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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>483867687
This one
You tried and failed.
Did anyone even roll for Slopica?
>wasn't sure this is Julia
>it actually is
I honestly thought it was some other purple haired gacha girl.
Just one copy to give Warp to a better character kek
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*a barrage of black and child characters sends the game straight to Z tier*
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Your mother told me you're her Z tier child
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Engage Summer
>Who should be on the banner?
>Who will IS put instead?
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Not using the Blue Archive thread (even though it's a better game)
Not using the NTR bait bitch's thread
More importantly who's getting unfairly backpacked?
I like how sometimes we get Jannies and sometimes we don't. It's like a fun guessing game on who's online
Yes, for the ring. Don't really see myself using her as a character when all she has going for herself is hitting really hard while dying to a light breeze, we have plenty of units that can hit hard and have some utility or bulk.
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Kwll's thread won
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hag summer banner soon
KEEEEEEEEEEK what's even funnier is that the Blue Archive thread was a Mr TD thread as he vandalized it with a link to his gay porn so he must be seething HUGELY that he lost to Johnny Boy YET AGAIN KEK-A-ROOOOOO
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Yeah, wait did I cause another banner to flop??
holy shit it actually DID have Mr TD's gay porn int the OP
NTR the Image
Am I the only person hoping for Amber?
He makes schizos seethe so I'd build him
Based Ray staying true and loyal to his waifu for 10+ years. You gotta respect it
Too bad his wife isn't loyal to him KEEEEEEEEEK
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Selena needs more art
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Obama rewarding Obama
surprised Nephenee never got much in alts
Ilyana ate them all
Based Kwll
Nigga stop winning, just once already
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She cute!
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I just finished inside a kete
Camilla is not a hag. She's a proto-hag or hag adjacent at most.
Ye i find it a bit odd, but i guess her helmet makes it abit weird to fit her into seasonals.
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Summer Petra for sure this year
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I wouldn’t mind Alpacafag personally
Other than Sonia and Cornelia, who would be on hag summer?
You fucked Medeus in the ass?
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Hilda (FE4)
That wasn’t a kete…
H (for hag) tier banner
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>a hag
>20 years old
So who’s getting backpacked to Manuela? Judith, Dorothea, Lysithea, or maybe Hanneman?
Duo Manuela and Nidhoggr getting drunk on the beach (or Hilda and Hilda for the memes)
Brunnya with a Fimbulvetr that inflicts frozen
Demote Arete
Sonia TT
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>mega dead thread
Did Celica finally succeed in killing FE Heroes?
I blame random Chrom #2 getting a resplendent before everyone else still waiting.
really not much to talk about. just a wait till summer 2 trailer and update
/feh/ never recovered from anti Zelot schizo
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Judith if anyone I guess? We already have Summer Rhea, Shamir, Catherine and Dorothea so there's not much option left. Or just have her as a solo unit.
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>train the Hinoka I got from the pass since I never got her before
>look at her refine
Man, FEH used to be so simple
Anon... That's what a hag is.
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If you want real hags then tell IS to make 3H 2 so we can get 35 year old Shamir
Should dragons dress like this?
You sound like one of those fuckers who gets told a video game character is 15 and you say "too old XD" and your entire personality and sense of humor is "look I want to fuck children"

Fuck you
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Bro, you commission porn of 11 year old girls, slap big tits on them and call it a day. Why else would you discuss FEH here instead of any of the other platforms?
CLAP! Critical hit!
clapped his ass
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>you commission porn of 11 year old girls, slap big tits on them and call it a day.
They're aged up clearly

With tits like that I don't think she counts
I blame Chrom, Legendary Chrom to be precise, for killing FEH too.
>nothing to talk about
This applies most of the time yet /feh/ always has someone screeching all day every hour anyway.
How come Raulypoo doesn't get banned for spamming cropped porn?
Can a mod or janitor answer this?
Lately I've been really into hoof maintenance videos
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Hop off my Lord
Doesn't matter, dude. You saw some 10 year old and immediately thought about boning her.
Simple. He buys 4chan pass and jannies give leniency to paypiggies and whoever sucks them off to keep those shitty Nikke offtopic threadpics.
Hagschizo is a clinical retard, he's posted 18 year olds before
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>unauthorized reproduction prohibited
Tee hee
I'd reproduce Marianne.
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Kiran is canonically gay FACTS
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That's not a kete...
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I sure do enjoy Fire Emblem Heroes!
looks like the ketes I pay down the road for sex
The ketes you pay down the road look like this THOUGH: >>484024221
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Achievable natty?
only if you're evil



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Nothing blue board unfriendly
I don't get it none of those characters are S supports for him in Awakening
It's a M Robin cringer commission
I think it's just some guy fancy himself a Harem protagonist and uses Robin as his self-insert.
Fake and gay
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Rough sexnaki sex
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Just another basic bitch with delusions of grandeur raul-type.
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The purple haired girl looks like one of those Kiran alts. So is he self inserting as the girl while also self inserting as Robin and fucking himself?!?
My nigga shut up
Tracekike needs to stop pussy footing around and just do nsfw comms already. I'm sure a bunch of his slop eaters would pay him BIGLY
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How many people use the brown Kirans? I looked through my friends list and didn't see any. From most to least popular
>Generic Kiran
>Manbun Kiran
>Messy hair male Kiran
>Hag Kiran
>Older male Kiran
>Stacey Kiran
>Genki Kiran (one girl with a maxed out Legendary Claude)
I'm waiting for the fat oji-san Kiran
>most of the friends list is male Kiran.
What are you, gay?
Just got done finishing in Celica. Feels GOOD to be Chadran.
>most people who play FEH are men that roll to collect the cute girls
Never would've guessed.
I only accept friend requests from femKirans.
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I love my waifu Shamir more than anything

