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Previous >>483887697

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/28
>Craft showcase video for latest revealed characters in The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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>Everyone on the Falcom R*ddit defending NISA's translation, even the shoehorned pronoun stuff and attacking people who disagree.

It's over Falcom is going to cave even more in the future.
Well given we've seen Van in space of all places in Grendel, surely he could go east after all haha...
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i don't care
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Kai reveal soon haha...
>praised by reviewers as a great localization
>schizo is having a total melty, claiming nisa stole his work
>constantly taking jabs at nisa and responding to himself
>it's not even release day yet
I think you and reddit kotaku are the only ones that really care
Literally who gives a shit about what reviewers think?
If America wants to nominate old people for president why not take a 900 year old loli?

President KeA and First Lady Shizuku Bannings!
You would if they gave a shit about Sen or Rean
Or the players. I only care what's being said in the ESL schizo echo chamber like every sane person.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GAME JOURNALIST
i didnt believe the schizo about there being literal NISA shills on here but seeing people unironically defend van asking about pronouns in a world where trans doesnt even exist is sad. get a real life and a real job nisacucks.
Haha, what are they coping about now? Daybreak getting rated higher than ANY OTHER GAME IN THE SERIES, or the localization getting praised?
Reviewers dropped points from FF16 because there wasn't enough diversity in it.
They were always going to like a woke game.
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>#4 on Amazon PS5 best sellers
>88 on Opencritic and 84 on Metacritic, the highest rated in the franchise

It's over....
can't wait for the wokefag returns
>talk to npc
>bricked your playthrough
Nigga, they were not going to suddenly throw more options at Van when even Kondo's been only talking about Elaine and Agnes this whole time as realistic options

Honestly, is this really 'that' important to you? Shouldn't we be more glad that they actually held back restraint (at least so far) to not just throw everything at the MC?
They seriously still haven't fixed that?
which one? lol
Reviewers were going to like it the moment they realized they're fighting white supremacists like they daydream of doing, this is like pure wokie wish fulfillment
>I get to be Batman with cool powers, have women lusting over me as I beat up white supremacists? POG!!!!!!! 100/100!!!!
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b-but i want to self-insert and have a harem to pick from...
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It would have a 99 instead of an 84 if your projection was real
Don't forget making Quatre trans in the translation when he isn't at all.
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is this bait over on the falcom r*ddit or is this shit actually NISA's translation. no one would seriously translate it this way right
Yes they did, and yes they would troonslate it like that because Amerimutts are fucked in the head.
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Not all of them are like that, but a lot, and they wouldn't want to be too obvious about it.
What did you expect from reddit? They praise the localization fanfic, they praise the shitty dub, the praise NISA taking a month to up to a year to fix bugs, they praise waiting 3 years for English releases, the praise the difficulty becoming more and more non-existent with each game. They're just retards
Haha, this kind of endless mald is exactly what I expect from the minority.
They didn't forget the text they changed it all to "..." because some dipshit thought it was funny
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It's honestly baffling that people here still want to defend NISA when they literally broke Reverie on release with shit translations for tooltips and links not working.
>the praise NISA taking a month to up to a year to fix bugs
I don't think anybody praises that. They may praise it when it happens but it's always with an air of 'why did you take so long'. Like when that big Reverie patch happened, it wasn't "oh thank you blessed NISA for fixing the issues", the wide reaction was 'what fucking took so long'
>>the praise NISA taking a month to up to a year to fix bugs
Small indie company please understand and i will suck your dick
>get a high quality localization with a high degree of accuracy
>people love it, praise, want more of it
the meltdown continues
You said it, sister. Unending mald.
They probably defend NISA cucking CLE out of including jp scripts in their ports too
Yeah man the JAPANESE people deserve less, NISA is the only REAL people who make Trails games!!!!!!!
More like CLE releases are so low quality that Falcom doesn't want to be associated with them. CLE is as bad as you think NISA is, and worse. They use actual MTL in their "translations." Haha, then again, you LOVE MTL. Love it.
NISA cocksuker going full force today
You're probably one of those people who think big bad NISA were the ones whole "stole" away the rights from XSEED too
is this pronoun shit actually what was said in japanese or the best way to translate it or did nisa go full dei? im confused looking over the comments on the onions site some are saying it's 100% accurate some are saying no and its woke.
It's already been established that your perception of reality is warped. Remember when you and your fuckboy samefagged the same post 10 times insisting that people were upset about something when they weren't? That's your state of mind. Very credible.
Surely the people who are calling woke knew the original intent and that's why they call it woke

Not that they see the word "pronouns" and went red in the face XD
claim down hogwheels
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Van asked if he should use -kun or -chan
The game is EXTREMELY woke and it has nothing to do with the pronouns line.
The game is literally about a diverse group of people (arab girl, bisexual chinese dude and the trans guy there) fighting white supremacists, and the game constantly shits on white people (everything invented in the country is by immigrants, white peoples are the only ones who do terrorism and also 90% of the crime even in metropolitan areas, all companies ran by white people are corrupt and support the white supremacists and all the companies ran by immigrants are pure as the driven snow, etc)
The game's story is essentially a modern Disney+ show
>The game's story is essentially a modern Disney+ show
I love D+ shows. Acolyte is BUSSIN!
claim down hogwheels
Gaybreak has always been a woke tranny game. It has an unironic playable tranny and the game is filled with fagshit, from faggy bartenders to faggy sidequests that focuses on fags. This is worth at least 10 points to a reviewer.
>claim down
Van just asked Quatre if he was a girl or a dude, because his super sniffer detected something wrong with Quatre's body despite having mostly a male looking features.
how did le based ZF translate that
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Rovert today
Banging a dude who happens to have a vagina isn't a loophole that let you pretend you're straight. Just like how banging a midget isn't a loophole that lets you pretend you're not a pedophile. Not even FF16 had a tranny in it.
what happens in thailand, stays in thailand my dude
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We made it to the 2024 hall of senpai boys
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what chapter is this again?
Unicorn Overlord is a terrible game. The whole combat system is just hold R2 to bump into enemies until they die, then go get your booba cutscene reward.
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It's a little experiment.
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Letting someone cum on your ballsack is an experiment. Pretending to be retarded is not.
>its now 88
will it go even higher? it was 84 last time
That's not Metacritic. It's 84 there.
thats open critic, 84 is meta
wokefag lost
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>almost all mediocre rpgs
>Best localization yet
>Highest selling yet (3rd on ps5 preorders)
>Highest rated yet
Kurochads won
The West officially carries Kiseki (confirmed)

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>Letting someone cum on your ballsack is an experiment. Pretending to be retarded is not.
metacritic weighs each score differently depending on the size of the outlet, but opencritic weighs each score equally.
which is why metacritic scores are always lower
>muh reviewwwsssss
So you all admit that Final Fantasy is 100 times the RPG that Trails will ever be, right?
I'm pretty sure the issue with CLE is that they suck like in general
This is some schizo shit right here. Only you know what the fuck you're even talking about.
>So you all admit that Final Fantasy is 100 times the RPG that Trails will ever be, right?
I mean, yeah. Don't start your melty. You said it, and I agree unironically.
Anything made by Vanillaware is automatically better than the rest of the industry.
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Stop talking about ballsacks
>Letting someone cum on your ballsack is an experiment.
Are you sure you want to clean your wheelchair later?
The only good Vanillaware game is Dragon's Crown. Everything else is trash.
Mainline final fantasy haven't been good rpgs since the snes not that trails is any better
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still 84
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You retards fell for the exact same fucking bait as reddit

hook, line and fucking sinker

Schizo, just post the link to the guy you think is posting in this thread. You just come off even more unhinged when you spam the thread nonstop with these vague references.
Odin Sphere and Muramasa have better gameplay than Dragon's Crown. Also 13 Sentinels has a better story and characters than any other jrpg especially anything written by Falcom.
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What is it with /fg/ and attracting insane NEETs? You have the subhuman that's been posing as a NISAshill for over 24 hours straight (this is also the pw zoomer), and then there's wokefag who has been shitting up /fg/ for years now.
Why are there so many spics in the NISA discord
people on /fg/ who use it to show daybreak didn't "flop", even though we'll never know how well or badly it's gonna do unless nisa says "look how many we sold!".
and then they conveniently forget they cucked themselves for gaming urinalists
>schizzy actually feels so strongly about his hate for nisa that he made an account to go troll on reddit until he got banned
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Today, I will remind them.
Falcom games?
went on to work in geofront, who inserted many unfunny memes such as "bruh moment"
we still get games is pretty good indicator or else they would have stopped a long time ago
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How many days until the NISA shill starts making threads on or before the bump limit to remove the Kuro translation from the OP like he tried to do with Hajimari because it's "no longer necessary" lmao.

