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Marika is a well written villain
>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Genocided: >>484006134
Where can I find this armor in game?
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the bone bow is pretty good against dragons
right around the nexus grace
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>Spirits get hurt by Frenzied Flame
>Which is why Torrent gets scared in the Abyssal Woods, and why his ring disappears in the ending
>Melina is a spirit
>Still survives
i love item crafting and i loved hefty cracked pots!
>t. Moore
The Greater Will hasn't abandoned the world, the Greater Will is dead.
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So this is the "strength" of your average hostcel these days...
Embarrassing. Can even one of them still put up a fight?
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What is this "X was fair" meme i see nu-fromsoft faggots spout around here?

since when have fromsoft games ever been "Fair"? Isnt the entire point that the game is unfairly hard?

What the fuck happened to this playerbase?
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Every single time
lmao. fucking idiots
Why does messmer pop his eye out?
I thought eyes were associated with frenzy, not snakes.
we grew up
My korean headcanon is still that she did the graven head thing on purpose
I'm in love with you. How do you feel about that?
Roll late and you dodge both slashes with one medium roll, then roll through the x and hit him with a rolling attack. It's probably his hardest normal move to consistently deal with, but getting hit by one of the slashes does very little damage so it's not a huge deal anyway though.
Why are you Korean?
Marika? More like PLAPrika
>creator of the universe doesn't care
>creator of the universe is dead
Which is worse?
They are pretty cool, I wish we could buy the scarlet buds. Tired of miyazaki making me run circles for 40 minutes to get a finite resource.
Freyja can't read, much like most Radahn fans
Btw the reason it's a spiral is because all artifacts created from the spines of Empyreans are double helixes. Just like the sword that the Elden Beast turns Radagon into.
She is, s/he is phase 1 of the final boss
That's what makes her a good villain. You're just so used to poorly written villains. It's like someone who's only eaten McDonald's their entire lives finally eating a juicy medium rare steak.
Unlimited hornsent genocide now.
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guess im an idiot too
>since when have fromsoft games ever been "Fair"?
The average boss in From games has always been fair.
Fairness is not a measure of how hard a boss is, it's a measure of how much it follows the established rules of the game.
People started complaining after From started giving bosses rulebreaking abilities like canceling out of poise breaks.
The redmanes aren't exactly know for their int stat.
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double nigger
first attempt with mimic, i hate it. without my best attempt was putting him to 30% and with it feels too easy.
it was the same with malenia either way the victory is gonna feel like shit and i actually like his first phase by now
Im so glad it's morally correct to be racist against Hornsent.
>get to scadu 8 trying to kill some field bosses for their drops
>finally get around to the divine tower
>mop the floor with the dancing lion while eating every hit
I think I got over scadu'd for this guy.
i dont get it
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>almost every single summon for radahn is a host sat behind a greatshield poking at him
>including people from this general
>pitiful damage from host and now stuck with bloated boss HP bar to deal with with less estus
Bonus points for the greatshield turtle sitting near a wall so his attacks are harder to dodge too.
You guys from the general summoning and using greatshield turtling know you aren't going to beat the game right?
I'm not, it's just a phrase
Didn't a bunch of them master gravity magic?
these games remind you when asians got nuked
who the fuck is nanaya
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>Shaman Village
That's some good stuff. Almost makes me want to forgive the rest of the lore shitshow.
Do we learn why exactly do the Hornsent stuff Marika's people into jars? I think I missed that.
Is godhood really worth it?
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>took until the end of a $40 DLC for people to start wondering if they went too far
It's too late.
The primeval current is also a double helix, the source of all life. Runes are the code for life, the double helix is the structure for life.
still not reading your smut
crucible knight grow wings
their flesh are good for that lole
Nanaya business, bozo
cooping through areas with people should make it so that any resources you pick up are multiplied and given to every player

>me cooping with two others pick up some rada fruit
>i recieve 3 of them, as does everyone else
their flesh fuses particularly well with others
I think all 11 main bosses of the dlc are pretty fair. Phase two Radahn is the only one that pushes that with some attacks being both very difficult to understand, and also often instant killing you, so it's hard to experiment defenses against them since they just obliterate you 60% of the way through a difficult fight, but overall I still liked him.
Fell God cursed Marika/Radagon as a final fuck you confirmed
They have special flesh that is really good at crafting stuff.
Midra's wife
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We should all apologize
Boy, I sure do love fire attacks that home in and hit through every shield I have
jump nigga
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Igon struck the final blow with a dragon communion incant... HOLY kino.... If you didn't summon for this fight then you didn't beat the game.
>panic rolls away
>the thing you're not supposed to do
>gets punished
not even code vein or any anime soulslike had a boss like this fucking kek
This reminds me when I played Pokemon as a kid. I only leveled my started and every other Pokemon was fodder for HMs. If my Starter ever fell, all the other pokemon would just be meat shields while I resed and healed my starter. This is how this fight felt. Never attacking, only healing.
>really good at crafting stuff
what were they making?

Good at what? Making jars full of human stuff? What is it for?
>mindlessly panic rolling
>mimic tear

Name a more iconic duo.
is there a single S-scaling strength weapon in the entire game btw?
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Fucking finally

>No summons
>No sorceries/incantations
>No nerfs
As the Crucible is a blending of all life, and the Shamans are those who are closest to nature, Shamans blend with other life more easily than anyone else.
They worship the crucible, the primordial blending of life. They shove the shamans into jars to "become saints" by becoming a primordial blending of life.
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How big?
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The gate of divinity is a giant fused mass of bloody flesh in the trailer. So probably to make that.
The primeval current is from the spine of the greater will. The greater will is dead. It's likely the universe hopping, God hating, trickster entity patches killed him somehow. Patches isn't an outergod, he's something greater. More terrifying. He's an anti-god. Even the frenzy flame is an outergod. But patches is something more intense.
Ruins Greatsword
Are any of the items that give you a dragon form worth using?
You'll see
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Marika sealed his eye to contain the snake within him. Messmer pops out his eye because he's mad that his mom would be desperate enough to let a tarnished be by her side when he has sacrifcied so much for her and is hidden away in the shadow realm. He also thinks she abandon he when she got locked inside the Erdtree. He's gonna lose the fight to some no name low born so he breaks the seal his mother made and embraces the heresay snake as long as it means he can take you down with him.
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Are you and your friends ready?
>what were they making?
you know
evil stuff
why is he modelled with boobs hes not trans lole
Shamans meld into other flesh very well. That's why all the jar innards you fight have the woman at the center. To me it kinda makes me think that when the Hornsent say Marika betrayed them, they mean it in the 'How dare you refuse the blessing of living sainthood.' What we don't know is if the Hornsent mistreated the Shamans because they're all Numen and therefore foreigners, or if it was just some fucked up pragmatism.
Crazy projection, but she's not a villain.
Brick Hammer, Troll Smasher
grats :)
If you're using dragon incants, yes they are both worth using.
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Ill go back in time and become Miquellas promised Consort. I'll be the wife he deserves. Not the two-timing, two-faced, Radahn. No mind control necessary.
Dry Leaf Arts or Smithscript Spear & Shield for my next run?
I've never used a spear before and haven't touched DLA.
>Hornset try to become/summon god? but Marika beat them to it?
Still wondering how this even event is reached and even has a chance to take place. What were the Hornset up to?
hes going charm you anyway and make you kill your mother to prove your loyalty (you end up killing your entire family instead, just to demonstrate your dedication to the cause)
a lot of bot posts in here
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I wish you could separate them into individual blades, I'd love to use either one separately but I'm not a big fan of the stance or dual-wielding.
Reminder that the hornsent npc, is very likely on of the potentates that stuffed Marika's people in jars, and killing him together with Leda is the objectively right choice.
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Very based.
If Patches is so powerful than why I can spam Starcaller's Cry on him until he dies?
dead internet schizos abound. fuck off retard
You wanted me to point you where it was said and so I found you pictures and highlighted them for you. Do you need me to wipe your mouth with your bib as well?
Could the reason all of her kids are cursed be her own fucked up vagina and not her spouses? Morgott and radahn from her people being connected to the crucible, malenia being fused in the womb with the essence of scarlet rot, miquella inheriting their more spiritual nature being eternally young, messmer and melina inheriting the cursed flames they were both respectively conceived shortly after her interaction between with the flames. But godwyn. Why is godwyn the only one NOT affected? Or could he have been affected but in a way so minor no one knows how or why?
>1.9m people didn't beat the game
>he fell for the prepare to die meme
I like that the games are challenging but difficulty is hardly the "entire point".
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Shadow of the erdtree > sekiro > bloodborne > DS1 > Elden Ring >>>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS3

Smithscript weapons are fun and the shield is pretty cracked, Dry Leaf Arts look cool but feel bad to use against DLC bosses.
So the Crucible is the golden star the EB arrived on right?
The hornsent were trying to supplant the dragonlord.
He's doing it for the lols. He never truly dies he just hops universes if you kill him.
>boss can chain together fifteen different moves if he wants to
>boss can cross the distance of the entire arena faster than your flask animation
>boss can decide to spam arena-wide aoe whenever
>boss will shit out so many magic effects you will become completely unable to see what is happening
>boss never runs out of stamina
>boss never stops attacking
>boss can hit you and kill you when you're down on the ground trying to get up, literally nothing you can do about it
Not a single boss in this DLC is remotely fun or fair. Fromsoft has completely forgotten what made their games good once.
Ringed city remains untouched as the best soulslop of all time.
>Brainlets unironically thinking the issue is rolling instead of the fact that the boss is invincible or unable to be hit by the vast majority of builds.
who says he stays dead?
personally i would've rather they just gave the L1s and R2s unique paired attacks. it's very frustrating they never do this
Tailored for Radahn's pleasure
kys retard
most of the dlc bosses are incredibly fun and all your cope is just blatantly false and you coping with your absolute shittery
Wouldn't it be more intimate and more interesting if instead like you take the as-is with him wanting Radadhn and he ends up falling in love with you instead over time?
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Why do u ppl hate Ds3 so much? :(
Miquella's packing a girthy, circumcised 7 incher
Godwyn is the only mystery as to how he was uncursed at birth... but cursed with eternal undeath.
Could also now explain why not only he is a half fish monster, but WHY he also was able to fuse with the Erdtree roots and spread the deathblight
lol you got fagpilled.
am I dumb or is actually harder to initiate attacks in this fight?
Wasn't Godwyn a mermaid or some shit like that?
Only Gay Radhan and arguably Commander Gaius fit all those descriptions
only people who have never played a FROM DLC are surprised or disappointed by this. 2 year wait was a mistake, expectations became way too high and too many people came up with their idealized headcanon of what the DLC would be

although Miyazaki saying it wouldn't impact the base game should have woken people up
Where is the corpses of the gods Marika killed to become a god? Where is the Gloam-Eyed Queen? Where are the rest of the Godskin black flame users? Why aren't there more black flame spells?! I killed a LITERAL FUCKING GOD and I couldn't skin the mother fucker!? What the fuck is going ON!??!?!?

