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Previous Thread: >>482225475

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bros I love the gray ravens
Praise are daughterwife with her grace.
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Finished Wintry Shackles

So Lucia is still in Gray Raven, but only stepped down as Captain for now? Was her recorded message left only if her situation had gotten worse? Or will there be more to it next ch
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Can't answer your questions since i'm a skipCHAD, but I just wanted to let you know that liv is best girl.
Have a good day.
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Yeah, it's main purpose was to absolve (you) from responsibility if the worse happened. Although it's kind of funny that you're literally fondling ascendant tummy and it's uhh ok I guess.
why are you skipping best girl's chapter
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Because i'm pic rel.
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>he skipped the sex scene
She's in a better place now, in heaven with Sophia.
We need to let them go...
breed the pig
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I want to LICK No.21!
Your SSS Alpha bro?
Should I be saving skulls and battle pass currency for the new weapon upgrade system? Having 2 extra memories feel like meta changer
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very valid and brave
Alpha feels safe with you .
Luna feels hope from you.
Roland feels hermano for you.
Lucia a shit
Lee, erase this man
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post ur favorite gay raven
It's really disappointing that only one person said this in the previous thread about Lee getting replaced right after wanshi patch. If fujos still couldn't figure out why Wanshi was released, it was so that they could do a little damage control of their husbando getting non-meta and also release Lucia. Of course, knowing how unreasonable fujos are, they got mad like little kids. I don't know how to word it properly but the timing for releasing a male is bad every time. Not releasing any would be weird at this point, so they have to do it. Kuro knows it doesn't do well, but still wants to make male character because I believe that they release frames based on the story and not make story based on frame. Also, it's really stupid to say that they don't understand what they are doing with their game. I think if we ever get another male construct, the next patch will replace a male construct too doing anything else would be a gamble on how mad these people get. Watanabe's situation and Lee's situation are literally the same, I didn't and don't care about either of them, because you literally can get every character in the game. For example, if I pulled lee as a cn player (I did in global but using cn as an example) and then didn't have enough black cards during the Lucia's patch, then of course I would feel bad, but that is not the case. You can get every character in every patch, that is just too good. On top of that, the gameplay is just fun. I have played some other gachas and found out how copium f2p is in those. You also have to accept that in gacha games, characters get replaced. If you don't understand this simple thing, then gacha games are not for you. That logic also only works for the meta players, just just play whatever you enjoy. (Good enough bump). What character do you anons think will be in the livestream? Kamui will most probably be there. To keep the kids happy they have to do it. Sophia changyu not a possibility tell me otherwise.
>What character do you anons think will be in the livestream
Vera tease, one of the characters from Scarab teased.
>Kamui will most probably be there
kamui camu fused together like a 2 headed 4 armed monster PLEASE
>playable full homo hetero-creature
Fucking imagine
Two two-handed swords, two times slower, but time stop on everything so it's still meta. What a genius design decision.
He can't, he was erased from meta by new Lucia. Hyperbrick was an actual hyperbrick in the end. Why didn't you listen?
Women play this game?
Yes, unfortunately
Hanying SEXO
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For me it's Bridget
Girls like Selena can't compare to real women
this reminds actually reminds me of a story I've heard from someone selling merch. while men are more likely to swipe impulsively on a character banner (or any gacha for that mater), women would buy a character's merch like crazy. I think the person was talking about Aventurine who's merchandise sold out crazy fast and they had to restock far sooner than expected
agreed anon, I actually like PGR for doing just that. I dislike some constructs but they aren't playable because they needed to fill a quota but because how they tie into said story. it's an issue I have with Genshit and it's turn based variant, where the on banner gets all the screentime in the world but gets shafted once it's over which is stupid. the NPCs in PGR aren't generic literallywho's, characters do have narrative significance after their respective patch (usually) and most frames don't come out of left field, if not, there's a reason why X got said frame. the story writing and presentation could be improved but I don't mind it as is right now
>live stream predictions
new Vera would be cool desu, I also hope we get either more Foresaken or Camu desu
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Yeah Bridget is very nice too
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Oh yeah?!
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A Dame to Kill For
sir that is a toaster
have to be
it would be pretty weird to think it was dudes talking about sex with noctis in the chat
Omniframe Haicma when?
Haicma route was one of the best romance stories in the love maze event. She is still learning about human emotions and don't know how to describe the feeling about her love for Gary.
My woman will learn to become a real woman of herself and she will become a good wife, the canon wife.
liv and her evil balls
Haicma's new omniframe should expand on this in her affection story. Where she learn to become a human woman to love (You).
Qu shouldn't be the only one allowed to have romantic affection stories.
does the balls stay during sex?
Is Zero still in the Church?
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How do I clear this mission? Idk what limit break is
upcoming event
Isn't it fire weather now? You should be getting at least 1.4mil unless skill issues.
I will use nanami
I will use Bridget
I WILL use FireGoD Lee
marriage with liv
sex with liv
procreation with liv
handholding with liv
Thank God liv can't see these posts
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Tell that to the rest of my warzone
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i bet she would love to see this
Heard Hyper-Homo is getting replaced, who's doing the honour?
his own teammate
She would! But if she knew Commandant felt like that she'd break his hips and Gray Raven would never get a single mission done.
she would never look us in the eyes again
>Homo replaced by girl
>Straight man replaced by lesbian
* hides post *
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wtf is her problem...
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Too sexy
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My wife and I
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Newfag here, should I be dumping all my stamina here (asides from the newbie tasks)? What’s best to buy from the shop?
Noctis' memory set is discounted if you plan on leveling him, but just get whatever you need to build the characters you're using the most.
Yeah thats where you get everything you need, priority should be leveling a dps of each element that you have just so that you have a easier time completing the content that requires it, you can also build one team at a time if you prefer that.
>but I don't have any good characters for other elements
Thats normal when you start, just be patient and your teams will start forming as you get the new characters, meanwhile just make use of what you have.
Thanks, I've got a DPSer I like for lightning, fire, and phys so I'll work on them for now and hopefully roll someone for the other elements later.
Is Alisa worth pulling for? I know she is free but are her rank related skills good enough to pull for her to save the 50 shards you get from the dorm?
Like all amplifiers her SSS doubles her passive attack bonus, but I don't think its worth to pull for that. Just get there eventually through skulls+vouchers
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wow, look at her go
It's literally impossible for these chibis to put on a shirt holy shit
I miss the 21 mini game where you traveled around the world building stuff and fighting monsters
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I should have made a webm of her just skipping across the planets surface
would 21 let me sniff her armpits
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Fear not my child
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Yeah, but probably only if you let her sniff yours.
Thank you brother
get in luciabros
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>9 minutes
oh boy
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I do not speak chinese
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But look at Lucias sexy chest
Holy shit her ult looks kino
the color scheme is so good
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Damn, I figured Lucia would be stuck in a timeloop with that last teaser, but they're going back in time to the Golden Age too?
new lucia is stronger than ishmael trust me
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well considering they teased that the frame will be able to freely enter the tower, not surprising actually
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Looks awesome, cool that some of her attacks use the same effects that The Observer boss fight did. Looking forward to seeing streams from the beta today.
>freely enter the tower
I though the big deal was clearing the trials in the tower, I didn't know not everyone could enter the tower.
I think there's a 2nd ult animation
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Sea of Sangharama is peak signature move
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Basically they state that her frame is more fancy looking because it's based on golden age decorum with the white ornate look contrasting with Plume's black and industrial feel to show that Lucia is a much brighter and grown up person now
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This is after the eclipse
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another attack
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And people say Kuro can't use more than one color in their designs
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they match
i still lov liv
you can use both in the same team silly
Never. My team is empyrea, lux, and eclipse.
My wife
Though with the upcoming livestream can't wait to see the upcoming frames (S Sophia cope).
>S Sophia cope
Does CN even like sophia? She's the only dark-skinned playable character, and I assumed that's why we still haven't gotten playable Von.

