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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>483996383
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Nowi-anon are you also the anon that posts LGBT ships in threads? Or is that another thread personality?
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Who do you want on Teatime?
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Funny how hagschizo and nowischizo made a thread at the same time but hagschizo just had some gay porn in the OP.
It is almost like someone (nowischizo) is pretending to be someone else (hagschizo) and deliberately trying to sabotage somebody.
Very very interesting observations
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3 shit tier dragons
One of them is kinda sexy though
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It is also very interesting how, right now, only a nowi thread was made, and no hag thread.
It's almost like...hagschizo wasn't here in the first place.
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That was funny!
No matter who WINS this Summer is going to be
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No way.
Stop spreading libel please.
They're all cute.
Fuck off
Stop noticing things
HAGs for Breakfast.
HAGs for Lunch.
HAGs for Dinner.
and even at SUPPERTIME!
kek I just remembered nowi the shit dragon hasn't had an alt since 2017 lmao
>COCKS for breakfast
>COCKS for lunch
>COCKS for dinner
There, fixed it for you because we now know you love them a lot :)
Yune deserves an alt
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What about second breakfast?
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The HAGs, please.
Deliver them!
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I agree
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I like both hags and cute lolis
No need for thread fighting
No more brother wars
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Stupid bird
summer dragons

they really deleted both threads
What do you mean? She's in most of the Micaiah alts.
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I'm gonna become YuneAnon because her sexy young body with her sexy mature voice makes my dick diamonds
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This summer is going to be very engaging
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The HAGs....
Were you NOT ask nicely to post em"!
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it's what must of us seem to expect.
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Impressive, very nice. Now let's see Yune's other half.
Shut the fuck up Namschizo
HAG thread, yes?
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>new manga chapter + Volume 3 releases the same day the Summer 2 trailer drops
>this art will apparently be promotional content for it
Bros. They're coming. Engage....
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Same and agreed.
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Now that's what we came here to see.
Wow almost like all the shitposters stopped aligning with you once your shit thread got nuked. Sad!
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>the shitposters stopped aligning with you once your shit thread
My thread?
You are such a gaslighting motherfucker, kek.
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*boots up Ultimate Schizo vs Schizo 3*
alright bro we'll take turns picking. I pick nowischizo. you go next.
Nowifag unalived himself in a sewer slide
>some anon brings up Yune
>hagschizo is threatened and has a melty and starts spamming Ashera
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You're weird
Okay RETARD now you suddenly weren't shitposting up a storm trying to get everyone to use your vandalized thread.
Go fuck yourself
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So, uh, wtf?
Damage Reduction:
>Against Melee
55% MINIMUM (she HALVES foe's "reduce damage by X%" skills)
>Against Distance
85% MINIMUM (she HALVES foe's "reduce damage by X%" skills)
So yeah, DOUBLE that against non-meta.

Nevermind Dodge's 40%.
Nevermind her Bonus Doubling effects on her stats.
Nevermind her PRF B-Skill INVERSES stat debuffs.
Nevermind -8 DMG against Brave "Attack Twice" units.
Nevermind if she fighting Armored or Cavalry (who she's 1.5x "effective against"), because then...
>"reduces damage by highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, INCLUDING AoE Specials"
>OTHERWISE, 40% reduction, flat
And certainly nevermind any outside support from other units!

