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what'd the equivalent of a fistweaver monk from wow be in elden ring? 80 faith char with decent end, hand to hand weps and like erdtree blessing and heals?
>I actually fapped to this
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Why does the Frenzied Flame cause Madness and why does it burn the eyes/you cast it from your eyes?
>still can't dodge waterfall
F-fingerprint shield-sama, SAVE ME!
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messmer and melina cute art is the new hotness (heh)
>charged R2 from heavy fire knight gs at 1900 AR deals 3200 damage
>charged R2 from heavy Black steel twinblades with 1400 AR hits for 4200 damage
Nice you used an image I posted
"git gud" does not hold as much power as it used to.
spirit snails have a grab???
What else did you fap to, anon?
You can just sekiro parry it now
It's perplexing how many people that can't consume any media that doesn't have a clear beginning middle end find their way to souls and then complain out the ass about what it is. Some of the least intelligent people I know
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>*kills her entire knightly order*
Leda would have tried to assassinate Malenia if Miquella hadn't enchanted her
I don't understand the lore of metyr but seems to be important
Because just like Naruto, special eyes are how you get special powers.
Same with grace, or cursed blood or dragon communion and so forth.
Why didn't the Tarnished just fuck her silly to stop her?
It doesn't matter. None of this matters.
Unironically why wouldnt this work? until she rides on top of you grinding on your tarnished dick while holding a blade to your throat
How does Guard Boost work with Greatshield Talisman and the magic shield sorcery? Will they combine to make my stamina damage say, 60% from the shield and then 50% of what remains for a total of 20% stamina damage taken?
dark souls had a good story
elden slop not so much
Eyes are the window to the soul
How the fuck do you consistently dodge Radahn's meteors? I wait till the one on the bottom left gets close then start dodging and sometimes it works and other times it says fuck you and hits me anyways.
Also this 2nd phase sucks ass jesus christ.
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Why was Messmer so depressed when he had friends, a waifu, and cute pets?
Imagine Marika spanking you and leaving an holy mark which explodes after 1 second like in the bossfight, ahhaah...
You don't stick your dick in crazy.
He believed his mom didn't love him and his new stepdad was a weirdo
Mommy issues.
The DLC is a shit but the base game is very charming and well written. Also pretty consistent.
>godslayer greatsword is a spiral
>Think its connected to the Hornsent's spiraltree?

I think the spiral is supposed to represent life. Runes are the code, the double helix is the structure.
I believe all boosts of that nature are multiplicative, not additive
you run to the left/right and then jump
>rest on grace
>furnace golem shoots its fire tornado thing
>hits me
>while I'm supposed to be safe sitting on the grace
>stunlocks me, hits me again
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So lets run with a theory. Radagon being a fragment of Marika before she ascended seems to be fairly logical, like saint trina for miquella. "Radagon is Marika" kinda fits this whole theory as well.

If we run with this theory, would it be possible for some of the other demi gods to be fragments of Marika as well?
Is there a BiS weapon for a Deflecting Hardtear/ playthrough?
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Fuck yeah, just managed to kill Gaius. No summons, I feel the need to redeem myself after using summons to kill Rellana earlier, and made a promise to myself not to use them anymore for this run. Nasty boss all the same, it felt like luck when I took him down.
By the way, what's with the abyss woods? It's just a shit stealth section and a few Scadu Blessings. You can even get away with sprinting past the "monster" because all it does is run after you slowly giving you madness, then politely waiting for you to take a sip of your flask to repair the damage before starting again.
Mommy issues made him be into femdom blondies, not femsub carians
Doesn't that require precise timing?
How the fuck do you survive phase 2 without a shield? Some of his light aoes seem completely undodgeable.
Okay, seriously how are you supposed to dodge that retarded 1-2 into cross-slash that Radahn does?
This is legitimately just broken. It functions as a get-off me tool but it's too fast to back off by the time it's coming out, and if you never approach him you can't damage him. Okay, so what about dodge-rolling? Nope, roll to the right you get hit by the 2nd hit, same story with the left unless you're at a real angle, and back and forward same deal. Even Ongbal has to use that backstep iframe charm.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Nah don't roll. It's 100% consistent to run sideways and jump out of the way before they hit you
Because this isn’t a porno you tasteless gooner.
You can be a little early on it, just not late.
niggas be out here bragging about no summons boss fights like that ain't the fuckin' baseline
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why do blue phantoms even exist in this game you're already going to have help with you if you are ever invaded
I think Radagon was her feelings of worship and servitude towards the Fingers made manifest (Radagon spends all his time researching the nature of holy power) and The Gloam-Eyed QUeen was the part of her that could accept death.
The truth burns out from the mind. It's coming from your brain, out through the eyes is the just the path of least resistance.
Is the new dragon girl summon any good? What does she do exactly?
You gotta roll into the first
>Femboy uses hypnotism to fuck his muscley older brother
Are you sure?
Melina is likely a fragment of Marika
>her mother is in the Erdtree
>the only woman in the Erdtree is Marika
>code is MaricaOfDaughter
>knows things only Marika should
>can turn runes into strength, a weird ability for a demigod to have
>Numen (like Marika)
>Erdtree and gold incantations (like Marika)
>gold eyes (like Marika)
>knows things only Marika should be able to know
need new ideas for a pve weapon to run with
something that isn't bleed
it's always bleed
i just talked to ymir is there a workaround or a way to progress his quest without beating shadowkeep first or do zi absolutely need to clear shadowkeep
NTA but the hornsent spiral tree is pretty clearly meant as an allegory for the tower of babel.
They were trying to create a stairway to the divine, only this time it's made out of literal people.
No summons is easy mode because summons make bosses harder and less predictable.
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She suspected Miquela broke the charm on them to tell her to weed out traitors. I don't think she'd think Miquela's twin would betray him.
Even if she did, I don't think she'd be quite crazy enough to attempt to kill soemone who can go toe-to-toe with Radahn.
Because the code was still there from the souls games so might as well use it.
use the deflect teardrop and just parry that shit.
>tell Moore to live because I feel bad for him
>repaid later with fucking giant ass Scarlet Rot pots thrown at me
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>Miqdahn's second phase theme
By Light rolling, I never get hit as long as I don't dodge too early.
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He hated himself, i think he hated himself even before the whole genocide business. He was either born cursed with the abyssal serpent or Marika chose him to contain it with her seal inside of himself. Rhykard states a serpent may never die, so Marika may have used Messmer to contain the serpent, wherever the fuck it came from.

There's no indication Messmer actually returned Rellanas love, probably never thought himself worthy to be loved.
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I have Ansbach the scroll before meeting Freya, is there any way to fix this and is Ansbach's quest broken now?
Imagine it with a better boss
The music at the start of the phase combined with MIquella casting his nuke is so cool it almost doesn't make me mad.
Based Moore.
Massive cope
Ok think im done with elden ring, the invasions are trash, I don't like helping people not beat the game, aad I 100% the map and all the items so the replay value of this game is gone for me
Guess all i have left is to shitpost item descriptions
Both phases have awesome music.
Fap to a nox priestess getting raped by her ant mount instead.
The final boss is just reused assets from the Death Knight fight. holy fuck. it's so fucking bad. it hurts its so fucking bad. Did they just use Radahn because they ran out of time and needed more assets to reuse? I am so fucking confused. Who uses the move set of a previous boss for the games final boss, but only faster and bigger????
They did a great job with the osts in this dlc
He think his mother hated him, nothing can fill the hole mommy issues can create in you.
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literally lmaoing irl
Just run all the way to the right or left dude
I killed one of the forager brood early since miyazaki is a hack and used the scarlet rot bug model for them.
Not even in their top 15 best songs and yet it's the one everyone thinks of when they think of Mastodon, what a shame
There are people who actually think Radahn 2.0 is a good boss?
We'll never know for sure, but it makes more sense that Radagon was just a powerful general type guy in her army/religion based around her and the tree - and since he was able to create Empyrean kids, Marika wanted to breed with him. But the curses surrounding Marika was too powerful and their kids weren't really viable.
how do i build a support char?
I'm starting to think there is no point trying to play fair when invading
Cope Godwyntranny
There are people that play elden ring that aren't skilless asian region teenagers yes
That got me the first couple of times til I realized it's super easy to jump over it
>by default it's a 2v1 at best
Yeah no shit you're supposed to fight dirty.
People think his 1st phase is good, and should have been a side quest boss and not the final one.
Yes. However it is their interpretation to the divine. The divine itself is never explicitly stated, but considering the lore that the double helix is the shape of the primeval current and all life comes from it, then it's fair to say that the spiral and runes are the building blocks to create and command life. In my opinion that's the divine.
I think he's a fantastic boss and every final boss from now on should go in that direction in terms of difficulty
>We're already at the "If you don't like visual AIDS, you suck at the game" part of the game
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Oh my
Incantations that give buffs to allies, cerulean flask that dies the same
>Twinkingtranny invader totally planned to fight fair guis!!
Does anyone ever acknowledge Melina's (non)existence outside of us? Also, Torrent?
Admittedly I'm not a big lorefag but there are multiple times demigods are acknowledged by the world, NPCs, other demigods etc, but I can't recall anything about Melina other than her directly addressing us.
Excellent anon join the great shitposters. Shitpost to your heart's content.
you jump over the first wave and the next comes before you land and have the chance to jump again
retarded as fuck move
Roll to the left instead of to the right and then delete your gibberish steam review out of shame
>t. twinking Hostcel and his twinked password yellowcels
>these are the types of shitters you share a general with
Did they nerf perfumes yet?
We were there with the base game.
What the fuck does that have to do with the fight being visual AIDS, anon?
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>We're gonna have to wait like 3 years for the next From game
>It probably won't feature invasions
Man, at least I had some fun during the tail end of DS3's life but this shit is depressing
no balance patch
yeah ik but it was my first time seeing the move and i thought it was going to be a projectile thats why i laughed
i used mimic on every single boss fight and i don't care if that makes me a scrub
No, they buffed scatfrags so everyone post patch didnt beat the game
He's awesome if you're a medium shield chad.
Why did they change Messmer's VA? I thought he sounded way cooler in the trailer
Has uhhhhh... has this been r34'd yet? For research purposes?
It fits Igon perfectly, though
In my opinion Marika is divine
I wish I was an hornsent so I could whip her and make her watch while I put her family in a jar
You did not beat the Sekiro boss if you brought the Sekiro flask.
What? No it doesn't
It's literally designed TO jump over, you land right in time to tap again and get over the second one, then the third one is delayed to fuck with you if you try to immediately jump the third one, you have to wait on that one
Shabriri acknowledges her existence and his appeal to (You) to use the Frenzied Flame is based on saving her from the Flame.
Cut content had her communicate with the mimic tear that you let ride inside you for a while, and I think that was the only time I saw anything with her talking to someone outside of you.
There is also her being able to be summoned during Morgott fight.
medium shield does make the game a much more enjoyable experience
its not too op like heavy shields but gives you the ability to block some bullshit combos
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My dragonwaif has a date rape fetish.
This worked, just beat the fag brothers. Thanks anons.
Torrent is referenced by Ranni.
Some of the lore of Messmer all but state Melina as his sister.
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literally me fr
Sadly this is why all you can do as an invader is target the host with extreme prejudice and use the cheesiest one shot build you can make up before you're ground up by the AoW/spell spam. It's funny they wanted to make invasions less punishing to hosts but it just makes you focus on one shot OP builds even more, none of the fun ones work in your average invasion gangbang.
Divine frame rapist lion, how am I supposed to beat this elementalist bastard when he's just zooting around the fucking arena
Time to see how much lore vaati butchered