I need my S rank choco...
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Don't worry anon, we'll get more black characters. starting with the commandant.
"Kuro hates color" haters btfo.
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I hate myself for not posting here new Lucia would have flying blades on her back like Dawn, now I can't boast about being right!
It's ok bro, I believe you and I think you're super duper cool.
The Watcher's Oath?
new ishmael kino inc

I think new lucia's stronger than the mercful
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Get in the tower Lucia
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>The massive punishing virus concentrations that gets purified but could never figure out where it goes is just being sent into another dimension
>As the virus evolves and adapt to the environments they just turn into Tacet Discords in this new dimension
How mad would (You) be at this explanation
wouldn't that literally end the story
Not if they introduce a new enemy from ishmael's dimension
That's not how it work. When you ascend, you literally ascends into higher dimension. You will have to create an avatar like Ishmael to interact with lower dimension.
Wait, Gary also coming with her. Could it be that as a confirmed Watcher candidate (from Luna patch), Lucia will use us as a key, similar to how Vonnegut had to use us to create a key (Chaos) for his own?
Luna herself can't even travel into the past when she was inside the Tower like Lee did.
I bet we're going to be changed by the Tower whenever we ascend at the end of this chapter or not (likely not yet). Or Ishmael force us into the higher dimension, where we are forced to learn the knowledge. And Gray Raven will have to search for us again, with all of them (Liv in fixed Empyrea frame) enter the Tower and ascends to find us. All 4 Gray Raven members become Watchers.
Does the Outer Gods in Cthulhu Mythos even have any enemy?
Ishmael is a cosmic entity of nothingness, deities of that level are beyond humans' understanding, she may think oblivion is mercy. She also seems to be similar to Nyarlathotep.
You can't expect a bunch of Watchers upstarts to defeat Ishmael, an ancient being, only banish or seal her at best.
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New Lucia and story is gonna be kino I can feel it.
Would lucia's chapter be the final chapter of the part?
Just get there through vouchers if you want, if you have spare BC lying around use them to roll for weapons. Alisa's is actually one of the main priorities for that, with harmonization she carries both her set and DV for the physical team.
La La La La La...
La La La La La...
Watchers, La La...
In theory she's the best off-element amplifier at the moment based purely on the amount of damage she contributes by qte. In practice, you'd mostly use her in phys team anyways. She does a lot of damage, and is very unlikely to be replaced soon (so far not a single amp was replaced, and Alisa is the last amplifier to be added.
In practice, it wouldn't matter much unless you whale hard and have perfect meta comps with ss3/sss and multiple resos. She won't be carrying phys alone even at SSS as it's still the most balanced team in damage contribution, and lately most damage moves to Hanying. If you don't have any of the old meta s-ranks or signature weapons, it's better to get them instead. Or just save bc to ss3 some of the strong future frames, like Uncle or Qu.
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I run this shit
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>Lee being replaced
Is this the first gen 3 attacker?
I agree.
Honestly they should add :"roll for only female characters" gacha option and vice versa i genuily dont play this game for male characters
they cant remove them now so i stick through it but its a bummer getting them
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I cant recharge via Bank card guys.. is it over...
How many more copies do I need to SSS3 Karen from SS3
4 copies i think
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More like Lewdcia
When is the 4.5 livestream?
The 1st of July, so 6 days
I thought it was the 29th?
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Oh it is now, huh. A previous tweet I saw said the 07/01 maybe it got changed.
is that rexlent fag a sperm loving chinkoid or what?
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"Paid" shill, but hes been in the PGR content creation scheme for a long time and he's not ass at it, so I'll at least watch his beta streams
The opposite, he just finished ranting about the twitter homos and fujos seething about Lee right now kek.
what happened
He's correct tho, they need to shut the fuck up.
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>Stigmata Leap
Damn, thats crazy. Wonder what it does.
Off yourself, troon.
Yeah, I figured as much.
He's based telling fujos and homos to fuck off
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CUB is a Raven, Kino
New Lucia seems to do Fire AND Lightning, based on the description of her CUB and memory set.
Bianca lov
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she is the very definition of dogshit, everything about that current frame is - from looks, to effects and ending with overall presence
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Bianca leap!
Does she replace alpha though?
Go back
>another token reply
stfu troon
Good one, homo. Now go back.
Solon is based, hope WW gets a Bianca expy
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Unless shes the most broken frame of all time, so strong thats shes a team all in herself. Then no.
You're a fucking crazy person. Don't expect anymore replies after this.
>le epik fantasy outfit
>le epik magiiik xdd
>lost the red highlights in her hair

If I wanted to see such shit, I'd be still playing aether gazer.
>Lucia has actual air combos
DMC collab soon bros.
Have to wait a year now to get her...
Life is pain.
>If I wanted to see such shit, I'd be still playing aether gazer.
its been a while since ive heard about that thing, what is it even about
A cheap copy of PGR
PGR but for wheelchairs
>Stole Alphas orbs
>Stole Balters Sword Waves
>Has her enhanced blade and Fire from Lotus
>Has her multiple blades and Electric from Dawn
>Has her drone buddy and air manoeuvres x100 from Plume
Lucia chads are eating good.
revealing midriff is too big
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Deploying extra dose
PGR is an edgier copy of Honkai too.

