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Save us futa woman edition

Saturday June 29th at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET
Saturday June 29th at 12pm PT/7pm GMT


>NA #7 VOD
(congrats grimanon)
>NA #6 VOD
(congrats luci anon)

>EU tournament #3
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2155240644

>NA tournament #5
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2138483599

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Siegfried, Belial
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>483728958
Join the tournament
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nyo
The last time I did I was mocked by anons for losing a match with my high tier against a low tier.
It made me sad and I don't want that agan.
Anon... did this really happen?
It did! It was the first tournament.
Of course, I know we have stalkers here, so now that I mentioned it, someone will comb the tourney and look for a wash that fits this description.
but there were no high tiers in the first tournament.
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It's really weird that raging strike and raging chain ignore combo limit status.


I mean, you are spending a finite resource and reducing your defensive options down the line so it's fair. Kind of.
you put some respect on the matron saint of game balance
the actual first tournament wasn't even hosted by golshito (rip Kermit-sama)
the threads back then were so fast you'd have to pay autistic attention to catch someone shitting on you
that said, when the gen was nigger it was rather common to see someone shitting on other people out of nowhere (like that anon who gets mad at people being friendly after sets), that died down a lot when the tourists moved on and this gen became smaller and more tight knit
you have to remember this is 4chan, people will always act like the niggers they can't be in real life
hell, in that tournament someone shat on the TO because he was A... when the game had been out for a week.
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She's the final character of season 2
God damn our sister general /gbfg/ is mentally ill as fuck
w-what are they doing?
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She's the first character of season 2
>Season 2
thank u fukuhara u are my greatest ally
>no vampy
>no medusa
back to the drawing board
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Granblue newfag here, is this character popular? Is she likely to get in?
She's fucking hot.
no idea but the last time this toothpaste woman got brought up i was told she was a lesbian and a child rape victim
she a dyke
That's not really the answer to any of the things I asked though.
okay apparently i fed you misinformation, she whored herself out for bread so it was consentual.
hmmm ACKshually children can't consent so she's a rape victim
no she is an aspiring merchant
>How does Vane deal with the Cagliostro matchup?
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Yudan shita de arimasu...
Eternal Cag downplayers.
At least Belial players are starting to be honest.
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this is what honesty looks like, deal with it chud.
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Holy kek
I've spent so long in this shithole that it's become increasingly difficult to discern what is a shitpost and what is genuine retardation and lack of self awareness. My initial response to this is of course that it's just the usual cry for attention, but who knows.
not especially
I unfortunately have seen this actor in multiple communities
It's not just a Cag thing, they exclusively play top tier characters that exist to shut down neutral and cheese wins, then complain that said characters are secretly bottom tiers but most people are too dumb to realize it. Any time you hear "[x] is fake" or "[x] is a gimmick" it really means "you can potentially hit me during [x] and I'm too dumb to rotate in an option that beats that." Cag's throw/TK j.22H mix is "fake" because you can mash, ignoring every other thing Cag can do in that scenario, for example.

The archetype as a whole just attracts these people. They take the fact that their character has a lot of setups and assume that means they're hard, and that them not auto-winning for playing a "hard" character means the character is bad rather than a skill issue
it's both
but mostly he's just starved for attention
He gets too much attention on the official GBVSR forum to be starved of it
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Wyell, /gbvsg/?
I don't remotely care about attention and the fact that you retards still think so is just the dumbest shit imaginable. it's insane how misread I am by some of you shitheads when it's so obvious I'm serious about everything I say and have zero intention beyond just speaking my mind.
except I play this archetype always and RISING CAG SPECIFICALLY is the only time I've said they suck. Vanilla cag was top 8. Most incarnations of this type of character are even better. maybe you should fucking listen to me and stop losing to a low tier you brainlet. you say "x is fake means they're too dumb to rotate options" yet if you read what I actually show about cag it's the fact that I CANT rotate options because THEY ALL LOSE TO THE SAME OPTION MEANING THE SITUATION IS ENTIRELY FAKE. FUCKING IDIOT PAY ATTENTION.
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So true sis. Trans rights and lolicon rights!
I remember when the point of FGC wasn't that it was inclusive, but that it was willfully ignorant.
You weren't supposed to care where someone came from or their circumstances, you played the vidya with them. It was a way for people to come together.
I miss it.
this guy removed me after i knew him for like 8 years btw virtue signaling sack of shit
>posting screenshots of yourself
god save the lolicons
When would you say this changed?
tranny apocalypse of ggst obviously
ricki ortiz predated that
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Here's your S2 guest character, bro
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The funny thing about Ricki is that they went about it perfectly.
Sure, it was awkward, but they didn't make it their entire identiy. It helped that they were established, and weren't invading a community.
Even now, if you check her profile, there's not a single flag or pronoun.
too based
In the veins of >>483949308, when I was at CEO and Razzo took the mic and said "fuck the supreme court" to cheers, I knew it was unironically over.
Now it's just a matter of the real fgc keeping their heads low. You'll notice lots of old commentators have just switched to "they" when referring to anyone out of fear of getting blown up.
The world where I have to defend Lunar because at least he's not a two faced bitch is a bizarre one.
ricki ortiz wasnt calling random people transohobic for not sucking up to daisukes vision and demanding the world curtail to his whims he was just playing a video game and happened to troon out. pre strive fgc trannies and post strive fgc trannies are rather distinct. pre strive ones care about their games are in the community to play them and don't care about virtue signaling garbage or shoving idpol everywhere. post strive trannies exist only to clout farm engagement bait and virtue signal. WAAAA EVIL LOLICON KILL IT ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THINK IM A MAN IS MY FEMININE BEARD NOT ATTRACTIVE TO YOU?? TWITTER KILL THIS CHUD AND TOS PLS BAN
This game actually needs more flatties.
Potatoes and children don't count.
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nah they've been at it for a decade.
even back when kayo police was a thing you had weirdos arguing over the term "trap". and that was in like 2013.
glad to join in the daily 3 am tranny nonsense
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You know, I was thinking the breasts are actually really well modelled in this game.
I know that sounds degenerate, but I'm used to so much more tame stuff than Bea leans over in this witch outfit and good lord.
still a difference between this, which is just someone being their own person, and strive trannies which are frothing at the mouth constantly to destroy anyone not exactly like them.
I remember, but no one was worried about saying the wrong thing to ricki ortiz and being kicked the fuck out. I still think that holds with how she says "guys", which any flag would screech at for assuming identity.
When you say "more" it kind of sounds like we have even a single one. We don't. Not as a playable character anyway.
It's never enough
He gets (negative) attention everywhere he goes because he's fucking insufferable
He'll still do anything for a crumb of attention
all the female characters in the game are cute and animated by someone who truly appreciates cuteness.
god is good and some day every artist who has ever worked for nether realm studios will be beheaded.
Mileena can get it though
grimnir right there.
sindel cock
Medusa will save us
People complain about wasted potential for a reason, the game is pure soul and seeing wasted pisses people off
>different p1 and p2 intros for all the cast
>character specific end of round lines
>unique dialog mid round for certain mus
>cag getting more annoyed when she has to block a long blockstring
when do the daily missions reset?
In 10 hours and 20 something minutes from now.
like every other jp games - 10:20 hrs
raging strike doesn't, only raging chain because they coded it to be a guaranteed follow up as long as you have meter
>"If the August patch doesn't fix the game I'll probably just quit and play SF6" - Shinku
Bwos... I don't want everyone to leave...
It's weird, because there's specifically an interaction with cancelling raging strike.
Take Kat into training mode, do
>214U, cH > RS, cH > 214H, cH > 236H, cHH > RS > RC
Then try
>214U, cH > RS, cH > 214H, cH > 236H, cHH > 623M
Theoretically the second one should work, but they'll pop out from combo limit after the last H.
he should leave either way, the virtue signaling trannies aren't going to let him play in peace in this game
half the events hes banned from are sf6 related too, and you know those freaks will continue to hound him even if hes "gone".
oh wow, that's super weird. so cancelling into raging strike does behave differently than special cancels
do you know the combo limit point count at the end? i'm thinking raging strike might let you cancel off the hit that drops the combo (one hit past when you max out the points), so something like yuel cancelling off hit 2 of a cH that drops should also be possible
For that one specifically it goes
>0 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 6 >8 > 10 > 12 > 15 > 16 > 16
As the value for each move in the first one.
>so something like yuel cancelling off hit 2 of a cH that drops should also be possible
It should, though it would still be more optimal to do something like cMM in that scenario. I've been using this "tech" for Seox like that.
only entering the tournament if I dont see THAT player in the bracket 5 minutes before registrations close!
which one
Sucking on Anila’s toes
that nigga ain't played in like a month
He's shiwowamb not kuwowamb
Ok, you've won, I will quit.
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another day
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Saturday June 29th at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET
Saturday June 29th at 12pm PT/7pm GMT
mmm... nyo... i don't think i will
he is asking nicely... you can be nice.
mmm wyelll achually nyow that i thynk abyout it....

