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Don't forget to have fun edition
Previous: >>483888216

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
All Sett players are low iq dogs.
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defend this shit
(I have 100 times more games on draven than on zyra)
gyatdaymn dat bunny riven tho
well like it says right there, you're bad with draven
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Some days, some nights
Some live some die
In the name of the samurai
Some fight, some bleed
Sun up to sundown
The sons of a battlecry
A battlecry
im gonna win tomorrow lolig
More data more accurate the results.
it's time to retire that axe, coach
>loop 5 seconds of jazz track
>add drums
>release as track
rip nujabes
they are roughly the same sample size
maybe you are right
something about playing with 3 retards in my lane just isn't clicking for me
hey, as long as it works
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how do you lane 2v2? it's too much chaos with unforced errors left and right
I can't take this
it's still kino
You learn to enjoy it.
It's an acquired taste
you embrace it, become forged by it, and start to crave it
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bit fruity
Suit and tie is fruity, yes.
How am i supposed to beat fiora as yasuo.. dumb champ
unironically the only fun in league of legends left
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>wholesome reddit chungus champ
>also happens to be completely broken and anti-fun
why is this always the case?
chudgath moment
Reading this only made me think about Braum.
Something's definitely up with that champ and their players.
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explain how I make my support die 3 times in 5 mins for no reason then go to roam/soft int for the rest of the match almost every game
L rizz
ADC is just not for you mang
Is there any way to open the game without opening the client?
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L posts
no aura
have you tried following up when your support makes plays
By learing how to play both roles and jg before going ranked.

There isn't such a thing as "unforced error" in lol
I've +10k aura when I win despite my support shitinting me
I've +5k aura when I call my support slurs after they pissint
sometimes and then we both die
I try playing around cooldowns for dem free killz n shit if you get me but my support just facetanks the enemy for free randomly
I play both roles better than my teammates
jungle doesn't matter when your support ints off cd
most games are full of unforced errors you low iq pig
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A more relaxed beat. Maybe something to play while you're in practice tool on a new champ or somethin'?


Oooh, Poppy. Excellent.
kill yourself tranny
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Anon, I'm a cis male. Contain yourself.
"Adc is weak" players might be the most delusional mfs I've ever seen. Literally any master+ adc main would steamroll through your elo playing botlane 1v2, adc isnt weak you're just bad at the role and refuse to admit it.
>Literally any master+ adc main would steamroll through your elo playing botlane 1v2
false also I would win botlane way more if I was playing 1v2
>queue adc
>enemy adc ints the game lvl 1
>my support counter ints it for no reason
>troll for the rest of the game
I'm done with negotiating with terrorists
you make a 50 iq play in my lane as a support, you deserve to lose
>no post for 30 minutes
we're busy treating our supports like slaves
I'm watching stuff with someone and helping out family soon, posting here can wait.
too busy gooning
Yeah, this is easy, said the asian kid that spent thousands of hours playing the game like their life depends on it or they bring shame on their family.
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anon aren't you ashamed...
what would your lol wife think....
Where do you guys go for build guides these days? I can’t seem to figure out what to build on my champ..
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Common squirt put your fucking back into it attaboy!
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my brain
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>we're busy treating our supports like slaves

>too busy gooning
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>anon aren't you ashamed...
>what would your lol wife think....
i look like that
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>lol wife
Why is Ryze bad? I never see him im any streams
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>Stay positive /lolg/!

>gyatdaymn dat bunny riven tho

>>lol wife
he's not bad. but he takes real brains to play. something that streamer apes lack.
fr fr no cap ong
>watch as my jungler places a ward in the enemy jungle despite the other jg showing bot instead of just ganking the 20% hp enemy top laner

i found the spammers' headquarters. just how many irelia, ahri, lux, aurora, ekko, jinx, soraka and nami pictures are on these phones?
Nothing new, they used to do similar things to farm gold in Maplestory and such back then.
>He's not duoing exclusively with his e-girl sex slave botlane
You are NOT going to make it!!!
>t. bitter hardstuck shitter who also spent thousands of hour on the game but can't escape silver

But sure bud, if your teammates were just better you'd be challenger and solo killing faker.
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Gz u won biggest incel post of the year award
Im trying my hardest to not laugh
We used to banter with our friends back then about mmos and stuff and were watching stuff like video below along with vice documentaries, anime and other things back when we hung out (we still do), it's wild how third world works sometimes, bet people still use cyber cafes and stuff featuring gaming consoles to get suckers to pay up in the hourly. League of legends.
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b-bogdanoff sama?!
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>>He's not duoing exclusively with his e-girl sex slave botlane
>You are NOT going to make it!!!
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No more cringe below this post mkay? Ur driving the only girl away(me)
dilate, rope and go back to the kitchen, slut
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>He's not duoing exclusively with his e-girl sex slave botlane
>You are NOT going to make it!!!
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>dilate, rope and go back to the kitchen, slut
He ate the entire watermelon...
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What sex toys do they use?

Aww virgin chud is mad :( no woman will ever love you :(
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increasing thread quality with hot girls
I want to eat out her cunny

League of Legends
several already have and have one that currently does, you'll always be a troon
>the bbspammer is using yuri now
kek based
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what champs would he play?
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Hot bcuz she's fire themed? xDD
....you just KNOW chuds are perma hardstuck in pisslow....
wow he's literally me
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>10w2l for the past 2 days
have I done it?
is my time in losersq over?
did the agentsfinally give up?
Just lost another ranked as Katarina… this champ is legit turbo bad. Not a single lane you actually win… I need a braindead waveclearing bot to actually midlane. I WANNA MURDER SOMEONE AAARGH
My helpful wife, Soraka!
actually I have a boy over :D
I'm milking currently
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hmm yes that makes sense
because of meth?
most heterosexual jungle main
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Literrally defend this? >>483966635 CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP
Defend it? hahaha YOU CANT
>caps lock
>unironic reddit screencaps
>spends his weekend arguing what strangers should have installed on their computers in the general of a game he doesn't even play
what's this mental illness called?
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I hope everyone is having as good a time as any as they chase the dragon over the weekend

>defends reddit
>types in all caps
>mass replying
>replying from last thread
>reddit spacing
>scared of an anticheat program
>thinks his life is important enough to care about data stealing
jesus christ
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>ghost reply
>no arguement
>he spends his weekend doing this!
you are riotgames' bitch

>installs vanguard to play LoL
jesus christ
>still cant defend it
jesus christ
>keeps spending his weekend in lolg
>but you can't mention it because it's not an argument
tell that to your psychiatrist nigga
[ ] living your life without vanguard on your computer
[ ] playing league because nobody gives a shit
[ ] trying to prevent people installing vanguard (satanic software) on their pc
[x] telling people who play league of legends that they play league of legends
So if Baus is the Messi of League, who is the Ronaldo?
So you installed vanguard and have no problems playing league of legends, your computer is totally fine, you never had this >>483966635
happen or got kicked out of a game, right?
yes, just like most people in lolg
if you want to talk about league to people who don't play the game go back to twitter or reddit, bye
Not that guy, but no. I got the typical restart thing once per month but nothing else.
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i see meriipu is still anti-vangaurd brigading. go back to osrs you pedo.
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If you guys have problems with anti-cheat software you should consider stopping cheating.
Never had any issues with it
That's merri?
My games are still the same with people afking flaming etc, now I just have to have this extra thing on the side. It is not the most favourable of things.
Microsoft and/or Apple already know all about your boring little life. And guess what, they don't care. Riot doesn't fucking care. In fact no one cares about (You). Vanguard is the least of your worries.
wait.. people actually care about vanguard?
lol who gives a fuck. why do people get so anal about it?
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That's because it's anti-cheat software.
What it is not:
>anti-afk software
>anti-flamers software
god i wish meriipu looked like that omgggggg
Yeah I know but I barely ever faced any cheaters so my games have barely changed aka quality of life.
fed another game as yasuo this time.. losing hope
go back rajesh
most people don't. just try to think about how mentally ill someone has to be to go on lolg and tell people how they don't have the software installed on their pcs
Because the source for League's last anti-cheat got stolen. This one is more robust and more invasive.
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Gotta love when your lux support disconnects 2 minutes into the game, especially after we slayed a drake and everything was looking good for us
it feels like there are way less cheaters in my games than before
I'm friends with a trans girl and she loves playing Lux but she's also super toxic.
I want to make babies with her.
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How many ranged top laners have you played against so far?
Welcome back. Got any preggo league girls? I've saved the Irelia one you have but need more.
I am low elo I cannot determine this because my games just have people getting caught and dying everywhere on my and enemy side. Perhaps you are higher and notice the lack of Xerath and Cassios.
one account on /lolg/ is not enough to make me install vanguard
you're immediately proved wrong by >>483977317
and furthermore by everyone on that reddit thread
good for you
but until you can give me a good reason to install that, i wont, so i think i'll take a larger sample of redditors saying it's shit, than two anons saying it's not, as i tried asking last thread, none of you can give good examples or solid proof that this thing is worth installing JUST to play league, a shitty moba, that i might drop next month again. The cons dont outweigh the pros.