Look at the state of NISA's Kuro 1.
lol state of your gaming journalism mate
>not mentally ill btw
kek holy shit
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can't wait to spam everyone_is_wrong_but_me.jpg when CSfags attack Kuro :^)
The most diehard nisashill is a spic troll on Twitter
You're seeing this schizo shit up the threads
it's about the best lead we have, for sure. steam charts are unreliable, and companies are afraid of transparency.
your point actually reminds me of why i never take the "NIS are in financial touble" posts seriously.
no one has proof. exact numbers are a pipe dream.
shame, too. i'd love it if nisa collapsed
>game reviewers, a profession that is constantly ridiculed for being terrible at their job and rating according to ideology and access
Fatso (Rovert) has been having a meltdown for almost 24 hours now. Was Daybreak really that bad?
>noooooooooo the localization is NOT receiving valid praise
>noooooooooo daybreak SUXX it's not the highest rated trailsaroonie
Maybe if you weren't a newfag you'd understand the retard I'm mocking.
the sarcastic "everyone is wrong but me" meme is a literal npc way of seeing the world.
just because lots of people agree on something, doesn't make it more viable. a whole lotta germans supported ww2 in the 40s.
look at the the state of the average person; 90% of people shouldn't have the right to vote, but that's too based to say out loud
Post a link to the pig guy you keep sperging about. I want to see how mentally ill you are.
See >>483975837
Worse than Vanillaware games.
>You have the subhuman that's been posing as a NISAshill for over 24 hours straight (this is also the pw zoomer)
Once you see his twitter analytics, you will understand everything.
>he's STILL raging about being triggered by Falcom's public financial report because he thought it was an attack by NISAfags
kek holy shit
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>time zone
>northern europe
>brown he says
The only thing that's brown here is your mental capacity LOL.
yeah i noticed that right after posting. you got me good, anon
It is ESL MTL, yes.
I am the only white /fg/ anon.
what the fuck does that even mean
what relation does bear have to mare other than it rhyming
i would rather play literal mtl than nisharts slop
we're not NISA audience.
why do you guys care so much about nisa
we have a new game coming out with kevin and rufus in it and going to space and everyone is just talking about a localization of a 2 year old game
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Post hand.
In English speaking countries that's not an unheard of nickname to give someone. But it's the kind of nickname a woman would give a man they have a relationship with.
cause no one is going to be able to play kai in english for a year at least and thats assuming someone takes up the mantle of fixing kurotools and making a patch
Mare acts "like a princess" because of her status as an <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

It is perfectly normal to call someone like that "princess", you'd know that if you weren't retarded
>game obviously targeted towards western reviewers rates well with them
Almost like they knew what they were doing when they included the real time segments, grossly simplified combat system (to pander to the guys who have problems getting out of the Cuphead tutorial) and the woke story lmao
People have said that it's pandering to what western reviewers like since the moment it came out.
do you see her get called a princess in that picture?
>no timestamp
if that was true why are they not giving it 10/10s
most reviews gave it an 8 which is what ever falcom game gets
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No because NISA is filled with retards.
cold shitter cope
is it kino?
nta but you can search /fg/ archive during kuro stream
or falcord
>fat fuck brazilian immediately starts to cope
a fellow skinny person. i feel less alone in the world all of a sudden.
happy day
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So it's not your hand then?
It's not that hard. Just write something and maybe stand up if you can.
whats it like to have sex with Juna and her fat crossbellian ass and titties?
nisa gave review copies to channels that have like 500 subs lol along with literal whos on twitter
how do i get review codes doesn't seem to be hard
Do you still have all of those hats?
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We did it /fg/ xisters!!!
>So it's not your hand then?
You know it is. Now your schizo mind is trying to rationalize your perceived boogeyman actually being white and not fat, unlike you, the Basketball American.
>anon asked redditor for the timestamp
>another meltdown occur
I was the person who took it over the finish line. Beautiful to see.
Another warped perception of events stemming from low emotional intelligence and mental illness. Classic.
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love renny
I find it hilarious how basically every review shits on the retarded voice acting direction. Do Falcom get shit for it in Japanese reviews too? Wonder if NISA will try to fix it with their Kuro 2 release.
this is not how we do it in this website

please lurk more before posting
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See >>483979249
Jp VA script handle by professional
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? why did they change it?
they did? what did they not like about it?
virtually every dub (minus a special few) be it anime or vidya games, has an atrocious dub.
like 99% of voice actors are literally shit and cannot actually act. they sound comical when you put them on live-action stuff (see squid game for an example of how badly it translates, it's fuckin' gold).
so like, what in particular did they lhate about the dub?
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It could be Tommy Wiseau-tier acting for all you know since you don't speak Japanese. The quality doesn't matter at all since you don't have the ability to recognize if it's bad or not. That's why subs are always better.
dont blame all of us
Are you? Do you realize how meaningless it is to attempt to convince someone that they speak Japanese on the internet? lmao
Holy MTL
I'm talking about theres constantly only one character voiced per scene
He's talking about scenes where 1 character is voiced while the rest aren't. It's weird that Kuro still has this problem when they fixed it in Reverie. I guess its because they're already working on Daybreak 2 so they had to rush the dub this Time.
Schizo moment!
>fatso posted his dad hand
Hey, bitchtits. Still think this is effective shitposting, huh?
Just by a picture of your hand, I conclude the following..
>You are a white trash hillybilly from the South of USA
>Your parents are siblings
>You are a devout bible basher
>You support Trump
>you support trump
based if true
>he finally outed himself
Who are the good characters to use in Northern War? I'm getting to the point where I can start to make characters UL but I haven't got the faintest idea whether I should make the likes of Alfin UL.
Retard alert. Look again.
>time zone means you're brown
>actually GMT+1 is THE white timezone in the world
>here's my white, low body fat hand, post yours
Haha, you immediately defaulted to American politics. Mind broken!
Haha... i have no idea...
Incoherent much?
>Support Trump
That's good though, couldn't imagine supporting sleepy Joe
>still relevant 20 years later
Reviewers praise the plot and the "topicality" and "social issues" of the games without actually explaining what they are.
They're really setting up the players to be surprised at the first drop of the w s bomb.
what other shit have they changed in the NISA release that is retarded like the mare-bear shit?
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>super sniffer
>c*ck out with the boys
>he's still crying about kinkster
Yep, fully and entirely. Your cope?
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>Why yes I DO think it's accurate
i see, you're just shitposting
>everyone who thinks the daybreak translation isn't accurate is one person
Here he goes again
uh oh, this rattled the nisashill
>Why yes I DO think it's accurate
Correct, it's accurate. No meaning or intent is lost anywhere. Your cope?
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>the retarded shill is a brandon main
wow who could've seen THAT coming
Americans suck ass, they think they rule the world but they will never ever be on the level of the Brits. The fact that you speak English means you automatically lose any credibility you had, if you had any even.
pigcord not going to like this
Professional NISA works
>Fan translation is bug free, NISA troonedit fucking sucks even on a technical level
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>Correct, it's accurate. No meaning or intent is lost anywhere. Your cope?
>troonpatch doesn't even get kerning right
Your cope is to hang yourself? Haha...
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why are yuros so mindbroken? Oh wait...
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Ban is so lucky.
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>Your cope is to hang yourself? Haha...
Say it with me:
"I will never doubt our translators again."
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NISA nails it every single time, and the troonaroonies can do nothing other than mald in their little safe space circlejerk where they samefag and give each other validation all day and night, haha...
NISA's TL is the only accurate one. The japanese script is only the general plot and isn't canon.
>iconic line
There is none lmao
>mutts are having an absolute meltdown for literally no reason
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The only way I can consider Van to be lucky, if he gets Rex treatment at the end of Kai, or at least canonically he can impregnate Elaine, but can stil romance other girls.
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>NISA's TL is the only accurate one. The japanese script is only the general plot and isn't canon.
In Cold Steel all the girls are loved and have fans. In Kuro there are only Elaine, Agnes and Elaine and Agnes are only popular because they compete for Van. They have almost no development. And Shizuna is a walking marysue meme girl version of Rean. Nobody cares about Judith, Risette, Nina, Feri, Celis... but according to the Kusoeaters, the spriggans are a “good cast” of characters...

