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Pet your felines today!

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483931346
raping wuk lamats bussy rn fr fr
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>hover over objects and click mini game
okay how can wow answer this? HOW
literally just masturbating right now
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finally got 3k commends
>PB into bootshine > DK spam is now done with both PBs

was your character murdered in terms of appearance?
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where can i get an EB like this
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Good night /xivg/
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That's right

I'm gonna fuck the queue-turkey
I miss chat2 because it hides the commend notification. I don’t want to think about them.
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your crown sir
Me too
so CC PCT is just RDM plus BLM
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Did her mouth get even smaller after the graphics update?
is it just me or does lipstick not look shit anymore and no lipstick looks alot worse
What is there to even do after MSQ other than extremes
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Only a little
Give her a larger nose and it’s almost the same thing
some girls would kill for those eyebags
oh no no no no
Do I embrace my love for lions and my Leo nature on my sunnie by getting the lion tail? Would it make Hroth men look at me more?
it's crazy that monk somehow ends up fucking shittier than before every single time, this is one of the absolute worst iterations ever
Lalas owe me sex
glow up
Upgrade honestly
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msq is fun
new mounts look cool
graphics update is nice
cant wait to grind everything to death over the next month
cant wait for shades triangle in 8-12 months
dawntrail is gonna be kino
I think she was always a bit deformed like that depending on the angle.
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holy WIFE
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I became an elf, so you decide.
What the fuck
I don't like these bros what the hell happened
Ask your father.
i switched to JP audio for dawntrail and will never look back. I refuse to listen to Woke Laman.
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dont open
She’s looks like she’s about to hit the wall and desperate to find a partner before it happens.
i take back what i said, the pelupelu are 100% jews. based that yoshi p gets away with it yet again.
gotta copy this plate but idk what pose they're using fuck
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thread theme
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He looks older and I like it.
Second one looks better ... but lacks the bitchy aura that gave akimbo her charm
A sad day
Isn't Elena a girl's name?
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Not really but could be better.
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When Zenos genocides people for fun he's a horrible monster that needs to be stopped.

When Sadu genocides people for fun she's just a cool friend that you hang out with and invite to your beach house
No. Both my crush and I were massively upgraded and I'm so excited for when I can play with him after world visiting opens back up.
It’s the villain guy from BG3
my moonie had sex with both
only one of them can plow my asshole tho
Every ebin in shambles right now.
>Can't use mods to be quirky and different
>Ingame face options less unique

Sorry sisters, it's time to develop a personality.
do you ever just read what you post?
what a weirdo.
i am...
an MSQ fiddie...
it'll be back to normal in a week
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Remember to change your resolutions from 100 to 99 under system configuration to improve your experience.
You went from extremely repulsive to ok
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I'm happy.
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Someone make me a milf glam for my femhroth pls thanks
nah i love her sm
femlala of darkness... where are you...
"murdered" is a very soft term for my character.. atleast my cool thread crush's character turned out amazing.
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I can't take these guys seriously
They look way too silly to be threatening
Fucking fish chihuahuas
I don’t think so. Moonies look pretty good in general still
holy cute
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I was upgraded
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This can't be all it was, right?
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she's so pretty i need her
I got eye bags now, but its overall fine even if they look diffrent
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars.
Don’t go to Southern Morocco/Wester Sahara.
Holy shit
Hiring this secretary for my call center
Not at all
I still used my fanta to become a hrothgal, but my lizzer looked cute on the other side
May change back if I ever feel like it
I would like to wear hats again...
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my femlala... got another forehead upgrade...
>making up people to own
when mods come back on, I will continue my free trial replay
what a fucking dorkus
So the first 75% of this xpac was a dull slopfest and then the last 25% picked up but was hampered by most of the story being a slog. We all agree on this, right?
I had to change back from hroth since I couldn't stand the hair clipping or the giant fucked up shoulders on gear.
Why would i ever go there
Yeah I agree with this, it felt like it was ARR all over again with just setting up random shit
Would you?
would you?
Is the expansion worth buying? None in my static bought it and only like 3 people in my FC did. Are the rotations/gameplay of each class better?
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I wanna put my mark on that cute forehead
I can't wait until they finish updating everything. Holy fricken macaroni.

You act like a liberal. It is to be expected. You dunderheads are quite predictable in your replies.
frotting with froths!
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maybe a little murdered
If nobody in your static bought it then you don't really have a static anymore, do you?
They might try to lure you there. It’s fucked up. One of the weirdest places in the world.
wait a bit desu, the exploration zone aint out same with the deep dungeon, if you buy now you'll only get MSQ, extremes, and hunts basically. Unless you plan to savage raid no point
Didn't have a high opinion of EW, but that part fucks
>reddit spacing
Is this face 4?
Skip cutscene?
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Posting my malezen!
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lalafells won.
>that shading
>those lips
JEEZ. Femra really did lose
Thats something a fed would say.
Always yes.
Akemi won't fuck you.

Got it
My catboy is a cool fighter and doesn't wear frilly women's undergarments.
he's still the cutest by the looks of it
what's a pwahlala...
>like face 4 sunnie
>hate the poop nose
Why dont the lizard people just eat all of them?
>SE fixed using tinctures in raid combat
>they didn't apply the fix to any other consumable like HP potions or Sustaning Potions in DD
we hate him!!!
*throws peanut*
>yoshi P gave us canon lowlanders
how the fuck does he keep getting more and more based...
Now let's see him naked
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Femlala EB for my Malera
canon what now
I want a brown femlala eb
And I want her to sit on my face and suffocate me with her thighs
Malezen challenge: don't try to be a poofter vampire aristocrat
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No :3
I am sad for those who don't like their new appearance tho.
Hopefully something can be done about that.
femlala for my femlala...
So the blacklist doxxing has already happened?
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femlala for my fulala...
i am
a catboy listening to 90s deep house while finishing the msq
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why didn't you protect her bros?..
Less actual gameplay and more right clicking and going into cutscenes than ever before. FF14 cannot tell a good story so it just handholds you through everything and paces itself so slowly that you can't miss any of the obvious story points.
damn erenville's mom is hot
why didn't i protect her bros...
I don't know if it's because the people queuing are returners or what, but Casual CC is hella worse than before maintenance.
i am
a femezen listening to Liquid Lab and doing Four Lords trials
>finish leveling Viper
>feel the shackles break as i leave zadnor for the last time
>start leveling pictomancer and go right back in
I wanna do the MSQ but I also wanna level...
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no uhhh i just picked a spot with okay lighting
my futa hrothgal will be knotting every fiddie she comes across
girls don't have weewees
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Why is Ysh either out of commission or a mid to late arrival in every expac?
I wish to continue bullying her over her familar incantation.
my femlala has a weewee...
my hyena-hrothgal does
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bro wtf are you DOING
Did they give highlanders eyebrows? The VPR trainer guy has eyebrows, so they gave them to players too obviously right
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>Viper story line is just a monster killing the local residence
Well that was boring
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Nope. I think she's insanely pretty
I couldn't figure ou5 why my character looked off for such a long time, then I removed the eyeliner and changed the hair from white and suddenly she looks 100000% better.

