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Previous Thread: >>483228014

Ahhh, may Chaos take the world!

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I have a confession to make /pgr/. I haven't played PGR for almost two weeks due to wuthering, am sorry I let you down bros...
I would lick Chaos
no S-Noan is a letdown though, I hoped we would've gotten to see more of him. hopefully the justification for a playable Lilith isn't completely retarded
This is why Rosetta isn't getting a new frame.
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PGR has risen
Billions must play
Total faggot death
symphogear nanami sex
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Cerberus chads... we sleep for now....
Male or Female MC
WTF? I'm disappointed Kuro.
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Male is canon one anyway
to be fair to the true rosetta autists, I'm not a huge fan of her. I'm a bridgetfag since the inception of time
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Liv is too strong
>no gray raven event
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When is the anni stream bros
uhhhhhhh bwo?
Its over
6 months
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R8 the new coatings
Sophiabros, the torment continues until 5th anniversary stream
Big fan of all of them, except maybe Hangyings? But thats just because I'm not a hagchad
5th anniversary is gonna be either Vera, Rosetta, Chrome, Selena or Liv
EoS speedrun any%
Feels bad that China has gone full incel so Camu and Kamui have zero chance now
beautiful, hopefully they give a new coating to Lee and Liv so that the GR team also shares the same colour theming
not too big on it unless it's a gacha skin because wouldn't this be her third?
doesn't redeem her original design which already was garbage
>Teddy and Luna
these look pretty good and are my favourite summer themed skins thus far
It's alright desu
robbed Wanshi of his cowboy skin....
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R8 the new characters
>Full incel
Genuinely surprised to see 0 males here, unless the watcher is suddenly a totally new male character. I'm not complaining mind you, I'm happy with whatever we get.
This but unironically
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Ishmael true form's eyes aaaaaaaaaaa!
Where's the Elder Sign?
I'm pretty confident it's Ishmael
The Kamuis were doomed from the start. Chinkcel riot or not, they're just shit characters.
CN is now boycotting games with men
So when do we get these
Camu is still the coolest uniframe in the game.
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I will now support CPC
You posted a man, you now have to go to a work camp
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uh oh melty
Ishmael or Cradle or someone new? Place your bets anons
Well thats us, theres a gray raven logo on the shawl
Someone new
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Yata needs her horns back
SKKs look like NPCs and the female one is particularly bad.
At The Mountain of Madness
The SKK is only for a sortve exploration mode in a dorm type thing
Pretty but it's way inferior to the base in effects, also no tummy.
Looks like a gacha skin I'm probably skipping
Looks pretty close to the one she already has
Instant get, hopefully not gacha
Looks cool, gotta wait on sfx
It should've fucking been Wanshi, he better get one too
Looks like I'm uninstalling everything apart from pgr and ww
fuck me, i been swiping for a while but i dont have that much money to use in all this good stuff... im beyond fucked
Happy to see Nanami back. I just hope she is useful this time (i.e. actually does damage).
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Why did they label Cervantes as "Watanabe Epitaph?"
Hey they ripped off Honkai!
I hate Kurogames
>Alpha's looks like it has a lobby
it's 500RC guess
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Yata is cool
Meh on Lilith and Nanami (I know Starfarer's been out of the meta for a while now, but I feel like they barely did anything with her storywise. Lilith I just never really was into.)
Curious who the last one could be (Merciful probably?)
Probably new gray raven member or (We) ourselves
I guess Selena, and she's gonna join Gray Raven for some reason
Can't wait for it to be just a massive fillerslop where they fight a bit and then he goes keikaku dori and then goes away, hinting at some other plan is coming up.
it's over
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Rollerblades are back, mechaknight, I expect A LOT from this
Liked her better on her NPC portraits, but let's wait and see the model and how she plays
And not a single fuck was given that day
I REALLY like Yatas legs
Uncle's ready to hunt down some vampires.
it's over bwo
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Good news anon, Sophia was in the livestream, and she's a city now!
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What's nuget drawing?
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Yata looks good aside from the fact her inver-device got super nerfed.I like the new floral print on her jacket
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>Everyone rating the new characters
>No one even attempting to guess elements and classes
Do it. NOW.
Lightning tank or obliterator
Phys attacker or tank (A-rank)
Void tank or amp
Fire amp
>Fire amp Lilith
No way they make an A-rank amplifier. I think it's likely though that either her or Yata are a fire healer, Sofa's is as bad as she is sexy.
Now watch Lilith having some completely meme gameplay of playing poker with the orb system or something and be EVEN WORSE
nta but Lilith will 100% be an S-rank considering she was already a bossfight.
Wouldn't that leave us with only one A-rank (Yata)? I guess that Lilith could be a free S-rank (Void amplifier?), I really don't see the mystery nigga being an A-rank.
Mystery Nigga might be the free one
>But back to back free units
Noctis and Alisa
I'm a story skipper. Who the fuck are any of these except Nanami? Also who is getting replaced by her?
>Wouldn't that leave us with only one A-rank (Yata)
Last year only had one A-rank too (Black Rock Shooter) between the 3.5 and 4th Anniversary.
My guess is the lineup will go
>Mystery nigga Free S-Rank
>Nanami for the big 5th Anniversary character
>Who the fuck are any of these except Nanami?
Top right is Yata, a member of the Scarab squad.
Bottom left is ???
Bottom right is Lillith a bossfight and a member of Vonneguts ascendants gang.
Very bottom is literally (You)
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Lilith's reveal had a bunch of Gabriel clips cut inbetween footage of her. Think that means he might be coming back?
Looking at a transcript of the stream on twitter, apparently the weapon banner upgrade is a hard pity. If you get off bannered on the weapon, the next one is guaranteed to be your choice weapon.
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Also this isn't just the pictured rewards, this is a free Bianca Stigmata.
Fucking Ishmael & other Watchers manipulating everyone and was behind every major events.
I hope we finally ascend to a Watcher in that mysterious patch (likely 5th anniversary) so we can uplift humanity and find a way to deal with those fucks.
Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes!
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we've officially got our bloodborne VS trios
iirc they're also removing the 70/30 from the rerun banners. Now you're guaranteed to get the character you select.