i wyill!
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the tournament...
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The tournament (1min before check in closes)
i think ferry is pretty
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wow didn't know he played
alright let's do this
stop being judgemental
he plays zeta
you cannot comprehend his struggle
do it stinky, he is not even a pink square.
lmfao he's playing top tier what a lying fraud
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nyo! I'm socializing rn
what is that nier trying to do
Used to do the same thing.
Should go back using the Zeta avatar. Posing is fun.
He said she’s “slightly” stronger than Vira now. Fine, but definitely not top tier.
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That Vira is far too smug…
wow what a surprise people downplay the character they use
we are live
Most people are pretty honest about what tier their character is in. Like you might see a Nier player try to claim that she's only top 2 or 3 instead of top 1, but even the Nier players won't say she's anything but top tier.
After both playing Bea and playing against her after the nerfs, I think around Vira strength level is correct.
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xerom on screen
you are a moron then
Beatrix is easily in the top 5-6
hold still nier dono.
gamera is still playing the balance bear
so is it waifu loyalty or bea still being better than zita
>guard cancel to guard cancel to guard cancel to
every time i feel like coming back to the game i watch the gameplay and the feeling evaporates
still waiting for 1.5 patch
i think bea is top 7
top 5 any order: nier sieg lance belial djeeta
6 & 7 is interchangeably between zeta or bea
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>default color
huge disadvantage
lmao at nier-cart spiraling uncontrollably down the parking lot into that raging strike.
Balance Bear Bea
Bea is better than Zeta
who the fuck does anything with Zeta other than Sho
>Tech grab as Luci
>Literally can't hit any button because everything he has either whiffs or loses at throw grab range
ebin character
>have to cheer for seox
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Diaphone said the same thing on stream. The patch will make or break the game.
now why would you do that
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I hope Charlotta wins it all cause the Soriz gameplay yesterday was depressing
wavie playing djeeta wtf
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Who gives a fuck what Diaphone says
content grifter ass doomposter who did his best to kill the game in its first month with his
>This character is fisher price
clickbait shit
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>didn't catch him repeatedly glancing
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why did this have to happen to my video games?
absolute mental illness that is somehow celebrated by so many
why does the stream and potentially the game always have issues when wavie is playing
shes too powerful
lol at all the salty little faggots in the twitch chat
are we getting casting couch nier today
pls be nice to zeta players regardless of color :3
2h>236H>far H (you can get close H but that's even more spacing dependent)> 623H>Far H> 214H is almost 6k

this combo doesnt even work btw 623H is always a knockdown unless it's CH
person who complains about vira on stream
Vira players are playing top 12 acting like they're playing bottom 5
Bea will forever be in a state of constant hate and upplay, its part of the Society females contract
2P > 2B
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Yokotards like: THAT MAKES SENSE!!!
why is down assist better than down medium?
>another 2B with no idea how to use the character
mmmm siegfrauds we are so clean
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we're getting jav Nier
imagine if Lucilius' unique action didn't arbitrarily lock him out of his specials
>Oh sorry bro Luci's 5U~H is just so strong we really need it to lock him out of being able to do his most important special in combos
what a joke
Subjecting Zeta to a very thorough sniffing
Zane playing Grimnir instead of top 6 zeta hehe
>coach neutral jumping to try and stop grim from jumping
>i would've died to the grimnig 214u if i tried that shit
zane isn't even good on the character, nice broken ass tawp tier
steve would've won with his shirt off
bad matchup for belial, unlucky, bg
onahole searching stream for those too cool for ceo
shant be watching the same top tier whores duke it out for a game nobody even plays
I don't want to root for metera, but...
nier is suffering...
someone get that whore with the rotten cunt away from Nier
she'll give Nier AIDS
Nier has every STD known to man and some known only to primals
>some known only to primals
like what
>nigga with a beard
I wouldn't know, I'm not a primal
I am so glad we got an emergency patch so one character wouldn’t dominate the tournament.
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No... Nier is pure... dayo...
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nier won
Imagine popping off over this dogshit lmao
Tranny game
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I wonder where the train tracks go desu.
i do not like pop offs
Just wait until the rat releases, we may end up singing a different tune if she's OP and the big meaty shoves Death up Nier's ass making her hemorroids bleed every time she calls her.
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Tako did this
>Nier's ass making her hemorroids bleed every time
desu, my preparation h...
More Nier :)
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I've finished, come wipe me
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When are we getting RAT?
why is nier getting double perfected vs kat
how is that possible
that nigga doesn't even play granblue that's why
he's some sf6 nigga
sheep.. is.. le bad..
sheep vs sieg
get in bwo
Bro this commentator can't fucking SPEAK he's trying to be Brick but his brain is TOO SLOW
We must become solid steel statues desu. Its the only way we will be saved. We must be mixed with molten metal and solidify or be sealed in a cement tomb.
We need a steel furnace desu. The animals and us must become one, unable to hurt others further.
Anywhere it goes we must go with it.
that dishonest whore kat will not exist in Nier's new world
>when the siegfried can't just orkan rps to win
this nigga's brain is exploding
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you can do that to beat Orkan?
that's awesome