White hair is a trap, guys.
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Kind of, yeah... she looks far more tired, or upset.. and something is just off to the way they changed femroes.
liposuctioned and covered in grease
Dawntrail literally killed my sunnie and now the only thing that looks good is face 3. I hate you squeenix
I might be able to finally give up monk with this expansion, I don't know why i held on this long
So is picto just the best job in the game right now?
Not every storyline can be Curious George gets his first erection
reminder that the people having fun are playing the game instead of coming here to post about it, so you only see negative opinions
All these modbeasts complaining about how their characters look as if they aren't going to be completely unrecognizable in a weeks time when they inject
is southern front somehow faster?
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half of the time i'll say yes but i'll never say they did a perfect move from the old graphics.
but i'm trying to enjoy the game right now, i got my bitching about the changes out of my system during benchmark 2 release.
3rd best in terms of damage, but simpler to play and get those big numbers.
yeah he's a futa remember what he said about his past life? HUGE girl dick
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Hope this libtard loses
what is number 1 and 2 right now?
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for picto mains, when is a good time to paint on your canvas?
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why is he hot
maybe I'll feel another way later, but my femroe looked so off that I changed to femezen
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un-murdered I think??
your earring doesnt work in there. fates out in the world are faster
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male highlanders wearing that new dawntrail hairstyle have really got me feeling a certain sort of way
Idk how much more of wuk lamat's english va I can handle. I might have to swap over bros.
I haven't touched ninja in a long time. Did they ever fix it so it doesn't get absolutely fucked by latency if you aren't in japan?
>Eden prime reskin
NINsissies WON something??
Does the concept of peace not make sense to you?
when your shit is about to come off cooldown
I did before the expansion. I will never hear a man's voice coming from Wuk Lamat's body and nobody can force me to.
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Would you want a brazilian fiddie eb?
I'll try that with picto and if it's faster I'll kill myself
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Holy fuck what the fuck are these names? Wachumeqimeqi? Seriously?????
Can i see ur other femroe too ? /pet /pet
Slopblood >>>> Sloptrail
chat is this real
Nah I don't care for black guys but he's based and got a nice glowup.
>remove poison gimmick from ROG/NIN
>release VPR
>yeah so we're a pretty unique job heh we like poison our enemies and stuff with our swords
corsair died for this
I always liked crossiant au ra and now they look cuter than ever
>BLM not number 1
I will lay reckoning to those responsible for this
This is probably the biggest change I've seen of a character.
My Adventurer plate also got messed up though. Had a mix of /sulk and /ponder emote expression to look really pouty/sad and now I just look confused. Disappointing, but not the end of the world.
kraken.... eb....
Stormblood is the best expansion content-wise, don't even deny it. you know I'm right.
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Do I go
>copycat Val until modding is back
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I'm really upset that they ..... just kidding highlanders won the lottery
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no I'm winning
long-ass day of grinding but it's time to get started
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pictomancer btfos blackmage
What is "Preseason" CC?
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I found that it looks fine if I just play into the upsetti default facial expression, with like an edgier glam or hair... my old glam fits the look much better I think, but I will miss the fashionable locks..
fiddies being hypnotized and vored by the giant snakes of tural...
Cute smiley kot on the left
CC before the season starts
WHM dash is pure sexo thank fuck I have access to something like this now.
they fucking KILLED my character
But what's the difference? Does rating get reset in a week or something?
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This is just the benchmark, I haven't logged in to see what my alt looks like. I'm not a fan of what they did to the iris and eyes...
>Put Rattling Coil on my bars because I forgot to previously
>Performance massively improves
personally I'm fuckin set
Right looks a gazillion times better.
Captcha: XXX 22
my min bust froth is very jiggly
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I am
a bun
who regrets doing 90-92 msq as NIN so I swapped back to SAM
When are you going to confess to your thread crush?
erm scholar exists?
my moonie will never call them mroths
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>leveling PCT with a friend
>fighing anima
>boundless pain goes out
>put down starry sky
>addle + tempura
>boundless pain does negligible damage
>start doing a motif
>roulette ast rescues me mid cast and throws on a pity aspected bene
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I love her even more now, which I did not think was possible. She looks gorgeous IMO.
it appears we have passed like ships in the night
fishra face got murdered honestly its so soulless now
face 5 fiddie also got its funny rat qualities deleted and just looks like a generic korean mmo face
That is a cute fucking midlander holy moly.
Your mods broke too, Val? Even your hairmod?
why were you in that dungeon with me?

also I can feel that armory exp bonus they changed... I was freshly lv 91 and after the lv 91 dungeon I am now 75% to lv 92. In endwalker dungeons I got maybe gave 45% of a level.
excuse me miss do you like malera?
meant to put a comma after that why
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Not much changed, but the face isn't as good as it was before, I don't want to be a race traitor but i'm not sure
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>took until lv97 before anything happened
>muh futuristic invasion out of nowhere
>few quests later, nothing happens again
there's no way anybody cares about any of this
The catboy scientist contest is a machinist but doesn't have the fucking luncbox. You've shown us you can do it yoshipi!
Don't worry you've still got the resting bitch face. It's different, but still the same.
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I dunno.. I really liked the bright blue eyes, they look unnatural which is the look I was trying to go for, as a living statue..
I guess I'll just have to get used to it
Now's your chance to rack up truly stupid amounts of kills in frontline on all the goobers playing VPR and PCT for the first time
Nice highlander!
anyone wanna go to dynamis to queue casual cc...
Is the ranged trio still shit to play and shit in groups?
What armor is that?
and why, pray tell, would I want to do that...
>ozma mount no longer shows eureka
Yeah. Face 1 femlala here. I look worse and my portraits are ruined. Smile and grin looks terrible.
>Wuk Lamat makes Lyse look competent
I never cared for Lyse during SB but I'm really fighting myself not to skip cutscenes whenever Wuk Lamat appears.
QUESTION: What do I spend bicolor gems on if I am capped, but have not maxxed out any zones I would like to spend 350 gems on to buy orchestrion rolls? (Currently saving for Labyrinthos and Elpis, but again haven't gotten to rank 3 yet).
so how did the angry two-headed dude become a cyborg anyway? i must've skipped the cutscene
I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the boys
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what did molly mean by this
worqor zormor adamantoise aether
>there is a questline where you go around giving people free corn as food
fine. Im going to bed.
I vaguely recall older pics and they were definitely better
try something else if you're not feeling it anymore, not like anybody cares about males anyway
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>Story is mostly boring as fuck
>Suddenly jumps the god damn shark
holy moly, FINALLY
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what the fuck
how far is this into the story? what level?
i bought a 1.0 account what top do i wear to show off the tattoo
Besaid's Blitzball Club
She's a FFX fan
mod it into a qos tattoo
Midway to 96 after you randomly go to a cowboy themed western area with a saloon and gang violence plot
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Its unreal how much they made me love Zenos by the end.
Imagine being a fiddie and you get a S9 helmet strapped to your head forcibly and it starts pulsing with subliminals and bright lights and slowly but surely your mind gets emptied of everything except your new programming as a Solution Nine guard. That'd be SO fucked up lol.
>still cant DC travel
This isn't any fun
femezen sex
Stay off my server cunt.
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Hildebrand team was in charge of this whole expac
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if your hrothgal isnt showing her tummy, you're doing it wrong
I just want to play with my friends instead of alone meanie D:
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What the H*CK did they do to my character.....
This sucks so much........
thats explains why its dumb and cringe and stupid and lame
Looks way edgier and sinister. Shouldn't you be happy?
can you not transfer to Dynamis or whatever equivalent your region has? have them meet you there.
I didn't ask for a breakdown of your life story bitch
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I was pretty bored of the story itself from start up until around the first dungeon. I'm enjoying it much more now. Maybe its just "clicked" with me. The steaks aren't that much higher yet, but I'm just liking it more. Honestly its probably because Thancred and Urianger's team is around more too. But I do think the story improves after this point. Up until then I felt like an ARR errand boy again.
game feels dead there is like nobody around the main city lol
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honestly i already have, i just like to make these cutesy posts occasionally to make him smile.
I hate my eyes, yes
>post yfw krile dies at the end of the expansion
>tfw finding myself skipping a lot of dialogue
This ain't a good sign, can no lifers confirm when the story is gonna pick up?
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>Villain turns into the fucking Arbiter
I'm all for it.
No lifers don't read the fucking MSQ.
>Speak with Erenville.
>Speak with Erenville again.
>Speak with Erenville once more.
soft femlala feet on my face...
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Looks about the same as before, but the limbal rings don't glow in the dark the way they used to
>talk to two headed guy
can he not? like god damn it
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Pelu means hairy, I won't go any deeper.
I like him, but he thinks too much in the logic of "newer tech = better life" If he just balanced that thinking out hed be the perfect choice.
I think I look better than before, but only 2 other anons have ever commented on my face and neither of them have seen me since dt
i now have a reason to progress this dogshit msq
when plogons?
i hope so
It's okay my wife. I'll always love you, even if SE doesn't <3
>camera angle keeps changing in cutscene by a waterfall
I don't want to post my lalafell amongst all these uggos in this thread.
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I feel like my character aged into her thirties, no problem, we can work it out.
Stop posting pre-Dawntrail screenshots. I don't want to see your modfaggotry.
>finally get to lvl 83 dungeon
>hrothgal still can't wear the hats
Now this is fucking retarded
furry tummy...
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>cant turn the glasses that come with the varsity cap into facewear
It's not fair
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Can't get any worse than being black, a malera, and a raen
Why would you willingly subject yourself to the shitposting from looking like an ebin here?
I'm having a lot of fun doing this and taking my time. I've only just done the second dungeon and I've got 14 hours in the xpac! I love Final Fabtasy XIV: Dawntrail!
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tits look kinda wierd like one is bigger than the other (yes I know it's like that IRL but usually not noticeable)
coughin up hairballs from licking hrothgal tummies too much
Final Fabtasy XIV: Dawntrail is a trademarked property of Square Enix
>in Thavnair
>remember that spot that got showcased for the graphics update with a new staircase, ground textures and a bunch of visual clutter
>go there
>it's exactly the same
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99 crysta has been deposited into your account
If you want to see more of me just say so
Hey! This mess my fault?
this msq gives me the feeling that they were halfway through writing the story and then one day some guy came in and went "Guys this is total fucking dogshit you need to do something" and so they went full halo/gundam.
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lmfao based
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No refunds!
zoom in on that face
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Are catgirls liking their meowers after the update?
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I love Thancred's new look in ShB! :O
Mating press
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there's some femra thinking about using that cursor as a dildo right now
>make the assets
>put the assets in the game
>take them out before release
kill yourself
How did you know?
Do you like malera?
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Dawntrail is such boring slop. They've never done this before, why start now?
Heh, old.
>just about to leave the area
>Wuk gets kidnapped
>have to spend an hour extra rescuing her
i hate when they pull shit like this
is thancred a pedophile?
handsome! but I wanted to see the lil fella
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>expansion be like
I'm tired, chief
Forgot to attach a wojak with a reddit filename to your high quality post, king
>level 93 dungeon
>we all dodge the orbs on the last boss
>we each all immediately recognize what a horrible mistake that was in the first wave and frantically ran around afterward
Wait until you hear about Alisaie
And Thancred
And Ryne
And Nanamo
And Yugiri
And Yotsuyu
And Estinien
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I am happy with it over all
They didn't expect coomers like you to hyperfocus on what they look like. Most gear looks weird when you look under the seams like that.
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>queue for sastasha
>average wait time: more than 30mins
nice game
forceful insemination
because fujos are a dime a dozen
why cant we get an expansion where our WoL is on their own and we go on new adventures with new allies? The scions disbanded and everyone should have gone their separate way.
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>be me
>don't play XIV
>just sit in XIV related threads all day shitposting about XIV
>in Thavnair
>in 2000+24
Why are you poor?
The introductory quest for the Role Quests was pretty good I hope that means they'll be good.
What's a bigger? Hrothgar and Roegadyn?
OK ADHD ZOOMER just because you can't enjoy a good story and need instant gratification, does notnmean that Dawntrail isn't PURE KINO. (I am on the first trial and logged in at 10am btw).
>barry losing his fucking marbles about xiv
>game is consistently good
>barry kinda lost interest
>game is mediocre
we need to bring him back
feet on my face please.
Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV! First expansion?
because the majority of the playerbase wouldnt buy it. if they cant ship their faves, they're not interested
>he thinks anything in sloptrail will be good
it's the same size, one is just more covered than the other.
playing as a femra is fun
It’s already good though
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What? Why? What kind of question is that? >.>
Now I have to level a caster job so I can experience my villanous wife's full story
*shoots you in your gay head*
What now? Shut up bitch you're dead.
finally a good VPR glam that isn't just trying to be the AF set
>They didn't expect coomers like you to hyperfocus on what they look like
it is 110% impossible they're ignorant that a good third of their playerbase plays this game as second life and care more about outfits than anything that has to do with the story, combat and whatnot
I feel like face 1 femra got nerfed the most of the femra. I'm getting more used to it with every cutscene, but seriously thinking of going fishra
you're thinking of shtola
>Queue for the lowest level dungeon in the middle of the night the day after a new expansion launched
>"Wow, why are my queues so long?"
Just use the duty support NPCs, they're smarter than you are
it would be too sexy
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>play DPS
>get DPS queues
Working as intended
you're retarded
lol autism induced auditory overstimulation
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New lalafell only house.
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MSQ is pretty good so far
don't be a disingenuous faggot. endwalker had endless cutscenes and generally boring shit in labyrinthos, first part in thavnair and in loporrit area and that's about it.
in contrast it comprises like 90% of DT.
Main Slop Quests are so fun.
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Is this talking about new job roles, or the quests for artifact armor?
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Uh, hi, /xivg/. I've been doing some thinking and I got some ideas on how to improve the MSQ. I got it right here. One - Wuk Lumat needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two - Whenever Wuk Lumat's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Wuk Lumat?"
>eyes 3 went from sharp, focused look to plain tired
>eyes 1, 2, 4 and 5 went from droopy to plain sad
f3mra lost
i can tell you it wont get better and there trying everything and are really trying everything to shove it into your face that only Wuk Lamat can be the new ruler
All expansions are dogshit until the last ~20%, except Shadowbringers which is generally good throughout.
Artifact armor
If they say hear a variation of feel think one more time I'm going to combust
At what point did you just start skipping the cutscenes?
bro you're dlss?
Based, thanks.
Was the guy in charge of naming new world NPCs having a stroke
shadowbringers is literally 99% filler
also handsome, thank you
i miss Lyse already
Endwalker had a very weak opening act (specially compared to ShB) but starts getting quite good when you get to Garlemald.
Dawntrail seems to just be a whole expansion of Thavnair and Labyrinthos.
I don't think this new writer knows how to make low stakes stories interesting.
The second I loaded into the game at 10:07am yesterday. I even turned an autoclicker on for unskippable cutscenes to reduce time spent in them by 3 seconds.
idk i only do that stuff with very certain people
>and are really trying everything to shove it into your face that only Wuk Lamat can be the new ruler
too bad I was tired of her shit since about lv91 and it lasted all the way to the end of msq
>except Shadowbringers which is generally good throughout
lmao even
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I am using FSR, but I am also playing on a laptop atm so I'm not playing with everything maxed up
Yeah I hate when I have to sit and watch a cutscene where the plot actually progresses and characters get development as opposed to fetching 10 boar asses because the village leader feels like I can't be trusted yet. I'll keep being a disingenuous faggot until you niggers remember what game you're playing.
Not murdered, at most slight changes that just make her seem off.. I'm hoping a lot of it is just me looking for problems than actually being any. Her lips looking different along with the general nose/cheek lightning to make it seem worse in my head.. like I don't mind the new lips but it just seems off since I'm used to the old ones. moonie btw
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Keep her away from the Pelupelu...
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>except Shadowbringers which is generally good throughout.
>with very certain people
Well, first time for everything right?
Shadowbringers has the best opening and ending if any expansion and while the middle parts contain filler, stuff like Il-Mheg is still above this game's average quality for zone storylines.
>freshly lvled new jobs from bozja (streamer told me this lifehack)
>cloud bike
>skipping cutscenes to get ready to make gil or craft gather mats for raid

