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very original op.




>NA #7 VOD
(congrats grimanon)
>NA #6 VOD
(congrats luci anon)

>EU tournament #3
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2155240644

>NA tournament #5
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2138483599

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
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Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
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Previous Thread: >>483941564
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Don't open
Dead inside
the fucking audio on this lol
She cocoa on my desu car
i got jannied for posting this once btw
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i like ferry!

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>dOrAiVo BaHsTo...
why do you white mutts post this garbage
sodomy is just anal sex, anon
sodomy also refers to fucking an animal so ferry counts
yeah, but that's not what they're doing, retard
Are you genuinely an insufferable, humorless cunt or are you just bored and fishing for (You)s?
we seem to have quit a bit of bubs enjoyers in this gen
hava literally in the general
nobody enjoys bubs
Ibis got Mario Party'd
Ultimate Karma into Shadowstep is minus
Hava is a traitor who changed Bubs for Jitta long, long ago.
Wait Ibis is the bubs lmao wut
ibis plays bubs and djeeta
case closed
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kokkoro sex
kokkoro onahole
im asian bro
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Kokkoro is for headpats.
i like this character
I'll pat her head with something.
Me too.
Life is Cat
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Bros... does Nee-chan make a cute Kokkoro?
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I love Engrish
dang this belial
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what about him
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I want her to be the next guest character SO FUCKING BAD
She would be perfect.
Why does this game feel so RPSy compared to every other fighting game I’ve ever played
people be like
>Character with a full screen armored dash that's + on block, better projectile than 2/3 of the cast and the second best DP in the game? low tier character
dunno he just kind of
Literally who or what the fuck are you talking about?
because both offense and defense are braindead strong and the game has way too many reversals
Because it doesn't obfuscate the RPS underneath layers of knowledge and execution checks. All fighting games are weighted RPS simulators, but some of them feel ashamed of it and try to hide it, while the few actually good fighters embrace it.
you know why
Imagine if Percival had a 5U
vaseraga obviously you tard
I’ve played games where the execution and mechanics were comparably simple and they didn’t feel nearly as random.
If you think that description fits Vaseraga, you are the tard, tard.
Name 3.
he has everything I just described
>inb4 downplay
because they somehow managed to design a game where both offense and defense are too strong so the only thing that makes a character good is how much they can either force their offense or ignore defense (nier ult skill spam chip damage for 40% that you just have to hold)
Delay 2A tech alone basically ruins the game because most people aren't even aware of it
OK retard.
Smash 4
Smash Ultimate
Invincible command grab isn't a DP.
It's better than a DP.
Those aren't fighting games.
>once featured at EVO
>not fighting games
heh tough luck pal, they are.
Ultimate’s on championship Sunday at CEO and Granblue isn’t :^)
Mario Kart confirmed fighting game
The reason why the game feels random to you is because you're probably either
>A : Too bad to actually understand what's going on
>B : You're good enough to be matched up with the actual good players and you're getting option select delay 2A'd to death any time you try to do something and can't understand why your offense always gets mashed on without fail
>literally fight people by throwing projectiles at them
Looks like a fighting game to me
Mario Kart was based when it was all neuch fundies, not that random mash fest and their stupid comeback mechanics. I hate that shit.
you mean like granblue rising?
that's why they need to nerf delay button
these """"top"""" players won't be so top after their OD defense gets nerfed
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another diverse tournament roster and a total newcomer winning?
great tourney!!
>penissu... penissu
What did Vira mean by this
if i had a nier pass i'd drown her with my own two hands
GBVS has no new players albeit because it's a dying game
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Thanks for playing the the tournament

Next NA tournament is going to be on the 14th of July

Here's the VOD https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056
Thanks for hosting TO.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it in time because oddly enough I had another 4fun tournament hosted by a small community in another niche website.
thanks for hosting and good games, everyone. I haven't played in a week and a bit. It's great to come back and get to play with you guys.
Thanks for the tourney and GGs. I underestimated tourney nerves, hopefully next time I won't drop every other corner combo.
Thanks for hosting, I preferred Saturday but even then I would often end up flaking regardless.
there isn't a single character in this game that's enjoyable to fight against
even the bottom tiers are unfun AIDS to deal with
so what do you like?
I should have lied on my score
Obviously the game itself isn’t random because the same people win consistently all the time.
But I do feel like there’s an element to Rising where you never feel very safe even when it’s “your turn” and you’re the one doing pressure, probably because a) offense is entirely based around frametraps and delay buttons which opens you up to being mashed on, and b) BC being an extremely powerful defensive option.
Games where people actually feel like they have to take a risk to take their turn back instead of option selecting 99% of offense
thats not gyaru
cant wait for them to listen to them and actually nerf BC and then lancelot just becomes even more top tier
>the same people win consistently all the time.
they really don't. there are two very consistent players (hava and fuselit) and a big pile of people who can top 8 but its random when they do or how far they make it.
yeah arcsys track record of meaningful character nerfs is so heckin good
literal fraud who got washed at combobreaker
not my problem tardo
it doesn't matter if they swap top tiers around as long as the game mechanics are the way they are the game will keep dying
>as the game mechanics are the way they are the game will keep dying
it will keep dying no matter what because 2/3 of the roster was never designed to be in the type of game that Rising is
The only characters that properly transitioned are the overtuned bullshit generalists like Belial and Djeeta or the fucking apes like Cag, Seox and Lance
50% ultimate skill reversals were one of the biggest mistakes in this game
This. It's so annoying to play around delay 2L, I hope they destroy it. Keep submitting feedback to make sure it happens.
most consistent player by far and even he has had a bad bracket.
cagliostro is textbook "not designed for rising" you absolute retard.
I get sad when I join the official lobby and no one joins for hours. I miiss when there would be like 8 people.
the game just isn't fun right now
I'll join the lobby once my controller has charged
im on sf6 sis
same t b h
>burned out on Strive after 2 years of it
>can't in good conscience support Rising because of the awful mismanagement of the patches
>can't in good conscience support SF6 because it's ugly as sin
>learning Tekken would be like learning a foreign language and I doubt the investment would be worth it
>UNI2 is fucking dead
Guess I'll just stop playing fighting games for now
>he traded Granblue for Dix
where is the scissor kicks montage
I mean at least their throws actually work
I haven't been to /sfg/ in a while, I should head there to update my "making fun of SF6" folder.
throw loops arent even the problem with 6
also wasnt this nerfed
read wall of runes
I know, the full array of slime mechanics are what kill it for me, I just think that sped up video is hilarious.