At best you guys said "i reccomend buying a 180gb hd" or "buy a whole new computer just to play league"
reddit > 4chan
i'll wait.
abandoning my main is probably the best decision i’ve ever made in this meme game
Her butt is full of ugly pimples and blisters. No thank you!
>but until you can give me a good reason to install that, i wont
Ok don't. Noone cares
>one account on /lolg/ is not enough to make me install vanguard
nobody cares if you install vanguard fuck off back to where you came from
Who where they?
I didn't ask for you to care, i asked for you to give a reason why it's worth installing or if it actually works, i asked for you to defend this piece of shit software and provided reddit comments as proof that it doesn't do what it says it does, and you can't.
this is the day /lolg/ lost to a random thread on reddit
you can leave your cope posts below
and now the bbc spammer is here
enjoy your absolutely worthless thread
it's not worth it, vanguard will eat your children
If you best argument is just pointing at reddit comments then you already lost
>aryan princess with black roots, kike nose and brown nipples
how do I stop hating my supports? Morg plays too passive and does a bad roam? I int. Thresh can't land a hook off my Jhin root once at 3 minutes? I int.

Where do I get a supp who just shields me so I don't explode and then I can carry like god intended
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good morning /lolg/
Are you in euw? Would you like to duo, I can support for you and we can see how things go in terms of communication and see whats going on, this depends on your rank tho im low as hell
>brown nipples
You have never seen brown nipples
srry bby am NA
zesty ass nigga
*puts on make up and closes pocket mirror*
Ugh fine, I will play enchanter.
dont int so easily if they make one or two mistakes.

When their 'mistakes' are more like a pattern, then, yes, I feel for you, fellow bottom brother
L rizz lmao
if I see Lux I will strike you in the head with a pipe
I had an NA account but gave that away. Very unfortunate.
Post league sluts
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EUW has fallen
Cute dog
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cute anon!
Corki is one of those champs that either forgotten or completely broken.
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i look like aurora irl
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I ride through the desert on
a horse with no games
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i'm an NA yuumi main trying to get back into the game. i used to play lux but i suck at her now so i'm forced to be an enchantertard until i learn to play my previous main again. i'm KokichiOmahole#Panta if you're interested.
i love cunny so much
cause you a little bitch boy
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lord wants me to gain 1k lp next week I can feel it
nah because i dont deny my basic instincts
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people defend vanguard here because they are all cuck faggots
play 2 games of this game and you'll understand thats the vibes
i mean look at this thread it has a cuck spammer every day and they all take it
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Who doesn't
ironically the cuck spammer is the only person ITT who doesn't have vanguard installed
yea of being a little bitch boy
>half of my games are Team Disparity even according to opgg
great argument bro
not trying to argue i just know
>not trying to argue because you know youre wrong and cant refute it
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got this cool skin, i dont play syndra nor do i have enough orange essence for it
>pride icon
I'm good but thanks anyways
I get this error WHILE im playing a match, its in the client but nothing happens if I dont click it until the match is over, which makes no fucking sense.
>yuumi main
>yuumi main
>pride icon
i dont even have to write a joke here, you made it yourself
i am right dude you can't tell me otherwise
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it's over...
>4th immortalized ahri in 2 days
you get carried by your team again then pretend you contributed xD
no thanks I keep it halal
omg shes back
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I believe in you queen!

Play bottom as a support, as in the role with the support item and everything your semantic sycophants, to get an easy S for your mastery collection!
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What's going on with these comps?
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would you help her?
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Riot's pursuit of quicker games has warped things to the point that the first 10 minutes of the game will decide the game most of the time. That being the case, teams are opting to play ADCs mid because that's when ADCs are stronger than mages before they resolve their mana and cooldown issues.

Though it's not entirely set in stone, today KT's mid laner absolutely smacked Faker's Tristana with Azir
faker sucks at anything that isn't a mage. he simply can't play ad champs at a high level
>losing to kaisa mid
lmfao lec is a joke
Okay, makes sense. The games are not shorter on average though, right? This game is at 30 minutes right now and people just play more defensive in general, to not risk throwing if it's more snowball heavy.
Not gonna watch esports till Worlds.
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The nexus isn't going to explode in 10-20 minutes. The first 10 minutes is usually what decides which team will have the advantage going forward. It's even right now and gone to 30 minutes because they both picked ADCs mid. If one of them picked a mage they probably would have had to concede mid and the first 2 dragons+grubs.
why do people pick teemo? is it all just to be annoying in lane? you literally force your team to be a constant 4v5 because the other toplaner actually picked someone useful
Results! Another carry enabling game!
So uhh, wenn ich have a key, should I open regular chests or masterwork chests? I just want blue essence and champ chards.
>i was right
unkillable shove if you aren't a retard
>only one human being on either team
jesus christ NA is bricked
Normal chests me thinks.
Imagine being the Tristana that game and coming to lolg to complain about losers queue and they tell you to get better
masterwork because it gives ME, the other shit you said was too retarded to take seriously
? Me and my support had the highest K/DA's that game helping the Irelia succeed. What is the point you're trying to make?

She gave over her bounties to the Irelia. She was bad.
need qt trans gf to ERP with while we grind ranked together
mah boy won, and you all can go fuck yourself now, later fags
BETS round 2??
wow, another corki mid.
>duoq LOOKING TO GET CARRIED PLS WE'LL ENABLE YOU (with our silver positioning)
coinflipping continues
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Look who I found when watching gosu's stream highlights lol.
League is both reasons why he's depressed and still alive.
Maybe I should have read the filename instead of spending so much time trying to search the image for something familiar
playing seraphine really is just being the teams slut.
the ultimate degradation for someone who by their role is usually expected to be a carry themselves
urgot jungle
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ADCs wish the role was independent. It's what they've been screaming at Riot to do for years. Unfortunately having a 2nd support in the role is often the best you can do for your team hence Seraphine being top 2 winrates in bot since her release jumping up to ~55% winrate on certain patches
Why is this nigga in d2? Wasn't he challenger at some point?
Alright quickplay time. Lets get this account to level 30 and I guess make another one.
>Lets get this account to level 30 and I guess make another one.
t. lol newfag
Something is wrong with me.
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sorry to hear that, anon. what's wrong?
Don't talk to him, you freak.
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>0 items at 24 mins
Realistically if the enemy 0/5 Annie did this gesture and pointed towards the bushes,what would be your response?
youre here forever bbygirl this gen is your drug
...and the reason why he had a stress related hand injury, and the reason why he could just chill until that heals, and the reason why he could move to canada to legally do marijuana, and the reason why he could buy a house that has like tripled in value since he got it
He has his shit sorted out now and he's certainly doing great financially.

