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witnessed edition

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

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>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>483747460
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штo кaкoй, чё дypaк чтo ли?
Sorry I don't speak jewish
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Well I think it's time to leave NV for a while and try out Fallout 4 now that the sales on.

Not a bad 160 hours, sometimes when I go back and replay a game I haven't in years it's not as good as I remember but not so here. The experience was really elevated by mods here too, especially the quest mods.
Bros... I did it... I got the Motorized Butter Churn
Should I keep obsessively running it
Nah, fuck it
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Mr house, I like you but I like Veronica more so I can't work for you anymore...
but she's a lesbo
so are you
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Daily reminder that Cook-Cook is a disgusting subhuman rapist, a violent swine and pathetic shitbird who buys children as property in order to rape them, cook them and eat them.
He also rapes women, violenty burns them and eat them too. He's the worst and most vile character ever written in video game, and is killed by everyone in every playthrough no matter what.
If you have any empathy with this inferior insect, your computer should be taken away from you by FBI, you should be put on a watch list and you should die, preferably, too.
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Based, fuck F*ends.
Hey! I remember you from the other threads. May I ask how long do you play with this particular character? Is it like hundreds of hours til the end of the game?
And do you play afterwards again with her and again new full playthrough? Or you make a different character, different playstyle? I usually play the same character over and over again, but always hear people play different builds, so I'm curious.
I feel like passing speech checks should give piper approval. Her job is a journalist, passing a speech check for more info should give approval.
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Well I've done 2 playthroughs as her on PC, split across 160 hours on Steam (which does include a brief jaunt through the Frontier Crusader's questline as a totally different energy weapons character to be fair). Prior to that, she was the last character I played on Xbox too, probably around late 2019 early 2020.

The intention was to run through once and figure out my LO but when I got into the second playthrough I couldn't help but keep adding and it basically turned into a second "test" playthrough. I now know how I would do my autistic checklisty MAIN playthrough but now I'm likely to move onto FO4 for a while and do the same bullshit there.

I tend to get bored when I've done all the guided content and dungeons, so usually I don't go overboard but I do like to make sure I complete all major quests, visit all the neat locations and get all unique and interesting items and things like that.

That said, my overuse of Lana is really just in NV since the archetype slots in so well with the choices we can make in the game. On other games like Skyrim or Souls games I tend to vary it up more often.
The only way I'd use empathy and him in the same sentence it would be for Queenie, due to what I assume he's done with her.
when does the fallout 4 DLC make sense to do story wise
Yeah, I overuse my fav character, too. I usually have to take big breaks between each new playthrough (talking like 1.5 year). But then I can play nonstop with that character for 6 months without break. I guess our brains need to recharge after consuming so much content and forgetting bit of it before you can do it again. I enjoy reading all computers, talk to everyone etc.
>I enjoy reading all computers, talk to everyone etc.
I actively have to force myself not to do this because otherwise I take way too long playing. I actually hate opening dialogue and not exhausting every option and I DESPISE skipping the voicelines.
Fah Habah - post main quest
Nuka World - never lol, it makes no sense at all
Crazy how Bethesda followed up FH with fucking Nuka World like god damn. What a stupid fucking DLC.
Nuka World happens. SS does Open Season, clears out all the parks and turns on the power.
>Nuka World - never lol, it makes no sense at all

>Meet old Shaun
>Refuse to believe him
>Have a mental breakdown because the world blew up, you watched your spouse die, and then you spent every waking moment trying to find your kidnapped infant son only for one of the bastards that kidnapped him pretend to be him
>Go join up with the Railroad since you know they hate those crazies too
>Agree to blow up the BoS because ??? idk ur angry and ur just tryin to get to the institute, who cares if these other retards die
>Nuke the fuckers that stole your son from you
>Fully go off the deep end because the country you fought and bled for is a pile of rubble and all of your friends and family are dead and revenge didn't fix anything
>>Become ultimate megaraider because eh ur crazy and evil now
I liked the dungeons in Nuka World.
it was okay
i like the idea of exploring a massive pre-war area meant for attraction and tourism
the raider bit should have been in the base game though
unfortunately yeah, the story wasn't engaging and pulled the classic bethesda "youre the grand archmage now even though you only know like 3 spells (but raider)" which i absolutely despise
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>only explanation for your character doing Nuka World is becoming an irrational retard
Yeah I agree
Roleplay opportunities are pretty fuckin' limited when you're straight up given a house, family, and job before you've even finished character creation.
>get a mod to disable the missions where you set up babysitting stations for raiders in the commonwealth
>turn your brain off until you get a handmade rifle with a decent legendary modifier
>kill everything in the theme park as revenge for wasting your time
This is the only way to play nuka world
>classic bethesda "youre the grand archmage now even though you only know like 3 spells (but raider)"
For what it is I think it was actually handled pretty well
It quickly becomes apparent that Gage was the one running the show, and that the underbosses knew that, and that they don't really respect you because of that
Not that it makes a lot of sense, mind you
Being overboss is a job no one wants, it puts a target on your back from 3 gangs who all want the most territory.
I'm doing my first playthrough as Nora and her voice acting is much better.
just shot some powder gangsters what do I do now
eat them
seriously I aint spending all day running around godsprings I'll just refund this crap
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>several plebs getting filtered by 1 and NV itt
le mayo
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just head this way even though it is south?
what is the box in the top left can anyone help?
nigger i am the courier you can delete that post hope you are well today take good care
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good luck! fo4 is great
is caravan like gwent
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wish you could date gizmo =/
Any of these quest mods any good?
Beyond Boulder Dome
Zion Trail
Dog City
Tales from New Reno
>Beyond Boulder Dome
bug ridden P.o.S
zero guarantees you will be able to finish it
I haven't played a quest mod in a Bethesda engine game that wasn't at best
>this is a decent idea, but it sticks out from the base game like a sore thumb
bump any NV modders can help out
without knowing what the fuck have you installed for mods it's impossible to tell
could be JIP's companion u.i thing
could be JIP's minimap
disingenuous tranny faggot tourist
It's been a few years since I last played, so surely some other shit's come out by now. After getting VNV, what are some other COOL mods that I can add? Quests or some shit, idk. I already added the Enclave one, since I remember it being somewhat fun, and combining it with Titans of the Wasteland just seems to make sense.
>hit by feral ghoul
>I am now infected with insomnia
>take antibiotics
>I am now cured of my insomnia infection

>AAA studio
>t. salty mod author
shitty world that tried to emulate Fallout 3 metro system but with caves
Gas canister error that never goes away
quest glitched out multiple times, had to look up in G.E.C.K what the fuck broke and IDs
you will never be Van Buren
If you weren't a retard you would go a step back and wonder why radiation has made this guy into an immortal feral ghoul.
JIP LN Settings INI
JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless

and 622 others
There was an unofficial patch to fix the gas canister. I never had any problems with BBD.
I think I'm gonna go knife caesar and shoot up his base thus completing another GRA challenges
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>and 622 others
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I will simply never have the achievements for
>3 star challenges
>winning caravan
>cucking out in honest hearts
>3 star challenges
but why anon, some are genuinely fun
>winning caravan
I keep forgetting the rather simplistic rules and I somehow won it a few times
>abandoning Zion
yeah no, fuck that.
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I'm not doing 30 fucking games though that's for sure.
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Does this count for hats or just masks
I AM ROBERT EDWIN HOUSE https://youtu.be/Z_gDLNXdPjI
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Stay mad
based low IQ retard
more like edLOSE
He's not wrong though starting the game as a straight parent in a functioning and even successful family unit objectively limits roleplay options
>a straight parent
> a functioning and even successful family unit
I honestly think something with less ambiguity such as NV or Fo1 or 2 may be more your speed young kid.
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>Implying Nora is just Nate's beard???
>Just ignoring the entire intro and what it is trying to represent
Nora and Nate are getting divorced because he keeps fucking trannies and she has tried to poison him 18 times for the life insurance.
>Just ignoring the entire intro and what it is trying to represent
If you're low IQ, the intro would be very limiting, yes.
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What did Todd Howard mean by this?
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Why not chill out my m8....
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...you've got plenty of room for yourselves don't be greedy
It's quite nice to play NV after so much OWB and other Fallout games but god damn this is a scripted as fuck game.
>telling one of the most calm and collected characters in the game to chill out
What's chill in your book then, being comatose?
His voice acting is quite good. The voice acting in total has been really good actually. I got won over when they put my man saul tigh in as Doc Mitchell.
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woman killed thread
Kinda neat, not sure if want.
Only if the stats are equivalent to raider PA. Do these modders put in lore on how the Gunners are manufacturing their own PA?
i absolutely NEED to see you gettin sproinky doinky on a bing bong
Now that is one cute Vault girl
She is cute but the makeup makes her look like a corpse in a funeral home
No you didn't
easy to find early game sniper rifle in NV?
damn that font pops out, mod link?
Ratslayer in broc flower cave isn't a sniper rifle but rather a scoped varmint rifle but it's very good in the early game
Thanks bro, looking it up now.
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hell yeah motherfucker
your character looks fucking gay
I got it with a collection it might be this
What loadout best suits a wasteland knight paladin themed build
I’m thinking combat armor, shishkebab, assault rifle
i cant cook gecko meat unless I have survival 25 what a joke
Anyone got experience with this mod?
this is the worst piece of shit mod that I've ever seen
how so?
why is new vegas the largest city in the world?
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this is actual garbage
Because house prevented its destruction
It's schway.
Why didn't Shaun just send a courser to pick you up outside of vault 111 and explain the situation? Having you run around the wasteland like a headless chicken inevitably makes you biased against the Institute after you see and hear about the shit they do.
It absolutely should be. Those skyscrapers look like dogshit and don't belong, I agree with you. Vegas, in concept, should still be as large as it was before the bombs dropped, with some damage here and there, and the wear of 200 years of desert weather, lack of care, and raiders squatting, yes, but the three houses and the other denizens of the strip would've cleaned quite a bit up to make it more alluring.