This'll help newfags catch up
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So thats what this schizobabble meant, I couldnt decipher this "translation"
Sophia will save humanity in 5.0
>iirc they're also removing the 70/30 from the rerun banners. Now you're guaranteed to get the character you select.
Thank FUCK
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>just watched the stream
jesus fucking christ, they are going all out
Actual hope that building the New Sophia will lead to her getting a patch
There's 3 chars in the rerun banner, you pick the one you want to roll for and if there's a spook it can only be one of the other two, then next is guaranteed your pick.
It could be good jf they don't make the offrates completely worthless
did they ever tease anniversary characters? I thought everything released in the live is everything we are getting for those 6 months with the anniversary unit their trailer being released
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>Dorm upgrade
Uhhh, so can I go on a date with 21
Does anyone have the alpha pic with the head bump? Seeing her suffering brightens my day
breeding femcommandant against her will!!!!
damn the anni streams never dissapoint, guess all ive got to do is wait 1.5 years to get new nanami
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>wait 1.5 years to get new nanami
>wait eternally to get new sophia
ill call solon and ask him to add another sophia frame gimmie a few minutes
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hurry up bro
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>Nanami nxt cool
>Vera anon team
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sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia

rules /pgr/'s word cloud
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been doing only the dailies/weeklies since ww came out. noctis almost me in but i got jinhsi...
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>hey kuro, I like Vera ... can you give her a leap
>hey kuro, I like nanami ... can you give her a leap plzz
>hey kuro, I like Lee ... can you give him a leap :OOO

Vera already got a leap
>oh my god they are releasing the cool multi arm girl
>realize she is a going to be a rank frame