I hope she gets a resplendent and a strong refine this year
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That's nice but good look sifting through the not women to find the one girl still playing.
aren't you the fraud who has no duplicate +10s and no summoner support
Clapped him
What your Kiran choice says about (You):
>Generic Kiran
>Green-haired Kiran
Congratulations, you're normal.
>Manbun Kiran
Esports tryhard and is decent at it.
>Messy hair male Kiran
Horniest greeting on the friends list and terminal shitposter.
>Purple-hair Kiran
Trans woman.
>Stacey Kiran
Actually a girl and likely a self-shipper.
>Genki Kiran
Esports addicted and awful at it.
>Brown Kiran (male or female)
You're black.
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big Doot
How long does it usually take for new units to come back? My first time playing in a while and I just missed BoL4 apparently
Don't worry about chasing meta. BoL4 will probably get added to another unit within July. Worse case one of the new Brave units will have it.
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FEH is no longer fun.
Imagine what Luthier would think seeing her big round belly
More like BoL4 will be powercrept by the time it comes back
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I wish the scat schizo could get moderated that fast.
Hasn't been for a long time.
True. My bad.
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Aren’t you ENGAGED
Anon he probably deleted the post himself
I prefer the selfcest.
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Imagine another hair vs hair voting gauntlet
Yeah I figured. Had an idea for a Kjelle build and wanted to watch people try to kill her in raids for a bit
I love this cutie.
Usually it's 3 posts but there were only 2
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Is Adean a hag?
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So she did do well?
Is she at least 20 years old?
Much better than Guinivere and Xander before her.
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Guess not…
IMO a proper hag has to be at least 30. Otherwise they're just sparking Christmas cake.
She has big boobs so yes
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That's not much of an achievement.
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Everyone has a full stomach right bros?
They should do a bald vs luscious locks gauntlet. I'd be on Team August.
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No, faggots are inhaling copium
She did marginally better than Ike
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When are they going to give a cavalry unit a dorf resplendent that gives them a mecha?
Never. That's too much effort for IS.
They wouldn't know how to operate the Mecha
It’ll be at best the horse blinged up in dwarf land armor
What's the punchline?
>epik Grima gets to fug this
It ain't fair
Are these skills good enough to use an egg? I do have a distant counter and GLR on my current unit.
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Serika cummies
What will the next powercreep be? AOE dancer? Omnisavior?
Manuela needs sex.
Well it's a constant arms race between omnitanking and mega-nukes; considering Celica is the latest nuking option the next powercreep will be another tank. My guess is Saviour 4.
He wants Distant Bonus Doubler
Flash Sparrow and Pulse-Up Blades are a bit redundant. I'd try to get Atk/Spd Finish instead.
Savior 4 negates Embla’s anti-savior effects, can savior fliers in normally inaccessible spots, and if two or more tier 4 saves of the same type are nearby, it’ll use the one that can survive and even counterkill.
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Good to know that Jade will be S tier when she releases
Emblem Byleth (AOE dancer) or Emblem Sigurd (engage gives +1 move)
>Emblem Sigurd (engage gives +1 move)
kek, already pre-powercrept by serika
Jade will be a prfless shitter and Lumera will get yet another alt this Halloween
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Tellius....is inevitable
>+1 Move being powercreep when Celica enables warping across the map
Lol, he's DoA if that's it
We'll get her and Brom next time. Trust the plan.
anyone have that one webm of a guy playing fire emblem at a party?
to make up for the recent powercreep, Emblem Sigurd will give +2 movement :)
>Camilla is not a hag. She's a proto-hag or hag adjacent at most.
This fella gets it.
A young woman with HAG like qualities.
>+1 mov is DoA
Not really, Celica finds enemies within 5 spaces and then lets you teleport to the nearest spot that can attack them. For a ranged Cavalry unit that's just your normal range and only helps you jump over a mountain or anti-cav terrain. Ranged Cavalry with +1 mov can hit something 6 spaces away.
What do I spend my aether stones and dew on now that my fortresses and ladder are maxed out? Just dump them into the bolt tower or what?
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Is that HAG Kiran hugging Robin?
Her name is Lilina.
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Umpf! umpf!
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Very cute!
If royalty automatically qualify for legendary status, will we get Legendary Dheginsea and Caineghis?
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going on a date with Ririna!
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>t. Gonzalez
Playing SD it feels like I'm the only one in the game without an Emblem Ike.
Will they ever revamp the base effect for beast fliers like they did for calvary units, or do you think they truly value just 1 extra movement too much for these old shitters like Tibarn, Leanne, Resonant, etc.?
The type of person willing to click on SD tends to be the same type of person that would willingly bend over for Ike.
Rat's sister seems pretty strong. I suspect she'll be really annoying when released as a unit.
We should because it would be cool and potentially interesting kit wise, but we won't because Micaiah needs her 20th alt that does the same thing. Please understand. Dheginsea should be a mythic though who also has the "Arms of the Three" prf special since he's supposedly on par with Altina in the lore.
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sephiran got to slap that
It's a little tiresome that only OC beasts are that powerful, but I guess she might be, sure
We really need a premium special for beasts and non-infantry mages.
Hawk when
>Probably Fafnir too
Are we going to get multiple double mythics or is the rest of the year going to be OCs?
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I think Fafnir will likely be at the end of July. They probably should start doubling up Mythics. They're the least useful of the 3 by a hefty margin.
what triggered the nowischizo's autistic meltdown this time?
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>farting purple clouds
Is she a fallen unit?
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Your handler told me you missed me so here I am :)
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It was born with brain damage.
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Nuh uh
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3 CD
Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 40%
Neutralizes foe's non-special DR
And either: Ignores Miracle effects OR foe cannot heal HP as combat begins or after combat
Beasts only, all movement types