I almost wish they had just made the game exclusively Vegas so it didn't feel hilariously tiny. There's so much we missed out on.
You made New Vegas look like it was in a JRPG
He wanted to see if the wasteland would make you a person not worth caring about, but then when you prove it doesn't he still doesn't reverse his opinion about the Institute's careless and cruel treatment of surface dwellers, he just dies
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this mod is infinitely better, but why is there still a fucking blimp??
the blimp mod is its own thing
yeah but why a blimp
visible and draws your eyes to the Lucky 38 tower, I guess?

Is folon every coming out
No. I'd like to be proven wrong, but all signs point toward it being vapor ware
This is based
because blimps are hella flippin basado. also this mod thumps i like to add it with a mod that adds a north gate for the striperino
are you having a stroke?
I want that hairstyle, pls giv.
Are you joining an 80's hair band?
Fuck yes.
they have lots of sex with cute boys. way too obvious
Get help pedo.
his strong gay
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>>484012593 You will regret this when you grow out of the shota lolicon shit
Thats not how pedophilia works. He needs a bullet to the brain to get "over it"
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That's true. I've got to stop giving people like this a chance.
considering not many people know how the brain works, if he does shoot himself… he could end up missing an important part and accidentally paralyse himself and dying to dehydration
That is still a better fate than he deserves
I know… he deserves it
how do i get settlers to stop fucking throwing artillery signals
Are you leaving them in your workshop?
no daddy
this sounds too funny to fix, especially if the retardo minutemen are firing the guns in response
If you do want to fix it gather all settlers and give each one a single molotov or frag
actually just realized it's something added by You And What Army moderino
I dunno how to switch a weapon to unarmed. Not like the game explains it's controls.
i want a super mutant to fuck me raw and rail my ass
Someone Summoned the NMA cesspit into /v/ because of a fallout 2 thread
Super mutants can't sneed.
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I dunno about fallout 2, haven't played it yet but I don't see how it could be worse than 1. Fallout 1 is horribly boring and tedious.
neither can I
Always the same retarded baits, lingo and falseflags.
Funny how they lack the genitals to post and talk about fallout here and resorts to /v/ since /vr/ mods knows who they are by name.
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Did you post this here because you got BTFO by forum nerds? Not gonna read that shit lammo
76fags are the gayest
Nope, i know enough to never post in those threads because NMA Fags are to Fallout what WoWfags are to Warcraft.
Literal Eltingville Club spergs.
You should give 1 another chance later, avatartroon, just make sure to crank the combat speed up and don't dump intelligence this time
I'm playing it rn.. I'm trying to do a quest but the questlog is fucking useless. I'm supposed to steal a necklace from a merchant... well there are 50 merchants in this fucking town.
iirc he mentions to go to the heights, which is an area to the west
are u shitting me?.. I've been running around this stupid town for half an hour for nothing? Fuck
To be clear it's in the hub, just west of the main area
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goooot it.. now to try and escape without being spotted
please use a trip
Which game has the better radio 3? NV? 4? i don't know if 76 has it....
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Do I actually need followers in Fallout 2 or can I just dump charisma again?
New Vegas has the best by far. The Bethesda games have a few good tracks here and there, but they ham it up wayyyy too much with the nuclear apocalypse-themed retro tracks.
Also stop punctuating everything with ellipses...... it makes me fucking MAD...........
I don't why i did that i just kinda felt like it sorry
Followers are not necessary but they're a lot better than in 1. I would recommend setting it to 2 in case you ever wanna pick someone up, even just temporarily.
Why so dead?
better die than rad
don’t know. Why does your character let little boys mount her
the name of the gun, tell me it’s name
post tits, that might help
Amos Burton is that you?
I am cum
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I am doing more autistic research for my mod concept
fruit salad yummy yummy
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Fair enough.
Which one?
Alright, here you go. Pls no ban janny.
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the ABSOLUTE STATE of New Vegas (the place not the game)

wtf happened? I'm so hype for season 2, bros
I don't think those things even have dicks they're flat like a Ken doll
you may call it autistic research, but I see the determination to create
Could be the tunnelers finally surfaced in the mojave
I only saw the one on her back, didn’t know there was 2 until you had pointed it out
its the only pass user in here that's close enough
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thanks. I have a firm concept and gameplay designs, I'm just figuring out the feasible area and trying to keep neatly within lore while still innovating stuff.

Purple dots are Jackals, red dots are my custom tribals, green is prospectors, and the blue dot is the secret dungeon. The road to the Long 15 is blocked by nuclear and volcanic fallout - I wasn't sure how else to hedge the area off. Everything else is locked in by mountains.
>inb4 DHS pops by
Put the coffee on, anon.
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>he doesn't know Bobby Buttons

mod for what game? will there be trannies in it
there's clearly smoke still rising from multiple spots, including that small town in the foreground so it's not completely fucked. probably just a complete NCR pull out after they got nuked, city was overwhelmed without NCR support or simply collapsed without the tourist revenue flow
You do understand that the nukes in Fallout universe are completely different than our real-life nukes, right? Much lower yield, strong focus on fallout instead of kinetic damage, no airbust. Also the nukes are basically 100 years in the future from the available data you have in that device with the nukes leaked or released to public, or even just speculated.
Me and my wife’s son are excited for season 2 as well. We’re thinking Nolan came up with something juicy. I’m so excited that I would jerk my tiny white pecker but it’s caged up, unfortunately
I hate that fallout 4 spams you with 7 paid mod quests straight out of the vault now, god help us if they ever make some anniversary edition like Skyrim with all of them.
rant free, stop thinking about them abominations
This guy doesn't even need a trip you can tell which posts are his just by him mentioning white peckers in all of them
The rifle is called Sherman and the smg is called Patton.
Can you not just remove the plugins? I haven't updooted
adorable name for an smg
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The bit of research I did for what types of nukes were used settled on somewhere between 200-750 kiloton warheads. I just wanted to get a vague sense of scale and area of effect. Buckle up if you want a deeper explanation of this concept.

In the game this area is Crescent Canyon and unreachable, which does not correlate to real life - real life there is a rail line and a road both heading southwest. How do I justify this difference, a large, impassable border between the existing Mojave and the world space I want to use? I put something work nuking there, have the explosion + seismic catastrophe create a huge upheaval at the edge of the blast, creating the impassable wall at Crescent Canyon. Good enough for me.

What is worth nuking there? Literally nothing, there's not even towns there. But Ivanpah, which is right near there irl, is attributed with the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, which you can see in that first pic. It's actually up southwest of Primm irl, so I copied it at scale and it fits nicely between the road and rail lines. I'll call it HELIOS Three, because three towers, and it makes people wonder if there's HELIOS Two. I justify it as a target because it's obviously an immensely powerful solar station, and it's just out of House's reach, being past the edge of his dominion.

Now, in lore, this area is occupied by the Jackals (or it's Hub territory, it's a bit disputed, but as I'm using it as something of a wild frontier, I opted for Jackals). The Jackals operate around the southwest Mojave region, so I figured they have a means of moving between my mod area and the Mojave. So I will invent picrel, a cave tunnel that spits out near my starter town of Cima on one end, and near Morning Star Cavern in the Mojave. Populated by Jackals until you fight your way through it.
Shaped for shota cock
mod for what game? will there be estrogen
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>Shaped for shota cock
Sounds cool anon
Is this meant to be a romp where you just chew through enemies, or do you have other things planned?
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This guy looks familiar..
Yeah he looks like my Mexican coworker
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Tim Cain talks about if he'd work on Fallout again
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He's the hero king! Gazel Dwargo.. I knew I saw that face before
I have a large narrative planned, but it's also gameplay focused. I tend towards the rule of threes in all my game content (I am an avid tabletop GM), and I followed that here. The first "tier" is dealing with the prospectors fighting off jackals and doing things for and with them, then you encounter the tribals and learn about them, then you head into the dungeon at the center and learn some real deep mysteries and fun stuff. Within each of these you also have three primary characters that espouse different perspectives. I want to keep within the main themes of the game, of either letting go of the old world or clinging to tradition, while also bringing some fresh ideas.