For a literal decade now he has been a good source of no bullshit high elo ADC gameplay and I'll always respect that.

Pretty sure the set of accounts he has ranges from diamond to GM. He has been challenger pretty consistently in the past but I don't think he reached again it since his return after hand injury.
I don't pay close attention to him, I just watch the highlights.
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Isn't LEC embarrassed to have a dogshit team like G2 run it?
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I'm happy for the guy to make a living like that, I just never seen him in a good mood when I checked his clips or tuned into a stream over the years.
That kaisa teleporting mid into her death last game was for me a representation of why the west will never win worlds.
which champ killed your role for you?
I mean earlier today Deft Ezreal E'd straight into a zyra ult and almost threw the entire series for KT. No region doesn't make mistakes. It all just comes down to communication and hands gap+draft at that level.
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its hard coming to realization that riot has legitimately taken skill out of this game, with each season you feel less in control and there's these bounce-back mechanics for every single aspect of the game, that on top of the NON rewarding matchmaking system where it tries to match you fairly on the same level, and doesnt reward you depending on the actual rank disparity
I hate esports
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If I can recall I've had a good track of having terrible games in the weekend, suspiciously I'm against people with very clean igns like "getter" "wallow" etc.
Remade because the MF was afk, going against a plat player and an ez lux bot. Painful.
High impact sexual violence!
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are you being a vex abuser?
you look like this
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anyone wanna play some?
im up for anything except ranked, but i haven't tried arena at all
i play supp/jungle but am flexible

Does spousal abuse count
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>ksante punching mega gnar with his sticks doing no damage while his turret gets crushed
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oh I'm abusing her alright
Chat, is Danted and Tarzaned going to make up?
the absolute state
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What even is this fiesta what the fuck
Imagine being her little spoon...
I level 1 exhusted ez's flash, then gave my adc a kill. My adc is playing really dodgy, healing me when I'm getting poked (I can shield as Naut), also just trading terribly. Trying very hard tho.
Sure if you give me like 10 mins ...
Alright, at least this was entertaining.
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Oh she just has her aa on and does so on mele range.
Naut just feels incredibly broken it went well regardless.
Not typing probably made her feel ok. Anyways next game.
I had a dream about the cutest girl, asking her out, and her timidly saying yes
it was so vivid I hate reality
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>Enemy champs
I am already playing adc, please no more pain.
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Soraka my cute wife
We got bf swrod we gonna make it.
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>bro don't pick viego top
>he's trash don't
>i can give jungle
>want jungle?
>*locks in viego*
what does our helpful wife dream of?
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I thought new mastery system was supposed to allow one tricks to get chests, but I am sitting here with 6 keys and like 2 chests saved up. How the fuck do I gain chests in this new split system, do I literally just got to grind arams and play w/e for low bar chests?
lol I mind broke you.
6 losses in a row… I feel like murdering something but also totally devoid of feels at all. Strange feeling desu.
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skibidi poppy
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I want to be a cute support slave for a hot daddy Mord main :3
any cuties wanna play aram in na :3
oh my gourdan
you seemed like you needed a new friend since you're in a conversational drought with feesh

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God knows how I'm even gonna jungle for 2 adcs.
Theyre fighting for botlane now.
>My emerald estimated queue time has gone up to 3 mins
>On a weekend
I didn't run into 3 min queue times until high diamond last season. Not looking good for vanguardians.
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seems like riot is getting desperate
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lemme help
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reminder that Nami is cute
chat is this real
reddit humor
explain this meme to me
meri did you get anything from the steam sale
subjective, but i'll agree for this instance since she is literally uwu in that pic
desperate how they just got a shitton of people to buy a 500$ skin
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>almost 54%wr
hmm It's time to get back to playing some vexo mid, but why is she strong?
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Ok, but how will that help?
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sorry for that
it's vague reference to this - https://youtu.be/vscSFhepBVo?si=jdkCbPn7CHVCF58Q aka a character from the /co/ youtube series. It's considered brainrot, I admit
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come to RU server
here you can play MunDraven and still be better than everyone else in the lobby
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aurora's inverted nipples
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people seem to like fish pictues
well, most of them anyway
China is by magnitudes their largest playerbase and the most they got out of that skin there is like 1 mil. On other servers they probably made pennies in comparison. I really doubt that skin made more than even their laziest skin line.
I guarantee you its one of their most profitable skins already. People (myself included) always like to flex on poorfags. Plus it's Ahri. One of the top league waifus out there.
nooo I did not
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Oh, carry on. Let them know.
oh so they only got a milly for something an intern probably shit out in about a week? seems like a pretty good business decision to me.
do i buy the crit armor pene item or the lethality + armor pene one
7 losses in a row and a 5 game
Ranked restriction?
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wait, that happened to Soraka? why does she look like Poppy?
you could post more of coven nami
7 billion humans and tetris effect are on sale
thornmail, rylais, randiuns is troll but if she gets an rpg skin it'll be okay for rp purposes
Ok been winning literally all my games today, gonna play Soraka and each 30 in a game or two then think of an ign.
Yordlefiction spell. Look, she looks like Lulu now.
>play vs rumble
>can never trade into him
>50% MR reduction
>50% slow
what's your excuse? why can't you just pick rumble and inflate your elo?
How does it feel?
Cope, even some throwaway skinline like the cosmic one probably made 3x more and didn't put the entire company under controversy
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did she try morphing into mermaid?
stop trying to use the "whats your excuse" meme turd world ESL idiot
Ahri !!!
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I can see the appeal but
7b looks a bit too reddit brogrammer for me
and tetris effect too flashy and it is no tricky towers
>An Ahri skin not selling well
People used to put effort into shitposts
getting addicted to Kayn... gonna have to join Kaynoholics anonymous... they'll make me play Sejuani and Maokai...
literally no one buys Yun Tal
rumble main?
she's a friend to all yordles as well
probably satisfactory once you get used to her size. soraka would definitely be gentle and attentive.
nami is a fish based vastayan though. she has those air bladders on her chest.
lol i just know you like programming stuff
i might get polybridge 2. the first one was fun enough
why does our brand always go some shit like 3/15 he's not even a hard champ in fact he's pretty op right now
>Tarzaned still crying on stream that he didn't destroy Dantes
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Awesome! I got a chest + enough be for the new champ.
Is Samira a champ with the OTP factor or does she get boring? Thinking twitch or sexmira, in any case what’s her best skin?
is the horse labeled "PS5"?
Probably soulfighter because more work was done on it's animations and vfx, I presume shes smoother to play with that skin.
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What am I supposed to do against eve walking up to me in stealth and killing me in one combo?
Her combo takes a lot of time to even get it's full benefit, I'm quite sure you'd be able to walk away from that unironically.
What do you mean? My screen turns purple and she shows up out of nowehere. What is the counterplay here?
She can turn into a Goth, she can turn into a robot, but no. She can't turn into a mermaid. Not yet.
What? Just walk away before the heart fully loads up above your head, even if that's too late it literally tells you the direction she currently is after that to help you.
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Hell yeah! Great job! Are you just a Soraka main or do you play everyone?
I'm watching the replay right now and there is nothing that indicates the direction. Just left and right my screen gets an effect and the heart filling up.
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I knew it! she can't mimic her length
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Do you not see this indicator? Perhaps it's only visible if you're the one playing Eve or something (which would make zero sense because you are literally playing her and know where you are in position to the enemy player).
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Dare I queue for ranked? I haven't played Ranked seriously in I think two years.
nigger you are fucking st00pid the only time evelynn needs charm to kill someone is if they are a tank
Yes because you seem like the type of player who wouldn't be satisfied playing normals, you'd probably enjoy the game more or find it worth some merit when playing ranked.
I'm too lazy to upload my pov recording, but this long ass arrow does not exist on my screen and I checked several deaths in that game in slow motion.
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That's fine. Soraka is now fun size.
I definitely am, you're right. I used to take LoL seriously and pushed to D4 as my peak before Emerald was a thing. I like playing well and knowing my skill.
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definitely not
old news. we /autism awareness/ now with aurora
what....this this build
Yeah I've never seen an Eve just blindly point and click eing and spam q's enough to do decent damage thats worth anything.
She literally needs to play around her W because it's her only cc and gives the enemy less magic resist to do bonus damage upon burst.
Also the Eve can use her ult to execute but that is expected after her spell combo, you can't expect your team to peel for you all the time.
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let me know when she's fish size
Yeah play ranked and post your climbs as people do.
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Diana to Diamond here we go.
there's so many champs I find fun in this game but I only improve at the game when I focus on 1-2 of them
Hate this
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Fuuck Omnisoul + Dragonheart is insane
If you get Omnisoul in the first selection, you need to spend your rerolls for the prismatic. If you don't get the prismatic, save money to buy the 4k prismatic
Yeah Soraka was my first and only main, that's all I played in SR for years.
Though I spammed Arams more, it has not been enjoyable lately.
I'm trying to play other champs but Soraka is my go to when I feel lazy or whatever.
So is that Big or Small? Can one person easily hold the Fish?