He's extremely weak to holy and fire, so if you've got either of those(or both) things should be considerably easier.
Back in the evergoal, vyke
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rellana and messmer were perma virgins
Fuck off bugfucker
what questlines have bosses locked behind them or good content? i dont want to wiki every nigga i talk to
I just tanked him when he was in lightning form and then fought him in wind/ice. Not worth dealing with all the lightning bullshit.
Is there any point to the spooky forest Torrent refuses to come out for?
>most of my fun is derived from playing with new stuff
>but I'm out of rebirths, and if I level up past 150 to be able to use more things, I might be completely unable to PvP
And so I sit here, game unbooted, wondering if I should play or not
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>vaati lore video actually makes some decent points without going into retard tier speculation or using that fucking god awful voice inflection every uktuber seems to use now emphasizing and drawing out words

I know you fags hate him because he milks the fuck out of this shit, but at least he's not god awful like the majority of the other loretubers.
He's not "just zooting around". Learn his attacks and stop being a shitter. It's one of the best fights in the game.
What the snake do
Ymir and thiollier.
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>call a club a greatsword
Makes sense, I got bounced around like a fucking hacky sack in his lightning form it's a mircale I made it to the ice one before getting killed
I suppose he's been doing it the longest
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Uh oh
Invade shadow keep exclusively and bring a great bow, you can keep running away into enemies forever basically.
>if I level up past 150 to be able to use more things, I might be completely unable to PvP
not watching your shit faggot
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bug fucker website
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Yes but, they speared him with gold because it stops outer god influence (greatsword of damnation, unalloyed gold needle)

She sent him there for his own saftey and even visited him there to give him blessings that kept his snake at bay. After the shattering she was locked in the erdtree, he assumes she abandoned him. Without her blessings his snake starts to come out, his men find out and rebel. Everything we know about Marika is her overreaching compassion for her village and her family, there is no reason to believe she would abandon him willingly.

Metyr was sent by the Greater Will to monitor the place where it first divested the Crucible(primordial life) and this became known as the Lands Between. At some point the Greater Will stopped communicating with Metyr, so Metyr has been making Two Fingers and assigning them to powerful people to influence them. It's guessing at how to make the Greater Will come back and causing conflict by doing so.

>Numen (like Marika)
Marika is not Numen, she is a Shaman. Shaman lived in Lands Between when the Numen arrived, and they made piece and lived closely. Melina is also referred to as Messmer's younger sister.
Its edge makes up for its lack of edge.
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Am I wrong?
there are more larval tears in the DLC, just look around during nights
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>Can't get the nail spell that casts a large nail that shoots out tracking nails as it travels.
>Can't get the nail spell that fires off lots of little ricocheting nails that return to you.
>Can't get the nail spell that summons a tracking nail from under a target's feet.
>Can only get the nail spells that are just glintstone pebble with better tracking.
>and then they point down, teabag, and spam "apologies"
its funny, I decided to check that g9 faggot's videos to see how PS5 invasions and it so happens he was streaming (don't go watch it) and he had a string of invasions where he was getting his as ganked so hard a friend of his dropped him a swift slash infused weapon and is blasting all the yellowcels with it. Oh and while saying "yea im not gonna use this again till it gets patched" (as he continues to spam L2)
So its at least comforting that even the ultrasweats from DS3 are malding and its not just me not having fun
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Finally some good fucking content.
Maybe the rotussy or whatev the bugs in elden ring worship is more up your alley.
relanna was so much easier than lion for me
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Holy frick new vaati kino
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I feel like it's a downgrade designwise from its Dark Souls counterpart.
I also just tanked it and stuck close to it, after some tries getting familiar with how it moves I killed it chugging flasks and dealing a shit ton of damage
>Melina is also referred to as Messmer's younger sister.
You can be a fragment and daughter both. See Millicent.
Loretubers debunked
Never giving them any sort of impressions again
I mean, that's just a stopgap. So I can try out a couple new weapons, and some I already have the stats for. There's still 95 new weapons and spells that I'm gonna be swapping between, any amount of tears will last me a mere day or two.

A bunch of stuff from fromsoft will be leaked on July 1st


Also it might be a good idea not to play online just incase

i secretely hope grrms lore bible for elden ring gets leaked
Helphen's Steeple is the ER equivalent to the Morion Blade (DS3 version).
How are Beast Claw/Hand-to-hand users faring? Probably the worst type of game to bring them back.
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>use garbage weapon for aesthetics
>cant use its AOW on any bosses because of the time it takes
its all tiring
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>call a lizard a greatsword
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With how many hobo-maxxing pieces this DLC added, I'm willing to bet that gladiator-esque builds will skyrocket.
About messmer
>Yet, having done so, her fear compelled her to secret away her child within the realm of shadow
This is from the remembrance, she was ultimately scared of him and the danger he posed
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Fun but not very good for bosses. Just use them on regular enemies
from what I read, they only stole corporate related info, nothing regarding games such as leaks or internal documents
>marika is not numen
>she is shaman
The game literally tells you Marika was Numen.
Shaman is a title.
The only other serpent literally ate gods so y'know
>Also it might be a good idea not to play online just incase
Why is that?
Project related data is included in the leak so there will be info on fromsoft projects.
35 hours in and I don't have the faintest clue what the story is about other than it's something to do with Miquella and apparently he's very kind and tender
The base game at least gave you the barebones basics and you sort of knew why you were going to these places and killing these people
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Thanks Mohg
If that's the case, Spellbound?
I beat the gank squad without summons so fuck you I beat the game you didn't fucking dumbass shit fight
Metal Wolf Chaos 2 please
build up for bosses in this dlc is terrible
Why is Gaara there? I'm pretty sure he doesn't ahve any special eyes he just wears makeup like a fag
>someone out there has made the faggotiest cosplay build using Dancing Blade of Ranah
Why are there so many books in marika's fuckchamber?
Shabriri is a fucking demon if this connection is true. Most evil character in Elden Ring by a long shot
I know that feel
fire knights and the horned knights were breddy cool but the rest of the mobs are terrible
Yeah I'm starting to get more familiar with his movements but man sometimes he just presses you up against a wall and just fills up your all
still some of the worst dragon fights in gaming
She's reading GRRM's finished work
>I beat the gank squad
>Didn't summon Ansbach and Thioller
No, you didn't.
New PvP meta is 175
DLC starts at 150 and there's enough runes to hit 180 pretty easily
Marika is an avid fa/tg/irl. Bitch loves her Battletech sourcebooks.
Safety precaution, we don't know what kind of exploit might happen as a result of this leak. Best case nothing happens but it's good to be vigilant.
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Everybody is complaining about The final boss being total bullshit but never mention the absolute shit fest that is the gank fight before that.
It's frustrating to fight against a bitch who has 1 trillion points in health while hornset oneshots you with his shitty orbs while also fighting Dane who is on your ass most of the time and never letting you heal. But the worst fucking aspect of this fight is that Leda and her infinite stamina and poise. Seriously, fuck this piece of shit fight. Forgot to mention that Ainsbach is fucking useless in this fight. He never helps you to split agro against the gank squad and dies like a bitch in a matter of seconds.
simply leveling to 200 because I don't care
oh and speaking of g9's stream, he just invaded a fatman gank squad where he and the 3 hostcels were all spamming swift slash on each other and he died because all 3 of the other swift slashes connected when his finished at the same time
This doesn't give me hope for the next From game that has invasions
they're all bodice rippers, helps her get in the mood
God the dream is that lore bible thing getting leaked but I know that will never happen. I would love nothing more then to see what the actual story for this shit was supposed to be before it was hacked to pieces.
you can kill freya and hornsent in like 20 seconds and Thollier + Ainsbach are there to make it a 3v3 after
>doesn't enjoy challenging himself
>New PvP meta is 175
I'm sorry that you bricked your save.
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Got it in one try. Stop being bad at video games
why don't they just publish it anyway? if the game is actually done what's the deal, they know people would buy it in a heartbeat
It don't matter. None of this matters.
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What would be the iconic armor of the Tarnished? It would have to be a set that is unique to the Tarnished, not something that is looted from the body of some other character.
just copy your save file if you want to try some new build
>Summon Ansbach and Thiollier and Mimic Tear
>Beat it in one try
>he just wears makeup like a fag
Those are supposed to be eye bags and dark circles because he never sleeps.
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guys, what are some definite faith weapons from the dlc?
t. too dumb to figure out scaling shit
Okay I have a theory about the "inappropriate behavior stuff. It seems when I invade locally in the dlc it doesn't give the pop up so I think it only comes up when the game wants to connect me with people lacking the dlc.
Knowing GRRM's track record, probably worse
messmer's spear plays like a faith weapon with a big dex tax
That fight is literally peak, I can't imagine having trouble with it.
Ekzykes is kino. Get lost.

His fights have always been fun for 3 whole playthroughs
I really love the exploration and fights but the lore/story are trash for the DLC. The trailers made it look cool and mysterious, but it's mostly just
>Here's a place where this race of people were butchered
>Don't feel too bad, they were psychopaths and had it coming
>That cool guy, Messmer? He's just sulking in his castle
>Miquela? I bet you'd love to know what he's up to here!
>Well he's reviving a boss you already killed in the hopes that he'll be a pedo.
That's it.
Miyazaki honesty seems like a really pretentious and annoying fuck. He gives off cunt vibes. So I honestly doubt it.
lol that is not even remotely close to what eye bags look like. that's definitely makeup
Who the fuck is Gaea
vagabond or prisoner going by the fanart
Blame Kishimoto for not knowing how to draw eye bags.
i remember it happening when i got summoned. i sat in enir-allahu-takbir, the endgame area, and got summoned, then after returning i got inappropriate activity detected blalalbalblablablablabla.
so your theory seems good
Nah, most people are over 200 these days, he'll be fine.

Typo, it's meant to say Gaius.
Phase 2 would be doable if not for the visual noise. Everything is so fucking cluttered.
>Phase 2 would be doable
Phase 2 is doable. Because I did it.
Nah, 175 and above is so popular now. Always get people playing the game naturally on my 175 invader, haven't had a single ganksquad.
holy fuck you niggers just cannot stop complaining can you
it's not even discussion, it's just the same posts crying about shit every thread no one replies to
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>PVP in elden ring
The Wolf Knight Armor in the promo is considered the canon tarnished armor, but fanart likes the regular knight armor, prisoner, warrior/blue dancer
>manages to make some faggot basedjak poster have a meltie every time he's mentioned
>blue dancer charm is blue
>actual dancer set is red

