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Previous >>483968819

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/28
>Craft showcase video for latest revealed characters in The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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Lapis gorging herself on sweets while Van watches.
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>be Rovert
>jobless 40 years old crippled who living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web.
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love renny
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I love Na-chan and La-chan!
kuro could never, this right here was the peak for kiseki
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I know this guy is 100% Bleublanc, he will reveal himself in Kai.
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>no one cared who I was until I put on the mask
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>Meme limiters unlocked: level 1
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That who?
/fg/ shitposter
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Haha, wouldn't you like to know?
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Just figured out what the thing flying around the world was.... it's Vagrants Zion. It does not look good does it...
There's at least 3 of them flying around. They also look like spacecraft if you look closely.
it could be multiple demon lords.
its shape is a perfect match, it's got wings.
Mare is the best
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Today, I will remind them.
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How do you unlock this scene?
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This is now a Ys thread.
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That was quite the riveting Ys discussion. Back to Kiseki.
When is ys x getting released globally on steam
October or November most likely. Anime expo is 5 days, so let's just wait and see
anti-nisa flopfags got btfo'd by a single tweet of aaron talking about Van's hard penis
why is he so yellow
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i just love that the cs schizo cannot spam his "everyone is wrong but me" pic any longer
Well to be fair he posted a metacritic scores and daybreak only has 16 reviews so far compared to the average of 30 for cs, I'll update the score comparison when daybreak officially releases.
CS4 with 80+ Valid Critic reviews
Kuro 1 with less than 20+ (only cultists that still like this mess of series)
the image he uses shows a cold steel 2's metacritic which only has 4 reviews kek
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Trails of Cold Shart
While I agree that it's not a fair comparison as of yet, but you're just coping about "muh valid reviewers" since the majority of reviewers overlap for both games.
NISA really do be killing the series with Reverie then reviving it back by making their best localization effect, highest rating game & top 3 selling PS5 game in Kuro

i forgot how tokyo xanadu looked like cs 1 and 2
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character models in tx look a bit better than in cs1/2
you literally just ask
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Alisa + Emma
Laura + Emma
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Rion best TX girl
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I want to see Barzagli in Kuro
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meltdown continues in five hours
>Chris P. Bacon <<The Legless>>
It's over...
Reminder: Falcom can only afford the cheapest of the cheap. When you go bottom dollar you get the trannylaters. You don't get professional localization. The irony is that the pajeets are more skilled at localization over at Capcom than the tranny whites they hire over for nisa
nice tummy
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why do falcom games attracts faggots like this?
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yo what the fuck
kys faggot
The only kind of person who would draw this is a fujo
I'd appreciate a fellow nootfag any day of the week but is that really the best reason for liking her?
but i like asuka
how do you think the new xanadu game will be?
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And... that's why you guys should respect the nips
They are far more interesting than Trails western ''fans''
Trevor P. Bacon <<The Legless>>
Not all Joshy fans but always a Joshy fan
falcom shouldve made it so the weapon appearance changed when you would upgrade them in the trails games. most jrpgs do that since they dont make the armor appear.
My Facebook friends are more hyped about a possible Sky Remake than Gaybreak or Kai...
What’s gonna wrong with Falcom bros...?
facebook user don't like woke slop
You can change Jusis’s, Kurt’s and Emma’s in CS3/4
yea but no one elses.
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amazon coper bros.....
where do i download reverie
all i can find is the overlay translation on nyaa from these links
skill issue
umm play the translation ok!!
shizuna will win
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that's the overlay
anyone got the penguin download?
Yes? Play the overlay. It's better. FuCK NISA.
>the thread is surprisingly peaceful compared to hours ago
>there is a thread on /v/ right now
/fg/ never changes, if the thread goes quiet there's a thread on /v/ KEK
do we know how they did the Fragile Chain engrish line in the official kuro TL?
No one wants your /v/ updates
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Okay, well there are two other metrics in the image if Metacritic doesn't meet your arbitrary criteria.

I'm not schizophrenic, by the way. Claiming that everyone who disagrees with you has schizophrenia comes across as incredibly low IQ. I hope you realize that.
Damn I can't wait to play Daybreak if it's somehow even better than Cold Steel
it's kuro, not daybreak
Oh, good, I was wondering if it was okay to bring that up. I started playing "Oath in Felghana" yesterday for the first time.

I chose 'Nightmare' for the difficulty and now I'm starting to regret it. It would probably take me less than an hour to play back to where I currently am if I restarted on a lower difficulty, but I'm still too lazy to do that.

Besides, the difficulty doesn't make that much difference, does it? I assume the bosses all follow the same attack patterns and whatnot, and just the numbers on attack and health values are different.
>Used to be part of the empire but broke away for some reason
why did they not only relegate this fact to a side quest but also not fully explained how exactly this happened
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another day, another head falcom moderator acting like a child publicly for attention.
i wish this fandom was bigger so more people could laugh at these cunts, kek
Well that's another pissed off anon, Floofy is right
hi floofy, did nisa give you a job yet?
Is there any multi hour video essay made by an autist about kiseki series where he just describes the plot?
Tried searching on youtube but couldn't find anything.
Renne would never do this, kys
So who is the brown vtuber slut or something that appear in both trailer? new enforcer?
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Towacutest!:

1. She is canonically atowable!
2. She is mai Kiseki-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Towacutest!!!!
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she would definitely do that
Nothing has been announced about her, but she should be an new enforcer.

Personally, I'm starting to expect her being tied to the märchen garten replacement in Kai.
Her being all digital and Kondo saying there there will be something like märchen garten in Kai instead of just saying märchen garten will be back as it is.
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you're a fucking retard
does anyone know where i can find pictures of all the trails gacha game characters? i need them for a funny project :)
kevin mating press
bear with me /fg/
>implying I'm not /fg/ biting itself
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>I'm not schizophrenic, by the way. Claiming that everyone who disagrees with you has schizophrenia comes across as incredibly low IQ. I hope you realize that.
and then she went on to work with geofront on crossbell, who inserted memes like "bruh moment".
these people have no morals or convictions lol, just cardboard cutouts
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I'm gonna play tits on a plane :)
have fun bro. They are good games
>it's okay when we do it
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i gotta ask: what the fuck's a rovert?
sounds like a car from the 70s with three wheels
Day will break again
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And people bitched at Angelica for hugging lolis yet Roselia gets a pass.
Girls are made to be molested by lolis.
Roselia and Altina tiny tits...
Kurt is so lucky.
this is what the game should have looked like
Fo real, is so fucking embarassing going to a public bath with a fucking towel. Also litterally stay inside the water with the towel, is retarded.
just say that you are a paedophile freak and want to see underage girls naked
I mean Juna's technically already of age at 18 by California standards so...

