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Femras running around on day 2 Edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483940581
yeah, its over
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Femlala EB for my Malera
>already see gather trannies shitting up my new world

Great cant wait to get jewed in the hundred thousand tables by you faggots.
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have you cleared syrcus tower (hard) yet?
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In all complete seriousness, what the fuck were they thinking with this design?
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I am enjoying the MSQ. Furthermore I think most of the posts complaining about it are just like one or two people shitposting and/or Barry.
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I give cougar vibes now. It's not fair. I want to be young again
I just don't understand who the story is written for. Beach story arc is fine, but beach story expansion?
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No more brother wars. Crossover event when?
kraken... max height.... fembun..... eb......
my fiddie already got knocked up by a tural hroth..
You wish you gave off cougar vibes. Then men might actually desire you.
Honestly it might do everyone some good to go back to a Stormblood tier story.
With the amount of people calling the Endwalker msq trash we needed some humbling.
>scour my blacklist completely clean
>add exactly two characters to it
>log out
>wait for Lodestone update
>zero characters in my blacklist
>but three service accounts
>not zoral jool chad or lupin

What do the Japanese actually think of Wuk Lamat?
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Look how they massacred our girl :(
I'll end you.
I just don't get why they sidelined our catboy just for a different catboy
What does it show exactly for that?
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>queues already gone
did they actually improves the servers or are we witnessing Floptrail?
Barry won
viera sisters
how are we doing without helmets
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fiddies being hypnotized by giant tural serpents and vored...
Is it okay for someone like me who is shy by habit to try to become more assertive? How do I do it without coming off as loud and annoying instead? Do other people appreciate being approached more? Am I in over my head to think that I can become assertive?
why did you post this in both threads shitskin?
>Honestly it might do everyone some good to get cancer. With the amount of people calling pneumonia bad we needed some humbling.
right looks a LOT better anon
Queues have been clean for like the past 12 hours
Disconnected earlier and I was able to hop right back in
And I'm on Balmung
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biggrin ruined
lips ruined
it could be worse but i had higher hopes after the benchmark cc
How is the cunny in DT? Are there any sexy little girls?
>61% score on steam
you tell me
h'ana was never "our girl"
he was close to being the least bad alternative in a gender/race combo that's mid at best and mostly shits up the thread
that rancid hair just proves he has the awful aesthetic taste of a grown-ass man
You're not gonna fucking believe this.
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come on bro
literally everything releases as mixed on steam theses days
Before this xpack I never felt the need to use jp voices.
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I don't think no one has found out yet if this is supposed to include alt character names, like we believed
? it does
No extra aesthetician hairs for hrothgal?
{ Stop! }
I really wish the riot MMO actually released and murdered this piece of shit game
This is pretty much a Shadowbringers tier MSQ, as in it only gets good at the end
Yeah, that's plenty okay if you're doing it to improve yourself, you just have to practice and find the sweet spot of pushy, but not overbearing and obnoxious. You're not in over your head buddy. Good luck
The latter but slurpers will tell you otherwise.
Several of my friends that usually come back for an expansion release are still MIA. There's just nothing about Dawntrail to draw people back in.
why are the dalamud devs such prissy bitches that are incapable of telling people that brick their own game to fuck off, genuinely what is the point of requiring a beta key to enable staging
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Help me choose tattoo color, i can't seem to get it right
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>activates your neurons
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what vibes do I give off?
ShB was kino almost the whole way
totally wrong post outside the last sentence
Not overbearing and obnoxious, got it. I will try and see what works. Thanks!
And in game does it just show the original character names you blacklisted them as?
Cringe, fuck off.
"started transitioning too late in life to fully pass" vibes
already did the last trial so my opinion is more valid than yours

more like a Heavensward tier MSQ, as in people keep telling me it's kino and just wait for the big twist but it's shit the whole way through
There's an entire race of cunny.
SHB has a strong start -after that a whole lot of nothing especially during the trolly arc -at the end it reaches kino

DT meanwhile is a curve - it starts slow and weak - gets slightly better over time - and the final is easily the best part
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Substitute teacher
Well... It did yesterday, now I can't log back in and check if it shows additional information
But I believe yes, it will only ever show the characters I blacklisted and no more
speak for yourself lol
you thought you'd be able to blacklist someone and spy on all their alts?
Just make light jokes and use more emotes (physical and text)
>play SHB
>go to desert first
that xpack didn't fuck around, this one is do fetch quest, have another fetch quest, go talk to someone, talk to another person, go pick that up, talk to that person
You never will. Chose a different colour.
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Maybe this?
>two new jobs
>still only 20 glam plates
How the fuck wasn't this adjusted beforehand?
Hmm anything in mind? i'm shit at choosing colors obviously
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I want to play as baby mamool ja
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Blowjob lips
did you try any of the first row colours?
I'm playing for like 3 4 months now
It's funny how the game appears so good and pure when you come from literal skiinnerbox games that do not respect your time
but the more I play the more I see that SE are incompetent littleworms and le yoshiman crying and being based is just a facade
I love the game but lets be real
still love h'ana
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Ehh they look a bit too odd maybe it's just the hair color?
such a lazy design, neat hat, oh wait it's just a child, with the same retarded animations that children have like the awkard wave arms above head one that we see every single time there is a holiday event
Cunnychads won
i dont like how glossy lips are now
where's Italian????
The fuck are you talking about? Right before tesleen got bukkake'd you were tasked to escort her, check on the "sick" people and fetch a peach from the camp.

The game quest design has been the same bullshit for the past 10 years.
I would unironically probably be having more fun ERPing than slopping through this MSQ
only white people get va
Well that quest was over in a jiffy
voices and sound effects are SUPER quiet now
while music remains mostly the same
it's funny how the MSQ being bad (a.k.a the singleplayer portion of the MMO) is pissing off so many people. You'd think people played this for the MMO aspects
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What an unusually good job story
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The truth is that nobody likes the MSQ period. You just forgot how much you hated it after 2 years.
in a good way or a bad way?
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finding a secluded area to engage in combat with a turali morbol
being hypnotized by the lewd squish-shlick sound as the turali morbol moves my way
letting the turali morbol hit bad breath
watching helplessly as the turali morbol's status effects remove my ability to fight back
being picked up by the turali morbol and
irrelevant country, why not green when we are at it ?
is it? is it funny how the only new content we got at the start of a new content cycle matters to people right now? that's so funny. haha

The patch notes said something very ambiguous about that, lemme check it
>Blacklisted characters and all characters tied to their service account will also be subject to the Lodestone blocked users list.
It could be easily interpreted as having a list of thsoe characters appearing on the Lodestone
alcoholic aunt in her late 30s thats still in the closet
this aint a pizza parlor get the fuck outta here
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So /xivg/, which expansion did the game peak at?
Which expansion did it crater at?
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idk why people are so assmad about the story, it's pretty simple but cozy, the trials and dungeons are also way better than endwalkers already.
My favorite expansion
Your favorite expansion.
Are japs on the official forums complaining about Sound mixing?
Everything besides Music is fucking quiet no matter the preset i use
When does the MSQ get good
Story and lore and style wise, not gameplay
arguably gameplay for many people
yea but when it takes 10 hours of slop to get to the cool dungeon (just the first one even) it's kinda hard to not be assmad
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Graphics update is poggie woggies my dudes.
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O you don't have the right,
O you don't have the right.
Where do I go to exchange my white scripes for purple?
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looking good big king
yeah dude if i never advanced past a 3rd grade reading level i could "easily interpret" lots of things too
It had a lot of new players coming in as well that weren't WoW faggots thinking they invented every single thing and making comparisons 24/7.
It also got Bozja and Zadnor, which was fun. And more and more people went back to also do Eureka. It was a nice time.
We also didn't have the retarded streamers like Asmongold who are forced to act a character for his perfect 100 iq community.
>bleed build
you didn't beat the game
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>b-but the tranny job was bad
don't care
the dungeons aren't terrible, and the bosses CAN kill you, for once. You'd just have to be a first time player and have zero reaction or have not seen mechanics enough to guess.
Thank you *squint eyes* normal sized king
My build is Faith+Str thank you very much. God I love the sunflower hammer
Everyone that I know that started in ShB is insufferable and has the worst takes imaginable about the game.
don't you have a bunboi eb to be your miquella
Don't be combative for no reason. Explain to me how "all characters will be subject to a list" should not be interpreted as... All characters being on a list.
this sounds retarded as fuck.
Procs = Fun actually
>fights are fun
>classes are fun
>story sucks ass
welcome back stormblood
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>enter Tuliyollal with BGM on during the day
Thank god I started in Stormblood and my takes are amazing.
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Use the same orange as the eyes
>>classes are fun
this is probably gonna be the case, depending on what thancred and urianger get up to.
I thought sch was the healer job for trannies?
jobs are almost the exact same as in ew tho
If you started late SB you're also included.
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Are those roes npc and where I can find them?
i"m early today, hope the horny Lyse poster will be lewd today lads...
Good because I liked them in EW and I'm glad they didn't change much (I'm still not used to DRG just being able to Nastrond whenever it wants now though it feels weird)
NTA but i will.
1. the new blacklist measures are intended as an anti-stalking tool (as indicated by a high-profile JP case).
2. it was clearly stated that the in-game blacklist would only show the one (1) character you blacklisted, even if the entire account's characters would be affected by it.
3. so, following from 2, they were clearly trying NOT to expose entire character lists via the in-game blacklisting of 1 character.
okay, take those three facts together.
what possible reason other than grand incompetence would you expect to be able to get an entire list of an account's characters off the lodestone just by blacklisting 1 character in-game?
either SE would have to be colossal morons, or you would, for believing that.
people say this but when i played the game again on str it was unbelievably free to the point where i didnt really have to interact with anything because i flattened it all or sent it flying into the sky with giant hunt lol

