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Previous: >>483963361

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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i love u anon
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last thread
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no you don't liar
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Breast wife!
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this mode is fun
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i do, no matter what you think
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i love you too, ocelux!
why vel'koz?
are you saying you are impossible to love?
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>vang rioter says something dumb on twitter
>gets canned
>nobody knows how to fix the inevitable errors
>it gets removed
yeh x
>lolg love
I am
my heart is an empty abyss
how do you play it
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Where to find a qt stoic ninja sensei to teach me the ways of balance and equilibrium?
I love how people will look at an op.gg and see 80% win rate on a certain champ and think it means anything when it's on 5 matches total.
but it could be my empty abyss
make her a loli toplaner pls
it's on pbe
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Baus' method of "winning" lane is the best method because you beat 90% of any server without actually having to have good mechanics while also developing knowledge about the game mechanics
hecarim is the most boosted champion in the game
baus has good mechanics
if you want attention or effort from me theres nothing left
love isn't real
A tiny girl that builds tank/fighter would be cute. But we just got Briar.
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Never play toplane and see a 0/3 riven 1v4 your team before have you?
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excellent question. have a seat right there while I list all the bullet points
>badass champ design
>badass personality
>badass kit
>voicelines you never get tired of hearing
>purely skillshot based so feels extremely rewarding to pull off
>not a single bad skin (even though I personally don't like his arclight one)
>can be flex picked
>feels better than ever since the mage changes + the velkoz changes
>works especially well against cancer tanky comps or tank meta
>rarely picked
>rarely banned
>flexible build paths
>flexible rune paths
>you get to tilt amumus who didn't expect that last true damage proc burst and died
>everyone underestimates him, and for that you have a +2 to an outplay roll
>you get to brag you play a really cool champ
>chill tribe. velkoz players tend to be very chill
>will never get a 500$ skin so nothing to worry about
>there is a cool challenger velkoz streamer you can watch to get better with him
>champ is from one of the coolest regions
>every game is a new challenge. playing him never gets tiresome
>if more people play him, he will one day be put back on the midlane roster
>only 3141 b.e.
this never happened
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i lost the quest because i died before the second kill needed to win happened between me dying ............... FUCK
someone explain how to proxy to me. how do you not just get run down by their team every time
I get so much hate every champ select when I pick my off meta one trick :(
>love isn't real
that's not true. anons love their waifu
is your autism diagnosed or undiagnosed?
you forgot
>lovable person likes him
what is wrong with that ai face
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I guess a Cat can be fine too. (From time to time).
>play yasuo top
>horrible matchups that i get killed in
>play yasuo bot
>literally dumpster the entire enemy team
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as indicated by my ridiculous league account level, I am not entirely sane
vbl is streaming right now
there's a lot more variance in how a matchup can go when it's 2v2 vs 1v1
>losing a 16/4/5 game because midlane is 0/8 and top is 0/11

people will still tell me there's no conspiracy to give honor 0 players bad teams so they uninstall of their own volition
I went 9/3 while my adc and top went 1/11 and 0/6 respectively. Sometimes you get just dumped on no matter how well you play
t. jungler who caused the situation to happen trying to brush it under the carpet
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Why don't people fist bump....
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unleash the feesh
we're all mad here
I hope you go yandere for me
it's a little bullshit that the turret can target naafiris minions
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>Crop out the tits
>leave the donut in plain view
This, he has very good micro. I also sometimes think the soft-int strategy is all for stream. When he really "tryhards" on say, AD Irelia, he gets 25 kill in 20 minutes and hard carries. His Gragas mechanics are also very good.
wow dude you beat me in mid cause you picked the absolute worst matchup in the entire game against me? man you are such a gifted player, how did you manage such an accomplishment? can we call faker and tell him there's a new king in town
>its a support instalocks jinx with ghost episode
>Team is hovering
>Darius Jg
>Jhin Mid
>Jinx ADC
>Pyke support
>"Can we not use the "hope they don't buy any armor" strat please?"
>Jhin: "Why are you yappin in champ select stop talking"
>Get in game and deafen immediately
>Let enemy Kayle free farm and only last hit cs
>She Kayles eventually
Shocking how we lost that one
it is, when he did off stream tryhard grind to try to hit rank 1 he barely died
sometimes i wanna get a skin in this game but i feel guilty spending money and i have no amazon prime things anymore..
I don't want to play jungle
but if it's not me it's gonna be some retarded nigger
it's so funny when you are in a 30min game and both teams have one drake
like how
does malzahar really have that many bad matchups mid?
*fistbumps you*
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>zero viewers again
>ugly voice
ugly face
kekky powwy
who else is there to watch?
Aye. Anything that can farm from out of E bounce range, keep his spell shield down, just outright spam kill him early, or all three.

