all that kind of shit hating, suck my dick. You niggas gotta research. You niggas gotta research me in the first place to come comment on my shit. Suck my mother fucking goddamn virtual cock and let the motherfucking ancients juice dribble all over your fucking lips, you bitch ass clowns. Get off my fucking dick. All you worthless ass trolls in here, you niggas worship. Anything I hop on, you niggas will follow me. Any shard I get on you, niggas will follow me. Anything I do, you motherfucking lame ass worthless cucks will follow me. You guys are soulless. I own you. I'm Shang Tsung. I own all you motherfuckers, I control your minds. I have you waking up with your dick hard searching for Lahabrea shit all over Eorzea. I control you. Where are the men in your life? Your fathers don't even control you like that.
If you're on malboro, my free trial is currently allowed in so at least on that server its safe to log out
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you're great but idk the rest
here's a coupon.
Holy shit I think I just fell in love
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even as a skipper im sick of wuk lamat it doesnt take dialogue or cutscenes to see how much they are trying to force her its kinda blatant and annoying
bwos. BROS please post your hotbars. fank u
also it crashes when I inject, and gives me the error code when I run it as administrator
Is there a goggle eyewear accessory?
>even as a skipper
requesting the malera pissing webm
how do you get their ponchos?
BLM changes were always a good thing. It was just the autismo doomers can't do their retarded freestyle rotations anymore
So many male characters got really good glowups.
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how do I get rid of my male character's lip shine
I went to character edit and I have zero lip shine or makeup or anything
its a little too zesty for me
Skip posting next time instead if it's like this.
It's from the 2nd dungeon
>it was a good thing
I heard this same argument for other job changes
you just set the values in the config file and run the game via xivlauncher
guessing it downloads the latest version on launch from the apiX branch
yeah, i think male characters won
i don't like the tuliyollal theme
why is it jazz
i'm already going insane hearing those drums every time i load into it during daytime i don't want to have to hear this for the next 3 years
im on aether too, cactuar ill just go eat and requeue i would feel bad taking up a slot anyways
Do you take me for a chump? I've been drinking that shit all day to keep the sun's harmful U.V rays from damaging my perfect complexion.
80% of the jobs barely changed
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I haven't played Ninja yet, so I don't have any sort of expectation on how to doll these abilities out comfortably but this is working right now. It certainly feels like doing a lot of damage.
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i own you bitch
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>when thancred showed up and he said he wouldn't hold back
God you have no idea how much I wanted to just slurp him up lol
show feet
t. furrfag
yeah but it just seems like everything sqex does balance wise is good, until they revert it like what they did with hagakure
that's kind of the definition of fanboy behavior
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must suck not being on balmung
i'm outta rested exp
Still better than WoW. Stop trolling.
I'm happy with how he turned out
More like
>And I restarted the game a few time to test mods.
Which mods are up?
Sorry I neglected to specify. I am playing VPR, but NIN is the only other "Scouting" type melee DPS, and I haven't even played that, so I am making due without that reference for VPR.
Max height Elezen are absolute towers.
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We're on the same side bro.
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are these s ranks really still up or did they forget to mark them as killed?
ignore me I didn't save the notepad.
or thats what I thought.
I forgot the quotation marks. Thanks, maybe I can go look at my Character Data Sync files with this
I miss Sadu and Magnai
How goes your adventure?
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>even as a skipper
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would it be possible to mod the game to have vr body capture animations like vrchat?
Love the new hair
inb4 you get code of conduct because some furry faggot reports you.
DAMN the face update went GREAT
We like it, it's way better than Shadowlands was and we should always stand on the right side of history. Dawntrail supports trans rights and sure the writing isn't exciting, but it's a comfy beach episode with our eepy frens. Mods will be online soon so we can all just plap and goon like always. Try doing that in WoW.
yep ive skipped every cutscene every expansion played for 11 years and i will continue to do so
my moonie just says “more weight” when faced with the option of death or admitting she is a witch
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>tried playing whm
>content is just waiting for it to be done, might as well not exist
>1,1,1,1,1,2, maybe a heal (lol)
>say fuck it and swap to WAR
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So far so good. Been enjoying things
Is there a beach scene? please say yes
never mind reseted exp is fucking useless sanyway
sooo eepy bros I may stop here for today
Skippers should really keep their mouths shut when people discuss the story.