I also want to focus on Hardcore gameplay features - particularly thirst and heat. This place will be hotter than the normal map, but you'll grow to master the landscape in that regard as you progress. The area will have huge Joshua tree forest, other Mojave flora, but a lot of new and exotic plants that are worth spending time seeking out and harvesting. Also new critters, as well as stuff like fire geckos and deathclaws, on top of the Jackals all over the place, and irradiated stuff in the northwest and northeast.
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He killed me with a minigun...
an worthy death, such a great weapon
>le isekaislop
I too consume it
nuh uh Ive played fallout 4 a lot
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>t. dog
I look like this and I say this
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>That Pip-Boy... maybe I'll tear it off your arm, wear it on my neck.
>That Pip-Boy... maybe I'll tear it off your arm, wear it on my neck.
>That Pip-Boy... maybe I'll tear it off your arm, wear it on my neck.
>the ride never ends
They should film parts of season 2 in the real life Goodsprings
they should film our wives taking BBC. Or yeah filming parts of season 2 in Goodsprings sounds cool too
>Week one of two isn't even over yet
If I can get the glowing robot mask, I can just stop doing this all together and not care.
Dumbass, the letter agencies are the exact people who would have sympathy for Cook-Cook.
Keep up the good work goyim. Eat that slop. Own it.
Why are pip-boys so rare you'd think everyone would've used them pre-war with how useful they are.
What kind of idiot is responsible for the op. The Midinight Ride is about installing mods, not making mods.
did you just blow in from ESL town?
modding guides are usually meant to help people learn how to mod their game. not teach people how to make mods
"modding" more often refers to installing, not making.
It’s the same reason with estrogen. Even though it helps sexless failed males get laid by turning them into cute girls, it just wasn’t popular enough
The tranny thinks his pills will make him into a girl and get him laid.
Okay, so Shady Sands is nuked, right? and some people think the show took the house ending, so I ask, Why would House nuke the NCR?
So whatever happened tot he frontier and its COD storyline?
Did it ever get fixed or is it still some nazi killer specops knock off?
the show states outright who nuked shady sands and its not house
My bad i ain't watched the show i need too but haven't
I think they just cut the majority of it, no? Americhud seems to be on vacation
the idea of turning Fallout into WolfenCOD is still the funniest fucking shit to me
I just wish the death claw sex encounter had a return even later of her coming in for child support, only to laugh and point out that doesnt work
But we cant have nice things with a death claw companion, cause as an enclave memever, they are a horrible fascist group
But if they had been slavers and sexists, thats okay
Quite a shame that there is no companions reactions to the Nipton event, I know the player is often supposed to bump there before rushing to Vegas and whatnot, but since you can easily skip/miss Nipton by not travelling on the road, it feels like a missed potential to me
From which mod is this perk
>Perks at lv 3
Isn't the solar power plant southwest of Primm a new addition to the solar network? I think it was made after FNV was released, so in the game there's only the place with ghouls and nothing else. Helios in the game is located in the same area as the real life solar plant on the other side of the mountains east of Nipton.
Okay im tired of all the gatekeepers bein mute bastards, anyone here know how to cut em out and get shit like the 6 pack nuka cola vaccinated and Davids trophy?
You know, it's weird how TES insects, specially Morrowind kwamas and Skyrim spiders look kinda cute.
While in Fallout, from the blocky textures in 3 to the goofy gobbers on 76, Insects always bother me a bit, dunno, if that's related to how "dirty" they look, or if they seem a bit more threatning and "poisonous" than what we see in the fantasy gaemos
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Yes! I can break down the whole autistic train of thought I had where I ended up at this result.

I saw this and was inspired to invent such a thing in New Vegas. I began searching the map for unused areas and began with the southwest corner. In researching the real life parallels of the area, I discovered Crescent Canyon doesn't exist - or rather, it's miles and miles to the northwest, and was transplanted here to act as a border for the game world (or more accurately, they just reused the name, probably someone that had been there before)

In discovering this I found the "town" of Ivanpah, modern times, which is barely a few shacks. Through its wiki page I also discovered the solar plant attributed to it. Why is it so much closer to Primm, an actual town, but attributed to Ivanpah? Because the original Ivanpah was a silver mining town up in those mountains, near the new solar station, from 1869-1880s.

Regardless, I discovered the solar station and thought it was fucking cool - go look at its pics on Google maps, it's dazzling. Then as I began to ponder how I would excuse the world border that exists in game with what correlates in real life, I realized I could invent HELIOS Three by putting it there and nuking it, and inventing this deformed landscape.
will you be able to dilate in your mod
Malding 4tard
I understand, I thought you literally found some data that there's another solar plant in the game. But you're inventing it for the mod. Makes sense there would be some lore to the Crescent Canyon, since it is such a fucked up location in the game. I'd maybe go with the crashed plane nearby, as it was carrying nukes but it crashed and the nukes just dropped on the place of the Crescent Canyon by accident, creating the radioactive hellhole.
>NV heavily modded
>5 dollar mcdonalds goyslop
yep it's game time
I love goyslop dude! I play 76 btw. What did you get from McDongs? ;)
This is my plan here:
Not really the focus of the concept,, more of a distraction if I'm being honest. I have some ideas on how to tie it in with my main storyline but it's ultimately not too important.
God Bless America
God Bless the Enclave
welcome back enclave sister! don’t forget to take your estrogen
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I'm so fucking lost...
No leads to where the water chip could be
Can't find a way to get the servo part to get myself a power armor
Sitting on some 15k caps without any use for it
Can't find any weaponry strong enough to kill deathclaws and super mutants
I dunno what to do
Take estrogen to git gud or cheat. why drives you to play classic fallout anyways? the story? the trannies?
I fully recognize it's goyslop but it tastes good and it's convenient. sue me.
I got their new 5 dollar meal deal.
and 76 is dogshit
He wouldn't have, and we know who nuked the NCR and it wasn't anyone with anything to do with NV,
It was Lucy's dad (Vault-tec) who did it because he was butt devestated that his wife left him for a lesbian indian.
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It's design is incompatible with the game's aesthetic, but I'm happy the Chinese Stealth Suit and it's Far Harbor counterpart are a thing. I would had prefered for the CSS to be in a place that makes more sense in NV and for the Marine Wetsuit to be available without having to join the Children of Atom, but now that I know how to place items in the game world it is no biggie.

