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me and my watty edition



>Current map

>Steam group

Old: >>482440002
we made it through an entire thread!
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Yay! We're all gonna do it one more time babs!!!
>picrel is my 3rd teammate in quads having his game crashed in mid-flight just to reconnect 4 minutes later and type "gg" in chat when we've already died
who quadpexxin?
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Oh, it's not quads... Nevermind.
I'm going to dump some more time into Apex! Wish me luck hehehehe!!!
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Maybe we should merge with a more successful thread, like fortnite's?
Just think about it babs...
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Mommy Wraith
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this looks wrong
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Maybe you should go see a doctor?
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No sex with Apex waifus is allowed in this thread anymore.
holy shit this general is so dead, what the fuck happened LOL
devs should never have nerfed the flatline and r99 and i might've stuck around
It's always black guys who relinquish jumpmaster. KsneezeydaGod, MidTownMarauder etc...
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Hope it crashes down to sub 300k peak.
I'm rooting for this game's downfall.
sydney server is so unbelievably hard
no wonder all the casuals quit and it's just a bunch of fucking nerds
I'm sure it's nothing but there seems to be a lot of default skin players with very good aim playing quads
Counterpoint, there are more people playing Apex on Steam (not even the preferred PC platform for playing the game) right now than there are people playing Fortnite Zero Build across it's entire playerbase.
>on Steam (not even the preferred PC platform for playing the game)
i don't think that's true.
Most people I know play in Singapore/Tokyo instead.
i hate living here i mite move to usa just so the servers arent dead lol
Broke a Newcastle wall by placing my castle wall directly in front of his. After that, my teammate immediately downs him by PKing him in the face. Goddamn quads is so fun
lol imagine you put a quad dildo in my ass xD
I miss solos
i barely played solos
I do miss solos too. I wish it could stay as a permanent game mode. Knowing the outcome of the game depends on me rather than on 2 other suicidal retard drones always made me feel confident. I didn't even do as bad in solos as I do in trios, left alone quads. It's just a fucking nightmare now every time I press "Ready" button.
>the new version of the 2020 e girl trash skin
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new leaks
>every apex legends 4chan fan is watching Germany vs Denmark
respawn broke invites this patch. if you get invited and the guy that invted you jumps in to a match befopre you join you cannot join the lobby no matter what you do
>Mastiff.... 144 max damage per shot
boring, they shouldve the real OG version
>bring le old shit back
we ranking
might play some arsex later
Sounds like aids in the current roller meta
german legend when??
theres a quad tournament going on apparently
hal throwing and seething
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wassumm thread
This feels like one of those days where i just cba playing Apex at all
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so long ago... all of it...
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family friendly fetish content only
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guess it's nothing but adorablore pics and vids now...
People literally dont know that place exists, the thread would die more there
Those are some well done cosplays desu senpai
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why are you playing X and not Y'ing
aim assist is the cancer that killed this game
lack of meaningful updates, overturned legends, small quality of life features being absent, and the removal of clubs kill apex. I wish this shit came out I line 2006
No!... baka... Only cute and funny seiso content and videogame related discussion. My mom reads this thread.
Doctors recommend to consume Dykegalore content in moderation.
My wife catalyst still has a girl cock because she is a top
Which means new threads are barely being made there so /axg/ would never die
it's only sfw waifu posting for me here, so i'm somewhat limited
we pexxing?
I've barely played Apex the at all this month. not even played quads yet. i just don't care enough. it's doesn't feel worth it. there's reason to play over other games at the moment
My desire to pexx is also somewhat diminished lately, but quads is kinda okay
Good. I don't really hate Bang, it's just xer "African Tribal Queen/Woman Warrior" skins and an absolutely dyke coded personality which makes me wonder why you're so into xer.
I feel like I should see more ramparts with spitfires
maidline... i kneel...
quads just means that when your retard jumpmaster (75% of games now) lands with 5 other teams there are 20 enemies to fight instead of 15
Shotguns with 1x scopes, yay or nay?
no mastiff yes pk and mozam
I miss solos they got me used to 1v3s and taking that mindset into solo que ranked made it much better when I just concentrate on dividing and conquering the 1v1s now instead of trying to help my bald team
what games you playing bro? apex not doing it for me either
>washed out roasties in 2024
We all simp for brapatid, vantits and alter now
so tired of we!!!
it needs a makeover
digi scope.... home....
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I wish wattson pegged me :(
football/soccer LTM when?????
instead of the lameass intros they need to drop everyone into a prelobby zone and let you fuck around while waiting for the game to start everyone else has this shit but apex.

also firing range should be the menu and you should queue games through an in game console
yeah... there's no 'we' anymore
now is every man for himself...
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i just played a ranked match where like 8 teams dropped off the map at the start
wtf was going on
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>literally zero comms all game
>autistic screeching when we get wiped
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>zero comms all game
>we tear through everything and win
>"gg" at the end before disconnecting
if you cant boss the lobby without using comms, i dont want to hear your voice to begin with
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Loba if she Fortnite