Some matrix ripoff where the player character is some turbo admin and the worlds keep resetting while 4-5 in game characters persist through every reset.
Thank you wife
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Here is a perfect song for a sweet girl like 21
very sweet, very nice
honestly, I hate it. But I think 21 swearing is funny
Also requesting this one for Nanami
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>Has 3 distinct stages for her Ultimate
Its slop and I love it, but thats enough for me. Goodnight bwos.
Incoming Gen3...
It's over
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/pgr/ is TOO fast right now!
The power of the main girl
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Just go to bed bwo, it'll be comfy again when you wake up
>limp bizkit no21 cover
i need to hear that now
The flame hair looks great here but they should feature it more in the model. I'm more excited for Bianca leap.
so is that it? they just showcased their latest dogshit release and didn't hint at the next few constructs?
first beta test?
Wait for 4.5 livestream on the 29th, fujofag.
stfu, troon
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best squad
oh no a melty
I really hope they stop with male patches
This style of mechanical arm is probably my favorite, reminds me of Asura's Wrath
Would Lucia be considered a 3rd gen or still 2nd?
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I skipped hyperhomo btw
based troon bot
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I use Liv as my fire DPS.
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fwens,I missed the livestream, did they reveal the future constructs? and what's the new Lucia like?
no livestreams yet bwo, just the beta test
the preview is happening on saturday now its just rexlent streaming beta
why is 21 so fat?
Will there be a dev livestream on youtube?
3rd gen
itll be on bili but there will be people sharing it on yt in real time
what does that mean? she will be mediocre in fire or lightning zones but can make use of 21 and Vera but Liv too?
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Where were you when they made Bianca and Watanabe into generic JRPG bosses? Where were you when they sucked out all of the color from Liv with her Emyprea frame? All of you are a bunch of hypocritical faggots.
when is livlov gonna get a new frame...it's been 3 years...
-[Li Luan Fan Guang] causes a total of 800% physical damage, and each attack recovers an additional 1 point of energy.
-During the period of afterglow enhancement, True Intent Slash can be triggered when [Li Chaan Fan Guang] attacks.
-Each layer of Mark of Darkness will increase the base damage of True Intention Slash triggered by Shenhen during [Li Chao Fan Light] by 1.2%.
-When you have the Heart of Determination, you can directly perform the fifth stage of normal attack by dodge and connect with normal attack.
-After releasing [Li Luan Fan Guang], Shenhen's attack will not be able to trigger the afterglow sword shadow effect.
[Effect: True Intent Slash]: Some skills can accumulate Hidden Edge value. The Hidden Edge value can be inherited to the next True Slash effect character, with a maximum limit of 999 points. When the Hidden Edge value reaches 100 points, the next time a skill with the effect of triggering True Slash hits an enemy unit, 100 Hidden Edge points will be consumed to trigger a True Slash, causing 400% True Slash damage. After each trigger, you will gain 1 point of true meaning, with a maximum limit of 90.
·Level 9: When activating the sword form with more than half of the afterglow value, you will gain a 10% critical hit damage bonus during the afterglow enhancement period.
·At level 18, when you drag the joystick while releasing [Lamp Shadow Sword Dance], an afterimage will be left to attack, causing physical damage of 80% of the attack power.
[Passive - Light Breaking Level 2] Newly added: Every time [Li Luan Fanguang] triggers True Intention Slash, you will gain 8 points of killing energy.
Attacker Liv soon trust the plan.
After releasing [Li Luan Fan Guang], the next time [Zhao Yuan] is released, it will consume up to 10 true meaning points to additionally release [Shattered].
Dark], created based on the consumed true meaning value
450%/500%/550%/600%/650%/700%/750%/800%/850%/900% True Slash damage. When Shenhen releases [Shattered Darkness], all Dark Light Marks will be consumed. Each layer of Dark Light Mark consumed will increase the base damage of [Shattered Darkness] by 3.5%.
·When level 9 [Li Chaan Fan Guang] triggers True Intention Slash, you will get 15 layers of dark light mark.
·At level 18, an uncooled QTE will be evoked when the illumination field is opened.
[Passive - Oracle Level 3] Newly added: The basic damage bonus of each layer of Deep Mark Sword Intent to [Sword Mark Carved Abyss - Zhaoyuan] is increased to 7.5%. The base damage bonus of each layer of Mark of Darkness to the True Intent Slash triggered during [Living Chaotic Light] is increased to 2.0%.
[The basic damage bonus to [Shattered Darkness] is increased to 5.0%. The base damage of the signal
ball is increased by 20%. When the ball-killing skill is released while the photo zone is open, 15 points will be obtained based on the number of balls eliminated, and the point hidden front value will be
·Level 9: [Dazzling Dazzling Lamp]: The additional damage is increased by 15%. After hitting an enemy, 50 hidden edge points are gained.
·At level 18, when you release [Dazzling Pendant Lamp] in the lighting area or perform match 3, the next [Bright Candle] will deal an additional 25% damage, and can be stacked up to 3 times.
[Passive - Carved Dark Level 2] Newly added: [Must Kill - Bright Candle]'s damage record multiplier is increased to 110%. [Fragmented Book] -External damage bonus increased by 30%
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mucho texto!
balter leap
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looks like they made the back after eve
Beat me to it, basically adding the new damage mechanic to her kit and some number buffs
What about gameplay?
>argues that a 2024 game has created mechanical spinal cords
have we fallen this low as a general
you can guess what his first game is lol
did we win
>that new lucia frame
I JUST uninsalled
what other vidya have similar designs?
I just wasn't feeling it. The day to day felt like a chore and the only thing I was really playing for were the new character every couple months
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I see, well godspeed anon.
Hope you enjoyed your journey until now.
reinstall anon, don't leave us...
>that new lucia frame
I uninstalled
New characters have always looked cool in CN, then I get to play them in global version and they are all janky + RNG & rank dependent to the point that makes me wanna slam the table. Honestly so jaded that I can't get excited anymore
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The prophecy was true... Total (Fujo) Faggot Death
I don't understand why I canme to love milf Sakura
Hmm, I guess I can come back to PGR
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>dawn blades
>karen's spin
>alpha's swordwaves and CA's ult
>bianca's air rave
>lee's afterimages
>S hanying's ult
>luna's floatiness
>lamia's floating (swimming)
>roland's janky ass orb system
>final ult is Sea of Sangharama or DHGDR: Supernova Overload, but playable, fuck the retards at mihoyo for cockblocking people out of the actually cool attack
>kept the twintails, has luna's floaty decorations on them
Fuck yeah peak chuuni slop kino I'm fucking swiping, she's made for ME I can't wait 2-3 fucking weeks for Wanshi's patch to be over.
Kill thou/thyself tranny nigger she's SEX
Based Gary
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Based, absolute Gary win.
This new Lucia have made me doubtful if I really should SSS+ BRS
I am F2P but I really like BRS, but I would very likely pull for Lucia, so I don't want to spend all my savings for her to stay in the shelves

What should I do, anons?
You can still use BRS bro, she's also cheaper to roll than S ranks. Powercreep is really only an issue in the realm of whales who SSS+ and max reso all characters.
For the rest of us, all constructs are viable. Besides, you need multiple teams for babel anyway
I'm f2pass, I'm seriously thinking about skipping watanabe later this year and just saving those 15k bc for lucia's sig and maybe more copies of her.
I already have Karen Ember and Palefire Lee built for babel tho
I don't really care about babel ratings
I care about Warzone and PPC
And from what I heard, SSS+ BRS equals in strength with SS Hyperreal, so Lucia would make a big difference

I really really like BRS, I skipped Lee for her, but with Lucia soon after, I have grown doubtful
Not only that, story also looks promising, as it will be centered on Lucia and Gary exclusively, meaning that Kuro might go all out on the (you) pandering with her, something that they haven't done since Kowloong Metropolis.
>go all out on the (you) pandering with her
uh livbros our response?
>but with Lucia soon after
There's like a year between brs and new lucia.
I still use crimson abyss, the first released S rank, cause I like her and she does the job well.
If you're gonna skip constructs after every CN reveal you'll never enjoy the game lol.

Me personally I'm going for S rank BRS
all the gray ravens are for (You).