I know what you mean when I'm feeling lazy too. But I like the stupid aram bullshit. Seeing you play got me to play a little right now. We lost, but somehow I got a B+, lol.
bro he's having a nuclear meltie rn
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I can't wait for his clips to be uploaded on Twitter since I'm not gonna sit through ads just to listen to a man my age cry like a retard.
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I meant big, Big like a giant snake.
>Babbles about drama he created
>Instigates further
>Leaks more shit, complains
>"Ugh move on, I don't want to keep this going"
Kill this retard already.
Aram stuff is nice but patterns begin to form when you spam it hard enough, the one sided sweep, the people begging for rerolls, the players that pick only adcs or range champs with no sense of spell synergy or composition, the tanks that just sit under tower, the 4 premades in your team threatening to report you, the brand/nid/xerath/ziggs every game, etc.
I didn't like how I had to bare the teams burden every time the lobby opens, this usually means playing tanks and having to either mindlessly engage for the team and praying they use the duration of my sustenance optimally or body block/cancel every spell that gets thrown away for my backline because they can't seem to dodge simply to win (dont even get honored or a thanks or anything).
It was also very blatantly noticeable that everytime I want to have fun and build alternative things or different gameplay the game is just straight up lost, but if I tank or sacrifice my enjoyment by playing an insurance champ or building meta we win despite having a player do meme builds because I play around the team. In a way I don't mind playing around people because I want my team to succeed and the whole "I have fun because I won" thing going on but at the same time I get a bit fed up being a scrape goat all the time.
The most pathetic thing I had to do time and time again was to engage, tank and kamikaze as adc or backline because my tanks just sat under tower or my team who are also backliners would just blindly spam and miss everything or just cs and never peel or anything so the games revolve around either me doing stupid shit like that and destroying my kda for my team to do something and try to win or just be locked in a waste of time game.
Don't even want to further complain about the map changes. I'll probably go back to playing Aram but for now I'm fine playing for the team pveing alone in jungle or playing around my adc or support bot in quickplays or bot games. Sorry for long post it's just venting.
>"Ugh move on, I don't want to keep this going"
didn't he make a whole diss track lmao
>lil bro ranting about a rpg meme mode
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Yep. And he was also the one constantly instigating further. Then after he's done causing a flame war he throws his hands up and says "I'm innocent! I don't want anything to do with this!!!" Like a scared crybaby faggot.
>Check Tarz's stream
>I'm still a moderator from years ago
I actually prefer botrk second on ashe instead of PD. Going full glasscannon with kraken/PD/IE is nice dps, but it's not that great to play.
I genuinely didn't have anyone rp in that game mode I wish they did because it'd be funny.
One time I rolled Trundle but I kept it because I had 3 backline champs in the team and a Viego who can't tank and engaging risks getting caught so I went with it and kept making jokes about trolls and clubbing people like a caveman and being silly while tanking and engaging/disengaging but noone really laughed or cared despite us winning by a large margin, the players just told me to stop typing and go engage like a bot, it was actually kinda awkward how they were all incredibly sweaty over an aram. Anyways, seen some silly players on the rift so I got my fix for now.
how viable is Yummi adc? cause i just locked it in
Years later and I'm still utterly baffled by how bad support players are. It's diamond 1 and they don't know the most basic of the basics. Every support main I've played with today doesn't know that they have to walk up so the enemy bot lane can't pressure your adc for free. They don't know that you need bush control so they don't jump on your adc for free and get a guaranteed won fight. I'm not even sure they know how to press their buttons.

The bar to climb as support is on the floor isn't it
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That's a strange-looking Fish. Not like my Goat at all.

>the 4 premades in your team threatening to report you
This has yet to happen to me. But I probably just Jinx my next aram game with it. Venting it fine, just don't let it boil over in your mind.
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there's a reason the head game designer only got to master by spamming janna and maokai. it's a boosted role
Hopefully you continue with good aram games glad to see atleast some people are still having fun there.
yeah, you can't even tell
How is auto winning a randomized draft fun? Your standards for league gameplay is barely above bot games.
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I am convinced that most other "Support mains" are just auto-fills, and any fuckery they had playing their role gets turned up to 11 when they're playing support.

It's really is all a mindset. Like when I want to Unga Bonga, then I play Aram without care and accept that Aram is Unga Bonga and I'm gonna do the Unga or get the Bonga.

Yep, no problems whatsoever.
im a nami main, and i need a duo :3
the best support player is a toplaner
Every assassin player has an inflated rank
there is no brain required to play that shit up until diamond
It is not, most aram games are essentially over in the loading screen.
This was surprisingly not the case back then atleast in season 6 or so, there were some insane comebacks even with the stupidest builds. It was possible.
Every enchanter player has an inflated rank
there is no brain required to play that shit up until diamond
it's that adcs are so bad supports feel like they have to carry and so do a horrible job at this frankenstein role they've now found themselves in.
this thong is dedicated to stuey wooey

Well, here go my big plans
To build up this fortress into the clouds
It's made up of my love
And my heart and my blood, we'll make it out
With the weight of the world, here I stand
With the weight of the world, here I stand
With the weight of the world, here I stand
With the weight of the world, oh
And this is all I've got, I'll make it now or not
(It's made up of my love)
And I've fought so hard to fake
Our lives are meant to make
(It's made up of my love, made up of my love)
(That's how it goes, it goes)
Well, here go my big plans
To build up this fortress into the clouds
It's made up of my love
And my heart and my blood, we'll make it out
I won't fall down, my heart still pounds
I'm breathing now, I won't fall down
I won't fall down, my heart still pounds
I'm breathing now, I won't fall (down)
I won't fall down, my heart still pounds
I'm breathing now, I won't fall down
I won't fall down, my heart still pounds
I'm breathing now
(I won't fall down, down, down, down)
Well, here go my big plans
To build up this fortress into the clouds
It's made up of my love
And my blood and my heart, we'll make it out
We'll make it out, we'll make it out
We'll make it out, we'll make it out
We'll make it out of love
You're not the only one