>also wasnt this nerfed
I think they got """nerfed""" as much as Bea got """nerfed"""
I'm having fun and my friends actually do long lobbies for hours together.
Lmao she benefits exponentially more from ultimate skills than most of the cast + BC on top of it
She is a retard character in rising
No Anon, didn't you watch the /gbvsg/ today? Cagliostro has NOTHING but uphill battles, she just doesn't have the tools to deal with anything, it's very frustrating.
Yeah if this was granblue it'd instead be every grab getting tech'd followed by someone losing their turn after doing their delay 5H
she has awful ult skills. if you don't think this you're a bad player. period.
why would I watch you shitters play anything
literally one of the best dps in the game and air ult trap is another way to stall her air movement + covers huge space
you are bad
stop no stop do not reply to obvious bullshit
literally one of the WORST dps and EVERYTHING SHE CAN DO IN THE AIR LOSES TO THE SAME OPTIONS meaning they're worthless and theres no usr when someone has knowledge. you're bad kill yourself.
the fact that you even need special options to beat it proves its one of the best dps
next you're gonna tell me vas ult grab sucks because you can jump it
??? you just block dp you tard
>entertaining Cagliostro downplayer
>treating it like a real person
You are doing this to yourself.
i think ferry is pretty
cag lost tho?
I have a screw in my car tire and I need to patch it. Never done it before.
Queue for Grandbruise
And please join NA lobby 1 and ask people to queue for Grandbruise
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How do I become good at Berzebabu?
Maybe the real Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising was the friends we made along the way
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>9am on May 18th
I'm too lazy to screenshot every time
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Time traveler begone
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I saw a video about a SF6 cheater. Do cheaters exist in THIS game?
post the video
did you get your bruises anon?
Yes, you can cheat by picking narmaya
Aren't Anila's breasts too big?
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>I'm playing footsies :)
>how dare this faggot tourist skip neutral on me >:(
>FHKR pls nerf 66L :(
>get punished
>get mad
why are cag players like this?
don't put words in my mouth you worthless faggots. that 66L was abare not neutral remotely so idfk what you're even saying except bring deliberately obtuse. and also you're trying to pretend I was mad? the fuck? only thing I got slightly bothered by today was grimnig entering on two accounts.
TO should ban grimnig, the fuck does he gain from going in twice?
grimnig enter on 3 accounts next time please its not fair
idk and idc. it's dumb but banning people from a 4chan bracket is probably more dumb. it's not that serious of a bracket anyway. I just mentioned it because it's the only thing that SLIGHTLY irked me today. I hate being misrepresented.
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1. you read reddit
2. who cares how long it takes someone to get to S++
3. you read reddit
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>1. you read reddit
>2. who cares how long it takes someone to get to S++
>3. you read reddit
how did you get a picture of me???
what? 2 accounts?
did he even enter twice?
That guy lose quit against my Sieg
the reddit tactical mastermind, optimizing his gem economy.
I'm curious how many new FG players stick it out this long. S++ is worlds away from someone just starting, and you likely have the drive to push to masters if you make it there. Assuming you stick with the genre, there HAS to be that one game where you just grind out the fundamentals.

Then you eventually move on to the next game. Now you're one of those 300 match pink squares absolutely curbstomping an S rank equivalent and making them wonder why they can't touch you when they have 1500 games.
>that 66L was abare
No it wasn't, Djeeta was at least +3. You claim your character is unplayably bad but you sit there spamming one button and don't even know your own frame data
9 out of 10 Cagliostro players are gigantic fucking faggots. Imagine refusing to rematch someone playing Vane, a character that by all accounts has a completely shit, lopsided matchup against your character.
I think vane is undeniably better cause at least he has things going for him besides gimmicks. He can bait jump-ins and blow you up for them and he doesn't have the worst corner carry in the world for accessing his other high damaging routes. his moves can keep you at range for more than half a second sometimes can even do it when blue moves are out. vanes big problems are low midscreen damage without BP and meter, and a few reaction checks. that make it so doing certain options at certain ranges can be just giving away space.

meanwhile real things that cag has going for her are like, her pressure is good, in the corner, cause 66L/f.5H resets and space traps which can all lead to damage which is to be expected from this game in the corner. And she has the j.22H throw bait mixup, which is good when it is true (it is very often not true she needs a lot of frames to do it, only like 2 or 3 knockdowns actually allow you to run it and everything else both options lose to mash, or dp, or walk back, or like anything). So she has a relatively risk free pressure option that objectively shouldn't open people up but does good damage when it does, and a high risk pressure option that can reasonably be expected to open people up for a lesser reward but still good enough reward. When I try to think of other positives of this character I really can only say "uhhh her f.5H is still good I guess" even though it is overrated because it was nerfed and is now whiff punishable and also sorry but it pales in comparison to 66L the universal option that also beats it btw and cag doesn't have good ways to deal with.
have you ever heard of a spacing trap you dumb fuck? 623L f.5H is a spacing trap that catches a lot of options. However if they spotdodge like they did in this clip they gain 4 extra frames of advantage and can now beat it consistently with anyones 66L. abare means attacking when it's not your turn and it is your turn when you can act without contest. plus frames don't determine everything in terms of whose turn it is. spacing also does. in this situation I autopiloted the spacing trap and he spotdodged into abare 66L to beat me since I pressed f.5H if I recognized the spotdodge I press low instead and beat 66L. hence abare. your smug attitude will never change reality delusional freak.
and then what does she have going against her? A lot.

She doesn't have good ultimate moves. 214U and 623U are the best but they are not comparable to other moves. 623U is the standard ranged ultimate (unrewarding use of meter but good when it is necessary to beat certain things) and gives you HKD for setup. 214U gives her middling corner carry for 50 meter non-refundable, to sometimes make up for her bad corner carry. 22U is a bad DP but she's forced into it. It has zero vertical reach and doesn't move forward making it whiff vs some things unlike other DPs. (Note: some people complain about punishing 22U but objectively that is a skill issue, it is very minus on block and every character can get their full punish vs it with consistency). 236U and j.22U have niche uses for throw baiting, but are high cost ways to do this that can be reacted to, making them worse than just 22L or j.22H as throw bait. As anti anti-air moves these moves fail entirely because there are like five different ways to counterplay them with no recourse from the cagliostro. You can air to air at normal anti air timing to beat both of them (and all other options she has in the air), you can time spotdodges on reaction with practice, you can simply block them and then defend against the absolutely non-threatening nothing that will be afterwards, half of the skyscraper ass 2Hs in the game beat them anyway, and you can block and brave counter to take your turn if you don't want to hold plus frames.
The other way that she tends to enforce advantage is to confirm a normal into 214U. 214U has middling corner carry but it is like twice of what cagliostro can do otherwise so it is a big deal for her. Most characters in 3/4th screen will just wall bounce period, many characters can carry to corner from a step past roundstart, some characters can do it from roundstart. However cagliostro has really poor corner carry and needs to be really close to wallbounce with 214H so sometimes to make the most out of hits you are spending 50% meter raw just to do what everyone good seems to get for free.

All of this is to say that Cagliostro is a really expensive character to pilot, she is resource hungry. If you don't have resources you can't do anything on offense. This extends however to being on defense. Cagliostro has poor defense. I already talked about how she has a not great metered DP, she of course has no meterless reversal either. Both of these things mean cagliostro is relying on resources for defense too, not just offense. Which is pretty bad because it means all of her choices have very harsh costs. If I spend meter on offense I might not have it to DP, if I don't have it to DP, I might have to BC. If I BC, I might die next interaction when I otherwise wouldn't. Oh and if I spent the meter on offense I also spend the BP on offense so this is all drawing from the same spot and it makes Cagliostro simply struggle. She has the same weakness as all of the zoners on this front, all except for Uno anyway since he does have Meterless reversals. Rising's systems are very harsh on zoners. You have to spend to do anything and it just creates a really bad environment for you. By doing things on offense I'm increasing the risk of interactions where I'm on defense, where I am already disadvantaged more than other characters so I am also more likely to use resources there as well.
please tell me this is a pasta
Cagliostro doesn't have literally THE worst defense in the game, but it is on the lower third or so. She has no meterless reversal and no 7f low hitting move except for in throw range (2U travel time woes), both are big deals in Granblue. She has range on her lights so that helps her have a leg up over Ferry and Metera's defense, but other than that, it's pretty bad.