idk bro i feel like stormblood had just enough nuance to make it fun and i feel like dt doesn't
we'll see when level 100 is unleashed
I don't want to be brainwashed, bro. Also we kinda broke up irl months ago
*heal you from afar* I wonder if the spell work on revenant
people thinking str was ever bad in elden ring was incredibly hilarious, same people would somehow say the same thing about str in dark souls 1
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>fights are fun
>jobs are fun
It really does look better, anon
Nastrond and Stardiver kinda feel weaker now cause you don't have to build up to em. Less cool even.
>str was ever bad in elden ring
Only the inbred who can't brute force his way thru a fight by jump heavy attack would say that
I'm doing the stormblood msq, level 66 atm
when does it get good?
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I want to plap Wuk so bad, bros
No one plays this for mmo
What are the hardest classes to play right now? I wanted to try Monk but then I read they dumbed it down in Dawntrail.
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I used to sit at the councils of empires, battling gods and terrible beasts, I've spoken with acclaimed scientists and craftsmen and now I must entertain the company of fools and frauds while doing their petty errands.
unironically at level 70 onwards
xiv is literally a single player game
>24 hours into the game
>VPR or PCT in mid-90s, approaching 100
>non-VPR or PCT at level 100
sorry, a week from now nobody will remember your "feat" favorably
the only people who will remember that you did this are autists like me who make shitlists full of mazed, poopsocking losers, to be griefed and shitposted for an entire expansion because you've made the mistake of signaling that your self-worth is invested in a chinese anime video game
i cant decide to level picto or viper for msq :c
Okay, but what about the wording I cited?
I mean all your arguments are sound, but why word it like that then?
My guess now is that it's an "internal" list for the purpose of blocking alts without showing you you blocked alts, but I just feel like it could be worded a lot better
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cool zone
You also ran a dungeon for cheese.
why do so many of you make it sound like shadowbringers was the only time the game was good
be honest, you got a half chub after reading that
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Have you conquered a moonie in Tural yet?
they didnt dumb it down, they dumbed it up, if that makes any sense. It's still as stupid as it was but now you got more things to be stupid with
YoshiP is Todd Howard of Japan
man I love moonies with alien skin so much holy SHIT
do you like sunnies?
Only retards and faggots like things. If you're not shitting on everything you're not human
im pretty sure shb was when like 75% of this general started playing at this point
even stormbabs feel ancient now
why is erenville even here with us
all they said was that all characters in the account will be "subject to" a list, not that they would be listed explicitly for you. that list just operates on the backend.
SE engrish is a valid meme but i really don't think there's any ambiguity about whether they would be serving up a list of an entire account's characters when you consider the reason for the blacklist changes in the first place.
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thoughts? tatt yes no? voice 9 btw
sex with thancred
idk he's literally done nothing
do it bro, she needs it
But I thought Monk used to be one of the most difficult classes to play. How was it stupid before?
it feels like people always say str is bad when it's always really fucking good
jump attacks in elden ring just make it 10x better, i fried the fuck out of mohg whilst underlvled because i powerstanced omenkillers and mashed on him lol. even tanked nihil and he didnt even get an attack off in the 2nd phase

yeah i was genuinely surprised how i could straight up just mash through everything and kill them before i died, i thought there'd at least be something to it. i will say rellana is giving me a bit of trouble on this 2nd run but i'm also doing it on 2 skadoosh levels so maybe i'm just being an idiot
giant hunt + zweihander is beyond fucking retarded, each hit in the base game was doing the same amount of damage as a bleed proc

hard to say rn since people dont have a feel for level 100 classes yet

he's cool but i'm not sold on the tat, maybe make it a bit darker if you really want it?
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i make both "DT bad its over" and "It's p fun so far" posts to see what bangs with (you)s and then use that persona for the rest of the thread
God, these things are so ugly
>im pretty sure shb was when like 75% of this general started playing at this point
unironically true
I went on a journey to check the ebins mounts and a lot dont even have the 2021 polar bear from the free event, and it was late after the asmon era
bunch of fucking sperms
Too much stuff on your face, try removing one or two things
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Hmmm not too sure bout that
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he gets far more things in the 2nd half apparently
spamming one button was a viable rotation in EW for Monk. You're prolly thinking of Ninja
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They needed to have a black in accordance with dei guidelines.
>giant hunt
I will need to try that for my next run
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Loneliness and isolation for way too long has shattered my mental stability to the point where even sexual satisfaction feels like a distant leaf that has fallen from my withered branch.....
I feel nothing, want nothing, am nothing.......
I don't even know why I bother with this boring uneventful slog of a story in the first place, nothing matters and there are no stakes, I don't want to be here......
Femlalas, step aside. Pelupelu cunny is on the menu now.
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some sunnies

bloonies have a natural complexion. please do nyot be mean
Are those tits unmodded?
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where's the "I've skipped every single skippable one so far" option
sorry bro, all pelupelu cunny belongs to femlalas
>People are just talking about Elden Ring in the ffxiv general
It's really over
Fair, fair.
I don't need to stalk alts after all, I mean it would have been fun but in the end I blacklisted people to not interact with them, so that their alts aren't able to is enough.
did they fix syrcus tower yet
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darker tat
removed stuff
So what's the final veredict on the MSQ, does it pick up the pace later?
>unvoiced cutscene
simple as
what else are ebins going to do while avatarfagging instead of playing the game?
>skipping corn kino
>skipping role quest kino
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It's not that DT is bad, it's just that Elden Ring is really fucking good.
>some sunnies
curious question, what do you like?
it's from the lodestone Anon kun..
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My femezen is a machine to turn lalaboys into lalamen
Idk, I don't have it in me to finish the stupid vanumanu shit and their festival.
thiat one looks cool i think
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damn Japanese Minfilla gives off a completely different vibe.
Love the Hanu, they carry the colors of the lgbt in them.
why couldn't they just give us the option to keep the old graphics
this doesn't even feel like the character i made anymore
so far
>Ship intro sequence 7/10
>Arrival + introductions quests 5/10
>Duck capitalism quest 7/10
>Big Bird Festival quest 6/10
>river jungle dungeon 8/10
>Potcrafter quests 4/10
Hey guys how's it go-oh hold on one sec
*grabs the nearest femlala and snaps her open at the middle on my knee and sucks her insides out until she's a shriveled husk*
How's it going?
I can't believe it, a roe that doesnt look silly....
if only you had an entire general for it
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2024... I am replaced...
List of all the facewear?
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This thread will turn into a MH general when Wilds releases
what the fuck
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Hey now, those existed before
true, it's called /xivg/
i thought this cat was """"sapphic"""
I like the rorscharch test tattoo. do you see it as a 2 headed eagle or as a butterfly or as a fairy sticking its legs out
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nyon mean ones.
I only do gay sex yeah