Is your name josh?
>Is your name josh?
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here your midlaner
Aram is for those addicted to league but won't play something better. So they settle for the instant gratification of hitting skill shots in a narrow enclosed map and makes them feel like they're actually still good at the game. There's thousands of other games you could be out enjoying.
tales from iron
This game needs a tutorial for support players, i came across a seraphine who asked what a cs was and said "sera can have minions too"
trans flag pfp btw
>frog champ with frog skin
>bunny champ with bunny skin
creatively bankrupt
doesn't jelly use the trans flag icon now?
>support seraphine
I'm not gonna discuss further, you're clearly trying to annoy me, go bother someone else, shoo.
So what's the official edgelord ranking?
Rengar, Darius and Fiddle aren't edgy
Twitch only because his playerbase
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*throws a sleep bubble at you*
lore wise or playerbase wise? darkins and demons are edgelords in lore and happen to attract manchildren
Super lonely anon here on euw, need someone to play arena with so we can do silly stuff
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no. not sure what's that got to do with me anyway kek
Swain isn't edgy and Twitch/Old fiddle are goofballs. Morgana literally bakes cookies.
Why cant i go lower than 4K GR in arena?
I troll and losing lots and did the same when reaching 4K GR

I should have negative GR not positive.
lol whut
fiddle is spooky not edgy
yone is literally a "mom" character
twitch is a joke character
morgana is a romantic who loves humanity
because you rule this gen queen
I think people who play this game should get a punching bag, it would be a helpful outlet and you get to move your arms around a bit.
stop bitching about ARAM
the fun part is picking something you're not used to and then getting used to it in a perma teamfight
of course you autistic retards won't have fun. you can only play your main and two other champions and then you're shit at everything else
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waste of time
>how to support
play jungle
move to great britain maybe
ask british people

Incorrect but yes I'm done discussing aram.
what does the pride icon you use mean then?
aram is a fun little mode when i'm too fucking high to concentrate on ranked. stop the hate tryhard fags and open your minds to some casual fun now and then. might do you some good.
>play faggot mode
>get faggot players
>thinking that aram team fights are fun/skillful
are you entertained by jingling keys and flashing lights too?
You still get high strung tryhard spergs in ARAM. Can't resist shitting on people and acting like it's ranked.
Go play something else you addicted fuck
I'm so tired of these people in bronze. Nothing makes any sense. These apes might get 10 kills in lane but then just walk around the map without any goal in mind and throw. Nobody is pushing sidelanes. Nobody does baron. Just for fucking drakes they throw themselves into like their life depends on it. It's so tiresome.
Have I mentioned I’m 6 feet and black?
why? i like it here. best value to money spent in my life
gonna get my LP back in blood
>perma teamfight
yeah getting farmed/poked to death because the enemy team rolled a perfect comp sure is epic and comfy poggers chungus :^)
yeah that's why I don't play aram
it sucks so I don't play it
why do you guys spend hours of your life doing things you don't enjoy without being paid for it
go back to support. you almost made it past plat with sona. you shouldn't be struggling in low elo
Sion players deserve the fucking rope this everyone is playing the death meme baus strat.
how am I struggling??
also sup is boring bleh
If anything the opposite is true. An adc has to farm, they don't have a choice. They must walk up to the wave and be within auto and spell range of the enemy bot lane. This makes it so the ADC has to do flips and tricks to get whatever cs he can in a bad situation. Supports don't have to farm, and 90% of them take that as an opportunity to not play the game and make their adc's job 3x harder than it has to be.
???? I am clearly not even playing inting sion I usually have the least deaths in the game
My strategy is to play safe so they get bored and try to tower dive me
it's better than SR
you have over 200 games in low gold
Whats so bad about inting sion
I just lose to a full ad mid sion last match, because my idiot teammates never push waves and we lost all 3 inhibs at 25min despite leading 40:25 in skills. Fuck you
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fuck the ever living fuck off and get the fuck out right now! and if you needed to understand a second time? fuck the fuck off and fucking fuck off some more and then for a third time? FUCK OFF and i mean FUCK OFF right now as in CEASE TO EXIST as in dont you dare start to avatarfag as diana in this general nad btw did i say FUCK OFF? and kys right now and FUCK OFF faggot holy shit

guys dont reply to this poster he is https://x.com/xheartrender
things about josh aka heartrender aka maye
>american idiot
>common schizo
>known destroyer of threads
>known virgin (LOL)
>known peadophile (deleted his f-list that proved it)
>foot fetishist
>known shitposter
>known samefagger
>buys art of his futa characters
>posts them when no one asks
>avatarfags mentally ill 24/7 and its not a larp



Already ran out of xivg earlier this month https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482589748/#482589928
Gets flamed every single day he posts in wowg.
He WILL ruin this general, he WILL make his presence known, he WILL avatarfag for the rest of his life, he even avatarfags on shitter and /pol/







wowg has more recipts than i can search for because they screenshot everything of this low-life
he needs ran out of this genny asap
dont let me down lolg
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why are you messing with new poppyfag's rizz?
he was okay when i played norms with him
It's actually impossible to climb out of bronze as an average player. There is no difference between low bronze to high silver and the amont of fresh account smurfs showing up stomping the game with perfect cs is out of control.
can i request this level of investigation on some other lolgs?
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Play legends of runeterra
Which Top lane champions are very easy to farm with? By that I mean easy attack animations or huge aoe clear on demand. Ive gotten too old and lazy to tryhard on Kat or Akali for cs.
frfr they want me bussin out of here
Ad sion
just press w, press q, press w again
boom wave gone
Tryndamere with hydra
i dont care enough unless they are... post your targets
but its not likely
ps i didnt even do a good job, trust me other generals know all about this faggot, you need ran him off asap before lolg not only has this faggot but bbc spammer aswell
you think bbc spammer is bad? you think [namefag you dont like here] is bad? you see nothing until you see maye in action...
>Play top lane
>Win every winable matchup, lose game
>Play mid lane
>Run it down playing lux
>Get carried by a bot diff twice in a row

this game is garbage
Anyone who can rush a tiamat item
who's new poppyfag
Bot can only carry if the team is willing to group around the adc. If it's a total fiesta, they are useless.
give me the dl on our most famous couple
Which champs would say skibidi rizz?
Every game lillia is in, she gets super fed and there is no counter to her bullshit. It's not even possible to kite her with that huge range.
nah I'm just lolg's silly inter bro. ideally I'd like to be your equal