PS: people cares more about Renne using a DLC Grimcatz outfit than Judith. But the problem according to kusoeaters is the returning characters for Kai
>breaks toe
>goes to hospital
>$10,000 bill
>proudly pay it because it contributes to American GDP
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yuronigger got REAL quiet after this one dropped. yikes!
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Sorry you have to hear it from me bro
>literally no one other than you engage with your posts
>reeeeeeee why are you not engaging with my posts
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>posting headcanons
That's what happens every thread every 10 posts
NISA saved Kiseki
Lloyd > Rean
Van > Rean
Cumdolls a shit
/fg/ is irrelevant
wokefags won and we knelt
Sony saved Kiseki
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>US Chad:
>breaks toe
>goes to hospital
>$10,000 Dollar bill
>only pay $200 because he isn't a nigger and has health insurance

>Be europoor
>breaks toe
>goes to hospital
>get scheduled for having that taken care of 9 months out
>have to have toe broken again by doctors ad reset to heal properly, may have developed other complications in the meantime
>doctor offers euthanasia as an acceptable substitute for treatment if you don't want to wait 9 months
Kuro is a failure
>>mutts are having an absolute meltdown for literally no reason
/fg/ is just not in zen mode anymore they lost their way
If you couldn't romance the CS girls no one would give a single shit about them.
Yup this accurate to the general.
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Are you implying that Kuro failed because you can’t date the girls and they have zero development without a cock around them?
So the dating simulator system is a good thing after all?
LOL what is this meme?
I'm not autistic, refreshing /fg/ every single minute like you freaks.
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>the europoor meme is real
>he's manually refreshing the page
>He's not using foreskin x
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>So the dating simulator system is a good thing after all?
It doesn't matter if it's good or not, dating sims always sell.
Cs girls are superior than daybreak girls
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have fun shooting each other
have fun with school shootings
have fun with bankruptcy inducing hospital bills
have fun with having an orange retard or a guy that should be in a nursing home leading you all
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Renny's only chance in love is literally being with Van, if he ends up canonically choosing Elaine or Anies, Renny will end up alone or on the streets...
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oh yeah, forgot to add, you eat food full of so much shit that it shortens your lifespans by an average of 10 years.
Renne has me
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>have fun shooting each other
the vast majority of shootings are black on black crime, so it's fine
>have fun with school shootings
barely ever happen and when they do its pretty much always the fault of our glowes and police being incompetent; how about those muslim rape gangs, nigel? have fun with those too man.
>have fun with bankruptcy inducing hospital bills
no one actually pays more than a fraction of an amount on those, though, because normal people have health insurance and if you're genuinely broke the ER can't actually charge you. its how jobless joggers on SNAP get free healthcare. have fun waiting 2 years for your back surgery.
>have fun with having an orange retard or a guy that should be in a nursing home leading you all
KEKW being poorer than mississippi really got under your skin huh
you aren't real
I mean, no one still gives a shit about them.
there are more stabbings in bongland than there are shootings in the US per year thoughever....
and most US shootings are just tyrones and jamals culling themselves through gang violence anyway
I'm the white guy and I'm not involved in your little /pol/ melty, by the way. I still judge you in silence and laugh.
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Sorry Elaine, but i'm going full harem in Kai...
why did he start seething about americans in the first place anyway
i mean i laughed when anon posted about britain being poorer than the poorest parts of the US so i get why he's having a melty now, but how did that start? it came out of nowhere
You guys are so fucking Mind broken its
fucking funny https://streamable.com/5uyja0
These people grow up in political cults. It's just part of their being. The only thing he wanted to post was "You support Trump" so he could go on a little shitposting spree. That's still ongoing. These people are fucked in the head.
Yeah i am
I am the last arc's MC, haha...
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>/fg/'s screeching is being torn to pieces by actual japanese speakers on r*ddit
kek holy shit
The last arc will be with every MCs fighting Aidos herself.
>seethe about translations
>while being filthy EOPs
no wonder you guys are so cucked
Haha, the dumbest people are the loudest. They're enraged by things they don't even understand. Watch them trying to rationalize being objectively wrong.
ESL MTL bros...i think NISA got us this time...
nope, Ban only assumes there's two genders :)
The only way /fg/ will ever beat NISAGODS, who have been holding back btw, is for /fg/gots to translate a game themselves...
>using pronouns in this context is actually MORE accurate than explicitly asking if he's a boy or a girl
Uh, /fg/? I thought you wanted ACCURACY not fanfic?
I like the localizations, however, it would be good if they removed the tranny shit completely in the English version.
pronouns is a very loaded term so whoever translated that knew what they were doing
Where my kinksters at?
>noooooo the translations has to respect my political inclinations!!!
lol, @ cuckservative snowflakes
just suck cock and stop annoying people you closet faggots
thinking about anelace
>NISA objectively translates the line FAITHFULLY and this triggers you because the ZF trannylation does not
kek holy shit, the only thing consistent about you is how inconsistent you are about your values.
>I was wondering what I should call you, "kun" or "chan".
This is an honorific used for someone you're very close to; it is not in any way related to pronouns. It's more acceptable to call girls or children of either gender "chan" but only if you have a familiar relationship with them. You don't just call some cute girl
because it makes you look like a creepy nigger.
This is an honorific used by someone closer than an acquaintance (who would use -san instead) but not close enough to use something more personal, like your first name. You use it for both girls and boys, but -chan is seen as much more embarrassing to be called in public than -kun, so boys prefer -kun either way.
What Van is actually asking Quatre in that scene is, in a round-about manner, if Quatre is comfortable enough with their friendship for Van to use -kun or -chan instead of -san.
Do not cite the deep magic to me, queer
and don't fucking post reddit here again
you aren't supposed to point that out...
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huh, so wait, van's actually - more or less - just trying to feel out whether or not quatre is comfortable being friends or acquaintances?
that has fucking nothing to do with his pronouns
You're just being dense if you don't think Van is roundabout asking if he's a guy or girl, otherwise he would just use -kun.
He's explicitly approaching the subject of how to refer to a literal tranny using honorifics, which do not exist in the English language. The English equivalent in this context would be to ask which pronoun to use, since explicitly asking which gender the tranny is would be inaccurate. You're unironically angry because the localization, as you've now discovered, is actually more faithful to the original line than your precious fan translation.