5 CD
Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 60%, reduces foe's non-special DR by 50%, and unit and foe cannot perform a follow up attack
All magic units, maybe could help to see more Magic Gambit units with it's high CD
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What the actual fuck is this malarkey? You niggas still take this game seriously?
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They kinda have to make Double Mythic Banners for the Jobbing Hands because there's too many of them. The Miccy Banner not including at least Heidrun isn't helping matters. I could see Hresvelgr and Nidhoggr paired in one banner, and Eikthynir and Heidrun in another. I assume Heidrun will be green since Hres and Nid are blue and red, and Eik is colorless.
I can't see Eikthynir and Heidrun being November so if there's a month to drop them together, It would have to be July. Maybe October, but I feel that would be Hresvelgr and Nidhoggr. I presume November would be Laeradr & Henriette unless ISIS has a Legendary alt for Alfonse in the works. Then it would be Laeradr and Alfonse instead.
You could've just blocked this by not allowing any, or at least less, spaces that are within a 2 range to be empty. It's also obviously bullshit but having a full team of the latest unit is just going up against a whale anyways so what's thr point/difference really compared to any other stupid whale teams
What? Do you not have have 6 Ninja Camilla's to tank all that?
W!Dimitri sweeps this entire defense
Points wise you'd be better off surrendering than using 6 Ninjamillas.
What stops any of the 6 Celicas from attacking any other unit on your team? How does Dimitri get to a Celica and kill her to activate his vantage in the first place?
Have him engaged with Celica, ironically. And have a Canto dancer move far enough back out of the way after he moves into warpable range
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How will they fix this even a little...?
He's killing one Celica and you're not stopping the other 5 Celicas with that 0 IQ strategy. You'll notice there's nowhere to hide his other 5 units even with buildings removed.
The correct answer is Celica Engaged Bridal Lapis teleporting in some Edelgards or Summer Gullveig(s).
>during first combat
God that was such a stupid condition
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15 year old brides
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Double (triple) the stats, works every combat and functions like BoL4 to deal with precombat damage. Gives allies within 2 spaces her new BoL4-esque healing as a bonus effect and also unit jumping.
>What a fair and balanced condition that was
Fixed that for you.
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Ray and Cordelia cheat on each other
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She cute!
I want to be a commissionfag
For what characters?
I don't know yet
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Sneed Houses and Gyakuten Saiban, quite the deadly alliance of modern fanbases
yeah lysithea based
Pick some shitter from Thracia or something, might I suggest Selphina, she’s 26 years old
Gullveig. She needs more commissionfags.
Become an Engage Chad or Fates Chad
That's not Slopsithea. That's Illya, who's massively more popular than that 3HRT trash, KEEEEEEK
Kek more like she needs less commissionfags and more natural art sources since most of her art is commissions KEKAROO
That weapon was so trash even on release. It's probably going to be one of the biggest power leaps even if it gets the typical lame refine.
I mostly like FE6/7. If I had to pick it would be Lyn but she gets enough art regularly so I feel like it's pointless. My second choice would probably be Farina.
Miranda could be a good choice.
I don't like FEH OCs
I'm not attached to any characters from there
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Okay I don't want you to comm my favorites either, lol
Ray had to dig in the garbage for that gif (lol
I mean she might get lots of natural art, but you could still do fun shit like commission her in clothes artfags haven't thought to draw her in
Or get her in sexual situations like all these other Lyn commissionfags
But taking up the Farina mantle would also be based as she hardly gets art at all
There's no plegian Lyn as far as I'm aware
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The Gulltard got bigly upset over an actual OC KEKABUNGA
I bet he thought his ugly bitch was going to get free art
Weird. She doesn't have Lysithea's ugly hair cut
poor little gulltard
>it instantly hyperfixated on Gullveig instead of my suggestion
LMFAO, someone that autistic couldn't even put together a coherent prompt to start with
Kek the gulltards on /feh/ be like
>I'm not gonna +10 any gullveig art or commission art of her, but I want OTHER people to do so!
Hey, little retard. The reason why you were so easy to figure out is because Gulltards are massive autists and cry babies KEKKLE
It also made the same post several times in a row and expected nobody to notice. Yeah, that's a severe case of autism.
Not only do Book 7 sloppers gotta beg for art on draw threads they gotta beg people considering becoming commissioners for art too
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No wonder Raul is so infamous for its brain damage and schizophrenia, LOL
You being able to Photoshop your own gull edits is more dedication than these art beggars KEK
I've actually had a reward prepared for him if he ever had a 24 hour period where over 22 of them were spent NOT screeching and crying at Gullveig. Literally anything. Just go a day with 2 or fewer hours spent melting down.
Raul taking a lotta Ls tonight.
What was the reward? Your anus? KEK
Kek schizophrenic Book 7 sloppers really think anyone shitting on Gulltrans is Raul, huh?
Not really. You keep saying his name even when he's not here. You're like a whore that can't stop moaning for him.
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Kek, the braindead spic is going to remember a comment this painful for months.
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KEK, fucking pathetic. Ike-sama my ass, one hit, dead.
You posted this already
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Isn't there a Lynfag in the Fehcord?
For months it's going to think about the time it got caught hyperfixating on Gullveig. Meanwhile the entire crowd giving it suggestions evaporated when they realized it was mentally ill.
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>all this nonsense over a question
Why are you guys like this?
Is it just impossible to be nice in this general?
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Why do dragons look like this
Kek you being mind broken by a random discord aside, there's Lynfags everywhere
She's genuinely popular
to prey on humans
As he just told you, yes. And as his insecurity shows, he's the only one.
To collect human seed
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>Maybe being a mom at 15 won't be so bad!
Dragons have evolved to seduce male humans
to distract everyone from realizing she has been the same arch-bishop of the church for 1100 years.
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He was drawn in by some of Raul's comments saying "Lyn is my wife" which you can find in the archives. Shit attracts flies, who knew?
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Dwagon and sisterwife
>what he says
"we're everywhere!"
>what he means
"I latched onto raul because I couldn't find any others"
You poor little retard, your autistic tics and echolalia are getting worse.
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Did it ever even begin for human women?
If I could, I'd throw in some purple flames, and tweet this to Evomanaphy.
mrobin x fcorrin is actual kino and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. he is literally made to compensate for her retardation.
>The human Bull, Hero, or Lord however he wishes to be called, wins simply by gaining in every matter imaginable. In ancient times and even in nature, people fought wars over winning over women. The instinct to reproduce is one of the strongest instincts in all of us and by winning over women, a male is always victorious.
>But a Manakete male can also benefit. Not every race is made to be an alpha. Some are born betas and feel these urges inside of them through dreams. This might be because a Manakete recognizes, that a human has better and richer genes. Just like speed growth deficiency, a human bull enriches the bloodline of a Manakete couple through procreation. Secondly, a Manakete beta benefits through living out his dreams, which are deeply rooted in his cuckold instincts. He might not always know why or understand, but his instincts tell him, he is doing the right thing. The dragonloli has nearly the same benefits as the husband, with the exception, she gets to enjoy the physical side though intercourse.
>The Human Master must imprint his ownership of the dragonloli by feeding her cunny every now and then with his semen. As deep as he can go with burying his masculine cock into that warm, Manakete cunny. Not just for the sake of imprint, but to let the hubby know who owns his woman now. To bless that womb of hers with his potent Human seed. Manakete couples must know it’s not just the sex with the bull/Master that matters, but more what happens during the sex. When the human man’s essence mixes with that of the dragonloli. And as her hubby stands/sits beyond the bed acting as witness to this splendid conjugation. He, too, begins then to accept his submissive place beside his wife, and know that henceforth, as she now bears her lover/Master’s semen and imprint, so it shall remain.

That was a strange lv40 conversation
"The most powerful unit" in the game, killed by a green tome. It's funny.
>You're black.