roe glow up is insane with the new graphics
That break in the potcrafter quests to fight gulool jaja was 10/10
so, ones that don't spam quick chat angrily in ranked
like certain moonies do
its obviously a uterus
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well more like a paladin tat honestly
Who is this golden order Roe? is this a fanta?
>Have to set scaling to FSR and resolution scaling to 99 to fix the shadows
How did they fuck this up
[6:06]The compass does not detect any nearby currents.
>I only do gay sex
>a grown man playing a catgirl with a bolted on penis
yeah there's something gay about your transgender self-insert but it's not the hot lesbian action you think it is
you're one of the good ones
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It's not hard to play the objective

besides, CC is shit was before and is now

only got a few days left to your month, find new ways to cope
Please don't be racist toward Male Roegadyn
what was your old race?
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its a lil gay guy with a ribbon bro
Another day of me not understanding why elden ring is so popular
I played it as my first "souls" game, I mean it's alright and I have to admit it feels good killing a boss after wiping for an entire hour but that's it
you must be cool at parties
around level ~97
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Crazy how giving WHM a dash made it much more fun for me, I think I'm really just a massive retard
big fucking bird
>I only do gay sex yeah
as in you only fuck fem chars as one yourself, but does it involves penises, from your end or your partner?
Moonies never lose. They can't be conquered
>what was your old race?
wanted to play a man for a bit
How do we feel about Freckles and the subtle face tatoo?
She looks like she fucks beastkin
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usually from my end but both ends are fine too
gosh you sound like a "nyon mean one" yourself! so level-headed and not full of testosterone at all!
big spoiler don't open
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i am sad https://files.catbox.moe/rzna1i.png
>They can't be conquered
if I had time and energy I would create an american alt and seduce you with my French rizz
I CAN conquer you and I will, one day
Your vanilla moonie is very cute btw
Nuh uh! She doesn't know what sex is!
this was obvious from the literal first time we met them
>next-level self-awareness
Misread that as Stacy lmao
First half of dawntrail is boring as all fuck
Story was so predictable and generic until xak tel then its alright

Basically DT is Stormblood all over again.
That just means she's easy to trick into doing it
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>Just saved the universe in EW
>Now I'm going around babysitting some autism femhroth and have to watch her catch a Alpaca
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Ive seen you get conquered.
>logged in yesterday, zones were busy, people were having fun in shout chat, people were doing fates together
>logged in today, everything is empty, I do every fate solo or with 1 other person, haven't seen a chat message in hours
Living game, so healthy.
Good luck, enjoy being a maleroe
XIVbros.... why is our general going slower than the fucking elden ring one? I thought we are the most played mmo....
some parts of the msq so far (only level 95) feel like an an attempt at an apology and a re-do of stormblood.
im enjoying it though
Stormblood was predictable and generic in the latter half too
thats probably the most understandable part of the story why are you complaining about that specifically im going to grab you by your throat and spit in your mouth and then slap you and then push you down and the
you and me both....
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Does it get better?
why does it feel like my game is running at 60hz? is it the upscaling shit?
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at least I got testosterone, tranny

did you really think that was an insult?
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it's day one of the release, people are playing it for once.
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t-thank u
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bwos why was the picto story so good
it unironically does around the time you get the first achievement for doing the MSQ, 93 or so
How do I get my aether currents tracker?
You sound like you wish you were Emet instead of the adventure-loving easy going hero that the WoL actually is.
haglalas look so much cuter now
Insane cope
I enjoyed dungeon 3
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I dunno about that... I think it would be hard to trick someone who believes in the stork in her late 20s..
Anyways do the freckles and the cheek marks look good?
What font does the game use in yes/no confirmation windows?
Yeah they're nice
what game is this???
the pictomancer finale made me cry desu
they give it to you in heavensward you cant miss it. open your inventory and go to your key items
>LARPs as a bloonie catgirl
>can't go 2 posts or 1 cc game without melting down into a rage
all males have testosterone
adult men learn to control their shitfits
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>narcissist card shows up at the start of dungeons now
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it's in "Collection" in the duty tab these days
wtf, is this real???
>sound overall is way too quiet

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How's picto compared to other casters?
do... do you mean the portraits? It's been like that since they came out, anon.
trannies somehow keep ruining everything
guess im going back to tenhou
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go in your collections retard
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i cant decide if I stay poopnose or take the Face 1/3 pill
what do you guys think
Well that sums it up
$49.99 plus cover charge for early access please
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Am i the only one who hates what they did to Krile? She only speaks when it's about Galuf/Golden City. Outside of that she's completely irrelevant.
I don't remember them playing through Shadowbringers, perhaps my memory is just failing me after being away for awhile.
Is it more like BM or is it more like SMN?
already got the 6th keystone, so far the "rivalry" between the scions is an absolute joke. does it heat up?
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I am
a moonie
That thinks Tuliyollal is the best city in the game and its not even close
Are people at the city though?
That's because they were added in Endwalker anon.
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you are
a moonie
with shit taste
Moreso than without do you think?
like the shitfit bringing it up every thread? You seem a bit out of control yourself, perhaps its the meds you are taking, or lack thereof.
can you read?
bakool ja ja's EN performance is actually pretty good desu
someone choose my next lala haircut for dawntrail
too bad Erenville killed the EN dub for me this expansion
can you google?
Show your manly might and slay it
Can someone check the next weather (8 AM ET and on) in Urqopacha and Kozama'uka?
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>wuk lamat is hilariously incompetent
>a long, looong stretch of wuk lamat being a loser that never improves at anything
>all of a sudden wuk lamat is a great fighter and a competent leader
did I miss an entire fucking time skip here?
I mean I guess that was kinda like climbing the Iifa Tree and fighting Trance Kuja?
I think it'd be best with just the freckles, but between both or neither I'd pick both
hiding in a secluded spot in Tuliyollal and cumming on this moonies face after a rough blowjob
did you forget what dynamis is? the universe operates on the principle that the more autistic you are, the more potential you have during an emotional outburst.
I love gay shit
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what do the role quests unlock? do you have to do one of them for msq progression?
its retarded on the zwei
probably on the guts ugs too

yeah i'm liking this bro this is the move. i think that face is generally a no-brainer on maleroe, it's probably the best one

face 4 is really good bro .. stay face 4
Asking again but with a more frustrated tone.
Your money should be standing next to my Malezen
>usually from my end
you are a top then...~
what in the everloving fuck is wrong with whoever wrote viper's tooltips? i can't make heads or tails of this shit
Be honest /xivg/, how many of you have gotten HROTH'd already?
They gave her a dose of the Y'shtola juice.
>6.X patches.
>We finally find a big lead on the shard voyage adventure.
>Y'shtola steps up to lead the storyline- aaaaaand we found Zero, now Y'shtola will never get any screentime whatsoever except for when literally no one else can find a solution to the plot.

>We finally find a big lead on Galuf.
>It's Krile's time to finally step up and lead the storyline she's been waiting for several expansions for- aaaaaand we met Wuk Lamat and Erenville and now Krile gets no screentime and no relevance unless there's literally no one else who can find a solution to the plot.

With the added fun that both times the twins have been more present than the Scion that was supposed to be getting focus as well, even though it had fucking nothing to do with them.
that p2w bike is fast as fuck holy shit
>japs write fun character
>gets ruined by terrible tranny va
good job kate you fucking whore
i will put your name in my death note
99.9% of the time
switch to japanese if you want the genki japanese girl
ayo? she looking kinda good now
>switch to japanese
eat shit
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Viper is actually easy though.
your loss
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join me on alpha, light
why are you posting kira, she's a literal drunk whore now
it plays like dnc, in that you press whatever lights up (as far as I can tell) but the tooltips are totally schizophrenic
I like wuk lamat
Kinda want to be findom'd by a Pelupelu tbqh
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I am... doing msq....
Red Sands time.
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Kira is cute drunk whore. I like how she destroyed her idol group.

