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Previous: >>483925135

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

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Your models are good... great even.... but can your wuwas do THIS?!
I miss /wwg/
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wawoo woowah
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>The fucking crater in the wall
Fucking KEK
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I skipped the story halfway through because Jinhshi and Changli were so boring. Hopefully ZZZ will have better story than this.
Rover POV
No way they actually modelled it
weak bait
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Was changli really that fun in her trial? I see everyone saying this but I didn't really see anything especially fun just the animations and sfx were really nice. can anyone explain?
>full concerto gives her a jingliu blindfold
yea shes pretty fun
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I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.
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Is that her fucking bush???
what am i supposed to see?
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>10 gazillion firework sounds going off as you zip around like a bird on crack
Yeah she feels pretty fun, animations go a long way helping that
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This is the best i can do... i'm sorru Jinhsibros...
>burning eye patch during ultimate
hey I've seen this before
She's aoe Anko. Anko is top tier. What more do you want? 50 different skill combos to do the same amount of damage?
what's with the dumb eye mask
Even after that week of double tacet fields I barely had enough echo exp to make 1 set for her. Only got double crit one 1 single piece, I'm out of 3* spectro echoes and I have no motivation to go farm them because it's so boring.
Edit: I meant to say blindfold obviously
wuwa for this feel?
The only thing that I want is her being viable as a solo character. Jinhsi feels super bad without slaves to build gauge for her.
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Why is this fucking boring pointless cutscene unskippable, were they lying about "every story content will be skippable"?
>got jinhsi's sig
>sword is on weapon banner, will get it eventually
I missed Stringmaster, is the standard 5* a good cope for Anko/Yinlin?
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sorry this isn't GF2
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It's just that shrimple.
>complaining about being forced to watch a sexy woman be cool
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Hello wawoos.
This update added a new file named Jiatang.
Ages ago this leak was posted showing her model. I think it's fairly safe to assume that Changli was her redesign/rename, but it's a bit strange that she still exists in the files, especially considering they only added her this patch. Her model isn't in the game, just a texture file showing her hair.

What does this all mean? Dunno.
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fuck off ankle
I think I like hags now...
Encore looks like some boomer got told to make something cute and he shat her design out during his lunch break.
I spent all of my rolls getting Jinhsi. I won't have enough to get Changli, so I don't want to see her tits tempting me to pay up.
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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo?
Almost what, anon?
is it worth building up either Baizhi or S.Rover as your healer for team 2?
Yeah, I use it and it's fine
Why did Jinhsi flop?
The design we got is way better but HOLY AWOOGA
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Look, if they wanted me to roll every girl they should've given me more free currency or male skip banner. But as fuckers here said "Just learn to not care, retard. Learn to skip females you don't like, retard. Just be selective on who you roll, retard" I simply try to not give a shit about Changli. Simple as.
her quest was all about changli mogging her, it wasn't even fair.
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What kind of stupid hairstyle is this?
they hand out free shit like candy though
But we're talking about Changli?
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Nice cardboard bushes wuwa.
And that's what I'm talking about, I hope Changli is viable as a solo character.
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Not enough to pity both, and you know it.
Why would I torment myself by watching Changli's cutscenes and reading her dialogues, knowing I won't have enough astrites to roll for her?
>Newly hired college dropout, we need to change Yae Miko's design a little to make it obvious we didn't copy it. You have until the end of the day to come up with something.
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oooh I'm stupid as fuck. I'm so fucking retarded, please forgive me.
yeah baizhi is pretty good and simple also probably better as a support than srover
It's to lock your balls in.
Jinhsi a cute
you lost i'm afraid.
The kind where you accidently cut off too much, so you tie it to a ring in the hopes that no one will notice.
just win the 50/50 nigga
All the resonators are too competent. Where is our adorable girlfailure like Huohuo
Just top up bwo
One made by Stable Diffusion.
He's right tho
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I don't play wuwa but hot damn.
Is she Yae Miko of wuwa?
Girls like her make my dick diamonds.
what's wrong? you're not a lucklet right?
I'd rather skip every story related to Changli. In the future they should enable option to skip every cutscene. That, or give enough asterites to pity both girls. That, or male banners for save.
We talked about this pageater. Beggars can't be choosers. Now fuck off you sound petty as hell nigga.
are we using our cubes at ur 50 or still saving them bwos?
hairjob hole
UR 60
you must use them at 50 or you will never catch up
Yes, beggars can't be choosers. But I only demanded Kuro to fulfill their promise of enabling skip on every story content. Otherwise they are just a bunch of fucking liars.
level 60 it's gonna be a long month of waiting but the game isn't going anywhere
ai generated genshin clone, please understand
i've been using them as soon as i get them
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Damn... Jinhsi and level 1 Taoqi VS Level 6 monke hologram

Saving them for WuWa 2
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It's not even bad. You have pretty good attack, and at least with her sig she's pretty starved on that. I'd like to have more but alas.
I mainly use them when I need to specifically get a character/weapon to next level cap, so i'll probably use them when I hit 50 yea
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Kind of though I don't she has that mischievous personality trait like yae despite her smug smile

She has the best 3d model in gacha imo
Not really, she's actually well-behaved
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Unironically AI-generated. They generated hundreds of images and thought some of the mistakes were pretty cool to replicate.
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Jinhsibros... why does Changli's model get double as many polygons as ours?
this game is boring af, there's nothing to do
>can't even solo
she'd look way better with just short hair desu instead of having a ponytail
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It's the opposite for me there are so many things to do but none is interesting. Hopefully ZZZ will mog this game.
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Oh noooo
NOOOO... why is this happening THIS CANT BE HAPPENING
ASING ANJING NGENTOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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that was fun, there was a challenge to kill a level 120 red enemy, that's gonna piss some people off
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What do they mean by this?
so camera's still broken even after the latest hotfit?
I love jinhsi's kit so much, 2 cutscene attacks with iframes, just fucking dumb
How do you build up jinhsi's forte as solo?
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wuwakeks hmMM?
>less than 1 minute left
literal garbage
Imagine sticking your dick in that...
Cow goddess >>>> Nigger tiger
Hold scroll button to turn off auto focus
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pls don't nerf the jiggle ;_;
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Glorious Dragon's Pearl
Playing through the story I'm kinda reminded of Demon Slayer, where the writing is sorta ass but the visuals, music, and general catharsis are good enough to keep me engaged.
In six months we'll have a character with 3 iframes. And they say Wuwa combat is hard lmao
all of those extra polygons? the tits
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Did these trees always look like this? Bloody hell, that is some impressive pixel art, bros
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this is what happens when you fuck with the config files
Who has more panty polygons though?
horny devs work harder
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Monk's shield build up works well with Yinlin's coordinated attack desu.
There are no mattering rewards for it. Who cares? This game's combat sucks too much for me to care about Holographs, and those give better rewards.
It's not like I expected good combat mind you. Mobile lead platform and good real time combat is basically impossible. It's more fun than the shit in Genshin, so that's fine in my book. But there's still a long way to go to make it work well.