I'd go for the brown kiran but the hooded kiran is good enough. Can't beat the hood.
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>tfw you start another thread meltdown
Kek based
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wrong image
I mean, can you blame R-Dawg for being in a bad mood? Gulltards just got to be the #1 users of yet another ring. Summer Gull + Celica is a read N Butter on the level of Mythic Gull + Marth
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Its up
I don't get it
I want Flayn to deepthroat my cock after she eats a fish and leave my dick smelling fishy
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Dimitri raw dogged Gullveig and you cheered
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do you think the pantsus are part of the strap or its just meant to be worn without
This will be the next OP
Kek boar cum inside snake pussy
He can't stop winning
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Peony won though.
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This will be the next OP
This implies that Claude fucked Camilla's brains out
Kek Feh doing that to EoS fags
Ray it was mocked when it was on Effies refine and it was mocked when Ingrid got it, no need to defend your 3H wife so much, it was bad enough you made a stink over every infantry archer or lance flier that released year 1.
worn without, I guess
Kek based
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Big Chik
Every black player I know uses hooded Kiran.
What the FUCK are you fucking idiots even talking about? I was busy and am barely catching up with the thread.
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>Wanting green hair
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Fuck you
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I rabbu rabbu Shamir
shes my wife
if she was real she would like me, we would listen to dark metal
Is not popular kek
Gullvieg is for Big Boar Cock
Camilla is for Big Almyran Cock
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/feh/ mocked Legendary Chrom and said he was bad because he was a Blue Bow unit and only Colourless Bow units could ever be good because remembering Blue loses to Green is too difficult for /feh/. /feh/ has no fucking clue what makes anything good or bad and beyond that can't appreciate anything that requires you to have a functioning brain
>I made a stink over every infantry bow unit and every lance flier in year 1
You're a very weird individual. Everyone said Tana's weapon was bad. I defended it. Everyone said Hinoka's refine was bad. I defended it. Other Bow and lance fliers especially in year 1 couldn't compete with Cordelia's 35/35 statline so I have no clue where you're getting this from. If you haven't noticed time moves on. You're not supposed to hold grudges over conversations that nobody remembers and didn't even fucking involve you from 7 years ago.
You forgot to include the part where he makes sure to include an image of his OC banging literally any character not Shamir or Tharja.
>we would listen to dark metal
Wrong genre, fuckface. Get your shitpost lore accurate.

That's a whole lot of yapping for someone who won't +10 any emblems for his so called waifu.
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Fuck off
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Is this appropriate attire for Dragons?
Jealousy is unbecoming. Your wife only S supports summoners.
I love this gif
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Underwear? Nope
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Meh, pathetic.Telliusflop.
kek isn't it interesting how ever since Raul abandoned his wife he's been seething like crazy at Ray (who hasn't abandoned his wife)
Fuck you mean? Cordelia would rather fuck Feroxians than him
I fucking hate Cethleann so much, would slice up and throw her body into the ocean so the fishes can eat her for a change.
Everything Raul does is trying to copy Ray. Too bad he can't clear abyssals without dancers though. Only Ray is dedicated enough to do that.
Trip back on
can we convince ray to +10 a second cordelia?
He has like 3 +10 Cordelias.
I wish the story had an even harder difficulty setting for the old chapters. I want to see how they'd go when the enemies have refines, level 4 skills and S seals.
This but only if they give us orbs as rewards
they die to ike
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>literal years of "Ray is that loser who +10s all these Legendaries he doesn't care about for Arena yet he says he only collects his favs! He's a pathological liar just like me!"
>me, "that's not accurate at all and here's my evidence"
>hurr durr that doesn't count
>today, "why yes I do +10 every Emblem hero now regardless of all my autistic collecting rules because I can give Resplendent stats to that whore I definitely care about a lot! Why doesn't everybody else waste their money as stupidly as me?!"
You're not just copying what I was like but now you're copying the evil caricature you painted of me in your weird twisted brain and then saying you're the good guy everyone wants to be. Advanced mental illness.
I already did that to myself back in like year 2 or 3. Wouldn't recommend.
Put hardy bearings and AoE specials everywhere. He could still clear it easily, but you would have to think a tiny bit.
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they're not even making the new Abyssal content hard anymore, something is making them hold back on PvE stuff compared to how hard things used to be (comparatively with the units we had access to) in the earlier years
my celica is +5 bro, how do I achieve this? I have flare on her, need tp4 + quick pulse?
>>today, "why yes I do +10 every Emblem hero now regardless of all my autistic collecting rules because I can give Resplendent stats to that whore I definitely care about a lot! Why doesn't everybody else waste their money as stupidly as me?!"
Damn you are fucking SEETHING that I'm able to +10 emblems for my wife while you're stuck with +10 arena score bots you don't even care about
Ike and Marth were tricky unless you knew their weaknesses, but Celica and Mamui were too easy.
Not a single person in the world wants to be like you. Why do you think otherwise? What makes you think people are secretly seething and don't just hate your guts?
I dont want to be Raul. then I'd be mexican brown in a run down apartment. I don't have the image anymore but it was very funny.
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oh boy this episode again. funny how they both start with "R" in their names. You now what else starts with "R"? RETARD
How do we prevent more men from falling for these creatures?
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Mandatory shorts as punishment
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The choice is clear: kill all dragons
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>enter Arena
>there is some ranged units and an Ike on the enemy team
>kill Ike's team members while a few spaces away from him
>danger area is still there
>oh no
>check him
>he has Celica's ring
this really should not be something any unit can just have on them for no cost
Really hate how the danger range is based on your units position so you have to always be checking enemy teams for that ring. It's like Hels refine but way more annoying
Emblems should not be allowed to engage engage!
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Uh oh
Cats out of the bag. Its over.
Their engages make each other much stronger. A very cancerous duo.
Roll for the solution they sell in a month or two. Perhaps one of the CYL winners will have something that blocks warping, even if they have pass.
And then a few months later we will get a unit that enables warping with Pass and an effect that negates the effect of that skill that blocks Pass.
How on earth will they remix Elimine? Are they just going to one-up Freyr so that Freyr can one-up her again when he's remixed?
This VG is pure SHIT
But guess I'll do Say'Ri
Clapped his ass
Once all 13 Emblems are released, there should be a special bonus for chaining Engages of all 13 together into each other in order starting Marth -> ending Alear
Abyssal Emblem Ike and Abyssal Lumera & Emblem Marth were plenty difficult. Celica simply is made of paper with her A skill and they decided to not put a melee save unit on the map Turn 1. Players have far too many tools for PvE to be truly difficult. The only chance is if the new character powercreep + abyssal stats makes them impossible to kill.
Not looking forward to that shit. Soon you won't be able to play at all without a bonus legendary to at least allow you to lose one unit to trash like map wide teleporting. Why do I spend more money when it's so plain as day that ISIS is trying to kill the game again every month?
You know what. Have fun. Hope you get some value out of them. It's bad enough I waste my money too but I shouldn't also waste my time acknowledging or feeling sorry for you.
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What do I do with this hussy?
glr+buffer fodder
Fodder to Basilio or Mustafa
They will probably focus her supporting in other ways instead of making a new false start but can't be cleansed as that would be cancer, they would probably put BoL4 in her weapon or C slot and maybe warp bubble if they see Celica being cancer
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Use the free Combat Manual to +1 her and start building her up to be the best she can be
Shut the fuck up Ray
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>He got filtered by the Celica ring
Apologize to Rata-chan right now
You just fucking wait and see when they release Pass 4 that contains additional effects and units with Celica's Ring start running it
Why is she blushing?
I forgot they add in a bunch of different faces for OCs now, but never use half of them.
she finally discovered kiran
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Rude. You can fodder her to whatever foolish sword unit you like. You don't deserve quality of Severa's caliber.
I'm over here retard. Not the first time you've randomly accused someone else of being me this thread. Stop being stupid.
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"Severa's calibur" is to get mating pressed by old men
I don't even know what Trashvera's prf does. They release so many of these fucking swordies they all kneel to the next one right after. Right now all swordies are getting creampied by THE IKE so it doesn't even matter
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They have gay sex with each other
I mean, anyone with Celica's ring is going to run both Celica and her partner, and Celica ignores anti-warp shit.
Thought that was Eikthyrnir and Kellam from the thumbnail
No you didn't
Nuh uh
I thought Kiran's hood was the shoulder of the armor
Why would I lie about this
Neither of them have blue hair thoughever
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Alfonse is for FKiran.
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Solve the math problem
Wow dude you beat the predetermined AI I'm so impressed NOT
I would eat her out
Would a half squirrel half Askran use their gate opening powers or their ygdrassil root powers to to travel to other worlds
What's your Celine build?
You are punished in the hallway
bwo share the celine build
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Just realized we won't be getting duo Celine and Celica on the inevitable Engage summer
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she based
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Ok, I'll give you a hint. Maximize this with the rest of the build.
Oh nooooooooo we won't get slop
p you bitch
w/e bro I'm just gonna go copy a SD build. attitude too autistc and a spaniard
This corny nigga is really keeping his build secret like this nigga found the Holy Grail. This is eSports cuck mentality.
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My money is on summer gemland, or summer Ivy-land. Ivy got one last year so they could continue with her kingdom or they could continue giving brodia alts because Lapis and alcryst got a wedding alt.
I was just kidding.