You also have rear/flank spots to hit don't forget those.
i think leviah should post more
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my issue is every time i look at face 4 i cant stop staring at the nose...
be honest with me...how bad is it?
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Post em
Is adding an extra retainer not working at the moment?
Mika destroyed Kamiyado, or whatever reason that led to her quitting destroyed it. Kira was just a whore on the side trying to fuck youtube ikemen.
I can't even find the fucking thing
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It's fucking over. It's midday on a Saturday in EU and nobody is playing.
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I wasn't man enough...
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Really only works for that roe face and roes i feel

that's me anon >>483955524
im playing around with colors
The real crime is all the recycled music during quests and a total lack of VA work, incredibly fucking lazy by SE
last option on the "social" button on your circle menu in the bottom right
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I caught feral femra.
>Spineshatter Dive and Dragon Sight removed
>Mirage Dive no longer needed for Life of the Dragon
>New movement ability to replace what was lost with spineshatter
>new 5th combo (functionally same thing)
>Nastrond can now be used in rapid succession during burst window
>all 4 new skills past level 90 just transform existing skills as you use them, nothing new to place on hotbars
DRG anons how are we feeling?
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Kira was the reason Mika left and the music genre changed.
static, raid, club, jew, feet, irl, casino
Show me your viper hotbars
surprised I haven't seen anyone filtering "piss chat" yet
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just queued for a bunch of ew raids if you're doing raid roulettes on primal
I mean yes and nyo since we're all doing the MSQ, solution nine will be the kind of city that people go to
piss chat is based fuck you
For what purpose?
ewww nevermind
;_; bro i know...
>get free fanta
>but no name change
piss chat is peak reddit
for fun why else
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did it yesterday and i made sure to make it yell only
i hate you
Beastmaster doko? Or is that in a later patch?
meowdy pardner how are you doing
Now go and talk to the femroe.
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last area
>can talk about piss with your friends without seeing the piss chat
>gooning filtered
it's so fucking over for me bros
What shaders is everyone using in DT?
Is viper popularity ever going to go down or am I cucked to never play it because it's going to forever now be the most popular job in the game
Ima tire tbqh
Fat Cat Fact #211

You might think the Viper’s slither skill was based off something serpentine but it was actually based off a Fat Cat’s dash for food. This can be seen in the way that it can target both party members (who have food to share) and enemies (who are food)
You should eat some popcorn
What's the difference between trust and duty support? Seems like they perform the same function.
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do you like femras???
Kill yourself retard
yeah we like femras
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Is there any truth to this, or is this your headcannon? I stopped paying attention to them after Mika left, and didn't even graduate. Especially after they made such a big deal about Naho amicably graduating.
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alright, I've just about had it
huh? what for?
>Duty support
You're doing the MSQ and play with the npcs for story reasons/because no one was queuing.
You already finished the MSQ, you replay the dungeons with npcs to level them up because when they reach max level you get some reward.
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rude, whats wrong with her
You're so much prettier!
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It's the truth my guy. Also you are posting Komaki the fake bitch who tried to quit 3x and couldn't do it right lol
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well i hope they do aswell
Fellas can I buy DT now and play with my friends or do I have to wait until the next few days for Regular Access to launch
I enjoy the slower paced MSQ and I’m excited to do more of it today. Maybe get to the first trial finally
yeah they are hot and make good sluts, especially if they like barbs ;)
Final Fantasy XIV?
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let them be
>be me
>can't play the MSQ more than 2-3 hours every day
>by the time I'm able to play EX1 and EX2 the absolute dregs left will make it a hellish experience
To see what she has to say about your measurements.
I rather take idol talk than futa talk
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Fastest way to get Viper MSQ ready? Do i Just spam bozja?
nap time nap time
>dont feel a need to rush msq
what a liberating feeling
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Komaki was a proud cheki thot that acknowledged and took pride in it.
It's always going to be a popular job because it appeals to the room-temperature IQ people who like dual wielding but get filtered when it has any specific flavour to it (like NIN and it's hyokushinbutsukami YOOOO *do-don* nippon theming).

That said, it's the fucking second day of early access anon. DNC was popular for weeks at launch. RPR was popular for weeks at launch. SAM and RDM were popular for weeks at launch. GNB and SGE dominated their respective queues for weeks at launch. Give it time.
Seems like they could have just merged those two.
Every roulette if you can get a healer buddy to ferry you through them, then Bozja.
cheating on bahamut... no...
how do you like the new face
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up top gamer
I don't wanna filter gay because i don't wanna miss my friend saying "that's fucking gay" like the maniac sometimes drops in say chat of all places
Are role quests back?
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It's a fucking lalafell
It just blocks the word by default.

You can change a setting to block a whole message if it includes said word though
Damn, I feel bad for Bakool
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how do you get here
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i like it, bit more asian
man what the fuck are those two talking about
Is it okay to lewd Pelupelu or is it pedo?
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saars help me...
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>full whore
>literally sold out because she wasn't making enough cheki money
lol, lmao even at least Kira didn't fake quit three times.
Good call, definitely switching to that second option.
With what?
thought that was mod ash for a sec lol
God DAMN Shale is cute. Femezen EB like that?
>posting ugly Asian bitches in final fantasy xiv general
Why are parasocial weebs like this
i sipped the complimentary fanta and can't pick eye colour (the most important thing)
If you have to ask, it's probably pedo.
>Remember that we once lived
>erenvilles whole stupid story arc

have they said when the apology live letter will be yet?
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this is not thancred
more like what's wrong with you, tranner
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zoraal ja got aura got damn
>excited to eventually farm the first extreme for the cool mount
>die 5 times in normal
does tina still post here
i feel like it's some intern's college project to work for square enix and get his women/gender studies degree
Get one of your simps to carry your corpse through it. You have those, don't you?
did they really think people wanted lyse 2.0
The racists here are gonna HATE this.
your posts have gotten worse since you pretended you were going to kill yourself
rofl theres a whole ass graphical update and this modbeast tranny has to post old screenshots hahahahahhahaahhahahhahaahahhahhahahahaah
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>Remember... Remember us...
>Remember... that we once lived.
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She carried nanaland on her back for its entire existence. They had zero good songs ever, and a revolving door of busus. She would have been way bigger if Kan gave a fuck about them instead of trying to fuck Chiai.
huh, how do I stay talking in /tell with someone, pressing enter with an empty chat doesn't work anymore
You don't until you can fly, it's just a bit of flat land, techincally you can explore the underside by approaching from the lower level since there's a cavernous area there but you can't explore topside.
how do i find friends here that aren't avatarfags
We love femra here.
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register to mute liste

wop wop
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*steps on your tacos*
heh nothing personnel kid
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type "/tell firstname lastname@world" and then push enter.
Join or make PFs probably
hot fiddies
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Anyone here playing Femhroth? How are you liking it?
So, femlalas. How're we doing? I love the new update.
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Okay now you are arguing in bad faith because Mai was their only good singer but she quit 1month into the group lol
No i want more hairstyles
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Good to see you!
Geez, Chaos/Light regional posters are up early on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Simps are always looking out for themselves. The second the mount drops, they'll kick me from the party
Player numbers are slightly lower, but that's expected since DT's story has less draw and we're no longer in the pandemic. Biggest change for queues though is that they fixed the problems with the login servers getting overloaded so people don't feel the need to stay logged in for 16 hours straight.
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Man the top half of this one looks good, ruined by 2b shit on the bottom though.
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Of course you're the Mai poster. How's her shitty group doing? She should have teamed up with Nadeshiko, but Nadeshiko didn't want to have anything to do with that loser's failures.
What do you think, Dr. Disrespect?
The main plot is legitimately awful in every way. The dungeons are better than EW and ShBs opening dungeons were though.
>this bitch can't be trusted with a basket of wool and your job is to install her as the leader of a continent-spanning empire
man, WoL must really fucking hates beast tribes to stick with Wuk
But if I wordfilter I can't expand the faggotry image I'm working on.
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nyo... I've been sullied...
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>Mai poster
I never post Mai that was my first time but my point still stands she was the only good singer in the group when you said there wasn't one.
that's a weird viera
>The main plot is legitimately awful in every way.
I like it.
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>can't wear the fucking hat
another mierda loss
nice, you're the only good poster here
The only thing I filtered was twitch.tv
>gil bots already adjusted to the filter
>”We want a slower paced MSQ with some new characters to care about”
>SE gives us just that

The MCU and Game of Thrones has done insane amounts of damage to how people watch and consume media
not giving you views
i switched to femhroth but for some reason there's a weird buldge under my character's skirt...
>valid criticisms of msq with full reasoning laid out
>"no i like it" with no reasons given
I want that, but I want good characters to care about, not tranny retard shit cat, and the worst scions along for the ride.
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maliddie and incelezen stocks in freefall
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I agree with your position but this shit started back in the harry potter days
does this filter work on names too?
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It's good to see you too! :D
Are you progressing through DT atm?
It was actually a disguise! Woof :3
I don't think that's true but thank you <3
>valid criticisms
is "boring" a valid criticism now?
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i-it's j-j-just the wowfags and heckin 4chan trollerinos who hate dawntrail!!
Screaming about a trans voice actor because you hate trans people isn’t valid criticism
>one (1) retard with a trans flag profile pic has a shitty opinion
>"what they said is gospel even though it goes against the majority of feedback!"
They arent wrong to be honest
luk wumat says NO to race mixing
we know anon
expansion is rushed
msq is shite
sound mixing is shite
new jobs are barebones
This is correct

My skin looks so oily, black hair color has agreen tint to it now
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Based Ally
>>”We want a slower paced MSQ with some new characters to care about”
Who said this
This game has millions of players and they don't agree on everything. The community was never a monolith. The people enjoying the msq are out doing it. The people who aren't, complain.
Now having said that, I don't think it's even possible for this game to give people the kind of slow character-driven narrative they (claim to) want. Presentation is just too poor. It'd be boring as shit and lose so many people. Then they have this need to pad everything with fetch quests that put folks to sleep.