milio. i think his hair is a bit broccoli
tell your jungler to pick Bel'Veth and invade her
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Victory awaits
In the same boat, it’s making me wonder if a jungler like Kayn or Graves would be smart to carry games so you can atleast help the one guy with brain cells win it for you
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Nami and Soraka poster? Man I don't give a fuck I ignore every post they make and have never read a single word. Anyway you know its literally the kawaii uguu meme with two fat guys on a computer both pretending to be girls. They should probably add eachother and take their shit out of the thread though.
Loading bezos agents...
I'm on it anon.
for streaming purposes you need to seem into and available to men since mostly men play this game. female streamers never mention they have a husband since they need to appear single for their followers
I'm glad if my jungler doesn't get lost in our own jungle holy shit
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Good morning /lolg/ :)
They do take skill, but there's a lot of randomness involved so being skillful won't win you the game. Like if they got a Tristana with an IQ above 85, they just have to get her to level 18 and 4 items and it's GG cause she melts towers in 3 seconds. Can go from having no towers down to tris autoing your nexus before a single late ARAM respawn timer is up.
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I tried some Grasp Diana mid last night and enjoyed it, seems like a pretty good rune into melee / tank heavy matchup games.
>try to have fun on ARAM
>enemy has Morgana Sona Alistar
good afternoon my love
I guess I can see why futa raka has been getting posted lately, hopefully he doesn't go full mental breakdown here, we've had enough of those.
i think it's >>483999274
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good morning!
imagine duoing jungle with this anon and showing him how a real jungler carries. you invade and get first blood. he gets all flustered after you countergank and get a triple kill. he gets annoyed when his support honors you instead of him but in a cute way
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Is this you because what the fuck is actually wrong with your brain
Thats so retarded that im ashamed to say that i laughed
go to sleep
ohhh no wonder "faggot detection radar" in my head was screaming like crazy when i read his posts
what a faggot
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you're going to die a slow painful death hoping an anime girl will suck your dick
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I abuse myself to Vex on a nightly basis
Scam game.
why is he here?
I like the 3 minute youtube cinematics a lot more than arcane.
I enjoy arcane
Give me one (1) reason I should slog through tunguska and ooku again. Even with the skip button as my friend I don't think I can bear to trudge through either
no thats not me, its just so easy to dislike avatarfags!
another avatarnigger that will job to bbcuck
these shitters think they are hot shit coming from other generals and get a reality check here
>Same style of categorizing and documenting every little thing someone does
>not me tho
RRRrrriiiiiight. I believe you. For sure.
Wish yasuo would shave his beard hed look a lot hotter with no facial hair
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I just stream because I like league and I like people and it looked like fun seeing other people hang out while you play. I don't mind being perma small time (in fact I think getting big would be stressful), as long as the people who tune in are tuning in because they genuniely enjoy it. not for any other reason. the same way I watch other lolgs
if that makes sense
Did they ever say why when they updated the bots they made them somehow even more dumb
Not that the previous bots were smart but if you fought them they'd at least dump all of their spells/summoners on you at once in an attempt to fight back, now half the time they just stand there spazzing out while you kill them (on intermediate)
stream link? :3
Its time to do my best on yasuo again today, here's hopin i can win against a melee-er in toplane 2day
why do girls hate facial hair?
I tune in cause I love you!
I don't, I like hairy men but not too much.
Other girls probably don't like it because it hides their jaw, looks gross/unhygienic, is rough, etc.
no I don't, I was plat for most of those games. I demoted to low gold re-learning how to play Sion but now I'm confident on.him again Nd win most of my games spamming him and Shen
My fault sorry
does the game want you to lose when you get autofilled?
Its just low pop shit you gotta deal with, every fucking day jungle is a priority queue.
I dont it just depends on the guy, some look a lot better with facial hair and some would be better without it
I should've just dodged, I knew the match would be a loser
Yes imo, every time I get autofilled the guy they gave my lane to is always complete dogshit, worst player in the lobby by far
I don't. It shows who has testosterone and who doesn't.
ur a tranny if you know what testosterone is
t. balding man
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>Ezreal soiling his adult pampers the entire match
If you aren't playing Malz mid, what are you doing? Do you hate winning?
The only guys who get upset about not having a beard are low test men with early balding.
balding is a sign of high testosterone
get hardware banned
consider the following
zeri > aurora
in all aspects aside of thights
white > pinoy
desu i'll rather have long girly hair than be grey with a bald spot at 20 like my dad
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if you tell me to surrender I'm going to do the exact opposite and drag the game out for as long as humanely possible
vg vs vg will be open at 9PM EST
what your personal opinion is doesnt matter
a sign of high testosterone is balding
My friend in high school had thinning hair at 18. I felt bad for him, not his fault he was cursed with bad genetics
t. low testosterone balding man ?
Go check your t levels and we can talk more about this personal opinion
you literally dont know what you are talking about
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Why am I deserving people like this sylas and a yi with almost 270 farm at 30 minutes? This is fucking bronze. People are either entirely useless stuck in that elo for years and play like gold or plat players. And I got demoted to bronze 4 for enduring this shit.
Do you think you are high testosterone?
no it isn't
it's genetic
otherwise soilent vasectomy patients would have a head full of hair
all it takes to verify is a one second google search
no its 9PM Estonia time
no I am not balding
but you just showed you know what it is too....
fellas, is it tranny to get a degree in a medical field?
Old men go bald is it because their testosterone is too high or low
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Why does our bronze midlaner have to play against a plat midlaner? What the fuck man. Of course he gets shit on. Is this game so fucking dead that it just throws random people together?
truly epic prank ecks dee
its 7PM EST right now moron
im preempting the super duper updooted prank when 9pm rolls around and there is no lobby to speak of
You're apparently a tranny if you're educated
omae wa mou trans
Technically no. Riot is just retarded and thinks that someone who gets to a certain rank is able to play all roles at that rank. They don't WANT you to lose but their ignorance makes them do it anyway. all in the name of saving you a few seconds before playing your 30 minute guaranteed loss.
no one plays on the east coast go to bed grandma
Did you guys know that it's proven that beauty doesn't come to offspring from men, but masculinity does??

You can have a male model with high testosterone and ideal masculine features have kids with an ugly woman and the kids would be ugly too, just much more masculine.
& you can have a female model with ideal feminine features have kids with an ugly but masculine man, and their kids would be beautiful and masculine.

Pretty cool, I'd say.
I usually win games where I'm autofilled because jungle and support are the easiest roles in the game
literally just pick a useful character and participate in the match and you will probably outperform the enemy support main
why were some posts deleted but not others
I got autofilled jungle on my last game and it was a massive loss despite the fact that I was the best player on my team with the only positive KD
The Importance of Tactical Feeding in League of Legends cannot be understated.

If the Gold the "Feeder" acquires outweighs the Gold acquired by Killing him. Would you consider the Feeder an "Intentional Feeder".

(The same likes as which give kills to the enemy team without the purpose of winning. For nefarious purposes).
what you're saying is the estrogen craze is just a genius plot to selectively breed a hyper masculine society
I'm having zero fun playing. I always gets into fights with people every game. I'm not getting chat restricted, because I don't use bad words, but it's not a good situation.
Long winded way to say give your 1K bounty to the blitzcrank
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>Lose lane
>Win game
>type [role] diff gg
>Watch the atomic bomb nuclear meltie from the enemy player
aurelions body is really stupid cause it's hard to tell where his hurtbox is since it doesn't match up with his model
Are you sure you're just not a slow reader? ESL?
jannnies what the fuck
why are you mad :(
factual. and illaoi players too.
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What do you think of this webm
based on: nothing
I died to aurelions ultimate cause I couldn't see the retical since the visual clarity is terrible. Great job ruining your visual design because bright colors are embarassing
just ignore the supports you are there to cs and only cs
read 'selective breeding and the birth of philosophy'
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I love Lissandra!
soft things are soft
>botlane ints the game and dies a collective 19 times
>blames top for now coming to save them
srry that the entire team collectively decided they were gonna int every kill to the twitch, not my problem
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Changed some stuff around and added detail
How do you play without getting constantly mad?
long pauses between games
immediate cessation of activities after an infuriating match
Long winded way to say "I play Sion/Karthus/Trynd/Yorick"
>First game has a guy call everyone retarded and proceed to run it down
>Second game is just a smurf shit stomping everyone
Time for work. Ty Riot-sama. I enjoyed my night.
>can't farm orbs after completing the pass
what the FUCK
go to bed baus
>akali is easy
really? I thought she would just dance circles around you
also how you reckon aurora would fare?
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>champs for this feel
play normals and just dont give a fuck
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vg vs vg will be open in one hour at 9PM EST
message the people in the discord no one joins from the thread
the game won't let me queue up for 24 hours because i left too many games
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is that man being taken advantage of?
>really? I thought she would just dance circles around you
W + some MR pretty much just stonewalls her and she has bad waveclear as well, a lot of the time in that matchup you can just walk up to the turret and take plates under her nose and she can't really do anything to stop you
depends on her numbers and if she has % HP dmg really, there's a chance it ends up like Gwen where she oneshots you or it could be like akali.where you can basically just facetank her
>simping for 3dpd
cringe, that's why you simp for fictional characters only, you should simp for Ahri and not for her players