This is comedic gold. Schizzy mentally crumbles, time and time again, and was exposed by reddit of all things. kek
hell yeah
I can feel my IQ dropping every time I read /fg/.
>We are now at the stage of cope where the seething shill shitting himself has devolved into calling Quatre a tranny in order to peddle his headcanon about pronouns
Umm I thought Van was supposed to be a badass, but he's timidly asking if he's friends with Quatre or not? Sounds pretty cucked.
Yeah, it's hilarious how stupid the anti-localization schizo is. Now it's been revealed that his fan translation is actually the inaccurate on, and you can imagine the Olympic-level mental gymnastics he's got to do to overcome this one.
>t. redditspacer
why are you trying to gaslight people here who have the capability to read what is in front of their eyeballs
you can say 2+2=5 all you like but it won't make it any less fictitious a statement
Van can fuck Anies, Elaine, Judith, Renne or Shizuna that alone makes him more badass than /fg/ at least 10 times.
>t. redditspacer
>separating paragraphics is now reddit spacing
kek holy shit
YOU, are in fact, trying to gaslight people in this little circlejerk of yours. Your hypocrisy has been revealed. You don't want accuracy when it's NISA. Now the inaccurate translation in the fantl is what you want. Bro...
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Van is a gap-moe (male) character, yes
>u-uh anies-san... c-can I call you anies-chan? no? o-okay...
>bitchtits really remained adamant that his ESL MTL was accurate when it was not and then he became mad when NISA translated it accurately
NisaCHADS...we won
NISA wins again. We did a good job.
Another victory for the pile, NISAbros. These anti-localizationfags don't even speak Japanese and think their literal machine translation was accurate. Completely BTFO by Japanese-speakers. I recommend taking to reddit with more so-called inaccuracies so you can get BTFO some more.
Anon, falcom reddit is a cult run by floofy and Ribose. They delete any dissent. They delete every mention of other options. Hell, for a while they were deleting every post about the Japanese games that weren't out in the west. It's super positive because floofy and Ribose won't allow it to be anything else.
I don't QA anything or even think before I post. Paragraphs. You know my English speaking skills are vastly superior to yours, Pablo.
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The manchild once again proves his status as a third worlder.
>it isn't gaslighting if i try to convince people that a completely inaccurate translation dialogue byte is actually somehow more accurate despite being given the receipt explaining how me and my reddit source are wrong
How dare they challenge us with their primitive skills?
>bitchtits REALLY spent the last 24 hours REEEEEEEEEEing about something that was unironically incorrect in the fan translation and now confirmed to be so by MULTIPLE Japanese speakers in the Falcom community
>he accepted an amateur fan translation as the gold standard of accuracy, and then it turns out to be wrong, and THEN he goes and gets mad that the official localization gets it right
Y-you mean...reddit was full of shit?
that really rattled the nisaGAWD huh...
More like 36 hours and counting. Bitchtits is BROKEN. Imagine being so confidently wrong.
Next we're going to hear that boku is gender neutral because some oddball girls use it.
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>bitchtits REALLY spent the last 24 hours REEEEEEEEEEing about something that was unironically incorrect in the fan translation and now confirmed to be so by MULTIPLE Japanese speakers in the Falcom community
>he accepted an amateur fan translation as the gold standard of accuracy, and then it turns out to be wrong, and THEN he goes and gets mad that the official localization gets it right
This is a fatal blow to the integrity of the Zero Field fan translation. Nothing found in the spreadsheet can be accepted as accurate in good faith anymore. The anon who's spent thousands of hours defending it actually ended up defending objectively incorrect translation, and then he got mad because he thought that wasn't the case, and that the CORRECT, OFFICIAL version was wrong. Schizobros. We have to do something.
Honorifics usage in anime hardly resembles reality. You would never use chan or boku or kun for the inappropriate gender. I don't know how much you know about Japanese history or culture(I'm an expert) but such lapses are deeply offensive. Same with the use of ore.
boku is a pronoun. kun and chan are not.
why is this difficult for you to grasp?
Yes, yes, Schizua, aka patchfag. We know it hurts to be outed in this manner, but it happened and you'll have to move past it. The official localization you thought was inaccurate, was actually the accurate one, and the fan translation you used as reference, was the incorrect one. Which is funny considering you've been trying to make the case that NISA's stolen the fan translation and used it as reference for theirs. Oh my!
>hyperbitchtits ACTUALLY thought the fan trannylation was right when it was wrong and that the localization was wrong when it was right
Haha, to be so wrong...
Because he doesn't know Japanese and is relying on reddit to tell him what is best.
>mixing up pronouns like boku, kimi, ore, etc. and honorifics like kun, san, chan etc.
Very professional of you, nathanial-dono. Such an expert.
The only people buying your shit in the first place are EOPs
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>Yes, yes, Schizua, aka patchfag. We know it hurts to be outed in this manner, but it happened and you'll have to move past it. The official localization you thought was inaccurate, was actually the accurate one, and the fan translation you used as reference, was the incorrect one. Which is funny considering you've been trying to make the case that NISA's stolen the fan translation and used it as reference for theirs. Oh my!
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The monkey really spends every hour of his day trolling /fg/ on cooldown while everyone here just laughs at the sad little chimp lmao
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>>Yes, yes, Schizua, aka patchfag. We know it hurts to be outed in this manner, but it happened and you'll have to move past it. The official localization you thought was inaccurate, was actually the accurate one, and the fan translation you used as reference, was the incorrect one. Which is funny considering you've been trying to make the case that NISA's stolen the fan translation and used it as reference for theirs. Oh my!
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Does anyone else find it hilarious that the Nisashill keeps trying to conflate the fan translation with trannies as a negative while defending a line promoting actual tranni\yism? He really is retarded, isn't he?
The person using the fan translation to check if the localization is accurate doesn't speak Japanese, but he's not an EOP, he's a non-Japanese ESL. The notion that NISA had inserted woke shit into their localization was shut down by actual JOPs/JSLs in the community in this particular instance, and in fact, NISA's translation was accurate, while Zero Field's was not, which destroys two separate schizo narratives of his. He will convince no one of anything else, considering his now terrible track record on this subject.
At least we're keeping him distracted, stopping him from inflicting serious harm on those around him. The CPD should give us medals.
I think it's hilarious how loose your grasp on reality is. Is it due to poor reading comprehension or general lack of intelligence. Both?
can someone make a diagram of all the /fg/ factions so i can follow this drama
But Quatre is actually trans.
yes, very retarded
i am convinced he's being paid to do it.
A single Nisafan (either paid or a cultist) vs everyone else. He pretends he's multiple people so he seems bigger, though.
Head anti-localizationfag has been caught shitting on NISA for accurately translating a line in their localization, insisting that the one in the fan translation was the right one when it was not. Now he's spamming going all-out with his Schizua personality and trying to gaslight himself into thinking the "NISAshill(s)" are getting upset.
As I said before:
A bunch of posters using a MTL script checked by someone who doesn't understand japanese, to proofread again a professionally translated script.

Once again I am proven right. Ah well, I suppose you jesters do keep me entertained during work hours.
Haha, even if this is a falseflag shitposting attempt, this is unironically correct.
ahem, allow me to translate your post
>I posted a reddit screenshot of a redditor translating the japanese text and trying to pretend that conflating honorifics with pronouns is a-ok because REALLY that's what van was doing the whole time even though that isn't actually true
>Anon called me out on my bullshit and explained why and how that was incorrect
>I am now pretending that Anon was using ZeroField's translation to check NISA's work and insisting that he doesn't know Japanese or English well enough to discredit his post
>I am also conflating all the anons who disagree with me or that I don't like as being the same person to make it easier to strawman
hope that helps!
>quatre... I just want to know where we stand in this relationship... in a friendly way I mean, haha... so what can I call you? please...
>someone who doesn't understand japanese
but enough about official localizers
Noooooooooo!!!! Bros, why don't they hate every game in the series, that we still play regardless, like we do?!!??? It's not FAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIR!!!!!!
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>B-ban...san. Uhm. Y-you can call me whatever you like...
Hi Nisafriend, can you give us your take on Vagrants-Diaspora? Thank you!
I'll write it more plainly for you:
>fan translation = wrong, objectively
>localization = right, objectively
>you = defend wrong, insist right
>JOPs = explain in-depth how you're wrong
I am going to make it my mission to hold a mirror right up to your faces and show you just how wrong you really are. Any chance I, the intellectual juggernaut, takes to pontificate, I'll take. This is the deep end of the pool kiddos. You need to take off your floaties to dance with me.
The transphobia in this thread is disgusting.
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uh oh agnes bros?
this entire fandom is a fucking headache
kys tranny
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The really funny thing is if anyone actually played the game it would be very obvious what Van intended with that question but we're gonna play dumb I guess.
Yes, question of gender identity. That was the intent, asked using honorifics. Schizua has no credibility left.
Fellas is it gay to dominate the spicy chinese femboy that hits like a truck, or is making a man submit to your will and cock the manliest thing one can do.
I'm just an ally, but okay.
suffix "-chan" can be used with men, but it typically conveys a sense of familiarity, affection, or endearment. It is often used for young children, close friends, or family members. When used with men, it might suggest a playful or affectionate relationship, and it's more commonly used for boys or very close male friends. For adult men, it can sometimes come across as diminutive or teasing, so it's important to consider the context and the nature of the relationship.
btw kill yourself redditor
Why "schizua" instead of Randy? I'd imagine Randy makes a better schizo
clam down hogwheels
Knock yourself out. It is literally a question of gender identity because it's clearly an ambiguous tranny.