I don't suppose you people know how to make mods.
>It's design is incompatible with the game's aesthetic
Not really
McChicken anon. relax, 76 is for trannies
that’s the reason for removing Shady Sands? that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. i could write better shit by wiping my ass using the shit-covered TP as a script. Nolan is a fucking hack compared to his brother Nolan
It was on sale and I never played it before..
It looks better with the skeletons of a city around the crater than just a glassed hole in the ground. That's literally the only reason why it "moved" which I think its more likely they built a ruined city around it that didn't exist more than it moved.
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No it doesn’t fit the game’s aesthetic, you dumbfuck summerfag. the sci-fi Gray Fox ninja chink shit isn’t even close to the atompunk aesthetic or the retrofuture 50s theme in general.
Holy fucking shit.
Cover this stupid nigger in pitch, burn him alive, and throw him off the Grand Canyon
do transgenders like the classic fallout games?
>Can fast travel out from home plate.
>Can not fast travel out from Railroad HQ.
poor chicken
The host on appalachia radio in 76 is an upbeat sweetheart.
76 also has an old timey radio play station.
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Fuck this.. I'm googling the answers. I've been running around all useless for hours
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>sci fi bird power armour is atompunk and retrofuture because... uh... it just is
that’s the fucking reason? you didn’t play it and it was cheap? you dont play for the story, gameplay, lore, universe?
are you gonna fuck a tranny prostitute because it was cheap and you didn’t try it before?
I don’t know what goes on in your fucking head of yours but I hope you figure it out
Golf clubbed
I dunno what tranners have to do with this.. and yes, I had sex with a tranner a couple times.
What's so wrong with just trying out vidya?
Bethesda games go for a retroish aesthetic but a great many players mod it to look modern tacticool instead. The CSS doesn't stand out if you're a tacticool modfag because you're used to it. But there's nothing in the retro or pump fiction aesthetics that could inspire or evolve into futuristic Snake Eyes.
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post waifus
fallout 2 is the expired ketchup stain of the franchise. you just can’t get rid of it but you still wear the shirt.
Fallout 3/4 borrowed its atmosphere from fallout 2 unfortunately. the goofy shit garbage is a cancer.
FNV borrowed Fallout 2s aesthetic. A huge mix of random shit + 50s retrofuture stuff. Chris Taylor weeps
basically, I’m a purist dilator. Fallout 1 gud. everything else bad
yes. I look like anime girl and I talk like an anime girl so treat me as such
China doesn't have the same aesthetic it's foreign you idiot
you’re a retard and you have to sneed
>noooo variety is... le bad!!!!!!!
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her body is constructed for child cock
the toaster is the best nv character
>still not fixed
It's over...
I've given up hope at this point.
Yes you can?
Have you ever tried to indulge an all-consuming urge to kill when you don't have opposable thumbs? Or hands? Or anything other than a bread slot? You'd have a lot of pent-up anger too!
rue the day when they had bread... and no way to toast it.
there should’ve been a robot in OWB called the Dilator
imagine giving the toast controll of skynet or Mr houses robot army
has Biv still not been fucking fixed?
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try talking to him to get him to say a line. then kind of walk around and hang out then initiate dialogue again. that starts the quest but it lags on even popping up.
Good job! Now keep reading.
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Well.. I already know what's going down next. Not because I like googled it or watched a vid.. it's because my Magic deck spoilered me.
I've been to the cathedral and they keep talking about the master so.. I kinda know where that fuck is and what he looks like.
Just gotta find a way to actually get to him. I assume he's hidden under the building or some shit.
we need Biden mods
The house always…. y-y you know…
Wait, I can kill him? Anon told me the game gives me a lose screen when the vault dies
at the end, there is a one second when you can vats him after dialogue
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The host on 76 is an annoying bitch. They should just give best girl Rose some music to play instead and let us murder the other stupid cunt.
rose is best girl
76 is goyslop tho
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76 IS goyslop, you can't fucking mod it for shit.
What is it with a select few faggots in this general hating anything that adds more than the absolute bare minimum.
Vanilla purists need to be exterminated.
NCR sisters… i think she took the tacticool aesthetic too far…
C-Can you at least use the G11 because it’s canon?
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Duuude.. the Moo just murdered this raider
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Sorry but I can't stop, Boston has turn into le hecking dookin epic Tarkov.
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I hate you now, congratulations. Go back to whatever weeb hole you crawled out of, troon.
kys frantranny, nobody wants to see your lesbo goth hags
cute boys do because those lesbo goth hags keep having sex with them. just saying
Why does Ui have a Yui bodypillow?
Why do u hate me?
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Yeah I accepted the Tacilarp pill, and I am not going back.
but how?
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Because you're a retarded zoomer that got filtered by one of the most straightforward CRPGs ever made. That's one thing, but bitching about the game itself because you have ADHD makes you a petrol-sniffing brain-damaged giga-faggot.
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but I'm not filtered.. I'm still playing it and having fun
76 easily.
>I dunno about fallout 2, haven't played it yet but I don't see how it could be worse than 1. Fallout 1 is horribly boring and tedious.
>but I'm not filtered.. I'm still playing it and having fun
I'm not sure if you're bipolar or just backpedaling.
76 is pigfeed tho
Well I stopped having fun cause I spent 3 hours wandering around aimlessly.. then I googled where the water chip is and now I'm no longer on a dumb timer that forces me to reload all the time.
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This asshole of a caravan actually ran into deathclaws.
Regardless of how we feel about tacticool I think we can all agree that 4's pipe weapons were a mistake.
Sounds like a skill issue m8
Be honest. You hate this fucking game. You’re just playing it to fit in. What’s worse than trying be a real woman is trying to be a real Fallout fan.
Well I never said I was good at these kind of games. Without a questlog I'm lost
we are talking about the radio here sweetie
Nah, I don't hate it.
enclave radio on fallout 3 is the best
76 has the best music with both stations
Yeah you do, you fake tranny fuck. You backpedaled on your previous opinion because you didn’t want prove that NMA fossil was right.
Kill yourself.
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Nigga just get one of those save file editors if you're really having this much trouble with a game that's particularly barebones, simple and normie-friendly compared to a lot of its peers from the same time period. It'll cheapen the experience but you're kind of an idiot so it might be necessary.
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The game just really has problems, u know. I've been standing here, fighting these 3 dudes for over 10 minutes. One of em ate like 20 stimpacks, Ian is bugged and doesn't help me and my attacks keep missing nonstop.
wokegenders run fallout
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this, but turn-based combat isn't exactly fast-paced.
There's also the possibility that you're not choosing your battles wisely, the game's not very forgiving towards murder hobos.
I'm doing just fine! I'm finishing quests and all that stuff. Stop bullying me. I'm trying my best.
10minutes of clicking my hammer symbol isn't very entertaining tho and there really is 0 strategy here.
theythem needs my dick
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What part of "Your character is not the fucking Dragonborn, you're just some normal dude and therefore can't take on 30 goons at once" are you not getting?
Nothing's working because your skills are too low. Accuracy heavily depends on whatever skill is relevant to the weapon you're using.
This whole conundrum is entirely your fault.
Samefagging isn't helping your case.
And even if you really are some completely different person, schizoposting and strawmanning really isn't doing him any favors.
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>Samefagging isn't helping your case. And even if you really are some completely different person, schizoposting and strawmanning really isn't doing him any favors.
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For a shit poster, that's actually quite an accurate post.
When I play and post Fallout4 stuff, nobody really cares. They just scroll by.. but when it's Fallout 1 and I say anything I get shit. I wonder if that's how the 76 players feel. They also get constant shit.
get drafted gen alpha anon
fallout 1 is the bible. It’s the foundation of everything you see here. you can’t complain or criticize it.
fallout 4 is goon material. it’s made for franzposting.
fallout 76 is actual slop. seasons, atoms, fallout 1st.
That isn’t Fallout. 76 cucks deserve what’s coming to them
If I had a nickel for every time nobody shits on Fallout 4 in this thread I've have zero nickels. Don't bother with this shit, just take the L and move on.
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They should be lucky I'm wearing power armor. I'm tanking EVERYTHING
At least you're learning. Random encounter NPCs are way easier to kill than static location-specific NPCs. Also killing them won't get an entire town to fuck you up.
>normie buys a paid mod
>mod has a companion
>companion has an idle dialogue that says "trans rights" over and over and it's not advertised
yeah nah ima stick with fallout 4 and Skyrim forever.
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Anyone know if I can convince Ian to wear the combat armor I gave him? He uses the 14mm pistol I gave him but he takes way too much dmg
I'd honestly prefer a new Fallout made exclusively by several clones of Emil than a Fallout made by Obsidian. Even if it was "good" Obsidian, because I'm physically repulsed by New Vegas.
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This is accurate to the comics though. You know that they'd have had a much larger Vegas with skyscrapers if time and the engine allowed it.
Nope. Companion gear customization was first added to the series in the second game. Sorry Charlie.
i too take estrogen
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Shut the fuck up and hand over your laser musket, Minutejew.
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>download FallUI
>no .esp in the archive
>installation article talks about the load order
Huh? How am I supposed to hook it up manually?
stop spoiling the 2nd season of the TV show bro
>FO3 green UI
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Jesus.. these 3 deathclaws cost me like 9 stimpacks and 25 energy cells
Deathclaws are no joke in the OG games. They will fuck your shit up.
Well.. I'd say the ones in F4 are more dangerous. For a single deathclaw there I usually need some sort of minigun, heavy weapons bullshit or 10 magazines of whatever other gun. Here, I demolished 3 of them with a ripper.
Can anyone on Xbox help me and a friend finish the main quest. We just need to be on a team with someone who launches a nuke.
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What the fuck... they are back already
For fallout 76 btw. I should have said that.
Go after the Matriarch. The Gun Runners will give you a job for that.
76 is pigfeed tho
Bb please I need help
But where is that one supposed to be? All I see is normal deathclaws
yeah. god why do trannies have to always make shit about themselves
Shit, sorry. :V
>getting uppity over UI color despite every other game in the series using a green UI color instead of NV's yellow
Please stop breathing.
Look for stairs.
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This is he best mod for NV and it's not close
>normie buys a paid mod
You keep him restrained, I'll grab the noose and the cheese grater.
>implying Fallout 4 is poz-free
thuggysmurf would like a word with you
Hm.. I can't find any and the deathclaws are making me eat way too many stimpacks. I think I'll come back to those later. I've gotta farm exp or something.
it got a line about trump losing the election too
Playing new Vegas at 3 am after a 2 hour long melty!
Who are you even talking about?
I thought he was an alt rightie
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Okay guys, please tell me some MUST USE mods for 4 that AREN'T generic bugfixes etc or things already included in TMR.

I'm talking stuff on the level of Precision for Skyrim or 360 Movement for NV. Big game changers that integrate well.

Is that Autumn Leaves?
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>Is that Autumn Leaves?
lol project 2025. trannies are delusional
Should he be worried?
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>I'm trans, queer, and disabled
Talk about triple trouble. These people don't understand how rights work, though. Your rights are natural and god given. If the government says you don't have them, ignore the government. Your rights supersede the laws of man.
Hm, I never played it. But I suppose it can go onto a list for when I'm done with 4 and inevitably want to play NV again.
>If the government says you don't have them, ignore the government. Your rights supersede the laws of man.
>proceeds to go to jail and your cellmate is Skittles
Use this when you do https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/87374
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>you critically missed and dropped your weapon
>oh btw we made it impossible to zoom or pan the camera and your enemy has a huge hitbox so u can't pick it back up
This is why I hate old games
Old games don’t like you either, trannoid
...how? that's just pure mental illness lol
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Yes, I had seen that while looking at other mods. I used a couple of that guys other stuff too, and think I played his version of another quest mod.

I'm going to miss this game I feel, it's so moody.

What game? Cute btw.
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I'm 100% sure items get a yellow outline when your mouse hovers over them and I'm 60% sure it's also the case in combat. Even so, right clicking is your friend.
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Right clic.. you go try and find my tiny ripper below this HUGE FUCKING ASSHOLE...
I'm playing fallout 1
You're fucking a huge asshole with your tiny ripper? Ew.
Also just reload a save bro. That's not some hidden boomer guru wisdom, that's basic out-of-the-box thinking. Load a save from before you dropped your weapon.
>but that's so dumb-
It really isn't.
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Oh, I like one I'm just not very good at 1 or 2!