Nah. Fun action game, but there's no build variety and the bosses are forgettable.
You play it once then move on.
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that attack isn't even bad, you can jump the rocks and block his ninjutsu combo
the real bullshit is the AOE that comes after every swing, I'm not ashamed of cheesing this faggot. Very satisfying to parry him in the 2nd phase
What the fuck are you talking about retard.
only radahn is like that and gaius is like whatever if you use a shield
Oh cool. /v/ showed up with his > > > >>>>>>> >>>>>> discussion.
that's no fun. what about the cheese?
this is game trash easy if you not overweight or a third world weeb enjoyer
the sheer verticality of tRC makes me coom to this day. i think only shulva was the one exception to the horribly linear, horizontal level design outside of ds1 in the original souls trilogy until it came along. even bloodborne was annoyingly linear until you made it to maybe mensis land
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>Messmer, I know I've had you go to war a lot lately, but I just need one last favor from you, and you can do whatever you want.
>Take all of your men, and that nice Carian girl too, and kill the Hornsent. I know you can do it! Remember, your mommy loves you!
>Can't believe he actually bought that, what an idiot. Back into the sewer Mogh, I'll leave a plate of ham for you tomorrow since you were such a good boy. And remember, never ever open a new portal to the shadow realm, and you never had a brother named Messmer
Noted, so how did Marika beat the Hornset to it? I assume she isn't that strong as country shaman girl to slaughter everyone at the gate
>I think all 11 main bosses of the dlc are pretty fair.
I agree. I don't think any boss in er is unfair aside from Malenia, but ironically her unfair bit has pretty much zero impact on her difficulty.
People are calling the bosses in the dlc unfair, but really the problem is rather that they are just bad imo. The ratio of time soent attacking vs time spent defending is just too fucking low and it pisses people off. Also drain their concentratiion, which results in mistakes and the perception of the game being too unforgiving.
Also there are a few bosses with attacks that feel way too artificial and immersion breaking. You can only see so many double tap attacks in a game before being forced to acknowledge you're being punished for using the basic game mechanic of your choice (rolling) instead of the one Mike Zaki wanted you to use (deflecting).
Because it is recycled slop that doesn’t innovate at all and is just lazy through and through. Also it was the beginning of enemies having ridiculous combos and infinite stamina.
God I wish so much, but I think it's just that like death stuff is associated with the fish stuff that ends up making him look like a mermaid after death I don't think like h3 always looked like that
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>stated mission of the whole game is to get to her so you can be her consort
>is the one giving you all of your powers and the one who called you to the Lands Between
>aligned with the player for 99% of the narrative
>the fanbase has somehow decided she's the villain
I think people are kind of mindbroken because Marika's archetype doesn't really exist in past From games and the closest analogues are villains so they pigeonhole her in the role even though she's really not that.
He was great. Best NPC summon since iron tarkus.
his name is mohg
>marika canonically looks like this
Did we win
I just go to the church of the bud grace and bacwards into the ruins and there's always two there and doesnt take too long
>first invasion of the day at level 80
>level 200 password phantom who does literally nothing but spam greatsword of damnation L2
>i see them press 1H R1 with it once, telling you how dog shit they are
>they still lose to me using the fucking tooth whip
My second favourite boss of the DLC was the Leda gank
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if you've suffered through radahn second phase without cheesing him you're a retard that wasted his time for a shitty boss lololol
ngl i died to that more times than every other boss fight combined and doubled
Nah the DLC is fantastic. It has glaring issues but it is still peak From.
also I gotta mention that fucking twink's hair blocking Radahn's swords so it's hard to see if he's delaying a swing or not, they needed to pull the camera back more for this fight
>Marika has a block head
Favourite 10 OST tracks:

1. Promised Consort - Shoi Miyazawa
2. Those United In Common Cause - Soma Tanizaki
3. Putrecent Knight - Tsukasa Saitoh
4. The Mother of Fingers - Shoi Miyazawa
5. St Trina - Yuka Kitamura
6. Divine Beast - Shoi Miyazawa
7. Messmer, the Impaler - Tsukasa Saitoh
8. Bayle The Dread - Tai Tomizawa
9. Lord of Frenzied Flame - Shoi Miyazawa
10. Scadutree Avatar (3rd phase) - Tai Tomizawa

In some ways better OST imo than main game except main/Elden Beast theme and Mohg theme.

Wish they bringed back Motoi Sakuraba and his dream music though.
You get your 20 second cutscene as a reward.
Holy shit I just realized why Ranni killed Godwyn specifically. It's because he would be a candidate for Elden Lord at the shattering. Queen Marika's favorite child would become her consort. Getting rid of Godwyn not only gets rid of an Elden Lord who is loyal to Marika, but allows Ranni to charm the tarnish that would become Marika's Elden Lord.

Pecs. What, you don't know? he used to have Blinding Strength. Miquella was one of the strongest mother fuckers in all of the Lands Between, even IF he had the body of a child, he could just flick your skull to pieces if he wanted to. Then he sacrificed that too to achieve full homo godhood with his King Consort Total Bro Radahn. No, really, he was stronger than Malenia back then.
Show us your NG+7 no hit Prime Radahnquella
You don't understand the basic concept of nu-souls combat. You are standing there waiting for the boss to do a certain attack. You experiment and learn how to defend and punish each attack. If you are low health you trade your punish opprotunity for a sip of estus. That's it. It doesn't matter that the boss has infinite stamina or whatever, you just punish each attack in the window it gives you.
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His power is his inevitability. Kill him in every FROM game since armored core if you wish, he will appear once again in the next.
Mohg loves his sewer
there was a seduction and a betrayal that led to the golden order/marika becoming a god, not much else to go on
Man Croatia's lucky, why can't we have hot milfs as out presidents?
Cheers for the tip. Really enjoying this build.
Do people really sending coopers back to their homes when they see them grab someone with the sword of damnation ash of war? I have been sent home once and this last hours every time someone with that sword nailed an invader got sent back home.
We don't know if that bit is true anymore since taht speculation was based on Midra's picture and a bunch of loretuber slop that was debunked
main gauche is disappointing
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Using fire on the Scoobydoo Avatar should be illegal.
Takes like 5-6 headshots to kill it.
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True and based.
yeah and that sucks
DS1 > BB > ER > DS3 > DeS >>>>> Hello kitty island adventure >>>>> DS2
>Enter Land of Shadow
>Miquella communicates with the Tarnished telepathically: "If you would be my lord, demonstrate true strength by granting mercy to these Lands denizens on your way to reach me. I hereby grant you the power to pacify your weakened foes."
>"Vanquished" enemies fall asleep and give the Tarnished their runes, towards the end of the DLC they help the Tarnished once they're defeated (similar to a Bewitching Branch effect) and clear areas together with them as their connection to Miquella deepens
>Completely linear story about Miquella righting the wrongs of the Golden Order, saving Malenia and Godwyn, along with banishing the Outer God's influence from the mortal plane so that the connection with the Greater Will can be reestablished.
>All the bosses are spared, falling asleep in their boss room similar to Rennala
>By the end, Miquella is completely won over and makes the Tarnished promise them to be his consort in a childish manner like at the end of this Launch Trailer https://youtu.be/M-Xh4vbs6go?t=170 [Embed]
>Last legacy dungeon of the DLC is Miquella and the Tarnished exploring how Marika ascended to godhood while he hangs out by sites of grace giving the Tarnished his counsel and playfully flirting with them
>From here on whenever the Tarnished dies, Miquella teleports to them, clinging onto their back and reviving them like Lothric in DS3.
>Final line up of bosses are: Godwyn, God of Death and the Sins of Mankind, Greater Will Interference
>Scene of Miquella healing Godwyn and Malenia and resurrecting the fallen demi-gods with the Tarnished. All the denizens of the Land's Between are blessed with eternal youth.
> End credits scene is of a group of 18 foot tall child demi-gods adorned in angelic white robes that make their appearance imperceptible that are the descendants of Miquella and the Tarnished far into the future. They bring stars with them, and guide extraterrestrial worlds they come across from afar.
they designed a rapier for daggers, it doesn't even have a special moveset with another rapier it's just like double rapier
It has poor build variety, and the setting is a little less interesting. Outside the DLC it's lacking much memorable content and it's pretty linear. That said all the content is well polished and the DLC is top shelf From kino. I think it's way better than ds2, and arguably better than ds1 on replay.
She isn't just a spirit, she's the daughter of Marika. She's a demigoddess.
Sir Ansbach is such an obvious standin for Gideon that it annoys me. Just bring back THE ALL KNOWING
Why did I think I could be a pure caster in this fucking game?
Unrelated, but I wish there was a way to buy/farm Claymores.
its from the story trailer just before release
Never should have doubted him. Although I'm kinda surprised he doesn't show up in Armored Core 6.
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The Crucible is the Primordial Soup of all life that the Greater Will divested. Those fragments divested themslves again and again and make up all of life.
its basically just wakazashi but for rapiers. doesnt work with heavy thrusting swords either
Weapon arts and the FP system were a decent enough innovation imo. I feel like the combo thing is more bloodborne's fault but it's not like the bosses were terribly difficult because of them either. Only thing I didn't really like was the whole game basically just being a corridor from zone to zone.
Hornsent is the one who killed me the most in the Leda Gank. His tracking incantation one shots me even with 60 vigor and any sort of armor. Which is hilarious considering Radahn doesn't one shot me. Fun fight though.
Roll slop + member berries. Its still better than DS2 though because its at least not complete ass to play. Even if the level design sucks.
We see him before assassination he wasn't a mermaid. His mutation came from his undeath.
What if he did have a curse? What if it was just something that benefited him. Like an affinity for all life, which is why everyone even the dragons seemed to like him, and that affinity mutated when he died, turning him into the creature we see ingame
Doesn't it have buckler parry frames?
ds1 undead burg through anor londo was an amazing accident I think, everything after that even in ds1 just wasn't half as kino. Stormveil castle on my first play through is the first time from soft has captured a bit of that magic again imo.
I won't be home for like 3 hours but if you want one I can give it to you
Well, she currently is.
They didn't do a good job with Melina bro. They're not doing that with Miquella, unfortunately.
>clinging onto their back and reviving them like Lothric in DS3.
I want a mermaid fromsoft game
I think Midra is so far the only bossfight I've sort of enjoyed
There's no way that Marika was a titcow. Post in-game evidence.
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Leda is Gideon, retard.
at least you have some taste
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Playing the same game for 4 years drives people insane
Nah, I'm good really. I still have two GUTS swords to fall back on for powerstancing.
Beat Elden Ring DLC.


One of, if not, the best dark fantasy games. I don't know how they top this. GGs, glad to be alive during its inception and completion.
Reminder marika had us kill messmer because he wouldn't Marry and fuck rellana. She had us kill miquella for being gay. If you don't want to have sex with women she kills you. Simple.
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>spins all over the place with every attack unless it's a thrust
>fire explosions everywhere
>AoEs out the ass
>barely takes a breath inbetween attacks, basically so fast I don't even know if he would feel more organic to fight in BB or Sekiro
This fight feels like it was designed as a raid boss for three to four players or some shit. Did you guys actually enjoy this shit? I just got annoyed and used dancing lion frost stomp to own his ass.
I like a challenge but this was ridiculous, what the fuck were they thinking?
No, Amsbach doesn't have an overblow ego. This is shown by him daring to share his feelings of fear.
"Aw eye nude yood com"
I suppose but the base game taught me that the cinematic trailers usually lie by the end of the game. Im not opposed, just want as much clarity as From is giving out.
Him, the gank fight, and the rot bug lady are the only good fights.
>that webm

What in the actual fucking fuck am I watching?
Don't like Messmer?
i beat him in 3 tries, he has way too much downtime in his second phase after the snake attack
he's really not bad at all
>rainbow arrow barrage
>they just disappear
git gud
Will I get malware'd for using CheatEngine? I just want to respawn some cool bosses without NG+ or coop bullshit.
How many of you beat Radahn with a parry buckler?
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Can someone here please drop me the swift slash ash of war on PC??? that would be much appreciated.
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There's a lack of freckles in ER.
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Footsies macrospacing feint jeestep pro gameplay
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I actually really liked messmer. He was very intimidating at first, with the flying and explosions, but pretty quickly I realised the actual dodging patterns aren't scary at all. Fun fight. Probably the best in the DLC for me.
the pinnacle of competitive pvp
>get summoned by nurse
>one of you guys judging by the symbol by his name
>going fairly well
>get to phase 2
>you get bodied by his transition in one hit
>1300 max HP
>skibidi level 1
Bruh what are you doing
Average honorable duel in a from software game.
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Hornsent worship the Crucible and not the Greater Will. Maybe it has to do with offering gold, as in the story trailer Marika pulls some gold strands out before raising them up.
Im not really into NTR though
just cheat it in retard
Str/Fth or Str/Arc?
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Not necessarily just marika's elden lord. But ranni's too. You must remember marika's grace can point us along her quest. And marika has us murder miquella and radahn. Its very likely marika doesn't care which of her children replaces her as long as a tarnished is her lord. In a sense you must remember she created the tarnished as a group, while not in the literal sense, they're her kids, kids she made without the curse or without the golden order's influence. They're the followers of her will. Even if it leads to her own death(freeing her from the prison of godhood and letting some other shitter(ranni) take her place)
I beat him on my first try with a cold great katana and savage lion's claw spam. I literally have no idea what this niggas attack patterns even are and just assumed we were meant to try cheese all the bosses after fighting Rellana
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I did, just like I said. Didn't you read my post?
str/arc so you can abuse chicken leg before it's nerfed
>I like a challenge but this was ridiculous, what the fuck were they thinking?
"I hope the streamers like this"
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We all know that Ranni had freckles.
Invaders are so bad at this game
I am super good so I never lose to them
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what the fuck are these things anyway?
Can we at least agree that having everyone's scoobydoo level be the same as the host's is stupid? We didn't go through all that trouble collecting them just to be brought down to fucking 5-8.
The loretubers have failed us, /erg/ is the last line of defense of Miquella's honor.
this game turns your brain to mush
you can tell why weebs like it so much
Literally the best fight in the DLC. Stick close to him and none of the fire AoEs will hit you, except from the jumping ones which you'll have to dodge.
>barely takes a breath inbetween attacks, basically so fast I don't even know if he would feel more organic to fight in BB or Sekiro
Now that is complete bullshit. Especially in the second phase, when he slowly turns from a snake back to humanoid.