yep its a raid tranny!
>where the plot actually progresses
oh mb, I must've missed those
Skipped ARR
Watched HW
Skipped HW patches
Skipped StB
Skipped ShB
Watched EW
Watching DT
based and correct. Shadowbringers was fucking fun
Endwalker had a very weak opening act (specially compared to ShB) but starts getting quite good when you get to Garlemald.
Lab part happens after garleboos
>get further and further into the expansion
>plot threads keep building, quests are good, having fun exploring and getting aether currents
Guys is this what it's like to enjoy a videogame?
The writers really took the cake when Koana destroyed his tablet only for Wuk Lamat to become the queen...
Even as a serial cutscene skipper this is a cringe choice of skips and watches.
The opening to DT is better than EW. Once the browns quiet down with the schizophrenic doomposting this will be readily accepted as fact.
Is Bakool Ja Ja really evil or just retarded
glad someone is still having fun
When to skip
>anytime krile is in a scene
>anytime stuff is not voice acted
>anytime Wuk does a LOLcow thing
skipping endwalker post patches rn gonna skip dt too
When did you realize FFXIV's story was pure dogshit?
Is this a discord raid of people who don't even play this game?
>It's Alisaie saying "This is wrong this is all wrong" and clenches her teeth and fists while complaining about the cruelity of enemy episode
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When he was announced as lead wrtier
‘Fraid so
I also had a LOT of fun spamming the aether compass and going to a slight hill or a tree, then right clicked the swirling orb and moving on.
stormblood, garlemald shit, zenos, alisaie,
shb, alisaie anything, graha stupid tia 5.1/5.2, asahi/fandaniel zenos 5.0 on ward, 5.5
endwalker garlemald, asahi, alisaie, garlemald towers
mostly retarded
he's just very simple-minded and goes "me 2 heads = me dawnservant because tradishon". Erenville tells us he has no plan and the only thing he has is "le mamool ja master race" meme
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Shadowbringers MSQ is great but let's not pretend Amh Araeng part 2 wasn't dogawful filler garbage
Which expansion? It can't be Yawntrail
>The opening to DT is better than EW
yes, because EW had a shit opening but almost everything else was decent
DT isn't as bad from the start (although hanu can fuck off) but it doesn't really get better ever
How do you even enable this to see if it's better?
Dawntrail is literally just babysit Wuk Lamat the expansion.
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I never have
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The inn is really cozy here... Good night everyone
stop complaining chud. You wouldn't have a problem with her if she wasn't furry and trans
just retire her like lyse. she brings nothing to the story.