Ughhh idk where I'm going with this. tldr the people who asked for it and are happy with it are busy doing it. You're hearing from the people who probably didn't want it, or maybe they wanted it but not in this specific way idk. Every expac people say this like they're clever or something, it's so weird to me. "You guys asked for this!" like someone took a vote and the majority wanted it, or like "you guys" wasn't just some noisy dude on the forums that the devs barely even read lol.
of course it is, trannies should exist.
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Sorry that was me
Now tweet about how the direction and voice acting is poor
And see how many trans will curse you out
Im waiting
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>overwhelmingly positive
>needs to point out hes most DEFINITELY a woman
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So far, which jobs won and lost?
>Wuk beats the shit out of Bakool
>despite getting stomped one day before
did she have a cold or something?
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>CC matches are either top 100 players fucking around and chewing up fresh meat PCT/VPR or drooling retards who refuse to touch the oasis
Oh boy.
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>The characters look so old now..
COWARDS this is a good thing
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I wanted them to reveal a new ancient alien threat that was actually in touch with the real god pulling the strings all along and the god is protected by sephiroth juiced up on jenova particles
BLM lost
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>overwhelmingly positive
>even normoids are shitting on the performance
>which jobs won
cumbottles guy, even if I dislike the graphics
blm chuds, sam
Queue vanguard @Light I want to finish this dogshit expansion
She turned Super Saiyan 2
I hope Jenova is gonna be just as hot as she was in FF7 Remake and Rebirth.
>jar jar binks is the mc and your character is inconsequential
fucking incredible but yeah he nailed it
there's a scene at the beginning of it all where wuk's on the front of the ship looking out, and your guy is just watching her from the background like a butler. maybe it would be alright if we even knew/liked wuk, but come on man. she basically comes out of nowhere, recommended by erenville, and not even he seems to like her.
RPR literally got nothing except for maybe one more button press, how did they win?
Nothing Wuk Lamar does is earned or paid for in cashed in legitimate story cred. She is an awful character in a scenario that doesn't make sense at all. The whole plot feels like a beast tribes quests where I'm just sorta there and then nonsensical stuff happens to spice it up.
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cozy skybox
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Every youtube brained normalfag thinks they're a critic these days. Like, fuck, I'm not saying it's great or anything, but you can just switch to JP acting and enjoy running around the pretty zones and immediately find yourself less miserable. It's so easy
>can kill most beings in existence with a single swing
>feared by every continent on the planet

>latest MSQ: go pick up bird shit lol
Saw this hag in the wild
SPOILER: The last quest in the expansion is called "Dawntrail"
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It's like someone attached a lightbulb to the cameras

They fucked up the lighting too much
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Doesn't /r work?
im the top 30 player fucking around on vpr personally
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what the FDSUCK
>still nothing but filler
what in the actual fuck is going on
another expac, another day of me wanting to rape alphino
>overwhelmingly positive
in 20 years or whatever, they're gonna call this era the time of delusion or something. like, people basically imagine fake realities for themselves and then just vibe with it and an algorithm sorts them into groups that also only agree with their fiction
it's so fucking crazy to me how the va can say that and probably believe it because he's just surrounded by positive feedback and doesn't have to see all the people rightfully stating that wuk's english voice sounds flat during moments that should be emotional. god help you if you say this shit out loud too. I don't care about what gender the va subscribes to or whatever the fuck, I just didn't like the voicing and think they should've gotten a biological woman to voice a fucking woman
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>Are you progressing through DT atm?
Yep I think last time I was in these threads I was in Post-ARR? Maybe Heavensward. I figured "why spend time reading 4chan posts when I can read more of FF14's MSQ?" so I stopped using 4chan for a month and just plowed through the game. Not just MSQ, I did the raids, dungeons and trials too.
I got caught up with everything a couple of days before Dawntrail, pretty proud of my progress honestly. There's people in my FC who've been playing for years that have not finished Endwalker, meanwhile I'm ahead of them after just 3 months of playing the game. Life is pretty good.
I'm not too far in Dawntrail, level 92 content. I don't see a reason to rush it, it's not like there's a new expansion coming out in 3 months kek
I hope you've been doing well these days, twin. I'm glad to see that you're still enjoying your time with the game. Your screenshots have certainly improved in quality!
First mmorpg?
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its over for black mages
by not losing
how does viper get started in the 3 GCDs before everyone does their raid buffs in their opener? since you cant get both the damage buff and the gcd speed buff
Port Restorarion Shaman to XIV
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>bored eyes and bags under them
>characters look so old now
My favorite kind of man.
You guys are giving me whiplash and I can't decide if it's fun or if I want to murder someone like that one Roe MNK who won't stop trying to play grab-ass with me.
You better eat my femlala's taco after you're done with the msq
or else
What's wrong about the premise of the golden city? The point is to find it as a trial not to prove its existence entirely.
what does restoration shaman do?
Seishun Complex comment
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Troonomancers lost the moment they began.
I dont recall troons on xitter malding over males not having an exposed midriff on Black Mage.
I could swear they told us Galuf was dead of old age at some point...

All I remember from Eureka is him and his dipshit friends fucking about with the primal.
Since you want to make it about trannies, let me ask one thing: WHY did square do this? Out of all the talent they have access to, WHY did they cast someone like this as one of the most important characters in the Dawntrail? Was it for the sweet Blackrock ESG money? It couldn't possibly be.... right??
the fact that this isn't a modded screenshot is
grafix looking sharp
ur shits all fucked.
You do you respond to this review without sounding mad?

How do you rate Dawntrail so far?
Holy fuck, this MSQ is BRUTAL. No wonder why people are calling it Yawntrail.
No you don’t understand Gulool Ja Ja said he made it to the golden city and saw it with his own eyes that means it’s bad. Gulool Ja Ja also said he only made it to the gate and wants the Claimant who will claim the throne to get rid of the seal he put on the gate. These motherfuckers that cry about this shit do not pay attention at all or read any text boxes
*blows a kiss into the thread*
Unironically skip all of the beast tribe shit at the start. All four segments of it. The story picks up after that pretty significantly.
Yiff in hell furfag
thank god those 3dpd retards finally shut up
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I'm making your balls explode with my mind
>I sincerely hope that can be used to show producers and casting directors that trans women can be more than just a "niche cast for weird stuff"
My guy, you're voicing an anthromorphized cat, niche weird stuff started here.
So it seems like 92 is the "unique" weapons tier for this expansion.