The best realization for me was when I noticed that you can actually tell if he will continue the combo or end on the current attack, because both versions actually have slightly different timings. I could 100% predict whether he'll stop or charge a thrust or swipe, and therefore I could easily fit my attacks in between.
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Show me those tarnished.
My girl just wanted to repopulate her tribe yet these lazy fucks didn't make any children on their own.
What did I accomplish ??
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He's okay, but I don't really care to refight him again. It's like the snake niggas from bloodborne but too anime.
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She wasn't, her damaged and corpse models match closely with her concept art. She had D cups but wasn't super endowed EXCEPT marika has a massive ass an obscenely large ass
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Why did he do it, anons...why...
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I wish this game was balanced around summons because this little guy is so fun to use
He is a Homosexual lunatic.
doesnt really matter since if it low enough to be an issue the host is probably getting bodied first
You help Miquella ascend to godhood
And then you kill him because him being a god is bad, actually
You leave
Does Asnbach have any dialogue after beating Radahn with him? He just balloons the health pool so I never summon NPCs
You killed a god and his lord and removed the final contender for the elden throne from the board.
>Not necessarily just marika's elden lord. But ranni's too.
Godwyn would never choose Ranni over Marika, that's my point. A tarnished on the other hand doesn't have that maternal baggage.
They're referred to in game as lampreys, which are just giant leeches and they're proximity to finger ruins make me think they're alien parasites that hitched a ride on Metyr
You stopped the twink from usurping the title of elden lord or something.
Snakeskins I assume from those annoying as fuck finger snakes that snipe you off torrent then suck your face off
Melina is for spit roasting with my bro Midra
Okay but I already became elden lord before I knew about him
It can double your damage lmao it's bad enough as it is. Then there is a bug that sometimes doesn't scale the scadu of the yellows but if that was not enough the bloodfiend hamstick can just give you 200+ bleed with a single hit regardless of skibidi fagments.
Miyazaki himself said she was in multiple interviews. She's just best girl. You can be both the ideal woman and a villain. Infact the ideal woman is a villain to counteract a man's goodness. They're both necessary to raise healthy kids and that's what marika and I will he doing. Raising hundreds, no, thousands of demigods we had from our vigorous fucking
Nobody worships the Greater Will except for Ymir, and that's less worship and more scientific discovery
Idk I guess I'm too old for this shit but I could beat phase 1 fine, but phase 2? When he summons the snakes and everything is exploding everywhere? My brain just gives up, it just feels like utter nonsense. Even in phase one when he starts spinning in the air I can't tell what the fuck is going on. But I made my own solution to beating him so whatever. Maybe I'll try it "legit" next time
i'm dissappointed you can't get his head like all the other imps
you took down another contender for the throne, now go fuck marika or ranni
CE is not working on the current version of the game.
That's not really ntr though, Radadhn doesn't love or want him
Unless you mean like if he decided to go for radahn anyway then it'd be cuckqueaning ntr but that's not what I was saying would happen.
But also yeah actually now that I think qbout it going back in time to avoid bad ending is intimate and good, you're right
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invading in shadow keep is pretty fun
Port Bloodborne and no one will give a shit about any other Souls game.
If he's dead then I'd say your method was legit.
>no DLC merchant to sell you infinite materials for crafting
fuck Miyazaki, I'm not going to bother designing my build or playstyle around shit I need to farm. Why the fuck can't you buy string?
>absolutely massive openings whenever he goes snek form
>all the aoes are spaced out so you can roll them easily
>the spins have such a weird inclination the only way to get hit is standing still
If you wanna complain about messmer complain about those laughable ghost hurtboxes he has and how silly it looks when he decides to just spam the snek 3 hit combo non stop.
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Now her ass is from her model. Marika had a huge ass and radagon had a huge ass for a guy.
why should I care about some god-troon?
there's literally no explanation for Miquella's motivations or yours as the Tarnished opposing him
or how everything that happens just coincides with Miquella's plans
Radahn dying/losing to a Tarnished? Miquella planned it.
Mohg kidnapping Miquella? Planned it.
Malenia? LOL she doesn't matter anymore despite being "Blade of Miquella". She never even had the balls to look for Miquella.
Mohg dying? PLANNED - so Miquella could use his body as a surrogate for Radahn! (why couldn't he just use Radahn's OWN body?)
I want Godhood! Why? Who cares.
I'm going to get Godhood! How? Um... by discarding my humanity? (Not explained) Also why doesn't EVERYONE do this if Godhood is apparently achievable? How does one even learn of a method to Godhood?
>um yeah I read a rumor on an internet forum
>uh no im making this shit up as I go
>well ackshually becoming a god is a science, so Miquella can work things out

Miquella gets Radahn (somehow), now what? IM A GOD NOW
and we find them just doing nothing.... wow such godhood
did they JUST become a god-pair? what the fuck is happening?

And why is the Tarnished opposing them? Did the DLC need to be beaten to canonically beat the game? How come Miquella doesn't care about the Great Runes that were the source of power from the now fractured Elden Ring?
Killing Invaders is also fun hehe
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Oh man, they definitely wanted Messmer to be the new Malenia.
All the Marika statues in the dlc really do show how fucking fat her ass is. Which I suppose is where Malenia inherited it from
Yes it is dummy, I just updated my 10 character mule 2 days ago with the latest TGA table. Just follow the GitHub instructions from the link in the erpasta
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This could be a shitty trasnlation thing, but if he is a martyr not a sacrifice it would imply he was in on Ranni's plan. Maybe they just didn't expect the deathblight.
Is that not already the case? When I get summoned I can pick things up. Is it stopping the host from picking them up if I do?
I wasted a +10 great ghost glovewort on this nigger just to see him get killed by messmer in a nanosecond. Summon Level 9 too iirc
Huh, I've found second phase to be easier. The snakes are pretty slow to attack, and like I said, they leave him exposed longer.
The only attack that felt actually chaotic was the one that starts with him expoding, then a bunch of snakes, and then his jump into spears from the ground. That one got me a couple of times.
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Guy who did Radahn at RL1 +0 Scadutree Blessing, btw.
>demon of hatred was a DS3 boss in Sekiro
>malenia was a sekiro boss in ER
Any case like this in SOTE?
I don't understand the mentality of an invader, you're breaking into someones home while they're enjoying the game and get upset that they're having fun with friends, so that justifies using exploits to kill them in ways they can't defend themselves from?
there was no motivation for me to kill leda and her gang, what was the point of all that
weren't they not brain washed anymore?
guys who want to become the fingers, check out description of item they drop
The fucking after(before?)image attacks look so fucking amateurish.
But is ranni in love with the tarnished by the end.
Putrescent Knight does none of these yet people call him one of the worst bosses
Half the bosses have Bloodborne movesets
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It's so weird seeing people using my cropped Miquella screenshot
What spacing looks like when footwork isn't a factor.
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just dodge bro
>testing for ages
>not even a week old dlc when he wrote that
these guys really play ER 15 hours per day doing the same run over and over and over and over
They are still on miquellas side, and you aren't. Leda and her gang were still loyal pre brainwashing.
The dlc takes place before the ending of the base game. Its why beating radagon isn't required to start the dlc but beating mohg and radahn are. Just like how ringed city doesn't take place after the player reignites the first flame or takes it. Or how the old hunters doesn't take place after gerhman.
>But is ranni in love with the tarnished by the end.
Maybe, but Ranni showing up at the start of your journey in the Lands Between because she heard Torrent had a new master is sus.
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Invaders can't beat me, but radahn can by oneshotting the host before I even make it to him
Not really he doesn't even have a waterfowl equivalent
90% of his combos end up leaving him wide open for easy punishes too
What's there hard to understand? Miquella wants a world where everyone can have a place. He realizes the people are incapable of that so he wants to ascend to god power and use the power to charm everyone like how the base group of seekers. They were only able to work together with the charm in place and when the charm broke the group fell apart right away. He simply desired the good characteristics of Radahn like a psychopath while now even caring for what Radahn wants. He was simply something Miquella desired and obsessed with giving proof of Miquella's rotten soul.
>Radadhn doesn't love or want him
Doesn't final dream sequence cutscene imply that Radahn and Miquella made a pact? So technically Radahn voluntarily turned incest-gay?
he's really easy
Martyrdom is rarely ever a willing action so much as a threat to discourage your death by shady and tasteless methods for fear of higher retribution
You didn't beat the game
alright, i think i missed a zone that explains leda and her friends since i have no clue what was going on with them
Idk I haven't beat the dlc
There is a string bell bearing in the DLC iirc.
No? Why are you like this? I've heard people cry about every other boss in the DLC so far, and yet none of them actually turned out to be "bullshit" or even harder than the average remembrance boss from the base game.
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What could possibly go wrong?
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>or how everything that happens just coincides with Miquella's plans
That's just Miyazaki tying up all loose ends poorly because he wants to finish Elden Ring and move on.
Yeah any of us who beat him fair and square pretty much already know how bullshit that move is. As he said unless you're perfectly positioned (off centre to him by a large degree) you won't be able to roll it.
Because he's a failure.
>Tried to save Godwyn, failed.
>Tried to cure Malenia, failed.
>Tried to make the Haligtree a haven, it became a rotted cesspool.
So he said "hey maybe if I become a God I can actually fix shit" but didn't have the fucking mental capacity to realize leaving behind his love to try and create an age of compassion is a direct fucking contradiction. He doesn't just look like a child, he has the fucking mindset of one. He has no understanding of hindsight, lacks any form of foresight, and doesn't take responsibilities for the messes he makes. He doesn't even see the ethical issues of using his mind control powers while trying to move towards his "age of compassion". He's a juvenile retard and he must die regardless of anything simply because he wields WAY too much power and doesn't have the ability to understand the responsibility said power comes with. He's like a toddler with a gun. You can tell him not to shoot anyone, he's gonna say okay he won't shoot anyone, but eventually he's gonna fucking shoot someone. He literally doesn't believe his actions should have consequences, he's DIRECTLY responsible for Malenia rotting Caelid for fucks sake.
huh so radahn's phase 2 happens at 60% hp?
he doesn't have 2 health bars?
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Fat asses and/or wide hips are genetic. This is the real reason the omens and messmer were exiled. They were flat.
>Why the fuck can't you buy string?
You can, find String-Seller's Bell Bearing in DLC.
>Implying of a pact
>It's just Miquella talking to himself like a schizo on his chair throne in Leyndell
>none of them actually turned out to be "bullshit"
None of them except radahn phase 2
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I hate those faggots.
not him but i 100% think that too but they made him too easy, he's supposed to be this cool human char with flashy moveset but "fair", obviously a 2.0 malenia but failed at making him hard
this game is so fucking stupid fuck chinks
thank god they finally got rid of Kitamura, they need to bring back some of the Bloodborne crew as well. OSTs by these guys actually match the boss, Kitamura's shit all sound the same regardless of the boss
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>Nobody worships the Greater Will
>1 fucking hour
Also why is there a rain of shit
Just finished it. Most main bosses were pieces of shit and I'm fucking mad. Sure is fun having to flawlessly dodge half a dozen or more attacks just to get one or two light attacks in.