>jobs to a storm
So all of those mobs in the open world, did you actually kill any of them or were they all skippable and not relevant to the main plot at all?
Why do whites hate Dawntrail so much?
This is what happens when you force these mascot characters on the writers every expac when they don't even have any ideas on what to do with them.
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The areas that aether currents in are usually neat little areas or have a nice vista to see. I enjoy seeing the gameworld.
What happened after Shadowbringers that the story is so one-dimensional and shit, whether in Endwalker or at the current level 95? How blatantly the story really tells you that only Wuk Lamat is worthy of being the new leader. Square should take a cue from Frieren on how to make an enjoyable character.
it's actually great but the medium for the storytelling is what's overrated and should've been scrapped a long time ago but people put up with it because it still provides a shared experience for players to bond over
it should be automatically updated, i think. you can simply drop the 3.7 dll as a replacement, i think the default is 3.0? it's not that much of a difference but it is a slight improvement
oh, and it's nvidia chads only, amd is stuck with dogshit fsr version and you can't hack it to run the newer ones because they need dx12
im mexican and i hate Dwntrail
you're the one who agreed to help her win the throne
True. Should've been a femra
10/10 would protect and counsel
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>someone disagrees with me, must be a discord raid
White men can't STAND a powerful latinx woman.
because they tend to have standards
It's just concern trolls and WoW expats
There is a single expac in this entire game that isnt over 50% cringe dogshit storywise

t. played since arr
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>How blatantly the story really tells you that only Wuk Lamat is worthy of being the new leader
it does? if anything it convinced me over and over again she's incompetent as fuck and has no business running anything bigger than maybe an orphanage
SE should hire the runescape quest devs to write their expansions.
Don't lie. You get 1 or 2 aether currents at most per zone that are in an even remotely interesting part of the map. The rest are just thrown vaguely close to the MSQ trail but ooohhh you have to drive around a rock to get it.
Kinda got that drunkard retired veteran vibe going on.
this is the first expansion story I'm really enjoying since heavensward
Yes, because all the other candidates are either portrayed as absolute assholes with the exception of Koana
Most of the scions should be relegated to secondary or tertiary roles at this point. Their character arcs are completely done.
At this point the scions remind me of garbage like Dragon Ball Super: flanderized characters replaying the same arcs over and over because there's nothing left to do with them, but they're still popular.
brown creatures are the ones doing the shitposting, however
This website never recovered after the TORtanic incident
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>everyone I disagree with is a troll or from WoW
Well I think the areas they're in are neat.
Shoulda been
>watched HW
>skipped HW patches (until the final ones at the Wall)
>never watch a cutscene again
Would have been an OBSCENELY great expereince
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It's crazy they managed to write an MSQ worse than EW patch MSQ
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I like the changes to midlanders, and my EB is really happy with the femra changes, having managed to avoid the supposed face 1 femra nuke.
I will say, I played around with the character creator, and face 1 femra have a limited range of facial settings in order to keep it similar to the pre-DT face 1. A lot of the options outside of my EB's resulted in a puffier face and worse looking eyes, IMO.
we call them immigrants
And I KNOW you are wrong. Replying to this post will be an act of concession.
>we'll redeem this asshole by revealing the tragic backstory
No, fuck that. He's a creepy two headed monster who needs to be put down.
You brownoids did this with shadow of the erdtree too lmao it’s been a terrible week for you huh
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>92 reviews
>on the same day it came out
have a (You) on the house
Thank you my wife.
So far i've been having fun with the game and keep gushing about the lighting.
I hope you're having a good time and or good weekend too.
looks like shit. fanta asap
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>less than 24 hours after launch and people are already mindbroken
Ah yeah, I guess we do have a crisis at our border, and the people who are here illegally are now killing innocent civilians. That's actually really accurate.
i was born to paint. this is my favorite expansion, the pictomancer expansion
I was surprised he ended up looking like that. Might let my RP autism take over and give him a little backstory like that.
the funny thing is that tortanic was actually successful since Star wars fans will buy any slop
even now in maintenance mode bioware still makes money off of it
I really don't know why you're getting so upset over this completely innocuous opinion.
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we can't have genuinely evil villains anymore everyone needs their own sob story after emet squelch
the chin is basically ruined, hard to look at a femra in profile now
>Ahm Araeng is all filler after the lightwarden cutscene
>Kholusia is pure filler aside from eulmore and mt gulg
>Il mheg is just generic ass fairies whose only unique trait traveling the rift was shit on by EW MSQ and then shit on and murdered by DT MSQ making them look like a filler
>Raktika is a filler except the 3 minute cave painting cutscene
The only salvageable parts are intro zone because it has good worldbuilding and really nice atmosphere and final zone for same reason
Yeah I'm thinking shadowbringers is trash
Oh and
>6.1 is a pure filler patch, with MSQ so bad some poeple thought 5.0 was just a one time thing
>most of 5.2 until the very end was also horrible
5.3 saved the game and is the only reason previous two patched are forgotten and not hated as much as 6.X
What are you communicating by this artwork
>because all the other candidates are either portrayed as absolute assholes
I'd rather have an asshole than a staggeringly incompetent retard as the emperor
seems like the clear winner
EW patches were better than SHB
shut the fuck up Hiroi
Where do I unlock the ability to wear glasses?
Most of the bad reviews for SotE were about the game being poorly optimized.
Most of the bad reviews for DT are about the game being boring as hell.
These are both true, but a poorly-optimized game can be fixed with a better computer, a boring game is just boring.
sometimes it baffles me that there are actually people out there that play femra all four of their face options are just horrible
So when's the first potency hotfix? When the raids come out?
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Has the Source always been called Hydaelyn before 7.0? I swear it was called something different but I cant remember and its bothering me
I'm not gonna look up the context to this but
>denying (you)s
the other anon has clearly won here, you're seething
>letting a retard run an orphanage
this should be a war crime
Wuk literally says she doesn't forgive him after his explanation dumdum
Do the pelu have unique faces or midlander faces?
calamity salvager
cute. what settings?
It’s not really just 24 hours since it really started with ER DLC, the seething third worlders have been getting BTFO for like a week
buy the monacle from the racial gear vendor
>All the Endfetuses doing damage control because they were sold on this game with "it has one of the best videogame stories ever!"
The cognitive dissonance as they realize that they signed up for a bad subscription-based visual novel with a very shallow MMORPG attached to it is hilarious to behold.
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What the hell square enix? Take my money fast before I change my mind and don't pick your game back up
>Has the Source always been called Hydaelyn before 7.0?
Yes, we only learned the true planet name was etheyris in EW.
Koana destroys his stoneplate to help Wuk Lamat become the Queen
meant to say 5.1 but you should get what I mean
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I haven't finished Endwalker, so it's still called The Source on mine.
ARR-SB is Hydaelyn
ShB is the Source
EW is Etheirys
>damage control
99% of the bad reviews were some assmad Indian or Chinaman
Don't care. Didn't read. Plus, you're wrong.
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it's not working, this is getting embarrassing
You're posting here. Square has you by the balls already.
That's what I meant! Ty anon!
Don't care. Shadow of the Erdtree is great. Dawntrail is garbage and the worst FFXIV expansion. Stop trying to latch on to Elden Kino to defend your pig slop.
>Letting ishikawa write MSQ where she can't shill pretty boy characters to you
Damn I didn't know the entirety of Europe was third world
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OI DRK, I'm stealing your purple crystals
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>We pretended to be mentally retarded for decades
What was the rationale here? What's the next step of their master plan?
You vill say ze silly word DREI times und you vill like it!
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my hrothgal looks and acts like thi
Dawntrail is like Toy Story, you were never meant to find out they're not retarded
How do I unlock aether currents for DT zones?
/pet /pet /pet
This NPC looks exactly like that one piano lady from that time Soken sang Civilizations
NOOOOO it's just me being bored on a saturday morning I'm not falling for their evil schemes again...
the wuk lamat voice actor is really bad
she can't even talk loud, all the phrases are in one tone
made a pickle pizza, bros
>can't use /tp
the game is literally unironically 100% unplayable
It's broken right now
Thanks to Dawntrail I forgot about my gacha dailies I'm never going to recover from this
>people just now starting to realize ffxiv has always been carried by it's story and has had bad gameplay
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We need to build her a second home in Wachunpelo, now.
it reminds me of rex from xenoblade 2
you have to rimjob salarymen from the DT zones
humiliation ritual
I don't like the way the new materia looks, bros...
it's good
You even type the same, what an emotional roller coaster you’ve been on
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Updated lalas?
shadowbringers had an ok intro and then sucked until the part where emet selch joined us. but overall it told a good story.
my problem with shb is how it guided the overall direction of the overall FF14 narrative. now everything is just the ascians fault which is the most bland lore possible. it actually feels wrong for them to call it the Hydaelyn-Zodiark saga since it was barely planned until shadowbringers. I hate ishikawa.
This euroid melty is really sad. Just go back to jerking off on Crystal.
based picklemancer pizzamancer
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Do tank and healer cucks actually join PFs to help DPS fags level?
>we've reached the point in a game life where the good expansions are called bad and the bad expansions are called good
>for some reason HW, who was both boring and dogshit gameplay wise keeps being put in a pedestal
Fucking contrarians
europe were sleeping and are about to wake up. shut up mutty
>You even type the same
Ah, the classic schizophrenic "everyone I argue with is the same person" cope.
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i meant to run CC on PCT for only one level, but was having too much fun and did two
Aren't femhroths supposed to be royalty and secluded due to having severely low birth rates?Why are they so common in Tural?
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why am i following this thing to find the giant flying apocalyptic demon dragon
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Feels good playing the canonical job.
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i got my artyfact gear
nobody cares about dpsissies
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Rich, tender and loving kisses around Krile's neck.
Where does the Cornservant's story arc fit in the MSQ?
I come back and my character looks ugly now, what the hell happened?
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>that look of concern as she's wondering if it will fit
why are lala like this
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can my malera have some
same reason male viera are common all of a sudden
Why would I join a PF when I can just instaqueue DF
Dalamud updated? plugons back??
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Flowers! :3