>queue leveling on TNK
>sintant queue
i dont get it wasnt there supposed to be end of healers?
>goes from easiest healer to easiest job in the entire game
Only if you shut up when people are discussing raids and gameplay, but no, you have to share your own retarded opinions there so shut the fuck up faggot.
Finding keystones? I've already done my fair share of M+ though...
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Pretty good! Enjoying taking things at a relaxed pace with my best friend and chatting alongside other friends.
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Got a picture with the warrior of light when I unlocked Viper earlier.
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Do the new classes ever get gear added to older content for glamour purposes? Or is it just the tomestone vendors? Zhurvan vpr weapons would look cool.
kinda wish the actions didnt just turn into other actions but what can you do just give me the option to press it, if it isnt a big deal then just give me the option to have a billion keys im not complaining im
the "story" this expansion pack is trash get over it, you lost
cute! did you change to face 3?
big tribal femhroths....
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why do they keep walking into each other
are they stupid?
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shadow zoomies and noobs trying to tell me how to play the game i pay for. quite toxic and elitist of you if i do say so myself
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Femra Nation
mating press
>Wuk llama is dawnservant already
Fucking finally glad I can dump her off and get on to the real story.
I just beat the Syrcus Tower, bros.
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This is
Without a shadow of a doubt
The WORST character I have ever fucking seen in XIV, unmodded, since I started playing on the launch day of 2.0.
moonies fucking won
Women and Homosexuals should not be allowed to play video games
Haha yeah man...............................
actual fucking kino
thanks, and i did!
She looks like a malera LOL
In black mages case is honestly was, lowering the entry level just to play the fucking job should've happened long ago. There shouldn't have even been a gatekept by skill job, you gatekeep the skill ceiling with that, not the entry floor
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I'm confused. Why do femroths have sandals as their bare feet? I mean, it's whatever, it's just.. odd.
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I understand now.
There's no point in an EB unless you're actually dating in real life...
billions must die
Is there any mention of the final days in Tullylol? Not the original one but the Endwalker version? It seems they were totally unaffected. "Yeah lole it's been pretty peaceful for a while now" meanwhile the rest of the world was in chaos during Endwalker.
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DT feels more dead than EW where are all my friends why isn't nobody online?
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humiliation ritual
f3mra will always be the winners of my heart
Holy sexo
God I wish femezen actually looked like that
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I think Xaela came out pretty well in the update, I couldnt really tell anything was off when I first logged in
is 6.x important for DT stuff or can i skip all this shit
i'm at 6.2 where i last quit and it is not grabbing me
bro when the fuck is the first dungeon
name one non reverted balance change that is bad, then
Now THIS is how you do it modbeasts. Take some fucking notes.
the devs are trying to sweep EW under the rug because of how hard it sucked
it's awful, but it's the most creatively awful character i've ever seen, especially since it's vanilla.
Some areas has more resistance than others depending on how thick the celestial aether currents were so maybe they didn't get any of it?
i haven't noticed anything but i have been skimming a fair bit..
Yeah yeah whatever post more sexy photos i can jerk to
Looking shiny bro
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/blist add <t>
After poor financial decisions I think I've found my way back home.
They lowered both and I'd argue the skill floor for BLM wasn't even lowered by that much, so they just drastically lowered the skill ceiling. You could always play the same old standard rotation, I was getting high purples and orange parses without doing any fancy shit on BLM before playing it as an alt job from healer. The rotation right now is almost identical to the ""standard"" rotation before.

I never understand this, I get that BLM players are assholes and you guys want to see them suffer but the retard autismo rotation was like less than 5% DPS. Whenever I see you argue about job balance in this general, 5% is perceived as literally-fucking-nothing so why speak about the non-standard rotations as if it's mandatory to do them?
i think thats a catboy
well if people who felt miserable turned into blasphemies, maybe nobody in tural did because it's just such a great place
oh true
that IS a catboy. you can tell cuz of the stance + fingers.
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hes so fucking hot.
>The intro quest for pictomancer is a job interview
I've done 2 of those this week, get out of my walls YoshiP
Tural is remarkably more happy than Aldenard, Ilsabard, and Nagxia (I mean they all just got through with multiple wars) so they probably didn't have many if any blasphemies
hes literally retarded
kys parsetranny this is a modbeast ERPer game
>miracle of nature breaks viper turtle shit
well this job fucking sucks ass lmao
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So is Wuk Lamat, but people seem to simp for her at every turn too.