Randy was also there.
god i wish i could fondle junas junas
Yes. And?
I want to fondle roselia's roselias (all three forms).
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Schizzy really did pretend to speak Japanese, insisting NISA was wrong when they were not and then had a total melty about it for like 10 hours, huh.
It's slated for Fall 2024, which is anywhere between the end of September and the end of December, and since they're probably not releasing anything near Christmas, I'm gonna say some time in November.
Hey look fatso (Rovert) finally showed up! I was worried his dad was ass raping him again.
Cool it with the racism.
A hint is think of a three letter word for all powerful being
our resident schizo
Is "Rovert" your "Nathan", /fg/ Barry? Seems really unhinged to respond to posts like that.
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>Nathan outta nowhere
You are drunk again, Trevor. Stop posting
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Here. Take a look at what your madness look like when you think you're pursuing your boogeyman.
i gotta ask again: what the fuck's a barry?
XV-kun, also known as Barry. The most schizophrenic poster on 4chan.
better question: are you barry?
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Another example of madness. This what you look like to others when you sperg confidently about your perceived boogeyman. Keep it going. Let's see you rival these numbers.
Barry doesn't play anything other than FFXV and Forspoken.
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Seems like this poster is very familiar with schizo stuff. Wonder why.
how are NISA and Falcom so bad at keeping secrets
I swear I still remember when zero + azure + reverie were leaked on the epic game store a few days before the annoucement
You must be very new to this website if you're not familiar with its culture. Keep sperging about R*vert.
ok mr.schizo
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>go to bed
>wake up and the nutcase is STILL posting the same shit in /fg/
Good lord. This is legitimate mental illness.
new question: what the fuck's a eric?
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Tendies think he's behind all the anti-Nintendo posting on /v/ and spam "Eric" and "Erictranny" in every thread.
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>knows every detail
>knows every search term
>knows every piece of lore
Crossbell really was the best arc huh?
>turdbrain is smug about being a sheltered newfag on 4chan of all places
>probably hasn't even been here since the xseed era
nta but
is /fg/ Barry?
idk I've never crossed paths with your barry and eric
Just so you know, every single one of those game journalists played on Easy and still lost a few times.
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That's just a blatant shitposter with less than 5 posts in 2 years. The Rovert spammer knows who he is. I called him Barry and posted examples of his boogeyman to show him how insane he looks. Would you like to know why Barry thinks NeithOf pursues him all across the internet? Because that's someone on GameFAQs who disagreed with him a decade ago. Rovert, no doubt, is someone who triggered schizzy at some point in time and now everyone is Rovert.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GAME JOURNALIST
I didn't play this game, what was wrong with it?
How can one wheelchair bound Irish freak be so consistently speaking about himself in the third person?
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Does this look like the right timezone to you? Haha, keep going. You're just proving the point.
You must be new to life in general if you cannot recognise sarcasm.
>slog combat
>game breaking bug
>a lot of outdated design
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I AM in the right timezone but on the wrong island.
Yeah, it's totally sarcasm now that you've made a fool of yourself again.
can't even find the gacha game on the wiki. i'm gonna have to play the fucking thing to get the pictures, ain't i.
fuck me
What is the comfy timezone here? The thread was always shit at these hours
>gamebreaking bug
>outdated design
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i guess i'm samoa
Northern War is just reusing old art and slightly animating it.
It's whatever you endeavor to make it
But good luck with having your posts drowned out in a sea of autistic screeching
Sadly it's about now mostly because the south Americans are asleep.
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/fg/ is only good when there's a thread up on /v/ to divert the schizo's attention since otherwise they literally live in this thread and post here basically every hour of the day.
just don't trigger nisashill (can't)
Stay on topic please, thank you.
oh, i meant the funny fuck ups like towa the ashen chevalier and all the other stuff.
there were pics all over the place but without a dedicated gallery i'll have to actually play a gacha game.
ribose, fix your wiki, you expired muff muncher, i wanna laugh at the chinese cash grab
oh.. and switch version run like shit
you can even notice it on pc
about 8-11 am in uk time. it can't be a coincidence the yanks are asleep...
uk and sea hours are my favourites. people tell me to kms less and appear more tranquil
is /fg/ guild in NW still active?
looking for new gacha to kill time
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kys kissyourself
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I'm wondering if there is a connection between this book and hatguy.
Kai be the first game where I set my expectations about lore at the lowest.
They've fixed some of it I think, but if you have any requests I can see what I can do, as there's still a good few characters I don't have.
who's hatguy? a relative of dingo?
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I think prologue is -
Rufus' mansion in Ored- Lapis reading book and realising something's gonna happen due to causality and calls out to Rufus.
Some exposition from Lapis about what's going to happen in the near future and that they need to do something.
Minutes later CID bursts through the doors of the mansion and tries to take Rufus into custody.
Just when things start looking bad, Kevin comes to the rescue of the Picnic squad.
will do buddy <3
I have two trains of thought on that, I think it's either C.Epstein or the Magician from Sunshine Agnes since you can clearly see that he has a connection to Agnes considering his hair.
i imagine we'll get the lore on the world of zemuria, which probably was made up as kondo went along, seeing as the whole "you can't leave zemuria" thing only first appeared near the end of cold steel 4 (unless i missed something).
grandmaster and aidios lore could happen, but my expectations are about 2 toshihiro kondos our of 10
The first thing I notice about this image is the stack of copy-pasted books on the ground from Cold Steel 1.
Kondo is rehashing Nayuta
i was just looking for all the fuck-ups, desu. i shan't ask you to trouble yourself over it, since it would take way too much hassle for you. i'd have to scour reddit and twitter and it seems impossible.
thank you though. i appreciate it
that and grandmaster creha would be the ass-pull of the century
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The only thing to say about him right now that will likely be true is that he's an Anguis.
Not if it's C.Esptein consdiering they already have Novartis. Probably if he's the guy from Sunshine agnes though
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The whole series is just a shit test by Aidios to Holy Beasts to see how well they can hold their oaths.
spoiler: Everyone except Ragnard failed by trying to jew themselves out of their sworn obligations through their own twisted rationales.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Campanella is a Holy Beast but went completely evil and rogue.
Campanella's biggest sin is idolatry of false Aidios
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Evolution of Agnes turning into a slut.
i'm astounded that campanella first appear in sky fc and we still know nothing about him other that he might be a "her".
van better if about those pronouns
Probably a female fairy who is locked to a little boy's body.
A chan cutie
I wanna suck on altinas cute tiny pink nipples
Retire from living.
I love the scene right before the final dungeon in kuro 2 with everyone showing up before van meets up with C and agnes starting to get angry at van and elaine is like I sympathize with her.
This seems like it's on Sony and Epic rather than NISA/Falcom
Everything is NISA's fault. The war in Ukraine? The fucking Prinny's doing it out of greed.
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Kys tranny
Haven't played Kuro yet. Is NISA's patch better than the fan patch? Or should I stick with the fan patch?
NISA's has a bunch of fanfic so just use the fan version.
The fan patch is less woke, but it's woke that Falcom themselves put in the original text. So it's
a more accurate patch versus a less woke patch.
>beauty's blade
>writing out Renne's entire character
/fg/ is starting to become shit right on cue.
NISA's patch is more accurate. The fan patch just adds a bunch of swearing.
Note: It's still woke
Highest reviewed Kiseki game.
Highest quality of localization yet; confirmed by multiple publications.
Top 3 PS5 sales.