Even Lamia, our newest member of Gray Raven
Lamia belongs to Cerberus
Heh....heh....more like Punishing...GAY RAVEN!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
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She's mine!
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I just want to save loli porn in peace man you can't follow a single PGR account without this shit popping up
I know it's my fault
I hate Xniggers so much.
Yuritard detected, opinion discarded
welcome back gay raven poster
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what am i in for?
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liv lov
I also plan to at least S her
I just don't know if I should SSS+ her
Shitty story until you hit chap 9 or even 12. (there is 25 chapters right now)
Kino gameplay and ost (tho you gonna be bored until you get better units because the starter ones are pretty well standard lmao)
If you have questions about which unit to choose either to roll or with the free selector don't hesitate to ask.
Right now you can get Noctis for free (with some light grinding) he's fun and in July Alisa who is also fun to play and free.
August patch brings the fish wife home so I'll say save until her. (her patch also brings a new mechanics which make S-rank Omniframe currently available into the Basic Construct R&D pool and designated as the 100% rate-up target, so you can get anyone (only once tho) with is great since it uses standard banner currency instead of limited one.
Anons, how good is Luna outside of void zone?
SSS+ Luna can be better than some new attackers or tanks that are <SS ?
I think Qu is still the strongest attacker with the addition of Wanshi def shred
cancellation incoming
reposting on r/gachagaming brb
Fuck the twitter homos and fujos
loli Sakura and milf Sakura are the best versions of her, any other Sakura from Shippuden sucks
I find it funny how everyone suddenly starts thinking of her as some sort of "uwu shy girl" who doesn't like to wear revealing outfits; she herself has said that she doesn't care what she wears as long as it doesn't hamper her combat efficiency. In fact, the only reason she even began to care about her appearance wasn't because she was shy and didn't want to expose herself, but because she sought Gary's approval. Yes, she literally dresses for him and only him. Of course, most fags on Xitter haven't actually read the story and are just repeating what they heard from one of the fujohomos about her.
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ayo chat is this real?
>maybe more copies
they also seem to miss the obvious BRS influence.
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I don't care what anyone says, I love my sub 4k bp wife Lucia!
>new Lucia saves PGR
Lucia is gonna job as always anyway
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Nah I'd win
Anyone else can give me more answers to this?
I need to know whether to take the gigantic amount of BC
b urself
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anon interprets the scene where Liv has gone through 2 potential outcomes, where she ultimately suffers the most, and declares her love towards Gray Raven as (you) pandering. it's truly over, there's no coming back from this [Bianca's chapter 100% went in on the pandering though but too fucking bad it also sucked dick[/spoiler] I'd rather have competent writing over self insert bullshit, regardless of what's between their legs, it would just hurt the story. keep it to the events like HI3 did so you have a narrative that's actually compelling as there's no self insert to shit up the story (like with most gachas that come out nowadays) whilst also giving waifufags/husbandotroons what they want. keep SKK like the kino SI he is by giving the nth speech about how humanity's hope will be able to overcome the PV
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spoilers failed... point still stands though, Bianca's chapter was dogshit for multiple reasons, the aforementioned being one of them
Old luna the dark attacker? Newer characters at SS shit on older ones, even if they were fully maxed out. I wouldn't invest in her at this point of the game.
stop it liv...
He's talking about new luna
Old Luna does not deal void damage, anon
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luna is shit alpha is the supreme girl
Damn, I checkd out S wanshi for the first time. His animations are fucking clean
How many BC is required to SSS+ a S rank again? 150k?
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Well there's this one game called PGR, that's used mechanical spine designs for a long time now
is there also a tranny/femcel/faggot melty over in CN, or is it just twitter subhumans?
You know the answer
Chinks aren't any less subhuman than twitterfags
That isn't a high bar, anon
>I really really like BRS
That's all the reason you need.
I actually knew about PGR because of the NieR Automata collab when they released the PV in CN. So I waited for the global version and playing it from launch. By the time the NieR collab arrives, I already knew NieR has already been powercept in CN, but I still drop money to SSS + sig the NieR team, and buy the Kaine coating for 2B. I played the shit out of them, I can still play them now in modes outside of PPC & WZ.
Idk how strong BRS is compared to cannon wife and Palefire but she will still get you enough to claim all weeklies, Bridget is fun anyway, there's standard banner selector if you still want Uncle. You will be able to enjoy BRS SSS+ + sig until Lucia arrives, and you can still use her outside of PPC & WZ if you want.
No. 21 JP - Break Stuff
No. 21 nooooo
Nanami JP - Cha Cha Cha (GUMI)
Nanami did her best with that vocaloid vocals
Vera JP - Above the Summer (JP ver)
Remade with in-game version so it will be better than the old youtube version. I also converted and uploaded the extracted JP version to the mega link, in the album of this song.
Selena JP & EN - Everything Is Not What It Seems
I can't find a lossless version of this song. Sleeners singing Sleener Gomez song again. Maybe I should have Qu singing Queen songs next?
Some samples when I tested Vera's new model:
Vera: Feral
Vera JP - Gaze of Wind (Acoustic) vocals only
After Vera is done, I've remade all female characters except Lucia until I got her new voice lines from her new frame. Now only males and collab characters are left.
If anyone want to use them, you can find them here:
Remaking for days lov lov lov lov lov lov lov lovlhelpm
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>Dual element BS is online
Yep was expecting them to ruin the game with this garbage for years now.
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Dead Space is the OG for grafting metal and LEDs onto your spine cause it looks cool along with having actual gameplay function
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I hope they make this dude playable
Haha! Niggel!
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fucked around and didn't know what I was doing
I thought I understood the game but Lilith taught me that I didn't and she dragged me across the floor in phase 2
I just didn't bother because I didn't have a feel for a single character besides Rosetta
Fenrirr was my second hard filter. "with my lightning team fully built, surely I'd be able to do all 5 nodes" is what I said where he proceeded to instakill me because I refused to learn parry timing
Nigel, absolute cool dude, the OST fits the background and it's simply "cool." his dodges are smooth, his command grab is kino and it's what I would've wanted out of a human boss. hopefully other bosses deliver an experience close to HIM. the first boss where I cleared all 5 and I hope that I won't get filtered by future bosses desu
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This patch was pretty nice ngl. Fun story, cool fights, good vibes all around.
iirc Lamia's patch boss is gonna be super brutal to fight against.
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>Fenrirr was my second hard filter. "with my lightning team fully built, surely I'd be able to do all 5 nodes" is what I said where he proceeded to instakill me because I refused to learn parry timing
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Numerically speaking and in a vaccuum? Yeah, sure. Just remember that the game has ways to shill other elements so you won't be quite able to do shit like brute forcing certain things.

S+ is way too many cards, personally I would stop at SSS and use the leftover balance to pump cards into another construct's SSS.
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My wife is NOT fat
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it was 11:30 and I had exams the next day, please understandu and ignore how it's a "skill issue" hahaha...
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Comfy again
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It's ok bwo I didn't mean to look down on you. It's just that both CW and Feral shield/healing are so busted that claiming you were getting instakilled/requiring parries sounded blown out of proportion
So why didn't Kuro just go out of their way and let Lucia be used alongside Lee? You know for the people that want to use the PGR squad. Why are those chinkoids so fucking retarded?
>let Lucia be used alongside Lee
>either boot out Liv, also ruining the GR trinity, or boot out Watanabe, removing the current fire tank early yet again
there was no winning here, someone had to take the hit and it was clearly going to be Lee
I am not talking about Lucia being an amplifier, I am talking about her being Attacker but still being viable enough to go against the holy trinity. I just don't get it.
Kuro already fucked up by making Watanabe a fire tank instead of Phys or Ice and there'd be an even bigger shitstorm than the one we have now if Lucia replaced him so soon after he replaced Nanami.
This really is all Watanabe's fault isn't it? First character to replace a Gen 2 and it's all been downhill since.
I mean, even if Watanabe had been some other element, I doubt a Lucia would have ever been anything other than an attacker to begin with. It's kind of been her thing since the beginning of the game.
I don't even know where or how to read the passive of Tanks. But the whole thing is so lame and I am not even a Lee fanboy. I enjoy the gameplay loop but thats about it.
Wait, wait wait wait
rexlent is actually a seamonkey?!?!
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Yeah, he did a face reveal since being an officially sponsered Wuwa shill meant he'd be doing a lot of in-person appearances
So i download the game after 4 years of not playing.. Why I'm up for? Also first time i ever returned to a gacha.
You guys know the original gray ravens team was 2 attackers and one support, right?