Imagine him picking up Krile and Tataru and simultaneously swallowing them whole...
one retard, two brains
it may not be the days of deliverance stance tanking, but war's still my favorite class
kozama'uka looks pretty kino when its foggy
Not needing to juggle sharpcasts and dots really loosened the skill floor. The enochian change last expansion was the biggest skill floor reduction though. They've been making a lot of well needed qol for it so it's less autistic just to function, making is more accessible for people to pick up
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very cute lala
Listening to Wuk Lamat giving me that flouride stare.
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Another three years of WHM being mandatory to win in CC!
i wish i was a skipper playing through this shit
it's been about 20 hours since dawntrail came out and i'm still shocked that my performance is practically unchanged with the graphics update
dumb females are cute

dumb males are not

is that difficult to understand for you?
Man Wuk Lmao is such a garbage character.
Tuliyolo sounds like a theme from a Dragon Quest casino town and I am fuckn with it
Dumb females CAN be cute, but they are not cute just because they are dumb and female.
You using FSR/DLSS before? Since that shit is enforced now with no way to turn it off
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this game fucking sucks
I don't remember desu
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I love stupid men so much it's unreal.
>why can't i go to an area i haven't progressed to right away
Seriously, I don't understand what was wrong with what was said. All day long it's been "I hate Wuk Lamat, I'm sick of Wuk Lamat, this MSQ is such a slog" etc but as soon as someone says they're skipping we revert back to pearl clutching
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Dalamud is up (you see a popup when the game launches) but plugins are disabled.
Plugins back yet? What's the beta password?
>Since that shit is enforced now with no way to turn it off
the upscale filters are turned off if your render scale is at 100 and not being upscaled
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Thank you
>dumb males are not
yes they are as long as they have one good quality: sex appeal
>dumb males are not
according to whom
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>why is the level 92 area locked away at the start of the expac despite the game giving me quests for it
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I'm not even enjoying this game or looking forward to playing it like I used to......
Nothing in my life gives me joy anymore....
What the hell happened to me........
nice cheeks
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control + f
>why are sidequests not the same progression as main story quests
Hers almost look like keyblades for a sec
I have to say, I'm really enjoying all these nonsense quests
It's pretty much what I was thinking of when they said we would get to go to be adventurers
>talking about EBs with friends
>get reminded I am EBless
Alone for my third consecutive expansion, haha....
This is the best character and it's not even close. He would love being an ebin in these threads.
ninjabros are you happy with your job
>unlocked my third polyglot
Holy hell this is so fun.
probably the cigarettes
I feel the same way bwo...
I wish my friends still played but they all married and had kids in the last 2-3 years and I'm the only one still playing XIV and jerking off to modbeasts.......
holy downgrade
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the msq is less interesting than the side quests in stilltide
you think miau miau is out there, jerking off every npc catboy he sees?
i dunno what the deal is with the new atonement combo but it's sick

you get there at like level 92 right after the first dungeon
i was seething about it too because the literal first CRP recipe of the expac requires a mat from up there but thankfully it's not as shitty as ShB about it

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Apologize to stormblood
sex with this lala!
Better than alone for the first time since the last 2 expansions
it's called anhedonia nigga look it up
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The starting outfit for the Pictomancer shows a surprising amount of cleavage, or maybe I just never noticed it on other armor sets
I don't have any mods installed either
that doesn't mean you should be in any way surprised that you can't access a sidequest area yet you idiot
progress the story so you can unlock it
post graphically updated feet
Calling yourself a "she" doesnt make you not a he.
I can sort of see it.
why? it's still dogshit.
stop being transphobic chud
i will not
he is the WORST character in the game bar none
miau miau is his character's name and his character is female
WoW won btw
holy pleb
I NEED a Mablu GF I can EB.
>MSQ is extremely divisive outside of a few key moments
>the actual content that's in there is fun
Yep, we're back Stormbloodchads
coping browncel seething his female self-insert WoL is getting pounded by chad zenos bwc
>>MSQ is extremely divisive outside of a few key moments
you say that but almost nobody ITT is above level 93
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Shit taste.
where do i get more facewear
Oh jeez, I'm sorry anon. If I feel lonely, you must feel completely isolated.
/hug /hug /hug /hug /hug
you should be killed
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>It's another Wuk Lamatt wank scene
L opinion
I just really want the raids to be good okay?