On the topic of her having the weaknesses of zoners in terms of defense, she also has the weaknesses of zoners in terms of neutral. Zoning in rising is of course really bad. The whole game is centered around forced interaction and really messed up aggressive tools which can delete your health in an instant and go right through anything you thought you could put up or throw out to stop it. Cagliostro's spear was always a tool which was tuned very tightly. You can jump it, spotdodge it, run past it so it whiffs, etc. There is a lot that beats it and in order to hit it you had to be precise. Being wrong with it invited people to go right past it. Before though you used to just throw f.5H out at an opponent who recklessly did this, and then you could convert that into Okizeme and all was fine. In Rising both equations of this has changed. Not only do you not get that reward off of a hit, you also probably don't get that hit at all cause now they have tools like 66L which are just better things to use in neutral than cag's buttons, which also got nerfed in Rising (well f.5H did). 66L beats pretty much every normal cag has. If that wasn't enough ultimate skills are just completely ignorant ways to blow through cag trying to play her game. It is very suffocating playing neutral with cag. Gone are the days of zoning your opponent and making them get through that, now they seemingly get through it for free and you have to deal with that.
The 236H cooldown nerf really hurt her a lot because I can't even use the good version of trap in neutral anymore or else I will not have it available for like 20 years, which is a big deal because at any point you could need it to convert a hit into Okizeme. Cagliostro is a character designed around zoning and defensive play and all of that is just worthless in Rising, not to mention her way of doing it was nerfed individually too.

She got a lot of little nerfs that just make her a lot weaker than she used to be and it is really annoying. No strike throw off of 22H on block anymore, no chip damage off of 6U (making it so her ability to secure chipouts or bait spotdodges and punish is not there any more, now you just block rock spotdodge spear and everything is fine). This one is really weird because she doesn't have good chip damage to begin with in terms of quantity her strength was strong chipout scenarios, but now she doesn't have that or good chip damage, so she just does no chip damage. Her traps are bad in neutral because you can just safely break them with so many different things such as low 66M, Djeeta 214U, Luci 623X, Beatrix 22X, etc. Cag used to have a lot of real situations the opponent had to deal with but were hard to deal with, meaning she could secure rounds. In Rising she lost most of her real stuff and is now just a bag of gimmicks. Most things you might imagine being strong on her are not really real, reading this you probably learned a lot of counterplay vs things that used to terrify you about Cagliostro. However it is just not really effective strategies at higher levels of play.
Apparently someone transcribed the wall of runes kek
You can learn how to deal with everything in her kit very easily with some practice and just leave Cagliostro as nothing but a f.5H and 66L bot. She doesn't even have a good 66L either, she has no safe comboable specials to cancel into from 66L f.5L which is a massive deal in Rising. 214L can combo but usually doesn't making you spend 214H, and both are usually unsafe on block (100% are at f.5L range). 623X doesn't combo and can be spotdodged on reaction. 236X if you just want to reset is very reactable having a more than a second long gap. Not having something great to get off of 66L f.5L is just one example of how she just isn't built for rushdown and the game is.

So basically we have a character who has bad defense, trouble playing their intended playstyle, trouble adapting to the dominant playstyle, lack of strengths compared to good characters, a lot of weaknesses unique to her because of her archetype not fitting in the game, and to make up for all of that you have corner pressure which is nearly as scary as other characters, but is really hard to get to because of lack of corner carry. IDK, I think Cagliostro is actually a really bad character and people saying she is good are either a) inexperienced vs her and do not understand what they can do about the things they perceive as strong to make them not meaningful or b) the type of person who says every character is good (and qualifies it by saying some are just better than others). While I disagree with that way of phrasing character strength, it is technically not wrong. All characters considered bad, including Cag, are bad because of the context of the game more than anything else.
Ferry has the weakest defense in the game.
all of this because grimnig entered the tourney with TWO accounts
you can have ocr/ai do it for you
thinking about zuma
a dire need for zuma in my granblue
perhaps some PVP peggle too
𝔐y de𝔞rest brother, I write to you in deep mel𝔞ncholy.It 𝔞ppe𝔞rs th𝔞t I 𝔞m tr𝔞pped in a cagliostro balance discussion.
guys does rashid from sf6 play like grimnir?
What the fuck are you guys talking about? We got people double dipping on the sign ins?
Idk someone said it earlier and I was wondering who his second persona was.
1st and 3rd
>grimnig signing up twice just to cuck n*zu out of top 3
Not all heroes wear capes
Though Grimnir does
>Grimnig signed up twice JUST to beat Nezu
can feel my bones kizzingtons
You are saying that Nezumiku thinks he is so important that someone joined a tournament twice just to beat him? This shit is getting actually schizophrenic
I never said he did to beat me. that's other anons making up a reason they can appreciate. stop putting words in my mouth
Door knobs
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Okay, seriously. I have almost 400 hours in this game.
How come only today I learned what Metera's 66H looks like?
Go check it in the lab, this pic doesn't do it justice.
Guess they weren't happy with her only having one butt attack, she needed TWO.
And she fucking moans when she does it.
Yes, I will fap to 402533 a minute after this post.
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Phew, I almost forgot to slurp the pass.
Got it last minute. Well, still 30 hours to go, but you get it.
I do hope they collect the data on me waiting longer and longer each patch to slurp the pass and fix the damn game
No I won't stop slurping
im not very good at this game but i sure have a lot of fun
*ting ting*
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i mean, i got to s++ after ~4k games
who am i to judge?
though i play a worse character (who is easier to pilot than scamchang to be fair)
bubs is harder and more valid than narmaya
how can it take somebody that long with scamchang
I see a lot of tards in S+ when I'm ranking up a new character that have level 999 characters and I have to wonder how the fuck that happens
>there are people here that STILL arent masters
Literally flipping HOW. Let me breed you and you'll get there in no time.
Nah, Bubs is easier than 'chang
It's just that all Bubs players are massive jobbers so they make the character look worse and harder than he is
t. member of the Bubs Jobbing Society
im not playing ranked bwo
let you WHAT me
>It's just that all Bubs players are massive jobbers
That's called commitment to the character and I can respect it
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>reinstall sf6
>remind myself how shit the game is
>back to grub
I tried to play it again a month ago or so and immediately hated everything. Got into a match and forgot to turn the music off and immediately wanted to vomit from that ear diarrhea.
They added the ability to select music from older SF games, the soundtracks purchaseable with drive tickets. I replaced all but a couple songs with 2nd Impact/3rd Strike/SFV music
How much of a grind is it to get these drive tickets? If it's not too bad I'll buy it right now
You unfortunately missed out on them giving out a fuck-ton with the game's one-year anniversary. It's pretty slow otherwise, you get them from dailies/weeklies that are all pretty easy, and sometimes they'll have a grindy monthly (e.g. play 60 battle hub matches) that'll give you like 2000. You can only buy the songs in packs and they range from sub-2500 to 7000 depending on how many songs are in them (SFIV and SFV have multiple packs that add up to more than 7k, but you don't have to buy every song at once)
They also give out 1000 drive tickets every time it's a character's birthday, you just have to log in the week of and claim the reward, so if you get a notice on the Steam news that it's a character's birthday that's your cue