That's a not insignificant amount of midlaners that fall under any one of those three categories, with a number of the best ones being all three.
oh yeah where's your stream nerd!
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What are your hopes for next year's theme?
Ours are
1. Faerie Court
2. Coven ft: Eclipse & Elderwood/Death Blossom
3. Battle Academia (U.A. Sports Festival/Triwizard Tournament arc)
4. Superheroes vs Villains (The universe that has Superhero Jayce)
she wouldnt say this
ive been very lucky with yasuo today
theres kg and also our eu streamers
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>Start playing engage supports and tanks
>Start winning games
I hate that the fun supports rely on their ADC to know how to do more than right click. I want to play enchanters!
I missed you babe
don't queue up
I'm gonna int you
i did that to si17
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I am starting up again
feelin league again then maybe streets after a couple games
die in a fire
why so cranky
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maybe that teamdisparity guy was on to something
why do people shit their pants on off meta picks in diamond when I counter the whole enemy team
let me just play my fucking samira top you freaks
kill yourself nigger polack worshipper
onto what
i main samira you nigger I just keep getting filled because suddenly everyone is an adc player
yeah sure bud u "main" a champion in diamond ;)
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losersQ isn't real
the AFKs in my team aren't real
the autofills aren't real
the forced dodges aren't real
I am not real
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The mentally ill NA faggot is sleeping
please no more star guardian skins i beg
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>Losers queue isnt real
how do you niggas play toplane without being bored to death
it's just about last pick cuckery with fags desperate for LP counterpicking
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Thanks anon!
hang on we are still missing sg hwei
>people will still tell me there's no conspiracy to give honor 0 players bad teams so they uninstall of their own volition

Experiencing the same, this shit is funky
My honor level still hasnt moved after a week of playing and getting honors btw
kill yourself nigger foid
t. subhuman riven otp
Something is seriously fucking wrong with that guy. I've never seen someone so dedicated to shitposting.
did a lot of playin yasuo today, i keep gettin botlane because everyone plays top i guess
how the fuck does an akali go 1/8
isn't he finnish?
he is
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>team diff
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Hang out
We still need
Star Guardian Karma
Star Guardian Ashe
Star Guardian Caitlyn
Star Guardian Sivir
Star Nemesis Zyra
First Star Kayle
Star Guardian Milio
Star Guardian Aurora
>watch educational video
>fall asleep
>youtube autplayed me some x unranked to diamond video
These people are the worst. Make a video in your actual elo if you want to show off without stomping silvers to be "educational". The ladder is a joke because of people like this.
>0/0/0 and still behind in cs
ell em ah oh
he's just doing it because he's hardstuck diamond and can't improve anymore
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>Star Guardian Milio
>Star Guardian Aurora
those would be cool. zyra would be star nemesis I would think
does anyone wanna play norms
honestly just kill yourself oy dstupid nigger and livestream it
The funny part was that I skipped to the second match and he got pentakilled by another smurf during placements.
you're behind in cs even though you stayed in lane all game and had zero impact on the map
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You think youre smart but never surpassed bronze tier, honestly sad, end your miserable existence and talon e of your house
If garen pushes out the wave and starts roaming, taxing another lane and/or getting a jungle camp it's very easy to have more cs than just staying in lane.
what's this change in tone? got chat restricted again and are too pussy to properly insult me now?
Yeah, but you're using Zed that's basically cheating.
velkoz is like xerath for brainlets
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>basically cheating
maybe if duskblade was still in the game or prowlers. per opgg in the plat+ winrate he is a bit underpowered right now. phreak mentioned that he was gonna do something to help out assassins soon. i sure hope it doesnt ruin the game and make zed 30% ban rate again
why i rape niggas with prowlers
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dead game
dead general
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Just wait for Arcane season 2, Queen Ambessa Medarda, and 2XKO to release
smolder flopped
naafiri flopped
When is the league fighting game coming out ?
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vanguard didn't kill lolg. lolg killed lolg
I care about the bronzie games of lolg