With Celine I focus on increasing the extra damage.
>Her weapon gives her +15 per hit
>Finish +5 with special
>SS4 +5 special
>Celica Emblem +8 special (2 cd)
>in the S she has Squad BS, but it's better Finish Atk/Def if you want another +5 special
>C you can use Def/Res Ploy 3 for more damage or whatever you like
You combine that with Flare and you make explosions.
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Saw that coming but alright, makes sense. Neat build.
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>stockings not pantyhose
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Raul fucked her
Helbindi did
they both did
You now remember Tobin is in the game...
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Other way around, shes on top
Okay... now what?
>AI slop
AI image generation has got to be the worst invention to ever exist
Actually thats not AI, or it better not be because I paid quite a bit for it. Just some of the lighting is probably computer generated and stuff.
Do what you will with that information.
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If it isn't, they really messed up his horn headband thing.
I never forgot.
Didn't people build him to beat Fedelgard at some point?
the Cav effective inheritable weapons felt underused.
Imagine if that banner had someone people liked, instead of that Book 2 faggot.
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>AHR losers lost to AHR
>after """"the community"""" made a bit stink saying how much better the terrible AHR losers banner was than the AHR one
Never gets old when these nobodies make fools outta themselves.
>Celica was huge
Not surprising. FEH isn't gonna last much longer once people start running into Celica and Celica Engaged units constantly next week.
Built for Claude and Byleth
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wat if they released ahr and ahr losers at the same time? instead of ahr losers during summer? ahr losers would probably win.
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Nigga I've been waiting for Bow Knight Tobin but they will never grant him any alts, he was the MVP of my SoV run not counting Astra Gray.
Gullhaters really throwing out random characters at her now. Don't worry I'm sure it will stick. Lol
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That happened like 5 hours ago move on with your sad life
Chill out kid diddler, I woke up an hour ago and I'm eyeballing the thread.
more like you're eyeballing men lmao faggot
But enough about you
If "eyeballing" means fucking and "men" means your mom then yes, I am fucking your mom
>got so mad he replied twice
Clapped his ass
>so upset he samefagged a reply
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Go choke on a dick, you gullshitter prick!
Congrats, you can use 4chan-x!
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Too based to controlo
Nowi CHAD come on out against the Gullshitter and FINISH HIM
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Where do they upload the data on snapshot tomes?
AHR losers was better, but three of the units had been together on a double banner recently already.
You guys told me gullveig flopped wtf
Gullcucks think C rank is successful
The absolute state
Never once has a Gullveig flopped. She's one of the few things left in this game that sells.
Even a completely busted Ike doesn't sell.
Holy copium
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VMyrrh +9 +res and +def full flowers and emblem Marth? trying to protect your friend? imao, try again hag loli.
C rank is a flop little bro
People only roll for powercreep and titties
Built for rape and impregnation.
For book 8? That's basically A rank.
Holy goalpostamoveaoly
Your mother called you A rank but in reality you were a C rank KEEEEEEEEEK
Kek clapped his ass
Then why do Kagero and Igrene flop? Kek
>best selling banner incoming sisters!
>uhhh C rank is still good
>Kagero and Igrene
Used goods
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Hold up
I'm making another banger C rank Gullshit banner!
He ate too many Cheesy Poofs
I'm the professor here, bitches.
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Discuss it
The best version of her
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I failed to get LCorrin and he’s the only one who can counter Celica?
Kek he wants you to you touch his dark great sword
He's Siegbert
build him. it could be fun.
His stats are awful though. He's worse than Bride Flavia, and she's a 4*.
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Sorry I'm not book 8 so that joke doesn't work!
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It worked and it made you bang your head
that's what makes it extra special when you get it to work.
That arm placement makes no sense. Robin would have to be on top of Tharja or vice versa for this to work
Sure sure.
Also why have them both tickle her?
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bros what happened to aversa
Not much lately after her resplendent
Has no alts
Anyone know if Escape Ladder refunds your AR stamina if you close the game and don't continue the bookmark?

