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Previous: >>483939890

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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I didn't get Yinlin and won't build any guys, what team options to I have for Jinhsi?
Did Kuro fuck up the new mobs? I'm getting one shotted by literally everything including the ice cubes
I'm trans and Indonesian, is this game for me?
someone please talk me out of rolling harvest
I just think it looks neat
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Max your echoes retard.
It's worth the free 20 or so weapon rolls you should have but that's about it
There will be a cooler, stronger weapon in the future. 100% you will regret it.
They're higher level than anywhere else in the overworld, and the cubes especially are very aggressive and don't stop their attack once it starts. Just level your characters, weapons, and echoes bro.
Let me guess, you reached the next SOL phase and haven't leveled your characters yet.
people rage when they get def% on their sub but i'm a shitter and it saves me from getting 2 shot by mobs
it's a 17% damage increase over razor, you could use those pulls for more characters instead
>built up a Danjin to solo one side of AT

damn it's hard to survive when they put in a lot of ranged enemies especially those fast laser exiles
skill issue
Yes now it's fun to play in the open world too since enemies put at least some fight.
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>Changli segment started
>Camera keeps zooming in her tits

It's a one-time opportunity (unless you want to wait half a year or more) to get the BEST broadsword available by a large margin.
Please don't roll though.
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Well that story wasn't so bad. It's clear that they're improving but the emotional weight of the whole thing is still marred by how atrocious the whole prologue was.
Had they all been suspicious of us this whole time and we ended up needing to earn their trust - their remarks of the rover's kindness would've meant a lot more.
As it stands I'm just wondering what they fucking meant by the rover's kindness because they were already all over our heels from the second we were dropped into this world from the lady in the sky.
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>phantom echos not fixed
>camera not fixed
>minecraft trees
Glad I never gave my money to these niggers
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I'm trying to simply roll razor instead but I need more standard rolls...
sanhua for quick intro
I hope they add a vendor where you can trade ores for mats like in the tiger maw mine.
What do you mean?
I don't get it.
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The game runs so smooth now, the fuck did they change
working as intended
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is jinshi actually fucking busted?
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Bla bla bla everything was fine before the update, you can enjoy the game since it doesn't require you to go to extreme lengths like having to dodge perfectly to feel immersed in the combat
Fuck this artificial difficulty
>posting lies on the internet
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Not even close
Bros I was fuckin around doing dumb shit in mt Looong for like 5 hours so I forgot to shitpost in /wuwa/ all day. Forgive me.
>China dragon themed character
>not busted
First chinese gacha?
By herself? No. She needs a team to be busted which is fine by me.
ZZZ with auto-parry might be up to your speed, genshitter
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I hate you blind niggas with thumbnail-sized frog jpegs like you wouldn't believe
probably considering I got my first 21 cuz of her being poorly geared aside from weapon.
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Filtered by a mobile game LMAO
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It runs worse now for me with a fucking 4080ti 7950x combo FUCK YOUUUU POORFAAAGS
>can only craft 8 + 8 exp tubes every 3 days
Bwos, I'm out of things to do...
I'm almost done with the new region and i have not seen anything like that yet tho
good job, unlike the genshitter above you
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>he's still using HDD in 2024
Those tubes are a scam. Blue tubes cost 20K to craft.
How is that possible, i have 3070 normal and 5800x the game runs great almost everything maxed out (shadows on High)
>make a boss fight that players have to farm
>have it fly all over the map above the player
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Minecraft collab?
kuro pls slow down the damage
I don't want my 4* to become irrelevant that quikly
Neither did I until the game updated and now they're everywhere
Restart and enjoy your minecraft
stop using hdd for gaming
just do the lowest difficulty you can and one shot him lol
>no restart button either
fucking waste of time
Aright il go see myself, where in the map are these broken textures
>takes 1 minute to set up a mere 25% hp nuke on level 80 holo
holy brick now imagine that didn't crit
Your GPU is dying bro.
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Holy fucking kino, we're so back jankbros
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just use fusion dmg to melt off its ice armor
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I can climb the pixels
Saw minecraft trees in the new city today, my mediocre pc hasn't had any stuttering issues before or after updates. These are definitely emergency measures for phoneshitters
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So who do I add to ginseng and verina? No homos please.
sis I think your gpu is dying
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sanhua for intro spam
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I hate this shitty echo system so much
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Anyone got that one image of Jinhsi covering herself while naked? I've gone through so many threads and can't seem to find it.
who tf is Lord Arbiter?
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Nice game wuwakeks
wtf, I just got a crit rate Tempest Mephis from my dailies, I thought I could only get random mobs, not bosses
I cant find any weir textures so i think
>A : Anon is using something to reduce the LOD bias of some textures to increase performance
>B : Anon's PC is a literal toaster failing to load textures, HDD user perhaps ?
how do I enable this setting? looks cool
You mean Lady Arbiter xis...?
They changed it to only be elites/bosses now.
I thought the blocky trees were due to weird lore reasons. I like them
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1.0 had fine performance for meand I felt vaguely smut towards people coplaining about stutters
1.1 is now unplayably stuttery
devs listened
Just say it anon, jank kino
>Lv 60
>old map
Explore the new region, bro
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maximum photosynthesis
>Fedoraman is the better teammate for Jinhsi than Yinlin
I prefer the term SOVL
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>do a pull
>get jinshi
>do a 10 pull
>get harvest
Hot period boys
It was stuttery for me again at the start but it went away, I'm sure the game just had to recompile shaders.
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she looks very kissable.. I would kiss her on the lips
I already did im just trying to find the trees on that anon's screenshot, which i couldn't
Im waiting on energy to get my Jinhsi to lv 70 bro
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This guy
I don't see how he can be better unless you ignore the damage yinlin does, yuanwu does fuckall damage compared to her.
File deleted.
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>hit enemy for 65k damage
>doesn't shit itself and die immediately

>give Fedoraman the 3 star healing weapon + healing set
>give Verina the Moonlit set
>win game
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Speedster got dented..
Kino minecraft collab
Her brain capacity won't be affected by this
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I'm pretty sure they only appear on mt. Firmament
Not playing on an HDD or a potato, and the settings are maxed
Can you show the map so i can go see if it also displays for em as well
I really like hers and Yangyangs animations. They actually use their swords and still are flashy without obscuring everything with thousand fx's and flying dragons or some shit.
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I fucking love Jinhsi!!
I am going to roooooooooooooll for Changli
Hi, I started playing yesterday and got to union level 12? What can I spend my waveplates on?
I killed the inferno rider once and that was it.
>"this game has bad performance on high end hardware"
>Intel Iris Xe
Except if everyone doubts and treats you like shit at first, why should Rover ally with them and help them in the first place
That's not kindness, just retarded
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ok incel keep that v card
(You) weren't supposed to go past the speed limit bro
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why do you sound like a seething foid?
for what bwo
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How do I build her for a Jinhsi team?
I dont even know how her kit works lol
take a shower stinky
People don't understand that relationship are two ways.
I have as much reasons to distrust them as they have me; reasonable take would be to be wary and not overtly hostile instead of what we got in the CBT. Then again this site is filled with browns and tards.
Sure, retard
>everyone is having fun with the new content
>meanwhile I'm stuck killing this gay dragon for hours with no luck
If you can't do good story just keep this shit to minimum like dark souls and focus on shit that game is good at.
I fucking hate gatchas with their shitty stories that somehow need few pages of dialogue for even irrelevant side quests.
Just do flashy cinematics that look cool with few words and then let us play the game.
>this game has paimon now
explain to me how this game isn't just genshin but worse
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How am I supposed to clear floor 4 in 2 minutes?
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for me it's everywhere
it's like the trees roll a dice to decide if they want to load as 2d texture or 3d model
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Below the big dragon head thing
jinhsi is easy on right side obv, not sure about the left side though
You don't. Yuanwu is better.
Have you tried not being a complete shitter?