Bronzecuties, how were your games today ?
What's LB's lore?
shes the evil mastermind CIA of noxus
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Awful and I start considering playing a different game I'm better at.
how many fresh faces stayed after arcane?
Its all good cutie, you just need to learn the fundamentals and youll climb
Considering otping a carry champion or having a small pool of champs that you play well(1 role only)
focus on only role
CS is super important
learn wave management to get the best resets and CS leads
dont for fun build in ranked
if you play solo lane matchup knowledge is crucial(thats why you play just a few champs)
and sometiems you get unwinable games, its ok just get trough
Sion is surprisingly good
That will take time. I'm playing against people that played for years non stop. The average skill level increased a lot. I was gold 5 years ago.
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Give me my fucking Goredrinker back, Riot. If that item was still in the game, I could've carried these useless, retarded faggots.
This is Azakana, correct?
Nope, Yone! poster.
Hear me out
Hecarim top with conqueror
Shojin into triforce
flash ghost
Fuck off loser
why so angry?
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that's a sleeping fox, anon....
Don't yap at me bro
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Because I suck at jungle, and it makes me angry.
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don't be, it's just a picture
sona is very pretty but do you not think this is a little too much breast
i mean it just seems unruly to deal with theyre even falling out of her dress there it would be a nightmare in real life
I'm sorry, I'll try to be better.
good, stay positive!
I hope there's a massive bush under that dress.
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The higher I climb the more surprised I get that people will still fall for me using malz ult on them under a turret
the funniest part is when you malz ult someone and they qss it but they still just stand in the pool
who did vanguard kill?
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I hope you have a wonderful day, anon!
>all-in level 2 in toplane
>kill enemy = bad
>leave him with 1 HP to suffer = good
counter-intuitive lane
>guy on our team has ahri skin
>ap malphite called google chrome spams all chat non stop how much he hates him and that skin
The people that play this game are so even more stupid than that stupid skin.
>complaining about ahri skin
google chrome?
more like... internet explorer, am I right?
is aphelios secret strong rn?
i keep getting quadras and pentas left and right on him and yet no one plays him and his winrate is still trash
>Jungler ganks top level 3
>He gets the FB
>Enemy top immediately teleports back with item and health advantage AND now a freeze because the jungler ran away at mach 3 as soon as he died
>despite spam pinging and asking to come break the freeze so I can reset too, AND HE'S still topside in the pixel brush so he could move 3 feet to drop an ability and shove the wave to tower, he danger pings me back and leaves
And that's how I left top lane and never went back that game
Stupid ass junglers have no clue how the game works.
Is that woman in the back him when he logs into discord?
cant be they have different canthal tilts
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LOVE the ear wave.
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When you see that one lane is losing and another is winning.
You will only gank the winning lane to further the lead.
NOT try to help the losing lane and don't accomplish anything.
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dodge status?
ezreal and tristana are the cancer killing this game
oh yeah thats a fuckin win right there.

99% crit chance with 500 ad+damage reduction on hit+magic/armor pen on hit
bazzed sissy tamer
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Our girl is getting famous
Yeah it's really lame. I did kick his ass but if I was on Yone, I would've made sure he wasn't able to leave his turret.
>gank top
>kill the enemy laner
>dare to even think about touching the wave
>get spam pinged and ran down
never again.
Did she eat it all? Can deers eat Uranium?
>That tryhard Tristana
You better have typed ggez.
While I do understand you, That excuse doesn't work when I ping assistance on the wave and say in chat "Please help me break the freeze I have no AoE" my man.
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it is very cool, nababs. but thats nothing.
look at this.
full racism muramana with lethality on the side
Another late night, another KR Volichud dropped.
Christmas map, doombots for halloween, beach event, for spring maybe a dating/friendship v/n for all champs (result data to be used to pick champs and groups for skins for the year).
Yes I am very generic.
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why is my mastery display not updating
i want garen to be number 1
not yi
what is this stupid buggy shit
I have Soraka on 25 but Swain on 24 and yet he's placed as my no.1, it just be like that.
was swain number 1 before the masteries updated?
it might just be old hidden data fucking up the display
this absolute dogshit fucking company
it's probably doing it based on mastery points instead of your mastery because that's what it used to do
Yes he was my main, I did have him on level 7 compared to Soraka just to make it so regardless of the exp.
I presumed that is the reason why this is happening because the levels represent exp now.
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Forfeit your life
Good night /lolg/.
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>secret strong
He has been amazing ever since IE became rushable again.

>no one plays him
He has a bit of a skill floor, feels very awkward until you get over that "bump in difficulty".
Most people believe he's not worth learning unless you're a gook taking adderall/ritalin.

>his winrate is still trash
It always is. Winrate is more of a measure of how easy it is to pick up a champion is. That's only somewhat reflective of how powerful they are.
Aphelios is strong at 48, broken at 49.
9/10 times when he's picked he's in hands of someone who doesn't have the slightest clue about how to rotate weapons, combo abilities and especially know how confident to be with crescendum.
If you don't get CC chained or nuked immediately you generally win even when outnumbered.
goodnight mommy
what happened?
nah if a rioter said something dumb about vanguard and then got his shit pushed in on twitter thats hilarious
anons here yesterday couldn't even defend vanguard to someone who was asking about it and showing reddit comments
I got chat restricted for the second time now, i fucking hate this stupid ass game. I get inted by my jg, flamed for the entirety of the game and when i dare to vent by talking shit i get chat restricted.
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it's fucking insane that you can int, you can leave the game every few days and you get nothing for that but you say one funny word once and you get sent into honorjail for 2 months and another word you get two months more in honor 0
Explain to me why WW top is a healthy pick that should be allowed
do not reply to it


he will avatarfag as diana in this general until he gets bored of the game

good luck dealing with it
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I've ascended, /lolg/. I used to feel bad about being in pisslow, so I watched a bunch of youtube videos on how to climb, and realized that if I WANT to get out of this elo, I have to care about shit like wave state and other macro.