The first thing they'd need to do is MUCH better hit feedback. It's the norm to randomly lose a few thousand HP without knowing why, just by fighting trash on the worldmap. But the list is long.
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watch giggers and hrtg trannies complain that the game is too hard and that they can't finish it with their shit phones.
>get yapyap as my 4* 8/10 times on yinhsi's banner
>she comes on my standard banner pull too
Fuck off bitch, I wanted Sanhua and Danjin, not you for the 15th fucking time. Goddamn rigged gacha.
I don't like this paimon
It's my remaining sperm after she squeezed out most of it.
No, this is what happens when Kuro fucks up their LODs
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>watch giggers and hrtg trannies complain that the game is too hard and that they can't finish it with their shit phones
You weren't supposed to point that out
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Everyone are sreaming how tahy want to sex Changli or Jhinhsi or both. Why I'm the only one who really wants to plow that granny.
>tone this retarded looking bouncy house shit back
>chinks call it censorship
Are chinkcels really that dumb and clueless when it comes to titty physics?
who thought it was a good idea to put that much hitlag on every parry
Just get 2 fiends to beat it up for you, preferably whales.>>483941880
100% of the polygons are in the boobs
that's just a generic npc
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How many here would roll for a gigahag?
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I need to finish 1.0 content (100%) before getting to 1.1 content, sorry.
What's Abby's chink and nip name? I want to search pics of him on Pixiv and Twitter.
werks on my machine
Dark Gathering made me into Gilfs
Changli is such a gigastacy
i mean the zooming in after using attacks crap
But wuwa has no screen shaking. If anything, that parry video has more screen shaking. Heck wuwa's camera is so stable, it actually is a detriment because it just locks on to 1 mob and doesn't allow you to swing it around.
nah tit jiggle is the best part of fanservice
>dumping 100k credits for a +10% increase in Echo drop rates that lasts 1 or 2 routes at most
Surely you won't fall for this.
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I rolled Jinhsi for Yinlin
Why was changli allowed to mog jinhsi during her own quest/banner.....? Why the fuck would you mog the piss out of your own student like that....?
That's not jiggling that's sloshing.
Why can't we merge 500 pieces at a time? Please Kuro-sama
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for some reason she reminds me of Reiko's piece of work, and now I wanna do it with an angry-reluctant Xinyi
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Well... I guess they could be called panties under some definitions.
>No liberation damage
>Not electro
Brick shit
Does yangyang work with Jinhsi or do I need build a m*le (mortefi)
Post the webm of Changli's hit chain covering half the screen while she flies around everywhere.
>wasted the fifty blue tide pods i had on the weapon banner and got nothing
the weapon banners always fuck me over, thankfully, i have had great luck on the limited.resonantor banners.
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I mean this was sort of me
Calchudo not being able to dodge during his entire dps window made me unreasonably angry.
Roll Jinhsi or skip and get Changli? What's your plan bros?
I'm leaning towards skipping Jinhsi and going for Changli + Camellya.
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>No wrinkles (except for that one line below her eyes)
She looks like a normal Scandinavian 28 year old female. Is that a granny?
bwo you should've just waited for electro rover
theres literally nothing else to spend blue tidepods on
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Chinks are so fucking ugly
It's surprising - and a bit sad how horrible Calchud feels when you aren't bullying low level grunts.
She's looks like she's 14 years old, wtf is this pedo ass game?
Changli's design is intended for wuxia sword saint players who can play the game with their eyes closed.
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Kinooooooo unlike Changli's boring ass shitty cutscene
You don't have Taoqi?
Wtf, Changli has zero ass
has this game even released yet? why do they already have swimsuit girls
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Don't even know how to do that. Just wanna play since I finally got a limited 5*. Literally my first one since luck is shiet and game is pretty stingy.
Also, has anyone noticed that the game's performance is worse after patch? Game was running smoothly right before the patch.
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>14 years old
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it feels like a waste when im not being a luckshitter
Use them just before wuwa 2 release or you're bricked
She's a robot, so it's okay.
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It's cuck's frontline 2
yeah I'm literally playing it as we speak. You do need a special bilibili account to play though.
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Still skipping Jinhsi
Still getting Changli
Simple as that
wtf, fat bitch
Fat fuck.
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Jinhsi should've been a flatty with wide hips
Jinhsi Camellya, I want my good housewife gf and stupid sexy psycho gf
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She's just wasting food in a post-apocalyptic setting since robots don't need to eat.
based JJKgalgeGAWD
why did they make jinhsi do zero damage by herself? I feel like a cuckold when I use her, she's basically having sex with the subdps unit.
If you're not saving you're gimping yourself.
They skew your accounts total resource value up. Of course you should only use them when they're at max potential.

Anyone who used them up is going to griiiiiiind for weeks to get just one character to max.
Are there any players that actually are having a great time with the game and love it? It feels like the natural honeymoon crash happened for a lot of people and then some.
They nerfed her...
It's a minecraft reference bro
>Licking your lead/gunoil covered fingers after handling your gun
Too skinny
no main dps deal serious dmg without buffs, it's how any of these gacha games work NUMBNUTS
I enjoy this game for like 1hr a day but after that I get bored
I enjoyed it and I still enjoy it.
It's because I didn't sweat through everything in a week and never grinded echoes, I always had something to do up until 1.1 release.
>jinhsi is attached to off field damage dealers by the hip and does shit without them
>changli is a main dps (real) who can be used solo with no DPS loss
>implying i won't order her to push the fully intact undigested cookie out of her robot asshole straight into my open waiting mouth
You lack ambition and the will to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
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neuv solos the abyss

encore does a lot of damage by herself in this game
how strong is Jinhsi S1? is the 80% like a deepen effect
I'm having alot of fun, maybe because I haven't grinded for echos a day in my life.
bird talons typed this
They also require me to roll to 70 rolls for every 5* and make me lose every 50/50.
"Maining" a unit is retarded and boring as fuck.
That said, I'm rolling Changli.
besides mortefi who else has enough off field damage for jhinsi?
Echo grind (except 4 costs) is for jobless neets. Normal people just use tacet field.
>game is pretty stingy
go back
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FUCK you're right, I almost forgot about my god
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i think its pretty neat and i make progress at my leisure. its a gacha. no reason to burnout. have not touched any of the new content yet and am focusing on building my characters. looking forward to rolling for camellya. then saving again for who knows.

have not done all the tactical holograms and the gower is quite challenging.

combat feels really good, exploration is fast and fluid. models look great. im pleasantly surprised.
Going by this general you'd think it was absolutely mandatory for playing the game kek
Yuanwu, Yinlin, Verina
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Why doesn't it show up?
I enjoy the game, but I'm coasting until we get the fuck out of notChina, the story here is so bland and dumb.
Is this 4* good for Encore (Encore) ?