>DNC gets fans
>MCH gets a blunderbuss
>NIN gets sushi knives
>SGE gets owl totems
>SAM gets a plain wooden hilted katana with an ornate blade
>everyone else gets variations of fairly plain but high-quality wood/metal gear

A win for people who like simpler glams I guess. But kinda boring compared to the steampunk weapons we got for Endwalker (Chrondite) or the brutalist bronzework stuff from Shadowbringers (Dwarven Mythrill)
>some new characters to care about
but that's not in the game???
I love the HW story, it was genuinely one of the better things I've played through at the time. I can't ever ever replay it though, because the filler is immediately obvious, the constant walking and back and forth is awful (but at least I fly now) and so much of it is dead air between the genuinely great parts. I don't think this will ever change tho.
the screenshot you've sent shows that the new is better than old anon???
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Need this to be the new housing ward. It reminds me of MH3U and I'll probably pay some modder to make me an Aisha house servant
>i'm still in early EW
They call it diversity but only two scenarios ever emerge:

>The American melting pot where everyone is a mutt and there is no culture, and with nothing to bind their society together it becomes incredibly violent and amoral
>The European battle royale where foreigners form their own little ghettos and refuse to assimilate and you just have 50 different racial and cultural groups at each others throats all the time
Thoughts on picto? thoughts on viper? thoughts on picto vs viper?
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Anyone for my suncat+
I'm full of pic related...
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Does anyone want to do CC on Crystal?
ARR and Heavensward armors look much better now, there's still some pixelated things on some of them but it went from "wow this is OLD" to "i hope nobody zooms in too much" which is a step up definetly. Hoping they get more detailed updates later down the line cause you can only do so much by adding texture effects.
I was really impressed cause i took my ARR PVP armor to snowcloak and it kept reflecting the blue light and my armor looked light blue despite being pure white steel and it was really cool
you're just attuning to an aetheryte, weirdo
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yeah it's especially bad indoors. my dark and moody haunted house is lit as fuck even on 0 lighting, and the ambient lighting from bulbs and candles and stuff basically doesn't come into play at all. they ruined my home. other people are bitching about it too.
bro if there is anything I've learned over the years, it's to just accept that people's subjective tastes will sometimes boggle your fucking mind and all you can do is live with it. sometimes people just vibe with something and they can't even explain why, even if that thing is total dogshit to you. I know this sounds condescending but I'm not writing it with that intention; I genuinely struggled with this because I don't understand how people can enjoy these stilted stiff characters standing around spamming /handover at each other and every expac I try to enjoy it and it gets harder with each one. I have still barely touched DT for that reason. But all around me people are saying they're enjoying it and I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole because all it does is makes you look bitter and angry and other people just feel like you're raining on their parade and they stop wanting to invite you for things. all your valid criticisms aren't gonna make someone who likes slop suddenly go "oh shit I was wrong. I hate this now." Just be happy for them and walk away it's all you can do
pictos are made for sex with me, a paladin
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>retarded faggot can't parse short, simple sentences that explain the story in the most childish ways imaginable
>this is somehow the game's fault
i truthfully feel in my heart of hearts that all ESLs should be systematically round up and killed in the most brutal fashion possible. burning, electrocution, repeated waterboarding until their lungs are full of water and they drown etc etc
Picto is fun once you understand when to cast murals

Viper is dead on arrival except in PvP and is a grim sign of the start of oversimplification and retard proofing the melee jobs.
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It can't be helped. The lighting in-game and inside of dungeons look really neat now, at least.
count dracula...
>>The American melting pot where everyone is a mutt and there is no culture,
You live in american culture.
Youve been so integrated into American culture that you dont even recognize your daily live, thoughts, and morals as culture.
I think Tural is very pretty and I'm really excited to learn more about it. MSQ's slow so far, but it's not particularly bad. I did dislike the part where Wuk gets kidnapped though, that was just annoying
>MNK won
>job is now a 4-step rotation abomination with a 40 second "burst" window because the dev team does random changes leading to insane rotational ramifications
yeah i love breaking my combo every 4th gcd too it's so hype
everyone yapping about the msq forgot that you did this throughout the msq in every expansion

>pick up shit
>pick up my daughter toy
>pick up the dog
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i am
an evil little gremlin
queuing a broken raid
to watch people mald
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oh wow, we got troian armor with dual dye system now, I'm gonna throw away ALL OF MY OLD TROIAN SHIT
So what exactly is the MNK rotation now?
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Did they update the chocobo run animation? When you turn now they lean way too far it feels like
>yeah ok... I accept you help you, BUT you will have to show your worth
>be DRK main
>stopped liking DRK at 90 when they added Shadowbringer
>haven't played game enough since to level an alt
>now in DT playing a job that I hate

I know this is entirely self inflicted but what do I do bros
I hate how they made the white man the Mamool Ja and a woman of course goes and undermines the male leader behind his back

Fuck the liberal hippy bullshit
Yeah but it wasn't the entire first half of the expansion, and the payoff was actually pretty good. At level 93 in Endwalker I was fighting a god on the moon, now I'm following around a special needs child reassuring them their seasickness doesn't matter.
Looks cute
>mamool ja
anyone know hows the english speaking population on mana?
anons, we JUST launched jesus
Spend your time leveling a class you enjoy. Surely you have something that's relatively close.
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I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the bottle!
That turn the friggin' cats gay!
Do youunderstandthat?
Turn the friggin'cats gay!
I'm sick of this crap!
That literally looks so much better
every single time you do a bootshine you do a dragon kick following it because it works without form now, you also do it between your perfect balance and blitz if you don't have the buff
Ok, I need a loan 7.5 mil gil
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half this thread these days are esl
McDonalds, Marvel movies, sportsball, nigger worship, and seed oils.

I have SCH at 80, everything else is at 30 or unlock level
nuEureka isn't in the game yet, right?
black workshipping too, they have an entire month dedicated to it
highest dps
I'm a huge furfag and even I wouldn't have sex with Wuk Lamat ever. the tranny VA doesn't help
>have to kill time waiting for good weather/time before exploring new zone
When are plogons going to work again...?
Why are all femra and fiddie players I ruin into during MSQ so ugly? Holy shit
>devalues 10 years of buildup by level 93
EW was genuinely the worst written expansion by miles you fucking retard
yeah i'm thinking dt is kino
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Anyone have any info yet on how/where to get the new hairstyle? It Takes Two
Milana Vayntrub btw
Why does every male hrothgar look gay?
>trying to fanta my character into a cosplay of a certain anime girl
>none of the hair color options are actually saturated so i can't do it properly
this sucks
>Aside from matters of personal tastes, the point is that the Dawnservant revealing the Golden City is sealed away and the object of the trial opens up more questions, and that is the object of the adventure. What did he find there? Why was it sealed? What would the next Dawnservant do with it? Why is it important for succession? Saying that the Golden City "reveal" was ruined by this makes me wonder if you aren't one of those players who refuse to engage into the story of a videogame, caring only about being rewarded
>Zodiark is this big all powerful bad guy from ARR-ShB
>EW he’s a push over that does in the lvl 83 trial
Lmao yeah like that was soooooo much better
all mounts sway now when you turn
Sorry anon you're a bit too retarded for this conversation, read a few books someday
>hey im an interesting character collect 10 bear asses for me
>you got it mi amigo
>hey im boring as fuck collect 10 bear asses for me
I also noticed this on another mount but I thought it's just me forgot how mount move on the land
Thank you for your invaluable input, you huge furfag.
it's been a good run but I think I'm done
it's probably from the new treasure maps
Heeeeyyyyyy Effyyyyyy
Nah, and we're honestly not gonna get that for another 6 - 12 months bro...
>le virtual cosplay
reddit is that way lil bro
you mad
unfortunate since it looks like absolute shit
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I think some of you were spoiled by Endwalker's breakneck pacing. It's a cool idea and all, but it was thoroughly rushed and fighting Zodiark on the moon at fucking level 83 is badly paced bullshit
Can Venat reincarnate?
In a similar fashion that WoL and Tenzen are reincarnations of Azem
>interesting character to xivg: “yeah I just want to kill everyone and make my race the dominate one”
>boring character to xivg: “I want to learn about the people and the cultures of my nation and better understand them to help keep the peace”