No way fag. If I wanted to play chess, I'd just play chess. All I want to do in league of legends is to get sick oneshot kills with my space loli daughterwife, I don't care about gay macro. I've just been playing norms this weeks and I've had 100x times more fun. It's the perfect balance between ARAM and ranked: ARAM is too pointlessly lulrandom and I can't play Zoe every game there, ranked is too stressful.
it's an assasin jungler feels like playing pve type of game
Sion players are the biggest fucking morons I have ever seen.
>lanebab thinks he knows better than the jungler
Maybe I will give starcraft2 another try. I'm just so fed up with these people that throw massive leads and then start to argue that everyone else is in the wrong when they run it down mid 2v5 at 36 minutes.
cant wait for the shaco late game power spike
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>guy talks shit postgame
>check his op.gg
>3 season bronze 2 seasons silver
>tell him big words for someone that never made it past silver
>says no I was gold and deletes me
This but Warwick players.
Any EUWlolgs wanna play a few norms in 5 mins?...
No, not with you.
no I'm too hungover
Try age of empires 2, it seems to be going fairly well for an rts.
if you can be my healerslut then ok
Who is she?
i wish i was a space loli daughter wife, life is so unfair
>teammate starts barking
>check opgg
>ask him why he was silver for 10 years straight
>goes silent
>ask him repeatedly
>"i only play for fun"
>laugh maniacally
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bronze is a coinflip elo
impossible to climb out of if you don't get +40 - 15
these are just regular dudes
they have very unfortunate hairlines, itd suck to be able to have mpb
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maybe if you think 4channers are "regular dudes"
>lux throwing her whole kit at their leona
>starts berating me to go on the closest target instead of the adc in a 2v2
you NEED to go front to back, just ignore the adc!
bros why is lcs so dead that the only thing positive fans can say is that they have yappa? and he's kind of mild compared to early lcs shit talking and rivalries. he's just typing to the void compared to actual back and forth insults.
they pretty much execute koreans or chinese if they shit talk so they dont do it in america either
I'm checking profiles of the people I play with in bronze 4 and it is a coinflip in the sense that there are lots of people that used to be a much higher rank but for whatever reason stranded down here between the actual bad people like me and take over the game. The ladder right now is a complete joke that doesn't represent anything.

every league except eu is sterile now??
dianaposter is the most sane lolg currently
the more koreans the more sterile it is
Their only claim to fame in recent years is dragging eu down like crabs in a bucket. What do you think lol. They'll latch onto anything because there is nothing to talk about. Viewership is in the 20 thousands; that's embarrassing. That's smash tier but smash is a grassroots competitive scene with next to no sponsors.
wait we're actually 20k? bro what even happened to the lcs
But not at level6 in lane
what a day.. lots of yasuo today, one day i will not feed with yasuo top, and ill play some poppy too probably
LCS big name teams like TSM and CLG don't exist anymore bro. NA orgs can't manage for shit and fall for cryptobro scams trying to expand their brand when NA league viewership has been on the decline for a decade. Investment and expectations vs reality of an NA team at worlds crushed repeatedly. Investors leave the shit land. Dunno ask others.
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one more week until i can play again
So I bought an qss against morde, but it doesn't do anything durinh his ult? I don't know what it's supposed to do anyway.
I will break her
who are you, azuma?
seems like a giga nigger attention whore but you do you
Our greek goddess Georgia, shes on LEC (or was, i havent seen in a while)
dodging drafts frequently is the only way you can possibly enjoy this game, I don't give a shit if I get low-prio queue, lose LP or get suspended. It made the game a lot more enjoyable for me. The 10% I win those games isn't worth it.
it is and knowing when you have a faggot first timer/inter used to be nice. now they hide the names and ban you if you try to bypass it. they want you to grind hundreds of games and eat your forced losses.
what do you guys think of our resident ellipses posters, we have like 4-5 of them
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live from the depths of losaq if anyone's interested
>posting your stream when the freaking BAUS is live
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
no adc scares me in the bottom lane like the korean femboy. No other adc can pretend to be retard and suddenly catch you off guard like him. Everyone knows Draven sucks and all you have to do with Kog'Maw is to keep firing asshole.