I will have to stick with her for a while because I drained the Astrite out of my game and am staying F2P. If I get shit on by bad RNG I will NOT buy currency lmao.
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they should add a bit of belly fat
Where the hell do you find Jinhsi's flowers? I found a million of the Changli plums but Jinhsi flowers don't exist.
>People getting Discord R5 on Taoqi
>When there are free techs to get her concerto up and do more damage
You can't teach a pig how to fly. Discord is not big enough to fix her problem, and you shouldn't need to. Because if you know the tech, then it's not a problem.
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>seanigga/pajeet hours
Disgusting fat fuck. Unironically how does someone let themselves get to this point? How do you even function without any self respect?
just do the event bro, you get 30 flowers for free
For those applicable, what's holding you back from rolling Jinhsi and going for Changli's banner instead?
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>never done echo routes
>never looked up where flowers are and just buy them from the store most of the time
>never used interactive map
>haven't used lootmapper yet
>6/30 on tower
>only thing I really try at is the holograms
Yeah i'm having fun. Hopefully they bring back the roguelike soon that was fun too
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>game is finally available on geforce now
>the controls fucking suck
Why couldn't they copy genshin?
>no basic attack
>resonance skill
No, but it's a decent echo for Changli. But only decent...
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What even is Second Resonator Awakening by clashing with one another? How would Jinhsi achieve this by fighting Jue? How does the system work?
The region with the big Loong(dragon)-shaped mountain
who the fuck still has a hdd
>not basic attack bonus
thats pretty good anon. better to focus on other units for now
SEA kings
there's a billion near that one waypoint area that was like loong something
that thing is chest only
I think Jinhsi is beautiful and top tier waifu material.

But her gameplay is on par with Jiyan in terms of fun. And she got mogged HARD by Changli in the story.
>chest only
No, it shows Tidals as well.
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Me and Changli.
I had a mini melty wasting time trying to find them on the mountain but the long cave system that gos super deep connecting the chamber to the outside is where a ton of them spawned for me and has zero enemies when you cleared the purple/gold gate mobs
getting my ass handed to me by a fucking icecube with arms this is humiliating
5* gun for Mortefi or 5* rectifier for Yinlin? From standard banner.
those ice cubes don't fuck around, they just keep bouncing on you no matter how hard you hit them and then you're frozen
Can we make a tier lidt for the best team to clear the tower right now?
A. Jiyan+mortefi+verina
B. Encore+sanhua+verina
C. calcharo+yinlin+verina
D. Jinhsi+taoqi+verina
E. Havoc rover+Changli+Verina
F. [Insert your answer]
Same but only have 4* units and 18/30
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I don't care about Changli
5* rectifier has better stats than 4* weapon, but you shouldnt have skipped yinlins sig wep regardless
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Ice dreadmanes are the hardest enemies in the game
Just get yourself a pc for 500 dollars, surely you can afford that
Oh no no no
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I like the game, and I'm still of the opinion that story and combat are irredeemable shit
I'm afraid only the autists like me that enjoyed genshin for the trash-collector gameplay stuck around.
This is happening to me too with bush textures after downloading the 200mb update
changli also deals shit damage solo or otherwise kek
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Look at this cute little thing
Yinlin cost 140 rolls. I wanted S0R1 Jinhsi so couldn't afford to get her sig.
I'm guessing Cosmic Nipple is probably better rather than boosting my Mortefi?
>source: retarded CBT discord calcs
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Anyone? Or did y'all skipped the story?
yea for sure
46/258 crit/critdmg
or 68/212?
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sir please, the tech...
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New patch make me love the game even more
Jinhsi has a weak bladder
What an absolute unit
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>Horizontal investment always beats vertical investment.
>Having more characters add much more to your account power than constellations and weapons.
I don't want literally everyone to know, so I'll only give hints:
>Input buffer works across character swaps
>Taoqi's intro is great, but this makes her regular swap even better
That's all I'll say. Keep it for yourself if you figure it out.
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Basically just a power up and an Echo becomes your servant.
How about this one? Should I max it out and face disaster for /wuwa/'s enjoyment?