The game script is non-canon.
reddit trannies are getting uppity that japan views things differently
Did you stupid Niggers forget what Capcom is calling Miles Edgeworth 2? "Prosecutor's gambit" Every company is like this why are you shocked when NISA does too?
You're getting uppity because you thought your fan translation was actually the accurate one in this instance, when it was not, and you've been going at it for over a day only to be THIS wrong.
This is why a person like you will always be a laughing stock.
Remember how we were told that the woke lines would all be blamed on NISA?
For pointing out how objectively wrong and delusional you are with receipts? Haha, anon. A laughing stock. To YOU. The schizo. The delusional one. Man, if only you had a shred of self-awareness.
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>yes hello daddy NISA? they aren't believing my rhetoric and we're going to lose sales. I need backup.
Remember Japanese > real localization work>MTL
yes this video is now relevant
We are merely the translators...
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um bros?
This thread really got fooled by a "JOP" insisting that Van is asking a guy he JUST MET if they're "comfortable enough in their friendship... to use -kun or -chan" fucking lmao
Correct, and the localization 100% supports what is conveyed in the original script here, unlike the fan translation, which schizzy has insisted was not the case. See how fucking unhinged and stupid this anti-localization sperg is? Doesn't understand Japanese. Doesn't understand Japanese culture. Doesn't understand context. Will remain arrogantly wrong because he can do nothing else. Mental illness sure is a thing, haha...
kek you like seeing mentally ill people either cut their dicks off or their breasts and then kill themselves lol lmao.
.......MTL bros...............................
Lol indeed. Hey, schizo. If NISA stole your fan translation, then how come the localization is actually accurate where the fan translation is not? Your narrative?
>hogwheels now pretends to understand Japanese language
grim indeed
Are you referring to yourself in third person? You are, after all, pretending to understand Japanese, where even MTL would prove you wrong.
Again, have fun. You've made a fool of yourself on so many levels.
it ain't deep, bros. there were many ways nisa could have worded the quatre thing while remaining "accurate" enough to be faithful, and, of all of them, they chose "pronouns" because of course they would.
it's a leftist buzzword that fits their far-left ideology.
we all knew it would happen. don't act surprised.
just play in japanese, or the fan patch, and move on.
you won't convince anyone on the far left to come to their senses, and no amount of wins in online arguments will make this identity politics cancer go away.
the culture war is lost.
learn japanese and discover how hollow the writing actually is, or move on.
>Correct, and the localization 100% supports what is conveyed in the original script here,
100% agree that's why I posted the video to convey your point that MTL is the equivalent of early 2000s fan subs and will always will be
You are an abhorrent person.
>still samefagging like no tomorrow
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what did he mean by this
>schizo rant
I knew that Rovert was the one crying about being called "fatso" turns out I was right and he's mad that his legs don't work, and that his dad claps his cheeks
>complete silence after posting the rest of the convo proving our Japanese expert wrong
It's so over bros
>hates the identity politics cancer
>learns japanese
>reads 白人至上主義
dont care tranny
Haha, he's switched personalities again. Now he's gone from Joshuaposting to his "Rovert" personality.
What is stated on reddit is entirely accurate. The context of the conversation is to ascertain the tranny's gender.
kys tranny
>learn japanese
That's really what I'm doing right now no point in arguing with people who already made up their minds
You're angry at Falcom and NISA, not anyone else. Say it with me:
that yume connect event at the school festival was adorable.
Not a problem if you just read it wrong much like how someone misread Van's honorific question.
>we are now at the point of cope where nisashill is insisting that Quatre was a tranny the whole time so that his headcanon makes sense
Imagine if schizzy actually does learn Japanese, then he plays Kuro in a 5 or 6 years and realizes it was Falcom's writing all along.
Emma when???
what the fuck is rovert, can someone fill me in?
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>not capped Nathanielception
here in /fg/ we hate Six things
Black people
Understand? now get out of my general.
>5.7 people love this
Kiseki is going to go mainstream isn't it...
Read the conversation. Van is trying to ascertain which gender the tranny (how WE refer to it here in hindsight) using honorifics, and then Aaron butts in. NISA's accurately conveyed the original intent in their localization, which you insisted they did not, using an inaccurate fan translation for reference.

What have you learned?
That is the hope. I find it comical that many here are angry at me, and not the power that be for your social misery. Xenoblade and Persona.
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i found this funny i just wanted to share it with you guys
>anti localizationfag is really taking a beating
Not funny.
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Grendel SHIN
Bravo Nisa!
They better not have been playing the EVO version of FC
the fuck
........Over 6k likes.......its over they love this game now we lost bros https://x.com/ETiredTweets/status/1806795485174472725
Funny. Smile humor.
I've thought long and hard on a way to refute this but I can't. I kneel. I'm a phony who doesn't know Japanese. Take my N5 license.
that you are coping, sneeding, and completely disconnected from reality schizzy
I know. You're speechless. Once again you show a complete disinterest in objectivity and remain an emotional baby SCREECHING your soul out. Your criticisms have zero credibility left. You've been outed as pretending you speak Japanese when you don't. What an absolute fucking beating, lmao.

Schizua got his boicervix pummeled by reddit on this day.
>dropped subtitle from Kuro 2
>now this
they're really writing the whole sin thing out, aren't they haha...
samefagging isn't cool, yo..
It makes sense they went with pronouns. It is a localization. Asking about pronouns is more normal than asking "are you a guy or girl?

You get to have your melty justified when Van gives a speech about how amazing, brave and whatever the fuck Quatre is.
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>Asking about pronouns is more normal than asking "are you a guy or girl?
They couldn't decided if it was God or Sin so they just left it untranslated?
Or is shin a word I'm just unaware of?
bro its been close to 40 hours at this point with at least a dozen anons proving you objectively and unequivocally incorrect about everything you've said
if you point at a dog and insist that it is in fact actually a cat and then demand a refutation of your statement it's only natural for people to laugh at you
It is in 2024.
>is disconnected from reality
Yeah, you've been seething about something you're blatantly wrong about for this long.
Here. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! Gonna continue you can't read while regurgitating your delusions? These tactics are ineffective here.
wtf is wrong with burgerland
God I'm still laughing at how you guys ate that fag's misdirection tactic up. Like I said only EOPs were getting fooled.
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Ok but what did Falcom mean when they made Quatre a genderless being because of unholy satanic D:G experiments?
Your intent is ambiguous, so once again we leave this here.
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>I know. You're speechless. Once again you show a complete disinterest in objectivity and remain an emotional baby SCREECHING your soul out. Your criticisms have zero credibility left. You've been outed as pretending you speak Japanese when you don't. What an absolute fucking beating, lmao.
>Schizua got his boicervix pummeled by reddit on this day.
What do you mean?
It is.
That troons bad.
I want to make sensual, gentle loving to Quatre.
That's gay
>my face when anon genuinely doesn't understand why everyone is laughing at him for posting the trails in the database link, because he's too brown to realize why it rebuffs his argument instead of supports it
Gotta love the Kinkster baby, you just gotta!
Again, ineffective approach. You've been outed. Samefagging and trying to be arrogant about something you're objectively wrong about that even MTL can point out to you, and that SEVERAL JOPs have pointed out in the community, will not work. All you're doing is attempting to save face.
>gnostics are all pedophilic insane cultists
>j's are bad
>troons are victims yet are still abominations to nature
falcom's looking kind of based though
"Everyone" shut up when the database link dropped because it shut them down kek
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>jobless 40 years old crippled who living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web.
"Everyone" being turoschizzy who just repeats himself endlessly, pretending he's not been exposed. He won't recover from this. I won't stop reminding him.
So you don't know?
>the anon who has spent the entire thread for the past 6 hours at least samefagging in damage control is now accusing others of samefagging
>also seething in spitting anger that no one believes him
Independent hentai music contractor Mitsuo Singa and his recent influence on gaming's longest running and revered sound team, Falcom Sound Team JDK
IDs when?
no one "shut up" though they just started laughing at you.
stop samefagging btw
It's hard to even make out what your intent is with this colossal cope post. See >>483990412 and then read the full conversation between the group and Quatre.
It's actually hilarious. You can't get past this one. It's over. Schizzy's been exposed.
I don't think obsessively shitting on white people is in any way based.
So basically the average /fg/ poster?
>troons are victims
But they're the ones encouraging those practices?
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It wasn't this bad last election year when CS4 dropped in the west..
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>schizo now spam frog to save face
What does it being an election year have to do with it?
Self-hate is not based.
yeah i'd say convincing mentally unwell people to mutilate themselves makes the mutilated retard a victim
this desuwa
why do you argue about this stupid stuff? I got Kuro, played it, enjoyed it and all for free cause I pirated haha... didn't have to wait years
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>It's actually hilarious. You can't get past this one. It's over. Schizzy's been exposed.
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I think we should talk about Na-chan and how cute she is
>why do you argue about this stupid stuff?