Cute couple :3
I loved the intro! :O
Wth :'D
Just listened to his voicelines. Yeah, it's about the same
is it just me or does vpr feel kinda weak
meanwhile picto shits out damage at lvl 80
Why are the story NPC's so fucking ugly? This green haired purple eyed miqote looks so fucking out of place like someone presses randomize in character creation and slapped him into msq
sure i left two slices
This malera is so fucking hot after the graphic update...
>every expansion is a constant cycle of visit new area, do fetch quests to gain local's trusts, then proceed to the next new area
>occasionally they break it up with a solo instance that might as well be a point and click adventure
>sprinkled throughout are dungeons and trials, most of which are completely braindead because any real challenge is only in savage and ultimate
>all while you're in a world surrounded by half naked cat and bun girls who just want to play dress up and either avoid all social interaction or make themselves the center of attention
2000 hours in this game and i think i'm getting tired of it
Krile has been really cute so far this expansion and I hope it keeps up
i mean
>walk 5 min
>cutscene 10 min
>combat 2min
that for 300+h
How are the femhroth animations?
Western VAs are physically unable to do a genki archetype
Idk if it's cultural or because no one on this side on the globe can handle high octaves but everytime they try it it's a complete disaster
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I think this might be the hardest decision of my life.
1. Smiley face 3 with slightly pinker skin
2. Paler skin face 4 with a slightly higher/smaller nose
3. A mix of the two, face 4 but with pinker skin and lower nose
>3 follow missions in a row
*caughts up blood*
Oh right your plugins aren't working so you can't fap with other grown men, no wonder you're pissed you actually have to play the game now
running is shite
they got 5 hairstyles thats it
face 1 looks like mush
Bet the MSQ would be a lot more exciting with a veena wife, huh? Well, not like either of us will know what the married life is like now.
bottom left is the cutest the rest look ugly
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>zoraal ja p2 arena
>the rest of the expansion
>caughts up
upper row looks like tranny
im rooting for 1 without glasses other faces look sad af and trans
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first there was the Fall Guys crossover event

and now there's this
,my brain is friend bwo
Hey! You don't talk to my wife dub Tomo from Azumanga Daioh like that!
you ghosted me for the last time, now i have replika
anon? you okay? call 911 if you got a stroke
The funniest part of dub defenders to me is when you can so clearly point out god like English VAs like in Fromsoft games or in Cartoons or in Arcane for example, compare those to your run of the mill twittershit anime dub VA and the difference is night and day.
massive downgrade
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I thought they said they were going to change it in 7.0 so that the 1-2-3 combos now work in 1 button similar to pvp? Was i mistake?
Anyone know where we can get that hairstyle added from the fan contest? The kpop looking one, not the juan fantasy 7.0 hair
Did I do bad?
>Shadowbringer dungeon with the frogs
>DPS goes "Hard pull our healer can handle it"
>Do as instructed, use and space my mits on pulls
>We dies at the first two big pull
Like the healer said oopsie, but I feel like I did something wrong. Though she was fucking up mechanics it looked like. So I just pulled small after that.
All the Pelupelu boys will be drained by the end of the week.
as a video game, if the gameplay makes the story tedious to go through then I think it can be said that the story isn't good. because it is a holistic media form, you aren't experiencing these different factors in a separate vacuums. the story includes the gameplay that it takes to progress the story, which can be used to enhance the narrative in many cases (unfortunately not in this case).
You can adjust the nose at least, I'm more worried about eyebrows.
they've compressed some abilities into other abilities, but they did not compress 1-2-3 combos into 1 button
I am so glad I am not you
A lot better than male hroth animations to a disappointing degree
My main assumption is that this is a retarded "localization" choice and that the original said something much different that would possibly imply the ones in the New World are much better developed.
I am just assuming here.
I feel the same towards you anon! I'm glad we can at least agree on one thing.
How does face 4 look trans exactly? Also I don't normally wear these types of glasses, it's just the only facewear I could get. Apparently the mountains of spectacles I already have aren't good enough for the calamity salvager.
>The 1st half of the story is boring and tons of filler
>The story jumps a shark
>The 2nd half of the story is interesting but makes no sense if you think about it. On top of pretty much beating the exact same message as EW/Shb but done worse.
I'm almost lvl 99. This is trash. Worse than Stormblood level. I'm just invested to see how stupid it can get from here. Did no one proofread this shit?
>Inb4 you don't like cozy low stakes.
Bitch, grandia 1 is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time and for most of its run it super low stakes. But you know it has a super likeable MC and side cast; with charming dialogue. This does not.

It's better than ARR. And I admit the actual gameplay of the trials/dungeons has been solid. Story is shit. I'd give it a 6.5 or 7 so far.
sometimes i think to myself i really wish i could skip the side quests and just watch back to back cutscenes and play dungeons between them
what is a genki
too many textdumps

this guy SLAPS your femlala

what do you do
You have to silence the frog with the tether or he'll buff that tethered mob and he will rape your bussy to shreds.
I shan't! I might experiment with minor facial changes when Glamourer's updated, to see if anything's worth using the free fanta, but all in all I like the middie tweaks.
From what I remember from playing around with her data, Jaw 2 was essential to making the chin look good, and there were only one or two good eye settings (I feel like glubra have a wider range when it comes to eyes).
But overall it seemed like the right move was using bolder settings rather than the cutesy ones. Anything that compacts the face too much could make it look puffy.
Thanks! From what I've seen, tales of fiddie death have been greatly overstated, too. The updates seem to have been friendly to most.
low iq posters were saying that and doubling down when corrected. that's how easily a couple of noisy people can form a narrative here
that hroth face is so ffucking hideous
combined with the 70s single mom hairstyles....
just bad
everything's good except the sprint. they look like they're running on a slippery floor
it's that one character from overwatch
Don't even need to go that far
Just compare Wuk to Clive and it's like several dimensions worth of difference in talent
my femlala is a fulala so pop his prostate probably
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Gonna have to get used to it cause "different"
but at least Face 1 Middies now look even more tired with the shading now emphasizing the fuck out of the lower eyelid.
I don't play overwatch. can you translate to team fortress 2?
that constantly excited anime waifu archetype
I don't really like it much as well, but I do think some who use it pull it off pretty well with the right coloration and hair mixes.
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Ohhhhh. I wish someone had said that. Stunning would've worked right?
this bitch is still around?
i look better than ever (femra also)
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>Wuk Lamat's father never taught her how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth
Shit expansion 0/10 horse trash I'm unsubbing and throwing my computer into a fire
But Rex at least is far more likeable. And turns into a Chad in 3's dlc. And you also understand why he wants to help out people, as well as why he wants to fulfill his goal. He's an earnestly done Shonen protag in how extreme he is. Wuk lamat is just boring just a dime a dozen.
:) Fromchads own your mental, FFXIV owns your mental
>that incompetent pile of shit Wuk just fucking killed Sphene
yea okay I'm revising my 5/10 into 2/10
DT is literally just a chill expansion, no high stakes, no big bad worlds ending baddie

Just "yo help us with this island matter also grab a drink and chill in not-chile"
>exit duty
>look at my character
>satisfied but his skin tone looks light enough to be confused for another race
>can't tell if it's the new graphics, my shaders, both, or I'm just being nitpicky
I know I'm like a medium black but I keep obsessing over this and haven't gotten my free fanta yet
I love from software games though. Shadow of the Erdtree is even better than the base game.
Dawntrail is shit though.
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Ben Starr should have won awards for his voice work of Clive. But he had no chance against the BG3 VAs. They were great too, but not as good as Clive/Ben. They were just being fellated because BG3 was the hotness among normalfags and Astarion's VA is gay.
While I still don't care for Wuk Lamat even in Japanese, its amazing how much less I hate her when the VA isn't total garbage. I am excited to go back to EN after this expansion though. The main scions are all quite enjoyable in English imo.
>doesnt want to fuck cats
it would be fine if it wasn't all that it was
if I want to grab a drink and chill I'll do it irl
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>alone with 7.0 Thancred after both of us got sweaty chasing after a fiend
Give mommy what she wants now pretty boy

wuk lamat definitely seems retarded enough to demilitarize tuliyollal then get invaded
chill expansion how, you're literally just tard wragling this tranny retard for the entirety of it, can't even properly enjoy some time off without her getting into shit
This. We're still the best MMO and we're still way better than WoW. I'm glad we get an eepy expansion that respects our time before we get the real expansion in 2 years from now. We don't actually have to play this game just like Yoshida said. We can just go back to Elden Ring after we're done plapping and gooning with Mare.
AHEM ITS MA'AM (she/it)
this style looks like it was drawn by a 30s white woman who is trying to make it as a webcomic artist
>held upside down bj
>story is boring
>gameplay is boring
what redeeming qualities does dawntrail have?
this but not facetiously
Nope, only silence. So interject or head graze.
Mentally dominated.
This but ironically.
>playing without noclippy
>try out viper
>realize i'm double weaving somehow
>try out any other job
>still cant double weave
So did yoship really create viper to be playable with shit ping but not retro actively do it for other jobs?
you have a 2 year headstart to make gil for the real expansion
Wait for plugins to get patched so we can afk at the bench
dalamud update when?
xivcombo update when?

when will those fucks figure out the rotations godsdamnit

injecting doesnt work atm
Like I said above>>483948147

DT is just very shit. If you want an actual chill adventure play Grandia 1 and notice the league's of difference between the quality of that and DT in terms of actually being endearing.
DT is just a babysitting sim for 80% until it jumps the shark.