>not having that on mute so you dont have to listen to people trying too hard to sound witty and failing like some loser who eats lunch alone at work
that's right you should always mash on orkan
>scrawt losing to a no name
go back to melty nigga
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i thought rising was le dead??
wait what happened
>quanba desk
>More entrants than daily players
impressive. really nice. now let see those steam numbers.
>more entrants than the EU tournament and NA tournament combined
it is, most of the entrants were from before people quit the game
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Shit's gonna be DQ City
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why is sora being raped by sol?
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ugly ass western art
and of course the sole granblue representative is fucking ladiva
if only i had that stupid sheep image to edit
why arent you joining Sol?
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hows it looking for xewom?
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>Another tranny
raiden appears to be getting blown by johnny cage and sora is jackin steve from minecraft while blanka and luke are fighting over first right to kazuyas butthole
i am scared of social situations
literal deviantart tier
LOL for fuck's sake man
fucking nier blender
how many niers are in this picture? 4?
This is wonderful.
he's in hell
yes, 4 (four) niers
>One of the worst ultimate fireballs
>Worst teleport in the game
>One of the worst ultimate tackles in the game
>3/4 specials are useless in neutral
>f.M converts into 0 damage and nobody is afraid of the button because 66L covers the same space
>All of his other normals are either useless or actively shit
>f.L converts into 0 damage
Luci is totally a good character though
is that a fuckin kamone shirt
Sounds cool though
you need to try someone else for you to see his strengths
you are clearly delusional
definitely suffering from playing one character for too long and being shit at him
I don't think Nier is enough to make people cancel their flights or road trips to Las Vegas.
No one's gonna wake up for 10am pools just to go 0-2 to Nier
>niertard got this far without knowing wtf lowain even does
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where is niers hand bros??
it's just sheep 2U vs Orkan
what strengths lmfao
The only thing you'd find from playing a character other than Luci is a better character unless you're going to try Metera or Ladiva
but even those characters have tournament results whereas Luci has 0
>One of the worst ultimate fireballs
>No teleport in the game
>No ultimate tackle in the game
>Almost all specials are useless in neutral and cost SKL
>5M converts into 0 damage and nobody is afraid of the button because 66L covers the same space
>All of her other normals except 5H are either useless or actively shit
>5L converts into 0 damage
2B is totally a good character though
why is this lowain not using 2u
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First good thing that's happened all day
um bwo... luci won the most important tournament of them all........ ... ..... ...
I said all I wanted to say, I know you wont be convinced.

Every character has strengths. Even going from a decent character who you played for hundreds of hours to a top tier who you havent played at all will feel weird and you will want to go back.
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he won one of the /gbvsg/ tournaments
weird that you forgot to mention that she can stall her air momentum which is already a better tool than anything most of the cast has
>No ultimate tackle in the game
you have the best tackle in the game doebeit
>Every character has strengths.
Yeah, but when your strengths are invalidated by the game's systems itself or totally eclipsed by other characters they end up not mattering.
Lucilius has nothing threatening that isn't just a shittier version of something other characters have and on top of it his detriments are some of the worst in the game
His reward for getting level 5 is that he gets to be an average character for a few seconds before the round ends assuming you can even get there
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This is someone's inspiration.
>His reward for getting level 5 is that he gets to be an average character
His cooldowns go into normal character tier at level 3
Yeah too bad his specials are all still worse than EX tier for the rest of the cast and yet they have the same cooldown no matter what version you do
His ult skills fucking suck too btw
>One of the worst ultimate fireballs
>No teleport in the game
>No ultimate tackle in the game
>Almost all specials are useless in neutral and go on long cooldowns
>2M converts into 0 damage and nobody is afraid of the button because 66L covers the same space
>All of his other normals except 2U are either useless or actively shit
>66L converts into an autocombo only on counter-hit
Sieg is totally a good character though
>you can see people from Granblue jump into Granblue and viceversa
Truer words were never spoken
This really just sounds like someone who hasn't played any other character in the game

especially with the backpedaling that just occurred
>he needs level 5 to be a normal character
>it's level 3 where he enters normal character tier
>uh but his specials are worse than other charactes
>you haven't played any other character in the game
Another Nier... so... hype...
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>One of the worst ultimate fireballs
>No teleport in the game
>No ultimate tackle in the game
>Almost all specials are useless in neutral and go on long cooldowns
>2M converts into 0 damage and nobody is afraid of the button because 66L covers the same space
>All of her other normals except f.H are either useless or actively shit
>66L converts into an autocombo only on counter-hit

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>No fireball
>No teleport
>Ultimate tackle doesn't lead to combos unless on specific conditions
>Almost all specials are useless in neutral except 1
>2M converts into 0 damage and nobody is aware of the button because it's fucking dogshit
>All of her other normals except 5L are either useless or actively shit
Charlotta is totally a womanlet though
i sawed it off
>>it's level 3 where he enters normal character tier
except this isn't true
Every other character can throw their specials without care unless they're EX, Luci can't
So you'd think, wow Luci's specials must be really heckin good if they treat them like they're all EX specials
except they aren't - they're mediocre to bad specials
You're blatantly misrepresenting the character
>Yeah too bad his specials are all still worse than EX tier for the rest of the cast
me when I lie.
harvin shoulder to hip ratio...
bea has the worst ult fireball in the game
it's not even plus bruh
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Bet you find this thing attractive too.
no I dont find either of them attractive. vampy however.
>they played the Nier vs Nier top 8 winners qualifier off stream
is this fuckin tranny nigga wearing a god damn night gown