I don't mean to brag honest, my summon luck is garbage and I bricked myself in the early game anyways and didn't get Jinhsi with 67 Convenes so far .
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If I married Jinhsi do you think she would let me keep Sanhua as a concubine?
Yinlin is one of the best teammate units
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The trial runs don't work for these cheevos btw.
Hope you're not a cheevo hunter.
Until you have enough characters, after which all you get is to satisfy your fomo
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Anyone hoping for this genre of action games to be more strategic?
- Ranged mobs with heal/support/debuff capabilities
- Melee mobs with strong crowd control and bodyblocking
- Enemies can keep formations and coordinate their cooldowns
Imagine if enemies are controlled by an RTS player. Would you play an action game like this?
>Have to wait an entire week for the 10 weapon pulls before all-inning on weapon banner
This shit sucks.
that one probably isnt worth it, super likely to get bricked when you didnt roll crit rate/crit damage super early
i was about to drop it if i lost 50/50. i didn't, so i kept playing.
So far im having a little more fun than at the beginning, Dragonspine 2.0 looks like the best region so far, it has some kind of focus even if the story suffers from the same over explanation.
I'll keep playing and see if i keep enjoying it, i gave ToF like a 2 month trail and hi3 like 1 month trial, i started late so i'll probably give it a 2 month trial.
So... where's the new Depths of Illusion? The door is shut
Not gonna lie i rather have silly jiggles than weak jiggles or no jiggles at all like on Yinlin models, wasted potential .
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How come we don't get kino summoning animations like this...?
it's cultivated jiggling, you simply can't see mt tai
This will always be a braindead genshin-like genre.
Sounds like Abu in jap
wow that looks retarded
It's a Changli Jinhsi Sanhua family meal, you get one you get all bwo.
Is that supposed to be ironic?
Basically this. https://youtu.be/-UEj0wcgeUk?si=uu-Ca21X_YXCqL7Z&t=7
Did you get bullied out of /gfg/ or something
Why are you shilling this here?
Oh, it starts July 4th. Lame
no I'm a gfg tourist, I don't know shit about the franchise
is it really shilling when it's impossible to play the game? :^)
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His game is EoS-ing, please have mercy
Honestly? Fuck wuwa, let's talk about better gacha games. Anyone rolling for yunli?
the game had another update
anyone know what it was for?
i like it i dont post much while playing
dios mio...
no, hsr was way too boring for me, I migrated over to cuck's frontline 2
Genshin added these bots in fontaine that can buff and restore stunned enemies, but I never noticed they do anything before reading about it on the wiki. Stuff dies too quickly for it to matter.
I'll be a bit sad when Havoc Rover gets powercrept, not by another Havoc user that'll happen any update now, but by another Rover variant, I just dig the fallen angel look and edgy voice lines.
that's way too long and unnecessary. what we have is acceptable
>Anyone rolling for Yanking's cocksleeve
no thanks
bro those aren't real human beans they're deformed anime products from the waifu dimension
I'm more tempted to roll for Black Swan because i don't have her, i already have Clara, so why even bother with yunli, the onyl way i get interested in the character is if they rework her
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>supposed to be the jinshi part of the patch
>Utterly mogged by changli in her own shill quest
nah, though I will roll her light cone for clara
They need to bring back Raymon, he was the true main character after all ...
Why do you have gay porn saved?
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black swan was the last character I pulled for before realizing I was playing an alt tab simulator
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>we're going to have to farm all over again for new meta Rover because skills don't carry over for some fucking reason
But how would Jinhsi beating Jue allows her to suddenly restore Mt.Firmament when there was absolutely no indication that Jinhsi is as strong as Jue...
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Time to wait till Changli I guess.
>/wuwa/ - blogpost and off-topic general
average mihomo fan
yes neuv was a horrendous mistake
can you post ass comparison with taoqi? plssss
More like HSR and GFL2 general
june gacha revenue waiting room
How does her hair work? Did she cut it off and tie it back to those rings? Or is it looping inside the rings somehow?
>Girl's frontline line 2
>This is the normal punishment for those who have misbehaved
>When I served we also practiced this, we would put a dick on the lips of those who let the team down
why are ziggers like this
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I don't like her and I wish she would just die already :/
we had this conversation back in 2016 old man.
just stable diffusion things
I'm gonna be honest here. They should redesign her. This bitch is not going to sell.
frontline is one word, not my rules buddy
Go back
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Why the fuck does everyone want to seed my fem rover?
and jinhsi will not get companion quest while changli will get one.
and that's good.
When is she playable?
Hoepfully after you quit
you should go back to school
Havoc Rover has shit animations and an awfully boring playstyle. I'm praying for a better replacement.
I can fix her
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Uhhh why's the Star Rail schizo here spamming?
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no taste fags
just look at her
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This is my favourite design after Jinhsi
i hate this kind of troupe, i hate these "bad" guys in general
I hope we don't kill this cutie
Yeah... you're supposed to hate bad guys
Look at that stupid gloomy face, she's begging to be married and given a happy life with enough children to fill up an entire Jinzhou guard platoon.
She looks like she should just overdose on that bottle of perc that's sitting in her mom's nightstand
/wuwa/ and /hsrg/ are sister generals
Star Rail threads are dead
But that's the in game model
Best girl
Skipping Shitli for her
the concept had to come out of somewhere
He's the /wwg/ thread guy
Anyone else want to usur strangle the breath out of her? Shit is so hot, especially if she starts crying during the struggle.
based janny quickdrawing the schizo kek
I'm starting to like her, the fuck are those two above yapping about?
Rover, being a God entity, should be able to fix her
It's likely just hair extension things. Don't think too much about it.
Shut you nerd ass mouth, dork
i meant it in a story telling perspective.
team rocket has more depth than these fuckers
spent 30 minutes trying to kill the red mist light crusher
did the crystal mist enemy in one attempt
the two double white snow lions, gave up after 2 hours.
wuwa bros, why do my trees look like minecraft
Bros... im not gonna make it
Her smile looks weird
I was gonna get her but I don't roll for evil women
I don't really disagree, but those two things tickle my own sensibilities.
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Extremely weak-willed
So what's up with the bandage? Did someone skull fuck her?
I didn't even notice these until people started pointing them out in the thread now I see them everywhere kek
Is this why the game is running better this patch
you have 1:3 bro... you made it
I think the update fucked something up, someone check if they fucked up the jiggle psychics too
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No competition, Taoqi mogs.
Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby machup
When they spread and both use the ice beam it's really annoying.
Always run out of stamina.
>tastelets not liking red spiderlilyKINO design
more for me then
Would have been better if they didn't give her disgusting green hair
This, she looks like a tumblrina
Yikes! Changli is a fraud
It's fine, it just means she's the designated cuckquean
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Might as well post the back view as well while I'm here
imagine the buttjobs...
Oh no...
Cowqueen cannot be dethroned.
anal in the ass
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her hair s cute
worthless whore
Jinhsi is dead btw
At least Changli is tighter, r-right?
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>the new update makes any encounter more laggy than before
doesn't change anything, Changli's ass still looks massive compared to my dick so there's no problem
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I'm not very into hags or fatties but should I build cowqi if I have R5 Discord and Jinhsi?
>Double braid
I might skip Camellya for her
Changli has better skindentation with those fat chicken thighs
Yeah. I didn't tryhard at all, have < 50% of the 1.0 area explored. Still having fun with the exploration and combat.
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>FPS drop out of nowhere
What the fuck is this update
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CR substats... My kingdom for CR substats... (No I will not stop using a CD Jue)
Discord is a waste on Taoqi, Dauntless is better. Jinhsi doesn't work well with Taoqi's optimal playstyle.

Changli will work a lot better though.
What team are you running Taoqi on?
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Right now this because I don't have any 5* except Rover.
camellya leaks when
lmao changli with that hank hill ass
What the fuck happened to our exploration? Suddenly i 100% everything??
what the... bros... i actually have an s6 yy... should i be using her?
so we all agree that Holo Crownless is the most fun boss fight in the game, right
IMO she's 2nd best support next to Verina, but nobody knows and playing her optimally is hard and requires some tech
At S6 you get over 100K damage in less than 6 seconds from her per rotation btw
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I'm tired.
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that little shit looks dangerous, surprising to see
Seems a little slapped together, but fun, maybe I'll try it out.
Beautiful eyes.
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>Seems a little slapped together
That's cause it is.
Will look different once I pull Changli.
Your rate to damage ratio will always be shit with Jinhsi, even with the sig weapon.

5+8+24=37 crate naked
50+44=94 cdamage with only main echo stat
Factor 2.5

Ideal starting point would be 37/84 (factor 2)

Once mine has all passives and maxed weapon, she's gonna sit at 74.4/161.2 (factor 2.17) Due to the increase of crate and cdamage the factor got lower even with fairly even c-rate and c-damage gain. But to get it to 2, you'd need to either artificially hold down crit damage, or roll better c-rate subs.