I mean, I get Intelligent System's powercreep is ridiculous...
And I get ALLLLLLLLLL this could amount to "so what? My Nuke will just OHKO it anyway" with the current meta...
I literally brought her to the training max at Lvl. 1, and NONE of her enemies could even inflict 1 damage on her.
This game is insane.
Speed Smoke?
wow that's crazy
*uses deadeye*
Isn't that a good thing?
Vantage would rape your archer
>220+% + support reduction nonsense
>"still gets OHKO'd against a red"
Fire Emblem: Heroes has wonderful math.
>Ike warps in
>Kills her instantly
Pssssshhhh.... nothin' personnel, kid.
what can tank celica?
Just to throw on the +6 Spd and Dodge effect after she nukes something. It was for the sake of Dmg Reduce % funsies. She (obviously) doesn't need it and is fine with her base kit "Def/Res Pledge"
>Special Cooldown +1 per attack
>now you suddenly weren't shitposting up a storm trying to get everyone to use your vandalized thread.
You keep saying it was my thread but no one with actual commonsense believes that for a second, Imbecile. So please keep pushing your fanfiction so I can have a good hearty laugh from time to time.
My summoner cock
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The REAL hagposter would be posting smug Lokis and calling people pumpkin.
Nowifaggot needs to be unalived since he won't take his medications
>hagschizo is playing damage control and trying to claim it's not actually him
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After getting cucked by FOUR copies of Ascendent Young Tiki back in the Summer Gullveig banner, I was actually curious to see how many copies of her I actually got. I have enough to fucking +6 her. And she's the only Ascendent I have with this many copies. Why does ISIS insist on shoving her down my throat?
Like he was doing in the dead thread?
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Icy Hot.
Fat Bottomed
Well Endowed
Deliver them!
It could be worse. It could be Siegbert.
>Hating on Chadbert
what's up with all the fallen byleths?
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You guys are so retarded.
>he didn't post a picture of Scrungus it can't be him!
>he posted a picture of Scrungus it must be him!
It's almost like this is an anonymous image board and it's near impossible to tell who's online at any given time.
I could be Eddie Murphy for all you faggots know.
Stop obsessing over boogeymen and thread personalities and you'll stop seeing them everywhere.
No offense, but I don't think Donkey is strong enough to carry a movie by himself
Why do you talk like a Twitter troon?
This post was made by nowschizo btw
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Post banners from the good ol' days of Fire Emblem Heroes. Nothing after the year 2020 please.
You can't even spell
Post feet instead
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>I could be Eddie Murphy
Nah. Trust me it's not him.
It's so messed up that Ashera and Altina are Astra Mythics, so they'll never naturally fight a Yune.
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>She won't disappear if you fodder her! Appealing, right?
Thinking about inheriting her kit away to some of favorite uni-----

>Oh? "Guard Echo" Attuned Skill?
>You like?
Bro? Your Anna Commander?
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>hagschizo enters the thread
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I don't know what joke you think you're making because I do not participate in these threads.
Anna is wimpy and her kit would simultaneously be a major upgrade while also being a complete waste
Oh, the recent Weekly Revival banners made me want to see how highly merged some of the heroes I had were. Tiki and Femleth while aren't on the banners, I wanted to see those two in particular.
I know I got one Femleth from her debut Fallen banner and the other 9 copies were all from the Gullveig & Kvasir banner. I didn't bother to finish Femleth back then because Kvasir got to +10 first. I couldn't think of anyone to fodder off her skills to so I just let them sit there.
I also have a +9 Sonya, but I'm pretty indifferent towards her. I somehow have a +7 Fallen Mareeta and I achieved that from just straight up ignoring her. Evil Tiki and Linde are also +7, Guinivere is +6.
Anything with special Dr that outspeeds.
>Hi! I'm a recently added unit!
>I reduce enemy damage by as much as 220%! Or more!
>Plus, if you have skills that would try to mitigate that, I'll just halve that, too!
>Oh? Some unit is going to come fight me? Haha, what foolishness! Let's see wh-
*warps in
*inflicts AoE flames or something
-12 all stat debuff against team
*restrict's teams movement to 1-space
*ends teammate's next turn
*restores 14HP
*canto warps out behind mountain