Also you can have multiple songs per character, set to shuffle after every match. It's pretty great
Proof? The voices in your head don't count.
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>this message
So does this mean that the world's most fervent GBVSR hater bought the game not once but twice?
can you play the same game at the same time with family sharing?
Family share exists
this is a leap in logic. family share exists you know, meaning if u have one copy of a game u can make many alts for free. although despite your jumping to conclusions with no evidence that you were right since I bought my friend the game and that's how I played it this time since I don't actually have an alternate steam account. we just had to swap setups for this evening cuz I had a beta for another game on my pc and they were playing it.
man why do you gotta bring that fag up
>hates the game
>bought it anyway
>bought it a second time
I can't wait for your loyalty to get rewarded with Cag nerfs
you can't blame me for buying it twice before I knew they ruined the game. the last beta was fine and the changes from that beta laid out in a stream before launch weren't as bad on paper. are you're asking me to read the future?
file nezu under slurper
More of a pisser
cag is not getting nerfed. they only care about JP and their big major evo JP had their best cag flounder hard only getting 65th. not to mention cags win rate has always been 40-50% on ranked masters depending on when taken.
>nigger is double replying now
fucks sake
I knew letting the tranny play in the tournament was a bad decision
enjoy the tranny shitting up this garbage thread
>thread gets shit up every single day regardless of them being in the tournament or room
>if only they were not in the tournament
you can't be serious, you must be shitposting if you don't realize how worse it gets every time
someone even posted the wall of runes in text
sf6's ux and music make grub look amazing in comparison
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FutureCup 5on start in 2 minutes
I hate Wuk Lamat
is it fun?
>next you're gonna tell me vas ult grab sucks because you can jump it
vas ult grab sucks because someone who is good at the match up knows that you can meaty jab and still evade it in time, I.e the situation ult dp's were specifically made to beat since you can meaty jab and block H dp's universally. also it is only ult reversal in the game which is reactable, when taking into account the slow down it is 26 frames, just like the h grab. the second worst ult reversa after ladiva's ult headbutt, which is barely a dp, but is still her equivalent to one. vas' at least gets some use compared to that garbage and cant be grabbed.
I hope this is a samefag for this general's sake. There's no way there are actual people defending the tranny.
glorious japanese 360p stream in 720p with fucked up audio
cagliostro players are not only chronic downplayers but also think everybody is out to get him imagine the mental gymnastics needed to think two random dudes are the same person going out to get you
I never said he was out to get me. stop putting words in my mouth. also I'm not doing mental gymnastics, he literally told me it was him.
I was sick of the crying over namefags a week into the games launch. I am still sick of it now.
this game is way less RPSy than SF6
proof? your hrt delusions dont count
baiting me to post discord screenshot I won't fall for that again.
yes but not in a good way. delay 2l beating 99% of offensive options is terrible design, i'd rather have throw loops. slime can stay in dix tho
lmao nice proof tranny
2 zeta zapping to the extreme
Zapping to Zeta.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so disgusted by a tournament as I was yesterday.
I felt genuinely bad for the commentators trying to force it to be hype.
90% of SF6 is literally drive rush>RPS>two touch kill
fine if it will shut you up
based... so fuckin based..
When I was watching one tournament randomly I noticed that the guy that gets the first touch wins like 80% of the time, quite insane
average grimchad w
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which grub character is most likely to post on 4chan
djeeta (f2p btw poster)
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another day
nire is the instagram type of girl
nier is def a /r9k/ poster
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do we get a new weekly tomorrow?
What grubble would be most likely to apply for janitor on 4chan
>nezumiku loses to a random belial and ibis
new weekly is in 6 hours
holy shit shut the fuck up already. he told me it was him. kill yourself. I didn't even fucking complain about it being him.
bro your mental illness is getting out of control
you are actually gonna start thinking everyone you play is grimnig
maybe the real grimnig is the friends we made along the way
Actually they were both me
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I hate you so fucking much. leave me alone. I wasnt even the first person to notice it was him. I didn't complain about it being him. I simply acknowledge reality and you spin it like this. get a life. against my better judgement here's your fucking proof. when he spergs out on me for sharing this I hope you're happy. kys.
was he being sarcastic i think i need to ask because i don't trust you
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I just got wrecked by some B5 Lucilius
it's so over for me
I'm Mike Ross.
I imagine myself in ranked, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop Siegfr*eds from advancing. We mow down Siegfr*eds but they keep coming. I shoot Siegfr*eds but I run out of meter so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering Siegfr*eds, since Siegfr*ds are way more inferior in footsies to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get rage quitted, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then quitted again and again. Siegfr*eds were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KATALINA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Third Strike, my homeland. My real fightan game brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
at this point I'm 99% certain he has gathered I will not understand anything like sarcasm so I don't think so.
nezumiku lost to a green square c belial with 7 games you are fine brah
Actually I'm grimnig, that belial, and Helios
nigga who else noticed? the voices in your head?
the town inside me
Literally how could someone get this assblasted over a free bracket with 12 people in it
this anon right >>484078717
bubs is a mario party character so by default you can knowledge people with him which makes him easier to climb with like Lowain
That green square's name? Albert Shirolamb
I'm mad you people are pretending I care about something that happened and pretending I'm being insane all so you can see me mad.
why is xe having a meltdown atm?
How many people are in on this conspiracy?
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oh I guess we're doing THIS NOW
nobody was dodging that shit at combo breaker
Ducking based.
Couldn't skimjig the grimnig I guess
Is this “grimnig” in the room with us right now?
Yeah, what's up
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Shit thread. See you next one.
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is there a technique to practice shimmies?
i won't type its name
I don't think so, You just have to trial and error against really people
sex hors
All me
You can't say that
mornin gents
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i do not like this character
when do I do 2U loops as Luci
We know, Supreme Overlord of Transgenders.
NA tourneys are retarded
Get over it nezu
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this is my knight
give it back
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This is my horse
THE PREVIOUS GAME WAS ________________________________ THAN ______________________ AND _______________ AND __________________ CHARLOTTA AND _____________ CHARLOTTA!!!!

Fill the blank.
das gawdlike
Grimnir and Narmaya downplayers our status?
i am 99% sure that nigga lucien did not pick beatrix
wasn't it fucking siegfried
i like this character
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i miss when it was tournament time
Stream boar ceo sf6 bro
i just can't stop myself from thundabirdo'ing
djeeta and lancelot do low damage so they cant be top tier
44% winrate
Keep your dogshit opinions here, thanks. Shitfagrail is worse than Rising.
why do most guys in S1 have like 4000 matches while someone like shosan have like only 2000
He has it.
Ahahaha the game isn't actually on sale, amazing
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Trust the plan.
>hop online
what do I do when Vas starts stomping? multihit fireball seems to be an easy option against it, but what about when it's on cd?
Blow meter if your fireball becomes multihit
Block and pray
You can't react to the L command grab that leads right back into his win condition again
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multihit super
i just started blocking them, i really can't be bothered anymore
And today we learned it was the grimnig that told nezumiku to take off his trip.
A shame because it seems grimnig was well liked, but it turns out it was him chasing a tranny that's the fucking bane of this gen
well, I hope he manages to score that axe wound
no i won't start disliking someone because YOU dislike them
gimme a tutorial for djeeta
why is Luci's win rate so low if he's considered mid tier? same question for anila
Horny idiots bring down Anila's wr, edgy idiots bring down Luci's. Then they go right back to their braindead mains.
show me the anila and luci players getting tourney results when metera and ladiva do and are somehow considered bottom
The fuck are you coming at me with tournament discussion for you fucking retard?
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Oh hey, that's me
Both of them.
Except Anila IS my main.
I'm saying that in any other game if a bunch of characters had dogshit win rates people would just go "Oh they must be dogshit" except in this game for some reason where people pretend like they're substantially better than they are and make up headcanon cope like "Those 500 people who still play this game are just anila coomers tanking her winrate" as if you wouldn't see the same phenomenon in street fighter
>EU tournament
>"ggs guys thanks for hosting"
>NA tournament one hour later
>retarded drama destroys the thread for hours
what the fuck is wrong with americans
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Why are you from EU..? Desu and I just don't understand...
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>SEA tournament
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>American Nier
this game fell off
>player that dps after if there is a gap in your pressure and if they end a blockstring and they are minus
kinda makes me fall asleep
get good
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I mean, DPs are a big commitment and they are easily punished. Unless it's Cagliostro's
you'd never see this in street fighter btw
only clown games like Rising
>you'd never see this in street fighter btw
They are free wins, my observation is that it's really fucking boring to play against someone like that
laughing my ass off at the guy who said Luci projectile is EX tier last thread when you can't even pick up a combo if you frame trap with it
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Desu...get the scooter. We're going to Walmart.
they shouldnt allow cag players to join tourneys otherwise they shit on them everytime
can you imagine making up an entire story about some random dude online making alts JUST to fuck with you?
Ranked in this game is miserable
>fight the same sub 200 diamond masters players over and over again
>when it's not them it's the tourneyfags with 5k+ who are too poor to be at CEO farming content for their next clickbait youtube video
>have 0 fun regardless of who I'm playing
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......wait that's me!
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>......wait that's me!
>Why does this S++ playing too perfect?
>Check profile
>Tons of Masters for other characters