Cool power armour Anone.
Liking /ss/ is one thing, but lolifags are disgusting.
so much anime posts
Rude, she plays for both teams.
Toned for tykes
I do. Now what? Infact people should post their characters more often in general.
Oh wow, I'm not normally into the fash aesthetic but that Enclave beret and fit looks great and so does she, do you have a mod link?
if your character didn’t look like an ugly dyke, she would be built for shota cock. my condolences
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I'm not very good at it either.. but I killed all the niggerclaws and only ate 20 stimpakcs doing so.
That's a cute loli
>I'm not normally into the fash aesthetic
The fact that you couldn't just say "this looks cool" instead of feeling the obligation to give us a pre-emptive caveat stating you're not a thought criminal is really giving me the temptation to tell you to go back.
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I finished Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 3.
What now? Should I do Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road? Should I move onto Fallout 4 and waste 90+ GB on Toddslop, or what?
At this point you should play 4 just to say you did it. If you like it, cool. If not, tell us why.
Yes, but 90+ GB. Even RDR2 isn't much bigger.
Free men don't ask for permission.
My game is fucking falling apart since I started LR again. At first it was just weird bugs in general, now I can't swing a melee weapon without it locking me into the swing animation permanently, and killing these guys with bullets was giving the meltdown effect when I don't even have that perk!


No it was just me saying I don't normally go for the all black on black military equipment look, you're thinking on it too hard faggot. Now tell me the mod.
im surprised you didn’t do all the DLCs before finishing FNV. since you’re already blazing through so much Fallout content, might as well finish HH & LR before going to Fallout 4.
wouldn’t waste my kilos uh I mean pounds on Fallout 4 or games if you ask me
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Forgot my pic of the Melted Men.

Also what duster do you guys think is best? NCR seems strongest to me playing with mods that gimp carry weight. But I do like Ulysses crit chance.
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i am once again asking you to post waifus
You can just uninstall it if you don't like it, Einstein.
you’re not really free when you have to face real power. your sovereign citizen bullshit act ain’t gonna work when a cop pulls you over
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Why are you cutting off the face
I'm not the same guy, I just felt the need to call you a reddit-coded gayboy advance.
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That's pretty Reddit of you Nonny.
Nigga get the fuck out of here with your spanish inquisition ass smdh bad-faith arguing nerd
i need to see bouncing up and down a bbc
the king of poisoned caltrops
I wonder how many five year olds Franz can take in a fight
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Reddit reply.
Karl Franz?
as many as he needs for the sake of the Empire
is the breast size of female characters in fo3 larger than fo4 i think it is
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I think that's it for me. Unless there is a mod to remove radiation from the game, I'm fucking done. This is.. it's just not fun anymore. I'm having a blast exploring this huge facility and solving puzzles and suddenly the game is like.. NO NO FUN ALLOWED, FUCK U, U DIE NOW.. Well guess what, game. The uninstall button is easier to hit than to deal with your bullshit cheating.
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Everyone knows a suite of power armor gives rad resistance like crazy and I even chugged rad x ontop just to be sure but NOOOO.. apparently I have to die now.
Fucking trash.
phil turd
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cant believe i just now realized Greygarden has a section of highway you an build on high up
>build a walkway up
>settler just chilling there along with a sofa
What mods can you install to give female characters (player character and NPCs) bigger breasts?
It's impossible.
The Glow is ridiculously radioactive for some reason, despite 81 years having passed since WW3, so you need the protection of 2 simultaneous doses of Rad-X to survive it. Also, Rad-X wears off after a while, so you should carry as much as possible.
Why? Because of the recent update breaking many mods?
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I love Cait
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Thanks, anon but I've gone back to the classic. I am so fed up with all the nonsense. I need myself some real fallout now
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yeah that's great and all, but I love Curie.
No, because mods are bad.
why did you turn into a shitposter, anon? You used to be genuine
I love nothing
You will never be a real woman. Enjoy your loot shooter.
I love you.
Why do you believe I'm shitposting? Is it because you don't like Fallout4?
don’t know why you do. she’s a used up chem whore. your Nate’s small white clitty can never satisfy her like those hung black raiders
I love fagfag
Thinking about giving Fallout 1 and 2 another go.
How hard are the games actually if you don't have 9 or 10 agility?
No, I believe you like Fallout 4. But you have to know its completely absurd to disregard one of the og games over a slight issue with a specific area and say "going back to real fallout now"
GOOD MORNINGS SIRS! based and currypilled
get filtered faggot
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Remnant 2 is a fun Fallout game
Fuck off idiot.
does anyone have a link to a good guide on using the console to move settlement objects precisely in fo4?
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Anon, I've spent HOURS tackling that fucking bunker. I've spent some 10k caps on rad resistance and rad away and whatnot.. I got th geiger counter, I got everything to be prepared but the game just stopped mentioning that I got rad poisoning. It just didn't notify me anymore so I thought I was safe and I clicked the geiger counter at random and.. 1.3k..
It's not that I'm not trying, it's that the game refuses to tell me anything. And let's not even get into all the fucking bugs.. It's just tiresome. It's really hard to like.
>Implying Nate The Rake isn't hung like a horse
>all the fucking bugs
Genuinely like what? I've played through the game several times without encountering a single bug outside of animations, which don't matter anyways for the style of games that the original games were.
>souls faggotry but linear corridors
this retard wouldn’t survive the Temple of Triald. lil zoom zooms can’t handle kino. everything must be easy for them.
easy=good. hard=bad. what a sad pathetic mindset, you have
Marie Curie was Polish.
I've been thrown through a wall by a deathclaw which locked combat
Ian constantly refuses to fight
Ian disappeared several times which forced me to reload
barteting is completely broken. I once took an 8k inventory off a trader for free, no counter, he just accepted. Other times I'm forced to pay up to 5k extra for him to accept
rad warnings aren't showing up for me anymore
The screen constantly turns black and only my mouse movements clear it sort of like an eraser in paint
The game sometimes just stops existing in the task bar and task manager but steam says it's playing and sounds are playing
People randomly turn into "I don't speak with retards" as in my int would be too low, even tho it isn't and I've been speaking with them before
I could keep going on and on and on...
>Experienced but very good karma Fallout protagonist babysits intelligent, but naive NPC
Sounds like a film plot.
>The screen constantly turns black and only my mouse movements clear it sort of like an eraser in paint
This is the only bug that I had. For me, it only happened when alt-tabbing.
Leave Caitfag alone. I will not warn you again.
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this game is so freakin' cool bros...
That faggot is wasting .50
>NCR makes everyone pay taxes
not my problem :^ )
calling everyone faggots and trannies isn't effective, y'all pajeets now lmao
I don't speak with retards
Looks like we're runnin' Primm, now...!
No, Remnant 1 or 2 is not a fucking fallout game and he is retarded for saying so, even as a joke.
>No, Remnant 1 or 2 is not a fucking fallout game
it's more canon than fallout 3 and 4
Absolute retard.
Is titans of the new west completely done?
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I wish there was a Miku mod
>hit level 287 or whatever it is for all perks without ever leaving Santurary
>finally leave to fuck around
>have like 28 settlers
>do some Nuka World, gather all the companions, etc.
>check Santuary on map
>55 settlers somehow
Is this a known bug? Thats way the fuck over the cap. Cant say im disappointed but Im worried that going back will crash my shit
>spend 400hrs killing roaches in sanctuary
Did u watch too much southpark?
It's not a vanilla bug it must be a mod issue, there's no way 50+ settlers would turn up in a settlement unless your charisma was at 50.
Fallout 4 is fantastic crafting, settlement wise and the environments and combat are pretty good. Personally I like a modified survival with 1x incoming damage, 2x outgoing or so. Makes it more hardcore mode, tit for tat instead of just bullet sponges later on

Story is kinda meh but I really like the minutemen and brotherhood in this game. Enclave mod is fun too and apparently was his first one
Fallout 76 mogs fallout 4 in all of those categories if we're being honest
Including story which is outrageous considering online games generally have the worst stories possible
Fallout 76 is for fat fuckups
76 is close to 50% female playerbase
the single player bethesda games are full of actual fat incels who play them simply for the sex mods
Those are trannies, idiot
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76 is an MMO you do raids with bullet sponge bosses and checklists
>max 24 players per server
i plan to release it eventually.
Mayor of Nipton says he got offered 8k caps from Vulpes
Did he get it?
And is it in Nipton somewhere?
In both New Vegas and 4, my favorite companions are from the BoS. Wonder why that is, I don't especially like the BoS or anything
anon... mayor got burned on pile of rubber tires by Vulpes and his merry gang
why would they pay him anything
>76 is close to 50% female playerbase
I've noticed this too. Idk if it's this high but most youtube channels about it are females it seems and the comments are always filled profiles that have female avatars. I've only seen this happen in The Sims videos.
The other day I was wondering how much trouble I would be in if I put my country's politicians in Fallout 4 and circulated a clip where they all get shot. I am probably already on watchlists with the things I say online.
I thought maybe they would pay him and then roll into town and kill everyone. Would be cool if some of it was in town somewhere or you could create a rumour about the Nipton Treasure.
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I picked a 4th tag skill as explosives wish I had picked survival now.
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Where/when do I get caravan deck?
is there a better interactive map than this one? It's been wrong on some magazines that I found.
Sounds like you are a secret Brotherhood lover.
that's pretty gay anon
8000 caps is a lot of money they would never pay that much for a simple ambush against NCR guys
what's Caesar's fursona?
balding eagle?
>Tesla cannon quest is about the gunners bullying a gamer and him finding a tesla cannon and killing them all
Don't fuck with gamers
A bull, no doubt
anyone else rush to finding Shaun because it makes more sense to do random wandering after that
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Trying out some mashups. These came out kinda satisfactory. I want to also make an industrial armor using the hazmat base mesh and raider armor bits, and to spice up the marine wetsuit.