You tell me.
>i'm not a pedophile, you're a tranny!
>the narrative has now shifted to
>nisa is more accurate but falcom sucks and is woke
>the fan patch is based and less woke than falcom and nisa, aka fanfic
How the turntables.
WokeCHAD never misses. He literally predicted that NISA would be blamed for Falcom being woke
Wokechads, Nathanielchads... we won.
yeah glad you could make it
Japan has fallen...
>he actually think that "best sellers on amazon" at a given day means "this is the 3rd best selling game on PS5 ever"
>dont lewd the fake anime girl!
>Half of Spain bought Ys IX
>Kuro is the 3rd best selling game on PS5 ever
Falcombros, we're winning.
>i want to suck on <ch*ld's nipples*
>i'm not a pedophile, you're just a tranny!
Retire from living.
Altina and roselia are so sexooooooo.
Neck thyself, Mondblut.
No one is interest about the ecelebs you worship, slave.
The pedo isn't an e-celeb, just a loser /fg/ poster who loves calling himself based here.
See >>484101283
>failed shillpost ends up being poste on /vg/ instead of /v/
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i bet agnes masturbates every night to the thoughts of van fucking her
Agnes is a fictional character in a video game written by people with terminal tunnel vision. They don't do anything when they're not on-screen, nor do they have thoughts.
>tfw localization thread still up on Reddit
Oh no only 286 likes meanwhile 11k likes right here
we do bros we can't beat 286 likes its much
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not just night
.......Its over Kuro found an audience in the west..........
Makes sense considering how stupid they made themselves look in this particular instance by being upset about accurate translation, haha... Always remember that those are the kind of people who hate localization.
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Albertbros... when does he get a W?
think they're going to be upset that they were baited and Van isn't actually into Aaron?
boy in the same age are simply not fun...
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They started setting up a romance between him and Odette in Kuro 2, so even he will be getting laid before Anies does since Van is going with Elaine.
If anything the comment section in that 11k post has people interested what Trails is asking where to buy daybreak just because of that scene with Van and Aaron ironically daybreak might be the P5 for Trails and the Sky Remake will make that even higher.
Alberto W
Agnes stays masturbating
>think they're going to be upset that they were baited and Van isn't actually into Aaron?
at that point their money is already taken so it won't matter as much
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Elaine it's not healthy to cope like that
Based nisa, making xitter troons fall for their bait. Easy money.
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The English voice acting in the ghey scene between Aaron and Van is hilarious, ngl.
>implying that Twitter likes translate to people buying the game
This is going to get censored so hard.
I wonder how threesome with Elaine and Shizuna be like..
you dumb shitheads say that every single time and not once has it ever been true
NISA didn't really censor all that much, there are a lot of retarded changes that were made to spite the fan-patch.
Assuming anything was changed to spite anyone is a schizo moment. The claim that they stole the fan translation is also unhinged considering it gets right what the fan translation gets wrong. You need a change in mentality.
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Bro this fruitty nigga got hips...
This is one of the ugliest JRPG characters ever.
Made for getting killed
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imagine the kiss...
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Cumdolls aren't human and have no rights. They exist to extract semen -- you wouldn't deny them their purpose would you?
Can't the fan patch be patched to work on the official english release? Or even tweaked so the better NISA parts and the better fan TL parts can be combined?
Literally Gaybreak
Already works. Nothing preventing the patchfag from making an edit patch that replaces the terms he dislikes with the ones from the fan patch.
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Anies would never do that. OOC
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it's sealed
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>tfw that new singa song in the Dengeki stream
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lost bigly!
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Wait you temporarily lose Risette during this part of the game? She was my haste/slow/delay queen noooooooooo
DeltaQuart is joking and making fun of MUH WOKE users
it took a lie about kuro being a "GREAT STARTING POINTO!", but this is the most momentum the series has had possibly ever.
every generic-ass jrpg youtuber is doing a passionless by-the-numbers review, people are talkin' a lot, and we have a panel soon with magic man kondo himself.
but the great irony, waiting in the wings, ready to fuck everyone's hype into the dirt: kuro 2.
it's gonna be fun
the pronouns thing is stopping people from seeing the forest for the tress.
let 'em argue over it.
then kuro 2 will come and destroy them all.
let them fight.
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So did we ever find out igf Wa qaur te swas the same tgin ddud from dnts f;asom fdrom tralsd intje ssky 3rd wo stiwas it jutg a coincisrfns? Lie does Resnmrf ever itnteract with inm?
Falcom are going to be rolling in cash this year but will they invest it on the studio haha.....
They specifically say that it's just a coincidence.
Would be a first, haha...
Gaybreak review by a gay.
ill wait til someone who didnt get a review copy gives their thoughts
remember when erick landon got in trouble for dissing the lgbt community and david made a video about it, then they both beefed.
literally the only time jrpg channels ever went to war.
it was crap
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>it's fucking nothing
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he's also gonna be presenting at the nisa panel. "just the gems", too. they're all soulless fuckin shills.
the only unbiased youtuber is acg, who gives his codes away.
the rest can't say anything too critical or they'll get tossed aside by the companies. they're whores, bought and paid for
If Falcom smart, they'd ditch xanadu and go all in for Sky Remake slated for WW release in 2025.
What does the remaster even add? Felghana is good because it's like 4 bucks on a sale. Why would I pay 40 for a game that's exactly the same?
He shits on the combat system and UI and calls it too easy and simple.
>Admits that he just rushed through the game on Turbo so he could rush out a review
Why would I care about this guys opinion if he even admits that he didn't take his time to see all the game had to offer? Also is it me or does it feel like all these reviews are just reading a script that NISA gave them.
new soulless art and voice acting as far as I know, but good thing you can switch between old and new artstyles.
That doesn't sound like it's worth buying again for and buying it for 10x the price you can get the original for. I wonder if they'll delist it lmao.
So we've had leaks from Falcom, NISA and XSEED in the space of a week. kek.
Cold Steel was already braindead easy, why is he complaining now?
If only people said that to Falcom 3 years ago. Looks like Kai will be even easier now with the addition of Brave Orders again.
The complaints are relative to Corked Shart. Even simpler and easier than ever before. Falcom's going in the wrong direction.
CS is braindead easy. And Kuro is even worse in that regard. I accept that Falcom don't want to make hard games anymore but jesus it's like they don't even try to make any of their games not utterly braindead anymore.
why are gay guys always buff chads
95% of the love for buff dudes comes from gay guys. Most women don't care.
People get mad when they can't use the evasion shit they've been spamming for over a decade worth of games
Agree, in CS you actually had to use at least 0.0000001% of your brain to break the game, while Kuro doesn't even require that. But I think Kuro's combat is more satisfying and probably the only kiseki game where I didn't actively use turbo mode.
most reviews shit on the overly easy gameplay so i dont think theyre being told what to say, unless nisa wants people to know how shit kuros gameplay is
>gay guy doesn't even mentioned the tranny and faggot shit in the game
That's a good gay. Bad gays can't shut the fuck up about it and make it their entire personality.
>Nightmare used to be really hard
>then it became regular hard
>then it became normal mode
>then it became easy
Why do they insist on having 5-6 difficulties per game when none of them matter
The first game of an arc always has simple mechanics which Falcom expands on in the sequels, Kuro's no different. If anything Kuro 1 system has more stuff going for it than CS1.
Kuro 2 is just as braindead as the first game is. They didn't add really anything substantial and all they did was nerf S-Craft spam and not the shields that make you unkillable
nice cope.
true, cant even suck a dick in peace these days without getting surrounded by flags and pride shit and half hearted media representation that i never asked for
I agree, but it doesn't stop kuro from being super easy on nightmare, I could just spam Van's s-craft and every boss will die in a matter of seconds. I haven't played kuro 2 yet, but i heard you can no longer spam s-crafts in it.
is kuro 2 harder than 1
Post Sky Nightmare is better because the game is actually balanced around it.
i like them being easy. if you like super difficult game just play elden ring or smt
SMT is fun because it's hard. Why even have combat in your game if it's just a distraction?
A bit, but only at parts where you don't play as Van. I enjoyed the gameplay loop of Kuro 2, but I still feel like action mode is lacking and with Kai falcom will finally perfect the system.
whatever happened to that difficulty mod for Kuro? i wanna use that for the NISA release
Enemy s-breaks are a huge addition, but they're too underutilized. Hopefully they go crazy with them in Kai and they let most of the bosses use them.
Whose leaking all these Falcom games?
If difficulty just comes from inflated stats, then it's a shit difficulty. SMT bosses have actual strategies.
I don't play on PC so I guess I'll pick it up.
Oath getting a Switch port makes it more baffling why CS1 and CS2 haven't been ported to Switch.
pom pom party best minigame
I liked vantage masters too
XSNEED's salty about losing the license.
another Falcom Leak whats next Kai in few days? that Trails panel is the only one not leaked yet at this point lol
im too retarded to strategise in VT
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They already did have a Kai leak when they posted the 2nd webcm too early. Falcom, Xsneed, and NISA all fucked up in the span of a few days.
Except they lost the license for Ys as well but they're still going to port Oath Memoire, and they still make updates for Sky to fix any continuity errors like Hamilton.
>top 50 best RPGs of all time
>Trails is in the "honorable mentions" list
sisters...I don't feel so good
>Xseed: I'll do better next time baby give me one more chance see? I got your Ys game now