What did they mean by this?
with a shield
it doesn't count
raging wolf
But it is doable.
Just run away and roll praying that you survive enough bullshit until he goes back to doing phase 1 stuff, which is when you can safely punish.
you play with any shit weapons anon?
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If Lies of P devs were smart they would drop their DLC in two weeks to capitalize on people who want more Souls but already finished the SotE.
It implies that the warrior/blue dancer starting class tarnished is the warrior of that legend that sealed the ro god away or a descendant ergo related to Malenia
Its really really bad. 71% on steam bad. Fucking just. What happened. Only actual dumb people could be okay with the dlc's story.
She'll aquire a human child in her belly soon too
>humanoid boss bigger than you that can melee dash, spin, and dance around you and the arena while also casting huge AOE spells/special attacks
They're all starting to blend in together.
What's the move against Miquella's pillar of light? I don't think I can spring out of it.
It probably doesn't exist or more likely it's not what people think, it could be something very haphazardly written and expose inner workings of the company, they wouldn't want competitor eyes on it
I do hope we get an actual book or something at some point but I don't see it happening
I just beat Bayle with a great lance, because I was rotating through my weapons, and I found that piercing attacks deal so much damage to him, one-handing a great-lance deals almost as much damage to him as a colossal. Did I actually beat him or was this considered cheese by the top minds of /erg/?
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Any of you queers done a full parry playthrough? Is it fun?
It's almost like people complain because it's bad or something
sword lance moveset is ass
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that's not how he draws eye bags in other situations
Anyone doing a low level DLC run? Anyone found a low level Juri cheese/strat?
How?? Literally how?
Shut the fuck up faggot
Shitter using mimic. your opinion doesn't matter
maybe because you use mimic plus NPCs
Shut the fuck up already you dyke cunt.
NTA but I just wanted to insult you and remind you that there's more than one person here who can't stand you after reading your posts over the past 2-3 threads.
Even if Fromsoft was an oepn book none of these other western companies making their own western soul(less)borne clones would ever copy their design works anyway
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It's fucking hilarious watching loser anons having a meltdown over successful content creators.
So, so, so bad.
They don't have a ton of health. You can just hit them with multiple heavies or wait for them to jump attack, knock them out the sky, and get a free backstab into status application
Full parry playthrough is basically just a no hit run, which no does not sound very fun.
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Is there a way to get to this black/yellow part here? There seems to be a gigantic cliff all around, to the point where I can barely even see the shape of the bottom.
you need to realize that miyagi designs these annoying "boss" fights with the thought that you will summon the npc for lore reasons, just summon one and beat those retards

I don't disagree but they don't see a reason to risk it, again it's free money if they wanted but they don't soooo
Sekiro/Bloodborne is fun, yes.
Only of the base game but yeah, it's really fun.
The only bosses that aren't fun to parry are like, Godskin Noble, I think, but Noble isn't fun any way you fight him.
Through the church area yes
Regarding the Greater Will, anyone else think that it's dead rather than abandoning the world?
No, they complain because they suck and they want (You)s. see >>484011702
Did I beat Radahn if I used a shield but not a greatshield
Yes. Very dissapointed. The description says it's a cross between a greatsword and a lance and the moveset is that of a heavy fucking thrusting sword and a heavy spear. Bullshit.
>maybe because you use mimic plus NPCs
lmao no, just my bros Ansbach and Thiollier
There's an elevator in the church.
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Success breeds jealousy.
but the blue dancer charm doesnt do anything when you wear that set
Are DLC weapons in the normal game's loot pool without actually owning the DLC? I'm starting a new playthrough and don't want to buy it until I actually reach the DLC.
i just hate his voice, second worst video essay voice next to super eyepatch wolf
no, but it's pretty obvious the fight was designed with shield in mind
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The game literally tells you that the Black Knives are Numen, and that the Numen have close ties with Marika herself. Marika is a Shaman, from the Shaman village that was destroyed, her people killed. If her people were killed, why are there still Numen in Nox? Why can the player character start as a Numen?
Narratively, Numen coming from outside the Lands Between and living peacefully with the Shaman establishes that the Shaman are not the savages the Hornsent claim they are and do not deserve their fate. Marika's home village they she bathed in gold is the Shaman Village, not Nox.
Explore the flooded part of the shaded castle until you find a lever to drain the water, then you'll find the entrance to that place on the ground. There's two fucking ulcerated tree spirits down there though
the difference I've had from level 150 to 195 is that I can try more weapons
Does either matter in the grand scheme of things?
shut the fuck up faggot.
I Could only summon ainsbach because I already did St trina quest by then.
maybe it got eaten by some other cosmic being in a great battle we'd never have the opportunity to see
I was told I can summon the screaming guy at the Bayle boss fight, but his sign is not here, do I need to kill all the dragons on the way up the mountain to make it appear?
Go out and touch grass then
Miyazaki didn't remember ANY of this. Either that or the Numen landed in the lands between and she was born here and then the lands of shadow happened? it's not worth thinking about. it's just stupid.
the summon sign is inside the arena
Have you fucking HEARD smoughtown?
I don't understand how people hate vaati voice when faggots like that exist.
Did you talk to him to get his furled finger?
Have there been any /erg/ fightclubs since the DLC yet?
I wanna try out some of my builds on people I know objectively deserve to be treated poorly
Marika's hammer was made in numen land
Did you talk to him after the fight with the two dragons at the bottom and did he give you his finger? If so his sign is immediately to your northwest on zoning into the arena.
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Jori was kind of a cock to fight. Not Gaius bad, but still a faggot thanks to his magic spam and fatass summoning.
But then again, he was trying to save us from the disappointment behind him. Even Jori knew that the spoopy woods and the shit horror monster were undercooked and didn't want us to suffer that.
I'm 70% sure they're fucking gone when the Elden Beast goes down.
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make me, niggershitter. oh, you can't, because you're a nigger who is shit at video games
>her people killed
Maybe not ALL of her people were killed?
what the fuck is elden rings obsession with phase 2 cutscenes but not restoring the boss HP too? it makes the game so shitty and easy with some of them like mesmer
aryvn vbvrmvnsch
Marika is of the same stock as the Numen.
She is a Numen, I really don't get why this is hard for you to understand.
>the numen are in fact of the same stock as queen marika herself
Anon, are you arguing with your own evidence?
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I am doing a no summons run.. Did I just fuck it up by doing this quest?
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>huemonkeys wake up
>invasions become unbearable in a way not even chinks can achieve
trying to learn the history of the Two Fingers/Golden Order
It's pretty important for the inhabitants' motivations. Would change a lot of things if everyone knew.
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Is Radahn resistant to piercing? I switched from my beloved trusty Epee to a Mace and it's going way better.
lmao you are not trolling anyone. you are just a faggot ahahahahahaa
Maybe I should become an elden ring loretuber instead of shitting on hostcels
What are "huemonkeys"?
Funny, because a interview said that the Shadow Lands was were Marika first set foot in the Land's Between, making it seem like she is a outsider who wasn't born there.
>doesnt stick with his homie epee
ride and die together nigga
Has this ever happened to you?
I didn't even bother, I just pulled out the endure + my nigga Mohg's spear and burned those motherfuckers
>because a interview
'an' interview.

All vowel sounding words have 'an' before it while the rest are 'a'.
You definitely didn't beat it
Hope you don't get fucked during the next invasion is all you can do.
The fucking amount of times a boss has done a complete 180 on an instant turn is insane with some of their moves. I stopped bothering halfway through because of how god damned wonky it got. Bayle is fucking hilarious with how much he does the 180 attacks from your summon to tractoring an attack straight to your face.
>Are DLC weapons/weapon types in the normal game's loot pool without actually owning the DLC? I'm starting a new playthrough and don't want to buy it until I actually reach the DLC.
pls respond
Shouldn't Miquelle have gotten one of his goons to pick up Melenia so she could go into the Shadow Lands after Radahn gets killed?
She would have not betrayed him, and absolutely kill everyone in the Shadow Lands without a sweat to clear his way to godhood.
Abyssal Woods should have definitely been like 50% smaller and more of a maze so the player was forced into confrontation with the winter lanterns more, and make them unparryable until Midra is defeated. Put more than just rats down there, or at least let them do weird shit like babbling to themselves and bursting into madness explosions on death. Just make all the local wildlife behave strangely and aggressively really.
Or by saying she first set foot there could mean she literally was born there, but in a fancy way as not to spoil it?
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Do you need to go all in fth and arc builds if you want to do proper damage with bleed/incantations/ashes of war like you do in int builds?
I mean they kind of have to, otherwise they would be even more of a joke then they already are with summons.
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Why are there giant skulls in caelid?
Why is there a giant jar in caelid?
Why did we not get any more info on torrent+relation to its master
Why is there still nothing about the gloam-eyed queen?
Why did Malenia+Radahn have to fight?
Why did Miquella not tell Malenia anything and make her stand guard for no reason?
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God, now I remember why I fucking hate dragon battles so much. This guy kept flying around blasting the bridge with fire whenever I got close, flew on to some out of reach rocks when it was one hit away from death and would not come down for several minutes (this was when I summoned the spirit ash with the hopes that it could maybe hit the dragon with its spear throw), then flew out of bounds, teleported far behind me, then lit my ass on fire with his long range fire blast. 8 minutes of this shit that I have to repeat.
The other student of the gravity lord that taught Radahn. They even had a friendly rivalry.
I don't see why you are calling me names
yeah how the fuck is malenia BLADE OF MIQUELLA not included in the MIQUELLA dlc at all, i don't get it
It's a videogame. It's meant to be played. Don't think too hard about it.
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weak as a kitten and thicc as 2 planks...
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Well shit, I had explored that earlier, even got to that one door to the elevator but thought I'd open in after I'm done with the rest of the area, just in case.
And then I forgot about it.
I don't understand why coming from outside of the lands between and then setting up a colony as your home is so hard of a concept for people to wrap their heads around. Even the way shaman are spoken of kind of implies they had not existed in the lands between for a long time as they became highly prized for their abilities to be used as power jelly once they were discovered.
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Shadow Keep is just one gigantic death trap for the hosts, it's adorable
Yeah, open world boss and miniboss fights are fucking garbage.
You clearly did not git gud enuff. Stop whining and acquire skill.
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I wasted 30 minutes listening to that Vaati video and it's all shit I deduced, what's the appeal of this guy
My head canon is that Malenia would have been healed after Miquella reached the eldenring with radahn. Malenia needs to be kept sleeping so she doesn't fucking rotgod it up.

Though there's always the potential with Miquella shedding his love Malenia may have been left to sleep permanently.
fuck, you're right.
what stats should I have for a dex/int build?
What level are you?
people who cannot read nor deduce things on their own are the target audience
How does aged one's exultation work? I keep seeing people use it to buff their damage but how, does the inherent self madness debuff of incantations trigger it?
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God the pvp in these games is so fucking stupid.
Dexbros, are the dancer blades any good? The combos seem to flow together nicely.
How the fuck do you people make webms? I'm too much of a retard for WebM for Retards. It keeps cutting off massive chunks of the video in the end.
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stfu animetroons
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is that oi kamenoko art?
UUUOOOHHHHH erotic butt!
new Miquella just dropped
I can't say for certain, but I do know that people were able to give themselves the items without owning or having downloaded the DLC when there was a few hours left until release.
I could be wrong, but to me that sounds like every item is included in the base game, but that they are barring access to the content itself artificially.
No, some of them are okay to even good. It's just dragons that generally suck, and this one in particular since he keeps flying to one end of the bridge to the other fireballing everything. It makes sense, and isn't exactly hard to counter with Torrent (though there is some RNG to it), it's just it lengthens out the fight significantly. Most dragons will engage in some melee, but apparently this one's AI prioritizes retreating and blasting at ranges where lockon stops functioning (not that you should be relying on lockon against a dragon to begin with), on a FUCKING BRIDGE.
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i havent played the dlc yet but shamans aren't a polity you dumb nigger
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>Anons get this shit
>I get 3 passive shitters that spent AN HOUR wiggling their characters by the grace even after I pestered them with arrows and cannon shots before they finally disconnected
I'm doing that...
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But I thought I was supposed to notice this stuff.......
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I never figured out webm's, being a eldendork made me learn enough to make a gif though, which i was happy enough with.
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>summon him and Ansbach against Radahn
>Ansbach gives a little speech, shits cool
>fight starts
>their AI is so fucking shit they just walk around in circles
that will be 40$ + tip
I want to go home,
and edge...
yes yes that is my original copypasta
is there even a point in using the dragon greatshield talisman? I've had it as a permanent slot for ages but its only seems like a 4 percent boost
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Give me a female character slider. Mine looks like a potato
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Lower the resolution and "trim" the video to only show the highlights.
>the absolute shit fest that is the gank fight before that.
That fight is easy.
>equip backhand blades
>kill dane
>kill moore
>gang up on leda
70 dex
80 int
90% of people you've seen complaining about Radahn on /erg/ are the target audience
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Just keep invading. I get a lot of trash too.
Thinking about making a 137 STR invader for the lower ranges to catch more natural ng progressionfags though.
The features aren't too bad, just try to fix the skin
when bayle goes second phase I can't see shit with all the lightning and fire and nukes
>Why did we not get any more info on torrent+relation to its master
Torrent's old master was Miquella.
>Why did Malenia+Radahn have to fight?
Something changed Radahn's mind about Miquella's plan, so Miquella sent Malenia to go bring him to heel.
>Why did Miquella not tell Malenia anything and make her stand guard for no reason?
She's delusional.
Looks cute and built for big white tarnished cock
That means you didn't resize it or its too long and the filesize is bloated up
webms shouldn't be 1080p
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that is the cutest shit ever
Just copy Seller sliders
Did Igor get thrown from the peak when he challenged Bayle? Is that why his legs and arms are fucked?
Yeah but SmoughTown is literally fucking Irish, so it's a given that he'll sound like a gay dipshit.
built for all 4 of ranni's hands
You're on your elbows and knees in front of his throne, facing off to the side. You're being used as a footrest, Miquella's legs pressing into your back, and you're sweating and shaking from exhaustion and the nervousness of him touching you. And in a moment of weakness you glance over at him and see his face for a moment with your left eye before frantically staring back at the floor again, like you have been for the past 20 hours a day every day for the past 3 years. It was just a small glance, only for a second, Miquella probably doesn't even mind if you look at him, but for you it felt like you violated him. Even if just for a moment.
You spend the rest of your day feeling like you have to throw up, nauseous and full of dread. At the end of the day, rather than passing out as soon as you can like normal, you force yourself up and touch your face. You had considered it before, in the flash of thoughts while you regretted sullying his visage, but now you decided to pay penance and make sure it wouldn't happen again. At first, you tried to cut across it and use a spirit to do finish it, it made sense, if wandering sight was the problem, getting rid of sight in that eye would solve it. But it became clear that that wouldn't work, and despite the pain you realized you had to remove the offending part entirely. Popping it out was made harder by your failed first attempt, the split made it hard to get any angle yoy could press into it, not to mention the slick. But still you were suprised at how manageable it was to do, maybe the shock helped.