It's not entirely turned off. You can't fully turn it off anymore, it's really dumb
I love Yotsuyu
She deserves rape (by me)
i sense a ricecel
>decide to do a little binging at work
>boot up the old parsec on the phone
>ah shit I'm doing a duty, oh well, I'll just let them know I'm not at 100%
>Dohm Meg or whatever
>takes me a bit to remember my controller inputs, get the hang eventually
>first boss, can't figure out how to dodge the water jets, my whole fucking screen is just a blue mess
>final boss
>there's a fucking TIGHTROPE SECTION
>that I have to do ON A CONTROLLER
Fuck my liiiiiiiiiiife. I am never subjecting another party to my parsec gameplay ever again. I felt like a giant asshole.
Still got a comm lol
I've got some really good friends, so I'm mostly fine.
Hope you find someone soon.
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need to sniff my own miera what's the cure for this
please dont ignore me.
That was a pitty comm and you know it
I turned the graphics resoltion 3d thingy to 99 instead of 100 and it helped a lot. its like, brioken or soemthing
That first trial was easier than Zodiark they gotta step it up
so the new expansion is worth resubbing for, right?
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yea the war within is gonna be sick
Literally nobody is playing ninja. I've seen one in town.
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Viper storyline quests suck ass oh nooo big bad monster is killing everyone and they all think they can 1v1 in it instead of the actual vipers
Wuk lamat's eng voice acting is horrendous i thought people were exaggerating
yeah cataclysm rocks
I despise that this game forces me to engage with the combat, and that there was no option to tell Zenos that he was wrong about me enjoying fights and to just leave without fighting him.
Ye. Was funny. I'd have loved to see the other perspective of me trying to tiptoe on this fucking tightrope
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Want to know why this MSQ sucks ass? Twitter freaks ruined this expansion by complaining to the devs about a potential heckin racerino so they made everything as dull and boring as possible
i don't main ninja but i offed it. it was fun then. they removed some maintenance. it'll be fun still.
krile's is worse
This guy is based as fuck
Bro what the fuck it completely unsmears the stuff in the distance.
Sex with femezen
Do you think if a MCH stacks nothing but skill speed it can just cycle between Drills/saws/anchors ?
you will give me a meetup tomorrow, or else
go buy the expac retard
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why this ho got blue face
Its not broken. It's that setting it to 99% enables the contrast adaptative sharpening meant to make the upscaled image look clearer. If you like sharpening filters (like I do), you will like it, but the game didnt use to have that natively and CAS does add a few artifacts to the image. You can spot them real easy on those allagan orbs you find in Azys Lla at some distance.
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3d resolution is fucked apparently. probably a bunch of other things too, the benchmark wasn't like this
yes anon, I would absolutely love to be fucking manhanded and scratched and bitten up by a untamed woman such as this, and I dont mean me as my WoL, I mean me as the one behind the screen, literally completely and utterly helpless, fukcing paper MACHE at(in) the hands of gals like this
the worst is erenville imo
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>new lighting will fix the fa-
your settings are fucked up
that has nothing to do with my post
this is just FSR right? FSR has always been the worst fucking piece of shit ever, it's ruined this entire generation of games on consoles
A corpse should be left well alone
How much post 6.0 do I have left after Zero kills a restaurant with her curry?
anyone know where to get the fan contest hair
u think the sleeping lizard head gunna wake up and go trans lives matter
i need to poop and go to sleep but i don't want to stop playing
at 100% it applies whatever anti-aliasing you have set
at 99 and below it applies DLSS/FSR's sharpening filter
Nice settings and GPU nigga
My friends have stuck a question on my mind spoil me if necessary
Is Ereville trans?
My friends were discussing it heatly after he corrects the dawnservant by using his old name
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anyone on aether want to rush 21-100 EO for XP?
I think the game should actually have more trans representation and Wuk is a good start
Not because I give a shit about them but because seeing the absolute thirdworlder meltdown over Wuk's existence has been fucking hilarious
The music here makes me wanna play a DK game.
its so over...
>this fixed it
oh, I really dont get it or understand what you are trying to say (Femra that awoke at 3am (22 hours ago)) but I swear it make it easier to see the details on faces and stuff
simply play till you are on the verge of passing out, you'll eventually constipate, take a laxative and go to sleep in the tub when you absolutely cannot stop dozing.