It's pretty ass. Then I go to the public lobby and everyone has their own clique to play with or people just running around with their avatars and chatting. I wish this game died and Soulcal was alive and well.
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oh are you psychic now?
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I stopped playing exactly because of that.
>farm retards with low Crystals
>stomp them like nothing
>fight anyone who thought for 5 minutes "Yup I want to get good at this game"
>completely mogs me in every aspect
>could still get to high Crystal counts but it's all completely meaningless
I wish we had ELO at Master instead.
shit game
I have a real problem against people that spot dodge my M and H buttons in pressure
If they're trying to predict it and make the call:
Just watch them spot dodge like retards when they anticipate one of your M or H, stay still instead and fuck them over for it.

If they're reacting to it:
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>"Oh what anon, you're still playing Versus Rising? That's uh...that's cool. I'm heading out to a Street Fighter 6 tournament later if you want to come- oh? You can't play that game? Well maybe I'll see you around!"
Spot dodge shouldn't exist.
N-Narmaya... What did the aliens do to your face...
I like how this game is marketed for new players and then you have tons of necessarily obtuse shit like how Zeta and Charlotta's "DPs" are completely unnecessarily hard to punish or how spot dodge is pretty much fucking useless because most shit is still + on whiff
I only start spotdodging when I have no health/no BP left
>playing Dix
Nice try.
For some reason I feel like I'm always too early to punish spot dodge attempts
I must be retarded
That shit annoys me, the knowledge checks of what should be spot dodged or blocked or fucking rolled for proper punish.
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Stop being negative
>Charlotta's "DPs" are completely unnecessarily hard to punish
Just... block it and hit her?
>new players
>blocking DPs
>having any idea of what frame data is
yeah no
Fails in a lot of more places when it comes to newbie friendly gaming:
>moves that look like minus country and are plus instead, see Soriz's quake ground punch or so many minus looking
>Combo Limit is literally arab unless you specifically read the page on Dustloop, the new indicator does nothing but just clarify you fucked up while instead they could make the opponent flash right before you hit it
>no replay friendly features like the ones where you barge inside the replay and play it yourself
>Gauge gain cooldown or basic mechanics like refunds are not explained anywhere in game
>still no hitboxes in training mode
>Chang ever touching a greasy controller in her life
You know she would if Danchou is involved.
if your super/DP push me out of c.L/M/H range you are carried
It's a tight window
none of you could even beat nezumiku why do you make fun of them?
Shut up and post tits.
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But I'm an incel.
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Really? Nobody? Okay, I'll do it.
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Rising needs Cow.
I feel like I'm the one that has to open the scoreboard to rematch. What causes that? Someone hitting rematch too fast?
damn im kinda getting washed today
i suck?
Your chemicals are making you suck and I'm being unironic
>how you feel emotionally wise
>what you ate
>how you feel physically wise
>how much you slept
All matter in this fucking genre and it's annoying

Try again tomorrow and be sure to sleep
>someone hitting rematch too fast?
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How am I supposed to know the right timing to 66L after a g236U? This animation fucking sucks at telling you when you can start buffering inputs again.
well that sucks
maybe ill wait until my new controller comes before playing again, im dropping stupid stuff on keyboard
It's pretty frustrating cuz it forces you to play a certain way, while you know the retard doing that has absolutely no future in his gameplay
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I don't know what's with me as an eternal S++ but I cannot beat Master ranks regularly. There's something scripted about them that when I retaliate, something irregular in the game happens and gives them a hard pass to continue their pressure. Then when I watch Master vs Master fights in the weekly streams, I just see common fuck ups on their part that a S would do. I'm honestly lost.
Eustace anon...
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Masters range from carried shitters to the best players in the game anon.
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>Master Rank sees you are about about to rank up
>knows that the more people there are in Masters, the less prestige the rank itself gets
>they play their absolute best in order to keep you out
>other Master rank players don't pose the same threat so they play against them in a more relaxed manner
Simple Geometry.
you dont have the gene, just quit
It is hugely a mindset thing. Block out their rank (It's M for Mini) and fight them like you would any other idiot.
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discord fighter status
then why can I find a match without having to ask in a discord?
Add me then!
almost as dead as Unist 2 holy fuck
How do we fix this
Add naked harvins
Play the game.
Make the august patch actually good and shoot the top tiers in the back of the head
you dont, once games hemorrhage players they dont come back
and also wait for 1.50
i like to imagine the central ghost is making that expression because shes sitting on him
Community ruined the game so it's all on them
>rampant tier whoring
>discord Illuminati tier top players
>diaphone doomposting every dlc character for click bait
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maybe it's time to move on lmfao
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Tekken 8 is dogshit and tons of people still play it
If the community for this game wasn't equally dogshit the game would be alive
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Honestly I have the same problem
Well I'm a fake S++ anyway but I feel like I'm missing something but I don't know how to find it
Need a girl to ft50 and mating press after I win.
it's not popping bwo
It'a the default region so yes
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Dix could have 100,000 players and get me literally instant, 100% lag free matches the second I jump into ranked, it would STILL be a hideous piece of shit and a parody of Street Fighter.
No thanks.
yeah instead you play GBVS where 66L is just slime rush but resource free
we going bwo
Balls full.
Unironically yes. The common player will doompost about the game and tell new players to stay away while dumping hundreds of hours into the game. GBVS community is making the MK nigger/wiggers look good.
Delete grand bruise to save da game
Positively engorged.
do you guys need another to help pop grandbruise?
bruise just came through
Nice try dixxie, except I can't cancel normals in to 66L, I can't use 66L twice in the same fucking combo, and for the most part I cannot actually start an actual, full combo from it.
At least you didn't say anything about the "hideous" part or try to defend it. That's good, it shows some self awareness.
Allowing to queue in multiple modes at once and making the bruise queue global is how I'd fix it
Well the problem is that doomposters can point at tournament results and simply say, look at how dogshit the balance is
I can't believe you have done this
delete the stupid owlcat game
>I can't use 66L twice in the same fucking combo,
skill issue
Also bruise bots
>I can't use 66L twice in the same fucking combo,
raging strike doesnt exist anymore I guess
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Xerom color gives me super strength
too soon.
you dont even need to point to tournament results
go on ranked it's the same 6 fucking characters + the occasional 2B
the only one you wont see is Nier because all the Nier faggots stay in their Illuminati discord
so how are they gonna fit two niers into the free to play rotation?
mayhaps patch the game so it doesn't give doomers ammo?
>b-but doomers always doom
if the game is actually fun and good, most people straight up ignore or make fun of them
however when you FEEL the game is shit after playing it and you have a bunch of doomers, you can't help but think maybe they're right
Sounds like both of you need a training partner
Need a partner to train.
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Then he must like Suzuka like I do. I hope we meet in the lobby and become friends and sparring partners. We can cry about being stuck in S++ together.
I don't like how many artists use those weird... light rings the put on tits to make them shiny.
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I agree. Or the red tint with white shine in the middle, that technique always makes it look like a pimple.
training partners are a meme
nobody ever improved at something by only fighting other people at their level, you need someone who's already good to teach you and this will never happen
>But then how did the people who were good now get good
they were either born with the gene or they got taught - you will have neither
just like ceo...
I went to check the frame data in training mode and I'm actually plus if they spot dodge a f.L > 2M sequence and 2M > special
fuck I've let people get away with murder
>or they got taught - you will have neither
then what is this huh
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>5 SBA online
anybody wanna beat me up real quick?
>5 SBA
What the FUCK are you talking about, schizo?
getting into masters isn't an accomplishment
well you need to play both people at your level and people better than you
you also gain something by playing people worse than you
The whole gene thing is the most 9gag shit ever. Sasuga gbvsg perpetuating the meme on the same level as /fgg/
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skybound art.....super.........?
tfw retards dont even play this game and realize you need to do 5 skybound arts online.
Let lazy people cope
noble gene haver, your cognitive functions???
skybound art you literal fucking retards
I thought the weirdo was stalking how many of us were online, and had given us a Granblue themed tag.
You are so fucking dumb.
Post more 2B ass at least.
People have been playing nothing but Fighting games for 2+ decades and have won nothing
If the gene isn't real why haven't they improved? They spend all day in training mode and ranked, but they never improve - why? Because they weren't born with the gene
Your odds of improving at fighting games are the same as your odds of waking up and becoming a millionaire with hard work - 0
Or let me put it this way - where are all the players that were dogshit for years like actual ass or mediocre at the game and then one day they become fucking amazing. It never happens. It's always the same 5 old faggots from 30 years ago or some new 12 year old that shows up and is amazing - why? Because they have the gene
>Or let me put it this way - where are all the players that were dogshit for years like actual ass or mediocre at the game and then one day they become fucking amazing. It never happens.
honestly the most compelling argument for the gene existing when you think about it.
There really aren't players who actually improve and get good. At most a player can improve from totally dogshit to mid at the game but you never see someone that's mid become amazing
>Oh this guy used to go 1-2 in tourney and now he gets consistent top 8s
>another fucking are geniuses born or made timeloop
Watch her hips. I try to hit 66L (or have already started the input) as she shifts them back into her default neutral stance.
Today I played Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
my condolences
getting out of B would be my greatest accomplishment in life
Anyone who's average at the game should be in masters by now
Being lower than that means you aren't even trying
LordKnight doesn't have the gene and he makes consistent top 8s now.
He was dogshit when he started playing like 20 years ago and he just autistically grinded fighting games as much as possible. He spends more time in training mode than most people's total hours in the game.
i'm a severely mentally retarded failed abortion please understand
Well you see, I'm bad
Also I don't play ranked but I get washed in casual queue instead
LK has been making top 8s for the past 2 decades he is peak gene
Fuck off retard
this game SUCKS
if someone as dogshit as me can get into masters on 2 characters nobody else has an excuse.
+ barely anyone is even left playing this game
Grats oomfie. Keep on climbing
??? LK was literally one of the top Blazblue players back in the day, was a top P4A player, was a top melty blood player and was respectable but not quite top level at DBFZ
There was never a time when he wasn't a top player
How about this being the first fighter I play online in some serious capacity, and the first 2D fighter I ever touched?
>but this one is easy!
Doesn't stop my opponent from knowledge-checking me.
post hours
you should be in masters by now unless the first 100 was spent finding what character to use
don't pay attention to this idiot
I guess I kill myself then.
One player less.
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I might come back in August if the patch is really good. But honestly there's so many design decisions in this game that frustrate me on a fundamental level that I don't think that any number of balance patches could fix it to my liking.
I'll at least continue to streamboar Rising as long as there's no Nier on the screen.
I'm not trying to be rude it's just the truth
I don't remember subscribing to anon's blog
He's gaslighting you. Unless you have "it" you aren't going from nothing to master in 257 hours.
...hence why I'm downloading a faggot game which is even worse on all those aspects, forgot to mention.
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>tfw you will never wake up with ruria sitting on your face