Jinhsi probably wouldn't even mind 100% crit-rate considering how much of a 1 hit wonder she is. But without a crit-rate main-stat it'd be impossible, and then you have a shit ratio no matter what.
saving for her and Camellya.
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It's like fighting fucking Mike Tyson everything is a nuke everything is back to back no you can't counter fuck crownigger.
Unrelated but here's your reminder to never build pity btw absolutely bricked my 50/50 as well.
i'm still having a good time compared to genshin atm. i just rolled for furina and haven't gotten to ascension just because collecting mats is such a pain. fuck, to this day my tighnari, cyno, jean and diluc + a shitload of 4*s are still just sitting there because of how garbage movement/material collection is. worst part is when i have to switch to my "movement" team with yelan/kazuha/wanderer minimum + filler. fucccccccckkkkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. someone help me quit genshin my sunk cost is driving me mad especially since i'm 1.0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Build pity
when will you retard ever learn
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This is amazeballs
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+hp is bad, right?
Should i delete these two echoes?
For havoc rover.
Please no misinformation because I am a noob.
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Very lewd Changli, not for children
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I don't give a fuck about the two ugly chinks. When are they releasing good looking characters
>"movement" team with yelan/kazuha/wanderer minimum + filler
I just run everywhere with my Keqing, 100%'d all the map with her. Think your issue is just not having fun and being an unfaithful whore
>is one stage below a perfect crit roll
>mid to high end crit damage roll
that won't be replaced for a while
where's gfl1 in the rankings?
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Just play genshin bwo, their characters mog wuwa
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I remember seeing those early Jinhsi theorycrafting videos and pre-release guide, best team, or other shit, even some dumb dps rotation calc on fucking excel spreadsheet. Turns out one hundred percent of them, literally every single of them is wrong
why do people keep comparing the two?
I like to imagine that this is the reason why the game takes two minutes to load on that guys ancient PC
Oh nice, the update fixed the stuttering issue
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ZZZ is gonna be the easiest game to reroll in

Unlocking gacha took ~50 mins in beta, and i read story and screenshotted a lot, if you skip maybe 20-30 mins!

-20 pulls from pre-reg
-10 pulls instantly from log-in
-Reaching lvl 5 gives 10 pulls (you're lv5 upon unlocking gacha)
whats the truth then?
Looks like FSR shenanigans
I may try it while I'm waiting for good looking characters unironically. The jc girl with the shorts looks very breedable.
Funniest part is, people would call you a retard if you disagreed or called them out on their bullshit. I don't like calling people sheep like a self-important faggot, but it's really hard not to sometimes
Anon, it's not about exploring. It's about collecting shit. The reason I don't even pull chars in that game unless I have enough to make them so strong the grind feels worth it.
i was being sarcastic
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Next patch is Black shore so expect some non-Europe characters.
Vaguely similar colour schemes and bangs
Why can't gig stop talking about our game?
What CPU/GPU combo?
Not memeing i'm curious because building a new rig and my current setup is working like butter for this game, i want to avoid your brand and model.
Anon. I hate to break it to you, but an easy re-roll game is:
>go back to title
>options -> delete user data -> yes
>start -> "want to skip prologue?" -> yes
>mail -> claim
>roll -> ???
>do it again or keep
There are two types of gacha, those who want you to reroll and those who don't. The latter are usually not worth it. If you get shit, you quit.
>Unlocking gacha took ~50 mins in beta,
what the fuck that's long
what sonata effect to use for Sanhua?
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i bought a t97 because of her kek
no, i'm just retarded and play too many gacha games
glacio if you're a nutjob that wants to use her as dps
You mean BotW clone? Let's not forget genshit isn't original whatsoever shall we nigger
Bwo they literally explained it in the story... Basically, you just get more powerful by fighting someone with a similar ability to yourself, aka shonen anime mechanics. Something like two sound waves crashing creating a higher peak. Also there's a danger you can't handle it and die.
Okay... that's stupid.
That dupe giving 100% crit damage on shatter makes it VERY interesting...
Her final dupe also gives 20% atk already..
Jue says at the end he'll transfer his power to her, skip bro...
that's cultivation for you
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They need to add an event where Rover goes to the hotspring with Jinhsi, Changli, and Xinyi go to the hotsprings.
No Jue only said it'll transfer its position, but to get that position Jinhsi had to beat Jue in the first place which means Jinhsi was already stronger than weakened Jue.
>"easy" reroll being 30min long
Kill yourself hoyodrone.
would you rather they clashed by having sex
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>Unlocking gacha took 50 mins
>Easiest game to reroll
me, along with 6 dupes. and 5 dupes of her weapon
Google resonance or check this link https://www.britannica.com/science/resonance-vibration and click the tacoma narrows bridge link there as well.

The idea is the same. If two powers resonate they amplify potentially to the point they destroy you. Based on physics.
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The fan of the inferior product always lash out. I don't even recall BotW fans lash out on genshitters this hard because they know genshit is the inferior copycat product
You can tell what his first gacha is from that stupidity
As far as I can understand it, she needed to get stronger by fighting Jue and getting her second awakening to handle the power Jue would then pass on to her.
She didn't beat him. She just had to survive while they both go all out for the second awakening shit to happen then he will transfer it to her with the help of rover so she wouldnt' die
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Show them bwos
I wasn't. Chang and jingshi look like crap.
>>483947576 (me)
btw im poor, brown, and gay
I hate to say this but WuWa won bigly...
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>Unlocking gacha took ~50 mins
devs will stop listening and get taken over by feminazis
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Jinhsigods status report? I got her and her weapon, also failed the next 50/50 early
>oyohim game
>easy to reroll
so close to a nipslip... why is she such a whore...
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>Chinawank characters.
Whites own you bugs.
5700X 3060ti, the 1.1 patch made me constantly drop down to 49-55fps, the most recent update made it more stable
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It's over...
It makes sense when you see it from the whole sound theme, two sounds with the same frequency when in sync will increase the signal
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Just posting it so people can feel better by comparison..
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Nintendies were absoloutley seething at Genshin when it first came out
Looking back and reading through this thread now is actually pretty funny, because it sounds a lot like the things people say about woowa.
You need to maintain a 1:3 CPU to GPU ratio for maximum FPS
go back to genshin you limp dick faggot
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Why would I feel better seeing some humblebragger post his luckshit rolls? I lost every 50/50 AND had to go to 60+ rolls every single time.
Damn, that sucks man
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What is this bullshit?
Yeah, I know. I haven't run into any issues with the games I played though, so I'll hold off on upgrading the GPU until maybe the 6070 comes out
just beat up the level 50 jue, it'll still give you the echo
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Tsugi, Sex Phoenix.
did you not see my super hard pity and the lionkid? Also not seen are my 2 hard pity weapons.
Yeah, you actually have to do level 40? Or whatever it is. Still dies to one anko skill + echo.
Didn't wuwa gave that many plus a 5* selector ticket thing
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Guess I'll add this too
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Nobody here can beat this unless they got the furfag instead of Verina.
What is the best (non-5*) weapon for Verina?
At lvl 80 the lowest you can go is 60...
The difference is genshit is stil an inferior product compared to BotW. Even the models look bad compared to BotW, let alone a game made in unreal like wuwa kek
And there's also the combat, genshit pretty much just dumbed down BotW combat and slap mobage color matching shit on top of it while kuro made the smart decision to ignore BoTW combat and cooy DMC and NieR.
Variation all day
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it'll still die pretty quickly, what's the issue?
Join us
There's only a 1 in 3 chance you get a character before soft pity (65 rolls or something) and it happened to you 4 out of 7 times, extremely early even. You are a luckshitter supreme, you have NO right to complain AT ALL.
Where the fuck is your super hard pity. That is losing a coinflip at ~70 rolls and going back up there for the char.