First day on the internet?
So did the fan patch alter the honorific question scene so radically that no one noticed Van's intent behind the question or did no one actually play it?
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>What does it being an election year have to do with it?
wouldn't know, didn't need to play it since i don't need a tl
it's not that bad
>t. playing the evo version of fc
The melty over Beauty's Blade seems so quaint looking back now
What's the Rean's divine blade title?
Haha, what exactly are they discussing in the conversation that follows the line that you disagree with? Quatre's ambiguous gender, which Van, Aaron and Feri all take part in! Which means Van's intent when asking which honorific to refer to Quatre by is...? NOT what head schizo claimed here >>483990412. Oh, my, Schizua! Are you gonna continue to pretend that this objective information is simply seethe and lies? Haha... You've been exposed. It's over.
Cassius will pick a blade up again and become the true, final MC.
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>the camera even does a small pan over Quatre's upper half before asking about the honorifics
It could literally not be more clear fucking kek
>"You were by my side all along, my true mentor, my guiding moonlight."
>asking for post ID
>already hiding his trip
this post sure did rattle the nischizo
I'm just reading a card.
All these people hyping up Kuro 1 now are going to be converted to doomers once they play Kuro 2 and see what an absolute shitshow it is.
Unsurprisingly it's Ash.
Yeah, back to doing what you've been as doing multiple times in the past few threads. You're getting dog-piled now for your retardation. Burn this post into your mind. >>484002460 I won't let you forget.
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>Haha, what exactly are they discussing in the conversation that follows the line that you disagree with? Quatre's ambiguous gender, which Van, Aaron and Feri all take part in! Which means Van's intent when asking which honorific to refer to Quatre by is...? NOT what head schizo claimed here >>483990412 (You). Oh, my, Schizua! Are you gonna continue to pretend that this objective information is simply seethe and lies? Haha... You've been exposed. It's over.
Kuro 2 is fantastic
i will def bait those paypig to buy kuro 2
Kuro 2 is really fucking fun, thoughever.
fanboys already make excuses for kuso 2 and thats not going to change
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Just finished this.
They improved on character control from VIII plus the gifts were only 5% junky with the rest of 95% being fun.
Bosses were for the most part an improvement over VIII too, with a huge exception the final non-humanoid boss. That one was a complete clusterfuck that didn't play to the game's strengths at all.
The main characters and their arcs ranged from ok to very nice. Nobody had a peak moment but overall it was nice enough. Krysha, Aprilis and the Doll stood out.
The plot and mystery pacing was fine. It made you want to keep playing to see more up until the final chapter. The setting was difficult to work with Ys but i appreciated the novelty.
The lore was iffy (why even gift Glia the Nox in the first place, the rest of the world did just fine without it) and the execution was weird approaching the end.
What purpose did the alchemist's shota form serve? It completely detracted from the story about old comrades. Didn't even have a purpose as a disguise since you barely meet him anyway. And for some reason he's bound to a wheelchair at the end? Guy could preserve bodies for 500 years.
World logic was also weird and hasty near the end, with homunculi, monstrums and the curse not being the same thing yet at the same time being the same thing? The old heroes made sense and Adol was made one i guess but did the Doll just tag along or something? Maybe i missed stuff but i thought she was only a prototype for memory/soul experimentation.
Also no idea why they wanted to stop the alchemist at the end before his plan went to shit. He was made out to be very inhuman but guy had a point. They could have at least watched him fuck things up and then lecture him.
At the very end they also mention getting their original bodies/memories back which is completely unnecessary and made little sense.
I also must have completely missed the whole Holy swordsman/Roo backstory. No idea who that guy was at the end. Fuck whoever translated Silhouette's lines as memes too.
You forgot the receipt! Whoops!
Reality is inescapable.
>>483990412 (You).
Schizua... bro... Haha... There's not enough nos in the world in this oh no no no no...
It's a good show, but it left a very big, bad taste after finishing it.
This is a clear case of spreadsheet translation. That anon saw one line and went on about some completely unrelated "um actually guys can have -chan too" shit when it's incredibly obvious what Van was getting at if you play the game. And EOPs ate it up.
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>>483990412 (You)
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>483990412 (You) (You).
Schizua... bro... Haha... There's not enough nos in the world in this oh no no no no...
Van > Rean
Cope about it
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>>483990412 (You) (You).
>he's so shook he forgot his meme arrow
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krysha an CUTE
There has never been a more fitting use for this reaction image, haha.
>the schizo tone changed completely after this post.
he afraid.
Why is this general so shit
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never change, gaybreak
you can't make this shit up
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Why are you pretending to be me?
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Is the /fg/ schizo really Pigvert? That would shatter my faith in this reality.
The Falcom fanbase is dogshit in general since it's filled with spergs and third worlders, and the faggot mods don't do anything to shitposting retards.
only spergs like falcom games
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>Why are you pretending to be me?
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Haha... no dice.
Imagine an /fg/ with no third worlders. No melties over kinkster because they're ESL
>Muh 3rd worlders
you're also the problem
it's /pw/ tier quality
because the same schizo is spamming on both side