Nowi is such a shit character who's memory is only kept alive by some schizo on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Ah, sarcasm. Okay, thank you; nice joke.
Yeah, this game has become a complete waste, I agree.
I'm glad I never spent money on it, at least.
hope you never sales shitposted either
not even once
You must be the schizo since you just randomly brought her up
kek clapped his ass
kek sure buddy boyo, not you spamming images of her randomly and spamming OPs of her every hour
Errrr where are the hourly OPs?
>clapped his ass
The textbook SAMEfag response, kek.
>spamming OPs every hour
You would know a lot about samefagging, hagschizo
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Every hour??
KEK is hagschizo still crying that nobody wanted to use his gay thread?
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>Still sticking with that bullshit narrative.
You are such a lonely person.
Somebody should really give you a hug.
nowifag discord samefagging symphony
kek he did NOT like that post
there's no discord, it's just him by himself. that time he cycled IPs 33 times in a row will be hilarious forever.
Is this true or did you make it up?
I made it up. I was angry because mom didn't get me the minions from McDonald's
I made it up
Who do I believe?
Both have the same answer dummy
lel true
look at him smaefagging to deflect
nowishithead did NOT like this post
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Is this true or is it a fake screenshot?
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You're an idiot
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it's fake this is a real screenshot
I remember this. That was one of FehAnon's alternate accounts lol
Is this true or did you make it up?
It's true because I'm Fishiwashi
Is this true or did you make it up?
Mozu has got to be the most obnoxious character that can randomly show up in maps. If you're leveling new characters and she shows up on a map with forests, it's a wipe unless one of your characters is REALLY strong.
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What does any of this schizobabble have to do about Fire Emblem Heroes?
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>Normalfags hate Nowi because she literally looks like a child in skimpy clothing
>Kaga/Tellius/Elibe/Magvel fags hate Nowi because she's out of place in the series
>Fateslandia/Fódlan/Elyos/Valentia fags hate Nowi for being the same reasons + her design going "too far" in terms of obvious sexualization
>Awakening fags hate Nowi because you're forced to interact with her in the story and is the shitstain for what's a decent roster of characters
>Masahiro Sakurai hates Nowi and made sure her "spirit" isn't in Smash Bros while other Awakening characters like Lon'qu made in it
>Intelligent Systems regretted creating Nowi and went out their way to ignore her existence much as possible in terms of spin-offs, merchandise, and FEH
You just gotta love it when the entire Fire Emblem community can put their weapons aside and agree on that Nowi was a fucking mistake. It's wholesome.
>Normalfags hate Nowi
And this is a bad thing? Why should I care about what plebs think?
So does Celica’s emblem work with stuff like GLR?
Loki was a weird left field choice. She hasn't done anything in ages and the current story doesn't see to be leading to a situation that requires her to get a power up.
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Nowi was top 10 in CYL 1 and has been in the top 100 consistently since so this narrative doesn't really work.
Also I didnt know Sakurai was a based Nowi hater
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And she got raped by the superior Awakening dragon AKA the one who actually WON CYL unlike NowiSHIT so get fucked FAGGOT nobody fucking cares about your pedobait they love the sexy mature dragon because unlike you people have NORMAL brains
I noticed A LOT of jugshit art was begged for on odaibako
I love boobs so much bro
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Default Tiki btw
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>Loki was a weird left field choice.
Completely unpredictable and chaotic.
Some people really got hurt feelings over it but Fire Emblem Heroes should pander to just one part of the fanbase.
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Loser Tiki
Is the nowischizo meltdown still ongoing?
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She's getting a guaranteed Emblem alt in the future.
A!Tiki didn't even get a minor bond ring. But you know who did?
Why hasn't IS created another alt for Nowi then? She's a dragon and IS seems to think dragons sell.
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KEEEEEEEEEK Not even Engage cared about the flop Tiki
what are pedophiles crying about now
no summer alts? lmao
kek this just DESTROYED the "IS is ignoring her existence!" argument completely. all those lines of text for nothing
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>A!Tiki was memory holed
Uhh I thought she was an important character?!!?
They have the tap data and saw that 99% of all h!nowi taps come from 1 guy. Even by manakete standards nowi is extremely unpopular.
Jesus Christ you murdered that nigga
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Winner Winner Chikker Dinner
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Ivy is my wife.
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>IS ignores the Tiki people actually like
>This is supposed to be a 'gotcha!'
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It's so funny that they tried to make Camilla 3.0 and failed hugely
Is Brave Young Tiki getting one too?
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>IS has dev favoritism for Y!Tiki
yeah no shit?
Meanwhile A!Tiki was actually voted by the playerbase. Meanwhile Y!Tiki can't even reach top 20.
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>The "people" actually "like"
It's kind of funny that even after the nowischizo has cried its eyes out and passed out, pedophilia will still be less popular than normalcy.
Ivy is Kiran's voluptuous slampig wife.
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Deserves it votes and botting mean nothing.
I'm glad Fraudki will forever remain irrelevant.
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Thankfully IS doesn't give a shit about the "SHE HECKIN DESERVES IT!!!!!!" redditors and gives us the Tiki alts the silent majority ACTUALLY want
>Adult Tiki: won CYL
>Young Tiki: hasn't won CYL
I don't know what to tell you.
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>number of CYLs Nowi won