New lucia doesn't change anything, you can still run her with hyperreal and emyprea.
In the patch after next we'll get the ability to select a 6* character to have a 100% rate up on the standard banner. Make sure to pick Crimson Weave and you'll be set for the future.
>he thinks the faggots crying about the meta are in leader
cmon now bro
You're right thats too high for them my bad
i cannot run triple nanami with lucia therefore she is bad
it's 80/20%
wait the dawn frame was said to be a prototype, which means the new lucia frame is likely to be the complete version of it
the full Cerberus team isn't meta either bwos
Characters change class all the time. Karen, Uncle was changed to tank from attacker, Vera, Wanshi, Hanying was changed to tank from healer.
Hopefully Alisa patch only runs 35 days (5 weeks).
>File Decryption <Constellia North Fifth Ring Road, "Golden Hour" Art Exhibition Area>

>At this moment, Constellia is still silent in the dazzling finale. It is like a jade palace in the clouds, gorgeous and dazzling; but it is also like a monument to an entire glorious era, empty and lonely.
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>Humans have told me about their own Churches, about the Gods and their love. But, do the Gods love their creations. I am a machine created by you humans, would you ever think to love me?
Hanying is fully functional, right? I can stick my dick inside and don't have to worry about getting electrocuted, right?
He will fix it I'm sure, Gray Raven event is gonna be the proof of that
So no actual time travel, Constellia just finally completed it's construction since Ayla's chapter.
Take the risk anyway, don't be a coward
No worries about that. Now, your penis getting crushed between gears however might pose some concerns
That pussy TIGHT like clockwork
Hanying was made so a lonely autist could stick his ai waifu's consciousness into her body and overwrite her mind so they could be together. No way she wasn't fully kitted out beforehand.
Probably, she was the owner of a high-end brothel in Kowloong. The owner only manage her girls, pair her with a client and have them perform professional arts like singing, dancing, poetry to the client and hope he like the girl.
She can even open another establishment filled with female Awakened Machines and have her girls performing for wealthy humans. But no girl is allowed to entertain or touch Gary except Hanying herself.
Don't mind me, but look at that >>483527051
Is Kuro getting more and more for (You)? What will Lucia new affection story be like? I'm excited!
can I reject lucia? I already have someone else...
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Cheer up Lucia, its not like Shikikan is madly in love with one of your squadmates and their constant romance and happy life will be shoved in your face as an eternal and painful reminder of the joy you could never acquire.
I'm gonna liv
I don't wanna liv
0 clue why they changed but I think she was a mistake gameplay wise. should've made her an attacker, it'd be fitting considering her data was already based of Luna desu
we don't have Aeon Reforged so I can't say anything fwen
wasn't she out of element as a support?
>Wanshi + Hanying
0 clue but we do know that Hangying got completely wrecked in Qu's chapter
I just think nothing but an attacker would fit for GR, she's always seen her as a "blade" for her squad and as dogshit as Echo Aria's hidden story was, it shows how far they've come as a squad.
Yeah I love Lucia, the real Lucia(Alpha)
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convince me to not press the skip button on Ayla's chapter. liked the story desu but i'm not going to sit through another mediocre chapter
Relevant to future chapters in many ways. Constella, Alisa, our kouhai most importantly.
My bootleg jalpha figure ust came home
She looks like she does alot of thinking
More like a lot of stinking
Like a hobo
You people need to stop bullying alpha, she's trying her best.
>in a dead game
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Kuro should copy this and update it to WW. I want to do this with the NPCs
Looks pretty good, is there one for liv's elf skin yet, I only have a GF and an AL bootleg and have been thinking of picking up more.
Wings of dawn? It's on amiami right now
Cute liv
Failed spoiler
Bad post
But how else are seafags, chinkoid incels the the westoid troons going to feel better form themselves if there isn't low effort pandering?
i like how youre not willing to call them seaniggers
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It's a dog eat dog world after all
This is what heaven looks like
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Does her tag say Angle of Death?
Also her chest belts go under her spine, what the fuck
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more like gray...oh
Why do they insist giving her twintails? They dont look good on her
new Lucia means I have to use my S-rank selector to get Hyperreal to have a full squad of Gray Ravens with their respective Omega Weapon frames... another year without Nanacutie, of course it had to be when I was just considering to get her sig and pair her with Uncle
oh boy do I have something to tell you
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>Why do they insist giving her twintails?
Does she know? Nobody tell her.
You say that one more motherfucking time and I will find you anon.
I will find you and I will eat your face and force you to play ZZZ
I don't get what you are trying to say, are twintails not considered such over a certain length or something? Whatever the case, looks like shit, Lotus is still her best look
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Hair length on a woman is associated with youth and health. The longer, the better. Haven't you heard of Rapunzel story? You really are blind to such obvious archetypes in culture and cues of fertility(but she's a robot ha-ha) which is why i called you a woman.

tl;dr men like women with long hair, the shape in which it's held doesn't matter as much, also twintails are yet another cue of youth
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Twintails is literally in the name of the game. The CN name of the game is Battlefield Twintails: Punishing, and its a reference to the first game by Kuro which was also about girls with twintails. So complaining about it is extremely retarded.
God I love twintails
Anons, can somebody explain me meaning behind Rosetta's Interlude's hidden stage? The one who asked the scientists and grandpa to look after Rosetta, who was she? Did they imply Amberia? Was she Rosetta's real mom or older sister or something? Then who were the scientists? Did Amberia recognize Rosetta in Firn Night? I don't understand any of that at all.
I honestly don't remember, it's been too long since i've read it.
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Do you see this? Do you see it? How fucking tired she looks? So fucking hot!
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REALLY good post anon, you are my nigga
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sofa and jamilah soon
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The things i want to do with her cannot be categorized as entertainment.
>New element character completely replaces the previous element character
>Team synergies are locked behind gimmicky gamemodes
>No elemental synergies

PGR needs to remodel their gameplay from the ground up if it wants to survive.
Aylas chapter is complete filler. I read everything but I can safely say you can skip that chapter, you miss nothing its literally just a recap episode of what you already know and you learn nothing new.
They should just make PGR 2 but use the same plot instead of it being a sequel honestly.
WuWa's combat system mogs Pgr's so hard even though PGR is the action oriented game while wuwa is the exploration oriented one.