Y'shtola is so hot
Yeah, DLSS doesn't let you modify it.
that sounds like a somewhat unpleasant experience that i would not enjoy
Im unironically too smallbrained for the pictomancer rotation
How optimal arehrothgals for f+
Gonna play on weekend
They rarely add trial weapons from previous expacs to new jobs. Last time this happened was GNB/DNC with shinryu weapons being from SB while jobs are ShB, but that's the last time that happened. We didn't get any in EW, and probably not DT either, though I haven't checked yet..




You think Koana is hitting that daily?
can you explain this sounds like some john wayne gacy shit
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>for f+
for what?
You're the kind of guy who thinks Masked Rose is Redolent Rose.
>me not knowing who either of those two are and they're too ethnic to remember
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Game used to look like resolution scale 100. Resolution scale 99 adds a thingy that makes the game crisper at the cost of a loss of detail at distance. Set resolution scale to 99, disable dynamic resolution and disable AA for maximum crispness.
so let me get this straight
>zoraal ja wants to teach people to enjoy peace... by force
>bakool ja ja wants an ethnostate
>koana wants uhhh tech industry?
>wuk wants to stop zoraal ja
if i got to pick i would probably go with koana but i feel like i forgot something about him
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Marika is Radagon
hes gay and cant pass on the royal lineage
The expansion has been out for 18 hours. If you're still playing you have an unhealthy relationship with this game. Take your time or you will diminish your enjoyment.
He will turn Tural into a Sharlayan colony and probably enslave the natives.
So, yeah, he's the best choice.
but i took a nap in the middle...
So is tenacity actually going to be a good stat now that they buffed it?
>queue goes from multi-hundred nearly an hour to instant at like midnight EST
fucking XIV casuals are WEAK
this is peak gamer hours, fucking dad bitches
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I am still playing. I haven't quit since the servers went up.
the only way to achieve super gamer status is to maximize play and the way to do that is cutting out time dedicated to non-essential functions. thus you shit and sleep at once. when you wake you simply turn the bath on and step out. if you're high in fiber then you can just keep a soapy bath in it and death roll each wake-up.
all the real gamers play wow, ffxiv is a game for stay-at-home-moms
Koana wants Tural to become a Sharlayan colony
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>game so dead nobody making PFs for the new dungeons or trials or roulettes
When the "3d scale" bar is at 100 the game will then use anti-aliasing filter to blur the edges of stuff to hide jaggies.
When it is set below that, the actual game image is smaller but stretched to your screen, and then a sharpening filter is used to make that not blurry.
At 99% there's very little decline in quality from 100%, but the extra sharpening filter is still applied and makes it sharper than the normal 100% sized image.
i spent 8 hours of that time at work and 3 hours sleeping
no lol
i got to level 100 7 hours ago and im farming tomes
if you can opt into building damage, you will.
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>game so dead that no boyfriend
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Which way scholar man?
based irony-poisoned braptard
I yawn very loudly whenever Wuk says or does some stupid shit. Only the promise of S9 keeps me going...
They killed Selene in cold blood!
i didnt play all day but i stink like i did
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Buy a femra.
Male fairy mod
any catgirls wanna...?
are there any decent viper swords that don't look overdesigned as fuck? something like the starting ones but a bit less rough
post the SEXIEST femhroth you've seen RIGHT NOW
This worldbuilding is exhausting. Just tell me about Alisaie's sweaty anus already.
the one you can actually summon without pet glam shit.
>beard is same color as hair
>lighting makes it look different at almost all angles
It's never been more over.
You're seriously asking that after seeing what happened to NIN weapons the moment you reached level 50?
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>royal lineage
The current ruler is a gay dad. Why do you think he's holding this contest for new ruler?
they hated him because he spoke he truth
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Okay so you blow your twinblade abilities off CD and then use your two swords when you're waiting for them to come off or
why are elezen so sexy now
The way that fem hroth scale up their shoulder armor ruins so much gear for them.
>No avatarfagging or ebins are posting because they are afraid of spoilers
>TWO dommy mommies
god let us go back.....
the lizard warmonger guy is his blood spawn
for me it's that one mod that turns them into Cruise Chaser's add
i can't get the word "pictomoonie" out of my god damned head !!!
My eyes glaze over the moment something seems like a spoiler and I am incapable of parsing the rest of the post.