I want to start importing my own 3D models into the game as objects and as wearable armor. Do you have any tutorials that you would suggest? I get lost early when people start messing with nodes and stuff on nifskope.
His terminal entries make it sound like he was waiting a while for you to show up
Yeah that makes most sense in my head.
>rush to finding Sean
>either kill or join
>head back out to the Commonwealth to become the master of it/gun for hire/explorer-treasure hunter/whore-master
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I found some parts at the Lone Wolf Radio Shack and fixed up this little bugger. He's like Strong in that he kills everyone for me. Unlike Strong I get xp if he does.
Also I keep forgetting that I can fast travel with survival in this game.
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yup, time for another run of fallout 3
>download EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced
>play for almost all the game no problems
>enclave officer crashes the game if he shoots me in the head with a plasma pistol
what the fuck
he is to powerful...
you got melted
Jesus fallout 3 is an absolute crashfest, started up a playthrough (vanilla) for the first time in a while and I don't think I've had a less stable experience in any other Bethesda game
It's not really a big deal since it's maybe once every 2 hours and I save every 3 seconds anyway but how do you make your game so shitty
>maybe once every 2 hours and I save every 3 seconds
works on my machine
>full long sleeves on combat armor
Nice. Which mod?
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The mod is meh.
The good things about it are new textures and meshes for some of the weapons. Also impact marks. Everything else is bad, including on-death effects.
a fine example of living rent free in someone's head
>follow braun's requests
>everyone is dead
>big karma loss

>disobey braun, activate failsafe
>everyone is dead
>big karma gain

The difference is you're not doing psycho torture shit you're just putting them out of their misery
Just play Fallout 3 with TTW
>Donald Trump losing
oof that one's poorly aged.
You sure you enabled multi-threading? Because if not, it will freeze/crash every 15 minutes. Also, playing vanilla F3 on steam - just 3-5 crashes in about 40 hours of play or more.
>in the shadow of the tranny..
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Gorillas need a bigger space than this desu
why were they making synth gorillas again
Harambe left the world too soon
hey lads, I'm trying to do For Synth whatever, Arcade's companion quest, and was wondering how exactly to trigger this shit.
I get the thing about taking him to specific places, but it says in the wiki that you need two points and some story progress, or also five points if you do NCR or something. I dont get it.
Is there a way to trigger it before committing to a faction's ending?
because Emil likes gorillas okay?! And he thought it was funny for synth gorillas to be teleported to the airport to fight the Brotherhood
Real answer - just to see if they can. That's kind of a theme for the entirety of the Institute: they are so self-absorbed and deluded that their scientific pursuits have devolved into an incomprehensible mess made just for the sake of making it.
The wikia tells you when you are able to trigger it. I’m reading it rn. Try reading it again ESL
Yeah, you gotta disconnect Mr. House, I get that.
What I'm asking if it's there's a way to do it earlier.
There’s console commands but I don’t recommend that. Why do you want complete it so early
do you take estrogen
Works on mine. I never had those problems. Sounds like a (You) problem. Perhaps git gud?
I just made a new character and have yet to decide which group to side with. Also, I tend to do everything else before the main quest so the power armor training would be nice to have since both NCR and Mr House have you nuke the BoS
I guess I'm voting this time.
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>3 charisma
the fuck? Can anyone explain Benny's stats?
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what in the Kentucky fried fuck did todd tried to do to my beloved NCR? was he trying to retcon the entirety of new vegas and backed off after autismo rage?
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Been playing TTW for the first time, absolutely loving it.

Can anyone recommend a good TTW compatible companion mod that makes it so I can have multiple followers and that they'd be essential? Or does TTW do that already?
combination of Bethesda not giving a toss and Amazon's history of meddling with established settings and their story
perfect match
You can go in the BoS bunker as soon as you get Veronica and do the quests to get power armor training
This. I’m not surprised about any of this. It’s all just simply tiresome
Why were they making jet engines no need for it we got planes already.
Why were they splitting atoms what a bunch of hooey.
Why bother drawing maps of new places our land is fine.
Why are you retarded?
A synth gorilla has no use whatsoever, they even got aggressive and destroyed synths which is why they're locked in that little habitat to begin with.
>Is there a way to trigger it before committing to a faction's ending?
to get the training and armor you have to finalize siding with one Faction or the other. You should just go do the Brotherhood quest, it's the only other way and much quicker. You could also download a mod like this which allows you to begin the game with PA training: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82319
estrogen has no use whatsoever either, estrogen even got failed males destroyed which is why they’re killing themselves to begin with. but, science prevails!
what the fuck does estrogen have to do with fallout let alone synth gorillas
Stop posting this crap and get help you retarded fuck
simply put, the Institute practices science for the sake of science and they don’t give a shit about anything else. how Father views the surface world explains this.
The Institute has no clear goal because Father or anyone in the Institute never explains their main goal.
The Institute's goal is to get their reactor running and destroy their enemies. The Brotherhood and Railroad don't explain any long term plans either.
>brains a fiend fag
not wasted
>Kazopert confirmed 3.3.3 is going to be the last TTW update
It's over.
Caitfag please beat up weebanon
>The Brotherhood and Railroad don't explain any long term plans either.
I’m talking about a clear main goal that makes sense, you fucking retard. Did you not play the game? Danse explains to you when you first meet him that they’re basically the technology police. Desdemona tells you their main goal as well when you first meet her. To free synths. Both are clear main goals.
>The Institute's goal is to get their reactor running and destroy their enemies
Phase 3 is something that Advanced Systems was working on. That’s one branch of the Institute. Not the entire Institute. And every faction has no choice but to destroy their enemies. None of that is a clear main goal, you fucking retard
Good, people can stop pretending FO3 is worth playing and go back to focusing on NV.
I think I'm in love.
Has to be a tranny, no real girls like fallout
no, the showrunners wanted to destroy specifically Shady Sands (not destroy the entire NCR, Todd specified they never planned any of that, nor did they ever try to ‘retcon’ new Vegas, that’s all fan autism although the chalkboard was poor storytelling) the bomb(?) that destroyed Shady was after FNV happened. He has made it pretty evident the NCR will make a comeback and it seems even more likely after fan backlash.
A vanilla purist has no use whatsoever, they even get aggressive and destroy conversations which is why they're publicly mocked like animals to begin with.
They already achieved their goal they spent decades on of making the gen 3 synths, you fucking retard
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So you admit they have no clear main goal? What a stupid fucking nigger you are
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So what shall it be? Do you join Sid's toys, or do you die here?
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Is this still garbage? It looks like an empty, worse performing version of 4. Is there ANY fun to be had with base building?
76 is goyslop. if you like goyslop, it’s fun
Pushing the boundaries of science is their goal
still better than 4
No, I'll just become a crack-pot theory of being a secret boss in an indie RPG made by a guy who has a dog persona.
If you go in expecting to find garbage you will find garbage, this applies to everything.
>Quest failed: Aba Daba Honeymoon
Fuck the Khans for making me keep the Fiends of all people alive before doing their stupid quest
Being subhuman garbage is just part of Fiend culture, you have to be more tolerant, like Khans.
It's literally just Fallout 4 but better.
>It's literally just Fallout 4 but better without mods
How is tolerance for them even possible when I in fact do NOT like the sight of my own blood?
name a game changing fallout 4 mod that makes it worth playing
hard mode: not coom related
Thank you anon!
Has more content than the modded 4. And none of it is skimpy clothing or CoD weapon/asset ripoff.
People glazing 76 while saying 4 is shit and vice versa gives the same vibes as people who insist DS2 is dogshit while jorking it hard to all the other games.

They're basically the same fucking games.
I've never seen this happen
What the fuck is trigger discipline?
>soulslop out of nowhere
bethesda knows a lot about guns, please understand
you don't consider God as an active combatant?
ayo fodderizes fr fr no cap clears solo dogwater!
icl my skibidi the zoomers have some good words fr
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>Why are these super scientists synthesizing other members of the great ape family now that they have almost perfected one of the great apes?
Truly a mystery lol
See you in the next thread where you will be asking these questions again due to your 30 IQ memory.
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I picked Night Person in NV because I loved that in FO4 but running around the Mojave at night it's just too dark for me lol.
Also I went with Doc Mitchell's advice and picked sneak, lockpick and unarmed but now I wish I had picked different. I don't even know what I was thinking. From an RP point of view what even is a sneak, lockpick and unarmed specialist? A burglar that snaps people's necks after robbing their house?