You never needed more than ~80 rolls for a char, which is beyond lucky. 270 pulls for 4 limiteds. On average you would need something like 440. I needed around 350 and even that is lucky. (and I have less standard chars to show, as I got 0 earlies, but won 3 out of those 4 coinflips)
>waaaaaah waaaaaah I have to actually fight the boss for his echo
Variation is her BIS even compared to 5* weapons.
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someone almost got to the hard pity
poor soul
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Lucklets seething
>inb4 bad/mid
Don't care, took me 20 minutes
rough, it happened to me but in HSR in the firefly banner. The odds are crazy low so truly cursed accounts
Yeah that's garbage. The only thing good about it is having double crit stat, but even then crit damage is min roll.
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Lower your phase for 5 astrites.
mid and bad
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>no early
>no lost 50/50s
fairly decent luck
>No skill damage%
>HP and DEF
Unironically back to the jue mines
thats not the jue echo with 22% crit damage roll bro
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Is the game just running better than the other day for anyone else? I'm getting much better performance out of nowhere am I just crazy
Are skill/basic/ult damage bonus substats are actually important or just a cope when you didn't get crits or attack?
You're losing around 20% from lack of ATK % and Resonance Skill Damage %.
Been running great for me since 1.1
I don't know why you're pretending to be me, but yeah keep seething niggers, I get to have fun exploring the region while you're still sub stat fishing
Yes, the last update made it better
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Based Don't care, took me 20 minuteschad
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I didn't need to know this
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What's with her expression?
>Haha nooo don't chase me with that big hammer!
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You have enough rolls for cHAnGli, right?
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That's fucking impressive and an achievement in itself.
Reminder that that website is stupid because every reroller with god-rolls put their data there.

You're comparing your account to the top 10% best cherry-picked reroll accounts.
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I tried vpn top up but stuck on this page. it seems my purchase can't go through

any tips?
you might turn into a mummy anon
What's with the bane jinhsi meme I'm so out of loop
>Bulletproof tits
Is there anything this wild turkey can't do?
I got this page for my successful purchase, try logging in.
Just stop while you are ahead and they haven't banned/fucked you over yet.
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Pay full price gweilo
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Can you find Xinyi somewhere after Act VII?
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Chat is this good?
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She's near the teleporter down south of the town.
at the town

Were can I find altered one?
I just realized how tiny she is when i put her in my calchudo team.
Literally perfect.
Do Moonlit Clouds users use ER 3-costs? Or elemental damage
Depends i think, Sanka for example needs exactly 0 ER.
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oh, im quite familiar with it.
ER for substat
Heron already give ER so get ER mainstat is too much
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>already running out of things to do
Nice "contents"
Guess I will move to zzz
It still stutters a bit when I get in but a lot better than last patch so that's a good sign. Also loading times have improved noticebly.
I'm trans and Filipino, is this game for me?
i like how criticism of this game is either "BRO THERES NO CONTENT WAHHH" or "the game is too big and it takes too much time to explore so you're a jobless incel if you play it" although the latter is mostly seen from star rail tards, but still
Dunno. It already ran at 4k 120 perfectly on my first world PC. Happy for you guys with worse specs if you can run it now though.
>playing ZZZ
We know, ESL bro.
Kek yeah
It's the only thing they can criticise now
lets see those holo 6 clears bwo
you need to change the md5 too if you want to pretend that's your pic bwo
>finish main quests
>good now wander around this empty map for 3 weeks
why are chinks so allergic to content interacting with playables instead of NPCs
>didn't even try the new hologram boss
I tried to pay attention, but I'm either retarded, or the story sucks.
What was Jue trying to do, why, and what the hell did Rover do to help?
Did you pay by card? Paypal always works for me.
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Do not say "bwo."
Do not be a faggot.
>running out of things to do
you haven't even come close to crownless's hologram you stupid nigger
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>calling others faggot
your country of residence bwo???
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Could not have collected all the Windchimers without Ma Xia--- Chixia.
The more and more I see of Zenless Zone Zero, the more excited I get. The style, music, and just vibes looks so good. Im really hoping it does well or at least finds its audience
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if a guy like zafej78 can get 24 crests in TOA and beat Mephis VI on a literal no pull account (doesn't even have Baizhu) and you can't even beat holograms then you absolutely suck and you don't have to announce your departure you limp wristed fuck
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here ya go
Does anyone know how to open that yellow wall near the buggy tree
What's up with all the berets?
it's probably just a fuck up when the game was rendering my instance but I found a 2d tree here that I found funny.
Damn those little ice cube niggas might look like pushovers as first but you can't let them approach you. They're ice cold killers yo.
That ain't it
bwi wtf (●´ω`●)
I actually liked the story for this patch but they honestly should stop making Rover so important. Too much (you)pandering is meh. Self-inserting is more fun when you're a generic everyman like in Xenoblade X rather than some divine godbeing that farts holy dust.
>Breasts censored
>Trees censored
Nice game kurokeks
Dunno, but what is THIS?
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What do we think about irl brands ad on ZZZ world?
Nigga DAMN
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Nice game wuwakeks
game is ded?
i keep running out to golden dice for tuning, i still haven't built more than one character cause of this.
Should i just ignore getting crit and just settle for one crit substat?
Does Jinhsi need her skill or forte leveled first?
New enemies are all niggas. The parrots are easy but the ice cubes, ice wolves and sabertooth are fucking disgusting. These are gonna be run killers in Tower.
What are we seething about this time?
Meinkraft easter egg your rike gweilo?
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Zenless Zone Zero Official Release Goes Live in 5 Days!
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Here's mine, using 5* from previous banner because I pulled it in 5 pulls.
80% of her dmg is from Forte.
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>Rover canonically jobs to Inferno Knight
wtf i thought this was the Chad MC game
forte is numba 1 followed by liberation i think
The pixel art trees looks pretty nice honestly
you really dont need to build every single character to be 50-60+ crit rate 250+ crit damage with SSS tier echo stats bro, just get good decent pieces and that'll be enough 100% of the time
Holy fuck EN dub sounds like those 0 effort self dubbing on early days of youtube
The game runs better than ever bros
NTA but stop downplaying my stat autism
Jue got fucked up thousands of years ago in the year 2001, and spends its free time in the ching chong Chamber to slowly recover from its grievous wound.