Final boss phase 2 especially is just the fucking worst. The only boss I've ever had to change my build for to a greatshield because I just couldn't dodge all the bullshit..
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Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Miquella must be stopped, no matter the cost.
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>he fell for it
lmao imagine making such a massive mary sue that you cannot hurt her or kill her if you want
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Based deconstruction
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Slightly weird question but, aside from the moveset, are the any marked difference between weapons in the same class?
For example, if I like the moveset of Banished Knight sword, would using that vs a Claymore be a huge loss?
That's not worship. There's not a single church in the game dedicated to the GW or even anyone calling it a God (even though it is). It's a space consciousness
you can... check out the new bell-bearings
that's the one boss I haven't fought yet
so I guess we'll see
I will never ever listen to this shitty board ever again if that one turns out to be perfectly normal, too
Not necessarily, she says she doesn't think you'll meet again and is surprised you do. I think it's meant for interpretation ranni's feelings towards you. She's at least fond of you like she is iji and blaidd by the end. But little more is given outside of headcanon based on her actions/dialog. That's the beauty of it. Of her and marika. You can't really tell if they're genuinely loving or entirely manipulative bitches. But either way you get your murderous god wife at the end no matter who you choose.
>Artists and Lore "enthusiasts" got fucked
>Co-opers (hope you enjoy 40k HP bosses oneshotting hosts) and Invaders got fucked (since release, lol)
What was their end game?
Sekiro > Elden Ring = BB = Ringed City > DS1 > SotE > DS3 > DS2
Too rewarding to straightswords and shields
Really bad phantom hitboxes in pvp
Shitty lore
Disrespects Dark Souls 2
Most Linear Souls game
Getting like 20 rolls with no punishment
Embering adds in ugly effects to the player
Started the mistake of adding in bloodborne-style enemies in souls games like the shrieking lycanthropes
Worse lighting and graphics than bloodborne
Removal of build options from DS2 like mundane
Clearly I'm playing a different game then.
It was annoying how perfect they wrote and made her gameplay wise. Basically every other NPC you can/does get fucked over but her.
Plus turning her into a puppet would have been a funny ending for her considering what she did with her soul.
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depends on how pure you mean. the dlc doesnt give any scaling benefits to sorceries or incantations so you're going to have to either just deal with having relatively lower damage or switch to a melee hybrid build
i dont understand people's fascination with stormveil, man. i found it horribly mid. i genuinely and UNIRONICALLY believe that shaded castle is better
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Is there a good guide or checklist for the DLC quests yet?
Thinking of starting a 100% playthrough in a week or so
anon, I...
Yeah they made a pact. Radahn was sure he would not just die and Miquella knew that so he sent his sister after Radahn to force out a situation where Radahn is forced to play his part of the bargain. It's like renting a car and the rent giver smash it up so you are forced to pay for the damages.
Holy fuck. I guess the Assman (pronounced something like "ozman" in a german tongue) finally got his comeuppance, after so many games of big breasted sluts.
>perfectly normal
I think my Gaius bossfight bugged. I didn't even know I was heading into his arena since I am playing largely blind.

>finally get down and out of the shitty fort
>found the obligatory Sword of Hills Berserk rip-off area
>see a man riding a pig in the distance
>it runs up and stops right in front of me and does nothing
>the health bar shows up but he literally just stood there like a friendly NPC
>pop my physick and blast the fuck out of him with dragon lightning

On one hand it's kinda shitty I didn't get to see the boss fight but on the other hand everyone in these threads has been saying it was fucking dogshit and a mistake so mixed blessing?

scaling and movesets
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If his curse means he permanently has the mindset of a child then that just makes him more tragic.
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I'd like to add that, the base game calls him the wisest and most intelligent of the demigods multiple times even those not brainwashed by him say that. He can still have the mind of a child and be more intelligent than everyone around him. That's part of the plot of good will hunting.
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Did Pidia deserve this?
Stormveil is crazy, you can approach it in several different ways, from the courtyard, the rooftops, parkour etc.
Shaded Castle is linear
>Doing co-op with randoms
>Invaded by whoever the fuck
>Host just keeps walking forward and engaging enemies and surprise surprise the invader attacks when they're in 6 blood fiends
I hate hosts I hate hosts I hate hosts
Finally an area with nice blue skies shame my fps here goes from 60 to low 40s
the things to take into account outside moveset (which is a very important part) when assessing how good a weapon is
1. can it be buffed/changed ash of war? and if not, is the somber ash of war good or not?
2. how long is it?
3. best scaling and best potential AR? certain weapons lose dex scaling when made heavy, or lose str scaling when made dex, those are stellar weapons because they gain massive scaling on a single stat, making them superior to anything that doesn't
4. does it have split damage? does it have innate bleed or other status effect?
5. does it make you look like a clown?
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That makes anyone who follows him very STUPID.
>i dont understand people's fascination with stormveil
really? it's the dungeon with by far the largest amount of various side-paths, merging routes, with many different ways to get to places, and with multiple well hidden secrets
it's quite obvious why it's loved
>Marika is the villain.
Elaborate on that.
I've always blamed the Haligtree rotting on Malenia since she bloomed in Elphael.
this hurts
same with 3060 r5 5600x
Marika was never the villain.
Both outdated AF
Gaping assholes trying and failing to reclose as the fumes of cum and anal contents steam out like a small chimney of agony was the endgoal for all people involved.
he's really fun to summon in random camps or against stuff like bears, he knocks back or down literally anything in the game which is neat
Ranni is doing that because she wants a consort to choose her of their own free will. Being controlled is the biggest bane to her, it's her whole shtick.
>Has more content
>Concludes the story of Geralt satisfyingly
>Multiple endings
>Characters from base game and even the other DLC have dialogue acknowledging Toussaint
>Various new enemies, armor, weapons
>New mutation mechanic
>Armor dyeing
>Epic final boss

>Large swaths of the map are empty wastelands
>Dogshit story that ruins everything
>No ending at all
>Characters outside of DLC don’t even acknowledge its existence
>A few new enemies but still plenty of reused ones
>No new gameplay other than a very gimmicky and poor implementation of Sekiro/Lies of P deflect
>No armor customization
>Worst final boss in From history
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And all the people uoohing over him even more pathetic.
He's not necessarily hard to "beat", but insanely hard to do a perfect fight on, where you dodge everything and never get hit. Damage seems to be really unavoidable depending on what he does.
I did it after ~50 tries and I had to respec into bleed. Never used summons or greatsheilds though,
any consolefriends ITT? do you guys get wierd fps/stuttering issues in the DLC too? namely cerulean coast, rauh ruins, and charo's hidden grave
ER is an ugly game from 2022 that PC should run it perfectly on high at 1080
yeah everyone has summon, low boss hp, die, and win quotes
she's an abusive mother like what you see in modern day asian moms, who end up with children who either kill themselves, hate themselves, have a need to pursue power or wealth to prove themselves, or straight up commit atrocities for her attention
Banished Knight sword actually has slightly better damage than Claymore. Claymore has the stab on r2 though, which is imo much better, plus I like the look more.
But you know, unless you're doing autistic level duelfaggotry, you can just pick whatever weapon you like - be it visually, or for any other reason - and you'll be fine.
she isn't currently slobbering my sword under the table, clear villain behavior
How do you make the combat bearable? I really want to play it, but the combat is so boring.
I find it funny that when he dies, Selevus also "dies" and is revealed to be a puppet himself
Also fucking scary that Ymir knows how to do puppet shenanigans as he has Anna locked in a secret room in the Rise
Multiple interviews miyazaki said so
whatever chink did putrid avatar hopefully you get fucking cancer
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a) They didn't have a choice, Miq has loyalty-control powers
b) He's also basically kid jesus and can heal people / his alter ego can grant merciful sleep to those who can't be healed. He's by far the kindest and most hopeful character in the Lands Between, of course people would follow him to the ends of the earth.
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>the mood of this general right now
I dont think he has the mind of a child. Was never said that was the case
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What goes on here? There's messages telling me to come at night, but there isn't anything of note, other than the grave of that old dude's son.
Igons armor comes from a cut NPC from the original network test of ER by the way.
It doesn't really make him more tragic, but it DOES make him more horrifying. Anyone who has kids, has young siblings, or has babysat, etc... knows how cruel and heartless children can be. They are capable of EXTREME evil because they don't understand the gravity of the things they do. Kids torture bugs all the time and it's considered "normal". Now imagine a small child with the power of a GOD where people would be as insects.
Base game runs at flawless 60 and could do more if it wasn't capped, I think some DLC areas are just not very well optimized
yeah it's not like the bar is particularly high
What makes you say that?
Then she can't be entirely manipulating the tarnished and has some feelings for them else the "choosing her of their own free will" thing falls apart.
B&W has a nice story but is bogged down by the horrendous combat of the base game. I felt more joy after beating Dancing Lion than I ever did for Witcher 3
You can kill Ranni after giving her the ring in the Moonlight Alter.
yeah every so often it microstutters on ps5
See, I completely disagree. I mean I made mistakes, and it took me some tries, but there was never an attack that I felt like I couldn't avoid. What attack did you feel was unavoidable?
>a) They didn't have a choice, Miq has loyalty-control powers
Still dumb. "He can mind-control EVERYONE his sister and Mohg included. Not Radahn, though."
>b. Makes more sense.
But I refuse to believe someone who could come up with incantations, the Haligtree and a bunch of other shit still has a "kid's mind"
She looks like she done with this shit rather than dead
3060 is ancient
where at, though? does it happen in specific places or elsewhere?
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You know, she'd be much cuter if they fixed the neck.
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>damage on radahn is unavoidable
Welp, pc pvp is dead again
From should cease and desist his ass.
Release the thing a month later at the very least, let the damn online breath normally for a little while
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Why did this boss make normies piss themselves again? He seemed pretty standard as far as difficulty goes.
for 99% of people
ps5 wins once again.
I didn't think there was anything special at night, but there was something there after finishing the dude's questline, so check it out then.
midra's mansion and when it loads in enemies that are far away, it almost never happens in the 60 hours or se i've played the dlc
>Roll slop is only good when From does it
Witcher 3 has better combat, unironically.
yeah but that's after you already sacrificed your pride
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Including DLC:
>DeS > BB >> ER = DS1 > DS3 > DS2
Did not play Sekiro