imagine being a hot sexy bitch. just fucking imagine it. life must be grand. i'll never know such the feeling my entire pathetic ugly fucking existence. champ for this feel?
>is that man being taken advantage of?
Dude is fat and ugly. He knows what he is. These sort of people don't give thots money with the expectation of ever actually being with them, at least most are not that deluded, its basically letting someone else live and be happy where they couldn't. Its self loathing.
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any euw night lurkers?
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nigger am i tweaking or did the chink vanguard didint do shit and everyone is scripting
So yes.
imagine just being a girl and knowing you always have access to love and attention just for existing
wot do you need, recovering from heavy drinking
Yes, I wanna take this time to share my frustration. I went 0/11 against a smurf master (im silver) and some retard in my team said yep thats 0/10 rip acc, and now i have to do 5 normals before i can do ranked. Also got 7 day mute out of nowhere for saying kys? Eventho the kys never appeared.
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i was just wondering if there were any euw anons up this late. hope your weekend's going well. do you wanna be friends
nah i dont really want to be your friend im a lone wolf type guy
>log on trash account
>queue ranked
>tell team to kill themselves at the slightest inconvenience
>close game and afk
>another potential duo dead in its tracks
I would’ve said yes but since you picked him first I’m not gonna be your beta buck 2nd choice so fuck you
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kys is one of the few insta restricted/banned words. kill yourself and all of the other variations are, too. just be careful with your wording, anon!
ive played 3 different games with my actual friends, if you're mochi then no
wait wtf happened why did gwen and trundle vanish from my tier list when i added warwick to it
guess i need to make a THIRD version because the site bugged
i don't know who mochi is

back from pub
Time well spent!
would add you if I wasnt drunk and unable to play games at this point, fuck mochi, trust me theyre a shady individual and its just that they post kindred
i yearn wwposter
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Doeanel possible sissyfication era?
>Its just a joke
I mean Sneaky was also just a joke at the start but it blossomed into something beautiful over time.
I hope Dantes discovers his true self too.
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add me anyway....... 90% of my friends list are dead people like merii pom throw it's all very depressing
you're just mad mochi wouldnt erp with you like this fag is offering to LOL
Sneaky passes as an ugly fat girl, dantes would just be an ugly guy in a wig
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peak quickplay
romance queue foiled again
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i did properly good for the first time.. i blocked all the thresh hooks and a buncha stuff and managed to kill lotsa people
told you hes an adc
>Seraphine is supposed to be a mid laner
>Everyone exclusively plays her as support
If you ever encounter a Seraphine mid laner, it is 100% guaranteed to be a guy behind the screen.
You dont know maybe if he got on hrt it could help him.
i mean i mostly won because i wasnt makin mistakes and the zyra was landin a bunch of skillshots
i still like toplane a lot though, i just have adc as my secondary 'cause i hate midlane
the 2 times a year I see a seraphine go mid they get raped. why is that?
its blurred out so who knows who it is
dont care, mochi is a cringelord and someone who spammed "hey anyone wants to play? invite me :)" only to instantly remove anyone who they didnt enjoy playing with, an actual worthless individual, dont worry I have a multiple cumsluts lined up to erp with me whatever I feel like at the time
I'll will add you but you're not obliged to accept based on what I just typed, also I dont play daily, too many games I dab in just for fun
Could ryze work as a jungler?
I like feet.
>3 winning lanes all hardgapped and the jungle makes it a point to completely uniroincally solo lose the game and then starts "playing stupid" midway in when theres nothing he can hide behind and its painfully obvious its clearly him.

team disparity que. dodge the matchmaking que. losers que it is not. losers que isnt real.
have you tried playing yasuo, hes kind of a 1v9 champ
>Sneaky passes as an ugly fat girl

No he doesn't pass at all lol
Unironically I tried getting my sister into League, and she said it was garbage. Then she got wind of streamers and suddenly wanted to play again. She's like, silver or something but literally only plays to stream it. She makes my monthly pay in a week. I fucking hate my life.
It's always somebody else fault, isn't it.
>noname girl in silver is making bank
going for the twitch streamers I'm friends with (ranging from 20 ccv to 150) apparently they don't make that much according to them

if you're in a third world country it's even worse since twitch pays literal pennies for every sub
they really stayed together despite his mental breakdown and tarzaned just made everyone hate himself for nothing
lol, with the effort put into those pics, if i had that money and equipment i could do that too
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Placement matches done, got placed into good ol' Platinum 1. Is Emerald still as dogass garbage as I remember it being? Might be the season I get Diamond again.
Dude Sion is played the EXACT same no matter the matchup
>Walk to lane
>Clear wave
>Click on tower
>Demolish Proc into 8 autos because you take forever to die
>Passive pops and you do even more damage than you did while alive
>Later on you get to ult into towers to one shot them to boot because sion didn't do enough damage to them for zero effort already
It's not that deep man the champ was made for toddlers
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lets throw down
>team gives up even though I'm carrying them so we lose
so fucking bullshit bro
sorry but I'm watching sawyer right now
what league of legends champ is that
>click on tower
baus would proxy there
>39 percent winrate sion
>hasnt played him in a week
>62 percent winrate quinn and 69 percent winrate gragas
wow that sion champ must be op
thats zeri in her chromacrash skin
both this guy and DasName are cringelords, they cant even enjoy a normal game without surrendering at 15 while its 12-18 vs an alistar with rocketbelt having 5 kills
t. Paperclip
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it's a normal and our entire team wasn't enjoying playing the game so what's the point in being stuck in it for 40 minutes even if it is winnable. it's not fun...........
>entire team
>me being actually fed and anjoying the game
good take
do you want me to explain to you in detail how you specifically made the game as unplayable for me to play as possible or are you just mad
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well i'm sorry but don't be mad at me for not wanting to get between an argument. what am i supposed to do there? we don't ff, das is mad. we ff, you're mad. can you please understand my situation atleast
not my problem if you're skill diffed
enjoy your games without me then, nothing of value lost, im a literal nobody whle drunk on a satutrday night
vg vs vg
password vidya
>uncarryable piece of shit ww jungler
>now you get a fucking hard inting lee sin support that tilts the sett jungle and he fucking "leashes rift for you guys", guaranteed win
>not forced 5050 btw

lp is regained, im back where i started riot gets 2x the engagement """"everybody""""" is """""""happy"""""""