>number of CYLs Young Tiki won

>number of CYLs Adult Tiki won
uuh congratz that daddy IS loves you more despite being a failure?
this thread is certainly..something
If you are the silent majority why hasn't Y!Tiki won CYL yet? You don't need to be loud to vote...
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>Hag Tiki wins CYL6
>IS probably thinks a majority of her voters will move to Young Tiki next in CYL7
>they don't
>she doesn't even rank top 20 in the midterms
Will never not be funny.
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I have never seen anyone +10 all the Hag Tikis. Just sayingj
the funny thing about pedophile fragility is that you can't tell if it's inventing copes in an attempt to be funny, or if it's actually delusional enough to believe it. failure tiki hits F tier even with iphone pedo sample bias. it's fucking embarrassing.
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This guy is really going all out today, huh.
How tiresome...
Because TikiGODS know we are getting fed no matter what so they don't bother to vote. Idiot.
kek i bought the dlc and I wish Edelgard was the protag bracelet guding you instead of that flop bitch
I have. I've seen +10 Brave Tiki multiple times in arena in 2023. You must not play often.
Personally I want to stick my penis in Ivys deep cleavage
Nobody likes loser TIki (i.e. young Tiki)!

makes u think
Critical hit!
The pedoschizo started screaming!
I said ALL the hag tikis, not just one, retard-kun...
Brave Winner Tiki is getting a refine in 2 months. Wanna bet the pedodev is going to kneecap it?
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Your wife
My wife
You have to +10 Summer Ivy now. She's proven her loyalty to you. She's your wife now.
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uuh sounds like a stupid plan. IS realised too late that young Tiki is unpopular and quickly tried to switch the lead of the bridal banner
She'll probably not get any more alts now, LMAO
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>She'll probably not get any more alts now, LMAO
Oh, sweetie... embarrassing.
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>why aren't FEH players using 7 year old units?
gee, it's a mystery
She's been put on the backburner. Guaranteed. She'll either be the last of the emblems to be added 3 years from now or the game will EOS before she releases.
I'm willing to bet on this, in fact.
I legit forgot about this alt all because they put the failure in the front
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This woman will make a fine HAG one day.
kek clapped his ass
>s-she's been put on the backburner
The cope begins
I bet the YTikidev refused to breathe like a baby when the rest of the dev team told him he can't make YTiki lead a duo two times
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Been a little while since I've seen a Chikker + Fishiwashi meltdown this bad.
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Why do they call her "Tiki" anyway? I've never seen her drink a mai tai.
so nobody +10'd Summer Hag Tiki? To be honest that's not surprising as Ylissean Summer was one of the worst-selling banners of Year 1, just like how Hag CYL Tiki holds the title of worst-selling CYL, and Hag Bridal Tiki holds the title of worst-selling bridal banner
Damn... she really doesn't sell, does she?
her name is actually "Chiki" but trannylators are stupid
Is she really

Both base Marianne and Ivy were +10s I didn't even intend to do, they just really like me for some reason. Am I willing to +10 her summer alt is the question. I'd only need to summon 10 copies instead of 11 thanks to the manual but that's still a lot.
My favorite Hag Tiki schizo moment is when they get BTFO within minutes and start saying it's the OTHER side having a meltdown just because they got proven wrong
If you got to Tiki's wiki I wonder who's picture you'll see on the page first
10 Copies is nothing for the Raulster. It would also be very funny to see you +10 Summer Ivy before any Gulltard bothers to +10 her Summer alt
>sensortower tomfoolery
not real, concrete data, sweetie.
CYL is a verifiable source of popularity, while app rankings are as reliable as nowischizo's narratives
every time you try reversing the narrative, more and more people see right through it and can tell you suffer from autism.

just saying.