why are they so fucking stupid
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hes reading the thread
dont worry xerom
hackers on steroids are on standby
wavies controller is as good as dead
Borrowed it from his grandma
inb4 technical issues
wavie stole my granma's sleeping clothes
Lucy the Lamia vs Me Again for top 8 losers, so we're already guaranteed at least 2 Niers in top 8.
is wavie wearing a night gown?
Wavie looks like he became the prison girlfriend
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>pov you have stood up in the corner
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fucking kek nice brainrot
>Teleport you can react to without even checking to see what version it is
>Mid-hit grab that converts into 0 damage, is - on block and slow
>Sword slash that does nothing and is super punishable
>projectile that you cant even use in projectile wars
>if you dont have at least 2 of these other than tele you cant do combos at all
amazing specials
idk why but sometimes you can confirm H demon flip grab with 5H
in the corner, yes
put this fuckin tranny to bed xerom
There's people who will watch Xerom play and think
>yeah this dude won thanks to charlotta and not because he completely fucking outskilled in every single aspect his opponent
fucked up how charlotta cant just walk under ult trap
why does cag and percival keep their ultimate trap and ultimate carpet even if they have to block something but eustace doesn't keep green nade
You have to land the throw late.
not trying to say wavie ain't getting his shit pushed in, but normally he plays cag a lot more aggressive than this
looking like a S rank cag right now
nobody knows the MU
>the MU
Learning to play is the MU, there's nothing to learn specific to charlotta besides not standing up
Based Xerom
>Whiff special
>Still plus
Yeah, Charlotta is busted, what kind of cope is this?
t.charlotta downplayer
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t. cuckolds n.1 and 2
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>spotdodge ult ball
>she's still plus
nice honest character
I upplay charlotta into the air by holding her up by under her armpits, then I downplay her onto my cock
fuck aaron, hope he stubs his toe
Weird how Xerom was practicing Lucilius yet picks Charlotta in tourney
almost like...
...It's his main... And Luci is a troll pick... Wow...
i know nothing about aaron but i also decided to arbitrarily hate him for no reason as well
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>Downplaying a top 5 master rank character
y tho?
more like Luci is just that bad
ferry chibi erotic
He's an HC player, enough said
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>So you'd think, wow Luci's specials must be really heckin good if they treat them like they're all EX specials
except they aren't - they're mediocre to bad specials
Every one of his specials is ex level special in utility, hence why for example his light palm wall bounces in the corner
or light or medium projectiles clash with other ex ones. No one's else light or medium specials have this property. What is the point in continuing this conversation when you are so dishonest that you don't even recognize this? I think you just have a chronic downplay syndrome. Luci is a perfectly fine, good character - a mid tier.
should I tho
I don't play strive but I've watched it a few times and every time I see that character everybody is upset and I can never figure out what the fuck is going on.
So I guess he deserves it.
wrong chart
xerom is a goat despite charlotta
if he swapped to an actual top tier he'd win too much
lole Cuckold kun...
>No one's else light or medium specials have this property
Vane's M stabby wallbounces on CH
aaron buttfucked live on stream once again
what do you think that blue number / line is you dumb cuck
To put it simply, he breaks the rules of the game like 2B. They also gave him the one of the worst strive mechanics, guard crush
You risk people mashing cL or simply reacting. Check the damage difference and see if it's worth it for you.
meant for
chance of character being fraudulent
the more to the right your character is the more you're skilled
I hope this explains it my delusional friend
yeah, on ch. some specials have that. we literally had this convo with you like 1-2 months ago i think lol
>Every one of his specials is ex level special in utility
but enough about siegfried
>or light or medium projectiles clash with other ex ones.
Cool, except anyone who knows the MU is just going to throw normal fireballs because you can't afford to toss Luci's projectile in neutral against other fireballs since they'll just toss theirs a second time
Like jfc you are so stuck in S+5 that you think you know anything about this game it's embarrassing
>Luci is a perfectly fine, good character - a mid tier.
He's low tier along with the majority of the cast
The tiers in this game are like S+, A and then C there's no B tiers
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honesty doesn't pay....
No you didn't, because I'm not that Luci anon
That just shows she's boring. She has 50% win rate, she's balanced and probably the easiest footsies character in the game because of her 50% win rate
>Every one of his specials is ex level special in utility
Nigga really gonna try and say Luci teleport has utility because people got hit by H teleport week 1 and then never again
>Cool, except anyone who knows the MU is just going to throw normal fireballs because you can't afford to toss Luci's projectile in neutral against other fireballs since they'll just toss theirs a second time
except the argument was are the specials ex level or not, which they are.
>Like jfc you are so stuck in S+5 that you think you know anything about this game it's embarrassing
besides the point of this argument, but i have multiple characters in master, not that it means much, but since you want to go there
>He's low tier along with the majority of the cast
seems like i was right on the chronic downplayer thing
neat, i feel like i constantly see horror stories about him/and or his original version or something. from my perspective a bunch of indistinguishable marvel shit happens, a gay cutscene plays and the wall breaks for a perfect.
Cheering for Nier's sexy legs.
I could grab Nier by the ankles and spin her like a helicopter.
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Ignore Charlottards
join the eu tournament, NYOW
66m gawds
4 Niers in top 8 :)
issa midtier
Congrats for proving everyone likes Charlotta (except you tranny) and that she's easy to play, now mind you referring to the MASTERS WIN RATE instead of the baby graph showing baby players bringing their characters to master after defeating baby players?
No? Stay an unskilled cuckold then lole
Already did. See you in two hours.
i do not like that character
Can americans join the eu tournament?
I have romanian blood
im protesting the game by not playing until patch
kat's playrate at lower level is high, very few make it to master
>puts Charlotta's theme for the music
>except the argument was are the specials ex level or not, which they are.
except they aren't because they're both worse than the rest of the cast's ex specials and can't be employed freely like other character's normal specials
it's the worst of both worlds with the advantages of neither
>But his specials let him have le heckin utiltiy
Wow and the he can do a basic ass BNB level damage for 50% meter because his combos require him to use 3 fucking specials to get anything
Holy seethe. Keep coping tranny pedo
When a Charlotta player talks I sit my (tall) ass down and listen.
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>Holy seethe. Keep coping tranny pedo
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nia fighto
holy shit the commentators are dead inside
enough tier lists. post golshi bread to bring back Bread
Concession accepted ;)
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What happened to Bread?
No, this is what the game deserves
A bunch of faggot tier whores mirror matching and killing the game for themselves
>except they aren't because they're both worse than the rest of the cast's ex specials
how are they worse? you just say they are bad but have zero anything to back it up.
they wall bounce like ex specials, clash like ex specials and are even safe or even plus. and every single one is different and has a different purpose oh yeah, his L fireball is plus as well, it is literally an ex special.
>and can't be employed freely like other character's normal specials
yeah thats his whole goddamn gimmick, slow as fuck recovery but ability to snowball, cool you noticed that. starting to think this convo is fruitless. like talking to a wall
knock this tranigga out please...
>wavie is a filthy colosseum picker
what is wrong with colosseum?
what is this matchup like
this metera s actually blocking instead of mashing bc..
the equivalent of the padded room (ignore the actual cube stage)
i can't really tell where the corners are on the other stages compared to colosseum, though.
and that's why he lost
can i join but not play?
the cube stage looks cool albeit
i like the cube stage but I know if it wasn't locked behind story mode it would be a different story.
god, wavie is so fuckin ugly
Status of the lobby?
>but ability to snowball
except this never happens at any level of play
you might as well say fucking Lancelot has the ability to snowball because his ult skills result in better pressure and damage than anything Lucilius does
they paid this seox he dropped that 22U combo twice
No. Grimnir is just that overpowered.
everybody is dead and gone
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>Zippy vs Xerom possibly
At this point it's a staple
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nah this game for some reason has no input buffer for anything except after landing a raging strike so everyone eventually drops combos cause their input didnt come out at all
grub top 8 in 2 hours
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idk, got bullied out of existence.
now i have to look at elodius ugly zeta color for replays
tl note: kanme is japanese for collusion
He's a good player. I guess he just got tired of the game.
>how are they worse?
Teleport is a literal dead special, all 3 versions lose to the same things and two of the teleports don't even result in damage when they work. Garbage move.
Only thing it has going for it is a fake ass "mixup" between heavy and medium that leaves you - if they just wait, another terrible special
No armor, no combo mid-screen, doesn't hit low like Beatrix, doesn't leave you + when spaced like Lancelot's, it's garbage, doesn't lead to massive damage in the corner like Gran, it sucks
Lucilius pressure is so unthreatening that even this move that seems good on paper is fucking useless
>Oh wow I'm +10 time to fucking do nothing because the rest of my specials are dogshit
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>every special is useless, every special is worthless
you are hopeless, actual brainrot
maybe you'll learn something
also kind of funny how the first most recent random replay video of the character that i found has him getting lvl 5 in the first round where zooey is basically fucked lol
>Against Zooey
Maybe show him beating a character that isn't equally shit
you fell for my trap card
>Against Zeta
Maybe show him beating a character that isn't equally shit
Another mid tier
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Do we have to have chronic mentally ill downplayers for every single character in this general
>in this general
Every proud FGC member downplays everything and everyone except their character
Show me him beating top 5 or I don't give a shit
also if I could play against JP retards who apparently don't know 214L is punishable I too could get easy wins
bottom 3
>Against Cag
Maybe show him beating a character that isn't bottom 3
unless you dont think zeta broken.
lol the comments
Nobody other than sho gets results with Zeta
the character is mid as fuck
>Show me him beating top 5 or I don't giv-AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>top 5
where's the Ws against Lancelot, Seox, Nier and Belial or Fried?
>not having a learning disability
I say this unironically but this beatrix is literally shittier than 100 diamond NA masters players
I play Zooey and she's fine
No I just want to instigate.
at this point this is fun just to see what you are going to say
do you think luci hasnt ever won a set against top 5 at master rank or something
anyone can cherry pick videos from ranked to make a player or character seem good
If you go back to the 2010s you'd think kaqn was the best Ragna player to ever live when it was just him uploading his wins from gamechariot only
>sieg who backdashes at round start
>doesn't punish on luci c.H
Maybe show him beating a player that has an actual set of nuts and perhaps a brain.
Can I be Bubs' chronic mentally ill downplayer?
but i thought every special is worthless? shouldnt luci not win at all then???
I am sorry for leaving again TO. I swear I am not doing this to fuck with you.
All I see is a bunch of fraudulent wins because JP players are dickless and don't know to mash even when there's no reason not to and not using 66L enough
does pipipi stream his games? hes the only cag i respect and watch
>Lucilius whiffs f.H right in Siegfried's face
>Siegfried just sits there
>Luci H teleport never punished even once
Japan masters = NA S+
oh nyoooo, im sure you would wash them all free
ahahahAHAHAH oh man this is too much fun, you are a riot
he's doing this to fuck with you!
>oh nyoooo, im sure you would wash them all free
based on this footage they don't even know how to punish 66L whiffs so yeah, I would
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Im confused. Is there any agreed upon tier lists? Aside of like nier and sieg shit, nothing seems stable.
I have to choose between driving a heroin addict and her daughter around or entering the tournament.
i love you
which tournament you gonna enter next?
is her daughter hot
What games have completely agreed upon tier lists besides Obvious top and smoetimes bottom tiers?
give me the daughter
i will correct her
good luck she has bpd
the same tournaments grande enters pffthahahahaha
fraud who has won nothing
>getting bodied in casual
Exactly what I need before the tournament.
Plesse don't tell me Vaseraga is plus after his high scythe attack when you dodge it.
Sure but its like more unstable here, like kojicoco rates zooey as A+ or something, but most tier lists has her bottom. Grimnir is equal or higher than zeta on NA and JP, but mid in EU while zeta is top 4. Guess there are just too many characters in this game.
See? It's better to not touch the game all day
are you talking about the move that whiffs when you crouch
>fraud who has won nothing
he is good enough to be featured on replay channels, havent seen your luci there yet though
>ywn be reincarnated as hishi amazons beach towel
more like at all
I forgot that I'm supposed to just crouch all of it. But then there is the command grab that I just can't react to. When I jump, I always get slapped out of the air.
The only thing I learned watching this is that JPs cant into whiff punishing at all
Constantly whiffing f.Ms and f.Hs and they just take it
oh, and I forgot not just dodging U projectile in pressure
literally something that will never work against any NA player with a brain
>EU tournament literally at the same time as CEO finals
Why would the TO do this to us? Does he just hate EU?
>any NA player with a brain
anyone in masters
believe in victory
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Checkins have started for the EU tournament