what's the point
did you join the tournaments / lobbies
if you didnt I dont care about you leaving
Yeah, I'm not taking him seriously.
I know I'm not particularly good, but I also know what I'm working with here. The game is fun regardless.
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ggs foxplayer, sorry to cut it short but apparently I was on food duty. lol at air grabbing the slide
>Yeah, I'm not taking him seriously.
your loss when you're still hardstuck 6 months from now when there's nothing you can do about it
It is always the same shit with competitive games; the people who reach the highest ranks are often stuck in a permanent, unwinnable dick measuring contest and somehow no one is actually good at the game, but that doesn't change the actual definition of words.
The majority of players are in A and S rank, that means A5 through S1 makes up the varying degrees of "average"
There is a significant gap once you get to S+ which means those players are above average, then there is yet another gap to get to S++ where the good players are, and obviously the best ones are in Master.
If you make it to Master it means you are good, I don't understand why this is hard for people to accept.
It's simply elitism.
I always play the first round like that just to see if my opponent is capable of adapting to it. After that I tone down the DPs if the opponent is respecting it, if they don't I continue to DP every gap and collect my free win.
if I'm not the best I'm shit
simple as
Tekken 8 is much better than Rising, Doubly so because the devs aren't stupid enough to let the game fester and rot for months.
>Tekken 8 is much better than Rising
How so?
At least work for your (You)s
Being a top player in NA BlazBlue only required for you to show up and press buttons, that game was as dead as Melty blood and Rising.
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the better you get the more you realize how bad you still are
master rank is the valley
>If you make it to Master it means you are good
...at sucking cock and massaging balls, that is.
how many hours is it supposed to take to go from nothing to A
me desperately pushing the stone back up mount stupid
>If you make it to Master it means you are good
No, the people who make it to Master are average
The people who place in Tourney are good
The gap between "Actually good player" and "Hey I just made it into masters" is a bigger gap than masters and B
Right, that is why the best players like Xerom and others constantly say they are dogshit at the game. Oh wait, no they fucking don't.

Hey, if those are useful skill for you and you cultivated them that's good for you, no judgement here. I am talking about Rising though.

OK retard
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you're holding back
I have Master on 2 characters and "Good at GBVS:R" isn't something I'd ever call myself
If you match me up against Zippy I'm going to look like it's my first day playing the game
>The gap between "Actually good player" and "Hey I just made it into masters" is a bigger gap than masters and B
no its not, the gap between low master and high master is the same as the gap between S and S+ or S+ and S++
I said "good" not "top 10 player"
Also, Zippy is carried as fuck by the absolute best character in the game, the gap might be smaller than you initially think.
Well obviously I can't just say "it's a better game", since one is the 2D and the other is 3D. Tekken 8 is better simply because the devs give a shit and decided to fix major complaints before fucking off for the rest of the season. Unlike Rising, where the devs fucked off at the start and are now only coming back to address major complaints when the game is already one foot in the grave.
>I am talking about Rising though.
But I got to Master rank and that's the only things I've learned? I didn't learn to play the game for sure.
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Fuck you, ft10.
it definitely is not
A S+ player has a higher chance of becoming a Master than a low Master has of becoming a high Master
How exactly did that work, Anon?
Did you suck off someone at ArcSys/Cygames and they are the ones who increased your rank? I don't get it.
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I just made my posts to try and stop even MORE people from adopting that retarded "HURR HURR only .001% of players are good!" mindset
It's idiotic and it leads to nothing good.
I opened the game.
Mashed buttons.
Got to Master.
I didn't learn to play the game or I'd actually beat people good at the game, but I don't.
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I won Grand Bruise, though.
yes that's the point not because they aren't trying to but because they dont have the gene
losing every game is not fun
s++ = competenece
master = competence with a good character