But this twink. He's a thinking man's adc.
literally who
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We're so fucking back
Hello there bronzecutie, how are your games
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You've truly ascended and are the envy of anyone smart enough that they can never make the same conclusion that you just did. Unfortunately, not many of us have the mind to make this calculation, but truly, you'll know you're ready when you catch yourself inting and not allow yourself to go into full-on baby mode as a result.

Both of you are right, but the Sion player at least belongs in the retard lane. The Warwick player is just a glorified NPC because a Briar player figured things out.

You're deflecting responsibility for your blame and it speaks volumes about the trash your type into chat, thereby getting yourself restricted. Accept your own mistakes, first.
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It's been rough, but the stupid cat is actually good and turned me into a god.
Youre doing great, you could probably carry more games if you got that CS/min up tho
I got better at catching waves after laning, but during laning everyone is constantly fighting and a lot of cs gets lost inbetween.
>try to play 1(uno) normal draft
>6 dodges
>someone on my team banned their own teammates champ in my current one
african heatwaves make it impossible for me to stream without a cooler or desktop pc
Sounds like Quickplay is more for you. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the fire.
Just close spotify and stop downloading tranny porn
stop living in africa
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Seraphine! <3
when's the new PVE game mode coming out? dunno if I should redownload this game
next patch
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my queen
is that really how women propose to you?
New PVE gamemode looks really boring.
I've only said the nword while playing league
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Do you happen to have Seraphine chibis around? I want to do something similar to what i did with pic related. I took a Morg chibi and did some fuckery until a wallpaper clicked.
I had an idea for a champ: an orange male cat, like Yuumi, but bigger, with elements of Karthus (his ult), Yuumi, and Veigar (stacking) that costs $100 in real money
Because NA doesn't know how to play the fucking game. NA players are absolute dogshit and play retarded off-meta shit. They are the laughing stock of the League Community.
Holy shit is sylas unfun to play against.
These chains have way too much range, I can't even do attack him as adc without getting comboed by this nigger
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Why does an old woman like Sjokz act so salacious?
Aurora's kit seems really boring. Probably won't be successful at all. Probably will be more successful in Wild rift like Vex and Seraphine since the kit screams made for mobile phones.
Just play a fighting game. You fucking retard. MOBAs are not for you it seems.
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Tell me how I can go botlane after leashing without getting jumped on by the red botlane in the tribush?
I can't spend my ward on this.
Junglers in bronze need a leash or they die.
The only way is to go all the fucking way around krugs to lane.
I don't want to coinflip every match by facechecking it.
Hear me out
Irelia jungle
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this champ is making me feel all funny bros…
You should only be leasing for Tank Junglers. Anyone else does NOT need a leash. Unless your are in cooms with them and coordinating a play.
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>See enemy team pick dogshit comp
>Know I've already won in champ select
>Tilt-free even as my ADC feeds early

Name a better feeling.
>Junglers in bronze need a leash or-

No they don't. Fuck 'em. You're playing Thresh anyway. Your autos do 34 damage to buffs with autos at level one. Just sit in the bush and let your mongoloid ADC hit it if they absolutely must.
Tank junglers don't need a leash either. Every good tank jungler has a way to cheat out absurd damage for fast clears, and any that can't are shit anyway. Shen has one of the fastest first clears it's possible to get, for instance.
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>check op.gg of the people I lose to
Wow, what a surprise. It's just every second match that someone is shitting on everyone on a fresh account. Talented new players coming to the game.
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>Just reached diamond rank
Welp that was fun, time to make a smurf acc and chill for a bit
low aura move
you would never make it to d1 anyway you loser
trash player with trash behavior
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I cant believe this pick is allowed to work
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how does anyone derive any enjoyment out of tft? why is it seemingly played by so many people? they all behave like bots and no-one ever types or says anything or engages in any human behavior. is it exclusively played by candy crush normies on mobile?
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>censors the names
>can still see the nametag in the bottom link
im so sorry
congrats on being 3rd place tho, if the Irelia was you ofc
I enjoy the strategy component from building powerful boards. I like that it doesn't require active attention so I can be laid back and listen to a video, podcast, or chat with friends while I play. The high from hitting a highroll is nice too. Have you never had fun playing a board game before? It's similar.
I used Soraka q which grants vision, is ranged and gives me health back upon landing on an enemy. Thresh can try qing I guess idk.
any cuties up for NA aram?
adc has to be removed these players are way too shit to play it
why did they remove legend tenacity and the tenacity from so many items like wits' end and not nerf shit like nocturne or fiddle's point and click 3s long fears at the same time? it's so unenjoyable and uninteractive.
Because they want tenacity items to be limited and only worth fucking your build over if the enemy team is excessively stacking CC, and not something you take literally every single game ever.

Just abuse spellshields more, retard. Cleanse also still gives you like 60% tenacity for several seconds.