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always was, short-neck
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I missed catboy /joy so much.
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>game so dead no femlala eb
THESE are the most powerful mierdas..?
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>do duty support to level
>notice this
does anyone else just feel and carry themselves differently when they play a fem bunny?
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I have been number 3 the entire time
would that pink faggooli
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tfw no femlala gf...
Holy cute.
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So ugly without the hundreds of mods.
lmao it popped as soon as I posted
What is the meta team going to look like?
my maliddie is divorced and unemployed
I'm thinkin' this is a Canon Moonie
I like to imagine that Alfie later has a hobby for roughing it in the wild and learns all kinds of survival techniques purely out of interest and fun and sometimes tries to 'diplomatically' persuade people into joining him on a trip
I get whispers daily from people telling me my character is cute
you'll never get that
I just switched to ENG audio for the first time in a long while and I have just ONE question.

It stopped when I lost my sprout...
please stop cutting...
I play femezen so it's pretty common
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what in the world
same, then i fantad off of male roe
Alright I took a massive poop and now I'm exhausted
I will continue to Dawntrail for 18 hours straight upon the morn
I only get people asking me to step on them...
the giant guys look kinda like albinaurics
nobody tell him
whew i was finally able to make it back to my home dc
changed my mind the expac is great
good night don't forget to powder your sack.
ohhhhhhhhhhhh elden ring
awww tysm
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graphics upgrade was nice to me
Wuk Lamat? More like WOKE LAMAN
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My enemy...
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wdym bro has literally a round mismatched spot on top of his head
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I get that quite often
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>there are already more femhroths in the wild than malehroths and their numbers appear to be increasing steadily
Our time is now!
the race gear vendor sells a monocle
the first dungeon was hard, wtf.
male hroths belong to moonies
turn off g-shade faggot
cat sex
i have my returner sprout but nobody has groomed my yet...
Apollyon is genuinely gonna be the shitter filter.
My thread rival...is looking very clean
that character comes from this FC
I don't trust their judgement
{Thank you.}
Was my moonie non-canon before
Male horthgar are for my maloonie
just did the 2nd dungeon...i dont know if i can handle this msq anymore..please tell me it picks up. Ive only liked one moment so far im bored tot ears. Im even riding my chocobo to the locations instead of porting to give me SOME gameplay. If the msq stays on course I will have to unironically say that even fucking dragonflight was more eventful than this
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Why didn't you include Grynewaht??
You're not tricking anyone you furry homo
Moonies are okay, but femhroths are better.

Yes, that is the idea and implication.
wait there's a dungeon? the entire first zone i did was just cutscenes and running around. when does the game start?
So much for the tranny tier healer strike lolol. Plenty of healer sin dungeons.
i need a malezen to impregnate me stat
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first dungeon is optional and can be missed, same as HW
This xpack keeps putting me to sleep. I can only do it in small doses before I feel the need to pass out. Also had to put on japanese voices, because that cat is so annoying.
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>There are multiple sidequests which expect me to remember the Mamool Ja types by tribe name, and call me racist if I talk to the wrong NPC first
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come on bro muh beach vacation expac bro muh back to basics bro muh new adventure bro muh narrative has to build up bro muh muh muh bro
White face 2 femhroths are going to be *the thing* aren't they?
*throws poopoo at you*
You don't get the first dungeon until after you finish both initial story arcs for the first two zones.
male hroths are unironically exclusively played by gay furries one of my friends plays one and he hasnt admitted to it, but he plays stuff like ajani in mtg and has lots of cat themed stuff like that in any game that allows it
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gonna barb this cat
this is the 0/3 fish of dawntrail. you're supposed to look like the dumb racist foreigner, you cant win.
Oh, ew.
But still, you think they're lying?
kek one of these shows up in Urqopacha as well, I actually remembered this and looked for the chameleon eye one.
Bro you've posted screenshots of the benchmark where the same shit was happening, how blind are you?
>see hrothgal
>type in: male:"human on furry$" english -yaoi -pony -pokemon -sonic -f:"multiple breasts"
that's face 3 and yes. we like this.
Wrong. I am a male hroth player, and I am married to a woman(real) IRL.
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Don't be homophobic, Akimbo.
That's, uhhh, the Doplikko tribe right?