>Falcom: No Xseed the fact that you cheated on me with Granblue isn't what hurts............its that your trying to come back to after the fact.....and that hurts more

>Xseed: No baby please, its all gonna be okay give me one more chance I'm on my Knees please one more chance

Falcom:.......................What are your thoughts.....NISA?
it's pretty easy once you have a decent deck and knight as your master card
now we just need akysys to accidentally leak they are working with falcom to release kyoto xanadu for WW release next year.
Releasing CS1 and 2 would only improve CS3 - 5 sales. Each Ys is standalone and no one cares.
Never understood the appeal of this guy, it's just the same "i liked it it was good" shit over and over.
Literal Who?
I think modern nightmare mode is acceptable for the battle system they use now.
Reverie's Abyss mode is essentially:
>Enemy will get more turns to hit you so hard that you need damage mitigation up 24/7
>watch your characters get their shit pushed in on turbo mode and add 20 hours of nothing to the total playtime.
XSEED is so busy handling other actual successful games they don't care about a little Ys leak
XSEED is such fucking whore.
No reason to keep on updating Sky then. I wonder if it's that Durante is too busy with NISA.
Boomer gamer who isn't cynical and just enjoys vidya + nostalgia shit, that's his appeal. He talked about it sometime how he'd rather focus on games he enjoys and makes videos on them as there's already enough people shitting on things and being cynical on the internet. He has stuff he dislikes but he usually just doesn't talk about it most of the time.
If Falcom is smart they won't fall for the seducing.
so what happened with ys vs trails in the sky? was a leak fake?
You know what's funny about the whole Daybreak situation? It's that NISA and reddit mods ar
It was never real to begin with, someone edit the epic store titles on the same day as the leak.
releasing CS1 and 2 would canibalize sales of the arc because all newcomers will funnel into #1 and get bored before reaching the Nisa games
??? Nathaniel assassinated him before he could finish...
Haven't played Kiseki since CS2. Has the franchise gotten better or way worse? Has Falcom finally revived all of their dead IPs sitting of on them for literal decades?
X.X.XGreed were never meant to come back. Especially with Oath in Felghana after they cheated Nightwolve out of the official release all those years ago.
nightwolve truly was the original schizo
The three main groups in Kai will all deal with one Sept Terrion each, leaving Falcom a two game arc to tie the series up.
I never liked that ugly nigger Tom back in those days don't know what his doing nowadays but I hope his drinking himself to death
Kondom said the projected time until the end of Kiseki is 5-6 years and they're not going to take 3 years per game so not happening. We still have 3-4 games at the minimum before it's over if that timeline holds up.
Nightwolve was such a hero, I miss him so much his the reason the Falcom general even existed pay respects to your leader /fg/
The patchgay is making similar claims about the fan translation patch. Don't be shocked if it's actually Nightwolve back for another melty aimed at NISA this time.
>Especially with Oath in Felghana after they cheated Nightwolve out of the official release all those years ago.
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i cannot believe he was literally half of yesterday's posts
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>schizzy's awake and starts his day by announcing his arrival
Actually from what I hear he has good relationship with NISA main reason we even got the crossbell games,its Mondblut who has it in for NISA
Post the funniest kiseki images you have. Pls
Nightwolve has been on record saying he only hates XSeed I follow him on twitter and he never shuts up about them
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New Kai screenshot just leaked
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Would, both quatrea and quatre.
I thought they were giving nazi salute kek
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>It didn't take long for Shizuna to once again grab hold of Rean's cock after she had straightened her back, raising her body enough so that she could put it inside her. She didn't bother telling him what she was doing, though there was little need to; Rean was on board in spite of his better judgement. His hands stroked her surprisingly smooth, shapely thighs as she lowered herself on top of him again.
>With a toothy grin, she began moving up and down along his length. She maintained eye contact with Rean, her face one of competitive expectations, as if she wanted him to be the first one to make a lewd noise. If this were a sport, she would be a professional athlete, and one hell of a rival.
>She moved almost like a wave, or that was the best comparison Rean could think of. Her back arched backwards as her hips thrust forward, and then vice versa as she raised herself, pulling back just a bit in order to add even more force to the downward momentum for the next time she lowered herself down his cock. The way she moved in bed made so much sense to Rean; she was beautiful and her movements were graceful, yes, but there was a harshness to the way she slammed against the younger man's crotch, and buried under her grin was a barely concealed passion. Every time Shizuna's body made contact with Rean's, a loud slapping sound was produced, and the man almost winced at the at the sheer force of it; her approach to battle as well as sex seemed to be all out offense.
>Grabbing Rean's hands, Shizuna clenched them tightly, which forced the young man to respond in turn. "Mm...n-not bad at all! Erebonian dick really is pretty good!" The silver-haired woman proclaimed.
>Now that she supported himself by holding onto Rean's hands, she could lean forward more, making him push harder in order to avoid her falling down on top of him. Once again he could feel her hot breath on his skin and smell the faint trace of mint, which blended together with the smell of sweat and sex.
Time for the next Remaster you know what it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hSRDczDlSA
This is what 9 of 10 regulars in this general look like.
Headcanon, we all know that Erebonian men have no dicks.
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They knew what they were doing when they made Nate Jobbings.
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>CSfags then: Fat white weebs
>CSfags now: Brown
I don't know which is worse
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Jobbings lineage to stronk.
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My ai wife. She's such a strong support
13 times.
me on the left
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>ey wean u wnt succ
Now everyone will know where this came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxsxevyPuFU
>reverse mating press
>Once again he could feel her hot breath on his skin and smell the faint trace of mint, which blended together with the smell of sweat and sex.
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Su-chan and Na-chan! Cute and canon!
canon but not cute
Does Rixia Mao have any fansercie scenes? Are there any conversations about ther boobs?
What level should my team be to clear Chapters 17 and 18 of the kuso gacha's story?
I think think I'm making it to 20, and I'm halfway through 17. There's only a day left or so on the Achieve pack and I want to at least get that 6k gems from clearing 18.
Honestly, it shouldn't be timed considering you pay 21 bucks for it.
A lot in azure. But is the only game where she was relevant after all.
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I want to play it, but I heard the old localization isn't good and the new one is being made by geocunts, what do I do /fg/? I mainly worried they'll censored "problematic" shit
the localization is the least of this kusoges problems
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Jessica Chavez worked on the localization. The woman who's largely responsible for the Sky FC and SC localizations.
To bad for you there is no MTL version haha
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Every romantic scene with Juna in CS4
>Juna is a tsundere for Rean since he saved her
>Killed Kurt x Juna ship forever (and the shippers will forever live a headcanon)
>It's the worst vidya relationship ever
Akysys' original translation wasn't good, but TX isn't the kind of game you get full price, so I haven't gotten the re-localisation yet. I'd feel like the Switch version might be better, it's not like Aksys' original version wasn't jokey, and I remember that at the very least the PS4 version of TX has a glitch with the final boss that made it pain to fight.
>Jessica Chavez
Actually her name in twitter is HProtagonista please get it right.
Didn't ask. I'll refer to the devs as they're credited.
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>Didn't ask.
I don't give a shit say it right next time.
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they gave us an even better ship though
kurt cucking sully away from jona.
Based, Cute and Canon
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So it's full of fanfic
I like how that's your primary concern and not "is it a good game?"
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They retconned Eryn in CS4 to look like The Shire from Lord of the Rings