And they can fix the early chapters being shite while they are at it
You will usually need to pay a much much higher amount of money to the owner if you want anything other than entertainment (it was a premium service for high society in chink history for a reason, there should be some chink novels about it idk), if it was any other girl in her place.
But no one is allowed to have their hands on (You), except Hanying herself. She runs that place and she made the rules. She will do it only for (You), and you are hers alone.
PGR is limited by the fact it is a Unity game on mobile devices.
WW don't even have a fucking move to launch enemies/and yourself into the air, or air combos for all characters. It doesn't even have a Stinger move to close the gap, or Enemy Step.
ww doesn't have my wife so pgr is still better
And yet it's still more fun than PGR's 1-dimensional candy crush
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Where does she wants (You) to put your hand exactly?
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Do any games have decent PGR mods? Like model swaps and stuff? I've kinda reached a point where I still like PGR as a concept, but the live service model is finally starting to slowly get tedious to me. I want to play another action game like PGR, but not PGR itself.
Elden Ring has Vera and CW
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What weapon should Haicma, an upstanding member of the Church of Machina, use for her next frame? The Rakuyo, and make her look like Lady Maria, since her Uniframe was a reference to the Doll and Gehrman?
It's none other than the Church Pick. This weapon will handle everything that comes her way.
Dealing with enemies of the Church like traitorous Awakened Machines that oppose the Sage's ideals, and harlots that want to steal Gary from her? The long sword mode will cut them all down with its large blade. Not even the traitorous whore Veronica will be able to stand against her.
Dealing with Hetero-Creatures? Transform it into an extended war pick. Fast, reach, and flexibility, it will make short work of their mobs with this mode. Nothing can harm her Gary.
I wish church of makina was set up as an antagonistic faction. Now its just very bland and boring and the do nothing in the story.
but it is? the whole reason why they had to leave is to not wipe humanity out
>I wish church of makina was set up as an antagonistic faction
I'm sick, my head hurts and my whole body aches. But I must play PGR... I want to finish the dailies and weeklies, and events...
literally me
Me on the left!
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cant log in, stuck at main screen, loading wheel permanently like this
is it just me?
works for me
tried again after your post, got in this time
guess EU server had a hiccup lol. thanks anon
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21 lov
My head hurts so much I want to die.
I can't sleep, lying on bed somehow made my headache much worse.
My eyes are filled with tears, I want to cry.
Mommy, please help me.
>Female players opinion on Kuro is at all time low
>Let's double down and shit on male characters
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slaughter them like animals
There are no winning moves for the kurotroons.
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>>483628501 both sides on the extreme end are retarded and are a texbook of horsehoe theory. in an ideal world, I could have them rope themselves online so I don't have to deal with their retardation but alas, I unfortunately have to deal with fujotroons and waifufags on Xitter despite clicking "no interest" and blocking dramafags
SSS+ Alpha and don't worry about it.
Based Kuro
Get the Japanese made action figure next
>using xitter for anything but checking news of your favorite gacha
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>I'm such a waifufag/husbandostan
>god I love [character] so much you wouldn't believe
Bonus points if it's just SS+sig without a single skin, rest of the ele's team is also a ghetto ass minimum setup (showing they don't give enough of a fuck to build the character a strong team), won't even drop a monthly pass or show any support to the devs that made the character they have an unhealthy fixation to, instead shitting on them at every single opportunity.
Just love your sub 4k lucias you retards.
>supporting kurofags
>just SS+sig
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S-Sophia reveal during the Anni. livestream
trust the plan
That was just le bad timeline that will never be relevant to the story anyways.
She hasn't even been in any promotional art is what feels like forever. I legitimately think that kuro's forgot about her, and it fucking hurts...
>tfw only SSS Sig (triple reso) and SSS CUB No.21
I can't afford SSS+....
pgr staff is like 5 people at this point.
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She was in that ensemble picture for the 4th anniversary, though she kinda had to be there since every playable character was included in one of the pieces.
She's also going to be part of summer event during Lamia's patch with a new sprite.
gayravenbros how do we recover from this
all me
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that's easy. you don't
Why is Lee so bad
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Bro your Church of Machina members that nearly destroyed Kowloong, nearly killed Qu and a fellow Church member there, and Nanami had to stop them?
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Why hasn't there been a scale figure for Bianca yet? Isn't she one of PGRs most popular characters?
Having both Alphas in my homescreen rotation is weird, it's like I'm travelling back in time just to be molested by Alpha before she took a bath.
bwos how do I clear trailblazer and primal projection below 2:20 and 2:10... I need 3 mins for both of them...
Your SSS Alpha bro?
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Yeah I have an SSS Alpha, SSS Crimson abyss which I put all the past free selectors into feels good to be a whale (f2p)
Trailblazer going to Babylonia to fuck shit up and having Nanami prevent that from happening? or the time where Nanami herself says that she and SKK could find themselves on opposite ends? never happened, Her Last Bow is a non-canon event and the Ark Beyond was fan fiction!
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I am thoroughly disgusted by all this.
Ayla is pretty gross
breed the pig
I forgot to include Trailblazer, yeah he would have destroyed Babylonia if it wasn't for Nanami stopping him.
But the point is, the Church of Machina is still an antagonist faction. At least half of them still want to kill humanity. Nanami still has to keep them in check, and she has been failing lately at that, as some members still go out against her will and try to kill humans, even fighting those who follow her ideals. Regardless of what Nanami thinks, she will actually need to clean house and rebuild her Church when the current Church plotline ends.
Now that I think about it, Haicma is the only one who stayed consistent in both the simulated timelines and reality. I think Haicma would even try to stop Nanami if she somehow goes evil. Haicma knew Nanami from the beginning and was the one teaching her beside her parents after all.
Proof that Kuro doesn't want money right here
Total yumefujo death
she should be naked
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Sex with a pig... Anyone?
No I'm white I only have sex with dogs
Ayla is made for lovey-dovey handholding
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2 months...
The wait is killing me....
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Is there any way I can force 4k resolution in the Pc client?
I remember someone mentioning something about finding it in task manager and maximising it from there. But I don't have a 4k/widescreen myself so I've never had to do this.
Wasn't it like, maximize, alt + enter, maximize?
Babylonia is globalist world government and needs to die. I'm telling you people they are demons.
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Lucia changes
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Also removed the Lightning icon from her character profile, she still has the Ionization affix though.
>added fire effect to her hair in character idle
I will now play your game
shes pure fire now?
As far as I know, no. She still does some lightning damage same as before, they're just removing the affix so that people don't think she's supposed to be used as a lightning attacker as well as a fire attacker.
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wings of dawn rerun??
I think thats just a skin the guy happen to have anon
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When is Gary going to save her...
She deserves a happy ending...
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Despite him openly showing reservations towards humanity in later chapters, Spooner was also still loyal to Nanami and Haicma when they met in the bad timeline.
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Lee needs a white outfit to match with them, even the old GR one will do KUROOO
buy the dark skins for lucia and liv instead
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She is going to be an Empyrean serving Ishmael, an Outer God. Selena wants Gary to be her Consort so she can become a Goddess and bring the Age of Sleener to Earth.
I sincerely apologize to Mohg. Miquella was a manipulating, mind controlling, brainwashing son of a bitch. Like mother, like son.
>Launch the game
>Minimize the window when you're at the login screen
>Open Task Manager
>Look for PGR
>Maximize the progress
>Alt + Enter to go full screen
>Game now renders at 4K
>You will have to do it again everytime you launch the game
>Rarely, the battle HUD is on a fucked position and can't be move further in the settings, close the game and do it again, it should be fixed
>Selena wants Gary to be her Consort so she can become a Goddess and bring the Age of Sleener to Earth.
Too bad, I'm slaughtering everyone and then eloping with my dog
>no Miquella ending
We were fucking scammed. $40 btw
I got my moneys worth, still have to play through on other characters
t. rannyfag
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Yeah mostly
Sucks for her. I will repair the ring with the Sagemachina rune
Ranni is the best choice, even more after SOTE, we even get to travel the stars with our wife. Miquella was fully revealed to be as insane as our own femboy Lithos. His Age of Compassion will leave everyone without free will, as he mind control everyone to follow him.
>Vera: Then its settled. Summon me by grace to turn runes into strength. Ahh, another matter. I bequeath to you this ring. [Hands over Spectral Steed Whistle] Use it to traverse great distances. It will summon a spectral steed named No. 21. No. 21 has chosen you. Treat her with respect.
Ride No. 21 into battle
Mounted combat on No. 21
Spiritspring on No. 21
Running from powerful enemies on No. 21
Getting destroyed by the Furnace Golem with No. 21
Kill No. 21 in Lord of Frenzied Flame ending
>Vera: You... have inherited the Frenzied Flame. A pity. You are no longer fit. Our journey together ends here. And remember... Should you rise as the Lord of Chaos, I will kill you, as sure as night follows day. Such is my duty, for allowing you the strength of runes. Goodbye, my companion. Goodbye, No. 21...
>Mending Rune of the Sagamachina
>It's literally is the Synthesis ending from Mass Effect 3
>Oh god oh fuck
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Kuro should make a chibi No. 21 costume and have someone Solon dancing while wearing it..
reminds me when Solon cosplayed as livlov
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i came back after like a year and this fake ascension shit is filtering me again, do i miss anything important to the story if do the normal mode, is there any important side stuff in explore? plz help a retard out
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Just do the normal mode. Explore mode is not worth it. Thank me later.
t. Day one player who had to go through that absolute slog of a mode
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i was a day one player too, when fake ascension dropped i got stuck there for 4 patches before quitting several times lmao, now i feel sad that i got very disconnected from the lore and story
>Synthesis ending from Mass Effect 3
It's exactly what you're thinking of
Filtered. Also no funny Gestalt dice trophy for you.
no one here is capable of thinking
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I'm thinking about No.21 RIGHT NOW
>humans and machines become a new hybrid species immune to the virus and conquer the stars
Sounds good
That's quite literally Vonnegut's plan.
>Haicma's new patch
>Haicma finally understand love
>Haicma building up the courage to confess to Gary for days
>Haicma about to do it
>Haicma got KEKED by Mother Arcana right in front of her
>Haicma change to a new, more powerful frame to KILL Arcana
>Mother Arcana also suits up, and be the boss of Haicma's new patch, armed and equipped
>The civil war continues
No idea why cuck (c uck ed just in case) got changed to keked
Why are we fighting with him? He's working on saving mankind...
I'm a lot of chapters behind but wasn't Vonnegut's plan to make everyone go through the ascnet filter, killing the 99,99% of humanity unable to become ascendants?
Nanami wanted to save everyone so it wouldn't be the same
That anon got it wrong, Vonnegut wants the next evolution of humanity using Red Tide.
Cradle wants to create a Red Tide civilization with Hetero-Creatures. So they're opposing each other. Cradle opposes Ascnet and its way of filtering.
Cradle lent Luna her powers to fight Selene/Agent 0, an Ascnet agent. We don't know if Luna is still connected to Ascnet at that point, but she killed and absorbed Selener after their fist-fighting.
Punishing Civil War
We also still don't know what the fuck he is planning with Chaos. Using her to gain powers/knowledge to further his plans?
When's the 4.5 anni stream? I can't wait for S Sophia's sneak peek
sheduled for saturday
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Yo stay home where it's safe kiddos. CAUSE THIS IS MY GAME.
Beach Fight is just the new, summer version of that ice tank mode.
>Single digit kills
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Complete. Global. Saturation of the Red Tide.
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Didn't screenshot the one with 11.
>Story is about a man
>Way more interesting, proper storytelling, foreshadows new plot developments, is funny, does not feel like filler