stream will up shortly at twitch.tv/grumblebumble69
d̶̛͎̥̯͜͝a̴̢̭͕̘̯͉̱̋̌͒̂̾͑̂͌̚͠s̷̛̛͙͌̋̔̊͊̇͆̈́́ ̴̫̮͍̗̺͈͙̜̰̮̟͑̿͆̏͜ģ̷̢̙̬̯̬̳͍̂͜͝a̵̛͎͕͉̬̗͈̮̬̔͗̀̈͊̏́̎͌͊͌w̵̨̛͇̠̦̰̻̜̞̙͙͋d̴̝͍͖͉̣̀̈́͗l̷̡̨̪͍̺̺̞̰̗̝̋̒͋͋̏̊͗̈́͝ͅi̵̡̨̨͍͔̥͕̯̺̼̹͙͉̔̂̓̾̈́̿̋̈́̔̈͌̂̔͜k̵̢̛̛͚͕͎̤̘̣͖͔͈̖͆͑̿̎̎̐̊͌͌̌̏͜͜͝ͅe̷̩͙͒̀͋̀̈́̆̆̈̈́͗͠ ̴̙̯̞͓̬̭͒͌
>GBVS Ranked
"Why is our game dead"
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Horses will save this game
I just came to mash a bit. I'll watch the top 8 on the side personally.
um... nier and siegfried and beatrix aren't in gbvs....
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Yeah, I wanted to watch that but I generally don't watch tournaments, so whatever I'll just play.
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I'm sorry siegbwo...
but the slow down + that windup is so long I have enough time to think "it's coming....I should do something" in real time and press super
why are they so attracted to cag
cause cag is a passable tranny
Ladiva name...
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This is my first fighting game, is it normal to have this much LGBT people in the community?
Cag is a literal human female. Shouldn't these trannies be latching onto Ladiva or something?
Don't watch a Strive tournament.
das gawdlike
It's anime games
only "minor coded" character
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that's gaming in general
speedrun community used to so fun and comfy
Ladiva isn't passable and cag was a man
>260 ping
maybe nekotech was justified.
not really
i appreciate the beatrix memorial..
Hello, new SF6 anon here <3
Are there any official rules for CrossUp style fightsticks?
Also would you consider Zeta a shoto?
Autism and liking fighting games have a positive correlation.
Autism and trannyism have a positive correlation.
Thus, fighting games have a large number of trannies and other autism-caused degenerates like furries.
Holy shit I made Top 8 bros