It's a Falcom game, it will obviously be amazing
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It's a Falcom game, it will obviously be garbage.
NO You cope first
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Only the titcow cat lady uses her fake name in the credits.
The duality of this Fandom.
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This is what 29 years old looks like according to Japan and Falcom.
holy shit he's a crusty late 30s guy
>Only the titcow cat lady uses her fake name in the credits.
is she actually hot? or just fat I just want to know I may or may NOT jerk off depending on the answer.
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she's not fat, she actually has big knockers
but i wouldn't say she's like, ridiculously hot or anything. maybe if she were 10-12 years younger.
high six, low seven out of ten. i think the most attractive thing about her is easily that she's a skinny otaku and bathes regularly.
she may or may not keep a jar of period blood at her work desk.
I was right I win!!
Probably an 8/10. People like her because her tits are bigger than Rixia's IRL.
...yeah, i look like that and i'm only 26...
Damn how big are these knockers we talking senpai? Video or image might help.......for Research of course.
>he thinks twitter links override the name in the profile
You'd be known as @NiggerFaggot2006 in that case.
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>@NiggerFaggot2006 in that case.
..........You didn't have to call me nigger..............I'm Asian.
stop being creepy
Yeah shes an 7 or 8 indeed damn shes cute but not cute enough to jerk off a shame really.
Imagine jerking off to clothed women.
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Big enough to knock things over on accident from boobsway
>stop being creepy
You do know this /fg/ right?
>implying these thots don't find it empowering that people want to coom on their milkers
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She used to be incredibly cute
she's still attractive but damn did ten years make a difference bros
>Imagine jerking off to clothed women.
There's actually fetish about that not even kidding.
>/fg/ has a granny fetish
bros... she kinda looks like my mom.
Wow that fucking hot I actually got a boner there, are we sure this is the same person? >>484126721
And most of the posters here are 30+
makes sense to me
nta but yes, that's her when she worked at xseed over ten years ago
hatsuu is a very notable member of the kiseki community and is the kween of /fg/
I would cum all over that face for sure 100%
>retard melty hour
give me your mom's DM's
that is hatsuu -12 years, yes, so she would've been like 27 in that gif and 39 in this webm >>484126721
>the creepy hatsuu posters are back at it again
/fg/ is fucking insane.
damn the years have not been kind to her.
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I still can't believe rean won /ourgirl/ over like that....she was supposed to hate CS4, skybros....
>men being attracted to women is creepy and that means they're insane
Sorry that you're such a goblin, floofy.
We love Hatsuu here.
it's not my fault you're a 400 pound landwhale angus
only women can lust over things sorry CHUD cut your dick off
this is the first time i felt like i had been NTR'd.
fucking rean, stealing our skyqueen like that....
who the fuck thinks she looks attractive, she's got eyes like Gollum.
This. I am appalled by floofy's gargoyle-like visage. Hatsuu? Hot. Would do lots of sex acts with and also probably coom to suggestive images of. Being female and being into Kiseki isn't enough.
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they really haven't.
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she has never been hot period. you have very low standards.
if you posted your titties here too anons would most likely compliment you, sis
She's a Talesfag, by the way. Your response?
Wait, did Carbuncle and Ratatoskr still work like crazy or did they finally nerf that compared to Kuro 1 where Van was essentially unkillable other than status effects? I know Kuro 2 essentially gave you the fucking whale aka Cetus Phantasma, Executioner on stunned enemies and Ark Feather still delay the shit out of enemies, and that's not including the auto buff skills plus the new EX Chain skill that just piles on even more damage. Honestly, the nerf to the spam S-Craft was so minor in comparison especially after doing 100 hits (which is fucking easy thanks to that whale).
Daybreak down to 83 with 18 reviews
80 - 82 is about right.
I'm practicing semen retention until Anelace is revealed for Kai
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Soon haha...
btw hatsuu is seething at the age gap between van and agnes. just wanted to remind everyone about that! she also supports BLM.
Don't care, Nathaniel
Unmitigated Evil Super Arrange is so good /fg/ros
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>Don't care, Nathaniel
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Emma when???
Most women are dumb. What's your point?
Wonderful art
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Agnes is such a boring character that 99% of the conversations about her are about the Headcanon image that the fanbase created in her head
Whatever you want to believe
the tranny is spamming again
in THEY head
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It really is silly since there's a lot they could've used her for but instead Falcom made her into a CS tier slut that only cares about getting into Van's pants. If they do end up putting Van with Elaine it'll be interesting to see what happens since Agnes is such a nothing character without that motivation.
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>the gaybreak bus
Whatever you want to believe
Why do you sound soo sexist?
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>the gaybreak truck
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>the gaybreak cuck
examples? what are your favourites?
Elaine is even worse than Agnes in terms of ''boring'' so whatever... and cold steel girls at least have some character arc to justify they personality
>and cold steel girls at least have some character
>muh sword
>muh mom
>muh glasses
wow, such a great character arc...
They are BORING because they are “perfect ladies” (mary sue) lusting for the MC’s cock and nothing more to offer
Class 7 girls have flaws and development (it’s bad but development is development) -except for Laura and mary sue Musse-
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my 3d printed meiya mitsurugi is the best girl in the franchise shut your FUCKING mouth
Meanwhile the girls in Kuso:
>muh dad (Elaine)
>muh dad (Agnes)
>muh dad (Feri)
Laura is better than Elaine at least
Stop badmouthing Alsia, Fie and Sara.
lindsay is crazy and thats ok
Meanwhile the girls in Kuso:
>muh... ops I don't have any struggle... call Swin and Nadia
Sexist franchise, sexist fanbase. Shrimple as.
muh Dad is dead and mom is a bitch and muh dad is evil for Alisa.
muh Dad is dead and he's alive and I don't know why and he's dead again for Fie
muh Dad is dead and I wish he fucked me for Sara
stop living in the past coldsteelkeks
Altina's entire character arc
>Altina: I'm a doll, I don't have emotions
>Rean: You aren't a doll you have emotions
>Altina: I guess I do... also Rean-kyokan do you want to fuck me in my tight little pussy? I can also speak in Katty Perry's lyrics.
who is she? Where can I find more of her?
More development than Kuso girls
gayorg, it's time to do your job.
>being this new
precious one...look to yonder pastures. remember your warrior's blood.
hatsuu. she's a vtuber now but she did a lot of work on trails in the sky, cold steel 1, 2, and 3. /fg/ was mad when they heard she was working at NISA and sent lots of hatemail to get her fired, so now she works independently outside of her vtuber gig.
don't forget
>laura: my dad is dead but now he's alive and he's evil because gayorg brainwashed him with his gay little mask.
>trails of cold kneel
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She posts the occasional picture on Twitter, but not too often.
>I was here when the decision to go to NISA was announced and /fg/ largely celebrated. The amount of hatred towards XSEED at the time was insane, and I don't think people's current dislike of NISA even approaches how badly we thought of XSEED at the time.
>When it was revealed Hatsuu would be working on CS3 for NISA, /fg/ sent emails to NISA support detailing her past and basically asking for her to be fired. She ended up quitting a few weeks later, whether /fg/ had anything to do with that I don't know, but it shows how mad people were at XSEED.
I do not forghetti
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what's her vtuber name?
i thought all you retards loved her fanfic
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I liked her better when she didn't have thinning, female pattern baldness, problem glasses and seven pounds of makeup
what the fuck happened?
Whatever you don't want to not believe
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>/fg/ is one person
>sorry i just got here sometime between 2022 and now so i have no clue what people here five years ago were posting
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She only took a step back with CS4. She got fully involved with Reverie and Daybreak again thoughbeit. IIRC she's the one responsible for "Beauty's Blade" and most likely the other stuff you fags are complaining about.