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i'm playing naafiri/rengar jungle. i can't get tenacity from anything, and building edge of night anything besides 3rd item onwards means throwing away my lead and having no damage early-midgame which is when i should be at my strongest. it's not viable.
man you have to really like playing with little children every single game to play this shit
To be honest spells do be spammy as hell having those items aren't that great when you pop it once and it has a large cd.

Have you considered that, possibly, you should NOT instantly push your empowered Q and instead save it for W? Naafiri is just a lost cause in general and your retarded for trying to play her in the jungle. You get even less gold and XP than a proper laner when assassins are all about getting advantages and pressing them.
This game has more millennials and late zoomers than kids I think despite having pegi 12. But millennial men have a permanent Peter Pan syndrome so it makes sense.
play on a new account
it is all little kids stfu
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i'm about to get into a game but naafiri works just fine in the jungle with the exception of taking objectives (especially drake - it goes by very slowly). and being 58% in rengar across like 200 games the past 2 seasons i do know how he works, yes, but blowing my empowered W in those situations, while it gets me out of my cc, isn't always the best option because of how squishy they are. ideally you'd just want to burst them, not outsustain them. it's also not easy to get your empowered stacks before getting feared/clicked on by fiddle and co.
I literally already did. Also if they legit are kids just let them stomp their feet and cry? You're a bit creepy if you're asking these randoms for their ages and whatever.
The CD literally does not matter. Not only is it a LOT of MR, it also just completely deletes the damage or stun you would have received from a spell. As long as you don't let it get popped by a Jarvan flag or something, it is going to get you a huge amount of value even on a "low roll" of "only" blocking one spell, while still letting you high roll blocking a Malphite ult or something.
are you a homosexual?
You're right. It's also one the reasons why I always believed Sivir was unique and strong due to her spell shields next to the good wave clear and the group ms buff.
this has to be a lie
I have honor 3 almost 4 and I still get shit teams every other game
im not a bad person im not a bad person im not a bad person im not a bad person I AM NOT A BAD PERSON I DON'T DESERVE THIS
You're a bad person in this general
Is there an adc that doesn’t need his niiggerfaggit support to just farm do nothing and scale for mid to late game? Playing samira in silver is gonna break my mental
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In for what
Twitch. There is a reason they don't cry if the laning phase goes bad. Very good rat right there.
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Why can an iron player queue with a silver2 player and why am I getting the new account fiora support that keeps running it down? I hate this matchmaking so fucking much. The difference in skill these people have is insane and the game still puts them in the same match. Back in bronze 4 because of this shit matchmaking.
iron and bronze is all children and i refuse to play this
I got out of bronze 4 playing support Soraka only. You can do this! You euw?
I wanna duo im silver adc main
i gave up doing that extact thing in 10 games cause it was so boring playing with little children every single game
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I like TFT but the recent set wasn't very good so I didn't play it much. Usually its very chill with pretty deep strategy.
You are delusional if you think kids play this game from 2009.
Ezreal (you're not a good enough player for this so don't touch him)
It's a misconception that cait is a lategame only champ. She's supposed to push and get plates to win lane early or you are useless for the rest of the game.
vayne zeri cait
iron and bronze is 90% all little kids
are you stupid?
dont go into the tribush if it scares you so much and go into your lane through the path below.
If you want the minion advantage, hope that your support isn't a retard Leashing/notleashing and facechecking bush/not facechecking isn't the bottom line compared to whomever is in the same lane with you on either side.
Well if you wanna do so lemme know. I'm available in 30 minutes or so, busy atm.
Perhaps mentally they are stuck being children, but these are grown ass men playing for years.
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>Play support
>"It's cool dude"
>"dw about it"

>Play tank top
>"oh well I'm sure they're being useful"
>"damn, better play safe"
>chill as fuck

>Play Darius
>"Fucking FAGGOT jungler holy shit"
>Can physically feel my temperature rising as me dumpstering the enemy laner at level one is thrown in the garbage by a level 3 gank

What did Riot put in this champion's code to do this to me?
no it is actually all children in bronze bro
If you say so. I check a lot of profiles of my matches and they have been around for a while.
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Another thread of this retard, huh? I'm sure the mods will clean it up eventually. My question is what went so wrong in blackedfag's life to spiral him into whatever all this is about?
gj broski
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do you ever get so stressed you can almost feel the blood clots forming in your brain
like look at this shit
my tf is such a nigger he even forgot his secondary runes
you just let the champion decide your personality
become egirl
>There are cute pisslow Soraka mains IN THIS THREAD
what are your best tips for aram climbing
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This doesn't happen in ANY other role with ANY other kind of champion. Just manfighter top laners. They turn me into Hashinshin, minus the pedophilia.
>Your entire team is AD autoattackers
>Not a single pair of Tabis on the enemy team

Damn. This really is pisslow.
doesn't mean shit
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Lil bro getting his 2nd game thoughts?