Present time: Fractsidus use stolen Science from ChatGPT to lock Jue in jail like Scar. Jue is dying from its wounds and lack of healing in jail. Jinhsi must defeat Jue according to prophecy and instead of letting Jinhsi get a free kill Jue chimps out and attacks Jinhsi but Rover is an Arbiter so you're presence forces Jue to abide by the rules like a judge so they have a fair fight (Jue threatened to STOP TIME FOREVER before the fight) and when Jinhsi is about to die and turn into a dead body you redirect Jue's power into Jinhsi (because killing is bad) and then Jinhsi gets stronger and is sent home while Jue flies off to die on its own terms now that the day is saved

in the past:
>Jinhsi (baby form) and her mom are killed by TD (Tacet Discords)
>Jue uses its magic to go back in time before Frieza blew up Earth and Goku saves the day instead this saving baby Jinhsi
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Can't believe I got cucked by this faggot from C2.
>sweated out echoes for over a month
>account sharing
>cleared entire world every day
>for over a month
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Good to know I don't need her sig, my red woman funds are safe
>Japanese game
Everyday unassuming chad becomes the hero, gets the girl and saves the world
>Chinese game
Resurrected God who woke up at LV 99 uses his god powers to save the weak humans while the chinkfolk worship the ground he walks on
her c2 doesnt work in combat though, only in over-world content
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Yeah I don't know why everyone thought she needs it.
It's additive with your spectro% after all
NTA but thanks.
I now understand the plot.
>limited in number
DLSS is broken and doesn't do anything in 1.1 Alert the pressess
>American game
Lesbian "hero" wakes up and kills all men and straight women :)
Would 2x ATK 3 cost be better for her? I notice that ATK seems to be a scarce resource in this game.
You forgot the part where she late term aborts (10 months)
Why is Yuanwu considered better support than Taoqi for Jinhsi? Isn't skill dmg deepen way better?
>filtered by aix
Gonna be honest!

I have been struggling to get invested in other gacha games besides HI3. I started making content because I was passionate about the game. As my channel grew, I wanted to diversify. My biggest hope was Star Rail because it was part of the same series. While I loved the game initially, I soon started to care less and less about it. I told myself that as long as I liked the story of a game, I wouldn't care about the gameplay, but... turn-based games are just not for me. Even Penacony - with its incredible story - didn't change that. Despite its rough first Chapter, I was more invested in the story of HI3 Part 2 than Penacony.

Then WuWa came around and it was the same. After a month of playing, I just wanted to go back to PGR. (Took a break to play WuWa)

I feel like stage-based/open-zone Action RPGs are what I enjoy the most. Even after playing HI3 for years, I still haven't felt burned out. It's the perfect mix of what I'm looking for both story-wise and gameplay-wise in a gacha game. So I'm hoping that ZZZ will give me the same feeling. On paper, it looks like it fits the bill perfectly. I want to try it out next week and maybe find that missing piece that will work together with HI3 on my channel!
>Using DLSS at all
coordinated attacks help her build up quicker, I think Taoqi works just fine though.
Mourning aix wound fears the hrover
You got this
first he clangs the bang then he bangs your clang
>words words words
No, since you get 2x ATK% from 1-costs

Because she has a good outro for Jinhsi but she sucks at getting the concerto for it. No, R5 discord does not fix it. She becomes marginally better at concerto but does zero damage.

Yuanwu can help Jinhsi build stacks fast.
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Ummm what is this? Sub DeePee eeS schizo told me she wasn't a main dps though??
Is it weak to havoc? does elemental weakness exist in this game?
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Dude is it me on copium or is Jinhsi like a cheat code for tower of adversity ?
Is she really that good? Is changli going to be bait?
same element = weaker damage, that's it
Nah, she's broken lol
>No, since you get 2x ATK% from 1-costs
But it's shit compared to 3 cost. The difference is almost double if I recall
Her spectro dmg cucked me out of last floor in experiment zone. Now I don't have anyone to clear it with cus no energy.
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shes definitely broken, my level 70 jinhsi without her signature weapon+ok echo stats obliterated side 2
How good is she with only 1 copy?
Her multipliers are stupidly high, not to mention the current buff rotation favors spectro
>The difference is almost double if I recall
It's not. You hit diminishing returns with ATK% too.
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you just don't understand
>mfw my subpar jinhsi with her wep can 3* heron than my fucking Yinlin with her wep from previous cycle...
powercreep too soon
S0R1 is the strongest character in the game by a pretty large degree.
>damage per screen shot
She was made for this.
If you're using razor, double spectro is better
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A little bit better than jiyan I would say. I feel like most people here are jiyanlets so they're comparing her to standard 5* cope units instead of a 5* limited main dps like him
how long do I have to wait for Geshu Lin to release?
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how the hell do I get past the lasers
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Lvl 65 btw
Is the powercreep going to be that bad??
I only like generic everyman character if he is true/chaotic neutral and has his own goal beyond simply "help people"
>main dps does more damage than support unit
turn sideways so you are thinner
She certainly feels like a tier above Jiyan to me, I don't have his weapon to be fair but he has a perfect partner in Mort while her options all have pros and cons
Yeah quit right now if you're poor or shit at the game or both.
true but I don'thave kakarot for yinlin to support previous cycle........
bros how i deal with that tactician bitch on the electro side? i dont know if i should focus fire on her or on the grunts? i tried grouping them up with monk's ult and juggling them but she keeps teleporting away
do a barrel roll ankobwo
Too early to say really, Jinhsi seems pretty lore significant so her being strong is somewhat expected. I'm predicting Changli won't be quite as effortlessly effective.
Use the echo that makes you invincible to pass through the bars
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>24 days
>obliterated side 2
>1 star for floor 4
heron took ages to kill
For some reason, when I turned it off I got these black screen tears that have been posted a few times. So I just turned it on again. Didn't really notice a difference either way.
Why is she such a lesbo?
That might be true actually
I have none, and I don't care if you think that i am one.
buy an ad
i think they fixed the cloaked 4 arm nigga
before his retarded charge would just make him tumble in front of you if you stood your ground, now he properly command grabs your ass
I'm not clicking on your shitty video, faggot.
Energy constraints really start pissing me off. Just let me play the game.
>minecraft trees everywhere despite x10 draw distance in the .ini
wtf is this shit, it wasn't there yesterday
Fuck you toaster niggers, your complaints are ruining my game
Your second and third gacha?
>open video
>level 80 characters
>close video
>full stars
Too lazy to get past any difficulty IV holos
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Phantom Lightcrusher can be found here
>watches 1.1 trailer and Jinhsi intro video
>wants to pull for her
>plays 1.1
>Changli destroys all competition in the gacha scene
Where the fuck is her companion quest or Jinhsi touching your cheek only exists in the trailer like these
They're shit character tho, you get hit like a truck seemingly by nothing, the hitbox starts the moment they do the jump and looks weak.
I'm not bricking my echos with this bugged skin.
I don't get why they thought having worms and bells being reachable by gun users (also don't forget the orb things to dispel shields), was a good idea. I know that we get Chixia for free but it breaks the flow of gameplay so much.
settle on 2
>non negotiable
c rate
c dmg
could I get a non-joke answer since I genuinely can't figure it out how to open the glowy barrier
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Kek, i'm suffering from "improvements" every time.
Top of the line rig and the moment they optimize for poorfags i start having issues not the first game i've had this happen either.
>other games have puzzles where you NEED an archer
>everyone loves it
>this game has puzzles where you NEED a gunner
>certain people hate it
fuck off bag to /gig/ you turboshill
Okay, just run up to them and hit the bells in melee range then if you really want to.
There are three SSDs and two HDDs in my PC. I use the former for all software and vidya I run and the HDDs are where I store shit like music, porn, pictures and torrented shit that I still seed or that is not prepared for my NAS yet
>Jinhsi wearing black panties
I thought she's supposed to be pure?
Use chixia and shoot the cube fellow ankobwo.
>He has beaten the IV Mephis as well
That's not even an accomplishment lmao
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It's a general issue in this game. Hit feedback is absolutely awful.
You can literally have a combo running, the enemy doing nothing and yet suddenly half your HP is gone.