Zajef aka the God of WuWa makes this game his bitch on a no roll account.
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The optimal Jinhsi team is me, my wife and my daughterwife.
I'm convinced anyone saying this hasn't played genshin or wuthering waves
I copied your codes and paste them and it says it contains invalid characters
Kill yourself already.
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Are these worth? It's 8 pulls for $10
>open vid
>dude looks like a homeless pedophile
>close vid
kill yourself Zajeeeeeef.
Of course not
None of the shop items are "worth it"
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Your offer is accepted Yangyang.
Top tier dogeza also
Just a heads up the moment you hit ul 50 the world promotes itself without a quest to the new difficulty, no other warning.
the double packs are better
those are for people that already exhausted the double packs
They only thing "worth" buying is 5$ sub
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You can just skip the yapping here if you hate it that much, meanwhile genshin doesn't even get that option
Anything cheaper than the stock top up is basically free
No, but you should check out ZZZ
but enough about assmongoloid
25 gold skill mats is pretty worth it, saves you a massive amount of stamina
>No roll
>Using the selector
That's not "no roll"
after restarting the game, a hotfix was applied and this issue is fixed
devs listen at the speed of light
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taoqi mogs changli and changli has zero ass
hetero game
wuwa got nanachi
wuwa won
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I'm thinking about making a moonlight set with ATK 3-costs instead of element specific as their main stat just to be able to use it as an all rounder for all the support types, thoughts?
I heard that game is better
For support sure, ur bot trying to dps with them anyhow
This game has too much unnecessary dialogue explaining shit we were already told
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It is actually
So Jue was our sex slave and has a big titty human form?
may as well put ER mainstat there, any character using this wants to get concerto and swap asap and having ult helps with that
Probably considering how Jiyan and Jinhsi functions as a traditional main DPS carry that gets buffed up from the team rather than sub-dps doing damage.
Games back in the 2000s did it right. 1-minute intro cutscene for each 20 minutes mission, the rest are voice dialogues without interrupting gameplay.
The problem is writers nowadays didn't play those games. As gaming become more profitable, tv/film writers jumped in to chase the bag and brought the wrong writing style over.
It's also the reason why the player character feels more like a spectator these days.
Who's the bennett of this shit game?
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My game turned into minecraft...
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Ah, yes, Zajef. The Canadian closet pedo who broke his headphones because people made fun of him when he couldn't clear the Abyss with his Hu Tao. Zajef, who loses his shit when you so much as hint at him liking little girls.
A character who does nothing but massively buffs your team?
Just restarted and I think it helped, do it fags
No such thing. You have to roll for power here.
Verina cuz of 5* selector.
Can you elaborate why? I have him at E4 but not built...
holy autist meltdown
>he plays as the male rover
Nice sunk cost cope, retards.
Bruh on bilibili a lot of people are making fun of genshin pussy ass mc after reading the finale of 1.1 quest of wuthering waves and finding how op the Rover is.
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Elf cute
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where the fuck are these two chests
There are games that have good dialogues and writing and presentation that are worth playing through like cyberpunk or baldurs gate 3, but then there's 99% of other trash that should just stick to minimal ammounts of text.
And don't get me started with the trend of having shitton of "notes" or other shit scattered around to flesh out the "lore" that takes you away from gameplay.
Not really hard to top that absolute faggot of an MC.
Whole patch is gun user focused.
Just shoot him when he flies and grapple to him when he lands.
I'm just baffled that they didn't release a 5* gun resonator when they shill gun users so much.
Spreadsheet fags and their jump cancels are hilarious
The guy would clear with time to spare if he just mashed buttons lol
This faggot definitely browses this board, he's so obnoxious I can't really see him anywhere else
He recharges Jinhsi's skill very fast.
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>5000 shells per code
Oh boy
no single wuthering waves player would shit on their game by saying that zajef is the god of their game. you're clearly a gigger and should go back
Is Jinshi the Liv of Woowah?
He says he's browsing reddit a lot.
How much invest do I need to do on Yuanwu in order to use him with Jinhsi? Can Mortefi replace his role?
3x weekly special boss materials (60)
Boss upgrade materials (60)
Skill upgrade materials (40)
Focus on events if available for double yield (tacet, simulation-money, etc.)
I've been doing that all along once it became clear quikly how hard it is to get good echoes
Armored Core 6 is literary this despite being released in 2023, and the story isn't even bad
Rover being op is cool but I want him to be more proactive and motivated
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Danjin is pretty fun and it feels a lot easier to dodge/parry with her kit. Do you think she can realistically work well as a main dps? I have her at C4 at the moment.
Absolutely nothing, just slap a moonlit set and that's it. His whole role is to use E and switch back to Jinhsi.
Anyone here want to add me and maybe co-op someday? Global server btw
I think he will next patch we'll most likely have blackshore arc and that'll definitely go hard because they'll have to shill camellya too
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Huh they made more armored core games after 4?
Which global server?
just enough to get the traces that expand his range and auto use skill, requires no gear at all, mortefi is just as good if not better but only at s4
That sounds a bit too simple, gonna try that I guess, Verina works as the 3rd party member yes?
Why is my game just randomly stutters after 2 hours of playing?
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It's sad how weak mc is in genshin, I thought they were going somewhere with the whole "getting stronger as I master more elements" shit
Is it even worth waiting for the fourth basic on jinshi to land before clicking E? That dragon takes fucking forever to come out
Yes, S4 is required for her to do good damage though, once you reach lvl 80 with lvl 8 skill/forte/liberation and the 5* sword you can 3* a boss in tower.
They did and it's good, just don't play it with a controller like a console peasant, and you will enjoy it
5 is shit tho
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No roll account but the mf always refreshes Waveplates with Asterites
Umm whatever the North America server is. I just wanted to try co-op sometime before i might get tired of the game. Maybe do some echo farming with an Anon. Although im only like UL30ish
Why does genshin hate hsr then? It has a furry paimon too, and they're the same company.
>Hit UL 50
>No more stamina potions
>No more credits
>No more Tuners
>No more echo exp
it's rover for me bros
I'm here to announce that I'm gooning to your wife. Thanks bro
The one on the right is above the ceiling from where you grab the magnetic grenade
Forgot the left one tho, must be outside or the other floors
where can i get a creepshot of jinshi in the map?
Are there little girls in the game?
Your renewed BP rewards?
The real grind begins
>North America
For that you want to go to reddit, 4chan isn't for your kind.
>just enough to get the traces that expand his range and auto use skill
So unlock the middle skill tree?
I'm not paying for the BP
Yeah, makes him a lot easier to use.
yes, the bp offers really little though outside of the credits.
sorry I didn't see your post ankobwo
Then who is it for? Lol all i see is MFs shitting on Pags
I mean to be fair if you're not rolling what else are you gonna do with asterite
eh this is jinhsi and jue fight so rover butting in kinda weird.
We did enough.
Let's hope next patch we will get some cool scene
It gives stamina cubes and skill/weapon purple and gold mat selectors which is worth easily over 400 stamina.
25 jue drops and not a single one with crit damage
Alright, thanks gonna try him out later
Just like lvl 30. Yeah. Every 20 is a check. You can lower it 1 level anyways. So the idea is that if the auto level is an issue, you lower it and nothing ever happened.
>paglippines getting uppity again
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Having fun?
>pags central
No thanks
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How do you cope? That sounds miserable
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Give him the 3 star healing gauntlets and Rejuvenating sets to constantly trigger the set buff
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Nice tree.
>hit UL 50
>don't have mats yet to level characters to 80
>eh enemies will be lvl 71-75 so it shouldn't be an issue
>new patch zone has lvl 81+ enemies
>some attacks one shot me
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>the 7 people i've added here from day 1 are still playing except for verinabros (last login 21 days)
Your asstrite refresh, bro? Just look at nikke, those niggers spend 1k gems every 2 weeks in every event, just so they can get 1 level out of it. That's at least 24k gems every year, or 80 pulls. Level doesn't even really mean anything there, since the endgame content are either level locked, or requires whaling to compete.
>first Jue was crit rate
>second Jue was crit damage
the sub stat rolls weren't amazing but at least it was usable.
Almost looks like this mf is playing with his feet
Its rough out here trying to do some gaming with the bros
You think this is bad? Wait until you reach UL60.
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No, she's too... consensual to be liv lov
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Pedokeks aint loyal
In fact they are all talk no spend gacha addicts
>>Almost looks like this mf is playing with his feet
He is.
It gives 9 purple trace mats at level 15, 2 purple 2 gold at 55, 3 purple 2 gold at 60.