>They turn me into Hashinshin, minus the pedophilia.
Try playing ahry next mkay?
do you think they needed them
It would have made them literally unkillable, so yes.
The problem with adc in bronze is that nobody even considers giving midlane waves to me. Everyone just runs around every lane past 15 minutes and soaks up everything. Doesn't matter if it's the jungler, mid or top. There is not enough farm for everyone.
Only unlocking broken champs for Aram, this includes but is not exclusive to: Brand, Xerath, Nidalee, Sion, Kog (AP Malignance), etc. So that you have a higher chance of having an upper hand even if you are playing an "all random" game mode. I dunno if they unlock all champs for Aram roles to balance it out but I don't think so, so this means Aram only accounts will still be a thing. You also just play around your team comp, this means if there's no tank you have to bear that burden, same with all ad team, you pick ap. I dunno, Aram is mainly still just a sweep even if you try your best.
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Bros? We're talking about the face of lol right now
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don't joke with me like this, if it got removed i would come back to league in a heartbeat
Finna paypig a skin for twitch and samira. High noon twitch is 99% confirmed but for samira i cant decide if im doing high noon or the ultimate. That ultimate is perhaps a bit too over the top. Any news on a new samira skin?
Not really. No. There are pseudo ADCs you can play in Roles other than Bottom. Though they will never be as strong or amass as much Gold as an ADC in the Bottom Role with a proper Support/Team.

ADC is just the most team dependent role. If you don't like it don't play ADC or League. Try playing a Fighting Game.
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can't waited for big sis matchup on 2xko

im sure riot misses u very much
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they do, i am a very friendly player with a high honor level who always says good game well played
Unsure if it’s because I’m caught in loser’s queue and slowly being demoted, but I am seeing a huge uptick in people picking wrong runes. It’s every other game now that someone loads in and writes ‘mb wrong runes’ before inevitably dying.

That and the absolute lack of mental fortitude lately. I totally admit to being down to leave a match quickly if we’re being snowballed at 11 minutes, but if teammates are keen to continue playing then I put my all in. Lost three matches in a row due to a lane absolutely shitting the bed and the player proceeding to loiter in base or jungle for the next 15 minutes. Why even play if you’re so miserable in Silver? Go outside, read a book or something.
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This move has no counters

Rear naked choke inside the ring has the highest submission rate
Dude just get out of silver to gold and confirm those champs are good enough for you to climb before you straight up buy a skin.
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dumb fox meant to say octagon butt she's from brazil so we'll let it slide this time

Lil bro accidentally choking your wife to death during intense breeding session
literally every champ in the game is good enough to climb with
Yeah but do you enjoy playing them though? Might be talking to a different guy though mb if that is true.
We played Ashe/Maokai into Jinx/Morgana.
I assume we are supposed to be behind in cs? Morg threatened me all game while maokai didn't really do anything. I was 30 cs behind at some point.
What lolgs drink piss?
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oops i forgot to make my ritual post.... shouldn't have made a post before that...

Blk babymaker Irelia

Auroresissies but only if you're black
yeah you usually dont win unless morg messes up
im a big boy tho
Tank players
What are you talking about, that's the most free matchup ever. Creepblock/juke morg and jinx, then have maokai engage. Easiest lane of my life. Obviously if maokai is a retard then all bets are off and you'd have to juke yourself to get a trade in which is harder, but it's still a skill matchup.
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french males used to be more handsome, no?
A lot of men where quite buff and masculine, yes. People these days just look weird.
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Bitch, grubs matter way more than drags do, and if bot or mid are at war with each other and no prio goes either way then ofc drags won't be snacked until mid game. Drags only exist early game for if you can sneak it after a good first back with damage or if you cleanly wiped bot lane and they aren't too low to come with you. The meta has long since changed due to grubs existing.
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Bros... england really going home?

bite deez nuts pedo
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>Play Briar
>w during the end of the gank near minions
>"I can't turn it off, you know that."
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hey, sharing is caring, right?
insecurities are so funny because there is someone right now that wants to fuck the shit out of you.
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Bitch, black lives matter way more than white lives

Oh yeh Irelia? ye she won
>Non-blacks are wallets, not people
I am non-black and unironically a finsub. I have a complicated relationship with this desu but seeing how shamelessly you people talk about it here, I cant help it

do you maybe have a discord or something where we could myb chat about it a bit..??
Jinx kept pushing with rockets while morg was max range. I don't see how I could have done anything, even if you are right in theory.
nigga that's a grown ass man
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Lmao sure
I long for a wurzy COCK
whats a wurzy
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Post a better shotaship