Honestly the only boss out of the entire DLC that I consider actually good is Bayle (even without Igon, before you @ me), Romina was pretty cool too if not for lagging the shit out of your game to fuck up your rolls. Only one I haven't beaten yet is Radahn, and he sucks real bad. I can't even imagine what the next DLC or game will look like, I doubt they'll shift back to slower-paced combat again after this game was so successful.
Ah damn. I though there was the entrance to the 3rd ruin. Back to looking, then.
Before I upgraded, I'd get a constant 40 fps everywhere. Getting back up to 60 makes such a huge difference. I think a lot of it has to do with frame timings.
With mods
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It's never said that he doesn't. He is eternally 'just being born' so I kind of imagine that means his very nature is child like. He's definitely smart and a prodigy, but I also imagine he's very naive and 'innocent'. Everything I've see in the DLC proves that.
I dont even like rollslop but witcher 3 is just a qwen simulator
barricade shield and defense buffs make it not a big deal
How do I beat Messmer as a pure Faith Incantation user (80 FTH 30 DEX with Golden Order sword for melee) without summoning allies (Besides horned one NPC)?
I like it
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Everyone puts their hope into your tarnished because they're the most competent guy around. It's likely miquella was the same. He was the least retarded/insane demigod so everyone planted their flags on his side and wholly dedicated themselves to his beliefs, even those he didn't bewitch. Having an underdeveloped mind, by life experience of an adult he was able to see how fucked things were firsthand and wanted to make EVERYONE happy wanted EVERYONE to be helped and saved, and was willing to do anything to achieve that goal even essentially killing himself.
>DLC confirms Miquella and St. Trina are like Marika and Ragadon, implies any Empyrean can pull of this schizo move
makes it seem even more likely that Millicent was literally a part of Malenia, the pride and dignity aspect that she threw away so she could pull off the rot move. Based on the cut dialogue Millicent probably got reabsorbed by her instead of dying 10 feet away for no reason. We got robbed bros
It's not like it was that good to begin with because of password phantoms
Just wished also that easy anti cheat and steam would brick that mod to spite the modder
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Anyone else absolutely in love with Messmer's Spear and the fire knight stuff in general? What a great boost for faith and dexchads.
She is a psycho tsundere so it makes up for it.
>why should I care about some god-troon?
you don't want an opposing god, especially one without love or compassion
>there's literally no explanation for Miquella's motivations or yours as the Tarnished opposing him
StTrina tells you he divested himself before becoming a god so he doesn't act emotionally once he's in power. His mother became a god after a tragedy and her rule was defined by fear and vegeance. Miquella wants to be a kind god so he divests himself of what he thinks drive fear and vengeance. In doing so, he loses his morality and starts mindraping anyone to further his ascension.
>or how everything that happens just coincides with Miquella's plans
Miquella's plans to use the Eclipse to grant Godwyn true death failed, so did making the Haligtree as safehaven for the weak, so did healing Malenia
>Radahn dying/losing to a Tarnished? Miquella planned it.
Miquella planned Radahn to die to Malenia, but she lost and set off a rot bomb on him, which still didn't kill him
>Mohg kidnapping Miquella? Planned it.
not part of Miquellas planned, Mohg was charmed after BECAUSE he had kidnapped Miquella
>Malenia? LOL she doesn't matter anymore despite being "Blade of Miquella". She never even had the balls to look for Miquella.
He was taken while she was gone to fight Radahn and when she comes back she's comatose. When you walk into her boss fight she is cradling the spot where she thinks Miquella is in the cocoon/Haligtree, his spirit being in Scadu.

Nobody but shitters are saying this.
People like me are saying that one of his attacks is not reliably dodgeable with the base movement set which ONGBAL and all the other challenger players openly agree with because it's simply true.
chinky chink chink game
Tell me something I don't know
I find it fascinating that everyone has a different opinion on bosses. I've seen a lot of hate for Putrescent Knight but I killed him first try. I spent longer killing Sanessax than Bayle because once I had the build down to (dragon slayer katana) and Boltdrake +2 talisman I nailed Bayle in 3 tries. On the other hand people have said Midra and Skibiditree fights are EZ but those boss fights absolutely fucked me up. Think we can all agree on gay Radhan though.
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She could have had more children with this guy but instead sent him away to fuck other lesser women. Though admittedly he did fuck, on a scale of gengis khan.
I'm not a normie and that boss is horse shit. I beat Malenia in typically 1-5 tries and the same goes for every other boss in the game, but Radahn? 57 fucking attempts and I had to swap to a fairly cheesy % damage build and use spirit ashes at +20 blessing just to get that. It's a horribly designed fight and the first time in Souls history I've ever wanted a boss nerfed.
>Ancient finger ruins
>Oh yeah, shit's about to get weird
>Almost nothing there
>Stone Coffin Fissure
>Oh yeah, shit's about to get weird
>Almost nothing there
Goddammit, I just want to raid tombs and uncover ancient mysteries. I haven't felt this blue-balled since Izalith.
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I want more cute Messmer and Melina artwork.
scarlet aeonia and eat the 1 flask of followup damage, then spam uncharged lightning spears whenever it's safe, same strat as rellana
>"Do whatever the hell you want, Tarnished. Im just going to sit here and think some things over about the direction of my life."
>Not Radahn, though.
But he did for all we know. The 'one who could not be charmed' is just as likely referring to us, the Tarnished.
>Selevus also "dies" and is revealed to be a puppet himself
Dear God, I never noticed that. His posture is the same as the puppets in the sex dungeon. What the hell? Was Seluvis a puppet with free will?
Bro I can't see shit in the Consecrated Snowfields. Is it like this on all platforms or is it just my PS4 struggling to render everything.
No anon I want to know why you think she is the villain.
I dunno man I was more interested in cucking Yennefer than anything else when I played it
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I can't belive some anons called this very easy boss bullshit and unfair.
Marika's kids are mostly fucked up because Marika is a fucked up person. Anything she hates or fears gets kicked to the curb. Messmer & Melina, her first kids are cursed with flame from her wars against the giants. She removes Death from the Elden Ring & seals Melina & Messmer's powers fearing them. All the butterflies have their own flaws because they come from Marika/Radagon coupling with themselves, its spiritually perverted. She separated from Radagon cause of his red haired curse & sought out Godfrey as a conquering barbarian king to be her husband instead. Of those kids in the Golden Lineage, Morgott & Mohg are distasteful sewer babies she would never love Godfrey being a barbarian had too much of the Crucible in him, & Godwyn the Golden, who was her only real heir.
The Red Lineage ends up being the less fucked up one honestly, Carian blood must be good genes. Radahn is a champ, strong & powerful. Ranni is cunning enough to survive & comes out on top if she marries the player. Rykard is the only black sheep. Marika decides to kick out Godfrey since he was only ever a means to an end & she recalls Radagon back to her, birthing the last two butterflies Miquella & Melania. Neither of which are good for her.

At this point she just wants to fuck up the Golden Order so she kills Godwyn & deliberately instigates the rest of her fucked up kids to war & kill each other for her favor, trying to smash the Elden Ring to pieces to fuck up as much as she can before Radagon stops her.

I'm sure Godwyn had something fucked up about him even before he turned into the anti-Crucible of Living in Death. Maybe not super fucked up, but something.
are there any good weapons that swing vertically downwards? Preferably long but not too heavy either.
>a gpu from 2023 is somehow ancient
alright dude
Why does your tarnished move her to that position? I don't think she crawled there on her own.
There isn't much!
>the fire knight stuff in general
The weapons and ashes yes, the armor and spells meh.
there seems to be quite a bit that is allowable with puppetry, the mind control rabbit hole goes pleasingly deep
>Here, I abandon my boipussi
>What attack did you feel was unavoidable?
I dunno like half of the moves where miquella follows up with holy attacks.
There's also one where he does a 3 hit combo that I have no idea how to dodge if you're at close range and don't parry.
need a hoarah loux/long march game
Started a new DEX character today for that spear. Stopping at 20 FTH is good or would an even spread for DEX/FTH be better?
Avoids damage via I-frames
Avoids damage when facing directly to the enemy
Which ones?

Fuck no.
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Imagine being a Radahnfag and realizing that this is what will your character's legacy
chinkslop from chinksoft
I never once said Ranni was manipulating the tarnished. Unlike Marika, Ranni never pushes you into anything. The only hint is the text for the ring you can find locked in a chest when she gives you the key. All of it is by your own choosing, even her summon is of your choosing, that's how much of an autist she is over people making their own choices including her consort.
Is that supposed to be Väinämöinen from Kalevala?
>tranny horns
Immediately closed the webm.
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I still have them all but they're all so...tainted now
you're supposed to follow the lights out of the meme blizzard area, there's nothing notable there besides a useless cookbook and a rotten gravekeeper guy to kill once for his item
Flame Serpent or whatever its called is really good. Plus I like the armor's aesthetics and how the chest/helmet buffs stuff. It feels flavorful.
It doesn't confirm every empyrean can, we still don't know what the fuck the geq's deal was or if ranni has an alternate counterpart I suspect geq was the malenia of her day in a sense but turned against her twin, miquella aka marika. I suspect that's why her rune looks identical to marikas and now that we know marikas sigil and rune come from her shaman people she was likely amongst the surviving shaman as well. They likely split over how to deal with the hornsent and later marikas cursed kids.
This lore is such fucking dogshit and seeing literal actual paid shills defending it makes my blood boil.
I'm addicted to invading
I've killed 70 hosts since last night
Everyone was conditioned into nuking bosses with OP builds after 2 years. They didn't expect the DLC to have enemies that could actually kill them
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you didn't *really* beat the game, did you... anon?
>ONGBAL and all the other challenger players openly agree with
Where did ongbal say this?
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frost phase is kinda gay for melee users but otherwise it's pretty easy, yes
most glaive-type halberds, (i.e., non-thrusting halberds) fit the bill as do most greatswords, with their two-handed moveset. none of those are exactly extremely heavy, ranging from 6 to 10 units for the most part.
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does anyone remember any information regarding the JP translation of an early journo build having references to the Gloam-Eyed Queen in the drops from the Putrescent Knight? I vaguely recall some info or reading about it but can't find much.
The best fromsoft base weapon is the Claymore because of this
What build?
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We need more...
Dude that fashion looks like absolute trash. You can do way better for fire knight shit.
Need art of his gaped elden ring
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Yeah, I understand...
Youre telling me I couldve scooped him up and held up tightly and he wouldve probably been okay with it?
I miss when waving didn't make my character shout hey like a fucking retard
I've posted all I have!
I'm running 40/60 and I'm seeing people doing 50/50 too so I wouldnt go low dex personally.
I definitely love Väinämöinen. I am desparately seeking a wife. Maybe that is who I am. Maybe I should use that harp bow.
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Oh wait, I'm retarded, I mixed up reply chains and thought you were talking about Messmer, sorry
>I'm not a normie and
Stopped reading here.
>Messmers second phase
What am I missing here, thing bitch never stops attacking
>I find it fascinating that everyone has a different opinion on bosses
a lot of it comes down to build and play style
Coded sword. Lose the shard of Alexander/radagon icon/flocks canvas/Godfrey icon and go with defensive talismans like Firedrake talisman, crimson Erdtree etc. Learn his moves (they are all roll dodgeable) and just poke him down.
I've always had the theory that messmers curse came from her war with the giants, and melinas came from her war with the GEQ. Both had it sealed by her, and, by melinas own words "given new meaning" for messmer it was to be her genocide machine and melina as kindling.
chinks cant write story
lots of larpers here
>watch first two minutes of Vaati video
>"Now I heard a lot of people complain this [image over Miquella riding Radahn], but there's a lot more to this story than some are giving it credit for-"

I hate him so fucking much. Already because of his video we're getting totally fucking retarded shit about how "actually this story makes sense and was set up because Malenia said something to Radahn after stabbing him in the trailer and there's no way they just changed their mind about what it was."
Rule34 is just a law of this world.
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O Mother
FAI/DEX has literally had more options than any other singular build-type in this entire game for over two years now, and the DLC just gave them like 15 more toys to play with. IM SICK OF THIS CRAP
>"Use-using summons means you didnt uh... didnt beat the game Miyazaki uh made elden ring like dark souls and uh but bloodborne is different and not like elden ring"
arcane, + all the dragon communion stuff I can find
I just run in and try to rot breath people in shadow keep and finish off stragglers with elenora's poleblade
Disagree and no thanks, I dont want to use bullgoats talisman to hit 51.
That isn't semantics.
Feel free to a post a video from ongbal where he uses nothing but the base movement abilities against that attack, or anybody for that moment.
It is only dodgeable with base movement abilities if you already happen to be positioned to his extreme left or right and you won't always be in this position when he uses it so it is not reliable.
But again feel free to post said videos because every single video from ongbal he uses some kind of extra effect to not take damage from that move.
the internal name for putrescent knight is GEQ's knight, but that was obviously cut since the remembrance description states he's st. trina's knight
>Mohg dying? PLANNED - so Miquella could use his body as a surrogate for Radahn! (why couldn't he just use Radahn's OWN body?)
Miquella still has followers like Leda in the Lands Between and expects they'll kill him. Mohg's body is used because it's a demigod with blood relation to the one they wanted, isn't infected with scarlet rot and is right on the doorstep.
>I want Godhood! Why? Who cares.
first post first response
>I'm going to get Godhood! How? Um... by discarding my humanity? (Not explained) Also why doesn't EVERYONE do this if Godhood is apparently achievable? How does one even learn of a method to Godhood?
discarding his humanity was unnecesary as told by St Trina. He ascends godhood by going through the gate of divinity and having a lord bring him back. Only and Empyrean can ascend to godhood and they need the support of a lord. Ansbach and I learned it by reading the Sacred Rites Scroll.
>>um yeah I read a rumor on an internet forum
>>uh no im making this shit up as I go
>>well ackshually becoming a god is a science, so Miquella can work things out
Miquella is the son of the last person to ascend to Godhood
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The dlc is asking me to decide if I'm pro or anti miquella but I don't even know what the fuck is going on at any given moment in this game.
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What we're truly missing is St. Trina art
FTH/DEX didn't have shit before this DLC. The only actual FTH/DEX weapon in the base game is the fucking Godslayer Greatsword and until the DLC patch the ash was LITERALLY useless.
>Vaati finally admitting that the GW abandoned the world a long time ago which completely shits on muh parasite theory