Almost did that because during Enemy Phase the last enemy was able to unexpectedly suicide on me before I could break their aether pots, but realized I should just continue since this time my rank won't change from one missed replay, but I'm curious.
Just put hardy bearing on Winter Byleth
>5 banners in 1 go
>"look players we have content"
Can they actually do something instead of throwing random garbage
No. If you delete the bookmark you lose the stamina
Would be better if they just doubled the amount of special heroes or made two special heroes banners each time
Basilio is dogging them both
Makes no sense
They could at least put a spark on all this crap, why would anyone want to roll for these reruns when the best time to get them is always their debut banner that has spark?
All not having a hard pity on it does is potentially fuck over new players from getting their older favorites and turn them away.
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No... Pigzig...
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Alcryst’s wife
Meanwhile Alcryst
>Oh Kiran Sama I do not deserve to have Lapis as my wife! She deserves a better man than me! You may have her!
Nerd ^
It would be totally in character for Alcryst
Not my fault you like a character that's prone and likely to being a legitimate cuck
Maria Sivenkova and it’s assbaby spawn was just raped by the Russian soldiers for the 92849377383839487th time
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She shoved that ring onto Kiran's finger, he won
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She forced herself onto me!!
More like they both lost. Lapis marries Kiran but she cucks Kiran for Alcryst as she stays obsessed with him
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gully on da banner!
Further evidence of them realizing their error in making Lapis a demote.
still not a single blue focus but I did get Veronica too bad she's not even good anymore
Sideboob detected!
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We got him
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I fucking love this ring so much
weddit meme
Holy guacamoley this is heckin broken!!
I originally thought when we get it that Sigurds ring might bring just canto because free additional movement on any unit would be busted.
But with this I take it back, now I wont even be surprised if we see Move +2 on his ring to compete with this crap.
>IS releases a barely-stronger version of Gullveig
>two weeks later, they release a ring that buffs her like crazy
At this point you could just speculate to the moon for each of the Emblems. Fuck it, Emblem Leif gives every unit Effectiveness. Against what? Everything, fuck you.
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Please IS, give me 1 inigo, I only ask for 1. I don't have an inigo at +9. I only need 1 copy so I can use him.
I'm very curious on how they are going to adapt Emblem Lyn in. Astra Storm and her doubles will be hard to translate over without being totally busted.
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Why is Caeda’s skill called Faithful Loyalty when she slept with half the men in Marth’s army to get them on her side?
Wasn't he on a banner as a demote a while back? they usually put instant demotes on some banner a few months after release.
>so I can use him
Wait, didn't they give out two free 5* copies of him on release?
That's exactly why it's called that.
It's ironic, by doubling up, it comes of as less sincere.
My lovely water wife..
Porn has rotted your brain
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that's my wife.
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>has never won CYL
>gets OP alts anyway
I kneel
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If Tiki and chrom get a 10th anniversary meme rally then perhaps Azura will too. I doubt it, but who knows?
Why do people not like the Micaiah/Sothe pairing?
very simple bwo. rising wave of normies associating animated fictional characters to grooming and pedophilia. she le heckin' groomed sothe!! (good)
Because it's not Micaiah/Edelgard. Now THAT'S a true pairing! Who cares that they're from different games and have never interacted? They're heckin' gay and valid, chud!
tourists don't like shota on hag
Somewhat relevant but I like how they'll seethe over "pedo" ships but it's OK when it's gay
so many free pulls. not even a decent 4 star
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Haru accepted my laguz Sanaki request
Haru sucks though
Haru is based, nice
Wow the retard got really mad when I said that
Use your brain
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Thought that was Framme for a second and then I opened and it's just Jimmslop. Sad.
Nerd ^
clapped his ass
I know Archanea characters have little to no character, but IS hyper-focusing on Caeda being faithful to Marth makes her an incredibly shallow person.
Bros my waifu loves me so much she came home on the free summon even though I already have her +10d. That's true love right there.
No matter how many times you commission your shitty fates character, she will never be popular, jimm
bitch who the fuck are you, get out of here
That's a CYL winner right there, something Shamir will never be KEK
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Why did he pull on blue knowing she was a banner focus? That's really weird!
May I see Céline-sama's build please?
KEEEEEEEEEK the game knew he wanted to upgrade from Shitmir so they blessed him with a baddy
Fucking raped
He already posted it here: >>484065948
scat posts coming in 3... 2... 1...
Is he gonna +10 Shamir a second time now?
>not even send home
weak ass bitch lmao
>>>>>>>>>>Combat Manual
He needs Gull-sama's power so he's saving her to put on one of his useless bimbos kek
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I hope Marisa wins it all. IS might remember that she exists and give her a BUSTED alt next Sacred Stones banner.
>Spic screamed at the top of his lungs, voice cracking as his noodle arms and bony fingers tapped hard onto his cheap government issued phone
If she was "forgotten" she wouldn't be in the Gauntlet at all
Why do you think he pulled on blue? Nigga was jumping for joy free rolling that Gullveig. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped some orbs to summon her
marisa easily mogging Say'ri so far
Well duh. Say'ri is a literal who
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>he'd rather roll for Gullveig then build a second +10 Shamir
bwo you haven't learned from any of these voting gauntlets since the comeback mechanic got added? nothing matters until the last hour unless you vastly outnumber the other character's fans. and uhh marisa vs say'ri is tiny vs tiny
I like how this "you need to +10 a second copy" cope is what you have to desperately cling to because you could never match the standard of +10ing the emblems like I do

The only use of Gullslop is to be fodder for better characters
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Azura is Maeda's favorite Lightning.
supporting a unit is s bigger stat boost.
+10ing multiple is a bigger show of dedication. they have frauds like you outclassed in every possible way.
What's a good C skill for Yuliya? Still figuring out the build for her
Idk but she should have sex with old men
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They have sex with each other
dis nigga got a porn addiction, shit
Well now it's sex themed fuck you
INF4/oath 4 if not giving her the oath x skill.
BoL4 maybe even.
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>Marisa used to be more popular than Ayra
>now she's getting mogged by Felix, that one Engage guy whose name I forgot and Ayra
What happened
gba games need remakes after jugdral. but fe is DEAD the leaks were fake there is no jugdral remake
>better characters
And yet they need a CYL winners help
And I actually commission art of me with my wife instead of having to beg other people to do it like you frauds do. Sorry but you're not nor will you ever be at my level

>unit released before a skill existed needs fodder from the unit that debuted that skill
Any other genius insight you have, anon
the entire general already knows ray and gullgods are the most devoted with their multiple +10s. it's already set in stone. no amount of coping/screaming/crying on your part will flip the narrative. your doctor should have told you these things as a part of his explanation on what's wrong with your head.
uh oh shitposting melty incoming
>Aether Raids defense was EIke, VMyrrh, VLyon, BGullveig, Duo Sigurd, and Spring Chloe
>pick apart everyone else easily
>My Micaiah is somehow unable to kill a +0 Ike even though she's killed others before
>accidentally leave my Shamir in range and he bonks her which activated Fatal Smoke 4
>now she can kill him just fine
This game is silly
Nerd post above me
My dude are you seriously neat riding other peoples accomplishments as a way to argue against me, that's fucking pathetic. And no, they lack the +10 emblems and don't commission art, so they're not dedicated whatsoever. You'd think you'd understand this but I guess your whole brain damage thing is just projection
I got La piss!
my dupe 5*+10s with summoner supports would crush your unfaithful garbage too. your doctor let you down
time moves on and older characters that aren't lords will struggle
>my dupe 5*+10s
I'm sure those are totally real and definitely exist and aren't just a made up cope by a retard who knows he's not as dedicated as I am
You always la piss the bed when you sleep
The only thing you're dedicated to is begging for men's attention
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Ayra managed to become more popular
Mia always stayed at #1 among femedons
Kek is this test mode again. How many tries did it take?
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more ooc slop from helios
Framme a lamme
Why is the stupid cat telling the stupid dog to make stupid cat noises?
>redeemed Google play points for orbs
>didn't get them even though I've done it before
>clicking the complete purchase option says nothing was interrupted
>restart app a few times and nothing happens
>send an inquiry in support
>get told to email their support directly and reference the support ticket and to screenshot the Google play receipt email
>now all of a sudden the complete purchase option works and I get my orbs
Broken ass game fix your shit IS
Pay pig
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Unironically the massive powercreep has stopped me from caring about the game. I used to spent quite a lot of money, but especially after Ike I just realized that there's no point in +10ing characters you like, just to be completely destroyed by some dude using the newest shill character at +0 with base kit.
>after Ike I just realized that there's no point in +10ing characters you like
Tellius killing the the franchise as usual.
I'm in a similar position. Recently there haven't been any characters I love getting any kind of attention, so I've stopped buying orb packs altogether. The only payment I'm giving this game is the FEH Pass for the perks. Sucks that resplendents, while nice looking, are ultimately useless.
But enough about Engage
Nobody mentioned the latest mainline Fire Emblem game, Pumpkin.
Does felischizo still suffer meltdowns when anyone says its name?
+10ing hasn't meade much of a difference outside of esport scoring for years now. +4 to all stats rarely swing matches compared to something to all the effects new units have compared to old ones.
who would win?
>4 summoner supported +10 gullveigs
>3 unsupported +10 shitsmears
>+10ing hasn't meade much of a difference outside of esport scoring for years now.
Personally, the only things I would prefer to plus ten are Attuned or Rearmed heroes due to their skill inheritance value.
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Your obsession with me is clearly stronger than anything in the game