This set up was done to me over and over against a zeta in the lobby and it seemed like a completely uninteractable 50/50. But now I see Grande grabbing it. Did Shosan just fuck up or is there some fuzzy timing to escape it?
i dont consider djeeta or lancelot to be S tier due to their pathetic damage output
to sounds like he has a cold.
its over
Tourney doko
>matchups got reshuffled
>still fighting 2b round 1
it's over.
zeta went for a grab instead of a j.H safejump into fuzzy, expecting a brave counter
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if you try to do 99% of the shit grande does in an average match online you're just going to get mashed on or 66L'd and die
japanese playstyle only works vs japanese
not sure but i dont think you need cross up extra buttons for GBVSR

>Also would you consider Zeta a shoto?
no? no dp and bad fireball i guess. but watching bread and pam zeta they play footsies heavy if that's your concern
why are you seriously replying to an obvious troll
cause i needed you to reply to me so can confess my love to you
>see matchup on replay vulture channel that interests me
>oh cool how's this gonna g-
>english dub
Why the fuck do they do this
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xisters is this true
blame set winner
he uses EN dub
Literally why would you imagine the edgy catguy with the mask would be the weakest? Come on.
Fuck this. I'm gonna say it.
I like Hatsoon's 2B.
thanks alot cygames...
my tard wife sliding right into the garbage can..
spot dodge is so useless
dis charlotta
cute charlotta
>he stood?
I dont even remember how I played just now tho
I was too overcome with rage towards bea
DP'ing fireball?
now that's gawdlike
>bea chibi
>picks siegfried
When's the next BP brehs
they haven't nerfed her chibi yet
>name is sikhander
>seems like his hands are perfectly healthy
>name is agripepsi
>picks the coca cola colors
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this sieg character seems pretty balanced to me, zeta on the other hand..
I bet these anons on stream have much more fun with the game than a master turd like me does
Sup, its a me Xerom. Let's get this bread arimasu
>30 minutes left till stream
it's fun if you don't take it seriously and just mash, even if you're a master rank doebeit
The name is a pun.
agwipepsi bwos... we were robbed
>no luci in the top 8
but gbvsg said...?
Need I remind you people that Faa-san literally won one of the /gbvsg/ tournaments?
THAT person could win a Strive tournament while playing granblue though
>+ on whiff
>+ on block
>can't be anti-aired because she falls too fast
charlotta is totally low tier btw
Is that red Lucifer color a battle pass thing?
>blablabla I'm trans I'm trans I'm trans
No one cares you're bad retard
Oh well
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blud really decided to complain about trans people when this game is basically run by xhem
mom how come sieg can sweep sba with no problems but gran cant
alot of the battlepass colors have that exact red white black color so yeah
stop shitposting 6'0
Some 2Us are not like the others...
luci is scary
mom how come djeeta gets to go through fireballs but tempest blade doesn't...
Some SBAs are not like the others...
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Even if they nerf BC it's just gonna result in Seox and Lancelot being top tier still
Why can Vane turn into a dog?
How did he gain that skill?
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ZR diff
why did katgawd switch to fucking vane lmao
he's sexually attracted by useless ugly motherfuckers
for fun, mayhaps?
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it's time..
>Play 2 stages in grand bruise
nyo... my 50 shekels...gone
explain how vane is fun in 5 sentences or more
Vane is very fun to play, yes.
kat has become too dishonest since the patch...
>Nier mirror slop #100001
who cares
it's xewom first match
>Arena is empty
>no crowd
I hope half the evo registrants DQ too so cygames can wake the fuck up and do something about this shit game
Xerom on screen
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He only needs us to cheer him up.
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>creative entrance
>come and kill it
These commentators sucks
bring back fun
fuck it
watching both
>both charlottas fighting satan
can you guys stop boomer checking me with the rs? it's rude
1.- 214 is satisfying as FUCK to land, partly because of how it looks when you slam the fuck out of people
2.- Anti-air and anti-air combos are also fun to land.
3.- Shield is situationally fun... too many characters can ignore it but against those who can't it makes for some fun interactions
4.- Correctly anticipating attacks and countering them with 5U is cool
5.- Uh...
That's all I got.
what makes you think its him?
Don't do it Xerom... They won't nerf Nier if you win this...
Its all you EU niggas, Ive seen one EU person spot dodge ONCE in the last 4 tourneys.
>Whiff ball
>Punish Nier for trying to punish the whiff ball
F.r.a.u.d characterr
at least you tried