and now your blood pressure doubled.
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>CYL is a verifiable source of popularity
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>Both base Marianne and Ivy were +10s I didn't even intend to do, they just really like me for some reason.
This larp again.
I don't want to see you of all people calling Ivy your wife till I see all her alts at plus ten and her all decked out with all the trimmings and fixings.
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You could say Treehouse was feeling "cheeky" that day
Show me proof that he's unpopular. Go ahead.
ironic post
just burst out laughing when I remembered Failure Tiki sunk to F-tier even on iPhone. iPhone, literally the designated pedophile platform.
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Everybody started loving Chadfonse after he started saying cool one liners.
damn, no wonder the hagschizo likes hags so much. he has a short-time memory just like them
pedophilia is linked to shorter height and lower IQ btw
so you admit to being a pedo? KEKAROO
>I'm not fragile, I've just spent the past 3 years trying to get back at anyone who made fun of my fragility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fragility of pedophiles.
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>talking about flops
hmm? What's this?
I am very confused and also stupid and also don't feel like reading. I know there was an update that allowed rearmed/attuned units to equip echo skills/arcanes, but can rearmed units/attuned units equip other arcane/echo skills while still keeping their prf passives? As in, can I give Attuned Ivy the Trace Echo skill from Miccy while keeping her Obsession A skill so I can then equip that new Resonance skill on her?

I think green is also a fairly easy color to roll on, and she's not even gonna be colorsharing. I'll probably wait and see what the next summer banner is first.

How is it a larp? I never intentionally rolled for Marianne, they were all off banners. I'm not saying she's my wife, just that she really likes coming to my barracks for some reason.