Ivy is my wife
Everybody LOVES the CHOCOLATE!
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>Ivy is my wife
Will you be plus tenning her Summer Alt this year, Pumpkin?
>asking simple questions to someone with unironic brain damage
He'll never understand.
i have masturbated to all of those characters except lumera. but i'm willing. does she have any good porn?
Anything is possible
>does she have any good porn?
She has enough to get me going.
Truly a fine HAG.
>Anything is possible
So you will do what MUST be done right, Pumpkin?
Probably not
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ivy is a lot like gullveig if you think about it
Framme looks like she'd be into anal
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I got Feet
>ivy is a lot like gullveig if you think about it
Hmm...how so?
I've seen her often compared with Camilla to be honest.
only with the divine dragon
Can you stop trying to get my attention

What is this, some faggot attempt to spam this in an effort to get me to send home my +10 Ivy or something?

>haha you're so mindbroken whenever you see Ivy you're gonna think of Gullveig

Shut the fuck up already
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Because she was supposed to be FOR ME
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I mean, you have a history of doing that kind of thing.
> guard echo

Are you going to be Ivyanon now?
i didn't realize how much I want to see some ivy timerra group sessions until now.
Seeing as I have a +10 that very clearly never happened

I don't know. The +10 wasn't intentional.
The carelessness of youth!
That was a truly an unprecedented display of stupidity. HAGs are to be treated with dignity and respect!
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>The +10 wasn't intentional.
>roll to 40/40 on Celica's banner, sniping Blue
>2 Celicas
>2 Ivys
>1 Caeda
>spooked by both Hinoka and Fomortiis when there was no Blue.
Weird, and was hoping for 2+ Caedas instead of the others if I got lucky, but I will happily take 7 pulls in 40.
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The Revolverwing doujins just write themselves.
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That's my wife

I mean I wouldn't have minded 6 copies to +10 the +4 I already had, but I fucking got 11 copies. Ivy wanted to come home clearly.

Could August be the first Engage-free month?
think the Emblem Rings ever have an existential crisis over being immortal spirits separated from the life they once knew forever?

Or do they just have no free will on that matter, live purely to serve?
Will you ever stop thinking about Alear's contributions to Fire Emblem?
the first ever 2m and below month, I can't wait
they're a good allegory for the franchise, the old games being tortured and artificially kept alive to prop up the low grade otaku slop that is the new entries
>Alear's contributions
Such as...?
FE game with the biggest drop-off in players?
FE game with the worst reviews?
First new game to fail to win any CYL slots on debut?
I'm pretty sure I heard this same weird delusion about the emblems secretly being tortured before.
you have autism, right?
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What would save Heroes (and this franchise) would be a reverse isekai plot
Engage's only fanboy uses the same stock phrases over and over, I wonder if he'll ever realise that's why he's been unable to ever get anybody to agree with him
>failixschizo is typing nonstop and posting every single time the cooldown is up
KEK hahaha
>the old games being tortured and artificially kept alive to prop up the low grade otaku slop
Fire Emblem WILL ENDURE.
They pretty much have no will. I'd argue this is showcased the most by Celica and Edelgard, MAYBE Ike.
First FE game to have an all-LGBT cast, duh. Alear revolutionised the series chud!
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This is how he earned his spot in the Holy Trinity. This is all he's ever done ever since Engage outsold his favorites. It's been 17 months. His mental condition cannot be treated, cured, or accommodated. He'll simply cope, cry, and suffer on 4chan until he finally does his parents a favor and kills himself.
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When's her next alt? Laevatein is being mistreated
The Edelgard situation is very bizarre because she would want to kill all of Alear, Veyle, Lumera, Sombon etc because they all represent an immortal species wielding godlike power to control mandkind. Like her or hate her she was actually a character who had her own views and questioned the societal structure of the world around her. Retconned by the devs in real time.
>make everyone gay
>suddenly gays don't care about it anymore
>instead they ship straight characters from the previous game
can someone explain?
kek it's funny when you realise this actually is all that engage contributed to the series
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>>suddenly gays don't care about it anymore
Truly Alear was a blessing in disguise.
I am thankful.
Oh, so that thing people wanted TMS to be, where knights showed up in a demon-infested Tokyo?
Fags don't really have morals, instead what they want is attention. Having designated fag characters is more appealing to them than actual equality. And that's a very loaded topic with persecution complexes (seen on /feh/ every time a 3HRT complains about not having enough of a powercreep gap over normal units), victim point dickwaving, and more
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She's fun to use I guess
They are popular character* like Ike or Chrom.
I never see them posting about Leon and Valbar
Hey R-Dawg any progress on the Felixschizo alliance?
>I never see them posting about Leon and Valbar
For some reason they are obsessed with Raven and Lucius though.
She is just bidding her time, she knows she can't do anything right now with Claude and Dimitri hovering over her shoulder. But one day Elios's dragons will face retribution.
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The entire point of crack-shipping is "forbidden love." It's why there is so little Doro-gard fanart (an actually-possible in-game pairing) and there is so much Hil-mari art.
Manleth x Yuri is an officially-possible pairing? Fuck that, ship Sylvain with Felix instead!
It's how you can assure that Ike never loved Soren; if the pairing was actually possible, they wouldn't have shipped it.
Edelgard should have been a villain Emblem
Yep, Edelgard is the most blatant.
With the rest it's hard to pin point, because for the most part everyone is just generic good guy and realistically none of them have any agency in Elyos.
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That's not what crack shipping is. Crack ships are absurd ones between characters who never even interact. Just because Sylvain/Felix don't marry doesn't mean it's a crack ship, because they still have canon interactions and supports. It'd be like saying Ivy/Diamant is a crack ship because there's no S ranks in Engage even though they have supports.