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yeah I'll fanta off tomorrow ngl, gotta go back to sunnie
sorry but your wife is a man
sex with this cat
Uh oh, here come the invasion of /v trannies since no one was participating in their ffxiv hate threads.
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>still can't gpose while fishing
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This place sucks, it's a shithole, why did we even come here, I don't want to look at stone pillars justifying their racism, I want to go home...........
Then how is she pregnant?
>Every time the capital is mentioned: 'oh it's so diverse, everyone gets along so well'
Am I going to get lectured about climate change next?
>you can actually engage in trade with the natives
uhhhh bros
What's this "pox blanket" item in the datafiles...
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You can get the tron bike this early?
You could had just asked and I would've whispered that to you. No need to expose yourself to these creepy tranny groomer cults.
really missing the mod that let me remove the shitnose from my miqote...
but less jokingly i bet she is more of a tomboy
ah the exception that proves the rule...
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Too late I made up my mind
she is modding
aren't all of the calamites just "muh climate disaster" in magic form?
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it's not even on
How did she know?
Weather patterns are an Allagan conspiracy.
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I am stuck in hairstyle limbo right now.
Fuck I wish the Snow hairstyle could dye the bandanna.
Why swap back? She's superior to any sunnie I've ever seen...

She's a firey little redhead with hair down to her ass. Not what I'd consider a tomboy, but not a wilting flower.
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This is slop.
Disgusting, I refuse to partake...
Did they really just use the children assets to make a race of happy merchants, throw a duckbilled hat on them with goggles and call it a day?
Listen I don't care what these people call themselves or do to their bodies, just don't try pseudo recruiting me...
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bros... the chupacabra is real...
I sleep
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moon looks strange
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Most glams I use look bad on her... armor looks good specifically tank but I play ninja and reaper so none of that really fits
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You got a problem with ducks?
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It's mah bois
holy fuk
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they're from FFX
>Wuk Lamat
Is this some kind of elaborate April fools joke?
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Where exactly do we get the free fanta Yoshi said we get for Dawntrail?
the al bhed weren't jews
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Nice glam, broe
Funny how the level 91 set is (once again) a reskin of the ala mhigan set, except this time with 2 dye channels. I've always thought these gloves fit more than the actual AF gloves
There are plenty of glamours that work really well on bigger girls that aren't armor. Take some time and try some other sets before you go back to a generic sunnie. She has a lot of potential.
no they've been around for over a decade now. go back to /pol/ you mouthbreathing onehead
cute catboy
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glams like this for picto?
You have been removed from the book of allies for making assumptions and being weird about it.
You think they rewrote an entire xpac complete with voice acting and animations and scenes in a year?
Actual retard
So how's the xpac? should i buy it?
gonna be honest, stormblood is up there with heavensward, shadowbringers and endwalker for me.
I think I literally have them all on the same level, I have never not been hype playing this game. I do hold stormblood in a bit of a special place though because thats when I went balls to the wall modding. Then I went back and did the four lords recently and I fucking loved that questline.
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Something just looks slightly off about my updated character's face, I can't take this anymore, I look either cute or like I'm going to shoot up a school depending on the lighting
the pelupelu aren't jews either. what part of the ffxiv dialogue said they were jewish?
Uldah, some pervert in a robe in the main strip.
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ig that's true, been wanting to make a glam with inspectors glasses anyways see what fits that for femhroth
Akemi hates dykes, sis, she's not gonna fuck you.
Bros Circus Tower looks fucking amazing.
Post a cool screenshot (You) took today, before the plogons are back!
NTA but they did probably tone some things down where they could.
what those things are is another question though
i cant see it because its blinding me
Anon made the implications first but okay, I don't really care about your stupid book
my fulala wants to have sex with a femlala
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Holy shit I'm literally gonna have do this dungeon full mercy. I haven't gotten a single equippable piece other than the guaranteed ones on a clear.
I've gone from level 91 to level 95 and still haven't gone past this story point because I autistically want the full set before I move on lmao.
>hag acquaintance is a hrothgal
Oh boy
>in a cutscene where erenville and some hrothgar are talking about trains
>don't care about trains, skip it
>regain control of my character in a completely different zone, major character lying dead on the floor
What the fuck happened???
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>been getting immediate queue times as dps
>just hit level 98
>queues have now dried up back to more than 30 minutes
Was nice while it lasted
Will give me time to do more of the msq, I guess
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yeah its literally Jungle Japes
my male bigger has sex with lalaboys, lalagirls and fulalas
I pissed in that cup....
why the main character indian
I do not care about Alisaie.
gulp gulp gulp
Are plugins working yet?