Marvel and its consequences have been a disaster for media in general
Is it me or is Pictotranser just really boring?
you're retarded
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>oh I know I'm a cartoonishly bad guy, but check out my tragic backstory
>omg that's so sad, we forgive you for trying to kill us and our friends and all those random people (several times)
>badly paced
It was actually perfectly paced, and even then, there was an absolute slog with the rabbit niggers and their totally immersion-breaking zone
shut up bitch or i'm going to paint you as a basedjack
>taking what is said in this website seriously and not taking every post as comedy
>Can Venat reincarnate?
No. I forget the specifics but they explicitly state she's DONE done like proper gone and can't come back even as someone else. She's erased.
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Au ra bros how are we holding up?
I like how it looks
All I ever wanted was for you and I to... to...!
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Love my character dark glistening body, nice touch.
>beta key: empanadas, beta kind: apiX
Doesn't work. Now what?
is the one-headed promise just edgy or is he evil as fuck?
sad looking
im doing good hbu bro
I liked the rabbits but holy fuck I wish they appeared at ANY other time
Both times they make an appearance it's right after such an emotional and sullen part and they obliterate the fuck out of it as you're barely done processing it.
He's literally Zenos. I'm not joking. It's Zenos.
You're collecting colored stones for a macguffin in the msq if you haven't realized
>“I want to learn about the people and the cultures of my nation and better understand them to help keep the peace”
wow great you get to be a diplomatic advisor in a medium sized town
>conflict is more interesting than no conflict
wow who woulda guessed
Evil as fuck he wants to go to war to make people, especially the younger generations, appreciate peacetime more
maybe its my ass internet but they stay leaning even after you're done turning so you just go forward for 2 seconds on a mount thats stuck leaning left
Try Hidden-Forbidden-Holyground, I saw that they had updated the beta key to that in the discord like a few hours ago.
he is based even though i disagree with his ambition
FFXIV writing was always a step above the usual schlock JRPG's offered, but now it seems to be sinking back down the the level of games like the "Tales of" series.
did they change ab texture as well?
Early morning Dynamis Bozjuuuuuh! There's literally no one but us here!
In HW by level 53 we were picking up chocobo shit in tailfeather and talking with bugmen so we could get smoke to rid dragons off their fleas.
In SB by lv 66 we were dealing with ruby sea snorefest
In ShB by lv 73 were being fucked around by pixies
We only fought a god at 83 because endwalker pacing was different compared to other expansions as the entire expac was meant to end in 6.0 instead of 6.3.
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Literally the only people complaining about DT so far are people mad at the tranny VA (that they are willingly listening to by not using the JP dub) or story skippers mad they can't buy a boost yet who will rush to max level and complain there's nothing to do
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I'm starting to look like a woman nearing her 30s who still somewhat makes an effort to look young but kind of half-asses it because she knows she will never be as young and pretty as her peak....
In short, to h*ck with this update..
I'm mad your father didn't come outside
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dawntrail ruined my favorite shader
>Female fujo
>writes best expansions in the series
>male fujo
>writes the most boring woman imaginable
ban all fujoboys
And all those things were way, way more enjoyable than this. Weird.
YoshiP's idea that Trials and dungeons MUST be inserted at the same levels as all previous expansions is retarded
It only makes sense for the final boss to be at the tail end of story, that's it
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I'm coming for you soon
They're called fudanshi.
>61% rating on steam
that's a lot of people only mad about those two things!
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You're telling me a shrimp fried these fates?
>The Hangover part 4 Thavnair and some boring shit
>Really fucking boring Labirythins shit
>Slowly walking through garlemald hoping you don't fall asleep
>Suddlenly In from the Cold solo duty, dungeom and a 30 minute slow walk to Zodiark
>Breakneck pace
Zodiark fight was a plot twist that you won't spend the rest of the MSQ unlocking the seals or some shit but it definitely wasn't breakneck pace
And after that you had Vanaspati and more boring slow walk while listening to the exposition through Ellis and Ultima thule
And Mare 2 and Labirynthos 2 the queen and king of fillers even if each was only about 1 hour long including cutscenes
>face 1 raen
I am now a sexy sunnie
Woke Lemutt is a Kate mandated character thoughbeit.
>most of the stream reviews are mad about their characters looking different
>not the story
Who's the cat?
Let me fuck her
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Agreed. I think they're cute and all but
>watch two girls unnecessarily die
>watch a guy shoot himself
>garlemald is in absolute shambles and the people of this huge villainous empire are humanised more than ever
holy cute, sex
does picrel's dress/suit exist ingame?
No, they said that Venat fought so hard during the Mothercrystal trial that she spent even the last few traces of her aether so her soul just disintegrated.

As for why she did it,
i thought that was the special festival underwear men wear
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Healers actually lost...
this looks like shit man
bros how do I enable beta in dalamund
The eyes being off is bothering me a bit, but after all the worrying I think my f3mra survived and I am forcing myself to get used to the eyes.
We're gonna make it face 3 bros.
Captcha: VDAWG
Why is every Scion there with us except for Y'sthola?
Big brain lizard. Very cute.
Fujoshi are "rotten women."
Fudanshi are "rotten men."
Nobody cares what steam trannies who seethe in comment sections and steam forums have to say.
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>premise is about finding a lost mythical city
>actually the city was already found and the guy who actually discovered it holds the key to it and you need to go through his checklist of mundane tasks to get access to it
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>the main antagonist of the entire expansion is an angry lizard in a robot suit
>*dramatic music plays in the background*
I think vanilla body textures were improved a bit.

Sounds like a troll but there's no queue anyway. Nope didn't work.

It's interesting that they listened to the face4 feedback and fixed those, but none others.
post yours!
Whoa an ATTRACTIVE FEMALE in my MSQ? Cool your jets buddy, this is tranny and faggotville now.
You can´t. Its over.
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Didn't you fags tell me that Forspoken made square purge all of their ESG shit?
I guess Joe Biden really did win. American politics have officially infiltrated Japanese media. Square has crossed the ESG Rubicon HARD and there is no going back.
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You set the game to use Japanese Voice options because you are a weeb
I use Japanese audio because I am a transphobic bigot
We are not the same.
gyatt damn, game and many new areas look great now. if only we had a good story and gameplay to go along...
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How do you do the fanta testing thing trhey mentioned? Where you can play around with the character in-game before confirming?
BLM won the hardest. You're just bad
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Doing great.
I spent hours upon hours yesterday trying to fix my raen and I finally managed to make her look like my old character, ...by using a xaela.
Somewhere along the line the devs royally fucked up because it's literally impossible to recreate her via raen, it just looked bad no matter what I did but after fiddling around with xaela it just worked.

Xaela scales also look amazingly good after the graphics update, and they also seemed to be less blueish and more dark than before (didn't like how they were so blue before).
So far the only agency the Warrior of Light had had is being asked if he'd rather talk to obese owls or the jews first, but I trust anons when they say the story will pick up in the latter half!
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New expac? More players? Splendid. Time to queue Dun Scaith
sex with cat
bunny can watch but not participate
Aha I was trolling ya, that's actually a .hack reference, was hoping to get the .hack fans out of the closet from this thread.
blame yoshitpiss not me i changed away from aura
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holy shit emet selch found the golden city 2 years ago DT is ruined it's over
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Not really, the YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Healing is the closest in that it's a longer double breasted coat, it's male only though and none of the actual ones in game fan out to that skirt level though
>characters ask you a few times if you're sure about doing X
>any non-committal or negative answer, they reply "haha cool so glad you're excited to help out!"
Legitimately could find the golden city faster by just combing the continent myself
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Thank you! I was wondering if you were still playing so I'm glad to hear you are :D I've just begun Shadowbringers. I've been taking my time and also did a lot of the side content as well.
I finished Stormblood last week and before I went to ShB, I decided to do all the raids including the alliance ones and they were awesome! I highly recommend them if you haven't tried them.
I knew there was no way for me to finish everything I wanted before DT anyway so I didn't rush it. Whether it's DT or one of the past expansion, it's new all the same to me :p
I hope you have a lot of fun in Dawntrail and with the new jobs if you are leveling one! <3
Am I supposed to hardcast motifs or something?
we need a new MMORPG so badly
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>Try Hidden-Forbidden-Holyground
for a moment there I thought those were area keywords
The story picks up in the 97-99 bracket exactly where it turns into bootleg Xenoblade
New World is right there.
dumb breedable middie
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I love silly mascot characters and unironically found the PUDDING XD stuff charming but holy fuck putting them right after Garlemald was most certainly a choice
yea well you failed so get outta here
I want to get out of my current server. Is any of the dyna server any good? Looking for something that has decent population and/or RP?
what for?
Wasn't Riot supposed to be doing something about that?
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>decide fuck it, new world, new expansion, new me
>ask out my femlala crush who I've been too scared to talk to
>She says yes and we have an RP date in Tuliyollal
>MFW watching her slam down 10 street tacos and half a jug of mezcal before climbing up onto a chair to burp directly in my face and ask if we can pick up some churros on the way back to my place
Venat fused her soul with the mothercrystal she doesn't get to go back to the aetherial sea
That project was put on hold indefinitely.
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>a nigh immortal sage telling you of the city's existence is the same as the first major NPC railroading you into the exact steps to unlock it (none of them involve actually searching for it) one level into the expansion
fuck off jeff bezos
That shit is fucking dead in the water lmao
>mmo made by the main dev who ruined wow then league
To see how many peope die from Deathgaze Hollow?
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pretty good, i think my old hairstyle doesn't mesh well with the new lighting engine but it's nbd
i'm not stupid enough to trust Riot i might as well start a blizard game at that point
What a woman
I'm at Yak T'el and I'm starting to get kind of burnt out but I'm worried about being behind everybody if I come back after a few hour break... bros...
I will love it then, I was told Xenoblade was a literary masterpiece but I never played it myself
this shit is like 6/10 at best and i'm being generous
zero creativity, everything super predictable, tons of filler everywhere

t. just dinged 99
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I could be better
Who cares? I got bored of the story and took a break to play some Quasimorph, then came back.
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In my mother language Ohokally sounds like "Oops retard" and I can´t unthinking about it.
>die on a boss as a healer
>party clears it without me
I'm saying that a veena hugged this cat.