Then where is the room hmmmmmmmm
top .0001% party game gawd
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Well, she is a charge character.
You better have a lot of sex and make lots of babies to pass down that gene so that the 20th installment of GBFV isn't as dead as this one.
I wish I had made screenshots of my oldest rank ups, buts it's probably not even possible to compare past people's progress due to skill inflation. Don't worry about it too much, just set small improvement goals and try to meet them.
im not actually part of this discussion but my golden golshi trophy begs to differ!
I got to Master in 1 month and this is my very first fighting game lmao Master doesn't mean shit my dude.
>the gene
I admit I have the advantage of being a GAMER who always tries to compete in every videogame I've ever played in my life but still
BASED Grimnig. You hopping into alt accounts again to keep dabbing on nezu?
>I got to Master in 1 month and this is my very first fighting game lmao
This is not true, shut the fuck up lmao
not really, unless you play a fraud character that lets you reach master with 0 fundamentals
this game's competitive scene isn't big, all it takes to place well regularely is to get good enough to beat the low masters
>not really
nigga you didn't refute anything
when are we having lobby streams for more shitposting
i got two golden golshis, get on my level
It's true
>first fighting game
Technically yes, actually not, I played Tekken 3/5 casually back when I was 10 but never against anyone but little cousin spamming the retarded spin move with Xiayou.
But I picked up this game almost 2 decades later and yes I got to Master in 1 month.
we all just need to queue for ranked at dead hours on platform specific europe server together
can all become masters.. together.
meant to reply to this >>484153695
I wonder if we could queue casual with platform specific set to JP region to random match against each other
I have two as well then
I treated it like you have to reobtain it when a new tournament comes around
I am reasonably certain it is possible to recreate the sh*rol*mb conditions without exefagging.
Who gives a shit about rank in a dead game?
half this thread apparently
Ranking up in a """dead game""" is actually significantly more difficult because by and large, most of the people remaining are going to have lot of matches played and be very committed to it.
It is also not dead you retarded zoomer, fuck off.
I just thought it would be funny to have random match making instead of a traditional lobby to play against thread players
>It is also not dead
it's like 1 step before "UNIST 2"
Week 1 of the game someone said they'd be happy if the game settled at 1k
We're less than 1/2 of that rn
it should be possible
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I for one enjoy this game and my green square
It has crossplay.
Fuck off.
Based green enjoyer.
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you AA'd me like 30 times
I will remember that
this game is just and ad for the dying mobile game... cygames doesnt give a fuck about it so why should we... guys its time to move on... 2XKO can't come soon enough...
Every person that nezu loses to? GGs that was me
This shit is fucking dead, don't kid yourself. I spent 15min in S++ queue on Friday to get one game. Then I started getting games every 20secs, but it was always the same dude who I matched up with the first time.
so +100
OK zoomer
>tag fighter kuso
shouldve made a priconne fighter
Cope. I find games on Fightcade faster than I do in this shambling corpse of a game.
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Shrimply stop flipping
All the game needs is a good patch (1.50) and a non cancerous dlc character added for people to stay. If Vikala is fucking stupid broken like 2B or Beatrix it's gonna kill the game.
I will fill you with my children.
how do you keep harvins from jumping?
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Do the leaderboards reset at midnight? How does that work? I don't want to waste my autism on bad data.
Hug them
Is there a room right now?
focus more on the air
>All the game needs is a good patch
so already something that has no chance of happening
Was believable up until this part
>"NOOOO LE DED GAEM LE DED GAEM!!" kind of zoomer
>playing anything on Fightcade
Holy kek at least make it believable
>tag fighter
might puke
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2-3 guys in /gbvsg/ lobby
I already left
Yes. The game is dead, face the facts. There's no room culture like in old Arcsys games, matchmaking is dead and lobbies are filled with fags idling or shitposting in the notebook.
i anti air the harvin, but it keeps jumping
i got my spooky beatrix costume now i am happy :)
whenever I keep getting matched up with the same person in ranked and losing I afk in the queue just so their matchmaking experience gets marginally worse
im a girl...
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Will this game survive until rrat?
>tag kuso
Why did the rat piss bear become white?
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girls can't play videogames


I do obvs and i beat that tranny nezu yesterday too girl gamers are here to stay
if you told me 6 months ago that this game had no chance of getting a season 3 of dlc support I would've told you there was no way
Now we'll be lucky to get season 2
I can "face the facts" or I can stop arguing with some dumb faggot here and go play the game.
See ya, good talk.
*releases a homoknight for 1.5*
>teeheee virgin
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Hmm, extreme delusion, I'm guessing you're a tranny. Good riddance.
If they give the Anila treatment to other characters in 1.5 I'm actually putting down the game for good
the good news is 1.5 will be playable at EVO so we'll know early if the game is dead or not
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I am good at the game, you are not.
It's that shrimple.
>seox player
How do you get that one on the bottom left?
you type this yet a puppygirl just won ceo???
Yup, guess I missed my chance. I was curious about the current distribution, shouldn't have waited until the last minute.
oh no no no ...
tits or gtfo
>played ranked all day
>0 diamonds
maybe this game isn't for me bros
>belial's 66M is fucking plus on block
but why
why does this faggot character have everything
A furry?
endorsed top tier
Get that whore Nier out of my sight.
I want to have sex with Death.
you get it for winning.... a single game...

anon... no...
you're.....a dipshit....anon.....why are you like this.......your mother tried so hard......
I was counting out the number of players in each rank until I realized that names were missing (mine and a couple others). I think a reset happened a short time ago at midnight JST, so it's pointless to do it now.
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I don't want to play other fighting games because this one has nicer women
meh the characters they chose are mid
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I would ask how you didn't know that already but on the tourney yesterday people kept getting counterhit after it so I will assume you guys have never labbed in your life
how did the TO know...
Pic unrelated
It's a lot of fun getting matched up with the same 3 or 4 players for 6 hours straight while they farm me until they get promoted
i think having three plus on block dash attacks is bad
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Shut it BITCH
Days later and I am still baffled at the lack of a sale on steam
Yeah it's totally heckin fair that Belial is + forever because all his normals are either + or stall for long enough that his + specials come back meanwhile other characters' pressure is like
>Now I have to take a massive risk on whether or not to continue pressure or not
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I literally did not know anyone besides Djeeta before December, but now that I play Rising I am amazed at how literally, LITERALLY every girl in it is a 10/10 in different ways.
So I can still use the OS of I lost because I didn't know the matchup, obviously
Belial 66h hard counters Cagliostro's entire kit and you parasites try to pretend she is not bottom tier
this but beatrix's entire kit
this but nier's entire kit
this but Vane's entire kit
>Top 7 character loses to top 4 character
no waaaaaaaaaaaay
stop mashing on wakeup nezu we saw you get counterhit
This but Bubz's entire kit
>mash far h
>mash spike
>get mad people learn how to deal with that and its cag's fault
someone post the 5H clip
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dont let anyone tell you mid tier actually exists in this game - it does not
You should know by now, Cagliostro having ANY kind of counterplay means she is bottom 1 - absolutely unplayable.
Anyone winning any matches at all with her must be a genius. Fundamentally better than everyone else.
I hate you dishonest niggers
avatar belial downplayers get the rope
Belial should be S+ though. There's nothing bad in his kit than a DP minus on block like anyone else
A Beafag made this list.
She is still absolutely Siegfried/Lancelot tier.
I love watching lancelot whiff everything, spazz all over the screen mashing every single special he has and there's nothing you can do about it
it's called a frame kill sweetie
>Ladiva is le bad
I'm so sick of you faggots downplaying that freak
Explain how Fastiva is good.
his pressure is 100% forced guessing if you just bait BC
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Ggs frend, I whiffed that SSBA on Bae so hard.
A character whose strength is making the opponent guess cannot be a genuinely strong character, that sounds luck dependent.
It is when the guesses are entirely in your favor because the way you "Guess" is mashing on your own wakeup
the lancelot faggots woke up in ranked done with the game for tonight I guess
ggs, lobby friend
it really does look like it would link there
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better list
Take Katalina up to B and I'll agree with it 100%
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the gene...
The Bea upplaying is insane lmao.
Her buttons are ass.
She belongs at the top of the middle row on both of these lists.
sorry I meant to write Zeta
B tier is way too big
there are not that many "average" characters in the game
only mostly weak ones
also putting zeta in the same tier as nier when she has 0 results is lol
Even Belial and Djeeta get more consistent placements
Oh Zeta is the most upplayed character in the game easily. Even more than Bea which is saying something. People are just fully delusional about Zeta.
Oh boy are we posting our awful opinions
500 hours in this game and I lose to people with sub 2k matches played
gonna kms
what character are you playing
ggs was me on my 5th alt
Vira is such a fraudulent chimp character
ggs was me on my 7th alt after sharking the /gbvsg/ tournament
GGs that was me after beating up Nezu with my belial alt
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So true Sieg, so true
This but Avatar Belial
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Somehow forgot my image
narmaya downplayer
Cag, Charlotta, and Narm should all be in really strong
>Try to watch JP players to learn
>In all their offense if I ever tried to do the same thing I'd just get mashed on instantly
so improving is impossible then
Post narmaya rank
if you are getting mashed on, you do frametraps
>Do frametraps
>They keep blocking
a lot of easy to challenge pressure gaps due to push back and stubbier buttons, mostly wins by being fraudulent with 214u, good but faulty