why is kuro like this
They have to put in more effort to sell the males since the girls sell on looks alone
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Oh no bros, I didn't know 21 was THAT type of character
I skipped.
Inver devices lets you elevate your consciousness to the 5th dimension. This is why Lucia becomes an Avatar like Ishmael.
wasn't every patch from Bianca's up until Alisa's (besides Left Unsaid and Spiral) seen as "Chapter 1-8: Electric boogaloo" with noticeable weaker stories? heard nothing but praise from everything after that besides Bridget's patch where the writers went full retard . male patches for some reason having significantly better writing bothers me though. they can write actual good stories but they refuse to do so...
Me on the right
Me on the left
remember tenebrion chapter
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>gomen gomen, We did not mean to kill your game!
We don't need beef, get your ass out from wuwa already
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starting chapter 17
i better shit and cum myself
>Soon I can get Alisa to actually have a proper working phys team
>Check patch
>Her sig weapon has a massive buff
>Weapon harmonization introduced
The filtering.. it's coming for me..
When is the livestream?
I wish to be irresistible to /pgr/ anons
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flooding anon's house with biospheres
Post a lust-provoking image
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malnourished looking ahh
Gary was a fucking faggot for not tapping this as soon as possible when she was still around as human. What the fuck was he doing? LAN parties with the boys from the Academy?
we didn't even know who she was until echo aria bro
>t. collins
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No no the Ishmael expy is seducing me I can't resist help me she even has the same smile as Ishmael
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The Ishmael expy is actually the fucking MC, damn.
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>still playing this dead game
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Why there are so many fan arts featuring Lucia, Liv, and Selena on the same scene?
Imagine if Gray Raven squad was the three of them from the start...
Then we get our 4th member Lamia joining later
Theyre very nice girls
So... hi, tell me how to be happy.
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The answer is No.21
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marry liv and open a flower shop with her
You can't just say "No.21" and "livlov" as the answer for everything!
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They went too hard on the Luna - red tide twins arc and now they are just flopping around with filler that is just aimless. They don't really have an endgame in mind since the purpose of the game and it shows.
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Damn brat wont let me PET
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What should I be buying from the ore shop? All I’ve got is the tutorial CUB, I don’t expect I’ll be able to roll one anytime soon.
buy ice cub shards
why is shitvia suddenly wearing white though?
Who are the most impactful S rank pets?

Don't talk about my wife like that
I don't know, lad; it has to be the most soulless character they've released so far. That Watanabe frame used to be the l*c** thing somehow beat it which is impressive.
they think they can pull a second surviving lucem
I'm not going to argue that it is a good look. I'm not even sure what they were trying to go for. Maybe alt coatings will come to the rescue as I rather have a tweaked version of basic B Lotus.