Is there anywhere I can respecc?
>that article
Ayy Harambe.
Mr. Sandman build. You had the right idea with taking Night Person to capitalize on that, but if you're feeling bad about how you're playing, that's because there are so many limited opportunities to take advantage of Mr. Sandman, especially since not every NPC goes to sleep. If creatures could sleep, and if there were enough beds in certain world cells so human NPCs would fall asleep, then maybe you'd have something better going for you.

The only way to change things is by a one-time opportunity at the Sink's auto-doc after giving it the necessary software, OR enabling StewieTweaks' cheats to change your skills values on level-up, OR using console commands to forceav.
"glazing over" has been a normal phrase since way before your parents were in diapers.
What's with this particular thread's increase in the number of retards shitting this place up with garbage that isn't even based in reality?
>I picked Night Person
Useless perk the riot armor helmet from lonesome road has built in night vision by crouching
Makes me wonder why anti car people don't puncture wheels more often. In a suburb you could pop the wheels of a hundred cars in a night, more in a group.
Oh my.
>do evil action at behest of evil person
>achieve evil reward
>do good action against wishes of evil action
>achieve good reward
woooooooow dude
>targeting random people instead of focusing on the collective of higher-ups perpetuating the issue in the first place
I see you missed the entire point of the image, virgin-kun.
What should have happened if you said no to Fisto https://youtu.be/9q_rYCEUYfM?t=177
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Recenly i noticed that Danse resembles him a bit.
bro is deadass pretending like glazing isn't a zoomer term by fr searching up the (cap) history of the word
bruh im dead asl :skull:
Yeah I'm getting shot to shit and taking limb damage in every encounter. There aint enough doctor bags in the world to fix what is going on here. It might be mods that's making me take limb damage so easy I'm not sure.
Tempted to try this out or either start again. I bet the auto-doc you are talking about is really far into the game.
How do you dorks fail a fasnacht event. That's set back 1 of my 6 accounts now
I just turn up and afk sorry
It's up to you to do the event for me
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Oah, screw off
I don't have any candy for you, kids
Screw off, I ain't got no candy
Y'all need to screw off now
S-go, go, get out of here
Damn kids. Always trying to get my goo goo beans
You automatically get a perk after breaking your limbs enough times that makes them significantly harder to break. Also the auto-doc he mentioned only lets you change your two traits, iirc. What is your SPECIAL? Your tagged skills will hardly matter in a few levels if your SPECIAL isn't trash
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It's mister molerat, chowin' down
Mister molerat, in the town
Look at him, here it comes
He likes to chew on balls and gums
Mister molerat, I'm gonna kill you, gonna chop you up and put you in my stew (even though I can't take meat 'cause I'm an idiot)
S - 7
P - 5
E - 1
C - 4
I - 8
A - 7
L - 8

I was sort of meta-gaming because I took a guess that Luck would help if gambling.

Meat tiers
God tier - Human, Mirelurk
S tier - Bloodbug god dam thats good eatin

power gap

A tier - dog meat, cat meat, molerat

power gap

B tier - deathclaw, brahmin

eternal power gap

D tier - bloatfly, yao guai, irradiated pre-war foods, ghoul, mutant hound
>Why do I hurt?
>>1 EN
This isn't too bad. This info is obfuscated in character creation, so look at your discretion, but END directly corresponds to the amount of SPECIAL implants you can get when you close in on Vegas. If you find where to get your singular implant, take the PER one, since the perk Better Criticals synergizes with your stealth build. Also just so you know, CHA does virtually nothing in this game.
I don't think you necessarily need a respec, but you're obviously squishy for a reason lol
>go directly to New Vegas after taking Back in the Saddle off my quest log
>loot the dead NCR ranger near Black Mountain
>ride the monorail to the Strip
>sell my stuff to Mr. Holdout
>will all the money off of the casinos
>buy my implants from the New Vegas clinic
>get the reinforced Mk. II combat armor from Vendortron
>buy whatever weapons I want from it, Mick, and the Van Graffs
>still level 3
>realize that I've defeated the purpose of playing the game
>lose all motivation to continue
You know... Maybe FNV -is- the worse game between it and FO3, since FO3 wouldn't let me break the game like this...
>Also just so you know, CHA does virtually nothing in this game.
Ah goddamit. I take it it's the Speech skill that is important?
I thought I would hate this game after playing 4 but I'm loving it. Even the most minor of characters ooze personality. I just reached Boulder City and turned it off for the day.
The whodunnit for Boone was interesting. I was certain it was Vargas but found out the truth. Really took me by surprise.
I prefer this approach to how the Bethesda games breadcrumb you with level scaling. Just have some self control and actually RP bro
in new vegas CHA doesn't do much beyond giving some boost to speech and some DMG/DMG resistance to companions (they don't really need it)
in tale of two wastelands charisma helps a lot of more for persuasion attempts in capital wasteland
>I take it it's the Speech skill that is important?
Yeah. I think there's one (1) charisma check in this entire game
Both of these players never used a 10 CHA Boone/Raul/Cass buddy set to aggressive that one-shots everyone and everything, including deathclaws. Sad! It makes me wish they actually played the game instead of getting their info from youtube personalities...
>Boone the Baboon
>Miss "where have all the good men gone"?
ED-E is the only companion I will ever need
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Is it worth getting the full version of America Rising 2 or should I just get the version with the gear so I can have the sexy beret and black X-01?

I would probably play the questline if I did, so has anyone done that?
The game is already really easy. Why do you want it to be easier?
They already do that with 1 CHA. Also companion nerve doesn't actually even work in an unmodded game; CHA does LITERALLY nothing but provide shitty perks and bolster your speech/barter a bit
Animal Fwiend is NOT a shitty perk!!
It makes OWB like 10% easier I guess :^)
>Try to watch streams of this game
>Every single stream is in the same group or on the same server
It may aswell be Fallout 4.1 it's so dead.
when I had to enter that den of night stalkers forred Lucy and they were all friendly, that perk paid off. also molerats are cute when friendly
Fuck fas, I'm outie
i recently played through it a couple weeks back and it was a lot of fun and had good progression. it certainly blows the fuck out of the main FO4 story
If you could add a thing you really want to a massive realistic children mod to New Vegas, what would you want in it?
yup this is 4chan
>From an RP point of view what even is a sneak, lockpick and unarmed specialist?
probably a "roll of pennies" mobster type who snakes his way into secure places with non-weapon weapons (read: dog tag fists) to demonstrate that we don't need lead pipes and chicago typewriters to beat your ass

you get a full respec + rename + rebuild opportunity after leaving Goodsprings' "zone" but after that you have to work with what you've got
what are you selling
Where is this picture of?
looks like puhrump to me
who cares? he always gives you the chance to readjust your skills at the end
it's just like, his opinion dude.
tell him you have sexual feelings regarding nuclear bombs
I care because it means, in real life, I'm just some unga-bunga with no brain even though I've been told my entire life that I'm a fat short piece of shit (I'm only 5'10") and my brains are all I'm good for. What if I'm actually stupid IRL? What if I'm fat, short, and stupid, huh??
What kind of progression? Also, do you need america rising 1 to play 2? And does it have settlement shenanigans? While some find it annoying, I kinda like it when there is a neat worldspace to work on
you’re not 6ft tall? Failed male. Take estrogen.
i thought the world male average is 5 6 or whatever you talk it is in america shit metric
>Teddy Roosevelt, considered one of the manliest men to have ever exist, was a failed male
Lanklet cope.
What about those parasitic worms from Nuka World
Just finished setting up Fallout 4, but I can't turn my head in the character creation menu.

I fucking hate modding?
The incel movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the average male's self-esteem.
Incel movement implies that people choose this.
By the very nature of the term "Involuntary Celibate" it is not a choice. Women give men this label and are reinforced by society to do so. Their rage comes from the fact that there isn't anything they can do with this label. Women are told they are beautiful no matter what shape or state they are in, men do not get the same treatment, if a man is overweight, he has no value, if a woman is overweight she is still a "queen."
It's a double standard, and one that is socially acceptable.
Weight is something that can be controlled, height, is not. Women who put it out there they won't date a man under a certain height should be called out an publicly shamed.
As should any man who would say a woman who is too tall is unattractive.