i saw the profile when i checked the challonge
>Correctly anticipating attacks and countering them with 5U is cool
I think this is the only normal in the game with the same frame data on crouching and standing hit.
The move needs entirely reworked because the reward is nonexistant. I should get a cL off of hitting you crouching, and CH should knock them far enough away you can set up shield.
kek that nier didn't stand a chance
good job xerom we love you
xerom cleaning house so fast im thinking its game 1 still
Wait, it's FT2?
What the fuck are you doing NA
Don't tell me you have some Chipotle to sell this time
>the reward is nonexistant
It's the second-biggest damage move in the game after 2B suicide super. What more could you want?
that was pretty cool
I sleep
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It does the damage you took, or 1000, whichever is more. It's only high damage when you take that same high damage yourself.
It's a win more button at absolute best, with none of the frame date to support that.
>flames appear
Fraudulent to the core...
Thunder causes flames, haven't you ever seen lighting hit a tree?
no he didn't liar he called her top tier
>replying seriously to a bait-joke post
be smarter katgawd, everyone knows that button is shit, that anon is just making a joke
I am not Katgawd, just a retard who likes playing Vane.
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>Nier v Nier
I'm going to watch horses instead
you mop people
you blow up people with anti airs
playing around shield is fun
vane is cute
les go elsa
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Maybe I need to re-evaluate this bitch being moved lower in top tier after the Misfortune ners because good lord she just keeps showing up everywhere.
You bully Vaseragas
You bully Ferrys
You make people ragequit on anti air combos
The shield is fun when it works
You make other players feel bad when you win from the sheer gappening
why is EL Condor Pasa the best?
>You bully Ferrys
...you do?
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Thanks Sieg-bro.
Thanks Vane-bro.
Thanks Bea-bro.
It was a lot of fun.
>You bully other fair characters
lick lick
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you guys really need to stop standing up against demon flip in the corner
don't tell me what to do
or what
huh WHAT are you going to do about it
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That Charlotta you posted looks so fucking smug holy shit
Why the FUCK isn't Charlotta's fH an overhead?
It looks like an overhead
It takes fucking FOREVER to come out
It would be 100% fair if it was.
xerom please focus for your next match
>character jumps in air
>I stand up
>actually this was incorrect
I've hated this shit for nearly decades (plural) at this point.
While it would be an interesting buff, fH already fucks everyone up because it has infinite priority over everything
aint no way blud just implied that fraud character is fair
looks like somebody cant react to h grab....
not when you're 3ft tall
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You fought well, HERO.
Also consider Xerom already fought one Nier, so there were literally 3 Nier's in winner's side. Sure am glad they are making emergency hotfixes to nerf top tiers in this game...
the niers are just gapping though?
Nier is an endorsed top tier like Lancelot and Belial lmfao
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Nier players would beat you on any other character besides Nier sweetie!
giga kek
our gal has entered the ring.
god damn that nigga is fucking ugly
He looks happy today, usually he looks pissed off.
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Lunar... nyo...
lets go wavie! fuck south americans!
every single fighting game that is not dead is trash
So what
I'm missing someone...
Oh yeah, I just watched Cag.
My mind blanked on it because any Cag discussion always goes to shit.
>guilty gear board game
holy fuck lmao
>human gets cancelled
>never allowed back
>tranny gets cancelled
>back next tournament
make it make sense
humans dont get special treatment
trannies do
hope that clears it up
>i need to use female pronouns when referring to a giga nigga in a dress otherwise i'll be publicly executed
clown world shit
>make online card/board game
>would probably be played a lot and sell a lot with microtransactions and stuff

>board game for niche fighting game
>bought and played by huh...
did wavie or the other fat nog win
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You don't want to be the event that gets publicly denounced for being transphobic.
No matter how justified the ban would be.
wavie slayed aaron demac
kinda cool that dbfz players are playing against each other right now
wavie never raped anybody.
shinkus actions made my prostate tingle as I engaged in fantasies of being dehumanized for being a woman.
Sad to see Zane out, we're down to just 1 champion for the people. We believe, Xerom.
meth is legal in flor*da n*zu.
zippy is cranked.
What the FUCK is a "Hatsoon"?
knock this trans nigga out
confirmed only winning because of cag
Hatsoon Meeku
So he's winning and losing because of Cag?
>zippy commencing the throw so nier gets buffed
i'm tired of the nier cabal
you were saying?
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is anthuria a never ever?
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Charlotta on screen
>Is ColorSwappedYuel a never ever?
What do you think?
Very possible considering the retarded choices they make
I never played the gacha, I just saw a cute girl. Why is she a color swapped yuel?
Slam dunk Nier right into the garbage can. One of the old metal ones so it rattles every time she tries to desu
me on the center right
Based Based Based Based Based Based
HOLY FUCKING Based Based Based Based
>so it rattles every time she tries to desu
learn the matchup retard
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0% chance
thank you for being honest with me.
Ummmm, what the fuck?? Why aren't there pronouns beside the players' names???
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rooting for nier because she makes fags cry online
rooting for nier cause i want sharting to die faster
thanks for hosting golshiTO
>doing (thing) because it makes (people) angry
You will never have a real personality.
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it's over...
>GranBruise Daily
This game is dogshit lmao
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thanks tournament organizer san
guys he still has the losers run haha..
keep crying nezutranny
I'm queuing up, why aren't you?
/gbvsg/ tourney more fun than nier only final destination bullshit
also known as
Lancelot but with a better PR agent
Those Katalina hit confirms were hype as fuck, good watch.
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history is bound to repeat itself
It was fun, will probably join the next one.
How many Niers in top 8?
this would never happen if he has his signature color
r u braindead
why hitconfirm when you can just press and pray?
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why is thomas
I think 4
every death move light, medium, heavy should take off stocks
Erune dancer with fire powers, she doesn't use swords but concept wise is pretty close. Her kits also tend to revolve around evading so she'd probably have a lot of hoping back and forth in a 2D fighting game.
just in time for bruise
Bea deservedly nerfed in a month. Took them 4 months to make it so Nier's reversal isn't a combo starter. Nier will have been allowed to run free for 9 months IF the big meaty happens in August.
oh thank you, that does sound kind of cool but yeah i guess that would be very similar.
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How do I buy one of these?
It's cute
I am
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mfw I see wavie
>rooting against /ourguy/ and for a nier to own the tranny
what level of schizophrenia is this?
>Zippy still trying to 2H Xerom's classic demon flip into overhead in the sky even though he's been eating them for a year
Holy fucking carried animal
yall hatin but wavie got admirers
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Thanks for playing

Heres the VOD
Thanks for hosting! Great commentary!
thanks for hosting the bea wake...
yup, closed stream
good run xerom
granblue has fallen....
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Thanks for the work, GolshiTO. It was fun (even if I 0-6d). Good luck for the NA bracket.
remember next weeks free to play rotation will be Nier Nier Charlotta
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>Nier Grand Mirrors
good job Xerom
what else on
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Click to reveal your CEO 2024 GBVSR champion!
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nice try xewom
now do your daily
which character will win tho
>CEO Nier mirror grand finals
>Combobreaker Nier mirror grand finals
but thank god they hotfixed Beatrix
Yes, hotfix nerfs for the new dlc character was definitely the right choice for the health of the competitive scene.
.exeGODs, where we at?!
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Once more, thank you.
thanks for hosting was fun
>did I hear someone say Desu
I flubbed hard, thanks for hosting. Gotta actually practice for the next one if I don't want to look like an idiot.
>Beafags will take every, and I do mean literally EVERY opportunity to keep whining about their fraudulent character getting nerfed
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vane has a really good theme
>there's a drug dealer and a kid fucker in town
>kid fucker gets arrested first
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ganbatte elsa!!
based don't ever let the biggers twist the narrative
If they had nerfed her in August along with the other top tiers no one would be complaining.
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I'm up to 9 copies.
bea isn't even bad now
she's still top 10
Based Nier player. Buying multiple copies of your wife’s game is true love.
We’re 7 months into this game and there are STILL Nier players I’ve never heard of making it to top 8 / top 24, the amount she carries is unreal
>Drug dealer has been selling heroine and crack for over 6 months while police do nothing
>Sell some weed one time, instantly get arrested and receive 8 consecutive life sentences while the drug dealer continues his business as usual
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It's a pretty good match.
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congrats elsa!
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>I got my fucking trophy back
ggs tournament
I'm pretty happy I took it over katgawd. being forced into a really slow neuch is tough... every whiffed button hurts
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thank you zippy for delivering the belt
Man, that was a shit tournament. Our game sucks.
Granblue was good before they sharted all over it
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All this just to get washed by japanese players...
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Checkins have started for the NA tournament