Hey look fatso (Rovert) is pretending to be someone else again
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If schizua added the (You) just to stir the pot i'm fucking kneeling holy shit
Doll not showing up to see Adol of was insulting. Aprillis should have been playable.
The camera pans over Quatre the CAMERA FUCKING PANS HAHAHAHAHAHA
Big if true.
>Falcom camerawork
post the CS3 webm
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>crying about 3rd worlder when our resident schizo living in Ireland
Why are NISA so fucking cringe
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>this means they were NOT talking about quatre's gender in kuro 1!
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I guess he's just shitposting.
It's a modified handheld engine that's more than a decade old, fuck off with that disingenuous bullshit.
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Yeah, totally...
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>I guess he's just shitposting.
All me.
They skimped out on modelling and animating her real girl version, i completely agree on both statements.
Another gripe i had while i enjoyed the combat a lot for bosses and dungeons. The Nox enemies were all completely horrible. The way they spawn like a clusterfuck and the areas they spawn being the city just makes for shitty fights. It didn't help that their movesets were 90% projectiles for some reason. There were very fun ones, like the piranha fish.
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Cold Steel horse is leaving this place forever. Cold Steel horse can't take this.
I don't have 4chanX though.
Imagine getting mogged so hard by the fucking game script holy shit
Me neither.
retardbro, take a closer look....
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>schizzy sifting through let's play footage to cross-reference the provably wrong ESL MTL for things to get mad at
>schizo is blind
/fg/ is a Crowlisa general
>he thinks the accompanying text in the follow-up is supposed to be someone else because he samefags all day and night using indirect quotes
what the fuck? this site is unusable without it
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>If schizua added the (You) just to stir the pot i'm fucking kneeling holy shit
what is this argument even about
There is no argument right now just a beatdown
/fg/ in a nutshell
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It's genuine schizophrenia.
just Rovert talking to himself
Works on my machine, I just don't care for most of the functionality since I usually just lurk.
It's not really an argument it's just people competing for most (you)s
It saddens me to see /fg/ fall to /b/ tier now
GORE is against 4chan rules
fg/ is not this low
there was an argument earlier about one of the lines in the localization, and schizua pretended to be one of the posters to derail it
so tl;dr schizophrenia and shitposting
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there is no argument
This guy >>483990412 insisted that Japanese speakers on reddit were wrong about the localization being correct. Proof here. >>484002460
It's not an argument because one side is factually correct and the other is just having a fit because they were wrong.
The lack of thread watcher and regex filters alone would make me want to kms.
>the other is just having a fit
all of you fags have been throwing a fit for 30+ hous
I need OneeChan to make the text bigger and to get a dark mode that isn't ugly as sin.
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that's right
im a photonchad, what of it?
It hurts my eyes.
anon you're the only one throwing a fit though
you're also the one who's been samefagging all day
in fact, i think YOU'RE the joshy poster
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>anon you're the only one throwing a fit though
>you're also the one who's been samefagging all day
>in fact, i think YOU'RE the joshy poster
>i just sperged out hard for several hours about something i was objectively wrong about but i'm not having a fit, YOU are
skill issue
it's fine if you have a strong red light filter on like i do
>everyone who calls me out is the same person
in this 540 post thread you are at least 200 of them
you are the one having a fit
Are you referring to yourself in third person again?
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>i just sperged out hard for several hours about something i was objectively wrong about but i'm not having a fit, YOU are
what made fatboy so fucking rattled today? he's irish so we can't even blame election season.
very simple
see >>484006365
i've never been more sad about the IP count being removed
did they ever tell us why that happened?
i mean they didn't say that but that's probably why
Having schizophrenic delusions again, are we?
>spend at least 24 hours collectively sperging about the pronoun line in the localization is wrong, using the ESL MTL spreadshart as reference, which you for some reason consider 100% accurate
>it's finally pointed out by actual japanese speakers in the community that the localized line is actually a faithful transposition (LOL) of the original japanese dialogue
>schizzy decides to make a fool of himself here >>483990412 and then schizo samefagging happened for like 2 hours until this >>484002460 shut them down completely
>now you're back to sperging about people living for free in your headspace
IP count doesn't mean as much as you think it does, and you can still see that most of this thread is the schizo posting on cooldown due to the post timestamps.
The website is hemorrhaging users and being inundated with bots and they wanted to hide that fact from advertisers.
you kind of told on yourself by assuming that was about you, bro
>piggy admits its him
You have to be extremely dense to think that you're being subtle. Perhaps you truly struggle with context more than anyone here could ever imagine.
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The Falcom subreddit is kind of hostile and aggressive. This general is kind of the same so I wonder if the Falcom community is just full of assholes for some reason.
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what's happening here?
>crail village outskirts
>white genesis on the stone
>concerned/confused lapis shouting at swin and nadia, as if they have been injured or mind controlled
Sounds like the perfect place to announce Ys versus Sky with bonus Rean and Van characters.
>It's a Genesis on the stupid stone a third time
>retributive tower
Fuck off shill
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Van must've given Kevin or the kids the Genesis since they need it for the ruins where Kevin found the robot.
The reddit is actually chill as long as your not dickhead, this place is always hostile and aggressive
Most western weebs lean that way, as does most of /vg/. Shouldn't surprise you. This is why I don't buy the games anymore, NISA and Falcom don't need my money anyway because for every one of me there's 5 teenagers claiming to be trans who will buy the games in my stead.
this desuwa
The Reddit is just as aggressive when it comes to certain things. The difference is your posts get downvoted into being hidden if you go against the hivemind there.
>The Reddit is just as aggressive when it comes to certain things
Strange that never happen to me.
/fg/ has the schizo dogpile.
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Seems like you go back to the original genesis spots from kuro 1. The one in the back is the one that turned aaron into taikun
Yes you still get dogpiled here over certain things but at least your post isn't hidden or deleted unless it breaks explicit rules like being porn or something and not just because the mods don't like it.
Of course they did.
>game makes you collect all the genesis AGAIN
kai is going to be such fucking trash
>unless it breaks explicit rules like being porn
LOL what bullshit Gayorng deleted my Gigguk twitter post even tho it was Kiseki related He deletes whatever he wants there are no rules
the XSNEED dialogue was tranny fanfiction to begin with so who cares
based gayorg. i hope he bans you next time.
I guess piggy went to sleep
it IS 10 PM for him now
so, we might also see
>the station street sewers
>the tharbad hotel
>that abandoned factory in basel
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There's no fucking way they would actually do that... right?
Gerard and Melchior came back and stole them
that sounds like the most dogshit padding they could possibly do
Which means it's 100% going to happen.
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Haha.... haha.... hahahaha.... yes
Of course they would
You dont actually believe the trailers and think that the game wont be 90% filler do you
Youre just asking to get Kuro 2'd
If Kai makes you collect all of the genesis again then it'll be the third game in a row where it happens. How are we still on the equivalent of the first game of an arc in three games? Are we going to be flying around Calvard for three games as well?
It's okay when Kuro does it
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Crow mogs Rean so fucking hard here.
>5'11 vs 6'0
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HSR mogs Kiseki so fucking hard
HSR only has one cumdoll and she de-aged herself. I dont think it counts
I already said that HSR mogs Kiseki
No need to list the reasons
>/fg/ causing itself to have a melty over a headcanon scenario due to 2 images with 0 context
no real cumdolls means its inferior. sorry bro.
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Kiseki could never
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That is all my good friends, you may now return to your occupation.
I play XI like an adult.
MTL is better than NISA
NISA corrected the fanfiction. Don't you want a game without fanfiction?
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Xi is based
Haha... for me it's working on the ffxi server emulator...
I brand all schizos heretics.
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get in the back kevin
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who is this masked man...
The Glup Shitto of Kiseki.
You just gave up, huh?
Nisa brought Hajimari, Kuro and Crossbell to the west.
They WON meanwhile you KNEEL
>Come here because I felt like doing some writan
>Immediately remember how fucking awful /fg/ is
>Will to write goes down the drain
I don't know how you fuckers can argue the same three points on an endless fucking loop and not go absolutely bonkers.
Or maybe you all are and this place is actually a bigger looney bin than the infamous three.
The only props I have to give are to the theory posters because at least try to do something that isn't participating in the same gay ass song and dance over and over and over again.
I used to flip my shit at people calling me rovert. Because it's just my name backwards and it sounds silly.
Not the person in question though if >>484000623 is anything to go by
Actually incorrect considering the revelation that dominated this thread.
embarrassing cope
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noelbros... we exist?
i just finished kuro 2. it was alright not as good as kuro 1 though. now to wait 10 years for kai
I read some decent smut about noel cucking ellie and rean catching her on the rebound
Kai will be out by March thanks to the fine folks at NISA.
True. The schizo dogpile hates reality.
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>haha, how about you tell me your pronouns?
True, kai will release by NISA before falcom
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Van legitimately looks like a guy that would have said "So, you a dude or a dudette?"
what the dog doin?
Yeah. March 2026.
fg/ is composed of runnyfags, emmafags, fiebros, agnespedos and shizunaweirdos
There's also the towacutest retard
I wonder if we will learn more about vans past in kai. We know a little bit but not alot.
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Rean Schwarzer. pronouns: Class/Seven
All retards and you should call them retards every time.
We will since they're going to need to explain why Van even ended up getting linked to Vagrants Zion, which really should include his parents and why he ended up as an orphan.
It should but you know kondo will fuck it up
man it's a good thing we just had an 100+ hour long "character focused game" to explore this haha...
2 100+ hour games and nothing
Why do you guys need a 3rd?
bro you cant say that
now repeat after me
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Haha, take it with a grain of salt, but Kondom "said" that Van's past and his origins such as Grendel, Mare and Vagrants-Zion will be revealed in kai. Van is still the main protagonist of the story according to Kondom, we'll just have two different story sides happening at the same time, so we either get Kuro 2 style A/B sides or it will have "main story" and "side stories" each chapter, where the main story focuses on Van and co. while side stories will be at end of each chapter with different view points Kevin/Rufus/Rean etc.
Zion could've maybe infiltrated Aidios' cycle of souls to be born as Van. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with his parents they should still explore it anyway
on the surface removing "it would be my pleasure" seems scandalous but the play on words in the line "please come again" reveals an ingenious play on words that takes the translated dialogue to a whole other level. nisa's magnum opus.
shovelware slop
>Kusoeater words
''Characters don't need development to be good. Just have some fun games between the group and it's great''
Kusoeater words
The biggest shovelware slop they've ever made is Tokyo Shitadu.
If it's side stories id like that. Maybe something like the lloyd part of cold steel 2
I loved finding random breakable pillars from Cold Steel 1 and 2 in Tokyo Xanadu dungeons, completely unaltered. Such a high quality game. And the combat? *chef's kiss* LUV Cold Steel field attacks.
Estelle 2 games
Rean 4,3 games
Lloyd 2,3 games worst developed MC before Kuro 2
Rufus 0,3 games
Kevin 1 games (and the best developed MC)