cag has abysmal defense and mediocre corner carry but strong offense so idk, technically has faults but her strengths and ability to play footsies with good buttons are a thing

the charlotta sample size is like all lizard brains then x*rom so hard to see it, gameplan of chipping down with ball has a lot of faults, I will consider it however
>a lot of easy to challenge pressure gaps
literally has Lancelot's 5L and Belial's 2M on the same character stop fucking downplaying
her 2m is stubbier and not a low, it is more akin to gran's. Lancelot's 5l is awful
>Lancelot's 5l is awful
People really need to stop pretending that Nier is in the same tier as any other character in the game. Sure, Lance, Seox and Sieg might form the top 4 with her, she is still head and shoulders above them. When half of your tournament top 8 is comprised of a single character, with the grand final being a mirror with that character, it is quite evident that said character is in a tier of their own. I have yet to see a tournament with 4 Siegs that ends in a Sieg mirror.
that's only because in NA there are no high level siegfrieds or lancelots or seoxes
only belial and nier
when the JPs come and wash everyone at evo you'll see
six has been in this scenario, nier is definitely the best by far though you aren't wrong
>Still living in the past where JP is good at fighting games
Lmao, time to get on with the times gramps, it's the other way around now. NA and EU chads travel to Japanese tournaments to wash those filthy island monkeys.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
only in Jive because the country collectively stopped playing the game as soon as it became pozzed
she's not on a tier of her own
noone plays lance, seox and sieg in NA
I assume you are talking about Dix, but even in that you are wrong, it's massively popular in Japan but they still get washed by NA (and China lmao).
No I meant Strive
Japan doesn't play Strive
Tokido is better than literally any burger
How come he didn't win EVO Japan then? Checkmate weebs.
belial up 1
zeta down 1
kat up 1
vira up 1
ladiva up 2
Narmaya is queen of mid-tier
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I cant stop playing beatrix
And i still suck
I love encountering a Bea with less than 10 matches on record and then getting washed 4 games in a row because I suck ass. Really reminds me how worthless I am
Bea players, and I say this without even a hint of irony, did not earn it.
I earned it
You earned some deserved nerfs, faggot
Uh, I don't want to be rude but your friend is not me lol. I think he is just pulling your leg and making a joke.
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who cares
a new age of shitposting is approaching brother
i care
This is cheating
it's not like there's any useful information that will be cleaned from a hitbox viewer anyway
the game is too simple for that shit
I won evo btw
Once you understand that high level play in this game is just
>Manual timed frame trap vs delay tech/Jab
the game becomes so fucking boring
>hitbox viewer AFTER the game is dead
good work tardo
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in order
be nice, its the same guy who made the frame viewer mod.
meds now
A.belial downplayer
Vira uplayer
Djeeta massive downplayer
Lancelot massive faggot downplayer
somebody mindbroken by cag made this
Nezu made it?
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That's Guilty Gear, actually.
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Imagine losing players EVERY SINGLE MONTH of your game's existence
>Don't really enjoy this game anymore
>No other FGs with hot girls
it's over
Guilty Gear has some amazing girls too, except I-no exists and she is a shit, so I'm afraid the series is less good overall in that regard.
You just outed yourself bro.
LITERALLY every other girl in Guilty Gear is better than her.
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Only underages can't appreciate I-no.
It's actually fucking over for Granblue
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Other way around, only underages find the whole "le slutty evil woman" shtick appealing, old men like myself have had it with that shit.
this game will die faster than uni 2
It is quite impressive they managed to make a game look more off-putting than SF6.
how does the grab after getup from knockdown work? everyone pulls this all the time on me and i've never been able to get it to work myself
This looks like a parody
game looks like shit and i'm just talking about the characters not even gameplay
arcana heart 4 died for this
H-how... do we compete? it will still probably have more players than us for who knows how long
>less than 400 players at NA prime hours
grim (nier)
I was thinking about strives finals when i typed that. I don't know what a puppygirl even is. I just saw someone use that word to describe the weird guy who won.
it's so over
soon we'll be at melty blood numbers
bruisebwos, pls queue
i need my pesos
hoping 1.50 adds more new exciting ways of getting grabbed
i am booting up to queue for you friend
ty fren
do not look at helldivers 2
i am finally queued up, got connecting twice. pal world please have mercy.
no one in na lobby is listening :(
you need to sound as pathetic as possible so they feel superior to you and get tricked into queueing for grandbruise as a mercy
the spam worked, a couple of them went to the counter
Could be fun, too bad the IP is garbage.
The last /gbvsg/....goodbye fwens....
lets go it popped
how could you kot
all i did was bounce on your head
green team seething
oops i had names turned off-
nyou didnt earn it
mmmm i dyon't agree
back to waiting....
also it popped with 7 people. never seen that.
i got put in another lobby lol
oh nice, should be a quick pop after it ends then
im back in queue now. i let 2 unbelievably slow neechangs into the crystal over me.
as long as gbvsg stays on the pedestal
yggy on yggy violence
almost made it
I jobbed
>getting hit by every raging strike while blocking recently
>failing every captcha
bea seethingnice job
they cyan't stop us
nyoone cyan styop nyus nyow
except ourselves
does pickaxe only hit one person? i thought i had the 2b too
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im not sure what happened there. it definitely hit me but it didnt move me at all. maybe it bugs when two people are right on top of each other?
did we stab each other in the back so hard that bruise died
shit game
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believe in pop
Oops, meant to post this in /sfg/!
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You know what would be nice?
A Charlotta OP for next thread.
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golshi bread
ruria BTFO
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luci got tricks...
monster stage bloodbath lmao
He's just like me...
that was quick
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never seen 7 people die to the monster wave before

looks like it's actually dead now. i think ill call it here, ty for queueing!
My tongue in Satyr's mouth
My tongue in Satyr's balls

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