At least Sphene is cute.
>wuk killing sphene
I'm popping blood vessels. Why is it that we can't have attractive characters live? They did this with the 12, and now this. Yes I'm livid
I don't mind Wuk Lamat as a character but the VA work obviously detracts from it and it's sad to say I find her more enjoyable in the unvoiced cutscenes since I can imagine her with a better VA. I like the VAs for the other claimant contestants especially the lizard guys.
At least that had Ranjit at the end, most of the other filler has no payoff.
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Viper soulstone seems kind of uninspired...
Sonic as a franchise is better than Dawntrail
man, I genuinely didn't expect the snoozefest of 6.1-6.5 to be the predictor of the entire next expansion
Go back to WoW.
>Play ps1 shit
it's allowing me to save $40 this expansion cycle + $13/month for 2 years
i can see the inspiration
it's fangs, like a viper's fangs
I might do that actually. Always wanted to try that game. Finishing DT first, because even if this particular expansion's story is lacking, I'm still excited for the raids and hopefully setup for a better expansion.
>two fangs
Is koana a siscon
Life is a moment. You can't live it in a draft and then rewrite it in a white paper.
Guys the last 3 years was way too much for me I'm so glad Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is a CHILL expansion where I can kick back and CHILL for for the next 2-3 years of my life. Thank you Yoshida P for giving us a CHILL expansion where I can CHILL with my BROS.
>excited for the same shit but worse
You are the reason ShB and EW exists
Based chill bro
I meant the shape, not the motif. Every stone embodies a shape of their job, reaper has a scythe, warrior has an axe, etc. Viper is just a pebble...?
viper is two fangs...two swords
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>ER's dlc seems kinda uninspired
>XIV's story is boring
>factorio is still months away
pls stahp, at this rate I'll have to go outside
ShB is my favorite expansion actually.
Anyone else constantly getting distracted in MSQ cutscenes by wuk lamat's abs? I can't stop staring
Shut the fuck up?
Any bros on Balmung wanna just chill for a while? Like just enjoy the expansion for a bit and chill? No other expansion has EVER afforded us this opportunity.
dream nigger
Xivcombo Baseline

removes a lot of mindless tedium associated with having to press various buttons that have little logical reason to be separate
Oh you love slop
Are you retarded? I'm saying the SHAPE of the stone doesn't embody the job at all.
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She said no pickles!
are you? the stone shape is always the same
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Nope, I like the new smile too.
123 is a fun and engaging rotation, shut up nigger.
Wryx you were in my frontlines game earlier!
Are you including the fact it’s inlaid with shitty rock
Gonna take a break from the MSQ to smoke a bowl and chill. This is the essence of Dawntrail. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV in it's purest form.
Did they fix BRD btw?
>123 is a fun and engaging rotation
It's tedious
Xivcombo Ultimate

does your entire rotation for you so you don't have to stop your ERP even during savage
WoW is about to get it's first good expansion since Legion and FF14 just put out a filler expansion that's more insufferable than ARR. I want FF14 to be good but this aint it. I hope the raids are good because the DT story (the reason most people play 14) looks like trash, it makes the Dragonflight writing look decent and it's the second worst WoW story.
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I guess so.
>my own femra stayed safe
>my favorite cat remained 100% sex
Holy fuck yes. Life is good bros.
her belly button is a magnet to my eyes whenever I see it
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so when do i get to bang erenville
I burst out laughing
did she die? please say she died
Don't give em ideas
just say you're transphobic and be done with it bro
I switched off to the JP voices and it's only been a pleasure. I've never listened to JP voices before.
This story obviously takes to many anime tropes which is fine but english actors can't pull it off. Erenville sounding indian is fucking bizarre as well considering he's... from the new world. I don't get his bizarre accent.
Nobody has strange accents with JP voices, and.. it doesn't matter! They sound great and in-character.
Ten more years of FFXIV? Yoshitpiss the game just DIED.
Do you want to be a stacey or a nerd?
Thank you Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail for giving me the opportunity to finally CHILL inside of it. The last few expansions weren't chill enough for me and I'm glad I finally get to chill with no stakes since having stakes was too stressful, thank you xiv!!!
based rp and locale enjoyers
ineed some SSAO graphics comparisons
which setting impacts performance the most
>WoW is about to get it's first good expansion
gameplay wise, maybe
story wise? i have my doubts
but then, wow was always decent gameplay wise so i don't really see the comparison. the only change is that there's less weekly bullshit to do compared to before
Things I like
>Zone design
>Graphics update
>Mounts leaning when they turn
>First dungeon was amazing

Things I'm neutral on
>General Gameplay
>MSQ (still pretty early in it)
>unlocking flying

Things I dislike
>Wuk's VA
Raid design is going to be the exact same shit we've been getting since Stormblood and you know it.
The last time non-Ultimate raids had any creativity in terms of design was during Creator Savage. Even Stormblood was better than the formulaic dogshit we have now even though it all followed the same format of unchanging boss timelines with no phase pushing.
are there retards spamming their doomposts like this every expansion or what
Dragonflight was better than Legion unironically
do you think he's writing his next post already?
It’s mostly an wow refugee exodus thing but it’s gone on from the beginning
>healie strike is so powerful the NPCs have to fill in
usually the expansions aren't this bad
Yeah it's normal.
what did you invest in and explain your reasoning
Basically my thoughts, but I find the story to also be a bit too slow. I'm only slightly after the first dungeon myself.
I hope it picks up.
I switched to JP because of Wuk though.
DLSS enabled looks blurry as FUCK

FSR at 99/100 is oversharpened

Erenville's VA is icelandic.
>been interested in chatting with anon for months
>they never messaged me first ever
>finally say fuck it and hit them up
>chat for hours like were old friends
maybe i should be the one taking the initiative? do anons prefer that? are they shy?
Yes but also the reception to this expansion has objectively been divisive. MSQ is all we have right now and the story is quite bland the companion character is annoying.
There's gonna be a lot of these huh? Fucking hell.

Gigantic upgrade in lighting honestly
>66% rating on steam
Honestly this is pretty low energy. It’s like 70% of EW doomsissery. It comes and goes with certain timezones waking up
Being nice has done nothing good to me.
Spanking Godberts servants until they are sore.
an excellent way to deflect any and all criticisms, just like real trannies
i dont want to be rude but i forgot about u bro
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>They brought back the baby sitter quests where you have to go around the map while the NPC follows you telling you their life story
Does Yoshi actually think this is fun for the players?
>get wuk to become dawnservent
>he immediately takes off his clothes and shows his atrophied failedmale penis to mamool ja children
>enacts a grooming minors policy
This story fucking blows but at least Pelupelu cunny is readily available
I'm too used to everyone else's voices to switch I can cope with it
If you want DLAA you can set the target resolution scaling fps to less than 30 while having DLSS selected (since your fps probably rarely drop to that threshold) I know it’s a compromise and hopefully they come to their senses to use the general preset next patch rather than tied Upscaling to frame rate
Anyone wanna hop on balmung and just chill for a bit? Like maybe blaze up or something? I need a balmungbro to just chill with in dawntrail now that they added being able to chill to the game.
I'm not even a furry and she's converting me
we don't say "no good deed goes unpunished" for no reason
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Its the worst dlss setting ive seen in a game, didnt even know this was possible. How do they not have an OFF setting? And dlss has no quality setting, what? I know FSR with 100% is basically OFF but its still so bad it makes me question what the devs were thinking.
Fuk with Wuk
Why is everyone here but that big tittied cat slut with the blind eyes?
Exactly this >>483948425
I wanted to go on adventures like we did in ARR and not help out beast-retard-not-Lyse who is painfully obvious not fit for the throne.