Its not terrible but painful meh.
Also speaking about watanabe - shouldn't the default look of his frame be as janky as it gets because of the whole Forsaken thing? I really don't mind male characters but his look is just unpleasant.
the rightmost one doesn't look right...
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buy the ugly one
Anon, don't listen to them. Get the lightning one, it can buff the next switched-in character. It also has the funniest sticker out of all other A-rank cubs.
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Lucia love
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I guess it'd be the Watchers desu but even then, I feel like that came out of left field unlike Nanami being machine jesus. the stories are good but I wonder how long they can flop around until they realize that they would need to give a conclusion to the overall narrative. but there's also way too many subplots going on at the moment so I wouldn't be surprised if they were to milk them individually and not reach an end until god knows when. hopefully it doesn't do what HI3 did by fumbling it's finale and releasing a second part meant to appeal to HSRbabs
Lee traveled to an alternative universe again.
This time the Awakened Machines was inspired by the mafia families in human history. They established a Nanami Family instead. Nanami is referred to by the Machines as the Don, first thing they told Lee when he ended up at their place is "You don't disrespect the Don."
Haicma rat out the family to Babylonia when Nanami started selling Red Tide drugs to humans.
Don Nanami hire Lee to execute the rat Haicma in exchange of giving him what he need when he get the job done. Lee threw that Haicma into a random universe and exited the dimension.
PGR bosses cheese tactics doko?
If you dodge the bosses attacks they don't deal damage to you, shits OP
So will Kuro actually stop sucking dick and give leap to Hyperreal?
right after nanamech leap
>Firegod Hyper Real Blanco
the meme stream is tomorrow, right? I hope they will hint at a new Rosetta
Should be 11 hours from now iirc.
11 more hours for S sophia...
There doesn't seem to be much cheese in PGR. For many bosses its all about avoiding triggering annoying attacks (Rolands swing, Musashi's dash, Iron Maiden transforming, etc) by killing/stunning them really quickly.
>Still only has one (1) frame
>Rosetta's leap wasn't all that great
>Sophia never got a leap
Maybe they will be the first fusion frame via potara earrings
At least rosetta was meta for years, whereas sophia and changwho were never good...
People don't even bring him up in conversations about males in PGR. The outfit he got from 21's space adventure mini game was cool though.
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the cn stream will save us... *cough*
it's rover
hits you with big log
hits you with big lov
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Seabros, it's up to you to keep the thread alive while we burgers go to sleep...
I'm the only SEAbro here...
21 lov
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breed the pig
Do you think 21 is the kind of canine who goes ballistic if you approach her food while she eating?
Steam will be at 6am for me, maybe i'll play elden ring dlc until then.
>3 hours
are we excited?
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I don't like this artist, he draws No.21 too off model.
She would break Noctis's neck, and would simply hide the food from you like she hides the gift you just gave unless you are feeding her directly hot
Based as always
I'm excited for anything that has Lucia.
Is anyone livestreaming the event on Youtube? or have all the PGR CC's completely moved on to WW?
Most likely Rexlent.
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>Caring about e-celebs
I just don't want to use Bilibili
I would stream it with no commentary if my youtube has 50 subscribers right now.
Someone should do it, no face, no commentary, no CN chats on Bilibili, just pure video stream with /pgr/ anons in the comment section. No. 21 AI covers on repeat before original stream on Bilibili start.
Forgot original Bilibili stream link
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Now we're gaming.
I heard the stream will start in 15 minutes
It was google translate vandalism by hoyofaggots
Any last minute guesses on who we'll see during the stream?
The usual sneak peak of the next 3 to 4 constructs.
2 minutes
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Lets go boys! I hope were all satisfied
Lucia, my love.....
And a ching chong nip nong to you too young lady
>filtered by cradle
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Lucia is real~
new sophia or death
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Very nice
The lady presenting is Selena's CN VA?
>Verification not required.
Are these two losers developers?
Think so
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>Must... Molest...
So uh, do I have to start paying child support now?
Man I don't know if I should watch the Stream... As a global player I don't want to get spoiled...
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better leave the thread then too, because are going to talk about this
Oh fuck, we're finally fighting Vonnegut
It is just as shitty as the aether gazer one.
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE okay I'm leaving lmao.
To be fair the fight was bound to happen, so I'm not surprised.
my nigga....
>this retard is actually interested in the story
>7 minutes, 7 minutes is all i can spare to play with you
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Cute dress
Hope you're ready to shell out cash for classic colored Lucia
kurohoyo don't deserve my money
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Its really nice, big fan of the effects
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Luna swimsuit seggs
Summer Luna
Why is PGR turning into genshit. Lucia's two coatings are covered up more than a nun on sunday
off youself, seanig
Might as well wear burka
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After you, hoyocunt
FAT thighs
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also don't reply to retards
>shows a bit of a boob in the art
>totally flat in game
what did they mean by this
Padded swimsuits
Alpha coating
>hey it finally be a new frame
>another skin
just make a volatile priestess coating for crimson weave ffs
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I have no idea what this says, but it looks sick
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get a load of this homofaggot kek
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Sofa bros...
Fully voiced story, so likely a gacha skin
What the fuck is this breast expansion
Did she ask Ascnet for it?
are you actually retarded?
Don't reply to a tourist
Hell yeah Stylish mode focus
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>he wants two new frames in a patch
I don't know where you came from but the powercreep here isn't as rabid as you're used to bwo
it's probably one of those hoyofaggots that tries to shit WW's thread and decided to shit here too lmao
No, I want to see teasers for the ones they will release in the next few months.
Can tell when all they care about is coomer skins instead of gameplay
>woman sucks at video game
Many such cases
>muh gameplay
Peak tourist hours
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A whole city to herself
Stop replying to the tourist
Honest question. Why do you invest yourself in games that aren't made for you?
Go back to your containment thread, hoyofaggot
>blue rose loading screen
Was Selena's VA the one that got baited by her chat into Alt+F4ing mid stream on Qu's patch?
lmao those two don't add up. That low trying to bait in a slow comfy general
>dev gets on the game and fucking dunks on the boss with S-Vera after Qu VA slowly got her kill with Crimson Weave
fucking mogged
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Alpha segs
My bad still new to the site
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Kill the demon bear and fish
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maybe I should stop coping and accept that we aren't getting another Nanami skin. well, here's to hoping she's going to get her new frame after Vera, Noan, Haicma and Roland. I want to also say Selena but Kuro has 0 clue as to what to do with her doko
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Rule adjustment?
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You retards can argue among yourselves while I CUM to the bear
he just like me fr
Free shit
Teddy skin is also free
>terrible drop rates
>but the word "free" makes it okay
Chinese are just something else.
Should be done covering the patch content now?
NA NA MI!!!!
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>The rollerblades are back
pgr is healing
>New Nanami frame
Starfarer really got shafted huh?
love it
oh it's the 4 hand girl
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Mystery nigga
I already miss her big ass horns
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Is that Yata? She got a huge facelift, damn. No horns anymore though.
hell nah they're pulling another Alisa
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There she is
Alpha leap
you can never guess what they'll do next
Uniframe? can't have an Ascendant be an A-rank from the getgo but I don't see her becoming an Omniframe either desu. if she's an S-rank, i'm disappointed
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Karen coating
Wait FR?
>her last goodbye
>she comes back
No cowboy Wanshi but Watanabe goddamn
bro your lamia?
How the fuck is that Watanabe
day 1 buy for me
no way they just casually drop (Us) like that
If you dont use gray hair you are soulless
Alpha gets tummy rubs from THIS?
livbros we lost.....
New artbook
Who won, who lost?
Isn't he meant to be a pirate?
We won.
I'm retarded, fuck me. still would've been cool had we gotten someone else like S-Noan or Haicma
(We) won
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snowbreak saved gacha games
it's a coating nigga, they can be any theme
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Finally I can take my meds
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>maleSKK is canon
What did kuro mean by this?
Throwing the yumes a bone with the female model
Actually do the female players pretend to be female Commanders or do they go with the gay fantasy?
The only PGR character with an actual jump button
why do troons want a new Kamui anyways? Camu, I understand but what's Kamui supposed to add to the narrative? Wata had untouched potential due to how important he was in the larger world, someone like Noan is eligble for an omega-weapon, Roland is stuck in Uniframe jail etc.
No wonder Commandant is so powerful in story, nigga can jump
>Who won?
Ascendants, Nanami Nation, Chaosbros, Brat Correctors, Hag Enjoyers, NPC Promotion Gang, Collins, (Me(You(Us)))
>Who lost?
Liv, Sleener
i might get this. the cap opening mechanism looks cool
Because they like him. As simple as that.
It is safe to assume she will be a A rank, right?
that is Qu's VA? I wish she spoke like her the whole time
>It is safe to assume she will be a A rank, right?
yeah for sure
trvth nvke
permanent FPS mode or event?
>no new Rosetta
Later. It's Nanami's turn for now.
Is she once again being a tankoid?
Get in, for our daughtersisterwife
i hope so, she'll go well with my other nanamis and finally let Bnami retire
Shes a full on Paladin!
Shouldn't the teased characters all be S-rank?
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livestream was fine desu, we don't know who the mystery frame is but we can assume it's Cradle or Ishmael. the teased frames are
only let-down by the last one as I would've preferred other characters to get their long awaited upgrade or escape from NPC jail but I do wonder how they'd handle Cradle/Ishmael if they are going to become playable. new Nanami means there's more kino stories on the horizon

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