And, of course, you knew you were doing it for Him.
I never used Scarlet Aeonia in the game. Now I just Black Blade and Scarlet Aenoia and it's dope.
Give up anon, become homosexual like us.
Love Miquella, Worship Miquella.
I need to figure out a maximum way to cheese mohg and radahn super early levels to get dlc weapons out.

And no i don't want to just get someone to drop me the weapons.
>go down into jar dungeon
>all I get is some spirit ash
hate open worlds
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There's a bridge dragon in Dark Souls who's even worse than Greyll because his flame will linger on environments and do full damage/stagger if you touch them. You know how people countered this? By using their brains and sniping it. In every Souls game, there's always at least one bridge dragon who you're supposed to cheese. Yeah, you can fight them straight on, but it takes waaay to much time and they can fucking one shot you even at extremely high levels with flame resistant equipment.
they all look like potatoes, the actual art is taking a flattering screenshot
You did not encode the webm. Git gud, just use the (shell) environment to your advantage.
*uses Miquella's Great Rune*
Is Marika nice to Morgott and Mohg too?
So what was the Original Sin?
Being irish is one thing but he does that fucking thing where he over emphasizes certain words and draws out the end of his sentences that thousands of fucking youtubers have adopted. It drives me insane whenever i hear it now.
>in the land of shadowwwwwwwwuhhhhh
Stay mad forever Godwyntranny
Clear immediately, you knew you'd have to pull it out further for any clean cut, you always figured it was more like a ball on a string, but it was more like a budding fruit or a teardrop, you had to pull it further to get to the stem.
You knew it was too late to try and push it back now, but still you shuddered and cried wondering what would have happened if you had decided differently. Now; back then; three years ago when you were scooped up. No, you cannot abandon.
You gingerly lift the dangling lump with the back of your finger. You cannot see anything but a smear and bright lights through it, your undamaged eye is blurred from tears. They havent stopped flowing since you started.
You raise the shears and inhale.

. . .

The severed lump rolled off your breast and fell into the floor with a thud. You don't hear it though, you can't breathe and you sieze on the floor grasping at your face uselessly. It takes time for you to stop, you know you wanted it, and you feel guilty for not going into it with full love and devotion. Your pain and regret are betrayal, so you lay down and stare at the wall with your one remaining eye.
The shock starts to wear off, and you feel yourself losing consciousness, letting yourself drift off laying in the puddle of blood and wet that you know you'll have to scrub off the floors the morning. You wonder what you'll do with the eye
As you let yourself wander, one small thought ends up rising as you drift off

What if your face's newfound assymetry offends Lord Miquella's grace?
Meekly, on the other side, you touch your hand to your face again
Exactly. I don't know why ER players are so resistant to scummy tactics. Back in DaS1, we were all ratfuckers when it came to PvE and PvP.
theyre not bad, but very sensitive to getting flinched.
So youre dependent on either twirling through weak groups or finding openings.
The perfume item that you find just before the dancer is a good way to create that opening
Frenzy flame
the heaviest and most tanky helm in the game is down there as well
i dont know
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It seems no matter what weapon I pick all I do is roll and r1
The Hornsent subjugating Marika's people and forcing then to meld into meat monstrosities to shove in jars.
You guys think this is bad, just wait until their next game. I seem to recall people saying BB and DS3 were too fast and here we are.
How is that a sin?
Something about Braccus Rex or whatever? Idk
i love my wife Ranni the Witch
>use Shadow Sunflower (colossal weapon) on Gaius
>stagger him in a couple of hits
>switch to Devonia's Hammer (colossal weapon) for fun
>never stagger him
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black knife + poison antspur + black flame
poison antspur + unsheathe uchigatana + black flame

super ez mode: summons like shield boys or thiche
You're now in DLC
>DeS: The world is fucked and dying
>DS1: The world is fucked and dying
>DS2: The world is fucked and dying
>BB: The world is fucked and dying
>DS3: The world is fucked and dying
>Sekiro: Ashina is fucked and dying
>ER: The world is fucked and thing
>Finally find something that seems fun and makes me retool my build
>co-op meme shield throw with BFB and either frost via chilling mist or bloodflame for trash mobs or random invasions
>Realize this is bugged, entirely unintended, and less scrupulous people are using way more bullshit things than what I'm using for it
I guess I'll just go back to my anchors...
Yeah I watched like a minute of his most recent video about SotE and I noticed that immediately. It sounds like he's retarded and saying some words super slowly due to, well, not knowing how to speak very well.
But then again, to be honest, almost everyone with any variant of British accent barely knows how to speak English.
This is what I think of the 3 main subgenres of British accent:
English people: Sound retarded
Irish people: Sound gay
Scottish people: Sound gay AND retarded
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You know what? I'm just gonna say it

Elden Beast was never that bad of a fight.
>Why are there giant skulls in caelid?
giants nigga
>Why is there a giant jar in caelid?
it's cool
>Why did we not get any more info on torrent+relation to its master
utterly unimportant
>Why is there still nothing about the gloam-eyed queen?
confirmed melina with even a slight amount of extrapolation
>Why did Malenia+Radahn have to fight?
the dlc beats this into you and you still don't get it because you're retarded. miquella wants radahn to be his lord because he's strong. radahn does not want to be miquella's lord and resists his charm, do miquella sends malenia to fuck him up
>Why did Miquella not tell Malenia anything and make her stand guard for no reason?
yeah what you really need when starting a new world is the vessel of another even more destructive outer god spreading rot around
god I hate bocchi fans
this game needs a visible stagger meter because sometimes it feels so inconsistent but there is probably a reason for it so the meter would help explain it
It's a sick world, not a dying world.
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>people pay a guy for him to use his ai script
This timeline is fucked.
Can the world stop being fucked and dying? Until then, no
Radahn phase two is what happens when you push the formula to the absolute limit and break it, if they don't do anything about it I'm afraid the complains about "when do I get to attack" will finally become valid
being gay
if it ain't broke
>Play Doom
>Wtf why is it always about shooting demons
>Finally make a webm that fits 4chan's constraints
>Error: Your image contains an embedded file
Oh, fuck off
my nigga
Bad things don't become good just because worse things come out afterwards
They pussied out so hard with Devonia's Hammer. Ordovis' Greatsword does more stagger than it despite being a regular GS. I was disappointed, too.
is the world fucked and dying in Bloodborne?
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It just delays the inevitable. Miyazaki has released Miquella into our world now we must learn to love and be compassionate. Miyazaki will be remembered as a saint who brought our god to this world. May Miquella bless us all!
Its just his voice,
just AI clone his voice and take all the actual theory crafting the real autists do here and have his voice read it
it wasnt that bad just a bit shit
My first run was as a heavy str build, could probably use some practice finding openings. I'll use the perfume too, though, thanks anon.
Why is your VIG so low?
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Thinking of changing the bones structure, but then I'll have to change everything anyway.
Fucking double chin and the in-game light doesn't help

it's over
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>She's delusional.
She just loved her brother.....
I fucking love Elden ring bros.
Spellchecking :(
honestly, the fucked up charge hitbox aside, Gaius is actually kind of a fun fight.
pve or pvp?
Nice schizo gorefic, one problem though: Miquella is fucking dead. I beast clawed him and Radahn to death.
I just spam jumping R2s no matter what. Hell, it's what killed Gaius for me when I got tired of dying over and over, just went apeshit on him, jumping up and down like I was having a tantrum and it somehow managed to fuck him up so much he either missed attacks or kept falling over.
The entire point of ER is that the world is not dying. It's broken and can be mended. You decide how.
Good boy. You get to watch Radahn breed my bussy tonight.
>Real Life: The world is fucked and dying
What the FUCK? Can the apocalypse post-game just get released already?
I'm only a level 70.
The only real option is to use the Horned Warrior and Death Knight weapons and pretend that they're Crucible Knight weapons
>beat all the dlc bosses
>get a bunch of cool ideas going with boss weapons
>put my sign down radahn to help fellow gamers
>realize I’m level 237
>Cocktease new Crucible Incants
>Dob't actually make them available
Crucible Tongue would have been so useful
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>You guys think this is bad, just wait until their next game. I seem to recall people saying BB and DS3 were too fast and here we are.