It's the stupid fucking jap trope where the retard eventually becomes a leader because lol.
more like sex sex sex
Do FFniggers really blame WoW players for everything? That entire "WoW Exodus" was how many years ago now?
pajeet doing an icelandic accent baka
He sounds icelandic
Who becomes the Dawnservent?
you're literally on an island adventuring retard
malidide bros...
did we are winnings?
I have the tiniest amount of hope because they got rid of Danuser and brought back Metzen. It feels like SE is doing the opposite by moving Ishikawa and bringing in some dyed-hair woman. I was kind of looking forward to DT but it just feels disappointing.
enable fsr then change the aliasing to TSCMAA game looks and runs 100000 better
Yeah he does it on cooldown
she's gonna be the main character of the post-msq patches
Maybe if they wanted Dawntrail to feel like "an adventure" they should've fixed the horrible gameplay-to-cutscene ratio in the MSQ, rather than make it worse. It doesn't feel very adventurous to level up multiple times just from listening to characters talk about boring shit.
galool jaja
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I have used EN VA's since ARR. I really like all the main cast in English too, which is rare for me. But I cannot put up with whatever the fuck Wuk's EN VA is trying to pull. Its terrible and I'd rather Square just see one more person "switch" to JP (if they even measure such a statistic) during DT. I will switch back once the expansion is done most likely as I doubt she will be a permanent addition to the main cast after this. If she is, by that point I should have access to an audio add-on or something that would allow me to easily change her VA specifically to JP or to just mute her VA entirely. Or at least I hope.
>keep getting mogged by PCT
I can't believe Barry won in the end. Wtf.
Why can I be so snarky in Shadowbringers kek?
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strong gear
Adventuring how faggot, you're playing second fiddle to some furry manchild with delusions of grandeur and having to change her fucking diaper every two seconds because XHE can't even do that on XER own. You paid $40 to be a background character.
we am bigly
>pajeet submitted an AI-generated white guy profile pic
how do we stop them
the ship scene with the captain screaming reminded me of that spongebob episode where they're in a box using their imagination
The reason you're even on the island is because of Wuk Lamat and not of your own volition.
at least the field battle music is good
So which is it you do everything and that’s not an adventure because reasons but you also do nothing make up your mind
I found it quite underwhelming. Feels more like "generic background video game music" than the usual stuff. It fits, it blends in nicely, helps with immersion and whatever, but so does 90% of all video game music. There's very few bangers.
Is there a gallery of all the new armor yet?
someone post the gimp suit armor for BLM
my gruff villain middie looks like a soft good guy now
i lost
The biggest shock to me is them casting a white guy for Erenville. With the current retardation in western VAs, I would have assumed they would have casted a black guy or "corrected" and recast him in DT.
Not that I think they should do that, I just expected them to is all.
>hands hidden
AI slop babby's first bing image creation
Too busy popping hung shota cherries
Yes to all
he looks like cs2 e-sportsman
>you're just babysitting wuk the whole expansion
Were you not paying attention with the Scions in ARR/Ysayle in HW/everyone in SB/everyone in ShB/everyone in EW
Erenville isn't an American Black, he's a fantasy creature that is the color black.
Those guys get safe passage, unless retard devs add aftrican facial features to the characters.
Yeah but Wuk is ugly and I hate her
is pictomancer that much stronger in pve than viper??
the giants ugly as fuck
shes a tranny
Who did we babysit in Endwalker?
Why do NPCs refer to the two-headed Mamool Jas as "he" when it's clrearly a "they" in the most literal sense. Each head is a different person, stuck in the same body
Wuk Lamat says trans rights!!
I have taken aggro off tanks a few times in df so confirmation bias tells me yes
yeah but i play with eng va and wuk's va is a tranny so i hate it
literally every anon is autistic and or has social anxiety
>HW camping trip
>alphinaud, estinien, ysayle
>DT camping trip
>krile, erenville, wuk

you never babysat ysayle, you only babysat lyse in sb but she wasn't remotely as helpless as wuk, you didn't babysit anyone in shb or in ew
term filtered, message not displayed
Maybe the heads are just divergent personalities.
well damn hows overworld combat?
I agree with you, but even literal Japanese characters who are just extremely tan are only played by black people these days in the western VA industry. Thus my surprise.
The entire fucking planet and Meteion
Fucking hell playing with a Pictomancer sounds like i'm getting fucking abducted by aliens
How do you know that, what if he’s just messing around
I have a tank-only party up in crystal for the second dungeon, I just need one more tank. No password
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What is going on with my Breasts? Lol
This didn't look like that before.
theyre real woobers
all you hear is woob woob woob woob woob
What the fuck
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>here's your graphical update, sis
Damn grandma, put those things away.
Thats weird. I don't know. Hope you fix it. I like Minfillia's top.
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These subhumans should be eviscerated and genocided, not tolerated and entertained.
Their avarice and greed will be the downfall of the west
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I think it's the Outfit
That's weeeeird
I kinda want to suck them
So they ruined f1 femra, f3 suncats and femlalas, anything else?
do modders really
Damn what the hell, these are some serious saggers
>war is bad because... ummm......
Is the butt okay?
Nothing happened to your ass right? Better show it just to make sure.
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cute cat
Rule of Acquisition Number 34: War is good for business.
everything else
skill issue on all of those
prog your character creator
Wok ThePan

Woke LeMutt
f2 femra
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f3 femra
also f4 femra
>nnnoooo you're not allowed to want things that benefit you
you will be eviscerated and genocided because you won't do anything to prevent it
you build resources with a one button combo to spend on a different one button combo that's slower but stronger
you also have to use abilities you het from painting muses, which means you spend a few seconds at a time doing no damage to repaint them for the upcoming charge
it's fun and I like spamming multiple different 500+ potency abillities in quick succession :)
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that's a midlander
based jew
i initially thought so but once i got used to it i like it
it's not the *same* though, i don't think peoples characters should have been fundamentally changed
change the eyebrows
why'd they make alphinaud so much more kissable?
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>le actually it's good to send young men to die for corporate profit
Neck yourself shlomostein
highlanders look weird as FUCK all faces
The funny thing is that almost every other VA that voices the side characters you meet in the MSQ sound good.
based sis.
taco this taco that
why don't you eat my femlala's taco (sexually implication for giving cunnilingus to a femlala)
Are f3s fucked? I think they're largely the same from MOST angles, nothing as bad as benchmark1.
I heard that there is a big issue with bags under the eyes for Face 3s, but I think that's mostly been an issue for adorable pale skin femra, while mine is a little darker. Hope they fix our pale sisters bros...
eyes are too detailed
Alisaie... calm down...
It objectively is, if you're the one who reaps said profits.
But I'm a femlala sis...
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ok better
Got my MNK to 100
Still have to finish the msq
What's the quickest way to level PCT from 80 to 90?
Yes, when they put the mudras on the global. That was the entire reason why they did that in fact.
They fucked up the overall sound volume right? voices and effects sound a lot quieter even at 100%
I think so the sound mixing in some scenes is bad
Monk feels nice.
i think as well the lighting/weather gives characters crazy eyebags. my character becomes oily as fk in certain lighting and the bags become way more noticeable
Whats some gear that actually has GOOD 2 dye channels? All the ones i've seen with 2 dye channels so far has the 2nd dye like, barely change the gear/changes a belt buckle or something.
>afk at the bench
bro... i play on dynamis....
bozja was full so I slogged through duty support while listening to a podcast, took a few hours at most
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you are out walking at night when you spot this somewhat suspicious bun. what do?
We're men, it's our job to die
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Who is Koana's JP VA? He sounds so familiar, I can only assume that he's played another role in XIV.
Holy cute. More.
turn around and go back home, what the fuck am i doing out here anyway
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Place a hand on my unregistered firearm that's hiding in my purse
skyworker's singlet dyes the tattoo which is great
Kill myself.
A malera cannot be caught alone with a female character
please say that again but a little louder anon, my wir- uh i didn't hear you
its not me i just found them
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>the most fun i've had playing syrcus tower is when it is completely bugged
Disrobe and train together
It really is a lot smoother now that you're just managing a gauge rather than (de)buffs
Might just do that
Though at this hour, not sure how fast I'll get those queue pops
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>it's our job to die
By throwing yourself into a meatgrinder so a rich jew can get richer?
Sounds like ideological cuckoldry.
Do femhroths really get NOTHING but their default hair?
pvp picto is fun pve picto is fun i love painting!!!
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I don't mind the miera changes too much. The changes are way more obvious in the female viera faces which are very hit or miss for me.
Femras got gutted and lost the charm each face had when done right, though I've seen some very pretty face 3s.
Overall I don't like how some face such as femra feel like they got completely changed, and a lot of people feel like their character was replaced with another.
The update was a good idea but changing how some faces come over was a huge mistake on their part. Fishras for instance look way way different, same goes for miqos face 1 and 3.
No sure but I'm *Fairly* certain that Zoraal Ja is Jotaro Kujo / Daisuke Ono. I couldn't find much info on him without spoiling stuff so I'm just gonna wait till I finish to fully confirm that.
Summoner, Dragoon, Scholar artifact gear from ARR.
Gambler's trenchcoat from the saucer has an excellent one with the scarf in front and a piece in the back, but it looks mid as an outfit to begin with.
If you've got a female character, check out the bunny girl pants and how the stockings dye on both the versions.
Oh I didn't queue brother I used npcs, rested + armory bonus thankfully means you only need to run each dungeon twice or 3 times to level to 90 now though
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I still like face 1 fiddie BUT I'm starting to consider going for face 2
Evolutionarily speaking we should sacrifice ourselves to protect women and children
Very offtopic, but I have nowhere else to share this at this hour
I just screamed like a baby back bitch for the first time in years. While I'm at my computer playing XIV, something fell onto my shoulder and skitters away under my speaker. At closer inspection, it was a fucking scorpion.
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
>ideological cuckoldry
everyone who is a wagie is a financial cuck
No seriously the volume of voices is FUCKED
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don't care what's under the robe
is bozja good for lvl 90-100 leveling
>hasn't touched trust system outside of quests
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Coming for you, Heiko......
do you have a picture of the vanu smiling that shit made me spit out my drink
holy fuck that's terrifying
an earwig fell on my head once when i was sleeping in the basement and i haven't slept there since
fucking bites you
I normally prefer Miqote to Viera.
I can make a very strong exception this time.
Fucking thank you for source. A shame hes into "blacked" but other stuff is quite nice.
explain, this looks interesting
What the FUCK
I feel like you're not a bitch if you scream because a FUCKING SCORPION fell on you
>Enter the wild wild west with Erenville
>MSQ becomes tolerable
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Shoulda cooked it with some chili oil.
Heard the venom can help you focus better on your DPS.
What >>483950948 said, being a pussy about a potential threat is fine
This might be it for me. The MSQ is so bad I don't know if I'll make it to the end. I might finally get to quit.
begone, thot
Im so glad I dont live anywhere near those things. I'm not sure I could live comfortable knowing they could be around the corner at any given time. I'd rather not die because my arm slid off the edge of my bed at night and tapped the loan scorpion death machine that just happened to slip in some how.
America, so it's not the kind that would kill me, but their sting still fucking hurts
>everyone who is a wagie is a financial cuck
Don't try to coopt your for-profit conflicts with anything resembling heroism, vile beaked one.
put it in her butt lol