And every other reward on the bp is super shit until you start going from level 45-50 when everything else from 1->30 are super shit outside of the credits(where everyone is at now after starting the new patch)
I feel like I really CAN'T play this game on mobile anymore, I could do dailies on phone with janky controls and framerate but if i ever set foot at Mt Firament on mobile even clang bang will destroy me.
for Answer was absolute kino, 5 was dogshit, Verdict Day was good again but still had a lot I disliked gameplay-wise since it was designed as a standalone expansion of 5 and 5 was dogshit
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>short hair Liv
Are there any reward domains that cap out early? For example, rewards for Simulation at UL 50 and no improvement at 60 (don't know if this is true just throwing it out there).
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All this talk about UL50 is making me anxious bwos
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I'm trying to figure out what isthe best way to improve my roster. Right now, I feel like I should focus on making a decent set of moonlight, all purpose echoes for characters like Mortefi / Sanhua which I'm planning to use. Here's my current setup, pretty much everything could be optimized much more, I'm just trying to settle for less with the scarce amount of resources that we have available to us while actively searching for the best opportunities to gain the most amount of power. I'm currently trying to focus on farming ascension mats as well as skill upgrade mats, getting my Jinhsi up to speed, going to invest to make everyone's skills a bit stronger, still feeling a bit lost but it is what it is...
>ran out of weapon mats
This is the beginning of the end isn't it
the only thing that is bothersome is the wolves/tigers in the new area
anything old world is a joke
>get crit rate Heron from daily missions
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>namedropping your entire friendlist
fucking nolifers
Tfw no one will add me... its over. Time to play Gayshit impact and get groomed
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Forgot to add a pic of the future teams
What substats am I keeping for the healing set? I'm locking 3 cost with energy regen but I'm not sure about 1 cost.
Yeap seems like a (You) issue. Is that on phone or PC ?
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>Changli looks, acts and fights amazing
>Fusion Main DPS and thus heavy overlap with Encore

Pain...feels like I want to wait a bit to see what's in 1.2
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I would add you but I'm hanging on to useless corpses so I can look at them in a year
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Forgot to reply to the post
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>80 JuEs
>Not a single liberation damage roll
Chat, Should i just keep this at this point and forget about it?
>UL 37
Uhh lolikeks? Care to explain?
I ran out of everything, and I'd be in a even worse spot if I didn't paypig for the trace mats good luck
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The need to add mass echo merging.
It takes ages do it manually and I can't be bothered to screen all my current echos to lock the useful ones before using the auto select function.
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If its really Xiangli Yao and Zhezhi then I might as well roll for Changli.
I'd quit the game and just goon to fanart
There was a patch like 20 minutes ago, I think it fixed that. It looks fine on my end now
>they fixed the bug of Data Bank
>new players now need to be Union level 50 to get to Data Bank level 21
Imagine being a latelet or reroller
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Love Jinhsi but god she clutters the screen so much. Was fighting mephis VI and couldn't fucking see anything. Really hope they eventually give us the option to reduce sfx or totally turn it off in the settings
Its the thought that counts. I usually prefer to play solo anyways but i thought i might give co-op gaming a try
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why would you want to add friends? zero is plenty
>won at least one 50/50
You don't know true despair.
Is this the nooticer guy?
Who are even those supposed to be
Do you always spend your concerto on Jinhsi or do you save for the full bar?
huh? we had to be 50 to get it but they fucked up?
Nah, delete that trash.
Yeah I'm done with getting all the standard characters (except calchudo but nah I can't be bothered), all my standard rolls are going towards standard 5* weapons now
You know you get 1 astrite per friend per day, right?
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this guy used to be on the water surface
it was annoying because your character would toggle into swimming mode often