Yeah I remember that too. I think Bloodborne and DS3 have the perfect speed of bosses versus player. Fuck knows why Fromsoft went overboard with Elden Ring.
List of DLC shit that will 100% get nerfed:
>Bloodfiend's Arm
>Meteoric Greatsword
>Fire Knight's Greatsword
>Frenzy Greatsword
>Impenetrable Thorns
>Blind Spot
>Swift Strike
>Both Beast Claws
I hope you guys didn't go through the efoort of making builds for these intentionally broken weapons that obviously exist to sell DLC.
Leda's bitch ass won't move to the Shadow Keep for the Hornsent questline, what the hell am I missing? Think something bugged out, I've done every other npc quests and the only thing left is to kill Messmer.
What about the perfumes?
I love the blessed blue dew talisman so much holy shit, gonna have to get good at rushing mogh just so I can pick it up early every playthrough
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I keep exploring because I dont want to fight the bosses but I can't find any way to progress in this area now
forgot the fumes
the dlc could have used another Godefroy clone
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>lvl 70
>Godslayer Greatsword
Just bought the DLC. Does any boss or NPC ask for forgiveness from someone not physically in the same room?
I have CE, and apparently you can save edit PS saves too so it doesn't fucking matter lmao
I'm not one of those retards that thinks a 5% damage reduction is a massive nerf so I have builds with those weapons and I will keep using them

t.Moonveil has been nerfed like 5 times and it's still top tier
>DS3 have the perfect speed of bosses vers
that's when literally the games went to shit
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>people liked miquella before the DLC
>now the charm broke just like it did with his followers
Miyazaki, you've done it again.
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>cheesing radhan
you didn't beat the game
nigga this game been out for 2 years there's been plenty of time to git gud
The dancing swords are really fun to use.
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no, those went underground. Only Godfrey ever saw their worth.
This scene hit so goddamn hard because I only realized the second or third time that that was his son.
You can totally wield that beast with the right charms and stat spread as a level 70. If you're talking about getting the thing, I beat the Godskinner at level 65. It was hard until you realize he's weak to status ailments.
2 bosses at least from memory
You can keep going here but you'll reach a point where it's not possible to progress, you can just take the grace and change area for a while
Divine Tower stuff
kek based
>Oh my god enemies react and don't take 5 minutes to turn around, it jumped the Shark reeeeeee
I hate how much i love renalla's swords
They're so shit but they look so good that i just have to use them
Easily among my favorite weapons
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Existence itself
meteoric isn't that good I'd say death knight weapons get nerfed before that also you forgot biggest faggot offender right now:
>shotgun sleep bolts
>You acquired a Trophy!
Looks like I did beat the game, fag.
>>Bloodfiend's Arm
buildup nerf, it'll still be good
>>Meteoric Greatsword
not that strong
>>Fire Knight's Greatsword
no way 1700 combos are intentionall, it'd still be good besides
>>Frenzy Greatsword
doesn't exist
>>Impenetrable Thorns
fair enough
>>Blind Spot
>>Swift Strike
>>Both Beast Claws
and you forgot to mention shotgun bow status buildup
in short, stop crying
>that's when literally the games went to shit
How so? The boss design in elden ring is more akin to bloodborne (orphan) only you dont have the same tools to utilize
fakin kek
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trina's strongest warrior
I've been going in circles in the area for like 30 mins now trying to figure out how to get higher up and reach the golem archer but I can't find it.
>perfumes are balanced
I kneel
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>Summon Torrent
Yeah, and the only way to mend it is to decide what bizarre Lovecraftian hell-god owns it for the next few thousand years. People shit on the Frenzied Flame but at least that puts everyone out of their misery, instead of
>Bizarre Christianity kind of thing but with trees and most people being told they can't go to heaven because some arbitrary reason means they're not holy enough
>Literal rotting
>Mystery moon that's totally not some creepy Dead Space Bretheren Moon thing, trust me guys, doll witch wife says so
>Mutant Zombie Former Demigod for president
>A god who is literally just blood and wants more blood everywhere
>Backhand blades let you enchant both weapons at once
>Can't do the same with hornsent curve swords
The Dancing Lion in Rauh that farts Deathblight and summons Basilisks feel like a DS2 shitpost

Cool spell though, perfect for my Beast/Crucible build
People don't really talk much about this but the various map parts are way more far/hidden/difficult to get in their respecting areas, which makes the exploration so, so much better, it should've been this way in the main game. Because I couldn't just rely on the map I had to pay much more attention to my surroudings. I'm sure a lot of people got to Rauh ruins without its map, that made the exploration so damn better.
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phase one flawless, phase two this shit fucking sucks
Thank you, Im not schizo thought. I was trying to tone down the goreactually and make it just about the feelings involved, bit it was hard to do that with limited text
I decided he's alive actually also, so no you didnt
>Fire Knight's Greatsword
Why do people keep crying for this to get nerfed? It’s one (1) true combo is just two light attacks back to back. Beyond that it’s just a slightly stronger zwei with a different swing animation and innate fire damage (a damage largely negated by having vigor) are people really so mind broken that an ugs not forced to rely on crouch poking for its main source of damage is offensive?
Unironically I much prefer that Miquella was scheming something or at least not being the pure le good person like we were left to believe in the base game. Feels more authentic having him be someone with flawed ideals just like the rest of the world.
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>buy the DLC excited to finally be playing kung-fu souls with new weapon
>the weapon is piece shit and doesnt feels good
No matter how beautiful or how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie.
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He could just tell Malenia he feared her affliction, he didn't have to abandon her like a stray dog...
Bless the lord!

My love for Miquella has never been stronger!
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>let's summon torrent right before a jump attack
If he was gud he wouldn't be whining about dragon fights.
Disingenuous posting best posting.
The sekiro juice is insane, lmao.
The moon's not an outer god, you people are so retarded
fire knights doesnt need a "nerf" it just needs its motion values fixed for pvp

everything else about it is perfectly fine

also add to that list, the madness torch
it can apply death blight if you use it with the eclipse shotel

i also hope they try and fix the invasion "teleport to host" bug
the fact that people can "infect" you with it and it fucks your character until you NG+ it or use CE, is fucking wild
I'm not spending over 6 hours trying to learn wtf I'm even dying to in his phase 2. The nigger and his faggot will get turtle poked with a bleed antspur like Miyazaki intended
Don't bother with Torrent. Just try to stay close and utterly go ballistic on him as much as you can, he has a few small blind spots where his nonsense doesn't reach you.
I still want to fuck miquella but not serve him
Blocking his gravity attacks isn't optimal, still deals too much damage
>A large part of Morgott was just a son waiting for his father to come home
Morgott is a tragic figure in several ways.
>agree with most of the post
>stop crying
pretty sure there were a bunch of sinister hints about how his love was artificial / coerced rather than natural.
What is it then, oh wise one?
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>Be tortured be Hornsent
>Become a god and have a self reproduced son
>he's defective with snake god curse but its ok just use an eye rune seal to keep it at bay
>exterminate hornset abusers
>find Horruah Loux, sexxhim, christen him as Godfrey, and kill the giants
>wear the giants heads to scare the hornset because you kill the fell god they feared, making you more scary than that
>pop out three kids with Godfrey, and two of them are fucking Hornset Omens because (allegedly) Omens are naturally created by the crucible and not unnatural abominations
>gets ultra PTSD but can't kill them so banishes them in a gaol
yea suddenly it all makes sense
once that bussy squirts you'll be hooked
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>I decided he's alive actually also, so no you didnt
My screen showed him and Radahn flopping to the ground and the boss room is now empty so yes I did. Miquella chose to be in the woods with the bear and he chose poorly.
The other way around if anything.
Messmer's Remembrance
>(...) hidden away, keeping company with the original sin and a hatred that would not to be confined
The only thing that kept him company would be the crusade, and hornnigger genocide.
And Miquella's Rune
>(...) all in an effort to bury the original sin. To embrace all the whole of it
And we know that hornsent see him as a potential savior.

So to me it sounds more like the sin was the honsent genocide and the crusade. But honestly that doesn't really sound important enough imo, but maybe that's just because I don't give a shit about the hornniggers.
yeah, I just wanted to see if it works. although I still don't know what else to do if he manages to pull me in.
>a UGS should be able to combo its r1s
you should...le kill yourself
Same man, I've been going on and off between my katanas and them but obviously they suck, I still beat bosses but they were a slog for the type of fights I wanted to do
literally me. i got all the way to radahn and skibordee +17 before i found the lower part of rauh. I also have not found the 2nd fingoria ruins. Also i found mesmer last, even after the centipede lady, and so killed him on my second try.
Isn't that just shit?
Why does Gaius not have a hurtbox on his charge
The spell is cool visually but man, it can absolutely use a buff.
It would have been nice to still work with him even if he wasn't a 100% good boy.
It's a symbolic moon, not a literal one.
Messmer is not her eldest son.
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What is the eclipse shotel/madness torch bug?
heh yeah
You clearly have a build involving it but it's drastically above the power curve and you need to brace for a nerf
Here's hoping for patches
Uh huh, and I'm the retard...
>phase one flawless
No, phase one is fucking dogshit as well.
I immediately thought that as soon as I went in for the first time and noticed that it carries all of the exact same design principles as every other Remembrance boss in the DLC, but cranked up to 11. All of his attacks are wide sweeping AoEs. Explosions/a second hitbox after every attack. He fucking flies and jumps around the map, floating in the air and throwing magic at you. Hits you for 40-60% of your HP even with 18 Scadutree Blessing levels. Attacks in 5-10 hit combos at all times.
It's dogshit.
>Rugalea roars
>fuck ton of damage
>Red Bear roars
>fuck ton of damage
>I use bear communion roar
>0 damage
Justify this.
>>Both Beast Claws
That's correct.
>like we were left to believe in the base game
There were plenty of hints that Miquella wasn't
did they add any new deathblight spells?
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Are those tubes or cut off fingers
>Nooo you can't just fucking genocide me after I committed monstrosities because it was my heckin' culture
This sounds familiar
Consume bleach, preferably copious amounts of it. A single diamond in a sea of coal isn’t the end of the world.
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Reminder there are already no-hit runs
Get filtered shitter
That wouldn't be as cool
>small man "roars"
awww isn't it cute
>The Grace of Gold specifically waited until AFTER (You) killed Morgott to send Godfrey to Leyndell to see his dead son, and then the grace point Godfrey at (You)
Everyone is a fucking dick in this game even more so than most From games.
if he pulls you in to do the gravity smash, run away from him and jump right before he slams the ground. If it's from phase 2, do the same thing twice.
If you're talking about his sky garvity rock throws, run either left or right and jump right before the first rock is about to hit you, unless you're right in front of him, that attack will never hit you again. Godspeed anon I believe you can fuck him up.
Most powerful fujoshi?
Fucking this, I haven't seen anyone else complain about this shit. Only the (warranted) fucked up hitbox on it. I have tried breathing dragon breath at him as he charges towards me, it does no damage. The strat I used to beat him was to walk in and immediately scarlet aeonia backwards, just accepting the charge hit. However, if I don't roll off the ground immediately and allow him to continue charging, he will be stuck charging into the wall INSIDE the scarlet rot persistent damage, but taking no damage whatsoever. He's literally invincible as he charges, it's retarded.
Seems like you are for the drivel theory you posted, but okay then...
Apparently it's a projectile.
>hold up perfume bottle in front of you (mostly obscured by the back of your hand)
>somehow you negate 61% of incoming fire damage
NTA but didn't ymir refer to the moon as "simply the closest celestial object"?
You're missing a step there. The reason Marika invaded the giants was because the Fell God cursed her son. She was trying to cure him. They were the aggressors. She waged war only to discover there was no way to rid Messmer of the flame.
your emotional response only tells me it needs to be nerfed even harder
Then who is? Because so far with the way things are spelt out, Messmer came before Godwyn
>these things will get justifiably nerfed
Is different than
>Godfreys lore is all about him being an incredible warrior
>believe he's just some dumb brute
>first time we see the real him he's embracing his son
We should have had the option to be summoned during his fight, like Old Monk and Mirror Knight.
Whatever evidence you can come up with that the moon is actually an outer god, I can tell you that you're misinterpreting things or just taking them at face value like a retard who watches Marvel movies.
Tubes. Like tubeworms under the sea.
I’m a str/fth build by trade so it happens to fit in, by no means is it my bread n butter though. Most of its threat is cut by the simple application of spacing. Compare it to something like swift slash or the insane jank of the GS of damnation’s grab and it’s clear to see what the real problems are. A good ugs isn’t one of them.
Probably yes, but nothing explicit or directly mentioning it. I think there were stuff about how he had the power to charm people because of his beauty but there wasn't any indication that he used it on someone directly until the DLC, Miquella was almost always seen more as a "treasure" that seduced people like Mohg indirectly who wanted him because of his power and possibility of becoming a God.
cool it with the antisemitism
>when you realize Messmer is just a stinky red headed stepchild who lives in the corner of his own castle in the dark and has only one friend who spends all his time banging his wife in the back and hunting with his boar rather than talking with him
It would have been really cool if we saw Godfrey more than once and immediately killed him or if we saw Morgott more than once and immediately killed him or if
>madara's sharigan/rinnegan
cute, this is from the pre-obito reveal
>also he rejected the only woman who ever loved him because he's autistic
>SmoughTown thinks Radahn had no say in the vow and the earnest wish of Miquella was one sided
>Vaati also thinks the same
>Quelaag thinks the reasons for Miquella obsession with Radahn are stupid
>Ratatoskr agrees that the whole shit about Miquella in the DLC is weird because it has no nods to it ever happening in the base game and you can't even say anything to Gideon, who was the person most interested in those developments about Miquella and Mogh
>Literally the biggest "Miyazaki can do no wrong" shills feel like this part of the DLC plot involving Miquella is unsatisfying
Holy shit I expected way more damage control, but this was such a fucking garbage plot addition that EVEN they can't try to salvage this for normalfaggots.
Your insistence on seething about it tells me you got bullied by it and never let it go.
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I beg of you all, fashion that fits Leda's sword.
I beg of you all, perverse fashion.
I beg of you all, black with gold trimmed fashion.
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I wish Midra's Manse was much bigger and had some unique madness-related enemies in it. I think it could have been my favorite dungeon.
Any new Miquella porn?
Why didn't he just kill some of them with the invincibility invaders get in the beginning?
>Miyazaki honesty seems like a really pretentious and annoying fuck
he's the opposite if anything, he's way too humble based on interviews
Never post that picture again.
>Messmer was like an Elder Brother to Radahn
I'm on the opinion that he isn't Radagon's son. Because he wields fire, I like to think his hair color is due to the Fire Giants fucker. There's a decent chance he is the eldest.
That's a little bit too close for comfort in this board anon.
>the funny youtube man stacked 200 damage buffs and got lucky with a cast of Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike after 50+ attempts
Just because you can beat it doesn't mean it's not shit. The boss fight, and most others in the DLC, simply isn't fun.
Maybe you ought to "filter" yourself out of human civilization via a 9mm bullet to your chimp brain. Nigger.
You trigger madness on yourself using Howl of Shabriri or the new Midra's Flame of Frenzy spell, yes.
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Yea forgot about that, I even saved pic rel
Although even then Messmer's parentage and if he came before or after Marika became a god is unclear, eventhough I just assume it was a selfcest son because he's cursed like the Marigon twins.
Melina once again more mysterious but pointing closer and closer to being a selfcest child herself
Only if you give me what I want.
ARGH!!! I AM MAD >:(
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>equip Death Knight Twin Axes
>thinking it would be like the Winged Knight Twin Axes from DS3 (one of my favorite weapons in that game)
>moveset is nothing alike
>can't use the Blinkbolt in any direction like a dodge, can only go directly forward
This and the Sword Lance gave me such blueballs, thanks Miyazaki
I finally beat Radahn :)