Stream will be up shortly at twitch.tv/grumblebumble69
shant be participating
Elsa beat the japs when they came to America though?
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Golshi bread
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I am participating and I have diarrhea.
It's because Ren and Shosan are jobbers...
>watching the VOD
Yes, I know that you can follow up from j.22U into 623U, I pressed the buttons! It didn't come out for some reason. You can see the Zeta doing micro-movements.
I don't know if I was reacting or guessing to Siegs mix-ups
the deboonkers are after ruria...
>wake up
>Luci is still fucking awful
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What's gonna happen to 90% of our pro players if she gets meaningful nerfs?
they'll switch to the next top tier AIDS and main them instead
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I was about to say that wasn't too bad charlotte anon but my game crashed after the matches lol
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what if the next top tier requires a brain?
it's gbvs, requiring a brain means you're not top tier
my hardworking neechang
being robbed...
Narmaya's plus on block throw baiting anti air baiting full screen neutral skipping combo starter really has to go. It's carrying every fraud that picks her up
It doesn't low profile, so it's fine.
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it can be pretty easily stuffed by any button if you just fucking BLOCK and not tech like an autopiloting monkey, but I wouldn't mind it being slightly minus on block instead.
dumb frogposter.
Whiffed throws need more recovery.
they need to make bea's ultimate divekick a combo starter
it's not fair..
Either troll or brave.
Prismatic weapons are GAUDY as FUCK
Viggers our wife is honest.
>try to shimmy
>get hit every time or they never go for it
>Or my throw whiffs
>they shimmy
>throw me from 2 characters away
>grimnig joining the tournament on his 7th account
Why is he so gay and dangerous?
he really thought we couldn't tell.. shouldn't have spotdodged those BCs
how do i hit desu when she's behind me? i don't want to bc her everytime
Fastiva reaction to getting BAHAMUTOd is the best kek
I tried but I burned out at the end. p2 side and no color debuff. hopefully EVO isn't nier hell.
>p2 side
What's the difference

You did great though
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>hopefully EVO isn't nier hell.
>hopefully EVO isn't nier hell.
It's going to be. And then Nier will get extremely small nerfs like another 66L range decrease and the game will be dealt a merciful death blow
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next time bwo
I regret booting up this game again. I should have quit while behind
relax bwo it's a fun tournyament
I've notoriously lost more often when starting p2 side against zippy
bros I fucking hate this game
everyone just mashes on my pressure and if I dont pressure they just sit there
that's just rising, bwo
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ggs anons in the tourney, and thanks for hosting TO.
Did what you could.
Second most hype player in top 8.
Zane was wilding with Grimnir, though.
>autistic enough to notice this
I could understand Tekken but I doubt it makes any difference here bro, remember he's playing the best character in the game so it's mostly luck if you guess right nier retarded shit more than anything
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nice run xerom, good luck at evo king.
Have you never heard the tale of apologyman and his firebrand?
i used to have issues on player 1 side in sfv because i had trouble confirming into double qcb super on that side
is lucilius stance a trap? i never see high level oens use it
stance M is decent

it's over
>inb4 reddit
I aint ripping the video
hackers have compromised n*zu steam account please be advised.
You'd rather take the real pressure.
People would always RPS apologyman to player 2 because he infamously dropped Firebrand loops on the left side.
>Stance M is decent
Yeah if your opponent is literally asleep at the fucking wheel
>30+ frame startup for fucking +2 and locks you out of projectile
It should be +4 at worst
>You'd rather take the real pressure.
what real pressure, it's lucilius
people mash on f.L and just wait for you to throw projectile if you do anything else and that's your "pressure"
You don't use it in neutral retard
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My creation... Out of control...
gg horses and horse fans
If you cancel into it it's just as shit bro
Just the space gained, honestly. Using the stance basically forfeits your turn against anyone, along with a special.
I'd just take stronger positioning over the 18 frames to start up stance most the time.
Like sure, maybe cXXX > 623M, cMMM > 236M you just stance up after if you don't have 50 meter (how was grab on cooldown and not disc?).
What's with all the Faa san discussion lately
unfortunately I couldn't take a single round, but at least I helped pad out the tournament numbers. ggs
Belial samefagging
>(how was grab on cooldown and not disc?).
because grab is the go-to confirm off stray hits otherwise you have no combos outside of ult projectile at max f.M range
wagger pay 2 win...
too many unskilled losers picked up a character that needs skill and keep crying about it. shame
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why we larping like Xerom actually posts here
I'd guess the Faa anon that won a tourney. I' finally picked him up and learned him after he dropped in relink and posted clips occassionally of tech.
Yeah, it's a plausible scenario, just not one I'd think occurs often.
Then again, if I could off of pokes, I'd rather do raging strikes to waste as much time as possible to get stuff back.
Good to have in the pocket, though, Lucy's tools are always varied in terms of access.
thanks for joining anon!!
hi xerom
We're all autistic and have collectively hallucinated that top players browse /gbvsg/.
we havent taken our schizo pills for the past 8 months
bwo??? your logical faculties?
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Yeah, that would be dumb, right? Good thing he doesn't post here and doesn't partecipate in our tourneys either.
Thanks king ggs
if you hit your opponent even once, including brave counter, than you are better than 90% of the granpoo population.
w e w l a d

Have you seen his posting style in twitch chats? Aint no way he doesnt post or lurk here
lol, yeah we can tell from his posting style
that's it
it came to me in a dream
that xerom was here
sharing horses
and harvins
Xerom is all of us.
honest mid tier djeeta
What the FUCK is happening during that 1P side Belial intro where his eyes go blank and he's about to touch you but then backs off?
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he's about to touch you then he backs off
He wants to ultra mega rape you but stops
just another one of his dude sex lmao antics
soriz bros.. we are stuck in the queer corner
It's just a funny joke haha.
He joined one of the tournaments with his main challonge account one time
>one time
everytime i see a soriz NOT do roll after ult DP i get mindbroken
That was Morex
I think the TO speaks japanese
lol what a nerd
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>wanted to wake up Ult Punch
>get 2U
im going to kill myself over misinputs one day
fun tourney glad i joined
put me in a good mood
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>finally get to post this
fewwy sodomizing scamchang
Do Ferry's ghost animal things inhabit the flask? Am I understanding that correctly?
no the flask is her cumjar
do you not know what sodomy is
yeah my cum
Ghosts do nyot have syex...
Ferry's dick is how big!?
vane vs vane favela kino
Ghost Factory
what does this mean
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I want to CUM inside Helios
You mustn't say these things.
Anon likes horror stories.
You know, like a ghost ship? Except this one is about a haunted factory.
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thanq you
you clearly don't
Fuck off retard.

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