I appreciate this little change
When will illusive realm come back? I want more broken build kino.
Bwo, you'll get them on 50/50 eventually
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I really need to ask. Is there good wuwa porn out there that isn't AI generated or honeyselect2/koikatsu overlay?
>Dev's didn't add
>UL level up rewards like genshit
>Character Ascension pulls
>Half cost stamina weekly bosses
Why can't they copy the good things from hoyoshit?
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Drops rates feel rigged one the first and second days.
Not really, come back in 6 months
>Never gotten Keqing
>C1 of the dendro boi instead
I know others wanted Jean or Mona spook but didn't.
Pretty much because of this >>483956763
Wanted to try out co-op to experience it one time, I rarely did co-op on gensht. Only did co-op when it came to dungeons but people would rarely chat
>he rolled for the dendro faggot
>calls them """boi""""
Kill yourself unironic faggot
Next week on July 4th, it's considered an "event" when it's just a monthly sim universe.
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changli is huge
I only typed boy because I don't remember his twink name.
>rolled for the dendro faggot
those were failed 50/50s
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I didn't know that
I know that feel.
>2 kids
Oh Im sorry for your loss
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Big bird
What happen with Jianxin titty jiggles ? she is hella stiff now at least on my end
Jianxin's flops flopped.
So Changli will die within a few years since the Joe dragon said people from the island will age 10 times faster outside of the island?
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what the fuck, where is the fucking chest?
Jianxin is a brick
bwo your vertical exploration
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anyone know the soundtrack from the dance dance chelonian mission? it was too good to be a one off track
should have been the combat soundtrack for the mountain
Did you bench Encore for Jinhsi by any chance?
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Finally a worthy pink challenger
bwo your anko...
inb4 abby is actually a Vyrn clone in stead of a Paimon clone
Is she even an island native?
Bwobros when is Changli coming out?
Her master is the old hag we met there and she knows the island so I guess so.
I can't decide who put to in the final slot on my Jinhsi team - currently Jinhsi and Baizhi. I don't have Yinlin.
Mortefi and Verina are with Jiyan.
I will not use Yuanwu. Am I really only left with the titty monster?
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Which way white man?
Stop bullying anko posters
Abby is most definitely a Vyrn clone considering Abby does not yap nearly as much as Paimon + holds some hidden insane power nor does Abby suggest or try to dictate to Rover where to go or do next
characters can be put in 2 teams at the same time you know
You could also use spectro rover as a placeholder.
His outro skill buffs spectro damage.
cowqi is literally her best sub dps, why are you hesitating?
They showed her as a loli in the trailer, obviously she ages backwards.
Did they somehow make the camera worse since 1.0? I just tried doing toa with danjin and the camera kept moving around/fucking up against the young roseshrooms
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Imagine rolling for Encore sidegrade.
A melee brick at that.
A menopausic fat hag with more mileage and baggage than your average lyft airport ride.
Couldn't . Be . Me.
taoqi clears both desu
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I use jinhsi+taoqi+spectro rover, since rovers now e6 thanks to bell lady
Taoqi is too slow, bro. You want a lot of hits to build stacks. This isn't a conventional subdps setup where all you care about is their buffs.
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I hope you're not cheating on Yinlin with some new cheap fotm slut, anon
Isn't Yae just yuribait? Not a hard choice
haven't you dropped the game already
I regret skipping Yinlin.
Joke's on you I lost 50/50 and I had to skip her anyway.
I regret rolling Jinhsi.
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>Isn't Yae just yuribait?
Yeah, but goddamn the difference between EU4 and Unity is huge.
I cringe every time I look at a Genshin character now.
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Bro when did they remove the jiggle ?
>outro skill buffs spectro damage
Huh? Spectro Rover's outro is time slow.
They have limited usages in the tower, though?
You know what, you're right.
I'm not sure S6 on Spectro Rover is enough? -10% spectro res sounds nice, but since you're also not building many Jinhsi stacks on her as you're doubling up Spectro?
Read her birthday letter, she's from a time when mihomo bothered making for (You) characters
>Switch to CDamage Ghost Rider
>Substats kept rolling CDamage

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Stop my monthly in HSR so i can support this game
Ask me anything
True, especially if you are hot pagpag enjoyer.
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Yinlin is in the bin.
It's all Jinhsi for me.
Wait till ZZZ where he'll fuck off there.
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e6 Sanka a viable dps? Got a ton of them while rolling Bocchi
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True, Genshin is just outdated at this point but who cares when players still lop that shit up, just let them
It's a bug, I mean other characters don't have the same issue. I think her old jiggle physics was a bit too much so instead of tuning it down they removed it before fixing it.
(Yes I'm coping)
What set should I prefarm for Changli ?
im mostly comboing outro/intro skills more than reliably stacking jinhsi's stacks, if I wanted to do that properly i'd invest into mortefi
Why did you play Honkai Troon Rail in the first place? Faggot
This game REALLY needs 100% drop rate on echoes.
Tuning it down ? what kind of fucking faggot would want that
not rolling until we leave chinatown sowrry i fucking hate not knowing the names of my wutherers
She most likely can just use your Fusion set on Encore considering she's also a Fusion Main DPS
You REALLY need to take a shower
post more
The entire game will be chinatown nigga
Nerfed her so that people will pull Changli.
It's because I want to take a shower that it needs 100% drop rate. I don't want to go around and waste hours farming echoes, especially not elemental damage ones.
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I genuflect
Why haven't (you) game ended yourself already/
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We're going to Black Shores next so character names will be distinguishable again next patch.
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which one?
yinlin and chudcharro might aswell be nippon
>they see your penis
Where are the QT femanons that want to co-op
my wives
thank you fireflyGOD
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>i fucking hate not knowing the names of my wutherers
That a (you) problem anon.
>no double crit + attack
both are fodder trash
Skill > Basic Attack 4 > Skill > Skill > Basic Attack 4 > Skill > Ult
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bro i watched 3 fed dude and a gal get into this thing so i waited for them to drive it away but it just stay there the whole day, wtf is the PLA in this game doing?
She's a support slut for Anko, using her as DPS is doable but I wouldn't recommend it
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>Xiangli Yao’s SFX attacks
Yeah this guy is a Lee expy. Why the fuck are they releasing DPS in a row aside from Yinlin
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Do you think Jinhsi is self consious about her chest the entire time you spend with her and Changli if you play as FemRover?
Did Firefly really flop or is it just a meme?
>smug Changli
>bitter Jinshi
>it's over Rover
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thanks bwo
What about the wacky resource bar? It fills in so fucking slowly. I really wish the skill descriptions weren't written by a fucking schizophrenic.
Taoqi does negative DPS with discord bro
Use right until you get something good.
I'm just stating the facts m8
don't be lazy and get non shit echos
>make gun shilling area complete with collectibles you can only get by shooting, puzzles you can only solve by shooting
>release gun character after everyone is already done exploring that area
is kuro retarded?
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We are going down the censorship path please don't do it Kuro
No idea, sales discussion feels so meaningless because of how the data is collection. But it felt like a lot of people saved for her.
Not really, she's too bursty and with no worthwhile teammates to buff her you just spend a lot of time doing no dps.
not following your xitter account
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it's so over for flatties
Man I hope we get a Lamia expy, it would be kino.
>japanese shadman
I'm just stating you're a rude cunt
Don't be a dumb cunt
you can use dreamless/jue to do all that shit, you don't need guns
Which way will wuwa go?
>Genshin Route = Hardly Powercreep
>HSR Route = Power creep after 1 year
>TOF Route = Insane power creep every patch