I also won't be calling Ivy my wife, not unless I decide to +10 her summer alt as well.
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>Is she really
That slampig princess is mine.
>more than doubles his votes with no push at all
>this was also when new guys were added to the pool
I remember back when IS refused to say who voted for Marth 45,000 times two years in a row.
>S tier: hag
>A tier: hag, hag, hag, hag
>B tier: hag... loli, hags, hag, hag
kekaroo how do pedos cope
so this is why pedophilia is treated as a mental illness by the entire civilized world...
>CYL Tiki carried by characters people care about like Chrom and Femleth, still the worst selling CYL banner of all time
>Ascended Tiki surrounded by literal whos like Hardin with no fodder and a terrible arcane weapon in the form of Ganglot
That was easy
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I like both Tikis
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But the S tier banner was all underage teens
Altina is a hag
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Summer Altina doesn't exist?
>I'm not saying she's my wife, just that she really likes coming to my barracks for some reason.
Come now.
Don't gloat.
Yow want her to be your new wife and you know it! I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she already is.
Copes from the mentally retarded are always peak hilarity. That one retard, actually confused chronological order for popularity order. I couldn't stop laughing
Why are you ERPing with a fat mexican you homo
Maybe she is
Who are you talking to?
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damn, what a weird thread
let's seethe about Engage instead. Tiki was so 2022
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What's wrong with her eye?
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Remember when Veylefags thought they could beat BERNIE??? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Don't worry pedoschizo. The far left says you're extremely valid.
Pedo and trans intersectionality is real
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I'm sure IS will use their bots to vote for her next year!
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Nothing at all.
She is just preparing to use her Geass.
kek just remembered Engage flopped
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...on my cock
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PopularTiki.exe has crashed
Activating EngageFlopped.exe
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So rigged.
So so rigged.
Veyle is the anti Bernie vote, chud!
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"my wife" this, "my wife" that, when she's already used goods, THOUGH?
Is this going to be the worst selling CYL of all time? We've reached the point now where it's all the rejects nobody actually cares about and push because of the DESERVES IT factor as well as Botfonse
The HAGs have been FLOPPING all over the place lately haven't they.
depends if there is interesting fodder
Theyre going to do armored Alfonse with Near Save 4
Is IS really this shameless?
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Who do you want on this year's ninja banner? for me its Ninja Cormag kino
>Even reddit didn't belive this win was legit
IS has become too brazen in book 8.
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Only if I get Taimanin Tana as well!
>checking the SD top rankings for Ivy to see build ideas
>one of them has Magic Gambit
>wondering when the fuck that was even a thing
>it was on young Male Robin
Man, that banner was a huge dud aside from the duo. I completely forgot he even existed. I remember people freaking out about young Emmeryns assist too.
Theyre gonna give Alfonse Atk/Def Brazen DC kek
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Chadfonse is popular, handsome and has a big meaty cock. He will sell bigly.
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Need more AIvy
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But enough about Halloween Cormag
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Only if I get Halloween Tana as well!
Have the schizos finally taken their meds?
I swoop in underneath her and put my cock in her vagina
>Mila is called the Earth Mother
>one of the quotes people joked about from SoV was "le mommy walks with me" from Silque
>not putting her in the first tier
What the FUCK are they thinking
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Trash tier list.
Is she not wearing any pants?
what is she dressed as there
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>Kiran keks still mind broken because this furry complimented him once
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Need more Ivy in the manga
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Let's just choose to let the mystery be.
Literally for straight S-ranking
>Send me Fagfonse
kek just remembered ratatoskr was the worst ranking free book OC in CYL
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So if she's a medic/nurse and Alfonse was beaten up after his scuffle with the bird sister did she have him strip off his clothes to bandage him up
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Why are some people upset over Engage, despite it being the 2nd best game of this franchise? Is it envy? Seething? I don't get it
would love to watch tiki's ass bouncing on a cock
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You should've remembered your meds
Holy shit, can't wait for emblem Serra
It's over.
reading comprehension = non existent
We had a few 6 character banners at the start, didn't we?
We also had the 2 character banner of Surtr and Ylgr.
I kind of feel so.
I don't feel like there is going to be much overlap in people who like any of those 4, so no point in rolling when you can just pick your favorite from the free selector and dip.
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You know what to do.
Next year will do worse since all the redditors will be meme voting for Eikthyrnir.
>We also had the 2 character banner of Surtr and Ylgr.
I was always more interested in Laegjarn and Hellbindi's though.
If I put that around my cock does it automatically spawn her on my dick?
I figured they made Emblems so that the self insert people could pair up with characters that otherwise have canon love interests, but based on Celica's dialog, that's not the case?
Celica is a whore anyway so it doesn't matter what she has to say
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lol remember
the singular Alfonsetranny self inserting as a rat girl will never not be funny kek
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Duh, what did you think I was implying with that?
Sorry. I am slow
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I'm just posting Ratatoskr because I think she's cute and funny.
IMO they should have made Attuned skills stronger BUT unable to run on units with a PRF weapon also.
Actually try and even the playing field.
every time i see Halloween Flayn I get this pavlov response of getting an erection kek
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It was cute but it's kind of disappointing how every new alt is overly dressed nowadays.
We really need another shitstorm like this to really get Intelligent Systems to wake up.
bitch couldnt even show off some leg. teasing fucking whore
Why would an Alfonsefag have to self insert as Ratatoskr? Why not just self insert as I don't know, fucking FKiran? Or fuck self insert as Veronica if they have to, it makes more sense than Ratty
why does she look so smug....
If I want to roll S!Edelgard, is there likely going to be no better way to pull her than now on her spark-less 3% banner? Guessing her banner won't even more to a 4% rate until another 2 years going by how the other rerun seasonals are doing.
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I doubt Flayn would have ever been given anything skimpy
Buit I still like to fanatsize about her giving me handjobs and footjobs while wearing the cat paws on her hand and feet and doing pet play shit with my kitten waifu
She really wants my dick
you can see her legs in very art piece though, in the damaged art you see a little skin
Does affinity auto-battle give red ephemera papers?
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me on the left
Big or small, Falyn worships them all
>mentions small dicks out of nowhere
lol this anon has a small dick
Did the ytikischizo commit suicide yet? lol
So how did the Engage schizo handle Felix demolishing Kekgetsu in VG support?
>no fan art anywhere of Halloween Flayn giving (You) a footjob wearing the kitty paws
this fanbase is pozzed
Be the change you want to see anon. You can find some artist on skeb to do it
>Flayntranny begging for art
Kekaroo, be a real man like R-Dawg and maybe then you'll make it.
I am a poorfag
by not talking about it
I am niether shitting on commissions, commissioners or Raul ,so there is no reson for you to go schizo bitch mode
Just commenting on the absolute shit tastes of the artfags in our fanbase
Kek well most gachafags are white or asian ,so 95% of guys here have small ones
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This makes IS seethe.
Does Felixschizo still suffer a mental breakdown when you compare his Engage obsession to Raul's Gullveig obsession?
Will they ever make Legendary Sumia
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She won
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Lyn based
Too small
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the fellatiocord has arrived
That's Lyn after the 10th pregnancy I put her in
Gotta restore the Lorca tribe
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Maybe she has a taste for those who enjoy raulcore art of her.
(17 years old btw)
Most 3HRTs see Flayn as a heckin' wholesome Chungus so it's unlikely you'll find something that depraved. The only lewd I remember of her off the top of my head was her using the tail as a butt plug
>nigger faggots using their celica ring/bol4 emblem ikes in voting gauntlet
why bros...
Well that doesn't stop Loli fags from drawing kete shit
Especially Fae that literally looks like a toddler
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How far smt has fallen fanbase-wise…
They've done their best to erase all memory of her, but those true few still remember the canon.
The best she'll get is rearmed/ascendant
What a shitshow
Tellius Supremacy!
Isn't Ivy just Camilla? why do you hate camilla so much then?
>Thorr and Loki still in widespread use
I guess hags really were inevitable.
I hate Dagrdev
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Are we winning the reverse custody battle?
My Micaiah at +1 is just broken. She doesn't die to shit and instakills everything. This character has a better duo Sanaki debuff enabling her kit gimmick with integrated ploys that open up the C slot.
Ike = no surprise.
I am surprised about Duo Robin though.