He was really fun. Probably took 150ish attempts.
>Morgott more than once and immediately killed him or if
Morgott appears 3 times or even 5 if you include the fake godfrey/mogh. He's the only villain actively going after you
>Oh lightless creature, embrace oblivion as shall I
Chad Messmer was gonna let the serpent consume him and devour the world.
I hate we couldn’t join a snake blasphemy covenant
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you rike gaijin no more elden ringu see you in armored core vii
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git gud
I think he more meant as soon as he takes off the seal he is basically dead to the snake within him
He will probably kill himself shortly after winning against you to prevent it from running free
>the entire plot of the game is because an alien had daddy issues

Bravo Miyazaki
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>Become a god and have a self reproduced son
Wait, does that mean mesmer had no father?
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Is he right? Do they think the player is stupid?
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>get letter from Dane
>meet me and let's fight, there's no need for words
>find Dane and attack him
>he disappears
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God I'm fucking dogshit at this game, I know
>0 flasks
also max scadu
summon a shield + antspur retard to solo radahn for me, worst fight i've encountered in a video game by far
i had more fun watching him abuse the shit out of him than i had playing through the whole dlc
>this mad over being filtered
Maybe go back to DeS
>while hornset oneshots you with his shitty orbs
Okay good to know I wasn’t going crazy or the game was bugged. What’s up with that shit? Also I liked the fight purely by virtue of every intentional ganker that played the dlc getting to experience the other side for a change. A bunch of grab asses coming at you at once with the possibility of a useless co-invader. For them it was a novel experience, for me it was just a Friday.
I think anyone who masturbates to this kind of thing should remove their access to the internet for like a month.
after that ass whoppin' i handed him, i'm that nigga's daddy
Did you not read that you need to use a pose to challenge him?
>Doing Radahn co-oping
>Host has 9 skibidis and refuses to use any other spell aside from Comet Azur
Now that I think about could anyone imagen a JRPG by Miyazaki? Maybe it would be really good since he wouldn't feel forced to make it souls like.
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I'm personally waiting for Tarnished Archaeologist take on the lore
it's far more insightful than the other lore fags
Godfrey is the "noble savage" exemplified. Wouldnt be surprised if he was partly inspired by Conan, knowing how much miyazaki and Miuara loved western Sword&Sorcery
co-op bosses in the dlc are harder than doing them solo
there i said it
their attacks become more erratic with weird co-op only shit happening that never happens when you're solo making them less predictable and the HP getting another full bar thrown on for each phantom as well as resists being buffed is rarely outweighed by the potential extra damage from summons
playing co-op is the real hard mode
Doesn't Marika control the grace? That speaks more about her being a shitty mother again and waiting until her son dies to send her husband to see his child dead
We unironically need an expert lip reader to see if Malenia's words were indeed about Radahn Being Miquella's consort
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Not quite related but you forgot that trannies and homo pedos started bullying Smough into saying that it was totally consensual and a bunch of the "evidence" they use such as the Malenia bits only imply that Miquella sent Malenia to kill Radahn out of spite under the guise of the Shattering.
listening to his schizo ramblings is way more interesting than someone reading item descriptions and talking about what happens in the game
Pose? I thought he wanted to fight me.
Anon most of the player base is absolutely stupid.
I did a no-hit run on all the bosses. It's really easy with damage stacking and Perfume/ADLS abuse.
Yes, as they should. Elden Ring isn't a niche game, it's played by the masses that include your mom and game journalists.
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Did you get anything else along with the note?
Think for a while. I have faith you can piece it together.
yeah, he really was a pushover
Godfrey was outside in the barbaric lands, he ressurected way outside the land betweens, i always understood it as him doing his own journey parallel to yours up until he came to Leyndell.
Why are all Marikas children cursed? That’s the biggest question right now. Even Godwyn her perfect child was destined to die and his corpse turned into a festering disease. She made some kind of pact or betrayed something
Messmer and Melina's father is unknown so either Radagon, another aspect, or self pollination.
And yea it pretty much confirms Melina is a child of Marika.
I think his take about erdtree births is retarded, but overall he's by far the most insightful and interesting lorefag. Everyone else just reads item descriptions.
I meant I could do 1st phase without getting hit desu, but I do enjoy it - you can dodge / jump / parry everything consistently, and ofc you can actually fucking see where he is and what attack is coming at you
People carrying them is how they got so far. Got summoned yesterday by a host that hadn’t even seen the opening cutscene, the little faggots are at the point now where they don’t even try to fight the boss alone to see how it goes.
>Radahn phase 2
Unironically, when do I attack? Do I just forsake trying to punish his sword combos and look for other opportunities? He has a fuckton of HP, too. That might take a long time.
yeah they went overboard with the dev messages
that message is present in every furnace dungeon
specially on the abyss forest, felt genuinely disrespectful towards my intelligence
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did they add any new deathblight spells ?
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>Fromsoft adds cool hand-to-hand martial arts to the game for the first time since Dark Souls 2.
>They're shit
>You learn/loot them from a martial artist
>He's a fucking antisocial asshole and weakling
I like all of this except the bit about Marika grieving godwyn. Doesn't really track with what we know about the black knives and the anti GW conspiracy between her and ranni
>Literally has red hair
>dungeon with falling spike traps in the middle and niches in the walls to hide in
>you run forward and hide in a niche when the trap is falling
>second niche is actually just a hole in the ground, and when you run an inevitably try to hide there, you fall to a lower level
alright, I admit, that was pretty funny
>Pulls out the swift slash when he can't be bothered to win

Lel. Get that ass blocked.
>We're gonna have to wait like 3 years for the next From game
Next FS game will be another Armored Core.
I think its an obvious last minute change.
>Spencer Mansion style mansion
>filled with Frenzy styled abomination enemies
>being anything but absolute kino

Fuck that whole area was such a letdown. Top tier atmosphere but just way too short. Midra is a fun fight though.
It’s obviously Chuck Norris, stupid.
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Fuck them for casualizing AC so much also 6 was way too fucking short for its price
the exact same times as phase 1 because it is the same moveset
The game has had popup tutorials since release, so yes
>Get summoned
>Host gets hit by Radah's slow purple slash that leads to his meteor attack
>Check Skibidis
Radahn, Rykard, Godwynn, and Ranni were all pretty normal.
You simply do not like difficult games.
Using summons is easy mode
BEING a summon is fucking hard mode
Messmer cannot be older than Godwyn/Mohg/Morgott because he's Radagon's child.
Marika used to control grace and banked on GW extending it to the tarnished while also making it impossible for anyone without a fate in fire to get into the Erdtree thus propagating the endless battle world she wanted which is why grace lead different tarnished to different things including their death
>get a note and a gesture
>the note clearly shows an image of the gesture you just picked up
These are the type of people saying the DLC is too hard
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>BOTH Beast Claws

What the fuck, but the Red Bear Claws are complete garbage, what crack are you smoking? Trying to do the DLC with these was an exercise in frustration, they absolutely should not have been somber weapons.
Phase 1 doesn't shit holy explosions everywhere. If I don't change up my moves I get sploded by Miquella
I was so excited when I realized I was entering a mansion centered around the frenzied flame and madness. I was ready for some real whack shit.
Instead it's just a few hidden walls and levers. Along with rats and shadow people. Lame.
Godfrey clapped Marika so hard she turned into Radagon mid Godfrey-coom
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the iris we find in the dlc imply not only marika could bestow it but also priests
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Yes it's called Nanaya's Torch
you can spread death blight on frenzied flame burst on a channeling torch while you have the eclipse shotel buffed in your right hand. this has not been patched yet, have fun
Radahn looks like an ogre bro. Purple skin and shit. 8 meters tall for some reason.
Rykard in his death cutscene (getting eaten by a snake) looks way older than anyone else.
We don't know much about Godwyn. Agreed about Ranni.
Mary mother of christ I just oneshotted messmer after every other remembrance felt like cbt.
Figures that out of all the bosses in the dlc the one that felt the most fun to fight was also the one I fought for the shortest time.
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Please read this and the followup, I'll even include the uncrowded version of this pic
I spent my lunch break writing this instead of rating so I won't get food today until tonight I deserve atleast one or a few more replies
I don't know why I expected more considering how the base game was, but the DLC is really lacking in enemy variety. Feels like the basic shadow people pad out 80% of encounters.
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Playing this DLC I feel like I oscillate between mild enjoyment and substantial frustration. For a while I'm enjoying the art direction, build variety, and dungeon crawling (even if the level design found within leaves something to be desired). Then I get to a boss and it feels like being slapped in the face with an amalgamation of every poor choice in direction these games have taken since Dark Souls 3. I don't enjoy fighting them and I don't feel satisfied beating them, I just feel glad that I'm done with them and can get back to the more pleasant aspects of the game.