After seeing the 1.1 characters compared to 1.0 is anyone scared of them going extreme powercreep rather than releasing supports from here on out until the 4th or 5th patch?
>just rawmaxxing 25s
I've stopped feeling sorry for people who bitch about echo exp
602554314 Chris
I'm looking for yuro friends
enjoy your subpar damage then
Wuwa eubwos... Pls add me...
If you couldn't see standards were going to get hard powercrept you're just coping. Jiyan/Yinlin were not powercrept.
so is jinjin good or bad
Very fast powercreep also kills banner reruns so they'd just shoot themselves in their own foot, wouldn't be very smart imo
Don't know.
The 1.1 - 1.2 patch will be a wash because I will consider this the discovery phase for both players and developers.
Once more and more patches come the developers will know how the game is BEING played instead of how they intend it to be played and that's when you know how strong and fast the power creep comes.
A character being good in 1.3 or 1.4 could easily just be them designing a character better to how the game is being played and not due to raw numbers.
Because the standard characters are all fucking subdps or do zero damage?
Just 3 more weeks
I don't think insane powercreep makes sense without PvP and the MMO gameplay
no one would want that

Take a while to establish what the base power of competent teams actually will look like with limited characters
I think they just want to make a whole bunch of different 'types' of characters, THEN powercreep
I guess that's Genshin route
using mortefi with jinhsi feels pretty ass when you don't have the sequence that extends his ult duration
PGR route (roughly the same as HSR route)
> them going extreme powercreep
If the game starts to perform extremely poorly (financially) then it's possible. Otherwise it's counterproductive for them: they haven't sell a single rerun yet.
I don't think it will take 1 year but I think they will do powercreep in waves, 1.1 characters already shit on standard characters but I think everything will be similar power level to Jinhsi/Changli for a while, then they'll do the same thing again at some point.
I don't like the HP bloat in the 1.1 region, not at all.
No one's bitching about it here, calm down.
Are there any missable chests in the 1.1 main quest? I'm currently in the cave area of truthseeker pass and wondering if instead of leaving chestst to collect later all at once, that I should open them now in case for whatever reason they become unobtainable after the quest.
Insane power creep with limit breaks, new level caps, awakenings, echo evolutions, etc. every major patch.
>>Genshin Route = Hardly Powercreep
If you consider Star Rail powercreep, wait for the actually first support in this game.
If there will be supports of course. Because so far most of the support is really weak shit like 20% atk on Verina and whatnot.

Most of what made Star Rail numbers bigger was just real supports releasing.
>HSR Route = Power creep after 2 patches
>TOF Route = Insane power creep every new same element character released
Nah it's gonna be fine.
The standard characters are going to get powercrept hard tho.
I wish they pick the same path as PGR (most units get powercrept after a year or more) but the banner rates in WW is faster with 2 limited characters per patch so it's gonna be difficult for them to not powercrept old units.
Signature or S1 for Changli?
I have 35 solvent to spare. Should I burn them all? I heard SOL6 drop rate isn't that much different.
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>want so hard to get a 5 star gun character
>its a homo with extra chink name
Monkey's paw in action.
Tourist-kun... we have a sister game you can look for in terms of powercreep in PGR, we don't need these literally who games as comparison
implying he's not 4*
the problem isn't unity, hoyo can make good-looking units in their other games and so can kuro in PGR
it's all about the head size/shape
>but the banner rates in WW is faster with 2 limited characters per patch so it's gonna be difficult for them to not powercrept old units.
I don't expect them to keep that up, pushing out 2 new character every patch requires insane resources I'd expect atleast 1 rerun by 1.4 latest.
Changli is extra tall?
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Farming Jew and listening to music.
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wait a minute that book...
To be perfectly fair, taoqi isn't impressive in the ass department either.
Its rover
based transbian sis!
how poor are you
pretty sure you can go back for all of them
At UL51/SOL3 rank 6, I'm getting 3 or 4 each time. That's the only thing so far that has felt like a noticeable difference. Weapon/character skill ascension drop rates still feel the same thanks to how bad the RNG is.
It depends how close you are. What is your current UL?
why was she designed with a persistent blush?
I hope your right anon, that would leave us some room to breathe and enjoy our characters + enough time to save resources to build them or prefarm for the future ones.
this. And thats for every gacha, buy the monthly "subscription" thats it.
inheat forever bwo.
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genshin has powercreep, it's just mostly through treating certain elements like shit
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Nice, thanks anon.
She's a phoenix, so in constant heat.
She wants to get BREED.
thanks, I was looking for it all night yesterday. I found the hold in the ceiling near the teleport location.
she'd make your cum boil
Sometimes, I think they themselves think Geo was a mistake
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genshin's powercreep is pretty fucking low when 3 of the launch 4* are still top ranked. add in zhongli which everyone has and that's half of abyss already
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Yao frens we’re up next
That's fine, just try not to set the bed on fire
they certainly treat superconduct/physical as a mistake