thanks for ntohing
She can still be S rank, and you can still play her even if she's not
>Install game for Crimson Weave
>See Crimson in S rank selector, select immediately
>It's Crimson Abyss
I am very sad and very dumb
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I was hater because of Lucia's outfit, but her alt and vog is hype
We are so back, in 1 year lol
I believe you will be able to roll for her on the next 100% banner on Alisa's patch?
That's nice to know. I ended up restarting anyway because apparently you're not supposed to throw black cards at the thing I threw black cards at, so I'll just save it all for that.
I spent 4 hours trying to 3* CER-32 with the trial team and failed miserably
>start chapter 17
>it's actually being paced well for once and has some good length without being rushed
>they're using multiple bgms aside from the stock ones
>using effects in vn segments
i pray this effort goes forward in future chapters, at least in terms of pacing and length
feels like im finally reading a vn and it's GOOD
Roland joining Grey Raven is highly unlikely.
Alpha has some sort of Grey Raven logo on both of her frames, but right now she is staying with Luna.
Then there is that story hole about multiple (you)s, even when (you) are currently ""missing".
Explain Alpha in that collage?
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>girl lov
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Where is this Liv lov again?
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Brief guide on Affixes
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Lilith was the bossfight in Alpha's chapter and Alpha killed Gabriel and kicked Lilith's ass. they'd both have reason to get back at her.
My daughterwife Chaos is finally playable?
>I don't want to SSS+ Alph-
No we're finally gonna kill her
Unfortunately not, but it seems in new Lucias chapter shes going to have an important role
liittle liv...
Lamia's patch, the one after next. You'll be able to select a 5* for a 100% rate up on the standard banner (the one that uses the blue cards)
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You got the 20% out of 80%.
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You will be able to customise them, these are just default looks.
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Could it be a sign?
your partnership is inevitable
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ngl guys, the livestream didn't leave me very excited for the future.
I don't know how much longer i'll keep up with this game.

I put some cash into the monthly pass for my bro Noctis a week ago, but after that's up, idk.
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It's the opposite for me. My boy Von is now a boss, which means he's becoming playable soon, and the unkown construct that was teased looks like they're related to the watchers, which hopefully means playable ishmael.
I'm actually hyped for them
I have no Sophia and I must scream
5th anniversary, trust the plan
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I can't believe they added sex mode where you can run around Babylonia and sex your constructs, now where did I put that 'smuggling hobos into spacestations for dummies'...
gonna be bold all over that midriff
It's like me with Rosetta. I still don't have her.
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I can't believe she took a 10 minute nap in front of you.
Haicma: All of you... you pick your side now, because this is over. All them years, Nanami... for this snake!?
Nanami (in her new frame): NOW!! Who amongst you... is with me... and who, is BETRAYING ME?!!
Witness the power of the Engineering Force
Is this the power of the pink hairs?
MEGAnon please check the WW folder for Koikatsu cards, I believe there are more cards to be added there
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characters who desperately want a leap and are yet to receive one
Frames that have yet to escape Uniframe/A-rank jail
>Bambi (?)
I'm mad about Lilith because of all of the other characters they could have used. Rosetta still only has one (uno, Yī, いち, 하나, 1) fucking frame.

If it had to be a new character they could not think of anyone better than Lilith?
I feel that Rosetta is popular enough to get a mid-anni/CNY frame, at least, so it's just a matter of time. IIRC she appears in cowboy Wanshi patch in the story, right?
My guess is Vonnegut will finally be dealt with in the next chapter, Lilith swears vengeance for her leader, then they bring Karenina out to Talk no Jutsu her and now she's no longer evil.
But who the fuck unironically want Lilith to be playable? She's not even an interesting character beyond muh crazy bitch, Vonnegut's henchwoman. It's like asking for Zero to be playable.
Vonnegut and Lilith somehow reminded me of Drakken and Shego from Kim Possible, but Lilith is not as fun.
what can possibly be even bigger than new Lucia that they had to drop her on half anniversary instead of 5th anniversary
God Liv Love
Wasn't Rosetta also assigned to the Engineering Force after she flew to Babylonia for fixing?
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Vonnegut: So, Lucia, you think to thwart my plan...!
Lilith: [Cuts him off] Don't stop to tell her the plan!
Sex update, the playable Gary mode is the stepping stone for that
the lucia with GRAY hair
I don't know how relevant it is in the future but so far in global she was so fucking irrelevant it wasn't even on anyone's radar for her to be a playable character, and the waiting list of characters that are stuck in NPC / outdated frames hell just grows bigger with each passing time. Lilith reveal is probably the only time I've ever felt letdown by this game.
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Liv using Empyrea again is gonna be so kino
I wonder if meeting chaos would give the Commandant memories of their clone.
Ayla finally realized what is true art now.
>Ayla: Art... is an explosion!
I understand getting upset because she got in before other characters, but being this letdown by someone as hot as Lilith becoming playable is beyond me
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what is this?
nanami storm leap when
idk but liv is cute
tea party
Shut up and take my money.
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>"Victory won't get away if you take a day off, so get some rest, my Commandant."
>"Noctis, you lazy ass..."
>"21... Zzz..."

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