They should really take another look at HI3rd. With how much they copied that game, the general enemy and attack design wasn't and it SUCKS. You still have your several second long attack intervals or you deal negative damage, yet enemies never give you these openings and seemingly hit you while not actually moving or doing anything.
Especially annoying because chip damage can't be easily healed.
half of them aren't reachable by melee.
I have never played /gig/, BotW or any ubishit game in my entire life.
nta but some characters have jump attacks that only tickle the bells but don't knock them off
I think he meant difficulty 6 because it shows in the video.
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thank you
The only worms are in you anus
Go back
>Is 1.1 character broken
Don't get attached to these characters too much is all i'll say.
Also keep the free weapon rolls and corals for 1-2+ year weapons/sequence nodes.
What's the 200mb update for? It's not mod ban r-right haha..
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Yo /wuwa/ just started the game today and I have a few questions would be cool if you guys could help me out.
How much time it would take me to 100% everything without counting the 1.1 in your opinion?
Also I'm saving my 5* ticket (gonna pick Jianxin) same for the standard selector (for Calcharo maybe and I got Verina on the beginner one). My thought prosses was that if I lose the 50/50 on Changli's banner (btw is her weapon a big boost for her or not?) so I would select my characters based on that result.
And lastly should I level up the echos just enough to get me trough the story and wait until I can farm for rank 5 ones?
I also like Danjin but do you guys play her on the open world or should I just build her for 1v1 fights instead?
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>He can't beat any Dif V or higher holos
KEK what a retard
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Has anyone found this particular chest yet?
NTA but the archer forced shit is so fucking awful in Genshin, NO FUCKING WAY anyone likes those.

Sumeru even had some domains without the ability to swap chars where you suddenly needed an archer or even dendro archer. Yes, Collei is free, BUT HOLY SHIT FUCK OFF. Having to replay the entire shit just for that is SO INCOMPETENT.
>limited in number
Does that mean i can macro a bunch of accounts to claim the code and cuck actual players from getting their freebies?
Performance increase
Okay? just use an Echo attack then
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I won't be needing it cause I'm not gonna play!
You don't need a full 3 character meta team in overworld, just put her in
>keep the weapon rolls for 1-2 years from now
nigger what. no. I'll roll now and then I'll just roll again later when something stronger comes
Zajef is simply built different. Didn't he call Tectone a cuck and basically mind break him for a year straight lmao?
I have S3 Jinhsi and her signature. If they powercreep her asap then you niggas will be seeing me in EpicNPC.
Naked base models with detailed genitals, pubes, and underwear. Preparation for summer skin.
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Now say that without crying over the lost 50/50
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Oh shit that's pretty good then. I still don't know how to avoid heron's dumb feather rain.
>whaling on JPEGs
>whaling on physical objects that exist
i think thats the one where theres a very hard to see hole in the ceiling and you climb into it and its there
>bell you can only get by shooting
>edit team
>swap my level 70 jinhsi for level 1 chixia
>shoot the bell
>edit team, swap my level 1 chixia for level 70 jinhsi
>continue playing the game
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>fucking around in the overworld
>5000-8000 skill nuke from jade like beauty
>lvl 60
>lvl 5 dauntless
what in the loving fuck
Goddamn, that's a cool looking echo. Is it Spectro only?
why couldn't they just give me a utility that's like a flare gun so its faster if my current character is a gunner but its not as annoying to swap parties / characters if its not.
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How jealous is Chixia of this creature being able to be by Rover's (in)side 24/7?
Why do you think they insist on being a f2p in the first place?
point her ass towards the gunners
>no record
>no record
>shit time
>no record
>calls others retarded
1.1 mobs are tougher than 1.0 that's for sure.
1.- I don't know your how your week looks or your schedule
2.- Not a question
3.- Yes, save your echo xp materials for rank 5
>we want that 1.1 genshin gameplay
My game doesn't have Minecraft trees. I didn't do any engine.ini tweaks though. Restore yours to default.
>swapping teams/characters everytime you need to shoot the bell is good
>5000-8000 skill nuke
That's not even remotely impressive bwo
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Isn't this pokemon transformation system kind of flawed
You get all these cool echo effects but you'll only ever use the 4* ones
He did. Just further prove that Canadian feminists are superior to Cuckmericans in every aspect.
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Yes, it's on the mountain.
Seems like it yeah
>I don't know your how your week looks or your schedule
I do remote work and have plenty of free time to be honest, so I can play a good amount each day.
>Not a question
Yeah sorry I forgot to finish my sentence, I was asking if it was a good move or should I just pick up Jianxin with the ticket instead of waiting.
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That should've been Yangyang's role...
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what's going on
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I-I just got into UL 40 yesterday !
my sword is level 5 as in missing half my base attack
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Thanks bwos, I figured it out
>doing the inferno knight quest permanently changes the map and its aesthetic
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I only rolled for Yinlin and i won 50/50, i only roll for hags.
Don't forget to grab the free 4 star weapon on top
>Every time i close the game i lose my map keybind
Man this game is just something else. How do they even fuck this up?
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the difference between 18 crests and the full 30 is only 250 Astrite
>pulling for meta
You only have yourself to blame. Every time I pull for meta I end up disappointed.

Once Stringmaster or whatever it's called released, and I pulled it for Anko, I figured it'd be a waste (meta wise) to not also get Yinlin for the other tower side or whatever. Promptly I lost the coinflip and needed way too many pulls for a rather unimpressive char I give zero shits about.
But now my twintail girl actually wants her and all is good again. I don't mind getting good support for my twintail girls. And because she never was a meta pull I won the coinflips this time. All 3, so I can play her on the worldmap without caring about swapperino and shit, and can enjoy her twintails and bouncing boobies.

Meta is honestly boring, unless it's at least meta about a char you enjoy. What are you going to miss? A pull or two per month? I have those 5 bucks to compensate if I need it. Which is less likely due to only using pulls on shit I want.

Meta is a mistake. Pull who you like or what is fun.
For some reason the game didn't realize that you're close enough to the object to switch to the non-low poly version of it.

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