they made incredibly busted units by mistake
Characters are a lot more detailed but in terms of overall design, jugon looks so much better than Changli, who basically looks like generic AI art coomer shit for the most part.
>I'm getting 3 or 4 each time
That's at least almost 30%-50% better than rank 5. I only get either 2-3 in UL 48.
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ok, it was fun while it lasted
I'm dropping this shit game
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The fact that we were able to see the dragon island on the horizon when the game came out only to be able to actually climb all the way onto it a month later feels extremely satisfying to me
see you at ZZZ
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Is a XXI expy or plausible? Or would it just be something slightly similar kind of like Yinlin and Vera and this new homo and Lee?
The 4* are here by pure accident, they definitely didn't think through when making them
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Missionary. Doggystyle. Cowgirl. Reverse cowgirl. Standing doggy. Prone bone. Groundhog. Suspended congress. Full nelson. Paizuri. Mating press.
see you next banner
Kuki was a fucking miracle when you think about the dismal state of post-launch 4*s.
Same thing happened to me. I lost yinlin's 50/50 to that gay furry shit. I was distraught, but I kept grinding for my waifu. I got her with 3 days left on her banner.
Incredibly based.
she looks 90
S4 is the minimum but at s6 she’s on another level
How fast does YuanWu's coord attack gives Jinhsi her forte?
Yinlin's long ass rotation basically guarantees Jinhsi will get her full stack super skill once Jinhsi's outro is up.
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Business idea: let me sit afk here until the boss respawns like overworld bosses.
at least yunjin is hot
Very fast https://youtu.be/173CZGPBF4s?t=217
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>tfw beat the great serpent king on my 4th try
Hologram Memphis trained me well
every day I feel more and more that leveling calcharo over Yuanwu was a mistake.
what to do with non element matching echo?
people saying jinhsi isnt future proof but her outro buff will definitely be useful for some heavy hitter long concerto hybrid
I lost the 50/50 for yinlin too
not only that, I lost the 50/50 for arlecchino, then i lost the 50/50 for furina and then I lost the 50/50 for firefly
I fucking hate these fucking games so fucking much
bro, her outro does literally nothing
Damn, that's pretty fast
Level 90? Right?
Thank John Mihoyo for making the 50/50 system, I've never seen it before Genshin and now its accepted by consumers as something you can get away with.
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Ok which rover am I and why?
if there's any hint of romance i'm choosing male.
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WTF? I haven't built him at all though. You faggots said he was a brick.
dont worry anon, we will get a pgr collab, if not then we'll probably get a few character expy
we'll probably get a nier and black rock shooter collab
for me, i want a date a live collab.
Everyone is (You) sexual
The best part is that you don't even need to level him.
>Male Rover = bromance with male characters, possible romance with female characters, get a lame design
>Female Rover = one of the sexiest Female MCs to date but you are hit on by male characters and have girl time with female characters.
Pick Female Rover
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just go for male. i can't play the game properly when I have to fap every 10 mins
>i want a date a live collab.
god, I want to kill echos with my wife Kurumi so bad...
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When does Alpha come out?
Probably meant her free outro thingy every 25 sec, I thought that was her outro too at first
Everyone sucks your dick here, even the guys
just b urself
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>playing a m*le
>lvling a m*le
No, I shan't. Yuri game.
swap get intro on hybrid swap back and swap again for more concerto. trust the process
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Dude is sanhua the literal best *4 unit to R6 ?
if only you could delete characters and get some astrites/corals back
Male. Resurrected chink cultivation gods can't be female. It just doesn't make sense. Also like 90% of the roster is female so it turns into yurislop.
I regret picking female after I saw Jinhsi
bro level your units
3* gauntlet chads laugh at this.
It doesn't remember to zoom back out after bursts now, it stays zoomed in
I've used up all my ATK% 1 cost echoes and got not a single useful one again. I'm fucking sick of farming echoes bros..
welcome to the endgame
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femRover is canon
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How in the fuck most people keep shilling Yinlin over him. This nigga is cracked af for Jinhsi
Why did they have to make enemies tankier in 1.1 too? If this is how endgame is going to be I'm quitting now.
No because she's already really good at S0
Her sequences just make her do more damage
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Just b urself bro
I miss it...
Jinhsi is strong enough already, I need Yinlin for Calculator
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Sexually harassing the magistrate
It's how Yinlinfags cope with their deadweight turbo slut after falling for the Calchudo meme.
Only the tigers are really tanky though
wolves and machines die pretty quickly
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femRover is strictly for BDC only
i just want more lolita dresses in gacha generally.
i think retard would fit well in some samurai region.
No, they levels of the enemies there are all higher, they are noticeably more tanky. I've seen this kind of powercreep before in ToF for example and it's why I quit that game after just a few patches. I really hope the same shit doesn't happen here.
What, you don't like your yangyang/lingyang/yinlin team?
S6 gives her 20% attack boost for the entire party for 20 seconds though?
Why the fuck do chinese names have so many ang and ing sounds?
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I can kill them fairly quickly... did you level your units properly?
Yeah it's fine, she's still really really really good at S0
Bro I already said I hate that they take MORE time to kill, not that I can't kill them easily. But with how many echoes you need to farm and the drop rate not being 100%, making them any tankier at all is nothing but a waste of my time.
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I guess I need to take the Fedora pill
do you need sequences
From JJK?
Of course
It's a shitty shounen anime, nobody ever dies
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It's so funny how fags tried to push this narrative that "male Rover gets exclusive cutscenes where the girls want your dick" and the only "proof" that they have of this is a photo with Jiyan (male), meanwhile pic related
>just fine
>literally better than the 5 piece healing echo set
too big
??? Did Kenjaku got him?
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how do you solve this "puzzle"
kys yuritroon
It's not.
10% DMG boost (multiplicative) is better than 20% ATK (additive)
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OH NONONO clangbang bros? Not like this!!!
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>need 360 of these for a dupe of a limited character
I don't think I'll have enough by Changli's banner
you have to do a quest to start it, it gives you a special item that allows you to start doing puzzles like this around the map.
Wrong thread sistergame bwo
You wouldn't cheat on your pure canon wife Jinhsi with Changli, right anon?
I sure hope it's slower than HSR. Then again that game can afford more powercreep since it's an rpg and can pump out characters more quickly.
play the game
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healing set is also attack retardbro...
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When do we get a support slut? Camellya in 1.2?
>t. chose the male twink instead of the hot girl because he fell for a 4chan shitpost
You will never EVER have this
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I would ask her permission first
Where is 1.2 beta?
Imagine not picking the MC based on your own gender.
Why are you hating yourself?
No, but I want Jinhsi to cheat on me with Changli while I watch.
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After 3 hours of mind numbing grind, I'll take it.
Changli raped Jinhsi when she was still her pupil anyway
Right, I got it confused with the turtle. Still, ATK% is additive. Not much of that 20% is left when you account for all other sources of ATK%. So it's just "fine", same as the healing set.

People run the healing set for the Turtle mainly, not for the 15% ATK. But getting both is better of course.
male 5 stars will have her thoughever
I'm just not into hags or big breasts
>powercreep waves
>wuthering creep
>100 rolls for Jinhsi
>40 rolls for the weapon
could be worse
You are not even playing as the mc most of the time anyway, do you also roll only for m*les?
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heres a cute verina as a thanks
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kuroniggers why don't you put the 4* that work with her on the banner
lion faggot kid survivor ?
I had to use 143 for my second Jinhsi.
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I have warm water. Could someone please chill it for me?
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I got lingyang in ~25 rolls or something first, yes
>5 week patch to desync themselves from ZZZ
>followed by a 7 week patch to re-sync themselves
Uhh... was the only point to make 1.1 not launch next to ZZZ?
Mortefi stonks are even higher than they initially were wtf
Well the MC is not bad in WW so you can actually play with them.
Also the story is based around (you), I dunno but I prefer seeing a male character going forward in his journey than a female.
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Kuro saw the view numbers on YouTube and decided ZZZ is not a threat
too bad he's unusable with her before S4
They balanced the area around people hitting UL50, it gives a really similar vibe to Inazuma. They're only tankier due to the level difference and isn't that big of a deal when you hit that level.