Lots of hetero kino today
What’s the surge of Dagr? Pathfinder is especially good in SD I’d imagine, but is there more? Was her refine/remix that good?
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Cute, Marth’s thinking of Caeda. Hope someone makes a funny edit of the thought bubble…
Don't click
It's all hag shit
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And remember dev favorites aren't real
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no engage character
but /feh/ claims IS keeps favoring them
>Hating on small cocks
Bell peppers, is that you?
I will keep using Thorr and Loki
You could include Ike, but from Micaiah's presence anyone with a brain can tell the reason Ike is there.
Also, it's literally just one retard with schizophrenia.
telliusdevs deserve cancer
>Somehow Ike got the worst performing Emblem banner
>Still the most used Emblem while Barf is forgotten and Celica is only good on a few units
Ivy acts nothing like her.
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New Evokino
Her support partner also gets Pathfinder as a buff, so that alone is already good. Dagr herself is actually crazy fast, like Top 3 fastest units when prf weapons and skills are taken into account. Combine that with her B skill being Phys. NFU and slapping nearly 10 true damage, and she can easily clean up lategame
She's never going to fuck you, paypig
You now realize why app ranks is a retarded measurement of success
Gatekeeper won
it is retarded but not for this reason. people can roll emblems and then not use the unit, because they only wanted the ring for their favorite.
Ummm Gullbros? Where are we?
Ah gotcha. I didn’t realize she could get that fast but yeah makes sense when seeing the debuffs she can do now too. I knew her support partner got pathfinder now too, but her Wind Tribe alt does that too, but makes since the infantry one with better skill options would be more used than a rarer seasonal that really only has canto that the infantry doesn’t have
Ivy is literally Camilla but sloptastic
So...just Camilla
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Ivy is Camila but with a likable personality.
Read the post again you brain surgeon
>not sloptastic
time really dulls the senses huh
what is ivy's personality?
Ivy is serious and melancholic, with a mysterious demeanor and the poise of royalty. She is frank, brief, and honest when talking to others, getting straight to the point of discussions. She is also cordial, but often prefers keeping her matters private.