4pex 4gends
king shit
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>Literally zero comms nor pings all game
>Get knocked
>Spam enemy ping every millisecond at a wall
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>drop near other squad
>none of us ping anything
>we all get beamed at the same time while looting cluelessly
>say "gg, unlucky" and send eachother friend requests
>play quads
>shitalian duo start talking in their retarded language and ruin the match
ban these fucking faggots already
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down down down
more more more
down down down
yeah this just looks like flu infection rates except there is no fake virus with fake vaccines to kill people with graphene based implants in sight
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>>play quads
>>shitalian duo start talking in their retarded language and ruin the match
>ban these fucking faggots already
we quaddin
kwadatids pexxin frfrrrrr
on god?
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if I get her in ranked I already know I'm having a bad time
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You should get a badge for personally killing every prowler/spider on Stormpoint
Now that explain recent pubs stomper outbreak. I barely can get more than 3 kills per match. It's all so tiresome. My teammates don't stand a chance against any team we encounter. I miss solos so much.
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ah yes im gold 2 and got shat on by a team of diamond 2/4 and plat 1 and the d2 seems to be aimbotting
such fun
>quads is kinda okay
except you get 3 drooling retards to babysit instead of the usual 2
Oh and fighting a team with a lifeline is now turbo cancer because no cooldown on revives and drone is an AOE heal.
she's cute when put into the right hands
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Here's your champion, chuddie! Yeah, deal with it!
LoL, two monkeys from Africa.
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Look at what I found
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New cheat just dropped. Increased bullet damage.
Why are you guys obsessed with stats? If I wanted high damage and kills I could farm pubs and quads.
If you're on ranked you're with people who are usually as good as you or cheaters in diamond so you will not be dominating with 17 kills and 3500 damage every single game
I think I have never hit a valkyrie tactical. It's so fucking trash
uninstalled, this time for good
use it to flush people out of hiding, or to cover an escape
i dont like valk because im so used to spamming jump with scroll wheel
>killed by a cheater every third game

EU ranked is in fucking SHAMBLES

ive NEVER played a game with this many cheaters
4 skirmishers is the Quads meta
another loba who is fucking allergic to using market
Wait... Did you notice that too? What EU servers you're playing? Mine are Frankfurt 1/2+ Belgium (rarely).

Also, today I've been playing Disco Elysium. Haven't gotten so much pleasure from playing vidya in a year at least. Apex doesn't stand a chance in comparison with it.
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>"he won?"
>"give him ze tilted solo dropping shithead"
>teammate decides to follow them
How can people tell they're getting spectated? Am watching some guy who deletes people with wingman and the moment I began spectating he just stopped moving fast and punched walls for a minute or looted very slow,
Whats this slop
the reactive pk that only the best of goys purchased. you had to have negative taste or be Chinese which means you already have negative taste to have wanted that stupid thing
>you had to have negative taste or be Chinese
Bizarre conclusion
it was the Chinese lunar themed event
I see
source engine has had a spectator count since forever - and when respawn "disabled" it they only disabled the HUD icon and not the server feedback
>alphabet-people coders
I don't know what they did, but it went from everybody using a 30-30 to nobody touching them or a scout and only going TT for marskman weapons
it got "nerfed" and it got "buffed" that's why. I'm dogshit with the tt so I never use it it has such a weird velocity and rhythm
is it me or is quads just a complete shitshow of packet loss and noregs?
>30-30 to nobody touching them or a scout and only going TT f
This happened a year or two ago, everyone started using TT like cancer
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I have yet to die to a TT. In fact, I don't see anyone pick it up. I can't seem to kill anyone with it since it only does 28 damage to targets outside of shotgun range (and I bet that's why people aren't picking it up).
Scout and Dirty Thirty still work on my machine though.
I thought people were bitching about havoc anyway.
> I can't seem to kill anyone with it since it only does 28 damage to targets outside of shotgun range
A good, fully choked shot will do over 100. The spread in the bullets can make the damage inconsistent in some situations, but that mostly just means instead of missing you're doing chip damage, and a clean hit with it will still do a lot.
The lack of bullet drop makes it very easy to start hitting enemies at any range, no calculation needed. I've won many fights against 30-30s with a TT.

Same servers as you, its been absolutely horrendous this season, literally 1/3 games as I said...

I guess that nigger hideouts doesnt care about EU since his streamer ''''''friends'''''' dont play there (the important ones)
Apex is home to the literal ugliest character and gun skins to ever exist in gaming
but also some of the best
I think the gun skins are mostly okay. But the characters themselves and their skins are unbelievably ugly
You would think that they would make them somewhat appealing even just to sell skins but no
it's called a rampart wall you dumbass
Catalyst caustic wattson lifeline meta
rampart wall is 20% extra damage retard
I like playing this game but kind of suck at it
that's most people just have fun
There's 3 ways to get spectators (that I know of), used to be 4 :^)
As soon as somebody spectates me and I see nobody close to me on the radar i alt tab and I have a little overlay that shows me if they are spectating while I'm tabbed out.
Dont worry theres always someone whos worse than you, and the game will eventually let you kill them instead of putting you against a handholding masters badge 3 stack
masters badge means nothing cause everyone has season 16s. master banner is the new rizz
Always good to come back and give a few matches a try only to get pushed by a perfectly coordinated team in pubs to remind that the only people still playing this
>Rely on crutch legends
>Rely on crutch weapons
>Exclusively three stack in every game mode
>Always use roller
>Are complete masochists who want to fight the actual game more than the people playing it
And they wonder why it's dying
I dont :(
>season 16 was already that long ago
Wtf bros
time is the great terror enjoy kwabex while you can
bugpex "20 tick" noregends
Titanfall 3 when

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