GWbros it's been two long years of arguing but we've finally won
When he transitions from the serpent to his human form, he's vulnerable to extra damage
when he's covered in a snake head on the ground he takes more damage and doesn't deal damage. he likes to follow up combos with twisty snake spin.
Does the Shortsword moveset seriously not exist on ANY OTHER SWORD? There's no fucking way they didn't add literally the best moveset straight swords have ever had since DS2 and they arbitrarily kept it installed on the absolute shortest and lowest AR weapon in its class. What the actual fuck dude?
Vaati is a lot like Gigguk in the anime community: He says the most milquetoast things imaginable and legions of tourists treat him like a god.
>Flame Serpent or whatever its called is really good.
How so? The damage felt low to me and the range is fairly atrocious like most pew pew spells in the game.
It's taking neither giantsflame nor frenzied burst's place for me. What niche is it supposed to have?
I guess I could see it being the fth equivalent of glintblade in pvp, but I'm pve only.
>A record of crafting techniques of the greater potentate who roamed lands near and far. Haunted by the grotesque practice of his village of birth, he stuffed great pots with all manner of things.
>not even all the hornsent thought what they did was good
Mad cuz bad
>Kills her only perfect song out of spite
Why are you all fucking retards to continue preaching this loretuber slob
chatgpt thread
>that damage dealt
>that damage taken
Yeah every boss is easy if you sweep the entire map off scadus before engaging with the boss.
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We could have had a guy who was strong, kind enough to make friends even with fallen enemies yet wise enough to rule and understand shit like the crucible and how omens were made (and why its important to keep them close enough to keep them under control). Unfortunately the weird finger parasites paired him with a femcel that conspired to kill him and herself, ultimately dooming the whole realm.
Well after birthing two horniggers in a row it would make sense for her to sent him away.
Little did she know if was her defective genes after all.
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Is this a temporary buff or a permanent buff?
it literally never asks you that question
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I love St. Trina but I still prefer blondes.
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>45 new STR/FTH or DEX/FTH weapons
>3 new INT weapons and they're all shit

>40 new Incantations
>20 new Sorceries, half of them need FTH or Arcane so pure INT can't use them and the other half are all shit except like 2

Are they at least going to fix the Carian Sorcery Sword so it has some Sorcery scaling?
The 3060 came out in 2021
the latter obviously
Permanent but only in the DLC area
I nuked him with my base game int build then swiftly respecced when I hit the harder bosses
Ah ok thank you, I knew I heard something about it, and it got brought up as a topic in a discussion from a buddy about how GEQ's a huge cliffhanger we didnt really get any info about.
Tbh Vaati alone doesn't bother me but when I start arguing with someone who very blatantly has only watched Vaati's slop and has no idea what they're talking about and LINK ME HIS FUCKING VIDEOS when I bring up a point they can't respond to I start to seethe
Oh good, I didn't miss anything ignoring it then.
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they deserved better
why is mohg needed to enter the land of shadows anyway
So you don't have any and you just made it up ok.
I guess that reinforces my point
Yeah how dare I spend a couple minutes exploring instead of rushing to the first castle I see
what's the explanation for radahn's before-images? they look really fucking janky
is it supposed to be him moving so fast that reality can't keep up?
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Did they nerf commander gayus? I feel cheated out of a hard boss after killing him first try. Is it the skibidi buffs?
that you can't follow a simple narrative? find guy, talk to npc?
Melina IS the Gloam-Eyed Queen. But Marika hates fire as it threatens her Erdtree, Melina's Ghostflame/Blackflame especially since it was empowered by her Destined Death. It's why she sealed it & gave it to Malikith. Poor Melina was used (like all Marika's kids) into being a weapon against her enemies. It's what makes Radagon such a chad. He was able to raise three kids halfway decent with Renalla, while Marika had omen children she probably absolutely loathed because of their horns. Radagon loved his kids, Marika just saw hers as tools, like everything else in her life
Vyke's spear was DEX/FTH.
Joe Biden never got elected
>Which ones?
I don't know man it's been almost a decade
But I remember that the combat was pretty fun after installing all those mods. The only one I remember is one that allowed you to equip all the mutations and shit.
He's just not that hard other than the charge hitbox.
imagine prime malenia fighting together with her brother so he can become the lord
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For me too, he landed the last blow with his HARPOONS when Bayle kept hopping away from my attacks at 1HP left
He's not. Considering you have Red Bear and Devonia there who are not related to Miquella at all.
he's kind of squishy and low poise, he just is absolutely relentless on the attack, i didn't find him that tough
He's literally moving at lightspeed. You're not actually fighting Radahn, you're fighting his afterimages.
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There's a lot of Trina art and it's all beautiful
I'm more pissed at Smoughtown than Vaati because he claimed Malenia and Miquella were his favorite characters and spent 2 years talking about how much he likes their lore, and when the DLC completely shits on it in service for nothing he still just pivots to "actually all of this stuff saying that everything I liked is shit is actually good, I love this new stuff." I remember in this very thread when the leaks were coming, people were coping about how the final boss has to make sense in context, and if it doesn't, might just be a blight on an otherwise good story. One of the reasons people coped is that Smoughtown gave the lore a 10/10 and said he loved it, and was a known lover of the Haligtree faction, so if the DLC had totally destroyed their characters, he'd obviously not like it.

Turns out whoops Bamco literally gives these people benefits to give positive marketing and just won't invite them back if they don't, and Smoughtown is a fucking coward who would never say he didn't like the lore no matter what it actually was.
That's a big guy.
>single church in the game dedicated to the GW
The Golden Order
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why does he have a unique version of the omen bairn that we don't have?
Make me cry
How do I beat Messmer?
the skill for one of his swords is called "lightspeed slash." no this doesn't make any sense as the attack is actually kind of slow.
I died to the same shitty snake hitbox from that twitch clip. lol
Fuck off, base game was INT paradise, DLC is for Faith and Arcane
heheheh, i assume erg already shit on this video?
Whats a build that can maximize use of the priestess' heart?
Dragon incants, yeah, but what weapon that actually scales with FTH? Just the lightning flask with blinkbolt?
there's no reason given or really hinted at as far as i could tell. it really makes the dlc story feel grafted on
There's a difference between natural exploration and following a guide on how to reach +10 scadus before fighting the first boss
I wonder if Messmer was the one who burned Melina's body away
my prog so far
phase 1 is done
I hope phase 2 has more opportunities to stunlock him in parries
>Soma Tanizaki
He did only one song, but it was the best one
Another to the list of reasons to never trust loretubers
the final boss is a blight on an otherwise good story, i really enjoyed the npcs and the ganksquad despite the predictable everyone dies ending and the stupid fucking way you have to talk to trina
So which build is more fun,
STR/FTH (beastclaw seal I guess, and all those gargoyle and crucible knight weapons, maliketh's, tree sentinel's, magma wyrm and whatever else I'm forgetting)
STR/DEX (all the new fireknight/messmer stuff, Vyke's spear, several daggers, elden gs, cleanrot stuff, godslayer whatever else)
or pure FTH?
explore more and maybe you'll have it, too
uoh princeling feet
chinks and weebs call this gaming
Every fucking rando can apparently go to the Land of Shadow from the Death Knights (who necessarily went there after the Night of Black Knives) to those random Albinaurics to those pests from Aeonia (they claim to have been rejected by Malenia) to the bear larper. Getting to the Land of Shadow is never presented as a problem until they need a one-off line for why Miquella supposedly charmed Mohg.

From's writers are laughably terrible and people give them excuses because they usually just keep everything vague
Smoughtown made a video before this and literally went over everything Vaati did here and in more detail. He's literally just made this vid for his Patreon quota.
How in the damn hell do I pass through the area with the worst version of BB brain shitters?
I know you can parry them to kill them but you need to perfect parry them, and there is not only one but three of them so you need to parry them perfectly.
And thats only to reach one bonfire, I've been told you need to get another one after that with even more of these
put erg in your multiplyer password field
roll into him when he does his spinny move and stabs and explosion. don't get rollcaught. don't get strafecaught.
Idk what youtuber says this shit. Last I knew, I had youtuber fan boys shouting at me telling me I was wrong. I just read the stuff in game & think about it. Go parrot shit somewhere else. She was a crazy bitch & wanted to tear the world asunder
yes but as you can see you need THREE FUCKING PARRIES to stagger him
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It might be shit, but at least it's cool.
why are shitters like this?
Blessing level for Midra?
how about actually playing the game, instead of rushing bosses as soon as possible and then seething that others don't do the same
you didn't know? it's the easiest way to beat him, "easiest" because if you fuck up you're probably dead
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I don't see anyone...
Do you reckon there will be a PvE patch alongside the more inevitable PvP patch? I know scadu got patched but there's a precedent for From changing boss stats and AI scripts.
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I'll summon Igon next run, I promise
Why is it so hard for the Tarnished to open doors
crouch in the undergrowth like thr dev messages tell you. or use assassin's gambit
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After reading some random normalfag tweets saying on how they "have some thoughts about the DLC but people would hate them for it" (even if he's a random artist with like 10k followers) it makes clear that some people just don't want to talk about the negatives.
Makes it worse if you're a youtuber who's entire thing is talking about Elden Ring/Fromsoft.
You like it? ;)
Has anyone here managed to experience the DLC without a single spoiler? How was it?
Why is your dagger R1 randomly doing 2.3k and oneshotting the host?
its a real neat reposition tool on max cast speed for melee-oriented int builds. i've used it to blink past swift slash and backstab spammers with it
To answer your question on ranni's feelings for marika, I'll throw in some things
>selivus mentions how ranni, normally cold, acts differently towards you
>iji brings up something similar
>she doesn't like being in her mini doll form nor does she need to be in it yet she chooses to regardless to travel with you
>she doesn't tell you to go get the ring and her dialog changes after giving it to her
>if you attack her after giving her the ring she says "this is what I deserve for surrendering myself to delusion" sounds genuinely upset the first time in any of her dialog and fucks off
>she goes from wanting to do her journey alone to asking you to come with her
She very clearly has some affection for the tarnished. Whether or not she's head over heels like her aunt and mom, it's up to you to decide. But she at least likes you a lot.
I'd also like to add that, its most likely marika genuinely likes the tarnished as well
>messmer knowing his mother possibly has the most of he is her oldest a mental breakdown over how much marika clearly likes you
>very few tarnished even keep their grace, even at the beginning many have it taken away even before you do anything of note
>during the fight with horah loux she aims her grace to you for him showing that she still favors her old husband yet you still maintain some grace as she allows you your revives
>for radabeast she, again, despite your seeming lack of grace allows you infinite revives
Even if she doesn't love you, she, and godfrey respect strength greatly, godfrey in his death essentially gives you the "go fuck my ex wife you earned it champ" talk. So at the very minimum marika has a lot of respect for you and likes you, if it's love thats up for you to decide. But she at minimum has some fondness for you.
A TL;DR the tarnished wants goddess pussy and goddess pussy wants the tarnished. You just get to choose your flavor. Gold or blue.
>people treating the true nature of the GW as some huge lore revelation
>when you learn this IN THE FUCKING BASE GAME