I really hope FROM takes a step back and reevaluates their approach to these games, especially in regards to the combat system. It feels like a lot of what made the early games so good has been lost in pursuit of ever-increasing challenge. And that's to say nothing of how other aspects that set the early games apart, i.e. its multiplayer components, have been watered down or outright gutted.
yeah that's what i meant
the halved estus as the summon and having to deal with the host and other summons fucking with the boss and making it do weird shit and causing attacks to be thrown out at unusual angles or the boss doing buggy stuff they dont usually is horrible
like im trying to act as a summon for radahn and in phase im dodging his attacks and strafing around him to try and avoid the pillars of light and i get stuck on the dumbfuck host sat stationary with greatshield up pokeybumwanking with his rot spear so the pillars catch me
and they always die the moment after i die
It's the same but you need to stay close to Radahn and dodge to the left or right instead of staying in place or dodging back so the aftershocks don't hit you, but otherwise it's the same.
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>milady light attacks actually flow into its heavies and vice versa if you do them appropriately
>one handed its L1-L2-L3-H2 or H1-L4-L5
>two handed its L1-L2-H2 or H1-L3-L4-L5
Also I fucking forgot to summon hornsent for the fight.
Did I fuck up his quest?
If I put an ash like impaling thrust or giant hunt on something like a flamberge or the twinblade, what damage type is the L2? The weapon's, or pierce?
I straight up block swift slash fags and FKUGS. I might troll back with this

Still blocking em though
>he's Radagon's child.
Doesn't compute, he was considered to be like an Elder Brother to Radahn.
Either Marika had him with Radagon first before Radagon fucking off the raya lucaria or that he's just not his son.
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What RL can you realistically pivot to INT/FTH?
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>Not a single new spell is useful for PvP
>Only two of the Messmer flame spells are decent
All of the gods are huge. Ranni's corpse is like 9 feet tall. Radahn was all rotted, but young radahn is just a big dude.
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Yes I too thought that, UNTIL it was noted that Red Hair is a Fell God curse, with the DLC events now in place, chronologically makes Messmer the one with Red hair first and Radagon's coming of existence is still unknown.

Wait a minute, the Fell Gods cursed Marika too, that's why Radagon has Red Hair and why he is assmad about the hair! S/He's mad about Messmer being cursed!
They should've brought back Godwyn or Malenia
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>You're being used as a footrest, Miquella's legs pressing into your back
Very good.
wait you can block players that invade you? surely you just mean steam profile or it's an in game feature?
obviously not, i don't know how people can say "OMG IT WAS PLANNED FROM THE BEGINNING"
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>Ahh, we're not so different, you and I
This place is heaven for my Carian dude
Godwyns corpse turning into a sea creature that’s spreads death is anything but normal. It’s the biggest plot hole in the game right now, Godwyn was featured in the story trailer and his body seems to get possessed at one point after the assassination. Never explained.
gravitional missile is going to be meta for casters
you can shoot it into the ground for an instant aoe
>Still thinking Ranni and Marika conspired together to kill Godwyn
>After everything that just dropped in the DLC
retard maximus
I was using the Sekiro Potion... I guess I fucked myself over. Time to relearn the whole thing from point zero.
Not even a gaming journalist that works for Gamespot remotely from 9-5 or anything, but I honestly think they need to stop trying to outdo themselves on difficulty. The games can still be fun without the bosses doing 20-hit combos that are so variable that it's rarely safe for you to attack.
They should've added monster trucks and dinosaurs
I think Melina and Messmer had no fathers and are likely tree cultivation babies. This https://youtu.be/d287t1VSonw?si=MKhPI2kGG9-RGQbd dialogue is too weird for someone that was born through conventional ways.
Godwyn's soul is dead. He can't come back, all that's left of him is a braindead tumor corpse. Kinda weird that it's never resolved, no matter what ending you get or what sidequests you complete the lands between and possibly the entire world will be overrun by his cancer.
Yes, but that would've fuck the very reason behind those who live in death, but yeah I really expected him to be the secret ultra final boss harder than Malenia
We fought her at her prime, there was nothing more to be done with her
She should've gotten afew mentions though
Yea I did the same thing and it fucked me. Got to the point where I was perfecting the first phase with the sekiro juice like it was nothing but it ingrained useless strategies in me for phase two, so I had to relearn. Generally speaking just dodge to the left.
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Guys......Miquella the Kind.......is actually not so Kind...........wow....great DLC lore.......
All the new bosses are fine except the last one. Just look up a guide for the shadow tree fragments. I was having similar thoughts during Rellana's fight but then I just got 2 more fragment levels and beat her just fine
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I mean...he does stick out regardless.
I always thought his title of "Prince of Death" was because that's his fate/curse. We see a bunch of Wandering Mausoleums with soulless demigods. Yet his is the only one that spreads death blight.
Why is the OST in this game so weak? The only theme I remember is the one that plays for Lion Swordman and the commander guys.
Red hair is not a curse of the Fell God.
>Never explained.
they really should have let you replay the DLC without having to kill mohg and radahn
i wanna do ng+ but i dont wanna play the base game again
its not that it's bad or anything, ive just done it like 10 times already
Good. AC6 was excellent.
Pest spears is a godsend. All the tracking of pest threads but thrice the power. The divine storm is also great if you’re fighting someone in an enclosed space
That's what I absolutely hate about Elden Ring, you NEED guides for this shit open world, especially the DLC. Who the fuck thought scadtree fragments were a good idea??
I think the wandering masoleums exist to stop them from spreading deathblight. They have deathblight on their legs, and walk around to avoid letting it take root.
>can't alter Leda's armor to remove that disgusting clipfest tent cape
well fuck you too, Miyazaki. I guess it's my fault for getting excited.
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Don't know why the image got like that, oops.
Lads I'm sorry for being a shitter, but it is genuinely and unironically not worth my time trying to beat Radahn without using a greatshield
>g-give my smut (you)s please
Nope. Sorry.
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hehe... I put down that there was a hidden path... even though there isn't one!
get pranked faggots!!!
Oathkeeper armor is Leda's without the cape
clipping has existed in computer animation for 60 years now. get over yourself. it's literally never going to be solved in our lifetimes
You need to be the biggest from cocksucker to waste your time on phase 2 just to luck out so he doesn't do the retarded moves
>you NEED guides for this shit open world
Genuinely just a you problem, I could see needing to look up the gesture statue thing but other than that the DLC is easy to do blind and end up with 15-17 skibbidies which is plenty.
Its not an issue of being able to beat them anon, its that I don't enjoy it. My Scadutree level was more than adequate for Rellana, yet I didn't feel any satisfaction when I beat her. I was just glad I didn't have to deal with her constant swinging, delayed swings, AoEs and rollcatches. Yes I figured out how to deal with them and now the fight's not an issue, but shouldn't the player feel GOOD the first time they beat a boss?
If you get their username/profile and straight up add to blocked players. They get locked from your matchmaking.

Anytime it'll try to match it'll immediately say Failed. I use this for passive ganks that just want to waste my time or grief invaders and now currently the exploiters.

You can also block the phantoms so they can't get resummoned to Host world in case they wanna restock or you kill em
>good 0
>poor 3
it's literally just the Oathkeeper's Armor, which you can get pretty easily
why does your dude have such child bearing hips
it has already been resolves many times. by me removing the capes from all outfits I can.

I'm saved. thank you, anon.

I guess I just missed it.
>"Every giant is red of hair, and Radagon was said to have despised his own red locks. Perhaps that was a curse of their kind." - Turtle Poppe
You just have shit taste
>Tree sentinel theme
>Elden Beast
And almost every single track from the DLC is kino.
Fallen Knights and Old Warriors were composed by Yoshimi Kudo. He also did Fortissax' theme and God-Devouring Serpent and the Liurnia and Snowfield themes and every area theme in Mt. Gelmir, easily my favorite composer in the Elden Ring music team.
>>BB: The world is fucked and dying
Is it? The impression I got was that the horrible shit was mostly limited to Yharnam, Pthumeru, and the nearby countryside.
did anyone come up with an explanation as to why messmer apparently fled from the erdtree? did he actually burn it and I missed text about it?
I'm angry now because you reminded me about a line I was gonna include but forgot because I ran out if time where it was gonna be like wondering if Miquella would say anything, and probably not, he never does, but she hoped.
To like imply that the reader is doing this all for him and had been serving him for 3 years but that Miquella hadn't spoken a word to her in all that time
You also need guides in order to find bosses since the zones are so big and empty and everything looks exactly the same. I also ended up with 15 fragments with no guides and apparently 20 is maximum.
Worst part was the map for the forest area not even being in the forest area, it was under it.
To bear Ranni's children of course
Why did the devs hate Melina?
And what does that mean, anon?
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I had a ton of fun and popped off after every boss. You're either using unsatisfying strats like mimic tear or you're old and don't like games anymore.
Why is collision so incredibly taxing on the CPU anyway?
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No, nevermind. It doesn't have the cape, but it also loses the coat. Oh well.
based carian RPer
i'm using the carian thrusting shield as my main weapon now, i've become ranni's shield
>Hefty Cracked Pots 9/10
>check every gaol, the early ruins, killed the troll
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>>Why is there a giant jar in caelid?
All those giant guts had to go somewhere.
why is Ymir a tranny?
Why does the man in this icon have a micropenis erection?
>tfw we didn't get to fight Prime Melina as the final boss
I found every single main boss in the dlc organically. I think you're just stupid or lazy and I don't mean that as an insult, I just didn't have any of those issues.
Tree sentinel ost is so underrated
It's in the shadow keep
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every god damn time
side bosses yes but if you didn't find every main boss you might be retarded
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Still life
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Tarnished, you diabolical
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nice ty
I also found every single main boss organically retard, I'm obviously talking about the optional ones like the yellow headed fuck that I don't even know the name of.
it's literally male pregnancy fetish
japs are weird
Plenty of times in these games I feel nothing but cold hatred after the boss is defeated. The games make you go to this psychotic mental headspace in order to do the things you need to do to win and then when it's over you feel like you've been raped. Fun times
Never thought about that, pretty interesting
Not that anon, but I'm neither lazy nor stupid. I just respect my own time.
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3 years without saying anything sounds a bit rough...
Was there like a note or something that informs the player about the bell bearings? I must've missed it, I've ready every note and letter I've acquired.
game has way too many low iq fights
his name is Midra
how do those fingerpoke faggots survive the holy barrage in phase 2?
that's a main boss dumbass, it has a remembrance, and it's easy to find on account of being the only building on the map in that area.
I beat Radahn and Miquella without fighting him so he isn't a main boss
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L1 +
No summons, just a single Greataxe like I did for the base game. Maybe I am just growing out of these games, I dunno. I really enjoyed Lies of P last year, though.
Equip golden braid
Block it.
Can some one send me to the non femboy discord?
So is fromsoft actually fucked? Is shit like Radahn gonna be their design philosophy from now on?
Use straight swords. You used them a lot in DS3. Use them again in DS4.
i found one in that river area, which i had to shoot down with a bow
it fell down like 800m and i have no idea where it ended up, it was the only one i found in my playthrough too
Who do the giants worship?
>The Fell God
Who cursed Messmer?
>The Fell God
Why would Marika larping as Radagon hate the red of hair?
>Because of the Fell God
I've never played a single one of these games online, so joke's on you
has there ever been a boss so obviously designed for shields?
You use the Golden Braid
The fuck is this?
Moonlight Butterfly
okay technically i lied because i havent been there yet but i automatically accounted for that one in the shadowkeep. I CANT FIND THE LAST ONE
Hopefully, it's kino.
Why not? And I don't know if I'd really call it smut
what do you mean what is this
it's a talisman found at base rauh in a chest
it's close to the grace
west of taylew's forge
When did the Fell God curse Radagon? Can you point to me where this is said?
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed
the indoor lightning on beluart is pieter claesz tier, beautiful detail on every corner, the art team did an 11/10 work even if the DLC is not so amazing
No I'd argue Phase 2 is ill suited for shields unless you go full retard poke finger slate build
thanks anon, that was a nice read
both messmer and marika loved each other a lot and it still ended like it did, that's really sad
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>Midra's manse isn't a gigantic frenzy maze legacy dungeon but just a house with a couple of rooms
>Who the fuck thought scadtree fragments were a good idea??
They wanted to prevent level 480 autists from steamrolling every boss. In that regard it's a good move
It's just a bitch to upgrade
game has a lot of bosses that put you to sleep
My favorite is pic related
Radhan is a clear exception when you compare the rest of the DLC bosses. Bayle, Rellana, Midira and Messmer show that they can still make good bosses they just get too far up their own asses when it comes to the final bosses for some reason. I thought they'd learn their lesson like they usually do for the final DLC bosses but apparently not lmao
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>Miquella used songs to calm the Frenzied Flame merchants, meaning that he went to the sewers
>Mohg gets treated like a normal person for the first time and fall in love
>This will never be true
It's so over.
There is no way those retarded game designers couldn't have thought of a better way to balance the DLC for them
Maybe you missed one in a gaol? I have 10 but I don't remember where I got them from, I just scour every dungeon and map area for treasure when I get there.
Definitely not designed for shields. I run a Medium Shield and that thing is completely useless in Phase 2.
Use a greatshield then ???
was so disappointed
3 fucking graces too
with unnecessary shortcuts
not even spooky or horror inducing