A crack ship would be things like that weird as fuck chick who likes Edelgard/Micaiah.
Yes, she would absolutely trying to overthrow and kill Alear & Lumera because they uphold an artificial system based on a religion about themselves. They even chose who counted as "nobility" by giving the nobles rings, and even gave two to the countries they preferred over the others.
Edelgard would hate Alear.
>shipping straight characters to be gay is not crack shipping
nigga you gay
Did I miss any funny meltdowns over Gullen or Veigage?
"shipping" in general is fucking gay, if you're gonna be heavily invested in the relationship between two random characters then it shouldn't make much of a difference if it's between a guy and a girl or two guys/two girls
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>A crack ship would be things like that weird as fuck chick who likes Edelgard/Micaiah.
Or a mercenary woman from Dagda and a special-needs guy from California!
Would Edelgard hate Alear even if they let her pet Sommie?
Much like how Edelgard is hypocritically okay with Byleth on her side, she would allow Sommie to live (and he would then found a new empire based upon himself after her death).
Well if you want to get into tumblr terminology technically that would be "selfshipping" where you ship yourself with a canon character. But you're just trying to be a dick about it.
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Who's gonna be in the obligatory september Solm banner?
What if, Merrin on summer banner
Eitr will backpack a engage character
Straight to guillotine
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What is it about Alear that elicits such strong emotions?
The devs realized that people only liked Female Corrin because they pretended she was a breedable bimbo instead of some "genius" tactician, so they've been going all-in on that with Female Alear.
Main character
her game keeps outselling the competition in a gacha game
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I think Fire Emblem sucks cock
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Many such cases.
>Camilla was BIG and Elise was small
>Hinoka was small and Sakura was small
Should have made Sakura short and big, if you know what I mean.
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Any suggestions who to fodder
>Godlike Reflexes (Special)
>Distant Bonus Doubler (A Skill)
>Def/Res Pledge + Spd Smoke 4 (C Skills)
>Guard Echo (Attuned Skill)
I just pulled a +Spd, so I've technically got two fodders I feel safe with.

I know "Godlike Reflexes" will ONLY work with Infantry Melee (and not Dragons).
I know "Distant Bonus Doubler" will ONLY work with Infantry (but at least includes Dragon).
I know "Guard Echo" Attuned will ONLY equip on units with ZERO PRF SKILLS (yes, including Special, but not including Weapon).

I'm basically hovering between
>Valentine Alm
>Young Eirika
since they're at least Duo units, but I don't really use them beyond "bonus." I'm really hoping any of you know a unit coming (or present) that really wants that Godlike/Bonus Doubler/Guard Echo kit, since... I just don't use the units that seem to want her fodder.
Elise and Sakura are children. They could grow
The divine dragon rocks
just whoever your favorite is that isn't fully invested yet, regardless of meta.
Because anyone you build up is still going to be weaker than the newest busted unit that already comes with a complete kit and their PRF.
Not that one
>Valentine Alm
Oh, and yes, I know his PRF "Lunar Flash" Special will prevent equipping the attuned "Guard Echo," but I'm fine with replacing it with "Godlike Reflexes" for that attuned's sake.

It's just so disappointing to see IS terrified of the results their own powercreep has shown they decide
>FUCK YOU for using Attuned skills with ANY PRF (other than weapons)!!!
>Oh? And "Bonus Doubler?"
>FUCK YOU non-infantry!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, yeah, I know. I was just hoping you all'd have an obvious secret I didn't have a clue about.

Once my phone recharges, V!Alm it is, I guess.
I've got a merge for another, future, fodder when something comes later that wants her stuff, so I'm not too worried.
>Celica and Alm art
Insecure Almfag spotted
uh oh, now felixschizo has another imaginary enemy to fight. yet another variety of shadow that will frighten him daily. canon shipfags.
>It'd be like saying Ivy/Diamant is a crack ship
Once saw someone claim it made no sense to ship them because they "barely interacted"... of course it was someone malding that no one gives a fuck about Diamant/man ships (unless it's his brother).
>>Diamant/man ships
What other male does he even interact with? Alfred? Fagetsu?
As someone who's favorite ship is Felix x Sylvain it comes as no surprise that he sees legitimate pairs as enemies.
Maybe the next Sylvain will finally be popular! Powercreep wasn't enough but they can always tune it higher for 3H! Lol!
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With Dimitri you can make many cool ships like Dimitri x Rhea, Dimitri x Edelgard etc
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I want this duo so fucking bad.
>Getting wet over the descendent of the guy that helped exterminate your race
Do w*men really?
This will be the next OP
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Wtf is Dave the Diver
Should we not aim for something more Fire Emblem Heroes related?
Hmmm... nyo.
IS still refuses to let us refine base Brave Weapons and Blade tomes.
Or open up any of the stupid restrictions Staffs had from skills present at the start of the game. They'll never change.
There's like two people who like him with Alpacafag, I guess.
I wish they had gone crazy together in CF
People will call the Alfred and Diamant support "flirting" (saw that a lot around release) and then look at the very charged Diamant and Ivy support and claim there's nothing there, kek.
Character so shit I forgot he existed
It goes against my narrative
Your parents forgot you existed too
I genuinely didn't realize he was meant to be Diamant's retainer, because he was introduced alone and Jade was in the next mission.
Dude was more forgettable than Boucheron.
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>Diamant and Ivy support
One of the few Engage ships I actually like and then FEH goes of it's way to completely kill it
Hop off alpaca Chad
They wanted to cater to Kiranchuds
>Hmmm... nyo.
Every time you say this it continues never to be quite funny.
He's just randomly thrown in into the story and as soon as he appears he pretty much disappears from the narrative
>as soon as he appears he pretty much disappears from the narrative
True, but that's everyone except for Alearn, Veyle, Alfred, Ivy, Hortensia, Diamant, and the Hounds. Even Timerra only speaks two more times after joining up.
made by the exact same person
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>then FEH goes of it's way to completely kill it
Sorry that pussy is Kiran's property now.
I predict a HAG-A-licious Summer.
don't even really know what the emblem ring spirits even are
Do the right thing!
I wish, the yuricucks killed it
This isn't Dimitri pounding Gullveig
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Why is there gay porn linked in the Hagschizo OP?
As expected.
Ivy is my wife.

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