TL:DR The "incel" movement is not a movement, is a side-effect of feminist double standards.
ok incel
normie sex is lame. love is boring normie shit. can we talk about Fallout
Skill issue
>considered one of the manliest men to have ever exist
wtf does this even mean lmao
It means he was unequivocally a chad.
Honestly, I don’t buy into the alpha male beta sigma podcaster retarded shit. But, you’re a dumb nigger since you don’t have a basic understanding of what he’s trying to say
Good mods to make everyone into impossibly voluptuous women with exaggerated jiggle physics but also not have them all dressed like skanks or even showing cleavage actually?
>if you dont except my hyperbolized absolutes for intangible quantifiers then youre an idiot
okay buddy i think it's past your nap time
Dude, he’s typing in basic English and you barely understand what he’s trying to say. Go eat bugs and play with dirt, you dumb ESL monkey nigger
That's a lot of cope for being flummoxed by what "manliest man" means.
Could actually look the words up in the dictionary.
New vegas bros are eating well as usual
I accept your concession
Did they make power armor too good in 4? The best armor set, marine armor, gives you less than 200 DR and ER without a ballistic weave under armor. X-01 gives you 1800 DR and 1400 ER.
das cool but I’m a vanilla purist that eats bread crumbs off the floor so no thank you
it's just a meaningless phrase. how is the "manliness" being measured? you're a manlet who got upset at a joke and brought up a random guy for no reason to try and cope
Yo ESL retard. That other anon isn’t talking about the measure of manliness. He’s saying you’re coping about the fact that you lack basic English comprehension then mocking your intelligence by sarcastically saying you could just look up the words you were confused by in a dictionary
>How is manliness being measured
By the definition, of which you clearly don't understand.
>Strawman ad hom
And you have the gall to suggest anyone else is vexed in this situation.
Are you a bot or something?
It's been hours since I first pointed out how many people in the thread today can't into basic conversation but it's only gotten worse since then.
inb4 he replies with an unrelated buzzword or calls be an ESL because "can't into" isn't in his databanks.
VIVAAAA Wokegenders!
Yo ESL retard, the words form a meaningless phrase, that's the point of my post
no definition is given. nice strawman cope and projection
bot mass reply
>probably a "roll of pennies" mobster type who snakes his way into secure places with non-weapon weapons (read: dog tag fists) to demonstrate that we don't need lead pipes and chicago typewriters to beat your ass
Yeah I like that. I want my courier to be an ex New Reno pimp who got drummed out of the game by the organised families and went to work for the Mojave Express to make some ends meet. What you're saying fits nicely to that gangland archetype.
sometimes i feel like someone is using a bot in this thread. but, you gotta remember there are people out there that are actually THAT retarded. It’s not even funny that we’re forced to breathe the same air as them
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>He's still coping because he doesn't understand what terms mean or the definitions of words.
PA has durability and needs batteries. It's the game's "money sink" (by Bethesda standards- I'm not saying it would ever slow you down significantly in your quest to become the ultimate murder hobo of the region)
If it's between a cretin or a bot I'll take cretin every time.
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>accuses someone of projection
>uses deflection in the very next sentence
The shitposter cries out like a sissy-boy as he strikes you.
Since you are clearly both lazy and incompetent.
>Yo ESL retard, the words form a meaningless phrase, that's the point of my post
I can tell you’re an ESL dumb monkey nigger because you like copying me. Monkey see, monkey do.
Anyways, the words don’t form a meaningless phrase because everyone in this thread understands it except low iq ESL nigs (You)
alright mexicans kiss and make up
don't forget to make a thread while I am gone
im latinx btw
trans too if that matters
I'm also a wokegender, don't know if it matters tho
>manlet still coping over his misuse of words and being dunked on by a normal male
i accept your concession lmao
>Misuse of words
How would you know when you don't understand them?
Can we talk about Fallout sirs
Fiends aren't worth .50. It would be like nuking an ant.
Does salt exist post-war
Considering its a naturally forming thing, yeah, no reason it shouldn't.
Worldbuilding in Fallout doesn't get much attention. Shit just exists, or doesn't, when plots need it to.
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don’t care, chud. the entire NCR bankrolls him and therefore approves of a .50 cal being to kill a murder hobo
See >>484159975
The answer to "does [thing] exist in Fallout?" is based on whether the quest writer thinks it will be more dramatic for [thing] to exist or not
uhm, Ede just died what teh fuck I thought he was a companion
Are you playing on hardcore mode? Companions can die on hardcore mode.
Are you taking estrogen? Companions can die if you’re not on estrogen.
whew lad I need to reload a save
what a way to find out
I'm trying to make my way to Brock Cave to get a rifle some anon in here pointed me to are Legionnaires hostile or is he attacking them?
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>generate LOD for the first time ever, fallout 4, using midnight ride guide
>it works
>make like a tree mod im using doesnt show up in the lod

uh im sorry what
are you a wokegender? companions can die if you're a wokegender
im latinx and i jerk off to femboy sissy porn
im trans btw
false, bigly false
Legionnaires shouldn't be hostile, and I don't think ED-E would attack Legionnaires, since that's a behavior exclusive to Boone.
Why the goddamn fuck are fucking achievements unlocking? Fucking mods are supposed to disable them!
Thinking about starting up FO76 again, I will prob roll a fresh character. (I dont think I got that far in last time anyway).

Is it worth paying the sub for the extra content from the getgo?
76trash sucks cock
no. you won't need the extra storage until your level hits the hundreds. if you wanna use a private world, just ask someone else to set one up for you.
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What weapon do you think the Malpais Legate would use?

I don’t think he would be using the 1911. It’s the weapon of the New Canaanites and I want to think he threw all of his past behind him when he became Legate.
>Sub for extra content
There is no "extra content" for subbing, unless you think a private world is content.
why would you care that achievements are unlocking
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I reported this fake engineer, the soldiers killed him, and the quest isn't progressing. Is this bugged somehow
Is 76 supposed to be boring as shit in the beginning? I can't play it, it feels like rust or dayz
it's a lootable cooking item in fallout 76
so yeah
remove the bomb and pick pocket his detonator. he will get pissed when it doesn't work and rush the president. the guards usually kill him. or if you have rex he will stop and growl at them. you can talk to him and say "my dog doesn't like you". he gets mad and attacks and you can kill him without penelty
So the quest just breaks if you report him then?
>that image
Man, imagine the kino we could have gotten if the legion were like that, and not raging fucking retards
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That image is supposed to represent the Malpais Legate. The legionaries are fine the way they are in my opinion. Their armor is based off Wez & the Warrior Woman from Mad Max 2. Their armor is supposed to give off post-apoc vibes.
I’m guessing not everyone felt that
does OWB have any cool loot
yeah. and if you don't kill him he will stand there for the rest of time. even during the battle of the dam.
yeah there's some pretty cool stuff, including the stealth suit
the cool loot of a few nice sensible chuckles
Someone should put the animations from Titans of the New West into Fallout 4 for its power armor animations. They are so much better.
Someone needs to mod this outfit into the game. Most Legion gear overhaul mods (understandably) keep things pretty luddite-ish for the most part but I also like the concept of having design tweaks that are more on the practical side like what you posted.
Feel like it'd look silly in fo4's tank toy-like models compared to classic's power suit vibe
*tactical, not practical. Though I guess that word works too since it kind of ignores the "men yes, gadgets no" thing Legion philosophy leans towards.
I don't mind them being post apocalyptic, it's the retardation that bothers me. No drugs, no technology, no nothing. People in mad max didn't spurn technology at all
I don't know, I think the one handed rifle would be better. It looks weird using two hands for a little tiny rifle in power armor
The sonic emitter gets like twice as strong and like 8 times as customizable once you collect the various soundfile holodisks needed to upgrade it. It's actually pretty good, especially considering, for example, one of its variants makes any enemy you score a crit on fucking explode.
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What's in the room, /fog/?
Do you use any mods for 76
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I'm using this mod to make the pip boy hud green in PA.

The awful static distortion shit in the pip boy while wearing PA is even worse with green however. Is there a mod that removes that?
The uninstall wizard
I don't know but the game makes me laugh sometimes when I spend time to unlock some door and its just a ghoul or robot and I'm like why the fuck did I do this. its like the game is fucking with you for exploring everything
any good settlement mod for greenery and bushes and stuff?
>Opens door
76 is goyslop tho
He didn't feel so good.
that got me good. I remember finding that door and thinking it must be some secret place only to be surprised. they also added that same kinda door in 76 in one place
I've seen this nigga like 3 times, he just comes back. They even teased this encounter like it was something amazing. I think it might be the ONLY random encounter in all of Skyline Valley.
Any here a seeder or peer of the FO4New torrent? If yes... mind jumping back on for 5 to ten minutes? Please and thank you.
There's the mole dude too.
It was an accident, I swear!
Thank you.
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playable super mutants when
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you can do that irl by taking estrogen. estrogen is very similar to FEV in a way
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she fucks black guys only. you can tell by how she talks to Tinker Tom
Wait isn't getting a new brain for Rex pretty much just killing him
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>Not even unarmed
Nah it alters his personality a little but he's still fundamentally the same which is why giving him a brain with similar memories (the Legion dog since that's where he was trained) makes him the most content.
>nearby corpses
Are we just going to ignore how gay of a mechanic this is?
No, it's a pretty necessary mechanic in 76 given how many corpses can pile up during certain events. Sorry if it breaks your immersion that people aren't cavity searching every ghouls ass
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hiiiii 76 sisters! i too enjoy this wonderful game. whose shart is your favorite to eat Emil’s or Todd’s?
I've never done nuka world
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>heh, that'll show them, I've really shut down 76 discussion this time
I don’t blame you. It’s just Lonesome Road but better. Basically, just a huge fancy shooting gallery for the character. If the Raider settlement system added raiders as a main faction to the story, id give Todd a pat on the back for something innovative but it doesn’t do that. they just kinda exist as shitty settlement decorations
he's already left the room
It does, ghoul colonoscopies are an integral part of the Fallout experience, I'll have you know
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Playing fallout 4 again.
Is there an obvious point of no return as far as choosing which faction?
Where would you make your last save before choosing?
Some gay shit gun cucks never stop crying about.
He was an unconventional legate he wore the same shit he does now and used the 1911, you see him in the slides when the DLC starts before he got burned.

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