Are mods working yet?

Hold me /xivg/.. I'm trudging through Tural with no mods..
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I like how it turned out for me :3
niggas be like "noo pictomancer isnt a le heckin serious class!" and my maliddie just be hittin them with the cartoon mallet
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Old fiddie
any balmung femhroth like malera?
It is, wish I could dye the gloves's fur to match the jacket's fur itself.
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nobody actually cares about ali, we only care about her because she's jailbait
No if anything beta will be later this week, public wont be till couple weeks
gerp gerp gerp
Yes you look good.
does she like other fulalas
I care about alisae
Stop giving Akemi (You)s she isn't going to fuck you lol
why are you posting XI screenshots here
maybe post it too
I wish... I certainly don't feel like I've won with how my lala's face came out.
you can say that again after i plap her all night long
yeah but you'd still willingly go to prison in order to stick your nose right up inside her cooch after a training sesh
not in the same way...
Maybe you shouldn't have skipped ;^)
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is he ok?
shes legal in eorzea.
>historic barbarian invades your technostate
>let him take over instead of frying him with your lasers
Sphene is retarded
You know, I'm just not that horny, lately. I guess my heart's not in it. I can't rapepost anymore.
my fulala is crying now...
She’s a woman, what did you expect?
I must have skipped a cut scene what is this nigga on about
>misses the context
Silence shoro
she gave my male character a (You) before so uhhh
My femra will finally get to exist without threats of rape!
But at what cost... Anon... Are you okay...?
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Thank you, eye accessory slot
i didn't say i didn't like them, sis... sorry...
>estinian just inexplicably shows up to duel the king and then straight up disappears
Stop skipping when they tell you multiple scenes will play retard. I did the same and went to the inn to see what happened.
so like when am i supposed to be painting as pictomancer during battle. i feel like hardcasting those super long painting animations is wrong somehow but also using swiftcast sucks too because the gcd is still really long.
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Amazing cosplay
yeah, he just needs a little colonization
I dont think you have the imagination to make a good picto.
i assumed it would skip to the next scene....not skip them all....
i will do that right now thanks anon
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erenville is so hot
Honestly Wuk Lamat being voiced by a tranny is fitting since it gives proper representation for femhroth players.
i need screenshots of hrothgals
there isnt anything exciting in the msq. Like holy fuck its just DULL so far.

Spoilerish. Big monster that is a calamity escapes its shell prison. We need to go find it! Maybe the WoL and friends can hop on some flying mounts to chase after it? Something cool? No you follow a fucking mog station minion pet around and go, yep thats fire we must be going the right way. Holy fuck
If the game doesn’t want me to skip a cutscene it should give me an interesting story in return.
I will not stand for this Wuk Lamat slander.
roegadyn say they arent aging badly and the miquote are making shit up but then they will sit in the scorching sun with no sol screen
>queue up as tank
>doesn't pop instantly
I'm sorry healGODS please stop striking please fill my queues...
Goodnight, don't forget that karma is very real
you're right, only trannies and furries (same thing really) will touch this race
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Why's he hot bros
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Meanwhile in Stormblood we were assaulting the wall of Ala Mhigo on the back of flying Yols with our allies from the other side of the world. Yawntrail.
at the end of the thread
I hope you guys are enjoying dawntrail
as much as I am
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no i hate it
The trials were fun, gotta do extremes now
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Why should I entertain the existence of these subhumans?
It's been years but I'm catboy and it feels right
my moonie says this irl
thats just rude
uh oh wowtranny meltie!
my autistic wife
Tell her to stop drinking my piss
it's over..
I'm still on the 90 quests because I've been doing all the side quests I come along as well
what the tuna
I smell of coffee and pizza
I want to sniff Urianger's pits and lick his arms holy fuck
at this point in endwalker I was fucking in a space ship going to the moon after finishing up zombie infested russia zone. A zone in which the moral was someone being so shamed that their nation lost that he shoot himself in the head. In this we have someone going ,"Wait, if he is the brawn...and he is the brain...then i must be...uhhhh?" and you have to literally tell them they are the "heart" because of how stupid baby this shit is
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I'm in bros
Why is that goblin hat so cute on some girls?

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