>jude bellingham(lil bro) 90+5'
>harry kane(janna Q) 91'
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i can't carry. i can't do this anymore. to time pack it up and uninstall. this gaming shit just ain't for me. bye bye.
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no wait stay here baby
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Me too! Sadly we can't find it on lolg... everyone is white

_'____ maybe? The badman?
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I long for a wurzy COCK
t. Auraero

>everyone is white
There's this one guy who plays bass
Ye that wasn’t me. I skibbidi love Samira tho. Despite only playiny her for 10 gaes o got anrdy a triple kill and love that prove them wrong factor from weak lane to rape multiple noobs and surprising my own and their team. Skin for this feel? I love good cs animations and crisp sounding attacks
>no cutie to play aram with
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More Aurora posts please! Wurzy cock was a good one!
i fucked ur mom last night lol
the zaned is live
doesn't seem like anyone's caring about do an L
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>being cocky after making a miracle comeback against slovakia in the round of 16

No ahri x lil bro yet?
>main account is in bronze 4
>second account is gemerald 2
this game sucks
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We share your mom with the homeboys

Never getting out of timmylow?
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Of course! That's why I have a bite, for the kill secure. Just to make sure my laners get that assist gold before my w helps them push their wave in. Truly, a team player.
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Uninstalled aswell, the game is worse than ever.
League is the only game that legit punishs you for winning
Kinda done of hearing the logic
>Oh yes, you stomped game and win 1v3s, but you threw a shutdowngold while trying to push for win instead of towerhugging till minute 40! therefor its your fault!
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Who wants to be the first summer concentration camp customer?

A lot of fun activities! Ask away

She gets to kill whitebois too? Any other champs like bier and irele?
>giga nigger attention whore
for talking about the game?
nta, but we don't talk about the game here
no, for attention whoring instead of talking about the game
Blooms doesn't seem to be taking his hrt treatment well
Tutorial time then bots.
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Imagine being a teen sleeping and your mom invites some black dudes over.... they come into your bedroom to wake you up and taunt you... then they take turns fucking your mom and proceed to spray her face...
They really need to get rid of this tutorial stuff it's just filler episode and doesn't explain anything except for right clicking.
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ww top is an IQ test.
do not get baited, do not trade your hp away, play safe and slow, buy grievous wounds early.

how and when you actually beat him depends a lot on your pick. he is a sitting duck for ganks because of how he always wants to play at low hp, if he ever falls behind he is super worthless, he doesn't scale very well into teamfights, he doesn't splitpush very well either, and his dueling power falls short of many other toplane champs too.
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Irelia pool party when

Sjokz too? Nice
I feel like Mundo Is a champ you really want to go 1 for 1 against because he scales way harder with xp than gold. Mundo comes online at level 11 and becomes god at level 16. Even if he has a lot of gold He is still weak until level 11. Every time I play vs Mundo i focus solely on building my gold economy by proxying, getting plates, tower diving him without really caring if I die or not.
It usually works and I usually win vs him
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We gotta open the bnuyy bar........ any worzy customers?.......
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reminder that Nami is soft
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Allowed to talk about bnuyy when? Racist ahri got the pass right?...

That doesn't sound fair at all nonny.... The way you described it.. The way i see it... "non-blacks" aka whitepois are a bunch of whiny losers with shrimp dicks. No wonder women only see you as cucks and wallets....
everybody fucking hates darius because if you don't get ganked then you can maybe kinda sorta stop the other top laner from scaling for a few minutes and then get solo killed by him without even damaging him when he's 0/11 at 15 minutes. literally the only way to win is to mindbreak the other top into afking or some shit.
>my 52% winrate champ can ONLY win by making the enemy top laner afk
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Year of the bunny irelia... so soft... so smooth.....
Liandry's second item on Sion top lane? yay or nay?
>old woman

Still pretty young all things considered. You should welcome this.
Hell no, terrible
The "ap" Sion build is bamis cinder > unending despair > abyssal mask
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Reminder that Irelia is secretly a slut for black dick

She may not be as open about it as Lux, Auraeror or her friend Akali but her lust for it knows no limits

Small Noxian(concept of whiteness t. nonny) cocks just can't satisfy her the way a black dick can

>Racist ahri got the pass right?...
Ye just like Irelia... but still they don't like it?... i thought the boys were racist af?
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butt racist only mean nigger word!!!!
rape niggers
Another game where my alistar supp goes 0/4 afk at fountain and mid 0/5 and afk. How does it happen every game but if i take a shit for 5 min during game i get all sorts of penalties imposed?
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No lil weeler... list of racist words....
>dude actually crying over his videogame team being shit
lec is cooked
>bad guys won

this is fucking bullshit I HATE mad lions
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Finally an on-topic post! Why isn't willy jr in prem yet?

What the fuck is lec bro

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