This sucks a little bit for late starters/rerollers but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really change much. They're just balancing the overworld for day 1 players currently.
I'm just gonna use a crit rate jue, I can't get a dmg.
The 5 week patch happened because Jiyan flopped.
no, because none of the new dps releases use her basic atk buff well
maybe in the future but for now Mortefi is still the king
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okay the real question

Is Wuthering Waves reddit or 4chan?
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>MCwar shitposters are back again
>getting lingyang intentionally
put him down boys
Most definitely not reddit considering how many mihoyo shills there are there.
1 more week with Jiyan would have killed the userbase
What set should I be using on Mortefi?
It's just want yuricuck shizo falseflagger
what makes you think the first copy was intentional
my yinlin banner was 40 rolls for lionfag 40 rolls for yinlin
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So uhh do I build her now?
That's extremely lame
>contrarian board
WW is 4chan for that alone
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Changli's companion quest will BTFO yuritroons
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Just because you got unlucky with pulls doesn't mean you also need to gimp your resources bro
*presses warm glass of water between breasts*
*icy breasts chill water*
Thanks anon-kun
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>getting lingyang intentionally
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Bros, I think I should change my name.
I want this white woman to read me bedtime stories
What happened to the illusive realm and lollo event?
cursed account holy
>2 red hands
>Max roll for crit rate
>Mid roll for crit damage and ATK
>They balanced the area around people hitting UL50
Are you retarded or did you forget SOL level raises enemy levels anyway? They made them tankier on purpose, to get people to roll for limited characters and weapons. There's literally no reason AT ALL to balance areas around certain ULs as long as the entire SOL level mechanic exists.
I think so yeah
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>not giving yourself a chink name for total immersion
wtf Changlibros our hag got hagcrept
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How does /wuwa/ feel about her now that you've seen her in the story?
9/10 she's ok
Literally unusable.
I'm waiting the leak ont he next 2 if no Camellya then Changli it is
You know dmg% isn't any less additive than atk%, right? The ATK multiplier is just somewhat easier to saturate.
She's nice, but just not waifu material. yet...
Breeding factory.
I'm gonna roll.
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Me in 3 weeks
I regret rolling for jnhshi...
Why is everyone complaining about the new area difficulty? My Anko shreds everything with 60 CR
Doro is better
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I was going to roll her ever since her first tease
now I'm just going to roll even harder
Ok /wuwa/, if your June sales doesn't beat genshin, you'll promise to never make another thread, deal? If you do beat genshin, I'll promise to never show my face in here again.
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Nice game Wuwakeks
>if you listened to Western Jinhsi Theorycrafters you leveled a useless Taoqi and bricked your account
tits too small, doesn't even jiggle
I want her but I don't have anything that works with her
but she has mortefi and taoqi on her banner a duo with either of those 2 would be fine I think
That's fine because /wuwa/ can't think beyond
>he fell for the engine.ini "tweaks"
so i run her with fedoraman and veryna?
>Rolling on 1.1 sub-dps when Patch 1.2 drip marketing is about to start

I listened to /hsrg/ theorycrafters and they understood she needed coordinated attacks to stack fast

good job gamers
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f2p yuanwu/mortefi
dolphin whale = yinlin +stringmaster
until we get an actual support for jinhsi since realistically they're all mediocre right now including verina
>He's rolling for Donut and a gun homo
Yeah it's fun

I imagine most of the typical touchscreen- mashing gacha audience hates it, but they're dumb monkeys anyway, fuck them
I use her with my havoc rover
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You just accept being a lucklet and move on.
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what the fuck
this is like 1k stamina
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>Anon mod the game
>Starts getting weird shit
>Blame it on the game
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>failed the coinflip for jinhsi
>8500 astrite left
am i gonna make it for changli bros...
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10% dmg increase
but take into account Jiyan takes 0 skill to play and autoparries he might do more dps in a lot of situations
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I wanted to level her up either way so it's good
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>Can get boss echos from daily rewards
You had a week or so from UL40 to UL50 to grind up mats for at least one team.
Depends on how much exploring you've done and/or if you have the monthly/bp.
fuck off 2yang i wont fuck you
>Saarposting out of nowhere
Rent free
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Haha... I have him at S6 too
10 free rolls next week.
You can make it.
Worst case scenario you can use THAT since they added 2 decent packs.
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yeah we will get plenty more pulls, assuming you stop pulling for Jinhsi and keep that coin flip you lost
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wuthering wuwawas?
not if you rolled jinhsi
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Sounds like Aquafina
Big elf
I swear this thing shares the same VA as the abomination that shant be named
Is Yinlin the worst limited so far?
>Worse than Sanhua/Mortefi as subdps for basically everyone, even the worst dps in the game, calchudo
>Worse than yuanwu/mortefi as coordinated attacker for Jinhsi
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Okay but will Taoqi at least be good with Changli? I really, really want to level her.
Yes, but don't fall for the R5 Discord meme
is there any other character that can take advantage of changli sword?
sanhua maybe? weren't those ice detonations skill dmg
changli's bis is encore
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Changli's enhance state makes her BA/HA convert to Skill dmg. Do whatever with that information.
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where is the best lewding spot in this game?
No, it's a bad sword, too specific.
Sanhua is pretty balanced with skill and liberation damage.
my yinlin kills everything so I don't know what the fuck are you talking about
>cant fully change Jinhsi's bar in 1 rotation with Yinlin
Is this normal or did I play it wrong?
did you bring verina as well
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Why would you lie on the internet?
Itsa me, WuWario and my brotha WuWaluigi!
Bro why does Jinhsi keep exposing her panties when she does a plunge attack, I thought she was supposed to be pure
>Skill issue
Yea she's hard to play, i bet this game will be filled with characters that filter retards like (you).
No, I mean Indians really do live rent free here, with government subsidies and all
Those are pure panties, the malice is all in your eyes
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Bwos, there's a phantom at Tianqu Tree
virgin and whore are two sides of the same coin
>Did the Dancing turtle quest
>Rolled my first Jinhsi double crit on 1 cost turtle
I like turtles
I think you're fucking retarded
she's wearing spats, anon
why fedoraman good with Jinshi?
uhh crownless keks?? https://streamable.com/nvin9y
She's not hard to play? Her kit is simple, she's just strictly worse than several 4*s.
I think you're coping.
Based Zombie Jonathan
coordinated attack which boosts her ulty damage
Coordinated attack = 2 incandescence
It doesn't speed up rotations? I have discord and the def% blade
He literally just needs to press e, fuck off back into Jinhsi, when she gets to her enhanced e, she'll have full bar already.
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Anyone else really struggling to stay alive at sol phase 4? Every elite enemy two-shots my characters.
Once you get your outro/intro going it should be easy
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spats don't look like that
they do in techno china
It does speed it up, marginally. She still sucks at it. But now she also doesn't do any damage, and the energy regen on Discord is wasted on her if you have her S5.

IMO Dauntless is her best weapon with moonlit set and built for full damage (crit rate, havoc%x2 def%x2).

People have to stop playing her like a Verina.
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Did they add the system which allows you to store your energy above the standard cap in this patch? How does it work exactly? Considering that they've taken it from Genshin, how does it work in that game? Is it safe to not log-in for more than 24-hours now?