12 years happened, bro, she hit the wall. its why she started dying her hair too.
Bro, your face looks like some dude's foreskin wrinkles at age 26.
>fanfiction ramped up hard in Reverie and Gaybreak
hmmm... Surely this isn't a coincidence...
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she is, yeah
>The only reason people are complaining about this when I did the exact same thing 14 years ago with trails in the sky is because this time anonymous from 4chan released a fanpatch that people played for two years before my work saw the light of day...break
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yeah. being a wagie really sucks the life out of me i guess
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Gayorg is worthless as usual.
Whatever you want to believe
The hair clipping the hat
Whatever you want to believe
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No... don't tell me that'll what I look like in 5 years!
Meanwhile in Kuso:
>Elaine: My dad is a bad guy and I hate being white
>Agnes: Same
What she let me sniff the back of her hair as I breath heavy behind her?
So what do you guys think will happen with romance in Kai?
>canon romance
>canon harem
>choice between Anies and Elaine
>pick your waifu
I think it will be a choice between Anies and Elaine, but reconciliation with Elaine is also very likely.
but they dont say that tranny
canon harem! which i doubt sadly.so either canon romance, choice between agnes and elaine or pick your waifu.
Whatever you want to believe.
I love them!!!
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Sorry you had to hear it from me bro...
Ban in this pic looks like bald Ryan Gosling
I'm pretty sure that what'll happen is that at the end of the game, there'll be a huge party sequence where the player will have the option to take elaine or agnes on a variety of dates and whomever the player spends the most date tickets on will have a kissu scene
shit taste
They probably say that in Gaybreak but not kuso
So he's literally me.
If that's true that what is the point to limit this only for Anies and Elaine? Whatever Kondo meant by something different with the romance for Van, it'll probably gonna be underdeveloped and unsatisfying.
Has she found a husband and had kids at least or is she en route to becoming a spinster?

What exactly did she do in the game?
>dying her hair too
what's her natural hair colour?
Backstory of Cold Steel heroines:

>My father died as soon as I was born
>My mother was an incredible witch who ended up adopting the daughter of another witch who died to be my older sister
>One day my mother sacrificed herself to stop the a leader of a satanic cult and change destiny so that I could grow up and have a chance to live in a better world
>I went to live in a village of witches with my adopted sister
>My adopted sister had a far more talented magic potential than me and was chosen as clan leader's apprentice
>The clan leader became my adopted grandmother and used her magic to split herself and create a cat familiar for me and a bird familiar for my sister
>I had to wear glasses because I couldn't control my magic enough to fix my vision problems
>My sister and I lived together in the village. We liked to sing together but she was better than me again. >Most of the outside world I only know through books.
>One day my sister left to fulfill her duties but returned to the clan as a traitor after getting involved with a secret criminal organization
> She was expelled from the clan and I was appointed as a replacement to fulfill the clan's duties as an apprentice to the clan leader even though I had less experience and being inferior to my sister in everything
> I have to go to the outside world and infiltrate a prestigious milirar school to ensure that the Ashen Awakener meets the Divine Knight but my grandmother hid the rest of the story from me but since I'm a well-behaved girl, I'm going to do what my grandmother asked.