Holy shit the intro trailer outright tells you that the GW abandoned the world after the Shattering (the DLC only brings into light that it abandoned the world for a lot longer than that), you learn the fingers are completely full of shit if you put two and two together and read Gideon's description of them, and Hyetta tells you directly that it's basically God. Unbelievable that this was even in contention to begin with
>beat the DLC fair and square after a 3 day marathon of combing every corner and reading all the lore yadda yadda
>go to the mountains and touch grass for 5 days to reconnect with the real world
>come back and feel like I missed out on all the crying and bitching and moaning and memes and shitposting in the threads
I hate videogames, and I hate 4chan...
that's what I'm already playing with
never done a FTH playthrough of any kind though, so I'm wondering which one to go with
I like to think that just like Miquella, Marika was just using the Tarnished; she never actually wanted him as her consort. Her true love was always Godfrey, and everything we did was to clear the way for his return to lordship. We were too successful though, and by the time she realized that she'd fucked up, it was too late.
who cares bro
if you invaded my host i would just kill you because all invaders are bad at the game and I am super good
they will nerf radahn, and they will bugfix things like rolling sparks and hopefully the ansbach spell, etc
It's Malenia all over again. First week shitters flood the general and complain about how it's the death of the genre, but give it a month or two and everyone with a brain will have either learned how to actually deal with his moveset or how to cheese him quickly.
movie game
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>Open the latest Smoughtown video
>That voice
>Immediately close the video
Why do you people watch this
Isn't this canon? The grace starts guiding Godfrey instead of you, when you fight him.
Literally what is this Gate of Divinity's relationship to the Elden Ring? Wasn't the latter the one truly divine thing in the Lands Between? Why does Miquella need this gate at all and why does it turn him into a god if he DOES not become the vessel for the Elden Ring like Marika?
No you're thinking of Demon's Souls.
>literally gives these people benefits to give positive marketing
that has always been the deal, the move to influencers and direct community marketing from the old publication method just made it more apparent.
I didn't follow a guide and I don't have +10 I haven't even explored scadu altus yet. You are probably one of the people who complained about the dlc being too convoluted in it's map layout.
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Mohgs kidnapping is not in Miquellas plan and the charm comes in after. Malenia is cradling where she thinks he is when you walk into her boss room.
There's no actual indication he was paired with ranni. The dlc hints that he either fucked or was betrothed to a dragon. Thanks to it implying he had a spell similar to the one the dragon priestess gives when she falls in love with you. And the one vyke had.
You can either make a career out of being a fan or being a critic. Not both.
They should nerf late scadu levels because every boss except the last one becomes a stupid cake walk at 14 or 15+ even more than base game bosses
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I don't
Faith/Dex is more fun but takes longer to get going imo
do incants only, it will expand your mind. fth has every single damage type and status effect in the game
You are anti miquella, you don't get a real choice.
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I like how this thread can't decide if parrying is too hard and suicide or cheese and you didn't beat the game.
The whole fight is set up for either parry/riposte or just shieldpoking as a massive fuck you to roll dodging
Cheat. He also wasn't hit by the swift slash
its kinda crazy how good shields are against him in all forms

i wonder if the thrusting shields just curbstomp him
>eceleb shit
>she kills her only perfect son because, well because she is batshit and I said so
>The only item that implies that Marika was in league with the black knives that killed Godwyn is an English localization issue
>Three different loretubers have their own translator friend each giving a different interpretation of the Japanese text and none of those TLers are fluent speakers but all agree that the English is wrong
Ok buddy
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I busted my fucking ass being a From Soft fan for 5 fucking years
>1 800 000 users
I didn't realise it was this bad.
now that's actually a pretty interesting challenge
0 melee at all, only incants
might give it a shot myself
This fight is terrible
I should look into that. The start-up makes me wish it went like a half a length farther for PvP. I also wish I could somehow cast it while two-handing the DMGS, but we can't have nice things.

Parrying is still great in phase 2. Keep it up.
>twinblade talisman works on milady r2 into r1 combo final hit
dunno how useful of information it is, its a really quick combo so on an optimized build on top of other boosts like the multi-hit talismans that might add a lot of damage but not sure its worth it over other talismans
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I wish I understood what it's written...
are you still looking? I put my sign down in the corner
>he says after finally defeating it on his 141st try
That's so so so so cool
I love parrying but like I stopped doing it like because of like how many things just can't be parried esspecially bosses and esspecially BIG bosses because like I ahd no way of knowing if they just couldn't be parried or like if I was just messing it up.
I wish there was like an indicator something, isk
are you dumb? vs what sotr boss do you have enough time to do that shit?
Nah, I'd win
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it's realistically safer than roll spamming since you're totally fucked on whiffs either way
Lordsword straight sword build is shit in the dlc, what should I respect to as someone who plays turtley with shields?
the indicator is you try parrying them
You know how you get runes when you kill people, thus allowing you to become more powerful? The Hornsent killed like billions of people and put them all in one spot, so whoever goes there gets infinite runes, it's the ultimate farming exploit.
Doing this now except with Cipher Patra for the style and I love it. Nice change of pace.
>we ruined the ultimate ex bootycall
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This is canon though. She gave the signal for Godfrey to return after you burned the tree, hoping that he'd reach her before you did. Unfortunately, you both arrive at the same time, and then you kill him. I don't think that Marika would have been a happy wife at all if you choose her.
Now you're just being a disingenous faggot since you know you're wrong. Ongbal never blocks unless it is absolutely necessary or if it is to set up an attack. He isn't ever using it to set up an attack in his videos beating radahn, simply to avoid taking damage that would otherwise be unavoidable. Just like every other challenger runner fighting him.
I'm still waiting for you post a video of someone reliably dodging that attack from a central position with the base movement attributes.
And I will continue waiting since you won't find it because it isn't possible and I accept your concession.
But if I get hit idk if I messed up the parry ir if they just like can't be parried
The Shadow realm was the center of the lands between before it was veiled out of existence and replaced with an ocean, so naturally a bunch of fuck all randos are gonna end up being there
Plus Leyndell sent a fucking army there, clearly there was no special trick to get in that was any better than a glintstone key to get into hogwarts
spirit ashes making the boss ignore you for a while breaks the flow of the game in your favor. literally anything else is fine though some things are obviously easier than others.
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quick question does anyone know how big Miquella is in his bossfight when compared to Malenia, it would be nice to have the reference.
How do I dodge the meteor throw attack in phase 2 of Radahn?
I dodge the purple ones but then I cant deal with his slams
usually if you mess up a parry it's a partial parry which means it can be parried successfully
Holy shit nigger are you fucking kidding me?
>frenzy and lightning perfume bottles
>leda's sword
>erdsteel dagger
>blade of calling
>black knife
>miquellan knight's sword
>golden epitaph
>fire knight's shortsword
>inseparable sword
>golden order greatsword
>sacred relic sword
>godslayer's greatsword
>fire knight greatsword
>queelign's greatsword
>magma blade
>eclipse shotel
>magma wyrm scalesword
>black steel twinblade
>death knight's twinaxes
>envoy's horn
>inquisitor's girandole
>cleanrot spear
>vyke's warspear
>halo scythe
>winged scythe
>magma whip candlestick
>madding hand
>erdtree bow
>erdtree greatbow
>nanaya's torch
Find something light that scales off fth/dex because the dragon transformations incentivize using the blue dancer charm due to their "armor" not weighing anything.
A reference for what, hmm?
What's really funny is the cult of personality means ecelebs get a free pass by their communities of hundreds of thousands (or millions in vaati's case) for being guilty of the exact same shit as journalists. Those same people will justifiably shit on "journalists" but not their cult leader.
It wouldn't be accurate as he's transcended his Empyreal form and deified
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What was the point of those, again?
so the land of shadow really is china after all...
I dunno what that means
It's even funnier when there's some slight hints that the Tarnished is a descendant of Hoarah Loux. You're killing your dad or granddad for his ex-wife's hand (and she doesn't even like you).
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Here are the models
Cut content.
Yeah, I'm not listening to youtubers. I read what's in the game. Marika is a vengeful woman scorned & she uses her power like a sledgehammer & cleans up afterwards. Godwyn was murdered on her orders
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Again, the difference between Marika and Ranni over the tarnished is that Marika is controlling. She controls who has grace and who doesn't. Her control is limited but control you she does. In my opinion you are just an alternative to Godwyn because he was murdered by Ranni who is a competitor to Ranni, just like Miquella which Marika is trying to stop.
If it's up for debate then I'd like to imagine she falls head over heels for tarnished like rellana did for messmed and rennala did for radagon and tries her best to hide it but isn't that good at doing so.
hts goes well with a shield
tall towers with the fingers (antenna) on top to recieve guidance from the greater will for the runebearer
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I really really like this interpretation, it also makes me like the Ranni and Frenzy endings a lot more
when they release the sci-fi sequel set in the same world but with futuristic architecture and weapons
those towers will remain exactly the same as in elden ring
and people will go mad trying to explain the lore behind it
Those arms look so fucking goofy. Ranni did the 4 arms better.
if you just get close to the timing of a parry, instead of getting hit, you don't get staggered and instead take some damage and stamina damage and it makes a "tunk" sound effect
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That version of them still exists in our hearts, they are real! The embodiment of hope is there, we must carry on that spirit of idealism
Unironically kino. Bosses that let you riposte after 1 parry are just boring. I wouldn't be against there being a multiplier for the crit on bosses that require more than one parry, but I think just having a longer window on the non-riposte parries would be the best option.
I know the hornsent did some fucked up shit, but does that really make it okay to slaughter all of them?
They hold the veil covering the shadow realm, with the suppression tower inside being the lynchpin
theyre projections thats why
>Her true love was always Godfrey
The DLC would agree with you.
So you still don't have proof. I'm not gonna read your walls of seethe and cope if you can't provide a simple screenshot.
>Godwyn fucked a dragon
I'll leave my sign down for the next 15 mins
From never really decided.
Originally they were some space-thing, and interacting with each would cause changes on the map (trigger the meteor strike to open Nokron, etc.)
Then they cut most of that and repurposed them as Great Rune activators, but since they obviously didn't look designed for that people reasonably asked "what were they designed for" and so From now retconned them as being the anchor points for the veil covering the Land of Shadows, even though that still doesn't really make sense or seem to be what they were designed for.
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they're what the baldachins in the shadow realm are stapled to
It's actually kinda insane how Great Runes are basically useless
Godfrey is a great warrior for an Elden Lord but the Horrah Loux underneath is a berserker who she's not interested in.
Most of us have followed a guide because the DLC randomly locks you out of almost all side quests at not one but two points of no return, the first being really fucking easy to accidently activate. Then you have the other ten thousand bullshit ways you can accidently bug or lock individual quests.
>greater will
>tall towers with fingers acting as antennas
what about the one in the roundtable hold or the manus celes
talking about roundtable hold i just noticed miyazaki had some explanation for it but went "nah i'm not giving you any info"
>Lordsword straight sword build
That isn't a build. Post stats.
Elden ring aint got no drip
I accept your concession.
omg he is a LOT bigger than i expected holy shit.
thanks this helps
Considering how quick it is and how you can do it from a jumping heavy I dunno, probably a lot of them. Will have to play with it more to find out
>cant see Radahn's swing timing because of Miquella's hair
Who designed this garbage?
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also meant for >>484029946
you know the veils in the sky in the dlc? their ends match up with the tower placements
Also he's doing the Korean heart symbol with his hand in that!
well can't argue with that
does it connect to the scadutree or the suppresing pillar i never noticed
We already knew this from the in-game depictions and the promotional content, but kid Miquella is the size of a regular adult.
So did Vyke. And his ex-dragon gf tries to kill you
It is completely reasonable to assume that Carian women are massive suckers when they fall in love.
She liked both aspects of him. Marika loved Godfrey like Radagon loved Rennala. The Fingers forced them apart then forced Marika and Radagon together, which is one of the many transgressions that led to the Shattering.
But marika can and does guide you along ranni's questline if you do it. Ranni also holds her head with some fondness. They're not competitors else marika wouldn't have essentially tossed you two together. It's more likely marika, like st trina, just saw how awful of a god miquella truly would've been. That or she just wanted a tarnished elden lord no matter what.
im standing on the suppressing tower here >>484033116
>Who designed this garbage?
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Is this weapon actually just bugged in PvP?
It applies right hand status buildup which lets you deathblight people but that's not even that scary compared to the fact it seems like it instant procs madness with every single projectile
wtf is going on, why is the madness buildup per projectile like 10x what you'd expect it to be
>pull out torch, use weapon art, enemy instantly gets madnessed and stunned
>use ANY choice of finisher move to kill them
true combos into everything you ever wanted
How are Sleep builds? Sounds extremely gimmicky
Marika just went "I can fix him." and had enough divine power to actually do it.
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>"I'm! I, ... I'm gonna run for a second term! Yea!"
>(whispering in ear) "But Joe... this *is* your second term."