Above all else, Ivy is loyal to her family as she fights for her father's cause out of loyalty, despite not wholeheartedly supporting his plans. Her younger half-sister, Hortensia, is a bright spot in her life as she appreciates her sister's earnest and cheerful demeanor. Ivy states that she hated the hostile royal court of her childhood, but warmly remembers Hortensia's mother and respects her tenacity and cheer, traits which Hortensia had inherited. As Crown Princess of Elusia, Ivy acts in Elusia's best interests, and after her father's death, seeks to correct the mistakes her father made. She sincerely cares for her people and desires to foster positive relationships with the other crown royalty of the nations of Elyos. Ivy's encounter with her Fell Xenologue counterpart as well as Hortensia's counterpart further shows how much she loves her family and nation as she is appalled by the Fell Xenologue's selfish sacrifice of Hyacinth and the population of Elusia to revive the Fell Dragon in that world. She is similarly horrified that Hortensia's counterpart fears her and accepts death by her hand as an inevitability.
I did and I'm saying that a character seen as wholesome chungus never stopped them from getting kinky art
OK now answer without chatGPT
by not drawing attention to it
Kek new Bell Peppers Scat Bitch Tiki kino in 2024?
How is this possible
I thought he died, gave up or was finally institutionalized
Reminder that Celica gets bred by Jedah before Alm even gets to touch her. Their firstborn child is likely Jehah’s.
Le mysterious dark girl who is actually quirky
Komuro's entire writing style is literally "character trope... BUT THEY'RE QUIRKY"
You do realize Komuro wrote Camilla too, right?
mother of god
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It's like Camilla's story but with a quirk
self insert worshipper
Why can't she win cyl then?
What did Intelligent Systems mean by this?
It took Camilla 3 years to win. Probably same will go for Aibi.
The first ruler of Valentia after Alm dies kek
Gj bro. Where is Celica on the list
Breasting boobily
Dimitri's sows
The BHB is always supposed to be related to the most recent banner, but since the last banner was fallen heroes I don't know why they went with this. Unless I've forgotten how it works when the Fallen banner is involved and the June BHB spoils the July banner.
Dimitri deserves better than those whores
Like Marianne or Ingrid
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I'm waiting to roll until summer 2 is shown. I really don't see how they'll be able to top the powercreep from Celica and Gullveig though
Isn't it SD?
Doesn't Galeforce just give you a second action there, instead of a followup action? It'd just leave her in strike range.
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I'm only rolling if someone from Engage I like is on there
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So who gets fucked by Detto?
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nah, he'll just sit it out on the cuck chair while her brother goes to town on her, lel, and tana
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Never touching Kentucky Fried Chicken until they bring back potato wedges. So never ever.
Kek sorry incest freak, but Lyon got the girl in real life
>Summer 2 banner
Harmonic Diamant/Roy
4* Jade
TT Sue
What makes you thinking Binding is on it
Eirika with Seth
Lel with Ephraim
Tana with Cormag
Brodia’s emblem ring is Roy, plus the can call back to the Elibe summer that had Lilina and Wolt
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Decanonized in the remake
>Lead unit is a male/male harmonic
>on a summer banner
lol. lmao even
I've got you you fucking slut.
Those teleports and nuking went too far and it won't get better because they need to keep making E!Ike counters. I'll have to level up stuff like bridal Sharena, summer Gullveig and maybe finally make some galeforce teams to kill everything on turn 1 before they get to use their bullshit mechanics. And that's only lunatic.
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You can win this on the first turn with basically just Summer and Mythic Gullveig.
In the end MrTD winning is inevitable
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weird cope
if anything they'll make it not a glitch anymore
Dev favorite game and Sue is one of the only altless girls from it
Incest freak!
Yeah like they care about that
More Binding girls don't have alts than ones that do. If anything they'll give to Guinevere even though she has no fans kek
Or evil hagdev will give it to Brunnya
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If you have your own emblem Celica this map's easy. If not just tank down and hold the position so she doesn't move until all the reinforcements passed.
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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Just came inside Brave Tiki
Based Bell peppers was left out of chastity belt for once
>Or evil hagdev will give it to Brunnya
She deserves it after how much the Fimbulvetr refine sucked.
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I feel like she was born to wear a leopard print bikini.
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I fucking LOVE my waifu Shamir so much

I love her more than anything
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>wins CYL9
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I think she needs a summer alt, she’s kinda mistreated.
He's guaranteed. Other slot will probably be Byleth.
Girls are harder to predict. Ivy will probably be one. The other might be Sharena or Commander Anna, but it might be Heithrun depending on how popular she is.

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