Oh yeah? Why don't you come right now, coward?

You wouldn't fuck a cat...
>an old fart telling you that something exists (you already know it exists because an immortal ancient being told you it exists) is the same as finding it for yourself with a group of friends
Good morning sirs.
The MSQ is soooo bad
>he queued as healer
Class traitor
Your penance will not be provided
>akimbo doesn’t have his mods
>having a break down over his character
Have you tried making a good character in the first place? Maybe drink the free fanta and swap some facial features around
My cute fiddie sprout threadwife
Those sunglasses make you look like a mega hag
>he doesn't know
Someone tell this poor soul.
Well not a cat cat, but miqo are far down enough on the furry scale
I wouldn't fuck a hrothgar, probably
Anyway let me have that catGIRL
Wuk Lamat stole our FF15 expansion. If we went with Koana, we would have had a trip with THE BOYS instead
this is a game where our character is willing to forgive attempted destruction of all life
It seems like Yoshi-P played Dragonflight and got inspired by how lame and gay it was.
>Graphics update arrives
>player models look better
>the...ground and walls look kinda better
>the old armors are a mix between still pixelated and better
>mounts are a mix between better and exactly the same
>Nights looks better but still not like an actual night
I see, thanks for the reply anon
report to the landsguard barracks!
If Ishikawa was writing this the cast would've been Koana + Thancred and Uri with Estinien showing up once in a while and it would've been a kino road trip
In shambles.
Every single other femra I know is struggling right now.
he even followed the fact dragonflight was a literal nothing point in the story
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>Nights looks better but still not like an actual night
Thank fuck, I want to be able to see anything.
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1, 2, 3 or none?
got my new razer mouse lads
youll find me
in DT
You can now also double dye the maid outfit black to get alphie's outfit though
I've actually accepted how I look now thank you very much. Go choke on a fanta
Nuh uh! I look stylish and hip! Carefree!

I'll... put something together in a minute. I'm setting up a better dawntrail outfit now that I've done some dungeons
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There is a lot of (fair) criticism, but I would like to say:
I think the zones are some of the best and most beautiful we've had in the game so far. Going through them is genuinely a joy (other than the retarded intentionally splitting them into two bullshit what were they thinking)
No our character is not, we put down Athena like a dog then left her in her collapsing universe without looking back
We also ice people for far less than attempted destruction of all life - sure we show them compassion, that was the whole point of the Elidibus cutscene, but we still put them down
You are not finding it by yourself, albeitever, as the only way to access it is filling the "old fart"s list of chores, which have nothing to do with finding the Golden City. This is evidenced by the fact that you do literally anything but search for the Golden City, in an expansion where the premise is searching for the Golden City.
damn, that's actually sort of true. it was a serviceable story, in that nothing about it was necessarily bad, but all of it was utterly forgettable and nobody really gave a shit
this seems exactly what this story is so far (halfway thru 98lv rn, waiting for my buddy to log in)
we did it....
it's gonna stay forever. It's to reduce congestion.
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3 easily.
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Balmung has multiple full instances.

2 or 3. 1 doesn't look bad but is honestly pretty soulful..

Nice. Yeah there's no need to rush it now that you're caught up. I'm still on level 90 quests even..
I'm not far enough to feel the joy, but even just running around Tuliyollal grabbing aetherytes and progressing the MSQ was great... If not for the jazz.
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I sipped
>Jew World
bratty catgirl, needs correction !!
bun is fine too, i guess
>following a trail of clues that ends in the golden city is not trying to find the golden city
>even erenville says he's finally back to try and find the golden city with this contest
there's a point where you're forced to say you want to try and understand fandaniel and give him a chance after he said he wants to murder everyone and himself
These motherfuckers don’t read text boxes anon
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Shadowbringers! I know you'll enjoy what's coming, that is a goooood expansion!
All of my Shadowbringers screenshots are outdated because I took them all before the graphics update!! And I wasn't using 4chan at the time so I never got to post any of them!! AAAAHH!!
It's good to hear that you're taking your time, I remember you mentioned that you were binging the game pretty hard. I'm honestly surprised that I'm farther than you now, a couple of months ago that was unthinkable. You were always yalms ahead of me kek
>decided to do all the raids including the alliance ones and they were awesome! I highly recommend them if you haven't tried them.
Don't worry twin, I'm on top of all of that. Those raids are honestly the best content in the entire game, no way I'd miss them. I do almost all of the Blue quests, so the only way I miss content is if they put the quest-giver waaay out of the way, (one example that comes to mind was a level 80 questline called "Bozja", that was pretty awkward to find).
>I hope you have a lot of fun in Dawntrail
Thank you! I'm taking it real slow and bantering with my friends as much as possible, the past 24 hours has been a great experience.
>and with the new jobs if you are leveling one
Dragoon until I die! My burning hot Dragon Soul will never be extinguished.
Take care of yourself, my beloved twin.
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Omg coincidentally I was JUST about to melt about this and proclaim I'm switching back to gshade. Thanks!
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Following a road of designated McGuffins (which are forced upon you by the guy who did your job) which you get by not trying to find the Golden City is in fact not trying to find the Golden City, yes. Or can you explain to me how teaching Bartering 101 to Wuk helps you finding the Golden City?
the amount of you guys i saw today who talked about skipping the cutscenes
and now you're here barely a day after release, already done with the msq, talking about how you hated it
To the nigger who kicked me for being afk in Frontlines for maybe 2 minutes max when I tabbed out to check messages: Kill yourself. Also, nobody gives a fuck about FL and 90% of people play it for XP. the other 10% are mouth breathing retards like you.
how long has this been broken for
Why is face 1 catgirl so uncommon and face 3 is the most popular?
2 with less muted eye/hair colors.
Im making AI art
what makes you like 2/3? i wanna see if maybe i can combine the good points of both
i havent even done the first dungeon yet
It happened with EW too. Motherfuckers skipped everything day 1, come to the thread and say it’s bad, people who actually paid attention call them out on their bullshit, they then swap to calling them shills and bootlickers. It’s already started
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all day
i'm going back in
You care enough about frontlines to bitch about getting booted.
>Or can you explain to me how teaching Bartering 101 to Wuk helps you finding the Golden City?
We got the story about how the golden city myth appeared and connected it to the giants which we visit later on for more info. Any other retarded question that clearly show that you've skipped cutscenes?
theres no queue and im a fuckin free trial player
youre fucking insane but gl
snuff is based
1 feels too bright. 2 is your average dime a dozen mooncat. 3 looks cute and somewhat unique as well.
May I colonize?
You're not actually answering my question. You just tell me what I tell you : that you get closer to the Golden City by doing things unrelated to finding the Golden City, because the guy who actually found the Golden City (not you) put you 5 quests in on an unrelated treadmill with the Golden City as a reward, which is indeed, not searching for the Golden City. Do you not understand why this might rub people who want to search for the Golden City that it's in fact a completely secondary concern that you're allowed to have as a recompense for helping the guy who actually found the Golden City, in an expansion about finding the Golden City? Does this sound like an adventure to you?
God bless you
I'm joining you in chain queueing
Which is more helpful, bard or ninja
yeah its shite
got a logtiehc superlight 2 gonna keep that one
and send razer back lmao
shouldnt ketenramm be like 100 fucking years old now or am i getting the timeline wrong
plogon status
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what the fuck is with this guy
what? what did i do
>not having a meme name that goes with anything
>carnival float shoots fucking lasers out of its eyes after drawing a glowing blue light from everyone in the crowd
>"you mean to tell me the float was a magical conduit and not just a float?"

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