this shit was made by the same people that made upper cathedral ward and tower of latria.
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>go back to when FromSoft made actually good games
I will, you shitskin cunt.
If you seriously think that ANY FromSoft game is "hard", besides for maybe some of the optional content in DS3 and Elden Ring, then you've obviously never played a real action game before.
Devil May Cry 3 on NORMAL mode is harder than every game FromSoft have ever made, and that game has 3 more difficulty modes above that.
Just because it's hard, and can be beaten, doesn't mean that it's not designed like absolute shit. I'd rather fight Morgott, Mohg, Maliketh, Godfrey, Nameless King, Oceiros, Gael, Friede, Manus, Artorias, Kalameet, Penetrator, Old King Allant, Flamelurker, or even fucking Fume Knight a hundred times each over any of the SotE bosses besides for Rellana and Romina.
Having a 70% positive review rating on Steam is pathetic for a game produced by a studio with as many dickslurping fanboys as modern FromSoft has. In terms of Steam review scores, that means it's shit. And it's very well deserved due to a lot of factors about this DLC, including boss mechanics, the horrible fucking Scadutree Blessing system, the story, the massive imbalance of new weapons and gear (literally 1/4th of the new weapons are Faith weapons, nigger). It's just a 7/10 product in general, but the bosses are more along a 4/10. I mean for fuck's sake, the final boss is a literal reskin of one of the main game bosses but with a million times more particle effects. This shit costs 40 fucking dollars and they they couldn't be bothered to come up with an original boss design, OR make it fit sensibly into the game's established story and world?
>y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yo-y-y-you s-s-s-sim-si-s-s-si-sim-si-simpl-si-s-simply d-d-do n-
Fucking kill yourself.
Maybe come back and tell me about "difficult games" when you beat DMC3 or Nioh or Halo 2 on legendary, or even fucking Command & Conquer 3. Jesus Fucking Christ this website is full of effeminate faggots and fucking retards.
Pic related, it's u.
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If you want to keep the incest at the very least keep it with someone that looks cool.
Is a medium shield block ever worth using against a boss?
It's so funny for Hornsent to be wearing the Caterpillar Mask, something worn by the torturers of Marika's people, while chilling with Miquella's band of followers. It would be like if I was just casually chilling in a schutzstaffel uniform with my friends.
So Gael remains on the throne of final bosses in Souls?
Radahn was a shitshow
It's the great shields that are fucking broken
Yeah it's very nice. If only the potatoes had a few polygons more.
What charm does to a mf'er
>It would be like if I was just casually chilling in a schutzstaffel uniform with my friends.
What the fuck I'm not supposed to do that?
Learn to read faggot, from the beginning

>Lel Messmer is Radagon's child
>But Messmer came before Radagon
>Red hair is seen as a giant's curse for its a giant's feature
>Messmer was confirmed cursed by the Fell God
>Part of the curse is making you a ginger
>Marika and Godfrey genocide the giants to cure Messmer of the flame and curse but can't extinguish the flame so she curses the last giant
>Marika's future alterego genderbend just happens to be ginger
>turtle pope mentions that Radagon constantly seethes over his red hair
Hmmm, what did they mean by this?
Surely if Marika is a god why couldn't she make herself not be a ginger (anagram for nigger btw) unless she was cursed?

>>484019862 (the epiphany)
nah I refuse to believe that
I honestly think much of the team is working on the next game and they had to scramble a team quickly because the DLC wasn't originally planned
And he shows his nigger nature spectacularly well. Even the granny is weird.
if you have a lot of trouble blocking certain attacks that aren't part of a combo, sure
better than failing the roll and taking a hit
Greatshield + as much holy resist as you can fit on you makes the boss feel fair and balanced
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I have 16 STR.

Yes. I used it extensively throughout the DLC and it was very useful. The guard counters are very strong. If the boss hits too hard I just equip Barricade shield. Although I just mostly use them cause they look cool.
yes, the last boss of every from game is the standard of their next game.
I am malenia, consort of miquella
It's so so sad
Gael feels like a honest and fair fight at this point
nuRadahn goes as far as tainting the original Radahn bossfight
sad honestly
midras manse and castle ensis were missed opprotunities for sure. Only bad thing I can say about the dlc.
>Messmer was confirmed cursed by the Fell God
But where is this definitively said to be the case?
>not even spooky or horror inducing
this is the worst part - i could theoretically forgive it being small for whatever retarded reason, but why the fuck is it so bright in there? doesnt even make sense, candlelight doesnt look like that, let alone for a legacy dungeon in a horror themed swamp area

it could have been so much better and reeks of wasted potential, but if nothing else, just turn the fucking brightness down fromsoft for fuck sake
I found it. Belurat Gaol has 3 of them, not 2.
Mhmm, its supposed to be parasocial and sad and pathetic
Does he value your company and would talk to you if you broke the ice? Or does he think of you as just a piece of furniture basically?
You'll never know because you'll never work up the courage to say anything
Nu Radahn Is fair but difficult. If you get filtered you have a weak spirit. It's really that simple.
gael was perfectly-designed, he had fair attacks that didn't rely on sussing you out with delays and had just enough hp to not feel weak but not too much that you get bored of fighting him
Let's see your clear big boy
>nu-Radahn is fair
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>it's another "beast claw user locks himself into a long ass attack animation" episode
>press r2 with my greatsword and smack him out of it
he literally just does too much damage. its fine to have a boss with retardedly flashy moves with low downtime but if you get obliterated by them constantly theres not much you can do
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I hit him with a sword till he died.
Every attack has a consistent solution that doesn't require you to look up a fucking youtube video like waterfowl dance, so yea.
shes in her prime
>Gael feels like a honest and fair fight at this point
I beat Gael first try. He was always honest and fair. The fight was fun and I was out of Estus by the end but I just don't see the difficulty. Did people complain about him?
>Grafted Blade
>its been two weeks since the dlc came out
>nobody is still 100% certain of EVERYTHING you must do before micky L breaks his elden ring
Gael was always fair, you could stun him by being aggressive and he had limited poise, Fagdahn phase two can spam forever because bosses no longer have internal stamina
>>tfw we didn't get to fight Prime Melina as the final boss
You can't fight ashes in Elden Ring. That's in DS3.
>two weeks
Vaati Im tired of spoon feeding you when I gave you the image with all the item descriptions
She is burned and bodyless. She has obviously seen better days.
Gael was always fair
Solution to double slash into X?
With all the black/gold colouration its weird there isn't more deathblight stuff.
just get lucky and pray he doesn't do it ^_^ or pray you're on his side when he does the move already and not in front of him !
No conclusive evidence? i accept your concession.
Meant for >>484021082
accept that you get hit
>5 second endure
six weeks if you go by the reviewers getting it early
Reaching Shadow Keep from either entrance triggers the great rune breakage
Tested it with a CE engine save and teleporting into a grace in Shadow Keep triggered the event
can you even reach the main shadow keep entrance from the church district? i cant remember
The only one I saw that worked was backstep in rolling 2x but apparently the guy was using items that increases iframes
Rhkard coom face.
You can't go down the elevator to Hippo but you can do all of main entrance's Specimen Storehouse from back entrance
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After the war
How do I beat Messmer as a pure Faith Incantation user (80 FTH 30 DEX with Golden Order sword for melee) without summoning allies (Besides horned one NPC)?
The fucker is too fast, and is resistant to Lighting and Fire, so im stuck to trying to use Aspect of the Crucible Horns and Elden Stars; And meleeing the fucker is too hard.
Should I get any better spells?
Man this is good stuff I'm writing this down.
My impression is that Messmer is harder than base game bosses because due to better tracking and different hitboxes he does hit the player after jump/charged attacks that would usually make the character duck, is that right?
>Enter Land of Shadow
>Miquella communicates with the Tarnished telepathically: "If you would be my lord, demonstrate true strength by granting mercy to these Lands denizens on your way to reach me. I hereby grant you the power to pacify your weakened foes."
>"Vanquished" enemies fall asleep and give the Tarnished their runes, towards the end of the DLC they help the Tarnished once they're defeated (similar to a Bewitching Branch effect) and clear areas together with them as their connection to Miquella deepens
>Completely linear story about Miquella righting the wrongs of the Golden Order, saving Malenia and Godwyn, along with banishing the Outer God's influence from the mortal plane so that the connection with the Greater Will and be reestablished.
>All the bosses are spared, falling asleep in their boss room similar to Rennala
>By the end, Miquella is completely won over and makes the Tarnished promise them to be his consort in a childish manner like at the end of this Launch Trailer https://youtu.be/M-Xh4vbs6go?t=170
>Last legacy dungeon of the DLC is Miquella and the Tarnished exploring how Marika ascended to godhood while he hangs out by sites of grace giving the Tarnished his counsel and playfully flirting with them
>From here on whenever the Tarnished dies, Miquella teleports to them, clinging onto their back and reviving them like Lothric in DS3.
>Final line up of bosses are: Godwyn, God of Death and the Sins of Mankind, Greater Will Interference
>Scene of Miquella healing Godwyn and Malenia and resurrecting the fallen demi-gods with the Tarnished. All the denizens of the Land's Between are blessed with eternal youth.
> End credits scene is of a group of 18 foot tall child demi-gods adorned in angelic white robes that make their appearance imperceptible that are the descendants of Miquella and the Tarnished far into the future. They bring stars with them, and guide extraterrestrial worlds they come across from afar.
At least for physical damage, a medium shield with barricade shield up is better than a greatshield without it
the mind investment to be able to do this constantly is less than the strength investment to be able to use greatshields if your build isn't strength based
Very cute. Now show us the greatshield you unequipped for this screenshot to bait you’s.
i don't use a medium shield but 2-hand the guts sword. blocking is worth it even on that because I can do it without worrying about timing like a roll. It's an emergency guard that's used rarely but it's saved my ass countless times after I committed to a jumping heavy I shouldn't have
Since when has anything feelgood ever happened in these games ever?
That's baby trolling.

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