Van 2 games and... the worst developed MC thanks the 2nd game

>coldshitter melty hour
Daybreak's higher rated than your favorite game in the series.
>2 games
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>where the main story focuses on Van and co. while side stories will be at end of each chapter with different view points Kevin/Rufus/Rean etc.
I really hope it's this and not side a/b or Hajimari routes again.
>Rean 4,3 games
Umm reansis did you forget about the 30 hour long prologue where you play as Juna in cs4?
Also Van currently has 1.85 games with Kai potentially boosting him to 2.5 games.
>instead of "Daybreak" we call it "Gaybreak"
>instead of "Daydreams" we call them "Gaydreams"
>30 hour long prologue where you play as Juna in cs4
You play with Juna for like... 1/3 of 1/3 oh the game and yet the plot is about save Rean
Lloyd was the protagonist of the end of CS2 too
>30 hour long prologue where you play as Juna in cs4
There's a reason that people make fun of games journalists and ignore anything they have to say
Because they make you angry?
So? We were talking about pov time as the protagonist. I sure did enjoy 4 games of Riin constantly crying about his self-worth, when he never truly did anything to feel that way.
No, I don't even care that everyone is saying Daybreak is an incredible game
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>games journos are "everyone"
I bet you put your finger up to your super sniffer after sliding it into your sweaty coin slot.
Considering the highly detailed nature of your description, I can only come to the conclusion that you have done it yourself.
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>i'm director ban arkride of the arkride solutions office.
>haha, i'm riin schwarzer. nice to meet you, ban-san. towa-sempai has told me a lot about you.
>i got 4spg for you, find me shizuna so i can beat her in a duel
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>assuming a poster is a woman
woman moment :)
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how did kasim do it
that's easy, she was allured by the size of his cock.
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kiseki heroes
Estellesisters... Lloydbros...
>No Kisekis, you were the villians all along
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Estelle is a woman and women can't be heroes, and Jobbings gave up his hero card at the end of Hajimari when he chose to not hear Ishmelga-Rean's words as if he's the representative of all the people in Zemuria.
That's what made him a hero
Lloyd is Kiseki's ultimate hero. In a series with special powers galore he's the only ordinary guy. You have to nerf Lloyd because if you let him loose at full power he'd demolish anyone in his way to get over the barrier.
There's another /v/ thread up in-case you're wondering where the schizos fucked off to.
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don't do anything, don't even move or say anything to attract the schizos back.
I do not need to know about your /v/ browsing habits
This is proof the majority of posting here is done by at most 3 or 4 schizos.
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It's embarrassing to be honest.
The schizos are sleeping. Unless you think they're awake 24/7. Which would make YOU the schizo. Are you announcing that YOU'RE in the /v/ thread? Why?
The schizos are awake when I'm awake. They watch me.
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Stick with boys your own age, I have my precious sweetheart Elaine.
Honest thoughts on Ys VIII? Also bonus asking for Xanadu Next.
It's a good game, though bosses can get repetitive.
probably the best Ys game for Trails fans.
>Honest thoughts on Ys VIII?
Best ys
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This bislut will end up with Renne
I feel bad for Agnesfags
Both of their pussies would dry up after hearing Van ask for Quatre's pronouns.
There is only one scenario I would accept Agnes ending.
>yandere Agnes and she also forces Van, using magic(that's assuming she is a secret magican)
Falcom aren't based enough to do it anyway, so it won't happen.
Xanadu Next is good, unlike Tokyo Shitadu. Ys 8 is the second best party game after 7.
Go back to trolling /v/
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>Rosine has dragged you to Sunday mass
>It was against your will as you don't find yourself frequently in Aidios's favor, nor her yours
>She sits with you in a pew with her elbow locked around yours
>While this is likely to prevent you from fleeing
>You can't help but feel like it's "almost handholding"
>Plus, everytime she gets excited, she squeezes and it brushes your arm against her
>Heaven is sitting next to you and she smells sweetly of a sage-infused incense
>After mass, Rosine drags you into helping with Sunday School
>And after that, cleaning duties
>Your Sunday is thoroughly shot and moonlight creeps in from the stained-glass windows
>But it will all be worth it if Rosine honors her agreement
>You excitedly finish sweeping the last corners of the school room and hang the broom up
>You find Rosine outside, still in her nun's tunic
>She smiles at you as she begins walking down the streets at night
>You try to catch up with her but the girl is surprisingly agile
>Your last glimpse of Rosine is her turning, just outside the city gate
>As you rush to meet her, you see Rosine standing before a brightly-lit river reflecting the moonlight
>She apologizes if we felt deceived over how long the day would take
>But states that she had every intent of honoring your agreement
>She unties her tunic and slides it off revealing a surprisingly modest bathing suit, to nobody's surprise but your mild disappointment
>Rosine slides into the water while you take off a layer or two
>You jump into the water and emerge close to her face that beams with glee at seeing you so close
>For the first time in a long time, you thank Aidios for this blessing
Only one of hatman or ka-fai will be an anguis. They need an open slot for the next arc unless they kill off Harwood or something.
Are you seriously defending Van being woke?
This topic has been debated to death today by a bunch of schizos. Go whine on reddit instead.
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Harwood is on the hit list so he might die.
Orbal Motorboat them titties
My favorite thing to think about when drinking water tainted by expired water enhancers
I clapped when I read that.
Based NISA
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rovert are you ok?
Sir that's a stolen geofront line... Don't tell me it's ok if NISA does it?
Yes, it literally is
the square enix wannabe era of falcom was something else man
Van will either join ourobouros, die or get his harem.
Reminder: Falcom can only afford the cheapest of the cheap. When you go bottom dollar you get the trannylaters. You don't get professional localization. The irony is that the pajeets are more skilled at localization over at Capcom than the tranny whites they hire over for nisa
he's here
I ever see you out in Public Rovert you are getting a free trip to the pavement you lil freak.
Your fat brown ass doesn't ever leave your mother's basement kek
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Van's gonna die from sweet withdrawal
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85% Holy Beast
10% Fairy
5% Anything Else
no legs?
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do people not have pcs?
just don't fall for falcom scam
I don't want remakes but nothing wrong with wanting a way to play the games in some way on modern platforms
Aren't CS1 and 2 already on modern systems? I though they got ported to PS4 a while back
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how the fuck did this happen
I have the physical CS1/2 copies on PS4 so yeah
PC is the only platform with all cuckshiti games
They did. Every single Kiseki game has a PS4 version except the Sky trilogy.
how did that come to be? didn't xseed get so salty NISA got the bid that they cut all contact with the series?
>didn't xseed get so salty NISA got the bid
maybe on the planet retard
We are on planet retard though?
Nah they still do some stuff for it. I think they updated a few lines of text in Sky after Kuro 1 came out to correct Hamilton's gender
Vans wife
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100% onahole
eh NISAtroon, Xsneed dropped Falcom
this also reason why cs3 got massive delay until Falcom signed slave contract with NISA(won)
It's kind of sad that it's impossible to buy physical copies of SC and 3rd in the west. I've always wanted the complete LE collection of all Trails games.
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She's perfect
I need her
Whatever you want to believe

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