Backstory of Kuro's heroines:
>I was born white and I grew up white and that's bad
Bros...is Kuro....woke?
Kill yourself
Shit taste
>coldshitter melty hour
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I'm becoming more convinced that they're going to go with Van/Elaine.
I hope not. I want Claireschizo to have a meltdown.
>going with
Yeah, because they sure have gone with a lot of the girls in previous games other than the stupid cunt in Sky, LOL.
>en route
she already is a spinster. she's pushing 40, not LTR, is a crazy cat lady with tons of cats, self-identifies now as a wine-mom
>what did she do?
she's a localizer/translator/dub manager. most of her work pre CS was just trannylation, but starting from CS she also started working in the VO dept too. sean chiplock's spoken at length before about how she helped him break out and start getting real roles.
dark brown, see >>484127332
>Whatever Kondo meant by something different with the romance for Van
This could easily just be like what Kondom said about C wielding a weapon he never used before. Kondom also said that Kuro 3 exists yet clearly that isn't the case now.
for me, it's na-chan
The most boring and default option
That's easy, have Claire executed for war crimes in kai.
>what is the point to limit this only for anies and elaine?
only ones with real set up for it. also
>implying they'd put effort into having a bunch of different unique heart events for the dates for more than the two will-they-won't-they heroines
if they did do that what we'd would be like CS4 where you have 2-3 options that have actual content and then the rest are fade to black filler.
I don’t care about romance like you fags but I would love to see both generic girls losing
Van will die or Van alone/gay or the best option: Van chose another gurl (Judith would be kino)
Fagcom need to make an all adult cast and then have actual confirmed sex scenes because they're so super mature now. Just cut to black and then wake up in bed together in the next scene.
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I thought it was cute to see xir in chat during the stream a few days ago
Man, they are so cute. Can't wait for more of them in Kai.
I wish Van got a harem, I like all his girls better than all of Rean's girls
Imagine the reaction in /fg/ if we got an implied sex scene involving Rean or Lloyd and any one of their harem
same except for altina shes my favorite.
Van will never love any women except Elaine, it's time for Agnes to fact that fact and develop a romance with someone else.
I want a Rufus x La-chan and Su-chan x Na-chan date on the beach
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Xenogears already did it 25 years ago. No one else can have sex.
We'll just have to wait and see.
and then xenoblade chronicles 2 has a harem ending with rex having children with his girls
cum in cumdoll
>ff4 did it
>ff7 did it
>ff8 did it
>ff10 did it
Bros... Kiseki is too juvenile.
no they didnt have sex in ff10.
Or Rean and Lloyd? ReaLlo might as well be canon in Reverie.
Retard alert. What do you think that gay scene symbolizes? While the blue mountain lion watches and jerks off in the bushes.
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True, but Kai looks to be rectifying that.
Firion almost had Lamia sex. God that seduction scene was HOT.
kissing is not sex.
The retard alert is still sounding. Retard alert.
I had sex once.
It is an overrated experience.
You're an overrated experience.
elaine is a cuck so I doubt it
The Lamia made Firion gay and now he only cares about plant roses
Wakka is also a vag pummeler with confirmed creampie. FF is super mature.
Not in ff10, you can tell because they didn't zoom in on Tidus' asshole during it like they do in the others
Depending on the choices you made and which waifu you picked in CSIV, it is implied that you had sex with some of them.
Idk...Maria wanted him BAD.
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You will never be Rean.
Ah yes, final fantasy X, the series where its sequel novels involve the protagonist getting killed by a bomb disguised as a ball and the protagonist gets cucked after being resurrected
We do not speak of that novel.
DQV is the most based game I played in my life
I wish there’s a Kiseki game like DQV someday
i think its hilarious that every single isekai self insert of kiseki has been kisekisisters self inserting as waifus to have rean fuck them
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Not a single kiseki protagonist or the main/side character had sex, it seems only NPCs can have it... will Ban-san break the cycle?
This, except Xenoblade.
Van let Aaron slap his erect cock on his ballsack while he had his legs behind his head. Does that count?
we already got 2 girls willing to rape Van while Rean only had one.
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I do. I'm still fucking mad about it.
>it is implied
Headcanon = implied?
If they wanted to "imply", they shoud've cut the scene where protagonist is lying ont he bed with his waifu only it to be cut to black screen afterwards. That's an implied sex scene and not your retarded headcanon.
Stay on topic please. Thank you.
Fie explicitly said to Rean, I turned 18 today. If that's not implied then I don't know what isn't.
Kato has been "head Honcho" of Falcom since the foundation of the company because he controls more than 50% of the shares of the company. He is kind of a complete ass. He just complains and wants to make more and more money and nothing else

Him coming back to being more involved definitely didn't change anything

To add even more the way people talk about Kondo is in a sense false because while he is the president of the company he is basically just a "puppet" to Kato as Kato can fully override any decision made in the company

For a number context Kato and his family control about 60-70% of the shares of the company.
>99% of the DQ5 H is of the hero's daughter who's 8
Doesn't sound based to me.
Renne feet
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you're right anon, i should've been seething about beauty's blade. forgive me.
The closest Rean came to a “naked woman” happened inside his head
>he is basically just a "puppet" to Kato as Kato can fully override any decision made in the company
This is actually true yet people choose to ignore this.
Did everyone forget Laura?
Backstory of Cold Steel heroines:
>My father died until he didn't until he did!
>My mother and father died!
>My father was alive until he was not until he was again!
>I didn't know my parents but my father is probably dead! My adoptive dad certainly was until he wasn't until he was again!
>I don't have parents, but the person who made me is dead, and so is the closest thing to a grandfather!
>My father and mother died on an airship!
>I don't have parents, but the person who made me is dead, and so is the closest thing to a grandfather! Mark 2
>My father and mother were killed by a noble!
Do you even play your own games faggot? She said that explicitly for Rean to get a clue and kiss her, it was never implied he banged her.
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Just don't let it happen again, cutie.
>Kato has been "head Honcho" of Falcom since the foundation of the company
I've heard people from the fandom say Kato has connection to the Yakuza for years, I've always assumed it as joke is it real?
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and emma
yes congrats most jrpg characters have missing parents. Like how Feri is the only one with both parents in Daybreak
Alisa and Rean fucked til dawn.
Its not joke during 2007 there was report that allegedly confirmed Kato was getting money from certain sources believed to be the Yakuza. But since then nothing came out of it no arrested warrants or anything of that nature
>The closest Rean came to a “naked woman” happened inside his head
Rean is literally me...
>Kondo is just a puppet.
It's always a shame whe a set of big knockers goes to waste. It seems to be the fate of most attractive weeb girls.

What's her vtuber persona? I'll give her a watch.
Anon is right. Rean buying lipstick for Laura and then Laura suggestively insinuates coming to see him in his dorm at the academy to show it off to him, prompting an incredibly embarrassed response from Rean, in no way shape or form insinuates she sucked his dick.
They also totally didn't bang when she dragged him off to her rapecave and kabedonned him against the wall with a fade to black.
That's ALL headcanon, okay? Nothing was implied. Kiseki is for kiddies.
You better not tell this to Kondo at anime expo buddy.
headcanon isn't a source...
Is falcom funded by fucking criminals what the fuck am I hearing?!!!
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Two quick examples I could find, pretty sure Laura and Fie got ones too.
I have a confession to make:

I'm actually enjoying Kuro 2.