wtf is that the squid cut
it looks really good on face2 so i guess i shouldnt be surprised..

this guys in tural in real life wtf?
trial 2 is the best one i have ever fucking done.
Which state so I know which to never visit
btw I hate how Krile's brush levitates far from her back
Actually I'm brown so you should be encouraging my death
the blocks that prevent you from dying to his wipe mechanic don't spawn, so you basically will always wipe
to get around it, you must have multiple healers kill themselves and get raised during the wipe while they are invulnerable, then the healers must raise as many people back to life so they can continue the fight without dying to mechanics and the boss' aoes
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Not a single thought inside of this cat's head
How does it compare to WoL from SHB
>trial 2 is the best one i have ever fucking done.
visually p2 is amazing, but the mechanics themselves feel pretty fucking boring - in/out, half-area slash, zodiark-but-for-brainlets and... that was pretty much it
just outdps his courtain call
>to get around it, you must have multiple healers kill themselves and get raised during the wipe while they are invulnerable, then the healers must raise as many people back to life so they can continue the fight without dying to mechanics and the boss' aoes
holy fucking shit
Can you not just DPS it down
I'm straight but Erenville's bbc energy has been driving my WoL crazy
Beware the Texas drop scorpion
Trial 2? TRIAL TWO?! I'm not even on 1 yet, you.... you...... SKIIIIIIIIPPEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
How is the cunny in DT
or brain matter
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one thought
kek, this sounds moderately amusing
and you don't even get RDM's chain rez at this level iirc
maybe I should queue for it as a funny break from the tedious msq
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What's their endgame?
Shut up Mahutma
if everyone focuses the boss and does good dps then probably
our group couldn't
Hope it's better than 1
1 was lame
A friend of mine is already 100, and logged off as of like 6 hours ago. Crazy honestly. They were 99 by 2pm PDT.
i get a lot of satisfaction out of popping lightspeed and hardcasting multiple raises back to back, definitely worth doing at least once
plus you get to waste a bunch of other unsuspecting alliance raid roulette players' time
After Valigarmanda
trial 1 is even better. Like godtier.
this might be the worst xpack I've played so far, I don't think I've ever been this bored before
Kill lalafell.
EX1 is so good. I'm sorry for ever doubting Yoshi.
its main thought is "how do i reestablish my friendship with ranru"
Neat, congratulations!
what didn't you like about it?
this might be the best xpack I've played so far, I don't think I've ever been this excited before
LITERALLY all of it
well doot diddly donger holy heckin' erenvillerino :^)
It's entirely character driven
If you don't like the characters, you're gonna have a bad time
Wuk Lamat is growing on me, but that's also because I'm playing with the JPN dub so I'm not hearing some tranny trying to be all cute
Christ, if I heard a man perform Lamat's lines, I'd actually refund this game.
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You attain level 90!
You learn Comet in Black.
The Palette Gauge's features are further expanded.
You acquire Enhanced Palette.
You earn the achievement “Let Me Paint You a Picture I”!
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Once I was battling gods, now I have been reduced to running errands for fools and pretenders
What an embarrassment, why am I even here?
that sucks man
Does viper not have any defensive/ersonal that's not a role action?
You were always running errand for fools, which must make you the bigger fool
you ever wonder why we’re here
You don't have to sit still to do damage that itself is bretty gud.
French Dub Wuk is pretty good
It's the only language out of the 4 I do not understand so it feels way more like a fantasy language
Sucks that the VA is a minor issue compared to the absolute travesty that is it's writing.
khloe "woober" weaber
what melee does other than sam for like 1 skill?
hows the fucking story this bad I did all the giants shit and I still dont know what the fuck it was about i was just speedreading basically skipping fucking hell what a FLOP
>fucked up lighting
>most of tural does not have the object detail/density as shown in the preview (they promised)
>DT armor textures STILL on a ps3 blocky pixel level (they promised)
>VAs sound like they're half asleep
>sound volumes all fucked and mixing all wrong

Shit is extremely rushed
end of thread reminder to watch out for the buduga bros!!
don't get baDOOG'd
they're just buhdoogin all over the place out there!!!!
Haven't touched SAM yet. Is it still the same at 90? Or has it been changed like NIN and PLD
I swapped to the japanese dub too, it's def better.
It just feels like a slog, after 30-45 minutes I want to shut the game off. It feels like nothing is going on. Even when the cat got kidnapped I just felt nothing, because I knew it would be another dumb fetch quest. I mean ffs you don't even get to fight the people who kidnapped her. They even nerfed the shit out of the follow someone/stealth missions.
So this is how FFXIV dies. Sad, really.
Game was rushed. Graphics update universally panned. The MSQ? Please. Let's stop pretending.
Woke virtue signaling, 1990's tier game mechanics, spaghetti code, Walmart servers that can't handle any traffic spike beyond "dead because no content in the last 3 years."
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So reaper doesn't get any new buttons, just upgrades to existing spells?
I appreciate the concern but I think I'll be fine.
As bad as the 6.x patches were, at least Zero's autism and retardation was sometimes funny, and her voice actress (an actual woman btw) did a good job with her lackluster material. And Zero actually gets some cool moments that feel deserved. Wuk Lamat is just a straight up Mary Sue.
>Mary sue
>comic relief bad at almost everything she does
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>if I heard a man perform Lamat's lines, I'd actually refund this game.
got the urge to start from 0 again just because they changed jobs so much
>gets spit on by an Alpaca
>gets scammed by merchants
>gets kidnapped by bandits
>her brothers kick her ass
>her dad says she ain't ready to rule
Do you even know what a Mary Sue is?
None of the jobs got any actual new buttons, is all upgrades
Oh! But you can also re-press your 2 minute buff for an ogcd attack now
>Wuk Lamat is just a straight up Mary Sue
No she's not bro lmao
He does know. Thats why he said that. He is playing in JP where its a woman voicing her.
She's Naruto
they didn't change anything lil bro
Yes she is a Mary Sue
this femlala is suppressing her hunger feeling with pepsi maxx
And those new spells for some reason are ugly crystals
shes not a mary sue shes a poochie. like alisaie.
I don't get this comparison. Naruto is actually likeable.
Wukong LaMutt is Mary Sue. Or rather, Marty Stu, the male version, because trans isn't a "thing."
Game is broken. Playerbase leaving in droves. Subscriptions running out. Graphics are rancid. Soken remain a hack. Where did it all go wrong?
She doesn't have the Mary Sue competency, but she has the trait of having almost everyone falling in love with her
She is def a shonen character, where you wonder why she isn't in assisted living. Like you have to wonder if you put her on the throne, how fucked is that kingdom going to be? The 2nd brother seems like the obvious choice.
Nah. Her only real allies are the old people because they want peace more than everything, (you) and your gang, her catboi brother and her dad kinda.

Most people you come across don't acknowledge her at all or consider her too weak/incompetent.
you actually sat through the dogshit dub for everything before this?
tvtropes-ass discussion
this nigga hasn't even done the MSQ
>Like you have to wonder if you put her on the throne, how fucked is that kingdom going to be?
Exceedingly fucked, which I found funny and my main driver to continue helping Wuk
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honestly cute without the mods too
verification not required
trannoids call this variation a "failwife" I think

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