Also, new illusive realm when? I'm finished with all the content in this patch and I'm bored, I want to play more
only 4 more copies to go, haha
Sure, but you build 4* with respect to their S6 right, otherwise you're wasting resources on the way there.
New is not always good
I'm on a 2080ti with a shitter CPU and I play all maxed, no FPS drops
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Why are you getting hit?
it's a leotard, stupid
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I'm barely managing, it's either I bring a healer or I'll get my unga bunga retarded ass handed to me in Mt. Firmament
>enjoy the game, not wanting to do all the content just yet
>finally decide to engage with the gear system
>feel like wanting to quit
I swear this happens with every single mobage I play.
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They've done a good job with music this patch, finally I woke up and I started humming a the firmament theme song melody without even thinking about it at first, it's finally memorable enough for my brain to do that
>back to yinlin spam
how does she do it???
Lady Arbitersis, we fucking won
Yes, the new area theme and battle music is actually kinda pleasant. Still not HSR level but way better than base game shit.
Uhhhh, cause Yinlin also deal a shit ton of damage?
No. You lose out on stamina.
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so i started out playing this shit. got these chinks available and the healing 5 star chick has 1 copy of herself. do i summon on weapon banners for standard characters or keep summoning on character banner?
Imagine exploring the island without Mortefi in the party for all the range bullshit.
the mobs in the new area are overtuned as fuck
Yinlinlet coping itt
Skull issue
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This general sucks!
All posters are stupid, especially Unkoposters!
Verina is the only future proof standard 5* so roll for weapon.
Sword followed by gun are the best options.
always summon on the weapon banner. the characters on the char banner can spook you on limited banners.
Also prioritize either sword or gun in the standard weap banner since they give crit rate.
Ideally you should get 5* weapons because its guarantee since you might fail 50/50 for 5* characters.
Weapon 100%
So is the flying puffball as annoying as the one in Genshit? Starting story today cuz been working.
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>This general sucks!
>All posters are stupid
>Proceed to post an HSR character
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eh, it's okay
The 1000$ top up option they added on the web page that people are falling for?
its not that bad
the thing is mostly asleep with barely any screentime so far
it has nanachi voice
i want to fuck it
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Nah it's cute af
I feel like I'd probably knee jerk hate it if I had ever played Genshin impact, but I haven't so I think it's fine.
so i shouldnt roll for a 5* weapon for verina if she is futureproof standard character?
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Yes but thankfully there is a lore reason for it to be asleep most of the time.
>furry Piamon
You genturds are special breed of braindead. Paimon didn't invent fucking mascots. That shitty trope has been in Japanese media for as long as it exists as one.
As two, even if we are to compare to the two, how is nigga that is staying in 1 place only, minding his own business is remotely similar to to flying ugly toddler screeching in your ear 24/7 and hogging all the screen time?
nah, the flying smugshit isn't annoying. Also that flying mf was about to throw hands with Jue despite the size diff so I guess it has a trump card that can back its arrogance.
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her best weapon is a 4* and she deals no damage, so no
The little one is alright, her voice is also good.
And most of the time it's asleep, also you can skip the dialogue if you don't like it.
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pgr just got a cooler boothill bro
Nah it already tried showing off its power in an earlier cutscene and it failed completely
This, but unironically.

/wuwa/ is consistently the lowest quality general I've even been in.
the hat and cape are cooler but the rest of him has too many belts.
what killed the hype?
I'm starting to think that hsr niggers are way worse than gensharts.
Best weapon for Verina is Variation a 4* energy regen weapon.
Her role is to cast turtle echo skill and ulty for party buffs.
why is he using a swo-
>it's a skin
holy flopnishing flop flopven
>wake up
>sleep again
>try doing shit
why the fuck did wuwa used me as a character mascot?
I prefer his default coating to be honest.
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The terrible gameplay followed by a heavy censorship in the close betas. Ppl shitpost a bit too much and spread far
look at how the clang bang is falling.
L with a little bit of space like this
l .
Don't you see the pattern? The fifth one is falling so just plop yourself on the ground at the fourth pillar.
Why the fuck did they add Yinlin on Jinshi's trial? I can't even test her properly since Yunlin is just deleting shit.
I makes me want to roll Yinlin instead.
how does gravity work ,anon
Bro, your pattern recognition?
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If you look like this I WILL fuck you
What do players get if they start now? I'm a paypig and thinking of starting a f2p, since I skipped every story in the game to rush Jinhsi mats
>5* standard weapon
That is for Encore, not Verina bro
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You don't need Changli sig at all considering you can get a free 5* Crit Rate sword right?
Hehe, cute.
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forgot your anko pic
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where's the edit
you don't need any sig or any 5* weps desu
18/30 is free and gives you only 3 pulls less than 30/30 metafags
Anko bwo...
That's 6 rolls every patch bwo
>18/30 is free
You mean 24/30 right?


The God of WuWa, Zajef, did it on a no roll account. You're not a shitter, right?
honest to god question anon, why the fuck are you playing this game if not to push meta?
this isnt a social gacha, this isnt a raising sim gacha, this isnt a coomer gacha. the only point of playing this game is to enjoy combat and push the game's limits
>no roll account
is this another case of dumping all xtals into stamina refreshes instead
All of 5* weapons on standard aren't meant for pure support role.
Verina's role is being purely support healer/buffer. She is not dps or sub-dps. The only thing she cares about on her weapon is energy recharge stat.
What substats for Jinhsi besides atk% and both crits?
Nope, it's just mastery of the game.
Flat atk and ER
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why are they so predictable
Of course lol
The dude will definitely drop this meme account as soon as MC gets powercrept
nah it's 3 pulls a patch
18/30 misses out on 250 gems each tower reset and tower resets twice a patch
Perfect echo would have
crit dmg%
flat atk
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>wanting to fuck another male
Fuck yourself
what set should i put on him?
Jinshi more like Jinpee lmao
Put the healer set on him, give him that 1 cost echo that heals so that he can press e, q, and fuck off without needing to build concerto
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canonically incorrect color panties
Just give him 3 star heal gauntlets and he'll give permanent moonglow
when do we get our own sexo cowboy from black shores
>AI slop
>296 corals
If you're a F2Pag, is it worth keeping them for rolls or to trade in for a waveband?
Is "SCHIZOTROONSBIANS" in the room right now, anon?
>be dodge and parrylet
>get monkshields and bell bong up against new mobs
It just werks.
Always rolls. Wavebands are a whale meme.
Do your huge balls hurt when you walk?
Always wavebands. Rolls are a whale meme.
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WuWa Jinshi?
w/e you want, keep in mind wavebands / eidolons whatever are always optional whale stuff, the game is not balanced around having insane mega whaled characters
can one of you discord trannies make the new thread already
Rolls = new characters
Wavebands = stat boosts for tower
You already know what you want unless you're retarded
>HSR Route = Power creep after 1 year
lmao more like bi monthly
encore definitely does
None of it. Powercreep, yes, but you still need and have to use them all anyway.
how does a game that didnt release yet mogs PGR lmao

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