Did you know you can listen to the Zero and Ao soundtracks in this game? Nostalgic tears were shed.
Why are you so shocked? are you a new fag? this info the fandom knew about for years.
Laura and Emma are still shit and liking them was a contrarian kneejerk reaction to Alisa shilling
So? They just held hands all night, it sure must be tiring.
A lot of Japanese companies has had dealings with the Yakuza, even Nintendo.
>It seems to be the fate of most attractive weeb girls
yeah, unfortunately. kind of comes with the territory of being a libshit too.
>autistic weeb
>lives in areas where the only people who share your interests and that you aren't brainwashed to seethe about are dysgenic, smelly incels. the only attractive coworkers are gay or taken.
she creamed her panties over sean chiplock but unfortunately for her, he is a spoken for man.
underrated post
Why do you think the Yakuza got extra pissed off over Uma Musume? If there's money being made in Japan, the Yakuza have their fingers in that pie.
They're especially in big with companies like Konami.
If they aren't walking out of a bedroom with their clothes backward then they didn't bang. No they did not fuck just because they talked to each other once.
The cast is fun

thank you.
I mean the cave bro
tbqh i think a big part of it too is, as has been mentioned, she's almost 40 and has been spewing boyfriend repellant for at least 10 years, like when she got extra pissed off over van and elaine's age gap, or marketing for elaine and agnes as love interests instead of STRONG WAHMEN, or seething about romances that aren't rean x crow in cold steel, triple seething about juna altina and elise's romances, having a melty telling drumpf supporting RAYCISSTS not to play kiseki, shilling for BLM repeatedly on her official twitter back when she still worked for XSEED/NISA, etc.
i was enjoying it but the stupid story being split into side a/b is ass
>sean chiplock but unfortunately for her, he is a spoken for man.
Yeah, he's a fag who was out for sexting an underage boy years ago, lmao.
I didn't play Kuro 2 yet, how is CLE port?
Kuro 1 durante's port was running great, but the lack of anti-aliasing options was pretty disappointing.
that didn't happen, though. I can't believe you fell for that...
So if he ever has sex with Emma in the astral realm, would it count or be the equivalent as having a wet dream?
She could have reached out to me...
> having a melty telling drumpf supporting RAYCISSTS not to play kiseki
I mean, judging by Daybreak, anyone who isn't extremely far left should not play it
I can't believe you still pretend it didn't. Every time it's brought up you're there to deny it, haha...
but anon getting catfished by a 17 year old is liek, totally pedophilia
and uhm he's really racist because he thinks chinese knockoff products are poorly made and that you shouldn't buy them
and uhm my favorite eceleb tara strong doesnt like him because he voted for drumpf
the cle port has some issues especially in the marchen garden thing some floors have frame rate issues but otherwise i didnt have any issues. though the translation is not the best with some things being untranslated.
If Chiplock voted for Trump he would not be getting any more roles, they'd bring out anything to bring him down.
this is the first time i've spoken of it in these halls. isn't it past your bedtime, rovert?
The game would run fine for the most part but any time I was in certain floors of the Marchen Garten or the park area of Edith the fps would utterly fucking tank. I think it had something to do with the foliage. I didn't have that issue with Kuro 1. I also had to add the game to Steam to get the controller to even register at all.
Not nice of you to lie, schizo.
why it always marchen garden?
when will it be aprilen garden
he did in '16
complete radio silence on his '20 vote or what he intends to do for '24
why do you think all of his friends in the industry suddenly turned on him during election season? he was put through a literal struggle session with multiple industry big wigs.
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Gaybreakers unite!
NISA won all because of a tweet talking about a hard penis. How does that make you feel
if he didn't then enough people believed he did that it almost got him blacklisted before the pedo allegations even came forward. shocked you missed it.
Full stop idk how Sean could vote DrumpF and still work on the series. That'd be very disturbing.
shut up
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>be Rovert
>jobless 40 years old cripple living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web.
If you want to expose him just start talking about sean chiplock's allegations or some contemporary /pol/ talking point or shit on NISA
why do people keep calling the aaron scene fujo bait
did these people never have friends as a teenager or something? we called eachother gay all the time. it's obviously a joke scene made for a laugh but every comment i've read about it thinks its some literal unironic homosexual attraction scene.
does it frigthen you, rovert-kun
Americans are fucked in the head.
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Gay will break again.
Actually yes. I look at my CS steel books on my shelf. If my funds in any way contributed to Trump or his Ilk...
>it's not gay, it's just what guys do!
guess you gotta throw 'em in a pile, oil 'em up and light 'em on fire then man
if your government lets you burn things on your own property i mean
Gay will break again on July 5th
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>Actually yes. I look at my CS steel books on my shelf. If my funds in any way contributed to Trump or his Ilk...
Anon I think you mean Day will break again?
The only person that forgets about Emma is Kondo
Emmafags never shut up
We know you're a homosexual, no need to keep telling us that brownbro.
Always use jap voice = don't have to hear shitplock voice, simple as that.
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Van unironically has a better chemistry with Shizuna in just this one scene compared to all Kuro bitches combined in both Kuros. And now Kondom pushing two dumb blondes on my man Van to be canon, fuck you Kondom you stupid hack.
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>Actually yes. I look at my CS steel books on my shelf. If my funds in any way contributed to Trump or his Ilk...
CS4s ass dub stopped me from being a dubfag. Everything I've heard from Daybreak"so far makes me glad that I stopped because it's somehow even worse.
Emma will return in the future and will save Zemuria
I always forget about her even though the emmafag is always seething
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sorry bro big sisters are for their little brothers
van has better chemistry with literally every kuro girl who isn't elaine or agnes
Reminder Japanese voice sucks so bad the the actual japanese audio mixing is worse in every game especially Kuro
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lil bro should sleep in his room, it's past bed time
are you sure anon? what if someone reports you?
True. Jp Rean is a bore. Monotone, barely verbal, very close to just sounding bored.
that was all in van's head though, this is what was really happening >>484118771
You ask why? Trump is a very dangerous threat to civilization. I don't support fascists. Biden, for all his numerous flaws, is the only path forward.
Better than Sean Chomolock.
japs love rean and Uchiyama thoughbeit.
>rovert is still mad at ourguy
So what? I call it like I see it. He was one of the weakest vas of the jp crew.
>i like chomolock because i am also a pedo
- anon
Koki Uchiyama is an actual pedophile but japan doesn't care for some reason
>rovert still thinks that ourguy is a pedophile simply because he doesn't like him
>anyone who calls tubby out for this is now, apparently, a pedo too
oh rovert...
Favorite Kiseki girls?
But enough about Trails fans
I bet Altina is the trails female character with the highest number of R34 images
>almost 41 instances of "rovert" in 2 days
ho lee fuk
I really, really want to impregnate Musse.
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>You ask why? Trump is a very dangerous threat to civilization. I don't support fascists. Biden, for all his numerous flaws, is the only path forward.
legit schizophrenia
some faggot always try to force some stupid bullshit that he made up a day ago and act like it was part of /fg/ culture all along
altina, agnes, elaine, shizuna. laura, fie. and some others.
renny, renny and renny
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>Koki Uchiyama is an actual pedophile but japan doesn't care for some reason
please pick a better one
i forgot renne also
I tried and found 0 results
If I asked renne nicely would she let me impregnate her?
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>some faggot always try to force some stupid bullshit that he made up a day ago and act like it was part of /fg/ culture all along
Shizuna, Estelle, Emma, Anies, Renne, Jolda, Yume, Altina, Judith, Rixia, Risette, Tio and Aurelia.
Duvalie and Judith
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fie saved you
because you have shit taste and worse... you forgot renne aka the worst trails mary sue


estelle saved you

it would be her pleasure..
Time for a new gimmick. This one isn't working.
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fie is garbage you have shit taste
i hope risette gets more development cause she didnt get shit in 2
Kloe, Noel, Emma, Judith and Aurelia
Best answer
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very nice change of attire Risette.
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Wrong. Fie is so beautiful bros...
agreed. Trump will backstab Ukraine in the back
>ear rings
You have shit taste Fie is amazing

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