he feels a bit 1 dimensional to me and i dont really like it
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don't say that anon...... i wish we could all just get along. the euw scene is very dead as is and the only people left keep fighting and arguing over the smallest most insignificant things ever. we can't be like this........
>skill diffed
you got to lane at 1:50 playing shaco support, you dont place any boxes, have 0 pressure on the enemy lane and they perma focus me
the only reason you even got any kills at all is because they played for fun and dove turret at lvl 2
i have nothing to do with the situation but you seem really pathetic
you chose what side you liked, youre even trying to shush the guy who is upset, you cant then claim to be neutral lol
youd have been much better off saying nothing because now you just come across as twofaced
let him complain or at the very least shush the other person too
why arent you longhousing the other guy? why just this one?
>play with lolg they said
>it'd be fun they said
is this a prank
Never have this problem playing with lolg on NA
are you actually gonna argue a normal game against a lvl 29 ezreal
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i don't know what longhousing is, and i didn't take any sides at all, nor am i trying to shush anyone. i don't know where you got this from. i just wanna play with friends and i was put in the middle of an argument between two of them over something stupid and insignificant and am just trying to settle things between both so i can just. i don't know. play with friends?
youre trying to settle things by talking to just one of them. which means you are actually just telling that guy to shut up
so you admit the game is irrelevant since it's just a norm and we can ff if everyone beside you isnt having fun
hey, glad we ff'd then so I didnt have to spend any more time interracting with you, god bless for norms
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no come join the lobby its empty though ill leave it up for a little
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that makes more sense, thank you, but no. i'm just talking to one of them (paperclip) visibly because i can talk and have been talking with das on the league client, whereas paperclip removed me and i have no other way of communicating with him besides posting here.
either way, this is all super insignificant. why are people getting upset over a normal being ff'ed?
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>This is a post on the official league of legends account
Gangplank sisters whats your response?
Riot games is calling your champion "Gayngplank" and putting red lipstick on him... or maybe i should say her...?
>why are people getting upset over a normal being ff'ed?
they arent, this is just what broke the camels back
these 2 definitely just do not like each other
personality clash
i should stop getting involved though
im just nosy
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that's ok i suppose. i just wish paperclip hadn't removed me too, then. it was an uncomfortable lose/lose position for me too to be completely honest which kinda sucks. but also, again, the euw scene is completely dead and i was happy to meet someone new and i'm just kinda sad/upset that he removed me after just one game. and it's ok. you're alright, anon.
that's bullshit. they'd come crying after vgs spewing their drama into the thread and post webms to spite one another
Not talking about vgs, talking about normal premades
other guy here
i didnt talk to paperclip in months, dont think i argued with him ever. i just didnt want to play the game out, asked for ff, everyone beside him voted yes too, but he got mad and immediately blocked raidou even tho he wasnt involved in anything
maybe i was in the wrong, but i didnt expect this reaction either, not like anyone flamed or talked shit during the game
respect sexual minorities you fucking nigger
I never said he was OP just that he plays the same
the only lolg gangplank player is a trans girl thoeverbeit [lyra]
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why is sylas considered hard? I really need to pick up an AP jungler I'm losing games on draft because I don't have one
he looks fun and it's a diver my playstyle but I don't want to pick him up and tank my LP
But he banged illaoi?
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I told you before the game that I have time to just play one game before bed, and this is the game we end up in, you spam force surrender even though this was a completely easily winnable and then after the game you immediately left the group. So what was the fucking point? Ofcourse I'm gonna remove you.
that's the problem?
t. too drunk to read back every post itt
vg vs vg
password vidya
wait did troon#1927491037498483 reammy remove troon#846488197394 after they lost a game??
holy smokes!
it's actually real this t ime surprisingly
Please respect Illaoi's he/him gender identity.
euw meltie
*kicks majins gravestone*
wake up you dusty old fuck
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someone has to update me I aint readin allat
well you must have said it before i joined then, but not like me getting tilted and leaving makes it impossible for you to ever play with the other guy without the pissy d2 adc
sorry man
euw normal premades went about as smoothly as their vg lobbies
shock status: imagined
we haven't had good lolg drama since vanguard dropped
low priority queue sucks bro
who are our gens best lolcows?
world peace arc
>play against the same trist in the game with the niggerfaggot giga feeding giga inting warwick jungle on my team
we'll call that a controlled variable, not a second constant. if we call that another constant our cuck cult mantra "youre the only constant doesnt work anymore"
>beat trist's fucking ass
>2 winning lanes this time, not 3. still hard win. not even close

im the only constant. matchmaking is just a control variable. not another constant.

teammates dont matter. play [exactly the same] better win game
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hell no LOL
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I wish everyone involved the best of luck

everyone should watch the following clip before jumping to conclusions:
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i didn't force surrender or immediately leave the group... das, our top and mid were all saying they wanted to ff. i just said sure, let's ff. how is any of this my fault?
im not joining the clique
why is dasname so trash?
i didn know anyone in the lobby
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Guess who champ 6 is. playable at evo2024

Please be Seraphine
The blue background matches the blue in her outfit and the star on her face
We need a zoner in 2xko
She'd be inspired by
-Ferry (Granblue Fantasy Versus)
-Ramlethal Valentine (Guilty Gear)
-Morrigan (Marvel vs Capcom)
genetics gap
coach lewis makes everyone else seem trash on the bottom lane
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this is insane. Never scripted if anyone cares to believe me, but the crazy thing is I can't even log into another account, how the fuck do I even play the game
no pengy no vgs
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I think you can still contact support and appeal regardless
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thank you vanguard
>ive never scripted
let me guess
youre a lobby reveal nigger
Username: fuckyoufag1
password: Fuckoff1
if you want to try
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Ranking all the Summer Events!
1. Anima Squad
2. Star Guardian
3. Spirit Blossom
4. Sentinels of Light
5. Soul Fighter

What are your hopes for next year's theme?
Ours are
1. Faerie Court
2. Coven ft: Eclipse & Elderwood/Death Blossom
3. Battle Academia (U.A. Sports Festival/Triwizard Tournament arc)
4. Superheroes vs Villains (The universe that has Superhero Jayce)
-Part 1 would be the hero team
-Part 2 would be the villainous org or villains/anti heros/villains
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All I know is if there isn't Gwen I'm not buying unless they drop her as dlc at a later date
damn the clip was so good we had to post it twice
if anyone is curious, i play this game like a magnet for skillshots, but honestly he played pretty well
Katarina or Jinx
there is a low chance seraphine makes it into the game otherwise she will be my training sandbag and I will post lengthy combo clips dusting her
>i used third party software to gain an advantage over other players and now im banned
>how could this happen to me
one of them posted the clip and the other one quoted it
Were you using the shit that lets you see names in lobbies/champ select? I think thats the only third party program that can get you banned beside straight up scripting. Things like porofessor should be fine.
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lolg is so spicy today
how much did your acc cost
if it wasnt you leaving but das that just proves one thing, but I was pretty sure you left with das still in the lobby
>joins game
>asks for ff while his queuemates are positive
>instantly leaves after
>complains he has to play with a shaco main in normals
great guy
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rumia get on now
I love you
ungern target ints me every time we play normals but he is still a homie
tf is wrong with you guys?
3 bucks
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i was in the lobby alone for like 5 minutes and you both left on my screen almost immediately. can we please just be friends
I remember the first game I've played with ungern, also normals, 4 stack, and half the game they were shitting on a random golden graves which translates to "damn, I'm doing so poorly, but I'll shift the blame onto this rando individual who has to play solo vs a premade in normals just so I dont look bad"
great guy as well
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ooh ooh oooooh
they should make an ironic low poly skin for some champ
dirty laundry day
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ungern is a dogshit nigger in game but he the homie for real for real
>wh*te "people" "humor"
>openup league
>go to soloq
>pick my roles
>autofill warning
>play aram
she's fricking purple you goose
isnt it 4am for yall euw niggas? talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
I love getting ganked twice despite the fact I haven't overextended the whole game
why the fuck would anyone use a third party program in an easy game like LoL? haha this nigga really got banned for cheating in a kid's game lmao!!!!!!!!
they're cranky because they spent all night playing league
i'm always cranky
anything stand out to you lolgen? stupid nigger board
only in ohio fr bruh
this thread used to have the hottest babes what happened?
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Delthea still post as well!
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the queen of lolg
One of the few emerald+ players here
sorry never heard of such a tranny
What the hell happened to this general, why is it so dead now?
Well, does anyone want to play normals on NA?
A lot of people who posted here quit because of Vanguard. Others stopped posting because of the same ol' niggerspam turning people off.
everyone just leaves for the day when the blacked schizo starts up
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i've found there's lots of people always lurking. there's just not much to talk about anymore. no drama. no games. no vgs.
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>Reinstall to try to have fun
>Play two games
>Both games get toxic afks
>Uninstall again
This game is never going to improve is it? Too many children who think they are Tyler1
what's a champ that someone with brain damage can do well with? asking for a friend
you might like poppy or garen
>i've found there's lots of people always lurking
you a lolg researcher or something?
why are you so obsessed with that person
mundo is the strongest champion in the game below masters
seraphine soraka mundo
its him talking about himself
The tranny is namedropping itself
its not even a tranny
its just a fat guy who wants to transition
so he's a tranny in spirit
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I reached Emerald!
Noone will take my crown away :')
brand. W E W E W E miss Q

and end the game with the most damage
when is baus gonna take the evelynn top pill
so why are the screenshots ancient
why would he?
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>fully stacked mejais + cloud soul
whoa, so this is how super mobile champs feel
anyway play velkoz! I will not rest until more people convert into this religion
its op
ill do it if you be my gf
i want to drag my balls across your face
not really an answer
he only plays wave clear champs with good scaling, her ult to clear walls has proxy potential but that's about it
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*snip snip*
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luv u nonny
see youve been climbing there champ.

autofill jungle with a feeding chink mid. no forced losses here

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