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Previous thread: >>482988254

Featured game by thumbnail: UnReal World

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5171TqKUKbU [Embed]

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

>Current Events

27 June 2024 - Once upon a Dungeon II v0.8.9.16 released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2204730/Once_upon_a_Dungeon_II
27 June 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.1 Settlement Tweaks released - https://steamcommunity.com/games/2399160/announcements/detail/4241909599793376434
20 June 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.0 Settlement Management released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4178858570767363563
18 June 2024 - ROGUE-FP v2.5 released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343160/ROGUEFP/
16 June 2024 - ByteZ ver. 7.0.3 released - https://ethical.blue/app/bytez
15 June 2024 - Terra Randoma v1.0.16 Time Stop released on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
6 June 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.7.12 Goblins released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4149583904651417328
4 June 2024 - Revengate 0.12.8 released - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.revengate.revengate
1 June 2024 - Terra Randoma v1.0.11 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
Pickaxes and Petrified Arms released on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
1 June 2024 - Rootin' Tootin' Lootin' & Shootin' Early Access 6.0 released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2372450/view/4164219969944838866

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
greetings, i come in peace from the realms of CDDA.

i have killed several NPC of men wearing panties but im running out of roleplay ideas. help me out
I'm 100% black
Start killing women too
no i keep them in my basement, i downloaded some japanese hentai mod and am breeding an army to take on the acid ants. my sons (male) will rule the world.
kill every boomer (in Cataclysm: Bright Nights)
Finally, someone sensible.
Except your kitchen ventilation sucks, move it upstairs.
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Roguelikes where you recruit and train companions? Preferably if you can control how companions level up.
That water's pretty brown.
I was in that /v/ thread
Kill every ddadev
something tells me "kurty" (jerkoff motion) does not, in fact, mean knife
>anime OPs then
>anime OPs now
all modern anime is shit thoougthwateverthusdesu
True, just go to school and learn how to read you retards! The mangas and light novels are always better!
Honestly the Berserk OP is just perfect.
For me, it's VOTOMS.
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fucking ugly gook
South Koreans will go extinct within your lifetime (and that's a good thing)
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>four runes
>decide to go for my first abyssal because why not
>stairs down take forever to appear
>finally get to 3
>rune literally nowhere
>no indicators because still on .28
>get so bored I start hammering autoexplore and hitting tab like the fist of the north star
>surrounded by starcursed masses on danger HP
>no sweat let me just read my-
>wretched star gave me no unsafe scrolls without me noticing in my boredom
>eat shit and die
Deserved. I'm still updating to latest though holy shit abyss drags on forever if you have bad RNG.
So in Caves Of Qud does being stained by stuff actually do anything? You have the option to clean your stuff but from what I can tell there's no reason to.
Good night, /rlg/
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encountered some driik robbers, one of them went down to a single arrow in the face while the remaining two had bows of their own, what happened next was a fairly scary shootout of us being 8 spaces away from each other until I managed to land a headshot on the crossbow user but the other one with a hunting bow managed to shoot me and when he ran out of arrows used the arrows I shot him with. once he was finally out of arrows he tried to rush me with his shortsword but by the end of the shootout his legs were fucked up and I just did the old walk away and kept shooting him.

If any of these hit my head I would have been knocked out and teleported and have lost a random amount of my items.
Bright Nights Based Nights
battle sister
But who is the DM??
as it should be stop bumping nigger
Roguelikes where you like to singa? About the moona and the junea and the springa
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Is Noita a wiki game?
You know, one of those games where you can't really progress without extremely obscure actions.
Just bought it on sale and am trying it out, fun game honestly.
It's not for this thread just fyi
The main "wincon" for Noita doesn't require you to wiki anything since it's just following the levels downward and kill the boss.
However the game has like a billion random stuff tackled on that are very obtuse intentionally that you might want to wiki. By random stuff I mean mechanics that might be thematically cool but ultimately are just a litmus test for the programmer's skills than anything that really contribute in a meaningful way to the gameplay.
Not for the "standard" way to beat the game, no, you can just play it like you see it. The (many, many) optional secrets can be quite convoluted though so once you can comfortably win its worth a look just to see how much larger the world is than it first appears.
elfen lied, people died
take your meds grandpa
Actually you can post about Noita here, but no, the wiki is not necessary, for some fo the optional things it might be necessary unless you want to spend a lot of time searching around.
>Actually you can post about Noita here
Not really.
That's /indie/'s turf.
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>almost a year since I started my current character
>less than halfway through
I play too slowly.
which game?
You can though.
You can do anything you want
you could even jump naked into traffic if you wanted
I wouldn't recommend it though
(jump in traffic clothed so people don't have to see your shrimpdick)
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Actually it's more of a Nadu - Winged Wisdom kind of dick
>it's h*m
wow elfen lied was basically edgelord chobits
absolute trash
I will say that nyuu (forma de BPD) does tingle the wingle but that's about it
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So when the last and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead shall live, the living die,
And music shall untune the sky.
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bro Noita truly understand the traditional spirit of roguelikes but it is not, in fact, a roguelike
It is a roguelike in spirit and frankly I would say that matters more than anything.
It's a platformer.
Maybe, maybe, but even so, it's a roguelike.
it's not though
Roguelites do not belong on this gen because they are not like rogue
How many fucking threads are we going to have this exact same conversation.
Deep in your heart you know my words are true.
we literally cannot stop him from posting about Noita
if you cared you would post about it instead of just using it as a vector to troll us
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So, I played the roguelike game Wuthering Waves. It was kinda okay, though very short and I run out of non-tedious non-grindy stuff quite soon. I started playing it because my menhera fujoshi friend girl with suicidal tendencies and experience (literally me, but fujoshi. And a girl. I think I'm kinda in love with her, but she lives half a country across.) talked me into trying. She hadn't continue playing because it doesn't have a r*ssian translation and she (rightfully) finds English language disgusting. Anyway, I'm so chatty because I'm drunk after falling on the street, scrapping the knee and drinking some Captain Morgan to quell the pain.
:3 wuv you guise, you're the worst
Fuckung snowziggers keep bombing erryting, so it's a planned blackout here right now. I'm listening to Marilyn Manson and having the time of my life now (with a burning knee, but I kinda like it, the pain makes me feel alive).
eat some beets and you'll feel better beetnigger
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The meaninglessness of posting in this thread is utterly appalling.
God I'd LOVE some borcchščht now. But I'd have to cook it.
So if you get mugged you can still make it out alive even if you lose the fight?
Are you the "fortress europe" guy
Lol yes
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anyway I'm back from being banned for calling somebody a gay nigger and very little has changed
I have installed every appliance known to man into my deathmobile and seventeen solar panels
I'm currently trying to figure out the correct layout for my cargo spaces, balancing navigability with storage space
the only remaining question is do I chose boards or quarterpanels? privacy or ease of use?
holy shit
Who else would drunkpost on /rlg/
Actually, now that I think about it, do roguelikers even post sober?
You're kind of a loser, buddy
Meant for >>484115718