if they replace him this is probably how, calling it now. also how scummy is it to use dragon halberd in the DLC? is it "too OP" or anything like that? i really love the frost lightning buff, i don't even use alex shard i just like to buff it with the lightning and get the status ailment for free. plus a lot more bosses (at least early on) are weak to pierce specifically which is kinda surprising. game keeps pushing be back into halberds, my favorite weapon type in all games.
>Most of us have followed a guide because the DLC randomly locks you out of almost all side quests
I finished all quests on my playthrough using 0 guides. You people are just bad at the game and are clearly rushing the main route the way all the fotm streamers do.
Secret (:
im happy that my dumb picture is still being used
>yeah man radahns attack can be dodged you just need to be light equip load and play in this very retarded manner where you are constantly sprinting to his left side just in case he does it so the second swing will overshoot you
people will unironically defend this single normal move dictating an entire fight
this is so much worse than waterfowl since that can be easily dodged at close range with practice and doesn't require you to play in an autistic manner in the worry that it might be used like this
The demigods didn't even really fight for them
>Morgott was defending Leyndell
>Mohg was getting mindraped and was just bumming around the sewers/his mausoleum before that
>Rykard got sneked
>Ranni fucked off
>I guess Radahn was after the Runes but we basically get nothing on him, he's a non character
>Miquella was fiending for Radahn's cock

The only demigods who seemed to give a shit about the Runes were fucking Godefroy and Godrick
Genuinely wondering what the fuck From was thinking with Radahn mark 2 holy spastic boogaloo
That gets really fucking tedious in the DLC when the only reliable incant you can get off before being face fucked is lightning spear which does crappy damage because skibidi fragments don't affect sorceries/infants/spells. And even then they will get roll dodged 70% of the time by NPC invaders or smaller bosses
You can partial parry any attack.
The Scadutree lines up with the Erdtree on the map if you overlayed the map together
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>I know the hornsent did some fucked up shit, but does that really make it okay to slaughter all of them?
hows the deathblight buildup with the eclipse shotel?
There is no reason for Ranni to kill Godwyn otherwise unless the poorly defined ritual on the Night of Black Knives required Godywn specifically to die. You didn't even need to kill his omen brothers either, she could have killed Messmer.
>renalla's cameo, swaddling cloth, overhead
>lol lmao lol
'fraid so
>Godrick's falls off after early game because of softcaps
>Radahn's is decent if you need extra FP/Stamina
>Morgott's is decent but having HP above 60 Vigor barely matters
>Rellana's might as well not even exist
>Rykard's is only good for farming mobs
>Malenia's is completely useless
>Miquella's only has a purpose for the Radahn fight.
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>Dearest Marika...I am returned.
>O Marika! I will take thee in mine arms once more!
Well, at least Godfrey really loved her if nothing else. I'm inclined to thing that Marika was reciprocal, especially with the DLC noting how the two were always having scandalous sexual escapades, compared to Radagon where it was a much cooler relationship.
>Ongbal never blocks unless it is absolutely necessary
This is straight up bullshit by the way. He does it for style points even on other bosses that are not radahn.
On radahn specifically he could have parried the moves in which he sekiro deflects and parries do count as damage avoidance even by no hit runner standards.
You don't understand ongbal videos.
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did melina also have a base serpent inside her
>what if... what if we make a game whose lore is that the world has gone to shit and you play a janitor cleaning up the world?
it is scummy, bitch. dragon halberd is one of the best weapons in the game, it's like using RoB or FP shield.
You forget Rennala.
My braindead 2handed greataxe/greathammer STR FTH tank has worked against everything so far.
>I beat the entire DLC fatrolling
Man, I don't know what the fuck they're doing. It honestly didn't even feel that bad, and rolling is less viable than ever now that every joe, dick and harry has infinite gapclosing rollcatches baked into their moveset. Why even play the minigame when you can just block?
Wait you can do the eclipse shotel bug again with this?
How did Miquella plan to bear Radahn's children, having severed his female alter ego?
Lucky bitch.
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Just beat Romina, what did I think of her fight?
yeah, mine
do you know where i can see said noting by any chance haha..
needs testing but I don't think its instant
its definitely some kind of instant madness proc in 1 hit though and as long as you follow that up with any kill move it doesn't matter
>compared to Radagon where it was a much cooler relationship.
Where does this bit of lore come from?
>I know the jews did some fucked up shit, but does that really make it okay to slaughter all of them?
It didn't happen, but it should have, and they deserve it.
I'm afraid Hornestine is just getting what's coming to them. They were never saints, they were just on the losing side of seven consecutive wars--all of which they started.
Too easy for the point of the game you meet her at.
she is the sole and entire reason that everything is fucked, and our goal is to kill her, not marry her.
Needed to spark the shattering. Godwyn was the only demigod marika cared for that was around.
Not a demigod
ez pz extra crispy
>She liked both aspects of him
Doubt. She wouldn't be summoning all the tarnished if she didn't.

Ranni is technically disconnected from the material world, plus Ranni can only win if you choose her summon sign after you defeat the Elden Beast. Ranni's passive influence over you is pretty much the reason she can subvert Marika and The Fingers.
the only stuff we might glean is that the suppressing pillar is where death got sealed presumably. also her sigil is probably a fingerprint
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>greater will lol
what is it you're confused about
>roundtable hold
serves tarnished, who are not divine, not necessarily runebearers and not worthy of a big tower
>manus celes
ranni's fingers. she takes them there and kills them with the fingerslayer blade you got her earlier
>and the other half are all shit
Man it's fucking wild seeing somebody envious about the fucking faith incantations. Seriously;
4 incantations require ARC and 3 of them are shit.
Crucibles Thorns is subpar

Wrath from Afar does no damage and it's best use is free aiming in pvp
Bayle's incantations require 2 playthroughs
Dragonbolt of Florissax is mutually exclusive with the dragoncult booster form
Rotten Butterflies is a worse prepatch Scarlet Aeonia
Midra's Frenzy Flame is literally a fucking worse Unedurable Frenzy
Electrocharge best use is as a worse wrath of gold with more recovery.
The only reason Divine Bird Feathers isn't the worst new spell in the DLC is because Aspect of the Crucible: Bloom exists

What are you getting fanny flustered about?
welp time to abuse it
beastclaws have gotta be the most retarded goofy ass looking shit from have ever added to their games, and that says alot

i literally cant. they just look so fucking stupid
Bad, you are better off madnessing people in pvp and using literally any other status in pve.
He revived Radahn with a womb, Miquella was planning to do the breeding
I still believe that Marika and Ranni colluded for the Night of Black Knives to happen because it aligned with their respective goals.
>"Miyazaki...please... we've done this same story seven times already, why don't we-"

Nobody is impressed
Quelaag 2.0
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first radahn kill with no summons no i-frame ashes no blocking no parry

all the people crying about undodgeable moves BTFO
best player here
Fate Stay Night's Redman?
hold on a second, write that down
The fingers didn't force them apart. She sent him away because he was wild & uncultured & she didn't need a conquerer anymore. He was savage at heart even when tamed & only one of his kids wasn't linked to the Crucible
I liked it but she really felt like a midboss with pumped up stats to justify being a remembrance. Like in the base game this would've been the midboss of a legacy dungeon equivalent to Godskin Duo or Red Wolf of Radagon.
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The Nox have had a real shit go of it huh? Traverse the stars in literal coffins to arrive at a new world. Who knows how many actually made it.
Start a small community in the northern hills, far away from the ruling societies so as not to disturb them. Get genocided anyway when the hornsent learn about grafting.
After being genocided, scattered wanderer's regroup and become a society again, renaming themselves the Nox, since a god of light had seemingly abandoned them.
Said overgod then banishes their new city underground.
Sends a fucking Astel after them just to kick them in the nuts.
After TWO more cities are built, ANOTHER meteor is sent to try and kill their descendants in Sellia/Nokron.

What the actual fuck is everyone's problem with the Numen. Even god is like 'fuck you in particular'
>the bosses are forgettable
what an absolutely retarded opinion
And it works every time
she was the second remembrance boss I killed and I had to seethe at how fucking worthless Dane was.
midra's frenzy would be better than unendurable frenzy if the self buildup wasn't so ridiculous. You can't even use up your FP casting it, it self procs frenzy in like 1.5 seconds
They really need to add "no star fists" to the list. These runs have gotten stale as fuck.
Good. I wasn't boasting, fuckwit.
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>Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
>In Marika's own words. O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.

There's also some talismans saying that the Fingers forced them together so that Radagon would keep watch over Marika as she was starting to question their will.

In comparison, she calls Godfrey her dear Lord, and guides him to her in the finale.
I thought centipedes were a deathblight/destined death thing. Why is a rot lady stealing their symbolism?
>What if.... when you complete the NPC's quest.... they die?
>Ohhhh sasuga Mitarashi-san tensai!!
>Doubt. She wouldn't be summoning all the tarnished if she didn't.
She doesn't. She drops us and starts guiding Godfrey after burning the tree. We were just a patsy to her.

He lost his grace. That was the reasoning for sending him off.
>In their childhood, Miquella saw in Radahn a lord. His strength, and his kindness, that stood in stark contrast to their afflicted selves.
>>their afflicted selves.

Who is "their" referring to? Miquella and Radahn? Miquella and Trina? What was Radahn/Trina/??? afflicted with at the time Miquella made this wish?
How do you know you finished them all without looking at a guide? Or even found them all, faggot?
seamless is fun but genuinely, seriously, and honestly, the lack of invaders makes things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy
i've seen a bunch of anons post about how whenever they start a playthrough with their friends using seamless, unless they use some kind of mod to dramatically increase the difficulty they always eventually just stop playing because it isn't any fun to mindlessly blend all the bosses completely and entirely uncontested
Even with DLC weapons, armor, and talismans boosting my damage, high pages still take 3 hits to kill at the very least, what the fuck.
>finish dlc
>look at the wiki to see if I missed something
>see I only missed a few items and no bosses/quests
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>She doesn't. She drops us and starts guiding Godfrey after burning the tree. We were just a patsy to her.
Then why did his grace disappear and not ours in the battle? I know sometimes we have to ignore the resurrecting lore because of gameplay reasons, but this one specifically is about a tarnish vs a tarnish. We would have lost it at that point like Gideon did.
Good, but needed a bit more sauce.
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deathrite birds suck
>PvP exclusive weapon
Who fucking cares?
>All this DLC shit
Read my post again you illiterate pavement ape.
This is hot af, gonna coom now
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Most of this damage comes from Scarlet Aeonia.
I feel no shame
Kek vaati encourages others to go through the item descriptions at the of his recent video so he has more to plagiarize

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