Sorry I'm drunk xd
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Says a rogueliker!
/rlg/ is a peer therapy circle for the damned and delirious.
yes, unless you are instantly killed in a single attack robbers won't actually kill you
I am currently sober
I'd rather have the ukrainian guy who delivered bread and took photos of rusted tanks than this guy
sadly he's either dead or ascended this thread's needs
warning: cognitohazard
Good to see you're still alive.
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Honestly it's getting to "slow /vt/" tier
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ease of use, who cares about privacy
substituting stow boards for quarterpanels and bringing the tools inside will let me close the curtains and sleep in the dark, which is nice
I wish I had cosplayed more
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A driik offered me a treasure reward for finding his spear, unfortunately the treasure was of Reemiläiset origin instead of Driikiläiset. The fox and beaver furs are however highly valued by foreign traders so that can at least get me some superior quality arrows
I don't like how UnReal World doesn't model spears having longer range than swords.
Aside from the javelin, all spears in the game are two-handed and can't be paired with a shield, so it is clear that the spears in the game are meant to be pretty long. The Greeks used spears around two and a half metres long (8 feet) with a shield just fine, so a two-handed spear should be about three metres (10 feet) long and should allow you to hit enemies more than one tile away.
The way it currently works these spears have got the same range as a kitchen knife and it really undervalues how good spears are irl. Idk if there are some hidden values going on that affects this, the game is pretty poor at explaining combat mechanics.
finally a post about rogues we like
ADOM in this case, but it tends to go that way with most games I play. I was playing DCSS a year and a half ago and I've played that character for a total of about half a year spread across five years only to get halfway through the crypt.

Sorry I took about 11 hours to respond, I was about to go to bed anyway and my router needed to be restarted so I didn't get to check if anyone replied until now.
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Whats a roguelike with a good sound system. A bunch of them will give you a message every now and then that "You hear X", but its always hard to figure out direction. Is there something that does sound well?
I like How sound is a major factor in Sil, but then its hard to get a general picture of where an enemy is if they arent in direct sight. It would be great if there was a general tile change in an area you cant see, but can hear to indicate were loud noises are coming from arond corners and stuff.

like maybe a 3x3 tile area where the sound source could be anywhere within that
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Last Njerpez attack was a disaster.
I sneaked through the woods near their camp when I was assaulted by two of them at the same time. One had a bow and started shooting at me with such accuracy, hitting me nastily, which slowed me from then on. I struggled to move back through the forest, trying to evade them. One catch up with me and started wailing at me with his scimitar, but I managed to dodge and hit him in the leg with my spear. But then another one came, so I had to retreat while throwing javelins at him. And then another one with a bow came and shoot me again. At that point I was moving at just 3 kilometres due to my injuries and I got *two* shots to the neck, which probably would have killed me if it wasn't for the long mail cowl I looted from a previous Njerpezit.
I was sure I would die as I was trying to retreat through the forest being pursued by 5 of them, getting shot arrows all the time and having to dodge pretty much every other turn. Luckily the Njerpezit who was in melee range with me grew tired, which allowed me to get out of the forest into the nearby flatland. At that point only one Njerpez was following, and I fought with him a little, stabbing him. But then two Njerpez from before appeared and one shot me in the skull all the way from across the screen (maz zoomout). I had to escape from my life but I knew better than turning around to run, that would have been a death sentence as I wasn't fast enough and a single hit to the back is deadly. I kept walking backwards and luckily the two Njerpez following me were wounded and tired while I was just -gravely- wounded, so they couldn't follow me all the way and I somehow managed to escape and live to tell the tale!
Now I hope I'll recover and then I'll go strike back.

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